NE W GOODS! NOW OPEN AT H. S. MORRISON': P.IIBWICING ALI. Tlig 1 a 5.2114 RTYI.R.4 tar DRESS GOODS. CLOAKS, SHAWLS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. ALSO, A LARGE &rocs. OF ) olLorills, STAPLE AND . DONESTIO GOODS I NOW I 2 YOUR TIME TO BUY 050bD81 IF 4011 16NT TO VINO 7_OOD STYLEa I , AND oirr - - (160 D BARGAINS, GO To 8.. S. MORRISON'S. psy ..1' 63 tf TO THE PUBLIC. IRAVE opened the room No. 2 French 3tr•et, in Reed Rouse block, to aloof out the tahulee of EYE WHISkEYI f my own thiclllltion to It6o and '6l.which I wllgatt satoe pore as the grain its•lf, and shall keep a stock uf other Lty.ori, ilteindlog the "Old F.coaomlts") Cigars, Ate, he. F. S.-1 hare an /.1 Pips item Lnenbor Wagost,nopirly tww, for gale JOHN W. SUANNON. 0ep26C4.002. MRS. 8. H. HALL Etas just Mused fres , 7 'Z -11 Z NEW Tons, • t• and Is -1,•:1-A7404‘, NOW OPENING • ). LASOE STOCK 11AT ,vh* _wr or FALL MILLINERY! Which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASE, OR READY-PAT. rip-Particular attention paid to blushing, isoloriss nd pressing. Pasch St. 6th door &bore the Depot, Me, Pi. aisilreStr. A PACT GENERALLY KNOWN;„ THAT the variety of new atyle Bedt steads, of Gothic . , Cottage, Courtin, Rnad Cos.? tier, Camp Soh, Jenny Lind and other pattern; wogi .srpen tine and 'atilt front, bantam:loly veneered Bureau, Ilktentoon, Dining, Breakfast, centre and other Tables, Whatnots, Quaker Stands, Carpet mod Damask doe Beds, Hair and Sea Grass Mattrames, Fiejaal ln a end Bolsters with other nonsehold fornitazo, to., all nootEseturso from well seseoped lumbar anti healthy medals, by eiminced workma and not byapprontiot lade. For style, quality and low pries I wi ll dory ran trovic• dealere to undereill me. restbsrabooichisuol . 7 1d. Cane seat, Parlor. Bedroom, Reeking, Swim, NUM/ and other Chain, of Rasura and' Western mann a . tactuiv, are hickory dolled and glued, making them as strong as any other part of the nalr,where others made and sold are only nailed, and by no means durable- Wood Windsor, Reeking, Sewing and Nurse, ant chairs of hard moo moods clinched through the seat and elated, war med to stand. Handsomely piloted, amican't be bea ten for strength, prim and anish. Spring Beds. I have sold emir lOu and have the highest testimonials with a ad of prices of all goods sent on epplteatiou. %eking ad shipping free. After bra years experunce and isenteuding with un mtncipeled two price dealers, I am determined to Sin 004 price to all, give worth for your pay, and do justice to all Who trade with me. _ Lumber, Lath, Sam' e% Live Stook, Crhdltatid Rehm NI, Sum. Pay, Product kc. taken at fair market 'stood I fra ci ter the tame, itax o:: : e l zo r ror t. of IV davit ct.r24-tf. liatinfaerr and Conunlin Paasioatl. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERY STORE. P. I. BEOXER, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, i i Wu. Park 4? Franck *treat, - (azzAirszna,) 1 *salt rimsporttatlye i al the :tr r io:o t tha emmaulty to GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which he fa dogmas to sell •t the VERY LOW ErST POSSIBLE, PRICES: Hti arortziarit of SUGARS, COFFEES, - TEAS, SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, FISH, &C., Loot summed in the atty, as he a prepaieil to prove to all who give him a mill. He also Mope oonrtantly on hand a, sapertor lot at P-URE LIQUORS, tor too wholesale trade, to which to dizoota Out attention at the public HJ 111)2t0 La, "Qalek Sales, small Profit/ , wad • fall tquivaliat for th• Money: aftlllBli. MANHOOD ; How Lost ! How Restored I Jut Published. In ► Sailed Envelope. Prise 6 Cents. LECTURE on tit. Nature, Treatment and Riding Cure of Spermotorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nez:yinuiness and involuntary fitalleioalt. iodating Impotency, Consampticin and Rental and Phy dud Debility, Ny ILUIISPI" J. cutsitßwr.LL, M. D. The Important fart that the awful ronsequensite of fielf Abase may be effectually removed without interns/ medicines or the dangerous application of candies, tn. - suumests, diented bosns', and other empirical &- item, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new gad, highly successful treatment as adopted by the cele brated author, folly explained, by which every one in enabled to care him/reit perfectly, and at the least pose- We cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised noatrumo of the day. This lactate will prove a boon to thornless& and thousands. Sent auder IL al, to a plate envelope, to an, address, of the reoeipt of els mots, or two postage stamps, pe ad trouirtz. 044 LS. J. C. YLltit, tsbl4'e3-1, ltT Bowery, Now York, 1862. SPRING. 1862. ERIE BONNET STORE. (Late Model Boned Slime.) E. H. SMITH, WHQLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN MILLINERY GOODS. ririfil I tom suppliea with Goods at Nay Yock Priem. Particular attention paid to Bleaching and Dreadil :Straw!. Nn 3 Huth..? clock. State tit sis73tf. Notice to Oil - Refiners. W E us A tiritptred to sell to Rehears on.,vrnuoL C and WE at a let prim'. %Cs an sell 011 Vitrol by the th car lo ad at as the lasuutacturtry, thereof suing t the purchaser the el ;Lane awl securing •, , rnroptaess in sblpoitig. C itEN Ca If Y & ttURG GROCERIES! GROCERIES I AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. P. SCHAAF • iroet:4 zeopeettu'ly Inform the public that ha bzi °soma • Store in No. 2 Hughes' Block, Eris, Where he willelwas I keep on hand a large supply .1 GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND WOODEN WARE, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGAIIs, tit Ani Iria ererything asaally for gals in an establishment et s 4. - - Sinus as reasonable as any oiling stOrs in ttt► ea, jaulVaitt P. •. /OILY VIZ. NEW GROCERY STORE. iteklendvied bays opoulll s now Crocary nom ela the EAST SIRE OF STATE ST., SA HOUSE NOME or Hamar Whey. they tend.kospl og • full supply DI 6111 01.112R1 Edo PROVISIONS, WARN. TANKER PAUTIONia. wAKi t VoNFECTIONABIE*4, WILLuW - • TOBACCO 4 CIGARS. Lod ovinthing usually as basil teas estabUalusest of th• sort. We an liatersdn•qtagtot YY OUter &Shin to the 4147, aoa tnst thy Pt.". I li a ya that sip no give WIN satleasties. • ecartatf. IP. 1111filn VOLUME 34 31.136.411. - .11.113460. BIIIPPALO & ERIE R.