.11 Ay TEM:VARY IVE1.11i11 ,1 : OBSERVER. -r ILDIN.,B. tI"I 4 .FY:' to-? OFFtee. :f ! t•••-- 4 -1.• thr,.. ; tf. )1.1..4;1”. lIMI .. g n i• T 1 . . 11'1 • ; I p cts, f s' t•I% 41-11 j nr. r , -0- ; :.,! ppy t,1"1 !: Z,1,1 in ad. , _,..• Ann nt .} , f• 1 a•r, i In 0.11,111- notk in • t4' .It~n t . ide iArz.t j) ISrown, I:,A rtrerl county, in ..t r.:lt on TINS the levy. qtr. 19irmiip nud borough npprp. ply to volunteer;—the pKooorya r tfor each volunteer' both (louses withoui I i hill ! 'r 111111 par..v I..rojec! th I , `C "112 •I 1Oi" o'l Cl , ' 01.:?.luintinn 1 ,, :: nnr. r‘i,—..--- %VP aro re to publish the foth.scb-4: -The: box— • for*.th, an, \\*pin , '" tr , ' ) Ippvcamot elrn•ztly !hat etery one 111, 1011 011 'l,' 1.1 111, 1 ,, •m 1-.• ry.•t. 11-.3 13r.vt - . , .11,1!)4 , 37 stree•, that. , ca.• serif ”: Irwhin ; ,i 1 I cotlvurled. iwo ru r;•'). , I.—The we'd 1.1l•Im tic t rll'. C:.l-Ley, grocer.; it Ihig city, Its: Ctuz:zisy 1 -et irin4. ant r. titkinsr Ttle name will La C ea wfird Christian, to .1 s i-,ne-, at the I 6 , 1 tip •!1 . o.l^ zi;lironor ~ 1.)1' many icee=. lie 14 f , gen =IE9 f 1np1.u4.1, nil hi. wi , 1,7 acre, anil I,,rutimer einda f•C‘I t, er ..pt3l:ty. The TICIT lint] i, pr, In wetl lv , r)rlily of encourage TIM Qt or% —Sow that the blunt nOeerinz systrnn 1149 i i .en vp:ac , 1 in oper:%lion i 1 , , will e.tsy H-4 It thrir qt th q is under the 1, Th, bin iritC'rpreied r n' DApirltr , rtt; the Pr, i;e,:vi.tl. Mr- Liiwoin anti S.2c " , 71 tin 117, - to , 1 29'1.901 1. ' awl tii.? e,,unt :nth, I: . .ep the hIIL rnllinh. It i 11 - 1:' to .troitl the drtlt Woun.ler at the , c.1,-,1•)n0r4 ;to t the ntaity of $311,1 t volunteer.; t, Cori:,ty 11. r Ow a Ili HEIM .0-1019 pri,plt are nu n t!v r tizin • :bj. troop. ny 1.11 I .1111h.orl il rtt r =II '1•• ttt 11') • V o r •aat•a:_iia2,•• t-,U_ 4cls,a i , aa sr all .11 I I 1 ,. a I umu t l aa-• a , a -;:ta t 11. al a Unai a raas ra..4•l t t' Fi t t I ap:a . . Iby authanne-1. tll , •re ,s , s 11 , 1 • i -, •"; 1) n 1 1( , , • ' ,irsr of Polio , i 4 r.. 1 tii . 1 . • 1.1 Iko rcpt.; to t;outicik nry o.ito of 1,~ 11 try ;..r C'IM sick or V trioloi: l ao. I -.1111 p - - 12 rit it 59'113 of rior 0 ,r•on. S t.)l[ :11.V•1! •?1). [ • [ - or,. [ • I LI• " =MIEN O:1 0.1•2 I . 1 I. ' i • i li• n el.rlr* '111:• , )L,"2 ' C tr W2e::, Wk.! nlj I.lii, thu 111).) fl) 0) , :+ 7; zreq o f ahoy, In•rn, heir 114 out 1. , r 1 LklC, —We a re requ'eit.2 1 to announce +^^^tin; ~ f gentlemcn int0r ,,, ,,1 in the cation r,t .ante will h , itoi i a; tfin of- Vnnpon, on Satur , l;ry croning, nt.! , . The I, ) 1 , 07 P for its specvil 31.111 OW' (,1' 3^4 punklinir.ot of thal I irrze etas? of Ct. :toll9crirninatrly lestroy all kind twit come within tlt,irt reuh, regir(l- - t i 'hainitm 4ftnqe, nnythin7, el.c t i , u t , o f t he Sfttfe N't.ry tins kind of offender, and it only . e< , a roneert of action among. thk• ,prirtg eff,rt on their 1, ,rt f.r. the criminals to jolt lee, it is believed, a F top to the Irv:tic:v.. Tlicinpon informs IP , that thr folio • the only periods in which p,rsAn. are ontirlel to kill tile gun mehtirv. 1: frpn IRt of Fehr:l-v. 7 r•f Quaiii nn l li•lhnitq Iron] Fi‘hrztary 1 1 Woo to from 1 to .1 fine of .„:75 vrot.:l. 't fir t-tch here an in:lir ',J.: tt (.1 n any of t h e birds or ;olio] CO named, se.rmn, one-half of ichh.:ll ves In the arc I, learn that C. Llogg4. - w6,) 1)14.4 inqed for. a 'year Aplitor of thi , r,f the R bas been prownte 1h) r!ri,4 rf the —lute iniprore- NVf ylp plci ,. .ed, and piPase,l cat are on 'gg' r '4re:.nnt, bnt in c.nnrion with all beta thrown into iiittr.2 , ..otr.. , e with ziot fr.),lll:fi.! re..idenr." C"Jurinu4 , I , . 1041 rt MOIL :It,/ F. -- 1 - • rior I•tre L-tdo him Ilrgcir\irn ... and r,t; hl. n-ver he ird f who douini C.lpl .)•.• , sprevi , e4 1•0. nc?i. •1 li Iptvi , hi 3 of tier tontrnirly tt Wil• Tvn,wi.l.on re1U111:0 I , lak.A. the 11_ , 141,11rt,•, ill. , ) 1,1 1. " I 1 v:ll l , ' ,l-1 ,- ,1 lii busim•ay 7,11.` him 1 ., v , I-; a., , 1 rr ar,tire huu alw:Ly4 of a en the part of hi 4 acqulint- lIF. statoCentrat ComnEttea have fixed I the 24th of March as the day for the cling of the Democratic State Conven- I 3= . , Counterfeit Fives orwtho Bank Of Port Edward, N.Y., nro being eirekilatelin I2udnlo. ' re:37. The Bore' of Corry,. 53Y% tht? 7.3, twa t he's fillet its quota under the 260,t100 call -20.i.tt00 more wanted. Go in agqiu; Corry. .then A. Craig, I:sq., Sheriff" of ii4e Cou,it-. h, toes appointed Payinroiter.sl2.4tig voy.k. of Ntojor. lylich of 4•cantr•thand" dierq throuph the hty'ati A!ntrtly, for PittOturt-h • frltn iVaterford. 0 r.-:-.00 • , I -4, v- A younß , lady in Warren ecntrity re-. certif . } , took an over-dose of morp . hine',to relieve th which resulted it, her death. En= El= riT Nvo nnarr4trin I tltat the time for the re the 111th regiment bog been oxteittletl to the tlCtth in9t. It t: ME Miss Anna E. Dickinson, the notorionr fe:n.le scald, we are informed,'•will deliver her jolitical "lecture" entitled "Words for the' Muir," in Farrar Hall, on the 71h of-March The Common Council, on last Monday evening,, passed a resolution continuing• the City bounty of fifty dollars to recruits. TLq Select has not yet acted upon it. la's' A rebel letter-writer, discussing the ragged and shoeless condition of the . 'rebel army of Virginia, styles them "Lee's Miser ablee." Soldiprs . who desire transportation to their regiments, or elsewhere oft.government account, can procure the same tiy application to Lieut. W. W. Lyon in this iter Wm._S. Lane, EsqLhas sold hilt resi dence on Sixth street to jA. 11. Gray, of the firin of Gray Farrar, for t - he sum of $16,000. Mr. Lane, we are informed, intends removing soon, to a place near Phil t adelphia. ! kr Mr. J. Kuhn his been awarded the contract for building a new school house Fifth street, west of the Canal. The blinding la to be. similar to the olio erected PM year south of the Railroad. ' Soldiers and Officers in the Army, being exposed to sudden changes, should always be supplied with "Brown's Bronchial orhs," as they give prompt relief ins Cold, or an Irritated Throat: e TLe Gazette says R. P. Holliday, of ••.iirview, has been appointed - a, Paymaster -in . the army. The -Republicans of on county cannot complain that they do not get a full share of the spoils. W 4„. M. S. Falconer, of Warren county, has been appointed Mail Agent on the Phila. Erie: