The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 06, 1864, Image 4
NO'' ALCOHOLIC MOLLY ,pCINCMTRATED VEGETABLE =TRACT I A /MILE TON/0 I Doctor' Hoofland's GERMAN BITTERS, PRLPABED; BY 0.-M. 'JACKSON, FHILAVA, PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, jaweekee, aWORie or Heinous Debility, Diseases V irsdneys. mut all Diseases arisingfrorn - a cExlrdered Liver or Stomach. each as Constipa tion, Inward Mei, litheemor Blood to the - 11044, Acidity of the Stom ash, Nausea, Ilehrtimarst,Disgast ess-Tood, rullneesnr Weight to the Blasaieh, reser ltrucjatloas, Sinking or flatterincat the pit the Stomach; Swim ralagafthiliffeed-Harried and difficult Dreatblny, rlattolingAt.the React. Choking or Sorrowing sett Wiens wimp' in a lying posture. Dimness of %%moo, Dote Or Willa Won this dish; Fewer end Dull Pain In the Head, Dedelimey of Perspiration, Yellowness or the Ado and !yes, Fain to the Side, Back, Chest, Naha, es, Sodden Flushes of Haat,- Burning in the Flesh. Con stant Imagination of Bwil, - . and great Dome sion of AND WILL POSITITZLY PREVENT 'YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, &C THEY CONTAIN NO ALCOHOL OR BAD 'WHISKEY ! Thee, was. Cul the alhn disease' ILI ninety-cane oases mat els luuadrai. DO YOU WANT SOMETHING TO STRENGTHEN 10U7 YOU WAN A. GOOD APPETITE', ❑o YOU WAS TO BUILD UP YOURCONSTI CCTTION ? DO YOU WANT TO FEEL WELL' DO Vt)U WANT TO GET RID OF NERVOUSNRI4 no 'IOU '..V.1 .er ENE R Y DO Yi KT t; w, TO SLEEP WELL, I DO YOU WAYT ♦ BRISK AND VIGoB.OUS FEELING IF Y , ./LT no, L. 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTER.~ Prig I. Neste!! ST ins,p. Ir.dtkr . 4_l4lin gacyri, pais - 1614 r tists . Knoiel•die, Although net Efdpee. d in faror or recommend retest Medicines la resters!, through Lii.trnot of their ingredv iota and effects; 13. d know of no a ariici.nt rc•twei rt a Tian Imlay not teatify to the beneit he believes httne.-1' to hate :busiest! from .any ain2ple I.rei.oration kn hope that lie may thulium:at - Wats to thu netted: of e,l here I ircAhle tn• mote readily to re;.rd to II trtl.itore man Bitters, prepared b 7 Dr. C. H. Jacki.on, of thi. because I Vas projadieed against I hem or many years, Rader %hi Emprooalon that they were chiefly no sicnholic mixtnne. lam Indebted to my friend Robert r•heeinaker, EN., for the removal of thin gendlee h, proper teat.. aad for encouragement to try trey; when niffertar e • greet mod loag continued debtltty. Tto 'moot .nom tlos of these titters, at the beginninfor the ..ree bol eros followed by evident retie, and rw - * put grim of ti 0 4.17 and mental vior moration to a de al* 'tenths b.ddreould Ltd a ,- .arch I had tilt felt Col I therefore Umiak God ••• ..noat deepaired of regamior. the use of them, friend for directing me to ,Jr- -xi 23,1961. J. NE: qt•ON BROWN PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are mai, preparations told ender the name of Bitters, put up to quart bottles, compounded of the • bravest whiskey or common rum, costing trona 20 ti 40 meta per gallon, the taste disguised by drilse or 0.n.0. der Seed. This class of Bitters has canned and will continue to cane% lee long as they can be sold. hundred' to die the bath of the drunkard. By their use the system in kept teentitreilly tinder tho leteuettee of Alcoholic Stietuteats of tee Wont kind, the desire for Liquor In created iept ap, and the result Is all the horror* attendant upon • drunkard's Ills and death. /or tboas wko desire and will nave a Liquor Ri tt.ra, we pobllab the following receipt: not 04r. Bettie r ime' Gerais* Biller* and mix with Three Quer q f ~evil Broady or Whiskey, wad the rmiult . pr,p • atien that wilifor e#el en tneclocinzl rzrtuvg 00 I /:H. estellenee any of the nttnernua Liquor Bitten; in the toubst, and will eon awl hes. Y 011• NS iii I.lse all the virtuoso( /14~9 Bit:ere in onnuectten with a ea.! urtlels of Liquor, at a touch len price than three Ititemer preparattose will coat you. MOnsasa, lioidlers. and Friends of Soldiers. . W. nil the attanilon of all having relations or friends in the amr, to the fact that "Hu 'FLAMES German 'titters' will mare nine-tenths of the diseased; induced by --Apennines and privations incident to camp tile. In the link midland shunt daily in the neespapere. ori the alive/ of the sick, it will be noticed that A very la,ge . ireportion are suffering from debility. Every ease of Oaindean be readily enred by Ilona tod's ii emit' ' . Diseases resulting from disordeta Et the tikes - Um organs are speedily removed. We have nu heiota . Lion in stating that, if time i Bitters were freely used sanong oar soldiers, hundreds ..f lives might be sav&d -sat etherwlas will be lost We call partieular attention to the following remark able and well authenticated cure o' one of the nation's heroes, whose Life, to an his own language, "hue b en sand by the Bitten:" Ptutainn.rnta, August 211 1611. Masa& Jews 4^ &sae—Weil, gentlemen, your lioof laild's Gerson Bitten has saved my life. - i.irre is no mistake in this. it is vouched for by numbers of my aullidil4lll, iliOla• Of whose names are appebdid, and wt.() were fatly cognietnt of all the CiICUITIJUUCei 01 [ay case. I sat, and here bees far the last four yea's, a MeMl,er of eueeneen'a celebrated battery, and under the iininedutte eon and of Captain B. B. Ayres. Through the expo AL re attendant upon my arduous duties, I was attacked a November last with inflamination of the lunge, and was afar seventy.two days in the hospit , I. This was fol be* by nit debility, heightened by an alien of dys eshttS. 