ETI 11 UM ehdeldiglsillisediettioteelee”ft wbiete biO ti1d1, 1 410,094 9 tkeICAPTIP IdA ler ,one,„ intent( t•? . tesui l Vour our • dill itiarritlieif any lon '.'' l ' .s ; twe'*Stirtee'Lhave r s nein ifolletMthis east essuetreainee Dirdereaketief indepeodenSTA i rM and Appetite etetes sahiintti and 'Vireinfreep 177776'i ' 3 iftfon of - Washldgifbift Ad difitudatidtt; otenited *tie:he* in most inistruifel edr nil erasion of.altialtrovetninen‘i4Fdlit nee; to ISOOrther* Xeidtlith.oo.4 4 (9 4 F l4. Usti%) of John Adams , Lit was a reigri terror fiom, beginnlit' to: end rit'was I 141 0 1 of ttrililbr; toci;. e teelhiteof 'terror thretighent- Alike Causal y. Newspapers wirelifeeeed. , theeourts , Were Oterinteis the alien_ and sedition lass were pfsed . ,, a lag l o , r a e s wag s • r n w e of r vtobn'ce that i ]Gap sub ditch was tilidfriVont df 'power:load kept out of jointer 'fistni ISO° :till 1&50....-- Dcriegithat long period ot time Dere* !iid any wenn try prosper ,as this,ocunter, 13 )4, prospere,d.., The, South topk W oblongs of emigration .over the Vhatiiihoiieheolo the Coosa the tifississippr, on tolhe Names end the Rio Grande, and orested.tursigrieukure which, subjected to-it all the euriksed. nations of the earth. 2‘iortiorti spectac le of co-operative industry wu ever present ed. The North preseeted enegnallybeau. tiful spectacle. The columns of etnignio• tin *robed on beyond the lakes to Min.; nesota, to lowa, to Wisconsin. arid *to the Rocky mountaina,, Euriegislf, thee time, Virginia and ifugailinsetts cpmbltied to- gether in the spirit of 'Wiwi:di:4ton and Jef ferson`and Madison-end thenldir ton. By. the.. secession of Ale_ 1860, the reign from 1706, to 1800 ,WPa r o, stored, sad Hassisehusetts.i*Ciune rugien4.l ant in this Government again. Every pith of hers is traced now in blood , and "1 monuments of her: destrectiveneu are-to be found on hundreds •of bettlaiields, North. and South. • A million of. human beings sacrificethinneeesserily- bribe hoki. , can't of that administratkire.- 'lourtbous-I aud millions of debt upon us and our pos is the legacy of thatadmitistratied. How long this war is to exist I knout not, but in God's mime let me implore those men who have control of this flov ernment to take the' reins 'end ehd it as soon as itossible. . You hive. illimitable, power ; you. have thelitecutive ypu have three-fourths of . the Senate you have twenty majority , here, in this „body, It you will give the conservative men the power in this Grovernm*ent, iy Mort or September, or certainly.* October next; we will end this .war, and we. will restore the. Union. • . We,. hold rou ro that issue; W.e give you till Septeinber or October ti•xt to mid this war and" to restore 'the Folio* •ent loin 'programme . i wept' cer-Constitutional remonstrances, but accomplish what you have „underta. ken. Enter not into ;ado issues. Make no such =wicked divyrsions as that which you have just made in , Florida, under Gin. 4ilimore, for the purpose of sending eome twOldessaehusette maw from Florida to the ,United Stetes Senate, or • RePrulfuta •tiTea to this ICouse—a diversion made solely for political purposes; btit concen trate your truden Into one solid' column 'and end this' ear. ;- Cease to make it a writr for 'politics. If you will not-rneke it • war for ibe uniop, make it a war for the restoration of peace as soon u posrl. bk.:. In the name of philanthropy, In the - ninte . iir the :Prince bT Patios, I appals! to you to exert th powers which you have immediately to his