The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 20, 1864, Image 3

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    tv ' te : gthimrtr.
%PAY FEBRUARY 20, 1884
g NSW *rrFLit. 1 1) 1 .5821 7 111 1 .
1 , , 0 ikanatoili. w • Into Mint
Oneyar! tio : Vott Omen.
RlVEVEtiti..‘ollollSqutrt erten lino alui in.
r oe Id Casts; 'two (*.artful's $11,410;' Osmium.
.00 i i t 6; one month $1,60 ; two mouths SOO:
rpool oba $3, 11 10; six mouths $11,00; ose year 16.00;
air pArrrtiseuleuto, in proportion. Thin nits.
we riday adhered to, naives ebanp4 by spestal
; tr ut, or at the option of the pahllshara. And!
Notiess, Strays, Dirercts and Ilk* adverthe
t. $1,60; Adulialerstoa's ?rollers $2.,60; Leal
•0 0 .1 sirs cents a line; Va-ri sue Notices itrsetl
wog owe; Obituary Not Corsi- three u se .
Are emir per It, I Original poetry, go:
„, written at the request of Lb. editor, one &War
r l, a , All adrartls• cents will be continued at
o p•a •Of the person adrertiring, until ordered
rt bf his dil , Ction, union a apiaeitted period fa
reed upon for its ineartion,
TW . 6 . Doilaaa cif annum la ad-
riust iga,—Vre have one of the hest lobbing
Gtr! ni thr OW., and are reedy to dotty work In
. Hee that may be eatravted to na, to steel style
• any OW/IMMO. ontdde of the largent cities.
tie Democratic voters of the county of
will meet at the usual places in the
.1 wards, boroughs and townships,
Saturday, February 20th next, and
t delegates to the County Convention,
held at Yiraynk,-114 1 1, Erie, on Tties-
February!' at 2 o'clock, r. u. The
•t of the Convention being the selee.
of delegates to the State Convention,
will assemble at Philadelphia on
4th of-March :next.
e several districts will send the num-
:1 delegates to which they are respec
' • Evaded by:Ahe apportionment fled
be County Convention of last yea.
Chairman Democratic Co. Corn
Important Notlee.
date, the hour at which the OA
♦ will be put to press will be 1 o'clock on
afternobn of esch-Friday. Advertise
.te, If not over two squares In length, will
received up to 9 o'clock on Friday fore-
ty subseriberi,who are peeved by Carlini,
.receire their papers OA Saturday morn-
Pos.—The Chief of Police, on Mon—
inning, reported that only one new cue
pox had occurred during the preced—
ent, and that all who have been rick
• the disease have became convalescent,
pt three. Ire also stated that bat forty—
tans in all hat occurred since the first
• ing out of the , disesse, of which only
• hive terminated 'fatally.' •
J. 11. atITHBIIN
um ak/T.—Jas. U. Weaver, • 'loyal"
tale broker of New York city, Wal-sent.
Fort Lafayette s fey days" ego. He en•
d e boy, gave him $5 and his mother
1, kept the balance of $225 to himself, and
11; refused to refund.—Esekenge.
o, he was not "served right." If he was
qty of,any.offortee Against the laws, he
ald have heen'tnken la band by the civil
ihorities, given a frir trial by jury, and if
[rletel,'onnished in the form provided by
statutes of the ; State. We have is little
ipathy tir a man of his stamp as any one, but we are opposed to all
alai of the established principles of oar
, eraiinstu, whethtr they occur in the oases
ria , :tirlirior, high or low, Christian or
ter, Democrat or Ilepublloan.
kLeCILTz ELM:MIMI—Our friends through
tthe county should not fail to attend the
enebip and Wird elections on , Saturday
Iten - don evening, fOr the Selection of
Legates to the County Convention, which
WS in this city, on Tuesday. It ought to
the pride of every Democrat to have the
mutton as fully attended as possible, and
..e but gentlemen of! intelligence, high•
ed integrity, and staunch in the faith,
.old be selected as delegates. The elections
this city will be held on Saturday evening,
drefollowing places :
st Ward—Col. Grant's office. *
Ward—M. linipper'e, ear. 11th and Ger-
man streets.
Watd—Wee of P. P. Liebel, State st.
41 11 1
'Ward--Office of W. A. Gelbreith, Esq.
Etch district In the city will be entitled to
ro delegates.
Tin PROPOSED Fete.--A meeting of ladies
a gentlemen 'gas Stela on Monday evening,
?attar ISMS,-toditiotiss the eebjeet of hold-
LI nkfnrSyldiers' Aid,auti Home Relief,
miler to those that have met with SO much
seem in other cities. About a hutudred
mini, principally ladies, were preient.
triphiriciateti as President, Squire Slice,
nalitse•Ptesident, -and I. pats Ili lir -
.Atter some discnasl'on,the following
imnii4l l l3. l 4l44.cted to
_tutetrtain the feel
gof the community in relation to the mat
r, •id' decide whether tht;;Falr should be
Heave o. , Johnsotr. Mrs. I.
• Yrs. James Skinner, Mrs. W. A.
sibisith; Clark YeSparren,ind
•W. Wetatori,•W. IL:Magill, W. p. Rinds,.
Ni r f_V—Ly.onidn'f4, Booth and Ben.
isms Whitman::
rata Dellkesittee met at die residence of
dra,•erive ll. Johnson, on Wednesday eve
a*Mectfailii, a full Interchange of views
load to Amine the. project.. Considers.
ale pains had been taken , to ascertain the
of the • eemmentty, and the reports
env diseases - ging- as- se leave no doubt
thst if the Few were undertaken it would
under - eiritiiiMniicts, , not giving meek
ProSbiliW of weeps.
_The ladies of.the city,
spon whom tbeeMliborareetlekcbiey fall, were
Utmost unanimous In voting the weheme .4 too
big ithibg-fie Erid."
iltsottiar.—A row nights ago an
hot rail !tot wEonsitle traohyt the! A. &
I l Llfeak a inektiriee . miles esst,c4.4titeOhio
li?ate Line. In consequence of $ tiruely dia•
rorerket the Obeteaittien. no centerint damage
eta socatied. Tititte,thti second offence of
tiiiiad that: Ilea _neutered in that nerighbor
k°44 withie alai !treks. The first time a
aunt*? of freight oars were thrown - off the
to i 4 sad weepir4- j and during the cover of
Ltt , ittet, Of stiallig
eudose. It lieeident thigthe object of the
14 / . .t'lrtins to to atcuL. _ We ttiest 'sincerely
traiaidtliaiwaadear*lieZeutataii, aid
_. -ur-aazaao~
Sr VaLtsitna's enitasa of
'sending 'abatises, so mush in vogue-soli,
is one of very Salient origin. It was very
common In England as early as this fifteenth
'century. It did not origin►tl la that 'Quaff,
however, but was copied by the laity _from the
clergy in the days of CatkOtiirm. The eus.
tom is traced book by many authors for more
then 1,000 peen, and there is bat little
doubt that it is even older than this. Like
many others so popular to-day, it'seems to , bis
but an iusalogy of an old Pagan observaacs.
The origin of St. ',dentine's day seeps to
be wrapped in mystery, little being known of
the good saint, notwithstanding hirfestival is
one of the most popnlarin the calendar.
