The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 02, 1864, Image 2

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- -.2
-• ERIE. PA., APPLIV i 864.
• tt 11.
irtiouries s Ou.Preiria is4irs .l lhdos or
41Planall 4 0 .11rikomlievo garbs& - •
.. Vie "eglientelly . ,.‘ l 4l4lll - ; 11101111;
We would not firticitairm it.the 'cause
of these manifestethins), ear lively
sympathy with ; the feelings , of a. r gallant
and heroic man: whit, lipon corning home
to rest for a time from the ardponupatri
ode talk; of war; :L is sneered at' an se'rib•
bed. and whose beertis made-to bletgl by
words of indirect if. not direcidfilVdty.
The man who is guilty of themirordsiior
even of a look that intends then; justly
deserves the scorn of the'soldier, the
aversion of good' men and'ameni and
the infamy that wi l be itrit4)im down
against such es he by the Mum. historian
of the war. But let the. bresepanded
hearts foriiear their violence: them
pats the loathsome enemy of t patriot
soldier, and the enemy of big Atibuntit, in
contemptuous silence, or.else; (T the of
fense 'beak seem to justify it) Wing him
into Court and make him answer for his
treason at the bar of jurisprudence.—
Gantt& -
We extract the, above paragraph from
a late issue - of the Erie Gaze*, not be.
cause it contains aught that is remarkable,
or that can distinguish it from the col
umps of odious calumny that are daily
Poured into the minds of the soldiers by
the abolition journals. We give it merely
as a specimen of low and grovelling mean
ness, or else of deliberate and malicious
falsehood, and purpose to make it the
text from which we will tell those sol
diers who may chance to meet with this
article, the position of the Democracy to
wards them, and also expose the motives
that govern the so-called Republicans in
courting. their favor,-rand at the same
time inciting them to outrages upon their
political opponents.
To some it may seem frivolous or unne
cessary to attempt to show the contrary
of what her never yet been established,
and that which "upon its very face is ;un
reasonable, and contrary to nature as Well
as false. But when the whole admnis
tration press teems with these slandekous
charges of hostility on the part of Demo
crats to soldiers, when from the silly ea
sertihns of the unprincipled defamers of
the glory that our - country once boasted;
these allegations have grown into a l ayste!
math" and combined attempt to educate
the army into hostility to their own
neighbors, relatives and friends, to incit
ing them to violepce that these cowards
then:weaves dare not take part in, when
they attempt to array the men who, taken
from no class or section of the northern
States, are a part of the people, against
the defenders of that liberty and law that
soldiers will one day wish to enjoy, when
they class a very large and constantly in
creasing body of citizens with those in
armed hostility to the perpetuation of the
-Union, and proclaim that ts' "Copperhead"
is more deserving of their attacks than
the Confederate soldiers, justice and truth
demand that the slander be rebuked and
denounced, and the authors of it held up.
to that scorn they so well deserve.
First, then, we ask who are these "Cop
perheads,", "traitors," etc., that you, sol
diers in the field, are asked to mob and
taught to hate t They number in the
State of Pennsylvania 254,00 u, and in' the'
Northern States 1.500,000. They are the
intelligent working men of the land--
they who have never proved 'recreant to
their country or. to its liberties. They
were your neighbor", your relatives, your
friends, and they are none the less so
now. Why should they be changed
They-contributed their means to support
this administration, and their voices have
_never been heard except in prayer for
your safety and success, and hopes for
the perpetuation of the Union of the
States, the Constitution Without which
there can be no Union, and that liberty
which is above, them both. When you
return to your homes "to rest for a time
from the arduous 'patriotic toils of war,"
who sneers at) you or "snubs" you, and
wise "makes your heart bleed by words of
disloyalty 7" Not those who at home are
striving to mainiain the liberties of 'the
people, the Constitution sad the Union
from the assaults of those who are the
foes of all. From whom does the re
turned soldier meet a kinder greeting,
than from those whom he has been taught
to hate and despise t White the woman
who stitches on the garments that com
fort you in the cold, or makes the dein
-ties that take from wounds and sickness
some of the pain, are working for you at
home, they are many times.while in the
very act, taunted with being •I Copper
The Democracy honor you for your
bravery and patriotism, honor the cause
for which you undoubtedly went to eon
tend. and they only loathe the hypocris y
arid infamy of those who would degrade
you to the mere minions of an unholy
Power, and the creatures of "a hateful
fanaticism. When they use you to con
trol the freedom of the ballot on which
alone the liberties of yourselves as well
as as depend, we denounce• the crime
spinet freedom and law, we hold the
authors and supporters,of it up' to the in
dignation of freemen, but we see in you
neither the one nor the other.
At no distant±day the soldiers will learn
that, the pretended affection of the aboli
tion party for them, is nothing but a part
of the giganticconspiracy to t orerthrow
the liberties of the country and subject
all to the nal:Mowed behests of a miser
able oligarchy. The Democracy are charg
ed with "disfranchising the soldiers." A
baser lie never emanated • from the lips
area of an abolition 'fanatic You have
been for year prohibited from voting i n
the field by the laws and oanstitntion.
nearly' Wray Sate in. the Onion. The
Demsernoy haw dined that those
lave' *OW fxr repealed" ineh a way
that you iwitht not - inadvertently 'become
the - book of despotism. They have de.
Illaided _that you should not be tang .1
by ail mm m. of lying pip ets and do
matt that their Wen( the question was
right.irhile you were denied the privilege
, 041) other side. They hare
desties44: WA' ytxt shoed not be tow
trolKin c pint * clog by °Soars who &-
Paul kr-their places upon usuppostios
the Adsoh*Anktim." And they now may
1111 4, - **o.l7 ol *.ga homes, you
laud Nob* iii44 l ll44olebs. , nor public,
aniololll Agit www: not who We -the
masa gi *Mk Wraps. If laws .64
to pra,. 11:40saratik to the, enjoy.
went of their privileges, and if aboli-
ere to • o w'r'y 1. ea eve
not the courage to attempt, Democrats
must protect themaelete. But even then,
they will not charge upon you theorime4
of these men. They will deacioree tie]
outrage and its instigattrs„! ; but Ik:towing
the cause, they will whilst theycan, ewe
the actual perpetrators. L
. But let the soldiers beware lest they
are made - nothing bit the puppets of
abolitionism, to carry_ elections by their'
voteior intimidate freemen at the ballot
box. • Next fall you msy beurdered . to
•perform this work, and no •soldier can
without a blush of shame, see himself '
thus degraded from the dignity of a
veteran of the Republic, to a mere tool'
of despotism. Final!) , we say' to the Erie
Gazette, that as it claims to be an honorable
and respectable paper, as ii claims to shun
,abµse, slang and falsehood, and deal only
[th facts and argument, and desires to
min* this standard, in the• name of all
that is honorable, let it cease this malign
ing of its opponenta, and these contemp
tible insinuations, that it can bring now
word nor a line Co establish.
