ma EMI ofrie tiserbet ERIE. PA., JANUARY, 30, 1861 Onus Vniriason VT MI Pions is sna Puss es I[llll3oAll ISMIT —Aires Jackson. TIM JACOBIN PLOT TO PROLONG TOR %VOL. The report of Gen. McClellan, about which more curiosity is felt in the public mind than in regard to any documleilt that has been written for matiky years, has not yet:been issued from the Government printing office. It is, now more than a month since the Republican papers an nounced that it was preparing for publi cation, and for all that we have been able to learn, the work is no, nearer comple tion than when we were first notified of its transmission to the printer. The Ad minitration deaervesiympathy upon the perplexities which have attended its ef forts to present this famous document to the public. First, we were informed that its enormous length would require/a very -long time before it could all be I put to press, but thirs'excnse was answered by the proposal of half a dozen newspapers in New take it off the Adminis tration's hands, promising io issue it com plete in less than a week after they re ceived the copy. Then we were informed that there were many valuable and costly maps to be engraved, but a respectable firm has offered to supply them at. their own expense, provided they will be given the copy-right of the book,and they pledge themselves that it shall not be delayed a day later than the Ist of March. At rength, the Secretary of War and his friends, finding that no excuses will sat isfy the public, have ceased any allusion to the subject whatever, and the whole country is now as much in the dark as to what is being done with the report as it was two months ago. The plain in ference to be drawn from all this is, that the document must contain something which the Administration looks upon as damaging to its reputation. On no other suppposition can its tergiversations, its hypocrisy and its falsehoods be accounted for. If it afford*. no proof of facts which Mr. Lincoln and Secretary Stanton dread to have the people know, why should they hesitate to let the report hr.- the light ? The friends of (ion. McClellan do not ask that it shall be printed at the Government's cost—they only request that they may have possession of the original, and they will print it, without one cent of charge to the public treasury, And, indeed, if the few random extracts from the report which have now and then got into the newspapers, be any criterion by which to judge the whole, the Admin istration may well feel alarm at its antici pated effects on the national jinni. It presents their incompetency, weakness and lack of true patriotism in more glar ing colors than they have ever appeared before, and proves beyond refutation or doubt the disagreeable truth, that while the army was gallantly fighting its way up to the very gates of Richmond, and the whole "loyal" North was elate with the .hope that the downfall of the rebellion was near at'hand, our rulers, the men in whom we confided, and who should have been anxious above all others to bring the campaign to a successful termination, were plotting to ruin the General in com mand, and retard the overthrow of trea son, until they could accomplish other objects, necessary to their persenal and party interests. We state the case Strong ly, but every word we have written can be borne out by the evidence. The Cincinnati Centmercia/, a Republican paper, which we presume is on terms of intimacy with die public printer, has obtained possession of some of the most important feature's of Gen. McClellan's report, and published them. We have already given our readers two Or three extracts, and we now furnish them with the General's letter to Secretary Stanton, written from Savage Station, on the.2Bll of Attie, after the hard-fought battle and repulse of the rebels at that point. It will he remembered that Gen. McClellan. had informed the authorities at Washing ton of the large reinforcements which the rebels had received, and earnestly im plored—yes, literally begged—them to send him • some of the troops that were lying, totally useless, at Fredericksburg and in-front of the National Capital. What honest man "can ' read this earnest epistle, and not feel his bloOd- tingle with indignation at the stupidity or malignity, not to call it worse, which perniitted our best-army to be sacrificed at the very moment when victory was within its grasp: . IiXADQUAITIIIS Am OF VIE POTOMAC, SAVAGE STATION, ; June 28, 1862-12 as A. M. Jt I now know the full history of the day. On this side of the river—the right bank— we repulsed several strong attacks. OT the left bank our men did all tha• men imuld - do, all that soldiers or • A i ld push; but they were superior nu , overwhekmed by hrouirghtho 7r ,there, even after lon lc • .eservee into action. The w on .adea is terrible. I believe it will Far • *to be the most terrible battle of • • . war. The sad remnants of my men Debars ts men; those battalions who fought most bravely, and suffered most, are still in the beet order. The regulars were superb, and I 'count upon what are left to - turn another battle, in company with their gallant comrades of .the volun teers. Had I (20,000) twenty thousand or even (10,000) ten thousand fresh troops to use tomorrow. I could take Richmond ; but I have not a man in reserve and shall be glad-to cover my retreat, and save , the material and rassozoist, of the army. If we have lost the day, we have yet pre, - served our honor, and no one need blush for the army of the Potomac. I have lost this battle because my force is too small.