- N iind after Monday, Jan. 4th, 1864, N....F.Pmesager Tnilas wilt rna oa UM Read as mums 'LEAVING A. 15 4 Nei! out 40seas, stopping At Ulm Clink • North taut, State WIN {Wady, W setaeld, P Mend, Brenton, Dunkirk. Savanna, [ 'wind and Asir* • Whine &Menlo, at la SO A. M. I 00 P. M., Dap "fro" *topples' at North Rant. 'Vast hold, Dankirly Silver Creek, and dards., and - arriving at Raab at 5 20 P.ll. 40 P. M.. Casein:Huta ißgrrase, stopping at Westfield. Dunkirk and Saver Croak, and arrives at halal° at 9 to P. tL. lea A M., Med tepees:, etopptag at Weddell!. Dunbet sod Stleet Creak, arrives Buffalo at 4 22 A. U. The Day Ripens senneete at Dendattit aml - 8 the Nitta Express at Buffalo *alb with gapera trains for New York, Philadelphia, Beetoaolie. LEAVING BUFFALO. 4 00 P. IL. Mall 4. Aces.,stopidag at Russ, Amer; Irving, Silver t..'toek, Woe. toy Portland , frolillaid, Quinsy, Mita Line, Forth tut and Marlow Croak, arriving at trio at $ It P. Y. t OA A. W. TWO& gersok - stepping at.lillaar Creek, Daakirk, Weetaelaaad Werth Vast, arrives at trap 111 30 A. M. Uit A. Dar glirma stopping at Aral; Silver Croak, Dankirk„-Wod North Naar arriviat at Die at 3,40, P. R. ' U 44 P. R., /Wed its rose stopping. at Silver Crest, - Dostlrlt and Westasid, arriving at Zak at $2O A. M. Railroad that is tea minutes taster thaw Cite that. • Nev. IN, 1383. a. N. &SOWN, Supt.. Cleveland and Erie RaiLroad ON and after Monday, April 20th, 1863, and Kati' farther arise*, rump? Trucks Tr Gra 3 as dolhays, via' • LEAVE CLEVELAND.` 141 P. N. Night 'taps itt - Pulassrt Is, Ashtsbals sad Ord, only, sad mina at Cris at 103 P. N. 4 10 P. Y., Nall sad Areatazusdatios Train, stops at sal station', sad arrives at Iris at II 24 P. Y. - 4 00 P. K. Ctaeiaaati Paws* stop at Paisegruno, Ashtabula and Girard, arrive. at Erie at 7 00 P. Y. 10 00 P. Y., Day Exprom, atop. at Willoughby, Raw* villa, st Gazers, Ashtab P. IL ula, Cosasast and Girard, in Kris at I TS - - LEAVE ERIE. LI A. N. Night Irpressirain stops at Innird, nada,. bola and Painerrille way, and animist Clareistsi 4‘. A. IL 6 AO A. II" Mall sad Aeseisdnodatioa Train, stoning at ail the statieas and antra at Clevaland•iit • 104 A. N. • 46 A. N., Toledo term; standar at all stations az ' Sept daybsook, Utdenville. terry, Neu. for and Wield/, arrives at Cleveland 140 11. I 21 Day Rome, stops at Wald. Comma; Aahlabula and Palosevill; arrives at Cleveland at 4 56 all the through trains ggoolas Wilt raid, conned at Cleveland with trains for Telede„ Celimbes,Cia admit, Indianapolis, he. ha. . • All the through trains going eastward, mewed at Dot kirk with the trains of the N. Y. & Rrie Railroad: sad at Rabic) with the N. Y. Ceetnd and &dale and N. Y. City Railroad; for New York, Albany, Berton, Niagara Tall; he.. IL NOTTINGHAM, Sepetiateedeot. Cleveland. April 20. -1863. 1864. 18114 ORANGE 01' TIME. ainsampownim PHILADELPHIA & ERIE R.'R. Thii great WA traverses the Northern sod Northwest eouttise of PenYftwusl► to the oily of on Lake trio. It has bout lewd by Site Pssaillstais Raised Cosa pony, and wider their= la Lein rapidly opened ro thughout its entire it Is non in nso fbr himmegee end !night business from annisboin to Emporium, (liks miles)) on the leatertl Division, sad from titistbabl to Ad% (!llimiiss) on the Woes= Divides. - • • TIXS OF PAWING= ?SOLIS AT ate. Mill Train Liam 4 10 r. Hagar Train A. or: KW Train Antrim. ~7 Wk.* Hillman Train AIIIITOF . 2 21 r.. 11 For information respecting_ Itanengsr tossinses at the S. router 11th and Market eta., and for Freight bubo. or tie Oolopsors Mta. • . S. B. KINGSTON, Ja i , corne eir r 13th and Karts* Streets. Philadelphia, J. W. REYNOLDS. ID* J.ll. DRILL, agent N. O. B. IL., aartineara H. /L HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phllatra. LEWIS L. 110UrT, General Ti4rAt MLA% . • - JOS. D. por ts, General Manager, Wllliaraeport.• • • • . 16, NM. ERIE RAILWAY .- annammaimmilun CHANGE OF HOURS, COMILENCINO 11020 4.7. JAS. 4, 1111 - ?Was will lam Danki* atabout the ( •4 ,• I copy, id* asontbs ' ... All clubs of tea sr acre. if taw 4S4nes IA written on each paper, will pay mei SL6II. '' • per trash CIO of 211 ell sews espy will he aims! the lemon meat the nosey. The terms of the other editiosi eriesSellowes.c. LAMS DAILY. - JUNIUS 01113 1 .... A to advance one year, 810,04 is adrawseelle year. pass tit mat In advance, AP Hit inewlst adman... 4s; End of each els woe. 0$ 2 midair *as Addesewillap; For en. maastli, 1.03 (aA4W)0•00 ismoglA) New may be remitted by,awiloldbiremeed JOURNAL ON GOWN:NUL N. Y.:; NEW FURNITUBM STOlig; J. M. itiaLrrAk co. s .: Weald resposttally tato , m the public thiti tow lopeasi 1 VUOITIN NVIIIN WALIMROOIIII4 - IN GABLE'N'SLOG*, - : Um= ea and Bth Stresh,:oi; wuria., Wired to Imp a t of ssiburifrai • • assennea am' m was,supern . nuness.. Qvt....omvauds w •taMigr =we v: ) • ' •• • , \ ' • it 1 1 '"... '1: •,_ .ilikkori ed tate Lim . , • ' 2 . ‘ ` " ''' kli.V.•.' , • `..• ' . . : ''''" V ' s k:' . • . ' . . .• 2 '' - '"`"‘ ." P 4 ' ' . •••: 11;141‘.3an 1.4 1.->1 it., - .t.iiitl 4•11 . (11 , . . I t - , . I . _ 1 • .. , . , ",, .-.- :.. i.:,., . , . . . . ---.. r ..t.i.,!-,(;!•, : • 1;:fillo r 1...r0 . \ - I mix: . .: t•: 1 7i; _. J ; „,•,..:: r.-. ...: 1 . . . - .1 . • * 4 . .). .43 4.... e --: ~ _.-- • . --7 - \ ' ' 4 • :tit) , w a 11114 . . a.) ~ . e.•• - !'.... .i ICI 1 . 1 . ", 1 :=,...1-..„-'1:-....11,-.•,„\ - 2 . 7..,:..% ..