Por the adoption, amid op_ Rero.t,, of any system, is neis . ded the I.stieut .cuurcrezice, the steady rop— ce the timely concession and comPro -41,e seltlsh principles must be-held in A curb mast he laid upon the iut ile for the destruction of the same i t 1 ., D eeded only that Ire forbear the . e ,f the virtues and benevolent affix:- 1 glve full may to the seldeit prinel— eemple of Diana of Ephesus was the the ancient world. The treasures of 41 all the art. , and skill of the times , n prefugely lavished upon it to render ncitest and most magnificent of the rf i of earth. Yet The toroh of Emitos— infstasted with the ambition of lot— :.c, though it should bg one of infamy. .17Ecient in a few hours to lay it in thst these reflections should find so ~ ttiiti in the eve:W.4 of the s „ h, I s good Government: We revolutionists in other ~„„1 , mei out t t attain, and no preten— ,,o-:oariship should have been ad— uwen -ought to jar the system or ep i of a knight of the middle'ages tie pov4es(or of a shield of extraor— r le' and workmanship. ' The mate— the finest gol.l, and the device Was nel with the rarest skill of the artiat. :,ele was of matchless beauty. It was •figured- by a single blemish.- In an J r its poiriassor listened to the pereus AU artificer who proposed to remove, lic The e..fsobjecting it to the heat of the xperiment was made; but the at which removed the stain also des. 'the—imago upon the shield, and the was reduced to a shapeless mass in the e. Ile might make a new shield of the tht the one so cunningly sculptured, 'highly prised, W gone, alas! forever. AS or b, of the Cnited ,States aro in the a of the knig, and their priceless is their constitutional Government, tato. if you will, is the institution of In the fires of civil war to which pirieal artists have resorted to remove y,be obliterated, but the Government ,edei the operation. will be dissolved. ,rernments may indeed be formed of terials, but that of the American fa ill be no more. r Democratic rule, priter to the tri of the ChiCago platform, -the nation peace, united, prosperous, and happy. of a frightful civil war, desolating .1 and filling with strife and bitterness the which lead to our dwellings, we with pride to our national power, our tee. Slur manufactures, our conslitn liberty, to our national monuments and of art, which everywhere decorated e of our progress, and were held up as .chies of a Christian civilization. alas: the change. Byron, the immor: et, when writing his immortal verse le ruins of the Boman empire, said : th. lofty city ! and &la t,r Tufty's sole% sot Virgire lay; tAtt's picturtd pare ; but those shall be rrsurreclion ; all I,Bldd—decay.' the gloom that avers the laud, from the Atlantic, where the light of the' morn- It is first seen, to where his setting rays 'a in the western ocean, without some ie artificer to re-establish the broke% of a once mighty Government, the not be tar remote when the genius terean liberty mac say, Alas! for the \Ca•hington and the memory of Frank—. .e eloquent stories of Irving and' of u, the eloquence of Clay rind of Web lesp may be her resurrection—ell be c uric Oboerrtr. ATURDAY. APRIL 9, 1564 To City Subscribers. o , , , aitte , i the services of two new , 1, ,lihtribute our city list, and hope tiro t, have the pap'er delivered with 'ne•o , and regularity. Our friends are f,re of the difficulty which we bees ex. .1 in this branch of our business. It Iren us more annoyance than all the lepartments of our office, and - with all I ae we can bestow, .we receive re complaints that patrons do not receive . )aper's. We trust they will take into teration the difficulties of our situation, lay blame on our shoulders, when we log the best we can. • ;mild repeat, what we have said several before, that it would 'be a matter of accommodation to us, if all city sub rs who can / do it conveniently, would irrangemeOs to obtain the - Observer at dhestion office. tt , T WARD FIRE COMPANY.—The meeting t Company was held Tuesday evening, :h inst. T 6 following officers were far the nextjix Months , ient, Geo. Starr. to President, G. F. Brevalier, qtlry, - John C. McCreary ocrer, E. P., Bennett. • , mic, W. 11. Steel. .k..siliant Foreman, W. 11. Magill S..t+tant Foreman, R. J. Felton. :nation it was resolved that tho secrets. re notice to the Mayor and Councils of rganimion of the company, and request to the 'charge of s hose carriage, one of iei engines, and of the steam fire engine. t 3 request the use of the Common Conn .:in for meetings, and to ask an appro :a for means to defray expenses. :erring for drill was appointed for Tues• he 15th inst;‘, at 7 o'cloat. P. M., at te House No. 2. 1 regular meeting Tuesday, May 3d.' Indian Relies. excavating through a graVelly ridge on ne of the Pittsburg & Erie Railroad; two miles west of town, thd steam exca suddenly struck into ' a large bed of in bones. After examination, a' conclu me arrived at, that they were the re— 'of Irttlisnv killed in battle. Tian burying places are frequently die ted in this vicinity, but in almost every nee arrow•heads, beads, stone tomahawks )ther implements and ornaments pertain , A‘vage life, are found with the remains, rn tatter were always placed with uni in the 'graves. In We case, there nAing found save the skeletons, and appearing to have been closely packed placel promiscuously for convenience in lug The pits or trenches were about feet from, the surface, and estimated by :: , rkmen to have contained from two to e hundred skeletons. It is is presumed e are otters in the vicinity, marking the where aierrifio Indian battle must have '3 place at least 200 years since. !tee evidence that, they are of Indian origin the phrenological developments of the .1 MCC' tte the ravage characteristics. they were killed iMbattle is. manifest, `'he fact that all that were, examined to rn to bo mates, and many of the brokan or fractured, in all pie. "Y the effect of blow with the 4 , War lle bleed 011. itecans.