-- I again repeat that I am not responsible for this, and say it with the earnestness of a General who feels in his heart the loss of every brave man who has been needlessly sacrificed today. I still hope to retrieve our -fortunes ; but . to do -this Govern ment must view the matter in the same owned light that I do. You must send me large reinforcements, and send them at once. I shall draw back to this side of the ehickahominy, and I think I can withdraw all our material. - Please under stand that in this battle we have lost nothing bat men, and those the beet we have. In addition to what I have already said, I only wish to say to the President that I think he is wrong in regarding me as ungenerous when I said that my force wastooweak—l merely intimated a truth which to -day hoe been too plainly proven. a t this instal, I could dispose of (10,- 000) ten thousand fresh men/ could gain the. victory' tomorrow. I know that a few thousand mere men would have changed the battle from a defeat to a victory. As is o the iftraiusent must not, and can. trot. hold me responsible for the result. I feel too earnestly to.night—l have seen too many dead and wounded comrades to feel otherwise than that the Goya:amen". has not sustained the army. yffiu dos do so now, the gsme is Mit. Itlf I s• this army now, I tell you p/ait!t thilt I owe no thanks to you, or to any person In Washington. YOU HAVE Don. YOUR BEST TO SACRIFICE THIS ARMY. Ciao. B. Siceutta.sw. To Hon. E. ?d. Stanton. • After reading this letter, there will-be no difficulty for any person to understand the reason why McClellan was relieved from all active ditty, and the abilities of the best officer in the nation 'lost to the public service. Strong as its language is, however, there is not a well informed per-. son who does not know that it spoke the sentiments of the entire army at the time. There was not a letter written home, from , officer or private, not a state ment by the correspondent •or a single newspaper, Democratic or Republican, which did not express the Conviction that' the " Government" .11,z1i "not sustained the army." Even . the radical Tribune; a which had not esid word in McClellan's favor for several months before, but kept constantly reiterating the stories of "Qua ker guns," .tc.; to ridicule him, was forced in a mordent of honest impulse, to sharply criticise the conduct of the lAdministra tion ; and its welt-known correspondent, Mr. Wilkinson, who acBompanied Mc- Clellan all through the Peninsuls cam paign, wrote to that paper as follois ON Tat Dirac¢ Tnaouc¢ THI WRITS} OAK SWAMP, June 28, 1862. Outnumbered, surrounded, liable at any moment to be cnt off from our base of supplies, and have our possession of the York River R. R. wrenched from our grasp, McClellan came out at star•rising from the fight in which lie bad shared the perils of the common soldier, with a Napoleonic conception of the - only salvation for his army from annihilation by fire, or loss by capture. He ordered new roads to be ins stantly cut through the swamp that separ ates us from the Charles City highway, and communicated to his Generals his purpose to change his base by a rapid movement to the James River. We marched now through White Oak Swamp, to change in twelve hours' time, the base of a great army—doomed where it was, .and having now but little grace of delay accorded to it by an active and brave enemy, numerous enough 'to encircle us at any point and to outnumber _us at all. The movement is bold, soldier-like and brilliant, it eminently hazardous. It is made by the light of the burning of every one of the bridges, which We have so pain fully thrown over the Chickahominy, and within, hearing Of the destruction, by our own hands, of the railroad which gave us supplies and was to secure us retreat. The movement will probably be: successful, though its trial will be bloody. The world will regard it as a masterly stroke of genius. The army will so regiiid it, and will feel for its commander the admiration and gratitude that saviors of men ever en- _ kindle in loyal hearts But the brilliancy of this movement - will not for an instant dazzle the eyes of the wronged and wrathful men of the Army of the Potomac, nor will it dazzle the sight of the angry people so as for a moment to obscure their perception of Me crime against Me nation,. which has made Mit change of base and front imperiously neees s4ry. Tuts CRI/16 is THE REFIJAAL TO BUN. folteE UCCLELLAN. I don't care about the question—which legislators, soldiers and politicians have debated—of this Gener al's fitness to command. The York and James River Peninsula was not the place for that discussion. The hour of the junc tion of Beauregard's and Jackson's forges to those of Johnston is not the time for such a debate. I care not for any criti cism of Gen. MeClellan's campaign on this Peninsula or'o he Potomac. I have blows, but not word, for the untimely 4,4_ casuist, in or ut of the administrative office, who, u der the roar of rebel can non, sweefieg nr ranks with shot and shell, meets the demand for aid to this army with a chronological measure of de-• lays at Fortress Monroe, at Yorktown, at Williamsburg, at Seven Pines. I don't care whether they were delays or no de lays—whether they were McClellan's de lays, the Quartermaster General's delays, or the delays of the elements ! No man, no party, no interest, Shall with my assent or my silence, be permitted to mix up with the sacred right of an out. numbered American army to demand help from their countrymen and tq promptly receive it, collateral questions of, fitness, of vigor, of fidelity. When loyal' New York regiments, lifted from their feet by the fire of. rebel brigades, cry out of their wounds and death for help—when the choicest of New England, and Mich igan, and Pennsylvania 'troops, Outnum bered in front and on both flanks by whole divisions of the enemy, beg for reinforce ments, I say that the blackest crime that Power can commit is to stalk upon the field of peril and say : Soldier., I have no faith in your commander, let your martyrdom proceed. ' And 80 says this Army of the Potomac. And it registers to-night vows of vengeance as it marches in the dark from a . position which their diminished numbers disabled them from holding, but which is consecrated to them forever by their sufferings, their labors and their wrongs. ' The politicians ands:ales. Man who left us here to be outnumbered and cut of from our supp lies and the possibility of re. treat are d men. S. W. We trust, if the Administration wilt no g print Gen. Keefellan's full report, that he will place a copy of it in the hands of his friends, to wake such use'of as they t i !Lnk proper. Every interest of the na• tion requires, every patriotic impulse de mands, that the truths which it contains shall be kept hid from the eyes of the people no longer. WE DO not kOow whether the following was written in earnest., or is intended, as Artemus Ward says, to be "sarkastical." Perhaps some one of our readers can tell. We find it strolling around in the columns of our exchanges : • • "We hop? no Democrat will be guilty of discouraging any of the Loyal Leaguers, "War Democrats , " or Negro Emancipa titmists from volunteering to defend the Emanciplition-Proclamation, in the ranks of-the arm y and on the field of bittle. Remefaber banishment is the punishment for such a criKae. As =enemas says the "rebellion is on its last legs." 