The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 26, 1864, Image 1

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    .01011."!!" •
firms n rut O2SILM4 II I 111111.111 c;
Opro,mc rim Pore °rms.
40$4111TISEMENTS.--4Joe Ss;tie° of Ten Lines one in.
;ertion 75 Cents ; two tasertions st.oo; three loser.
lions. $1,25 ; one month 1460 ; two months /2,60;
three month , 21, 0 0; six months $6,00; case year $100;
other adrer j usernents to proportion. -Thew mass
•ill be strictly adhered to, unlen - ebsoged by tpecial
contract, orat the option2nL th6yrablfaltiera.
tea Notice*, fitrate, Diesireee and like advertise
meat, $1.60 ; Administrator's Notioos $2,60;, Loeal
came , Firs cents a line; • lia.riage Notices ?vein ,
yin coat/ s piece; Obituary Notices (over three lints
in extent) Ave coats pet live. Original poetry, un.
I.ol.rntten st the r.que■t of the - editor, ono_ dollar
per All advertise -tents will be continued at
the exp•a oof the peso advertising, until ordered
g at be hie ditvenion, unfests a specified period is
agreed anon for Its Insertion.
yrp3cRIPTiON' Two Doman rer south in &d
PRINT(NG.—Ws hare one of ;the beet Jobbleg
• ffice4 m th , Stnte, and anS • ro,tly to do an) •ojrldlo
Irte .; b unfrosted to us, to intuit ilt)/S
1 &Is), . rat on tele of the largset
MRS. S. • 11. HALL
* - ,- - f-:: ' - 4 ; .-**•:* ' •
r' 0: "•:; '
. 3.
-Which will bit so1:11
attontion pakt tn.bltLehinig, coloring
cd presanag.
Peach St., 6th door nhove the bepot,*rin. Pa
THAT the variety of newstyle Bed
steads, of Gothic, Cottage, Commits, ROund Care
~r, Camp-Sofa, Jenny Lind and other patterns, with
.erpentine and strait front, handsomely Veneered Bureaus,
.stension, inning, Breakfast, Centre and other Tables,
• hatnots, Quaker Stands r Carpetand Damask Lounge',
• s Reds; Hair and Se.s . G rasa thanes/es, Feather Beds
nd &deters with colier nonsehold furniture, ea., all
.ofsetured from well seascaied lumber and linulthy
.sterille, by experienced workmen and not by apptentleis
de. For style, quality and low prices I will defy iron
co-price dealers to under/ell me. Feather , hou,rtiCend
,Id. Cane seat, Parlor, Bedroom, Rockl , .c, `cuing,
'use and other Chairs, of Eastern and Western mann
rinre, are hickory dolled and glued, making them as
trnng as any other part of the chair, where others made
nd cold arm Duly nailed, and by no mews durable. Wood
indoor, Lucking, Sewing and Norse, are chain of hard
ood rounds clinched through the seat and glued, war
sited to stand. ,liandsornely painted, and met be ben.-
'en for strength, price and hash. Spring Bets I have
E,ld over 300 and bare the highest testimonials wit.% n
ist of prices of all goods sent on applomtion. Luting
ad shipping - - •• -
After five years experience and contending with an
prinripeled two price dealers, I am determined to null
one price to all, give worth for your pay, and do Jaime.
to all who trade with me.
Lumber, Lath, Sotng'eit, Lire Stock, Crude and Refine
store Pay, Prodnoe to., taken et fair market rained
.r pay. Remember the place, nett corner of Bth street
a State, Rrte, Pa. 0 W. ELLSRY
next-tf. Sfanufacf r and Commir'n Salesman.
,v,rth-Fact (},rover of the Park 4. French Shea,
null] reaneetfully ea!l the attention of the community
to hr. Stow of
Wht:h he le ,:iicmas to eell at the
>.'Kitl I,OW FzeT PlitLettei t
ao..rtm.nt of
ort ,arp,”e,l m the cit . ,, aa he-roi prepared to prove to
zivt• hvn a roll.
'N~ I...oppconiancitly nn hula a ■openor tot of
tr to 11,11i , 11 th tr [Aim%
•i 4 11,k Allen, :•1111311 Prilfax Gad a fall
for Ow It , ,nor. - aprllll3tf.
, 'ROOD •
How Lost !lbw Restored!
gut Pablidhed, io a ScaletlEatelope. Price 6 Centm.
LECTURr. no the Nature, Treatment and Reales,'
Cure of Sportnatoirhoea or Seminal Weaknest,
It nal Debility, ervonaness and Involuntary Embudona,
lacing Impotency, Coneumption and Mental' and Phy.
0 Debihtv by
ROIL t' J.„ M.
de Important filet that the awful consequences of
ill Abuse may be effectually removed without intertr.l
licioew or the daniteronh application of caustics, in
=meta. m dieated bouvi.a, and other elnptrteal de
ws, is here clearly demonstrated.and the entirely new
id highly succeilvfal treatment ea adopted by the tele.
:atedanthor, fatly explained, by which, every one Is
tabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the leant pouf.
e cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of
le day. This lecture will prove a boon to tbonsand,
coot under sail, in a plain envelope, to am address, of
Le recetpt of six orate, or two postage sta mps, be ad.
rman De. CHAS. J. C. ICLINP.,
'febll'6.l-1 y 1.7 flowery, New York._
2. SPRING. 1882.
(Late Model Bout Store.)
E. H. 8 M - I T H ,
/Yillinen suppl lad with nonat at New Tort Priem
.tesdar attention paid to Bleaching and Dresalug
mai ‘:.. :thigh.. iil"ck. State SL aaayatt.
Notice to-011 Refiners.
rE are prepared to sell to Rotuma OIL VITRIOL
CAL' , TIO ROD* and GLUE at the lowest mar.
prices. We eau sell 911 Mull by the car bad at the
la'acturers, tbsreby saving to the purchaser the az
ure and seenring runmptsess In ablppinr.
respeetta lyiatorta the nubile that he has types lo4
&Store in
o. 2 Hughes' Block, Erie,
'here he williallsey a keep an hand • large anpply of
n I esteything usually fnr sale in an establishment of
TOMS u seasonable as any other store to the
y. A. WX3XR. Jul, AIM
undmigned bare open-d a now arocarißtotn, on
isr slot; or sniTE sr, sd ftoust. FORTR
Whom that blend keeping a full rupply of
. thing usually on tots din as fatabllehn3ent of
;the pet.' ' ' "
--.•••••• •
Wool. detirttdisid'to'ottar Oh good tddueeesenta 1114,
' i dealers in the etty, sad ikvif • the
_Pe bile ten:o4
Stint that se eau else entire istiafactlan.
otare.lll. F. A. WIT.BBRB k VaSt.
