The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 23, 1864, Image 4
. ,1 1' - 4`:-4 • •• .''-• 'ItITTERS MEI PREPAREtt - DR: C. VgiiCSON, PIII4D'A, PA WreetititECTUALLY CUBE LLVER-AXIMOST '- DXSPVSLA, , Jawailetilelikrir, De6l4y;Zisearef itaid4W iiiid/Diusibst • • of • assartgfrom. ~...7- • • , a irsoordonNlLis;or a r Ettossack . , , , , •Apit icesstirs , .. s "-•Ufood,11. Rom- - DM Ted, ftllaamor 'Weight us the - Stconaoh. roarlitakisv pi % SO t PM a esg a fi ii is .soa g u n g /ea I %Wei VI) Wits viol al %Won, Dots or lifeboVlNFlr Mak Ddlespordifiropirotlea; Yenowneis of thatillis sad Ties, Palnin the Me Basic, • ' - -Obese; Us*, leicrthrio of. Hest, Burning in the flesh, CCM. stoat llogeriastion of Mil, owl groat Devoe- • . • Mon of aktriti• AxD WILItyORTIVILY PRIVEST YELLOW ; ?iPER ► _ BILRIIIB lENTA, MY CONTAIN NO ALCOHOL CM BAD ,;WIIIHKEY nay izi:C . aiin titior d laisaes in ninsty-nLoe cues N) YOU WANT SOIIETITING TO STRENGTHEN YOU! Tom. W AN A GOOD APPETITE? DO you warn TO BUILD UP YCiUR CONSTITUTION ? DO YOU WAN? TO •F.EEL WELLt DO YOEr WANT TO GET RID OF NERVOUSNESS DO Tait WADIT ENERGY? DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP WELL, DO YOU WAY? A BRISK AND VIGOROUS FEELING 17 TOD DO, US • I.§ V • 41 • G : , : VVM Avg' J. Nestess /frwass, D. D, Eider of t i le racido. Itainalaze. Althoagh uot disposed to bear or recommead ratetrt Iffedieines La gemtval, thrsagt distrust of their elite and effects; I yet know of ao auflicient' meson why - a e& oaf sot tn•Wyr" fce Iffellt he believes tare toothed from any Maple preparation, in the hope that hot mortals motribato to the benefit of others - Ido thii Ins more readily in regard to floctirid's Ger. alma Etittithai prepared by Dr. C. Id Jackson, of this city, boomer I wea prejudiced against t hest for many years, under thekinsprmetiou that they were diked, an &loot:W.1e mixture, lam Indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, keg for the:removal of this F.:tad ice b, proper testa, eallOjillo ollll to U 7 Leah rhea aufferitig from great mid ladswet:cued &bitty. % The wee of three tot-' Owe( these hitters, at Use boo:Ding of the present year, wee followed by evident relied, sad restoration to a de roe roe Of bodily Sad mental 'rivet/hick I had tot felt for ett mouths badortamill bad almost despaired of re/combat, I therefore thank god and my friend for directing me to the am of Reim Ponsauf a, Junl4lll6l. 7. NI si - Tri RRovrli PARTICULAR NOTICE. Then are way preparatiente cold ender thso imam et flitter; pat up la gasrt Wake, compounded of the :heaped •vlilakey or common ram, costing from O to 44 cots per piles, the taste disguised by AM IN or Comm- • du Seed._ This times of Bitteri has caused and win continue to • C . 2 . 1..115, as loonngg MI QV cus'be sold, hundreds to the the,:,) Lath of the4r=mkW. By their use the systems is tepr i• easithisally mime this hilliteese of Alcoholic SW:me/iota '' of the worst band. the desire for Liquor is existed arid • .. sz ni t =the rean si li th an . the horrors att.:4ll,ot upon for WM who dorm and mai imit4t a Llqitor IBLMrt, no path& the following receipt Gat Oat Rene moo !vita Gamma Bitte r and mix with Three Quirts .1 aed Brandy we Whuitry and the result will be a prep t• .atscia that wilrfor ocen/ I n medicinal Tin - cm and tine evootlenna any of the neurone Liquor Ilium in the nink•t i , Mod will Mat mach Ws. Tun wilt hare all the wirlitten ol4lllo4mers Bitters in connection with a ged ankle of Liquor, at • math It.. prim than these inkrie; potpie:alias, will coat you. ilisitko. Willem aaikirrkads se Willem tee eall the attention dell Sarin; relations or friends lie QM ex y. to the fact that . HOOPLI-ND'S German Ritter," willows sise-tenUis of the diseases induced by ousting sad penitent handent to camp life. In the Nan, publiShe• almost daily la the nempapea. on the .rrinl of the sick It will be noticed that • rery Large el:portion are staring then drbikty. Every awe of that kind an bk nadir rand by Haollincri Wrens Bann. Means resettlag from disordets of the dive. key omen an eneilify-resenedf.• - We Imre no heeds. tape nt ife i l klZ is lai r t - le Ibis, Bitters suns freely teed _abse ent Ulan& of iltni ht navel ...sat ethernet: wil be kn. I IN OW natieekar attentiou to the folleeriag remark able and sell authenticated cure o• on of the sation's heron. when Wee us his ewe lingengs, "au bran nisi hy tile &tam :^_ nUIADEL.rII4, August =I. IS&L Mews Akan 4 esses.—Wetc, ratiounk. TOW [loa ned, kerma* Wien ham sand ny 11.1 4 There to no mistake la thin IV Is vouched f.." by unsoliens of my conineknieresen" wham Daises are appended. arid "no were eally 'against orial In eintannesess of my eke. lan. and have hewn be the hat fear Joss.' a member of. alserman's nienated bautissi, sod Easter the immediate now and $ Csoasia R. IL Ayres Through the ups) to T, annilsat apoa ter nines duties. t en attattrd a Neeseikor net willtisliesonaltoo of the kings, and eau Afar sentsty.kwe dint nits hespit it. TMs was lid- 4 bee., by great debility, by aa attars ot Ayr esters. ISY then frees the White Roam. asst sent o this city ea testa the :Aware estate of !lain." fees Mash I Waled as theillk et , /aas. 7 -. Lace that i lama have bees about Weer in luny sae eauld be and 1 till recta • spat of shrilly. Fee a seek, or more 1 1 wee sauesly able to melba saythas, and NI dad rem i • a aalrall 1) lala a,2 111114111 2 1 " 14 Ili&einia• SPRING BEDS leasid .3...ealtals amesemea r aieseach, ; T' LA asilaripeadammiessas sal so- . arNagty Ns shillabas olio MA beat lath- ' CANE CHAIRS. i Selt6 then* TULIIIMIIk &oiliest the i , = l e l ag sigultiAN Z 1111481140 " 11117 r TABLES, LOUNGER , BUREAUS, se eh son keno aa alms* slew. aso, sal. ti embastoll digalashat ay MOM lung t And other Fungtoze. Lev as the Le as& liii ii al A . 