R. -R., in place of Mr. James, de ;ceased. Several residents of this city were .applicants. ,-,tet We are requested to say that a meet ing of the gentlemen in attendance, to consider the subject of organizing a tire company, will he held aftrr the meeting on Monday evening, iu Farrar Hall. • ft. 1 , 1 cverytlim tvi , 3 ci.,7.11 toe: A train of freight errs on the A. & G. W. Raitroll, was thrown off the track on Fri : day night last, some fifty miles West of Mood - . vine, which cauAetl a delay of trains for 'some hours. No ~no injurP , l materkll3^. —Corry The citizens of Corry have Iteiti meeting v which plans were proposed for the cr ction of it new County, with (lorry as the con,lty salt. The plan proposed include I in the new county the townships of Amity, Union, Wayne ant Concord. • Au instlncs of American enterprise. Da the el:l.kst day of the year, to wit—tho 21 ult., a bay of 11 sltoteci two miles down the cto tl, with n bi. toe sticking out of his bout, on purpose to get three cents worth of ch4.win2; tobacco.—Girard Union. :ref- on Tueslay • the Borough erection took 1 ,: .ce in Warren, and reit/heti in a, triumph or !he D oiricr vie Ticket, by fair majorities, n.owillttlniing, the h.d:pr 11.1r4, the Decuo-' erat- nitwit-eta but little iutere , t, while the opposition were all interest. I= IMIC/2 t i , t. 'p gay- the Dar of Warren met on the ZOth ult., and passed resolutions expressing their es:oem ef.the I•tte Thomas M. Biddle, Esq., who aie , l stvidenly, ,at his residence in this Receipts. city, Lunentea by a large circle of relations Isrm,- :::;2‘.1€;,1113 :350,131) 881,012 ml friends. ..,443.419 92,987 We regret t 3 hear of the death of Mr. 727,titi9 281,250 W. Tilley, one o f the best known eitize.hti .For the accommodation of the Lake busi Greene township, on Thursday of lost news the I omptny are now constructing an we"k. Mr. Filley had an extensive acquaint extensive •pier itt thellarbor of Erie, upon tance in the county, and ices generally-es. which will be erected (es soon ail the pier is te.tnied. Ile was a_ kind.oeorted, intelligent sullieiently advanced) a commodious ware -1 very hospitable gentleman, and his &loath ho : e g . raiti elevator. Arrangements,have trial be universally regretted. also b^en made' jointly with the Lake Shore :t&" LOlll4 Weher, a returned soldier from i Railroad Co., for the erection of a new ntid the gfelt Ohio regiment, -flailing th a t he could capacious passenger station house - at Erie, not make n living otherwite, andertook to es and the work of preparing materials for the midis), a news stand is the L kite Shore depot. structture has already. contiMenced. • fie was assisted by small coati-I : bulb:ins from The meeting then' took a recess to go into a number of oar citizens, hut after trying the an eleetion for Ma Lagers for - the • ensuing business for a couple weeks, and spending ..yo , rtr t : ' • • ,• i • more money titan he took in, lie has, again en The following was the ticket elected: listed as a private in the 14ith regiMent. Managers—Wm. G. Moorhead, Ellis Lewis, Better luck to him in the army than he hits 'henry Duhring, D. Jackman; G. B. Wright; hail here. s Edward - F. tray, J. D. Whetham, P.. Metcalf; We understand.that the engineers of 8. G. Thompson, W. A. Galbraith the Atlantic and„Great Western Railway. have complete-I the preliminary slurvey or a railroad from West Greenville to Niercer,•by the' - 'ay of ottei*reek, to connect Cleveand With the Mercer county coal fields. They,are now en gaged in surveying •another route by the way of the Mercer and Greenville r60d... Lam' When you want a paper discontinued, ,go to the office like a mall, and notify the publisher of the fset, or write a lettbr to fie will think more of-you for it. Don't not like a cowardly knave, and refasO it ,r af'Afte post office, thus causing your postmastyer„the trouble of returning it, and obliging the Fab. Usher ever-afterwards to regard you—well, • 1 it ME not as a gentleman. ' " Fes' Emmett Mellen ? , a graduate of :the. 01,641.1.er office, has shipped in the ocean sor vim, and left fJr New York, with tlie equal on Tu. , loy. This is his second trial in the nary, and he deserves a better position than that of a common seaman. ‘Vhile in our em• ploy ho was industrious and frithful, and we 211.111 always continue to entertain rin interest in his,welfore. 2%. Jas. 'l3tiss having determined to engage in the dry goods trade, will close otit his stpci of grooeries, So., between this ihte and i l tho middle of Miro!' at reduced prices . Those who wish to obtain good birg,tins will give him a call. Mr. Bliss requests us to-an nounce that all debts due him muet be settled by the first of next month. ' 109.. Persons who have frtends in Ireland, ,9: thrhiirt,:fts ft saddlery. The latter had an England, S:otland, daltfornia or Australia, insurance of $lOO on his house and -$4OO on or who desire to visit either of those mu- i i his stock, and will lose probably $5OO above trie", will he interested in\ learning that Mr. 1 insurance. The rest of the buildings were Michael A. Quinn, at this office, has been ap- I not insured; loss about $2,000 pointed a4ent for P. Sitealtan4-Weneral Emi• ' N. Proms 14 , 4 all his household furniture, grant and Foreign Exchange office, '221 , %Vest.; which was up-stairs, and , considerable of the street. New Vora. - This is said - to be uns Old : miChineVy connected with his bakery, besides awl very extenziire, establishment," ,and. is hiving the goods and furniture in his store strongly recommended by a number of Cathe- i mach damaged. In the confusiOn attendant 11. clergymen in the East. Mr. Qnintiis Lupin, tbil, breaking _out of the fire, an Infant :kuiliorized to Belli tickets either to Dr fro *. l child was:forgotten, anti saved just in time to tliiV country, l n rapid and successful line prevint. it Vane* 'being etnothered by the of steamers and silting vessels. Parties'sdali j 1,4. The next building was used as a in to send money to friends, abroad oat-have N :nery - abore -by Mrs, Warren, Who eared gn l / 4 it exchanged at a moderate per oentage. tier i ail goods, Ste., but in a much damaged further particulars, call upon Mr. Quitin,.Whol clupditios she loses 004 $2OO. The fourth will give all information required, and whom tdillding was:sooupied down stairs by George we recommend with all our heart, as !) strictly Morrell, *far, and the upper room as a honest nun. -. A -.. 