What are the Ceofederatea Figlitter gtdut t
Like every other thing that comes to
us from the confederate States, the recent
speech of Giivernor Vance, of North Car
olina, shows that the arguments used with
the southern people to keep alive the war
spirit among them, are details of the
continued outrages and barbarities in
flicted upon them under the policy of this
lunatic and tyranical administration. The
prospective dangers to their liberties and
their institutions in the old Union and
under the old Constitution, are no longer
of any avail in inflaming the minds of the
people, and stimulating them to contin
ued resistance. In the place of the' vague
and uncertain terrors that three years
ago produced secession, the. Con federate
leaders now hold up to their people the
certainty of subjugation;r4under and .deg
redation, that will follow their submission
1 —not to th_e Constitutioi and the laws,
but to the will of an Abolition faction,
animated by hate and urged on by an
unreasoning fanaticism. Governor Vance
less than a year since was understood to
be in favor of peace upon the basis of the
'Union of seventy-five years duration, and
the Constitution that formed it ; now hear
Now, what does kr., Lincoln promise
the State of North Carolina? In what
language doei he clothe' his gracious terms
of pardon and amnesty ? He says if one
tenth of the people of any State will take
an oath to support---what ? The Consti
tution ? Nay, take an oath to support his
procliniation abolishing slavery, his proc
lamation inciting the alarm of your State
to burn your homes and murder you and
your families ! If you swore to support
this proclamation you would perjure your
selves ; for it is in direct violation of the
Constitution, as you well know. Old Abe
has perjured himself, and he wishes to
put you in the same category of villiany.
Not only must yoii swear to endure his ,
his infamous document—so pronounced '
by the civilized world—but you must also
take an oath to support all the acts of ,
Congress which has been passed—abelish-'
ing slavery, confiscating your property,
placing you in subjection to one-tenth of,
the community, and publicly executing
your glorious chieftains and every officer
from a colonel up to Gen. Lee. * * *
Do you suppose the chivalrous people of
the South, whose distinct moral national,
ity has long since been recognized, would
subinit to see all their proud cities garri,
Boned with negro soldiers, to see the land
of their Mends divided up and parcelled
out among the foreign mercenaries? Do
you suppose the blood of the Southere
youth would run quietly in his veins when
he saw a negro officer walking the streets
and making his sister give warlor him;
or insulting her by his verr:presence ?
Do you suppose this kind of peace would
long endure ? No ; insurrection after in,
surrection, revolution upori revolution,
war after war would burst Upon. the coup.
_try, and for year after year, century alai
century, as in European States, victims
would be demanded and bfocxl flow in
torrents, compared to which a.drop would
have at first won independence and per.;
manent peace. * * * * *
The old Union was not merely a physt:
cal juxtaposition, a constitutional agree;
ment ;it was a moral Union. The cement
of confidence was what held it together so
long. The tendrils of affection, which
grew from a _common soil of national
memories of past glory, wreathed its tall
columns with a beauty passing fair. Does
this . confidence exist, tow? It has gone
forever. It has disappeared beneath the
firey hoofs of war that have trampled our
fair fields into desolation. It is lost in
the smoke of burning cities, and will be
talked of no more by the hearth stones
that now lie heaped with charred rafteie
ad the cinders of the family altar. The
bloody hands that hive dug up the bones
of our ancestors and searched the sacred
dust in their hellish Inst., have buried-it
where plummet can never sound nor the
trump' of, resurrection awaken it into re
newed existence. [Cheers.] It has finally
gone forever, blotted out by the members
of the Congress of the United States, who
have recorded the deliberate intention 'of
exterminating the people of the South,
and supplanting them with a better race
—God save the mark I—a better race I
The Leaden of the Oppedtiow.
If it is fair to judge a political party
its leaders, then the opposition to the
Democracy in Pennsylvania must be the' '
most corrupt since the world began. The
Abolitionists of our State seem delighted
in following where corruption leads. For
example we learn' from the Gazette of this
:city that the Washington Chrontele..edited
by the notorious Forney—is selected to
answer charges preferred against Lincoln
by the friends of Chase ; and from other
Abolition sources we 'learn that Simon
Cameron is the pet of Pennsylvania for
the Vice-Presidency' of the United States.
We might stop here to ask, "if there is
no end to human calamity," but prefer' to
ask the reader to reflect upon the moral
condition of a political organisation which
has the notoriously corrupt Forney for a
leader,' and the equally corrupt Cameron
for a leading candidate for -the second
office in the gift of the people ? In the
Presidential -contest of 1856 this opposi
tion charged Forney-with forging natura
lization papers, in order to carry this State
for Bucslianan ; now they give him a front
seat in 'all their deliberations. When
Cameron was hanging on the skirts of the
Democustio party, we kept putting him
from us until he finally slipped into Snow-
Nothingism ; and no sooner did we get
rid of him, than our opponents in Penn
lvania made him their candidate for
ant and are now endeavoring to
r aB t t l4l on the ticket with old Abe..-
~ ed.
is reported that a rebel pt..— to
captitre'sad carry of President Lincoln has
been discovered at Washington.—Crestford
fourall., •
' N. danger. The best thing that eau happen
for tits rebels is to hare Lincoln stay in
IN‘.. In the Federal ilnato, Nov. 26, the
bill to prevent mi li tary intertermme with elec
tion use supported by Senator gishbary, of
Delmore, is a speech of pest leszth Ultit
lbs proeeedbillir • I — oitilitei
veldion, held in Philadelphia, on ilia
March :
twpimpro'clociterookthe polvelltiboltas
Gilled 6 dtder by tiOlea
ailitircka pr. the Democnala Mat* Central
Commit tre,'-in the fettlowtas 'Words : ' 1 •
27 In ocnifonitity with custom UCh as of
the Delimit:lc State Central Quintile., I
now call the Convention to order. Aintotion
for temporary organisation will - nett be in
order. 1 • ' • • •
Mr. V; R. Monet; orßradford, Marisi that
Mr. T. B. Bearight, of Fayette, act an ttimpo l
my Chairman of the Convention. ; , 'L
ThiWaititt - itirragraidie.` '
Messrs V. E. Nast, of Bradford, and Wm.