--:The oil fever, tLe Iralv ilie Republican, appeArs to hare ~,f a out anew; at Mecca, 0. Several fame re Keen bought with 11 view of putting down treil•• Messrs. Phillips - S Co„ of Oil hgye bought and leaped some of the 4al are now putting down two deep Lt. It °ail they have been quite sue. petit to 0;1 Creek. Some of the old farms TO Leer, oeptiale'd for at $5O en acre, others ` 75 and SIOU per acre. This advance S3u per acre, which was all it was wort4i firmaug purposes, has been within sixty Our Elector and Delegates to Chicago.' The selection of Judge !tassels. Brown, of Warren, as the Presidential Elector for this Congressional district will give general satis faction to the Democrats, and all no little to the strength of our electoral t i oket. Re is known In all parts of the dietricti and it le almost needless to add, that he -is Universally esteemed. In his capacity as Presiding Judge of our Courts, he won the reputatihn of an able and affable jurist, and was popular with members -of the bar of every political with. ins character in private and public- 1110 _is without taint, his devoted patriotism love love far the Union are freely admitted, and in every particular he comes up to thip standard that should be required of a candidate for so I exalted a station. The Representative delegates from this Is trios to the Chicago Convention are Wm. A. Galbraith, Esq., of this city; end Ho Wm. A. Wallace, of Clearfield county. The fpraier is too well known to our readers to require any extended illusion to his merits. It is sufficient to say, that the unanimous senti ment of the Democrats of the distri4 has long pointed to him as their desired represen- ' tative in that body, and this not through any effort on his part, but solely by that common feeling of our Natures which causes us to wish to be represented in important bodies by one of our ablest and most trusty leaders. The flattering vote which Mr. Galbraith re ceived for -Senatorial delegate in the State Convention is evidence enough that the peo ple of his own locality are not alone in, enter taining* high opinion of his character. Mr. Wallace is not so familiar to the people of Erie county, bat we assure', them that he -is a man of whom they will never have cause to be ashamed. He is still quite young, but in the debates which have taken place is the State Senate, of which he Is a member, he has given proofs of talent excelled. by few mem bers of that body. At home, in Clearfield county, he is extremely iopular,t and his friends predict for hint a distinguished carter as a statesman and orator. With 1 men like Galbraith and Wallace at Chicago, the Democrats of the Twenty-First district, will be represented quite as well, to say the least, as any other In the State. A MARRIAGE AND A MITILDIR.-011 Sunday evening, says an exchange,a young man named Jno. Shoemaker, was killed by another named Ranchelander, both of Randolph township, Crawford county, under the bilowingcirmun. stances Rouchelander had been -Married on that day, and - in the evening a number gath— ered around his house to engage in a usere; nade," as is the custom in some communities, composed of all manner of hideous noises , . In this amusement Shoemaker, as we under stand, was not engaged, but was insidirof the house, being a particular friend of •Rouche lender. About 11 o'clock severs' of the . seg.: enaders entered the house, which \so incensed Rouchelander that he seized s sti ck of fire wood and aimed a blow at one of air', which, being evaded, struck the deceased \ upon the head, from the effects of which hskdied' the same night. Rouchelander was cot:til:fitted to jail on Tuesday. HoUSII FURNISHING Goons.—We 'direct the notice of our readers who desire to imprtire their houses this spring to the large 'stock of furnishing goods in tie store of Messrs. D. Pierce & Co., at the corner of State and 9th streets. They hate . ccoroplete assortment of articles in this line, and offer them at modem. ate terms. Messrs. P. & Co. are agents for a new Horse Hoe, or Cultiiator, whicb is represented to be one of the best articles eyerjoyetited. It took the highest premium` at the Pair in *Chicago, over a number of competitors. Far, mers will find it to their interest to step into the store and look at this inar.bine.' Las■ NAVIGATION.—The! heavy wind of Tuesday night .pf last week, conudetely cleared the Lake of ice in this vicinity,' and navigation'towards the head of the Lake has been open ever since. On Tuesday merning of this week, the brig Paragon,,Capt. Cox owner and commander, sailed for Port Sag inaw, and on Wednesday she was followed by the tug Fanny White, Capt. Culver, for Lake Huron. Business on the Lake may now be regarded as having commenced, and in a short period we expect to see our bay crowded with shipping. SOYSLRHAT Exerran.--The Dunkirk Union says it published the Titnei‘Table of the Oil Creek R. R. and forwarded the paper to the 'Superintendent of the road, but that individ— ual returned the same with the endorsement, " No Copperhead.paper wanted here." There, upon the editor opens the vials of MA wrath and lays : " The miserable, contemptible, onei-sided, bigoted pup Wonder if your road wants any Copperhead support, you pusillasimous whelp." • • ' VOLIIIIITIIIS FOR TIC NAVY.