\:\ " I SE. , ~,,, ,:,2.,,..:. '' '' , • i= UNION AND CONSTITUTIONV n (1•4:!:, ''TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR, IF AID IN (ADVANCE; $2.50 IF ,NOT PAIOTNTrL TffE' ?lib v READY PAY STORE I • , " • ••• lIINNIG wow ropKywarb;torti, tb. TOM that eV hall STOOX OP BROORRIES OP JAMBS S BLISS, omits tut_ erg asa ems an, kiisp 'is pod as usettarit of , , RAXILT ' - • OEOOEOII3S & gßovistoms, WOOD k wriLGw WADS; AND 'TARIM GOODS ill Is kept Ln Prig. Best Brands of Erie -County Flour Kept ecTitantly ca hand gad WAIIANTED A 000 D AJCTICLA! gir The highest Moist Price paid for all klub ed Coonts7 Produce. Er Goods delivered free of charge to soy put of the Cu,. J. UMW. :ttebTrisit] A. KlittliCl. Stray Bull. QTR.A.YED from the prom- Wu of the nadentigned In ths eny, &boat three months ago, • *DLL, Omit `-yes. And ia-dalf old color Wok sad Wins —a Ann sannsl. note la Aau la ono at hla oara. Aly pontos triowols of hie wborraboute will please Isms Information at my nodose, •au th• outlet lock: TllO3. CAVANAG a. bitril4G •" 'JAMES P. CROOK, ! aNatsa IN 11011131P+.ND PLANED LUMBER 1 AND llarciacrinza OP Window Sash, Prams', Doors and Blinds: • VOLTI.DIKOk AND PICKET rENCE. Scroll Sawing, Matching * Planing ! • DONK PO ORDR et. libep en Penh tit, between 4th and Mikan E'KIE, PA. I totpeetfally eat the attention of the piddle to my fenilities for doing work is the best of style, romptly and es NaNNIONbIe torus. Hsiang Wed Up entirely new shape, with superior machinery, I feel confident of giving ettnNUWCtlon. ar Orders ITose ebroad will receiveprompt atteatlas. gamma JANICS P. CROOK. • Acbninistra l trix's Notice. LE TTER§ OF ADMINISTRATION on the estate et N. W. Tilley, deed. late of Weems :Ir. lei Co, Pa, baying been grated to the tinder peed : those knowing themeless indebted to the es tate will map lotinetilate Daymet• and those hawing clams against the nose will present them, duly When. fleeted, for settlement. SARAH FILLS , / arenas tp, Yob. 1f.'64-ow. hdadisisiratrla. - LUA BLS Store Stand and Residence for Sale. rIPHE undersigned offers for Sale hie ,aluAbl• property in the village of Bearer Duo/ Eris Ea, Pa., consisting •of anitealle n t Store Biddle( sod Dwelling Home, with an sere or more of lead at tithed. •, Tim Stott has been arid for the parpoei a great number e 4 years, and is well fitted, befog large, concee• lent, and baring a shod cellar. • wing , attached to the betiding will accommodate a small family. The Mead Isom/ ol the bat la the oonnty, being situated in a bhalthy, fertile and wealthy neighborhood. The neidence Is *Tiro titory 'ewe, 'haying a large, dry teller, and being both roomy and conceal/NIL • good Ciatets, Well and item are cc enechedwith the hoses I will sell or es eisaire for property In Erie, on reasonable tem& La , parson slather to perelase will addreek - den JOliN CUMIIINii, 9i 3 m. Itzlis City, Vt. JOHN WELSH, ,CEIKANIIDE, - - EWE, PA., _lnukuaLLa gauss tx BALTIMORE OYSTERS! . .-- -, 0 (70141171 . 1 T 714 Dr, AtinIPLEID Wrril Prnh Can sad Keg Oys t ers, . • :11.4ived 'every Day, and 111thAllTED TO GiVeIIIIUPICTIONt • Er drdeearelldtet aid ?mildly attended to. aftvl4lllll. Chasse:- R the Dreg Butzese , lortallahti amoi wall kaolin , . Drag la • Medicine Store ot J. S. Carter, Ifailenirt. Wl° the hands et tk• anditutatied, hia Goa, who. having atarehieted Ili satire stook will eciatinue tint badness ii lastatotore to As same plaea. The pan and peaseat tepatatloa of thla hoots as • Fusilrnedlehie ken, place it AREAD OF ANY OTHER IN TIM CITY Anitho subscriber hopes, by rental attention sad Jodi* done reasegswent4 to merit the same for the future.. J. !l-.Carom. although withdrawing from the wore mitre lab= of the, baldness, will lUll routais to the store, when he hal* to Owlet Ma old friends and say be sousaltod se usual; SAMUEL CaETER. septirllAL , Farm for Safe. THE Vubacriber oftere for Sale his Parma in guehnit 4.. Erie Coy re, Unitintiein, lawn, sena mewl tuft, nine miles from ree city, on the Ws- OmfertlitYarmtke foil, and four rai'm from Waterford Trillaga r ersil watered, oelth good takldirtgo.- Mir fruit sod thirty soma of wood laud. Ago', oo pruning for httihrr ti2torantion. W ttt br sold on reasonable terms , !180304f.. - ' • JOLLY R.GILLiftY. Administrator's Notice. 'of Administration having been granted to the underlie:led on the estate, at bask afetNnlty. Ocean I, late . of Greene to., Brie Co., Pa.; nn oe+ as ereby Rim to All'paroooll elbowing them isfirestatlebtal to the same to make !melodist' puma; 6+4 thoselasityg Oa= airatitst the estate vitt vessel them foe sittleaaest. Mica lee% CITY, IL L. JUNO% ,le o. ISOS4sr. admiotatraters. rarni for Sale. PHE trND,ERSIGNED OFFER FOR 1 flak Ai heal Ortecogisog to doo-bens of J. Roble. Wm, containing titsetes, duds to gad mokokek, 'hose four Win from tba , 'eV'. new the Waterford Plank Read. Thor, la on the lollies.' a good dwelling bonne gad two brio arr/anis. Tba property tell be disposed of OA rw ODOM twin Jibe bO series of good wood and joistno • load. situate to Ba)suoiS tp,os Its nialelis Rood. Most Abe enUee traps rale. p w. KOBThitiON, felo2l-315. ; P. A. 11.0141 N! ON. Farm for Sale. ITHE' UNISERSIGNED OFFERS FOR • flederbleireein, Mfuab to Harbors, leek tp.,21: ogles boa Ena sad lkkreeeisateare 'Castle death Glebe Bat lalo 144 contelnlcg 60 sores and allowance, baring ended thereon • frame dereglor bons' and Lank bars. wike rind ortbad, will watered. make all cum, an d ludic good biaprotrement generally. feo2l-3,1* j JOIM WWII& Firm to Rent. AFARM OFFERED TO RENT IN the Verilehlp of naitormeek. contacts( dEF. n'eA CRER, all treproied, with good buildings, good artisan, vett olitAtedi well dsalgaed lot rain or gram WtU .141 let for one leer or Bre yours. The farm Is located ' jileffeiiodth-ea,t from Weeleyellia, on the liltatloa Ravi, near Thernell Buohelreplare. Yor feather particulars apply on the premfeekof febrf- i PETER LA VERY. ,RENT. ofilblialsibh sod Daaleada ,E 1 lasi for a illip*U ol o3o/44 1, WC/WINTRY STiMi s • •-=' kelrdad, rump Convey, Pa. Tiebathit if Slade. adth drY fl abo LIXG - ROM att:bol, vkidi vtU lo ABUJA 14% the atom If disked. _Pr PRlWuNsitamml IMP DILI. A itrol• ;.;1 1 4gral:i .