12"114 ' AZ= lll / 1 6.11 " 116. = a. " ' West Side StatiStreet. fte.* Nelkitswee below AI albasaltaa, era tadlera by" to try you Ne ti Pactiner's Giveery. ettenhand _mould abottles. Fara tal was I • eastapaaneklegaaa the gassy shale* et Oeuvre- • 44arettf- elst oral ase niertlksserile• ibr % Elitist better.... , = I hati=stastkul 1 • • E r i e Aw ,B irew .i. Uf n•Kis ; wrath notiler l tnisiellw i rif ge7:ZkOinkb i 9 I •reitthimea ,1W mlr s e r ailaaala .' i am ` IL /44 'Cu - , CORNER OF PARADE AND -BtiFFALO =teas time axially heat Road- Ye you ten- ‘ 1111 late I ear the astiehtly of WS shah Ise '. , SHEETS. - taint the eine tentilillege—b yea ilthate boa 1 ' to oiseiate rat** ell We ettoplag to my Vasa The we dasteee ee sista MR Vat In& /ears.' MILO ILALO.X.: We edlyasear alas Welk el" the - Vane entsens , .as esaelf itapslellat osabiever rm., is, ler, Xs:. - .., 1111"1" TOlllitilatt Battey. Gansu i. airtiOts emu' . Lira esierßiller?auis,lolll:. - s IL l T ramoss,let Azalkey W . 1 . Warrinitu, OsT.; SI Tersiat . . Bz * * B. Jam . ; P Co. s.. as. Haar T.I •Itsamisaa,C... , C. ; l lth kale.. Jai- IP. II Cs. 5, I a salsa 8 ...., .team. Ca. Loma aserlr Na X. lasasa„ os. F.Aiel revues. 'Awl, M Now L. Id Tersest. Joao Jos- NO REWMUS OF CollinrEßFErrs. the Oit tli 44astuse Jaskiss." f. ee the shorn& et meek Sale. . Prise pit; tie say o Masi S C 64 oil& Doh lipi; $l. =zest ereset ds.menSt set boto Cho oothrke. 4. Ai( bit of ,tip paspoossoas e lei. oast ta toet mot s, aril se son Nat eleivelly aqua& i fitiRCIPAL - WTI= t fiAIiVIPACTORT. ga t • - %IMO** affikiW irm igi rV lß ANP=" bl e- I oit `l l4 /18, " !` ""7 ‘lnte.4o4' oJnr ald mi dillies Of efts, which has attended oar labor; la coon with all %sr advocates of conservative sioclplos. We Invite*, old -of seer, reader .n the dieseerdastied, pang Zoe:rime t*oght by Washlnton, followed by Wye levet sod good men who bavirmeft oar twileoLlilestaiewo. ea 'which trial built, and we nut promentetwes fare of the UNION NI/CONSOitfot advocate ociiieir doctrines in taligiin, pot or mu; lib. -We are • knows as the earnest defied of cm rata of gear fathers and the upholders of 1 vadritiiiratraio MMUS ciVILIZMION, .siedist et* fenii2 ateddiek. We support me wins idert SOP Mr Mean Pram Ann ens Stand antO sow. tearr fin= 'soma ot: x*i alma& Beaton. roe- Apo.. titsee tint emcee cd ettelleh Um elle of on ea a peopli4 sad the only pledge f oar *atty. poorer and Ellapaity. We beim* to no slo p and owe no ali b i saes low holm. We wr and shalt coll.-ins to oppete Volt Dana 'WM ant et dia:ord,lheetimay of Union, thenvow *ado of the Constitution. wasettnw 6 saidign infloeses I n iniciety, ha the church and in the State. W* ePPolle lianneatoxisa as a political heresy whose bloody fruits are stabile/1 a.round as. and we look enrnestly tot • day when the Copaqtntion shall triumph cvvr the hdrta as well setae *shed headceadcdtha toes North and South. The of co_ . ntaidiernill present as usual the richest 'iticat•artil-taldo al cootente tinny *weekly l ud merit • narks: !Unwire eletery land. Nur; from . 4MA 0. 121.1 the world, Sews up to the latest date+, - 04 commented oa - la • tarti editnrial stall. ;regularly tarnished to oar Deaden% ether with - —.mamma natter thick will alwayl be welcomed ' ~~;_ ;;, la an &mini 'air' tie: . I TM tams of the weekly JOninal o$ Vouninerr will bOnlittor be u followt , Weclr4, In advance, one jeer.._ 4 4 $2 00 •• 2 copies; to one Addams; BCO •a• .....6 .M. - 1.4 la 4. , 0 00 IS 20 sois . (additional vile, mum rate.) 1 copy. .. ..i. 100 dela Often - or esore,D the ............... tietizepari stilt - fatale& 111,130.' • - --For oaeih-o ,, ae-eirostrar eopr-wilc be t i.on the person pending the money. The terms of the other editions are se follows • ......LARGIII DAILY. - JUNIOR DAILY. to edearies ass lima, SIUS •112 ulnae, ar year. KW sti Bia to lame.. 8,24 Ft: mos. la adminei, 2.54 End of +mob six peel, 11, t 6(1 - . 2 eripLea one adlitrese, 11.00 For onerernith s ' - '(4airveopiss etude rate.) Vow' , nix? be Vemittidliy mall, addrwed to i - .14)INNAL OF COSIIMWE. •Y. THE NEW:TOLK WEEKLY HERALD, TM azinsi rem I ns WORLD. The Woods* sad comprehensive tseilities hilts pos• maim enables the TROIMUIROZOi the :wauvr BIZAIJ) to gasrantsa the latest sad mat reUshie intenastion I amble to to obtained, not. bent all Parts alike L'aitoSatates, trot Rowell parts el the wed& .1 Its hits* eorreepondente„ engaged at bon east, aid eossistsd with each new cant sad Water, ingiodition of the gevtr meat, ps4. rs that it is determined l leans so spoateroverei bp its opecations sad no mot eau ar tu In t shall rot d Immediate report tattesolwana It coots the proprletor over one hundred thopasnd dot lan per year to maintain its corps cf correspondents la the sell. . In Decollation of Foreign News the Ilwatho he, for .dean bold a high po.ition, and it will endeavor; la the tutus to inahatain the stand It has feewnined. •It has =Oto:reaper:dente stationed in ald of the patrustpal f the'irorld. It. telegraphic arrangements extend wherirer the electrk wires are stretched. Whea the ...pantie cable la led i, which feat wiU soca be ueoloplutbed„ telegram. will be received from Europe and Asia, as well a. from di rotted Stites. Theo our readers will have the eteats of the nails eltiarts of the citified world n gutsily cod clearly Aid before them t erature, The proprietor dsiotes a rtion of the rnts, LA-. Fashion. Agriculturpeo epe , the Meelable Arta:Z.4,o4. tog !detests Business Theatrical sod Sinansdal Reports, Cattle Markets, Getiaral News an& meet,. of &A events calculated to fog an excellent ruetriapolitan newspaper —a weekly photographic view of the events of the world —ant all at a very low price The Weekly herald Is tuned every Saturday morning, and hirnished at the following rates: 01111 c3p7 1 &? 