The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 20, 1864, Image 1

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    ' AONNTI4 !OR ?UK 011:411glInit.
1 fillorisrallND bowl ion Alkali as oar
01 . / h i p e
whorl they toads. Pateoelthottiag
o begdpitOOS Of Job Work. orb molt Mee, to
de It through their kinds
arras, Albion.
B, roamer,
, whits) 1 ..... ..... ..
v ireito)4 )
• ............. Edinboro.
. sl y li Bro., ...KW Creek
loiter, .• • •• • . ... i. .... Westerville
.p. ;Pallid, Harbor Creek
?WI ........ - Greenfield. -
~ re, ........................... East Greene.
goktnaou. 1 Wattaburg.
, los )
Dolit SO-Weld X Fla
Potter, ........... .... .. .. —West gyringlield
801100. Plate".
derCol S .
h Kingsville, Oblo
'y, Sr. Hutchinson, (arms .
dimel, Fairview.
lewd/. Cherry Hill.
Straioh“4 i - Union.
D.ridillPs. )
DaMswes, Oolurtibas.
llCkfen Garland.
1/. £47, Riosville.
Cra fill,Lovell..
Clonli,, '' McKean.
G. J. yi 0 4 41 6 .1,...... ........ ..Yonagetille.
Both. 1 Cony.
.04 10 /1
Role.- r• 'La Fleur.
Donalson, String Greek.
. H0ard,........ ill ayne.
Chapin, . Bldgway,
Elk Co.,Pa.
Jackson, , ...... ..... -- • ....Lander
- Warr en ai.. Pa,
iF YOU 1 . 14)1T TO FIND
vaned Cho room No. 2 French
,Is R.ed Roam block, to slave omit tbs
titillation to MO sod 'Bl..wilach I :nal gna
w tie rain itself, and .Lail Imp • Monk a
en, (including Lb, "Old goonomlnen Qom
hare as A. I Pipe Box /ember Warne, nearly
1113. S. H. HALL
Whieb will be sold
dar attentive paid to bieeciaingieeloring
ta. ,
At. g . 6th dOur shii4e , the llevot, Elie, Pa
the variety of oewii t yle Bed
of Gothic, Cottage, Congresi‘Yound Cot
"; hap/ Lind and utter patterns, with
Istralt frost, handsomely veneered Bureaus,
ten, Brotirfast, Centre and other Tables,
tacker Mena, Carpet and Damask Lounges,
sir and Sea Grua Mittrames, Feather Beds
urlth other nousehold furniture, &e. all
I from well seasoned lumber and healthy
etsperienoed workmen and got by Apprentice
style, quality and low prices I will defy Lien
dealers to undsreell roe. Feathers bfaed
ino goat, Parlor, Bedroom, Itoeltior aowiz
ether Chairs, of Bantam and Irestiro elan
hickory dolled and glued, making Was as
1,7 other pirt of the chair, where others made
only taa and by no MUMS durable. Wood
*eking, Bowing and Nurse, ere chairs of •)//11%1
Is clinched through the seat and glued. \war
turd. Haadworaely painted, and can ' t b• baa
ingth, price and Wilt. Spring Beds. I have
0 and have the highest tastimosials with
4of all goods artt on application. Meting
Lag rm.-
ism experlease and contending with an
te() price dealers, I am determined to call
all, give worth for your pay, and do Justice
Weds with me.
•Leth,Rutnees, Live Stock, Crudeand Refine
Pay, Produce he, taken at fear market valued
Remember the olaoe, nest corner of Ith street
Cris, Pa. • GW. SLLSBY -
ManufacPr end Coramiv'a Salesman.
(Arms el as Park Frisch Strad.
mil the ottaction of tho eo6amnalty
to Ms ta_rgo Stook of
Which hs is desirous to seU st the
His eatortmeut or
• Akir l. city, as to u prtpiltsa prate
ecoistautly ou halal a superior lot of
trail*, to which he ditto:is the attention
la. 'chick •Braos, Sinai ?rata and • fall
for the Money." aprlV63tf.
Lest ! flow Restored
Withal!, la a Sasiced Itanikkpa. Pries 6 Coat&
ton the Nature; Triatreent italeil
Speraulorrboss or Sereirial Wialraree,
r, ervonsassa and landau tary EmiNdons,
Courasiptiou mid Mental bed Pier ,
. .
J. courzewELL, M. P.
tt ffmt that the awful ecasequaume at
be effectually minorei without latereal
a thiaraoss atiptleatlea of eauattaa, hi*
iftted booties, sad other empirical de
dosioaaitatatland Um entirely ant
o Moyle!
tally emplaced, by wliteh every ti S mak
ue la
kilowatt pallidly, sod at the lout pod.
r avoids' all the affreallasd imetnuea fit
Legere will prove • lima to thosasodla
to Nola sioratooo, to sot address, of
dr. its. or two postage stoup, bi a ad.
Da. DLitt. J. O. 11.1.111
ltt Dower,. Nu York.
Post Odes Dos. 41116.
(Las Jihad Sawa Store.)
iciLtrNillit `ats-dps.:•.
supplied with Goods %%Now York Priem.
wagon pad to Iltitocklai kad Dandy
a noithoo' Medi. $lO.l et. asp=
Notice . to 011 Meitner..
... ve n om to no to ReasonowirmioL
u.tuszts OLUSoLgot lomat
,tlQUY}bNby4l+i.taelloid et Ow
solag to tb• paistane tbo In."
---4ptetio shlpplog.
*gn i CACQO -
Per Rent. " .
1, 1864, Two Flrottit
' arm* 91944114.,41Niiii
.. Watarford
1113421416. 1.8134.
O N an . d ier aßeir Monday, Jan. 4th, 1864.
21 A. M, KIM and Imess., atoppiag at Mutat amok
North Baat.Btat• Lina,Qalaiy.WistfeW,Portaad,
Brixton, Diuddric.Bilverarsek. Lying and Angola,
anittng at Ballo, at 10 30 A. M.
2 OD P. 11., Day awe" dapsdag at North Cad. Wart
Mild, Muddily 611ver Creek, and Anita, and
arriving at Baal, at 1 90 P. U.
6 40 P. it, lasentadi Javras, stopping at Wasteald.
Dunkirk aad Bihar Creak, and wird at Bald*
st 9 40 P. IL
I OS A. Ara Szsmws. stopping. at Wsstastd.
Dankut sad Slim Creak. 'reins at Bads at
do A. X.
m• Day EiSsous °sunsets at Dunkirk sod sax=
the Matt Express at Baal° only, with Soprano
for Now York, Bostool_ko
4 00 P. K., ma irialffidlrriagai., eta piling at 11= 1,1 41torth
We Ana ,Mven Creak Nroe
ton. an;
Portland. elstaeld, Quincy, Slats Lino, pith
East and Earbor Creek. arrieln at Eris at I 31
P. N.,
I 00 A. if - WedsZips. ese. stopping at Nese Creek,
at 1
Westfield .
aad Noi4 Nast, lIZ:11TOS at Ms
y.. 30 I.