war- Protract it not, beyond the. Presidential election for politOal purposes. Enter not upon such -a system of settlement and agriculture as • this. ' ' The freedmen's bill, ai it Is called is not worthy of thnpraotical mind of. *la' . sachuSetts. It hs.rWy.sould have swum*. lid from,* Massachusetts mind, and the, - iintleinari whit' introduced it tells us that herb's - Consulted with others: It has nen. ildassaebesetts swam It must have mum !testi/lowa of the freedmentsoommission ; . perhaps from Robert Dale Dweo, for the_ bill, itself •is so socialistic, Fourieristip, • Oirknistic, ergkla, .(cot erritticl beg the • reporters to' bear • that 'in mind). • The whole sekettliib one of .ttioney-making—: the whole scbbme Lome for the ;motile black northern masters. But if, in the wise ,of humanity, you are acting fort these neit•oes, intrtuce some more practical n 1611414: with ut 'reneolidating and eenhidising,all - the polvers4or this Goveranswat. : Do not abandon this beau- ..tifuLtltaory of *ales, and. convert Ahis Goiersktnent into consolidation and Citt z traiisa: a, solely for the itionej-making PorpasO Ihla - Mike It practical; "'Make sertfilgfportter Ho not %woo the federal , dreamy with it-6 Lit is 4eke • OW* oliteekt. es, ia>l6t thogrot . .94v, Gov . enteteltt.. Wto have 0 9 mo re right to feed and support negroes titled welters to reid I and auppeolevitate man:" The tMhg Whet writtee'fit ''theKCbestitutiim. mot - -imam nature. are: to I..advaace the. pay et oweeklaitbe...ei:my, makethens. es you ma white&;4o 4 eno, support their , wives - and 'children. - Give the negro eight or nine dalTirs enionth, and iabtritift the othei four or live dollars 'for the' toppers or his wife -and family. _ Bat here le mill the cost* of Jehiah no loan cia fame% Oe.-Po*bii 42"t•1t1-!L I protest against my constituent° . will taxed for it. I protest in the name of the kbotiref tote' It the lame of the • winking:M - 111.6f the'Novth. 'Mite of the capitilist s tl the'North.-' . 1 protest. • holnstit to the name of the white *omen and chtlitiesi Of the North.: Borden not ' the Treasury with thesuppOrt of Southern imgroew. If it be a mere scheme - of 'pbil anthrbpy believolencel"Will contri bute to it; adooSdleg to my niesiiidts Much as any' other- genttenalw itilti:caitstrlbuite ; but coin Wet to the 'lvedMif Treeintry ;for' the sußppri and sustenance of the neEro people; I ' theivfore 'propose' to 'offer 'a fescilotion tbitthis bill be recommitted to the 'Select COMierlitee on emancipation with directions, to report a bill for organik ligitisysteut" fcnti the care and reed - Won - eateenipitegi'lltinons; whieh , shall not bititiew the ?reseal. • I Submit that pro poidtiOn• " ' Lamr, 'Esq.; it ; . Wasituv=-Tb• War' rug Zagir contains the' following hatietiag „petit* of _thli !iota* doliterid lethat bciroogh, ~ ~* iteali4: tirst i ag6;4 l B. W: Laos, /164. • W 6, Ws !kin, Mr; L. far Nato, yam, aid to. twits, Ms as tab of the arestlaleatelipetk% " 3 110111 in Wotan' Peassylvan* ii, let ikura . 