The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 20, 1864, Image 2

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£RLL PA., FEBRUARY 20, 1864.
ai ammi Pala
11 111 Poona VI .111 11
," • - /Z/ 11 1. UMW? +/mbar Jeckage.
is folly, says the Jitirmslot acrasscias.
to gitagry it the braseit•fsee4 radical
Letaiers, of both sees, who go about the
lountry, showering billingsgate on all per
mute Who do not happen to be of their way
of Wilkins: Everybody to his trale-Land
their trade it dinging mud at their bet-
We. 'lf ihtif should:stand up and talk de
sandy; udirinaisetheir crude opinions
stith•heoeritag modesty, bestowing their
eensur 164 just discrimination, and
etrinstng ad;sire to deal fairly or no sg
nanimously by their opponents—in short,
if thatwould honestly try-to tell thetruth,
three-foarths of theiraudieuces would rise
boa k th e ir meta, jam iheir hats on their
hosiie,, and wire in disgust. The, radical
lecturer must be abusiwe, insulting, afro•
cimas. towards those whom it is the radi
cal fashion to calumniate, or he or she
will soon be talking to empty benches. If
McClellan is mentioned or hinted at (u
be ie wire to be in every radical lecture.)
Lianame intuit he coupled with the . moat
,inferuous epithet*. • A radical audience
will. put up with nothing less. We sus
pect that there is no Word in the English
language so base, no oath so blasphemous,
that a radical audience would not applaud
its utteraaoe to the echo, if leveled at the
spotless reputation of that man, who, in
his modest retirement, is execrated and
hounded by the tribe of radii:al lecturers
worse than when he was in the full
c i .,
blase of hie Mali y renown, a shining
mark foi . partiaan envy and hate - !
One or the m curious things 7 about
radial lectures is the intimate family re
semblance that er all bear to each
othei. They are writien in just the Stile
styli ofecerdone sarossm, abound iit the
lartte truculent adjeCtires, go equally far
into the forbidden regions of pruriency
and profanity, and abuse exactly the same
people. - Thu is because they are all
modeled after the pattern lecture of the
original radical orator of Ilsston. The int-
Ptidence,.the enormous egotism, tl , - dip
paniludgment, the intolerance, the tni,s-
anthropy finder the veil of philanthropy,
tbeingular gesture and the enarlingeyni
-061 V oioll6 are all feeble conies from his
Mock iu trade
Altogether. the radiolt leaturer ii e►
malt amusing humbug.
Rite Seetatatilr Of War has transmitted
to the Senate •" a report of the names of
all *Seers in the Regular Army who. be
tween the Ist of December. 1880, and the
Ist`of December,' 11kM. left the service.
either by IN:signet:on or 41e4ertion. stating
which. to engage in the R4l.)ellian against
the Goverotnent of tha united States."
The total is 277, of whom 242 resigned,
aza o nly 26 are registered as dismissed.
and dropped. Those who were known to
have entered the rebel service nuocber 92.
Of the nonix , nasissioned of and pri
'rains of the. Regalia - Army bat 2S are
tnhava gone over to rebels.
.1111 noticeable that the names or those
Often who have since been mat promi.
neittin the rebel service are given shit-
pita resignations. Basuregard, Critten
den, Cooper, Ewell, Hill, Hardee, A.
8. Johastos, J. B. Johnston, Lee, Long-
Munk Magruder, Pemberton, Stuart. Sir
byBmith, end others, seem to have gone
vastly 40 without oaring how the act
wcpki borisgutted by the government.
A Gamuts 11a.
"Th e Crawf . ord county Central Cammit
-4%71: tee met in Meadville i on the 9th inst., and
: *anted .Tea: S. Shellito,,as Representative
delegauLtso 'the State Convention. The
followips resolution !as passed : _
Ressised, That this Committee concede
the Senatorial Delegate to Erie county,
sad that we heartily concur in 'the sp
-"liolitssent ors Delegsysfrom Erie county,
to t•Prieset this district in the Suite Con
-Nation- to assemble in Match nest.
_TM wow of this resolution was en
- 71.. at once fastsod courteons,. sod wear
is NOW Crawford ;county brethren - Ma
RM Dmitoerats of Erie mints do not fail
leo epnreisiste it in the Tight spirit.
1. The llnivaittee - adopted a resolution
Zstising the Increase of soldiers' wages to
1 :13 a **nth, ancesattMized their Chur
tined to issue an addresicondemning the
. "scoot *thick on the Crawford Dewed
iserly all tie Administration members
.: 4of Congress voted wand the following
wt . - meabstiom eared in Congress. by Mr.
Damsenosf Penneybradia :
*1 Riesbed, That the President be velum
- ted to make known by public pronlimus
- don or otherwise, to all the country, that
it 4 whom toy Sate ass in inAtt &Lin
; 1 alk tweet i tweet to tie esthisray of tAs Fcicra! Gov
-1 - • •:-creincet„ es Saadi is tit Csastinairs, all boa
'':''' - ft salty wines bee shall cease." d such
; •:. I State shall be protected from allexternal
Mi - - ,1 itgettaveuee with her local laws and inati:
' .' lotion& and bee people shall :be visress-
-, teed the fall enjoyment of all those rights
'. l '... mid& the Federal Constitution gave
• . -1
there , , -
i•-• We ask time ileptibteans who profess
i - -,.. so duke. $ restoration of the' United
.. - ,1
. t.' _ -Meow if they out longer 'uphold a
. party
1 6,
L 1 ' UM' °peaky avows its determination to
f - ',' k.
. wish out and destroy the Union, rather
: A k s . ' ', than save it? That is the question that
'T - 4 4 !- eases home to the conscience of every
- -airt;,..../aanali man. . _
Vita Teas Taanaa Dirma:—Bsajamin
Wade said. ia plaes ia titB Muted
abates Swat* that the dim who P''qabte•
iha COOditatklltte khis exists is a Traitor."
Dada Wsbatir said : - -
i r
V .1.
"!y ionstiestium if tit D'Aitd Somas is
arias lutrawnit. a reardsi F UNDAMBN
TILL LAW ; ieis deemet the ONLY BOND
CgrIBE UNLOS if zA. is was ;is is all stx
gamma Naiad olisreser."
• •Tie Saito:at CosesiTtott.-1 'meeting
If the deinocestio ethserts of Chien° yea
bad • Mtentoat •floote on Wechift.
I o'4 as i t coavoitte49 of six=
semi • • tad Id Maio all necessary , sr
-dot the hoLkuNviii July nest.
illtdri• • - Setiona! axiyintio' n:
111%; F. z' • .or the Ottani& Tara, is the
laiita6 die josiaaaalie •
:11iii . : . of. silo qlll4 -Room
et ..thic_P _ _ Lo g jam", Amu ,
'op:igloo**, •
Rfoidep . Iggr.fteolaOikaik, wiL6 chi
} ,groOttokk. ' hi Vaietteleilt: oiie
11 61 100ftwi to --Titaiodie-br ifoo.: li•
sisCismikai. : . . ... :- - •
Dm tisktio Oloolibt*oll.,t : -
Nana egoism mei Os !bastel Pasty.
