The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 06, 1864, Image 3

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he oZvie Obserrtr._,
emir! 'OII3IIMIII Buiteuras," STA?, &mew?,
Orro•rtn tin Pow Orstpir,
imeRTI3ENC:KI 3 .—Obe Sonata or Tem.` Lines one in.
station 73 Cent' ten iroertrie $l.OlKi; three 11114r1 ,
'lnas $1,25; on month $l.O 1 two months 11,601
1 ,1,,me murk the flii,oo; slx aaintban,oo; oaa year 00;
ocher sAlrertleerneats in proportion. These, rater
e nv be strictly adhered to, 'imaleu changed by special
eon' rsrt. or it the option of the pahlisitc re. Audi.
'e NOt!Crei, Strap', Divorcee and lite advertise.
meat, 11,60 ; Adairtnistratnee NoUtaci L ogi t
Noticag rive cent.' line; He? flag, Netitat TwwiTT•
ylvg cent** piece; Obituary Notices (over three lines
.:tent) tire rents pet qua. Ortgtost . poetry, Ile.
1,45 written at the request of the editor, one della
4 1. i. lip. All adrerthee•nenta will bi eontinnef►t
the e p e e • of the pinion% advertising, until ordered
cut br his direction. °inlets:a specified period is
agreed UPOn for its insertion.
stiiiiCRSPTLOK Two ilets.ara 'per annum in ad.
Jia 'pfllNTiliii—We hare one of the best Jobbing
k n the elate. and are ready to do any went la
thit line that may ba entrusted to ita, in equal 'style
ally establkhataat optalda ertbs. largest
p Ait rz.—By request -of his patrons and
friends. Prof. Delano: will give s party at
Farrar [tali, on Friday evening the I Ith inst.
The Buffalo Union Quadrille Band will be in
attendance. Prof. Delano entertainments
are always so successful t h at it is useless to
do a nything MOM than announce one, .to
secure a large attendance.
A. Saint Bute.—To ascertain the length or
the day or night at any time of the year, ears
cotempornry, doublo the timo of the snn's
rising, which gives the length of the night. in
hours and minutes. In like manner, by
doubling the time of the sun's setting, you
will have the length of the day. This is a
simple method, but one, perhaps. of which
few people, are aware
-4- Ora Quora.—in a letter to the editor of the
Gazette, dated February 29th , ,, Provost Mar
shal Campbell announces [hat Eiie county only
lacked at that time fifty men of filling the
quota. He says the "veterans" of the 83d
and 111th regiments' will be promptly credi
ted before a draft takes place. and thinks in
the aggregate the county will rather have an
overplus than a deficiency. _ Col. Campbell
has received the following instructions on the
.uhject of crediting "veterans , :"
" Provost Marshals are hereby informed
that the numbers of credits for Veteran Vol
unteers re-enlisted in the field and men culls
teiotrVie regular army, have not been an
kinceikfrom t he War Department at Wash
ington, and at the same time instructed that
they are not authorized to establish credits
for ahy other men than those they mustered
into the service themselves ; nor to deduct
any credits from the quotas of any localities
without having received the numbers to be
deducted trout or through this office."
BRAVE MEN.—The great curse of the day is
the nhsegnionsnewn—the disposition to toady
everywhere in the country Husk seldom
pr-power and popnlargt4—whioh \prevails
do we see now Any specimens if ths\t noble
cligl of men whq lived in the past—men who
muntained their principles' though all the
wend opposed theta, who were willing. to die
..t the stake, rather than yield are jot in their,
devotion to cause or country? In the words
kAf the poet—
--A time like ibis demands (hands ;
Strong minds, great heart, true faith and ready
'thtn whom the lust of office does•not kill ; ,
%it whom the spoils of office cannot buy;
‘l, l who possess opinion and a will;
Urn who have honor and Who will not lie ;
I•qi who can ttand before lk demagogue
.tad damn his treach'rous flatteries without,
winking ;
'V men, sun-crowned, who lire above the fog
In public duty and In private thinking :
For while the rabble, with their thumb wore
creeds, •
Their large professions and their little deeds,
Mingle in selfish strife, to FILVIDOX weeps,
Wrong rules the land, and waiting Jusvion
sleeps !
PeerArterross 70H. TUC llturr.—The
lowing order from the Provost Marshal Gen.
eral has been reeeiveil by the Boards of En
,,ent : '
'AL II WABELOGITOM, Feb. 25, 1864.
Orculai No, 7—" I. Boards of Enrollment
will at once commence to prepare cards for
drafted men enrolled, includitia. the second
clat.a. The cards will 'be uniform in shape,
site and color, with those of the first - class,
and will contain the name and residence of
the persons enrolled, with the number which
opposite his name on the enrollment lists.
11. The names of persons stricken from
the lists, either of class 1 or 2, under the pro
visions of circular No. 101, dated November
17, 1863, for manifest permanent physical
thesbility -and non-residence, will not be
placed in the box or wheel ; nor the names of
those who were drafted and held to service or_
raid commutation, or furnished a substitute
under the preliminary part of the draft in
"The names of those known ki be actually
in service 'at the date of the receipt of the
order for the draft will also be left out of the
hos or wheel. The names of other persons
enrolled will be put in the draft box.
PrOvost Marshal Gen."
WHO . WAS run MAN!-The money article
in the 'World, alluding to the saceess of the
leader of the Rock Island clique, says affairs
are rapidly approaching the, condition that
existed in 1836, which is illustrated by the
fallowing anecdote:
"In that year; during the ml estate mania,
a member of the Legislature from Buffalo was
at. Congress liail , in• Albany, and inquired of
Crittenden, the pioprietor, retspeeting a gen
tleman With whom he had been con►ersing,
'Crittenden replied . 'Why, that is one of our
rich men ; he is worth $100,000 • ' The mem•
ber smiled and said•: 'A rich man, and worth
only $.100,080! why. .ke send them to the
almshouse in Buffalo .° "
We have been told an incident of the great
speculative fever in this city about the same
period. -A Philadelphian was explaining to a
resident of Eric on a visit to that city, about
some lots that he had purchased in this place,
expecting to make a "big thing" out of them.
"Here they are," said he, taking out a plan
of Erie city, "here they are ; J only paid a
thousand dollars a piece for them, and they
are but a mile north of the public square."
s.k. mile north of the public equate," respond
eil the Erian—'mot mile Norm' of the public
square, did you e;►y 7 ' "Yes, a mile—only a
ode. tin't it a 'splendid speck ; in two or
three years, the city will be built up clear
beyond them, and then I can treble uor_mo
toil. Nice affair, itiu`t it'!" -Well, I should
think it weas •'nice affair,' was the rely ;
"why, man, those lots are ball way it, the
Bay, and brined under twenty feet of venter.
You've been sold; to, , et mignificeutli sold:"
"The duece—you Pay!" was the astauisbed
remark of the speeulative gentleuteil, and
, inicit as a fita6l,4 clapped on his hat, pulled
op hlv coat collar, and was nut in the street.