. .--
‘JIE SlibscriberwouldiTlVOet- 4 ,
a rully biro — ricallta treHTht, pod itiaatAptit It://
.at tv,:t a opt lig,blroatttand , - ' t '-' ' /73
,10.2 Wuhlngtoullsb Nutty Sec Tat,
And ii prepared to furnieS
I611:U, 4. ''rpavrIOAT 4 ,ItEsTALTRANTs A k tiatzits
0104E88 AND. CLANS. =• market •
effort'. at Wholesale and Retail, at short
an 1 at the lArereor Lerma Pitmen.
, ttoode
nr . Alld
t O o rjoie tivi * Dit - tItO (Qua trx .Proni
-- Oriteraith.l . ChM Pickled to '
N.." York, Jane - 20,111103.—1 r. If. dtrPitir,
Administrator's Notice.
haraig been ts...llse llerbandennt, on the
...Lauer leen. o leneseedchste - olllllllTeek tp ,
4 fle s ante, Pa.: biopics is 140.41 yea SI 4
P Oll O2.
at t hemoitrestndebted to the oe
.1.0 makealsoor
4 s Isrisetit, 10 therm tols% tlattee spahret — tbe
!stale will present thee. proper,ll othastrostod, for
11. MOW"'
• r. toratim;-
ipm,„ motet..
1.864. •
BPAL() & ERIE R.. R. E . :OT A T. E
.32 A11.011V;_tilAtE.
fIN and after Monday, Jan. 4th, ;1864.
• V Plissenvir Trains will ran on this Road all 1/ Se, <" • ' •
a Al A. IL, AMU gad Accaa, atoppang at Harbor , - 30 4 :44 p H
North gain, State Lane, Quincy, Wet Avid, P .",
amt...ountirk. sad AVIAN EAPH . R YET
wiring at Buffalo, at 10 30 A. Y.
2 00 P. Y Alf 4prem i stopping at North Est; West
Geld, Dun S her Crust, and An la, and
arriving at Buffalo at 6 20 P. M.
6 40 P.M.. QaciasetiZlmpreas, stepping at Westfield;
Dunkirk sad tither emit. lad - *oiler at Rutblo
at 0 40 P. N.
05,} Y., .14118 Ewing, stopping at Westfield,
Dunkirk and Meat Creek, arrival at Bullim at
420 A. IL
The Day Ewer ,onsets at Dunkirk' and, Odrato,
the NMht Express at Bv.falo only, - with Expob train
for Now York, Philadelphia, Boston, ha.
4 00 P. hi:, Mdl + Am's., stopping at h, North
Evans, Angola, Irving, Silver Creek, rk , Rive-,
ton, Prtland, Westfield, Quincy, Rata Line, North
Eaat and it Do Cra4k, arriving at Erie at 825
7 00 A. K. nit& Erpress, stopping at sum prod',
Dunkirk, WesUipid and North East, arrives at Erie
at 10 30 A. M. '
11 65 A. IL, Deg Szpram, stopping at Angola, sllset
Creek, Daakirk. Wasteald and North East, arriving
at Erie at 3 4V in 't . ,
ii 40. P.-14., /Wl* stopping` 'at - Silver Creek,
Dunkirk and estaidd, arriving at Eris at 320
A. Y.
Railroad time is ten minutes Uttar thin Eris titre,
Nov. 25,1883. U. N. BROWN, dept
returtuvtl trout
'_NEWyous, '
and i.
V Nip* OPliAlbila A
Cleveland and Erie Railroad
O .
N and after Monday, Aprjl2otl4 1863,
lad until farthw Rae.: essiantsi t:ais - 31 - ;. 11 en .
as Wows, its:
9 45 P. M. Night Express Train stop at Painesvlle,.
Ashtabula and Girard, only, and arrives at Eris at
101 P. M.
4 20 P. M., Mail and Athommodation 'Train, stops at ao
stations, and arrive. at Eden; B DS P. M.
4.00 P. M . Ondalliath Exposes, stops at Painesville,
Ashtabula and flizariVarrlvee at Ede at T 00 P. 11.
10 00 P. 61.,_Day Swam, stops at Willeagbby, Paine*.
villa, Genea, Ashtabula. Conasast 'and Girard, ar
rives at Erie at 1 29 P. M.
1 16 A. M. Nliat ExpreesTrain stops at Girard. Aehta.
hula and Painesville only, and anivseat Cleveland
4 42, A. W.
6 60 A. M., Mail and Aesounnodatlon Train, 'topping at
all the stations and arrives at 'Cleveland At 9 66
A. M.
9 66 A. IL, Toledo Express, stagging at all stations az
- apt Bwaaville,l3aybrook, Perry. M. tor and Wick li ffe, milliner mtCleareland 140 P. M.
1 22 Day Express, stops at Girard. Conneaut, Ashtabula
and Painesville, arrives at Cleveland at 4 UP.M.
All the through trains going . Westward, oonnot at
Cleveland with trains for Toledo, Chkago.Colasibiu,Cin
milinati, Indthaapolls, &a. ha.
All the through trains going liastwardomonomet at bask
kirk with the trains of the N. Y.lti Erie Railroad: and at
Buffalo with the N. Y. Central and Buffalo end N. Y. City
Railroads ,for New Yorit, Alban*, Boston, Ni/Vllll
Sc. H. NOTTINGHAM. Superintend/wt.
Cleveland. April 2::_i993.
Erie &Pittsburgh R. R.
Idonday. Jan. 4112. 1864.
4 39 P. 114 Aestosstroodstlon, stops at all Stations and
arrives at Sharon at 9 50P. 13.
ci 25 A. 11, Freight No. 2. stops at all saattoos and ari.
rives at Sharon at 3 15 P. IL
7 30 A. M., AoretnmodaUon. atohs at all Bt.ttoaa and
arrives at Girard at 12 12 P. it.
7 00 A.ll, Freight No.l, stops at at all Rlationt erseept
Rapyville, Centre Road, Spring, Well,
and Cronies, and irrives at Girard at 12 15 P. W.
Freight trains will run to and horn Rite.
j•no'B4tf. R. N. BROWN, Beget.
I :JP : r 1 : .• .. 4 : : :
r l lififi great 'Met:averse. the Pfortherd Mgt
counties of Pennsylvania to the ty , of n
Lake Erie. It has been lamed by the Pransphreslis -
readCessmay, and under their amylase IA mealy beteg
opened tbrongiumt Its entire length.
It is now In ue for PliMelipt and Freight bustaras
tram liar:tabors to Emporium, (194 mita.) on the - Eastern
Division, and from Sbeferld to Sri., IdleeLan,like
VL'emtere Dlvlatan. '
alit 'tali. ar tam
EMI Train Leans ' 4 10 r. ■
Express Train 1.1111111.11-... .. to W . A. N.
