The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 30, 1864, Image 1

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‘iat:Vrs FOIL THE oftsmairica.
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-I have fancied sometimes, the Beth*Lbeat beam
That trembled to earth in the Patriarch's droftes.
WAR a ladder of Soso In that erddcrusea vet
Prom the s• Mow of stone to the Bine of the West,
And the angels dneeadist to dyed with US her%
"Old Rewired" and "eorteth" tad 'Chloe sad "item'"
All the hearts are sot dead, not under the mod.
That those breaths can blow oyes to teeseas and God I
AU,'•d[leer S,treet" leela by • hetcht, !olden rotas
—Oh, not to the aglow that In liannorey Boired-
Bat thosesweethassan tesircui 10 the old-fuhioned /*air.
To the kid that sacs alto-01,4M that sang !
...NS ATne
Kik C 0 A
I *IA r
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"iAt no sine is Ws pates," t Minister said,
A/I tho psalm-hooks at on guttered open at "York;
Sunned their long dotte4 win !n the woe* that he med.
While the leader !nape& Into to tune Just ahead.
Ant politely pie ap the epleote with a folk, -
Awl the vicious ol<l elol er ent growtteg along
At the heels of the ghee, In the rear et the soJr. 1.
heed not a wing—did no petal come,
(Kith • wonderful web, from Araadaut
So hirer me solo up the meet of Tlibo.
When the world teas to tithm and We was its rhifilei
Where the stream of the year* fioso4l b 130611161114
111111TOK, •
That errors it there Boated the eon air• spenow
Fora sprig of green cutaway earriea in. there,
To the old village chttreb end the ett tlu.oask,
When clear of the door my feet aknitir swung
And timed thelseet palate of the testae as they nag,
Till the glory silica from the afternoon em
Seemed therein!' of gold in GOD'. temple beads
Yon mai mile at the sagas of old Deems amass,
Who followed by scent Übe ma the twee Oyu— •
And dear Meth Green, with ism itemaitessithas gmeam,
Rose and tell on the Wide ea ohs stacmita hi/m . 5llNa ;
And where "Coronation" esinitaattYllawly; - -
Tried to reach the high notes on the Ups other tees I •
To the land of the teal they went with their song,
Where the choir and the4mmeas togetiumm beloait.
oh, le lifted, ye Gates! Let use tree them sobs—
Blessol Song, blessed Sabbath, Mirror, Amin t
One of the most horrible calamities that hat,
ever fallen upon any''prople s \occurred in the
city of Santiago. the capital Of the Republic
of Chili, on the night of the Bth of December
last. The Church'of the Jesuits, in which
erns being celebrated the Iztunatulate Concep
tion of the Virgin, was destroyed by fire, and
with it were bunted and relocated over two thou
.Tand icomay and chi/dreu, ntuabering amen .
theca the f(ower of the beauty and fashion o •
the capital. The Mercurio de/ Vapir, of the
17th, gives the following account of the terri
ble catastrophe:
Oa the commemoration of the Immaculate
6nception, the last of the festivities of the
mouth of May, the most'popular and frequent
ed ot all our solemnities, thousands of fair
devotees thronged to the last performance,
which was to eclipse all that had preceded. At .
six in the evening the spacious steps and part
of the open place before the church swarmed
with ladies in veils frantically struggling to
enter,n temple where not: one more could be
made room for. A few minutes before seven,
and when the religious performance was about
to commence, they were still lighting the last
lights in the chancel, when the portable gas
in the half moon of canvas and wood that
formed the pedesitil of a colossal image of the
Virgin Mary began to burn one of the extrem
ities of that apparatus. Some one mashed on
the rising dame and succeeded in smothering
- ,u, but by a fatal rebound the gas, compressed
by the effort. - Fitrat out with redoubled vier
at the other extremity of the ftilse ball moo n.
It a tlerce
whoflame rushed up. 't he
person thronged the chancel flew to ' s
the saeristy. crying "water, water," whilst
the women, who tilled the nave, arose in tu
multuous confusion, screaming for help.
The fire-spread with wonderful rapidity to 1
the rrrr , /, , of wood and hangings. and thence. '
attracted by the current of air that always cir
culues between the upper boarding and the
roof, rolled through the church. In ay few
moments all over head was a mass of fames.