1 warn then removed from the White House, and wit ', - X. this city on board the stip-mar "State of Maine," bent which I landed on the 28th of Jane. Slues that Una have been about as low as any one could be and ...MI Main • spark of vitality. For a week or More I was eeareely able to swallow anything, and if I did force a morsel down, it was Immediately thrown up again. I teald not even keep a glass or water on my stomach, Liftionald not lest under then circumstance' • and so 'the physicians who had beet worklog faith- Pat eli t i routt unseoesefelly, to rescue me from the =of tha dread Archer, bawdy told me that they ae as nio to for us and advised me to see a clergy. ssissond to me ssach disposition of my limiter funds Nib stsaitsd ass. An seqsaintanos who visited one et Va li althitpibtl„ iir. Frederick Steinbron, of sixth below • rah Bbest, sinned me, as a forlorn hope, to try your east% sad k rutty procured a bottle. • Prom the time I odeldneuered taking them the gloomy shadow of death re sie* sod I am sow, thank God for it, gettieg heater. Tama Uwe taken bat two bottles, , have gained ten peneiltillilld I tea neon, of be rig primitted to rejoin 13,1111111611dateltert true whom i have beard nothing t lon tar Zipaths; tor, gentlemen, lama loyal Vir lin the ettivitty ot Froat &loyal. To your in- MOWS I owe the certainty of lif. witch 1.... Won the plea at vague ibare—to your Bitten wit 1 ow,. Inaerione prntlene ot eon eloping to my boa to who are demist to toe la lits. Ten teals sow; ISAAC ILL LoN 4 .Wel'illy come la the tenth of the .above statement. ris=d deepalned of seeing our comrade, lir. Malone, to health t - • . - 71itiatiarsialaacasJiaNatileark Battery. Oroaux A. C.•.0.,11th Maw Lama eaarAit mt. So.:A Nrw tAraw• 11. Brarama. Ist Art Mary. hatter, 6- .J. .1. Ow. E. SA Vermont. Huai B. i Knorr, i ... Satire T. Matiamaa,,tith thine 'Mu. mot i wino- .Ereatea tiocui.'w. I 1., lir m", 1114.nwiny B. Tam's, CO. c.,SIAth row', =IJ. irrattatz. Co. a.., lia Vitrairat. ..0 00 J. N 11.40atk PIM& ! ! . ' . ..m......... .. , . , :Alf WARN. OF COUNTERFEITS. aw QM tble limatzse et *C. V. Jackson," la on the intinfli ter each WWI. c . 1 1 111111,111! AIM 71 "gee or Rat Dos. for $4. 4 MM ZeNt".'.. E ltr,:il2:trn' eartict2 Ist = r itil tut b oat nod g to Pt surind we .ta LILINCIPAL COMICE & MANUFACTORY, 431.1 JOICH . STRUT- - - " , L ;', - :::. -; -.: 4021/111 . & llVAltii;: amiiiiimi." Vistitaisaama auzsixiii mma . grtywouitatlw Revolt" ad ..Diaissti is ineiy 11011 .1 1 100.WIS.MOIC•; or o. -.• r„ ‘- - . 1 • _'_~Y.~ y-`_'7 . .'-:.~.^`~. -__~:s.;,t~^:,~!'•.::x'c~ 1. . To The MORE VALUABLE THAN UOLD.I - MORE VALUABLE THANHoor MORE VAOABLE THAN GOLD/ - 1 MOREVAiVABLETHANOOLW Dr. JOHN L. LYON'S French Periodical Drops French Periodical Drops French Periodical Drops `French Periodical Drops FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, 61ffeemg from In - Penlaritr, or •bntruett nof Mil lloasoo, from ahstos.r came, ' IT IS SURE TO CURE! IT'IS SURE TO CURE! IT. IS SURE TO MEI It, is froptukible to enioy ibe bloom of health and el. ty of spirits, uoleis the !lenses are revtler u to the t the quantity and quality. When they are ebstrao. to I, nature makes Ler effort', to obtain for It SOMA other onthrt, and. unless these effurth of nature are misted, the patient naunliy experie.nees Despondency, N, remits nels and !Wall) tON,Uti VTION urn res Its sway, sad ;ram tturely terminates a miserable Ills. IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIO:kB IT BENIOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT Bk;MOVES ALL 011.STRUCTIONS iL'MOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS I IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR 1 IT IS 'A PERFECT,REGULATOR I IT IS A PERFECT:REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! BT An. IN MIND, DEAR, IN MIND, IN MIND, BEAR IN 'MIND, DROP To CC RE Suppre.tdon "of the Menses, from whatever cause, thoußlt care should betaken to ascertain prv.:oluvry the cause, as flow DROPS would bemire to Produce miscarrimge ; tney will also certainly PAC VE, r conception, if tetra two or these dire before the monthly period; ;her 'fore, I wish it distinctly under .toad, that I do net hold myself rosoonsible witaa used Utlti.r each cirsirmitances. BUY TUE BEST! BUY TUE 13EST ! BUY THE BEST: BUY TITE BEST! BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST! BUY TIIF, SUREST! BUY THE SUREST -WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS I WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS 1 WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS! AVILICH IS LYON'S DROPS! THEY •CT LIKE A CHARM, .treawthetimit awl Invigorating, and nitoeistitlhe s,otem to c. 'wittily cowl pion. It moderate' all exam, an , l removee /.11 1 014tractions, end a speedy can .may be roaer: To Married Ladies, They ire peculiarly edapted, atthiyy I ring on the smutti ly period I, ith such perfect regularity SURE TO DO GOOD. SURE TO 1)0 GOOD. SURE TO DO GOOD. SURE TO DO GOOD., I cou'd furntatt may quantity of tesUmontala of its el. 1..V.V from uty own patients, hut the practice of parading hough% and fictitious ones beFore the r üblic L ao preva lent Ido not d. em it at:vas:o4e. My object Is to plane my medicine before the publut,not Moue,'" snake money, bus to do Ulm proverbtal true dr the Attlfrifillk hadioA, that not ten perfectly he althy caws eau te found in any one victual,. BE WISE IN - TIMEI BE WISE IN TIME! Let not dimes, dsetroy your eouatttatlaak Tvyi bottle of my PERIOPIOAL DROPS, and you sal ient 'hat lam no Imposter. Tel year .!Dieted Mead what restored t' e bloom of health to your cheeks, and thereby