Mall Train arrive' 960 a. It
Es press Train Arrives ..- 6 66 r. ii
Yes intentiatloe reapeallsit Yeasenger basissers apply
at the It 7 emitter 11th and Market sta., and or Freight
basins*. of use Comports agents. ,- -
S. il KINGSTON, Jo-, corner 13th and Waded Streets,
Philadelphia. -
- .1. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. -
J. V. DRlLL,agent N. C. R. R.; Baltimore. '
H. H. HOIISTON, General Freight Assaf, Ptillats.
WLi L. HouPr, Gems) Vast Agent, Philacra,
JOS. D. POT fa, Geossalyriaave,Wlllisaarport.
- • -
E Atilikit •
- 1/5111111011MAPINAPIPL
NON Z. 4Y, rut. 29, 1964.
Trains wilt larva Dunkirk atabcrut thitbllo l rll4ooll l9
Eaststard Boned—Depart. •
P. si i ht ; ipso 4 05 P.
Mut 09 A. 11.
Stunk fatprarat. 9 40 a.
F Ilidght. 30 a. at.
Way Freight 6 00 A. 6.
Vight ExPre " - runs
" NA. 1 1 . 2111 - NOT. Ga - t
Peat Oat* arm, 4541
1112 1-
Froie the toßowtoglaytatod ;
flinrinnray k Sosa,Now York. „
Wee Knobs Co.,Baltimore, Bd.
Idwiteran k Sous, Now,York.
W. B. Bradbury, New York.
John B. Drothiub, NO? York.'
.1. P. Hato & Co.,Now York.
Geo. Prises & Co., Saco, N.Y.
Carhert, Needham b. Co4Now York. • •
Prices at Large Diseoint belowiltan
facturer's Prices. •
Also, Lostruction Hooks arid Sheet -lhaakt, ' !
All persona whatiat a lukt raba-lessePerte or IN
on, an invited to call and magus our inatrumess
fore pnrelukalng elsewhan.
Reed's Block, State store; roarly oppoulto tM Ptei
ar P. S..—Every lastriuremt warraate4 See years
/ .1.5 111 , -/ P,
C. asicas.mainti.‘ ,
,Dealer in Boots 6; Shoes !
cams Los Boors AND SHOES 1 •
WOULD take this method of returp
lug hie thanks t hie (Asada sad edigooldic
weaeratly fi r their Mind patirattege 3anatefosa =MOO
to him, and hop**. to have • pestipaatleat of the mule.
I nos take pleasure to Wens the paltdie s tbstl Ns am r.l-
awn MAD! 30011 AND sopa AS CHEAP,
If Rat a' Little ciogrw,
Theo any HOMO illthis_plaas, ewe t slaking tkill
bast quaties of Orate' Boot, aPd Pboas. Do vide% I .m
plop cone but the 111Prf of WORJUISN. water LWllaPer
tateadeeta of 0. MUIR •, . •• - - i
Ilseher obtateed a haeoceto ace . •
Plumer *,tent Lam, •
sae sow prepared to make Abe PliareiPa
lad Shoat la a maser aot to he' carpeted LN id
.traalr a t t kozhn_tised &reit - - sirtia bob
kifit4ll l akitteuts=o AliOSSih
FRU114 , 4, '
- -, •
P. 4, J. NENtqa
Would verpeethally Inform the Public that
parebutet the '-• - ' 'l., -
STOCK or osoczniks or JAMES 4. arise.
&maid OP PM 111iIIT471iViS...:
W6llO lig Weed to keep os peal eis . ast.
, - FAMILY ;
WOOD t wit. / GO4r:iiii*-41tri
al' is two - 0 _
Best Brands. of trip•Voistifllkikt
• -ZepteseetiMiTeillisoce64-
eaetrM atnm:
&An; tow
a r •
.• .manne.— tax:
• • . • . • : 1 I
—__ .._.....T.i......T!.r..6.....!pi:,,,,.-ut..1.0.y•...F._m5!iFi1_a_,=,....._-1 ~, -.,
...5... ~ -
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4....1trZL1 llk I
-''• aw ' .mod. T 4Lt
't .. T' f',..(- _ .
_ -
,- -7 , L' : •
---------- , --- k I
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j .:.,„---:._.....
..,.., , .„,...r.,.:,
d 1 ~ , , •
7, 1-i- : fi o lli iiiim ilril
et : 4 ,..s
.. f . I
.1 1. , 1
, t iE
.., ,,.,. :....d.,.-_
. , . .
_, I. ~, E
. t•.4.8 ri .1/ —....,.. ....... . ; '-- ' _ .
' ; I
• ;
VOLUME . 34.
New Music Storit.
41 . • "
,1 5, •
..- ..w ""7" .• . • ,•
brkk bake ovesilent well of wetly, largo ciders,
lio-114,1erge Intrp; tty 00, an eseetimt or.
chard of griOnPfrklig 4ficurdle[ ;apples, cherries,
twits; /pc; laSofelog tier Oaf tote of Ira* with SS
itareacellant ground, 'put of *Milt casmeainht
ui. t-APvld,Tir.9t 'by inf.-Ptd:ad-.
na a f
35 ACRZSedjoiniegaborreossall frame hoese,iargeiranie
bun, good orchard of granted fruit. &a, f0r....00,000
tiliked LAND—Smell frame house, frame
bun, orehard,dre., I miles from Irk, for $1,300
- •
;II ACRISJimeal ife4tvii,4o improved, balance goo
wood land, knallefrkte fluttery Road and Jackamer
' Station—small hoitre, berg and orchard f0r...020.00
TEI fated C r omplete IdiL REFINERY, to the eity of
7trilea.; Rakcaty." capacity about
15c1 berfelp psi eroek, together with 0 urea of laid,
..,• frantic; ea Plttra kira!* Salircad, for -04,400
ALSO; Lola, Ltdvens and tens and Oet Lots le the City
' sae Reboil*.
-Tie nabeariber beerfarreorntly enlarged and *Mended
Lla Inanalletirlarbailheak, needs fends to carry It on,
and ta'deteigniit l eietii'eall a part of Ida Real Estate. Re
tlerbrchnollatiatlefoVigOlng at the above low rites, and
will oaks abalones favorable and table pedant
I iv
?Queues all tfieis'ipeat iiee3allaritles
it caris ilineass by °beaten the Pelee sad
rashoring the insrasible Perspiration.
t\Aiisseissresisis kiss Vldaned Secretions, mail
.• _ • reinoirre th• cause of disease.
tekiis the piing eat of Bums, Pleres sad
lirbundkiod rabdues Isaammation at once.
lie 01 •!irt!wiLltaillIksrliklio and Maeda.. wig
n Operates Uks 311 )1 1 00sibes:k1N1sif Mike.
