The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 12, 1864, Image 3

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    Eke Csic f& ettAgrxim.
saTIJR'DAY: ARbH 12;1'864
special Notice.
The Obserwr La• 44; next week will bo
t i n ted on Thursday stterno os day ahead
t h e oustostry period.: City.sileseribiri
be served ors-iteddst-imineing, and tba
rush ill parts ofThe county when
# mail facilities permit, bi Friday ifternheft"
The State lilestatts
we have intedligenee of the organisation of
.9 Senate, by ,the election of is gitetaiter," is
e form established by the custom of Ain;
on . Mr. Penney, on Wednesday, reeigeed
position he had claimed to bold since the
w ing of that body, and wne Immedietely_
. elected by a party vote. of 17 to 16 The
emee ratio Senators. have that, by their firm
A str aighttorwardeourse,perpisted in in spite
Jocohin clamor and falsehood,
S o natorkprectically to acknowledge
e correctness of their position. litysiOess
11 now go on- in the regular manner, and If
e Jacobins wish to pass a vote of thanks to
n. Grant, or invite the clergy to open the
.ions atth prayer, or declare for'the thous.
do time that "the Union—h. mnst be pre-'
reed," they wilPlind the Demlioratio Sens-
se ready to vote for the propositions as
y one could wish.
In; Secretary of War p in response to a pote
dressed to him by Senator Wilson request•
hie views regarding the joint resointions
the 'l o use to _continue. the payment -of
nties to the let of April, says that in
opinion the requisite troops can be snore
pedltiously raised by continuing the pay—
rit of bounties than by any other means ;
condi that at. present great exertioas ■re
ng made in several of the States to raise
it quotas by' volunteers, so as to avoid a
ft, the. people preferring 'that method of
sing troops ; third, that Generals Burnside
Hancock, add the State Legislatures ind
ecutives, are earnestly requesting the coh—
nonce of the bounties unlit the Ist of April ;
rth, that in his opinion the joint resolution
the House is wise and judicious, and that
speedy passage by the Senate -..Wonld.
• tly promote the public welfare, • lied
ngthen the military force more quickly
• effectually than can be accomplished by
y other mode.—N. Y. Tribune.
The Secretary of War must certainly have
come a " copperhead !" 'Last yeisr, when
e Republican presses and, orators were all
vocating conscription,• Gov. Seyntoui and
.er leading, Democrats said volunteering
the speediest and fairest way of raising
oope, and is return for their suggestions,
e Jacobins complimented them with all the
dice words in their vocabulary. Now they
.tit by their acts, though not by a candid
afession, that the Democratic leaders were
4 41 aid " OS Gen. littetite. ,
Indications have pointed with certainty, for
me time past, to an early "raid" upon the
mmander of the Army of the Potomac, by
e Jacobin War Committee of Congress. It
at length commenced, and the Committee
now industriously at work, !securing one
testimony to damage the General with
Inblie, and procure his dismissal from
Jnition he occupies. Ile is charged with
mg sent two separate orders for the re-
of our forces on the first and • second
of the- battles of Gettysburg. and with
ing won that decisive ( series of , engage
ts more by good luck than the display of
t military abilities. One or two of his
!els, who are not friendly to Meade,
produced testimony to this effect,,While
If and several of his friends have given
mony of an opposite character.
. suspect, though, that the...eel! 020138 15f
enmity to Gen. Meade) lies in the fact of
being a Dembcrat, an honest man. and
-m 'admirer of Gen. McClellan. ILA he
a devotee of Jecitbinistn, be might hare
' as many bungling orders as be' pleased,
many battles, and been instrumental
tog the death of as many breve men,
'till retained the' support of the bigoted
who for the while are permitted to
and disgrace the nation. We are pre
at any: hour to hear that he has been
I, and Hooker or Burnside, or some
incapable Jacobin put in his place.
US ANNA E. Dicussox.—This famous
le "orator" deliver* her "lecture"
ded " Words for the Hour," in F
,on Wednesday evening. Every part of
)uilding was jammed to its utmost extent,
the Association must hive , realized a con
\ hie profit,. letrge numbers of_ people
in from the country: attracted by the,
nation of the woman, and eager to see
ear a celebrity who bad been so much
up by the Jacobin press.' We think
stile the general sentiment, when we say,
t Miss Dickinson's "address" did not coma
to publics expectation. It. by no means
'led her former " lecture" in this city,
/as positively dull in some pans- :There
In unusually small amount of applause,
that she did have wan generally of a pain
mild type. Her friends excuse her, by
.mg that she was ill, and we learn-that I
iposition ion:Relied har• to remain here
iderably longer-than she had intended.
"lecture" as au argtsmentsti►e prodeta
was probably superior to her other one,
it will be a gratification to all who res.
female purity to know:that she_bas atm-
Os liberal talker eoerseitnii anwociaa-
'theta with witiete "her' prerioits effort
ktaatefully sprinkled: ; While in this
she remained a guest with -thalami!, of
Lo wry
, did not bear the part-of her :eclat* in
h ehe criticised - 3fr. Lincele; but it Is
that skeriddle3 that szperlatively "hoe
"public functionary" with an unsparing
le. His "Amnesty PivelatnatiOn" in par.
was subjected to a - searching de:tun
ic, very much to •the disgust of the de- ,
of our present Presidential incumbent,
le intimated in language plain enough
understood by all, that the author of
document Wall 110't fa to be 'entrusted
in with the helm of the . National Gorem-
Iler remarks on this pointgare mor
offence to the class- of her hearers who
%in Mr. Lincoln, and who composed the
!r portion of her audience, and the
,}bei, of their commsnta in v.!), judged
the remark, of en excited, philanthropic
pious Abolitionist whieh we overheard in
xa's Irotel, , that "13y G—d where he-want
to hear a disloyal speech he would go to
ir a •oipperheitt'l" bait he “didn't like
be bolsi Ly a traitor in disguise :" Pro
trly there are some people, wholf they had
eir money; kick; leoiild net; invest it is
:ileum 'lecture ^ stock again. - We extend
Atm in their severe &Station our most oor
-61 sympathies.
NO , Gito4l2/Y.—Our readers wilt find it to
t ien i advantage to purchase Groceries, Flour,
lie, at the new store recently opened by lr.
Jacob Boats, oa French: street, a taw doors
loath of the Mansion. Ilona.. Ms goods are
mostly fresh from the Bast, end baring all
been purchased for cash, he car afford to sell
at Uri very lowest prices. We heartily com
a/ad him to the public favor, knowing that
hi is lily worthy of ono. wags:ass
Tun Rzconr Flan. , --We; were entirely too
iMF is imieposilmat . .