124, Republican papers and orators are
in the habit of saying that the Democrat.
ic party is a proillevery osA
of their arguments sod a** to
lar prejudice ars based on thiti : Wefoliiiilleci
t •
assertion. 1:No statement Ahstll Was over
made could possibly taio lieenittrifirr
_from the troth; yr tarritaus p ou;siLr its
iteration. The. Democrats occupy_ the
same position sow . that they have dote
since the forMation of the party, via; that
Slavery is a boost - question, beyetidlliii
interference of thei people in - States where
it does not exist, and therefor* not a fit
subject to 'enter into the discussions of ne•
tional politic's. The New York Trthoti,
with more fairness than it usually dia
-1 plays, stated our platform - erectly when
! it said, a. sew weeks ago, " that Northern.
" Democracy is not really pro-slavery, but
" anti-intervention ; maintaining, not that
" slavery. is right, but that we ct the free
",States should mind our own business
; " and let alone other people's,"
That this is the true doctrine of. the
Northern Darnocreor' is susceptible of the
most convincing proof. The platform of
the Democratio National Convention of
1840 oontainei thir resolution
Readied, That Congress his no power.
under the Constitution, to interfere with
or control the domestic institutions ot the
several. btates ; and that such States are
the sole and proper judges of everything
pertaining to their own affairs, not pro
hibited by the Constitution; that all ef
forts by Abolitionists or, others, made to
induce Congress to interfere with ques
tions of slavery, or to take incipient steps
in relation thereto, are calculated to lead
to the most alarming and dangerous con
sequences, and that all such efforts have
en inevitable tendency to diminish the
happiness of the "people,- and endanger
the stability and pertnaneney of the
Union, and ought not to be countenanced
by any friend to our political institutions.
This same resolve, in precisely these
words, was re-adopted by the National
Democratic Convention by that
of 184,9 ; by that of 1852; by -. t tof 1856
by that of 1860; that,is to say, it has been
the uniform position and one of the car
dinal • doctrines of the Democratic party
during the whole period since slavery'on thtrntueneett The sagacity of the'
patty in its apprehension of the danger
of suoli agitation, needs no vindication
now. The soundness of the constitution
al principle embodied in the tosolutton
is equally unassailable. The resolution
is, in fiat, but an expanded form of that
adopted on-this suhjeot by the first Con : -
great tlutt met under the Constitution.
The anti-Slavery society of Philadelphia
had petitioned the first Congress on the
subject of slavery, anti after due consider
ation. the. House of Representatives, on
the 23d of March, 1790, reached this eon
elusion :
•• That• Congress bays no power to law
frre in the Emancipation of slaves. or in
the treatment of them in any of the Siates;
it remaining with the several States alone
to provide any regulations therein which
humanity_ and tne true policy • may re
,Having established , beyond cavil list.
the Democratic Party ate constitutional
non-interventionists on the subject of
slavery, we now proceed to show that
Northern' Democrats are, in their own
States (where alone they Wive * right, to
act on the subject,) anti•Slavesi men._On
this point we shall introduee a witness
Whose authority the present opponents of
the Democratic party cannot very well
impeach. Mr. Abraham Lincoln, now
President of the United States, delivered,
in February, 1860, an address at the Coop
er Institute, in New York city, in which
he said, with great emphasis, That " our
" free Sate ameitastient dales tie wrong of
" Srarry with more agente ,sorplessis than de
" otter **iv: egsisat it Bat what
Democrat, in any free State, ever wished
to change this part of its Constitution ?
If a proposition to establish Slavery in
Pennsylvania, or in any other free State,
had been submitted to popular decision
at any time within thi last thirty years, it
probably would not have received &Oro'
vote. What then can be_mate alseurd;or
more caluatniocis y _thati to pretend that
the North P,7: Democrats are in favor of
• -ery 1 1 The radicals might with as much
jostles or candor attempt to stigmatise
them as pro-polygsznists because they
bold that international law doss not - au
thorise us to sabrert the seraglio of the
Tatkis' h Sultan, with whom our country
hail always found it for its interest, and
not inconsistent withite honor, to calti
sate amicable relations.
Am leftist awn.
The New York edition of General 110-
Clellan's report, now nearly ready. will be
much more valuable than any other. It
will cantain important maps; and the in
troductory chapter on the campaign in
Western Virginia, which is entirely new.
The Cottgreetiontu edition is exceedingly
faulty. The typographical execution is
bad, sentences are misplaced, minions
(accidental doubtless*, intik and names]
of persons and places are spilled with a
freedom that will shook the :seder. Tele
graphic despatches are wholly changed in
sewn or so confused ea to be naintelligi
bit>, by the transposition of pariad colons
and =rums. The radial papers which
attempted to account for the delay is pub.
lishing the report by statute Wenn Ismgth
and thehuge labor which would be nee*.
Pry. have not thoughtel t to inform their
radars of the realities of this document.
The excuse now pWnu appears to have
been mere " bosh." The Report Is not
onelighth the aim of the Report of the
Committee on the Conduet of the War
It gives a meth mere valuable, intelligi
ble and truthful.atatement than that Re-
Port. sod the eagerness with which it •is
sought for proves the interest. of the pew
plc and their lore for the first of American
soldier*. Abner Streeter. at this
office. is agent for the eidosol the work. in
this city. The priced the edition men
timed above will be in the aeighberheod
of twoadollart. kobesper 'alio' is being
prepared. but irwill be far -Werke in all
*oar. rot Tom liossr--g-Tbss New Yak
'Moo, of the 6th ilia, donoteritt
ie6 article so thso importaato of issersons
tie elotufoiOn of arrepopen, as ikotoons
of Peas she oil fir Me Prosideratiol
oleeticiss. lre cps* ai Sollosei
- The work of_*paratio. —
In! "cisfraer 1864 proplltif
;Ow - Througbeirt elk•--.wkke.
laiworw Uwe" wakitowisieri Am is lir
!tallaiekßlß .IrAff*eft 10111111114,16,
log with reference to publip affairs. Now the State, under the control of the various
is the time to persuade every farmer, me- 1 Christian Denominations.
ohmic, teamster, or day-laborer. to take , After a free and generous interchange
at least one good newspe t and tusk views upoit9bei gni, Oat, to wee nrilant-
*WWI. f hetter-agnuain well Ow measly . •- - - .
progress of pnblfo Akira N o r. 4 as ti . 4esoleist, That ' our Aigisfeseertg be re-
te ; 4l,
to galw - bust Abe antic shill titillated to see to it, that ..tbe amount of
ripiiii for allfe harvifsp of. I Ilfovetubo. dirnation above designagettbe distributed, :
-.. ••g• I. ?* ' t Hk,l ' L. ; equitably, mow shah wen established
Let a.librishirtiki Art belafaire COileges oTtbe State as shall accept and
at, least one good newspaper, for the en- conform to the. conditions of the grant, of
- suing year, in every household is the boy= the General Government.
al States where it will hef-gersieemed and .Reselisid, That a Committee of' three be'
Teed. - Perhaps haWof thole who nr* do appointed - who shall -prepare for gigue
without do so from mere tseciltisneasf.-
,tures a lstarDerlal to the Pennsylvania.