!lons of %weir: -
thadaiiio .l—. itaiaidi
als• .114ntathr ElTtlioral In_ Klibler
Our itisUaat tioldlion Red Mallet • Prize It Mew
than Gold. It hat caredimmense suffering
And irre We* cia 41,Yety tots' battle-field than any other
It he kereerahattitreneD tie World as the meet
_moothingeari keeling' Ointrarmt to roJelenee.
JAM Wapner,. la the Inventor and Proprietor, New
16Araideetlie cede try elPDruglevii everywhere. Rohl
by DirDiri.tterza; Mk 4 'West lark Row, agent for Eris.
dee:ls hole
Depot at Newton k c 0.% 612 brow:lira).
63-3 m.
New Grocery!
" Boor,. R....r6u14 iespectfally
lit MC OGI to people of ErWeity and county, UM
he haa opened a
Gm tha R. e, Aide AtioacA Wes; • SeirlDisiasesfisati
... J. J. 22 t. l %Oaf fake Sire Depot,
When he will keep on h•o • lame assortment of.
Aminverltking, nanny kept in a ant elms store.
, • LlO,
Cider. slid Liquors.
The highest Market Price paid for Prodne.,
dasind.i,,i •• '•
Inr Giro tile a you wi*h to occurs rood bar-
Maa= inZatysrl us Lovett not Um, than
• tnitittr.
rs. Allen's PholOgraph Albums & Prises:
IWI septl i one. 9f my,beiatiful Phu
'mph Albums, made from the Sant Tether Norm;
ea, with double best, geld plated extension clasps, and
a ;alushitrgefse,lfretpYles, pre-pald, for five dollars.
No one need sand the money till they know what prise
leaterenplitinbiAlbilink• - . lima* ess'first seed on
thilinames and try their lack. They will 8. notiSaal by
rehire Tall of 6&• moult
_ef a distributiem, when the/
heel gisiglitkilegOir666C6ifiletheiaabutia and prise or
not, as they choose Splendid inducements offered to
scents, ladies as mil, as senUenim lull particulars,
with ciretthirs, sent by mail. • Address (with stamp for
return postegq Hes.• .LACY ALLEN,. hrix 6665, New
York-City... • • 1
P. S.—Any person who will cut oat this adver
tisement and e thin a escae/rieint in the
mr i azg e Z otithe=ryborn asp; *ball
eActlife photo
giapti of !Nor General Grant, worth at retail Masts.
: iii tal=al answer both for • tie "inn Photo'
Inek. — as bathe:in besetrrin coo letter.
Mrs. ALLYN. •
• - •. n. igu
46z25. SEVEN OCTANE,,. ,45225.
Rosewood Piano -Fortes I ,
N & wep
b e d;
0 0; :Th e
n t .
l i a r/I t o-To r te s e
penises th gess y toe:used duillthis for manufads
riog, enable us to sell for CASH at the a'nave-anuenallY
low prim. Our insimmeste received the highest award
at the World's Fair, and for firs mussily* years at the
American Institatit, )yatseated Iles yeses. Mums. tin
oriatiehr-dleesiptive Heftier. • '_ •
0 : 405-311 . 40
bo ;AR TP4i lit
tintiotare M s ililloutt's Boot
and Shoe St°. e, when he la prepared to heat successlay
iniMiiiiidiitatiirkikeniied Air,
The Oxygelnietly tato the Longs, Lied
thin 0
t tla,ttalbs temal. impelling all Inilin•
. . aa biolingitnpandonui liaise
II C 1 irigay coma in contact. Ms cause of Coughs,
Colds and Coosaniption. 0 /I lack of oxsipn in tiro air pe
breaths.,By We inbabitioli of oxygenbird air, the blood
becomes ex ganistid and raided, and disease dlaappoitill
Like dew ~ q - ,-, ..... ; ....
• fan • will ears any oz,
the fallow pipers& 7Jioisaira. Rheims.
tlitio, Palpitation, Pa:it s ; ptlepsy, Craptions ,. Coo.'
suniptioa,Astbnia,B nem alo, Lim Coniplaist,
Nersonssitio.froin whiten, .Lose, Difilealt Breathing.
41 cpoisp :Alt Rbir,..Kipsr4S ep - iore ,Li
and ianullis,
• bloot
r"lnedggl= midemoush to convince tie philov
aldiatity of the oxygeolzed air at I
agent. aad to Indoor the aM3etpd them%
Wriest oneeand.r Ma treatment.
---CONlWWAheilleft-4414011. -
idin,y 11loaq tlefeblol. . ~
Poi tr OVlA S tr ill froto icsousirat. Milieu 011 Nu r,
Yen* said 4rotants,"ilio have barb Algol by this tisitt
mak eallMPOithts rtobt*
tgr . o 'boabsitoss Ifsou t te,7 grld. .
ABOVE I. 341. ..41uta b--
. int . iOlt STORE'
Alit stiscat Or - 11bassOe0s's Poputof:
s Tolliqlrit Banaseditidtbss sistt its D.
...:4 - s:::•••I • • .... : , .... Oblitrl4.lpOsr. .
ra , ficrgrAmp , A.alloar4yrpg,,,*
isissa new sad noll
1 abile
the HOWARD , AaSOCiAng?!` . 1 li
• - ee -A fr &sum
ittak,een •P'4.
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TH glint tI" i !ttorti A' eingfi l eii ;isle 1
Ittn acitrarro t a i re di Z s t4 .} .. -
~, tee or the It'm• id Ailing tge
• ~, id. , ..,,. b,..„ NA_ A. CJlA.WituhiN . t
' . . ' PT/OW C. CAraragrr.
u . .11.4.E.Te MAI ea" 1 ... , :... . ...... . ,
__ 11:07guerro - WitliAtivi- tir es
pOefagmen kterpathasnlip *Worths ern satiet,
talloill Chtillteaphlid *ill poittala the greeett
sui=rll4 ll .l Ma{ at the old stead of Camebrd ' 1
111 Nall DlSWASistiluo-,• -. • . -
...hi) ..... %4.•.. 'le ,4 12e ”. Ifil it..ORAWFOhI:I,,,
ig .6; '64lf .I,r, -Y d• IL PeOBll36TIAlt. 4 , ,
I t . ZrAlcUitiakig i ty-!#..(r) Cr ,
* r :
.itsca irtikt e s: /sea
weans over resorted to
Word' of lakilatia.