Elena think be was I bishop, while other
authorities make him a Presbyter; but all
*attunes unite in fixing his martyrdom is the
year 270. during the persecution of Claudius
the Seeond. An old treatise, in the book of .
CoMmon Prayer, dasoribes him as "a man of
most admirable parts, and, so famous for his
lore and charity, that the custom of choosing
Valentines upon his festival took its rise from
The earliest valentlass were nothing more
than slips of paper,on which the agrees of both
sexes were written ; they were platted apart,
the man drawing from the pile on which the
women's names were endorsed, and they again
taking the first they touched from the oppo
site heap. These IMAM were wrn for a
number of days—sometimes inside the coat,
waistcoat or bodies—sometimes only on the
sleeve, just as the feigned or real lover in
tended to express his passion ; and 'there is
no doubt that such a game begun in jest,
ended at times in earnest, and that by this
means many •f our forefathers won their fair
Tai Durr.—Our citizens should bear the
fact in mind that the draft will take place on
the 10th of March, and that no enlistments
or. the•present call are to be credited after
the lat of the month, when all Government
bounties cease. The oily base yet to,furaish
18 men from the But Wardyand souse 40 from
the West Ward, in order to 1111 her quota, sad
if not provided by the period specified they
will be drafted. By'ofering a libeial bounty,
these could readily be obtained, sad our peo
ple would lave no further cause for uneasi
ness on this seen, until " Father Abraham"
takes it into his head to WWI another call.
The Belectbranch of Councils hesitates to con
tinue the bounty system, and meanwkil the
townships around us are limiting off the re—
cruits who would otherwise help to 1111 up the
quota of this city. With due respect to the
members of that body, we must say that we
are unable to _see the propriety of holding
back, now — fhat - the quota is so nearly full.
Had no •bounties been offered
_from the first
there would be some argument for this hesi
tation, but the precedent hiving beea.set,
those who are liable to conscription have a
right to expect thit it will be carried out to
the end. To stoli the bounties now, and then
require of the few who may happen to be
drafted, to bear the burdens, of the same be
sides helping to pity for the exemption of the
others, would be manifestly unjust, and cer
tainly give rise to an immense amount of dis
satisfaction. There is no time for delay—we
must offer is much inducement for volunteers
as our neighbors ; and, whatever action , our
city authorities take to secure the !Meg up
of oar quota will be promptly sustained by a
large majority of the 'people.
Anovnes RAILSOLD Paottcrr.—There mu
a meeting. at Jersey Shore,, last week, of
prominent capitalists Interested Is another
Pennsylvania railroad project. The road is
to titan from the Philadelphia & Erie at Jersey
Shore, having a main stem from that point to
the meadows in Tiogs county, with two branch
es at the meadows, one extending to Tioga
village to connect with the Corning and Blots
burg road, the other extending west through
Tioga and Potter counties until it reaches the
Allegheny river, which stream it follows to
Olean, connecting with the Erie
this latter point. Committees were appointed
to solicit subscription.; one a lOcal committee,
to operate along the Use of the route; the
other a general committee, •to operate among
the capitalists of our larger cities.—.Excitanyte.
It will be wall for the managers of the
Phila. & Erie R. R. to, keep an eye on this
movement. The object is probably to divert
part of the anthracite coal trade from this
city to Banal° and Dunkirk.
• .
New Rannoarts.—Bill, have been intro—
duced into the Legislature to remit the build
ing of the following new railroads in this
part of the Beate : One from the month of Oil
Creek to Ridgway, Elk Co., intended to sea..
nect, the Phila. k Erie R. R. with the petro—
leum region; one from a point solar Cleat%
field to a point on the Brie I Pittsburg R. R.,
intended to connect the Phila. I Erie with` the
Western roads; one •from Warren to Pitts
burg, along the Allegheny river, and one
from Lafayette, McKean county, to a point on
the Allegheny river, probably Warren. At
this rate it will not be long until the Weskits'
part of Pennsylvania, so long entirely
&Med by capitalists, will be the greatest
railroad section of the State.
an. It is 'currently reported sad believed
that the bill recently introslased into the
lieu, of Representatives 'of this Stater in
reference to licenses in the city of Erie, had,
Its-Origin with lb' owners of one of our pub?
lie balls, and ihst the object is .to enable
them t 3 pocket the sums annually paid by
travelling exhibitions, instead of allowing the
ouiney to go into the public treasury-
We only express the views of theitax pay-'
ors in general when we protest igalnst Any
such law u the one proposed. Oar 'lity it
not se free from dibt that she can afford to
see any of her usual and proper resouroes
appropriated by private individuals. Lee mit
Representatives see to it that the elfac4ous
bill receives its deserved guides.
Etscautruco. —ln Brie county dial hits .•
'queer way of recruiting their quota. Thi:9o. I
savor 11111111,711 : "
'louse livear six persons arrested fca-liri,i4 - )!
coo 'offences were dlsoharged by thwittls4llP,
!Wilts the but two wens, Oa -eooditkiirlllft ,r
they Joined the artuy."4
Qessys s —le it considered $ puldslssat_to
enlist in the service f—Cosussasteglo frourfli."l
- We rofertr ootemporery to the stestbeins
of our,eourt.`ikll of whom belong to thts ssotf
politlishotaith shilstselt It is to be p 1, 1 11 1 1 414 .-
they would not intentionally do any sot, Shot:
would reflect discredit on the tarries,
' , loyalty" of each is \ boyond quest:lSi.: "
Tti Lan awn.—Bae , , Ea
u we know, the last Owe L, P
died 'ii Cross Creek toweskip i Woebtaigioa
county, on Jaaeary 16th, at the toleiinio
av of lOryeirs.. Elbe - 1144 owned - by;letur
thedeer, deo`i, . fame/it d Istretieie,Werig
Alp, bet for fora unotber at pier. •bee:
bid triti bar tese
Crow Orii.
ktrnab)/* _ ...i;
14, a 144-.4ilidi I'l
HVADIV3II2III3 PROVOST 133.1111.43. 1 11 ,
Omni, Watarford, Feb. 17, '64.