_of Friday night.; The &polka netrnslso,: -
000 thairs,ooo, as 'tinted our e,
and some hare thought it will io Veyeadthat.;
Mr. Griswold, the, oceopeat otate,Reod House,'
saved hardly anyitting i t sad he jeenslileri
his furnitnre, carpets, Ile;" wettlie.
$B,OOO. The tire broke oat so auddealli
the 'family bad time to save - scarcely 'VOA;
their clothlig. Mary - of the bosedOts . tiom
various articles of turnaire salt elotklig,-
some being destroyed - by - 4p and mtsch
carried 'away bylpilfetews, of whook
sorry to say there were a large number
The brick blOck on French street belolegild ;
to four different parties—Humph heir John
Deitley, J. C. Spencer and Simnel Belden.
Mr. Spincerhad as insurance of $6OO. The
loss of ilemot's 441 L estimated at Roy
Mr. Deitle,y's af.sB,ooo ; Mr. Speaciees at
$2,000; and Mr; Belden's at '$1;800. "The
nettles whO litre&in the property bait:looE
people are the greatest proportional'eulterers.
The store keepers in the Reed House were
nearly all insured to the full value of their
•A subseri - ption was set on foot in the oomi
mincemeat of the week to assist'lli.'Orbitrold;
but we hays net heard what snoesse, it ,isaa .
I •
met wiih. :fie intends eatering into the hotel,
business ben stein, as soon as he can find a
place to go into. ,The public strongly sym
pathise with him In his misfortune, and his
friends will labor with earnestness to give
him another start in the world. .Under his
management the Reed House was gaining
reputation and patronage rapidly, and would
soon have been one of the lost prosierons
establishments of the kind in the State.
The origin of the firs remain s& Ruch of
a mystery as ever. It is said to have broken
out in the north end of the ball roe* 'where
a light waa . seldom although ftt.i La
have commenaid 'in another part of the build - i
iog, end crept prough beteeen the woodwork
and plastering to the place where it iii/ firer
discovered. There are mss' irho beliewi that_
theirs wu the work of an incendiary.
We know noihing of the detligns of Gen:
Reed in regard to rebuilding the Hotel. It is
geld that he proposes to.form a joint stock
company, faiths purpose of irectingw build
ing that shall equal in magnificence any've4
of the mountains, he putting in the lots vii
the valuation of $60,000., Whatever
or other capitalists take in relation to the
subject, we trust it will be done promptly,"
The situation is one that it would be a disk;
credit to the city not to have built up at dia
'very earliest possible day, in the beet style,
not to speak of the need r of store rooms and
accommodations , for the entertainment of the
traveling public. , The unsightly condition in
Which Gen. Reed permit.' much of his other
property to remain, leads us to fear that be
will exhibit no more public spirit in this case
than he has in many others, but we hope for
the sake of his reputation and the credit of
the community that we may be mistaken.
We thought of saying a few earnest words of
exhortation to our citizens oaths dangers-that
threaten us from the want of proper fire orga
nizations and apparatus. But, on reflection
we have come to the conclusion that it would
merely be a waste of ink and paper. 'Pante
diately after the fire, when all were alarmed,
and our frightful deficiency - in this respect•
stood out prominently before, the eyes of
most selfish, a movement was 'started to pro.
cure engines and establish companies. It
with universal favor - for a while, / hut as 044'
titer being thoroughly discussed, - and•re-die-'
cussed, and as many different notion/ , atk-,
rancid as there were people to, present tient,'
it terminated in nothing. The present city
councils, we understand,intend leaving tbd
jeot as a legacy to the in-ooming body, ated
the probability is, that after lliedelivery of a
few speeches and offering of a few resoluticins,
it will be abandoned--until the nest fire;.As
have only this to say, that, if,after the' fearful
warnings we have had in the last two months,'
our opens do not set therOselves to 'work
preparing water works, stunt fire engines,
and establishing -companies, they are not en
titlecil to sympathy in any , calamities that may
comeupon them.
Primo Marriscs.—A meeting was held in
Wayne, flail, on Friday evening of last, yeah,.
to co der the most effective mean of pre..
vidingtfor safety against Brea. 'We regret*o
say, that, notwithstanding the pressing -im
portance of the subject, and the very recent
lesion' that the public had received of thitilist
gerous position in which our city is plaid,
from the want of prow apparatus and crest.
satins, the attendanehwas quite small. Not
over 200 persons were procit at the : Militt,
and a portion of the time hardl7 half
number. David Shirk, Esq., presided, and
Wm. S. Lane, and T. D. Vineeat r Esq.,:aitied
as secretaries. Messrs. J. W. Wetmore,Mases
Koch, Belden Marvin, W. - J. P. Lhideltinii
0. P. Dm ware selected ass *connate,
on resolutions, who riposted the folloWhig,
which Warip • ad pled after a lengthjradiscus
Raolval, That this meeting recommintle
the City Councils, to purchase iminedlatclir
Steam. Fire Engine.
Resolved, That the City Councils
without delay, i increase the number of maser - .
Resolved, That the water works .with iron
pipes should be extended by the City daring
the present season, and as soon as practicable
carried into a complete system by the'City
authorities, Or I private corporition. 7 • '
Resolved, That fire companies should 'lse
organized by wards, for the present band wt..
gives, one to be located in each wardPek- ' id
that the city authorities be requested to call
meetings to organise fire eampanlewin mss-
day evening, March 10th, as follows;
in the lst Ward, at the Cenmnou Qoniall
Room ; in the 2d Ward, at the_lltlitt:No4ol
Rouse; in the lid Wald, at Ilartleib's Heir;
in the 4th Ward, at No. 2 Societe - Heusi. ' 1. '.
Resolved, That some provulititt itioald'.be. I
made by the authorities for hiiiingAitt begs'
of the city rung as lire bells, and forywoooriiig
a Ire alarm belt.