Ever @pink be toms et kindness I , :•!-..,
To aloud arid vary heart; • ,
Never let, an unkind answer
Came the bitter 'tear to stari :
, Aler hoar many spirits broken,
' • Crashed bones& a world of care,
Have bees cheered by,hind,words spoken—
' Cheerini their weary load to bear 1
No the Wawa soul eau fathom,
None4its mysteries explore;
.'Tis a oaderful oreatiott,
Launched on time's eventful shore : '
!And while each iti,witigs shall trammel,
Few the pages we may read, '
But In elory,we may New it,
, When from mortal vesture freed.
Like an instrument of music.
It is delicately strung;
Then near let a note of sorrow
Pros its tender chords be wrung;
But may vale words awaken
Sounds of joy, and peace, and love,
Such as angel choirs are breathing
In the courts ot light altove.
Tlien w irer speak in tom of kindness
Torsorrew-atrlcken keart;
And ever let word or action
Ca the bitter tear to start;
For hoW raspy spirits broken,
Bound beneath a load of care,
Have been cheered by:kincl nerds spoken
. ; Cheered their daily cross to, bear I
!Where heard of many cases of "popping"
under - very singular circumstance, the eccen
tric, the jahrupl, the business like, the silly,
and a hnitdred other styles.. Of the eccentric
we could , cite the case of a certain well known
merchant; who one ' day dining' at a friend's
house sat n4l to a lady who: possesses rare
charms of conversation. The merchant did
act possess this faculty in a wary rare degree,
but he could do that which was - nett' best, he'
could appreciate, an appreciation which he
endeavored to show by the following mode of
. .
" Do you like toast, Miss 21-1"
1' Yes,!' reirp l onded • the lady, slightly ear
prised 14 the question.
"Buttered toast'?"
" les."
"'Tbsf is strsoge; so do I. Let's get mar
;There:cannot be much doubt - that the lady
was takOn slightly abick, to fact that did not
;Oren! marriage coming off . in a month
,afterward, a. nor the accession of the lady to
one of the finest establishments
n thec ty.
As a specimen of the abrupt, we shall cite
the case of a gentleman who.had retired from
hisinesti at the age of•forty,•and 'built himself
a beautifelhouso detertntned to enjoy life to
the Utmost. Oneday a friend ails dining with
biM and said, half . jokingly :
" You have everything here that th • heart
easdeaire bats wife." . •
ill The i rs true. • 1 muse. think °fit," a. 4 then'
relapsed,. into silent:* fora Ter ntinutee, at the
end 'of which time iii . iirise t. besged to , be ex
s shOrt titt . te..and ieft theitoeisa, lie
siesed his bat and west •Instastly to a neigh.
ber's, and was shown into the parlor with the
information that neither 'the limiter t3or Mis
trials Wie at rionip. told the servant. that
hettanted neither.*. and reqtieatad that the
kotuselieSper might be .to him. She came
aad the gentleman thus addressed her :
" Sandi, I hare kaown yeti for oto, years,
. „ .
and I hare just been told that I limited a
wits. Itrow are the only womin I tnow that I
should be willinctolnritt ay happitien with,
and if yOu agree tie be, ii3statitly
ried. Whit is your answer i"
'Sarah knew the men .titst iddreesed • her,
and knew that his offet was serious and
as well weighed though considered for a
yetti,.land she attewered: him in the seine
4 , I agfte." l
" Will you bb 4%0 in an hour."
•% i will."
.. . •
'shall return for you at, that. tins."
.. 'Which lie did, the geatlbman who hunting
gaited the •ftles:acctunpanying 'hid, Co; the
elergyman's: litany yein.hass gasped iiines
- then, nod neither party:hal peen eni
,onueso so
regret the abrupt proposal and acceptance. •
' Of tite'business ve via cites cue tw
isted t 4 ns, whioh we know to be's true ; naii. A
yoarig rart:uito 410, stiopeidadta the 411 *eV,
badlymdt t iestisi,,tbough. really isimab)s :aria
oiadseessed yule / saw at * glues iltss-two
tikes* war absolitely wenessary to enable
blur to meet the.!ilrit• uses *rro to take
dilate toe't womsb y s , depUtis2eat;and, the
iliospianct :dollars to .stock it
„ fre:4o,td . opt kelp Ala/41ns 4e& himself
that, .possibly, , tw great' aids 'to his•
happiness sad 'proiperity `be" found
to Other, a'aaYEt,
andidsnclai Out into prat•
tics, ho_aflowed.,tkem Aiwa% him coatis:
,wish tits upon-iris mind; One farmer started
on s horseback journey t.o:a of
Lb, siiniitly reittko•ausde. ,
acqnsidtonowupos the read s is the person, of
se old gontiernstratho' kjou'lnir friitydyime
TheT . coMpapions pszpiher. at
,wayiidelan, sod frstsruised,plesisotly, dur—
whish tire yonog mad - Spelled - Mg heart to ;
the elder,
istr°°e: Vitiou - Ote 1 1 1 1 itePt4e94e4 t atlkeemthe
• i •I.rather iike'you, toy ffieud,:bitd Ycitit: Won
dot wild' tellitijryiitir . ear; 4iid'if ioji.will
i.opp•Apppe,mc,J , Ida boAilad.— I.harre,timee
dm:Otters, all, es .good.vgivls 'as. ever iived, 1
-Now,^pirtmps, went of Ililtrt ; may, 'be fhi'Very,
oti i iilttieW toolteg . ron)ts'o l l irli) 4 joy
SPAM" , ar zstirtiPt. ale. tortrat, Am rawer
agreeable., •• Ride over and sae sue ler-morpsw.
ish• 41iniserfassi ( serty- etre .iefteirtfooti, **hie h
will give you a fair chance to pee d thi4 had
. ~
4 tut Jteeetmanliest . , y-iu3randlix4b•pro
rimpit, luisit ins only . Iswond it low, Om, t hp, pints(
laites should not be informed of the tiature of
hiu errand. This was agreed tp, arid they
sepalidiAA.l..n:-.Ki. , a l .. * . , ii Zi D
The ulltday. al,thgr titoß apposistek she
iCiakilikkATiiiih6ta l iPthi - 44 41J/tie
house of his pair made l!!"4,,and was heard ,
ly welcomed, The hour before the dinner
1 - it l eilliitAniiiiiilinVoottlirWr 04 ITAT; 4 her
YON*li,utari isAiliteilias tickrepinvAani the_
,otA?pm,mprpvisq,pc . rain_ mania - ,
motowk,/ itlifipoges swi *esti
was announced, and the tterc . rusis ladies .
1 t a nd ttiirtiiiiiher4is intriiideed. l'key were
. all ! jut' list SA 09yoqiii:20; Nitre., .
oyoiinpv.neyel, blue-eyed es!_
. 11 Milasi4,1 16 Airamiketralitairmanor ea.i.