1.1134 1: W N, „VIM, PPIONT : 04 5 1111:--1
foroirdlelitialelieit zl ofth• total timber
enrolled In eselrosheilistrio4 • Les TiRD eallOgr
With the quotax,required ,and
s ther umber of
wen firnlsited east hp to and inocuding
-February 17, 1864:
• `•
• - t a t
,e-• g g
. • c. -I r ; g
Toe 15H1r, 0090170 Ts AC, I \t,
. . :
Zee City, tag • s zik yr ! 27 i t
Erie City, West Ward, 127 113 37 66 72 40
Mill Croak. •• 43 d re .110 90 la 79 31
rainiest, 377' 43 00 IS IV 36
Glietd Biro and towaakis j , 476 71 1 67 6
Sp:114110d, 42 00 35 se 6
Coeneaut and 4.11.1 ea, 379' 43 1 34 33
Rik Cel*.j a T . 0 ses se 03 12 13 35
Yranklie. SO 33 00 3 6 7
La %oat -, 210 43 00 30 30 16
Washington iiet6eiboro; sto ST 4 6 -10 47
Watedord rawinhlit 9114/z4 iril 60 33 34 47 3
Vegeta Tp. ta4 Illddlibors, '233 33 1 13 16 11
8111131114.„ 193 11 00 /2 13 6
Ones@ - 1611 27 2 7 9 11
Harbor Creak, 211 13 - 1 24 25 II
Gesimmaeld. 131 111 1 6 6 12
North raatTp:l9l Reto1121,;• UT 66 96 91 Si 26
Vaaanfe the Wattsbart' ' .1911 91 4 21 23
Amity, 104 IT 1 111 14 3
Coaeord a d Chun • r ICI 1 I MP 48 at
Delon Tiotaebtp 154 tOtaa92, WI 66 00 16 - 84 -21
Warm. 112 211' 1 14 16 12
As far as I have yet been able to auertais,
fronvinffirmatiOn furnished me; the following
placeeillf ivecifidltf in addition to the
foregoing, from the 111th Reg't Pa. Vols. I
exltect the roils daily.wlum the credits will be
officially assigned: ---
Eris eitj, East Ward,.l4 I do., West Ward,
15;' Milloreekk Pairyiev 7; Girard boro. and
tp. 3;. Springfield 21 , :Albion and Conneaut 1 - ;
Elk Creek 2; 1/4iikfin 1; Waterford boro. and
t.P. 6 : Oreiee6; Greenfield 1; North East tp.
aid hero. 15; . ,Vettzto '1; Amity 1; Corry and
Concord Linion tp. aad boro. 1.
11. B..CAMPLIE . L.T4, Provost Marshal.
- Mr. Conldock..and 1111 daughter are
now perfopsing stlivirsio.
About 160 recruits have been obtained
in this counlyaitiste the 10th inst.
Fairview i. moving in the matter of
ailing up her quota. under bOtit
aft_ A 'ioaa - aelitialtiir i nan obtain em
ployment at thin °Sem by making immediate
application. • •
Or Throe canna .of email pox, of a mild
type, all in one family, have warred in
Springfield township.
tip The 'Late Share S. R. wilt carry pas
sengers visiting the Sanitary Fars at Cleve
land and Buffalo for half price.
glir. S. IL. •lialliday, of Springfield, and'
not B. P. artwieview, ti the person who has
been appointed rayntaster is the army.
/tom` The now hfistltedist °birch at Union,
one of the handsomest in the county, was de
dicated on Siiednesdii:
stir The Democratic ofEeers elected be the
borough • of Warren, •had majorities ranging
from 19 to 8. Pretty uolose slaking" that.
~The 'Kama gait says it was by Judge
Soofield's recomaterulation that Messrs. Craig
and Holliday got, their paymuterships.
ger - i misting la 'nista arrangements for
orgauisiog a title company will be held in the
Common Council room.
.on Saturday evening.
KT Wm. A. Grahasa, who ran es Vice-
President•ea the Whig (Lakes with Gen. goon,
hes been elected &rebel Senator.
A religious niinq is in progress in
the Methodist Church at Fairview ; and s eon
aiderataillittato.ior converts have been ob
gm„ That the
r eapply of petroleum in Oil
Creek is' gradually failing 'cannot be doubted
any longer. All the information we obtain
on the subjeetpuistatallie . belieL
iwy, Boy wanted at thin offing to learn the
trade, to whom good wages will be given: One
who has been at-tie basbiaea eome time pre
or A lecturer in Corry offered as a prize
to the "haadinnutirLseatiensen present," an
eagrasisrof "Peale's Court of Death." Ha
they an d sort of • prize, it strikes us. '
s ir,- 12 e i itisep.. o! Girard township hare
Weed' ;00t) . by private. , subscription, to be
empliyed in- giving bounties to those who
yolu•teer-tutder toe. new call.' Girard is de
,if passible, to "keep out of the
NIL Aa. appliollaiali .for the erection of a
new count,y,to bkoolled Tionesta, out Of parts
of Penang?, ; Fiazio.n and Warren, with Oil
City tit'thi`tbutiti r tuMi,-erill be presented to
the Legislature c VAC present "session.
Ms. Vert-Esversble and reliable reports
come to us ficienllie - Itii Wells in the ',lenity
of Pitt Hole, on the Allegheny river. Many
of the old wigs Ahem that were . abandoned
daring the prevalence or now prices, are sow
being probtabli l priMped.
sitir Aiiijk-fle"on- lbot for making a
slack-water navigotilml oaths Allegheny river
fruta,P4teborgtoßil.Citr or Warne. Such
aa impt . oensertte if ilue- eil oupply continues;
-.. milimadiMktiioiiirofitable, and of greet
`l44asitige74,llsi. country' bordering on the I
ge„,- . Wissindipentemd that the splendid new
Union depot at this city, to be erected jointly
by the Lake Shore s Phila, A Erie, and Erie &
Pittsburg 11. - 4fAcipattiia - ,- -will be com
menced st-aw early period this spring. It
will eoluspi.ibi.2a..of the old depot of the
Seale &refill:lL -
giiidenittitiabrneot ires caused hers on
"Monday by the report thaillobile was taken,
and acres wflptiedners aid -maintains of cot
tonheik tellettjuto oat
k ende. It was a stu
pendous lie etrculeted . to alfect • the price of'
g01d....-04yrq ,, U4101,.
;IStuentiOns t ' a t s it : "was, neighbor. Hires!
itisi4etyli fillite`. l ll6" than the flies" whicit'
' he tiferripittrofebse the-country daily, .6m
) affeett'Aelkw4ogitisakmarket.
jam;iioiiiitlteOl our attune living on
. the,WersA i siftof the penal will be gratified ter
hesztakatkeielisitirosebttlan has pleased
Thougik-ILLAL , „ et, , : L . . ~..
• ! patiltd, That the direst ~
Committeee take
lottWaVaiiiehlitimrilttlattairing or rebuild: -
.imphlyrtlextreet-bridge, and for 61/Ing le per
tictik4ilA ~titietr wfthr %seat ; and Am they
- MperCrrikilirWfaii or' rebuilding-at nest
staiii&REAP&ES444:-L,„. . . 1
I IS- A marriage notice appears in an - ex,
shatitifiMertitifitatplitrir al usuenalljt
explicit in stating their position. They lay ! :
"No cards, no reeeptiOlia. - no wedding tour.”
dines people wilF iterilak he hailing all about
thieciitaimeltalreplln 4# not know but itht a
sojatWpAlatilx., .ltwill• save the ger
siPlesSlSAArkii i kekb_ i letwaisat of trouble,
'to kora taq teriteiHers printed in the neWi
imprimeeili% -, kW ' -
Weltaiter“lisiutire . on Friday even.
igivitiffilgrilk# ll ",” 4 to by a' 'Turd
ed sidhdatostlegostarrena!: asap Wants.
r . tag storlNVllMlVliiilatosttable war,. slashed
into odd 41iiiiiiiiialrLfeepll geemmlly, de
a tht " it t l i±t i thr t " ler '' " id the
!Atieslalstrstios~9o4 ilaiiiment, hut'
thought y. , .9clieneteitt both, brought
down thiskisifilli "Copperhead,
pocketed a enuttlititeltune beans beer', Om-
..Nitikriel- itliiii ' ' tii- age A:mist
- *41,001t ... —I. 'ldabttl
. . .