11 31 A. Ne D. iNirrallgo )40,0•Cat AllgO/S. *iim
Chsed, Death% WeMald and Nalth isstontrian
at Lie at 3 42? " 1: 4
11 4) P. , Right stopplai. at Slim Cam*,
Dan kirk and estfistd, milts* at Zito at 3 10
Ralkoad finals tan sdnittes taster than Sri' time.
Nov. 45,106,7. Z. K. BROWN, Snot. .
ASA__ 411gaiNIMIN
pIi . IL . ADEL TV. IIA t t2i t tIE
vee.r the Werth to
and Northwest counties of P. mama to the city of
Erie, on Lake Erie.
It ha/sheen leased by the Pessayhisale itaartm4 their
psi% and ander their auspices ls being rapktly nosed
throughout its laths length.
It Is now to nee for Pessenpr and Prdght badness
from Harrliburgto Emporiums, (195 mike) on the Zutern
Divisionomd from Sheffield to Elie, (7$ alias) sa the
Western Division.
-.nil 'Pilau Antes 7 SS A. u
Lzinsea Train snivel 2 21 r. u
Tor information repeeting — Pantenger babes apply
at the B. corner 11th and Market ate, and for Freight
bus Loses of trio Company's sente.
8. B KINGSTON, Ja., scorner 11th and BMW Streets,
.1. W. RRTNOLDS, Eris.
J. IL DRILL, agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore.
IL 11. HOUSTON, General Freight Aced, Mad's.
LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Tidal Agent, Mae;
JO9. D. POT 9, Genesi Bauer. Iftillemspert.
Jail. /kV" .
Y r 11011:"..4T. MC 4, 1364
riaa will Wart Deakin at shoat the folloirtag bailee
Eastward Bouad—Depart.
bright lizgesea • . 4 10 P. IL
11411 lma.s.
ato& itaprial 9 40 a. Re
Irma Irredght. 4 St a. IL
Way height . 00 a. a.
ight Uprise ram Inery 4e) '
OHM. SUM. Gera'l gyp%
Erie & Pittsburgh R..E:
Adooday, Jaz. 4th, 11164,
g•s jut retam•d trot
4 • Eo P. M., Accommodation, stops at all Stations and
arrlvis at Samoa at 9 60 P. M.
9 26 A. M 4., Froight No. 2. stops at all statiou sad ar
rival at Sharon at 2 16 P. M.
sad Is
T 141 A. 11, aormossodatlea. stops at all Gt.ttaits aad
arriTlll at Girard at 12 11 P. Y.
T. 00 A. Y , "'might No.l, stops at at ALI Stations assitat
Clarhsrtllq Esprrills, Contra Road, apstag,..Wiai
sad Crones, and twins at Girard at 1215 P. Me
Frtiabt tracts, rua to aad from Brie.
Jaz9'd4tt. R. N. BROWN. Barg.
These Machine mate the lock-stfteb alike on both
aides, and nee leas than half the thread NMI Alb that the
single or doable thread loop. stroh Yeed*Me de ; wnt
news, Fell, Gather, Cord, Braid, Bind, e.;yd are betttipY
'adapted than any other Sewing Madams Ui on. to
&Walnut changes and great mrltty of sewiegregairedta
a brolly, for they will sew fora imp to two* tlatiloow
oitot Yarseillw w ithnutatoppi and amides Mow" atteli
perfect, or froyeithe Bret p me to the beitrieebbeaver
cloth, or even the Stoniest Moslem Wilber. Without
changing the feed, needle or temdloa, or maltinebny ad• '
j mamma of thiehine whatever I . _
They are (loge La construction and amity oadorwtood;
and if any part is broken by 'odds ot, It Le readily re
These era recrtiaa CACTI, and will go far to determine
the'tholai of any intelligent buyer.
Plum Call sad twain, or mod far Circular.
N. B.—Local Aputa wasted to mottoes sot yet aces
pied. Addzoos,
ospBo3-Iy. N 0.038 BROADWAY, lIKW YORK,
THE Subscriber would respect- . ,-
hilly inform his Mends and enatona j ij It,
that he la dill at his old stand, , / W ..-
Ifto. 2 Washington Fish Barkat, New Tort,
i t
ow a prepared to fa tab
itch the bis
The nearest affords ,at Whole's] and Retail, at short
nano., and at the Louvre lama Pumas.
Gr Allded Orders from the Country Premtly
to. ' i
N. B.—Oystenaad Clams Pickled to Order. .
Nen York, Jane 20, 1868.-44. 4.0 i 11l Y.
We coagratttlati oar readers ott the aieuara of moans
which has attended oor labors, in commas with all other
advocates of coweervative principles. We hints the old
of imp raider la the diaseminstioa of Use old, sound
doctrines taught by Weeblowtow, followed by tba groat
and good men who haat made oar nation Ilhastrtons. on
which they built, and we taut bummers* Astrong„-lhe pil
lars of the
W. advocate no new doetriites In nligiaM patine* or
metal life. We are known ad the earnest defeguleA of
the faith of our fathers and She upholders of ' '
egalcut form of attack. We support vita flovett. I
Year of rug I:sorg° STAVIN AND TVS RIMS ASV MO?-
1111110177 or TIN rSOPLit or 711 arvium.,tiwetga
odnisiau in these two sources of strength the origin of
ourgrsetnaire u ,_people. aud_the_osly_piedge_of otlr
perpetual unity, power andproity. We belong to no
political party, and ow• no ilie least faittion. We
Uri op= molabell carotene to oppose SIOLSrIoSISM
as the • t isfdiscord, the emir of Union, tlisameak
*4 foe of the Coostltation, asorting a =clips Waimea In
aoriety, In the church and In lb* State. We oppose
lograModteu se a political bump whose bloody , 111 atts
ass visible all around no and we look sameolly ford day
ulna the Covadtatioa shall triumph over the Marts an
well as the relied beads Of 'Rita fuss, North sad *nth.
The Jostaal of Cionnteree*ll present ea usual the
richest and mint woeful table of contents Grimy weakly
paper in America. Wasirrs of every kind, Kays Ilea'
all parts of the toriddiarr WOOS op to the Wan Slone,
collected and oammested on bt a Woe editorial stet, •
frill be newalarly forttlabat to oar madam, tootinr at th
the miscellaneous MAW that will always be wateriest
Let family circle.
The he
terms *Me Weekly Amcud of Outman 1111
bereafter be air follows ?
Weekly, Is amuses, one year *2 lO-
espied to oars Wren,
s • $
• 10 a MIY 1 11
• ...sow
(additional copies eases rats.)
" "PT. di ale Still 1 Til* .
All dohs emit tor Rise, flaw address gostMen
inch paper, OW pay seek 111,60. .
For emelt Club an as oils ' copy will be glees "the
pima amedlee the mosey. .
The terms of the other eilitleme are as felon s•-• -
is advance one you, $lO,OO In advises our year, $ll,OO
Six mon la advance „ 5,21 511 mmi.: admen, SAO
Ind of each ac e., 6 , 1 0 . 3 wales one address, 1400
For ono month, 1.03 (aildiri eoplesi awe sits.)