44 1 " . ipini's' anon not known to • ' • -•.:-. - 1 :•• L 1 :... - ,44 1011 1 I t -warty \ __ __. „ s'of • - et -4:r • snow in tis q sg, bill igkorthent CM , Wed ;would% Wye' atlY'latat le called iirst-rate , sleighing. GenkleMett .from the country inform us that a few miles back of the city, eel itharrrgiYuiii 414. At Edinboro, -q Tuesday, it was e•fooki4i6P4 • Tke, citizens are requested to meet at r 1fitl1;`On l Zldnd sg bent g, at t4ifliait I fieven,o'clocit, to consider Ail -expediency of n Fair fur -tho-tikief t Wic Relief and t?te Aid ..f r o t . tittOss ....of the county. Boils ladte.4 and ge.ntlemem tsreresruestly requested to atten , l. , P . ensions, Bounties, Arrears of Pay, &c., can be prepared by:tiielTid6wB;Orphtins, and "neX.l of kin of those who have died is the uerrieo of thollCuited: Statist; also, by Soldiers and Seamen who-nre disabled by Rounds re -ceive.l or diseatie contracted; upon application' to (I. P. QUIFFETEI, Licensed Military and Nar.li Claim Agent. Office in thp Common cgtEneil Ijo9mi,Wsight's Block. corner State And' Pita' eta., Wunder the Dizpah otrice,) Erie, Pa. AND ERIE RAILROAD. -:—We learn froni the'Phlfn,tiolithis' Duni-tin t that the etiaual meeting - of the stocitholderp of - this compa4 was Meld on Monday morning, •at their office.. No ., 230 Walnut street. •Renry Duhring, Esq., presided, and Philip M. Price, Esq.,acted as Secretary. Col: Wm. C. Moorhead, President of the Conanarty,:then. read. the Annual Report of the Miiiiagr.4 - . The report - states that ~ the Directors have been disappointed in their an ticipations of having the road completed, owing to the great • difficulty in procuring laborers;'ind'ininducing them to remain. At the ea,t , 711 end- of the road the track has - reached `llie "town of St. Mary's, and at the western end as far as Wilcox, leaving but twenty-four' mites of track yet to be laid to connect these•peluts, which will complete the .entire line of road, 288 miles in len6h. - On these twenty , fonr miles there yet reinains to be done of grading a portion of five different sections, in all less than forty thousand cubic yards, antj. OR change of grade and strength ening banks abaut fifty thousand yards. The masonry of: the 7bridges on the twenty-four miles of r . aad yet to ho finished is all ready for the supetstructnre, and these are nearly "all framed and can be raised at 'an early day in the spring. With the present force on the line, nil ihe - griling can easily be, prepared to 'retbive the track daring 'the next three months from the present time, and the track finished and in readiness to be run in the early part of the month of Juno next. Fif teen hundred and sixty-three meq (chiefly from New Ydrk) were sent on tho line of the read during the year, by the contractors, at a cost of over $13,000. This number of labor ers were quite stateient to have completed the road had they remained on the work, but a large portion left after working a few days, and some :tonally deserted before reaching their destination. The extriordinary yield of the oil wells in Northwestern Pennsylvania still continues, and arrangements tire in progress for such additional connections with the oil region as will, it i+-believed, secure to the road and to this market — a`racticable moment after the completion of the main line. • The bilittiotl.lf the tloating debt contracted prior to February-1, 1862, amounted to $llB,- . 876, which has since been reduced to $32,806. The whole of -this Amount the Qompany is prepared to pay as soon as the claims are n; presented. g The business onths-finished portion of the road under _the care of Cel. Jas, D. Potts, general manager for the lessee, has been con ducted during the past year in the most satis factory manner, and,the receipts therefrom have incrcastd so largely, taking into con sideration- the unfinished e.milition of the road, 114 to satisfy the expectations of its most sarcrine friends The following statement exhibits the re ceipts for the last fehr years with the annual increase:- 13xTeNsivE Plem-,--A tire. broke out on 1 Vi - edn'eaciay.evening about half-past 9 o'oloolik inthe frame . btaling occupied by, , IT. Preuss -- 116 . 1 i bakeryllnd confectionary, at the it enter pi' Stain and 'Eighth sweets. 'lt was at first enpposcd . to have caught from the oven of the bakery, bni Mt % Preuss tells us that he had tiot'its.ed kt for a day or two, and thinks the fire originated from a stove pipe. When first disidvered, it had attained only slight head. .way, arid . could have been extinguished with a foyi pails of water. A largo crowd of peo. pie' assembled, bht it wat come , considerable time before the engine was obtained;'and then. it could not be worked for at least a quarter of in hour, owing to the difficulty, of to tting water. ,- Meantime . the flames kept lowly creeping through the building, and before the engide had been got into effective, play,. had entntiutdoated underneath the roof to :the en , ttire,row. 'The frame buildings adjacent, oc cupied by _C - :,E, Loveria - as a Machine shop, and by Althpf it:Beerti,,as a Sash and Platt ing Matufactory,. were in,greitt danger_ foe a While, but aftet - being donsicieralgy damaged and their contents nearly 4M: dragged our, were:fortunately saved: As usual on suoh too- , isolate. tfiere were almost as many opinions In reference to the ,management of the fire as there were persons present. The kuildings ,belonged to the Liddell es tate, with the exception of one - occupied by ,„..„Their •ertiCies were moan saved but WriCelaffirlos'l7, 1:7 , 7-.7.=_` , - 7 • • a ril - diatage - Will.:pertutpkaroottilt to 11M.; , or two huntireC i dillnii,= ms cio Had we possseed ea efficient fire depart ment and apparatus, this fire could handball extinguished almost as, - Soon as Wirhei covered. : F.verrio . dir is the city" admits our deficiency in this respect, and - yet, there is no I . X.tion taken to remedy it, and we ',expeci.• from the fate that Other imiortantmovemettti have met triat,',Shat it an effort is tasits,4,l/ it will be a failure; Some or these attys.., we will have a fire that will sweep away alarge portion of tho.city, and not till then will our community Wake up from thef: unaccountable neglect on - the subject. .‘ ()h.