itric Oborver. LIWAY. FEBRUARY 27,'1864. E RIE WEEKLY OBSERVER. T ai "Ossisaysk Briconias," Rasta STurr, orrosrl.l Tall Pori Orrice. in niggESiTzl —One Square of Ten Lines one in. ortioa 75 Cents ; two insertioni $l,OO ; three Inner. wrj fl; on. month $1,60 ; two mantbs owl s, t abjsl.( l o. • six months $5,00; one Jeer $8,00; ot hr silverisernents In .proportion. These rakes ell atriet)y sabered to, unleu changed by special M ort. or at the option of the publishers. Audi. Notiekt. Strays, Divorces' Cod like advertise. deeq gLio ; Administrator's Notices $2,50 ; Local 71Y11 cents a line; Mo.:jags Notices 'Mien , , :‘ , l co u v piece; ribltatry Notices (over three lines w e nt) nee rents per Hue. Origins! poetry, no, v ntten at the request of the editor, one dollar sr WI. All 14 'ortiuliellla will be continued at of the person adrertitiog, until ordered by his dtrection, inlets a specified period is yd noon for Its inaertion. / ppioN Two Demists per annum la ad.. axes. PRINTIND.—We bars one of the but Jobbing 1 4 .• ‘n the State, and are ready to do any wort in t line that may be entrusted to us, in equal style ‘e eetsblishment outside of the la et villa. constantly on hand 'a of Legal Blanks, of approved such as Deeds, Mortgages, Judgment Common Notes, Summons, Subpoenas and others, not in such general use. Those aor these articles, will find it to their I tsge to give our Office a call. tf. .11411ATION 01 ST. PATRICK'S DAY.—The citizens of our community and vicinity res)lied to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, grand supper at the Reed House, on the of March. After the supper has been attended to, toasts will be read, speeches , songs sung, stories told, and a good had generally. Mehl's Band has been )yed for the occasion, and will play set patriotic iriih. airs. Our friend, Mr. \el A. Quinn, a genuine whole souled son to Emerald Isle, has consented to sing dó and sentimental song on the occasion. following is a liSt of the managers:* O'Brien, J. Noonan, B. McGrath, John Capt. Shea, Joseph Hickey, T. !Cava- John McCloskey, P. Goodwin, J. Kelley, les Justice, and M. A. Quinu. Price of , ts for a lady and gentleman $2. LOCAL LICIISLATION.—The following bills a local nature have passed the House of presintatires of this State : An act to compel the Erie Canal Company construct and keep in repair the bridges le necessary by the construction of their •il. • An set to attach Erie County to the }Vest ., district of the Supreme Court. to set to enable the city of Erie to sell her ch in the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Com -1. he following bills .have been reported, and it probably pass.: t Il y ati act to appoint viewers to lay out a road Summit to *ship, Erie ',aunty. la act to athorize the spppintment of a Lary public in Millcreek township, Erie ;my. FL4 CO MAI men named gustos NfeKenzie was: arrested in Buffalo, t week, charged in addition to other of-, set, -with having made himself the pos ter of the sum of $:45, and notes to the aunt of 5250, behinging , to a deaf and -b man named_ Gen. N. Buiwell, of Elk ek: Erie Co,, Pa. Burwell afrived in the at a very etirly hour Tuesday morning, stopped for a short time at the National tel, where he became acquainted with a , og man supposed to be the prisoner. He his attentive friend left the National, and •t to the Waverly Haus; where they se ed a room and retired together. An boar so afterwards, and while Burwell slept, his ad rifled his pockets of the money and es as we have stated. We are not aware, s the Courier, that anything more lltutt •icion attaches to McKenzie in this case, ; not not having yet been identified as the o f MeClellan's Report. The publisher of the Constitutional Union, eshington, D. C., in view of - the great de ad tot; it, has deteintined to print, at an If day, a cheap popular edition of General eClellan'e Report, at the following rates: tee copies, (sent free of postage,) 60 cents ; copies, in one Twinge, $2O ; one huadred pies, in ose package, $87,60; five hundred pies, :176, and larger quantities at propor •nate rates. ' One hundred thousand copies be printed,- and orders are - requested at e earliest .possible day. Address, Thomas Florence, 230 B street, Washington, D. C. T. B. Peterson and 8r05 . ., 806 Chestnut st • .•iladelphia, have also in press - and will soon •blish the life and services of General 31c ellen, with his reports and porrespondence 'th the War Department and the President, •m the time he tree took the field in the , until he was finally relieved from com ad after the battle of Antietam. With por sit—Price in paper cover,- 60 cents ; cloth, • -Mt.. The very attempt of Congress to prevent e people seeing and reading this important ument, will place it in the bands of a ger number of people than If they had rmitted the usual number to be printed for tribution. We hope that our friends in ery part of the country will raise clubs to ocure large numbers of the work, and give en extensive eiretilation. If possible, let .e be placed to 'the hands of every Repub. -au who will read IL It is Me campaign %meat, and every dollar'spent in distrib• ting it, will be of more service to the cause Union and Freedom than five times the nonnt in getting. up meetings and proces- WEST MILLCILEEK, Feb. 20. 1864. Mt. EDITOR:I—PIease announce tbitt the &creek Teachers' Association will hold its pit session atiheEagle school house, March 6th, Its. 10 a. in. The fol r owing is the programme 1. C 1939 Drill in Mental Arithmetic, Mr. Atierisn . = Restliog Seli_ction, Mini E. A. Golden. 3. Class Drill fa Orthography, L. T. Fisk i• QUM in Grammar, Miss 11, M. Beecher. Class in Practical Arit hasetie, Mica Clark '4 Reading Clan, conducted by Miss Whit tty' L T. FISK, Pres't. s. A. CLANK, See'y. -`.