o .o“ med -
Oped mathirifillilitAWVOlTrorer
eis have tiadeairiarminti 1 0X., ng a
portion! of the bounty warrants •in "view.
baeha."lOr their eqslVilint• .1 14 abs tug is
county parip. Thi punting tef'4ie latter has
been 'adatractiefor, mid the notes will be
mach superior, both in quality of paper and
engraving to tbe' scrip now : circulation:
We 'mild advise those of our readers !mein
county i warrants in their possession sot to
sell theta at a sacrifice, as they will naught
edirb• redeemed at an early day is currency
leash equal to that is general use. The
Myrmidon appears to prevail that the. Downie
stoners! will levy a tan this spring large
'slough to pay off from one-fourth to one
third of the debt contracted for paying beau
my: The Coaseautville Clowiti. has been
consolidated with the Record, of the same
place, and the united establishments will be
condnote by Messrs. J. L R W. 4. Rupert.
The Record has always been a' favorite ex
changof ours, and the Messrs.: B. give pro
mise- at making it a still better:paper Its
neat bright face, greeted us last week, look.
tag, it anything, clearer and pleasanter than
eter. !Uur best wishes to you, gentlemen,
hoping, that ere long you may see the error
of yotir political ways, and become maid
constitutional Democrats.
A. hint for a:Curers : /low to get up
"a storm of enthusiasm." If all other resorts
fail, say "Copperhed." IE is the silliest es
pressiois in the world, to be sari; but thin it
is a !sure thing." As soon
,as they lieu
It, every Abolition nincompoop in the•hall
will frtcic i bp his ears, give his body a shake,
set hii!keels in motlon,iiiidliider you a
doubln iotind of applause, such as the wisest
sentefices and strongest patriotism might
strive in vain\ to elicit.
sat..W. made a serious and' rather laugh.
able blunder in\our notice of the game laws,
last seek. The periods stated ae the only once
ln which the gam y } mentioned could be killed
are the periods when the law prevents their
destrnction, 'maitre versa. We owe up that
we know so' littM about game of any kind,
that we could scarcely tell a raccoon from a
rabbit. .. ..
la. The new county which our Corsi
neighbors have carved out, with the object of
making that place the county seat, is intended
to consist of the following townships: Erie
county—Amity, Union, Wayne, end Concord;
Cranford county—Blopmileld, ; Athens,. Troy,
Oil Creek, Rome and Sparta; Warren county
—ei)l4mbus; florins In aU. ' .
The Road Commissioners of Millereek.
tow sh ip have resolved to continue the pay.
me tI of $lBO SIMI bounty 'rot volunteers,
and is a consequence the quota of the town
ship is Ailing up with extraordinary rapidity.
It ii expected that by Satan* evening intl•
creek will be entirely " out of the' draft"-:-.
that is, until another call is Made.
ill„, Henry Jareoki, proprietor of a ilea,.
Foundry in this oily, and well known as an
laical:dons and skillful menhanie, has made,
to order, ten Lightning Rod Points for the
Capitol at Washington. A fee Mule may' bo
seen at the Sanitary Fain in Buffalo and
Chiv4,land, next week.—Gesstfs. •
An admirer of Henry Ward Beecher
thds describes him: He 11 an intellectual
rhinoeeros, whose terrible bora and snout
mike the common osttli ; stand around—an
iron clad doctor of divinity,. with a ram at
both ends and guns pointing every way,
chirged with Greek Sr.!" Whew !I .1.
hen the Haytias monerehy was form
ed; thUblack chiefs took ihe title of Make of
LeMonade, Count Marmalade, Marquis of Mo
lasses, inc. We see looming in the distance
tuir kiwn nobility—Sir Samba Shoddy, Count
Cdffee Codfish and the MarqiiiSgof idulemeat.
lea.' James M. lEnester, Esq., ban become
editer and proprietor of the Ls.reaes journal,
pdbindied at New Castle. Mr. K., if we are
nQt mistaken, is a son of the former editor of
the Observer by that name,. We wish him
'times, to the full extent of his expectations :
iiiirThe bounty question was again brought
ut) in Councils on Monday evening, and a re
solution continuing the payment of the extra
bounty of $5O to persons yolactedring from
this city, passed the lower 'branch, but was
piistponed in the Select Couhoil. •
.1 gey, We unti r elstand that Capt.
hits purchased the interest 'of Capt. Christie
id the tug Hercules, and that she will:bkrun
übder his charge during the copetirmitisaa r
Copt Christie has purchased a sifeo3uarl
in. A bill, says the Crawfurti , :feee;el,iaiii
pulsed the House of Etpreseetative., pitt,
lag the Erie (Pa.) Canal CumpsayrA build
and keep in repair the bridges on pnblis roads
end atreetiorossing their canal. ' ,
liar Rev. Mr. Kane, of Stroudsburg, Pa.,
prifthed in Park church, last Sabbath, mak•
tug a good impression. We understand that
the congregation think of employing him as
their pastor.
air A Richmond paper beaded a while
ego that if the rebels ever caught Grant they
could skin him alive. The Boston Pest thinks
that that would be decidedly a — jfitjOrcini
' OM. The "sons of Green Erin," in this
city and vicinity intend celebreting St.
Patrick's day this a more Ottoman*
manner then they have Over done before. -
M. Seeond Lieut. P. 11. White, of the 83 i
relining, was one of the officer' who effectedl
their escape from the rebel prisons at 8ich...1
Mond, and ware re-eaptured. '',.. i
i sir Theeitheas of Girard to zoship raised , I
a; bounty of $l4O by printesub4criptiln, and'
are nowrejoiciog intbeetains that their quotas,
tinder ill calla, are full. .. - . _ . .
prr } Mr. Young, late editiir of the Darla,
will open, on the Ist of April, a house furilil , , ' Yjael -, , `t..- o,)
ishing and fens,' goods sio're, to the root s • nest i. DII. • ' W JUtiPri
to Banyard's gio'cluY, Viiigliefillnes:L• ' „ 40 111;41114, X. If ~-. T i c L ., L
. 110, I.6aiTED - IN 'IME. 'r.c - -ri
stir' )Ir. grhir.. ono 9,f th e 6 4dri" .by-', ' drilit's PatlCuie„,aberi Z. If. EitiAtug'ltalt
the late Are, his *pencil out tig ticAntio. 1 two atioe :It .e, vrtfte 4its - pielfriblioibinair
Perry Biota. HO 111.111, worthy man. _awl Ite, I l ii . hit i- i i t f on of d zygimisedAii i
eagles to be enst4"ed by tbli obratMulaY• I ' rca - hi3t:ascs orlwr ntniawosti.ll.7l
sear The legiutit 0f11 ( 0.,WM.11.. Milburn, ,
11). ihro4= ds taw led t i e otr i b'o t 41: ta. i: ' lng; ' 44
on ibis (r!ia*.f) 19 • 0 iii - fli" 1 0 -1 4 1141:-8 :• - ' 1 •!' 31 ‘'. Adis nos ilmi ii) wax; lad biotin say sod ev 4 11 =
Will , *a the Itl6. of M'ai * - ' 6117'43/I "e' t i l • ; with in"
= i t: a l l i t ek ss a . 1 :f Ma o: feria thea Gft l i t
*puree he L au sewn. - - ,-,..- " --.--- =. 4 ereeshit.lte istalaues - ofesigeateed_ to 00403
' meows tied iedpwrbial, ulf tiessifillikpistiard
ifir Meetings held in t Girard aid Mcreth NH 6 „„ t i kaauji , , ~..., ~...„ i ..„,,, 1
2 " . s '
" I ' ' 1.1 .." II " ",'" u ,'„I lt "," 1 ii°4// ' 1 thltrle lPill wise
..yrece C i iA lisit iai t s .