= s ,
i i n Verlf „.49 11 !'!„.TAVI r tATRA P IPt i r r i ° ,
4 1 47 hips f4 'o', A uzi,.,,.. -......,...4 ~.i t.- , -.
.1: .Plst •
.t , ' ' rieit CI 011.41 n 4.:.. il. r e-aras ....:-3., pl 1
..3.11.1..t1,: - Pliiifik 1.-,1, 1t..4 r:.1.1.n , :it 1
.1 - i zil ~.i., ..2-1.; .
" Well,.bow do you lite my '‘ daughters ?"
was the old geatlemaa's first, question.
"Thy ate all ales girls," said the young
amt. thoughtfully. •
"And which of thong do you lite best ?" was
the nett petition.—
" The_ youngest, Kate, she is charming,
and It'l ' , to be your son in-law yon must
give me Kate."
"-This will never do to take the yotingest
mud by all odds the- prettiest," said tits old
gentleman, serionsly-2 ,
' " I must hive her or none," was the res
ponse,' spoken decidedly.
"How much money did yen lay you
"Five thousand !lollani will put my farm
is ezeollent order arid make it worth tweoty.
thousand to.osorrow. I must-have five thous
"I will give you the sam with either of
{he other girls."ssid'the aid man positively :
" but I will' sot give but three thousaad with
Kate." -
Then I may is well go to my home. Five
thousand I must have—l have Tat my mind
upon IL"
"And I have just as trongly determined to
do only what I baie . d." was the old gen•
demises reply ; "so • suppose the matter is
at an end. Rower, we will be good friends,
and you must somatfines run over and see
This ended the,conferener, and they parted.
The young men mounted his hone, and rode
' down toward the road, 'but just. as he was
about opening the gate, stooping from his
• saddle, the laughing faced Katie spraug
thriugh the shrubbery to save him the trod
: ble.
"Can't you accept my father's terms 7"
" Tea, bj\ge, I will if you say so," was
the instantaneous response.
"Then come ever to-morrow morning before
breakfast and tell him so, •' and the girl van
ished like a fairy among the leaves
The young man rode slowly home, but he
i• was on hand next morning, „ aceording to bid
! ding, and married the fair Bate in two months
after. . - •
ds a specimen of the.absurd, we cannot do
better than cite a case that occurred• within
' our own jurisdiction. There was a certain
Zaohariah Peebles, 's
stoat, industrious, sober
and bashful farmhand; a resident of that
i locality. Zech was celebrated not for what
be did say, but for what he did not, his silence
being marvel through all that chattering
, neightiorbood. Zech, with all his tactiturnity,
was not proof &gainst the shafts of 'love, and
one day was smitten with the —wholesome
charms of the only child of Widow Brown, a
blight eyed, good loolting girl, possessing the
same trait of silence as Zach, though not in so
eminent a degree. 1
The first time Zech showed his admiration
for Sally, was bysining up a large basket of
cowfeed she was about to carryinto the stables
and hurrying thither in a frightened way,
much airthough be was taking it from a burn
' tog 'hOtitter After that Zech twinned to be
. perpetually on the 'watch to sive Sally from
I heavier work. Re would sit in the chimney
earner of the old fashioned house, scarcely
ever speaking, die - itnog his attention equally
between the fire and feasting his eyes on
,13allY. For two years the quiet adoration
went' in and the neighbors wandered why,
as there was nothing to prevent it, they did
not marry. It has never been known whether
the idea arose out of Zsch'e own brain, or
whether it was a hint from_ a friend, but at
last he did find courage to pop the question.
It was done in this way. The time waa New
Tear Eve, and the fair Sally had bean see
paring a stout jug of mulled cider that she
- might have something to cheer Zack', heart
when he came in. Zach came, he drank, and
took his accustomed seat in the chimney cor
ner, where he sat quietly for a few minutes,,
t and then, without any previous symptoms, he
see up to his full. height, wiz feet and two
inches, putting his head up the chimney; so
' that little of him was seen above the waist,
and delivered the following oration :
" If somebody bled" somebody as well as
' somebody' lovessomebody, somebody would
marry somebody."
Zach remained with hie head up the chim•
ney after this speech, silent as death, for some
' minotes,,nutft he came forth from his place
! of refuge at the earnest solicitation of 'Widow
.111;ovit, with a fate skiving like the setting
elm li.te thing was done, however, and Zach
and Pally were married a few weeks after,
i and we, are * convineed that if either of them
could betede l eed to talk, now, after a trial of
1 a dozen 'yeses, they would say they were en
tirely satisfied elth that mode of popping the
tt quest lob .
; ,Among the oddities of the mystery. the one
over which vie' have personally wondered
t much occurred in Philadelphia, under our
own knowledge. •
. A ltidy aid gentleman, who had been se•
qttaiated but one week, and who move in the
very first einem; were walking . upon the
street, the lady showing the lions of the city
to the gentlemen, who was a stranger in"Pitil.,
adelphis. In the course of their ramble they
were stopped by a wedding party,. who were
alighting from their carriages at a chuich
door. The lady proposed to go in and see
the affair through. The gentlemsa consented.
and together they stood till the'ceremony was
over. At the instant, 'the gentleman. taking
the lady's hand in his, led her unresistingly
to the altar, without a single word spoken,
aid presented her to the astoeished minister ' ,
.with the request , that they ehou,'d be nude
one.' In ten/minutes the-knot was' ilia, and
We have, no reason to behave that either
.iii the ten years they' hive been joint.d. also
Mtnin (ciriget 'the "auddenness of the. idea.
I -
A Oitsw osehange tells s story
of an innocent countryman who chaneed to i be
is Buffalo oft Sunday, and concluded to go', to
chart*. Arriving there; he waited - casside
fora. taomenit, whets, lo prat:Mud sert*i!le•
tLe organ struck up, -from which he correlitded
sons Mod of s .`oktve - doWn" was ibonic; to
conoticace.. Just, at Cbst• sioftent, he waiir
lAted to :milk dm !Aust . take a seat. 14 i of
plater—lsitet 564 to. such (tangs
on suminy .. ;. abJ, beak - ides, don't deice."'
gappw.—Mr,eits .eck is writieCts Mtger
3 4 1
.4 1 g:40x!, au* 400 for die
ifamipre,4,o4 l . ups .)por•••
/ 1
#rif‘,,4ll 2.l lM l ,
virriPliAir!P?RfekbeilfW el
b. 1,
; 43;:vi cti9 l :/ 07-:
; Lotter to r. Bogen
We publish by request the following loiter
t. (ha. Butler, froM the editor of a Jewish
piper. The General in one of. : - his procta
uuttions or orders, had cut reflections ob the
Members of the Jeyetith faith; for which he
wan 'called to account. by Mr. 'Vises, a very
title and prominent &bran of New York
et i ty. Some eorrespondence -passed between
them in which Oen. Butler got: completely
rooted, ' and finally ? was obliged to bask down
from his position. The following, addreoW
tti Gen. Butler, sums up the argument on both
sides, and lays that dignitary on his back, as
"Ist as a flounder :" .