00 Three coplen. b 00 Flee copies . • 00 Ten copies. 15 00 Any la gee numoer, addressed to names of sabecriben, 11,50 each An extra copy will be sent to entry club of ten; Twenty copies, to one address, one year, $ '5, and any larger Blather at same prior. At extra: copy will be seat to dabs of twenty. Advertisemeots to a limited number will be inserted 11. the Weakly Herstd. The Daily Herald, three cents-oer _copy. Ten , dollars per year for three hundred and tidy-three issue,. Five dollars for six months. Two dollars and fifty cents for three month.. BE ' Jiltli3 GORDoN 13ENNETT, c.. Editor and Proprietor. Northwest corner of Fulton and NUIIIII streets, _ i New York City, N. Y There ars no traroling agents for the Herald. : zarr,dw. • , tri - LADIES,AND GENTLEMEN BEFORE i'URC)I.ASING !FM Piano Fortes MIN AND Elgewbere, plei.s. examine. it ',mete:ent or, !nitro tram They are warranted fa!lv to otaad any !eittnaser, and an of itln and workmatnahin mill to any offered anyWner-. I bec yon.rOleet on therfact that the objee taa-a rai4- d lately a: in.t mr eftilllalamptllgr certain music. teacher" of this eity, are eanaed oily by toy rata att to pay Lim (Professors!) aa- - , ENORMOUS COMMWION .f , miler), her after boledt Woo who heir of we to the amolitit of from 1S to 23 par Moat.; for I would mbar al lotthie rune to the boyar than to the isolate: who 6enell2l Do one towdeo Wawa% EMSEIM/G==l r I mist tot take the prodla eat of my Men's' poekeht. Or deigand the Gormotnent out of it, or cheat myeel and aaseiW Lula - the P -or goalie for the sate of satisfying the hong . * Innate teachers through whose whimpering my Pistol will not re. better, it they are not good, nor bad, if they arie-good.. I will pay ti any Mau, woman or child, the amount re ceived or a Piano with ray name on it, if thee are not phrased with it, 'tad I will pay a Tkestsnif Donets to any one who will show me one on which the Prams is broke, lite so many New York sod Buffalo PIADOII kayo dons in this city and clarity. Let the peopte tdl *live my vor Pianos are—not the teachers—especialle those with riontbern eentimeota let 'retch go where they belong. SI y.Piiicos are warrati•ol to be Impelled with all late goad itoproretoents, and itont glee satisfaction arm* pay. Eastern Pianos of alt taken can be had of me as well and 6frap as any other man. Tulin ready to purls* anything is the antic line, will please reme ri that I arm dealing largely in Mari tal itarrhand ee generally, and an otter tadacenvents rareleleveellei by any Sint-Slag dealer. Palau warranted by me can be relied upon: beta: Vann roe, Tuner, Player and Musician, as evil as Tcaeb}r•. Tarrant is rod, teethes I am good f'r the await My opinion in many comes has been a benalit to those (who purchased Pianos, and sure she did not be • lie • no at bet found the truth after a while by their lon. A Piano Porte 12110.11 irlairwheie Is so better An that reason, bat all Pianos are rood which are made righ•, the rood him rood and the bad—bad. Seinen Pianos are tarnbiltekby me, as above said, at Itanafietnrere prim. My dock on hand consists of a eery choice selection, and is larger than any weer offend for sale here. PI•NOS TO LET. CT onters promptly ►ttmdad to. i tr 4201.11. ,WV 316 WILIANG. Cheapest Furniture Store :ESTABLISHED 1857! L s G. :Ws Ellsey, Erie, Pi. HAIR BEDS, From 33 Cent* per pound. ROUND CORNER BEDSTEADS, ! Frain :5 00 SEA GRASS BEDS, ARM ROCKING CHAIRS, From ft 50 1 • Erie City Lager Brewery, CORNER OF FOPLAR AND i RIDGE - STURM. Erie Malt L Barley Wareljews. CORNER OF 7TH STREET & 'CANAL BASIN. 4•14 sad Amber lied XXI Abe, 'The Ulm Ildeets Que d /12 ~ 111 er_ .stri road Tazirltlas Idger. Prins ar" " The Cilimarc Quarttis MiA sad lbssis!; Our lard sed and SI 11, • ' Al. KING. Mminharatora _Notice. _' l LET T ER S OF ADMINISMATION biz hitagaisat al* IS the ermarell. 11. la = WI Ca. 1*; Xottio* 'was ow * Pliel"*".11e1"Allnalt1171162111"4164: -- 41161" :P lial f=g ium ildet."1""its : kr ortlbarct. Itatmford. 11.44.0 sIiONII ly MELopeoNs! In this Settles el the Country. a. CLIUMXII.... W. W. 0/1:16811, 'NEW FIRM• C4IIEXS ii CAUGHEY eBURGESS, I:iiimiiistasekey b. sad J. Ci Sutras &C., W‘solesale Cr cers I Crackers and Candy I ' _ GROCERIES, FLOUR); PORX; - • FISH, MB NAILS, otAss, 4 .15 00 :5 00 ' ROPE. ALE, WINES, LIQUORS, &e., d c. Our Steck of . , SVGA RS, COFFEE, MOLASSES, SPICES, PRUPIS, Ntlrs, TOBACCO,; CIGARS -111.LARCE. CRACKERS ERIE CITY STEAM BAKERY C ANDY! _ 903dItiON AND FANCY CANDLES! OIL VITROL, CAUSTIC SODA 4i GLUE ♦t the lowest Market i'riote. sep26 63tf. - Comakereiil Batidings, Elie; Ps WIC EMILY. .1. is. arras?. EAGLE FOUNDRY ! Park 34 abyss Ms 1441* Rims 4 Itru, Pa. HENRY & BRYANT, (sneastaors to/ Acheson at Beary,) - NANCIPALITIZIII. OP PARLOR; COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN & &ill IRON WAIT., 41/ID ILL BINDS OF IRON CAS77NOS. Keel, Stare sold by ai warranted to gins satisfaction. Kettles :neigh-shoes, Sad Irons, Re, on hand or Inas ufaatured to order. Roos Atm Ray Fords's at meat make and dart alaays on hand. • call an a fier trial of our arti cles b all Ire oak. _ 1 BIXBY at BRYANT. • isrlin&-tL ERIE C I x Y BOOPZ•BINDRY COINER OP STATE AND FIFTH STS. • oodenigoodwould napeettally atom *hooka Gar the pat:resat* loneteibro or to him, and sot:Wits a cootanoanor of the mar. as ban mostly roadoi Womb, tosmolosenta, mon whish aro a - PAGING ItAICHINE, for gaging Mask Bookaby solllllo mid& ate 'stabled to do iroth of that Mod at slot sad es cheap ea it web* done ta,Balrelo. - Saabs 44!1 s. EXPERIENGT. OF TIV,ENtY-YEARS, I Wier* Icon sipped for Ur *Aft_ patrasar th fall ettaltdoaao la toy atollty to gtoo lattgoatioa. RULING, BINDIN . G AND ALL KINDS OF 'FMK Of wiz - Doss to orate. COastoatly as lama a largo iopplJ of BLA,NK . 