confer a favor more valuable than gold. For modal or scanty Menstruation it iajuat the thing. I have now lu my mind an Minutes of alady who had boas suffering from painful menet, nation two or three years, confining her to ber room each time; she had spplied to lateral eminent physicians, without tell,{ when one bottle of my DROPS entitely nand her. ((NE 11r/TILE CURES! E 110;17LE CURES! ()NE 110T1'LE CURES! ONE BU'l'l'LE CURES! Do' NOT BE, IMPOSEDITPON DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON Bat ant this ant and fend it to yoet Draggle. bad if be hut not got it.make It for ton r or, it may be obtained of the General, A gent. for the Valle; States, • C. G...CLARIC - - 9 • if sw Vara, cogs. to t For SW by an royaskaa. Demists. Peke 00 per tloh. Ira pals at Who Wale 4 • • • ••-• • : -;:•*; 4. ; - thil.l44lolMilleenalk • ; ?mimed bj Jail, L. Lyon, N. D. w-• , u ••- • - .. •- - ir:atialilllll • Sild Ilh‘ Dadrisk Is% Ps. hatlffitah. MEM IT IS SURE TO can ! MEI THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE I3UY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SAFEST I BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST! CANNOT DO FARM. CANNOT DO HARM. CANNOT D 9 HARM. CANNOT DO HARM. BE WISE IN TIME EE WISE IN TIME! -F br almost mu asaa. Waoiseasa Diaosura, IlElii)a 7, ‘ , ; ~ • u.z. 1 1 , 2 . 1 - 7 ] • - I=l T TUB BUFFALO • i , IffERCAITITLE COLLEGE, 0010116 Or MIN k UNICA lifilUTS, Is osialpOrllontliit to_ thegrioit the of W MOM iniCarella fOLLII4IIII. 10011 W ILI he followiai Moo, Itia:—NEW YORE CITY, MOOT, TROY, DE • m no POILADELPHIn, Amu CLEVELAND, CHICAGO SAINT LOMA Alitt TIR TO. A bebilliumalp keened (nue Bullni• Coffees, obffilko the bolder to slimed either or all the Colleges Arran unlimited Woe. , 'Me Design of thew lassitistimem is to to auy rims sod, holiss.• thareigh. pesetket effularien: I . INLislisgeo are ozonised and soodusted span a bleb unlit scam to cab seperateinstitation the ten Van:LH ties ter besestbeg , a -thotesgh eom mares] sdnestion, and render It to s - whole, the moat comprehensive and eotopleteS a z n i in this *pantry. ' fireek.lieetdmis to MI itor eattegeisooptdoe. Conunsmisi Lae, Cononsichll ithoitio sad PiIIIII4- ship, are taught is the most thorough sad piectiost 111111131:11111.. „ , • The emetseertaa System of Pezumasatilp, taeibt by eespeteat sod exporieseet teachers. settelarabip, payable to &demos, $3O. Co! Fete open day lad imestag V.-SO Etd.idant Principal at Baal°, J; Cr. Etarart. ror farther lafermittoct, plum call at ttue College Rooms, .ca mad fur Catalogue sad Clrealat *saleable letter stamp. Address DRY!. tt STRATTON,. rtzNalo. N.Y. feb?—ly J. C 1.311.31. W.. 14 arrears NEW FIRM. CLEMENS, CAUGHEY 61 BURGESS Quearssors 39 Ckimeas,caagilery t Ce. and J. C. Ihirgesi &Olin Wholesale Grocers I aad Kaaalutaras •r Crackers and Candy ! GROCERIES, FLOUR, :PORE, FIS/3, SALT, NAILS, ROPR ALE, WINES, LIQUOES dte„ Bc. or Stock of SVGA RS, TEAS, COFFEE, MOLASSES, FRIINS, TOBACCO. IS LARCE. CRACKERS Msantastursd st the ERIE CITY STRAIII ; BAKERY CANDYI COMMON AND F.ANCY CANDIES ! OIL VITEOL, CAUSTIC SODA & GLUE At tits lowest Natiit Prices Pep2.6l3tf. Cotommal Ba►ldlnp, Erit, Pa U. BUILT. Il Z. BETAS'S. EAGLE FOUNDRY ; Puma St, adhsa• as Nista lasd, Anis, Pa. HENRY s it lIYA.NT, ' (tneernaors to Acheson 111' Henry,) ' ILAXIIIPAIITCZEIta or PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN a SPLIT iltON WARM, I.ND ALL KINGS _IRON CASTINGS. Ivory Store bold by us wirtanted 1p girl satisfaction. Nettles .aletch-shoea, Sad I;:eue, ice!, on hand or num ufarnansd to order. Pions um hair Nam of superior make and daza- Miltf always on nand. A call and a Aar trial dour arti cles Is all we elk. • k BRYANT. asr2Bll3-tl. ERIE CITY BOOK BIN' 13ERY 0011UCCR .Or STATE AND FIFTH STS. The undersigned would respeettollY return Hunks for the patronageteretorons extended to him, and 'calcite a contirmenne of the same. i He has recently made extemdve improvements, among which are a PAGING IiAOHINE, far paging Blank Books„ by means of Which he u enabled to do work of that kind se neat' and aa cheep as it cast be done le Beffelo. Having had an ; EXPERIENCE OF TWENTY YEARS, 1 Wien I can appeal for the public patronage with : foil coaddenoe in my ability to give *digestion. RULING, BINDING' A.ND AIX KINDS OF WORK al INF LIPS. Hone to order. Constantly .on hand a large supply oy B L A N K' BOOKS. Remember the placeoloutb-west tomer of State and Fifth street', second dory, next door to the .oasettr• office. B. B. COLE. Erie, January 24th, 11163.-km NEW MUSIC STORE PIANO, FORTE-Si - - • its mr_ - AND MELODEONsi Trop Um fallowing oolobroual hand , Fmia a nd ilaiodson Kanufbcturaws LI& k Bradbury, Now York. Eitalowny k Boni, Now work. Wm. Saabs k Co.,Baltinoto, Md. ; - Boardman If Gray, Albany,N Y. J. B. Dunham, Now York. „. UMW Mao Forii Bake" Now York. Widow k sore„ Nap Tait. • Goo. A. Prism k Co., BOW°, N. Y. Cahn!, Nmdltarik Co., Now York. . :am% : .• - 01711171R5, 409011DLIINS, 'lour's, FLUTES. fibs. Insidistion *mks sad Sheet Untie. ALL • VICAY. LOW ro a CAS U AU meow wialaing a Ink rate Plum Forte or ilaamfv• au, aro knifed to all sad 1t12116111 our Instruments bra Boor' okrowttion. ' Block, iliato streak nearly opposite Odes Z. SMIT4i cr , T.B.—AU mina. sad itslodiess vsnsn , 4 , d r. 4 Giro year. SAMUEL R. LEWIS, !aim tit , , • 4 ' • BOOTS, SHOES - ..r'' --AND - - 33.11,S BBB'S • . • stames swat, ' ' ' mWCB STMT. VACION ?AM ',cram • I- • • _ iiinD Mummy, :p110.4 asfirla4 Call, midi/rank 84 - 14110114 LS tt GAITERS! , A : 101141170 1, . • liffs!l . tpr . lbspiar 1 / 2 , • •••:-0, 1 11111 '.; 111 OOREWARDT - lift iii*• that tat 4 cure COUGHS, INFLOSPIZA, " • , . TICILLING TH ' - WHOOPING COUGH, - 4iieseine Coxlinti rm.'s town, .aa quick es ~r COE'S COVGIi BALSAM ! OP.