4 - 000 1 1:40 kari ' 1141 kw aotalitek hhaselfwa , will As, : the odieeolon to whisik,AkiZ6igte , . What*. Me Daly neeila-tkwoPPoiteelt/. to • ' .414016 in to take kir plan /man Ike fors. spwaid6tOthi State. But; to the tepees 0001=11111111 r -... . . •!aiik, wis real i g. a,goaeatit, ao well au seal -., Me enotolikso of mileoldi 4 ASty, or - Tos. e d , * g ra , e all ,tlifigi s ! ~DiCoitortititi sad ' r,',,, e wOtthi, Om ,e 4, wisde,ii , 111 6064 ti thof to' of cue 1;olort, TI, y . " " 10M . ' i Bat - al iani . t &OW'S! V oititts, " te r m I t "WI * Mr. Leo', trot ,only Jil•lnns Abe • 61st theitiiiii•ms to lbeloatrotiblifia ' theta' ont When ocoa o-- dot 'env Be w vied lianas% a wand, ‘.l.ll4i t amis !Mir. '• i • ==l , Ls 4 laij,iiikiiitimmitaitorier 4 4 OnIiMAII . bill on. Glea.l3aztoa was alude • areived is•lfa pet feminist it. The or.otellind eO. Iblir mien was tv • .04miiii4 Irk# titegialnis lima Waal. )4# WAblytesti.olor thew the fiewsiews sLo of taw dieffiii"in 4*. kr , iind 'Wont' 11611111 4 ther 'bad •Weri&i .nos Batton, • aw.ibislaii ar ilhcinamgrally titthe vats-, . - !--vvilite Mar Ash be I" WW Lib sasointeed cuisaohotr ui ; mai WON %di 0f414 ,40 '2' 2 / 40 11 1 01161 /..tibialaiareisidielislas -.le 5 lvervale the ilpsesst4t tiii i blia 4,41 as av! • f .2 vt )1: ; APV.I trey . tca a 2.4 ' In vow of tb 4 0 •Iin8 Aix - 1 41.4. Oath& "-Honest should noLittrobsaged4lo4_ ,be 1 1b • ileiririddi esils attention to She fat Mot when Ile. Liskoein Ina a etet4l4•lot for the best*, erin 1860rhe soinettee•Cgolt "it 0444 is ulna sane Wise • sigyhabewl.!,°; Ut PA., E=l • ,'L ‘l4l,9otniti! Siesier' or the Ditia DC9ll4til .had frlP4 l o4Ft ' act 0 - 3 AiWs. P 1, 4 1 4.1 1 ! soo4_ as a;neAT -11602111040 ':dish111 1 4.";:. 'fhb Norfolk gill' EON, sid lie 'says 64'0 profits will he "those wbotre ieyartihr the sense of the word as undendood .by, 1314114"-r4sehorot .ifitiek taw*, qtli. Bithwitoir' fair 'specimen' 'Of %sk bhristian (ti Abenibbler The artfoles fit his-paper ars headed "Gone to Ball I" " Three infernal lies Pr " The , villainous plergy," 0 -114,11' Pits fOr-the Rebels," Am, -k - piotwinan, surely. , • OLD Asa'. proclamations come about as thick and fast as the old Mexican Pro nunciamentoes, &Oa are worth just about as much.—Ertliangs. • lust as much, solar as benefltthlig the side they are intended to help, you rrobably mean. Unfortunately, they are •of great advintage to the rebels. ' ' ' Ware Bezexu., in I! sermon 'on t• Heroism," related the case of an way , officer, who .maved over • $BO,OOO, which law he might keep, but, which he handed over to the Governmeat, end did notthink there wasanything of merit he the, aot. Will W. B. swear to that etory ? A BoLT _ rziasitaimn.=—The Erisinuri Dssacrat, the leading Republinen organ west °Oho Mississippi. girls the following emphatic warning to the Lincoln wire. Pullers' • • ' a high-handed atteano t0,..,1* made to fora Mr. Lincoln's nomina tion upon that oonrention, the attemt will necessarilly bigot rook for whi ,'snd for whatererdisastroue consequences flow from it, tkese desperate *Meiners wily be held responsible." Dratbeartfc Natrona. Cotrifturnott.•The Common - Council of Chicago have passed a swigs' ' oT patriotic resolutions; ieturning "Thinks to the National Committed for iti selectiOn of Chicago as a place of -meet ing of its Convention." The hospitalities of the city are extended to the Conven tion, and "gratification" is expressed "at the assembling of the delegitse of a 'vent and pattiotio pitrty in our midst . on the itition's natal diy . ." Several Republican m - e - mbers of the Council - voted for the raolationi: les „Tor TrAii—an able and inde pendent Republican psper--in speaking of "miscegenation," (easel/pixilation of the races,) say'--" We dare say that our read ers will be surprised, as we, are, to learn ; die "stout to which this disgusting theory edroictes among the extreme Abo litionists, and how far and fast it is becom ing a prominent article in their creed:" such be the Act, it will not be long until the ides is triple* cardinal dogma of the entire Republican. party. The !'