.041.1 iieed to._haveL,illeix,_ attention „legislature, reouesting,ihat body to di a .
called to the subject . Many more will pay tribute equitably among the different"
the trifle that a cheap weekly oo to it Colleges the amount of this d3nition, and.
each is solicited to do aci , ter a friend in that they bwautborised to appoint sub
whom he has confidence. t And; if there Committees, iltc.•, •
be any who &vett:my for such "paper, they The following named gentlemen woo
ought to be supplied by their more for- appointed that Committee: Wilton Kirk,
tonal* neighbors and townsmen without W. E. 'Magill and (leo. W. Gunnison.
charge." 1 • '
.Resolved ; Thatl the meeting adjourn to
In polities, as in war, says the i Ruffalo meet at thi'S place on next Tuesday even-
Courier, it is wise to I rom an'enemy.
elm *Li' log, February 23d, at 7+ oclock, P. it: ' and
that the proceedings of this meeting be
published in the-city papers, and that all
and the Abolitionists • shot, their sagacity
and. their determination; by improving persons intereited in the object of the
the hour of victory in planning another meeting be invited to be present.
and snore important campaign.- The ad. GEO. A. LYON,thairman.`
MIKIS, Sec'y.
i vice of the Pilaw should be promptly ac-
Gso. W. GC:
ted upon by, every Union man in this
State. It is rAe duty of this hour to• place
a sound Union newspaper.idevery family
where there is any one to read It. One,
half the money' absolutely: wasted: on elec
tions would produce vastly greater and
more lasting regalia, if expended in the
purchase of papers. We trust the con
servative men of Erie county will, at once,
set themselves about this work: Let a
committee of reliable men be formed is
each town, and have their lista of subscri
bent made up on or before the Ist o
April next. - 1
Tax House, on Monday, by 'a Vote of 78
yeas to 62 nays resolved that the Consti
tution of the United States should be so
amended as to abolish slavery in. the Uni
ted States wherever it now exists, and to
prohibit Its extension in every part there
of forever. The measure will unquestit n.
ably pus the Senate and :receive the ap
proval of the President
—Gen. Meade. in his Lite Philadelphia
speech stated that the Potomac Army has
lost, since its organiastiop, 100,000 men.
killed - anti wounded.
A di., etch from Admiral Lee an
nounces the destruction df foui blockade
runners—the Westfield oat the 4th ; the
Dee on the sth the Easily & Fanny and
the Jenny on the 10th.
—All change in command of the Army
of the Potomac has bent abandoned for
the present. Gen. Mead. has returned
to the from.
—On Friday afternoon and evening
Mosby made several dashes on our pick
ets near nanassas, killing two or three of
them. A cavalry force was sent oat in -pur
Gen. Foster telegraPiis from Knox
ville, under date of Feb. I... Shit an expe
dition sent against Thomes and his band
of Indium and whites at i guakla.toWn, lens
returned Completely successf u l. They
surprised the town, killed and wounded
215,- took 50 prisoners, and dispersed the
remainder of the gang. , • Our toes war 2
killed and 6 wounded. i ,
—The reports from Rebel, papers of a
fight near Clinton, Wes., 'on the 4th inst.,
are confirmed by officers !tom-that point.
Our troops charged the rebel battery. and
lost fifteen killed and thirty wounded.—
Among the wounded is Col Rogers of
Illinois. The enemy were driven off, and
our forces proceeded toward , ` Jackson.—
Gen. Sherman entered !Jackson on the
sth. The rebels offered but little resist
ance, and are falling back, over Pearl
River. It, is believed thia the rebels are
receiving reinforcements, front Dalton.
A portion of Gen. Sherman's expedi
tion was attacked on the lino° on the sth
inst., by 3,000 rebels. After a smart fight
the retell were routed and driven off.
Eight Union men were killed, and 30
wounded; rebel lose not ; known. The oc
casion was marked by an act ofjustice
worthy of record. - A rebel lieutenant and
two privates deliberately miudered a negro
soldier, who was sick and had straggled
from our lines. The raicals were caught,
made to kneel on the tiegro's dead body,
and were satisfactorily ihot.--11i6sas.
On Thursday night last the westwsrd-
I bound tram on the Baltimore and Ohio
,' Railroad was -eapttir3f 10 tulles west of
1 Ilaspeui Ferry, bye band of, robbers. The
1 nattahugnal to stop the train was given,
when the thieves surrounded it, and com
menced a general robbery of the pueen
gen, male and female. Greenbacks, jew
elry. and other valuables were taken, and
few of the peaseneers eicaged without los
ing something. The object seemed to be
entirely to obtain booty, as notwithstand
ing several Union °Seers and soldiers
were on board, no were taken.
It is reported that the passengers lost, al
together, not less than t 30,000 in money
and valuables. The engine and tender
were run off the tract butithe train was
not injured. - The robbers - then left.
The news from the West is of great
importance. General 1 Sherman has oc
cupied Jackson and xYlisoo city, Mississip
pi, both it is underettd permanently, as
depots of supply. neral Grierson is
pushing southwardly from the vicinity of
• with his and- General Smith's
ca corps. Geeenil Logan. with the
Fifteenth carps. has left Chattanooga to
co-operate with Generil Sherman's move
ment; and General Grant's army is in
motion for Tunnel bill and Dalton, Ga.
This indicates that the spring campaign
is opening in earnest ;in the west- But
MU* opposition. has attended the move
mute of General Sherman thus far, he
having overcome the enemy at Black
River bridge, on the stream of that name,
and at Sotoris, on thelirasdo river.
—The story of the escape of Col. Straight
and arse 10t) other Unionle:Weems' from
Libby Prison. is mewed In a dispatch
front Gen. Ballet. Reigate the news from
Gen. Aisle:, who asyr Mit Col. Straight
and 17 others are satei—the remainder not
head hum. I , 1
Weld d /Mk Lae&
Aveeably . to notifies Published from
pulpits on the preceding Sabbis h, a meet
mg of persons representing various even.
gainsl denomimiticons was bald in the
Lecture Boom of Bev. • Yr. Presaley's
Church, on Tuesday, February 16th, u T 1
o'clock, r. n., and was organized by ail
ing to the Chair Rev, Dr.; Lyon, and ap .
pointing Sea . Goinaison. 'Secretary.