(We owe an apology to the Akenciittion for tegletting to publish a couple of their notices. he fault will not occur again.] LOCAL ELZCTtoxe. —The Warren Ledger gAiii the following summary of the township !leo. tilt)* in that county : "Spring Creek township election last week Tuesday, resulted in, cimplete Democratic victory, the tmajorities ranging from Bto2B in our favor. Last fall ileK;licans carried the town by 15 ms j"itY- Corydon township elected Democratic ` t etra. Formerly the town has gone Repub. Conewango township also elected Democratic officer*. according to the general Practise of•that township." Mir _ Adrice is the cheapest thing in the world, and the lout _cared for. Democratic County Convention. The Democratic County Convention met he Wayne Hall, on Tuesday afternoon, at two o'clock, and was called to order by Wm. A. Galbraith, Esq., Chairman of the County Com mittee. Owing to a mortifying mistake which occurred in publishing the call, a number of delegates arrived on Monday, and being un able to remain over, were obliged 19 return . .home on the same day. Notwithotanding thief circumstance, that different boroughs and townships were nearly all represented, and the spirit of harmony and seal for-the cause that prevailed was highly encouraging. The following officers were chosen : President—Hon,,Selden Marvin, Erie. Vice-Presidents:LWatts B. Lloyd, Water ford ; F,. W. Koehler, Mill Creek. Secretaries—l:Capt. D. W. Hutchinson, Gi rard borough ; Benjamin Whitman, Erie. , The list of delegates was read over, as foi lowe Erie—let Distriet—C. M. Tibbsis, Biqa Whitman ; 2.l.Dietriet—J. M. Kahn, C. W. Stuart ; 8d Distriet—W. C. Warren, P. P. Liebe ; 4th Distriet—Ron. Belden Marvin, Wm. A. Galbraith. Mill Creek—Wilson Laird. F. W. Koehler, Thos. Davidson, Christian Thomas, Ferdinand Shultz. Fairview—Thomas J. Fargo, Samuel Pettit, M. Oney. - Girard Boro.--Capt. John M. Giy, Capt. D. W. ffutohineon. Girard Tp.--Oliver Easterbrook4 Horace Lloyd. Lookport—Gardner Cooper, William Tyler, John Doolittle. Conneaut—Alden Pomeroy, Rebt. Brown, Nelson Bawdy. • Albion—C. E. Lincoln, W. M. Biownell Elk Creek—Wm. .Bherasan,,."Patriek Grace, M. P. Maxon. Waterford borough—l. .M. White, Robert Leslie. Waterford' townahlp—Robert Davis, Watts 13. Lloyd, B. F. Whitney. Summit—W. A. Bean, John Buys Greene—Martin Pinney. ' Harbor Creek—Samuel Potter, John Mc- Lean. North Baal—H.'lL Porter, A. J. Nash, Wm. H. Hall. - Venango—Wm. Blare, %V. W. Benjamin. Wattaburg—,.Ell buncombe, H. Mcliean. Concord—Heman Heath,. James G. Davis, A. A. Hammond. Union township—Louis ir. McLane,.D. 0. Carle, Chas. Breed. Union borough—P. K. Webber, l Chauncey Lewis. Wayne--G. W. Howard, Smith , Spencer, Amos Heath. Edinboro—Marcos Saley, Isaac Van Tassel. Washingtonlasso R. Taylor, Jae: A. Saw , tell, Martin fieroffard. Meir.ean—T. D..Chellis. A number ofthesedelev-' __kesedelegates, it is proper, say, were not present, having been obliged to return borne before the meeting of 'the C'on- •ention Wm. A. Galbraith, Esq , was unanimously elected Senatorial delegate to the State Con vention. The following persons were placed in nomi nation for Representative delegates; there being two to elect: David Olin, Girard; Isaac R. Taylor, Washington ; I. M. White, Water ford; Benj'n Whitman, Erie. .A motion was made to elect by Ballot ing, but defeated, and the customary method of marking, continued, Bellw is the vote I. M. White, David Olin, Isaac R. Taylor, - - - 2 Benj'n Whitman, - - - 58 I. M. White and f ffienyn Whitman haying a majority of all the votes cast, were announced as the choice of the Convention. 4 Committee was appointed, consisting of Wm. A. Galbraith, Wilson Laird, I. M. White, If. R. Porter and D. W. Hutchinson, to report resolutions. After a brief absence, the Com mittee returned, and through Mr.' Galbraith, presented the following, which were unani mously adopted Resolved, That this Convention adopts ae its cordial and unanimous continent the lan guage of the Hero and Statesman, General - George B. McClellan, "in favor of the prose cution of the war with all the means at, the command of the loyal States, until the mili tau, power of the rebellion is destroyed ; that the policy directing it ;should be consonant with the principles of humanity and civilisa tion, working no injoryt to private rights or property not demanded by military necessity, and recognized 'by military law among civil teed nations, and fluidly that the'sole objects of the war an the restoration of the unity of the nation, the preservation of the Consti tution, and the supremacy of the -jaws of the country." Resolved, That while we are ready and wil ling now, as weelways have been, , to sustain the government by men and money I. the ut most extent in the suppression of the rebel lion, we insist upon our untrammeled right at all time. to criticise freely the nets of the President and all other. in authority, and to hold them to a strict and just accountability for the disposition made by them of the im• mense sums and vast armies with which they have been entrusted. The people have . the right to enquire rigprously into the, manage ment of public affairs, without being arrested or imprisoned, or subjeeted to the charge: of being in sympathy with rebellion-and trams. Resoleed,_Thst the insolent denial of this hitherto unquestioned right, together with the new and absurd 'dogma of the Republican leaders that the free men of America owe "allegiance" to the executive and his advisers, aed the overbearing, intolerant attempts at the euppression of the freedom of speech and the liberty of the ores., constitute a new era in the history of polities in this country, and have richly earned for the present adminis tration the hearty disapprobation of all who revere the principles of the Constitution, or who respect the guaranties of the Bill of Rights. Resolved, That the arrogant demand set up by Mr. Lincoln and his advisers and support er., of immunity from criticisms for their public acts, under the high sounding phrases of "loyalty" and "allegiance," heretofore un familiar to American ears, meets Its sufficient answer from" one of themselves—Mr. Wm. 11. Seward . - who said : "In this country sops " cially it is a habit not only entirely consist "tut with the Constitution, but even.suential "to its stability, to regard the administratitket "at any time existing as distinct and separate " from the Government itself, and to canvass "the proceedings of the one without thought " of , disloyalty