Rushed, That this meeting twociintenif. 14
citizens to keep movable hand fetes paella:
for immediate use in the beginAinskorlitell
Resolved, That a committee of five be ..
pointed to present these resolutions to ..1e
City Councils ; whereupon , Wm. B, Taal, . '
W. Wettnore ' S. t3myth, Moss's NceN 144 W4O
3. F. Lidde ll , were appointed said comaitteie..
The Commillea appeared before Couicpa s
on Monday evening, and sninnittad
resolutions, whieh were ordered bylitaL body
to be placed,on ifiei and the Bergesatear:-Xtios
instructed to call meetings as reconimabilid;
81 1 / 1 111311L. rrirprlumall AT tistwu.:.-Th
Girard Moo giresiA,lengthy
. mm414 . '0 4 04
very disgracefial eoiduct of bur retttiMi
diers—thrie membersof the 111th .
sad one discharged' from the laMfiiital4kt.
borough and vicinitY, en Friday ifternT e n t ,,
the 26th . lilt. .They diet wintTtolNZ 14:
and entering the saloon near ed
what liquor they could get, atrilet*oiagin.l
the-window of the 4 o'clock express - 94 it:
a woman sitting in the car, insulted the Wife
of an abieni Soldier, aid frighteied thalfmni
ly of Jamas /lampoon, in. Girard toAabip:
Prom there they went: to Girard borough,,
where their doing" ke eiing
with their wits at the Depot. Dapsimisa_ {ay
dovi apes ass who. selioigoi so* 4 1 1 44...
• .„ . •
• . • ay. IL '3 two
. •
_ •, • .•••
Li.: tn...k.:41. 1..11 Alen •q. T. \. •
• : ••?t , •? , :•* - , : ti-ArAtioi ' •
outrages. Women iosOted, property destroyed
. ace '. e shamed. Covered
• agate, dirk Is
flip of Lockport." Thqrsiptous demonstra
tickq do tot a sr to have been area
aglart4lklfiflll4oejpaot. l parti,•
11-* ere Of a reryi...inkm4pileols, 4Aktarkter. al
Itom their !spay impelled them to lnterf
kith rispii‘fic;
eai character.
I Zi.11 7
stung witlasslyip Cron/ te e thentselye
aid friepda m moltoof a oi
isiniptissnakir ed.eltersen—ortutform •
lekarmed with blabs, stones and poke
Ahoy followed the sOldreis, overtook them
Air. Sargent's: oketriStaftletitiAirdrii, attack •
Its ocdrik dirt, vifk , '!FT,s i ertotudy
ott '
h ' em, one Blitar=ottlelertr6kte it c h.
e. er two Issagisk :tory, slight Or a'
nines. Some of ilia asse ? ltiog party Ter
afterwards arrestedl i but ky the advice o
40446 iiedwdttliletti the mitten
of $25
-; The' Union say&tbo
, eoldiers referred to
l'•bothkefore andeinceegeir enlistment, hay
;Wei a 4ery bldAll'erecOr ikeptirtheficom
Tedes and former nei 'ghbors."' We are quit
stitireC,ltigi:ll444. l . * linkillA is severely
1 44e0 1 ,1 1 kikOettletial!°alera, •
met et taeir—segisient, zriust bir• bi a I
good citizens. • ' ' .
0110AXISA2101 In
cOnliflerietavitht thS-SiSII of the City Conseil',
meetings were held in several of the districts,
41,Thursday, to organise Are companies. The
lst District meetiag vas held la the Select
Ctuecil „room, and : prianised by the selection
*G. W. Starr as President, and J. W. Wet-.
Mora- se *rerettarly; Some eighteas .or two
dosen persona: .W r- eS_ present, nearly all of
Thom ott4tfh ,forward like men, and signed the
rail for tie , erisaisOlott of a'company. The
folloviinicocitthillie was selected, to call upon
ths_eitiattaa , and- .4Uoit, signatures.: J. W.
Wetmore, Chao: Lynch, SOIL, G. P. Brevillier,
P. it. , lteckiff; Loversia, Homer Hill.
The. meeting astiPned to meet . in the Com
mon Niinell rotilt . ALTtlesdiy evening text,
at 7 ci:c?oo16 ,
' We have not leiiiited what action was taken
IMLite Throtfgh semi
tetttgiribe ht faittng to light' up the engine
house, no meeting was held in the 4th District:
'We - hoPti' that the cltheni - will
rally to the: -oheiiirers -- meht .of these meet
ings.- Ind_ &M.-allow them to fail. . The
nettetiltr Or'llrericotopanies Is - urgent, and
admit, of no delay. No one cue tell how
coon another Are may aiseur, more disastrous
: than hhy erebave bad.. A stigma should be
made tioattach .to. atm manthose of pro
' party especially—who' will not take part in
organising a,campatiy iu his district.
.1110111 -w aill47llo,—Tbere Is one thing
• •
tii,*(4lol6v7llionlil learn.' If he wants his
workuterio-beitl4ady and industrious he must
set this nano!' himself. Be the first to reach,
your. place of_bo,sinOs r - 7 1a4r energetically
Iviiert , ivp r ateltber loi l f yourself nor allow
others to loat—hav; regular - working hours,
but do not be afraid tn-do $ little night work
whaa_maltemats pushing. Wtrknow of em
ploye:re who eemplained that their hands did
not,phots, the, right „npirit, when. in fact, the
Arun - iris largelYlbelt btkn. ot being
prompt at woilt, they were the last on band
in the porni i ng 7 -instead of speaking to their
worlitrienin a tind, litpressiveontnner, they
generally.. used as.gxulf, discourteous way—'
they seemed attamoh afraid of doing a little
extra labor,as the parse. bays in the concern,
—and theif entire cohdlict was calculated to
Iglea•Alse , imptession that they had little or
`BO ateeltu of the establishment.
Of "i'dursi.,"tmder nett circumstances, the
vitiltmtniebtaltV seeluely fail to catch- tbe
fection,XruLltaittge the example of their em
ptoyer.• T t ra ivbut one way to sumrs, and
every man engaged in business must learn it
soon oriste, sod - dist is-to follow the rules
laid deals-130S Grit part of this article.
New ilintativatf*-Broami—Taking a tour
about the city on Monday, chatting with old
friends; inemeiring new aetpaintsnees, we
happened to drop into-the new turniture store
of J. H. Met it Cc:, - on State Street, between
Sight/franci Ilinth, one of the largest and
most eci4let s e" istelishmen'ts of the sort in
the West: , • Tito 'kindness of one of the pro
prietors .esibled'as to obtain a , thorough
kaalthOge of l Ati epent s of the concern, oaf
we wertpieateti-ealled it doing so prosperous
a butidelw. c The Sim and second stories of
eitcbuilging.artkompied as "show" rooms,
tlff• nit i. ll l,9o l of the handsomest
hire las 'CVO been offered for elle,' either
here or elteWhiiir.!. The third - story is used
•as reltoptia whieit the-articles are prepared
for the hiiiirtiit einlomers. Here wo hal an
opportunity to examine the different processes
throailtorhiA a:khoc of furnit,kre he. to go,
in order to prepar?.it for use, and 'we were
bight; isiiei:esied . With the visit. The articles
made tejtsillielhostl'ach.equaily tasty and far
more substantial than those manufactured in
the large cities, and their piices, we are as -
.aure are 44.3tighsr,.. or at leatt' --- 0 - I — little
pisreettiting furni•
twee:wilt ot7a4varstaie to give Mows.