--By a recent order from the Provost hlarshalGeueral, Dis trict Provost Illarshalsaie authorised to enlist men for the naval mike and ne corps. Ilecruite are examined the s eas for the army, and upon their soceptan e will be sent to the nearest, naval rendezvos. They are. credited to the quote of the sub-districts from which they enlist. These , recruits receive no advance pay or Government bounty, bat are entitled to a share of the prize money of vessels on which they are engaged. Gee. 011A11x come so Waswittavox.—We understand that Lieutenant-General Grant is to be permanently Incited at Washingtoii, and. that he will proceed to that City as soon as he can conclude some military arrangements which he has on hand at the West. His prin cipal object in being at the seat of Govern ment is, of course, to be able to direct She movements of all the armies of the Unioa, It is rumorel that on his way back he will stop in this city, to procure a pair of patent Plumer made boots, at the store of Jas. Eichenbanto, State street. If the General does this, be will prove that he is a man of tuts. Roe/wrens° Naw.—The attention of •our readers - is directed to the advertisement of our late cotemporary, Jos. 8. M. Young, who his opened, at No. 4 Wright's Block, one 'of tho richest and best selected assortment' of fancy and useful articlei ever exhibited in one se tablishment in the city. Almost everything that one could desire may. be .found aG his store. His enterprise deserves success, and we have no doubt will receive it. A New Coteson.—lt is pleasant to know thiticinetallio currency in this country is not lik 4 elz , to become wholly obsolete. The bill under disaussien in the U. B. &mate provides _for;a cent piece to be nearly all copper; also for a two cent piece, which will be a decided convenience. The composition will be 28 ptii cent. copper, and 6 per cent. tin or lino. The supply of nickel's already failing. IiCtILD ON IILII.—A correspondent of tie Chautanque Democrat intimates that the pub lication of newspapers might as wen beleft to the women. It the Draft-rat hi his prised* reading we do not wonder at the conclusion.-- Dunkirk Union. -0.8. Woodward has been commissioned u Colonel of the 83d righnent, and is now meting, as commander of the Pkupda. "No-Pairs" POISTIOL—The removal of Geo. P. Griffeth, Esq., as 'Clerk of the Con ine% ll6gnakfialllfikm4Mill is a Dallaci‘t , is an act of petty malignity of-which those concerned in it will' itiflisisi reason to feel ashamed. • Mr.fighns2made a wet exeellent officer,--confessedly the best that has filled the, position for • numbei ye•rs, a fact which we presume' wan 'the, Men•whe toted against him will noelleny. 'He was e always prompt in hie Owe: Arlisted all who came into official contact 'JUL him in a gen tlemanly manner, regardless of persons: The record of the proceelings as kept by him, is. a model of neataitat- end correctness. His dismissal can be exotiete4 , on , no just grounds whatever—not even on the principle that to the party in power belongs the "spoils." It is known to, everybody in the county, that the city election this 'spring did 'not partako of • party nature,- and some of the Council men who voted against Mr. Griffeth owe their seats to Dentocriatio support., They were glad enough to bare 'Democrats rote for thens, but it is quite a' different thing in their estima tion to vote. for a Dentootst.: Take it in any feature, ire regard Micas quite the best sam ple of "no party" pailyism that has appeared in our community since the intolerant "no:- piety" party came into power. Of DCaiWilli , the 'gear Mirk, we lure not a 'Word derogatory to utter. He probably . knew at ones that his party leaders were de teindoed to make a,chstige,, and knowing so, had as good a right to seek the place fOr himself essay other man in the city. What - we desire to point cat Is the faeonsisteney of a set of man' who prate, ott,ivery street corner and public place Of 'their determination not to re gard party. -nits the, Union is endangered, and who last no opportunity to slander the character of neighbors whom they profess to look upon al "pasty men,".. and yet whose first official act balsa - all their pretensions, end shows thee& to be buried feet, body, arms an,a ears in the 'filthiest mire of partisanship. Tex Ci?aaacroas.4;--This county Commis. stoners hare famished to the Gaulle the fol— lowing list of persons, appointed by them Tax Collectors for the present. year : East Ward, Erie, George W Riblet ; West Ward, Erie:Charles - Miller; Mill Creek, Jack son McCreary ; ,Harborereek, Alfred C Gates; North , East Tp., George W Griffin `; 'North Bast Bor., Orange 8 'Loop ; Greenfield, H H Lewis; •Vessago, Georgs Rogers; Wattaburg, James M Greenleaf: Amity, Nathan Rathbone; Wayne, David Tuttle ; Concord, Charles 8 Reynolds ; CerryftWarren Fuller ; Union Tp., James Lyons ; ,Uaion Bor., Daniel Bumpus ; Le Bcenlf, " Ho ward 'Peek ; Waterford Tp., Nathaniel Bowen ; Witerfbrd Bor., M. B.Vin ient : Greens Tp., Wm Weed; Summit Tp., Wm Dunn; McKean Tp., Wm Grant; Middle. born Bor., Job' Stafford; Washington Tp.,Wm Canipbell ;. Franklin Tp., Mary M Jenataa ; Elkoreek Tp., Chaunoy Joslin ; Conneaut Tp., Dexter Spaulding; Springfield Tp., James Graves ; Girard Tp., iierataisit Davis ; Girard BWr„ Hiram Benham; Fairview Tp., Daniel Long; Albion, 8 A Banded*. • APPLICA7IONS 701 L LICRNSIII.- The following Petitions for License have been filed in the Clerk's Offiee, and will' be presented to the Couit of Quarter Bassione, on the let Monday .in May next.: : W. T. Boyd, Union, Mills Grocers License; W. E. & C. M. McLean, Union Mills, Grocer's License ; B. C. Town, North East Bon', Gro cer's License; J.