'We should really like to know how long these "last legs" are, or What they are made of, or whether they are "iron clad" or not. Republicans have' told us for almost three sears, that the re• hellion was standing upon them, and yet it continues-to stand. May be the rebels have procured an extra supply.. Tag official vote cast for Governor at the last election was counted in the presence 'of bosh Houses of the Legislature, on the 14th inst., and declared as follows : Andrew G. Curtin. Geo. W. Woodward, Curtin', Majority, Erma. delegate thus far elected to the Democratic State Convention has either been instructed to support Gen. McClellan or is understood to be in favor of that gentleman's nomination. UNION IX XSOINUI• The editor of the Chia' voltam hashed an interview with a onions of *moo. e r' ll ikk 2 1 _ 6 4 4 1 1 4r_ + 6l i, sinoCanceeviM Jim wwne otelitees:4nir reaf ` fate 00 1 1 011 7;"! Ilefr‘telei 3 je4 l6 . Unkit seMirdine of the . titati* being largely itillie - uutimity. 'and bas no doubt that Georgia would return Om the basis et the ,Constilutiorritini Union. There is a free expression of opinion concerning - all question of government policy. k large *tyliraditlitieleetlettof T. But ler Xing to theVonfederate &Bate. This gOntle'rnau; it Will' be rementberekin a letter which we recently published; main , %deed that re-union beetle& the North and South, was possible on the - baits aim ply of the Contititutirin. licarguCti that the North - Could , not with honer accept any !per settlement and thtit, Ihit South Wight, with , honor. accede to - itheoetorms. Mr. KingLe,election to the Senate on such iPlatiorm, would, be a iiitniftmat sign of the times. It would show how easily the Width might be reclaimed to loyalty on the simple terms which *loon the govern ment ham ei right to make, and also how far we are from peace so long as the ad- Ministration insists on making the war a crusade against the social institutions of the revolted StitOe. - A DISGUSTING INCIDNDT. Yashiogtoo correepoitdent l of the New York Express, gives the follorte' g so oount of a recent scene in the Howe of Representative; ',The House presented a pitiful specta cle to-day. when, the .death of Senator Bowden of Virginia was announced. Af ter the cliatotniu7 eulogy from a Virginia member, a Republican member from the West got ap, not sober, if not drunk, and began all sorts of gyrational and gesticu hitionsf which soon . indicated that if he was not drunk he was not. sober. , Consid ering that the Republicans claim all the religion and all the morals Of the country, and all the education, and all the learning, and that hitherto not twee atavebolding barbarians, have ever presented this sort of a spectacle in Congress, we may doubt whether Abolitionism is really refinement and 'civilisation. Another Republican member shuffled him off, and relieved the House from the spectacle."; It is curious to observe heir careful our telegraphic agents are, in keeping ill such bits of news alibis above out of their reports to the smociate persup. Hail this congressional. ■waggeriog devotee of King Bacchus, been a Democrat, we would have had the whole scene graphically repre sented, causing every Jacobin Peckaniff in the'country to woep crocodile tears for a month. CONSCRIPTION ♦T TUR NOVTIL • A!errible state of thing's, says the Buf falo Co Crier, undoubtedly Preiails at the South. The Richmond E.rivniner of the 11th announces that orders are to be im mediately issued for the eonscription of all persons who nave heretofore 'furnished substitutes. Bills have also boom intro duced. into the rebel Congress. declaring all persons owing milltaiy serviee, who shall abscond or leave' the Confederacy, alien enemies, whose property shill be confiscated. A general hopl rings 'through rebeldorri, in . consequence .of these new severities. All sotto of dodges are resor ted to in order to avoid the inevitable militarY, doom. Only certain office-hold era being exempt, the rush fcir offices is tremendous. One gentleman in Saran xish had offered $lO,OOO to be put on the night police and high bids are offered for cribs in all the - government departments. Verily the way of the transgressen is bard. Tua DVTT we PAPU. The thanks of the public in general, and of newspaper publishers in_ particular, says the Aye, are dui3 to Min. W. H. Mil ler, of Dauphin, for the resolution intro duced by him into the (House of Repre sentatives, on last Monday. The ad-valo rem duty of twenty per cent., imposed by the act of March: 3d, , 1863, on printing paper, is needlessly oppreesive ; and as it is really a tax upon the diffusion of knowl edge, it is one which should be straight , way repealed. The pa):•er manufacturers have made such eisermows profits In the last few years, that they were able to.or ganise a very powerful lobby list year fer the purpose of carrying out their views ; bat as every one, excepting them, is inter este4 in having the tax repealed, it is to be hoped Congress wilt act in the matter without delay. The present tariff bene fits no one but the manufacturer, while those who would profit 'by its.abolition in clude every one who is able to read. SCARCITY Off PIRWS. Our readers mast not be disapposnted at the barren state which our news col 2 tunns have presented for the last few weeks. , When there is nothing for us to give, we cannot eve anything, and the daily papers have not'furnialted so little , matter of general interest sinee the war began, as they are doing at present. Ow are quiet in every quaker, and even the audacious rebels have ceased their fre quent raids for a time, leaving the hun gry editorial news gatherer in a state of mind, that, to use e strikingly original expression, 'tan better be imagined than described." We do not expect any im portant moves for several weeks to come, and, until then we edible those who may feel disposed to Muni, the printers, for not giving them more exciting war news, to "bide in patience.", • • NEW NAJIPSUIII4, The Democrat's of New Hafnpshire have nominated for Governor Hon. Edward W. Harrington, one of the ablest and most Popular' men of the State. It will be re• membered that last year the Democracy bad a majority of the votes in that State, but having two candidates, the election was thrown