Fres ewetaieltann:-.• he 011.04 Itlfillfr
gives the following particulars of the destrnosi
tire fire nit* 2d l inst. : • t
. we go to press we learn that an eaten-',
live re'bes2 warred .at the .Maple ohader.
, Will,. At'thaPida -$l. Bgbert Per , some six'
atlas araliatUre. ,_T4k,fire, occurred about',
three o'clock P. Ma:and issuppased "caught!
'ilbin s tlititteystettWell, a few rode above. In
boring the miners sefuot a vein of gas and oil,
whiciribirtid Iliteetlye bourses the tanks of :
gm bisple,l3hade, , ,13. y some means, not as yek
clearly ascerfainel.:thlkOil 04
_gas caught
fire, and in a few momenta the whole spaci
lioillid thb will was enveloped in Aimee.' The
thealor.a.distanse of:eighty rods below was
*mutt over. The loss as near as we can get
t, ,will not kibstrfi 12,000 bbla. Dihrorth &
'avtio awl liablassu 4 1r. Co., ; axe reported to
bwrilinithiistitsietso-to fifteen hundred bar!.
retiisati:' 'BMOC bolts, were bathed, and
tlisiapisseasslitillio litOrylasir roads a MU
i4rll4le*ir. . = TM/ value of thcall, tants; &el,
. .14131.11141.kattP0ti5160,090. The Maple Stade
Well was still on fire up to our lat'est 'deicer,
biliftlofitillot it Will be estinguished with.
Soul serions.ittjuiliO the Welt.
• >4 4 l4swiseast4ed *a We ;lOU WCllatooi
- lithigiet tstsPet fit Co's , weli,arnsoming 100
.ear 41, , e1f oil 4 ;', j , • - - •
A Down-sane stintsa.--Theres - • was is
teDiNittallt'llegivssidebriti4 lately when
the bride and groan were attlielthi tbe
which prevailed itreentury or two ago. The
groom was * whitip ; powdered wig w
t i boa
gum, a rldltly'ettifliaildered blue velvet Out—
•straymelasitit yoUctp knee breeches,
shoes The brAdits
inii*lidered; - 'iutd' her 'dress!' eon
nit ..kiiihTj Seared white sitin, !with
Pgr...4llFlllf The "make up". ot the parties
Me' groom Aid .sot protest
4111Wnetseittestetel appearance peoueiariio
=IeItA L LIA. HOC who„year the splendid
l i kileiPlat boots, made over the Plunier
TtiteiThiarbilis r ! . Eieheelatit, State street,
blitiivhfiliellrefk and 7th as: -
Ostilyekerto Llora.etui*twole.—WooFer
theletierel4llli4e for se anihesUo tersfoo of
Old Abe't,l.4lL - tiro it the Fluids eipeditron,
wltlrllooo 4 ltfey. were lost Is the atteipt
to gel three 4444 7: 10; 7oW._ It west be leery
rocia v...I„:J••Ar •
ilhitre*M4Ao4o4 6 ,,
NIL A heavy thunder stem—the first it
the isir—aeon:red on Prhisy ateraing.zg .•
Ths wivertbeetett emienweberOita.
Vizi:A*ON Proitali4 l o! Lthi ! 41 0'17 111 'W
foned,neder our new adeartleweelt bead.
W),T, are !Oars tilt. rowdies. whe keep
latelotitit • - Ans.—liceinis they icin-tllltde
11111- By request of his eitagregathm
Forriietir will rePiit next Huntley netting,
his feature isti !glade Lather." _
511111 0 .11 e. leant that a ma died near Wells
burg, souse fops ! w?ske itch *of, a disease
timipitt lobe hydrophobia. He la supPcoid to
hatelialten while . sklanioB a calf that had
died of the malady: ' •
881;;The mount - of city scrip deitroyed to
Febrintry iirai '513,842.85.
-Ths. total amount Issued was between nine
teen 'and twenty thousand, so that' only a
acteartiiisCreseeiac Intraday:m[4, topsider;
OW of which has probably been Jost.
NS. The Chief of Polio., on Monday even
ins; reported two- new cases - of mall pox,-
015;oi Third street, between French aad/fol.
land and one In the Hospital. He stated
that there wire three other cases just outside
of 4: city limits.
_ ail. The City Commits, at s epeeist mut
ing; on Tuesday afternoon,• ah►npd the place
of holding elections in the 111 district to the
East room in the brick block• on fifth street,
no occupied by Lieut. Combs u a recruiting
aloe. The formes location vu to one oldie
rooisii of the Reed house.
egg. At the Itepubliean meeting, in ,the
Rending Boom on Tuesda, atoning, Bon.
Prescott Metcalf, present Mayor` of the city,
was Unanimously re nominated for the same
positiOn, and a resolution - .ndipted, llzing
Bat4rdsy for the nomination of candidates to
the aloe*. The meeting expressed
its preference for G. A., as the nest Republi
can Presidential Candidate
s 46 We were called upon on Wednesday,
by tipt: J. F 'Crass, of Greene township, who,
desires to tb cellos the skillful undoes of
Dr! R. W. Gonna in his case. Ile was ailing
7foi!along period ,with bilious complaint and
other disorders, and after trying several phy.
Malaita, wu dually induced to try Dr. G.
,Twe bottles of the tatter's Sioiso Aponte clued
him completely, and Ds is now in better
/health than be has enioyed to some yin*
"Caps, Cross is eery warm in praise of Dr,
Gersiter's talents as a physlcan.
ger Mr. C. Englehart has obtained a 11-.
cetise to we the celebrated Flamer Patent, id
making boots and shoes. We judge it to,* a
vaikimprovement over the old method. , He
harelso s lugs stock 'of ready-made foods
telibeli he offers as low as any other dealsr : /
)4.2. is well known as and eitter.,.
pAsWg . business man.
;gar A ruutor prevails is the city of a
t seri-
Is riot at Meadville, during the first put of
e week, between soldiers and cleans, the
letter nearly all employees of the Atlentio
Greet Western B. 8.. Company. One story hai
itir that three soldiersivere killed, another that
they were severely injured, and still another
that several of the citizens obtained dangerous
injuries. A row of some kind has undoubted=
taken place, but it is impoulble np to the
present tinted,* ascertain the facts. We shall
n!trift the MeadvilliPapers with anxiety.
par A rival female political orator to Miss
Anna B. Dickinson has appeared in the mum
of Miss Emma Webb, a young actress, who, if
We are not mistaken, has given perfcnnences
ip this city. She takes the Democratic; side
of the question, and her lecture is entitled
t• Delusions of the Fleur," being a reply to
blies Dickinson's •• Words for the Hour."
blies Webb resently spoke In Brooklyn, and
her review of the Jacobins is said to be seath i
I,ug in thi trireme. She is pronounced faz
euPerior to Miss Dickinson, alike in talent,
beauty and manners, and will probably attract
Crowded houses wherever she goes. We
hal,n't much fancy though for " orators in
Petticoats," no matter which side they take.