• i ; Wino' 1 4 0 , Ps, * fitiCittiiiri TO KLEMM LANNI! A. BLESSING 1 WlVri glr freas a# chap. to say Lady `i ALltiti tan to 'Oka* a addre, koft' l 6 TIMES* the extreme • 'oh% ofI es LDIM: WOW% hive Resr.oru keeltg ped Mot afsl ChM ISA IS cue other cow lIIPOSTANT. SUM" the 4114"Aftt sod "NW reach ever dlecoireret - object Is hating The abate nary. ters - 14 co l vvrrtraiti d n't61,itixx. tat Breasfit n. T. . 7 . -' .. t , - a i t ai 1. .....„,„... , , :4 tho Court of Comma PIN/ .."7--* kit R7 , 40.414,', No. 48 of loth . _ _- II- L.- - Tong 1684 4 I it a i ll i 1. 4 1 9 1 4 1 4 17 .. - 144 . . All" 86"11111 . . . . . MA ' MDANT IN THE ABOVE : s ti r o N . to tooeby ootifit4 to moot , Oit Quo i 1444 to tro bold At Eric f a A i d b r tb. 4 eat . ths eredda bllossi‘y in Mirth Bart, COP thodem ildidyiddint,.• d dhow swab Wiwi - •111 diror... from tholosida audit:Moat 1 ohm be to 644pliastle, . . io' ,v,.,--.) t-. , ALUM A. CHM% abotti. Bidet ". _ t sont , powEß tzgAtiosAaY 4.14 -1•01"4441-1.1rnivirt gRIE, PA, SATURDAY MORNING, - MARCII-1 \l66c. Grit' hsertter. trultrilikpr Tra PLC! oft The letter of Mr. Wilkeson, publisheff in the Maurer several weeks ago, taken in con'fiection with General aLeCl e lla zi P s re port, is the most damaging thing against the Administration that has yet been published. It is aooriplete answer to the !sneers which Republican journals have been accuitomedlo apply to that report, land confirms every charge which .lifcClel 'tan makes therein in regard to the lack lof sufficieUt troops" in his army, and the ,criminal failure to reinforce him. Mr. iWilkeson is still in the active service of 'the administration, says the Buffalo Chu ricr, but he never yet has uttered a word' Ito quality or retract this denunciation of ;the perpetrators of the greatest Crime. in #lstory. In the light of the documen tary narrative of McClellan, for nearly !two years suppressed, but - now at last 'dragged• out of the pigeon holes of the ;war office, every syllable the Tribune co;- ,respondent wrote is sustained by facto, ;and his indictment of the adniinistration is to-day, unanswered and 'unanswerable. It seemed hard to believe that men could be so heartless, so cruelly partisan' as to illot for the defeat of an army upon hose Late depended their country's life but ho doubts now that such was the fact The Boston Courier throws some lurid light upon the bloodstained intrigue, in the following paragraph : " We do not believe it possible to add to_the words of Gen. McClellan, but we desire to put on record a conversation re ported to us, on ,the best authority. more than a year ago, as having then recently occurred, between a lading politician of a New England State and the Secretary of War. Said the Secretary : "Gra. McClellan is getting too popular; rss shed/ have to check Aim." *You will have to cheek him very quick then, or he will get 'auto Rich mond," responded his interlocutor. "Oh. As eannot do that, lie has not wen enough; and ter don't intend to send hiss any wore /" was the answer of the Secretary. Well might he be shortly afterwards charged to his face by the man whom he thus sought to destroy, with doing his beat to sacrifice the army." The (hews says furtL'er : i "Said a Republican citizen to ;a radical Politician—and this occurred shortly after the first evidence was made public, show ing that McClellan's failure was owing to McDowell'i being prevented from coope rating in the attack upop Richmond— "lt appears to me that the President or. Mr. Stanton was to blame in, riot carrying out the.pjan of the campaign, 'sa agreed upon with McClellan. Had thit been, done; I believe we could haven:An:end." Aofins will some time recognise the truth, it 'not now," said the: ether, "that it were better never to take ,Rieheand.than to have .MeCilellan for our neat k ratidon, 'as he orgy would be, if Ala campaign had noweeded." We do not doubt but that the whole of the above could be substantiated. The editor of the Buffalo. Cbscrier claims to know on unquestionable testimony of at blast, one chance gathering of administra hpn "statesmen," in a Washington hotel, at which, -in - coarszst phrase, it was deo clued that " McClellan must be broken down," for the interests of the partp These men, alas ! for the nation, bad the power to do as their merciless and traitor ous instincts. dictated, and the actiarmi= fated horrors and woes of a two years un successful war have Eeen the result. At a higher bar, if not before the tribunal of the Am eriean people, the authors of all this calamity will indeed be,' an Me. Wit. keson pronounced them, "doomed men." • Our resders.vrill recollect that President ,Lincoln sent to the "Great Sanitary Fair," 84 Chicago, the original draft of the Eman cipation Proclamation, which was adver tised as ono of the chief attractions of tbs. °Cession, Aceompanying it was a letter from " Father Abraham." written in his inimitable vein, so familiar now to the World. The Chicago Amor " takes off" the proceedings, in the following letter which it professes to have obtained from the American correspondence of the Glee- Ow (Scotland) Chronicle: "Exicirtirs Mansion. " Wasantorort, Oct. 6, 1863. 