into the Legislature; where a Jacobin was elected,contrary to the wishes of the people. Our friends in New Hemp. shire are now thciroughly united and feel quite confident of 'mom. Mr. Harring ton is a man of true geit i ond will make a gallant canvass. He is the pare* who threw down stairs an Abolitionist who was tolling s hell for old Joho Brown, an act which at the time was the inkiest of num berless indignant editorials in the Aboli- Linn press. . ' 269,506 Z 4,171. Oxs or our local ooteurporaries copies; in last week's kure, the long sines sainted statement that the White of Goa. Meade to attack and defeat Lee's army In the late onropoign was owing to the drunks* , nen of Gen. French, one, of the Ihmer's corps commanders. _ _ _ ft — hrlignow to ea s y _ 15A36 that all at Gen. lea dims EMI M!MM bore idgned a esedfoind put:Mabel it in the Sew York perm; empligioally denying Ab 6 story, whit& valplabsed **lime origi aatMr witb a New 164104 amid indignantly protestbig wing the habit too common simile many penman styling thenneltee "loyal.", of eirculidang damaging reports abotit heave and well tried alders. Oar eotemporary, in justice to Gen. ,French. should waste no time in publishing the testimony given for his defence. A KVIROPIIIIAN WAIL . . The aspect of Europeon /Ws the Triboae, is, becoming more more warlike, and the opiaiou that war is,,inev liable' seems to ba universal. From all parts of,,tbe European continent it is re ported that the excitement ii on the in armee, and it ii reasousbly expected that, the Silt-shot, in Schleswig would be the signal for Popular risings in Hungary, Ve netia, the Danubian Principalities and probably smoother places, while, at the same time, lEmight give an entirely now aspect to the Polish insurrection. Taw is a groat, strife, .says the Hartford Theo, between the towramin Connecticut to procure volunteers for their quotas, and , often one town bids above another 0_06: cure men, held by brokers, who sell them. A neighboring town has been very active and sent agents abroad to purchase ne gross. A few days since they made re turns, and had three more negro teen than the town wanted, and one of the agents put them up at auctiOn, seve ral towns bidding, but Vernon, bidding the highest, took them. Ws Tau thus octesiois to contradict the report that the members of the Loyal League here volunteered in a body to join the army of Oen. Meade, and help pin down this "unholy' rebellion. It is a foul libel on that patriotic and highly in fluential society. . Las? Timis should. be any /misunder- standing on the subject. we hasten mazy 'that a tio•csillec i l "War Democrat" bears no relation whatever to a Warrior Democrat. Latest War News. —lt seems that the Rebel 'Gen. Vanc e , recently captured near Strawberry , Plains, Tettn„ was a Major-General, and that four of his staff . . who were captured in his cowl:any, were recognised as haying been paroled at Vicksburg. —One of the 117th New-York Volun teers, having straggled sway'from the line of march during Gen. Smith's late expe. dition in West Teakiesseq, was hung up by the heels and had his throat, cut by the Rebels.—Tribune. - —A Rebel mail was found a fen:lays ago in West Virginia. Most of the letters had remarks confirming the stories of suffering, disaffection. and despondency among the Rebel,. We have had the same stories though ever since the war commenced. —Dispatchts and letters from ; Port Hud son state that the enemy are again pun centrating a large army in that vicinity, and about Baton Rouge, and that Gen. Ullman is almost daily receiving ,priso ners from the rebel lines, who express themselves disgusted' ith the service of the Confederacy. Many of them, it is said never heard of Mr. Lincoln's Am nesty Proclamation. News from Chattanooga is to the 23d. Trains were then running regularly to Nashville. The greatest distress is al leged to exist in the rebel' army. Deser tions are frequent, and sometimes, the dispatches tell us, number over a hundred in a day. The Tenpewiee and Kentucky troops are said to be kept under guard to prevent desertion. Union recruits are arriving sufficient to balance the umber of veterans going home. The rebel ar my at Dalton is reported to be 30,000 strong. and so reduced in supplies that they are killing their best mules for sup plies of meat. —The stories of an advance by Long street, toward Knoxville, are contradicted Our forces are in Winter quarters. and Gen. Foster says he is able to repel any attack that Longstreet can make. Per contra, a dispatch from Louisville to Vie Cincinnati Gam& says: "The city is filled with rumors of an intended Rebel raid in to Bast Kentucky: It is said the Rebels will enter the State at three different points." —A special dispatch to .The Cincinnati Cbeicitercial from Chattanooga, dated the 21st.inst., says : The Rebel orders requir ing soldiers to "'erre for three years or more is causing hundreds to desert; Fifty-dx came in today in one squad. _ Itlilt UREA, It Is admitted toy all pityldebuss that the grand swat Sc health dad hog yte Ws In hasping the blood and various Edda et** body to a high degree at Ihddity. Whoa you feel soodiamod yala In tie bead or bonds. 9 any continued anseelore In any organs other parts of the body. dos can pnrmat Heft/ likkaiiis by taking sammuntrramt PILLS. • Bleulin may aids some ditty emh bkoase the blood lett .111 ban more room. Mat es the body Is made trove the blood *ad matelsell by the bit, to waste oar blood Is le mute our We. sad rale • eseettiottea: Bet &Wrath's PUle rearm the eft:elation se readily is efeeete k e way tilde( sway "kat it east indispares sod mar INVIIM EC it. Boospai, ofilatortablo, Now, woo prod of at. Woo Doge, Goeoril Dsbllly. Pooloo. of Blood and Cloothoomo of =my rows standin. b7 3004 " 1.41 tot eon at kWh polollabod Ls tbo puophlota. Sold by Dr. L. Illsomoi.llkio.ood by all roopsolablo is la sodidoos! . I. ANA I NO MORN Uspieeriat aa.l,llsiat Nettielam aspleeriat sad dassorbse dimmer sae e HIINDOLD'a NXITACT BMW, Witte► hue swished theehtenhatat et the meet rsomurzsr FIITIFIGUNStbt Mg U. Is hos eared tit 'Meted Ituasaity se • eittet• eve ter the Merin liberete sad empteert, etitteatiag from disuses sad abaft of the Ueleszy et dexasithpee Gaunt Debility. NNW het Pkysitsi Depreielas. Detensiartiea ot Blood to the Reed. Ceitsehl %re. heetmal Debility; lieKleseeees sad Meephowese INA hireatret Neeesiiir Lame s t= law= sition .ey