= .17PIZ THOUSAND BOTTDES _ have been sold in Banat vs town: and net, C single is . stance of its failure is known. W• haw% in ear pooseiskin, arse quanta y of °eradiates, some of them from zawrwr PHY 4 ICIANS. who bare and it to the;r practice, and/ilea It tbe.pre asthmaa over any other compound. • R DES DOT DRY EP I COUGH, bat loosens It, so an to enable the patient to expectorate Neely. I TWO on TIIRCV. DOSES WILT. I,;\ VARIABLY CURE TICE.I.ING IN THE THROAT.' • Efal , Bottle has often Completely Crud the most , STUBBOEN COUGH, • IL.' yet, though IS is so sure and speedy i n its operation, it Is perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable. It is viirr agreeable to the taste, and may be adnemisteribl to child= of any age, - , to Cam of Croup,we will Guaraatae a Cart, If 'idea In mum. NO FANCILY SHOULD BE wrilropr IT I It Is within the reach of all, the price being ONLY 23 CENTs, And if an investment and thorough trial does not "back up" the above stat.ment, , the money will he refunded VI e say thls - knowingits merits, and feel conddeut that one trial will secure tor It a home in every household. Do not waste away with Coughing, when so small an ineeetuseat will ems you It may b. boil bf any respect able Druggist la town, who will furnish iou with a cir cular of genuine eertificatem ”fcnres it hen made. Co G. CL A ILK & CO, Vroorlotora, NEW HAVEN, CONN. At Wholes le, by JOUNSTON, HOLLOWAY &COWDEN, 23 North Sixth Street, l'hdadelphin, Pa. . lir For Sale by' Druggists In city, country an 4 every where. I oet24l.ida no? J. O. 31MENI1 "THERE IS NO SUCH IVORD'Azi FAIL, • - TARRANT'S COIfrO,LIND NXiItACT ue • CIIIIEBS AND COPAIBA. This prepaiation la particularly ',commended to the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the nilLlC,for the prompt and cream cure of . DISEASE-L-0F THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, URINARY; 011 G ANA, It may be relied on as the beat in ' , le fo: sdrainia !ration of these remedies in the IS re cto , 7 of 4iseso y of both sexes. to which they are applic,b,e, 'jt never inter. fetes with the dlgestron,m.d by its coueralratien, the dose Is io rich reduced. N.l3.—Purchreers are rulrised to as% for Tarrant's Compound Extract of Cubobs & C4)azba. and take nothing else, as I nitatinus and, worthless prep &rations, tinder similar names, u• in the mnrt,eti erice $l,OO. Sent by express en reeeipt cf pries. Mann'aictured only by TARRANT ' xo. 27$ Greenwich street, Corner of Warren Street, NEW YORK, And for sale by Dnigglits genera. ly - Agents Wanted. selyonTinix A.m.) r. , }1 1,11) CktiT6. 'f , nmet‘ln. In hi urgently needed by' eery perenn. 10 eamplea rent hut by to , 11 for •.20 rents that retalie f,r 2, by R. L. WOLCOTT,I7O Chwhana :'.lnane. net:l4l3-6m. New York. ,WATtR, LINE, GL ASS, 1 CARBON OIL. SYRUPS, SPICES, NUTS, CIGA RS, Ccara CATARIZ Asa iisBreice3 ruc Sesilortzmazz.: .• It rnetratrs to the very a----t of tt it terrlbi. diver, O end extutninstes it, root and triancbjorts,r, Pr. Go,.d ale is the first and only prrirm who eyer told tbe world what Catarrh really waa—wheie It colt neared—and who r would core it. - Over title" years ago. Dr. Goodale' bnl , ly stmek out I from the faietocie theory and mod- of tzestroe t of tic loathsome malady. as laid down In 1 , “:“andwil Medical I Works" and teachings, to diLc..ver Its true. cause to. Witt. and to devise a permanent erre for it. Vnlre Imo ass has crowned We etrorta, and be lino row sp--.t a lite time In bantling with thi. t. 1 din^ash, "ep nritr , s-cret am`lash and malting known ;n the Iwo th e ' Cie that Catarrh, which has for years &tied the and • of medical men and antbrore of th , or eon ntry and in rope, can crow be cured, with . l.he tuna • noi °rat certainty that morning f Blows nlext. Thoa Fan d. t.o La e' t led every known mina of cornier rain, iitTel.ron T;o'rin wont- Is care by Dr. tioodale's Cater hi-en el so,' hoer. I raise it to the oat eatray.spant to ms of 4. - a:lst - UM usarest - • phie - i - t Deviaid and prepared br R. C00 , .4.1. 34!.11.:New York. j NUR ON 1z 1 10. 4 Sole kger.t.4, 4312 ill n kil ts my N. Y. I fonFFold by SANCTI. CAXT.IIr, 4 Wes: lark R.,:r, agent. , r7e. • j vat?! A i—Z3m• . ECONOMY IS WEALTH ! CURE YOUR COUGH FOR 13 CENISI Tag BEST AND . CHEAPEBT HOCSEMOLD REMEDY MADAME ZADOC PORT Elt'S GREAT COUGH REMEDY! ZADUCFORTEkt'A :Issue is prepared with ell ne requisite caryatid skill, from a combination of the remediee the vegetable Ingdomaiforda. Ita reme iial are based on power to amidst the heel- Ay and yigoroue circula ion of the blood thro' the Inge. it is not a rio;ent truetly, but emollient,— rarming, marching and Oil .ctire; can betatt.o b) the ldiat person or youngest TADOC POET rws dm= h is been used by le ptarllc for over 13 y. eery id has required its present le simply by being b, those who have nerd it, to their agitated -lends and others. lade ZADt)t PORTitlt% lee which brings it, In the rem— every one conve dent for use. The timely use of a single bridle will prove to be worth 100 times iteeost. NOTICE.