The, next day ail , advertisement appeared in
thv daily pews annouhcicg "a rAe‘ chance
toe a gpeculatiion"--valuable lots'in the pro
mising cityipf Erie," 1, -destined to he the
moat important place in the Lakes,"'etel, etc.,
eta The probability Is that it meant those
irdter lola.
VA... A colamporary says that core starch
is an excellent substitute for eggs for culinary
purpose, , , one spoonful of c orn
f starch being
reckoned equal to a single egg.
402 . UNIT
tyre broke out aboht 4 o'clock this (Fri- ,
dly) morning, in the rear portion of .the b. Thelirst National Bank of this city
inereaeo its capital to spso,ooo.
Reed House, and spread with astonishisig
pi4ity. Before it had been under head-way 16. 1 8:11tegel has aturitisitikirith him
bait an boar, the entire In a of thi l boldi ng I Mesa& lbws/ sad T. B. Vinaesti.
was in fames,-And it was New itidept.that s l 4 l o d,nif Mt of it'll! wealthiMit Wholesale gro.
the whole structure would be destroyed Ac. *cerylione'eit Cn Om eikj.
tire efforts' were made by the /Athens to save We inne ineTtrnet• in Mating that thO,
the movable property of 'the hoiel;" and gra. n*W.edliar nf.tikklenitiwnes !Alma AKIII
orally with success. t_nf i winsiser proprietor of the Oluereff." . That
The Real 'louse was o e t i t i p ia , b y m e . - l'psPer lathe old coon himself."
Griswold, who is one of the.:heaviest. losers. 111 S., It is singular how pions new clothu l
It belonged to Oen. 0. M. Bud, and wee val- make yuppie... Fin- • For 11 whole month after ihal
ned at $75,000. The insurance was only FBA sot hew mantillas, they were at
$lO,OOO. The Ist story was rented by tast.i 1 ,1 4t51 1 0 11 1 1 11 *Rs a 4 7-
nese men, most of whom were insured, in, ,1119..._A special election has been ordered in
treCei,' decidk ' upon the question of a
whole or part. Their got*, go, wino nearly
all sive& The following i i • list o f the off. division ofltheitumship. It will take place
cupante or the Ist story:
P. Hayes & Qay
v cuj the 'air day as the usual spring 'lntim
First National Bsuk, Dr. L.:Stiong, Joseph , The °toe If the p r ition — Destocrat at
Justice, Booth &- Co., A. M. 'Guild, McCort 7 West Mercer county, is offered for
key & Shannon, M. W. litchi. host of these sale. The proprietor claims that it_is one of
parties were prominent business finale sad • the teat limatkons in 'the State for &practical
the toes to the trade And prosperity of the pr i etef. •
city, over and shore immeditatosses, will be . ow, The eineirinsii Gazette denies the.
great. 1
•n.. 1104 14_11 I , oB'a svergient that Mrs, Thumb had
In the confusion attendant upon &Bidets nt—preseeted the Generist with are heir. The lit
the period of our writing, (Friday morning) tie pair were,-at i last accounts, exhibiting
it is difficult to ascertain the precise loss. We themselves In that Pity. ,
do not think that it wilt be below s7s,o4:s:J 7 glek.
, como l ia ll i o n e ri of the Townships
During the progress of the tire at tits Reed , ?ef Benton/Ski, tleaewango, South West,
House, the wind blew quite strong, sad drove Binsum,. Freehold and Sheffield, Warren Co",
the sparks in heavy clouds in a North-buster. 1074 issued bonds' to raise money to fill up
I,y direction. A row
,of brick buildings on their -respective, and thus avoid
French street caught on the roof, and I 'm draft. •
soon destroyed. Another line brick building inirEirown's Bronchial Trocheo,for Coughs,:
at the.corner of French and Fourth streets,, Colder f i tilmonary and Asthmatic' disorders,
occupied by itenniarogsrty and Ai. McMahon hue Aised their efficacy by a test of manyl
caught in the same way, and burned to the years, ',and bane received testimonials front
ground. It was feared for a, while that-the, eminent men who have used them.
fire would sweep a broad streak direct through'
Wo alit the attention of those In want'
the city from the Reed House to theLeke..but_ o f a i roo d a d otast i,a 7 Octave Piano Forte t o
the vigorous exertions of the people in that 'the idieitlaement of Oroveateen & Co , oe
locality saved us from that calamity. The Neir•York, who offer them at extremely IoW
magnificent bloak known as Wayne Rail, was
prices.' Studio? their descriptive circular.
in great danger for a 'while, together with the • •
buildings adjoining. The boniest the corner .- 4, 61e/a" Toni Thumb and his wife, ac
of French and Fourth streets belonged to the .amapsolied by "Commodore" Nutt and Mime
Hamot estate; she other, we believe, Mme Warren, (the four, smallest persons in'
she wor ld) te_the _ will
gibe ~e vee , .
s ' Farrar
Colt estate. The people living in these houses- 1 1,1 % two onl ,4 o l; irodoy and throe on Thurs 4
were all poor, and we fear that some of them
will suffer greatly. We have not leariiiif• cia
aieh 300
4114 7417 - • - - -•
whether thenwas sal, insurance on the build. 36 4 , ,2 1 :!F, ! rat e the grat i fying announcement
ings. to make to our jeaders, that .the
A portion of the wall of the Reed House fell at eitirigidleappeared from this city. The
chief or—Police, , in his weekly report, oft
half past seven o'clock with a loud crash, The
'Monday, stated that all the old cues had be-
East wall filled French street with brick awl
rubbish, and striking the front of Jae. S.iSiar- 13 9 Me c°r!lllB4"4:and no new ones appeased .
rett'a store, smashed it in, and knocked the iiir The pantescope has been well patrod
contents of the store Into an indescribable fled daring the week. Many of the scenes
state of confusion. The froitt of Wayne Hell are interesting, sod well worth seeing. This
narrowly cusped damage. A large crowd of (Rmairdaf)aftemMon, a "grand matinee" will
people were present at the time, but nom 6414 a - for Bt.: benefit of school children,
were injured. ummenchiret $ o'clock. The price of ad-
The old story has to be repeated again. lulu" will. bolo cents.