Pluskryle et the ' Organs et Gierestioe, P . alpitettoa et the Newt, - et • Menem end De- Aod, ha bOttaterlatatio Ur el tie gootsgs• llparentis= nt ..s ad i' e. OwesOK We Sal NO OTHIM. Ourraised. Ilsate4a Om Mksiorwm ti an a Curable Value 4 CIABD• To voraWnivies. ?be saber/4mM favialt boss routocod to healUi la a Aar lala•bra war! dal* malad/Altor hails( sifted wad mu milks more hog dostiothatat that dread dimes, oaaaogfios-r =does to make tam to Ida listanromdlinto tie UMW et lqata. Ts in trite done it, he will mad I nip? elks pre sopa. and (bis et alrepe), with the dinettes* for ~kg sint one no Nene, whisk Soy will lad a ans OM Ounements, Aariau4 pagosigifms, fir. 11%* any west glib. rhatkaise Is .sdtae the Tnerati. Ike Yes Una the pldei, ad hdbrastkm whin he assestess to be tentselite, and lie hens ang saint Viii try kb raany. sit it will sat thus nettling, sodas peen a limit. • kirks Welker the pnwsriptlest wan planes nee.. list. =WARD ♦ WIWI, TO anstrarrins. ounumommegwa ri I Naive velvoeis pm! seiptim kr Oa gm et Ossonaptioa. Aatbm l / 2 slats amit Orrhserlasi Luse eimilaus, (Ike, ft inst.)! byssalei %sir Mama to a.a.muniont WNW& iliellikiksetai6 A lumaud. usiumug. , MOWS OF A aIIAT MOOOTIOIT I FM petit, lin flied aphid eartslilltillstr Op& 12011basimits pis A sagaalSsi atspasaity lAN adoptai is Oliadritarl - • •-• • cluierAnwurir sus PYI, wimsteralii• raises: h mairovaa blaeliaa tie kik 10k 134 Milt. ft b • 101.110 1 . aunkiii4 sot • banasejlaid. tdoea sot laaatans• satt u slllailamo tar lactate tiarukbat dues bar ows •ie hags Its soollag allilat le Wang. Ita n .olt. sal/ans. It our feat.' - I] ltasilistarsi by J. OBI4FIDOIIO, NalA Astor Ho." Nis York/ sad by all Draggista and applied by ail liar Drasitto. ' , jasl.l.lm. SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE ! WAi It 'makes high P ridesSaponifier Mips to redoes them It neap for Pear awn • lieald by using your kitchen franc , CAUTION.. ds orideas Lyee bet offend Om be austaf,and only bay tat Patented ortltio pat tip la Iris cum, °Mimi bilis' Ce a eteribits. PLITNAINANLA SA Li brA NVIACTIAINO CO, • ebibdobble.—No. 1# Walnut Street. • Pittsburt—pitt :Moot 1021 Whqaeese Way. soi. TNa.iirooLts , VIiMA I IAIN LINIMENT.' AY ♦ enlaces» for Pains and Actica and intrranted =Perin t.O MP/ other: Creep it paaitilwly cures; raise is absolithily sure immediately attar II» used. Mothers rentsmbic this and arm yourself with n bottle without delay. -limp Is ► Cows which 'even no dOttioN Attaitionlits Chilfiiil the deiiololll . Or night ; before a Physician can lie scuinnoried it may be too late. Ennetaber, the Venetian Liniment newer Priee 25 and 50 tents. Sold by all dtantsta. • Oleo, be Cortlandt. Street, New York. jaalo.lm. MILS ED:llV.EstilOilil & EXPEIII /INCE Or A NIRB,VOITS INVALID. PsitilUnmsd ter the Damn and as a matins lo young men; and othms, who suffer from if moos thobtlity, Ur" ly Deasy, owl limb Undo* Ribaudo—supplying OM means of self-enns. one who has curd kinnelf after losing • victim of misplaced sonadostoe in imsil fekl hum tog and quisliery," By enclosing la post-paid enselispn. Angle copies may% had of dm &litho, igasnumns. 5•111., Esq., Bedford. Kings Coantg, Not York. Jalirl. to-fag'.s gAvatiiitments. • - ci , , • minfi & wzaavit, 1 ATTOIWILTII AT LAW. Ridges,, ft. Preettsio in Elk, Wean. Cameron sad Adman =suit**. J. C.!C WWI N. [janlollll-lr) W. W. WILBUR. Farm for Sale. Tilz Subscriber often for Sale his Farm j Summit tp geie' Co., Pa.,eomprisker Masts acres of good soil. nine miles from Erie city, on the Wm. %Wort Btompike roadoind four miles from Waterford Village, well watered, with rood butl4tnge, bar fruit and thirty iatres of wood land— apply ow prewar kee further Information. Will be sold on reasonable teems. SateaM JOAN B.GROIIIII. AUCTION SALE. TO THE LADIES OF BRIM - • "FURS, FURS, I "LT BATES, Aietioneer, ?rill sell at the Store No. 4 Wriglit's Block, Biota Street. Ps., on Wedneseay, Jaw. 27, 111434, and following dam at. 2 awl 7 p. ea, the larret assortinss4 of Lathe and Oen:. ttemen'e Fars Sleigh Robe., ke.,ewsir introduced into this Market. ita the Stook MUST ISIC SOLD. great bat. ; Eaton nix, be expected. The Rock oh Itahib.tion and ter fritte Salidurin ithi time. SALK POSITIVE—.TEI*4 CkB.l. For particulars see handbill'. JanIKAIL Administrator's Not i c e . l LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the andemikned on the estate pf ltuj Melinlty. decease 1, late of preens tip., Erie Co.. Pa.:l notice is hereby given to all persons knowing thole selves indebted to the same to make Immediate payment, and.those having elating lislast thl estate will preset% them for settlement. ALICE IieNCLTIf, IL L. PINN4Y, i Administrators. NOTICE' TO U. S. TAX PAYERS. • Alt persons inrie County, who Ars hob eto tax by amessment under the "Milted States In ternal Reeving' or "Cleat Las," approved July I, 1114, and; the lass emending the same. ate hereby notified that such taxes or duties have beceloili due and payable, and that I will attend to receiving the MN at the following_ times and places in said county. td wit: For all tax payers residing in the city of Erie and the townships of Ifillereek, Greene and Rue:unit, at the later nal Revenue Odle*, hi the Post Office Building. is the sit+ of Erie. on the Ist, 2d and BI days of Feb, Ism._ 'For all tax payers unildorth the borough of Girard ha& to the township' of Girard. Fairview sari Springfield, at the Hotel of A. Yarns, to the Waugh of OIrsod„ on the - t Ath day of Feb„ 19111, //small tax payers residing In tlis borough, of Albion and in the townships of Conneaut and Elk Creek, at the hotel of A. Rally, to the borough of Albion, on the Bth day of Feb., 1584. For all tax payers residing In the boroughs of Whither° , andWiddlebuo. med la the townships of Wash *Wean sod Franklin, and that portion of WateVA townabtp lying West of Erie and Ilaurribri Suraptkli, at the' hotel cif-A. Robinson, in the borough of Edinboro, ea the Sib day of Feb., 1864 11 , For all tax payers tieing in the horeragh of Waterford and to the township of Leßothif, and that portion of, War *ford township lyisof East of the Will and Waterford TMnpitiskt the hotel of Wilson Room in the borough of Waterford, on the 10th day of FAA, 1884. For ell tax payers living In the borough of Claion Willy aid in the township of Union. at the Petrilimas House's the borough of 0 Won Illlie, on the lith day of Feb„ DM i i For all tax payers Hying In the townships of Wayne • sod Concord. at the hotel of J.llmoari, at Cony, 01l the 12th day of Feb., 15511. , . 