Mow may be remitted hr mall, addreseed to
JOURNAL VI Gl:mitt:NC 11.'7: - •
Valwiblfi Property t or salp
HE Subscriber offers for sale tile vat.
siblelStsad. at present templed by hits as aftri ,
la eK.ars Corse., ici. tawaty, -fte t ir *
filet la width by Id is length. lad IP. IMP% *mewl
its frietat rupee trier* years. ,
ales, the tram heses adisent„ used by the •
ma • residesee The lottw b Its by de het la sits. with a
Whig attached to sad. Leos& boa ea the prsesisea
41126, a Weed Lot, km a ago trout !Mum Comas,
psalms' SM wee. veil WO:arra.
The above prepetty Is sotoopt tho loootAinkiNic is
trio torostr. It le Atwell la • rich aad thick' MOM
potties et the miuseyrosed firmly _
mina 101: WU!. u. s4i - a irp . i4 Vr e en k ,"
- t 41141112114 Ustolot
XL au.terr s ifs
ol L • •
Ihjeruppte+olllse fa
UR" Au win vim..
vv. !cares WINN 0:11e
-- . 5..4.t tr... 1,,,,.: ri , te" e: -.• • : ,
-s• • leftVre..;.: ' . l rt• ••• •, : ~ --. • ' . , - i
~ .e.i a - 21
~._;., : , .
i,s , . ‘inu. f .:.. •
~ ;.,T._
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\ . .-, I. oitc. .;: •: - _ -,
',.., .:' -':: ...t .- . •,
•':...• C . :- .: 'l'. 1
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- t.' '' ' . ' 4 !
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:,:,v,r,... ,
..„...,....,...._......... ...
4 . - ~. .. . - „ 1
..._ . I
.. . , . ..
__. ,
Tie N. Y. Journal of Cokairce.
; •
ywo poLVAlits VE4 YE*lt.,` IF PAID IN 41.*ANCE;, .$00: ' NOT,.PAID UNTIL THE END YEAS.'
Diekeu'a Cradlo.liong.ot . the Poor.
Strata' thy tlay bsads is tats: -
I have got ao bread to ere thor.r
altUd. to.asso thy paha.
When God oast that trot to !data se,
- Proud and Waits), too, wad I;
Now.uty dart*" I. thy notittr.
almost logos sat tit:odic
illotty, ml dartts, is—Ahou art afar,
God Is rood. bat lit* la dreary.
I here asap %by *panty eadlos.
Aid flak n1.1400114;1 day by day
Soon I kno • will want and Omar
Wastathinttle Irk away I"
Vamla• makes illy knotlin miles;
Hope and joy us ions 'rum we
I oonld Enda all my baby,
Midi bat a eruklos. tae.,
Lie weatedi dear. with ba ago-,
And rig brats Is inn appramed ;
I in ecareely etrength to imam thiq
Was biltatatiLe is my hear!.
Patience, tang, God will kelp u,
Death will come to thee mig r ant ;
Ile will take homiest
et pill ilia to:
Mel% In/ darling, than art weary ;
God is good, bat Ills be dreary.
id Whet Unikltn—allebedirs
treribody,wlll:Vititiinbee the paternity of
the above expression', the. time when and the
eireumetances under whielt they were uttered.
The effect they were 'lntended to produce upon
the public mind 7as:also well understood at
the time. by Jertry onn.intolltgent enough to
comprehend the anbtletios of AboUtienissa.
The same shosteflti'deeeitt ars practised now
by the 'same "Parties, and t; a great extrt,
we are pained to say, with the same perni
cious results. to blind, in times of high ex
citement, are the masses of men to truth and
their own moral and material interest,.
Each of then metitOribTelihrases when uL.
tend, reflected. .iii- &Maga and elicited the
wermtsprtel ef .. .the itepublieemparty. They
prove that in the praildeintiel sativais of 1880,
and for
. erse MIA* attlOtard, then was ',no
statesmanilili "fis thatA* with forecast
enough to font the faintest notion of coning
events'. -our Judgment, time will show
that, these,mia are as politically blind now,
in 1864. as thy, warn in the autumn of 1860,
and the ensuinovinter. Res, for the present,
ws wish to nail attention the tunnel.
tive contralti between the light and cavalier
manner in which the Republican statesmen
scouted 'the idea of ,poseible, danger, with the
actual constinencets, of, the election of Mr.
Lincoln. ,
.6!beaMr,..,Stvard was scoffing at
the epprehensions of more prudent and sags
'dons men, and jeeringly crying out. "Who's
afraid ?" whit would lie Aldine* have said
it the intriliiii r kei liesiv'tuturlty doubt bate
bees 4iailosed to their
view whisk hes sinualaseilletl these usurious
Galls for troopttes " 4 - , A •
April 10, 1861, , ` 76,000'
lial .
4, 1881, " 2:" - 64,748
From July to Zito ]881,'600,000
July 1, 18R2. 800.000
• AullPkOe . 8 90 ,000
Dian, anbiatir of 1668, '800;0IXl
February 1, 1884, ' 600,000
This is the aggregate of the calls for men
in only one branch of the service. Thb navy
bee not, 'indeed, been developed on the same
eaossassas ,omens the army, but the number
of seatititiitellsted and the.espeuse incurred
is the brief speetrtif-thrise•years, has do pa
*ay tithir 'satiws.
Fro"; the: rpeass: . vorsee of .tba Seeiretary of
the.3taii4.iiitt anvils A. atatlatta
of . 1 04 OnWt!lrt.' le* . _
TOW r*OA in; the
seiiictiAiii - iit*tioasintoilita, • 588
Total tonnage,--- - • . . 498,000 '
Number of guns, • 4,
Number of seamen, July let, 84,
Patriotism naturally enough exults in these
exhibits, which so splendidly attest the re
sources of the country ; but they equally
attest 'the ` feirfulr'fitignitude of the danger
which so - : e'rtioristrain- puts upon the
national energiel:"- -BACA° they not still more
attest the nnstatesmanlike blind
ness which so misjudged the tendency of
events, and laughed to scorn the prtdistions
of those whb fiireskti whit was coming t Bat
our prodigious ertales and, fleets; are not
merely cliaphigiti or power ; they are also 01th
deuces of debt. The followingfigures, which
we find compiled to our, beryl, show the
various loaniia ,
the govern
mentanitAir: anthorise4. by !various sots of
Congress : . -
Leis pt 1842. „ • $242.621
Loan of 1847, ' .9,416,260 •
rorten,of 1848,,, • • 8,908,841
Tetill'lndemsiltitoiniaf 1850, 8,461,000
Loan of 1868, 20,000,000
Loin of -1860,'--= • - • 7,622,000
Loan of 1861, • , 18,416,000
Treasury notes, ]Harsh, '6l, • 612,900
- Oregon war .loan. 1861, 1,016.000
Another loan.of 1861, 60,000,000
Three years Treasury •notes, 189,679,000
,Loan of August, 1861, 820,000
Five-twenty loan, 400,000,000
euirTiorarylrata. -- - 104,984,108
Certiltotetfirlitorebtseps, 160,818,431
.11991a.itaed,diyi0eride, 'T 114,115
Devoid fri4etro notes, • 600,000-
Legal 44adv4„ 1862, ..897,767,114 L
Legal. tenders:lB63., , 104,969,937
—Postal 3 fret:Mope' currency, 60,000,000
cria treis'y notes outstanding, 118,000
.Ten , feity_ bands, 900,000.000
- lutsreatabeariug tress. uotteJsoo,ooo,ooo
•-•- • • -,-774,91.,818
Ad the loans inolded, in this:table hare
not yet been tailed and a:I).2(W. but they
srliAlisdaittlstot.listMeient to carry the war
through thetewt: dead year. - But az•
Miser or , tha nor irs by no imam Included
is "e4endfettril of She ;Wend govenV
itessigulnde the large aunts paid by
thuser_ral State!, and . y_ mural* 'corpora.