—The dja City Monitor states that the' the river is at 'good boating stage, yet not over 2,600 barrels , liave beenshipped by steamboat. New wells re ported to lime been'struok, have failed to yield ; as large a quantity as was ex pected. Prices at the wells are from $4 to $4,50 pit. barrel. New barrels- $3,25( good second hand do., $2,50. The same paper does , not favor the; tax proposed by Congress, and thinks it will be a'death blow to the oil inter ests of Pennsilvania: It is reported that a large tlowingi well has been struck on the Wash. MoClidtock farm. There is, according I to the Monitor, a need of new houses in Oil City.• • The Regiitet thinks - the pro4peois for the oil business, for the coming season, areoxcellent, and that 3.he'riamber or new wells that will be sunk will eitceed that of the two preceding years. ' A companY has commenced boring for oil at Chicago, 111 i, near the city limits. The amount of oil chipped °Tit & E. B. It. dueipg the month of :January iris about 15,000 barrels. ' , • - The Meccaoil excitement., says an exchange, is reviving. The greasy fluid was recently struck at the depth of 744 feet, - whereupon all Mecca went into high glee. It iwittated that in the year 1861, 1,112,476 gallons' of ,pfrtraleurn were shipped fret this w as to fpreign ports, in 1862 the quantity was 1Q,887;701 gallons, and in 1863 the figntes were 28,0001000 gallons. Much of the oil was sent to Europe in bulk, the barrels being emptied into the holds of the vessels. We find iii the Gazette of last week the ex. bibit made i by the Commissioners, of the re ceipts and expenditures of Erie county, for the year 1803. As the report is very long we are only oniibled to give a brief abstract: Total receipts, Total expenditures,. Deduct warrants outstanding, issued prior to 1864, Cash in Treas. Jan. Ist, 1884, Amount dtie from individoats and coll4otors, Of the ii'xpenditures the following are some of the principal items : _ - Expense4fiCounty jail, Amount paid to redeem:bowls Nos. 8. 16 and 17, lean to C. 11., with interest; 3,200 00 Jurors, ! -,' , 3,60 16 Peter Jlcflloin, Tip-stave, 333 00 CommistiOners' Clerk, 700 00 Conyeyinicouviets to Penitentiary, 428 15 Sr. Sun. E. I.R. redemp. of coupons, 11,670 00 Board of inmates of W. Peniten. 332 79 " ~" ' Rouse of Refuge,' 383 66 .. ;UI W. Pa. Uos. 1,025 22 ," - Lunatic Asylum, 102 60 Directoreof Poor, 1 7,000 00 Bounties' 'paid in 1862. • 1,641 13 " L I o 1863, 29,400 00 Amount paid Commonwealth, 16,701 03 Commissions allowed collectors,: 3,101 12 IN HONOR OP sue FALLEN BEAVV.—A movement is on foot in several counties in the State of pew York to erect monuments to the memory Of the brave men who have fallen in defence 'of our common p3iintry since the commencement of the war. It it; the,inten tion of ,the grateful' and patriotic men and women Who take the lead in this laudable en terprise: to put. up iu each- town a shaft of marble i Fontaining the names of the gallant men whb have died in the service. To meet the exp4nses incurred by such an undertak ing, a inriety of plans have heen adopted- Fairs, ekhibitions, lectures, publioibollections and private subscriptions ha vo,aiready been resorted to; to raise the requisite funds. A project nf this sort has frequently been alluded to by the papers of this county, and we sin cerely-hope the day is not distant when it will be fairly . talgen'in kand. Whatever differences of view . vre pay entertain regarding the man agement of the war, we are all agreed in the belief ilmt too:mu'eh;_eatinot'lie . done towtalto the :soldiers - Comfoita . bte..,while living, or in , their honor when the l iliave fallen in the•oer viceA ineresse BLANEB : 7-IYO keep constantly on hand a . large igelectieit of -Lekaf Blanks, of appiaipti: form:4,ooh !is Deed s'„ Moitgages, Judgment and gomtnon Notes, Scitnnu;kni, Snbpcenas'nud !ennny;olliers, not in such' general rise. Those is uecd of tbeskartioles, will find• it, to their' advaritago to gliiptonr office iv;oall. tf. . In anvils tp , on',Thorsdsy 'venlig, the 4th lust., of . .JeBsascoatkoo c i f this,.L, ,tigt, N. W. 11.41.,Er, Aged 54 . . . In Y6nng vllle. oif.d.he 3 , /th' nit., !Ulan:mitte!'qb - the Lpoire,47olls 819(1INg,In the 19th year of I,is'ege; eon o( 41en. W111110;2 giggios, one of thi oldest watts's' to Malan taunt).' ' • lielawat,* Co; Tow4MONROF: g late i.l, of I Yospgiviae, Pia, aged 11 yea.* 8 inoattut and 4 day, . • " ERIE jP,ROI)UCF4,'MARIiETIO. Owriae4 Weekly by'JA . s. .: amss, Gemini , .D.44f -• in Orporriis and Preying.", Corner 0: :tint and -' , ` . '• • EigAlli .struts. . . . , i • ' ,-, --.-.- , , . , 1 , : . . ,-,." „ •.. , i,,, ...Elm*, Fob. 4;1603 1' Fin r,:;, . 6,0004,00, Dr . tid lon chin, .... , .20,325, OYSTttS!OISTERSI What,.._., ; .1 , 0• 6 9 1 , 66 , - 4 , • Mims.- - -r. -' l6 .‘ W E are now receiving ii, daily .' • r vorh, ••• • • n o on ' • R‘s,ireiri,io,„ , ° S'• en pplr 0/I.l.l67oTerfikSgif chola. ,I,JI 41 1 \. ;110 Rye', •,- ----------- :-- • I,° ‘• l' " ...i. Bilekb " vle ''''''' ' 15' quota.) , We ohnll. pay paitierdar a ,tiontlon 1111, Gata„*.i" '' . ';(i ° RD; i-offer..,. , • 36 - 040 ,•,.,,, tether 11, titil*Trid'ii an or rust° Ili ban rely upon- ii, 8ar10.1, - , ......,,, , ......I.75:JeTs. :. 14 "‘'". lot sipolied with FM6,13/1 rind, GOD Oysters at all Flan, ;', '' OW iilown Sugar ' 14 , 616 • - - -•• z. P - tuciri , ', [a usil 63 .) '• 1 3 0.4 a suntans. •Potatoon,..__... ....... '5O, Code* A. " 46020 1 . ' Tuerili,s, ' '' 4tl , ointhrd & Palrens'd "ii ' ... _ Onions, __:. ... ........1 VOW, at Ind. 1in015ni0n...6040140 • '• • H• SVZPISER. : .... . . itni.incw MARVIN. Redno, ... ... „.....2,000,2 2 -`04yr1ip.,...” ,- I 30401,25 . '„! 'SI r-15 IS' CE . ii, ar, Nc'A RVI r • Orilnd Apulia, .....:„...1 76 i Oriwo - Tita."4.:......:0 '661,60 t 1‘,T1111.5,1 el' !I .t..• 4;0 UNSL L EOBS, AT. LAW orleu 75; -I net I : " I • 25 ° i t ' I 7 FFICE,;' Bangor; Blqck, near, North Duttor, Laid 21626/ Ji P a° " ' 1 . 6°4014 0 - 1 Gait I_6rner . ! tho tntillo 6quaro, Erie. Pa. ' ' . Vat 131 tallow Can Olen 15 Aaint..., " ....110I2N I ittmarina -', 2° BiLit.DT 11,GUSB, • b,. • . - Eittimilders., '• ' 40,71 White Fisk, ff‘tro 't . 6,50 • Joan Thaw , Progriatori Cornet iii Chinos, • isgti.Trodtolo. , ' ' O .r. • •zateandl'hlid 'B,tres4a,lianasedately fronting tho_Ong Eggs_ -•' ' . 