Had we possessed en 'affidavit Are department; lir - Ther...C'ealangua Democrat says that .;a
the fire could have been extinguished alinost Miss Colburn, of Meadville, died, as was eni
at the start, and the city been saved this /Wed, and her funeral was to have been $a
frightful blow to its prosperity. ,When will the 10th ult., at 2 o'clock P. M. At /2
our people wake from their criminal lethargy o'clock of-she day she revived, and has Lino*
on this subject f recovered ! . Bhe, was in a death-like trance
The necessity of putting our paper to press for thirty hours;
by a certain hour, in order to reach the mails, , NS. An exchange_ asp!: There is to be a 1
obliges us to condense our report as belt uftionvasteoger depot put up st Cleve
possible. land during the presept season. The build
ing be 600 feet in' length by 180 feet In
width' find to' be constructed of sand stone
r with .a sabetentiel truss roof, severed in pull
wititelateead part with tin.
stir Vie remind our readera that the facili
ties of the Observer office are not excelled
arty establiohmut in North Western Pens
syliania for doing Job Printing. Personein
tifeiff of 'endue Bills, Election Tickets, Bill
Buds, Blanks, or any kind of Plain or Fancy
Pliatiagit will find it to their advantare:to
&Au 0.° 11 !- i• tf
M. Persons who send eommunicatidus
withoit enclosing their names, may as
understand the fact, that they are at once
theintlito the waste paper basket. A wri
ter 'who liik not confidence enough in us to
tartly) his name, should not expect the editor
to have any respect for him. Wo trust !list .
we shall not have to speak on this suhfrot.
Ciumoito , Co. —Coutialcit Grem --
limes E. 11.Ferlaitd, Esq., banker of this
place, informs ns that a dounterfelt.s6o mei%
back, altered from a two, was offered at his
counter on,Friday last. The note Is supposed•
to have come from the First National Bank.of
West Greenville, in Mercer county, aid is so
well executed, that nincty•liine persons In ft,
hundred would take it for gennine.-- . Our
Borough Qitota.-We announced Let !reek that
our council bad offered a 'bounty of $lOO for
each and every volunteer. By virtue of thit
offer some 60 recruits have beei secured to .
the credit of the Borough—laaviiii about 80
to Oil the required number. No doubt the
whole number will be made - up by areditar
otherwise in -proper friend sends
the following, which, if not poetically smoothy
is at least suggestive of an undeniable fact :
"Braude. there amen will soul eo dead,
Who never to 'himself hath said."
The liberty of this ; onee happy land -„ , •
le almost deetroyed by an ; seoarsed
tion band I' —Deesoerat. , , • -
A regular train will run on the Ai & 0. )i!..
B. between Akron and Gallon._ on and lkN!e t
this date. This opens the Eruct ttaionglifarer
81} miles farther westward—linking ?,RI
miles of track in operation between Balfiman7
ea and Galion. It is confidently expected .
that the entire line to Cincinnati will bataut
pitted about the fire,* of May, after which
tim&paasengers can travel the entire idietanoc
between New York and Bt. Louis by an un
broken broad gusge r,e.—Jeternal.
0017110AtUr ro Phi
phia paper thus revives a rumor which wet ,
in' circulation some time ago:
"Gottschalk is about to be married to a
very rich heiress residing in Fifth' Avenue,
New York. We are not', at tbertyLto dlvtelse
her name,jalthough we esu asitits otir.ria•
era that shp is said to be woryb ,mo.oock.Aa.
about to retire from publie life:and elthib-•
lish in New York a grand amervatoir of Jai
sic, in which Glasses have the beaefit, of
his great genius and 'skill.' The tottelr'of
Gottschalk is worth a fortune to say one who
may acqiire it.- He was very anxious to re•
tire eons months ago, but be Is held firmly
by the iron claws of Max Sin/loch, in the
shape of a written agreement. Since some
body may be accused unjustly of divaiglag
these secrete, we state that not long age
mowed Gottschalk and Max were owed li tt Fier-
Tor.Juchetion,on the Milwaukee, Rai fot
three days, and during this tiaan'Tetters and
tiy leaves of books were scattered around
carelessly. If any of these have found their
way Into our possession, Mr. Oottsobalk has
no one-to blame bat himself."
ArGantio.—The Atbustle Monthly for Minh.
has the following list of contents Th 1440104.
of Califoralei The Brother of Merv, by J 04,13 ,,
G. Whittier ; Ambassadors in Roads, by Caro
line Chesebro ; Wet Weather .Werit; V, 'by
Donald 8. Mitchell ; Oa . ths• ItelatiOn of. Art
to Nature, 11., by J. Eliot CO•t; Our Clier
mate, by Oliver Wendell Brains ; Whiffler,'
by D. A. Wesson; The ConvultieniSts of 811)
Medard, by Robert Dale Owes: Hoses and
Home Papers, 111, by Harriet Beecher 1114,ife' ;!
Boo& by Alice Carey ; Oat Soldie t p ; William
Makepeacte Thackeray, by
_Bayard VOW;
The Peniasnlar Campaign; Reviews andi,Mgat_
rary Notices.
ilowaso Assoctirtoi.- Piiiii 4,9 xLmila* PA'
—We here advertised for this Association
so \ ab
many years, and have found el: ap1011011: . "
be men of business, who ‘issianii , theitsAlth,
in an ho le and SystematidumineF. c il W
believe th e institution is in-every rSePsfli,t
relimble on , and well iniriliy, of the ". r y
denim of di- public. 1
litones.-- • e keep sonata:WT; ostAinn4`
large selection of Legal Maxis,. of approptii i
forms, swab as Deeds, liinrtgigei,Judgmenk
and Common Notes, Sumnitins, Sibpanalopil
many others, not in onett y geitsral asa. Tboll l
in neeil - of these articles, wail Ind 'it to' their
itdraninge to givir,rnitinifii
mr &cm)l44 di vined •64*.tri,
melt ogiibig &ant& propear r iii
for sat. - AA
. r e
again. ti
tr 111‘,Thit ew York • Tribune opposea
Lincolu'a re efection, and the Philadelphia `'
hid NOWA - American (from both of which
tine triettet hnoteit largely is its last inns)
advocate it. ' The editor of the Tribune is riot
tin' hiilditr under the party in poWer t
'Whilt the editors of the Prete and Nor 4 Arne=
skim are. s'. That accounts for the milli In
iheifnloinut.'r s, ,
siptpi'ic etie- announces that the Re
publicatit'oi this city will support a full party
.tteket,' at the approaching spring elecqon t .
A meeting to nominate candidates is to be
held at LEVI Republican reading room„ on
loksa.ay emitting. Tbna Jar the Demoorats
have taken no action upon the anklet:44nd
'the imiicattims look as if the Republiimns
liarigAii coarse entirely to them
Ns. There are now two recruiting canoes
AM, regnise; anicin this city... l —that, of
1 . 413*.:, - ,Cdtatit' t in Fifth street, and of lidaior
VtottitY:adjeining the office of James Sill, Esq.
TNT are both:sacceeding very well. !