If: Hirst, of Philadelphia, Irene designated to
'conduct the temporary Chairman to the chair.
*ontsarroxs 101
' ;It vas moved that. the Cturrention iproeeed
to nominations for permanent chairman. This
was aireed to._ .
.William 11. Witte, George Sanderson, Wm.
'IL if [Tat, John 8. MeCalmont, j: Y. James,
Wm. A. Wallace'and James K. Kill no
minated. .
All declined but Mr. Mitts and Mr. Un
dergo°, and Mr. Witte Was elected-94 to 31.
atscrrois LID Ditatairss.t
First District—Mector William toughlin;
Delegates. 8•11111 G. 214, Dr. Nehingor ;
State Committee, Lewis C. Cusiday Joseph
Megary, George A.-Quigley.
Second Distriet—Eleettsr, Edward B. Helm
bold; Delegates!, William L Riley, G. W.
Irwin; State Committee, Chutes - Id. Leisk
ring, Dominick Muller, Frederick E: Brown.
Third District-=2lector, Edward P. Dann •
Delegates, Wm..Cortis, -Simon Arnold ; Stat e
Committee, Itobert4 Hempbii, Ches. Jack
waiter, Phil. H. Liits. •
Fourth Distriel,Bleotor. Thoinas McCul
lough; Delegated, Wm. W. Burnell; lease S.
Cassia; State Committee,••Peter 'Armbruster,
A. R. Schofield, Richard Simpson.
Fifth District—Elector, Edw. T. Hsu ; Del
egates, H. P. Ross, Chas. W. Carrigan ; State
Committee, Chas. Vanua, FL L Dittman ;
J. D. Miles.
IL Sixth District—Elector, Phillip 8; Gerhard ;
Delegates, J. D. Stiles, Perry M. Hunter;
Elate Committee, A. L. Rube, James P. Kline,
Jacob Danehower.
Seventh District—Elector 0 0 Le l iper ; Del
egates, John 11 Brixton, John C &Salty ; State
Committee, Dr E C Evans, Dr W D Downing,
George W Weaver.
' Eight District—Elector, Michael Seltser;
Delegates, .1 Glascy Jones, Wni.ißostrathal ;
.State Committee, Michael P. Boyer, Jonathan
See, George Smith, Jr.
Ninth District—Elector, Patrick M.Avoy ;
Delegates, George Sanderson, Hy. A Wade ;
guts committee, B B Tihady, A J Steinman,
H Reynolds.
Tenth District—Eleotor, Thee H Walker ;
Delegates, Prancis W Hughes, Dr C B Glen-
Inger ; State Committee, A Wilhelm,' F P
Dewees, James Ellis. _ _
Eleventh District—O
,8 Dimutiolt ; Delegates,
Philip Johnson, Carlton Barnett; , Btate:Coni
mittee, B Beardsley, A 0 Biondhead, jr.,
Samuel 11 Neimann.
Twelfth District—El/dor, A Dunning ;
Delegates, Charles Dennison, A J Garretsou ;
State Committee, E W Sturdeirant, Daniel
Rankin, John Blanding.
Thirteenth Dietriet—Elector; ;Paul Leidy ;
Delegates, John F Means, David Lowenberg ;
State Committee, Harvey Siokier, George D
Jackson, C 8 Hassell.
Fourteenth District—Elector„Robert Swine
ford ; Delegates, Hamilton Africk., Wm. U.
Miller; State Committee, Solentan Malick,
E 8 Detll A Patterson.
Fifteenth District—Elector, John Ahl ; Del
egates, Peter A Keller, H D ; Egoll; State
Committee, John F Spangler; 4 A Blatten
Sixteenth District—Elector, Erenry 0 Smith;
Delegates, Henry J Stable, B F iMyers ; State
Committee, Wm P Schell, .7 McDowell Sharpe,
Levis Leichty. - I
Seventeenth District—Elector Thaddeus
Banks Delegates, R Brace Petri ken,Daniel
M Dull : State Committee, James .1) ea, Jae:
F Campbell, Jos W. Parker.
Eighteenth Distriot—Electar, Hugh. Mont
gomery ; Delegates, John H prole. Stephen
Pierce; State Committee, MilesjWhite, Huston
Repute, S R Peale.
Nineteenth District—ElectoriJohn M Irvin ;
Delegates, C L Lumberton, James It Kerr ;
State Committee, R B Browtr, L Cochran,
J D Gill.
Twentieth District—Eleetov, l Joseph M.
Thompson; Delegates, T B Sesright, John
Latta; State Committee, H P Laird, J B San
som, E 8 Roddy. .
Twenty-first District—Elector,Rusielas
Brown; Delegates, Wm. A. Geibrsitb, Wm A
Wallace ; State Committee, Benj. Whitman,
T J Boyer, A M Benton. !
Twenty-second District—Elector, James P
Barr ; Delegates, Wm D Patterson. Samuel P
Ross ; State Committee, Frincis R Sellers,
Joseph'R Hunter, Andrew Baker.
Twenty-third District—Eleetor. William .7
Koontz ; Delegates, .7 A MeCollongh, F
Hutchinson; State Committee, E 8 Golden,
Jae Braden,Wm H Magee. i
Twenty-ourth District--Elector. W Mont
gomery ; Delegates, R W Jones, 8 B Wilson;
State Committee, William Swann, Charles
Carter, D S Morris.
ILICTIOX OP 00,111111 MAN 011 Till ITATI OM-
Three ballots having Wei taken, on the
third Mr. C. L. Wud was 'elected Chairman
of the State Central Committee by the follow
ing vote : Ward, 85; Hirst; 115; Bigler, 1.