'For ail tat payers living in the; borough of Watteburg IA the townships of Venango and Amity, at the hotel olLyman Robinson. In the borough of Wart:burg, on the Foray of Feb, 11164. !i all tax payers Using in the borough of North Oast sad in the townships of of North' East, Harbor Creek and Greenii•ld, at the hotel of llobt. hill, in the borough et !Milt East, on the 16th day of Feb , 1864. And iv! perilous who neglect to pay th e datlessad !anis u aforesaid 'Reseed upon them; to the Collector, within the time spemeed, shall by Ilableho pay TAX PIS owertm additional upon the amount Hereof. coUscUons to be made by distraint. ' : 1 nu sour* applies to all persons liable to take itat-11• asses as well as to other tame ender said Excise Laws., Alt Distillery Coal Oil Distiller* Brewers and Yana. hewer* are hereby required to their tri-monthly and monthly reports and pay 114 tax t may be dm thereon to roe, at tea foragang those and lases. ; i All Distillers and Brewers at tie time of lying their Lianas. will be required to 'Mir into a nd in doable the amount of their probable monthly tax, with two sus lent sisistlea, conditioned for alai:brat compliance with said Act of Coupes of July tad,' 1:62 L 411 or p ryments must be mad. :ht Coned Stator funds— GPM Ram Whe above appointments hare bien • made with e view incosonsis the tax payers aillittle as poesible, and the , andersigsed trusts that a punctual :espouse wiUbs and. Illeret°', ! J. W. DOUGLASS, Collator at liatl *menu* 19th DIM. Ps . . &le, Jan. 30046441., 1 i l isaitnt, anti ' f sad Carat ., The Sixth Vaisya C0M111014116 with the Jana** bans . bar. thie Waited the weeks' of eminent and pear gee Ay' ..i.troollstn, Berticaknrallets, Stock Breeden WI Bee Kamm, tee conedeatly offer the current *ohm* ea one of heat i ern Wand- for originality. yraatical thought and reliable inforarsan. Send fora Specimen. Jeralo-Sor. , FOR TILE FRUIT, FLOWER .RIVD JUTMEN GARDRN. 4E646 UMW TE GARDMIENB ,Xoinnern, W. G. P. BRINCELOS, Ponta:gm 011ice--23 Barth Sixth Street. ?acme—SlM& year. Edited by Tho l m)ta Meehan. • Tag MONTHLY CONTENTS ARE : • Ham—Mower Girds* and ;Plessare Ground Gard /. ; Vegetable Gard, inAow quikallPfl, a *mottoes , 001011. EMIOwb.Yw, del. FAMILY SOAP MAKER. G I - .0 tP .J&D-30.1:681-41w czoshil s itrip i • N t t iptaAzinz Fos , 96 _ WWI FINNEMILVANIA 11 14 FARMER- AND' CARDENIEIIti Km= Ise mknitat. arr 8. YOU 62 NG itoo., Rata ua Sired. NileNpliia 212UL3: UN/L DOLIII6 A ISAR. • „• dreinirmaitcots-:ustorscin the views of the bait tram oa Hortiesitare, si tore and Enrol Mbar* ti ntwasax,—Glivinfiethe LOWY' dews on the important notticultaral Improvements, i Saws AID Qessium—iire irnits,new Plants, Dauer tie and Foreign Intelligence, !Foreign Cenespomisem, Horticultural Notices. Witheabit Depsztoset bandineely Glinstiated. These general - &Mum win be retained, end Use pub lisher pledges kilowatt that No labor or expects shall be spared to render the succeediseg Limes of the ilammine oro7 war worth/ a the taw with Odds his previous efforts bare been amply rewarded: , Send fo l ly si tal 4 W. MUSIC YOB iztr. MILLION. _,.._.. • mem rop. Tag Low,, BY 1208.1111TW4t11.111Pl• Willta• The undesidned bare jdat PaI:MAW a series of 811 soils and Roles, eartitled safeties' t ..iii Love is .a the Ratthi-Geld." 'The Matta shall sot Din" , Nino Chr? Coreadindnisl. nbe tt reiVid Voleatenr." ! { . r , wrbe Son who was his llotbrfs Prick," , The words la overt sue by Robert Kr*, Rat; Ile state by atinnapilabied tiesssimare. The spirit aw tees are alike stirring and patricttliti and altogether tatted to the tiros. Tist pries is Rae Dollar prr copy for the oath. or % ants kr say one tom to :be Sint to wry part of tie MOM Slates. tree of pestiUstaisiblti aid Aosta nuittlag Sto will teseire sit at . Maws' .. LW! a W , , 72tCbaita nas i= jaa3olll. - Hawk 1 Ti*teen (NE HUNDRED DOLLARS township Nj Bounty VW be join by the Bead itemaiiisseen et ItlllenelL sp. to loch pawn who will volunteer to the limit Ct said tonna* glider the list preelows. thee et the froldiewt,, Mile; fm• Nolontooreome ems swatered b senvien to the myna Of sold township. COCIBRUIIIO ra ElRALiggi, 11.0/1 ) ' - 1110e116 FINKLE & LYON'S 1 WiIIiELER St, WILSONS., SEWING MACHINES i INI PROV F,l) SEWING MACHINES, %To ilimilds24 Me* Us link ;MA elks on both j Milli t 14:101 kin ibliiik Wl' tina thqo4l owl silk Itva LI, : slaskroptioablikOkririiiiiali otigoh Kublo..• deli ..11 High IA cuthisi. ciA, Wail. Lad e.•.. and arts t. : alree.itimin !!":yotbr, :re wins' litS , blO. 10 U.•• t t... !request &biases and irre it Taney ..1,...r.hg t. t i nt. , n i • tailor. for tboi 4111 ••• !ram . n . I n t .,„„ ~.,a , ,,..., 1 on of Marseille.. witbnat.t.youg, no.' 01.k.-74.•‘......t.trt. jorreet. or tram thq la-it roll to thy ....,,r0.... I. • - ve . 01.04 or rico th. BtAut.ot harue.o. 1e41,1*, .“!..ot chastise the fonl,:nor.lto or Illusion, .r r.,,lC•ir .., ~d ' kis" 'Aiiiiii atiltiatifite whitairert! t ' . • ' They are olotp'olo oonstrocuu o and coolly tion2.-rt t .,,,d ; ..d LI soy par• I. lorok...ti by &rail. .1, It a 4 ron.l }t r.- . 1 ' P!a T c e4 ' WINY" aril PINIOI'L Mt PACT.. UPI .01 i r, .: A r f ../..tri.... ; tbo shot« also, intelllgiat boyer • i ' r Plow* ClOl sad Ksoodnie or lend (or Ch'eullr. N. 0 —Local A e l coU irsoted io •wetlorll tott yet n. •a perd. Address. • FBMKI.B Ile LYON, S. M. ('O., esp6'63-1: . 1344638 IMMO iVAY,i ns. ra lSu o bser ► t i o il' s rie r IV n gu a l t !resi , ) , e m c , t• that he Is still at his old staAd, - As Z z, Witabligtaa fib Market, New York, 1 Ae4 As • prepared to tams', HOTELS, STRALRECOATS, RESTAURANTS & A,%1 ; INS with the best OYSTERS AND CLAPS. The's:whet &Sorts, at Wholesale end ILetoil,. et Alio rt settee, sad it the Lowlier Lresso Patcati. ' ar AU Orders from tho Country Promptly Attended to. N. It.-o,stni sad Clime Pickled to , Irder. New York, June 20, 1861-Iy. 11. (;•i'FolY. INI2 ERIE RAILWAY.. assiommigsr-.. - _,' CHANGE OF HOURS. comitgNul.No IioNZ4Y. JAN. 6. HlB4. • 1 .-.111 , CHANGE will lam Dawkizk al il r ut th r followtke; ..1 Tti 2 • .* . Basterard Bound—Depart. ralit !morns .. 5 ... ....' 4 10 r, x. . 8 341 •. x. Steak . ii .. ...... • . 9 44 A. X. last ?Weal , . .......... —.....4 an A. X. ' Way 11144 K StOA. X. - 1116iit gzPrri s raj!. "'tat MINOT. Oriel •zu ni. Erie A: Pittsburgh R. 