dons in tiountievii4Nte Ati&6tof regimentic -
Amp ti;,,,;aLitarit_pst,rpospit,l and toe "supporting the
fatalibmiirlmoldiere absent on duty. ...seal
bu r n,bun. • udk woad he Waded to the enor•
in.. • tbrther btolude the logos
ociessionedby stiewheei gives to inslnass is
thefirstyears of d; war, the injury dotie io
our Cotuar epb.ll,lllrriqW P,ilfstrers, and'
the we* tarcidtallavit beed•carstilid by
lllPoo. 4 ol44 o . r t i t* ldierl, 9 1 i 40.0*
suet se terwiidebla that dui
p ar t p gtglitid :and
• 'sympathised whip
ezelaltsed, FiWbo's
afraid!' ; should at lei's b. Oonvinefil that .
gulaec; Nag
what I;oo9A : eh,* fat Sttypodog this. (hisser
leadrspossesrsain4 wade. nowi lifivo
4 1 4.1Stiand bats ''sails
bi4s*4 o,firAphSarl, tllefk Aga" 1113 0lisli
otithstlrawsiapsw I? die progress
of the snit I
:49 . 1roasriVSAWf';',Itii abillownesa,
t 1 shirdskipreinde to the bloody settnisip#
isekabout to open under this direction of 4.
min Who tutored it.' Theiorposs that moul
der beneath the soil of a hundred battle
lieldsV the -hundreds of Monis:lds of. bravo
Whirs Whe have perished military hoe.
p:tals; the liadred and twsatptoor thousand
widows that ars sow spplieanta.for pensioss,
era a sad :and tepible_ooesesieitary on this
isolates/ anA'heartlese teat. 130 , d 'snoh leaders
deserve thi iOndJetioe of the itogittry, ? Shall
its,destiny be lenges their keep.
. •
Cold the leeneeratle_ Party_ Suter. the
Lit, i:•; , - •
The Now York' Wit POVItAet in' 'oak&
front the %ohms:tad. Exanuier„ , tispioting in
str i ong talon the sufferings of tile South, and
in bomsentin.upon it, says tWI4 it naturally .
previdtts the question, Why it ic that a people
so IstuvAls of the' discouragenesata of their
sh4sitne4ye not ladneed to abse4on a sinning
muitiAtidaviutne their .old federal relations.
Thirepsnalie bat one answer';44hs states
mairl4p;prieur goronlient Is lig equal to Its .
mltitar,y . papas. War [teal! i billy 'an in
striiment ; it in not an end, bui4lis moans for
*veining an end. Ita object is Is bring such
a premium to bear upon a hoatll4 - community
that they will be willing to subiiit to reason
able terms of peso*. Few wail in history
have indicted snob, havoc, or-..iarried such
denotation, as the one in which we are en
gaged; and' in the natural courie•of things,
judged by ordinary human experience, the
victorious party should be able ,t 4 a
sate, honorable, and lasting pulse. That. It
has neither the ability nor the espeotation of
doing so is,,on its face, a proof that it is un
equal to thi situation.
Bat would the Democratic party; If it stood
in 'the shoes of the administration, do any
better! This is a grave question, because,
j the answer which the itaiority - of the pee.
ple will this year -return to it, bangs wide.
niibly . the future destiny of the country. It
is true that, in any answer which stay now be
attempted to this question, our reammin
matt be more or less hypothetical; bur it
seems to us that the ease is in setae aspect's
so: clear that -we may nenribelees proceed
upon very solid . • ground. On one side we
hale feats end experience to go piton ; for it
ie incontestUble that we have Waisted suffer.
ing enough open the Souther* people to bring
them to terms, it this were an ordinary war
and our national authorities had the ordinary
sagacity, prudence, and,faseir faire of ,is vie
toatme government.- Rut what reason Ls there
for, thinking that. the Desperate party, if in
poirer, 'woad do any better I' The case seems.
to'inieo plain Chit it is aiming Idle to argue
it. If, the relative military situation being
pricisidy what It is, the lamented Douglas
were alive sad was new Treadmill: it Mr.
Cushini, or :sue of weal mental telentesa,
were Secretary Of Ststas,• sod Osnerat &mu'
Seireierf of if 'not trlifitilliere 'are
tee men the . country — Wiles, %laica l ie
worth regarding that would' not expect Pews
and a res t ored Union within :three months. ,
If 'there could be such a change of adminis
tration, or, one at all resembling it, the mass
if !the people lb both sections would he ex
*hid at once into a state of hopeful expects
lion. They would look for an early peace, a
reetored Union, and such a general and sin
cere pacification as would render it safe to'
a** our armies to a moderate peace estah•
'ailment. Tire ; Present difiicalty is, nut that
we base not ealteleitly aripphtil mad humbled
the - death for victory to be hi' &preprint*
fruits, btit . tijitt . : this` edlitiiiiimotinla
ealii incapable ei ;W/4E14 ,iijiiet t - ist
mons, tied sititifisetory.pasos. _ _
why*tild s Ditaietratfit idnifeletratioa
dell with `tills : PQ4eiti nitiesiihieistinitt4a
this of Mr. Lin - Corti? isieweiteari Miasm'.
Lai the Stet place, the Demoorsti t e; Party
, given any countenance to the twenty
years% crusade against Southern institutions
kept up by the Abolitionists. The South,
negotiating with e Democratic adtainistrafion,.
would -have no fears of being entrapped into
s false position and eircumvented,by pertid_y.
They had some experience of the good faith
of Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward in the spring
oil 1861, when Judge--Campbell, of the Elti•
piano Court, was the intern:tidier', hairpin
the South and the government, 'with the
kooirlidge and privity of Judge Nelms, of
tfilk - 13tate. The war would probably have
been avoided had 11 not been for the strong
radical pressure upon Mr. Lincoln, and the
faithlessness of his Samaary of State. Even
if' the administration ,had adhered to the cas
saba:lona policy professed In Mr. Lincoln's
inaugural, the South would naturally recoil
from an attempt- to arrange this controversy
with the lame
,offieistle who deceived thew
with false , professions in the very oriel* of
these difficulties. - • • .