The Committee.: on Resolutions then re
turned, and Mr. J. Glancii Jones, who was
elected Chairman of the Committee,reported
the following resolutions, which ha been se
lected by the unanimous vote of the Commit
tee :
Resolved, That as we bevel no State candi—
dates to present to the peciple, and no issue
involved in the coming election other than
those which affect the welfare and liberties of
our sister States equally with ours, we leave
it to our representatives ifilthe Chios*" Con—
vention to unite with the representative" of
the other sovereignties of •the North. in em
bodying the sentiment of the people in a de
claration of principles acceptable to all the
States, on whom we rely toy elect a President,
and bring back peace and union to this, dis
tracted land.
Resolved, That the Democracy of Pennsyl
vania hereby express their !preference for the
nomination of General George B. McClellan,
as the Democratic candidate for the Presi
dency by the Chicago Convention, and that
the - delegates to said Convention be instructed
to vote as a unit on all; questions arising
therein, as a majority of the delegates shall
ati Pa."—
Resolved, That the Anti necessary step to
restore the welfare and ~ trosperity of the
American Republic is to :get rid of the pre
sent corrupt Federal Administration, and the
sure way to accomplish this end, is a thorough
organisation of the time•honored Democratic
party, and the prevalence , ,(of Union sad har
mony among its members.l
The resolutions were adopted unanimously
without discussion.
Robert L. Johnson sad tabard Van: wars
chosen Senatorial Sleet*rt . .
Nominations Were then made for Senatorial
delegates to the Chicago Convention, four to
be elected. , I
The following were nonf lasted
Gen. George W. Cais, of Pittsburgh ;
Wm. Bigler, of Clearfield; W. A. Galbraith,
of Erie ; lion. Asa Packer, of Garb's; Wm:
V. McGrath, of Phila.; on. Halary D. Pos.
tar, of Westroorshowl; , Thos. Jefferson Mlle's,
of Phila. ; Thomas J. Itempbell. of
and Alfred Gilmore, of Pills.
The following was the ballot east :
, Goa t W. Can, • 97 voter.
William Bigler, 69 a
AU Packer, 72 go
William V. McGrath, 91 oo
W. A. Oslbralth, 87 a,
Henry D. Poster,: 87 so
Thomas S. Mlles, t 24 u
' - - Alfred Gilmore, d 28
Thomas J. BerapMll, 7 U
Messrs. Cass, Blgler,; ; Packer and McGrath
Were declared 'elected as the four Beuatorial
Delegates to the National Conventlea.
The Comedies, after cheers for Curl:Won
sad McClellan, adjourned am
—Tie Yea:loams3l4 to defeated
the French forma in irecent engagement
at finadahOni, capturing TOO proonera
and' 24 cannon. • - 2aniAi Anna has boned a
-kentaddrese to the people, and 'has In
deaseqUlSCO bon ft' , 6d from the 001111*
tnr• -, '
4tk .f
—Owen Lovejoy. the notorious Illinois
abolitionist, is dead.
—Fort Deltussey,, 60 imam ab . gyerthe
'mouth of ItidllleotOutik- 411 Fluted
the Federal:litho;
'rote to 111.70= 5y .. the week
Lad closed . at EX on , . . ,
• —lt it !encoded tbst there lies a
fi g ht in Ceti coon*, -111., between the
Abolitionists and Demoorsta, in which
several were killed and wounded.
Judge ,
Feerion Of North C6olina," iri
a second habeas corpus case, denied that
the remit Act ,ot the . Rebel OttnEess to
oosooribe, polo. :kb: :ham Icirxisimode
sntsititu'res" for the le unconstitutional.
—Forrest is re ' " st:'Boiivar, Tenn.,
with 7,000 men, stopp ing men moving
North. - .Griersoniootsvalry is out, looking
after the rebels.. -
-- z -The so-called Spotted Firer it long
Branch, New-Jersey, has carried oft 37
out of 90 cases. It us believed to be Caused
br bad food, poisonous rye coffee, and
bedroom air vitiated by kerosene lamp
Baseman" has suppressed the
circulation in his department of the:Me
tropolitan Beard,. a fearless Democratic
Pape". - •
—lt seems. that Padstelbc Kentucky,
captured the other, day by Gen. Forrest,
was burned by the ,hells of the Federal
fleet, and not by the Confederates as first
stated. The Federals now bold theplace.
—lt is said that Lincoln is to give Gen
eral McOlellan a command. He wishes
to get his opponent out of the way-,-David
of old gave Uriah.a position in the front
that he might not be troubled with his
—A dispatch from iC battanooga says
that the rebels are very strong_ at Dello ,
Polk having recently re- , nfurced John
ston. , Longstreet's cavalry are said to
have arrived at Marietta, Ga. Our army
is said to be in fine condition.
—Demopolis, March 17.—Sberman t and
Hurlbut have gone 'down the river with n
large part of the army and forty-two boats.
They are said' to be going up Red River
to Shreieport.
—An affray occurred in the streets of
Auburn, N. Y., on Saturday afternoon,
between an armed sqriad of the 'lnvalid
Corps, patroling the streets, and a number
of the veteran soldiers' belonging to the
75th Regiment of New York State Volun•
Leers. Two of. the 75th Regiment 'were
shot dead, and two severely wounded.
—President Linoolnon Situi•day, leaned
his proclamation specifying the persons
to whom the benefits 'of the AtnnestY\
Proclamation of December last are inten
ded to apply. He also authiirlses every
commissioned officer in the United States
service, either naval , or Atilitaryi , to, ad
mnuster the oath of allegiance, and im
pose rules for their government in -tbe
--An official order condensing the Army
of the Potomac into three cone, and re
lieving certain Generals, seems to indicate
that this tong silence on the Rapidan may
very soon be broken. Gen. Grant has set
his face against reviews, soirees, and other,
elegant pastimes, and his Initiatory steps
clearly indicate that he supposes armies
created for fighting, end. not for holiday
parades and. dancing.
—Ruinors are rife in Cumberland -valley
of another rebel raid, and the people arts
making preparation to skedaddle, in the
event of a visit from 'the rebel legions. • A'
gentleman who resides a short distance
this side of Carlisle, yesterday inforited
us that the rumors now afloat have caused
considerable uneasiness and alarm among
the people of the rural districts.