, filer The Gillette has another editorial
abusing Er-President Fillmore for his remarks
at the opening of the Buffalo Sanitary Fair.
W. submit to the editor whether common
;peace does not require that be should print
Fillinore's address, in order that bis•
voider, may have an opportunity of deciding
!-on'the fairness or unfairness of his comments ?
The Gaiutto says "Glenni W. 44301ke1d is as
able a man as the lion.kMr. batioa, to say
the least." People who. know the two men
will be somewhat astonished to learn the fact'
—ll, foot it is. We suspect that our neighbor,
when be wrote that sentence; wee 11 one 'of
his joking moods, and determined o slyly
poke ridicule at Mr. Scofield, under 'the mask
of flattery.
ges,. The regular army recruiting dikes' of
bfejor Daniel Chase and Lieut. R. Combs, we
understand, continue to •be quite successful:
We learn that those enlisted into the regular
army .by these pntlensee, Are credited to the
sib-districts from which they enlist, and are
entitled to the local bounties, where any have
been offered.
Major Daniel Chase Is of the leth Regular
Infantry; the regiment of which Major-Genl-
Sherman was Colonel. We were not last week
&ware that Major Chase was thi same of
Who distinguished himself so greatly in the
Mexican war. Major Chase held the rank of
Captain in the regiment that led the attack
Amon Chepultepeo, was wounded. and In 'tie
Official report of the .battle was mentioned in
terms of high commendation by Oen. Scott
for his gallant conduct in that severs engage-
Meat. He has remained in the army @bail
that time, serving through the Cillapsigns of
the South-West, and holding *livers) Import
ant positions, and is undoubtedly an officer of
Overtones and ibflity. We understand that
Major Chaim of superior ihdueements to
young men who enlist la his rekintent.
iNik. It IS net a part of ouraatute to dainty
one an iitentional !Wolin, and when we
asoirtsla that any statement °tan erroneous
character has appectid in our columns; we
take the drat oppOtianity to coriect it, whither
the result be prejudicial sr favorable to our
personal or politleal interists. -A compli
cation haying appeated in the' Observer; last
week censuring Mr. pegmeier,Superintendent
Of iutille:schoole, it would be intik to with:
hold_ hig_explkoation. The -eubstssee of the
following editorial paragraph coniiiited in the
last Gaunt, it is to be presumed, was commu:
niested Witte 'editor by the patleman Inter
ested : •
Democratic Director" indulges in wholly
unauthorized reflections upon • our worthy
enlietintadent of County Behoolste the last
Observer. Mr. Degmier Is not required 'by
law to "publish his list of appointments" in
Pay paper, and his salary is set sufficient to
astable hi s to pnblirh It in more than ode. It
te, of omens, hie privilege to select tblt one.
He is devoting his whole time to the duties of
the office, without adequate compensetion,
and we think that instead of •complaining of
him for not doing what he is not regniivil to
all should units encouraging his latuirs, in
Order that they may be performed in the most
* sew manner poesible. ileis abundantly
capable, and will do his placard! If preps*.
enmained by the Meads sd eitteittpat
4/ 0 4 ,1 . 4 1
WI 11. A. Quinn has beta .:.appointed
Pusenger Sad Ezehatip Agent 'ia this oily,
sad wilWeiii/mppy leasimareititialear
ger Ticketslto persons sending for their friends
In Ireland, lEngland or Scotland.' !it• can be
cowshed at his residence, 'Peach-strtet, be.
'tween Beeond aid Third_streete, third loose
from the eerier of) Third, east side, daily,
from 12 to i 1 o'clock, and from d to 9 in the
• . .
IS Smelliest* of the dad:soden of
the Reed- the M. l'itisick's Festival
will taki lam in Brown's lilotik where ar.
rappmentil have beea nada to (Snidest lbw
affair 011,.. magaileent Acale. Over aiaety
tieketi hhv .greedy been u 4 the maa
igen are onnident 0 2 will be one of the coat
imoneseM Idenumatestioss firer hod is Iris
Let MD, buys ticket.
gis,)kict.,onkey sit Shannon late removed
to the eta+room formerly oseiPied by Sloan,
Booth 1 ktoCremy,,. in Wayne Bieck, where;
as ma is iihey get things in shapS, they will
have enn4 the Aunt sad larger. stores in
the city. hey are shrewd and Interptising
Mee, well idesavisig of the prosperity that
has atteadid their beanie efort4
mar direct notice to the adicrtheneat
of Dr. Witicter, In another portion of 0111'
paper. Hip antes of curing disiSse is a new
sad very Successful one. ProaC what little
sequaintguOte we have had with the Doctor,
we judge him to be a pleassiteg and social
ma, sad lone in whose statenteits reliance
may ba paced.
ggir Prisons desiring tionlist in the regu
lar Una, Til now a floe opportunity. Lieut.
Combs;" rutting °Meer for dui 7th U. 8.
infantry, whose once Istlon Fifth street, Is
one of they most
, pleatiust; gentlemen we ever
met, aid et gallant sildier.. Several 2d Lien
tonanaloa And over' fort:** ion-oehunissioned
tsmois iirofriaent in the regiment.
Mir: At; the meeting of Councils ',on Monday
evening, al communication sou retteived from
Capt. J. C.; Carter, of the Miohigai, enclosing
the naties' l of nasty persons who hies - enlisted'
In the navy from this city, since the Bth day
- ... •
of July lest recommending thht Mislead
bounty •be,palci to them, the SIAM as to recruits
in the land pervice.
° mar mir.'litutin tuts sold out his interest
it the : Carry City Ifeirto bit Jai. partner,
Mr. Btobhins. We have only al slight ac
quaint/Stift with the latter gentlemin, but the
little *lll : 1 11110/111, haw impressed us!avorattly,
and wi Jodie him to be sulker worthy of
success. -t
ger:At e tleman writing tons from MUM'S
Eddy, iW n Co., informs us that a man
mimed', 0 1 110110 Allen was drowned at thit
place, on the 6th inst., while endeavoring to
drop the! Allegheny river in a thutoi. He
was ittiot4 80 years of age, and fokmuly re
sided Bs Waterford.'