• K. Cross, , Greene, Tavern License ; Louis Schumaker, East Ward, Erie, Tavern License ; , David Boyd, Waterford Bore, Groci:ro License E J. O'Conner, Elkereek, Grocers License ; .fohn Anthony, East Ward, Erie, Tavern Licensei r ,Ootticib Brown, Mill- Creek, Tavern License; Anthony Knoll, West Ward, Erie, Tavern License ;_ A. W.Vantaisel, West Ward, Erie, Tavern Liestise, Robert Les lie, Waterford Bore, Taverw"License. We have noticed for some time past the added freshness 'and interest of the local de partment of lbw Harriabarg ' daily Patriot, a paper, which from its home associations and the ability with which it is conducted, we value more highly' than any- on our exchange list. We imagined that' the style of the Patriot': "iocals" was a familiar one, and were not surprised, therefore,on our late visit to Harris burg,to find that our old frienil,Wm.P.Coulter, Esq., was the presiding_genius of this depart ment of the paper. Under his vigorous man agement. we have Ito Aceibti the Patriot will soon be the first in ci:culation, as it already is the first in'point of talent, of the journals printedaL the State capital. PLEASIING larsixtossos.—A telegiam from the Provost Marshal General to Gov. Curtin states that it will only'require 1600 men to fill the quota , of Pennsylvania, the State having received credit for , 10,000 in excess of the number required under the calls for 600,000. In this case the proportion required of our county must be small, for,.. as remarked in a letter received from a friend in Harrisburg just before gelagitnpress, theofficial records show that Erie Is not excelledin - prompt action by any county, in the State. There is good reason to ,h6pi 'that; - .br iieentinaanee of county .or local bountjea , i the draft may be entirely avoided in Peansylrania.--,Gazette. OPSZING Dnve- : •Tke ladies of the city and sioinikj illl, beinterested in learning that a Vaud "apt4l2/r, lof fashionable spriag bo nets and Othtir goods,- vrili take place at the stare of Messrs. Smith & Gilmore, (late E. Smith) on Thursday, the 14th inst. Their stock consists of itnoch.lsrgsr Assortment , even than usual, and cannot fail to suit all tastes, embracing as it does•the latest and prat- tint styles. Arm deserves to do well, sod we hope to see thsir ,store crowded with customers. A returned'inlilfei by the name et Chase, Wielding near ,Cesterwille, Crawford county, Wu in town on Monday, and after getting pretty well 44 corned,!!.pitched into Mr. Barnes Greeley, against whom be (Chase) had a grudge, Inflicting gait* Mare Injuries, knock ing Mr, Greeley,into a pond of water, where be was nearly drowned before he succeeded in getting . ent.r The eMceretcatight the chap oa •Illondly eirening.', - An euntinstion was held on Tuesday remaking in A tine, of $l5 (very low weiblnk) and-easts.- Mr. Greeley Is a brother - of Harice 13teeley of the Tribune.— lantestottai : Kr" !rolot.--Messrs. Haughey, McCreary & Co 4 have opened a ne . mi book and paper CUre e lltitha pito* *mid"' opened by MeCord & McCreary, No. 11 Union Block. Their itook of booki,- tiaU friper,•stationery, ii the largesiost, the kind ever brought to Eria, and is vvell - wortir-the attention of the public. &moot: liarrsas. , —aTiss Anna A. Golden has been appointed Principal of the Primary Department btt . b . wFits V itrerd schools, is place of Misayemsen, mewed. The School Board have deci4led erect a school building it) the Bolt etreet, between German aid Ifollatid: . -•vsumasi.: Arai- 13oinies,.—Brows'it IfronehistilVoefe“ -will. be found vshutble to the soldier is amp; WSIPPOIId to sudden bbillgre --affording prompt [ells( ilk ogees of .eoughs, - e 01 4 1 ,3 1 4 1 . For. offunts,und those who over tax the vciiei;.th4 nrittopfbil ifl relietint ir throats, sod. will render artioulsUon 'Oily. All thereon isiasSions, be we to OBTAIi the genuine. • ‘,"" r' " ALL is WILL TUAIP BUM Werst,Tbsts es— claimed taint thiniisials-ater , tryieg the esla. (brats* elostirsi• Selsisitus aG DeLead Co, they say it lOW* like t Airs, sad they alstqaSiftilniee light bread, biscuit, cakes, ite. It awes tails. LOC4L PARAVRANIS. The Meadville Rqnsbliews eve dismal! pox is prevailing at Titusville. The "Noble" well on Oil Creek 111111 lowed 803,478 bares of oil valued st $1,062,156 Better than s printing office. During the ~OR of 1863, 850 Members occurred On our Lakes. 128 lives weir lag, and the tors of property amounted to 484. Public cionnunents and political speetthes continue to shower down upon its, in grail tittatititier. Thanks to you,. gentlemen, one and all. . , The Conneautville Record thinks the fact, that our city Councils have antharized the purchase of s stuns tire engine is s sign Nis! ' , the world moves." A bill hat passed the lower brutish' of Con gnu, proviliog that the name of the Collec tion District of Presqne isle be changed to the District Of Erie. • Engineers are enraging a new rill/road from a point nose Gowanda, N. Y., to EM I°. It is designed to be an extension of the Atlantic & Great Weitern goad. A soldier ,writes that the most useful article which gait be sent men in the field is a burial' of woolen darn and s darning needle to send their socks. A large stock of new spring goods received at 1k S. MOrrison's dry good* store. The ladies will find it to their intense to 'call sad examine them. The Legit'stare hu passed the laws author •-• hang the rs'-eleotion of the present 'ressurer of this county, and increasing the compensa— tion of our county Commissioners. Mr. Allison, late of the Half-way House, in Harbororeek, has takes the old BrawleyMouse in North East borough, and intends keeping one of the best hotels in thleountry. is a good landlord, and will do all he under takes. The veterans of the 111th Regiment who have not evi-entisted haze bees transferred to the 109th P. V., to serve out the remainder of their three 'years, extending until next fall.