On motion. Rev. Prof Viecent.of Watt
tsiaitfee Goilege. wet n414140(1 to sate
the object of the meetingg, an doing which
the f ol bag fade were pre/heated -
On .711, - t,ASX).. Congress denitad to
ea& loyal . Stste for tkincitional pivot"
moue especially to ginmeete the interests
ash, indastrialdaima, sand werraats to
the ammuit of thirty thOusand saes to
la& ltapmescitativio! in 'Concerns, ent,l.
ling the State of Peallyirsaif
six shires or Ceres hundred and
themead *CM. -
Lot ulster the Besituyitasis Ltpoluture"
mimecl so Ask weepswe ajek donation
the veeseal Goversasent. No cod*
- It Was - baskted ores
to - the iti Ciptie
Comium writ stainting 8 that
dam this, musumui ham been put es
fustkr tisthisputoillif tie gamy .•
I. IDllMPeinii. 4 . 14 -rilien.us4 lb,
Appicaltatal ONIV I t
ti t ovum coliati.
1 1 0 - 41Wfie letwits . tbil
11.-.4todimitpasuuni i . its ;
*liter Its Mil 11.1111W164 -
Reliscanse si nil Cossenipdea Is Ronk
• •
Nest Yoal, Feb 12.—The following aps
from late copies of the North Carolina pa
pers received here: 11
The Raleigh I=rvisess " Melts
ent Congress ss bent on fastening a mri
tary despotism lon the people -of these
Confederate Stakes, and the people must
either submit qiuetly to receive the yoke
or resist the tyranny. "'Resistance to ty
rants, is obedienoa to GOV and the pen-,
pie of North Carolina will not hesitate WI
to the course they should pursue.
" North Carolina cannot and will not
submit CO have every able-bodied man COQ
scripted, and the whole State wroeti into
a military camp. Wo want to achieve in
dependence over our,columon enemy, but
we are not willing to become the vessels
Of usurpers at home to achieve that or any
other. object.
We speak the words of truth and
soberness, beeanse We know the sehti
meats of the great mass of the people in'
North Caroline: The State will never
willingly submit to despotism, with Jefr
fersoh Davis or any one else at its bead."
The Salern (N. C.) Press says: "-The
time not tar distant when all will agree
that this war must, he brought to a•close
by other mesas than the sword " •
tIVso.. the Roc:better Mame
Leiser tray Mishtlip —Temper as/
One of our citizens has just received a
letter from brother in 3fobile, whoin
he parted
e s; : : ‘ ! i t i; 11 in that city sobn after
Alabama s ed. and of whom he had
had no tidings' for more- than two years
till the receiptiof this letter. It was sent
to New Orleans by some ",underground"
route and there mailed. i
.The writer i a native of this State ; but
he toss been fqr many years a promh?ent
business man ft Mobile. Of course he is
thoroughly posted in all matters of gener
al concern, relating to his section of 'the
`Old -Union. We quote :
Moline, Jan. 8. 1864.
Mr DLLs Baornaa am Srertat •
see not for my part any stbppiug
The ; South are still eager for war. One
thing is sure—that tia Soadiern &au can
na 64 rubjuguri—ever. Tile war Will last
until both the North and South ate
ruined. * • • • I board at the Res
taurant; it costa $lO a day; and my whole
expenses are 140 a day. . I thought I -was
well fixed, but if this war continues six
months I will not be*e a thousand dol
lars. • • • We are all ruined here. *
* • 41 _ lam not discourage d yet, though
the worst is to, come. The country is
ruined—taxes will take all. , My extra tax
bill is $---, and rents are slow, as 'many
are gone away. Great stir among the nig
gers! Fort Jackson is near New Qrleans,
sari the, niggers have killed ieveral Yi:l
-kea. there. The blacks sue they Are fres
and won't work for them. • • I shall
give you an idea of the prices of. things
hers. -lax rivtoste it out. I have to,
a:vie-ay—no getting away from it. Flour
$2OO ; wood $4O ; coffee $l5 sugar $4 -
molasses $11; batter $5 ; tea $22 ; slat $36
a sack, best $lOO ; board $l7 a-day ; bacon
$4 per poiuni; turkeys $3O a pair ; chick
ens $lO ; shoes $l6O ; boots SISJ ; shirts
PO; hats $9O; calico $lO a yard ; and every
thing in proportion. .
. [Free tta Mamma ifiseatea, Teb.ll
' The Bishop of Georgia on the Wir.
Dr. Elliot, the patriotic Bishop of Geer- 1...
ia, in a late sermon preached in Saran
nab, exhibits the alternative before us, in
a few sentences; pregnant with all the 5
fire of a prophet and patriot. These are, X
indeed, words that burn:
~Fors and my hearers, with our shields •
locked and our trust in God, is our only
movement now. It is too late even to go 1$
6: beekwierdl We might have gone back
ward a year ago, when our army was tic.
.. 441 Or
teriously thundering at the gates of Wash- r
ington, and were keeping at successful bay 'V
the Hessians of the West, had' we been - ti.:
content to bear humilitation for omselres r
and degendatioti for our children. ,
- But that is no longer left Da. It is: 1 JA;iNgs P. CROOK, .
new victory or .unconditional submissien; i i sl a ts; 'a 1
suluniasian not to the conservative ana i ROUGHAIND MOM Ll 7 / 1 1:BER f
Christian people of the Sorth, but to a • 1 AND simbeinual ei ' 1 i .
piwty of inticiti fanatics; with an army of 4 -gri,d or l a * hum! ken sof Bums;
needy and greasy soldiers at their beck xot
s. i "`" : .
iurscrA aa - D rum= ruck. -
Who shall be able to restrain then in I , •
the hour cerictory ? When that bola} a =um ga*. lag,. liateld 2 1111114 11 ! .
i i DO
approaches. when the danger shall seem , R TO OILDEat.
to be over, and the spoils ready to be di- ` IMP all Pek v Slob Went. &bad 5 0 116 4
vided, every outlaw will rush to fill the ' -4 ERIE, PA: 4 '
ranks, every adventurer will rush to swell l i •
ii , owe ansunsa' Of tie ipalii4 le so
their legions, and they will sweep down i 4 1 = !112 k. 111 .0et la the taittlitple.peemeetyead
2 7 1 '
upon the South as the hosts of the bit/i/2 i ea riesertYs I tram Haring atlas's saosser am
upon the fertile plains of Italy. And sibrl i s t = 6 * Ilmia"miti gni 111.1.4d g ill°,
shall you end in defeat that mercy which l a & orssesers;i :aloes v‘esesesimreileatka. >.
yqn did not in victory? no.trior.. f 1 1 .11 .11:1100i
'" You may slumber now, but, you will ;
iirtilaistra '
&wafts to a fearful reality. You may lie • - A tries Notice.
up your beds of ease, and dream th at ET Tslt s OF A f DIIINISTEATION i
w en it is all over you will be welcomed lu m j e ,c e aS. ir.liney„ direfij.hi at chime --.......-........
back to ill the privileges and immunities i to. a C 4 ‘.7 8 -• harigT bast sl44 I. 0 . Misr'
(pig Zit
'of good citisens, but how tertible will be : Zgl i f j eksa l l aesL r" i2 a taesa ' lmt t ma a d I. as I*
your dispixtintateat ! You will hare an g ce.misyststs isms a r ia peamat Mew dell Dadra. tars! tiara • zo meet eft
ed. 44ser ef
ignoble howl% ova-run by hordes of inso- t i lird_. ~.t war:wet „
~laia a ll r tu a l r • wt. . 5
lent slaves and rapacious soldiers. Yon l - - '7 "."' ) , Feb. 4, 1344,
j wet. EIN.
will wear the badge of a conquered race. I - •
Ai cr.! seas-oral
Paris= amongyour , hdlow-crestares, yew'- / '
1 For R ent.. ' . {... . llama as PI
selves degtoded, your delicate wives and 1 HE udersigoed Offers for Rent from JOU
Le Deem ? .
gentle children thrust, dews to menial iIX tulalti AP-V.1034A Ad erEi attes,l L.l
ser vice. insulted perhaps dishonored." ' I Sl* LL ?SAO' Olt LAN*. . . kaolin* Orem
to Mae* lip, ea Q. Malan pack estal.l34 atta a t r; see 441 de l
. i Sleuth t-e . Dee. t reggag fl i seek sailor gest est& sees Oar tam.