1300;KS'. Ituemsber tbe plezei •eastb-eren eerier et stews:lA Firth G streets. E. ts. second story. ant door to szILCOLE ` ..tto" Oo em -Sir* Mums? 21 1 / 4 11163.4= : . . 143ANLITEL . It. j LEWIS,_ nuts nI . BOUTS, SHOES 41 . AND • vik RUBBERS • • Bt.oo TRENCH sTntsT., 1"..tC*13 TRA 'PARK LIMN, • I - BOYS. IRD criuLnarcir Ilse Coat, awe Grata, - Call aid Freach BAIMQRALS tk-iGAfTERS: All.. tummy_ saviumes. - Itiffaxaber,lhe Oise, 8. R. LEWIS. tom 4 9 muainzz, . BRIE, PA•, BALTIMORE OYSTERS ITIC._COUSTAT TRADE. arm.= arlzi . ;Fresh Can sad TAT Oviiters, " • Received irret*Day, and 1 . or Ordure solidiad of pecaaptly allareded to. acrilffltt- Change la the Nig Basieesta The lon artshtislied known Drag t Ifedkiee gitereeti. LCarter, Ens premed Jan the hewn cl the antinslgasi, intone. who, lung pentreedthe maths start motion tie bowie., he IsseWne le the woe pine. The Panters4 mutat mutation at tits been pLik • Preseriptisa aim! Way Ikeda. &am phweit AECICAD Or ANT OTHER .11; TIM CITY I Aid the sebeetslet Upon, by aweral Woo tioa awl purl doss t,, teams the rams few the Id e s. Mr. .I.S..httboath withdrawn; Cron the note settee labors ol the 'Madman. nil: oda mole in the store; when be Dopes to tweet hirroM friends sad say le coosaltsd as aseaL. ;sAxrcr.. CLITIEEL • septiretti, From 3-4 00 Frain SS 00 - JAMES P. CROOK, Mal= El ROUGE AND PLANED LUNE= ! auxoracreimo of 'Mew kik, hums, licers'ad lath! imuworps alto nciver ?aim Scroll Saving, Matching * Planing ! Dan TO ORDZIt. • Shop to Pm* St., bents Miami Mks" P.,13.1P., PA. froPpooettay coll'OlOnallatter of the irotee --tre PIP lhailigi Foe olotag walk fa Ur lost alit?* prootpty aad .a removable temp. Rapist It op ostazobr weft : t aro a zth i =t molrwq,lGel ceaddostotstriat ewetron simoot villoportro attaatkop. I . CROOK. Harness, Saddle aid Truk 'Wire ' StepAen irttait, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER in AIL al miles et Beres,. &Wish WWI" Conimpa, be hos Ls Val! eite• TrATeLiag. Rap, et*, low sem ed imar lama; A aipet datum Sada et lie odd Mead ea !Tate stmt. Maeda! tar littbritis szliadet Waft: le c = w eetittle a seetiewee Übe sow- r lemPel et *ram . . siunissr . emus Nam'. illanurama. Thal iiiimitea ~ at, this asaamammt lag "......_..... tamed i alai malialaa. Ogden lialatiari ma MAW edemas ark". kg ilhalimAr lc hiiMpa asthma al Oa asst. Tams Cam - aallili47. 4 7 .0. IViczss. ! ,s. St ueolllllloel In sad Ihmitteitiars of WATER LIME, CARBON OIL, TEAS, -SYRUPS, Xanufastured at the ••c - 'll3 ' WEAVTH ' CURE, QUUO !OR 13 CENTS' THE pCi flBti HOUSRHOLD RCiItDY _~F IN Irltt 1110 Hgt! . , . • s[Al AMB v t DOC 'PORTER'S `klU4,itinCOTl _ gAIiOCPOIVXIr3 eanuirsaohoss ls mtgs. tad uwdasootdlq to same dlrgeltiossiiki cu, Is on tort, Conks, Colds, Wbooslas Cow& Astlisok r ot tka Turoat and La*. ' =I Made AADOC PORTER'S , alsam has been Used by - 3ePeddle for overllly oats, and acquired Itapreseut ale nded simply *twang mom mi by thoie w haws need it, to their salletad friends sad others., er•-listre ZADOC P0,R713r3 •. sI • price which brimp it In this c al , l count dent for um, The timer We r.. • will proms to be worth 100 Saws .ta cost. NUT/Cit.—Save 1. or Slone, i--Do 'cio; be per onsowl to Dt.':• a^ ," ft•ti-Ist at is. to 81,which do not ma ids the rin, • • e et !video( Madame Portal's Cot entin Bill. caaantretariss 'dab la as groat a • VI. . • - other medicine ; and the rosy -low pries at ven.c , wakes the prOlit to VS seller appmeatly smal4awd usprinciplid donalS willsOmstinnw rowoummail Mbar medicines on which their pMtds are larger , mama Um customers lawlst upon having Madame ranee* and wows ether. Ask for Madam* Pot ter's Cura tive lialsamorlosn do, and in large bottles at sad tako no other. If Jos cannot get it at one curs y on eon another. nir Sold* all Druggists and Stole keepenv at 13 eta.. and In urger bottles at gip eta. 1, HALL & &lICKEL, Proprietors, N. Y. JNO. & CARTER. Agent, Erie • Li "TIIERE IS NO SIMI .WORD AS TARRANT'S COIIPOUND Y.ETEACT CIIBEBS AND COPAIBA. Thhi prepalatioo is pal ttro , aris tecornmendel to the ItEDICALYROFESSION and the PlEr ii I.lC,for thr , prompt an/ certain cure of 11 DISEASES OF THE BLADI4.II, KIDNEV 4 , tiltsAßY IN 4 , It cosj be ratted on as the best 'made for the sk,tinints tration of these remedies to theta-it. class of Aieeas,.a.ot both Nes to which thee - are applic.b e. , It tieriertater fere. with the d by its enneentrat on, the don is nuttrh redoerat. N. B.