In the meantime the men had succeeded in 1
escaping; for in this church the sexes are 1
separated by, an teen grating, and the women
had tied as as the middle of thepeburch,
in a state of the,mosi terribgeonfuaion. But
the headlong hurry, the fainting, the obstruc
tion of the bell-shaped dreUee and the frantic
eanerness \ t ' o gain the street, formed an lea.
penetrable harrier before the two doors, which,
by a culpabl e imprudence,' gave access to the
free air only towarde the open space in front
and the small, court of the west side of the
church. That obstacle eras the ,barrier of
death. \ \
Help was all :but impossible; s fierouLes
might have strsined his strength iniMin . to
pull one from th e serried mass of frelMsed
wretchee, who, piled one above another, as ,
they climbed over to reach the air, "'TB"
listened the grip of death upon any ene es
caping. in order that they might be dragged
cut with them. Those who longed to save
theta were doomed to bear the most harrowing
sieht that ever seared hoarse eyeballo--to oft
mothers. si•tters, tender and timid women,
dying 001 dreadful death, that appalled the
st(::test heart of man. Within one yard of
salvation. within one yard of teen who would
hive given their lives over and over agal*for
theft. it was maddening, the screaming tusd
wringing of hands for helpas the ressonseless
flames came on ; and thei. while some already
dead with fright were burned in tiiipy it
difference, others in their horrible agony.--
some in prayer—were tearing their heir and
bartering their faces. -
air::: •.^mot,=ti
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Rarity had the noble men whaled devoted
• thetz.t.elves to save lives at the peril of their
,s11*(1, seited by the arms or the clothes s
rrs•strite form than the other women, mad
with terror from the nearness of the Ilve,
clntebed the sietim about to be saveJ, sad is
”me cases dragged those who came to help
them into thst fiery vortex. It woe almost
impos.sible to estrieste even one from that
}len, of despairing wretches sad um* that
chsatiy knot. But the fire accomplished that
which baffied Jana, surd the pump late the
tkinztel church was not cleared until that int
rpenetrable phalanx of Fee:loos, beeatiful the
was a handful of &demi
• n'.,l "
Y:_i• t..' 7t`
The fre, imprisoned by !ha iseinesio Wok
oettt of the well, had deloused everyiktag
combustible by tea o'clock and thee, fie(yiatt
the sickening stench, people case to took far
their lost ones. Oh. what a sight tha fail s
placid !noon looked down upon! Cloastr
parked crowd. of niciaed , disespeted to ms,
wearing the feszprl expression of the lasi
pang, whotke intile was oace a barren; Lba
ghastly phalanx of black statutes, twisted is
very variety of agoay, scratch's; oat alit`
arms as if implortsEmem., owl amn i a( tie
"leap that, had choked up the door, stakitudes
with their,lower parts entirely vatosebettissei
some all a abspeleas SAMilk but with se Maw
foot unacathed. •
kl.ill: IN
Th. silesak, Oat tams pitrebe --j
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The Old Fashioned Choir.
TWO D°Liaiß B P ER tOA2*IF. r 1 1/ I "VA*Cti iNg44AiPalnlit• 'ME ,X. 1 4 0-, 421P,ICRAIL
were hushed in death; wu
the silence of the gray*, unbroken but by the
bitter wail or fainting cry—ever two Unitised
Gaols bad paned . through -that ordeal of fire
to lite judgment tut dini,k; _
lieroia acts of, sublime diiing hare not been
wanting. Enduing giatitide hu been exci
ted in every christien heart by the tallest
efforts of Mr. Nelson = the Miaister of the
United States, his countryman, air. Meigs,
ssil several other foreigners. There were
generous men who defied the fury Of the flames
'to ease lyres, and some of those died martyrs
to•their nohli haute. An Englishman or an
American, it: is unknown which, wee Nth to
rush through the dames, seise in bit isower
ful arms a lady, stride with her a little way,
and then, with his hair in Oahu and choked
with smoke, fall back into the %rattiest*, - stover
to ristt'again. A young lady acted Ovello,
having is vain implored some bystanders to
sire her mother, rushed in and shortly after
wards miraettiously issued' forth with her
parent in her arum, eared. it young lady of
the *tame orSolar, just before the smoke ettf
fothied her,' had the petunia of salad to tie
her haitakeialtief around her leg so that her
body Inigitt i ,bis recognised.'