(6111 Mr.,Lincola has made pesos itapoisibht
unless the South will consent to the destruo•
ti&n of, the most valuable pert of their pro.
piny, and the subversion'
r e . their industrial
sistent, Whatever may bl *sine' dr
this property, every dollar'i of it is en nip.
merit against submission ividneved by
Lincoln to the self intereattor she South. The
Soutnern people .. know that the
, Deincieratic
party does
. not approve of tbis'iolieti.that
they hove steadily protostid against a,
"grant violation , of- the Gonstitmion.. ,if, ale
Democratic party wen ter - power, the tviestion
Would be' dimply bet Ween ; further resistance •
on the one htuid, and satin:anon to the same
Ooniiii tion-dikpr • ihef "fiirmeTlY'll
and prospered, on the otit4., Whatever foe
isitures have been operated ',by- the tieseviary
'lseult of tha'wer, wand ,b adjiadiested upon
y the Conks in 06741010 to wit:Aired pre.
Odom's, end not deters:laid by the cittorlatirti
innorneing ' Tee
41, 4 4 .4;uslitiillotS
the tI t cub/ a bee shwa *relator, been
Understood, could estoulati, pretty-merit ebo
ieipke . reet.
.thltystOraiihrfion, ,Buttheyt",-•
most valuable past—nf..4.Lie2r- property, and
then submit, without,gstilwltees, td whatever
hostile and lusitett.tanstiedent ntay.tidat ft
to. inittei,. it ie set surprising that they ,prefer
t o a s c hi r ip eas:weits :and -try..tles.-nitstorta of
icioatinued ;themes. , • I-
; If the Demoorstiefirty„ were in power he
toonar .1,5 1 -,4,!!! 1 4- 149 li ow in TeArs•
• - ' '
a iZyikijialimi t uOmw - pissitito
Oilto ol 4 . Wl* i s I I im
lomivetsg , is- Awl nbair *twilit I fai
s takt bOtTob -- dodos so
• 'A
the Genstitatioa ea theirs, the laingurdlea
of a se* administration would be' tko dawn
'or peace. The Union star notarise after
long seitiniwitk more than ha old
•Is o dim s lb. daystar Ls h4seems 1,4 -
Lad yet saes appears his dzooplag head.
AM Vigil& balms, aad with Arw•epaagled on
name hi the forehead el the esonalag
• Tito opiate* has obtained aisongionie medi
cs atborities that the plague of Athos*, so
graphically desoribed by Thnoviiides, wee
identical with staall-rm.• Bat the Era appear;
snot of this terribly destiaotime, disease is
usual: ussigasd to the year 569. At this time
the Abyssinian army was
_laying' the slop to
Mecca, when it broke out in the lamps, and
'made inch fearful havoc that the siege was
raised. The coaquests_ of iiialioneined, which
soon followed, hastened 'greatly its spread
throughout the world, Mut it has for more
than a tbouiand years prevailed Europe.
With it went consternation and death. Neither
the preioriptions of medical knowledge nem the
devices of. superstition seemed ta retard its
progress or lessen Its fatality.
The first medical author who treated of the
disease expressly, and whose writings have
come down to us, was Bhagat. Wito practiced
at Bagdad at the beginulag .of tiro 10th' can.
Lary. Is was long before even ske eitersoter.
'sties ot the disease were fully made oat. Boer.
heave was theirs to malstaia sires eirmagien
was necessary for its propsystiou4 for a long
tintelt was held that oltppuratioit should be
eneouraged: in order to throw oQ as• re e hid
matter as rapidly as posaibled /lenge hot
drinks sad_ alhot atmosphere made :up the
treatment, only-to looms* tie mortality. 8y
doulisto was +e Ant to . Woulosto, about two•
hundred year' ago, the nactuity of cooling
drinks and freeventilation. Mlld ogees re
quire but little medial... In, Severe cues
stimulating drinks and autricloui food should
be administered as liberally ea the patient will
bear. Bo any the authorities. ;
Bmtall-pox is most fatal in infaitcy, to these
who are over 46 years of age, and to all who
poesese feeble iouetitutions. l'ite motility
L estimated at one quezter of all ; who are at
tacked. The average m4rtality in the London
hospital for the lot fifty years ii . 3o per out:,
or nearly one.third. But it thlii large num
, her die in the London hospital, with the best
of medical attendance and the but nursing,
It is quite evident thet the • mortality must
reach a much higher hole among the whole
number who are
,attackiel, else hospitals,
medical attendance and titiva t ing a 7 of do
avail. -
For the prevention of small-Se, two famous
remedies have boa samemsfully employed. In.
oeulation was first tried bathe last; and was
introdUced into civilised BuropefromiConstan:
Unapt' by Lady Mat 7 Wortley, Montague,
Hawing atiffered from as sneak bereel4 and
being ocinelmsed ottke . twit .4 Weeniest",
she bad' ' tha tote aitelfaii te ' her" only : odd: SW
-1718, who was then hie - Years old. Afterwards •
five persons, under sentence d'deatb,iwere,
at her request, submitted te the experiment.
Notwithstanditig . the ' iroocess Of the iris!, •
great clamor - was raised against. her. The
philanthropic:ln denounced 444 as initutoart,
the medical L O ulty flpignoitica:ted disastrous
consequeeces, and thaclergy tstgar4l it is an
interference with Divine providence. -Cotton
Mather,theemininti3osten .iltimi and scholar.
endeavored to introduee WI Orahtice Of inocu
lation sMonget the Potions: . but he wag , de- .
acuaeed as is league with the Oefil, and no
ilietier4onesite micelles he had; labored with
Snob Setsmistliellteki-general approbation to"
'bring i&iiiiiltiltro*:".4ll44Liateliii:it* to those
Win . t4.,linOttlietiid :41 iiipi, .esitiii 700 or 800.
The smals4.4..stisetrampa4o la when thus
ectestainataidor thi. ... .,. 4 , .. lW7'
:fieti-otatturf 7. ..;, . .
*it, andertft, '; 4 l: 4 ' . ' t , ,::: . ... kk f illii''l4l::
inwh'en'aeit' !:' "' . L.;,..,,.. A ~..,:' .; :iebsis
Is something . to :7 , •'4.4.0"4-104,...4... --.- 9 -
After isooulatiorititaie siksoifithsei:-lihadhlat
covery of lintair,;:iii'lTOF.'llVlll4lotlfsn'
hoped that- thikiloal r off itr;iri ' ..altif4sOlotn 'OA:
permanent protection 'Mpidiet.mprili-isei.: ,114:,
,'time has proved the contrary. 'Persona who
have been vaccinated are subject. to Weeks of
small pox in a mild form, esOed earloloid.