Cincinnati, hisrob 10, 1884. j
IGuaaat,—Yotir :letter in regard to your
telegraphic report
,on General Graham's ex
pedition, in which you mention that five Jews
wire captured trying to run the blicknde,
informing the people that you. consider the
Jaws a nation without land, .is before the
; The manner in which you profess your piety
aid attachment " the doctrines of Christ
unity with reverence to the savior," is truly
touching and will not fail to convince all
Phritans of your additional worth as a church
member. So glorious a General and so pious
*Man, they will eitclaim, what an acquisition
to the Church ! Indeed, I envy the privilege
.94 the parson or pastor who preaches'religion
td you. It is an honor. , Had I this right I
wpuld say something to this effect:
dliaortuta Bunau—You are a great man ;
still God is greater, and God is the loving
fegher of all and t l yrannizei over none. You
are a great warrior, but the God of battles is
greater; f He counts the tears and sighs of the
innocent and oppressed ones, holds His crea
tdres responsible fOr the prosperity and hap
p'Mess of their fellow creatures, and watches
with the jealous eyes of a father over the
infusoria in the w ater , and the worm in the
dnst. Crash no worm under your feet, God
sees , y, and 'will dull you to account for it.
Y6u are vested With high authority, still it
id, brief, like the life of man ; God's authority
is everlasting ; thbrefore beware of vanity•and
Ouse of power. 'Then for the sake of a happy
tr,ansition I would *say : And this great God,
Oka supreme authority commanding " love
Lily neighbor as - thyself," said nothing of na
tionalities, of either Irishman, German, Jeir
oi Gentile ; therefore, Brother Butler, take
hbed of yourself, less you speak and feel like
Philistines who are called " Knownoth
So I would say and preach, and you would
certainly leave the house of the Lord a true
penitent. But being-myself a Jew I must not
Pl'each, I mnst be a trader, merchant, or
b}inker, as you say . and it is right and fair
tltat evevy honest man stick to his own pro
fision. Lawyetit.should practice law, phy
sicians tend to patients, soldiers to warfire,
aid I, the Jew, s't'ick to—to What, General'
tep criticise your , letters. Let u e go to the
Your plea of !nationality is rattier poor.
*what law or military order are you re
quired or allowed;to mention any nationality
in your reports orprders? 'Evidently by, none
oa record. The people' voted Knownothing
iem out of the Political arena, and demon:
filtrated its repughance to narrow-minded na
tionalism in the land of the free. Your CIO.
tonality plea is poor.
1 I am truly sorry that you, General, "living
in an inland town in Messachtisetts prior to
the war, had met but, few" Jews, and still
called these captured individuals Jews, a peo
ple you know not. Were they indeed cir
cumcised and oftbe blood of Abraham ? I
am somewhat curious to know how you con
vinced yourself Of -this fact, and-a General
Must report facti only, especially as those
reports are the sources to the future . hista
rian. Your knowledge of the Jews appears,
indeed,' quite limited, not because you state
Memmiager and Mallory, of the Confederate
Cabinet, are Jews, which they are- not; not
because you think all Jews are merchants,
traders, and bankers, which, as you will see
from the,enclomed lecture delivered in Wash
ington, is not the case, and year muster rolls
radically contradict it ; bat because you make
of them • nation with interests and earthly
hope* separate and distinct from the people
ef the United &lees. . The grounds 'on which
your aupPosition or prejudice is based, are
enterably untenable; there exists no ...prohi
bition spinet marriage with Gentiles" among
Jura, and we do 'nor "look forward to the
time when we are to be gathered together in
the former land of our nation." I solemnized
many marriages of Jews and Gentiles, and
have no ides of going back to Palestine I still
'lim not earned Out of the Jewish pulpit, my
Periodicals and books circulate widely among
'Jews,' and they Would neither excommunicate
not denounce sue as heretic.
Beti Oppose the premises -be True, your
conclusion is erroneous after all. A religions
'belief or:hope is no characteristic of nation
alley, or else all the Christians, Mohammed (1)14 ,
:13adhistsi Parsee*, Sec., must he each one
'motion, which they are not ; or is there any
ditlerence between this and any other retiginus
dogma? ; The term nationality, in its design,.
lion of common parentage, has no place in our
American dictionary; or else• we Could not
pgta now for our'nalionalily, knowing that our
fathers hailed from all ecantmes of Europe.
Yon, evidently did not stop to construe the
lena nationality in the American sense, or
else you must have thought of the words.
We, the people of the United States," know
! li ablog'of th9,ve rational preju dicies enter.
!hiked to at/Inland (own in Ilfassachusetnt."
- • ;
Nom,,'Oeneral, if I' was sour person,' or
istor,loir, I would preset}
_alley this argn
:ment ! , flUtheing 'Jew, I "Phssess only' the
!right of eririCa ,idtf iiindidly ask 'you, how
!ottuld y4,u tth'crught, uonlY in, the
ottottrie or btilittore,!! Idiot a' -itlirale to get
`into the telegraphic reporte,4lrseed upon air
'Bow can you,' a man is 'high spith of
persons , or things of tirblch you know little
or nothing? inispettially it you knot that
your words might be injorione or mortifying
to sonle or your , fellow oieiserte olio are in
loyal se you are 3 -What lentil ! you Mali 4
Marshal Of francs; or of an Austrian Gen
eral Telehempanieter. to itabloty
he epake pablielyof .Stersotiel:.or. thing" On.
kaolin tp hiakonti ditl,lo is ottssoiStreitottft
,cisossh I ; sit toolisti. Ihiniveljtsee,lettern
Alltert- . no otenpriti to
riar: l . l .!lit*W,
C I IMI4 I O-. 4 !qtr,t1ie z .4 4 044 01-
;, 4 0,,,, k .iiii over,. gee 400,1 Would not
htron 111 Post Pat
:7 : . manias
butanes, who lone for Thdld:knowe
4m, own q4l tide tweptert,ll94 not the
linf4 4 it ilia , flOalciirisifaii and be
ettilo noppinzt.._The Jew fights in the
vs4sier :patents} pays taw. and votes like
Othor . peolle ; may ha not alaisnhis share . of
tbo.p~piteuitieg e for WhialLia pikoeplf he bas
no emortnals to send theft? . The penitentia
i7 and the
(lan illatitutione: Tb. iviirbf knows of cor
riipti* the money` metioi tronitietfone, the
spfelts twietrulationit,'the ralitabia'jisate of
petudts to Jews and Oeneiles, she'closed eyes
and open - hands; and all , that bort' of lidos,
carried, on here arid there, and 'thinks the
Jews also bavalheirfingars in thw pie. .They
think the Jews,: being
,o well rtpresenled in
every Parliament and Cabinet of Europe, in
p very , Uhiversity and, templet et art;itt every
`army al i t! navy of the civilized nations, among
the'statenroen end diplomats (.f the world :
I •
why should they not be represented also
among 'the blockade runners' Therefore 1
should have said nothing had not your, letter;
been published. Batas you argue the care, 1
beg permission to furnish you my quota of .