—Bove Your Money no. be per. nailed to parehase articles at la. to sl,which do Dot con. ruin the virtues ore Upbeat bottled Madame Porter's Cu rative Hallam, the coat of Manufacturing :which is as great as that of almost soy other medicine; and the very low price at which it Would, makes the p rob t to the Feller apparently small, and unprincipled dealers will sometimes recommend other medlcirkee on which their prunta are larger, unties the customers insist upon baring its isms Porter's and none other. Ask for Madame Potter's Cura tive Salaam, price 13 eta., and In large bottles at =5 cts., and take no other. If you eennot get it at oafs store you can another. rr Sold by all Druggists 'and State keepers at 13 C 1.., and in larger bottles at 4.5 ate. • HALL k RUCKEL, Proprietors, fi. T. JNO.S. CARTY.II, Agent, Erie. `ituzu:•,,V3' • '' . :, -41 rNsu • "LIME (BOUNTY MUTUAL INSUR. 124 ANC COURANT. Incorporated en 1859—Citaiter Perpetual 1 1 Reepeeiyi /geared Againat Lows In Fire for • way Tenn ewe exceeding Five Year,. PolleiN issued upon the deposit of Naas, in *pa is the mums of the usual Stook Wes to Money without the liability of • kremhun sots. Vosges paid without litigution. Om snit colt has ever tern brought aphid this Compluiy. This Gionpaxy IS Sidi* free Iris loM, sad is U. safe Jima ingitarson. DIRICTORB. • Wm. D. Hays, Jac O. lisrabsll. Jos. 11. Montt C. G. TibWs, D. D. M'Crsars, F. abbltk, Ansiteitt. J. Zimmerly.. , W .S: Brown, George A. Ellis; --itsojimpin Grant, .1 b Hasson, J. M. Fastlis, ' OFFICERS. •LII, O. Mssiasty hest iONAR 0 101, Ws. F. Discnounicarr, OG4*, la Mann. Gunnison k DeCraarrit Lsw thltes; Okssnside, Eris" i • ' • Re* Jew L.IOW. • DE4sERn.OS - Polr, ' : CA T A R R'H. rit e a t belt iTSCRIIICATARA H AL!. 176 TT k 9 AND STAGES. AXD IT Crass CATAItIktI•ND TtrPTo3.li9 Tn.( ,F `"notrr IT CCRES C A T#IIRII AND Pets Vci Tux Tiunts agfney or so IX VIZ LD 1 lEattntrie ZAlrrie PoßrEit's ctirto ve tiallutra ts 'tartan. Vtil Huard according to the direction., to care In' all ewe, Coughs, Colds, Who Oping Condi, Mat+ rrd,, id all affeetiooa of the ,n4t and Luny. NEW FIRM. PIDLVITUftg AND UNDERTAKING WAR E-R 0 ORE Si o.stme St., between Seventh and Eightb. TheSuterribera have entered Into the Cabinet Mating and FURNITURE , TltAttE, And propose making to order and li.eping constantly on hand all kinds or Furniture. Orders will males prompt attention. Repairios•done on short notice. UNDERTAKING. The enbicribere will glee special attention to this de. peel meta of their trainees, They will manbrenteue and lit,rp constantly on hand a large amartmeen, 0! Metallic tnd Comae, sod hold themehlvie In teadineee to tv•-vt or , lotio to this lime, promptly, trod and part ot the Determined Mailers no edorta to give saliva& tb.n both in the yuality of their Roods and prime, they to secures %thereinto's. of public patrolmen. • , MOORE & tt,rll'e:-t1 Snommors to J. 11. Wake. $$ ALL 0 _ 1 *; "AVgAla . / 4311 1 sixowor . avinuapas . - - (E rtrlF ; L I 1;_ BiILIIBOtO PRE.LispALT.IO2I, it WHIM • 00111311111, 0 0 - 0111 , 017111 i • • - PLUID• EXTRAOOIITOICIEFI A PoSTITVE 12ID SPltarld, EtXDT - . roa buitazi l er ti f s , . _ IILADDER, KIDOXYC, WU iLI /FD DiteoPll- . • . : . ,q.d . l. 81I4LL Of. , This zsedleiso Inermaiss the Owes I of Diesitteo. sad 'excites the ABSORBENTS loto bulthy adios. by which the WA TER lOR CALCX/Sdispolidoss. sad all WM! TLIRAL 1111.4R0S TA - ire SpdastA as well U pain MO inguaziation,. is good Su. AWN, IMAM!, OR CBILAIRAR. ' ... . - RUIE:BOLD'S Erritad -; BUM 1 - 9s ; wvizxtssip. Arlo:tug kw; .Ezeisaio, ;Dialkiados•i "112 ATTENDItH WITH YDS YOLt.OWIN'S SYMPTOMS: , • indigo:al:inn t• Msertbm. 44,0'1 of s v P 014,111126: Los of Memory, illifilculty et V: salt Seem', - ' Trosablies. /ferret of Diaeskat, ' • !Vir 0 lama's' of Visio n , '11414 91 : 1 1110 ".8 LI ~_ .._ Uturencel La ss itude et the , {illashiag of the wow , I, iciscolur System, sf ruptiets as tbl Fah Hot flarido, 1 !TOW COanteMlo% Humored te h Skin. , , These symptom", if allowed to ihk crW,whieh this utediethe Invartabb: nemoveir# noon follow . ' utrorzycr. riTtry.l YT, uepno nrs, , In one of which the patent way spire . Whew my that they 4111 wet friquendly folthered by Hum "direful illairenn,7 thiteAffiTY AND tIUPIBII3I7I . ON. _ . limey en loan of the Semis of the!? salishaLlett none will confess. The wools ol the loans Asylums saki the melancholy deaths by consumptfolt, beer Lapis witness to the troth the assartioce • I The Constitution toe, Affected iiith Organic • eaknelte , • I flagrance the aid of modielme 10 stivo_athea and invigor ate the sexism ' HELAISOLLY 8 LEX TALACT BUONO -Inrarastify does. A trial will eonviass thy soot Asp ileal. f' e• OG~'I~RI-1 ~ FISMALKS. 11 1 631 . Alita!, IREM4LIS • t Oin on Yornn, Sum.; lUalusa; oa Cairrateunis Ifazin.4mt- ri -4.47 4.~ ID rainy affections peculiar ;to Pbmales the Extract Puebla ui unequalled by sky other remedy, as in adoto el■ or &tendon, irreguluite, Painfulness or Su maims of the Customary Leaeustions, pisershed er smto Of the,titersa, Leacorrhels or Whites, Fterility t sad for alleompleints incident to the sea, whether alialat trout intitseretion, Habits of Disaipailen. or in the Kum , RlMii oncittNE on (Juin= (iv Lira. NO FAMILY saonti, BE WITHOUT IT Take no Bataan. Itererui a , ITlWaussi /WW2@ for i • L'irpleasat sod bra/ rim Mama; RELKBOLD`a EtritAcT Buciu Dl 18BA\ 8 B . basil thelrstaces; at tittle "ran; Uttlo , pr so *lump SECRET, AND NO EPOSUIt.N. • , Ur:muses frequent desire, gild Aires treegth Mien* thereby removing , abidraddaaa, pravanUat sad gulag gtnetares of the Urethra. ansyleg pain; sad tellsanns tion, au frequent In this elate I od,dnener Ind lupsthat polso.irous,Dlatl.4SEl WORN orrrsitirrrit: • - • Tltanatada apaa Tkaaasada, wno nAirn BEIM! 