1 which sometimes results fatail.4 Then, thro'
the lapse of time,' raocinatiooj appears fre
quently to lose ail its promoting ialinobea ;
while the changes wrought ikPlhe sYstent. at
Ithe period of pnlotriyzterid Able to impair if
hot wholly to destroy iti power. Indeed, It
' tiowanithei happens that ev, persons who
hare once sufferml (reit smell item, are again
attacked Wafter years. / There: Heat/ to be se
absolute proteetien.l A lob* itstilighte, w ill;
honorer, snow the great impltimoi of vac
ciliation. i ~,
' ' /a England daring theism h4lf of lot osa •
tasty, our of every ti,fai 4.4.44,96 ;motored
from smell-pox, Durtagithe tiiiet hair of the
present century, lifter the intr•Outitien of v ,o.
oination. the number Of the later 111.14 re /clam/
t0:35, Uor,iniitoo tun tea er tit , tien years tlie - ,
ratio ,has been inueldenOly Nrtlier r..htes.l
by a Matki Alik*Uitig 1 enfiirme#m lathe .laws
relating to vaccination. It. hotilin, tit lOC •
the tylths 61arta - iitfiali-to `:ve4:lslli,n dio',4•:
funk iria4e in..aose other, ppta or 4a4.0...
where vecolastion is yet more Otopitteory; elite
number has re4i rgatiFirt:a7T4ii, is 210,000,
—Lis for cnitliiiie iiilioteinii3itittiaaj and
Venieft. : ''' . . -I- ' 1
T. -.
.This .is ;: prvf, e ~,ot i b of 14, ii, 44 ott
savior vaohibetion. - li4 Oilks lerdg• of its
tuip_Crfesii ilnot oursiS to adore its eaters,
sod chercines.': 'lii'''Europe tt i ltiire l e' ellieh
cwaelottioiy feigisiStioit.. While i : ' tiili l citislt:i
there is bat litchi:, "st, Treistif wifioSiimitt, or
the British lnepecitOrs A *We AM 4 4 01 /
sboet,oti-half of thesis who Are estaiselip sr. ,
. . . .. ... ,
ova, iseelsged, :The Le a ahttiff Istetstowilif; :
sack shoWS O. neeltigt,tar4e,d_tkitthr by •
491‘ psragal 000 4 0444. 1 ;0i1ii& giy#P ,
be the. truth With eigeedrite the listitoi Statis t .
whir* so sloe% Iwo ; susatio& 'ls •-pifikte Ike,
subje`tri f" "'l' kli'atihtSficijr l IS' t 4. 4iitterigiro mil
,_ , 6 .o i ii ' ll. 4 lA t S l tA l .., 4ll , i ,V s . ii .
lapis of tilm, , . 0 ;w:1 1 4P. MP"! .i.g,'P.-1".t: , ,n.
effected by tint best 'twine weetter -0410 •
' b o om eepeed.....AceleSttleffi tliisve beset was, 1
eiiimed lot sievio :piaii:illiSpia , ,ty all' !iniati
b 4 :#41 4 iii:444: [ 444: 1 ; 'i t ' iiii,": : : iiilifi l It
tioSS,4I4/ : 1 0 6` ,
.sei . k•Aloki:P 4 ,.lßLiri:*,l
du. sok it9l mos* , - INCA* 'Am wire i
tonal.' i, .i .: , 2 , :t . • - ....i, ;,- yi k ,,,,....74, ~ .s ......1 6: •,cr: if
The slta4ltlezi. ttees enfiWatrmilifselil
jaebt.istifteiris44l 1 01001160 i
Was o ik E l S 4 , o o 3s
kiCii:l4iWij'ailo ;
tocift 04,14.41441111 thkillifyik . . .
isselml4o4l•ll4,4saspicbififho g
411111 1 1111A4640640 1 110111 0 . /kw alid WI 1 4 ;
1 .
~ ''. -,
v.:trrteral" bait rits-r.:' , "
,1,500E31 33
t '
1 -Iflttt Newark potty Mtreury, ooe of the
itt, ,situperstive of- the nitlioal fteptabyoso
piiper,s of New Jersey, has died thtedestVof
di* wicked. •
• ;--Jefferson said ; 'Those to whom power
is:deleyeled should be field to a strict account;
shinty to their constitritionci oath of ogles.”
Amax who stye that' tow is 'Gelled a Cop
piritead," us sympathizer."
'aintoss xi ras PILD.—A Washington
telegram says, that Frontons will be nominated
foi President by tlislAthaneipatiJin Conten
tion at Louisville, gy:.oea, the 22d of Feb.
?nary, and that kis friends . psy he will run as
itsf indepandsat candidate assiturt Lionoin,
4 4 lot affilihrt Chem
t'ffnis Rairosartos. r oe enaittlitiosi:—The
following signifioant . .sentenes ore .in the
letter writtsa• by the iStal Brigsciiir, Jeff.
Thompson, to George D. Prentice : •
;"&ioidif sit Mika' seer be 'restored, it -aunt
bet by the tendrils of the hurt, for the bayonet
(teeing pin us together." -
;L•TALTY £$D Golanlynauso.--Osniral
Cards announces a determination to stop ma
renders patting front Kansas into Nisi(mei,
for purposes of plunder. Ho says:
; 11 Yon may rely on my doing all in my
pciwer 'to prevent border strife and sectional
animosities; and I hope- yon will .use your
efforts to the same , purpose. There is no
r4taos for it. ~We era all in the, same boat ;
titer* is not enough of the negro left to quar
rel oboist. mull em net going te.allow loyalty
to ; be a hews for forao•stooline t "
; TPLI DLIT or Otter should
bit borne in mind that while England Is car
rying a debt of bur: thoasand millions, it is
atl three per cent. per anaini, while ours is
sin per cent. in gold; and that we are increas
ing It with a - terrible rapidity when we pay
4124 per cent. advance on nearly everything
the Government requires, on account of the
steadily depriciating currency. If. England
bid not consisted id taxes while her wars
wire going'on;'more, than double the =mint
of, that raised by loans, her debt to-day
wbuid have been three times what it le.
,•—• The Harrisburg oorrespondeit,of
aiy's Prat, in ehronioling the ( elsotiOnt 0
Heavy C. Johnson IS Speaker of the Sous •
Hairesentatires, 'Peaks es follows of the
D i emoeratlii 'candidate:
;" His Opponent, the Don. Cyrus L. Penh
leg, is among*, ablest men - of his party, and
Wine his potitiks,-a'weriencellent man. He
in i Lawyer by profeision, and one of the but
ea leaded debaters in the coantry. He com
bines singly cultivated mind with indomita
ble energy. lie data not attempt the spread
-eight kind of eloqiiince; but the logic of his
sposahse is not easily answered by 'a novice."
A LOYAL Lawapaa's Concussion—Rev.
Or; Kibbe, a loyal elergymea of biaisachu
intti;Witit wardiectreered in a young women's
bed room, net szahtly In tfioutherw simmer
ocfsiiiiie, - Datealid only it a skirt, a cevolver
sad :ti dirk. says abet A. salvage to the Mien
Lars*, eterriumber of 'ilia is obliged to tarry
mall 'a leaven." ,Whereupon the World pro
pounds the 'following • pertinent questions':
"liltat du the taembers'of the Loyal 'League
Want with, dirks and 'revolvers is a peaceful
community ? What ulterior designs hare this
Octet sail Irresponsible organisation which
will require the use of force to socomplish ?"
li!ili some Loyal Leaguer reply ? .