.., .
get Niels dr, Elliott, who, by-theism, have
fitted op but of the neatest stores ki,i the city,
have tWeiived e lot of pure RITIOIII cigars,
warranted to be what they are represented.
Those Who want a first-class cigar ,will lusow
where : to o tt alL ,
ger The annual Ward, borough end town
ship elections will be held on the Id Friday
of the'mentS, March 18th. The 14publicane
evince'. al disposition to rue, party4icketa in
every legality where they have a ~Whance of
success.; ...-
me+ Major O. J.liell, recently Baymuter
in the ;Regular service, has been tendered br -
Elecretarj Chase, the position of "4ashier of
!utensil Duties." It is said the ceinpliment
was unsolicited, " either direotlygor indi
' MIL Petersen's Magazine for Much is •
I capital 'number. The engraving, represent
ing 4*, Morning," is a-beautiful ones; and the
Fashion Plate is magnificent. 11 is also
brimful of interesting reading matter. Price
$2 a jeer in advance.. ' , .i
sir The Cleveland Fair realised tlOO,OOO,
that it Buffalo only $26,000. That
regarded as rather a failure. Felons who
visited both. say the Cleveland one rs Mitch
superior ia nearly every particular. K 7
gor Labor will 'be plenty durleg•tbe com•
log summer, and wages higher than!beyhave
been tor some years ; but whether enoujh'to
overbilance the inoraue via the ocitit of 'AU
articles of household use' we are 'unable to
we- We direct notice to the sdrirtisement
of Jams Silt, Esq., Trustee•of the .4 Harris
burgand Presque Isle Company,” offering
desirable rest estate for -sale.
air The McHenry House at 31cadeille, al.
ready one of the largest and finest! hotels in
the WaantrY, ht to be enlarged by the addition
of a !dig 200 feet in length.
We know • preacher, says set exchange
who, when he is speaking, eonstantly ham
sari the desk with his list, to rivet the '
lion :of his hearers.
slik. The Demnersoy of Dunkirk sleeted ;
their Supervisor by 160 majority, which is s'
gain of nearly 100 over St. John's majority
last all.
i,r at
*mast MO* foe Us Olitarver.
floor.. Modro o
111ie5t....... 1.4061,00
Coro. - Pal
Os% IA
Barley. . ..... ....AO%
i Lao, 2. 2 0
Pot !toe; 6476
Turnips, eueo
oliuns, .... ....00044
soa k .— .... =
Dried Apples:. ...2,C
Orris .—..1.00411144
Butler. . lid fbeli I
lard. 42 , 1
Pease ' .4131 S
libo Cholla.. ...litell
ZIA ' . ' 10403
fop Cilia, per ba5k.....1,26
•: Farm 'for Sale.
T HE Snbeeribeeefters for Sale his Firth
Illeasittp C . ', Pa, emptiadeg ninety
scree at geed mil. slam Maas ham Sity, as the WI.
terfori ShaalLke reed, aid am 'Wee from Wetatteri
Mtge, wellteehmed s t4thgeed budding% tier fr uit aid
thirty berm of mei laid. Apply ea pleaders for farther
Istrunties. Will Mesh! as reigoeable tams.
*OIL JWIIII iasaflAf.
Farm for Sale.*
J. sale kb Farm, Arcade la flaricora emir tp. s ele miles
from Rrie sad tamales:tea es mile Elora el the Bel.
Este hood. costaleisg 60 acres had ellevream, bat*
*reeled thermal a feta toadies Man *ad beak berg,
with God orchard, watend. aged, all cleared, mad
isiP""Nat "I"II4. JORN ItCLUNI4
A Valuable awl D..@ab4. etas(' for
• At trTise, Varies; Om% Pa.
, . .
The building. ic of Stec& at% s Bs., dry edgier. Than
fa aloes DWdLLINO.IIOtbBB attached. which irli; be
tastedatta.the dton It dished. ,
lee particalase. Wrote -
X. N. DI ODLE, Avast. I
Intr., Warns ce., Pa.
repo' tun TO =MID LADIES I
WILL. GEED. free dor" to &IV 1 , 111
- • oliO WIN soot is bar moo oM ageism 4wodisos
So. to roopsowir ostrooso• *era OM Lit ;
oliolsow tor Iwo isieurriT Araby
_sad Marl IN
rim i obi wthor ow/ owl IN= l
r . MUT, Use
gayoonlaid ioes rolieeso over
alkotio natio +to ober* oar is to Woo Om
twiNt my • Adams • •
MAD Dlll•gwrAttl, N. D. '
ilifarit4l6 ermany,l4. T. COI.
• Csa be 11 who
rieroorol or
, , ~ 1 . '
-4 P! i, i.
TAU. 10, 1164.
Died All•etioN 4002$
Mak« ..... .16
• 11660erriii% . 7........1/1
Rho C ieies, ... 11
min - 62404
deems Sagar 14611
Colin A. " .11620
cnisim a
von, 164. Yolsrria...l o 4l , l
13 - rees 453.411
Ask " 0•48 0
l_apsa "
Moir Castll66. 11
itstriss " _ —.. . ....20
Mato flab, Hallo 7 IS
treet.4o. .
111161106•1 'Ariel —.516.11,3
sairs - Ap of • sew sei irfokosnaii ii - .gear tisisiarroi
bogies rellset es the fast that the ed ••-
t 14.6 eals.4 istey Isi• my estabeskatst or/ lo
sissiditmellars OW. city, sae moot only by ail Ws-
Sallow tiss (Pt• 111) as
, .
WMBIII4II We: t r iatioselt time at Ow wisioestko
motet ef fns le
is pie east, for I would T ,
low tkoases to ilk bilyor tkaa t. the Isidiler who
assolltaal• wiles deo
I as s 'Shied aas, alseiste sad Ude
easoied Wale at 4 1 41 .ra•
I moat not saki the e/544 oat of toy Steen' periwig.
or ddisad ttw illwrotaisela sat ells* cleat smila asd
late Sift ' , as BsasNor Ike Woof mini the
bum waft tomakers siren* whose wkispaing
Pissed wilt ,it es. batter, lt dig are set good, mar
if they aro rod. I • .
IWM pay ally trallia lle eidlik, the imealle rr
Mired or a Plaao with ay woo 00 li,, if they an sot
pleseid with ft, sad pay a 78assiii Dellani to ear
as eke inn akar se one ern wldeb the flaal• Mirth*
Wm se wally, New York aid &Akio Plead bale doss le
tads oily sad Loll tie "aerie ,411 wbeei
psi Masao oro—sot tie taftiere.eepodal/r tbs. with
Soakage 'oedemas : Nit. net ge Wine Oaf i 1 42;
try Flame aro wanis tib ied to iii smelled et* Ell
geed tmpremmenlimil Mit Mitlighett e• or pee.