'ins Turk*. or 11E;i11 1 stamp Awl who Can paidWU: l 7i FEES to be cured In • short time, hitso Woad they were deeoincd, and that thew Pair son" has by the use or "iessrathl ostringoata," boom dried up in the systems, to brook out to an earrwrated form. sad 1 . . c , PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE 1 EirßecT suistr Whether eliding in MALL or FEMALE, boo orliM. rm. came origino4ing. and no !natter; . . OF : 110 W Lor4t 151'4111DINClo Dieraaej ol' there Omani re l c i alre the ald'ottliirtntette. ILELBIBOLD'a EXTRACT zumir • Ia TIM GREAT DIURETIC, I • And It is certain to have the desired eaten la ail Die mask for which Ole recommended., • - !BLOOtli BLOOD! BLOOD! iichabold's Highly Catlett:anted Computed • • • ix an affection orthi Blood, and attneq the Bea. cal Organs, Linings of the;Neee, Yarn. Tlireek Wind- Pi" and oater.naeops offibom. making ite ripparaaeo In thin for n of Claim .floPubold I gannet feinta patine' the Hidid, end'reigorte sM 6eal Sruptions of the ;tin. giving to the CoMplezion • Clear and Healthy Color.' it being impend; expressly for tide elan et complatote, its Blood-ewe:Mg Properties are preserved to a greater extant than 'any other preparation GC Ow adparill • ' Helahold's Rosa Wash. ercellent Lotion for iliasesee eta Srphliftle Na ture, andel, an inlestion, la Disonan o f the Wing Orgatur, arising (tom habitant dissipation. mod In oon custiuu with the [Extracts; Bache and leinsparill4 in such d;aeaaea u recommended. Evidence of tho moot iunblo sad rollable Auto ter will accompany the [t [ • CESTINICAMLIS OF CLIMES, . From Mthito Wish LikoWsiowdioW. with names knows to SC/E/VC.E AND /A► 6 For Medical Proputise St BUCHD. ea Disynamatos7 of the United States. , See Prof we DCWEST valuable worts on ilte Rae tire of Physic. ' 1. I tee , rernarlcs made Ds the late eslebisted L. ,P/EF di ac i• Ittlatielphts. i , "' tee emerite nude by Dr: JeIIIRIIIII iIeDOWILL; a celebrated Physician andllember of the Rose, Wine Of surgeons, lrelsod, andtllshed is the Paosictions OS th e Rig led Queen's anal. see nsoloo-Chirsonical evr. pahllabed byjaitAtik , MN TRIMS, Fellow ,Uf the Kesel College of ner vous, i t , • Nee !cost of the late Standard Winks on ilieCilelne. I.- 1 1 tzresusi Rocutr,: L $.l 00 pie IVA% or! bos oo ..L. sAiwurgraz&A, aco w l l aOO hIPII4IFID' Hens WAAL 1 00 . g. ! Ile or half a &mu of each for Ill: 00,, which will be sal. rent to ewe the .most ob4tlnate CYO* If direettiesa are Vibe* to. ~. , , • 4 .1 , , . •, i P;Utered to Ralf addrunt, neve . ty packed lica ewe. , , ~ ration. , t, . • • Er -Dsiteribi:tisseploillilhl all ecsimilitiniallenl4- Catsup intateo4 , Adriat gratis • • • • , . • . • • 1 4IFI6AVIT. '• 'Personally t appeared briOrs moo so Aldo/aim Of Hit; city of rtilladre;phisk, H. T. Hadoostsievho. Woe dab • sworn. sloth 111,y,' hit reparations cantata Dominos* no rooreury, or Other loititicole drop,' oat aro . wob rogotodo. : % ' • i H. T. illailit 01 • 0 •: swops asd ostearibortb , O2oro Noy this 23d day of Nov ember. M . Atr i a ; ainal, , U. P. H 181.01), Math-etroot, above Ise.- no', - Adams tour. for Iniutkm In above - , •_•• i 1116141LOOLD. Depot 102 Smith Tettblitrat, below ChastaZ illiL ldta. 1.1141161 Orl'COVlßMllirtriti • :AO usnuiliteuarvanalts. i • i• ;Who oleisorii to Mapper 0 OP Tam 0 6r. ltd !'oiler" 1 44 1141 , the 2 2 1 1 Itstim 1 01 14 . O!t br, . V, " tirroaddiOrgierotioak s , • mew a %; - ' - - • - . . .. . •. , 4* . 4 ,elarkril* _ ; . • . K . - ,_ -6 ' - listieliv,4 Roe* - #lO3. Add by atiitipeigisiiireitywhom - ; " --•! • ' last soft azaiscalgra—rize IWO- 407111 Mt 1 - c lOU OW tip Idellillienliall'indkr* AVOID 14701ITIONIAN SX/4381y * I . ' Mai* MEM TIM MUM a 11,081PAIZZA awitavip ICSs.irma Lodimetion ciao'', ass firlitrio . o Alper& . , in diet; no bi.onTenianock, • • QII ACKSI dim For all Attecticesiuid Diseases of TUB URINARY 012.04114,1, I Fluid Extra, Ilarsapazilla. IL ATB D CA P=S , TEE MILLION,' _ M I .1 1 1111$! A ialtrecent, visit to New York .44 Maas/Pim, I wads arronya nnat• *AM th. I o st fridoaabla Inenateettaren for a epaotaat f goods h lino, sad lam mw on landa large HW hkee HAMS" CAPS,. ETC., mot bresibt to ti do to t. I have on hand two hun dred doom • PALM LEAF HATS, - and Shy whirl ROODS, gold"airni en - ict - MFert teln dietilter will O by the dams at N York Jobbat% abm I ha prim& ; haw nootvoil Beebe, Nimbi" Fublon i fs sic k Rahn • S. BNIT,II. arrlVSltr. MUD QUARTERS -rort- CHEAP GOODS : ! Wholesale. and Retail GROOVE AND PROVISION Sint, WINES AND LIQUORS. F. , & M. SCHILA.IIDECKER, are now receiving at their old stand, Ameri can Block, State street, a large and superior stick; of • GROCERI.6i, * • , • PROVISIONS, WINES, LIQUORS, • WILLOW, I . WOODEN, AND • STONE WARE, FAULTS, - . sins Bc. . I together with every thing found in a Frame of this kind, which they will sell as cheat: as any other establishment in this city for Cash or most kinds of country prodnea. They have also au head olio of the largest 5.4 l ant Stooks orrobeeito sad Sitgarreert brought to ;Erie, t., which they Ignite tie attention of the public, Ur Call awl see us—a nimble sixpence is be i tter that, • illy .eoltesquoutly Cub buyer, will rid great. besgetioe try tribe Grocery Head Quarters! AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET Jaw 2.11100-42. P. k Y. SCRLAUES,AII.II. BR SAD, CRACKERS, AND SODA BISCUIT CONFECTIONERIES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. MIZE subscriber is now MID u ticturinc 1. ell Wads of COMM otitis beet quaat &Dd.:Teri low offer all Wadi of ERACKEILS, ODA nit - , caws, *6, at seab-lom prime tbattaNin 1• 3 7 Coestry liercimate to come to Erie end examine my beton puseloatoig Months:is. Private Ersurdttie 1111p0P . d. ot tide hour. WM. SHERWOOD, 3mma-3 Nearly opposite Post