Wasniscrox, March 25.—The Commit
tee on the conduct.of the War, find no
evidence against Dee. Meade in their in
vestigations. • '
The New York,Custonit House Commii,-
tee have adjourned for one week.
It is reported in Washington to-day
that the Treasury - will probably furnish
New York merchants next week with
coin or Coin certificates at specified rates.
—Harrisburg, March 25.—An investiga
of officio l . figures disclose the Tae.t
that when Pennsylvania is given credit
for enlistments in the regular army and
marine service and the navy, her quota
under the call for 500,000 men will be
nearly or quite full. The statement that
the deficiency of Pennsylvania was 74,000
is- incorrect, -that being .the entire number
of men due from the State under all the
calls, allowing no credit for veteran vol
unteers and new recruits since January
Gov. Curtin has dispatched his military
secretary 'to Washington to procure an
official correction of *the misstatement,
which has done much to discourage' the
people and retard recruiting..
—The New Orleans Daily True Delta,
Michael Hahn editor and proprietor, in
an article discussing the resources of the
the South, says:
• "Reports reach us at intervals from
newspaper ,eorrespondenta who have been
captured, and on parole, have wandered
over rebeldom, to the effect that en abun
dance of food and clothing exists in ell
sections of the Confederacy ; wherever'
our armies have advanced• during the past
season, and previously, they found vast
quantities of provision. And when Griep
son made his famous raid through Missis
sippi he passed corn-fields' ten miles in
extent. Gen. Grant found abundant sup
plies In East Tennessee. This has - been
the ease in Texas, Missouri and Arkansas
—wherever our forces have ativanced,
except in Virginia."
—Cairo, March 26.--Reports were circu
lated here this morning, that the rebels
under Forrest attacked Paducah. Ky., .50
miles above here, yesterday, and. burned
part of "the'town, but as telegraphic cOm.
munication is cut off no authentic infor
mation could be obtained .
The steamer Wary. from Nashville,
passed - Paducah at 5 o'clock this morning
and the Joseph Pearce. which passed two
hours later, brings the following scoonnt
of the affair : Gen. Forrest, with an esti-.
mated force of 5,000 men, captured 'the
place at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon,
and sacked and fired the city.
Colonel Hicks, commanding the post,
occupied the post ,below the -eity with
about 800 men.
The rebels made (our assaults on I the
fort and were repulsed each time.
Three of our gunboats opened on the
city during its occupation by the enemy;
much of which was burned, including
the Marine Railway and the steamer 'Ar
About 3,000 of the inhabitants of the
orty moved across the river upon leariting
of the approach of the rebels. When the
Pearce. passed at 7 o'clock this morning,
the enemy had left.
The people were returning to the city
and the fires were dying out. The amount
of public aika private property ceptured, is
unknown at present, but it is sumo:toed to
i b v e ou te, Our loss is 12 killed and forty
a= l Free lisp
We copi froiii the Dirt a i Prin'oio cor
rafpondenos of a New York paper:
On the 18th inst.; there occurred here
a public execution.,Bight persons,' ne
groes and Degreases, ere shot to death in
the public square. It is'not this that wilt
startle you, but the crime .far which they
they suffered death. They bad been Con
victed of sharps, hay, coOkiv• and opt*
children. This fearful feast was held tome
fifteen tulles from this plies, in the
boor rebid will possibly revert to - the
WO* of the sine of Jerusalem; when
starving women s'its their inflow. Bat
this auk 4* pup of homer had no
thing to' do with the horrible dee4: It
=Of rite, oriel:my
`II tbikt lortvins
among the unrolls of this MO. This
que. An Order of Obeab IR=
then established, that among its
mysteries called for
avert calamity ar s : 4 4l4datir riam , l idols o . ta to
I ft 4 clll, 40 , Wet horrors
never w .effinei qbtj, tide gage eight
of the awn' wire 'detected And bro't
to . justiee.They 11'0.44 askieerifloed
children at their tildeints altar.,' but bad
themselves witl.:4111 1 :"i -4 "
blood, ofthe victims. -Owe at t b "fir"
being - questittned in pripion, said with ti
leer that, the children uwere good, tender ;
Rogers best part." They went to the
r eVeuttelitiew ehostin& - jilligidtig
andilasieia& AO defying the .31diers to,
shoo► await. for theyAnsisted! that :the
Obeah priests would protect Wein against
the balls. Tim (411,-I.4werw.--ibtibe se
cond rounchilmAtimserdiert tle our
'tom. - the soldiers walkedja, to the bodies
and fired a third round with the muzzles
itlino.t. : ,toimiting the eniretlig
Twfhlvenegro.., hainoineir been artalt..l
for "the' AMC - onm% alid:iriltprobably un
dergo the same punishment, although the
population, incited by the Obeid' -priests.
threaten tapering, the wsecution by ei-
• !
On tb• ink - ot rob:tin use Itealerece tralepel. Seem
hlc by ler. J. P. Jolters% rUnitelt.
0. DODIIWOBIII. et tlinalashaes, (teripecti- at t
place) Ilthoerspbee, to NW g 1.14 1 ,1 1100T0. at Moir
Fate, Retbothigi. i '
DIED. ' .' r
In Middleboro, on Um 2I In - ofottbe
6.4 + .4"
loop, 40014 Y. ellitilet t eepd6l yersl math end
21 day'. I 1
rru Rwrouse was mem TO IMMO.
The Hoed most be parliod, sad al/ modlatam
WWII@ **bleb 413 set possess thi gailltp• of 'lntimlatlaip
• Blood to discharge their hiMaithiriato Oss
Ihuarrmartra Ppm; parent/Ai WOO hillk 411 1 11 ,
sod should be la marry Waft.' j Till ass mar asMN
for chilkDen sod adult*; adapted to boil Nue. sad as.
loserosat as bread. yet Mitt 11“110TIV4 as l NaniKalill.