to the other." Resolved, That we~le the Awed duty of the Government to p de for the brave men who are in the field hting its battles, and that in the judgment of this Convention the pittanie of thirteen dollars a mouth is wholly insufficient and ought to be increased at least to twsaty Ave dollars, even if this is aeXinplished by the reduction:At the pay of those higher in rank. Wilson Laird, EM., offered the ictilowin g. which were also adopted, with much eatho• esolved, That the doctrine of the notional Administration that tuere must be eCreion straction of the government before the South• ern States can be admitted to the privileges of the Constitution is a funtianumug political error, having its origin in a confusion of ideas in reference to the nature aed character of our institutions, and teeoviisieg as it does the right of secession in the rebellions,Ststes (for there could be 'no-re construetioninniess there bad been first a legal separation)iibut the Democratic party, malataihlag &slit al ways has its nationality, bolds to the dectiise that the lots of secession are void, (foe' epos no other ground could we justify the entpleytt meat of force to suppress rebellion founded upon the claim of secession, sad that each seceding State is de jure still in the union, and has 'poly to ehgatty its desire by a majo rity of its citizens to return to he allegiance to the Constitution by oomplianis with the provisions of the Constitution, in order to en title it to the same political statue it Noy pied before the so 'called ordinance of seces sion was-pissed. ' '• Resolved, That in Gen. Geo. B. McClellan we recognize the skillful .and veteran com mander, the wise, patriotic and modest de fender of the integrity of our union, the hon est man who would not bow the knee to Ball, aor worship at the shrine of power, who be cause he would not comsat to be a tool of the administration to carry out doctrines offensive alike to his honor as a man and - his loyalty to the Constitution, was proeoribed, by the party in power and shamefully degraded from the position which the confidence of the country and the soldiery had placed him in, end the Democracy of Brie county are proud to hail him as - the bearer of that .standard upon which are inscribed the immortal words : "the Constitution as it is and the union as it was must and shell be preserved and main tained in their integrity." Capt. D. W. Hutchinson, of Girard, was' unanimously chosen Chairman of the County Committee for the ensuing year, and made a neat speech in return for the compliment. The President being iuthorised to appoint the balanoe•Of the Committee, selected the following:' Wilson Laird, Wm. A. Galbraith, David Olin, hate R. Taylor, E. Camphansen, J. M. - Kuhn, Robert Leslie. H. S. Porter. The Convention then adjoitrnid. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. sir We have often met with men who hid forgotten that they owed us, but we never met with any whoa we were indebted to, who for got it. rO.• Boy wanted at this aloe to - learn the trade, to whom good wages will be given. One who has been at - the business borne time pre ferred.. ge„; We are indebted to Mr. G. S. Deny, Assistant Clerk of the State Semite, for a copy of the "Reports of the Railroad Companies of Pennsylvania,"—a valuable document. The last Gazette urges its friends to make' party nominations for the different ward, borough anal township elections soon to take place. air The managers of the Erie Co. Agricul. tural Society have decided to hold a Fair, some time in the fall, upon the old grounds near this city. . air Sparta township, Crawford county, the Democrat says, hai elected_ a Demooratio township 'ticket by seventy majority. Judge Woodward's majority was only two. pi` The members of the 111th regt. and Independent Battery B, were each presented with a needle book and pair of mittens, be- Sore their departure, through the Ladies' Aid Society of our city. k i r Since our last report one death has occurred in this_ city, from the small-pox. The Chief of Police, on Monday evening, re ported that there were four cases up to that time. Stir The Town Elections in the neighbor ing County of Chautauque, on Tuesday of last week, resulted, generally, in substantial tri umphs for the Administration and the Union party.—Gazette. - g 4 The Dutch have taken Holland." sir A Post office has been ; established on the Tarr Farm, to the great' satisfaction of the Oil Crtekers. Heretofore the business men of- that section have suffered much in• convenience in getting their mail matter. sir Attention is directed to the advertise. meat of Mr. Biddle, offering a store and dwelling house for rent, in Irvine, Warren Oounty. The property, we are informed, is a very desirable one. 1•221 air At a meeting of the congregation of Park Church, on Mendsy last, a unanimous call was extended to the Rev. Mr. Rene, of Stroudsburg, Munroe County, to become their pastor—the salary to be $l2OO a year, with parsonage. It is understood that he will ac cept. ..Our enterprising neighbors, Messrs. Viers & Elliott, have just received twenty five barrels of boiled end raw Linseed Oil, which they offer, fqr sale at a fair price. It is a superior article, and they invite the spe• cis' attention of the trade to it. pi" We remind our readers that the facili ties of the Observer office are not excelled by any establiebment in North Western Penn sylvania for doing Job Printing Persons in need of Vendue Bills, Election Tickets, Bill Reads, Blanks, or any kind of Plain or Fancy Printing,. will find it to their advantage to give us a call. tr IN IL, The Teturgo Spectator, published at Franklin, hu been obliged to follow the ex ample of its cotemporaries in almost every section, aid raise its subscription price to two dollar.. The Spectator is a capital paper, and we sincerely trust that it has a list of subscribers who wilr not grumble - or leave it, on account of the advanced price. If`they , are as liberal and honorable a set of people as the Observer's patrons, brother Whittaker Will not lose anything by the ohmage. aft. Col. Campbell has - received notice from the War Department that Provost .Mar• shale are not allowed to give_ the credits for "Veterans," but that the matter will be at. tended to . at , Washington. . AU calculations, therefore, that have been made upon the fig urei firnishid by Col. Campbell are "knocked out of shape." . The imbecility or rascality of Secretary Stanton Ares never exhibited more , palpably than in his *nurse on this subject. trir Mr. N. Preuse has purchased the ba kery and confectionary store of Mr. Sherwood, near this office, and intends fitting it up in complete stele..s. He will carry on the bakery business asbef9re, sod keep constantly on band everything in his line. Mr. P. was one of the seiereet sufferers by the recent fire, andleseives not _only the sympathies 'but the support of -the community. He is an Indus trious and persev,eriug man. whom Irs heartily recommend to the patronage of our readers. 