-ex treme Abolitieuiets". are Shit *own_ of the opposition ;- they go ahead and boldly cut out the rad, thi si>ealled. Nionserea tiyes," it flock of- timid sheep, soon Mow, . . Tas 'Chicago' pbuferin contained one to which ; all DimOcrats would be ici-sUbioribe. it to the pre*. ezdidioliii S izilion. 'lt is as follows' t" thai the jisill 'view with idiim the reckless extravagance Which pervades deptirtitrimt of the federal govern nient tbat a i return to rigid economy and .asoonniability, is inclispenssble to arrest the systestuulo plunder of the pa lls tosasury by favored partisarui ; • while the meant suiftling developments of !muds ind corruption at the-federal me tropolis show that an entire .change of ad ministration is demanded. Vlbtlutfe no doubt but that there ere ann.Y• ,RoPubiloatul Wip? Toted this plank to 1860 Who will vote for the, Pain .ollnitiO Presidential candidate to ; effec t the same °Weak. vis 2, to get rid of an • Ad. minietretiow notoriously oorruk and vut one in ire place pledged to reform. Porevary single• sin - of extravaiptioe and corruption in the Buchanan idminiatra• Lion the present party m power.* gull ty of• a hundred. Where Dmistiorate then stole hundreds, Bepublimas are now stead= trig millinni ~ tlza citizen' 'will remember that when glimernor 'Se mour called the Stentioi of the Preildent .the*autialottidiScrhigt tiooi against f ow-York city in thei quotas which were Assigned ender the draft of July 70863, he was bitterly and Coarsely assailed by.' the administration press especially the Den and Zilisti. The latter paper took the trouble to give a lot of bogus statistics going to, show that the metropolis was delinquent in the' matter 1 'alrilsiostroops. when the facts were quite the other way: But these vexed qUestiont hare been settled officially. Thep ommis: 1 aka appointed by_ the War Pepartment I thus justify _the pretests made by Gond. nor Seymour:. ' Jim amsmiesion, ,after a full investiga iioa end in view of all the facts elicited, ruit unanimously of the opinion that the 1 :enroVesist in the Saito of New-Y4l4tis inv. : perfa anatimanss,. tromeive in somi dig: bids and peal* too amen in others. and mei* ammo* thr ciliss V 241 , -.l* sad. ihooifys,, end arpecially as comptr with' other States, and cannot be re lW upon al 011 \ s',l ancleqcntable basis for the aidga -bieti of the quota of • the , State. if Ilew sY rer enlong the immildistrinte thereof., _—T fitealiter enlisrabiii . iriini' Vow &ail 'brligt"Bills' nein Mobile: • Our. fleet opened a tratMatiout - Ikon ; ?et Powell on the morning of , the Sid, ult., and ft.was thought ilk eoald.not bold out /env. The relag:" . .ans Tennessee pow Iles ander thoprotectoon of the guns of Fort Morgan.. , The 'women std Children were - being regisorsd from the city: Admiral Tarrant on board the Calhoun;•wan in tide a. Dauphin Islan nd teld Siartind was at Skip ai s lend, bury mike wostaf Yobile. An attectican our A block s git In. satictillatik Mid Shit the - bel !eifitsrlirtibn , irs odd nide. ail Iliittftlen:' l.l • ,,, i. 4 ~ ._.,, J el.t:,:t! , 1 I , '3 —. , 4". , .. e - :.a 1x—,,.. sti Odes? ,,, It behooves every ettlighteneti friend of the country to see that this, which is t " r lati in ' . ptesi ne `I e •1 o . t,,: is of t i . . • au ina ... .it ' is- I es. I - alh)ii.../p. Ivi .'. 4 , dern to . - 'clic alb .e,. Re .. , - ne%as.., -to-what...44y will-de- with aIALv44- ,fter . . I: s2 h:lfiri I , 4 l 4tuallY