1 "To th? ladies having in charge the Forth-wietern Fair of the Sanitary Com niission, Chicago Illinois: Acoording tp the request made in your behalf for the original shirt worn by me when I came on kora Illinois to be'inaugurated in 1861, Ihave sent, it on to you in a package by Harnden's Exprers. The two letters "A. at the tail end of the article was not made by, Mrs. L.,;or any of the females of niy family. They were written with in delible ink, purchased by me for a quarter, iti Spriegfield, three years ago. I ' had acme desire to ; but if it shall ocintribute to the relief or comfort of the soldiers, that will be better. /MOD amitelbectOnlie &hi deportmeat of the Ole? Mem frelp sieves a MIT Aids et oplefoltiliego6, pelltied or otheirofoarett Wag medezeteed. et opera, *bat the Netreie Ink() lir to W WU seeposolithie ke tio• deer. or vita moult. of WA torrerimmotts, An Adielis ill sip Inr nlar.road>ltilsontngtdMbyMralnulls 4011 bi• • • ' 1," "Attie rdu , the sae otoereer.l . Wass, Psis*. : 1 "tine* for. (*Creek" ire stopped for s fewdaye se Corry, ens of these tons which ienli of oil bee worked 'from i s eolibiry Wilder= iites of dismal hemlOoke. .11 el/mid be 'cieiled , basitifial plane, but thatje ..Au_misfortune hot its emu... , The destiny wbish mimped Midi made i'estsirible job' of STMI : frets . bird's Oil view IS that it is bevitizig. ! Theyrineipel Proidnetiou are Irishmen, Bostonians' mud; ho i llnlnek irus sad. kerosine oil mil 131nisnift. Ylso, & 11111 0 0 bomidbdlty ; every one sem* to bare a tarp pital t r them eed,d*Were e usurious hamlet. ihey eat,. dateasi peer sad laugh, in e dismal runner. The bins Milts whinit lost isu uteri yes over`' the diesel. hills iMirked midi hew 44k. tiNN WO* 6 410 1 * - cad *roil iha#4h daikr meta names, Sr.,, ERIE, RA„, MARCH 6, 1864. ==l i'►s iad i es et.'rrokai s Ad, War. - The Origlial Skirt. " Youeobedient tenant, " lascowi." Ogilligi/V l4 /WCB . It' VW'S Corm verily better', the spirit" of melancholy, )wt ' teen, who have_exhaled inj l a blue vaiornaff' now float to - iliernal lovelisess over the bellies of their rortal, lives. Dante in hie laterite! describes those who loved not the sunshinent life, as plunged IMO the - fraters ofn dismal lake, chained at the hOtioni of those Liitlisome lintels "Wise 'surfaeo\is only .dlsitirbed by. their dreary sighs Whiciliniible upon its mar neat bosons. If titte . be siitl' 1 fear that If tile 1 'remnant of my life were lob" passed then,. I should expect when my *to t alled entered !iv shadowy' boat of the surly old Charon, Ely' destination . would' be that mennotroiy lake-, Two years ago but a single hone. \ stood In 1 Corry, now seventeen hundred • people have j gives It a alocal habitation, and a sane:" The , oil' trade gives • great impetus te bastion. , Three railroad' . now run there, anda:fotiFtit is in promos ofsonsernetion. Timed refinery . of Downer k Smith, built entirely of brisk, It one of the largest and finest in the country. Undertbeirkillfentittegetient of its courts one and liberal proprietors : its business al read] immune, is steadily and speedily, on the increase. It isreeilywerth a trip ttrcorry to visit it. An incredible 1 number of barrels of the crude oil, are refined 7 ireelrly-. ,Ii standing In 01111 of Its rooms, amid workmen with besmeared hand" and fame, stifling with the unpleasant odor, one inut seareely believe, that from all this grime and smut a beautiful light is being generated to illumine happy fin sides., From the bosom of old Mother Earth, whose heart, is aiwayi pulsatory with some good intent, • this oil has burst in a rich And glorious impulse._ With every beat of that •great heart it rushes forthin a crystal flood. An immense' number oi, men find 'employ• mem, in this rofinery,whiali is really the moth.' er of the little town' which! has brought forth in the wilderness, awl no*sida it with mate rial tenderness; In its puny struggle' for ex istence. Before I write further, pray 'let me advise you,as it is now 9.4 penitential season, if you stop at Corry to pet rip,_ a. _the hotel Christened after one of the first cities in Maw sachusetts, one of the best (1) hoteli in the place, where you can havioll the carnal mor tification., ' with fine spiritual Instructions, 'without. personal effort. i The landlord is a fine specimen of the " dowa.sest Yankee.'' Such ones as are represented in spirited en: graving, whittling sticks with a huge jack knife. Ile will regale you while. you are wait ing a couple of hours for Your breakfast, with edifying homilies on the bmuity and excellence of truth, honesty, he., with a sly twinkle in hilt rye which wile an " ower true tale" of ,a sharp lookout for_the main chance_; and riabl bi•g his lean hands the while in spiritual j bliss et the edificatio n be is giving .. Ri l ii morals do not digest . Well on An empty] stomach, however, one is compelled to siral l low them "rams r ooletta" ! for 'want of sotto . : ' thing better.-- The morning' 'We ' arriied In' Oorry was cold end drizzly. We 'were *mkt:, id into a intuit ithos&-airran 'laden - with the riots itemise emending' lint 'that' Mutee of Creature 'comforts, the kiiethett'stove. ' Ike tire! hid 'lorinklid - peatintiolii asbe on its.l344` and *Spired Willett/a sterilisation. 'We looked in vats for * bed. Penni the window :Um prospect was disnially dreary._ New.platies In novels, are delightful... With the perfolied breath of unpollated nature, but in reality they have a painful tende•oy to run tWetulpe sad general wnerenfort*Nmess. .We were standing thus, " chewing I . 