',),;:iiittr-Arwl the men who enlist in the Vega-
Ise iervice, credited to the quotas of: the
places front ;Willett they volunteer The barge
ititlibie- of aoidiart. who Aare entered, this
hrettabot the serrioe, from our section, makes
the 'littlest . one of bnportanee to the pimple
at Eritp,-,
Mir ir oar readers who wish to ob.
lain copies of Sheidon'e edition of lieOleilan's
14 0 16 t s PrOure them of Abner Streeter,
14'141.1*sta" ,who has been appointed ageat
for this city.* This 'copy is ter enperior to the
Cwagreselbliti one, being printed on fine
paperpwith,edess U pe, sad containing an in
deg gouts half doren nape. The price le
Mr. Streeter UM else for sale a cheaper edi-
....c. oweasicr use aula or sale a cheaper
dail,flitlah,ciFisi(alas the report in full, but le
ifee OK 9,llgeeheomplete Mile.
go. Mr. ,toe. Eleltettlaule hue purchased
ireileltiilQe' right for this city, to Use the'
'Philter 'petal lo wiaufloturiig fliels tied
Shoes, a movement. that lOU undoubtedly add
1 `411414.,:1114is llst `6l: - eustoteets By this
. r ..---, ,
teethed, the' Beet or Shoe is, esadeOlit the
'l"ittraliP tor ( itte h feet,' and the-pale' whieh .
ljtA seiteede-4) * wearing of new- tirtiolei
of this Ithsi7fs7lvbided. . Mr. •Ilitth4elieb de.
sires us bratty to the pubtio that be his now,
onc Ist tbit litiele hors of goods in the oily,
and be =be), sake wean to insure Banally:aloe
.. iettlariteifiattiiiac wunset .1,4 price'.
2 .1:,.: :17 Oil • . ,•.-
4 :4 , air Titwt;risitiord lowest, the old bed la- I I
- ,ilitin q iil err*. of the opioaltion * that
Oinisti l y,";entis • out 'Maly this week, ! egeinet
hit 441iibetitiatitra Of Mr. Lincoln. cOming
• ' *fettled/atilt-Aims and Eves* Art,'
mi;*%aapialv]atith. - :lmult -that they are " the
estipenesee .of , 'Republicanism-kit .the
titttiii, a iiWilitifie .with the following flap
---,9A-tj a u f ; ~ p ,f maew , trita are foremost ,in
uggey,„*...4ite9S t..z...l:i...iitiptid term.: II
. o _ 4 llitirkWey (Lite papers mentioned) ray on
il4Appitivitt, e erili be of stoat interest' to loyal
Mao ~ —it im tl in 44&.l/e:Allriet ..welibi. They
soeliors in the
ni n os4:bolding or °Moe
. . . •:-.. i a.,.., :!. f '
,;I{A y
.14pc-,00. et a meat
not:lw Gem Lee
the former preiettemt - VM Sol!optiw, slam for
the ant aimpeigst :
Htedie•army 'of reveaty-tive thousand under
itthastsa to - bold Great is shook ; auditor
&bun of fifty thousaad to oppose thy limp
the Potent'', protect Eicionong, hold 15/ 1 -
sista ; - while a grand army. if esti hnudted
thousand veterans should be , noneentrated in
Poathwestern Virginia, of whisk Leagstreet t i
Present foree should be, the nucleus; and the
whole, under Lee, to arsh to the:Ohio, to
euend the right beak of the river, and,creili 4 i"
tog above Wheeling to amp, a Ilan stretch
ing frees the u Pan Handle" es Eakot,Bris,
thus bleatitlngi. the lartitcrry of - the loyal
/Rates, and, by holdieg er destroying all the
railroads, to ',parse the East from the West."
Geo. Lea, the correspondent says, was op
posed to the plea, on the ground that it
lirottld expose hie snake too much to the ,
attacks of the Federal &roes. There is no
iquestlon but the rebels desire to change the
!stonee of operations to Northern sell, but We
;have no fears that they will get so far up as
Lake Erie, for some time yet at least.
i Mr. N.:Preass has purchased the be-
Very and confectionery store of Mr. Sherwood,
near this office, and intends fitting it up in
complete 'style. - He will carry on the bakery
business as before, and keep constantly oat
hand everything in his line. Mr. P. was one
Of the severest suffereri by the recent ere,
and deserves not only-the sympathies but the
support of the community. lie is an Min -
Won. end persevering man, whom we heartily
recommend to the patronage of our readers. 2t
*if A correspondent of the N.Y.: Sun
gives en amount of asplace in Connecticut
Where women "are obliged to work sixteen
' hours rday, receiving' the beggarly sum 'of.
fifteen cants therefor.: If our New England
'brethren would set themselves to work nor
istiting the evils aVhome. they would find
`enough to do, without worrying their beads
over the " curly heeded gentlemen frost Af:.
Orr Oa Wednesday of last week, says the
Cony News, one car of tb's express train, on,
the P. & E. R. R. performed a someniault,
near Spring creek. rather to the inconvi-
Metes of its 'occupants. As the train was
going west an 'axle-tree broke, which threw
the rear cat from the trsek, nlllBlOOl to
whirl completely over, and injuring most of
the passenors, but none dangerously.
oar We Bad the following fa $ Canada ez.
;f:hangs : "Vie Legislature of New Brunswick
'recently patfied a law providing for the, in
,speotioa of , gas meters to •guard _ the publie
i'tgiiinat robbery by falsa.measures; the resat!
is that , in the city et St. John last year, of
1387 meters inspected only 600 were found
correct, and it is a singular fact that the $B7
incorrect all registered against the consumer."
gie, The-advertisement of C. B. Wright A
Co., of Philadelphia, published 'in several 'of
our local cotemporarisa, sanouswies that Aced
leetions will be made." This is just the
thing that the people of this notion desire.
A very large umber of them *hive notes of
the Bank of Commerce \ their possession
which they should hasten to send to Mr.
Wright for collection.
alk. Pensions,Bounties, Arrears -of Pay,
Ac., can be proc ured by the Widows, Orphans
and next of kin of those who have died is the,
service of the United States; also, by Soldiers
and Seamen who are disabled by wounds re.
coked or disease contracted, upon application
to O. P. (turves, Licensed Military and
Naval Claim Agent. Office in: he Common
Council Room, Wright's Block. ' corner State
and Fifth at.., (under the Dispatch office,)
Erie, Pa.7-y
sar The doors of several prominent Dent•
°erste in Conneenttille bed different sen
tences, such ao "Southern nights," • etc.,
painted on them afx, night, ago. We hear.
Lily agree with the .Ifecerd (Republican) that
such a course of expressing disapproval of
the political belief of..theae men is mean and
tor During the ,revival in the Methodist
Church of Fairview, some forty persons hive
made a profession of faith.. ar. Mr. Keeler,
pastor of the congregation, was on Wednes
day, the 24th of January, presentedwith
donation to the amount of $lBl.
sell. Begley's Lady's Book for Nlareh hal
several capital Illustrations, the usual rich
fashion plates, and much reading matter es
pecially suited to the tastes of the better sex.