&sews Masao (Pretreat* a r
ea hM
lie kod el am de well
mid Sheep as any saber elm
lartlre Lady to purchase snytklog is AI, Reda Ilse,
willjplosimi remember that I ma dealing tirwly la had.
cal irsaikand re gievalle, sad oas olfbaledassiaste
rarely ezeolled Or oar Eh/4414 &slaw
Pawn warranted by was im relied wpm I Wag
Idaaalaateror, facer, Pryer and Naidelas. se well es
tisaker. My sorted Is rod bosoms la= good f r the
armamt. KT opinion la maw Mess has boos a boseet to
Lam who pareafted Flamm and mono wko did met be
Its • se at Int loand Ike tnith attar a lAD* by . Weir
A.Fisie Torte mid* elsewhere Is no Netter her that
resseu, bet all Ylaiwa ere coed whistles, rd. eight. the
pee us cowl sed the W.-Iku. Zester• Pissed eze
lanehlted by me. es store said, et t Yana .hteuvre prises.
Ur eta& ea Wad consists ot s very asks selsetlen. wet
WI Woe than say Ow oared fee esle here.
Pl#1(0S TO LET.
OOrders ptewptly ettosted M.
eett. WK. WI LLIIIO.
Chaplet Farnittire Store
. G. 11*-Ellsey, &ts, Pa. -
BOUND CORNE F ;;EIS 9 r e rDr:
From $5 00
From IPS 00
spanni azps, * Frees
"i 50
From $6 00
AIM other !waiter% Low as tM Lomat.
*Olt side State Eitxeet, -
Next Palmer's Grooery.
'watt ;
wan w ra the Court °Maumee Plies
s 1 Erie Casein No. St Assad
pally R. Deouttla: Teimeos.. 1183. Alias Sabgioe, as is
M ..
stated sass, is hereby ..tiettled to sneer at the
Omit of comma Mae. to be bald*. at &ha ta sad tor
the emit, coo Erie, ea the ee~ Mewls, is weigh ant.
sad emote the WI aim plata; sad eikew, eteme. it sty
she bath, why a divines trots the beads of matalsoosi
timid not be greeted to said platatii.
Redone Gray & Faded Bair & Beard
For the Read aid Bak.
Restores the Color.
Eradicates Dandruff
Promotes Its Girth,
Prevents its Falling OfE
Is an unequalledDressing.
Is good for Children.
Dr good for Ladies.
Is wand for old 'p
Is perfectly Hermits/1.%
Contains no Oil.
Is not a Dye;
_ _ Beiutiflss the Hair.
Is splendid fOr Whiskers.
Keeps the Hair in Its Piste.
Cures Nervous Headache.
Prevents Eruptions.
Scope aching sad Burning.
Keeps the Head Cool.
• Is Delightfully Perfumed.
- - Contains no Sediment.
Contains no Gum.
Polishes your Hair.
-Prepares you for Parties r
Prepares you for Balls.
Ladies need it .
- No Lady will do without, it.
.Cats but IL 00.
ta Sig/ by Drentes sal Dashers eserywfamb
!Asti it pimp betti•—• bottles for Si
C. U. CIA UK & CU., Proptiston.
S. IRMO ai CO, X. T, Goma' Agent&
~ , f'~ J A
Judas of tits United States Circuit Court. Presibiat
coma Psis k kr. CLant Sri., ?mum's. r.s.
1111*..LADGIST, 0811Arlde AND Did?.
s3d pia i i ' or •1 • • trallaefelailllalalle. -
N •extra r:lar a tou fax MosuSastneent, alsentloost,
Sallee ad sad baba Socoa•Reeping.
Mutation' Sous at pale,. Students eider sad re•
view at any tine.
This luat/tuttoto la eoadoehld by escarleated Teachers
sod practical Aesoitotauts, who prepareyoung woo ear
act ye busies*, at the least upesaa sod siarteat vette*,
tor the IMO* hialafe and reiripec e ilde sitorattoos. •• r•
mamas growled tor, aern ialy. • Reece the aslant&
peedareilos dar'irradrialleir et : Intho Ordaria by haatore
Pattv.A: Ceirtinthi bait Pipits of Ow "Vas, who
held. the largest easher et !hr MX/WM sad fear an
emapetitonl. teaches Rapid Badmen Writivg.
Ciaortelli annalaiattall Woman*, east Au Si
aipplicatiera to tio reirpaa.
jgNgpra its UTTlS l ,Pitialpdp.
BiaTes s tlieed liars the Sew sad Calls et dialtera sad
Nee irradiate. • iu4.18,47.
SPATS WHIZZ% ItEttlk-111311%
Whore a fall awl chola* amattaisat of
eßocurizs, .PAVVISIO,NBI
'UM ANDWooDirl 11A1UP., itValt
witaux, Nei
(Massif. '
CO..itiliLit.a.L TO
. zz , av
shwa let apsfall 114114.41.4agagfee k .o.beetie",
poser,fia.. *Waft tie Oit LiotAlt•grlK with 'i I
kas ,
one )6( essiliamot Fowl, Net el vlect emeassm:s
iorpirol view vreirCtty. 867.-}lartor, to .
• - .....0,000
- -.-- !.: - ' .: •
- - -Inialelliamillialaa..
aelesei of pais' frau. as, Per.. : ,11,_000
3 TAirSl.-Psitillraiss
be l sUes grOsi Erie, fir $64130
is ACID • • "
wan iss4. 1 Idle
?XS 'Larissa& Climennii • • ar,—
Szis, knees as Ito ,
Ile bench pr Irak • trit
traaSiag ea 'lora k LI. • r
ALSO, Lets. assess sin 14 1 4 999
an asinine.
*lsibsry load sad iashical
ben sal onitainl foe. SZ,' 04
lbs rusaniet WIN matt,
his suniLatiutag buismik soots tan& to
sad Is olottraisoi to ma a part of its 141
tiorofloolaillos W losogolag at tie Wows low
Mil ma* two tom grottleto "4 thin pair&
ditaelL ..
Lial„ . ,jd
Ihissiess sittings past psesllssillss •
Is (*Ss Mow bY roves alid
Miliffaithetelleldbilli PalitiflEUX/1.
Is /Mawr. the 'Waled iserethias, sod
s uurross tie saws of dimes.