Moe, Clio; i'a. • N OT. I E .11%) tabs hilt Penn Informing the Public, and our nrunernis Patrons in particular, that we hare again rammed MANUFACTURING STOVES WITS INCREASED .FA CI LIITIES, And are prepared to all all orders ;1;4. COOKING AND HEATING ;STOVES, WITH PROMPTNESS. Hwrisr pardiased • large Stoat of Iropi, prertous to ben brunt out, gins us a,decided adranism, (In price of Stores.) are? Minafautarers whit, bare bou;'..t Iron at present high pricer} Thankfol.for past favors, we hope, by strict artentl , n So the wants ..of Customers, to continue to merit thc:r pitman*: fetrillldif. VINCENT. TIBB ALS, SHIRK Zi CO. PREVENIION I 9 BETTEIi CULE ITIO Ladies of delicate health or impaired 01101111111111011, or to those by whom •n iacrem.. of busily is treat soy reason objectionable, tits turion,gut d would odor • proscription which Is perfectly reliable 'the. ash, sad which tree been proscribed in variono part. r. the old world for the pour century. Altlno4L the artich• Ie vary cheap and simple, yet it has been put up in plat bottles and mild very ostensively at the exlvei•a. t prior aria per bottle, the undersigned proposes to turmoil 800 recipe fax the mall slim of $l, by the poseeeolon a! Idea story lady as supply herself witty a p*.ttezt guard, at any dr - rif store, for . 114 trifling sum of cool. r il e= Any phi Ilan or druggist will tell you It i. karrukas. and thousauds of teornouish. i'• prossined of lii @Zeus. Sear to any par of the a co ramtpt of $l, by addressing aPsroluok - Dr../. D. DBYERAUX, P.ll. Box. No. =W. NOM liana, Cionh. To NERVOUS SUFERERS OF BOT II SEXES.- , -A FIKVEREND GEN s." basing been restored to health in a for idler gob; all the usual routine end liregutattexpecei re mod • a et treats:l4ot without success. coniud ers t ht. eacred du t to commis hate to his &dieted tette w ereitturee the 11331.,i. of cam Lima. on the receipt of an addressed e0re1..;., bra willseed (free a copy of the prescription used. LI- Ile JOll2l co ) 61111.12. /86 Fultor Street, Brod:- - Ja2l-Iy. DR. P. HALL'S CELEBRATED' COUGH REMEDY! C _ .. - ONTINUES to gain public favor and demand in all sections, and afte the thorough Iv,' perigees* ofilstoen years, Its reputstinn for elLcacy• in wing Throat sad Lung diseases ii lolly sustaine.i— Wbereeer thim medicine is most known, its merits have rta blabbed UtierwnUsd, pop Warily and demand. It has b.t -i. * standard remedy with many people for cur:::.; Puhoonary complaints and is kept in their house. :, , r PheY see whermtrurreqnired. As a curs for Cough It :: and reliable— eeldom requiring more twin one tx,t eye • Omit of many weeks standing. For curing, Creep it is not excelled, and as a remedy for Asthma its OSISSOLCIaIIOt be dcmbted, haying tutored many fey. cop it/ th *nu suffering a long term of years war,. this inissrable disuse. rim Breathitt" and Hoarsenes it is WI and zellable, quickly reosoling irritation tram the, airplane/ea. In Whooping Cough this Remedy Ls oNreat tales—it promptly lessons the trequency and violence of the IMO. qpd aborts, the disease cos half Irvin ,Ite or dlsout tedious course. All diewassi of the tangs ant air swages depend span irritation or lalkszmation in the Wag mucus membrane Gad lattalallt the Nampt use of thorough medicine tii of Gat t h eir zwearal. Haire Cough Remedy is gate, *peedy sae elltertual is Its operation—is adapted to both eat..., to all we aodssoiditatiats: ' every person aftitctell wilt. either el the following diseases should file this plesaait towed, and their !oleos will soon mingle with others al naluennandlieg its merits to abetted neighbors and Meads . 110116 4sis Hall's Gough ii cures Colds. tiss Hall's Cbs,igh R .Remeetty.ii curet croup? or Ratites. 111116. - Uss Halts augh Remedy it cures Asti- ma or PAthisie. M. Use Hall's Cough Remedy fot Catarrh. , INIL.Use Hail's cbugh Remedy it Streplythms .Lungs. VOL Use Hall's Cough .Remedgfor Bronchitis. Mao Use Hall's Cough 'Remedy for !Parse nest. Use Ball's Cough Jiitnitaio it Strengthens the Voice. • t 11%.,U5i Ball's Cough L'emzdis for 10-zoping- A I *N wi vestly Mom!, th• tolenee thtoo disease &wisher - Us Ha tedious oteursok ocooloall trout !tot ordinary 1 limas* of countartaits and base LmitidiOns—calt fel , Dr. P. RataWOW Cough Remedy and set that Mawr:t ies alguataza is soon the wrapper sad dinaetiona. BTILUIYU T T 1 /10 • Ws. the suatbarsigool chimes of E.* City and . rictotty. aan uadDr. P. Rama Celebrated Cough Reui greatsaaessa, to min diaamea at tha:Thr.i a nd tangs, and tabs nooliniendiug tut nee t, the atilietra es a altd 011ataal moody, rally wcnkty of pdhlic Allan Thouvoa, Matthew asasii4o6, D. Shirk, Jobs Hellions, dr. J. W. Rpm, , Richard Rem, Joh* &Tracy. Robert Cochran, J. 'l'. L'oso; John W. WLano, Daniel U44l'. ! Daniel Ilurer, John W. Hays, J. Rotdason, C. K. Bible, Jab. 8.. *alma, W. P. Itindansioht, J. Mooney, Joha It. Damn, ' P. Z. Barton. ; J. W. cni Joh* H. Wino, Mamma I:Sherwood. Wm. IL Nov Julia B. &sans W. H. Cooper, 1 A. IL Tuba, S. L. ranter. • Joseph Deemer, K. A: n,a.,•11, J .Na 1. 14 Grans, Salo.bary, DMUS Smith. . Luaus A. Hall, • • IL ill* . C. Damara, Thomas ICY" J. L. Lo H. O. Nast, W. 11. saillocara; J. klabisis.n, Wilma King, Chas. W.Kelso, I. Das k • DOM Minot D, ! C. 0. C.B. Wstrist: SOLD IS IBIS ONLY, BY • P. HALL.. Iliawatemainte and Bole Proprietor, ettai'a A. algae St. MUCK 25 TO t CENTS PER BOTTLE. • AGMS 0r11212 CO.