N 'a
m 2 , , r .. / ',. Ma agi hi i ' .! i , i'iity'bounty. 1 tigbi. tlibibitwo
1 csogoirogiommg,nro
....Y" ww r ul ' ri t= i t,
gei„,..l.e lia expected. nothing was done Gi n 1, k!trepaseVom wii itvg ,saiiiik-fi
Monday evening. ' , words jargstasing i fire I lu A r i kirAiiiplia tits, tttte ; v igils= Weak= ii ,ll ' '
) llsdsountia Ilietc•11011005• riurdttl i k •
departamat. . , - - 1 the weed.• •
_. ~4 . ..
t, -
.Our Our thini „
e — ara due to Han. O. W.. I
ounoplrsill'''" I Z o Lb 4 - 14416 64
Scofield, for an Sufi , ' copy of (tin : Ifce i tl
o rocig s l ituiro '
~ dMlL imtw eltiZ i aniac t. •
lan's report. . ,_ , - A i
- VoN4UI. ATios •
lettilto , ....g.,1 1
• mei . 7 • .
Or. Over gas :th4tlste 4 A f Aluttne's 'kV*. ' v o
sent through Aar Peet-011iet this sateen: ' ; r ,, '''. ge Wesel_ ( ofr
ees. --.,,,, no ' 11316
Maw Poach thinks thetas( leerier' epelnettii 00,.!,/.,_
~ , ~ a ,•to7 P. nu
ea earth will probably ha the Finish. - 1 - .. - ,_.. '' , .yr. ' 4 .,
, Z --- ) kiftiliKo . PM. , . _•' .: 7 ,1%..- ,-4,.. . 8 4 . !
,i isstoblo .
*Mow soeideit 2: o•Otrre4 . 0* UlO
(Inn C an U ted. VlNXlii
Laos shore R. R., soon iiirr or4oiemmitf'
from liolfoto, - or Tiread4- .10 ,4. 0091 t• abO,O.E 40,ytit./
lialtpest ssaa was tit;selt.2' • " - Q. W. ILIART,
killed, and several posies) were -47: " . 14 " lh *I lt da di 711 "'"'" 441 '*A r
cnv , rel _ ._ • , z ) j
t i LIZ HOL9/4001411.0TAITAIV
1. H. agagrici q ui lINGINS—wor milts:loot .
'Lt.; - • ; AI , • •
4 : •
stock Whited - here and opeft the creek la es•
trimly limited . . We can't lied over 84,000
to 40.040 Wl*, ItSdklait still it
parties for the coming,snitner sad fall
If there is any grtater tinsittiti than this, it
must be hidden nwlqverjP,Slfettnally.
M a great deaf of onlitnit I/A , I 1 4.1 141 1 4'
; .
buyers here to, contract the
future tlointtliiir wells--ProicMersiio Sot
book upon such propositions with much favor,
preferring to take the run of 4citiketlptAl
°et !ll?Prf.„ l .o,3 ll M—#:
that oil will Sot much blame, ,the pre•
sent awe during the conduit asses The
prospects for keeping up the present amount
of daily prodicties, and in 'fiat's slight in
crease is good. The numb* of wells sow
projected, nd under P^ - ' •be bored
XnXll S the emu.
al meads' Society,
held in .7 • Itrie;Ok .
the 10th• lei:, the following "paean Inorik .
elected 011100111111 d Managers: , •
Presidce—Rev. Geo. A. Lion,, D. D.
Vice Praidad-4aeob liszawt.
- Secrears—S. S. Spence..
Treaturtr—J. C. Belden. • '
Leb►criss—Wm.. Kendal.,
lloartof Manages—Rev, J.ilTanoe, Rev. J.
H. Peeveley, Colvin Spofford.. D. W. Fitch,
John Evans, Geo. Kellogg,' Wm. Holliday, C.
Doll, Rev., Wa. grissie, Rev. D. C. Osborn.
Rev. J. H. W. Stnekenbarg, Col. J. M. Moor.
head, Wm. Nimrod Jas.
,D. Smith, Rev. Thos.
Love, Henry 04404.
Illvx Itsoutese..-The furl i sugh of this re•
giment hat, WAR extended; As ,the 26tb.
whin 04 Members will Mee( this o*, 'and
depart immediately for Pittsburg. Monday
last was the day when thi; original furloughs
expire:l,-6nd way :of the win Inrchare Sal
have !them' extended. Altho l ugh they were
under HIPI or4Q tattegint,_thbtrigr. Ott
a genitml thing, wits remarkably orderly, and
in the evening our streets works. quiet
heel ever .seen them. Such condur4 under
the eirstis.ipsalui will Oir.:dairAuktwt
ter of the regiment.
I perceive by the papers that C. B. Wright,
late of This ,city, kiss again entered into the
banking business. Will yonlbe kind enough
Co inform your readers, if Mr. Wright will
accept bills of the Bank of Commerce at his
office? aB.
Erie, Feb. 16,1864.
['Knowing nothing wbsterer of ]tr. W's
intentions, we inns leave some other person
to answer Si' query.]
. Wk. Pensions, Bounties. ' Arrears of Piiy,
&c:, can be procured by the Widows, Orphans,
and ; next of kin of those who have died is tb4;
service of 'the United States also, by Soldiers
and Seamen who are disabled by "wouads re
ceived or disease contracted; upon application
to 0. P; Osirraru. LieenSid Military aid
Naval Maim Agent. • Office in the CoMmon
Connell Room, Wright's Block. corner State
and Fifth its.. (under the. Dispatch office,)
Erie, Pa. : 7-y
Skit or ,a • Ttro.—We . utdermand that, Mr.
G. J. Morton, of Erie, has urehated the new
Tug Eiotettport, from Meese* Sutton & Bro., of
this city._ and wiU provAdir lipr, with s new and
powerful engine. gge willyli ready for busi
ness on the °pacing ef 'navigation, and will be
engaged in thi Erie coal
,tr de. She is a tine
craft, and wili,:tio doubt. - min iii profitable
investment.—Betio Post . .
WANTID.—Two hundred more needle books
.1 „ . -r,. • •
are wanted, t o order Supply the' Illth
relent ' to leave next week. All are not only
asked but urged to assist--to make all they
can and send tx• the ~111(1,.loceisty Room next
Wednesday afternoon, punetnally.