FALL BiXXIIIftII.-.-The Pitilsidelphia ; nags. althea eteaileat emelati Mil pow slam . W'd
Aye, in expressing the danger of midden I i _ .11;Tivo-sToRT TATOSt ROM, 1
condemnation bye co u rt martiala, and i iietatt.v.aessesee. sad all the era meri iaelballi• It tts antler se tasioi''t of I* tk, °Mamie '...i..1, i ' • VALUABLE
" sly purd wo rsout, "., *4 the following I tale an eels livereea lit T L i Tf is teft l e fer...t. c-.': DA , - a' ii,, r a C i a . . Se. 4 Ser. 1 s tore i t ai nit mina .
iecoof information front ins Mumma 1 - .i - . 411, berme !Terabit &ad Gaon flitai Mi. , ' isclagg. 1* • , ..t : Ikk 11, 1101-, ••.: c ....I -T,„ 'Oft Ceort ; - ... umm . mini T i.
io sot o ti ou j ot o t o a rty our up . i Ime.m. ~ .. .- -. . . _ . ammo 114,, - sat Pi VI«. tallt.s7, 'ts. i...T . -.^...teriothal ... ! liglideragiled offers far
_;;; ; _ , sen nuni tilim mis to.sts iz..„ c l itaerit : er w r
.. .ta.
£ll.l.••rzoniiCciutLc...t- I'rQ,
ca. -imeadm pa.:.. = : 2 ... 10 ,. „ .14a c e•; . ,3.
prehension, , on this score : • • -- Stray .'
.-' Last October i private in the 4th N. 1 6. rm - . . I ""'7"*" Itylerrvanue, v,.,--::::.1 .- - ,
~ - ' L-4;;reris4sr -- Res -vits - , • '=-' 4(
AYED from' th e 1 •
I : ll . lllo6l 2l 4 lPretirm w-billoi / 7 . 4 ":0 4. „ 1 - 40 41(. 1 10Liatese . tsahims, , ite; saw= ism aa s.:ll-;s• :‘7 40 .
J.. Vols.;nimed John eallsgber, was ex** i 0 -- ils - • at; tag esiesevai= seristoma t at kiss. .x., :c. Writs idiliVaelaarot affsworst t au% sad I .. e.jett „ A . a „,,,, ners.., i
sated. A few days aro SR order came rev: N iue:A st--• at ege N a TICLL„ , -ea Illeasallem, ear Llse iiirt LAJI.W4I.' JL D. /1 1 114.- et i• 7 iiPat. sal hi/a r s geed ab6ta A ' , .. 7 .4 L....
from the wa r D e p est mi m m, re cia l ri nc : th e i sapeet a rev sad tribef - 041--stikar i litea . edam* a- ist . •t"L"-• tt ,,. .* t-;*- 4- *V*4 IMO littaSe. Ag . UMW t Sr.. Ira. "•••• • taai: bz. "" -
p reasedin. off the cou r t marasl. sad ..,1 etaii . emel aMeereklasbiaimesl . . --- - - theek papa . . - i. 41.:1.4,3; aa 11117.7. , ~ a .i.a t b. y e ft f b. apaat, t,..,:i 6 ,-, ..
•••••r l a•au ix eat aus esra. atm puma mamma et as . A 51 111444 . ' treirkgslimiaiso era gwriAk? iiiiirfri• re... *
tog, " that sentence of death would be re- ' i ireeresasetivell *me lowa takesimass staassaissa - • -i is .Yea 3:ar t , ea% laving& Lip. 4zi -, Az . 1 . -- r ". 0 %
nutted, find that he would be insmetnate- f 1112.124te"4" Lleke
i Taal. CATAKA9.II. - - ' T ' NOME. i . . i bed.~. 7 sad setnealimet- a il eac ~. 4 -... ......_,,,,
ly returned to duty i n h i s Teg i umust fe t snasan -- ' - • ! Orrus es tea Taa.a. k Ea= E.:l- C , ... Ne.-ITO t ! ithmim a aall ar. em 'ar". 4 ,. mt .,./ 34 i . ri ,..lha I 'a" ' e - w igs Ai
! Tlmemidega lr".l l l tl4 Giglio: de ij ftia ga .l s ! tea vialliiag bc ---1 .1."" 1 6. - ---11
• 7 0 : 11°"3" , :c c:j or Y 5.
__ i 04illans . ' Court Bale.
. ~., ;
Titles. • 1 - , ) - lis etteediase *LA'S& es: tt ittggity. itme-4 ATTU '' 1
• , rug -:Codorspso4 Guudiaat Jobs i NM ! v. Ow teabbsT* Er. Ite: net pi.. sad, day.e it . ;; ' 6.^-3.4.41,-. :.---------1-1--------':'.l.
Ms arassess plni g • t dissesigtaimi. 1 L Criansheteer. after tatittaito ! Ink Akan raistmoil!!". Paretrtta•Pme . igstoquesi • -
; •m e w as " arm a s sma ll est his er m i tared saw *yet Rata I. Waned aseetarad 1 lir geliaANl a ( la mo , et*lltdaT- - '- - . Farm for Sale'
- m's's " c ons aide ,iiim• ..til Nom ty Pau ,• a rm -- • - 440 - 144 l'l' Win. 11 THE Pribeertber often f o r St.! ! .. - ;5 TN
Lad ask sow steskii pettbrit *um ' s sae. at tie end Seeme;te me etlr ettleas as ILLTIM c -.-, - - -, _ . . ;_iteelarcr,, 1 .'
' .- - • Ell s.lMoill 1p . gilt Ca,,, la- e tabrieet_.
. : Olt gine ear life its ajar t w o.. , _ i nstr-staactt as. ask es sr everrossa s tsessass* g 1 - • - ; maw et at, mime rale ewe tr. all. fitZdif
M. end*. ism* la lir dap sit ;t*. R. In ; Ar- vs i c ,I, g li s oss , • _ i 1 ... 4 ,,,, ~..a louta fe w at `4•4', .: .0
4 - .. . _ • - •I. Tplags.weiliestaa.. et:.3. pat /c--..--." -- '• 2- ;1. , 10
- Tie trigs at aezdany 'Haw - • . i i le4ipt Neaseedtbete biting sat 1111,....._ ma. , -
: ... 9 1 0. 11 ; Sairat;4l firt - -- • Carty sem el weed 1ua.... sn ? .t, ; - :Lt..