It taboo Ms w•s oat of Bump Se me isd
Tom* aed whoa tatlaansatioa at Gam
11 hi 411mArilmid In die Sada sad llsidN, sag
OgoriNo Mho limb Applkod aa mho.
lbw el the Law Steam* lad Bowels. - L
It !le slips litualls Ilieuslisial to
, ILldasy
rM/mlifwrw*Twg'T/TrifT 7 Tl7rlTrP"'"l
than add. It Ms sued lawmen raierhig
1.t...!. lives ea erery goo beagraeld thee ea" ether
aims war raeleist to.
is bi ker.,. su monad Use wed! as do west
esethipi sad ktiaMag Otatarst in addaxes.
T lioAstarn Ls tarostor sad Proprietor. Now
Ills sold at SI acts by 411 Drairlits trorywbeve. PoN
by 8 . .!11 . 01110.11114.14 tl4! 4 Weityuk Row, Agut for Elie.
_ .
Wkokok hka is Depot td Nearoa k 4/3 avidwaY•
Ede Ale Brewery,
Erie City Lager Brewery,
Erie Malt & Barley Warehouses.
• '..m°.['.
Pala aka Axbar ZS sal XIX Alai, . .
Ilse Sait,Qaely sat Maid Varieties at Lave,
Prime alaisa Swam Ham • •
Ilis CiaissiC/adillis al sad IS•day,
Oa tali ;mat fat ask by
• P. & J. 3ILNNIG
w«uiimpatesEly Warn tbs Public Oat tbq Lai
parabard the
IMO= OP 011001.1111 OP .741311r8 4. JtLI 88,
, anus or Ors Ass mrs eta.
Moo nig fatoad to hop so good as amt ot
rutiLT .
olocran4 to eit9wit3p3,s.s
wooa,a 'WILLOW WAXt, AND vaunt 40Q,135
kW lit Tao. ,
Bost Brands of Erie County Flour
Sept assidastly ea basil sad
WAIL/Lump a GoolvAimmLst
riri The %debut gazket Prim paiejor kind ?reuse. tl
ur Cho& ileniered fne eL Wilirge to ail, part of ilia
thtitrrette] A. 1L131.410.
Stray Bull..
STRAYED from the prem.
of are isderelped le tlea
attr.saeat three amostka ace, • ELL
'bast a year awl a-hal - 144 , e• tete
else tad white—a Sae salsa Then
is • slit le *se et adeem.. AU, praaa wow n, k t ..11
lase bastes pkearlaireldeemat 3 ie• at my messes
sear Ilse millet leak. 1710, CATAN•uII.
*WWI. .
Adminietratriz's Notice.
i r : i s e taz lg . /3= i W. Miry, dfur i d t i n a!: l ::
4seil Winer Irmo 'War tbruidslues Inikbtud , eur the es.
taw *in INN tamediole psysist, mad th ole homing
shims soma the ism eta prsreut %nu. duly 'intim
ilastud, few settlasset • tIARAEI FILL •Y,
Oars sip, reb. 13,444 w. adslahtrsttls.
Store Stand aid Beddow for Sale.
Pin Mk - designed offers for. Sale his
preersity is tie village al 'Leaver Dam,
iris Cs.. Pa., consietleg el as esceib.sgsaars
and Orrelling Hass., 'Vial as mire or roars of I li ad al
tostrati. The State has boss mod for tna purpose a great
imarier at you% sad is *shinned. bass lanes sosien•
tent. sod Aalliag a trod cedar. A wing ensured to tho.
buildieg will accommodate a small lanai,. the surd
emirierthe lea in Um county. Wing .sitosted is a
braltJay, brine rand sastiby seigioeorbood. liarireidesee
tali 1' me Stagy cos. basin a lam, dry retina', mod bed og
both toy sad mienThrat. A good tiaras, Vet ant
Barn Maassetiod with tke Louse - I moll tell or ez•
elmsgo irm property is &ie.*. 111180.1131te lima 4, 7
pea, wish*, to riseliam will addles*, • .
• - .10131‘ cusiido •
418.1riAlek- f • _KA* Gar, fa.
- I.A • Ncitica:
riTT IS R; OF 4 1 0311 i N I.S . TRaION
imprAt bum gnaw to alto tarlersigno.Vaa atoll
*Aim of Limps. 14Mi,414.1,441ata ct MUtc ktp
Stisaniaty. 11. Satins Is Ittgroby i via at
batriping iieummilves IsdNe.a is Abe slamb ta Lame
dims went sad Woo Waibir IWIS %and Vag
amigowill pawl We. itathmlUe•Vedi for
Wlitaisat. H. GINGBI I II.
M. 11. 414.41 w. idagnistaatara.
, . . . . . .
li lieel a 1 1 e iii of Co-ortiondpe
HE FIRM of Crawford - 4- °lusher was
1 awairwi as Wm, to hut an deb* ,of mid am
b • Int 11•4 by 14 a. A Cralribrd, te 'irbert el 4ebta ,
bobbigteg total Ana will be paid...lw Onkel brim an- -
=kod Is we the nun of tinCliren in fo•ilinii the ,-
11 1 443 a
• prim C. CAl:7O2llr.
. --•••-- .
.1, day Amok a covartaerstilp andaiiii.': me
of riswilVd. *Christian, and Tit/ imams** i
i dr.
and nip Chandlery baiinainattlW4l4atAod. t cralarord • •
A quibay. No I Buttes 1/104 -
A. ciawto4D. •
trio, '4.4. V4t4 L T. CITRISTIAN. '
grarni for Sale.,
Ain undorslgned ofreps for sile.)Antil
the nthet tebreary next, Ws Tarot in Summit
4, 6 imtatataii see Intuited had getti sem i swear lea.
4116 MOM* oboe Yaks 1- UM.belanee.good tim
ber, geed fens biglelnia, mini lad Is well watered,
1e'1694 t id* tram Iris M tbe Illabeelbrd plank
read. It Retold ter the above date It will be rented for
see/wile,* Joan. ,JA &k JOHNSON.
. Farm for Salo.
Sole the bre bolopostog to tits lams of 't.'ltoblo.
sea.. ostoo. situate to Mast Itillereet. about
fru oaks film*, city. Mai Um Waterford Plank Rood .
Tboro to as tYe itoutoto a good &Mlles./mom sod r
botgooriardo. Mile Merry w7l by dlspoord of Oa tot
oarbiotortas MAW arm of food wood and ripta• •
laM r dta•Mislsarg ea the ohmikie Road. *boat
lllMass WA; ,: • P. Ir. ROBIXSOM
P. A. aosarsole
WVnth' thsetly of
ism" . ..puny Most
irith 4 sissi at :sad.
L•La Ls tie aty
1.7 Is a:.
'ate. Us