This War will
, soon close, the Union and the
Constittition will triumph over every hostility
and obetaCle, the impartial historiographer
will collect the official documents and attempt
the compilation of authentic history When
the passions are silent, there is no hurry, no
pressure' of businehs, noitoproper phrase can
be allowed to get itself into the composition ;
then and there it will bo an ugly spot in the
grand picture, that commanding generals
JeVred their fellow citizens, in a lime of ex
citement gave unjust prejudice.,
held up thousands of loyal citizens and brave
soldiers to the derision of the weak minded
on account of a few lawless individuall, and
allowed a phraieology " to get itself intc;" an
official report, which the civilized world cen.
demons all improper and unjOst. Therefore,
General,.l wish you had used other terms.
Still I should have said nothing, because we
can well afford to let history speak for itself.
In conclusion; General, permit mil to ex-,
press sincere attachment to the land 'of my
choice, the United t.S.ltteti now and forever,
and my admiration for your great/ merits as a
man and a scholar; Alas, the greatest and
best of mortals are not without blemish, the
sun has his epotit. Jesus himself chose an
apostle who "was a thief and had a devil,"
and Jesus you say
,waei Omniscient, and fath
er Abraham is not.
• , I have the honor to be
Very respectfully, yours,
Rabbi and Superintendent of K. K. Ilene
Yoshuruin, besides other titres which I do
not wishto write now.
U. 8. V , Commander,of the 15th Army Corps,
—A newspaper has just been 'started •in
Philadelphia, to advocate the election of Gen.
Fremont todhe Presidency.
—A' large portion of ihe radicals want
somebody more radical than Mr. Lincoln as
next President. They will have to dig pretty
deep to find him—Louisa:ills Journal.
—spades were McClellan's weapons—Clubs
won't serve him in political Fnme hiq
friends have started.—Abolition Paper.
But h.ear4 may !
—The QUincy Tribune, the leading Radical
paper of Illinois, has hoisted Fremont's name ,
and all the German papers of Missouri, with
one exception have done the same.
Gen. Seymour presided at the first great
meeting in Florida fer the reconstruction of
the State. , It must be confessed that the ad-
Ournment was rather precipitate and not very
orderly. — l 7 ,Louisville Journal.
The editor of African Deseret, who con
ducts *he Anglo-African, says the negro is
better looking, more capable, and has a more
permatietit‘color than the 'sharp nosed, hatch
et-faced, land; haired - white trash..
—A clergyman, at an afternoon service, was
asked, to read a notice for a . woman's rights
lecture, Which he did In this wise:
"At heir-past six 'o'clock, at the school
house in ;he first district, a hen will attempt
to crow."l
will not strike thee 63,d man," said a
Quaker, one day, "bui, I will let this billet of
wood fall! on =thee ;" and at the , precise mo
ment, the "bad man" wait floored by the
weight of, a walking stick that th&Quaker
was known to carry.
Wendell Phillips - is "not certain that
slavery is dead unless he sees it btiried."; The
New Raven Resister says if he will go t i o the
"Freedmen's" camps along the Mississippi,
he will see it buried at the rate of
hundred's,4y. ,
- Werra Or Sown Uste.—A well-prim lover
of the bottle, who had lost his way, reeled
into a teetotal grocery and hiccupped,- "Mr.
—, you—keep 7 -a-anything—go4 to
take—here?,,"- "Yea"• replied , the temperance
shopkeeper, ”wef have excellent cold water—
the best thing, y(Ill could have "Well, I
know i',"! was the reply ;,.. thergs no one
thing that's .done so much for navigation as
Sasixaa's OPINION.—The Vicksburg
earrespendeat of tlio St. Louis Repußlicon
says tien Sherman has• erpreSsed the opin
ion that this war, will not end in.twenty years,
as at Tresnt conducted: Shetlidan ,says stop
trading,'top Planting , 'stop 'initlitng,, and
, •
everyttoog not, direptly conducive, to ,the or
my. E n f u rge n.o.olcriptiou of alilita able
bodiedneli North ; tad let•os taro and
whip thelrebelt.2 "
—The' mfr of - de l . Ile • suregard tiled in
*Nevi O • rie - ani" on the evening of tke 241,Citst.,
sad was 'buried ott the.4 < ilt. fier Amaral was
the hirgect ever seen in New-Orleans. Over
6,000 krsons attended, and the CetrfOr was
over on ti s_
--.3..corrsispontient.4•l4e-ef-s soldier wound.
*I try tveite4l Feet: W ainer: We errs - going
o the rear' with a nuttilsted'inia.
"Wetnded by ti, efiell !" Tie *as 4414„
••Yea;'-' he .coolly inswered,_ . :•l was under
the duxuea . il~irtg when the ; bofloat dropped
e• little Bpsingsfield.;. Miongh t
her tno her, es she wargeliking
the other bletheter.4pme a baby. The
atien pitrilte ik•Siiat:ea i l k VOO .49 . 1 and on
her r e t r pru inade , l,lio .. prealliptAAon, ; (42lsting
to ,Stei kW:, pianist; it.
But the ;megaton child •itmll4.ltattltykkeep
the tetirg fear heir , eteg,lig shedigarrignitly
elo l 6i6ted,
• .„ • I
~:1b!'41 1 4.1 , :5 . .15, )11101i:7.A., Boer
WAs tit4lllo.ol,lollll4,4ostripithesrEs us
ot deo . Stoats lioin thir,rebobana"; 7diller not
*bid in said'SbottrlieseetlAitildtestilsown
`ittritttil • Wt 'doubt . ret e l i i"r
'the nqmber of thoveLlogthige,geursi a rm y.
t Annoriiing_to,ettnialliiipeittiJ desertions from
our sittiw - , - 1862, amounted
C•4B,4c 4l o Cl hte d aiTh 4 V l . t ithe War
broke' out de*'4iftiilll l 64l4lo;if Mtn;
1141 4 4 1 . th tii t 0161 4#.1 4 . 411 AFT* _ .
; 7i3 tri ;11 ..• .
Brief Paragraphs.