NtsfrP. S. .risectsta, Si
I 13,1.AN19. —Ws- keep ,00nstaiitl y on. handa
, large selection of Legal *mita, of approved
i forms, sncli tie Deede,Mortgages, JudgiaenC
and Common Notes. Summons, Subpoenas and
many cititers; not in such general use. ?nose ;
i in,need of th ese articles,' ill find• it - ta their
i advantage to gie• oar Dili a call. 1
i tf.
7. H. RATHBUN. '
.1. 11. RATHBUN.
At the nab:vow the bride's nether. to 111.11sreak tp.,
oe the 18th lest.. by RIT. Dr. Lyon, of thle city. Gee.
both et Shillelagh tp. •
(The wedded wools will please wept oat thanks for
Abs(r remembrance of the 00m Way therluese pros
pirity sad happLeees to their hearts dears.
Is this city. au the 11* laity by Rev. D. U. Oadoores.
lir. D. D. J ENIC Qalizet, N. T.. to lbs. MAMA
aiDllOO,ll tale pay. -
In Water:ord. on the inst.. br 8.8. Whittling",
rai n
Yr. OA.AO Llnitigit. winos ELLA F. wassLe.s,
both al Wateiterii. - - . _
la IN. city, on the-1 4 th st the reddens' of her
brotailka lar, ilisittiaJohnsoo,, UR LINA, Asa/hist of
ROA. Orshese. Leg ,st hue 1411 Sot, swat 2 yea:eased
smooths. '
N.eth fast tp, so the 4th hut, ClSOROF,youngest
reisetiolinaudVaitothsetteeettalua seed I yea/ isuouthe ,
eat 21 days. ;
Zio-gam's :gytlvatioillituts:
Harness, Saddle and Trunk Basins:Lai
Stephen; _Erhart,
JAL. Oen ot three. it; L :18o Nl.* rties..,Eviler ,
4 Leo, Masks, rails:rt.Tnr, ing nerny, ete , ma pow
be lanai Is
- 1 4 /, • f NIT Pfgal Y gar s ', 1
A abArt ,t 404, \ •..thon Us old gaud on St4tio strvetl.
Thsafal ta• tbn, moo ottoodid to hlor,
Ito r4+oaAttuily fame.
.FSr.' asp :01017101 ., Allilktpf 4b206 a
Auntie. •
nuoTAI teit
Dr liassisosf r s Inssias
toselhas tT
+IAA) 41.1 rt lt.tri J. r •
• r
800. 4,X 0 A1e4 fißmy
LO D to NS 'I
i ri s sawers, pleasa palmtop m r elind
i te m,
Men L hey RIO warranted faU, to nand .Dy climate,
awl are 01 a 100- and so. kmunan p e,,uai to may
iiwyertselj , . bigyou ate% on tho fie the t the obj o
nce' raised litea t iet me Pstall'am by Der .1.,
Intl& ta= , are mood, only ley toy mar
ta Pal n. .--• t •
!w e bAka bietar hiSNt tilao *Do ; thiy of art )4? tat
arsonit'offrOtnito 25 theredit., 1 1 ,r I.• Ivy al:
low the jurna to the barer - then to t* e mead ter who
topeatclie amebae dos hiqrtlf,
aza Clod atniiitil: sal To , marl.
mat 9d ildnit• ar d idier. „
,• • tbittki
I waif not mis ir the profits oat m tram 's' pnckets.
or aldose" the ernmant oat Olt; swab * . t nem
* f
be lists this new linnts for the %ate or setts/ring .be
basawylemed fetchers thronfrh whlPe • h imp-ring tat I,
+two 1 , 14 1 4 . 0. bettsci,tl they lescolt cqods ;or load,
if tbaytt• i ` 4 -.-11 .
' I will;piry In any man, woman or ebl Id, be antoun • re.
emend bra Piano with iny nen- o 3 .1., f tber err
Phwead:with It, and t pay et Iliess,ullatar , In aty
one who sho•eta• one no Whig r thi F. am • `,
Wm so many New Ydril sol Doran Pi‘nnaltar.• d , a
this city and elontr. Let ma peop'y te 1 arl.a a no.
poor Peens arie•Lnat tha tat . Ciliiirlh.firteStAlL , I Ir. 11.
Eleatbern sentiment' : let 800 g. t.bere They b‘l'n;
ey Mahal WO warral'ad tn. be imp , bed with all Ist.
gond heproaementa, and mc.t roe a .sf ti nn- par.
ICastern Minos of all make. tan s hat of as a. we.l
sad deep as any ether man.
Parti.s reedy to. pnrehaso asvthirg in the music New,
wilkpleaas remember that I am de I it% r to Must
& Mrtehind s• gstate/Slir, and ai] an: I. I.lllnarnto,t
-raft', *walla I b ant kart-Slay &a 1.,.
Planes warranted by me eta 1...aw1: upon, I Islog
eana'sattrer, P aye, and M. 311 ciao, as
Ny wartant in r od, brcaca-.ton. gaud f r th«
'meant. My apluion In [OR 11411.1 » NtmeltAtt
tboae who purastesed t lams and to, a ult. 1,1 not Los
Its •me at Orstforaill the eut,n J,,flOr a •i• lie 1, ,) this
toss. '7,
A Plano Rine. mid." esesstitry is n.. t fut . that
Miami, bat ell Pent.* e h eh are tacd • rich . ,
. acs food wad the tad—b 1.1 East. an ,«:e
' ralshed hy ma. %tabor, satd,a`. Manol tetme s
eystick on hawd co/vista a:t very eb.,l a se:eatinn, bed
is tripe Mulnany over offered for e ale l uta.
• •
Or dais proiyitty atteolltd
'641. • IV3I.
Clieapest m;iULre Store
• G. IV: 'Ellsey, Erie, Pi.
• From 3$ Cents per pound.
From $5 00
From S 4 00
, From $2 50
And otter Farniturr, Low me 'be Lowast
West Side State Street,
ema eu rediraciU6ltrg, but at Ciao .
tad, that l abourss honors for the General
'Slasasehanitte," said a bystander. "W
- was ; that!" said old Fogy. "The taking
Itallaadlighant and theiteralng of the CM.
• lireite ofied,Awaa j thoroply. 'Old Fogy seem
to "see 10 at I,4l.—Boston Courier.
soldier at Chattanooks writes as follows
". - I intbseroara rlCotamos Plena
7- r - " ilta • • sgi r 9 Coantr, autos:
A. oo - I Tar /163. Ades gLar4loll4l
• Oteorte- . • •
statedteire, Is her, by • otified to prlir t
of Cooriann Pipat t, ro ho den at Erie" qt and ,tur
dite county o Et.e, on tb. pee ma m ou
and answer 'b e iatt co pialut. nig* ettite,• it soy
its bath, •ity si divorce (ron the-4.040t mer anon/
shoo d not be granted to red plaint a.
'reb2o. MAAR .C.a:Cltetl,`bertl.
EINSOY, Presit
Restores Gray & Faded Hair & Beard
• FaTithe Head and Hair. .
; -- tt. .1 L , :-
I Restores the Coldr.
. I i.... 1 4..: - Eradicates Dandruff..
' • 1 •.4
_. ' Promotes its Govrth.
. , Prevents its Fallitv• Oa'
~ •
j Is an unequAlleci Dressing.