— Conneauhills Record. Is thitt a•ituniehment for refusing 'to volun teer again, 1 - - - The Dunkirk Journal sap that a woman on the emigrant train was arrested at Dunkirk, on Wednesday charged with infanticide, She had•given birth to s child in the car privy, near Salamanca, and threw it out of the win dow while the train waa_under motion. A subscriber to the Glenn's Falls Messenger complains that the price of the paper has been raised, and wants to continue the subscription at the old rate of $1 per year. The editor agrees to the offer, and proposes to take his pay in good cotton sheeting at 10 cents per yard, its old price. A French Physician recommends essence of turpentine as a specific, for nervous headache , and hamicrania, even when accompanied by vertigo, to which females are especiallysub •ect. The pzpress train on the A. & G. W. R. R. lately mime from Corry to this place, {27 miles) stye the Jamestorrn Journal, in 82 minutes. This is fully at the rate of 60 miles an ; hour, considering they have to run slowly through the:"ltip Raps." We extend our thanks to Mr. W. C. White, of Waterford. fora haildsomely framed 'and superior likeness of Gen. McClellan. Mr. W. has for sale pictures of nearly all our leading generals and 'statesmen, with or without framed. lie is prepared to frame engravings, &0., in July style desired, and on terms as reasonable as can be met with anywhere. The Democrats of Cass county, Indiana, re cently presented B; A. Usti, the editor of the Democratic Pharos, printed at Logansport, a new power press, with a steam engine for run ning the same,the whole posting about 0,500. It must be pleasant to be a Democratic editor In that locality. It is said that raised greenbacks are in ex tensive circulation. The work is neatly done by pasting ones to pass as tens. Of, course none but careless people, or those not. used to hand ling money, would be deceived. It is to pro tect such that we call attention to the altered notes. The art of pasting and altering notes has been brought to great perfection. and those who look only to the figures on a note may be easily misled as to its character. We listened for the first time,, on Sunday evening last, to the new pastor of Park church, Bev. Geo. F. Cain, and were unusually grati fied by his sermon on the occasion. Ire is one of the most,polisbed and interesting speakers we 6ave•eier Ward, and evi4ently poereiseis a richly, cultivated and practical mind. The members of the congregation deserve to be congratulated on securing the services of se able, eloquent and earnest a gentleman as Mr. Cain for their pastor:, here is a neat specimen of a “dun" from Morris & Willis, of the Home:Journal: "Dear Sir—ln the hurry of your engagements, you have overlooked and forgotten, as a trifle, the small sum of a year's indebtedness to the Home Journal; but, as rivers are kept running by drops of furling dew • so it is necessary to. our continual:use that the fanny dues should some punctually to the fountain-head. By dropping your due Into the Post Office for us, you will oblige. Yours, with respect, Morris & Willis." The' following curious advertisement ap peared in a remote corner of the Diapaich, lasit week : . , . "UNLON HALL."—A nieeiing of Republi. esus Is requested on Saturday eve., April let, proximo, at the (supposed). " Union Reading Room," to take into consideration the expul— sion of the " New York Tribune" by a clique of Copperhead, Pro ! Slirery itepnblicans. • „ HII/111A1 Copperhead, Pro-Blavery Republicans" is docKedly good: We it. wit iri the ♦eoret of the patriotic association monopolisiog all the loyalty' in the eity, aid canniiellrer isti aritpore of the proceedings resulting from the above annonneerneat. A. seriouirow occurred at'Deitz's breviery, in the ekmmencement of the week, tit which `We hare not been able to obtain tiie 'COmplete particulars. From what we hare beer in (Ceased it would appear theta zolsither of die. orderly young moo vizifiit the Plane men tioned, auk etsmtitineesi a disturbance 'with one of the -precise theY . known citizen Of Alit-Grath. Ilr• WJEntit ler, 1{ peace Able and estimable man, attempted to quell she difficulty, wheti the rowdies fall upon, and beat him in a shocking manner. Two of tbem - bare been arrested, and Sued in quarters in the " Swaney Rouse," and . the officers' are in lopes' of -capturing the others. Now that we have taken one step forward in the parallel* hfAtifteltUr Are tingise;4why not complete the Wines*• by establishing water 'Creeks T - • The' city. irk !know. lir too deeply in debt to untlellaki it I pieseUt, but s Prints sosiPss.7ook sad itTalOd seT4 l4 ', ly succeed. With the abundance of money now lying idle, we do j_ttu:lloll,4, 'hundred thousand dellais'Or do, nonbl be ebtelhielA a few days. Let some suck publie as Mayor Melilla. Wm. S. Brown, J. C. Bur /pea, or William A. Galbraith take holCof tie =riming, and the work will be . tinded was before the fourth of July.l the city "newspaper agencies" and other ',Quotas that send us : advertisements, desir ing their insertion at. bee-bait and one-third our usual Wet, may is wellisaie piper, ink and postage. If they!, think