4iie cud ,of bitter fancies," when a contraband earowin and re lighted the fire. After this personal: ealie- ~ tient* of theletights of freezing, our numbed bodies were warmed bi the grateful blase * , and our di kW* rds," to usthe elegant plonk. ology of mine':host, by a, * fixture facetiously termed coffee, we started vet to ' see the city I i t The town in surrounded tiy bills, and rejoitiew- In an indefinite number of imaginary avenues.. There is plenty .f room for itto grow, as them are 'several streets giiiltiosa•f a single house. In the Summer limey be quite a pr0tty.44.00,, There are *large lumber of buildings now in comae of motion which will improve It great ly when finished The Only melee place of worship In dainty is die beautiful chard; of ' the Catholics, erected by,',lte Wilful, lesions and indefatigelde pasthr, Fetlier L. The eite% , of the Chureh is-delightful, on the slope of a beatitiful hill, The utter'dinotoilnations hold their meetings in the Coinmodiatni Rall of Mi. Itiosom, and in the school house. On the stele street, 'bout a block below the Whelk,- Church, the :Methodists 'have laid• the foun dation' for • neat Dui* ahureh. • Thlr • atidt , l Lion to Plesie.nt serest will makeit. what it:is not now, very pleasant.' We'vrandered to the " ratan dude" of the Tilley where numerous, what the poets would term "houses of, huta,.. Me content," but_ which in vulgar, perieect• are called it shanties"' haii been erected., Little Children in regg4Pinafpreit were pier ing 'around the.doors, radiant Witiltealth and, beauty: At the doori rigouts Of these miser able-buts .I sew the ; most beautiful obilaren . I j ever beheld I.' They werwroyal in, their Toi• I lines* Solomon is rilkbie,glory. WAWA, 'einel I to one of the little lilim, or j, more life filly' one of these little potato hloitsoute, of the field' in beauty I 'The,s, were, threatening ' eel% ' other deaths of "muddy impnuity,""ith 'tett& ' hells. W. stood gulag at'ihitie beauties, be. smeared with dirt, but eiteruliat Milt, with in-: tense edmirittion.. We, it,doilre, a_line atdmali-1 Say what you may, 6, , t r bc cinera r y , ono oan.4 not bin, admire it fine physique. ; R ! takes: the stalwart ' shoiddiri 'tit la, Plato' 'to support : • , . Plato's intelleet.:'The rilie'mouth mouth, of thet.egflit, nninli eieng4teefliedi for'etiie l iestAjecek• About to-Lwow Au one wet , ilittle - probirt n over eucution was distrietesi frosi,tbis pt new. by lewd altu I our U 4 4 00194 _IV* -0/' rushed effusese la the direction Ake" which, 1 4*10 1 .Prclowi s i l: Air lv° 4 ,! 4 , 4 i asmi 0 1 . °newt the aluinties' hulk, ins styitiefprimitiv. . simplicity, We found' . o4detr . eurrytuided by ”tivii of. tifii . 1 llt.qtxt:litle, W w4ohlng . thi Settee within ilth'ilCit'sibiartllg*taiesitheL' their 'pipe's of "dtiiideeli ware unlit lit their' inOnile." . Stationini iiiireeliei i'eths'iiiidO4, 'Wiled 'Ape vlite'of the' liiely We Within:* ii Aiiiiilitlitgili Al itid in'' his left hand the' ' tresses of a rid' haired '41661; 1 '1'6d with hie' eillitt‘ k_. .`;106 1 4.1 11 4* uk 1n the way she • 401114 go," 1,94,4414*iii .bat; no Ptna . sby. 6 l44a 90,49A1 cr, ,4 41 1", rviii- ' llllrl ehildhood.. The wcatatit,:reWseliitlycbiatmirl ,Wlientinos with neurr,,, As - tun Weines , iwis: e, "tam" the icrd 4 tie Meant'A (Meth, be.; come vanquished by hie* fair spouse. „Baying ) s pod sprialtling of Irish! -biotin my entiee Ilthishrti teeketeitletiges AlleAtatettgle liciedrte leek es indigene' arnirstimitatil" I , lfaa *gni .slushy Inewling the scene t• Ow ".11eddill' 401 Isms! holuie'n:1010 +OA vv#lo4 "Weds , me baba V-.:..vt -•• Id', :,:i I ..,-.,.; ; NumBER 40. i I I ' ," Charge , Petritsk;:ehtirge t. 4.:11. ;1 • —Ott Bridget,. enri",,, liras vi tally.bottiug on Buddy, pith ilpw. Ithetilts•iiiitsw'atonf-titte.!`.*44 , 43-or ?at onal* LW /tape& icito theivrEa.ana ed with ininnitablii drollery, Handle .her sisy, far el* rairi4soclA pet This delivered IriAtthe,kiedtest, - ,bcogue moused Rd, to the bor. roe , ac Ftx Telrtl4 oonspattion„ a hearty ; laugh. The paan iadign sptal:th interference turned to the intruder end:exelsimed . •!Isn't she me own ?.„ 4',ccut stsisr at,: f and procieeded to die aissult with, renewed . .vigor. itt this e junOture,some on remeic..:-.trate.i..-w WI the man, who 'then With gentti•ie Irish simplicity hung his head and said ,: •• Sure.: Sir, I wouldent. allow another numher's sold to ley st.. witt Angie tin her !" 1 left the scene' of metrime. nlal , felioity, and rolurned to the lintel. But !like - Sir John Filiteff, " I 'could not tithe et mine inn," and so took the next rilnlor Oil Creek end - tilde adieu to the fovely - village and' to my pions host Inert will next week be fitrored with one of my 1 orittiang (!) , descriptions of Oil Creek Vale 1 \ • • ••• P. 1): • • • \ ECtitv Pape' pl~tw Cops.] Thipituled Census Taker. " ' \ST ;Oil 0, BAIN: . 0 00 aay boyir:tli• Marshal aid ' Tea lady fro over the ftbtoo And the lay atm:pot s hot. dizin bowl, , So the lady from over the Rhtinvi And spin the hdi shoot her liesd,• \ Aid fAvilly ansarered"tfinerl° "Now what do you mean be shaking your had, And always answering Xis's!" "let kwesawati Sagiick" civilly 14;14 .The lady front Weer the R Una.. . •1114," gm:mounted mime. 14 the German for Its. The folleiriag--interesting' document has ttottei lowa 105.440-Chium/Comtultteo at Wash. fagetti and widely distributed over the eoun !:7 under the frank of prominent. *g.epbblienn _ambers for goDgritge.:, I I 1 ' , The effort new wishing to forestall the ietkin nt.therliopublioan National Convention tl:proctinut -iliti-lernial nomination of 'llr. ' I Lineciln in State tegisiatues and other public • l l?Pd1" . ., • 4, 1 ;au1.y, tOhe deplored .. The' more . 11.0,,beeitelle ittiOAOrtlinint origithetee with the itsalpientsoffszneu!iva :favor end patronage, - ' clients tit-whontlibid-: high Stational in the ad , • 1 . . . talaistra , tlon of M:-Lincolif, whose ' object is 0, PeOetitete, : their own power .tind Means of ' pecuniary ndvaneetaict, without any regard Whatever to the welts3ia of the country. While - ittitse•noieinatione are made to . aPpear as tho' 1 Aliy =Mated fieni l the spontaneous will. of ' &i'people,thea ''' ' - reality i't defeat ... , their will 'Litt - lather., by- producing such a I pubic alanier in behalf of Mr. Lincoln, as to 'prevent the assi•mblifig 'of the NatiOnad Con- , - Vititiou at all;' or,itit should assemble, to l l e.ece his f,a, , i4instlon upon the country, tires. • liatitive of du popular will. In - time of civil Oar with •611 its attendant calamities, the at tempt to advance 'the . persons( interut and naihitreti ot r atyiine'emau, : tir limber of men, titheit i. nagnid to the 'publio goad, deserves I_4u4 should, receive,npivorsal ° condemnation. To_ the proper:dbminssion. of • Mr. 