. __. ..
lip elms. Wok Mira worth Ma. ; a. fat le s • liilli retia l laar nemige ltiii="
I ...... , . • _ z __- --.: . te.u.1.40. ; .01,11 Wow. gesissire att,... lr; :).
t ;inialoi. _ . • - c.'' --
, sibm e ar aa em a il , co ws ur r etipoo .„,-; ..1 thou, eurpeacaal talegvii. la a
_lldl!keelitell Mg . .• - - . A - - WILLI.4I WELLIVEL .
lase taterixes is aatsalleassastaassisiatteatas i
' Timm Arc tin atabuireiw. Orr an. '- .e the totea• ilia coot ass temee!nrabiamit las 111111 me op razz- . . .
imi.....r li i_ 1 tossia - bale trret,iss Of AM Sea l be liassa4- ,- • - •
• 1= 6 7 TILE ' The 1 itleet . biattett •
. * m i ta ' P lPES, pihrin l ' *P"! - - -7 16bU,*iltiegim - allea - b a reie.sailla Adimm
Willi 1.110 L
W l ll - a lafil• /kik limillitim . PiAie /mom will* Pitusimil ilioNahle. gekillea :
• . illalia*Walab_aarillese:alasatedaell4mtig I imearsatatt al nitalairasis vssiskiettelli, eon ;
reet kw tweet. I tellialimusiLir Jetrelot, balleMatills i
seataßiguateargisam- -. _
! ~..
_. ;.„
. s • ! 10111411.:-= -•--- -f , - •r; ~ -- ' :.111 A i
pus dale
It is admitted oy ell pitys 111* tile greed
smog of heath sod keg lite hes la won the bleed
mot earione debit of the body is 11104eree OP Wilt,.
Whoa you 101 l seatinsiod psla la es Ism/ orteriesio, se
say anSibts,ismiteisto tip ots, amps lir SW WU a
the body. yoWess peee r eat skin. altbso *lain
• wisps/ ria* bmisip the blood
bite. hsvosson NOEL 'Seta dab , * te side fres
the bt sal essillietb , " tN illeed; to suite war 110041
fa Ur oar lib., aid site .wq eesetnetallw . 11 ftt
's Pills roper the etrelildiss re malt le
bloollas by only tads( sway.vbst llama yell se" std
iszT arra
ltas.,l/weeper„ eilleassisteks, kiw i , was swot of St.
That Awe: of /11444 sit
Ilustirenoos of assay psis stssausi by arassinpUis
Ills ow at WWI Is published le tip paupbtels. '
Bold by Dr. L. SraOrn,lais.noiliy aL nspoitaills dep.
inn in
_ ;' ' IKE NO MUNN .!
etiteimat esl4 truth Nedidue.
Fur einploneant 4- dieser ate ' 1
IIgLIIBWS izrzor sucau,
Which hag received Ore total et the meet '
is nog offend to afilletatt hessetty me a eseleta we for
Mu following ammo lint Nrotp*ooo, ode:natio' glOll
*moos agui goo* at the Vrteary Or .11101a1Orpas t
General Pointy.
Mental and Inlyelool Depreasteat, ,
Detenoleattes it Bleed te the Seed. :
Coanued idaa,, .
' ) '
_L Goma Dehintl•
' %Miasma and fil.plassittat eat ?fled, .
Ablaut of Nottntar likimey, ,
Loss of Appitito. : • .
Emaciation. j i
Lop Ppirita, •
Diao gt Peraly
i el• et tke
i n et nanerattea,
Otto Butt;
All 4, tm tact. an the Imatenani to ,et al ltimaltaa NA Ifeo•
bUitatei eats al Mid system.
• ,
'Armors fig ggegkad gog el dr ale.
;ASS F. W. 11 efAtESOL/Ye. TWO NO OtttilL
Corea gunmetal. i
. dorLit,tro. See advertistaliat is asetbor telanee.
• . :
Palossary COONIMISMII a i l Caralie Mesta I
111CtR D .
• n.• u.evidgadi *me lowa Oatmeal lo Wall& tap
foli hy a rify Os* nakaiy,altsr battag mired
Nero l ai -own with ot wow* teat sioddiwo. sad that dread
dioeist coaretoptiaw-itO asztoso lo mks Icaomalo his
-folio'r-In4arers thehiesas al am .
Tel wko doobja Its wW am* • own of thaw
ocrlptloa anti Or of door), itch tk. Alrostioao for
pr.44tlns• and oeirg the rite, irklek Gay will lad a
scat Cris for Corsrurrtur. £ i, lasiklargm. dw
The oily abied alas alvealsa V.lha l'eseeeir
lion is to tomtit ilk, &Mow* lad geoid ialormaioa
whiek qo conceive, to by livaisablo. wad be Irmo mg
iatlOrer will try '1:114 tardy. as It will soot Wet aotkiag,
and aver prom a 14araing.
Parties wishing litre rasa eiptlip* with Oros saber
arr. so w•ao ♦ RUM*,
Mop Canty, Nov York.
W AB m es high prices • lispoeilier
holm to, eaatomo thou& IA Ng, limp tor Year
cents a, pound by bolas yaw kitabos grams.
7to CAUTION. As aparkai Lys. Icy OF& ate,
b. refat'AßA emir boy tie Tuusbuoua Arad* pat up bo
1 oruts. all Odom Was COootiailibils. .
PbUloasiputb — Nla. LIT Tobrat Street.
soeSlbi. sittabarg—Pltt alma sad Degasamo Ow.
lux. ~ 3 •
A i assrttai agazimore. • I ,
Its pnlii bus Inlaid aEateet,•aastriaitN Bar Ora
Yablo• laatoniears them. A. mostssi inummitty
bas alepted la Liar steed
C lIISTADCititc%
and far Wu mime: It maminnit ea& bisidou tb•
Asir, sot the tatt4. It ,Lo • . fit asorika, bob a.
itmetel• It der/ met ado* vitt Wier
isc si.6lllle eisfikllst 'prelims* ors MS& ha& Its
C411.r.g react is maim, _ lt drat eitatetires. Its tosalts
alrattfirs, It' fails.
a ztaactiusi J. Citlll'ADCllo. X. II Astra Besse,
Wirr York. 84 b. l Drogibebtaail sigabg by al Bar
Noma. 1
a. Tonto+, 161 CTIAi Lanitioart.
• mrtain tars for hiss amid loss. sad winasari
*Voile; t• 1 01 btber- c, tYlP•bitirlbairon rlliet!obsty s a+ issamilitely atter lila and. Melbas
ressosba• t ti Sal iris ylsersidi with • bents srfthest
doily. Creep durum wilib pm as Nod" fro
aititekbig tbakeb4a to tii•ibrid boar .1 aldkt ;
Wars a, phyaipb‘a tan b• .assess it say bills• law
lbscesiber, the remits:l Lialariat sour Ana
pries TS sad lib stabs Sold by all ilosaists. Oen.
m l Cartlssialtfts+4, New York. ! jsaablsi.