we are so hard up for patronage thatWe are obliged to ac cept it at beauty rates, We 'ask them to look over the advertising columns of the i Observer. The business and .oiroulation of the ?am has now reached a standard wbers we Can 4,eur own terms, and we intend idherini to them hereafter. t 1 A correspOndent of the erawfordDensocrat make a severe attack on the orders issued by the Commissioners of this empty. Be advises ' business mee t to "set their facesl ageing" them, and save the bankers of Meadville will only take them at 6 per cenf , . discount.' We are by no means a friend of , piper 'currency, bat since it has come,to be our mai circulat ing medium, we think the notes issued on the credit of our county areinch bitter than twO-thirds of the beak traswhichl ' s flooded t i over thicointry. • The congregation of Perk Presbyterian Church have purchased the brick house of Mrs. Richards, at' the corner of llassafrits and Tth streets, for a pereonage, The sum to be paid is $5600, and an an instance of the; liberality of this congregation, we may add, that the entire amount needed was hubscribid in one day. A considerable amount of repairs is to be added to the property. -I We call the attention of the public to the hoirid condition of State street, from Second to the Philadelphia &. Erie' R. R. depot.. It has been bad enough in former Springs, but this year it goes way s ahead of all that: has been seen before. Last week; we are informed,. a wagon got stuck in the mud, and the strength of eight horses was required to extract it. What, a fine impression it must giveCtiangers, coming in by the railroad, of the !enterprise of our city authorities ! i , C. Ild f . Varney has been- appointed "City bill poster," with the exclusive privilege of distributing bills iand circularsithin the limits of the corporation. We kn w Charley to arley to be &faithful and:sccommodatiog 'Mow, and are glad to hear Millis appoietmentl i Persons wishing to secure Os services will nd him at Gray & Farrar'e store. i i A circular issued from the office of the "German Anterior" at Afeedville i l informs us that the paper has ceased' to exist. It had attained a good , circulation, bi 4 the ex travagant. prices Of all articles nsed in the business were too much foi the pocket of iti editor to bear. i'' • ,I • ! . • ' General McClelan's report has i obtained a wider circ ulation In a shorter period of time than any other boOk published in this country., tt has been printedby at least a dozen dif ferent houses, and in all manner of forms, from -the , unpretanding 25 mint! edition to the handsome MO dollar end a-halt one of Sheiden & Co. ' One of our old subscribers writes to us,' complaining of the advanced coot of news papers, and asking whether we will not take the _amount he aid in January, 1862, for payment of anoth er year's mubsesktion. Yes, most certainly, if Ihe will finnish: it to us in paper, ink; or_ type, at the same rates we then paid fer theiri. , Jas. A. Bliss, of this city, has'entered into the grocery business et Titusville,, and we are glad to bear, is doing wellj We regret to lose so public spirited a fellow Ins Bliellfrom our community, and hope it will not e long until he makes large enough fortune i the oil re eons,' to return I and settle down here, as a , retired m il lionaire. " We Understand that. a fine new Hotel, of about the came proportions as Brown's Hotel, is to be erected during the coolin season, on a portion of the site of the old eed Rouse. We trust that arrangements will iihso be made for building up:the entire tract litely covered by that famous structure. ; I The township In which Ashtebula is situ ated has filled tip its quota under all calls. Ou the very day the Prollam&tion was re ceived, calling for 200,000 more, the citizens went to work. Would that we had. i, little of that sort of spirit in this section ? The well inutwn property in North East: township, known as the "Ross Farm," is of-, fend for Bile. - We understand it to be a very desirable property., The editor of the Oil City Monitor, speaking of the high price of eggs, - seys hi has "thought seriously of cinizting work and buying a hen, and making sliving easier than in the print ing business." I Certain it is that he Could get at notmainess that 'yields Smaller profits than publishing a newspaper, 'Si the present oost of everything. • 1 The Petroleinit Briorter Office,; At Titusville, his been purchased by Messrs. Martin & Lake. We wish them success Lin a business way, under all eircumatancee--politieally if they are on the right side. . . The saloon at the corner of State and Fifth 'streets, - has been taken by C. Trask, .who in tends keeping it in' the best manner. It has been neatly derrated, and fitted up with con venient stalls s l arid rooms, malting it a hand s i some place of ,resort. 1 We have printed a new Style of blank Leases, to which we solicit pUblie attention. Both in style end matter, we think they can not help plecsinieverybody. I Seamen are said to birmuch needed for the Federal Nitv4, and some thirty *tweets are now alleged to be detained in Eastern ports, on account of the scarcity of men. By a late enactment, persons enlisting In the navy are credited - ori thel.quotas of the district where they reside. ' ' I ?Jesuit: Upham & Glove lAN* opened an engraving establishment in the basement room below Atutiit's jewelry store. Their specimens of wedding And business !arils show them to' be'good workmen. An intense speculative fever in oil lands upon the Allegheny river and Oil Creek is 1 raging. Parties are buying and have bough 1 tracts at febrile°, price,. ! . . If "Father Abratieml.