2t • goL"The 111th regiment left for Pittsburg, on Thursday afternoon. where they will re • main a shortetime.:and then join Gen. Grant's army at Chattanooga : . The members of the regiment,, duriug their visit home, Wonduoted lbemselteii, - as a renerel *iris marked ,decorum. end' left, A good impression behind them. The best'irishelfd our!ipeople 400000. pony them Colonel Cehhern, Who called upon us on Thursday afternoon, says the regiment use been largely recruited, and-he thinks it is Dearly full. s i r - We find the following notice of one of :eta' eititene in the Harrisburg Patriot, every word of which we endorse - - (Joov Arro t tfrwser.,-We learn that Wallace POIV/ 1 14`344 , .-pon ofstur venerable and highly esteeuted4Aeptroan, Rev. Wm. B. DeWitt, has been spkinficit'rothonolary of the Supreme Court for District, to fill the vs- esney wieseloned by the death of Robert E. Ferguson; ssd.'' ?he appoluttnitit is s good one, Mr. DOW being - well qualified iu even rupee, tal . Ub position. enter upon the discharge 'et. hie official duties in the course of a few days.. ate Difflit left ob Tuesday for Harrisbnig, to ototille i t ilile new ,positicin, We tenet that hu will not be obliged to lease Erie entirely, on sooonnt of the duties of Ilia An. los; The Buffalo Post makes some remarks on thC subject of public leeturr;, which will suit odr locality quite as wallas that for which they iere written: 'Me have at home here, genthrton far more capable of instructing and entertaining an andienci than many of the idistic i gitished leetdrers from abroad,' who have been liberally paid for very indifferent perfoimances. It does net admit of denial that many of those worthies styled 'popular lecturers,' are the veriest humbugs." gir We are requested to announce that Rev. Dr. Forrester will deliver his lecture on Steplien A. Douglas, in the Methodist church of Ncirth East, on Saturday evening, the 27th inst. ► This lecture we know that Dr. F. re gardi as lus best literary production. and we &spare our friends in North East and vi cinity!, that, unless it has been materially changed since we head it, it is well worth hearihg. 114,„ The weak, says a cotemporary, are genetially the most intolerant. If a man is I engaged in a bad cause he cannot bear to hear II aught segued on the opposite 'side. The in. of weakness is startled at the lirsi ap. Proa4h of _danger, and the , most Trigoroni onsliughts are made on the slikhtest obstacles. When We know we are right we can afford to listen to the argument of others, because our position is impregnable. 3ICII, We are gratified to learn that Mr. 0. 4ren„ forinerly of this city, has an eighth interesi, in the new flowing well opened on the O. W. • McClintock Penn, which Is now run. ning 200 barrels a day. If this rate of supply keeri t s on, our friend McLaren will be quite a milltonire at the end of a year We know of no terson whoa we would rather see in the possession of suet a luoky "sirike." g(t9„. Pensions, Bounties, Arrears of Pay, tcc.,;cata be procured by the Widows, Orphans, and nett of kin of those who ; have died, in the ser4ce "of the United States ; 'also, by Sodd,iers and Seamen who are disabled by wounds re ceiv6d or disease contracted, upon applicitioa to Q. P. Oatvrrrn, Licensed Military and Naval C4aitn Agent. Office in the Common Coubcil Rooixi, Wright's 131°0. corner 4tate andi Fifth eta., (under the Dispatch office,) aria, Pa• 7:1 gigs: We hare added another large stook of new, type to our previous fine assortment,' and are 'noir prepared to do all kinds of plain and fami l y printing in better style than ever. The Obserrir job office cannot be escelled .in variety. of type and facility of doing rapid, work by any in the country, outside of the, largest cities. Oysters, says an exchange, are among! the!most healthful and nutritious of all the articles furnished for the table.„: When fresh, the' are probably most nonrishittg when eaten , raw ; but they should not. be "bolted down,". as is the custom of some who love this bivalve.: Thky Should be thoroughly masticated, or, in, other words, made to feel the teeth. ispk„ The managers of the'tiew county pro.: jeci hive concluded to exclude Troy and Oil Creek' townships, Crawford county, and sub— stilutO Spring Creek, Warren county, in thei 065. The Corry New claims that Mr. Lowry and "others of our representatives", ill the Lekielature are favorable to the new county.. ; Bayne Peyton need to say that the city • of 'Washington was so corrupt that the man in the moos held his note in passing over it. We presume he avoids the locality altogether, un det the present Administration. "Shall policy or principle be the stand,. aril ?" asks the Selinsgrove Thus. Principle mist certainly, Mr. rine" but , the best of principles require a little policy at times to make them auftecifuL I I AciNOTHEI OIL thscovam—A gentleman who passed through Albion, Michigan, informs ue thitt petroleum was discovered in that place laM leek, and the fact bad created great e citeatent in the vicinity. Oil bad been found to issue from a_sewer for some time, and the people gathering it up in brickets, had taken it home and found it to burn well withont raining. An attempt was 'made to trace it to itts source, but failed for a number of days, when it was finally ascertained to- proceed Vern a well in the cellar of a house belonging to afrold resident of the town. Four birreis wlio dipped from the well in a few hours. The owner of the property sold a birth lnterest in the well for $5O, and has since heietiotTered $17,000 for a half interest. Noliktius froM petreit and Cbtcago at rice stilted Albion, and much speculation in: lots has occurs ed. A number of persons contemplate slaking wells immediately. " PANTAIp3OPS." - "J. 11. RATECYN. 