—rurchssere are ad, hind to ask for Tarrant's Compound Extract of CuLe6s ti.CFpai6a, and take Whine °let, an I oPati,ni and worthier. prep oration., under shatter "tares, ar• in the markel. $l.OO. Soot by reprens ea receipt otprioe. liatnt'acture 4 oe le I , :e TARRANT CO., No. ns Greenwich Street, Corner of Worten litre. t. Eli TONE, Anit fer sale by, Druggists! recerally JOS. EICHENL . RINTTAriTRER OF BOOTS AND SHOES! WHOLESALE & RETAIL ! ITAKE PLEASURE in antounc}ng to th• poblle that I bane WA to ray formal !itilitles eamtilete Nett a • ; I MOE 3IACIIEVERY, i Irttleh will ottablo ms to amont.cture and sell iioots ar..d Shoes . ' • !I CHEAPER THAN kIERETOFORE., -1 ' Ravin; ha d long experience ea to the yeah' of cutto , men, 1 shell take special pains to preparing stock to salt thinci. -I hat* the inclusive right in tWe city to :nuke the I , HAMER PAT BST BOOTS it SHOES foribe benefit ofinr - costal:etre, and only sok' a trial of them. to satisfy lay one as to their sopeziar comfort over these made in the old way. . , The Planter Boot needle no trealting ha; It i 4 as !easy, from the start as one were for s. me time. Ify .CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Will melee my can and Mr. J. COT: ER'S tepetial at taution—oncnbialtg still a. a orkn..e.l which, ;C:11/2/2,0i be excelled In the country. Ikota and b hoes repaired on abort cotta. Constantly on hand a larre stock' of LICATHER, LISTS Tendering my thanks to my friends and custom's' Tor put patronage, I hope by jut and honorable ideating to merit a continuous of the name, and cordially invite all to call and 'simian- my stock be "prirciusing ere— where. mvS SW_ In Full Blast - AS GOOD AS •NEW, AND EIrTER! Sir.c* the fire on the let tn.:, tee have ftittrd up and el id the NEW STORE, IN WAYNE BLOCK, Witli!lar-e b and better stock of HEAVY 'AD STAPLE HARDWARE flora 11 , FORE-IGN AND DO3IEITIC,, Mao enr b'or• o !Tart d isEriel I WE NOW DEFY COMPETITION Tha i Jobbing Trade, •in nerir• ; ESPECIAL ATTENTION. Ilreonkey & Shation., Wayne Block, - French 3treat, ()proms THE REVD DOME app. .f 1 ) f , 4 / 7 31761 / 1 1/ • RON WILSON WOANDLL3, Jade* et ure reified Stift* CireJl Coart„TreCLteat Cams Piss k Si. Cuas Sr., Prrmtpa. PA - TIM L•RGENT..CORAPEST A,29 BERT. ma tor fall * ommercial course. ; Kir No odds (largo for lasofactortif. ftotiaboat, Ilaittood rod Bank Book-Zapkg. .11121(tore Soo at half pine, dvadesitaqrater and re tLw This ai too " Ltirtio thw- st is condoled by eePeele o d Year-lms 161 4plastiogAcsoscLuats. w/ho propane „roue moo for act op ova. alts loot *mono and shortest =dive, forth. Eon to :ration sod ropoolege situ jots. '- Tomas ru f led for OrOR nor: Broo.thip lintrarsol proimoovo or grafts/rip of WIC Citaeris, *WSW. W/Ci. • r , Pao,. A. Cow .th• hot Pear= of tho fon, - who holds the ' amber of Idr 11 , torrrzt4 'ad ipprr aU coo suture. tocho Rapid Raises Wrilibtr Cocruma vostalsdag fail uolortodka, 'sop& sazs ca ATpliestiso Prhotipils. ; ; Jx.rst,rs: & SETT, Pr/31(4425. lop-Mtes.: when the Sons sod Clotho of tankers had llsaimos Not Okamoto • ; CHEAP PASSACE 10 Amu num Quenstowa, Liverpool mil BY SAILING SHIPS AND BTEAIIHRS. • Caliiornii milk Australia! Aortrt. __! r.siumsay,= wiar gums !. NSW T9Lt. OR TO M. : t ax grANN, 2 4 _, y - • SIUM, 110114 n. nirozun TO MIMED LADIES 1- , -- -MAX A 8Z31114 I 1 T WILL SEND. - frevr* - . ta'any Lady 1. *he *MI mei to- ler ease est S ra dheersesse beer le rearm the' erzeme peCA a CU 111MTB: do heir to twee remeseesr &make mad CU 411- e• ; also ewe ether:3lr sod IMPORTANT EGRZT the vete wed fele 1111104611111 VTIFt &Wit My eadeet la oe Owes iiitt Is :tutees envy lady to team! - Lams ' MAmamm DrUCSTatrg. D. Ilataii-kt. 117 Itmaisay, j. ti ts . ; gown AmicuLFi raniDstalaA, r... I _ Div ow; 'WISE 4E.Rveys. mart vorintr: smtmt- ...ea leaaki• tastimi-4a %NT sow AVOCIATIONi rite int •-•"'- Jai salad Lr. tea BuOUVr inai ltb b" : l 4=tlsA r te i ors . 14141.8.12 5 0 00 0 .}:r D GILESTNT BO kw& ,P• , ABDIN . "T Area: LiffitirtirrED hunt • !.1 tin!. mad r.. 14 Pkkhrk; - 4=Prika" 4 THE ALL BITIFFICHIRT THREE: rag , OREM •• AMERICAN Innlrinr GENUINE PREPARATIONS, ZADOCroxriara 3alwo fa orepmed with all .Le r,o abate oars m kt skill, combination of the r twooilestbevesetabli -10.oinafforia. • Itarems.- dallttes are bared on R arer to amid • and eivrous of the-blood gut? the ,o , ,ns. It is not • violent ru2dy. but intelLente-. ;algae. swelling and at -nuts; coo be btkO Um' 'idiot person et yaanret utld. BELMBOI:D'S GENUINE PREPARATION, "11110/11.1 , VONCIINTRATICO" 'COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BITCRIII BraDDEA MARYS, ORA I'EL 411D•DROPSf- This naediaine Inerwsioa ‘ pinwir of Ilipatios i , and suttee the ABSOREIRNTS.isto healthy nation, by widish the WATERT OR CeLCEROUS depoidtions. and 41 RIILAIRGRAIRNT's an mislead, an well as pain and inflammation, and is good for MRI 6 WOMEN OR CHILDRRX: BELIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII, fOR va.Ax.HISSE3. • irMITI ramose*, Eltbho of Dielpailos, rat/ Indisposation to Exertion, i Lou of-Power, ' • Lose et Memory; • ', Ujacutty of itrealitig4 Weak Nervy, ' , Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wskailusee, Minuets of Vision, Pala In the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Masking of the Hay, Muscular System , ! Irruptions on the Toes, Rot liaa4., : , ,-, 'sited Countenance, Dryness of the Ulm. , - . , Thom ey mptow, if allowed, to go 4a. which this modichia In one of which the patient way expire. *be no say ' that they are not frequently Cottoned by those dlaelue*. CROWN MI • QED RELNDOLIYS ECTIUM 111001111," a I' SAIMAPAIMAA, "' , IMPROTID WU 'AS A. i _ , ♦ POB,'ITP7E LND fr CIFTC ILICIUDY woo MINA'S/ OP Pll CAL svg.r.Lwas Itadtmentiab or, iatitur, `., ircvmrn will! THE VoLtownra symptoms: !ovsziablr rombves, sr on follow IMPOitS7CY, FiTr7 Y, EPILAPTIC nl`4. INSANITY AND VoNISVMPTION ,Yang are aware. a the; due of their ratierinp but none will confess. Tbele•ra• el the Insane Asylum and the melancholy detain by Coturatoptine, bear ample witnera to the tratb of the assertion. The Constitution Onee Affected with Organic Weakness, no to strengthen and inviter- OLD'S EXTRACT BIICHEI will wonvinee the =et U.p- Lew:Lire) the aid of mediet ate the clam, RELIVE , Ineahalbiy dam A trial tint ' FEMALES, AWIALKA, XXXIALICS: OLD :on. Yucaa, Itnicur, Vazaliz, oa ConzmAirtini Mizatags, In many affections pecans? to Ferules the It:tract Dacha is unequalled hp any other tn Chip rte. sis or Retention, Irregaisnte, Palatalise's or Suppression of the Cosy:missy Essetuttions, Ulcerated or achirrous state of the nem, Losodrrhes or Whites, nattily, sad for all isoisplatnte iscideat to the sesy vintner crisis` from indiscretion, Eithithof Dissipation, or in the OHO/LINE OIL cuAltaz OF LIF/s. six err*rnas azors. NO MIMI' SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Tao so Mat; Meriniu or Unplawant Modiciros for Unplimpant and Mammal:A/MM. HELM:BOLE'S , EXTRACT BCC= crass SECRET.'ID:ISEASE3, la all their eters; at ITU eiponao; little or so asap in diet• :to Lnaoiteitadence. ANIS NOiEX'POSIIR-E. It causes helm:eat derirs,aad gives strength to CAW" thereby remoirgohstrirstiona, presenting esd smug Strictures of lb* Urethra, allaying pain and infassesa tiori, so frequent in this elms of dimming aad eipelllag fO/SONO US, D [SLUED WORN 0CT11,4 T 7211. Thaaaamis upon 'Mammal:Ls, WHO HAVE Bliam TUE • VICTIMS OF QUACKS! and who have TAW nein . rags to be.eared to a short time, bars Mond they IMPTiI deceived, mid that the "Poi son" has, by the am of 'peeled! astringents," beim dried op in the eystimi to bcsik oat in as aggravated form; sod PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE MEI HEIMBOLD'i mIUCT BUCHII ior all Jisetioimi and Masao of TUE 1.741NAR,i ; ORGAN*, bethsr inixting in MALE -or Fit,M4L6,frass whit er'? mass oficusasing, and no matter OF HOW 1,01110 STANOVIIG• • t Nstames of these °maul regains the did of s towline. MILIBOLIPEI EXTRACT BUCHIT IS THi GMAT DIURETIC. , And it is certain to have the Coined aid to an Mr puss, for it is isomemodei. BLOOD!,BLOOD! BLOOD! Ilextbolcre sljh►l Coseeatested Coesposad Enid *trait lianaparilla. SYPHILIS. This is as arbesion et the Blood, sad aussia the Us ual Organ; I.lninips of the Na.., Ban. Threat, lined- OA and other Natess Illartases, cabinets seyeanusest 221 the fora of Cicero. fielaheido istraet Sarsocerlda parties the 81-od„ aid mamma all Sealy traptiens of the Skin. giving toCoatplexion a Clear eat .lisarthy Color. it beteg p*proil imps:ally for this ease of 'bony:sista, its blood-Paritylag Properties an peelerent to a greater extent than any other prepazatiss of Bar ataria Rehab:ll4's Rose wash. An excellent Lotto* for Diseases of a flypisilltie Na ture, and as as istiection Dieeseas of tie Urinary Orssai, arbring foinek Weitz et Cialpstios. wired to era section mitts the Ersacts Bads and liszsesortlls, to nosh disown as rsenenseendeL. Deideate of the menet reepassabla and Tensible sham ter mill seeemertsay ma sedleinos. CEItTIFiCATES OF CCIULS, Inert elibt to twit:appals idamilas, with rtes kaani SCLi-CCZ tiro, FAX& For 1fe.1...;eal PropirtUs at BUCEU,sre Displentery raised Stases. IMgaMMIM=I See raierka made hi the Ids eieThlretal Dr. PIT SIC; ?h! aielphia: Ere. remake rade l brDF. SPII2IIII • celetorrted Physician sad fie raker of the Simi Wage of true.' ad. sad petlebad fa the Trealearaose d the and Qtriee's .ToemeaL Fee etediee-eldndeteal Barka; IyII2.VA• AUX MI VErit3. Atitcsa of the College d Sur geo Itee n. of the late iltssaind Veda ea Keiiidaa. • Errater Itrcwr; it 00 par bottle. or • for St 00 eassar•ltru.4, 1 00 P S 1113PS:rs, Noss Wary SS • -2 as Or Ulf • iidora of 111601 br 0q irb ch val be pa. dant to ono the arm colortisste lesimi, if ir!orrtiorn adbarid ta: _ _ Dellvankte tap idioms. esegrely he olsor• Tasks. Deserft itytacas is atl Cam gumboil. Urfa, Enda AtrIDAVIT. Pecrissiiitr=isil bids sr sr Abrams at the city at U. T. lilzutratak. Woe tab seam Artie acy. Ads rrirs cialsks sr f ratio. asetrzy. re oar *en". d "12 4 Ind aeinlin. ll o IL T. =Lig scigo. therm art crircOkill berm am, thiis Di Amy re Nor. airy lOW , WI. Ifistk-sitrart. croft Sur. Piga Milers Lake A te • • H. Aro 3114 err* sr 7 ' - 1111 i• rirriric rid • Mart" mribir air !hy "IWO 1111011 / 21 I!agil i Dumb% • • ; _ '"' .. Saseseilli • • • ,1 , ' 0 hipmprilion Iffirk.• lidillipallikkabot . • . • ' 4s: sca 1111UVICAD S—TAKIL 110 47/11114L Cot ant Ow pliiiresassitseil ma OWN." AND 4 FOOPAUNNUriCig 4. . murcumr,„ asiikaa—s S ; CELEBRATED C 0.Q.V.0.K-1- 1 1-E-KB I O I7 --- • ONT pulAio favor and domed ia sir otations, sod - after the thorough in pettesee eddies yes" tts lopstatios for Maw is waft Thrash sod Lug Mimes is fully esstrimd.-- W Mem ssolletne is oast knows its smits bore ea. ishilshed thanestest pop nadir 'adds:sand. It has he. Mos astandard tinned, loth may pone for earl* pslaesarp emplaints sod Ii kept la Alois boom is csinoto obsoorverrocalcal. As a eats far Cough It fe , sad visible-oekitna requiring atom taut oaebot- Us is me a Cough of assay vests Mediae.. For series Gimp It is set=aikido's; se a tar so! estates its ellocoaq _cannot its dosMd, having restated may w alla to hea l th tabu sogerieg a lootterat of years nith thir stilembis Meow. For Wromhills sin Rearelems t Wall sot relishes, soleitly renatsing hrttaflosoew eirpmesge• la Whooping Count nottedp Is of pest valse-it prontpUy imam the treqassay sad vialsoce of the cough. sod shorties the &ewe one loaf frail its or dinary tedious cows. all dismal of the taw sad air paniapadepaid apse Ind Wien or isfisamstion In the Wass amass mobesse sail maim the promptest of Woven! oidielas to of feet their omega. 'Hairs Cough Essaedy I. ate, speedy Lao ellsetssi is its operation-issdaptsd to both ism, to ill see sad donstitstioss. y slateted either of of the followtsg diesseet ass this pletuant :mod, sad their vetoeswill arcs Wane with whets is roommeading its iturils,ta addietsd neighbors sad rose& INNL. Use Hall's anighanee& iteures b. Uee Hall's ( burgh ß Remedy it agree Group or Rattles. INIL. Use Hall's Catsgh .Remedy it ewes Astir eta or Pkthizir. • . Uee Hales Cbugh Rented y for Catarrh. 