-would give the small pox to the swindling' army contractors it would wind up the war quiCker thin all the proolaroatioes be could lash"' between how and the day of -his burial. i , Aldermen : Clapp, oft -the Boston &tardy &ably, Gazette, callisthe - *4, whereof he is Organ."° lo ; or.' 010'.' Fathoms , 4 Pie', city of the Big " Wouldn't the "City of Great Blow ers" be stern appropriate ?; -' • -', ,Geo. " i ßetnon, a wounded soldier of the 745th regiment, has been appointed Keeper of the "Land Light 114 use, "; in place of John (balding, resigned. , 1 : . . At Parkersburg, Va., oil wells have been struck yielding from six hundred to one thou sand burr)/ ItOk day. -The; ezoitelient, is very great in consequence., sell hvery man in the place thinks twits", an Oil will-iilitt - teller. • ( loot out for bogus fifty !pent postage our- 1 C , FOR REN'T.. , , . limey. They are getting to be almost ss plenty I A Voluble and Desirable Stand. for a is the genuine &Weis., ; GROCERY ORGENERAL COUNTRY STORM, The Solday Time; says, aoeordlgig to — tali , At Irvine, iVarria Comity, Pa. present &p i pearaneesj Gen. Fremont is dispoeed i the au nAttlecriata, ;31, XIII a en*. drf Var. T leh AT , }VAR the Bepublican party just as he does his; r a gr i A t r, Ural= " - her, i. e., part it to .lilt middle. . . 1 For Partiality'' , Wm° s. Iif.IIIIDOLK, A Leto Fish are beginning to appear in one ; 2 falaftt. , - irvias, warms Qs., •'• ' ketini considerable abundance.. The priee,l st , coarse, aka thit of everything else,' . In steep. ' -. 1 COIMESPONDENCE. (V. Wits atattiliattass to this 6spariassat Mhos Ob. sans? tiOmpsfsoas of test stabs of optatow—welhilm pallthsal or otherwiak—lt Wog saatrstood. of am" that the irdit.*h to so soy to its WO issleasillis la As or etatelMlNtil of his cortospondasta. All mild" to ssausloss‘ihta, mast bssesosepsalat the rot rums of tits sittlioo The aqui'? Supertatendesey Written for tho Ibis Observer.] • EDISON. Eui 0111111V111. question his been asked : Of what use Is 's County Stiperintendent of Common Schools in Erie County ?" lam not qua li fied to answer the query.l It is said thst'not a school in this put Of the county has been visited by the Superiatendent during the school year that *keel n ittne next. -It is Wei, etted that the Rev. J. Devneier, instead of} devoting his time to visiting the schooLcituthe district over which helms bein placed; tinitting sr clerk for Mr. Douglass, Collector of Internal Revenue. As to - that part of his :dutj requiring him to inspect teachers, 'tie thtfugitt It might be as well and profitably performed by the several township boards of directiirs,las by Mr. Degmeier. .1 know but little of snob matters, but I am under the let pressllm that a man to be competent to inspect teat:llo4 br persons offering them elves as teachers, of the English ,language, should himself he able to pronounce `'\ that bocuage correotly4 and not make himself the butt of ridisittle of every clue he attempts to_ inspect. 4 If jo '7 cannot answer the question, it Of , , what tts s a County Superintendent of pub lic Sato 1. In Erie county," perhaps the Gazetie aim, - A Smoot. DIZZOTOL , 1 1 , ~ i Hard Pushed, WrHten tot the Obiftrver.] EDiTOR or THR ORAIRVIR regret to see the edito of the Dispatch reduced to such a staitl as he has been in, last week, in tarnish ing mattes fot that week's issue, as to cause him tC ritsort to his fertile brain in producing the inonymoms article headed "Bridget is indignant." Such a production, emanating from the' pen of an editor, is, an eridetkoe Of his detioleney in those qualities so necessary to a man occupying his position, and only be trays:a 'irk of wit, andlove of sarcasm and ridicide,l directed particularly to a certain portion of oar citizens. in question, howevermay not be devoid of interest, as the adjectives freely ap plied,'slowing his claim to veracity, would indicate i that he is aware of some of his most prominent. qualities. In fact, few animals are deptived of the sagacity of manifesting by instihct, their prediliotiona and propensi ties. j CANDOR. Erie, Fa., April 7, 1864 Prdplipealiare invited for the erection of a new ec , 00l house, in the East Wird. See sdverti emet,t. • T r R • STORE THE SICK TO HEALTH , . The blood meet be padded, sad all isteslielnes an lett do sot possess the quality of Stimulating the 10 0 to diseharire their Impurities into the bowels, B airs' a Prue possess this qua li ty in a high degree, an should be In etery family. They ate equally useful for children and adults ; adapted to bOth Hues, and Sr. u innoeint as bind, yet moo 1M0T.11,11 Al • WIDWIX•L Th. Mkt. Jacob liepny„ cit Bptiagvllln,l d. initigi Dr. Bisndrath under data of May 11.1161 : •I haw need your Invaluable Vegetable galvenal RUIN In my *fly since 1833 they, have always cured, even when other medicines were of no avail. I have been the mesinior my neighbors using hundreds of dollars worth, end I am satisfied they have receivedst thousand per cent in bleduid health through their use: They are used In this region for Bilious and Liver' Disease; Fairer and Ague aid In all Rheumatic eases eRh th e most parallel. suca:rai In fact, they are the great rename in &tams, and I ttiastlyour venerable life may be lo . ng spared to pre pars 1mA:011mA a medicine for the use of man. • • • • • • • Please •end me your lowest price by th• grom"i Sold iky D r . L. STIA3O, Brie, and by all respectable deal ers In toedlrdnes. Inazh-lm." 41. WALLOW two or three hogsheads ' of "Baths," S BltTars,.. "Slarasparttla,r ••PfitrW.A. Any: dotio,l Ice.; &c., &c., and after you are satisfied with the resnitJthen try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCII*N'S Exaulu gnarl° PlLLS—end be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They Are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and saistary to thefr effects'on the broken down and shattered oonstitutton. Old aid young can take them with advantage. Liver ied add sold In the United States old,. by ;1.8.8-litrfLEß, Station D, Bible Souse, . New York, Gaviria Agent. P. O.