Th • non. Jacob Beyer', of flpstivilla. lad.. writes
Dr. Ilmadreth snider date of llbay 11. lts :
.1 hare used your Invaluable Yawata" Dalemial
la my family since ; they! lam &liras* oared, ens
who'd other medicinal Irma of as wraiL I I have boss the
means of my neighbors using it dollars work
and I am est 1.11•11 they hareikagelied a Urosmtuat per mat
In Memel health through their 111111. They are am/ fa
this region fo; Bilious and fame Dies:Lam /ever and
Ague, abd id *lt Rheumatic ceme . I*** MOM parbot
sorsa. in feet. that an the jgrest album is siokassa.
and I trust youireuemble'lifs May Is Itag speed to Pm
pir• so excellent • isedidlo bit 1119mket • • •
• • •- • Plasm sad see' your least pries by the
. _
rbsld by Dr. L. SmestmeAtheortleyellmommliable &H
-en to medicines 3 maid-Im.
QWA %LOW two or thren y Miedle of
"Took Bitters," "Sarni "I *Marrone Anti;
&doe: , an., he ., am, and ester yen ars aattsiod with the
terabit, then try one bon of OLD WOMB BUCHAN'S
ENGLI*I EPSOM PILLS-and be instated to health
and rigor In less than thirty days. I They are pipet
vegetable;pleasast to take, preempt WI nalebtrY la their
effects on the broken down end shattered oonstitation,
old and young can take Conn with advanlace. Import
ted and sold in the United Stales may by_ _ •
. •• ," Honsi„ *Wed WM* RMS. =
\ New Took. eland AWOL mike
P 13.-A bet tent to addradi on reaript of prim- limn.
which la Os Thilyr-postfres. wislo-11i. p and
Trtlikt NO 011ittliBI:icamrararsourus PALLB. -
4„) are the only itateik atm* sUdiessass et the
Intairud, Urinary and nerioas ilyshoLts. Try ens bortt.
and be cured. ONE DOLLAR A .BOX. One bet will,
perfect a sors, or morn redsidadilly.nodi Mss.,
nelpt of prier. ' "SAM 8. RUT I,
Station York, I IT.
. - BAsulti TEL
'YOU'YOU ' TOE, 10621121,...—Dig. Bur. .
80 days, the wont Pail et SILSVOCISNICHot, bask- wo 'Tr
limey. Premature Decay. Ilesiaal Weetseee, helesity.
and all Iltinary,Baxnat and Narvois , Allietlaaa. me mat
tar from alma etas* prodaaad. Palol Gag dollar per box.
Bent, poet paid, by seark, on reed et al as order.
addresi -JAIitICS 8. StryLV/4
Inelt63:R. Mattel" D. Bible bus, Now York.
Is its efFechimstamtameous,
as its coloring , wer—mistchless. -
its e itsmail° 6...eata zpstalks. '
In its beautifying raralts.
In Its tenditr—pmeervatire.
l its ferrDollo , l4 DT*
Is pronounced both!". the Timid of 8d Lad the
World of fashion, %eased pemadatiem mar faramts4
by art to rectify the short andsp i rshare.
Manufactured by J. CRINTADO Ma. 6 Aster Neuss,
New York. 'Bold by a ll Dranists applied by all Hair
Dreamers. mar6.lm.
Tuft corinspornoss a sirsiturram
l'abliehed for the basin and al a ratty to young
nun, and other, take sa himlf ,orecee Sir
ly Decay, and Itisdied athirsti-4•olo4 the
means of roll-care. By one trio his cued likUsAW aft,
being a victim of rotroUoad'eanidesee to torelleal hut.
bug and quackery. By essicalag is poet-pie& onvelope,
tingle copies may to had of the author, Namur= Nat.
rat; Rao , Bedford. Kings Coastyi New York. Jaßlirl.
MENT.—In plat' bottles MO motto, Clitell
tuts, pHs, collet, dm Rout thefollowing
Bodies, Jody ti, 1!!0.
lon Taman i—We have need rot the put year pour
Hone Liniment for lassoes, kinks, bruisee, toll* and
cuts, and. in every instant:atoned it the bed article 1 over
tried in this dream eempsny. Moe and is damn. fa
tt is the only nutmeat we nee nevi We Iwo 1011 kern%
emu very valuable. and do not 'mat to Lore toms id*
Manner Vex AntraeAlli Cee.
Priee 23 sad 60 cants. Bold b,,611 dewed& OSCS.
66 - Cottlazdtetreel, Nay Tort. I r iose6-Im.
•J. Connomptin sofforon4x= a valuable pm
oception foi thit cam of Co tion. Astluen, Bron
chitis and all,Throat sod buts Mot of on*
by sanding their address to __ • j
Rs,. B. A. WILBOW, WillisnObarw, '
jan2l4-41w. Pop Co, Now York.
Zn-gaio NtViuments.
Report and °impaling !
devised and Corneted by:iledond
To widoli to *Mod so lotro+7 ebefilm l ra. tb*
. . ,
Rind:rated with Kepi or the "Rattle oCiadlatani," *Slap
of Yorktown," and the "Reiss alba hiekortal
Sera Days
irir A Copy sent to to edible* bf 1 1 S 0 Sa s SIMS&
U b• oa reestpt 'nee. Terns. tetailiteg
to act as Agents will be supplied ea Horst Ihinis. Ter
particabsre address Alll2 STRUTLI.
i Us. Ilos 47t.
OIAN. asecy6flgioLAlre, IMPORT.
Tbe Authorised German% Pw,, eseli Ay the War
pe t=
t b y Oen. Maelellat 4i tte r isesu pabliellei ty elite
of with the Modal
•Waft DariaatiamP,
"iro-ilaaastai U
ti Osnaa,
oWattatatmer AstuvA j Dammier MIL
at codify that the above la a tree af eithal
report eta Ile la this elk*. • 4 1. D. TOWAIUND.
001PLITZ - Ole iAat g or
With lisps wallas.
Ile Demos if Paattexa eat e lpaaatte Y. I Darks,
• • 17110 .ih ..
BATTLE OF 0/11121t
BATTLE OP multhuncarazr,
THE "BE MN DAT. I.47TLE D " Ma, ate.
uTtas taine of the Report- la• aot 1120*Ora
ihteitatent, but au suet eopyt At tbe Nigh*, labia km
the lean* at Waibiagtea.'.+Paiteretal ?mak
"Thaw who desires 'buy Wailes et Abe Newt vs
tau reateasead this Wales:"-41 L ilma
for Sale by all B4okaglessed Waetwasa.