6 " Many of our readers have a curiosity Probably to know the meaning of these mysterious Words, occurring so frequently in our local columns last week. The forger is the title Of a "gigantic painting or Panorama of the American War," the exhibition of which com , =enact in Pamir Hall, on Monday evening next, and the latter ie the name of the de lineator of the aims. The agent took this ingenious method of bringing the "Pantas. cope" before the public, and. froin the sensW Hon which it has caused, we suspect that 4: Will find the msnouvrt a paying one. The! paintings have been exhibited in Buffalo' dur.i int the present week, haw ing large housed nightly, and our cotemporwrins iw all parts of the country speak of them in farms of praisel, GIRARD AID Vicintwx.—We fret the foUow ing from the Union:" One family in ()hard township— that of Mr. Betts—has• furnished six, boys for the service.—Some maple sugar has already been made in the Western p'art or the county.—John Smith—the "übiquii toes John"--enlisted frost Girard last week —Charley Noyes has purchased a splendid white horse at a cost of $600,, which he fr training for the ring.—.--Tom Thumb and h' wife are repected to visit Din Rice, in Guisr about the latter part of Marcn. CORRESPONDENCE. We lards contributions to this department of tbo , b rewer from pinions of ItYlaT shade of opinlbo—religio4, politica or otherwisev—it Wog - ninienifoOd, of coons, that the Editor is La no way to be ball responsible for t • views or stabrnients of his corniepondenta. AH ertittes, to mann insertion,ienat beactionipenbd bilks nal MuM of, 1 1,4 ' isokhnr.] 1 4 . um the 831 Rettesetit. it w,. ~ • krt. Wren. J '•• • • i CAI? ON sae 88u lticiVe P. V4l! SmsDAY. Feb. 21, Mt ji The following is•a dopy of the re.enliCt nients of veterans belooging to the 83d, iwto will probably beta Erie' I.y Thursday or Fri day : Whole . number 71; aistrigner'ti.tie county 61; Co Warren , county 10; td - West Ward, 80 ; Erie city i ; Waterfordlibro. 1. This list is•from the muster and deserip siva rolls. The seven !assigned td Erie l city wish tischeose their Wart when tiler get hhpws., t think all would have been uslvied tome county if some of the 'officers from ciaWfcird had not influential'. the men to choose other Counties. • Jr convenient, plessel show the usignMent to the proper.authoritY so u to secure the boys the toil bounty. •j They will, no dpubt i i bring with them Certificates from their soaps• dy llsaussailera certifying to their assicimint to certain sub-districlt • • .• i•XL erpaid suggest to our citiseas th7iipro. priety of tendering die veteran' "Brae - elid as appropriate reeePtion. It there li say body of MeII in the article, who deserve e plaudits and honois 'their fellow oitizen#, it is this gallant and favorite regiment.] ; pererallssUoa - ot the 113 d. irrittis for the Oheernr_.] My dear readers , we are getting pert i tly deinorilized, for the simple reason that ] we cannot have the word of God preached We have a:Chaplainin our camp,but,whaOse Is ? lie Is of ns use' to cc, foi b e lOoqirot preach the word of God nor the words ofithe The fact is, he does not preach faai. Why can we not have some one to preach to or giro us the money that is • paid to the Chaplain for his services, And we will fnrnish 'ourselves with the word of God, and read it those that cannot read.. CHIP. , Nvatioto. i 1 D P/NROM At Co., - ' . . . DUSAN' or ass tam op Hastriralli o ;and Manufacturer' and Jobbers In Tin aid Capper Wary i 'sumer !Meth and Mat" 84., Eris. Pa melte. Furniture & Other Property. r DARTIE3 LEAVING THE CITY, OR' X giving up lona tiepin as sell sit ter flak es 'applying tl 4;![O. W. INILSIC 'far:UV. . - Pa: Farm for Sale. : THE UNDERSIGNED OFFER OR BAse the faro bolos/big to the hetes e t t l f ew t.j m tobla. limey uesli:du/75 acres, situate in East :four miles from the city. cm the !laniard Mali Road. There bon the premises a good dweiHug house aid two large orchards. The property will be disposed of aiw res. somible terms. Litollo acres of good wood and pastere laud, situate to Summit tp., au the ohuopike Road, about dee miles from P. W...ROBINSOM, i febr-Ser. i . P. A. BINFXIN. ' Farm for Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERR i FOR Salo his Parm, *nosh, In Ilarbormssic tp., at: milts Imm Eris and thrts•quarimni Ma mils South of tbs BM- W() Road, trontsini.g 60 sores and silowsnes, baying stsetad illation a trump dwirling house and WO ban, with good orehtroll, wall Imitstsd.mearly shommd. =der good improvematt geaerally. . r0•27-st.• JOHN 11*CL Farm' to Rent. AFARIif IS OFFERED TO -RENT IN the t• wnehip of Hartoreteeir, eontaloin iitterr ACRES, all Improve-1 with rood build•let„ good orehare wen watered, well diWtoed for.greto at - gni& Will to let tbr owe par oe dee ye :rm. lam gas tom : gam 2.3 g miles sotith-ea.t from Weida. Tulle, os the Station Road, bOltr 'Chili:ma Stinnett, place. , • For farther particular; appl7 on the premiere, of frbilT-:we PICTER LAVILRY FOR RENT. .1 - A Valuable and Desirable Stand for a; GROCERY OR GENERAL COUNTRY STORE, At Irvine, Warren County, Pa. t Tho building Is agrees. with a Oar, dry ',Dir. Taws is also i DWELLING KOINE attaithed, whiehyill ha nulled with the Stars If desired. Por particulars, address N. BlDol,s,4llippay feb27ll. Irvine, Warns co., Ps. . READY ,PAY STORE ! P. & J. MINNIG Would nospeettully Worm the ?ohne that thity have purl:based the STOCK OF 'OROCERIKS OF JAMES BLISS, DONNAS Oi 1T AND ITATI ara. Whir. they lotend td trap u good an assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, WOOD k WILLOW WARE, AND VARIZTY 000D8 Best Brands of Brie County