The wood engraving "Great Expectation'" is
goad hit.
sir Some seventy-one veterans of the 88d
arrived home on Friday last, •
mid dispersed
to their home. ttemedistely.. Had informs.
lion been sent when they were to reach the
city, a public reoeptnolt 'iitMlsl have been ex
tended to them.
sir Charles Nuna hen Commenced keeping
the celebrated Canandaigua ale, which has
been pronounced by competent judges, equal
to the best Scotch article. Charley keeps one
of the quietest saloons in the city. .
lam. The Commissioners of . Crawford Co.
refused to Offer $ bounty for volanieers, but
many of the - lawns and townships In the
county offered-local bounties of their own,
and have filled up their eitioias.
Mr There Are about 1,200 miles of canal
in Pennsylvania, baring
. no less than 750
looks; end employing, in the aggregate,
about 43,00 Q. boats, the greater number of
which are owned by — prlrate individual.. '
l er A cotemporary has s eorrespondent
who, writes to congratulate the new editor
that his paper has very much Improve).
/leaven knows, there was abundant room for
improvement. ,
air. the recruiting business has had ti
wonderful revival during the sat few weeks,
and all the offices have dose well. We bare
now a half dozen agencies in this city, more
or leas.
so r Our fallow-citista, Wallace DeWitt,
has, had the distinguished honor of being
abused by the Harrisburg Telegraph, to the
extent of s half column article. ,
sir The oil discovery in Michigan has not
amounted to much. The flow decreassil soon
after the oil was found, and there is done' or
very little to bit bad now.
Me` A sew papar Is soon to be started is
giuuros, Maas sandy, by tee Messrs. Frey,
late Of the Cloaseautsills Cintria.
' Pg 6, The usi ,41inty_seflp sad* its ap
peGr ne.,rl4 , *AA; esti Waist*, lelkesteasat
Ai„ et lux silts - Ur A Corsnrossar.--We '
i m i pleased. delighted, tickled, rejuvenated,
ohdlesticsted and gratified bejond exprention,
with tbi spirit of appreciation. satistru4inn '
and liberality whleb heti 'been exhibited,'
Manifested and etidenced tdwards us, , Our
eireinlation. Watt acitaellatig lees than two'
millions, Ii increasing ill . eirralso i oil nem did.
beton, with saran . ei paying subscribers, ilini
it it continues at ,l'iti preinint ricii * wi wifi ,
soon be' double thenitiniatier of all itiZatitti'P
papers in the county, Units' or world put to.
gether. — L4f,ruit4.4l.o_l4* dlitts their name,
for ont paper is so great t on s to, entirety block
' up the strifarin front of Oar : office, all bust-
ANC for two: etpoty amid' has Wisp sus.
pindid, ' @arena P_MOn' hire tis, baswi l ie
arias lora off, intheiiirantio seal to get their
1 winos upon fititiOnraCilid at last mama"
7 0
AI 414.1k 4 L I PWW: A lll
,1 1 0 114 Y k i ' 40 41 .
*:i ..:::.,, , a I—S • tas j
on Un l it troy to eableeibe.
scarcely know eskers lbe miter will
Mat protest l indiestions. wo shall :bare to
build half -n.11033* nkUls to enipty us to vials
met and although wi ars now nulling no
lees Asa ehrikt,of Roe. tettil , t . lll - ns i ki n d printing
tifflo.k:wli 10 !• 111 4 1 are et last:
sixteen inigg, nook a !loth wl ll proPelled
• g ieperelo calorie view of • tbonsond
horse power. The snooesoofottr r ps ..
ihs present editiir tai het " bob 01~ it i i i
wr' d .r.. l l4l l .
.. .I tniks4 l l,"" r rhilig
ever boars *sera., of in ienentabok that
ever will be heard sti .• •
/D4 lO -T—ThS 'worn oisoiloils ap
",f iv • Oof
s Is .. 1412141o,r.miLlilimaossid Q!k r Ati,
second (*table. ' -,- - - :. i , t: yiii
.Tis regular .COrretipoiscleiti of WOW-,
bow writes from the, lfations4 Capitat as
follows: '
"The Washington Retblican Associa
tion, at its meeting Isst, foqtrdsYlnittitti
disposed of a motion in dorsing r.Liti=
coin personally' by a tie vote, and of also-
Aber motioninstructingthe delegate from
the District of Columbia to cast his ballot
iu the National' Republican Convention
for Abraham- Lincoln, by voting it down
'by a large nuojority."
The same writer adds the following :
-ft.ln opposition to the kLetroPolitati
Club, Senator Jim Lane has started a new
one of a political bue,and known; for
want of other ~baptism, as the Lincoln
Jim Line at Washinacion,id Simon'
Cameron inrefinsylvinia, are decidedly;
the fittest men that could be sellected to {
lead the movement for the re-election'of
Tim Washington- correspondept of tbe
Philadelphia Age says of the lite gieech
of Mr. Dawson, of this Stitte`,=deilvered
the Howe of Representatives,
listened to •with the most marked and'
profound attention on all Bid* and re
oeived, after his hour was up; the estrum
d*ozi houor•of l4s sousisissens:eoisela of the
Howe to priiived. So more Marked defer
ence has been shown to any other speak
er during the session." We see by the
Gazette, that Mr. Scofield, of di* district,
had the egotism to essay a reply to this
statesmanlike effort. It was I like .
monkey challenging the lion. I •
Wo shall : endeavor to find rnotn en:
early day, fors part or the whille of Mfr. ,
Dawson's very able speech.
• it '
- - I
• Psovosi-'•Marshaittieneral -Fry has sent
the following dispatch to Major Town-,
send, of Ne,v York-:, '
"Be fullY prepared to eomrnence the
draft on the 10th of March and tosmahe
it in every, tub -district which Cahill' not
have raised ate quota before Match kit
" Volunteers between March Is* pia,
10th of March may be deditnteck- aftey,
draft commences. , Make known
ernor." . •
"JAB. B. FB)riPro. Mss. liep.
We do not expect though that a dritft,
will take place at the day L1301140T4.
is for the interest of the Republiests paity
not,tehasS' ii'draft.„ and Cciiipeas Rill
moat probably pass an 'act between this
and, the lOtis inst., postponing it until the
lst of April, and _continuing the bounties
for the saws peeled. r.
•• g
[We invite ecotribatiotaa to this a.partutest- of ihe!Ola•
eacrer frompereatis of STIMT s h ads of ophilos—religicup
political or otherarbas,—it being underetad, of . tanaraav,
that the Mar la in iat,erke to be held responsible At Vat
view, or atatamenta of bleeorreepondantiQ All article!,
to immure immeetios,atatt bereticuoapaabadki the
of the author.)
fiehoof • iltattets... *
Mn. EDITOR: Why is it thou the County
Superintendent only publishes his list Oflaii
pointmenta in 'the Republiean i - Papers of I the
County !, Is it because he thin* the Dl4o
erotic school direotors - anst•tenedters have tlo
right to know anything abbot' l ee !untie:rh o
or because be is too much of 'lir big 4 to
patronise r pamooratio paper.ieveu r tOltifbc
[ extent of 'furnishing Its readersi inforinitinn
in which' most o( them are interested I
[' thought from what I tutu of tltf present !ofll.,
ow. that he was a fair man, but:ends conduct
does not speak' mach to , his credit. If
intends carrying polities into *tool midt.e.*
it will be well for' the people of the couniy to
IitARRIXD. 1 i kit.t. - 1
la Watifford, on the IStla Alt, IP. P. I Jwasoa; ZAP,
Corporal Jailed Mae ILE v or Qo . 111; lee t r..X014.,1
nat.tent of fide , to Mrs. A. A. II l '
.- 0.. f th• Isrmor "' ,
_ .
place. - - .