2 ' gte i' e " l P erbbi - • 21134 " ° ' h i risl, in. T roinoanbla;adnintmodaUinn , , , ow inn urg, 11113111 Pap ufm, pet biiet....1,2.11 x. '• .1...1 :o Mr bent Hotel In thin city, sad thin Bar slim __r-__ . ' -tip, Lard with the c6aleent iigaap, , foh23-38. _zp-gag'o 4drettionuintp. I ! - - A:tiministrator's Notice. ERS OF ADMINISTRATION i R A N D• 0 IL P'ffil 8 her tog teen granted to the undersign•d, on the V ''''r wouI f ISALK AND IMAM eget," of Lawrence Lcosh, deeeate d, We of Millereek fp , rte cruntv, Pa ; Notice Is hereby teen to al persons I -0-Y8 1 E R DEPOT! knowing then:mites indebted to the WS, eto nr tlr home- ' , NO 1105 lISILROAD STP.P.EP, N i kßTit SAAT, PINTA. p rr e it, psyment, atd Ahnte hasloating sitalnet the • • • ("tale will present them, properly authentic gad, for ! '. . li. FL T. RUDOLF IPreprieten settlement. IL OiNO'iti•ff. - T u l le . g opott l i with the beg finality of Oysters itthe i I , F. W. KONFILEN, i bmsest Wks. The pat/anal of the polar respect. lli 3 Octeek. Feb.ls4'ol-86/. Adminirtrators. t f a il, wi e tt o id„ nosif 63-Iy. , 1 1, Dlssolution_of Co-Partnership. - , choice Lots j tot alidei - o - , , • 1 fIPHE FIRM..of Crawford & CAughoy was , dlaaoleca on the lit init. All debts of said fi rm 1 - and Comer of Math ifyNie Streets, jjj ColrgEn Third tOid S ate Streets, wafb • A able,' by ".ir n. .t. eraffar4 to 'Snt al debts ; wit h c o n s omme & ~, ' i •,2 ' , It belonging Weald firm will b* paid—he algae being an- i . f - '• ' E.,D 9CNNISONr Sheeted to use the name of the-.lfla to sit.liag the 1 i pora i.. 3 i. i- - .. . ism°. - WU. A. CRAIVFORO, r ; rehntr. BYaort C. c-tuaaay. : • $6,00 A IDAYI HE UNDERSIGNED EIAVE THIS i ILL, TIE PAID FOR AGENTS to T di) formed $ ro•ptrtennwhip 'fader thi. Arm same 1 W m e sd ell o a lcom a. New andat Brows w olerr n n , b , lies a t tbu ion c if %piker. bf Crawford at eh/balk:4 mai will continue the Groton , lion be liai Ship Chandlery Dueness it the eldstsaa•ot Crawford & Caeghey, No. 7 Suttee Biotic.' AN A. Olt 4WlrO i 1), , R. P. OHNISITAN: ' , i. Iris, M. 0, .64U. :A LARGE LOT Otihysti in 44, sad Strla i ters after ••, Finances of Elio County. DIED. 71, 44,410.411. puruhum N. Sherwood, Alder et ittie tr• fa. 6 Rimini% Drabs; deed. Nov, Tenn. 16611. &ndeoW,towitr_Yeb.d.lMt, en istotkoa the - Cleart. appoint Wiliam Peririlfilt;:ftv_dmittetZtie distribute TWAhlk *lt .Isbedotif reanildiftled* lathe shoes stab& 'M ter Cubism prom the" Record. .1060 i C. HILTON, Clerk. By Brrrienun Deputy. The Undersigned will attend to the dense of the above appointment at his °Ste (Werke libek rrimeh 91 8100 in pt., on )riday,Abelltli as/ etJaz* Md. n o'clook; a. at.; when these Subsisted tray'rettand if tbej thiert MO:. • - Limits -wrrr, fcsl4-3w. a Auditor. IA the matter of the tool of 10 the OiTharts' Cowl, N. W. goo!, Putout ,r of Da. of E. le Ort, No. Nov. rid W.llsee, dee d. Term. And now, to w F0h.41,. 1 38 4 , con 0 " 14 N 4 t h "" lt appolot Waileee-IM Witt Aiditer. to ilattibototlio U. ettie In the haiids of the ticsoator. ks. Per Callan. From the Record. JNO. C. lIILTON, Clerk. By. Butransnn, Deputy.. the undersigned wttl attend to the de,* of the *bore appointment at his Mikes, ire Wayne Monk. french Street on datordayohe 12th day y. of Muth, A. 0. VW, at 10 o'clock a. m,:where tkoee Interested fan t Attend if it/ think pmper.' ' • • WALLACII DI2 PIM tebl3-3w. Auditor. Oiphins' Court Sale. I'HE Undersigned, Guardian of John Cronenberkei, ittnor child of Jacob Cronenlerger, late of the efty cf Erie, deceased, by virtue , of an order of theOrphans' Cehirt of Erie anal), will impose ti Patine Sale, at the Court Donee, in the city of Erie, en SAWS.' DAY, If /AC1119,1861,0 10 o'clock, a. co., the following described 041 estate,•enciate in the city or iris, Pt, to wit : e In-Lot No. twenty-fits inndred: and fift;-two, (USIA as originally nemberel io the fiat sedum of the Apra, now city, of Erie, with s Prams Dwelling Douse emoted thereon, excepting and reserving so wig h.thereot el =Ay bare been need in the construction of the Erte iiitasston of the Penne). Iv:ads Canal, and Maytag thereafter feet in'width from the West side of said Lot for a conk mon passage way. com m? OF—The awn of two hundred dollars to be paid on continuation of sale, and the balance to paid in five equal annual stywente thereafter, with an anal interest oa toe shale -sam—ruissining appal& And to be smeared by judgment bond and mortgage on the precoisev. ell !ER J. SHOTTZN„ faisll-aw. ' • Guardian. Adniiiiistrataix's Notice. LE TTER4 'OP ADMINISTRATION on the estate of N. W. Filly, deed, late of Greene Xrie Co., Pa., having been granted to the under signed these knowing themvelise Indebted' to the en. tate will make immediate payment, and those having els ms agttagt the same win moist thew duly tattoo'. tlested, for vettlawest. - Greene tp., Feb. 13, '64-6W. Abintirdstratrts. THE undersigned offers for Rent from ' theist of Apricls44, • SMALL TaAcr OF L I•ND, iu 11111 creek tp., oa the 'disbar° park road, 2M Wks South fr,m !tete, e^utslefex vg scree, wader toed sett. ration, with en excellent orchard and pure water. A TWO STORY PITON& Boost, with kitchen attached, and all the neeeuary outlastl4. Lase aro on the prsriSee. Far terms apply to • MARGAUT SICITEL Sixth, betwee 1101laisd ar:Merman ?tsf.,ltrie." !hbe—St. STRAYED from the preen lies of the undersigned in {his city. about three months ago, a WILL. about • year and 4-Dal old co'or ea : 4 black and white —a fine animal. There la • alit in one of hie sers. Any person snowing et his whereabouts will plrase tease information at my resedence near the outlet lock. / TllO3. feb6re4tf • • FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ERIE 1 [De3ivistei Dep7eitory of the United Etatel.l 5 PER an. u. S. Isom Trains MOTEL TER SECRSTIRY nett'. Treasury has atithoriSed the first National Flank of Er e to reeetre subeeetptions for the Two Year Fite Per Cent - Trim/ivy Notes, which are made a Lezei Tender for their face mine, by an Let of ilarr,,h 34. 1891. The noteeare of the denomination of SA& $lOO. 11,000 kn., with esapons attached payable spial.vinuakty. The ontee bear interest from date of deposit of the money in this (lent. feh1...1 lf. , eANFORD, Cashier. $92,414 - 41 83,073 38 13,321 71 $69,750 06 22,688 85 4,695 60 NOTICE. Orrice or 'ewe PEELS & ER! R. R. Co., No. 230 I We ant Street.