:CL/Rll"S'ii LE4TcoIia.TVE, .. .
s::.-. 11 .ti;- , ;=. itittirt s. a&riar Children.
" f —,, - '•' 'IS-Rood for Ladies.
' i
I Is rand for old People.
I -, Is-aerteetly Harmless.
, Contains no Oil.
i 1 1 Is not a Dye.
Beautifies the Hair.
i L. . Is . spietni id for Whiskers.
;_ Kt•eps the in i:s Place.
__ __ ___ ______
I _ Cureel-S.errotts Headache.
„ . • • .I'coveufii Eruptions.
t> >s aching atri - Burfliog.
• the Head Cool,
11411 r f:I. IsMelightnilly Perfumed,
f IR no Sediment.
' l Coninirr4,rto Guilt.
• "Prllith4s }our Han.
Prepare: pat fu: Partite.
• .'„" ; *P`Ftkilye r 4._isyslor• 73.111 i.
CLiii:4-13 - 4ESIiaI6AT I V.E. -
-:• „. - '•'";' "A4l Lida's; ',owl it.
No cuareic-aEstddierrirt: ;
Laelywiii-do without If.
itligliZSTOltinVE,: -
•o 4 Drur,:tta. RESTORATIVE._
tries, St ler Lott e-6...jamesiveAk.
C. la. C 1.4 & Cthi - Probitik Zti
S. alitNp a co, X. •rivii4surgi
A riministratrisie 'Notice.'
jjl: i :- - ,tis . t u vr, ; . , II Upon the
• 1 • 0.4111011 P ltebt- , :. = 'vet t p., kl,coks.,/,
lirtag 41 IT grAn'e•i, • tie uuderal , nouct• o 1 errty
Etna to f / ppri , 11l I detaid to a. 1.1 ~.t3to to ty,Le ILI•
seediate pm meat, sad. Acute si kulakkccettuts r4 -1, y st th.,
auenorils pima iper* saftostittatod, , to rm.
i, • i i ' ,. , ;? .. fiii.logilirCA - ta, wm.K , !„
• :11111111.11161104:1..TA.,,dtimaiot tr..t., I, .
.... .
Arnold'sl Writiq Fluid.'
re . att,,,,,v,,,i 1,,, r. , r ! t_t o . 5,... ..- :4
Wr 3 PO ANI xi, i
WftEr t Apniiiii6l • -
Da* f I Aaaranne llkn. m t ali t . u,
jdnt bottles, :..a.lbl of Lemon, Pounce, National Waters,
ea* irtsjoirddifete, Bill a Semen Paper,
. ,Wr•pplug paper of all a:ano saki. qt. 14149.6 ,
TailoOdollons I t abundance, En v elop e . at -,; bedeeala
on, drILOC4 F 4 E kr itg . : Au! s ED o i l ,
A tbespar titin an4 b litteillVain'tlnis c.IY fjt.
No. 4 Reed House. H
. ' 't 4, G;tfcßD:
isalreitt • ' -
, iipti wed 'heap bosh
' iiiii*P„mix. .* tire-Nt U. A RII T!! I N.
t. 2111 1 024
.4 ~..1.-7
1 p JUlVOMit.zet
ID this Ssetton et t. , ,0 CColltlt ft,
Next Palmer's - Grocery
tetchier( t , r Increase theielairume, thereto on batter
,way of dolog bD at tbio timo,lhoslroot the sale of sett
Wetellea• oßat ADD W4ll Ullitt Rs,lr mbl
••Parll-olorlo valiveble for oaken; Is the ante lead
travelers."—Preeih Leittaits. r.b 21. • • •
.Prott loot. big m t cheaper t tloopplecee ITS,
r. ithat-isa Amid. r.a.10.
"Veil I lfrtkitetil Ones* *atilt" rot 4 '44:
T. .erme mepAmriset, felleeenimest Orgeu •
.one of +hc deft and nowt ',labia houses } is
nes.,"—Letueorile, deems% lethal.
• 4
Being a floating or Opoiraffeler Weave liteutlsetaite
Watch Combined, with Petrol Self-Winding ingots. •
meet. a most Pierasieg illatelty.
One ot , the prettiest end most crontenient emddeciderdle
th. best and cheapest tieee•piecetoe gems' and reliable.
rite ewer ofeteri. it hat withie it eat stomeestell wok) SF
mach t nery,tts top% Itisdieetattseetstet. readeetug atop
on•ionly. troceemicsri. The cues Of thla watch ant DOM.
poed of two instal% the outer ow being Soo 16 Dun
4°ll It lug the tolerated tube *atlas layer ollooosookt,
cod Iv warranted sa accurate tiaseltecer. Price. superbly
per ease of htif dozen, POL. Sample Macho.
ip oust morocco bores, 635.
firs* Clue 10 otion Tito* Fescue, ier scriaraer of mew ,
men', beauty of material . ; std. above all, elielpeelle to
pri v, them vitally.' must tutus whim! ameba.
An Imitation in kettles. that It can hardly be d•tiso•et
by the meat' xperienced j mites. The rest-h w
et het of
InetAliel, the otter one hot guitar Stetting sneer,
while the inptr 001 is Gringo Silver, It eshoqt be reeee•
afe3d by vetoes or /wavy enerivine, otokiNs It, not only
in sr peannar but in dun/Alit,. the beet reserst4soce
cite these'iTotehre in, the "my to 4 Rome of
vnn moo. p.etll. ertelliog se %bey very readily do, et $4
: .tnd a; w trdi MAZY Liantirtl dqlla re e.o be made to •
okngl.• pay 41v by any foe of <ion ivory basinese last.
re" Vl' hi' itoi.c.SALlllo•l.lf I In berry bootleg
' em!•l'• b"ulifully enifftvedirblte enamel dtal oi fence
t ot h1n,1• % g , )04 rueolog order, by the kla! Gess', sd4.iota only n. the case of ent I
rec Opt of two del hirs. es goinntee of wood fat*
we will rent watchee by exposes to any pre of the loyal
••zr‘te , ,e , ll"etiog bs'ance-wf bill on &'icery. noe au
•irri ' , ultra ageing tr , nd, gielaz the" tbelr watenes
oeforepeyeoent u ••q a ired.
s. P 1-1/ in d• remit MOB IN d
VkiCi, a. the expos. sonipt , I.* perreptot rejig* Disb
tng. n Pin .oe, di ~,ions le ealittlipt Ynnneni6l,
C 414 in Itii‘dne•Lrnin As reap hitt/ in Ned Stefirl
We VI ILP ih Li I safe Welly,* .1 a I Notate, shelter
tb •y are .yot by mini Or expetn.
tIUrVIARto HP19. 1 „ 'lD:voter*.
, frlroedway, COURT Cour:l4'l3dt Sloinn,N lf
Lof Administration upon the
Falive of Joel Vorter, late et Wtterford toseohli.,
o Ise 1.1 haring teen ranted to lue untie !lived, wale*
tr bente , y, 'aren't° a 1 revolts Indebtei to 51.111 estate to
malt+ trolp dist* payment. a. d Uwe Meter ammo*
ag Ire tits nano VIII p e'en' them properly authentic*.
va, tone. n 0.% Ali • dmtnatratriz.