Tax comipts - Iwo a IXIIIINVEWIR
-11 001ilibed ta t. , biallS OA SS • imams to rums
/and otbr who war has Samoa Dellihty. Ear
ly Deesy, sad • idadreal ahamaral tim
aof aalf-eaie. By aus iiii Ms and klawsir after
beta; a victim of laiayeed wallow* is naiad bars
*t, sal qtuickely. By eadoliAs a pist-pimil saveligs,
sake* cocks to Did of **unbar. Masai= VAT
-1,1\12, Erg, itet 3. lam Ces4ty, Kw TilMi. Jd*VL
r_ comisctiPTivm •
cosue=ttive saner, iii 1 leintris istasipisprs•
seripti-n :or !....1 can of Cosstica. MOAN', Rm.
eaitts and all 11(cat tad Last b.Gmttbaea. (gm d MOO
by mean thet attires ta j
Ilday. Z. A. 111140 A, VllllismibUs, -
75a2F44-4r. ; Lags Cs.. Siff Tiek7
E 1 4;1 asllic4l;kr Ur. Sale.
I We offer fcir We the Eagise sad Boiler 'now
in use in ft : l :l oflSee. They are is good *audi
tion, anti w' I suit well ',for pumping an. o il
well or ng a refrooty. Apply to Joseph
hleCarter. oi the Erie City Iron Works, or to
the usdersigoeci, i . ,
Priblishers Otworiner.
:Bssigiong Cues Warted IA thisa Autart at ;be rate of
?bred and Five Duilave per yoef.) 1
Vring or VII PZ4 , 11, ote IMPOICA
Lig . ::11raytuk Pio reoeh:Stre.t, 1.4t.rel YIP.h and
1. Acteels 2.
t WaLLAIC_ F . : ' EPs wyrr. ,
-• 4,treitatir Ar LAW. Office In
*lvo, loon, rr•Deb itreot,
14C11.810111. P/L•TOGALAPII Bauxite . ,
Zoosatirolf • Block, Frio PA. joaltrUt.f.
APIN dt WI I.BUtt,
C- :• - • Arirownii AT Lill. 111411rray, Ps.
Prutisi In Elk, Yana. Cameron and Jelli•rsoo counds
-It — ' PRoleinfirOß.
. - itoßaisoN sous .
rnlro!Stecond and Idirket Streed--png Nunn east of
hohnsin's Exchure. Vsuren. Pa. Mitt. 29-47..
31 (0 1;1,
i! 4 . floo Mintz, EILAYZ WAN ILLIMPAcTrZia,
:e., lO Second qtral Itiodenartbt's ineeltArti, Pa-
Arroitirineat LAW, 43111111. 0 4, Fait Callelty,
i. 4,:allottiont and other bedpost atteord to with
, 0 Ca ptlitegif gal dinatch.
• CACI. ; 15211 prattle* to the aereralCoorta rifiEfie Comity,
tad ,eire promptoed faithful &then -tied to 14 busioeuem
rustedto his bandy, either as sa-Ateoniey qr Stailistrete.
Er -, (Mee Empire EL:ck, errieet of 3 tat* lied filth
:t., fair, Ps. •
1 :pe : 1 1 . 1“BISICAK/LIC I , ,
WiroLaw: Aso Rer.w. lia..unt sx
a and Proviolona. Flour and FreA, Wood sad
linnoor, Warr, Wioos,l4quors„ Tobaczo !tows, .t.o.,S:sto
Street, one door Sou th of Fourlb, Suede', Erie, Pa: '
,Boocart.trz and Dealer In Stationery.
&ripe; Va gi na, ovspaperw, Poe. ctosniry denten
as ppllw& Store under Brown's Hotel/ranting the Put.
S. XZV?OS X .O.IIX D4lllll.
311ITTLPS 3c DAVltei.
11/01.11111111•T Law, Cbartstat
whet, Yesulfille, k's. Feb.l6-.17:12
NerusT Pretsc AND Giervkir.coLLECTlND
sND INIreCANCI ,AIMTT., CullE-ctiorts and , all burinno tir
trtatad to hi= proaapty attereod to. Application§ for
ostrikaosealicitad, awl Yollcits tamed loittaoett daisy, is
Int dim eseepasges. OMas. Wrigfit's allow, terser at
itti tad State strreta,Eri..l%. , trrISMItL
Arrowezr ar Law, fn. Walker's Of.
One, on Sereroth street. k.:11,. Pa. aoit 7'62
Dasurr, Reattea Block, Noel koia of Ma Pali.
State atria; Eris, Pa- aprll'63 tL
L A , SATIBTTit litErkL, 1 i ..,
Trench street, between stir azet, ith straits.
swarths Pkllsdalptibi k Erie ltallstsed ibepost, Erie. Pa.,
Lapis akewmaker, Proprietor. ' Extensive ateommod•- strewn and travelers. Raduil by the - day or
week. Good etablini attaelvt ! ap2Siatf.
A Liglllll. - did 11/LIJITIKII,
• v ' fasalayaite TAILORS sad
agents for Planer h Kayser') Patent Sestet Ilachtnes
—the hest in pee—huts Street, betweeit Ith and Dtb Sta.
Pa. Clothes made) to order in the horst style.
Jon? C. setae.
!butt' IS DZT Goons, Groclauu.
K....k.5i, Rirdwin, !Calls, Wapa, Sort Mast ,Ce.., =r
aw of SW% istr•44 and Pab 4e - cittare_ Pert. Ps.:' istlit.
liJbY nOettE,
' Joss Baum Prozistar. Corm
atatitaadlitin! Streets, (tametil.atety fre•rthei the Cap
litantsbar, Pa. TM= seeoamoillstice
ecral the teen Retells the tbe Dar alva
•ttp! ii.e witb the ciat.isot lkaors. iteh2l-412.
a. a. iltiNcrba. sgtnty Juarts
OPara:;on Block., near North
Weft Comer nf the hbtic Seittre.„ Krie,
(:toss:itaarv., Prioicurroa.
Ssrt avaardaetar."l st Ix,• offilablubsteut has ala-
Weed • aide nrratatLon Orders solie_te4 sod pr omptly
elk& C¢>Romßi Orderitc b. t`:• sipintity .311 `an it
delivered at tladc. t. Tasai Cam oar:4'63-1y
Yoairmoogn co, tria:On
Lake Wart acssa, Strvet. Ca
sal Wan Hoz.a. at Eall Road Croaaireg. Rzir„Pa_ Dcakry
la Salt, pal./War„
11.—Cars =maven sad fr,ta Cana! Ware if• Asa.
matr-10.6-4.1 .
L I I . IIICI. IL, dc .11 CALMER,
fiArcraerrx. nut or it's= Kegistee,3c.lers,
Mil. Goes& Altgrisal'493Ll ic44524723,4 Asilrosd Car;
te., Er" Pa.