110116. Use Hail's ONO Remedy , it Strengthens the Image. - Sem Uie Hain Cbagh Renie44ifor Bronchitis. NI. Use Halls Cough Remedy for Hoarse niu. aft. the Hall'i Cbeigh Remedy it 81,vigamit Ma Voice. 0116. Use Hides Cough Remedy /or cough. It rill greatly modify fits Wench ot this Wows anditsee. tan Ha ;odious dour" ono halt frog its ordinary dare- Roo. • Swan se evanterforits and bus Sop De. P. Mira Calskeekid Coo& Reardy and so. thai his wilt tea ilvistnr• is Ipso the wrapper and dinctions. STILONLI TESTIMONY. • We, Du iindisiiried eitisins of Eris City and vicinity . saes and Dr. P. Rats: a Celebestad Conch Ready with . gositanoress. in cluing diorite of the Throat and= and s alsasurs onsionnending its use to the as • y and officinal moody, hilly worthy phiki . James Thoarpooa, liattisrollanilltos, D. h John Reborn, Sr. J. W. R an, R S ichartlksety, John A. Tracy, Ration(' . J. T. Ca" John W. If Law. Daniel Bear, Daniel Barer, John W. Bays, , J. Robinson, C. it. Riad, Job* R. Cochran, \ W. F itiodirsicht. J. Wow, Joins& Damara, \P. Z.Borion. J. W. Cairn, Job nli. Warren, 'Manion Sbteirood, W. ELl n g e r% John Brown W,,11, Cooper, A. Y. S. L. bossier, Joseph Deemer. IL A. Bessestl, J. W. Hall. Beal. Grant. - J. £4aLaworli Orrice Smith, ..d+ \ A. OWL -1111•4 • C. Duman, • . Thosirrlrmi, . L.. fig Moot, W. IL GaDai&sr, J. RoblotZde Wilma Sing, Chas: W.Kelso, Silas IL Pinch, Minor, fl, P. Kaska, C. 9. Harsh, C. B. Wright. - - SOLD 1.01 EAR ONLY; BY HAii.olLe. Yanntacinrer and Solo Proprietor, Sabo Neer State St. PRICE 25 TO I. CENTS PER ROME. AGRSTS IN ERiE CO.-,James A. Whits. Dr. Ely. GR. card; Wm. Belknap, Fairewo; T. H. Cowles, Springfield? tWWbsore F. Laisson, WIEMin; E. apkir , W W a a r t t e erkfoamb Bows . , Sh s e t r ; Nor th n D ion g; IL 0. Frisbee. goblireille; .1. 0. Fl irate. Albion; -TVs". Lockport, and by semis IS orally. RE AL ,;ESTA T E FOR SALE. CHEAPER YET ! LABOR TWO grciRTBIRICIt HOME, vita slow ,cellar, brick bake oral; exeelleat well of water, largo 44atern, carriage house, largo barn, :8 by 80, an excellent or• thud at grafted fruit, breluaing apples, cherries, • pears, he, adjalahag the Out Lott of Cris, with 28 acne of es eelhat ground, part of whirl command as ufgazpasaod view of tio City, Bay, Harbor, he for 25 ACRES adjoining above, smog frame house, largo frame bony good orebowd of risrted fruit, tee for._ 36,000 13 ACRES CI:DMZ LEAN- Small frame hones, frame Dun, orehart tc, d miles from Erie, for 0,300 117 ACRES, 4 9 usßeo him Rile, 40 happprod, balance goo rood Wad, 1 pails from Sanbiry Road aad Jactoosir Suition—azaan house, ism aid orchard tor. 00 MT Large and Complete OIL IttFIN ElitY, In the city of - srir, known u. the 'ty Refinery," eepaelty about 150 barrels per week, together with 6 aeree of lead, fronting (n Plure & ReVroad, tor__ .'...114„400 ALSO, tots, Howe' sad Lea and Oat Lota in `tb• City sad ilabnxim. . The ettbeeribaT having recenat 7y enlarged sod ettended his truistuftetzutei buglers, needs finds to carry it on. sad It ilstartalst4 to oat • / part or Iris Real Estate. So therefore offers - Um foregoing at the *bore low Men, and will leaks the tams funzabie and title* pi:fel. HEAD QUARTERS -TIAlt CHEAP GOODS! . :Wholesale-and Retail GROCERY AND PROVISION 81 1 0101, • WINES AND LIQUORS. P. & M. SCHLAITDECKER ) are now receiviog at theirold stand, Ameri can Block, State street, a large and superior stock, of P BON'ISIONS, WII lam, .LIQUORS, WILLOW, AND WOODEN, STONE WADE,- FRUITS, TY, Th" , together with every thing found in a House of this kind, which they will sell as cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cub or most kinds of country produce. nal have &Imes baba eme the imgeeteml ern Stadia oiltobseso sad &gars ever brosOt to Zrio, to Millektberieefte theettmelee slam WiLis ar can sad me se—• MEW, mace is bolt_ or Jima sli4l:ll2i=stly %7+n tad ems Grocery Head Quazteral AMERICAN BLOCS,• STATE STREET Jane Y 1/40-42. r. * Y. SCRLIMAYSIIL ~~ ~~ti~` (rS~RpI~Ce~ WRIE COUNTY . WIMAL INSIIIIO .1.11 ANCi CONPAST. Learporaseci en 185S—EAarter Peperoll rberpeer ,wlbeared letaliket Lome b nee bet • bey Mum see eseeeilled rive ram. • Polities lemeed4poe the derma et Roam Nabs. et arm OM" mama of the asaal Stock Rahn ta Mow" wllbeat the thbility et • Pieuiale Note. Loewe paid sithoert ritiplieb. One nit ad, has ern boss lint aestast Cepasy. This • Oesqw aetirety frm from teat. wed as afe lOW immeratiea. DittecTol:3. W*. I. Jam C. Iteeihat. Joe- watt, C. D. E. Weirearr._ S. Babbitt, leme_Madeeseeht.J.Zlaaegy. Was. 8- Breve t .I George 1. litliet, Boblaatie brut, Pleelt Basins. . Justise. , oirricEß.s. . . ' As, C. ILasatait. - Trart • Amu Grnmoir. See. . Vs. t..inasairatar.2rair.. . a.........L.L. 01111a5. bk Yom. Onsisos ik 1114Znarte lan Ono tali. Ts. - ..: • . • W.Time ti. INS. ' i 3 / 4 7 . 3 W• Ski R M. - AA rasannis Alm , WAR E-R OM St Oa Slab 81,1oafesa The ealiarbas lave satoted tats the tab f artlfakiagoasf FURNITURE .T.ItADB, dad rem vial": artier sad korptag ma ;tautly oi Ores tat mato prompt attadioa, lapariag dose Wiwi %stile inspalursszNa. adrizillsos sm shy egoist attoallia lo tab &- of Omer kiesissa. Thiry 7tYlimmodictare dad at lea* a Wigs ammtwart ot elano Castaall amt. bad nosomemte r soallioria as isiset seam fa lisa► papopur, from at, rut at tho Doloadmallaaporo me alba% to Ow mall& tiro 144111 VIA Ilialtret *mu goals aaacat,F, hop So ammo toistal ohaf• off pa is =fourao unit. sealawes to J. B. anISZt. 