The priests are much censured for their
part 'rti the affair. It is alleged thet they
outtfintitheir efforts to the saving of a few of
the valuables of the church, and aided in no
way in ministering to the safferipips of the few
who were saved. The treat" the
Nevi:nib gives An ides of the elan of persons
that perished by the deplorable accident:—
"Although many heroic ineW.pelforesed prod
igies of daring and strength in tearing some
from the death grasp of the phalanx of bodies
that choked the door ; in some eases literally
tearing off their arms without being able to
extricate them, the number of sated by this
means &ILL.:short of fifty. More than five
hundred Rosette of our highest society him
perished, the greater part young girls of fif
teen to twenty years of age. One mother has
perished with her Ave daughters. Two-thirds
of the victims were servants, and there are
many houses in which not one has escaped.
Several houses have been noted by the police
as empty because all their inhabitants have
• - 'shed." , _ ,
The Latest information says that seventeen
hundred bodies have been recognized, between
four and live hundred were barna" recogni
tion and many were nothing but a shapeless
mass. Three thousand at least were in the
building, and it is not yet known how many
here , escaped ; • No names 'an given. One
hundred and fifty cart load:,
s of unrecognized
corpses were, on the 9th andtOth, carried to
the cemetery. The beauty and the wealth and
the proud Spanish aristocracy all had their
representatives in that awful cortege.
A re-action has taken place here agaltutt
the clergy. Public 'opinion demanded at once
the conversion of the Church site into s pet
tic square. This has been and is violently
opposed by the clergy mid their formidable
P 7•
The Providence Jowled publishes a letter i I Since writing our account of the - accident
, ear Painesville. published In r week ' s wee &
received by Mr. W. A. Pearce, of Providence, I is
from taut we hive receive! the rilfere/4 of .tsarsfroze his tether, resident in Santiago. Chili,
tire .
village, coateining a graphic' account: of the
who witnessed the recent app alling "La-- - 'affeir .It will be seen that. it was even more
phe by which more than two thousand human
horrible than the reports which retched thin
beings were burnt to death. It appears that ,
the failure to rescue the nnfortunate victims , c ity
't•Tne Eepre .1 •
es min fr, , m the Mit, whim,
was owing to the idiotic police system of the
eft Buffelo :It milui4lit on '.doteliy, and ,was
(3 habits. The writer asps :
duces . this place Ja- .5.5,1, a. at.. vii Ttleildtky.
"I hear you asking, why here those suffer- wee detei„l iby the revere „et,, that rte_
ers-nm mimed! Yes, why were the y not „Tailed throughout the nig4t, nn.l was pro.
resetimi 1 Hy heart sickens stithin m: seeding on itt cr - ty frith 4rt , it 11 . .EcuIty,
at the question. Those determined, stupid i eeterzi hurl he Lie ,' „...„,t. At. NI, ti„,, the
ignoramuses of policemen! Fifty engin e er". ',trait' was absolutely s epic , ' by the euow
had they been allowed to work, sad to work thine and „et, pelted to asesit the labors of a
in their own way, could anti would hire :Ilentig of work teen in cleu tn.: in , track for it
rescued nearly or quite the whole mete. Bet Ito proceed. l Ati exert eozine Iris bele pro-
BP' as is &twill' the en " here on in alarm of; cured to assist the eegulei leeomotiv.: iti Deer
fire, the police place a sentry on every avenue t
coming t h e
helve condition, of the track ;
leading to the fire. The,. here ' es you blmW ' latter which the train proceeded. to within
no fire engines except stem two or three old ‘ three mike of this place where it encountered
Gordon pumps. I fought my way peat the
~_- - - another engem-sue drift that eemplately defied
police sue entire Pro*. by wrest ing g uns 1 1 the, efforts of the engine. , Laborer • wets
and sabres from their hands, knocking them
a .
*et at work with shovide and the en
out of my way and being knocked in return, l ight , was detached to assim. with 7 . 4 ,, 1. . k0w
until I was overpowered by numbers and cent ' l At this time the snow was felting wi th - almost
P elted 4° retreat, and all within hearing of napareltelect'severity S'3 , l a toast pitiless wind
the most heart-rending lamentations that ever ;rrss driving it into drifts end packing it
sounded on human ears. And nearly
every •elosely and densely beliind i every enshanit
forei g ner fared similar to myself—was ke p t meat, fence or cut. At times the terneephere
back. its. Bettulow of the gas works received was so ectsphaety t r etipeetsate 4 itah oa drie
s bayonet wound at the fire while ha the act Tog secs! that it war loipusiiie to see twee
of rescuing a yoUng lady that be recognized, ! the length of a ear. . i I
g )4 " "'Ten . .. IHe hid ... fou g ht his_ way I P4 "To reader all safe, the 'Conductor o f the
eowt \ peßY with 812 t. of th e leergiben m t h e g s s Express train, 31r. Alurrey, :scat daguteo jai
Warta to the 411nreb f ena heitere ' l down a side i beth directions au so.m at his train was
or pri e door and saw Miss Tanen, she at the , stopped, to warn a'l apprevichieg melee.
same ti recognised him sad called on him '!