—Plutaortrrns. Jim. 29. Th• hold-re of the Certlffeetee of Yrefarrel debt, timed In accordance with en act of Assembly, posed April 12, 1800. be, the Sunbury & Er o r Ral:roel Co., and dated May Ist. 1860, ere requested to pre.ent the same immediately for redemption et the afire of this Compane im. - GEORGE Z, , fub‘3'6.l. .Treasurer, P. T , $4ll 72 muslc,LE`Secws, Can be hid spin of PROFESSOR OF MUSIC THE OFFICE AL PAPER. OF CONGRESS. I did not publish a Prospect,' on the last page of tbs. Cenegressienal Globe, of wiliest senator', u ham been my custom for tie. preceding sessions, because. owing to the high pri - es that t . pay for mster ale, I did not believe I could afford to pilot it at the prices for which I bad In variably prinied it. But I bare prices to milt it at those rate, as long as this war exintinuee, unless I AUG find that the loss o.i ii is too great for me to bear, The Daily Globe and the Congreaslonal Globe and Apc psinitx will be published during the nett Session of Cer,, green., f which will bee long one,) to convene in Ras city the first Monday in Coat I:rem:Orr. ; The Daily will contain a full report of the debates in both hi :inches of C , ngress also, the news of the day togat ter with a- eh editorial articles as they Go suggested ky inesing events. The •:ongressi.‘nsl (bobs and A ppendix will contain • report of alt the debates of the session, revised by the Speakers, the Ifrseage of the President of the United States, the Pep,rtet of the licads of the Rsemative Deur inents, the !paws pass,d during the credos, and copious indexes to all They will be printed otM a double roral sheet. quarto form, each sheet containing sixteen royal quarto page4,And irefully make about 4,000 pages for • long winos. Th 4 Cougnminnal Globe and Appendix put fres thro' the milk of the fruited States, under • joint resolution of Congress panted the 6th of At ugust, 1512. TFILSH.—For one copy of the Deily Globe during the mouton ga,6o; For on+ espy of the Cougreosional Glote and Appeodsx during t' es-talon Th.. Daily Globe may hs taken for one or tome months at the rate of St per month. duteeriptions for the Con griisional Globe and Appendix must be for the entire see.oop. No attention will ho paid to any order uuleu the mon ey accompany It. JOUN C. PAVES. Wasnixorcu Car, Oct. 29,49f3. Farm for Sate. THE subscriber ofiers for!Sale his Farm In Summit tp , Erie Co-, Pa., comprising ninety jibrrS of good soil, nine miles from Erie, city, on t h e Wa.• 'terror! Shunpike road, and roar miles from Waterford gr, well watered, with-good buildings, tab fruit and 'thirty scree of wood land. Apply-on 'premises for rarthn. .Information.' Walt 69 sold 01Z reasonable terms. johadif. • • ' RAIN R.GRAHA/1.- TEETinyRICTED WITHOITT PAIN , - _lir A NEIV I',°ll(loE.S.3,l;racticed hi no one else in this 1) reentry. One mat will simile patient confidence. Dr. WE1.1.9 his 'engaged the eerviese of Stanetear Da A LBUitiiß, the eelebvited French' lientiet. Teeth sneer ted upon the Freed% or AmeriCan stir. Office 111 Saps Tlor ntre.r; Cleveland; °Ain. • deat.'63-Iy. Arnold's 1114 brig Fluid! DIRECT ISMORT'ATION, - Warraikted' . GOnuine! ni,da'. raid, Black aril Carmine. inks, Mucilage la glut bottles, oats of Lemon, routosiNational Wafers, - cap, rommercial Note,,Bill /r Berme Paper, - Wrapping viper of all elms add qualities, Yankee Notions b AbUlatire. Earelopea at Wholesale ' 4 . 0 c kitS t FINEEi 011,, Chesreilhan am other' nous* : In' this city, at • No. -4_. Reed House. : • '-- A X GUILII, • '3•111/VES4tt • • . . . . l• 'WE' Ant -OFF.ERINg - • Ivv. Awn &whiniest of Rubber Ooodis Colski, Ornsheatlolls, Doti Beads, Gimes and Atomism* tot QUM& Nom Pais Moissisi Ps esabsey dit r i iiL 4 4L *714-115. , 311. di I ni1 1 , 1!Olt0 aaaaw atiarly attaiataturad at tali aatabllaluasat Irma weed *Me tirpa titian. IMO, WNW ma" , CastatanaitrassliNt I/ . alltherad at lbw floor. MSS 9aas. For Rent. Stray Bull. WILLIADL + WILLING, THE' GLOBE, = j3O 4,1: as 77.4 loos ineli of Miiniage. 250 AB= lip 130 13130=MIL—Psico only Vidurtletta oars. Sent fret of postage to all trt r a ta tarity lk . Crilbs4 itrataillnlitrasio s t all ugly attain, debinty, nom= • dimension of -111 1gs j ' , 11 1 73erl i lltak '" 4- .o* 'O4l t % with &hootor - • Ara= isuly, fps.. ke. MS a thfallitthei to the married and those ilogilaTitlinalr i anfOttattrgn! wafts 'of haying bearded e health, Impale's* and peldilegas to whfeh relay h being is entitled. YOUNG YEN who are troabled with warAsees gener ally. earmed by it bad habit in yoittgni affects of which are disdain, petuk, forgetfulness, sometimes lk ringing la the eats, weak dyes, weakness of the back and loser tifiltalktiesz esliikeheszok l ideas, Irspi of spipery,rs ith a grf i tr j o " N l DO l rTf i t i ertrile 1141"4" We bare, for the greater part of thil ik Vir, der otod our time :i s taliNg that g&toppeo sguipm 0111111010 OE 0 160PIOVItaC Wag* tha Wee *Wed pb sad surgeons In Europe and on the Sentiment. rhosawho glee* themretwee wafer our we will a tr /Ma iiltetbetteilt :01 WO %l Ne *id 10llonsees whltik weals &t ve abled ily en Intriulide Into oar o‘and the imbue spay satoml of the SUDO ses4 ueoNuiv.tiECßKXomkettorktien hello** thsdr assay has so etowisfallg i Iciralsbeit ae heretofore, al Physician In oar PECULUR department of olohasional practice, 0)=a! twee *Are years. pucgagpsYn. %W/ medtel ie. the Matey Oki bass teen to thoussilds of eases, cad wort fail e 4 to 'Hoot speedy • cares without any bad resnita,will tuss none bat f/r... Ds 4000 Postale Perioill mi Pills. The only prseaution neobeerwed Is e that ladies 'holed net ta k e reason tobelleve they are In mettle ciliation/ e roirtfent.tra of which will be found of theoenejlipee elenatilfaying sash hot . ] though always sh'e sa y and heal tby,"io gentle got OD WWII 11141Platr. T,T • • r Pries $1 per box. They sin be milk to ail tart of the United States. TO TEO: LAINES—Who need tto isntisi seediest ad viser with regard to any of thaw interesting eotoplainta to which their delicate orpoisetion render. them liable, eras particularly invited to consult no Tex onzoriter.O.u.i.amo Penescrtax"—For wanted ladles whoa* been will net admire - or wllirbitTl l, l lo do' alre to inane" their fatal lea, may be obtained as above. It to perfectly mai, and bakbeea extensively need dping the last eight Years- Pries Wilted to 4to. - • TEM BEOIEII OF YOUTH UNVFILED A Trestles "Ile Gum sf Promo** al - Aseleto wereindy. Jest jimittetied, s' foot. mewls, t h eiftsuPous pewees mad Weeelssee awes sniss4, [NOS wale Auul feweidej eiltdifitothefit t podia". est atefetalsly thee losely attends its eiebau, and Samar I aelud• aro. reee w f i the dierese, front lie esennunrarstal Is Ms mi. h es* 41 Mau daises:oo4 ire [3] cud Sissies. Er Attend/Ma daily, tone 6 In the morn big tilt Si at night, and onlit i ndaye trom 2 till in. . • lt ediclate wt full direottorui stet toss, part of the United States r Canada% by, patients .conunianleating their symptoms 'by tatter.' likudoess correepoodence strictly oondearitial. Mr Dr. L." Oteee Is still located so estabilehed, un der the name tdDitAr, CROIX, 2:o. hi Malden Lane, Albany. W. Y. ; , _ : snores- Change the Drug Business ! Tlie !pr astabilaind and: mai known Dug & Medicine Stare 0.1. 