Pabititted at Om °fee of the
Ruswinc4teCollo Js hialefillmer•
. 8111Wfri. b y Me °Hyoid imly.
ar Copies meat tree by NMI ea vessigit el the rift.
• ; im9ll4lPr:
_ .
: Tonoi isnows
SPIPIed 8•411
2ros „ •,
uNt sin V, 14 1 6' in& 'aim: 111121'
NM iirgals. GO Maw at :
apetd. ' • 1 MOM 441,211111.
ozioolainst Jesocaaniet'
MRS Subscriber hal roamed ids stock
a et Oresata AVM the thatt Oen 1M Lie Mae
'Depot to the reea to the aria biota ea /tea dna,
lamer et /earth. Owe be Isll Is lo/#O6 Is MN.
hinds eat thetenees eat la Illar elan So male. alle
sleek of rocestec Jo Isageeal emelitho aesceseaset de.
fried at the G
land nag sailleteet vita tie aelaist test.
Be tuba all le aced, WI" is Ulla
I r.
art= t• • ' • •
••••• ,-- 7" . `
ii•-r. •i
1 , 11111112a4UX a UM& MIMI! 15
iseektherikles, &c.lll
Wein... Irds, P.. •
r os •1•4» staili at
7 . 4 ...,... ur i . 1111NOVOI,
, • lig AsEi SPLITS, Lars,
• szako, A TOLL
AU of vbleh thoy adl4:nr kr ,
ANS- 1 4:- 0 .4 AIR" A.X
slier t. .
', Lumbter - for Sale.' _,
riuLtlitnisCALßEß. °Mats for Sale
11111 1111 a adsable IA of Loro•
1 bor. pooh as nooltlB, - BIDING). FIUME 101.110$,
1 iKIAVIMINGS, fro., for, at She loortot MA irk's. ^
All omimpromfUy ottosfrod to. - •
opit-der• . L 1 4. ' affIUNWOOD
' 'Fr km for-Sale:
THE Subscoiber offers for Bale a Small
Farm of 11.5 i ISM, IA Wet state of cultivation,
rived been and weir barn; apple atid Peso& or
ebseds, is viral mantled Irak soft Tatar aad pliosamat Iy
attested la Waif toweablio.3 mUes South of Waterford..
f`• rjratterdats esquire of Mr:Thee. Wiese. grte. er
Otte aabaerflber wa ;he Prostate.
efor2-4er• BOWL C. 13WITEI.
Dei;iers in •
. - Dried and Sealed Fruit%
Wars* me,
Skip:eila leal• Boat Stores, &c., il
Also, Pl36lte•Dock, Foot of State, Street,
seue, 01011. A.
U. A. caawroao. K. F. CHRISTIAN.
Friday & fiaMiTday• livening%
APRIL, ist AND 541 0 Mat
Athrusaion 25 Cards.,
N ° T, I C E.
We tails gnat platters in informing the Public,
• etunerotte Patted. in Particular, that we ha
again !termed . • ,
... , .
" .
, . .
• WPM .
' • .
_lnd avf‘pared to fill all orders for
wirti PROMPTXIf3.9.
I. .
Elsiting . purelistod a large Sine c of iron. prev .1
' beteg burnt oil, given na • decided p 471141
fin prioi of Stoves,) over WariaaCturers who have .
Iron at present high p.rices. .
Thfuticfni for.past favors, we hope, by strict at •
to tbi wants of. Customers, to continue to me '
. 116 1: infilatlfT. TIBBLLB,I3EHRI
MO Ladies of delicate health or im
.1, argaabatios. t• these by whom an i
' " any reason atjectlanab
1 :4
11. 8. 10-40 LOAN.
DIPOSITORT OT ?fl U. 8.-Ihls Bask hereby
annolussethit It le prepared to receive subscriptions on
aceneint of United States Ronda, authorised be the act of
March 3,1161, bearing date March 1,1444, redeemable at
the pleasure of the Gommatent after 10 ymrs, and pay.
able 40 years from date, besting interest at See per cent
a year, payable in coin annually, on Bonds not over
$lOO, and eemt.annually on all other Bonds.
Ihtbeceibenrwlll receive either Registered , or Coupo n
Bends, u they may prefer. It is expected that Con q
Bends will be ready f or delivery about the 4th of Apr .
Bobecriners will be required to pay, in addition to the
mould of the principal of the Beads to lawful money,
the accrued interest to cots, (or in Uaited States Notes,
or the Notea of National Rants adding dtly per eent. for
premium, matt! farther notice,) from the lit day of March
until_ thei_its of subscription.
Bonds will be issued of the denominatiens
of $llO., 11400 e, $100; 114,0005, $lO,MOe ; and Cou
pon Bonds of the denominations of COI, 4100 e, s soor and
By authority of the Secre of the reasury.
spat/. it SANFORD. Cashier.
- • OP BUFFALO, N. Y.,
BosassariVa Illock, above tifserilro Stont—ou
trues tot South dd. nut the Put —where he is preys*
to tout, wastrustalky by „
Inhalation of Oxygenized Air,
The Oxygen Is breathed directly into. the Lungs, and
through them carried tab the blond, stpolliog all impu
rities from the system, and, healing any and every d seem
with which It may tame In contact. The cause of Coughs,
fields and Onsamption, is a lack of oxygen In the air we
breathe. By the Inhalation of oxygenised air, the blood
become oxygesieed and purified, and. disease disappears
like dew beers the sun.
A few adishalstrations of the oxygen will curs say of
the following diseases: Dyspepsia. Neuralgia. Rhenms.
throe Pelidtatten. Paralysis, gpilepay, Eruptions. Con.
mum Ron, Astluna,Bronehitis, ...scrota le, Li For Complaint,
Noreousness, from whatever cause, Difilenit Breathing,
Camas, Salt Rheum, Bryslpolsa. Revettriet Mimes,
Kidney Cemplainte, Ifyitis, Female Weakoesses of all
kiads, and in Act, all armies ropairing a purification of
the blood.
Be trust we have mid enough to mama the
sophleal mind of the Miami of the oxygenised air se a
remedial agent. and to Induce the afilmted to place them
ethos at ones ender this' treatment.