Maur 1 Kept aolistitat!, on band sad WARRANTSD A GOOD ARTICLJC! nr The highest liareet Pries paid for all kinds of Country Produce. nr Goods &limed free of charge to ay part of the City. .1. ‘lfebrdett.] Mr:. ica's Photograph Litman k Prises. IWILL send 9ne of my beaatifal Pho. Alcoms, rind. from the Quest Turkey Maroc. co, with double heavy gold plated extension Caeca, wrill raliable tir express, prsepald, tor eve dollars.' No ono need road the mosey till they know what prise will aceompliny the Album- . ffrissons can first send on their name. awl try their met. They wilt be ootilled by return mail al the result of a diatributioo; whew they hare the oddity. of sending fee the album wad TOW or not, as,they rh.nse Splendid Inducements offered to ssents.ladies as well as gentlemen Yell particulars, with eirculsis, sent by mail Address - (with stamp for return postage) Mrs. LUCY ALLEN, box 6 bed, New York Cite. • gar P..l Any person who will cut out this adver tisement and anelom 'tin a letter to some friead la the army. sud notify me of the fact and to whom sent, iholl receive by return mail a beautiful and exact II glaph of biaj,4 Geuerat Giant, worth at retail 40 meta. A aloes stamp will 'Oliver both for tl» velars Photo graph and trial at lu4, tugboat= boomtown intim leta.7.lw. Mn.e ALUM POSITIVELY ONE WM' ONLY I FARRAR HALL: LOVIE'S GIGANTIC PANTISCOPE AMERICAN WAR. This magoillosat wink of art just dabbed. at Use nor mous expense -of $40.000, vast and e• .e , prehensile, old elally lxitheritinLand, minute to detaill., and the may extensive and papal sr exhibition of tbo kind before the public, will exhibit at FARRAR, II ALL, foot ear week, eonntstiolog !4011114 r,. FED. 42,1544. Every leers I*j:stinted from Pilot-graph views, taken on tht spot, 1-y BISHRY LOWE, of Frank Now York Iliustrsted Neshipaper, sad wasted with scrip's lona ddelltv by Cho. Murk, Heavy lowle, Davidson, Thompson. Todd and Robineoe; of Yew York, Roston and Ptaladelptilit. Commencing ot the drat breaking ost of Hostilities. and motioning down to the present time. sheets, 'wiry event of Importance cionneeted with the terriWe mated from the First Drug Signal at Sampler delis to the Last 8 ttle. . sew sod with start log Diomede idiots estirely sew sod on a seals of smagoidasnee arm before attempted. The are mid smoke of tho advancing heats ars assn. the thunder of comma and the din if the battle field fall upt on the east of lie andleoce and the raszfal omit of :11=seavi firth ' Is Pretsrs:leott:ll: disttsetaw and lisagla • tie:emirs@ semi specdatere et the solalbre mum red. Twc illin" Ltleses eeslui = l itres on Wafaudey and *Platy. day 'Aerator's at 8 o'clock, for the accommotatien of &bola, ladies and @Wide's. sod pansies Wag at a Ca esars Mr. .1. H. Itaibbas, the sesolapliabed Werstiba• tat, .10 deliver • lecture °peach CIOCIAOII. Altattllloll. stogie ticket; 28 seats lye for 81.018.81 be had as Ensign's Beat Storeand at the door. it the afternoon Matinees ebtldies will be admitted fir 10 orate *ma. DOITS open at ? Veto* ea& "OMIT and at a o'clock at the Wadresday lust dststdey after- noon Matinees. J. 0 HOPKINS, Munger Fes. 25 64. CHAS. II: READ,'Aguit.' . lIIIPORTAIIi TO RABILIED LADIEI3I;' 1 ' 4.1 ' • TRULY A BLESSIBID t . 1 BLEB SING T WI LL SEND. free of charge. to, • arty Lady i . who will Yynd in her name aed address. drroceser huii to ronw‘ww the 111Z4411156 pets of DEMI) vowel" ; i also bow to hare MOW= Aral* and liandifsi Chi 4- r yyn ; al.o own other azerand "STANT nowt the, only Mil N and edi .. TIO. ! Sty °eedle diddefddie dr to Wino 47 LA, to team., , - • IliDldlitattiltri, K. D., rearim-Sri. __ .li, ~ -.--- 111.11roaferay. N. lr day. -.•,:, ',.- • DR . WEBS TER., ! or OVITALO, N. Y., • HAS LOCATED 'IN -ERIE. PA., ' nil' GrSir'S ' tuttlie o.lAm' K N. iferiletrea illoet mot Oboe r%* e. whore he la prepred to tryst aumeseloU 4 • • t i Wialittion of Oxygentied Air; ALL DIANANAS OR' TN li HUNAN ittill.M. . 1 • The Oxy gm la hfflealeAdltemetty tats. ahe lll 4 through them settled tato the tote 4, expellleMpar rldea,trom the system. anottealing any sodomy d owe ertttreoblettil ling dowelheinitiet. Rbeenene'efiNnetitn, 0014 • 4014 00 if****Mater i vi i. ,.. , ... the air it tenathe SI lets oltaidllpft 0 alr t a . bLe ~4 . 01( teatimes asysentad and p rd, Aft dees before the olio. , 7-• t .. • .!• • . - 7 7 3M. r- A * ng etalethalieee ad theantilan tettll MS ' lid the Yellowi dosses I Dripa r lMMWlle 'Agri PORIIMitt. riliNdeohle.e d- IttetplieW Co". ineapidhi,Aathnta,Brenehltia, la, Liver Neereaelllme tnnervrtelaver•ssurif, Molt C i=, .0 alt- Mono, Erysipelas., Itereattei,leedese, ei fr eurit itiatniCeniplieht, Sy hide, node Weakaeseee let idt li . teli,e,tat i all nerednia_eneterhae al 1.„.,' 1 . r . ", , 1 . ; 7 ,11U7- A ~.. inottylhrto sonithie phlibe made* mind of the slam of Int otematent Its ae:a I**lollltetent L eatto Woe' the alLated to *ace thew • • 1 redellerelteetinualltr Able treatment • , . tern li nt i Zeli t . " i ' 1 1 0 1. ~tent dam. et New lei 11118 Oelt Telma awed by tide treat. new OM I St • I i •' Z 41 " .. .!“;1 h t q,i I .:... 7 ^." 11/ II VILDING. , ,I MM'S S. .• nu/intro sow A -sant from; Aloe afoot for UN odo et Dr ;P•pofis; Tristloo, of 254 pogo. on Basosoboidthoo and. Ow Die oostobiotkoa.k A lafpll44Mloff 4 diadig s..t a und . .L . 1 1 rethi . 