'Lincoln's. Claim, to be -Made, a candidate for the text • presidential, term, there Mtn. be 'no reasonable Objection ;, but; it is the peopie and not 'Mr. Liocoin and his - dependents who, Should de. aide upon hit olaiii. ''While the great body of ; the Anieriestipeefiletive euirljthins' , at stake 1 1 upon the right'adMinistration of - the govern , i • - mint, they have, redly no 'personalinterest is its 'patronage. Therefore, they aro the only disinterested party to - select the presidential t;indidate withotit'intriference from executive tatitenceS:' But now it is too early to commit titer-people to the fortunes of idly-presidential I Vigilant: , -'• Thee . issuer, of- war are ever wooer -1 talc; • and though , - we hue-every reason to Rope bur gtillait-anstittel may•-have destroyed the rebel -power...been the' meeting of the imoveution, they may not. At all event* the People will 'be touch. letter -prepared to tie iiide this - question : three or;four mouths hence 4sn they can., losaibly be today. Already hut : this, peensature,.action..,alienated /limy friend* of freedom who believe . that. even with,* fair nemination in a full convention, • I,.,Lincoln mottit . bc re.eleced to the Pre. j sidency. There .ero. Many solid reasons to •I the very philoiopby of repre.endative prem.; i 'ltient against the election of tiA),trideat. for a' econd term: The' unbounded popularity of ihneral BrashingtOrt 'atiritigSlis administra tion convinced ibe r Americiii 'people that had be,been, i lete, 4 itian Weshitigtou, he might, by 411:1.2iii i e !ie trop oritc . ti - hlicii subverted the ttbe'rties'of the:Conefrb by - procuring his Own ' leetion petiodicalty for - Ws.- The want of a 'ifonetittittioital litnitatfoir 'to! , the aumber of iermi• i to which's President-might lie eligible , - ' 4 'wes then Mt to be to `serious: "defect." Wash- .. fielder+ peetiiiipatifio this . :sentlinent, and" iihrinhplorily: refused: Ati allow .himself .to be elaetid , lok a third term ; and .:Lis de r ci4tt_ foradithed-apreeedenl wheel had ,01l the 6'1;4 - of a .00natittstititiel Astrioilow. , Baring th dettibiation : of tip 2 Itepubi leo , party. from ileferskou.t k g,....:„ t , ~Ike pr . . 1. 4i ice of the Pre• pitietit. • it?nuthettes.himself . s, r the second - .. • ell ' id,iAt.q.t.444uccentor,:through the ma- blinell cif_lit Oa4 l , riP.Olthiehz,sirfAtally transfer- i rd the pkstsF, el election from ; she rota. t. 4 1 4..,44ijoinis . tpoin:r.s.b r Atain g a pree , deft 111644 gire st t ,ilir,... 841M1r.ii011 of ; It o pahlkealilitiefly.,,;Geflral Jacksee. la i erder :to irto4.l4ke,itidependenoe 9f the eleetiite franelifst, betieme the candidate of the pee. le in4lo - 41Oa: to this- caucus systeva, end, thoijch efeslei'at. first, Wid,:in 1828, l- At'uitiiliiislli erettita ';agalast - the pciwerful pa 6i:dies:e'er Ile gatetuiotat: 'Frail ilia day 0o President utkill Mr: iiieltia 'aver stib'sartei io'tbitee that biliotis'ityitoitibf lortinehlratielf ' itiaiitiatett wHliyikeeintilltiftg the people in a inilltinit e -ttifteebtlitti. ' - tlettefel .Tieltaen was tiiiiiiids lititidtdateb*, the f*Opie for- asiteettd .004'13 - isaliiit • 1114 , -A.M. Vat eleefed. with r un• peewilell4heigletiilt.4•Yettiatietrarse the an,. t iiiirlid vadaidisg,iiic iimpifii*- :9aac Jeek- 11,01 . .151;0!' 191111 - 4 t 'Mot is) , thoys s retal said To UN lady $14 . 9 . oter r tile Rhine ; r lad spilt the logly : ationk 'tkes Lead. .44 clvtai aaawered "Nuaa Pr ',Tat soma are dead r tbe Harr\ al aid . \ "Bastencl. of Ma. r the Yaahol aid \ To the lady from over the And spin eh* shook bee bezel heed. *- ' And civilly answered ../yrinfr 'The d—.l you haver" the St irshal gait To the lady from over the Rhine ; 'AM again she ahook her Hazen head. -; And evilly answered "Phil r Luther Chase areshir. -.saint; n:did aiiiitirmaiiiiiieciitat the di4er t ieliiii*iridartfisiiratififirelt. kaitokittris'itii it iicittif kHz ' iiia i n i tiOy okosettWaiiesiniaitatriet • - a ... t " .3 G .tot the Lie' of patrons Air Ai: of 'pfriOrirliVii railielloriele 'di , wag; m ese that he laledir‘rilftegeslirle *: ' sa a t. . r. , . , cis , .t.: t-,.... (... . • funtstrrental dimities ja our , ifererat)e sys teir, and it became 'a pert, • q 04 . 4' ethical creed a'ail PiloPirt i'' so ' ll6Ollll, v 11'14 e l o Pre sident feam . that day has*n_re electid, and probably never will bi t h'y Oi, Este eipteesies of The popular will. 'lf Presidat Uinta, IV defiance of the tiachirsga id laelreori,• in vie lotion of the vat. grieefpin wiriik'rikderlite our aompeititio lusiitttilims,aad la44,:feee of the tolemis warnipis. of idstoirz,', eau now so whit bis - patrimage ,as to secure hii election I*(iraiiOctrid term, who rio blind _ Sit' riol to see , that Cour ,41erit hence he will have leis did!- , cuitii in sectiririg hiardietion fora third term ? For with an army of more 'than halt ; &Million of citisen soldiers under his oOsnatitti, and an ,' natal patronage a theintieal ;Maas 7 of !Taney, he You, if he has oils : half the braip attributed, to him by Ilia Mande, have him s elf elected trout term to term dlltilll his nat;irra life. .if the , !military siocrearalt," sup plier a reason now, for his , aorninstion, 'and, the lextraordiuszy pgrpasp ,00ciuitoited by - 1 . tluovar furaishes the means of Ma election, as 4 matter of course, his intermit, *then to proltng the war rA kuteatre of perpetuating ilia ;power. . No.nun with tite, pittriotiom of a Waehington or a Jackson, would ilea to place himself in wposities when his latesist and his; personal, ambition would be.. coincident itikthe enntlattaaire of ibwrobielhiikand the gstxpetuity, el the liar. 14, issldpAom the consideration. of