I Hos. llamas Curia/L.—The Harrisburg
,e4rrespondent of the Philadelphia Daily New,
(i Republican journal.) - graphically describ
itig a vein whit* occurred on the floor of the
Biatiollanate; pays the !olliAiing deserved corn
plinnent.tu Hon. Heisler Clymer, the able s and
eiciqueyd:m . member from Reeks
••" It was remarkable to see this man Cly
*•o44l•Steknotf/.e4ed,lenclor, of his party,
Prfrr!.: !I t ik t ,i 6 os 4 o -Sti i lisilirlatrii. Fa"?
kes.**k 16.4-Latii:..44 apse -the
4443 - at t ei•C"...di: a: et'atorpit.:
1 iii t r i 7 ,,, .0 a .. . .
• .-. .4i,,, 4 , „344 4 3 41 4 , ;7- 241 4,6 41 ii .
- 're U t est.risseiiinite4t4l‘4l site i6/ii
1 duisi camp t 4. w`4iiiAii. l :iiiiia: 44, 4 l. Wig'
i „ - iiii iiiiieltil IL iieifili filiiiiid i'imasiiii;'bi
1 "iiitliiiiit id .11144 iie ifiti to* at di*
I . audit'."' - ' , "= -9 '.1 -- ` -. ' Ol 4l •*f•" , ci• • ','. • , 7 - !.. ~
see. Grant.
The 84 Louis kqesblicant. ethading to the
'fact ,that the Benue has stricken "ont the
Obtuse In the bill creating the office of Welwyn
reconimending Gen. Grant for
that position, sayk: _ _
“Gen. GrafttAitltoliAte.teouid3 himself
intoki concerning thise movements of poli
tfciins. Ii is not'his taste. Ins intention is
to close the War as 11;011 at plaWlloll, and he
+ants to be footloose, not hadtpered by poll:
dial entangletiiits. • di asks no other duty
w. He Is'not, mil will not 'be, it oandidate
r',the Presidency di the fonlotemisg . elen•
iiiiii, esua pclitictiiii4 may trim • their' rails
sooortlingly:" • • ‘ - '
.. ,
The Rgiubtiam, apparently 'tiy 'authority,
ilonlii'ihentaltestisilY of 'a Paragraph which
liv'peirri A r itirt time :rip IP the New York
'ibtait. &jag *kat purported' to be isit es•
rtiotttlidili'letter se Israiii-lAteabbortie; Gov
atilt' of Milker; in' Whisth . eea. emit's , views
U theilloisry qasstioct were sot .forth- with
inttek Incision. it prenounedi li &tsarina!
Vol: culld'olays , Aka.,Alrent will .aot make
OIitiOSIAPOICIIMA 4 K.Wri(e letters .its polities!
Ax .Aiotp- s aset L u rns
iocu.4 io'iler from '
our lonlionr-Obries
adeni.oontnini 4ointijlroolsolnfonontiOia on
it Pot' oi t taiirotlitie, whloh hat as yet vit
kinete4 belle Ontli . tientmi - The newt int it
nutsholl ii that et Quinton t Mer ii
,Of wz itbei. lip43 ,, stkossei Ps- tie Mites* lieges,
limos vessois were Ittoci oiae is' England
cubornik - ind were . . rinntitod
* Km ,: ,o 1 •' ku &Couto
;coy'? •:inty •worv... - ', der odiairsot
is the'Oninse 04vorniosi1. tat "whea they
etoolmod-Ciatii tl dbiestionaitt wait betw•4l l
Odom* said thin Glenne wit orilits, *Ad; Om
issasif:ttt~s *a 4.llseited.bilLl4 l uvoik4 o 4 l !4
itapitsi 401 41-ihiKtilis 4,— .?thi b ll r iM , 'Aar° ,
peetlir 5* 1 4 1 ..1M4 bgrarligk
I 'Triton. -
, ip4 4 1 ••
pipkgoi4*:sk , o o, m , F."MTlPOY
• '4 l !tit:l42'4 l i tai A.4or,lo`siko coda go la
Ai*brsio tot
instnt;, •
alr,s" d 7
loold4t Y:Aionl44lß;. ,4rtipli
Obstamoostiromulbikikais.listos kit
tris ikeViasio ottlools , ittisg-toelkasirodi
the lash .
A eTi
■s stet
E •
dirt $1
going t
I. o c h
of R.
beret( ; dose
_,gentbeiseis hitifdig-leid•P.dat i ., ,c ,io
pirstiont fors started position; deolinet, ind/wd- - • - •,silf ,
requestsi the ouse to %Wet a Ckspisle".3 I: 4 ; "i 4 1 1
• —ln Louise Ile, Realm:ll4;th, - afhiefief;i - *: , ..?,
s• gentleman p t some $2,690 In greothindii - 4."44-I
la the ohleineyi of hie sittleg rime; Weida* ‘54:\Z- _•7l,
it wouid be • front robbers. Ilk trifirilik4 • 4 1:, , . 2, ::.
the exuberen • of *ltaly thougistfalsiewl * ,- :7 11
kindled s Are/ so is to give her le larile ,ii..i - er . :" - :;-;:1 A
sheer' ivelenese, and As greenbrieb7sever..o4._:,::::,,,
burned up. r ~ •.r, 4 .tiJIT : f 4- -:
.-• The peals led" who could reed . lbs felt t •ari..S.'
losing. up
young men?
says OWL.
and wil*
As the Gerrit° was prooeeding, - iiileitt; werst ril
heard oomhig from the coffin i - tbi * Vd,,viii. , _
taken off, and the also win found to lie' ilOti. L. :4- 4.
On the &liaising day he was able to be'critt; ' c ''' 4l°. ...,....
• The frie colored people of Soli OriCi4, - t- -' 41 ',..?.'
—not the freed slaves but those born ereelj -, ' :. ; : -/ ' l.