' ,
• • DDILD...
to ttits city, ono Owl lit Wet.. or &slt Fem.. t LIZA.
BETH ORaCt, 0%4 olactitrOre of the( tat, Joseph
diu,t, Esq. •
- -
Gqrsasil Iris* fir as OiNr•
• Taut, rob. !, t 141611-,
pled NA
.14 6 060
Wawa Biped 14 016
CONO. od 4 . • new
wooba t abbisi...wp.
- 1, NOUS
Gras To 4. ......
e ook ream
se 'POW
Akllal4Y►9alto 1
Trash ......
Itackerolribbl .41,spow
Flour. 1,6009,00
Whsat,.... ... : ... 1„45 41 1.18 ,14
Cora, .—....
..... . I
Sitio 1,11
Onions, AO
'RAJA ..... .. bap
A .....
Green " 110
Battu.. ....
Paws 11915
ISMalden, - - -
Chios*, 111116
anwp. Tar
N.figlae and *oiler ftr Sale. -
We °Mir for sole tha Eigiatiitud Builir now
in uso io lhia ogles. They are is good :cciadi.
don. aad will-nil ;will forpamping ion oil
troll or rtuilllwg edieery. Apply to Joseph
MeCarter;tinbi:lrria City bin Workii, or to
the underwlpattle
WfIIIi,MAN At till,EClll,l • ,
eahlistiars Charier._
I did sot pabifsh a Prcevertei oe the Lot peke of Ow
Chogrowitoe! Gleaeof kb• last usip i r bat bens sty'
cestolefor th e Peltsellisolkial. ceder to the
high Ousel brit t;pv be osier 1 di d sethelese. I
aerai afford to pi Wit at the prtera,for *Web I bad in
variably plate* It. Bat! bare weerladed to print it at
those Mee as long ea tbli War oatierai, astir I shall
and that Ihfue tow watt is too greet for ore fo b o o r ,
The Daly Gleireara Iliaorararametwllilebe andAp
radix will be palmated dittiag thimat Beet of Co ...
aim (whisk wilt be a loqi 4 Von i vewe la this eity
tho Ina Nadal bt soh
~ f
The Dally Globe will awatala a report or the debates
to bath betrabsir el Oakum i tra sera if the day
together with ecebotilletist ma my be ganeetra $ 33 1 — • • eraero. , +.4..
rrtaanl 01.44
sad A
wows 0
l a w .
0.. . . ir
eu0t .,....( z..pi 0r 1.1 . a ‘l g u . t ... iron, Sleambeat,
raper. et all the dl ms St the - ridark sof., • xbdosev lieui eeht ll 9etee. lime:ate •litor 464 "-
111' .
itasheee. the mesas* el the wit Rai, stued 0 41,- ,..,1t,,,,„__„„ear tam ~--., .
-grates, the Nimatief the andiellpielimmithos . iota muen. is wrallated by expertiontodTamelosti
e 4 6. .
111 1 8 . 14 1 46, 4101 "_Pl*M4 lai - s 4 illad. 01 0 1.01101 ft, VIP Vora + yowls weft for
lease to aft Tray Wit a kgrate raw, littwt ,
ti tie . Aporat and shortest settee.
- rapialdfordi. - radli gm g ighwereeN -fie tile risible sitii&110110. •It•
quarto pages, aid agrally grab swot 4,000 p i ps f o r • rusts greeted tot Wie - rit — ot - ai. Rea= the astreria3
Izserita. f .. ? i prefereare, far gateleatee uf MI. CArge, by bettabe
Gorateraoaal Globs sad Ararat!: austfale MAO ama : ' " ' ' 31 : - r ' „
Mika GM per sit gclitst . naierethit, - Para.-A: tfawrat.tbobest Peen= a! Üblk, eh* who' ,
Ittlr efilrat. : - t•--- . 4 biliaiseroomosimans4 , 4 bre rrantiraa. and seer all
crow eopy of the ly Glut iisk log the I aweataalli telatall Mae Sleds"' Wittat,
eratta l e s t,,,Tor one espy at • tlaarweiosal cillp.. "Gelit op,teatell full iikharnuAlea ant VIM 0$
rail ikerfots f•• sattet ; ' liplillkflair to the letlwepale.
So Globt tragbe Wiwi Wee aere motEllitt JeNialis k 1111110,fdpairagi ,
attbe . trap wisilt. rararauas go; W I rim- Atlewi where tbe Sorte rad Ciotti of Weaker' aad ,
, ; lobe sad lipperalz trait be foe Unt ratite 8 " 1.1 " . Wea [M"'•Jrallli-ly.
rattler ~.,- •-• . ~,-' ,„..,.. ~ • •••
. Ale atiosAtew rail tie. ;
pral te,rair s or 4 ter u I ltra the wow 8 3 . 1
• i r iebealpitap 1% ., -,_ -;
_JM, C. RIM. , .
C . + -•=;.• -, uE4,4 •• - , f • • '.' ` '
501' it I WiirT3.B.o4io C S.,
itili C LESSOIIi,! lntirtifilitillakiate of
* 1
~,.' , I I 'OROCE R I E 8, P ROI/1110)1st'
j.:141041,4 100
....' , 1 imo . (i s ' Ai' A v-11.11111011 1 10 AND FOIUDOPI FitElf*, -
• , 4- • ” - • - -!. i 4 1 94103 U TILLING, 1 iniA.O . DMllMr i a i l ri lk AInIigJFAIIII
- A ..._•,.. ••ura .7. A1p..4, t , 1 , !
°gen "' ge 44 1 4 1 : 4 , ••• 14 , : ~, , N . ~ malia o L.,.... im tmisipisylnaraif
f. 4, .. ~. 41 w gra"' i i ,
' ' .Ij - 1` Tao: i ! rilleearleatt . I
• 4
• ll ii ! w i kr -• : : str i I'.s, - . . 4 '. ... .-.. ta .: us
.ARIES AND GENTLEMEN I kiamoi %Malaga*, Oath Si bittalr
• us? at ebothldi Um% Goa Bow ba Sib ar oar
Irobtlias. Ana Irsabstrnti AI Rerbillirml
Twa t . - , u. : u nle tmeis br akin*, la ba s4 ionay oad.
BEFORE P zmie4 illabil. -'.
. % Lica e ., - ti i t — j,iej9F l N l, Cir "nettle* Met tall albespe.t tlere-gbaer alisrel."
rim raw - 14 446 '117, 4c0 4- u - iiire -
1 ,
. mnr y ar dairoido, ail. .
j mg. b.