the second term principle, there is still soother and most forcible °bite. tient* the nniaina that:lg tilii,Lintoln. Ths petfils ,hatv . Ictt ‘ alt ,tipjlqpri is All ability to , empprsu the mkeUitie.eloits /*cu. It Ell MEM ICE ; MERE rr•. j =ME is 4ormaiii;oto pigittigA stew the fact that there is a general feeling vet the in the loyal North, that after such a wasting *tits precious blood, and such a vast aspen- , di'ture of treasure, the rebellion continues an. subdued ; and all the proinisSs of the admin. is ration time ntid again fo - r ;its speedy over tlirow have been faiths& Thii truth is that Om; is no man *ho does not wear the livery ot office, or ii ,not In the pay of the general gOvernmeni, who:does not feel - mortified and htuntled thit our nation with twenty - millions or loyal people in the North, with four Mil— !ion' of auxiliaries in the South, to say no. thing of a large host of Union men there, has s , lot succeeded in overthrowing the inso:ent, slave oligarchy, which does not number five Millions all told 1 How is it that Jefferson liris, with his slender resources, without a nXty, without manufactories, is still defiant a Niolunand,, and has twice sent his rebel hordesaaros• the Potomac putting in jeopardy visa thenull fiber of " Lincoln him. self t It i 'impossible to preventthos Ameri • sin people m making humiliating comps.• risons between thi rebel chief and the Pres'. dent of the United States. They will tinder. nand why this condition of things exists at tie end of the „ thfrd year of 14. Lincoln's tine. Tbelastit is no \ t in the want of Intel.. ligesioa and bravery ott,, the part, of oar soles diem, or the skill of oar officers, For both soldiers and officers hare \ proven on many a bittle field, that, in endurance and viler, and all the elements which constitute the great sOldier, they are the equals, if itot.the sup*. ylors, of the rebels. It will , Dot d o to th row the blame' upon the *snail, for itlms fur. 'nished - all 'the' It sad 'ail the Othitey the ?resident tae silted. It will net tele \ attire it upon the rebel syripathisers of the North, fbr they hive had-Ito weans of interfering iitb the orders of the Presiding. - The resl.' possibility rests - aloof upon him ... He has ' \ then weak and - vabilatiag throughout, sem• iegly incapable of settlinguispon any debits line of policy in regard- to the rebellion. Two theories, In' regard tit' it 'hire and now divide the Ametrisn people. One is, that the Southern States are still steel of the Amati. Mtn trniott that! their MOM; eonstitutions and laws, thotigh'sileit in the preeesce of the :Wheel power, will upon the Inppressfon:orthe r!ebelliou revive, and the *plc/airs to their former rights. The otherthanryls, that' they ere no longer state* in OM Aireriesillnton, the sense of the Constitution, 'bat tkixebellion bavi' ng acquired the twang* snit eonsisteney (if a belligerent power, thegtatim of the entire iopulatdoe has been changed, from clams to aliens, and they do not return to their rights upon the suppression qt the rebellion. but on ly to snot! es the supreme legislative power may give them, Had Mi. adopted either one of these theories and idhered to it • tr l igoPously, he might 'long . since hare ended he rebellion. Fled he chosen the first, he Ootild before Ible,• have brought book the to teg, with their institutions and !awe, alive. And - ell.' lied hi adopted the other 'and snot/tined Fremont 'and Bunter, the friends of freedom beat"-that' -the rebel 'armies might longest) leave hien' eterthrown and 'the Whele'rebel theritery intpoesession of the 'United. Vistas; with thermansoles of every alas* etrieketrof..• from the Suequehanne to the RuS Grande. SkiesineiLlation • mud isiooia Olt of .tAs Predate hes hoe she reel ones why t:turictolra - p - profitTid - emits hese set sues:Wu in the destnietion• of Ai nehilien. lie is, constant. I ,ly been' going betWeeis these tirta theories, taking no frcisitlie ground for eithee but hold. ing on to the Skittle of lath. Whether from ' . the feebleness elide Will Which Mg been on. equ o the • elternatepre utth p res eu 'e Tye lentlets bf these theories; or whether from went 'of letellectual grasp. he bitrreally been ;unable to comprehend their philosophy, or from want of political principle. and tallier. erica to truth, he Las,- with that... Species of cunning which characterizes weertain class of 'lawyers, sought to. ridebeththewriee, for the ittnrpose Greet:o6lw his•ditetion. The One About- 4 , . 110u5t• Old ..dits"-esis at Arid amusing, 'de then hoectiatiditailmet.. ale WOW id 4e Itholutely lionnity loothilllg unless ehaew tewimepseity 'wielders power. In the :Langasgeswf Wendell Phillips—who cares for 'the tonality .of the Presiftent l ot3less he be I ,co.pable ; it is not honesty hut. eiviewity that is . — When the nation again Ocotillo the landS'oftiveemminder-In-chlef the lives of alt !itv able bidielf, men. and au its material 'wealth, it will want a better guirantesz• than 'the antecedents of our jostilar.etygldent fur. visit, that the power will be wit*. ably, ell. ;cieatly,.altd sttraly, for the ,perpoiglty of this !Union. Shniuld_llr, _Lincoln,* ,Itrood upon jibe wintry in dedaatte of the hette!jadirtneti of the 14publicsavitirty: and ,the .Demeeratl• pally be jddieinus la plaatioj candidate -la' !the Op/Odic" of Ara theory. ebtri lndicatted, (whlait,ie their the. p r y fr. !Adai r Witt bi wee wit4fliifkmapy itattd, unless lie should be Otin4ditt is as sail hour to Use the military :pritti id hie kind! by supitressin' * She ii•edineptilictilons In the loyal state's. A Vietiiry r you bt the sword, w o uld be nh'irtoloiY, tusk ilisseibible detest to the frientliAliberty. A onswilltioa at pa trioti w it vitesy -mlii RII ..lhindiste for the preaidehey, s military leader I plaid emu. 41484 4 Niat Lit! use. in•ehief, wim• low his were Lima Ulf it nil.