• A.. • , -.l3hitemuse
are urging th l eir right to vote. Oen. mikeplilt - 'l' .7.441
and Gen. Buts not having given thank 'Midi'
iite 4:44'.•,:':j'!
encouragement, they have sent P. NC. To
one of the !whitest of their number, to liiT 4ll •','.li4
c 4their case 1 rsonally before Praddiiit: '''' .4 ..= 111
• • • •-r, _t-,':,•,,
-1 1 Ari gentleman ones said to a day hi, if.,i-
bor. , •'Dr you . know, to whom these esisiliii' l .,- i •, -
b : ong on tile borders of the lake ?" • 4 No:" ''''''. 'j::-.
replied chal i ce:tn. ' 4 They belong to me," esill - *,
the :doh man. " And the wood and itattbo;lit ''fftl .. : ,
you know whose they are t" " No." '"Thi,'''. ll- :lt'Z'''
are mine, Cho," ooatinutd the rich man. "T:
all that, you can see- is mine.", The peasant I A
. 4 g,.'
stood still 'fa moment, then pointed to heaven, ~ .„,,:•,•t- .. ;1
and in • solemn tone asked, "Is that a150.,,, p1 ,"- 1
thine ? If that ,be thine, though poor,- theet : x. , -, r„-
art truly rich ; tram be Rot thine, however. v. .• •:'
rich than art poor indeed.': • ‘. .-• ..• .. -.—
Wont i en mast be extra good eat lr TOW,
, _ c _,,..- :I — .'• z
do. A mitgistrate i lately marrietra ,stoupli..4 -;
thin, reeciviaithree dollars is his IC*. fficsti . .• *
Aims after the joyful groom called upon ilir'. -•
and presented him with an7additlonai 164 /
dollais, declaring that " she wee so mit& bet. - 4 .: •
-ter than elle thought for; he vii willing iti 71 4 1 . 1 7
pay in pl'ofttlitleii." A frttiit,of citiri'ullev, - 1
about a ettnadian wreteb, irk* eti ii eliniktflko" -
easien, when dunned by a gentleman - Who kali
perfo - ime4 the marriage eertmany for' t 1
long neglected compensation, eawwered: 00 8bal
wasn't worth the ineneji sir. teak het l'er ,: sti •
better or worse, 'and elte tuned etit'werni. /1_113; . .. t . ne
you= take her beak Again, ra give you lie
dollars r!
A -New Siam= roe Lassa.—Natiosig74rt, •
sloes thekesper± of a lager beer asloal MOWN
rested upon the °harp of selliegistanksitia.
liquor without liceaucirlehied
prove that the Tatositibeterage wis not ea in t
tozloatitig drink.
A another, of witseises who bet tewtedis -4 •
qualities; were •ally oh at*. Soother;
tit old Germs amid Yom;
the stand sad the questkio was proaosimied
aDo ion ismldor lager Intionlostinii t'" : !.,-..;!
. ". 10 10• 1 t .1 141400 - r"g"-P , t!* -- ' -
71 :i 22:'
itw, I driateltieskei; et - , -
;tad it mew ituelab,liktlris 1 asilet
ii vrenbii be it a awe email 30 .. ,... ice.
libeeelVlgt.,.llt 4 tei,et&ii‘; .., •:, :
.Z . - TX6 -- # DitebnieLv - rilleltbdo l'ilililli . . .
3 111 Fio 11, 1 15 1114 1 1 W 14440,0400Ikeirttr•
I t o d-hl l a 11 •0 1 7_,_"* I Ali!".. Rte. .
• ' dee% as a emieupe 011 i i341 11 *,,*
adventais of ednostiott, 'odd- wr ite * ,
hand, said compose eery . well. Elio Injidliiiii-f,
self usefol to oeloors of tie respiiial: fte, 4 #4: 2 : ,
capacity: of s clerk, was In lies it.itaiii, - ; Vali:
raped unwortridod. The Matters nenkreline4 r '.
of her Isis. A shut tionninen she wee Wil l ':, '
slot with thw.if.bahr•liiver * U4tatese quite
protalent •io Philadelphio,nud was r ---
to the ilettneylvants Hospital- , A day•wp two:. , • -
since the matron of the institution dioseratodkrt
the drummer boy to be so more'tirlosiAbotiL'
e girl. ; Her parent. who retitle 'ln , Books
county t imes been advl.4ed of the touchy let-4 '.72,7 1
ter. l• • • :
, , .
AUTTOPI -10 e. Pol.3oNS,—pr.,. .11.4 . : .„ #-
musdr. a prominent Loadon plipaieis 10 .
es follows to the, London hear : .
. • :. 1 '''.
•'•t inclose-a simple. 'safe. - sod reeessibleit• •'1
prosior .! ptlea for the *hole -lime* of tleidlavell7l
go - reOiive poisons. rad 'wtiltifi:' if pr?isiO4-' , .
used, ,t ill bearishly ill almost sere Wirt ' )114 ....
2 or. o powdered chalk or migoesit; t;re144 r4.1 . 1
of washing soda. with 8 i Ri'4.,44. n 4 11 t.,. 1 40 - • '.%
iwAii,* et sue draught ; thee nettle the,tso"'-of the f.hroet with a teither or finger. so eit* i '7
produce vomiting . : Afterweids drltiiedj
k it)
of h o t milk ialid.weitery aid ele'siit'Ftieiitiii&ltie' t .
' 1 1: 'i.e. —; hi" `
was_ ' f tf" sto r e iiiti' '
00 cc iio ICU_ 044- to ..
hay . ..iittatity of chelk - Or - tasigloe4la ":riiii, tel' i .
hiked }rich Safety, but'aoai ialtrese.iuriatltlei - :'. 41
4 40,60 u, .. I coy add hiao-thote Oilitiortitil a
40 iietig eiteepted, satdt sloe* 4 et : eat} ...
for elosalt eft , the 'dames. awd,,espeoietkro. , r _ ' '
foldewad by .vothitiehr :. , . :. :-.1....1 ;:''
1 .. F*ret t'esrs. -.1 oorrespuudeo4 oti ... i
olio, Vork Si w mikes thsfepairgig ; . ' pr
la relsi / iou tsr,ouswf 4!II Pi l e York skiFtp T u t .
fardotiest , '_, ' ' . • ~ . , , A.,, ,-. , e 4 10 . P -446
4 4 . L'149 . 6 liman the artistica. suedel '
ui stittlCreitisti 'I
be a scivrt woeti,' (kited, tha freak'iii''csi
doses ia two data. Pelkepi. If oii. Wu filitlit • ",
chair ; to m.
-day tight to t io il i ght-Miti l 'ldil•
paliat,sacoatplisid der task, p . 1 .44 41414,4115 5 a r k),
49 1 k i ?':“ ' •4. 6 4 ," d ul'atit_ t I k e rA i l i qt!ke il tSst
Pr: w. cr 0.) , , -! , ‘), r4mitii r 7 ii► 11.3 ,1 1 ....4 1 / 4 1 t hi
a subjeo --taq 111•0 otaitt l ef FaAe awietki st,
all the 4ain e are fillod oa
, tis i lii kt,.o,K, a
ides 515 i'e n "" i d. die, i 4 , /a rP f ., ll 4 " 7
ii ,
bailie areytheheieriroluitia 49p..tii , ra,„
, bolei:iiiive idittoiiiiri ii''4l-4itiriiiiirroik. '.
I had the irsiele i*titiAkelliAlk Aria*
of lit.bijoik, • mummilli!a hr , *etas+
!Astfairi*,:skishatstat - Of *ANA lionlostime
*l4.Pledi*irt44•l4l" a aliP
VO( 11 14;tii 1 ii44tr w4a5k.A.T•44.40 1 •
0 11 ". 6 4 tugia I/untie/m* l X WIMMIIIOIII -*
,or the/7M* befl 4101111harazr:ed
'paid .62)611$ Law 1. alFC:411111114141 'WSW