'R., CRANGE OF TIME, COMMENCIN ut sy.Jsa.4th, TRAINS LEAVE GIRARD. 4 4 4 P. W, A 06 011 2 104 at10n. stops at all Etatioos add aniyes al Sharon at It SO P. M. 26 A. M, PrMint Na. 2. stops at all stations aid sr. rives atSh►ranat3 16 P. M. TRAINS LRAVR !WARW.:. 10 A. 111., Accommodation. stops at all St Awns sod arrivcost Girard at 12 is:. TOD A. II Piglet% No. l, Mops at at all Stations exernr. Clarkniiis Aspywilla, Cantre Road, Spring, cis and Croton ' s, and arrives at °trawl at 12 15 Y. Y. • Freight aeon will run to and from Erie. jatiff64tf. ; • B. N.. 811.0W5i, Tie N. T. herald of Commerce. Ire conzratulate oar readers on the mann* of itneoer.• whisk has attended our labors, to common with ail otb 4 r adneslesofeaoserratirepyrioetyle,. We invite the all /revery reader in the dWeerninatios of the old; tel.' 4 &marbles taught by Washington, followed-by the ;neat wfeat men who hats made oar nation Illiagfr ith they tonllt, and we omit proem strong. the Ln UNION AND CONSTITUTION. We edeoetie ea new doethnes In rellnlon. !es e r .1110d111 lift. We are known u the earnest deleud , re the faith of oar fathers and the upholders of , CDlDEfrfairfTY AND CHRUTIAN CIVILIZATION, aelnat every form of attack. We support THE FV/V).IIN ILLS? OP will UNITID BTAT/I AND 7111 RIOEIT3 AND iltzuleTT Op TN, P 5051.1 or Tut errINAL Slav a. re, Ogedstog in these two sources of strength lh.. uri of our greatness as people, and the only pledge rif our natty. power and proeperitp. heinng to nu Wiveparty. and owe no allegiance teeny faction. Wive oppeor4 wad than eon' epees() A BOUTIo3I six rue the element of diarord, the extern) of Union lhr 11V. , el fo• of the Constltetion, exerting a tall ign I l ator. tit aoeiety. in the.eiturcli and in the State. We opt, so 82616110.711131 as a political heresy whose blood) ftu.t.. are viable all &Antra us, and we look earnestly fora whenthe COnstitution abed triumph over the to an well as the raised hands of all its foe., North .1 4 ttoth TheJourial of Commerce will prrout a.. the richest and most useful tab!. of con tit uta r f e•••.t. Staper 1.12 AeDeties. MARlCSill'of *veil tied, N awe Iron. all parts of the worth, AOKI' Ziswe up to 1t5t.1,1,-x d toDeched and commented on by a large edltoriii at.ol will be regularly furnished to our reader; to.o-tht r I. the miscronaneons metier that will Aiwa)! he atetcull..l Laths holly circle. The tonne of the Weekly Journal it Cor.ttnerie wt. Welsher be as follows • . Weekly. le:advance, o us j ear " Tecate'', to one address, • s 6'N 44 1, • 46 10 1 46 64 I 21:1K M 41 additional copies aims rate.) " - teopy. stz months 1 c , ) An theta Orion Of note. if the address la - written o u each paper, will pay each $1,60. recesettGtea of 20 en extra copy will to given tt.o woos sending tlia mouej. The terms albe other edition% are as fall L4W3I: DAILY.. 41i,Y. In adroaei ono year, $lO,OO In advance 000 tICO Six nom. Is advs.:kap, 5.23 Ra mos. advance, 3,5 J Lod °lira six moo. 5,(0) 2 copies ono ad dreas 11.1.0 Toe ono month. 1,0) (addit'l copiev avow mt.'.) }Lowy way mated by mall, addreasad - - I JOURNAL OF CONN.RCR. N. Y. ' A WORD ABOUT ' AMERICAN WATCHES AJMER A THOROUGH TRIAL OF MORS TEA` TEN TEARS, the time-pleces name factored hy jho Ane.rir•in Watch Col, of Waltham, Mam a have geine4 arm I + o 4 l epos the fasesiataleapablie,aod now, no irn theo 73,(00 of theta arespeskiogfaitlielneelv. lnlit,potketk -- 41:, people. From a very loslgninamt beginniez,..tle Irer , - • nem has Increased until we aw inatifled io ata•orx that HAZIC MORE THAN ONE HALF of all tie watch to soldlln the United Stabs. Repeated enlargement our Auden headings, and the labor of SOO operatire:, and me alusminntlo supply the eonstantly lnrielsin,z Rand. And we may here observe that motel thstaidiq the Melvin of labor and materiale, we actualy oat products at len prices than those current fire yearn We rib" to these acts only for the purpose' of proo-r -ly 'anodise:in another subject relative to our mlnufac tare of watches. Hitherto our chief object has toou in makerrcid watches for the million, at the lowest It. meshing to take the place of the make believe watches caUed .Ancrea," "Lepioem," "Engheh Talent Livers," ate., annually thrown upon tile market, constbme numbers, by Rnropean work atop.--watches which are the rebate of their fartoriea, unsalesble at hams sad perfeetly worth is. enemy where, This object we have acoompliabed, and , now we liars to annonsee, that we have commenced the manufacture of watches of the very HIGHEST GRADE YNOWSI TO CHROHOIIRTRY, unequalled by anything hitherto made by' ourselves_and noomptioril by anything made in the world or ibis rupees se isavethe amplest detlitia. We hey. erected an additioa to one main buildings expressly for tb:s broach of mu business. and have filled it with the best werlamia la ear servies. Profiting by Mir Mug experi ence, we have remodelled the form of our watehee, intro dicing nal haprovemeata NI bay. been inagruteil and premed to to good from time to time, and have in•titut led nen end Omura tests of isoehronirm, idiamment and ennstassisdles. New machlnes and applbuicei hare bewn "" wide' perform their work with consummate ise=exactitudis, and the ebolceet and molt op proved lasterials only are used. Notting is fact is wanting :eitber is Et•Citilliella prinelplrs. materiel or voriumeasidp to ensure perfection in time result. We esustinue to manufactru-e our ottai well-known qualities seder the following same*: _ "APPLETON. TRACY tr. C 0.," • P. 8. BARTLETI," • - tuna the Bowie. Wateb." "Wll, ELLERY." The falter. the lowest priced watch we make. la a pb etuntlal, asdiable time piece, nand to sterile: silver— Meths( 'pattern—sad is not liable to get not of order en/rein marching, Adler or fhirbtloft. rA 11 the abort. dowelled watches, including the Just, which is named WA= COSITiNV are sold by watch dealers geoerally throughout the wuntry. litolllBll/14 dir, APPLETON). dilate for, the American Watch cumpenT. 182 Broadway, New Vera. • seertliewerder leidde.• Valiable Property for Sale. Tilt Subscriber Offers for 'sale the val uable Stead. at precept occupied b him se aStort, cf.mi* Otimems. Ma county, Pa. T he Moro is 20 fest iiswidth by thi Is length, and hes Irmo occupied for its pressed pupas twelve years. Ms% the tease home adlacent, used by the subscriber aresidswes- She house is 19 by 40 feet W else, with a ilea[ Wedged ltl2 $l. • good barn on the premises. Also,* Wood Lot, half s mite from McKean Corner', mmtsising I.ti sera, welidia.bettA. ' - , The above property.istmoipt the most detirabie In osuisty. It is sawed is a rick said thiekiy Wiled portico* of the comity, mid is every way desirable. ily Mau selling moths! I desire to in to the West. D. i;! HELUS, McKean Corners.. nosis4t! ILEMIK. 