4 L: Owls mus teE SUPPU ' . Of Nadia km* maim& No wohduir. sima: Ma Awl ~sr Nick sa tit Zoolidkftiod. till ye the are an Ma. Ist WII/ Us lezolls• and p... • Metal dimessat I* Albsitilio. • • - - MUM Ali Mai% , NOW- . , - , Cit.ith aid Mows: Alasailor • . 4[ll. "o Clam= pal iiir a tlm e g a. usleas CLOTHING ! CLOTH' Lati est City & Best Stook , in the ! COME AND SEE FOR YoLItsEI, ',ft° S E S WOULD RESPECTFULLY gene him old Motels sad eastoowts be has motovipd to Hu toleadid or. atm % Notice, HO. I • UNION BUICK, Whore 111 toNttos thou to cob and outalotk goods., Ma sloet fa as largo sod well oohe d as say to Leto, sod be is dototoil nod net usioriold. Ito Yu Jut rocoitot u.. . stock of SPRIN(t AND a•UMllfill Eget brOstott to Die. fl la motto Is tb4 qakk atlas, one pees, and that M. Imp% era not what thtfry are ntmeantad they m u) eafalti MORRISON & DINS Flour, Pork, Beef, Salt, CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED d t No. 2, Wayne Bloat, CA MUM? istage ' s Pita sad MAI SU, TO CONSUMPTIVES. THE subscriber will dieerfiill3 of damp) to all who dalizo it, the on Lirrarrb by which ho wan carol of that WI 1111111ptkiL Seams with Costosmos, azl=breloa. bs misearely Ifewidobe with tho Istalt, Thbialftl for lila Um. be Is anxious to place tit the Ur emu of aua limo wishing the , filftelietofLo win latest eon es or addror jaael—as. Lir. WM. B.A No MI Jabs Stmot V. SCHULTZ & BRO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ill Ia OBOORRAS ABB PROM Z• 41.4 vtu.Aasmus 'CO WI bop os !mid a lam proil to of ovoryWaig la oar lizooutiyrtil sof to to usotersoti. Moo a Sao otook of !MI6, LIQI7OI to be ourrood to this minty. HARTFORD FM 111% HILTHORIy INCORPORATED IWCAPITA lIIINTINGTOII. hoot T. C. CITY FIZZ IRIVRAJCZ BANT/0/I"CONNECTIt IIiCORPOILATZD 1117. CAP , C. S. HOWISS,Prest. C. C. W. INSURANCE in the abet ika ea bit *Masse It. W NEW FURNITURE S. J. H. RUNLET & CO., Would mesc ifly 1240111 pen tha public that • oed a praNrrtrail WAR, IS GABLE'S 11 LOCK, Between Bth sad 9th Streets, es Where they Intend to keep coast eetly as ) essortmeat of irW WU& SELECTEII rir we respectfully solicit 'Vahan of ;Ls MOW. . an2l4-41. J. IL An j ) W..5P New Grocery! . JTACOS - BOOTZ woula respec th mom* ter the rinds of Eris tit]. • to had opsziel 9 t W Sideof Peach Street, a Si.. etl4 LAU Slave Dria, Where ko mill keep so bated t Imp user=ez; GROCIRI es, PROVLSIONO, WOOD AND WILLOW Woki lad eeerything . motelli kept in a ALSO, Wine,. Sweet Cider and Liquors. it Thedeeired. highest Market Price pti'd flxProst. $9,001 , gar Giro toe a ell. If 'too .1•h to scant piss. I *ado wool/ to moll as Le w, 4 t say other store fa the ty. Mrs. Allen's Photograph Alberni IWILL of my beset,: ± graph Albums, made front the fusert to. with double heavy gold plated extearre a valuable prize. be express, pnrpaid, for t.. No au need sewd the emaey till they will acompaity the Album. Persons ' their SMOG and try Ueda huh. They en.. return wall of the ..sett of a diartr.lot;:r, have the prieilege of eteding for the alb= set, as they choose- Splendid iodheeftest erente,ladise en well u rent:ether!. Fcll with eirradars, met t 7 =sat. Address (vitt rotors pasties) lint LUCY ALLEN, box York Gity. cr y- P. S.—Any person eh , ) w.ll at oat 1 thweeent and etteleet it in a letter to some !rid array. and notify me of the fart and to Tt.ttt mein by ratan wail • besonfol and ow: a graph ofilater General Griot, worth at • iftitla stamp will ezenrer both fort -r=x graph sad trial of lath, as both tan be , mar3-14m. A. KINC. $225. SEVEN OCI'AVZ Rosewood Piano•Y , GROVESTEZN t CO, •➢0 1530 i NEW, Enlarged Seale Pik With all latest haprovatnotts fl petioles, with greatly leonared iselans ring, enabe as to sell for CASS at by prim. Our Instruments received L. at the World's Fair, and for iv* sootseco Aseeriene Institate. Warranted dre yearn en= Call or wad far deactiptire mar6.-aes. N ()TICE vs take great plissare fa . infetaing tea acestoss Pstreas to partiniar, Oat vg vas resard MA - NIIIACTURING ST INCREASED FACILITI Lad an proposed to ei all rams 'kr COMEDTG AND HLkT - PG 517.0 Early, renamed ivy L Wag bust oat. Om es a 496:4 , d (*p u. dsttnymt Ilarillietweri Iron at permat high rig& Ilialth) far port eavers. w brps, by r So Ur rasa Cadman, t. rbestisvo TINCIST, TIBBALL VILEVIOITION IS BETTER TEAS TQ Ladies of ddieste health , Or to. tboia by irt:a toatily=r num oddortiora-VA. soola fakir •• width a pew ada, dad bat preareopi Umbabi for %Impala slary. laalayoalrap sad *apla, yet IL Ida boo plat batiks aad wad ee y erbpadreiy o: p. n.. deal jar beak); the sadoesarood • alaboo IR tad mail am of $3. IT Wilt sem hay saa witty barred 'du Vaaid, ad ally diraffilaw; 4lair Goo train ' I===siciaa or dragpr: , r• sad thainsado ri prosaid ante dieser. Goat, roots otSi, by addramag Dr. LC. .11. Pat. No. ziss, TPIXICEM 7 OI:Tg SLTEREB:2 - 8113:1121.—A RI bask.. astsind loath pug an La ask reattass witiemet r tsana..llatitebin alma Sium, the NoW cfrail a tan et UM • " sew 111.1bassits •-•*. HATS AND C PO THE at niiitLlCG my mew :- sad runtioriphi4lwe nowt lisitinalla ditto gado ta asy sad as sad but HATS, CAPS, ogle artailit t. tats apidat. lan • • end dans PALM LEAF HAV- , Me. 174 tY Zona of HOODS, mart' ve-t1 detain. alit& via sa4 ly 4 106 Jobber's pains. I ban de naand Eat: OYSTERS! OY WE are now receiring _wig!, cou et CAN 0Tr1. 13 ti- dal. pay patteessr laths Retail Mob sod oar cosastorri tag 1401.41 nom. a &ad Gtx 4 threw r 1 gull WE ARE OFFERING A tans tisweetwas se tzlbe lingAi" Derr. NO ars% car? Cbilitms. Pass, rem Nogs- 11110LASALI DX411115111 NEW GROCERY W 7i) SMITH'S'