8. Carlon Hu pared bito ihaltanda of tha isderalwood, hti ens, who, haohnviiirebaied the ottriatook will matinee the an butinan rotators in Ike 'nano pima. Manua and preamot ma igloo of this bone. u a Preserildlen and Fluidly , Redlchae Stire, puma AMMO OF ANT:Orifirft IN TIM CITY j And the selmeriber hope, be canted attention arettledi clous memeget, to toorte tbo mow Sir tha 'atom Mr. J. Olirtlif • illithot4th mAthdrewiel from the more wire Wore rot. the bottom, artIL:0111 remain to the store, wheals hopes Mimed Witold him& gad see be coamitod u aenal. !SAMUEL CARTER. oeptinEttl.l JgHN WELSH, cirgasiDE, - tan, PA., I wHotsilaut aZLtss BALTIMORE OYSTERS! TO } I 10intritYlitADE BIIPiIiED WITII Preihtnn and Reg Oyeters; If: Received every Day, and on% lATISFISTIOII t yr COSlFooolictiottimai prosolitly ottoaded to. • i nottfelltf.l W. W j 'ELti.S..ll-;*-11 - . C. P raom LONDON, ENOi.LND,"" . :''; ' 4 c, Cleveland, 0. IVERY BU,Fraftlit can he timid by hit new whicbgaa Mural in thaws/ads° '• Englander & Amer! a. Da•es °foetus** asegrrn• Debility, Consumption, euralgia, A orb= Senates, fits, Throat Diseases, l'ye tiltheionathun, Liver Sritcut ArrairTiox paid v•Etwoale COW r lain ts, Sem • *knout, Lou of Mem Jradiry Symptoms., Sexual Dwasee.,'Sy shine Erupt. _ Ulcerated sere Lep, west, qtrietnnes, Disputes of the Bladder and Kld toys, and • long list p 1 fearful diretseil known in Pronoun Comp! ints, resulting from foul and !Mercurial treatment. Young Ten who are troubled with weakness, generally canoed by a bad habit to yodtb, cm be effectual.) , eared by this treatment. • ' Patkenti of either rex living at a distance, bystating their Melissa in writing. giving all the symptoms, can obtain calamine with directions for use. Ills Medicines are Esetesee4p.regitaik. Ml•ebo- iciest Baths, One Dollar each. Ta ft:lu dUirols of toilettes themselves, can bs tarnished with the most isiprose4 141eatricat Instrument; and in structiotis In their proper medical applications. - Ths Dada Sacessofeity ati Diaessee of pis 41V1) EdR. No cue will be received where there are any doubts of ammo dr a relief, I CIri,REFF.RENQRI4,•Dr. Breek , Robert Gill s John Nevis; lir. Tying. Jahn Evans, Dr. Estell, 8. Bicknell; Esq., T.;Trivett, Emil, Cleo. W. Jessup, Esq , FeT t George Mintier. Rev. T. P. Marrow. CON SULTHZGHOURS.—Prem 9 A M. to I P. M. Rai day, (rein SA.M. to IP. M. Post Office 8a5.,3219. No Litters will be answered unless they contain • re saittasee or a postage stamp. Enclose a 'stamp for • Ciretthix. n0v2,'83-Iy. tabeeitt Erie Ale _Brewery, CORNER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO STREETS. Erie City Lager Brewery, CORNER' OF POPLAR AND UWE STREETS. , , , . Erie M o ult Si' Barley Warehouses. CORNER OF 7TH STREET & CANAL P Psi* tad Ambert And XXX AIN, _ . Thip Beat Quality 4 Erma Viutstira of Lam Primo iPaleetsd Wasters Hopp, .- . • p Tlttcholarst Qualitims of XiM,t ; and Batley, i OW hsad and and for mats by i A. KING. , . dicTfreatt. , I rt :A T drilinilitr TEßS i l of, Ad a ttl triM llll6tllll 18 - 1 1 • Fut de ofiOtii Moor, late of ttil I creek tp., deertued, on git h to 6.1 persons todebtl6l, to .4 and estate to ambit Ina. . Yt 4T :. upon be pig been granted to the orolersi:ned, notice nu herLby mediate pi' , Inept, awl 'hate berth , / •cemints against CLe nu?, wilt present tit,. m, propel 1r auttruiticated, to me. ... R • BECCA" O. WALK KU, I,lllloreuk,Er,ii Co., Pa., Admi,Ltratii.x. ilinl6-6w • . ~ 1 ' Administratrix.'s NOtice. i. ,lELTERSor :Adwinieuration upon 'the i[d Estate d Joel Porter , late of Waterford toirosbtp, ded, baring tato vested to tun sadratgasd, notice ta *roe). siren torsi persons Indebtoi to add Watt to mace .immediate psymeot, in , d tlto no basing accounts at uoat the MRS will pnli•Clt tbenn properly sat'..entlea• ted,tto ma ; HANNAH Puitrhai, A thniaut,atitz. .!op Baia, Dia co i l's., Jas. 111, 16CA Arc i Farm for lia rtHE undirsigned offers ' j., the 15th iot February nest, b tt4 eentaintag am hnstdred aryl 50, ty ono "madras weeimproved ; , the • bir.'soort runt bet eine. orchard cod ii sitobted I sales from Kris as th strid.• It not vld by the above date It see Can r- ?sari. i J t • or-- - - ---- --- i , Executor's Notice. )1 1 i trz e ilt , r rA ti% entliz o lg o ni n e l iEst k a , t p e „ flees s. tenuity, PI, baling been'itraumttotberaderstaned; hotfoots boeby4 ilea to 111 pastas leatlna , els , tor Ilgain , t PO Mt. tO Prt Wit thus. ,PlPPlttilnalthtfdttsatta, for Win:neat, en, those tikowing thenterliee Indebted to the meld estate irsll wake intrn.otete p. , tn.nt • ~ • ; „1 ELIZABITIL THOMAS. ~ ; ~ , 1 '' •-mikur_e.raouAt, • r joiserwri•i r . ~, - ' - , Esecutors. I ! AdxplAiOnfOr's,.:. Notice. rETTEItS of Administration having boisieeletedtotteeenderilened on the estate of hloghMeNulty,idecease 4, tete of Greene tp., Kee Co., Pa.l adios is herehy &ea to all persons laiswityg-thea , , Have Indebted, to the same to'nzake immediate payment, lad those hewing Oakes against the estate Dreamt Ahem fee maicadrata MeV, U. L. PINNEY, j Oreeoe tp , SO, 1861-41 w. nntnlntstratote . 7 - 7 ' PIPES) PIPES t !l rit 4 411,MilltU t _bugs lot et liloorouguo. 1 1 : Gattli haw ion, ammo& awl * g a Zir= e3 unia iimidillot li 15 , V , 1 , ', I I 1 ,L:112041. 3 ,1 avnt ailkt l'Al= ll .. " ' -.. 1 I i , Al • Of;t:s , alti.,lllloroi ' 4 • - ii l i a J BASIN. ter pile. until It Tim Irt Summit . ono., or Ives i"ance roel toa will tretarvi, it • Waterford plink I 1 be rtoted for ' JOHNSON. SALE , o'r • PELVLAPpa Altai TWO trrownsga sopa. ?wow e g Ua kfr tailt bob own,* isolkoi *ilea alai. Mai outlay, boa" /up Pm, U S 7 110, ao amorimot or. abort of portal Intl, toottidlig OWN, oborploo, pun, ke, odjotaing the Oat Lots of trio, irttii sera of 4 0 1 11600% put M Wade oori4ll n onnx irl4 lot as My, Day, iroAloOkel. ............. acßElladiolathriabovs, fotall boar bona, Lap Gioia " golad orchard ofirafte4 trait, 66., fat... 56,010 ACRES (( CHOICE: . LhifD-89will km • bows, tromp • laro,*rthat, 614 UP tromp i 6. 