That the I:ecommedstion tr:il.n. itper.%iehing
to save s t l He could not enter in ec " e * from the E.vt. 'aro n ;.: n yin:- 1 hj• tue o ll ig
q uince of a e '\ et of game between them. He `man sent Ira In .1 , lireetien; i, erar, fr. m
in the
reached his cane i 0 her , which she graspea t fart oast it utunl.rsi C..) ..Z 4 t fa!' •- • -irc t -:vet '
with both bands ' ‘Virben he anti his friend st- the track the Expre.....l hat etesred fer . it, and
tokoPted to din it d une** the iimmes• hat 1 without any warniote deemed tist 3 the rear of
she was so surround a beamed in with the , the nuf
et\ 44.
ortu w-, ni
nse Ea t tic Foint'alt • re
dead and dying that h 1 strength was not ' iudieatef It is tta-terthor,tl lust the Seeman
sutefent. They abandoned this method and 1
' claim.. to hare performer! et • thity Atithfuily.
Imat ill p u"n" of some other mean s to resew 1 bat that owing to t 71,. dritin4 heott, tte Fn
r ker, and retuned again, and-en r eesesdis g i ginee- of the Aeemmtedetien train Pill -1 to
them-eau* with the warm of taring her 81 I see hit rcti dig However this may I.e. is a
1 •
1 The door, the ponce ordered them back. and : muter for future inteatiguton_
eos heeding the order, be (tiernilaW) was ) f „ The Etprest :rain ettttitlr4;et.tjit tvtg
-1 bay oneted ' His friends wrested the g tm from ti ge and F.ap„, ',sr, are pieemetv c melte.*
the policeman, and knocked him senseless ta ! 4 4,
*ievpiag c..a . w c...otainrna
the grennti, and mode ill' second i attempt to t° ' or ;.;0 passengers no. f.rearl ~err: of
'aye di. poor
girl. lint the tits.
' eat
---- " tee train warfsst M toe.ssow, the Iteseratnivet
puts with the police was a life log with ber. lev el s heel The
pa.tiec;ert acre_altil4.4w4i..
This is only one of "Duly similar scenes.
the time, frettin: st tonal4so; met diet! at
"roar brother Charles bettered $ door
~,, the Bailees - 1 tem wins were ,eo hinaa'sdiy
down as ea* handers, or Flag street, en' i reacting the 31 ill, eirtetrertng to open the
tered and toned in a small ante-room soma ie ase l, tje ialrlnt:thee i ftetHsiiithlarteetflie
thirty females„and all liiing, bok like so many ,4 tr. et e - 'll furatzt ft . I;es. In ttitt w• ti
e t.toes,lierfeelly unconeciotut He vu Coin- a • . e ta
, s fist rife.;
_„lte.4 iii the snow
palled to take many of than in his arms and , , 11 , it , be,,e t`, =.t p rr _ I r e, cLx..3.5 its the,
carryllene into the street and eavedthem ail. morning. wci , u L ,,, a l : 7.•lv a : n s .: •arred
' dir. Ifeiggs and U. Kehl "Om* their tray i
through the police and reached the dumb
at a hi, goer, and Slew the tower wit '
falling all about them enceesied in saving
l anees k Mr. Iteiggs saw a woman stilt Ore i
under i crowd or others then dead. She et- il
cognised him sad called to him, saying, .for '1
Osts sake, sane ate V He naked through the t,
tee to her 'nod pushed several et the dead from 1
her, them nuesaptad to lift her out from among
tkominad,baLtioy- went so bray_ wedged in
*btu hesitant asimsedaithad.tealsialta that. , 1
Re Qua Procrortg! /arts; ju r is e g illar " 941 ; 1
her emus, aid the waited strength of aiglit 1
a we 4 '...t f i not eatrieate her fraM - her cots!
psalm* end they had ke lam her maid soak
tries for kelp an no elnistasta' heart Conk! en
due. aeit/ter sea ItagiNgedseternse.
oligis Polk* bed fell charge of the toam.4
'hi church,' and 'WthaVtie for
et*tere nothlag there. 'Th'e pollee:
reettued but a few. Asetratid cibirbsrw weie
net to be bad until a /1012 r: * knee bk:
stance willitutEte to shalt the idapidityeiftlte
police. 'An Officer Of thOliellee see leatelehlr
ti lien of his men to bew or batter'dower ette'
of thoie large front doors eithititeir.old trrned
sitords.' The deors.are mods of t Me limit hard-
Wood, doable thickness, and riveted• ihrongh'
and through with iron rives-0.." Yerretan judge
the effect their old entleives , raade.tow the ,
doors better thee' I esti desertbei : ;
:" The scene at the church the folihwing day
wea the most revolting, ffeliffittstressing, that
1 ever wni Witnessed id nee I h created.