1 j 11.411.1. ORANGE OF TIME. PHILADELPHIA - .t ERIE R. R. This tree line traverses the Northern mid loithvast arraattas of Ponoarlva,iia to the city Ma t ost Lake Yrie: It hashes& leased by the Psaeorke** Reibirsi Cow pasgs. sad %Mar their aaspiese beiag rapidly opened %bromism% its entre Issattk. I It is are Is aas br Peampopr and ! 'refight boeinm boo florgilbasote Rinperinto, (19S ) on the Kasten. Dhltdess. and Seer alssilleisl s tate. Ott mile.) -on the Instant //Mato& ttaa op PASSIM= 111.1111,Ay aria. to r ga Leseroa.l 4 10 P. x Iran X 10 60 A. . =la 7 25 A. a Villi?nix Amino 2l r. It bitomotkas nysettarga;anter businem Apply Id se & r. ammtiltk aid Sad* DU., sad for Freight binianO OSUMI Osespaara agents, ft. It lIMITOW, Jo, earner 13th end Market Streets, J. f. Iris. J. IL alma N.C.R.II„ Baitimora ROUBTOtkasaeral Freight Agent, LIMB L. NOWT, Gemini Tietet Arent, Mises, aoikaiferMloweilltsat i er, Williamsport. Jan. 111; 1864. nad. O. L. KLLlerr a emit, Save OT mini-vao la Naafi Mk warria- Primaaillironart, OYSTERS & CLAMS. Af:KNov,'I.I:Td;ED Ti) Br: THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE! , t. L 7 .-, '4 , 21 r t;.e HIGHEST PREM.IIINs 170P.1.1)*-: FM% I 0 c:,12, 2; l':1)17-TPIALErm a: • "(P/N, P.tro .t; -. ti; tl. C1.WRA1..4.-.Lq t'dt;* 4 1`;•41 . 11TIF, L i I ••• E.1.1`; , rid.elp‘.l4, cif %N I(' 1errY11,..4. , 11 - C rn, 1. y., 19 • ,tzot it pyo•y STATE ..ND•COUNTI FA It en'plov. n" It Is allAnkk s_ In IC/ rperatiou; v ILa 1111 p: oven en's T•ndertr,em NO 13,0T1N , : Et;r:It::c) FO:t ANY 1.11.0 ,Ton , :i.r.t•e It mill pntforri all we e - %!ea. L t sp•ml ) nu- too; o for a :I. , rthil:•!: art.clo w: L 1141P:1 r potation, tut Evt antaan.l.krl Artie... AVIIEEIJEIt & WILSON - - WARRANTED THREE YE &IS Kn,hize tIMI, FELL. cOlirk, flll,lO, A' D QUILT. any battle g nt preparation of Wo.r. L? C the in operation ' t ROS ZW LUG'S (LOCK, OPPOSiTF. EslttiNVN', HOTEL, ERIF, to,Atantly nn Lana th' I^rt iptol Thr.A.1, 4 1 Machine Tf e'!ten, (iH, janl6 , 4 . TIII EARLY TtIYSItjAL DEGENERI. AMERICAN PEOPLE, JUST PUBLISHED BY DP.. A. STI.I! Physician to the Trey Lung and Ey gienic Institute. A Tleatip• en t's , 01.11,1 . 1 el - Early Avt , titan Peop l e tl:e env* , P.bni!!, C.; kete:,thse anrl. Marto:leek LI one or big!, moral tree, remote• yei ihriain lan peahre, and appeals directly to to cohorts:tone.* of AA, fieiRE.NTS and linertiat de'athse onenitic and releab!e aide ard tcte CaTe. I: will: , .- - mt 1 mall on tle r , ^eipt of lA, Qom' l'a:tntn 3,,a Guardian. , ' Foil c‘ , ". to t.ln wan,. not to kvn 1 an I zot f t. La .;I , ' w , : to,: 1•11 , . t11 , ... at wno d c.,r, A Wui d of -.Writtn, Consetrntlon+ Nl.llO will 1:C11111.1. A „• m rearfiti•lteat r..tumt 1U0. f .50 youtEe t• Thef.o. dtkeaer. ' • 7.. 71,. it external mazi: OM hr.- errouc tlity, Eelavo:o: ~.• nr wsstsg sad cot/Pump . , Cr. ~/ ortneuor brost`4.• r * -1 01 to :nna...erntho4 s hill or dielt , I bitt, 1 4 0..ifej Asthma. Boa: Y^_ a: v.•.• .• . . lint Cr v'ootr: thrar.o , • • • e bol:t i'lltot In n.. , - I' s,, .N..r t d Si' n. ri.n ESE J 5 t \ '1 1...1, •,. , I•en ror.tumP v: 4,t11- ,•• lY, th.-1.1 .0 • , tti• eu - n• a^'_S, IL t . lIMEM: or • cp•' cppitr t! ,c ttf Ir. ti 1t tho •, F,lt n r.Z POnn. with . correqp l'stfont, rpp.s I r enn'.o , 4• return 1..... 1:•• • • .. ', P.n. , . at the tinn for con.niip,t on, fr t ^I t.+9 p. m, Sun:.,, in Use fo,-,A Mr• -r...., • ANDRFW FTC , T, v I In!, andit!r, , Pnle anti^ f , f the next% 71:3 Lau Tr,,,, N. V. , E. & H. T. ANTHOI liannfacturyrs of Photographic 501 2114.1DWAY. fi. Y CAtth PIIO,TOGRAPIIS. Oar ~. 11111.1 . 4 , a 1 , ern Ctll,m t y TA m•end till..rt,t A (I a Will It a l ilt of tin u.. 11. be:I.1,;1111J1..) 01 dr %ems. 7.1 . •r•glege - - ;15• nent'o, 1-7 1 , 3r.n SS.) Colo 115 Si Lout C , 7••of 207 Otter Of:leers, 1 3.ey °Meer-. Arei 141 P.oraltont 25,000 l;411'.1 I 11u. (IF t Chlhm: repro'lu t,o a of ' Cat4,eguea r," cf rump. ACI tor • ) :: e r),,n C7C4• • Catalo4urt crill Gr Lilotti en re.nni•t a tree. Photographic. Albums. Of tlie , .. re to tut' a great verzett, tit; price fin o rent. to :et .'• :1 trs eaelt. Otn- t,,e atinn of I.,tr;s: in IN•luty and In any other., tt, kind. ,y ;a 411 at a potter , . • per i.ouce. Itp. iro •u-toe esti be ae, -re, We also keep • lArgn aneortra,• Sterescopes and Sterescopic Our Cat‘locce of snit be P,llt to any sd-INs , cetpt of tttc:cp 1:. 111.1,1T11()NY St ATCrACTrRNTL. OP 1'h0rn4;...1 , .( - 0 Zo.l 11. R.) 11)11 A Fr.ent.l4 nr reh - Ir«4 of citltt:try confer a Isru• ey s.Goltrt s • 114 Ih•tr lheir at lb« kept car.•'u'ly nn•t rrtu 110 I ur^' 11N' A 1.11' . .15 AI , IIK TO 'ORO • 11. pr' ent to Lh 2' , 4 , 1c , r, or !..r ostler purr tn4crtpl I,•+, • C/r 7 .- ;• 7 / . 2 / . 1 , HON NV;a=O:C ItTANDLr.z: , Jadat• of 1b Unit,4l Statrs Circuit t' CO ER r:Ny ST.CCALit ST.., PITT. V,G. THF:, CITEAPF.S7 kN? WE'S rays for a fnil ommervial ettn eir,men Manuf.setur,e."' Railroad :tut R+t.•k Poo -Keeping. 11h:deters' Sone it tmlf pnee. . view at sine time. , Tide Imititntion and praene.ill .•lcrnnotinta, p-rpr.•' - act rn buxino..l, at tbC le , tat for tha moat ;tiorntiro and IT .1i n,,e, •• • PLOIII as Kratated for merit only. 11. , ' prgference 4.r gr.i.:u..tea of , men. I l'hor. A. Cowt.vv,Vin •!, linldn the , ittvrott numbertlf l'r s" cOMPet , torl; t,3,)/-4 . i;(l.2ne. , \ V 1 ,, " , CIIittICLAR4 vonisming pe. "•' applicatioa Crinlpll , . , ./I;Nlir:S ‹,r 17.3 'Attend rrhero the ;tong ilutin. JAMES P. CROOK ROUGH AND PLANED L' AND Bu.surAcrre.rt Window Sash, Framrs, Doors antl 310L1.1)INt=4 AM) ) Scroll Sawing, Matching - a Platta DON I.: T.) Shop on Peaeh St., between 116 and S - I' 141 E 1 r , spettrullv •tt0 , .,1❑ ~; r;• cN facilitten for rit)h,„7 work L, the i'• reasona'JlA tetlll4. 11,‘”4 obi4A, With PP penor mac-litre:), 1 feel el , aldro t., entirs sst , &faction. Er Orders trout sbroml rtceiro pSSroo_pt MadiatL • .111 i 1~: l;.sf IME wn softy MI A: rr,.. A Ruse raw,l;s L 154 •. 1 t 4... IMEI2I EITIM •111: rb.n . , r le.ertpti, MIMI MEI EMI= • • hrot .:• , 14 at Icitt lIALEI •,,Jra•:or thtirr ME n-nt••