—Alma A. White, Dr. F.iy, tool; Wa g Ilatbee.NFairview,' T. b. POI! tea, "iringuet.i. Rea. &Ptwodat. Minboro N'Keani E. h. alorre, Wotetterd; duo& I illwwwbod. Como; W. B. Wattabiught O. T. fewett, North &at: 0. Fttibew. ILiontlhei J.G. Ifl mete, .111hion; 141er, Lefton. lad "7 Nora to mai!. • A URGE SUPPLY . I ,' ' 1 i=. Otittala Mataksajaat Naomi. No aulptar, plaakianatil. The Pima Patiar Match ix tat WAIL Ittigmbotr will us ,tkos *tau utak For saki byWe bb.zokoba bad grim ' i ti ab oant to_ tbholle.' ' : on & tTRGIOS, AWOL , • • : . Oar. Lb 4 mate o.ta. DARTIES AND- FAM ILI • litmus ,lotti, Ise ems. femme ranco , plititr; lhosuoass. Magee. ColfootioAmY "d "t W tomtit,. soy 11141). BKNER HUR(4OB. R zivE. h i I* Pas & - nnigites - na; - kinds In amall 4101E14 LICRCIES3 AdiallterLOT , - • • '" 104.41fiaroviivadvazic- To Refiners and - 011 Igen ) - 1 - 0 \ 4 1111111 ftrq Ast , lioripre! • PrITE NILES WOR S" of (fir arr prepared to rural dreary dee- A PPA RATUS FOR REFINIIit such n. ; 4 0.1:n, Chrtnteal and Stnre lua u , Prmi , ft, amp Ridley; no thashurti t sg, rues and in:at tertkaismiship. .Pattita viabl ,t,ro; nt. , in Vited to OlaStliall Alla work rural rrt.t.ory nt ttl,l,l,,uttt of Mill .Creek, to Erie. I.lrn i et. atenm engines. boilers and all of rkincl2 be rue power at 76 Ibik ..611 wishing 7400 lba., &limed oa m e , F.l-11 f;' , r $ !JO. L. AVM,/ r_Andito.lsl-41 FRENCIPS HOTEL,- • • ON TUE EVILOPEAN CITY 01 NEW YORE. /100)/3 PUTT Cars PIM DAT. iinil iqunrr, Corner of Fraakfir (OTTOSITS Ctrl }Lau.) !!, IL. AR i 11... ), may be °Hared in the swim 11,-to 1. a Larb ‘r's and Bah Rooms: a-3 Ens sed nientrat who IC TO CONSUMPTIVES. TrilE FLlbEeli 'oer cheeifully sem i A ,r g v, t,, all who Seel:* It, the copy r.: o Lich he WU Wed ut that DOS 0 1 sot: - l,:u. n. hoL,rern r itl3 Cossreemos. any lurg .tii.ction, Le sincerely hopes will 1 w. %: •9 tietl,-i1 It they do so they will Demon • o i latuldul (or his own °mai I WWI St) place lo the hands or one “1" eu.e. Those wisbleig the recipe , os. w.ll &tale call on ur address ' Lori— t;:.f. Haw. W S.S.Uak John Strew; No. ?r P. ARBUCKLE, 1 .1.5 ON LIAND AND 1S DAIL' CLAI K /LeCORD, A - LARGE AND COMPLETE :STOCK Boots 'and Sh ALL VARIET:LES, =I LOWEST NETT PRICES 'rh. ty,tc,n.•e will be esodueted by WV-11t.. vior Lau r.,tu-nuil to Eris tettli OM to 6sixos, many. t rosnieot„ Ind tßo s ders to the V Liu o o friends, an Invitation to th, STOCK AT Ne. 16, 17orth-Wust Corner of the Park sad Pala eillik St•pt. ERIE, P.A. "'a., E 1.... J E E Y LANDS FOR Sill it AL-O, ~ ,• FT,I7IT FATZUS,aultable c, 1., , itrawberries, • ..t•, 1, 10, or 20 acres r the 1 , 11.(.12t, 20 ICIIIII roe £6O, a'sa sexes for g 441, a week. ;$ lend,. and village lot 1,7 Get, at $lO each, parable lb; aabnec laud and !arm/ are ritual. barlingtos' Ca kor ...rt.,cr ir.formation, apply„ed . f , ru ctreuac, to B. rPJ..KI4NC i 1 O. tO Cpdar &net, Now Tf itLEY ! BARL 0e .. .7.1t le•*e to Me/71 LL stua. is County. for the Barley they ilorthz, the Peet 22 yearn. E, wishes to buy 80,000 B.IIBH E. tunes will pay the highest aural Csah. . . • CLOTEDIG ! CLOTHI Largest & Best Stock of in the City! CO:IE AND 'EE FOR YOURS () S KOCH , _;U I, D RESPECTFULLY in ,V :In 1.•, 0,1 aid euetoznera that t.t. the Wanda! new Stoll r E .1 1. :Zo. 1J 17N1C14 to aill end exuelDe hit I. - ea large aID.! Iro'J ieleeted ccny ,;!! ! 1.1.1 detereame , l not cc 1. .tc h. )nit recelved the rt r. co .AND SUILMER :6: to motto is thl one prtte, awl that the let* • . h-at tll,, art reyrtsenteii they tie) . . DINSM DTALtiiB IA 271Crir, Pork, Beef, Salt, TI.VOTIIY SEED, tke ITo. 2, Wayne Bloc Tit NCH STREET, a ,a sis., svi, M. f NEW 111 L LIN ERY STORE! IZS. L. H. ILEILLY, announce to the ladies of that eh, will open, 1.,' i: I) .IY, APRIL 1:8, 1 at e“ of i , ronch ant Falb streeta N”1:11 Hall, a large and epleudld i~ (L ~ rc~p• . MILLINERY * GOODS! 1 ink City, rabradaerarf CUCltyal:e4 in a Got eau eatabliala Lim!. E1.E.16711:t1. PRESSISO AND -COLO ...AL% Liu acd pa the most BeaseelP Tr F1:14. • Davin_exteasiee erperiecee L lb. that she eau pre entire satlatelaill TLe ponita p%trontr,, is respectfully aollthed. • arti1....8111 Wool / Wool To Fariners 8z Wool Grow ,,, The. Lam reciited au =Oll l 100 p cul, for big/Iva S. H. •I BENER & BURGE %•wittit.r:SALE DEALEttS lAN . CI 0 • 30: OUNTRY 'MAD,: SUPPLIED MIS FRFSII CAN AND KEG OTSTE k.YEttli DAY . ND ITIRILLNILD TO CITE SITISFICIIOI Orders Solicited and Pro Attended to, iug Well Digging. TIT E Untitined offers f,,.•er.,:e• • 'to itio labile as a Ile ban sr.avd at lb,. " r .stisolind pat dolma Ji v• • •in Kne W the wail I born. roe! t _h -••r, nud tirst war. Refers to Jaen. nuth-1 a: it , ud, I.aac 'Rid .0 itidid,Nrah Wig (up t t..., vlitcr. k, and others. HE•RY KUSTRItHotsi , Ms: liillc•eok, new i'tervgi' MEI 61EGEL, st.i• i.ULi iLS k BETAIL - DElLa ‘ wOCERIEs, pROVISIMIS' UNION BLOCK; ERIE, Woelit int.te the alto:Men et the petite te LARGE sTocE: OF 0001* lChicS ho it determined to &I L CHEAP AS THE CHE.APEST rir my lot ni 14 , i on estmot b excelled La lie' ti , veto I'-PATS 1,4L13-• V. SCHULTZ &, BRO., fet IVIIOI,a;ALE AND RETAIL" DEAlsw GROCERIZS AND PROVISIOA, 1' MILE TILIAGR, RHIN CO. kt , op 0. iusni n I-ry out' Tod oeloctedill, of rrot, rbf In our Lan, and will not penult i nto v:..t , ) of I IQCORS and CID • to Co ontioboo , l to ne oouuty. jun& —'t a ART.7O _ VIRI3 INSUBANCS II % ItT PO It D. CONN ECTICIka ri.'i ft: t'Ort.l rm.) nu. cApiza. og i 11. ::Tux. .neNtlN Prei.t. T. C. ALL 4 -,_—_,—_4.------------ ..if CITT TIRE INSUB.ANCE cOVO N II 1. IZT VO It D. CONNECTICUT. ....ii 1.1'120.R1'011.41'.1.1, 1447. • rdPiT.4 lO.l- • C. IL Lik)• t , '::-I 1 , . - ~t. C. C. WAIT 4 Mk i '' ' —,:--:--,--:------- -------. . ' - -141 4 1311ANCIi in th e above old asd - ' Able Companics c txtoWnllkelt • , E. W. 8