Mormary VISIBLY. drawn front the system.
',Volunteer Isefiretanials from prominent either* of thrir
Yost welleseklyn, who beer been cured by this treat-
Mat. 41•11 be men at his rooms.
Cr Wise boors from 8 a. In. to 7 9. m.
Or Remember the place,
Also egret for the sale of Dr Yourotion's Popular
%else, of 281 pages, on Bunusemidtlam and the Der.
matablotkon. feb.5184-Iy-3M,
Siegel, Vincent & Co.,
("euors to C. lAvel,)
Givieries, Nur, Pork, Fish,
lies, Wises, Liquors, Cigars and
C" ,
Lowest Market Prices.
!Asiww‘: Bro,res Hotel sad Tic St.
. "arm 10r Bale of 100 Acres.
IFissikall. A pod Reuss rid Ran. a good 411-
44 4 4 10110rattell "ask. The isms Is rood for, both
411161 WI %m WWII balitoissk basks s• wilt.*
ited,,s who Ilksi 4/ 034 about 4 Mlles from
QIIY t lkild Anak voters& • 'shook how*
Abrutredichile the.doreittat.boane.
le A. 31. WALT&
. i T
t ' ' ' ' .:
k • .
• 1
OIL vrpßoL,
,GLUr. - 44‘1MOS.
4 , :r - •
. .11
4EIE,- PA.,
'4 cal s T,
0 Lej
i p o am
9 2 2 ki
tAt y tr 4
01 (0
0m c
'. 1 )54 3
°-1 9 2 Z .
. 2-.
tt 8
O o
g o
Millinery Eatablishmen
~OFTEIe is a or MIL aim
Be-Open with i Kew and Padilla,
assoinvirr or GOON,
icunfrAcrusase OP
-FAKE PLEASURE in annouocitg
the publle that I bass Wed to my rormer*u: j .
• complete sett of
Which trlll sagas me to manufacture and 411120 MM
Era ?tag bad Wag umlaua as to the nate Om
maml shall take special pales in mewing my cod%
Suit them.the I hum the =leans right thie cot
for tha benefit of my customers, and only ask a n'a
them, to satisfy say one ea to their superior comfort
aloft made to the old Ira,.
The Plower Boot seeds no breaking In ; It Is U*
from the start as one worn for wine time. My
Will receive my own and Mr. J. COTS SR'S co Foci: t
tentlon—combming ay e orknon • eblell maul
excelled In the country. Boots and Chore reps.* t
Aort ne;tios Constantly on hand a Lure stock d
Tendering my thanks to my friends and • cuter:el
put patronage, I bop. by )alt and honorable dear 4
merit a coat Maumee of the same, and cannel ly brni
to WI and mumble my foto& before perching
where. ma TN:
Administrittor's Notice.
havingbeeo granted to the undersigned sa the
tam of Joh* Fowl., deed, late. of Leßcenf torashl,b
Co., Pa.; Notice lishereby given to all knows(
selves indebted to said Mate to make imnseara Lir
meat, and Utopia haviae account' against the elms;
present to me, properly authenticated, for sett»rxr:
HENRY TOOT, Administrate.
Leellmet4 /Larch 6,164164 w.
Obmps' Celebrated India,
Bfoirat's Buffalo,
Sing'a m Amber,
Ives Cleveland, -
Canandaigua Pale and Stack,
Russell' Pale
AL"ES! •
Also Mai Broad' of
Troia Tomes River, for Lilo it
=la 2w.
House Furnishing Empori
• • cilium of Erie and vicinity are respectfully
that I will open at .
• large and jaded Assortment of
Comprising army Panty. •
A Complete Assortment of Film Plated Es",
Owen Fancy Goods, Papier Wachs Tablet, Nu
Waret, row& and Ameetemn Cookiog Lissa*
- runnels and Wool Rug%
panned Chamber Bets, Amen Wavelet. 'AT
t Basks* Clothes Hampers, • General Assort
Wood and Willow Were, Children's Canary, P.
Worn and Propellors, llorooto Goode of every do
• a. leather Duiers. Cloth. and Table Snub/v.'
• t and Window Etudes, Ivory, Bone and Indul
*Ma, Needies, Thread aid Buttons,
Notions, Zephyr Worsted', Crochet ma'
• s, Silk, Linen sad Wonted Embroidertin
• • Lines*, Napknis, Toweling and Crash, 1 . 4 t,
US Cloths, MAW and fifer Wtodow
es and Black Wslnst Brackets, eon* Cotts LA'
eta Bird paw—a Wagtail selection—Ono
• : thanes, Satoh Baba, Ink Stand
Camp sad Artie& Chairs. Ladies' fleeing tri- 1
• Iron Chairs, Hat, Umbrella and Ftoeer
per and Envelopes--41 Mine both r hltd
ttaim with so assortment of
adapted to the
• Toms?. PAELOR AND 'gnats,'
• chu him NMI lola olorettlry one Limb , '
il city:
I respentfally mak as atanination of ray Sigi' t
•go Mysklf by SSW sppllostioo to button ta
• is of my custantera to merit their patio tW g i
cr GLUM the Sarpotlaw. Mo. 4 Wright's
witstowly Liverpool and C.
i . MAO t
California and AUStrali ll
Apply to
11012/IAW, 221 MIXT STRUT, NEW yeti
macs ST, BITSTIV 2.1 010+
SHEN, I'L't4
r '
Dissolution of Partne
LI the Am of McCord k McCreary Ira V
hint!' last.,„by mutts! comsat of the psr." - y,
books, sad accounts of the firm hsn to l vo i
PrM to J. C. Megrim, fot mottlenoot•5 1 ;10 0
stilitfos will be liquidated, sod to whom
not les modes T. 11.,IIST A M
tee, Marsh 12"- - 61 J. a =
. ,
. ,
.. Nance.
, / / o ,lt
a Pam *mow to tb• Ist. dna a il . : o#
eQ r *Ari• silbst by tote or book accolD4 611 :::.
• eall aad ask. boasedlate Defilement of Ibtrr&.
Muth Md. , JC. 11.1-1.-
- A For Sale.
1111.. WM-en and walltionuatAe