64114 dausoiti4u tof gda equity. No. 41 of MA. ir coat af counaur birlinner Of Ilde i ; sad sa Us du bah, Mg &Ma Ist Mr =MI MI si is kept in Erie A. MINS! 4 Cif 11111 4' 4 4 4 4 4 LADIES AND GsrmantErt ! BEFORE PtiIiLCIEiSTNO EU f oi* firtei &YD " - MELODEONS! ..L.4,...,p h appi o nge• mai 016•101.01 it se bistro um sad 11 ,a llt•-••17fttollikUr 1110 , 1101 eqr as of • 1 sad weetasultip equal ta lei= sardor • I you !Nest co• lb. bet that lb. obj•••- Woes amist4l Ai- WSJ 41.5011.11a.5$ 147 ametal• ammisloshlesaf Ude eity. mo u semell 'sly My e 4 TAW sal tow Maw (ftellamm?) ENOSMOUS COMICISSION. I Vida leenater. built *Nee who bay et.. to tie somata hem lei la 211 per mat.. far I *wad raiser al low the wwww. to tie beim theta to the seoldlor who Wahl we iheaboadeeldimidL • I sai a illedea UM, straight sad. forwent, sod hale areeetaS Also and I must sal*, thereat§ at at Orr InnolV Or &dead lii•Oeitoonsiat oat If it, or •boat unmet awl halls late the P nr Haase for the all' • of dainty's. the heavy mat WNW* thretwrh whose irblatparieg sr Masa will sat ire.botter. U thy are net good. sec bed, , u they are gaol. I will pay I. say ilia, woman or eland, he moss% re , aired 'er a nese with wiy wane se It, if they an sat plesaid wi I will pay a Maned DeCers le say ewe who U l m‘see •oin Si widish the ?Nar. is brae, Übe sic may Now Ye& a ••I Bela. Pisan bun Mlle he this eity sad seesty._. the paella tall sinus nil poeraos sre—aot the tea thene.usgeniall• Wes with aoaseetheenta ; mob r where they helm lily an warria'ad to I. supplied - with all geed inproveniesta and oat give satisfaction or se pay. tutees PISANI stall =aka+ dna he bad of Na as mill sad cheep as way Clow mac. notes reedy to purchase anything in the howls US, will has remember that lit dealing Largay In Put. oil if trained is gewerally, and can eilkw iadaaweeat. randy arzeidle b Lay flerlfabloy dealer. rerun warranted by Of CGS be retied apes. I being Paaafacts nor, fuser, Payer and lieslitisa, es well as l'esshe , . Ify warrant la o• od, bawler lum owed t r the araerat. lip optaloir la naay ones bee boo • beaailt to thesi who waveband flames, and sou e who did sot be lie • was at Ind &sad +he troth after a while by their hoe • i A rind° Pelt, node elsewhere is a., better fin that ruse bat all Pismo are goad 'bleb 'Li mole tbe good are good sod the baii--bad. Lute a Please are hinthhed by an. as above said, at ilaselestariessf prism Krona Os laird ossalsis of a ray choir* ealeetlee, amt is lairr than any ever aired for aide l• are. Piajtos TO LET. Er cru Ottlets pteoaptly Weibel t•. W. WILL/PIG. Cheapest Furniture Store L Wiliest:lolTO tin Country. EiSTABLISHED 18571 t G. W. Ellsey, Erie, Pa. . HAIR BEDS, From 38 Cults per pound. RO f UND•CORNER BEDSTEADS, $5 00 . SEA GRASS BEDS, From $4 00 ARH• ROCKING CHAIRS, From $2 50 SPRING BEDS, 1 • From $5 00 CANE CHAIRS, TABLES, LOUNGES, BUREAUS, And otber , rwraitars, L 0... Ms .. . Lowest. West Side State Street, Next Palmer's Grocery. Now, fa the Court of Commas Thee Ipkra('es. of Ilia Comity. No. S 7 Magma La y mou.u... Divans. Tem len. -Ailas Subpoena in . DEFENDANT IN THE ABOVE stated eamh i i l i ti ! ii l tw iereby notified to appear at the of Common to be hoiden at Erie, sad for the orrenty trio , oa swumd lioaday in Wanks:rat; ami mower by maid eou.plalat. sad ahoy out" it sty ahe bath, why a divorce from the beads of malatmeny should not he vented to raid plaintiff. om. - ALIEN A. CRAM, Shad!. CLARK'S 'DISTILLED RESTORATIVE, FOR THE HAIR, Fastpris Gray 4 Faded Hair 4 Beard ; - ?O fl LtTURAL COLOR, AND IS A MOST LUXURIOUS DRESSING For the Bead sad Hair. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Restores the Color. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Eradicates 'Dandruff. CI:ARK'S RESTORATIVE, , • Promotes its Gkmth. &LARK'S /1011ITTIFRATIVE. Prevents its Falling Oft CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Tian unequalled Dressing. CLARE'S' RESTORATIVE, Is good for Children. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. • i Is good for Ladies. CLARE'SA RESTORATIVE, Is good for old People. CLARIC I B RESTORATIVE,O - - , - • is.Derketly lisroless. ptirks tirntritgrivt, Contains no Oil. C'LLltlf.'S RESTORATIVE, ' - , . . Is not *Dye. ICLARK'S RESTORATIVE, ' I Beautifies the Hair. ;CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, i • Is splendid for Irhiskon. ICLARIC'S BESTOW/ME, 1. , Neaps the Hair in its Place. ICLAItIE'S RESTORATIVE, ; I • , Cures Nervous Headache. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, • Prevents Eruptiona. I CLARKS RESTORATIVE, fkops itching end Barn ll2-' g• CLARK'S RESTORATIVE,• Keeps the Komi Cool. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. • Is Delightfully _Patterned. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Containsoo Sediment,, CLARK'S RESTORATIVE Cootslns no them CLARK'S RESTORATIVE? , PoHebei your II CLARK'S 'RVITORATIV • PrePares u for Part' CLARK'S RESTORATIV CLAM'S iatittilam.4o%l tor Ball'. All ladies WWI it. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. • `No Lady wiil do without it. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, 1 . . 'Costs but r EL, 00 Era RE:stoutly& . • N 2 64 Si' Origami sod Daum MILAN S! p botibil.4 istUrvitor $1 • • - U. CLARK At VW. PieptisiLss. & DASIMS 4 Ott.„ N. lr tissiesi . • I , I I N %V 1; 4 0N WC t•-Waag e • Jad.• te ,• 'Abe Cent, Pras.ise •k r 1317 . t Cunt isir • trltt+faa, Pa_ TB 1.11102111', 01111/IPgd? AND flg•T SAPa to;* relonsid.3 sityss ne ast ain si si rligeter Ilassfestunirs Mild 4 W ll . 'gni litlo4lllOng do d o dater tad M. - Ant al allr Um: - . I aniioligna seadsetet sspeessesd Teasiess and prattled awes tants uko prep.» loess amga hr set we twinges, at the lass* espies* and gamiest &Ales be WSW' Illeagnig nsd agepaegsb4 Wageless a mean and tot merit eel". Ikea the oalversal prehre.ea ter anduslan d lOW Wee" bg Assisi* r.. 01116. A=llll=llolo Panama et dm des she be Me sr lii Prima 1.. lad ever all ootapotttoot, tosolois Rapid BRAWNY 01111101411111 wind dig fall gatersatliga seal Pus ea appllottloo to lb. Principals. AWL' 'it MN. Prinepal Iry Aased whom lb. Sosa and Claris at :slakes* Mid Badness Wes 'radius*. viSlGHTfall.i. OA I, IMAM BMW, eau BEI* MUM T•hudeirs aad Conscripts, 1.1 0 SOLDIERS OR ANY. OTHERS "'fain t , 11/OMM tbeirlaaome.tbere le so b.ttar trey et deb/ es at Ws tins, Ws trees Übe mile of ear vs=darr Wiiiturirse Aellanassima 1, ir %LW* far ellegewile the arol-eeil treveiers."