Dr.371-*T., -01wes tz Itazta-'if a •. •
irmes Bieck, coral I of cLe Farm Zfia. Pa.
V irrDlLArr: A !La a 6 th rjvre,
oppips ite timiCmc,l, Homey RA*, .
r BtriGiovp &
d , • ., Lvi
,'7orts:o3l, Pule Street. Nn:, aoczell
.y _
tot • .
.4 0 %an Z
1 1 4
•-• 1.4 0 9
, x
s K - [43 ' M
. . ""•••• SD
%.*... ID
re' •
.—. Gina r.
fa '
I 4 II =
~ ..0 - .m.
• 0 •1 • . a 7
. . • .
..7.• ,E,
7 4 VIP
, pi IMO
••••• CO
- , .V 1 < • 1
;•-• n ti) • C. 4._
Jo bt ..„. •
7 -CA .7 1 ' C):
...:: W:
- = ID tit g
. .
Pt . co • 1.4
.10........ i
fl as •
R 4 _
• co
.Auditor'B Notices..
la Oa Water et tbo to Orphans' Cowl
flaarallaaalLShorood. 44ser of Leto C.caztv. Yo.
etlimmailltaLooiotod. Sri tank !Ws
AIM saw. to wit: 1,66.4, UK. tad tiaa. t.. Gout
GiPlPsbet Warsaw r• trot En. 4.x.ramr. io Catztwo
Msaissay tio.liasis of oda- airtrazo: Lao o h ..* mass I t
roc arias.. Zama ths Paw?.
• iy llomatrumo Driat.r.
As oadanicard trEi asami to 1,41 of t2n *Urn
applialionat at kaolle* iry se lintcit. Fear* Szomot..)
la trio. *a Misr; tail 1111 iay at liar* 2 St. LL
Voila* luta, Woos times iabmmigall saJ ottros is tag
**!peeper. LLOCAV.I.+T .
bbio4w. AeCiilZ
LETTEBS of Atiesineri.traties
LOOP for side: bossgradid UAW sakesesal la
ti i ii r , bird d state s • tAzb lt-F lay. taw. taut i. af
• Oft. obeil4s4 I" tin MIMI 11, lira& lallsrttelf
—• , " - . - Daft baring 1.0.4 spi r. tar iscau
.C.J.Ci IL`"
It. D. cMcimiz.
, eastri p vhs a l
; I
Clev'elazid:imd Erie
and ftrr
N and salt" farthinr iletits, y, A P ir., ri , l ? 2 !t
felllCrirk vtit:
- -
9 4; P. M. Night rape. Tram at,p a u
Asittabals aa4 Wren.;
1 03 P. It
410 r. Mall and A.-eorramodailon Trals, et*.
itatiOna. awl mires at Erie at 1 53 P. V, "'"
4 00 P.ll . Chad:matt Famed.. stops
Ashtabula a¢d Girard. armor it Ea,'
10 00 P. X_ 13.. kspreas, awl.. at Walla,
TM*. 6 • 4I ;PVIN AabW.ala, ,
rives at 'Erie at J t 11
1 L A. W. Nlght b;tpres.rraiu at
. Dula Sad i'mtiodief Illy wail. •11.:
4IL A 11
$ 80 A. M., 31,417 and 4001 , Inal.iJakal .
all ILA *titian and amigo at t.
A. Y.
9 99 A. 11, Toledo k:spreme, llAPrniat ai
eept , ay bro.'s Cninatil:e,
for man tTI. kn., arm,* at 4..lrreLaad
;13 'Day tape... stop. at teuard. Conneaut.
and Painosyllta. 8rn0... at C4.'1441414
All the throegh train. *foliar Weetoi r d .
Clantlatid trAti trains for t•ledo,Cbirmyro,
Mrnati, Indiatutpolts, •
Al: the thronts trains going Laatwari, eo,
kirk with the trans of the N. Y k Etta EJ
Radek) with th.N. TA:antral and Mak:o
Railroad; (or New York, Albany, Bortoo,
kn., kn. NOTTINRIFIAN, Sal
Cleveland. Aril SD, ISM
.1 / 61 ) ( 2 /
/ /
Judo of th• United States Cirtatt Court
Coins Ps= t ST.Ccats Sys., Prrussi
$33 pays ter • fall enrowcial mama
cir No extra chugs' for Manufacturer', 51
Railroad and Bank Boolt-Reepist.
Ministers' rlone at hairpins. d Ladoga' er
view at any time.
This lostitation is conducted by 'aperient
and peketiactAlSCaPiente.irke ream* /oz.
act we basin/02,st the least espouse and abort
for the most jambes sad responable aitt.atic)
nodes panted :Let merit only. Hence tts
preference for graduates of this College, by
Pao.. A. Cowin, the beet Taigas if lb. r).
bolds the :arrest number of lan P.attru, an(
connotitors; tenches !tepid 13112/1101111 Writing.
Cract - Lass contain's/Irian inioranition seat
application to the Principal*.
rrAthod Irby, the Bose WV'
Buenas Mee crania e.
Change is tie Dreg
1•1•1 -1- sod veil kun
Dreg 4t Meads. Store et
sae passed into the basal ci the tuelerecte
who havinir pnreleimi the e write stock vill are
af .
la LIMP GIMP plies. Ths,
!molest mamboed! Ws beim as a
Presaipties and Fundy Midst Ws
glue It
AIWA OT ANT Pni/L,R.Ilf ?Erg Crl7
Lad the oubiertloor hopes, by enrefil at:rotor
dons saanocessont, to merit the tame for tie
Yr. .1. S. Carter. Although withdrsolng fro:
satire labors of the boatman, will rtl.l TEK]
stem whoa* lee boron he mon his old t-ees •-
eoanaltod stroosal. - SAIMIL
Rsaast D4:21 IS
Fresh Can and Keg 07siere,
rir °rain sollcited an 4 pnerptis 121r:54
,rie Ale
Erie City Lager Brewery,
Erie Mil & Barley Wart
Palo said *akar Xi anCLICI, Wis. ,
The B tot Quatty matt Mad Validities align.
Prim Setimatil tartan Bo"
ml Clerks% Qesia ties of Matt La littisy,
on hard said sat Ur Ws by
Tbs asdasigeed Mae alma saw
KIST stvz OF 37471 3?, id
'Maas tha Wend kseping a f
arocazirr WARE.'
Lad emsbia i g sairily ea
V* int detereeimpi to
athrr &ekes is the eir
eeezdeirt that we 412
ky Salem the pa Lte that le La
s Stare La
No. 2 Hughes' Block,
Who., be yin aims bay ea her,: a Lim. r-7 ,
the ktad. An!iivaritrag unally Ser via iv tz. ,
Tanta as rausub% am azy clIe:
J. H. RIBLET & Co.,
Weald risoseshiiii lila la t•-‘0 tl *
-Between BA sad BLit
Wimp they laid to keep a..
Eir w•mereve,,
.. 44 , 46 ..
' 14 J °
Received every Ds
aliper; -