9 09 • • In ACRES, 9 mile. brow 1416,40 lageorod,baissoitood dood laud, 1 mtlo from demblulr Road sad Jaakaaa'a hc94l, barn and mut,' f00...4t00 - Tllt4.Arge and Complate pIL ItYllllilli,tn the aitl of i kaows>• the I,Fly Brawn" oagratty aloe 160 barrels per week, together with 0 mot of look fru?l.loi oi . " mar. k rile Railroad, tbr.......--$6.40111 ALSO, Lota; Bowies and:44 and Out,Leta in the City and Sunni bn. Thaimbienber hieing recently enlarged sad eatoadad his minnketniteg tontine", needs hada te veal It S. and la datermiaed to .st a part or his Heal Estate. Hi Hattoo» effete the romping at the above law rtiVION aid wtti make the terms favorable sad Hiles perm. • A. KINCre 4•46'6.1 Mc.Alister'S i• -1* MI 4%. IJ Ils7 OINTMENT rossesses ' all theets guest peculiarities: It Vare• Dismays 17 t►Nalat'fM ANSI. amid restoting theLueasible Parepiraties. It Hisciargee tie Vitiated Rearedese, and Naomi the cause irf dims% LL takes the Biles oak — at Bane% Ism sag Wounds, and taibduou Intagatatloa at asoa, t b Aboof bed br, tke i"llthe sad Mascess, aid It Operates like :Oaf* Inborn AppUed la Lear tiocs of the Loam Stomach watt Bevis. 11 la WL• Etaillv Bereedsl la Sidael Cos*laints. Our II salsas Sold4rs laud mallet• Ms, ft Idsber than Gold. f!, ha saved Inagua salertas and =re UM On 0 7 111 7 ' or battle-WA than say ethar ONO ever rworted to. INME2EM!!!!WMEI soettangand biding Girrtibrat 1a eibotsaca.... j ,Tairss Matz rrax Ii the !blister sad Proirleter, Rey Ycrt It L cool I • et $5 seats try all Cyraggtitr Irritryebere. 0440 l by &own. C•1117Kli, No. West t ark Row, Altera for Frio. • Wholeiale Depot:4oolva it C 0.% 012 broads'''. deoN62-3212. • 8 :8 8 WRIqHT'S BLOCK, STATE STREET, ERIE, PEPIVA Where s fall and cholas assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS! DIII.3I.IisTIP .A.ND NORM ON YRIMITS, WIL L OW AND WOODEN WARE, STONE Wes, }'SaETsßLss, ike.„ are shwa on hand and eelltug cheap at dal .' JOHN RANYARD'S Now Grimy. NEW FURNITURE STORE. , J. H RIBLET & CO., if mad respeethOy into m the public that they have opened* FURNITURE WARE-ROOK. IN (GABLE'S BLOCK, Between Bth and 9th Streets, on State ! Where they Intiend to km e e i nestily on Lunt • inli NEW LID WELL SELECTED mama Er We respeetlngy solicit • share of the }abits pub. renege. J. H. ItIBLEr • -.- jatalet-tL i. W.BPOONift. VALUABLE Store Stand and Residence for Sale. THE uudriigneci offers for Sale -his valuable prosody in the village of Beaver Dam, Erie Ce., Pa., coosisting of an excelleot Store Building end Dwelling Honee, with, an acre or more eland at tached. The Mots ham been need foe the purpose a great amber of years, and is well fitted. being hiss. CODT. O " lent, and having a good.cellar. A wing attached to the building will accommodate a small Welly. The stand is one of the but 'in the county. being aitnated in a healthy, fertile and wealthy neighborhood. The residence le a Two Story elm, hawing a large, dry collar, and being both roomy nadr ' enlent. A good cistern Well and Barn are coonec with the house I will sell or ex. change for property In Erie, on reasonable terms. Any person wleblng*t puthuo will address, JOHN atinflNS, drel9l3-3m.• Brie City, Pa. New Hardware Store, Corner lof 9th end State Ste., The Siameribers have ()puked • STOCKi . .O F '-H.A.RDWARTS Alt new sad Just reoefrod from the Eastern Marksts, .1 eomprfsing balls, (Weil; Cooper , ' Tools, Mates, Wu, sewevor ALL DESCRIPTIONS, and every vanity tonally found to each iettnniiiihnnerae, mid furnished at as low rates ea they can be procured at any other place in the city. They invite • call from all those wh0116(4 articles in their tins of Waimea. ; - • FEED CUTTERS! A Large Stott of the • ENPIaZ-4a. 1, 2 and 3, with 4 Knives. War raatad to eut either Straw or Stalks equal to any Machine in the world. Pr i es— No. 1, IP2; No. 9,127;N0. a. I , Also, the PRZNIUII-,Narr.l and 2, both single and double bulk' whirl' are well adapted to use of Farwell with moth= stock. No. I,single knife, 1113; No. 2, single knits, $l4; No. 1 . 2 kniTell, $l4; No. 2, 2 knives, VT. RIiIIBNBV.S TIIS STAN D, Corner of Ninth and State Streets, in Sehlandeakers New Block. 0tt3.413tt. I D. PIEINCIt & CO. NEW GROCERY STORE. The onderelgeed bsve °ova s new Groom o. Store, O BAST SIDE OF ST4TR ST., Si HOUUC BORTH 'pp RAILROAD BRIDOS, Where! Owl Mond kiropt el s . fall supply of GROCR PROVISIONS a FR ems, sums, CILOCKE*Y WARE. -YANKEE NOTIONed WAgEt t CONFECTIOIttnigsfI TOBACCO do /l.ndaverstblng usually on bend la as satabliabsuast ( . the sort, • we are determined to oe.ie aligned todnorrento it any other dealers to the city. aod kWh'. the pia% to es I. confident thet tee cao giro entire octB.'63tt' tr eflit k 4, GB ,CERIES I GROCERIES 1 AT ESALE AND RETAIL. P. SCHAAF, VlllO 'foul stspectft ly laloim th, r utak, that be ins ern:4 •• a :..I,lre In No. 4 Hughes' Block, Eire, Whom he ' will s keep en hand a large supply a " , GROOEItIES, CRACIcERY AND WOODEN WARE, Litmus, maim, igeirsigai usually fer sin IS ft tatiloliclemat tba Had. 11 - ar TOMO Untenable as try etbse ems Is The city. ' Jaabiecty valuable Property at Private Bala rri4E 1:1BSCRIBER will Sell at Private Folei a farm of 10 altos to JO creek fp.. Fria Co, a dl o wp g leodo of John IY. Ryan au I brio of Anthony deo essao, drettaeed, enahreeing out tot: Ws. 14 and AS to the ?tap of Era city. Timm I meted on the proper , tys %rood tiro Ilary littok Dwelling Howe, Met bark - butldloge.. *me born le other oat-buttdiags. The property te beantifally Mesta% oematoodlag a Weis el the City aid lisrb- , r of fail: It is also well eopplled with Odle fruit trees, mitur debates of soil moot le ossollied le Eris court,. The itehtd- Ott will also soli, at ploate is's, oat lot No. 614, between ?Mond 4th skeet.. The /Ws. • R. IL parse Melnik the lot, the property =Vain ag as = rer porpoise, bobs Ow. The show property - add as nessarlOs teamso. A il rj =l=ll_l: T ll2 **Alba WA's*, e t a hums maws, MN AM hat 4111. • ' arm, corunui. juXl-IFir. • , Lasamist Co .Ps. WNLEME• asii. al Oini o f a Ideikisellb** , -,. 31131111111101 mart • e:m 5111