43,10 D 9 0 dist sod read reliable Mob lo WA
,. ; t,. f! :.. .. .1 AV,i , &WM .' :( --- °44%". ' 44 1 .1"314 jri ' jegrasl4 "17 31.
4 sod i eto :Xtfa O.IIIOIIIVIRS.
I men LODE 0 NS I • a
l Watt*r with Pateat lading hsprerre•
meat. a Meet Plesideg Novelty.
~,,„%4"114 p iews 6121.4 " -MI abaathbent of tbetill. OSO ears pottisolsed moil saarasisat sad dasidedly
ht. Tbelsora inmate' only b stool say alba gb. we o b iet w ie
jaiww , g t ithiliw i saw&
and are et s Mese sad wortesanthdp easel to any
talrtitrwr•.... I Marta, reilless as Um test that
.I=ir .1 lisa 14 ' ai lliik at i oy "
Pah " l a ti l l e i sit I V tblabil l bib " t bY " 1 •18; ' Wing
fo rd. WM seas at tids *Leh sow.
4./Y bl et ela
pse r. a rr. . . . - . ... . I attire totals. thre outer deo !slag Bas 1$ meat
.. . .:.. 3 , so a r It bribe hapset& rally Ode. Dr i 4areseee,
1-1 , P4TOR,I49US it CiagMlB,4os 1 a Di warrsotet so waste Una._ pion asperbly
11 1 44 13 6iitiliplt 44 chi . iilikstorloo to the r gray s .4 Per W. of hili s f ir sill•WL . iii" " te W144411 ' .
itstosat offers ts 2$
seat, for I would roller al. a mis
I r swilm":" ' ..
ihsw thmisita be hm e tlamt to the ,Meddlir who AILITAIR WATCHES.
~ . bind Cab Hestia, ltres-Pieerb for, saiteraey at mew
rityjai ol4 l l , g l ' ,Li m e i ra yd. ang , bop oses*„,*sty or =taint, sod, above all. ebtagerat to
aroobedtbaw and n. lnt% MOM rabbi roust taprr• onironal sparks
irt=4=BMltor •pliot Any Ideals porton. Bra.. i- - -
Waft oat KO; of &oat ory.poly Am( As unktatioo so faultiest that It rip hardly be debated
bratty Cato the Po - orWaamt for the este or mild, lag
,the II tba nest enarteneed }adage. Tb. reatertal Wag at
F on me a t m o d urs itt roug i. "l c " w hi lsur i ag i i , MSS 1111/141s, the otter cra• ant esatitv 'Stirling Mire , .
srat .... Da.: baits* if tint, Me sot gr. 4 liar bi,j, while th. laser ore la Oramas Silver, it eutootbe noes.
''' -"‘ - - - • abed h7 4 winsit we hew/ wwfrottsi. arabbit It, net only
tIWIZyr: !easy ism, WOlikaa or T hu, ;h e mo w. roe la appieshmee bet Is durability, the beet rasembhmee of
eateeMind asiimmo with Yee OS 11., I — they an not VA LID OTBBLIBBIBLYBIt Is etisna• r.
ale b o o g l ank i 'awl hilt - pay I ,.Th sw esnal &awe to any The vale of them Wattles in the 'nay is a sown of
oatorita orb now as which the Frazee Illbrokr, asonsweis pelt. Walley er that soly readily do. at VA
hes oessartylrew York and Buffalo Plume him• done in . 54 Weird*. Bear haadred dollars me be *de is a
this -sue as d& ettriltt. - fat pa people tell she•• soy But& sly dee by any mte of ordinary !madame met.
porn l'issoirso—ttot thrtiaahere—eseetall , those what W' DT arttOLIORALIt °sill ila Derry beetle*
beatbars sent seta ; lit pear go abate they Wooly. mesa. beautifully inadravtd, erblqa somata dial sad fa
Sidi My7tamlos mei lamented tit be enolawd With all ; o f. eat tuunts, la good running or ain,by the ball dowse r SW
gond hapromesents, and wart gin astidetion or so pay. Bald only by the cue of eas j
Eastern Pianos °tall =lkea an be bet of ore sr wall UP•' , enwwiPt of two delbribea altersatee of coed kith,
arid cheap as any Oka sun, we willasoil wirtelne by express to say pert or Me loyal
reties reedy to purchase sulfites" to the seals Ilse, Stamp i. O l/•01111 balsam or bill GU &II . This te •
will plass. remember that lam dealing largely IS Masi. effor t!stirra rillsiott 5' 1 _ 1 4 Shiroy thew entries
rsi Merchind se generel ly, and ma rider teduceemots %gm_ JOllleame 11 , FYO I _Herr
rarely mailed bee en Oben- beg desire.. Bolden he the MAW Stranarthrit Malt oats to ao- ,
....Pianos warrasted by an earn' be relied spa, I Wag vamp, ai lbw *wren wttwillwltt // 4 !/gtir'il,tilfewttak -
Itaastertarer, tow, Player and Musician , as well Is et 9 11 4seliMird Is Mgt atelier:lb Irwelthlt• ' mortlarw,
Tesetrar.i My Inurrautiaret, Weans. las pod Eat 04 ora ablentsfroes welts theanow traistsishB SW sa.
mount. My oplalos In many came has been • Moat ti w.,__. ITllloollgas al. Mira "ibbrlr if ell frat*** 4o4 / 01
41 • 401 who lisraittored/butok. sod mime who did oot Mt wowYsr ma 117 sat or si t lPret rk.
Hat •se at ant Dona rle oath after a while by their ' BORBA, rsk . sole Importers,
lossay. Carver Oeiettsadt Street, M. If
Arse" Porto metle islatrarhere Is so better ter Mat - Ble lo-2 w.
rower, bat .If fiance see good .bleb are made MO+, the ----."''
too4i shed art good sod the bad—bud . —bud . fasts , a Phone are
laro by me. an above tad, at Maintaetnnere prices
llystocir on hand consists of a nary °holm eelertlon, sad
is larger that, pay seer oared (or tale berm
• P,TANOis to LR?.
M u le . perrepiipallisalled M. •
Cheapest Furniture Store
la Ms Sostlos of the Cociotry, . •
• = die Wk gilsey f igria l Pa.
From 38 Cents per pound.
From $3 00
• , • - - From E 4 60
, • - From $2 50
Froth ES 00
And other tuittate, La* ino l 4l ,4 ireet•
West Side Stilita Streit• '
Best Palmer's 43trikieiy.
7La theCoart °Mammon Plata
- . of Eris Cent/Ka S 7 Anent
Tam, 1863. lisbpoitaa La
T R l E tated ease._ la hereby eotlattt to await' at the
Court demises flea& to be holden at We, to and for
the eeleator at I:ethos the second Moodier In flush sett,
the OW aorapiatat t sad ahoy ewe, it say
,Irks a sheers Oros the beads of matrtsony
aboard aoa be gtaatst to said platatit
WOO- ALIJA A. MUG, 6berlff
Restores Gray la Faded Hair a, Beard
For the Head aad Bair..