—A box sent to any addreu on receipt of pries-. whieli is One Dollwr—pent fres. inrlo-lio. 11S 140 OTIIEIL-BUCEIAN'S sPaorna PILLS Uers the only Wields linear for alldteeaiaorthe &int*, urtnanr and nerrout Systeme. - Try one box and bt cured: • ONE DOLLAR A BOX One ,box rill perfid • cot, or money refunded. Sent by mail on re ceipt ;of prior. JAPES S. BUTLER, Station D, Bible Roust=Yoria, inrlo-ant. Agent. O 111117 WIaU To 6!! IF CORBD—DI. BII CRAWSS valuss SPRCTPIC PILLS mare. to ktr than .30 drily the wend eases of N BRVO uvula+, Lupo.. tenet, Premature Decay. Seminal Weakness, lamnity, and all Urinaryalpsual and Nerrou Affections, an mat. ter tram %hat c ae produced. Pries one d"llar per box. Sent; post paid, by aril, on reeeint of an order. Address .ThMES 9. BUTLZR, mrl.94m. Station D, Bible House, New 'York. NEW TUn btl UNDER Ta 1361. • ' effect—instantamoos. • i lilts coloring pow er—malchless. ! In all Its ineretheats— w ah4. Ist its operatios—ay In Its beantifyiag malta—enadaring. l ln its pteonpdeoGy-- p m ra o m s m ytalyllve. CSI s TAOROP HAIR . DMZ Ie pronounced both b the World of &lawn and the World of fashion, the !nset veparatioe inrer twisted by In to rectify tits short Gormley! otNatatra Wsnufastared by J. CRLSTADOBD. Na . 6 As lions.. Near York . Sold by all Drogystiand applied by all Bair Dreams. - taarKea. TON UONFICIPSIONN EXPERINNOB OF A. NIRVOUB INVALID. f i libllshed for the benefit and as t matten to yowl; mea. and Ohms, whi oar teem Nerroae Debt*. Ur ly Decay, and their kindred alimeate—eu plyla the mains of self-cure. By one who bee cured after Ming • victim of misplaced eonfidence in medical ham. bap and queelitu7. By eneloaLug a post-paid earelmie, ilgle °opts. may be bed of the author. N.A111111112. 111. gm., Bedford, Kings County, New. York. jsalyl. DR.o ... R. TOBIAS , VIRNIRTIAN HORI9II lANIs MENT.—In pint bottles at 50 cents, cries lantenow, cats. galls, colic, &c. Reed the following: i Botro;7aly 'My 1880. /Da Toms :—We ham used foe the put sear your Henn Liniment forlansenets, kieki, benWes, colic sad cots, and in every instance found it the best article I ever tried in this circus company. Please send its doyen. as up the only Liniment we ass now. We here IDS borers. mossier, valuable. and do not want to leave town will oat It. WYATT Egos?. . i Manage, Via Aniburgh *Co's. llansterie. 'Pries 25 and 60 *tuts. gold by ail druggists. Ofilen, 60 Cortlandt Strest, New York. • marli-lm: TO CONNII NIPTIVEN. Conrumptiro sufferers Ireoetv• Taluablapro sertOttun for the ewe of Coniumption, Asthma, Brost. Aria and all Throat and Lung /Motions, (fon of coot) sendtag their address to Rev. N. A. WILSON, Irtlllamsbarg, Jarand-ew. Maga Co.. Nest York. i Fee Rots. 31ter. Roselers, Asti, SOS RSV ;Meth* kls Nate, tVeistems, Am., leseets ies !!hates, Feasts, .tnhonels, de. • I : Pest up in 25c., 50c. and $l,OO Boxes, Bottles and SISAL Is 3 and $5 aim for tioyzia, Prawn tartar:mews, M. “only infallible remedies knower" "Free from Pawns." 7. . .. "Not dangerous to the Raman nadir .: "Rate COWS mitt( their helot to die. Sold Wholesale In alt arge cities. B!o 11Rbiy n al X l D i I r u 1 g 1 goifs a s a i de r s here. gar See that "CortAliell" Maio fas on each Box, Bottle and Flask, bebare yelailf. _ rN Address 1161 1 141 T R. COSTAR, 1 itet c Pazisturat 121M0e 482 BioADWAT, N. Y. Sold by all Wholesale. sad Retail 1 , pa. Marl= In TARTIEs AND FAMILIES V applied with Lases la, Tsq Nassio•lis sad ilisss, Fria Is say irsatili. suild-Iss. UM BMW Boner it aura Num PLAIN AND FANCY CANDY; CHOICE CONFECTIONARY,' ORANGES ANDIESIONS, NOLASSIN GANDY' DATE AND PRUNE, CRUZ CANDY, FIMAND TAYARINDA, FMCR CAILLIIMM •! 111111111111 a 111111411111 W. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AT REDUCED PRIM, FINE MOROCCO WALLETS, FINE MOROCCO PUMA s inclasciAtac Ppfs, BRIAR PIPES, • PEPE STEM, CHOICE, CISARS, BEST TOBACCO, AT 11111311111 di lieltailP" ICELAND MOBS AT amiss & DRUMS AND FLAGS. BIRD LADIES' BASKETS, COMBS AND BRUSHES,' PENS - AND PENCILS. PAPER & ENVELOPES, AMERICAN CARDS. GAMES &AMUSEMENTS, AT MINUS & SIIIIISIDIIIK ARNOLD'S INK, Genuine, DOLLS—DOLLS, FINE TOYS, ALL KINDS OF TOYS, HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, AT Bartia a IBOROIIIIP. ICELAND 31098 COUGH CANDY, SELLS RAPIDLY, A? BIMIZ & 1111711,4111111114 OUR ICELAND 10038 COUGH CANDY BELIJ3 READILY AT HOME AND MUMMER INTRODIMED. FURS BREAD I FRESH CAME! WEDDING CALF 1 FRESH CRACKERS! EVERYTHING FRESH! AV BAUM & VOILSAIIIININ OUNGI23 & LEMONS. ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY, AT MIKIS • 11019216% ICE' CREAM. LEMON ICE. ORANGE ICE, • Pluicunaltafk4 KM" La, MADE TO ORDER, ♦T SIX'S & MIMIIII.. BALTIMORE OYSTERS - / ' RECEIVED DAILY, ATARI= & 11171011111 P. AN ENDLESS VARIETY OP Al , SWIM 46•1111711611111111 K WE ARE PAYING PARTICULAR AT TENTION TO. THE JOBB/SG AND OFFER .ANYTHING IN R LINE UPON FAVORABLE TUNS TO THE TRADE. CATALOGUER SENT UPON APPLICATION. Boner It Burgess, NO.I„WRIGIETS BLOcK. Erie, Mink 19, UM. 111 001:7011 GANDY: NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODfly ri I ..P