Any Eloi:ut, Erie Co, Pa.. Jan ia,ttot Sw.
Administrator's Notice.
hiur rag tr en granted to Om t'oderaign d. ea the
• • lat.. 4.l..wretiet Leosb. drew, 41, taw cf fallitztelt tp .
Erie e atty. Pa ; Notice la I..reby g yen to at persons
kisesrlog thernottree ttdebted to the at, • to mat- Imme
diate payment. a•ol thoro basing Waltna airaloat the
estate !nil prearnl them, properly aatbentlet.tod, for
c tiemen t 11. man' 0.
F. W. 101tBLES,
Itlleiiek; Feb. 11,1141,
D4solation of Co=Partnership.
PH IL FIRM. of Cralford C tughey was
at. 1.4 oil the let Inst. • All debts er Hid Arta
.211 b • br W A. Cralrfore, to whom el aeas
bk,.gipg to Bali Arm will be paid—tte slam b.log ea•
thor srl to axe the name of the Arm to e.t hag tam
WW I A. caawroau.
A. citAwroitu,,_
tool ,
armed a , o-partaarattip Odder lb. dm natio
of riikood d Chriatlaa, aai wilt malign:le tie Ornrerr
101 . 6 Ctiandlorr at the o.d stand at Crawford
4) Ultst"'s Blo tlt A. CRAWPOR
From .15 00
Rz:e, Deb. 6, '64tf.
I Farm for Sale.
TFILE undortiened offer% for Role, until
;the 1 fith of Toenail next, >ti s Fern in Sammie
tp., clots In tog one linndtsd sad forty gems me eor Itss,
0110 bundrsi sere. inetprorpt • lb. bs'snes good tits
r r , ,0 1f• qa oar slop, orebird and is nail waterel, it
is ritioAted 7 mil,: mom Krus on the Wa•srford plonk
romd.l If nuts by tb. above date Ii wilt b. r•nted for
oven- mon, yeses. - $A SJOHUSON.
Latin TWO STOAT BRICK ROO% darn litalass
with bake even, exatlirat well 6f water. lees d.iten.
elrrine honit, jute barn, :II by 69, au excellent eV
chard of patted trait, in:lading apple'. therein.
pvirs, d 6, adjoining the Oct Lnts of grim, with 111
acres of eisell;nt ground, part of whip}, gammas&
/0 ansozpaamed tines of the City, Etas, Harter. ix •
it? 61,90 e
25 4CRS3adjolnlogsbove, small fr tme hoeie, liar tame
;biro, good orobssd of graled halt, ka,f0r...56,000
6$ ',ACRES =PIC LAND-Small Cruse home, trams
Earn, orchard, a, , 6 mlles from MA, for PUN
!IT ) 'ACRES, 9 mites from sit., 40 improved, Wises geed
mood 1'341 mile from Salsbury Road wed lasksoale
iStatios..sioall Mum, bus astemehard 9m...511, 00
TEE Large and Complete 011 121 1 the city It
kuowa as the Idedaem" esprit,? almost
150 barrels Por week. together with 6 awes at hied,
froolieg on nor& a 6.1 e Railroad, f0r.....-44.400
;ALSO, Lots, Boosts sad Leto sod Out Ws to Ms Cltir
sad Bobcats.
'Zhe inheritor haring remalr ealsrged and esteattel
ttallu.auf.etarlos batistes, Beide fend; to earrr 11014
an), Is dsterailtsd to all& par: of We Beal Estate. He
tberetore niters lb* feregolne atthe above low rates, and
w4l mate the terms taroraLle and titles [meet
..IEI .A. 1.4 N
Pfdisauss all thew rat pecaltuitles t
It Ceres Disease ay opening Dia line eat
restortag the lams*, Parfsiiitims.
l i t Dlseharits tb i'lUatutd‘ 811011i4Maie
11 takes the *dui oat of Burma; -*We NIA
Wounds, uld subdues lattsmattlos at sesa
jc is Absatbsd br the PAID as/ Bletsees, aad
t L
'Operates !Ike.'" este when Applllyd Ia leer
fiats of the Lass*, Steam& and Bipines.
It Le also I:qually HeneecieJ !ti Aldan,
Dar awl gaile. • Pits" It Wks"
1 11135 Got& It has sand lamas@ watt%
! —•-•
011 id man Iles curevery 'err battle-6 CA thss sif lOW
, ,
hikaawa all arena& as lie wait
moothiagasd haling ulatisait in iarlibuoca.
J axle as Is Lka laraeter sod Peepristsr. 311 or
it Is sold at 24 ants by all Dentists eserywkere. Adoil
y elm, yu, liAlifKlt, `00.4 Wait I ark Row, agoatfori aka
W !laicals Depot at N taros k 1112 lahray„
The Universal Cloikes Wringer!,
No.ll,tatita Triatkr, Werra,............. VIM
liedssis elsmity ...... 7SO
4 . 1 A, Iledlaus grimily Wrier*, • 00
o 3.:44nsit.iquaily . ' iW
g. Larne .Wrlsre. . - 1100
t;si. 14, Xediuto s to ran silos* MIS
tin ?3 La's* ' " gog 11•10.1000
New *•• 3 bsgs goCg.rg All 4.4 Mgt on . wilslustiL
Na. 2 tills ass ivssitsll • sad rivia•figen“
I trsti.or J sad. el Agrisistissr•list.° il/p0
\•. , A rsu romoiily wriag out • tub tell N cleft% hi
A. fry rasostra. It is in rtul try PAi4llll
XR! sad a anta.NOTII et AT Int t Tb• senate;
vancals will a Inn, par ilvg.pfr aintage tts anat.
%N. ;atria tart maYafalf. math- mum khan AY* vox
Y K6it la the milli et gireseite ! Mere
4. Dovetail kimds, tosairly alike la postal coesteviettou.'
i.itt we trio/due it Important (but ib•lrrioger be Ottee
old; tugs, opiontias a mierikiesrsieuts into elm the
(Orli", awl th e fallrra poa Giro:rusk abaft slip lied tear
the clothvo, or the ruboDe_bosak Wow from 04 shalt
Mir two I. one of tb• first IDOL andot to us GOnD AS
v1:.0 iftte ~11 ' , OCR Y4Alti'VtnrgrANTl7sl:!'
VE# r wimvara wait roa 'macs is WAS.
j ' ' R/STED rig grad PdIiTICULAii.
lo Wringer us be daralde withostffir WIN*
►4IoodOAPIVASACT: warted brewery : 6ln "q
rw- ua receipt of the price from pleats whin tie caw
is whine, row will mid the wringer num ihr earthiht.
, Fes portieelare re ..1 similar*, hates
1 • . 11.1:1 81. 4 0WKIWa.
seps'63. , • SU Itwodersr.
T A largo aftortawt of &Ober aeodA, Ceshltr
4truthes:Dglle, DoH Hesdt, Gums Awl Amsesmits isq
~lGbltdivo. Parse. Pop, paasites. Powilaperv. &e.
garl44in. • (MICR 18pRB1i7.
Of D.... INuir eadi Sigl i Mptas e r m
moves the time of dhow%
mean ever retorted to.