:Beacom the Color.
: Ersdicstes.Dandruff.
maws RIBTORAPT°IVmE,°S its
Prevents its Palling QT.
Is tni - unequalled Dtiesing.
hood for Children.
Is good for Lecher.
Is rood for old People.
Is perfectly 'Harmless.
r Contains no 011.
la not a Dye.
- • - Beautifies the Hair.
Is splendid for Whiskers.
CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, • • Hair, in its Place.
j „Curia Nervous Headache.
Prevents Eruptions.
Stops Itching and Burning.
• Keeps the Head Cool.
Is Delightfully Perfumed.
• I • • Containano Sediment.
CLARK'S itzmiwrivE" -
• .-. Contiiiiis no Gum.
...Polishes your Hair.
Prepares you for Parties.
Preptres you for Balta.
All Ladies need it.
, No Lady. will do without it.
Costs but li, 00.
.44 Orid by pruyabilli and Perim eirsti wits»
•Pliar. II per bott,•-is maks tor Ss. • •
11LRUKI 4 k C 4ll (;, i t e, --
3 4 7 -6, 4 00
Judge of tt♦ ilts•led taiii -alma Omni. ftlreest.
Count firs lk Br.outt Sri., pmn9nrau, PA.
THE I tiu:c . rHE+ r• 4T AND BRIM
Administratoes Notice.
tiorlog Woo goistoi to 4.1i0 tholos or lite
%tato of burners tam. Aseesiß4.lst* of lihnok .
o rusty. Tio; Motto is hereby /moo to pima*
ksovitsig tlomsboo todolotoll to Os romp to took. Isom.
dlato mom% sod Wool bating &airs salon Ike
estate onommit Übe's , wordy aatbostlettod, for
sottlosonat. R. GINOTICII.
T. R. LOrBL ft.
llAkirseit. Pak If, •1144.
Dimshaw el C•-lhutaersliip.
THE Fllittof Crawford it Csughey was
Owl mil on the lit Inst. Ail debts of said firm
y 11111.4 watibid by IN. A. Crawford. to whoa debts
Waves( Wall till will bs paid—Us Mons Win at
so Ow mono of Ow Cra to 'otitis; tbia
Wit. d. caswroao,_
mutt %raw C. cAuGEliy.
day formed • erimirhoseahip inutsi Ow Moo samba
et Ctswlnt At Cluisita and will soattane the Ihrbeery
and MD Mandl's,lWanssatthe old stand et Crawford
iliCaSeety, No. T Beatty's Block.
_Farm for Gale:
THE undersigned offers for pale. until
{ the teth Arttibluttati amt. td s Tann to Small
tp., coatings( ono hsadzsd sad fort, aeres, mot @arks;
out Ititsdred sem hopisrred • tho Wanes good the
good ems bathdago, areard add to troll watorod, It
to sitsztad T Wise trout Erie on tho Waterford Oath
rout if sot sold by the shoos data It will be rented fat
dos or mote goon. JAYBSJOHNSON.
LAM, TWO 'TONT MCC NOME, with none Wier,
• Usk hokenton,oneelint wittier water. large dawn.
=lingo haw, kip Wu, 86 by* &A excellent or
ohari Of grafted fruit, inelnding apples, ettereine.
peen, /to. adjoining the Oat Lota of Me, with U
eon of uuU tgmsad.put.l tommuid‘
ow wasorpened view of the City. Boy, Onebor,
for $9,000
SI SClLlCSadjolidas obovoonalllosoolioas, lane from*
- bars, OW orebanl of grans! knit, is, f0r...54,000
SO, A 011121: aims irasor hove, tram
bum, tlo:okard, as, 6 !al:lisffoas 2rio, for KM
ACEZE,t SAN from Itrls,iftbajwain4 babas, goo .
wood land,adistkos lanbarritani and Jackson',
Statian-lomarl bon" barn sod orebord
TEE Large and Castploto OIL RESTNEETiin the alty of
Kilo, knows s. WA "Ely Esfiniory." ‘ rAsdrj &best
ISO barrels par soak, %MU" irlth t 1 aeros of load,
flouting as Sidra i Edo latkoad,for..,... -MAUS
ALSO, Lots, Hoare and Lora and Ott loto to the qty
The wherthse kW* reeently Wailed and Weeded
ussastscisuthe Mews. seeds toads to- carry it on,
aid L dsteredasd to eell s yeti et Ida Rad Estate. Ile
therethes Whirs the lesegeths at the obeli 191 , Masi wad
wW ORM the Ural tseersNe sal Mime ported.
i . -A. KING.
AI+L- 3EI .A. 1.1 .N
Swam an thipseveat papallatitior i
it ammo Dimon lir
_ ... ileats des.Peres sad
nfottaellis lawastble PembaSon.
ii iliedmiagaa Vie Vidatimi lismatioas, aad
rambovis the cause ef Wiser
ffs takes Ib• Eldag at Of aurae* tkore• aid
!mob. sea ettodaso egos.
r is Jibliefbed by taw skin awl /11r NEW
fitOperatiosfilkonligiewhos AROlel is After
Sloss albs Limp; Stamm* ea4ll4mats.
le 10 aloe Squalls 1111'111M.! I* &lamer
Allarthillastheldliera sal Siifisht Piths h higher
I :
Asa Goa. Is. hr tared bameirm setbuin
I mots hies od every gory battle-Asa than gory ottmor
arm ever matted
lit le kMwn all !world as dm most
soothing aid healing Obitsseei in existence.
Jesus biotitsria is the hisentei Sad perkier, Now
It le said lIS ante by ell asaggiste every Om% SoLd
by !lancet Vertu, No. 4 West tart Ron, spat for Eris.
11(4olessile Depot at NOSTWI a Ce.'s. q 9 broadway.
1 olsenr43.4ea
Arnold's Writing„Fluid!
Warranted Genuine !
D.rW'.llatd, Watt and Canal= Wan Wattage to
Oat bottle. Mat at tea 0., haw% Walional Waren,
Coosionial tile, 4 - 4ensot Paper,
wawirs mar Pt all Wens naitnaalls las.
Tasks/ Nekton” Ls annedanan, Ilnividenda at % holrean•
okocouss, WHIPS 4101111114pD OIL,
. flliasdet than say Ant Rosa* a, ads city, at
No. .4 Reid Homo.
. Erle Ale Brovirery 9
1_ . .
1 ~.:.• :: STURM'S. . -
Erk tAy
,Lager itrowery,
Erie trait A Marley Wardens.
tab modtottesi.lL mod AU -
Ifs Sad grili=trirael Vatistisi et La"
1110 MAIMS
sed for QlllOlO4
imilk NO try
. .
.11:. ZING.