--Neee2 Ladle% lA. 21. .Perstleet. beet awl ibises t enr offered." —22 T. Alan ft raa. "Very - pr•tty Wake's for the arm "—M. r. - 44** son Airems. (410vemoug Ortau.] Avg. 2e. the e'dist sad add rislhiblis bonus Is bud. . —Leatimaai 4,,Morriut, July SUMO Till OBSERVER& sa d • innthig in Open Lades or Ira* Ottoh44 with NW* Self-Hhollag 10pe.,.. anat. a and Plineing Novelty. • Pala thy poittliset end oat niennlea tot decidedly the bent end shosspest tlntegnese irgemerat end reab)* ass net *lend. Ii within It isM econneteg wi h th Its eirerinairy, It. 1t .... whale( attnehoent nindering s hey entirely nasseerny. no owes et We !Patch are cow. prod et two minas. the inter toe Wag On Id car it geld, It Ins tba 4tiptined rab sedan liner movete. at, end hi wursatedasi etteante egMee. Prle., se perbl isignred, per ease at wt done, !stet. Sam* Ma cho. I. ant ineesase bens. M. BILITZB WATCHES. Mt Cleo Huntington Plane, for antency of a 471 sew- Misty imalarisl. and, Owe l ii, none In then natehre oust Ware universal appraise. La taltation se Ihn.Woes that It ran hardly be Masted by the met experiment Jaffee. The mat-nal below at bre Instals. the eater me trot agility Sterling Mixer, while the law em la Gamin Saver, it sent be mewl aimed bp bat Is eaverini, waking It, not only la aspeamme ls durability, lb* best wombliture of dOLID tTRRLINURILVIRtoexistence. Tkir ale of thine Wattles In the wait it a mares of neomeas pa °llk Malin( as they eery readily do, at j 1.% L oad IlLiY4rilil *my handfed &liars tan be wade la a y sts• by aup one of ordinary business taut A? WillOLßestit OILY! In best, hie:lUDs lONIC isaattfally engraved, white mew dial a al Caner . t head; la rood reaming odor, by the hall &gen, 1,06. 'Sold wily by the pee - ad' !I neestpt ter tyro &Wiwi. at gust eaten erred Calik. Win 11404 elibbbell by OZll9lllllbir ally part Or the loyal ttaitt,'anor of bill en &Wary. Mt m aim buyers egialnet wed, 'Ma( them tbeir watoltee beforeynammint le nutted 8 . 4 , 10Pre fir Miaow staff over melt cos IN AD • aims, a, the express compete, pwitnepteray egress mak ing aollortki yin meti dsomrout iouslines Remember, OW dearillOrtraw utak tlits wig hairrie rebel &sue. Wir gsansaitei;tat dlefitretp ted Watchus, *bother they ezesent by mail or eiptene. HIM R AL/ RRO' Volt ls.p its m 11l Rreeelleray, Cotner Courtlendt SIINt. N Y. Acizoinistra' tor's- Notice. T&TT* RS OF ADMINISTRATION jj loavoibtos to the Vatleteigo-O, oo tko • dab of LoMomoos doessoull, lots cf itillereek Leos math, ra ; Moth" b btioby g you to al poroooo koookoitkelooloos ludolokod to tboot • atom* , loner Oleo payseot s d the.. having Wotan ursine. 02. Mato will groom% dos, growl: aathentie.ted, for sottlowoot 0. OINGPI. if. r. W. NOICOLER, Admloistrotoro. ILllend. ►.b. VI, 'lll4w DM*lntim If Co-Partaenkipe FIICE of Crawford it Ciughey was dlasoliod et tie Ist loot. Alt debts of said Arm lb •et:lpd b Wo. A. Crawford, to whom a' l debts Wagging I sold arm will ha paid—hr alone _bolos an- Lltor;sod to sue the moo of the Arm In ...Vim' the mum 111 f A. CR4WFOtto, &Anti 111fRnIf C. C t106H111". T"VNDERSIGNED SAVE THIS day famed a ee-peitasnthip ostler the aria same W omelet(''llChrietta% and etlt caution, the Grocery sad Slap Oliaadleri a rr at the old stead of Creston% & Casgbay' No. T - WY A. cßikwrotiD, gem, Jai. I, L 1. OHIWITLAN. Farm for gale. THE undersigned - offers for sale, until the Tlith of Tebrnory next, his Taro; to Summit tp., esidalsing one hundred sad forty acres, mo, e or leas, one handied ems improved ; the balsam; good • tim bre, rood farm ballotage, weber! sod is 'well watered, It is situated 7 miler nem trio on the Witerford plank reed. if not sold by the Mine data it will be ranted for MOOT MORI pen, JAJSAJOHNSON , J anTSitf. R E (AL ESTATE FOR SALE. CHEAPER YET 1 WWI TWO STORY DEC! ROtreg, with rose Whir. Web rho are, exielkiet well of water, hope raters, wrap kora Wag bers, FS by el, an omelet or of grafted belt, lariedlag apples, sherries, peer; ha, reran the Oat Lob of Dili with SO are of earner entead, part otorlilah eoeurado as Oserpossel view of the Oily, Day. Saber, fie . foe.. $O,OO. SA ACII*3 seloislop above, mall Muse bona, large frame air geed ordure et grafted limit, la, f0r...54,000 ACUeI CSOICit LAND—Snail frame loose, frame hare, orchard, ka, i Nina floor Die, for - $6,100 II? ACR/lie, erne@ are lira, 40 hoptered,babiaoe goal , , wood lead, 1 rilefres trabery Road sad Jaeloral Statige-rmall hoar, hue aed welter for... er,too ?Mt Lape l gad Coloplate OIL IteINERY, in the dry of ltre, harm as the 4111, Refierary.* ea/malty !boat • likbortelg per week repther with It Sena of aud. friann ea Plea Lie ItafframLlbr;....--$4,400 „ "1 . .guau, Leto, Heger sal Leta sad Oat Lots la late City Sail tabula TOW aoloadlor sawally Wank aad a:doodad bla motashatariag boidada, mode bads to oarg tt.o. sad Ii distenlasil to toll s pod of Lb best itatita. I,ltanforsollari tho torardag at the abode low Mot, sad will ludo tie be.. growabls sad Wu pallid. • -A. KINC. McAlister's OINTMENT Pumas eti thus vest pessUaritiss is tits.. Moser• iry179•86•4 ti. foils sad ; vortedstithop Taisuallo Tungplntloa. It f lillosbariple w VlstaUnl Illeeiredesso moves Übe emus et emus. k lease Ma Ostia ose ef Bums, alerts sad Wessels sad eddies tallsaa at sew It Sr AboWfbed by tbe'SklN wit hassles, WI i • It "ems* Ake X aslrwbota Ajjobbil to 'Af .. boys ottils Lassa, Stimuli sad leirols. able luaus lleseSslal tsi XJ4ser liberpisiats. 11411•11emIldillsra sad Sallow Pito It %Ow I , thaa Oath n in mated lama= adhetag r•-• - • had tam Dm at mai thai ahr weir • mom oritrteatted to. It hi knows at sresant watt. oa tf. let 1100thiegaad bothos ointment to Waimea. Jena No Is t tareli ti lira la*or aatt Prafaittai, Wow TOIL It la Wit at t ate by all Prutt, evetyvtim. Volt by hair at Varna. tia.4 VIA t sit Bow, Aginattbi Ede. Depot at Manor it tta'a. elt utota way." ' thateiNto. Arnold's • A writing Fluid! water I.IIPORTiaIoN . ....IWarranted. Genuine! - 01011111 IlsM. tau* sad romodaa taloa hatilag• la $l4 WoMers, Iftwonlat 1 11111 s kiwis taper• vingliag mar at all area aid 'O&M's. • i Titan Mahar Ir atroodaaca, IhmlopeA at • /Amid* r 11110040 . 10, W 111 P 3 h Ritll:4 lAA Peat* UM MIA lialft heti. Is Ms city; at No. 4 '44•4 Bons& . • A. X GUILD. *wide ' _Erie Ale Brewery, OORNER OP. PARADE AND BPPPALO BTKEETS. Erie City Lager Brewery, . OUNS4 OF POPLAR AiD RIDGE sTRxm Sae Matt I Barley Watauga& COB:NEVI:IP 7TII STEF.LFT, 4 CANAL BASIN. . rale sad /lOW Iliad till 711.11111111Wrieiraisiisa otl.lpr, 0/ohOo at Will aO4 gaidoth Oa band mai sad for aaba Ilp - A. 11111 . G. asessuit LARGE LOT "abut 11111 aper a rl ; a s. Wal4o