'titre were the poor nnfbittinate" dead jn'
stages of consumption'; the greater {portion: of
them naked. Hat a few could ibe recognised
by their surviving Mends: - iThelpelicwor‘
tiered ea the peones, leborers. :'tai,rereove
the deed. Those demons-worse &hag devils ,
demeed--oommeneed theirwork witless much
hilarity as you ever saw eetiaatethildren eater
fag oa some pleasnro .e4enrsion 7 , The dead
were PuPed about-and 14.apart,,ad;°°°
W'ofild.pnll apart tangled
*la see two or more :peoptie,,,ploiling Olka
lisib of some one batried—moder- the others,
autit the limb.was palittiljfeosesihtbatt.r—,
Then they !would hare a pawl howl • of+ es.
titration. and commence atanother m ; The dead
were ,aolutily separated, with crowbars awl,
-piste. birch , ,. heads • and fregspeats, were
shoveled ioto cartewith no utortsfeelint than
Irish laborers would have in eitoveling grevel
into a railway car. fluit e dfiris of 'bodies but
partially bathed, fith:ay 'naked; here toss•
hied into open carts and patiked 'tip' in - the
cemetery in one prorolse'uonirhein, without
even the covering of a bundle of etisw or a
bedritilt, and ltuodreli fcarjess
• • •-• a n 1...: t. - . g.1 1 ....i
'Wretches cOnbaenlify2 , Jotting o t e scene,
and all under the superrisien.of the pollee.-
3' have seen, within the past. ten are here
among these people, may things that were to
Me very unpleasant. Sat this is so horrifying
to the soul that I cannot find language to et
Press my disgust of theca. '. '
i "Twenty-two hundred belies have been
donuted out. from the ruins. and it is supposed
many were burned entirely gip.. The prevail.
ing opinion is the number •of lives lost will
Reach twenty-five hundred. The count,' and
names collected to date amount to Some eaten
hundred. Many families have lost-the entire
E,stante rnembrs—eis, seven, eight alai' sine
from one family. All those that could net be
ecognized by their sarrivin Orienctsare now
l'burie'd in one grave or bele, "..l placeywenty.„
tlore quads square was excavated, and into this
' (bey were laid, or tumbled or shove:et
i : "The government bare stepped in and ' Or
tiered the ruins to be talon down sad carted
`Ott, and will purchase the grotind and erect a
i monument to the mernory of the dead. , The'
Place is co he ,cto;e4 with a substantial Wm
fence, and the remainder of the ground laid
I . in n_
out a flower-girden."
The Late Horrible Accident on the'Cleve
land di Erie 16—R.
"It is barfly ressia'r tr. riers , stay <wren
view cf the sztnz oat: f )ITArel.-: it watt
heart-landing ie the m
of tie aoostasortetioN t-ho "rrer
the A t om. s sar i anoint - cesapheeekrahreasth-1
enr;:taa erttshiii, irss ' offitt'tig ft listk
the tonsitest fragnaenvs ittefe , uuij - fet t Vsi t s'
thereof, sea reostie part of.aitecer.
"Theinmsectint af• the ittrisselfing. train
was only checke , l w;hert it hal artreiiihro . .W
this ear at/ veil- into the. sae ahead of it.
which event, with en
men esti little ri l l Tois ear
into the one in, frost of itr theuesiapipoimpi ti c,,
ins4irable:,' 'Ueda Were - htdty - hrellers — its
pima. Tbe . C*.t . ft° Or 1
also WA its rear end broke*. oita anti.l4teists
faristr-Otifte 'keit" 44 , VW auivistioi. Th.
4 -1- 34 Pela.
t'esoilnet atom -,th in 110.1144.1 SOW. bribe 'll l lO.
' c 6 .9ylialgthet44.4lfil eaTirrnt e s" f i k i .
ri4 9 c4 1 ,4k4 1 0burf,1 1 0:11-nre
tlately thrown some dtstanne ahead. rim
etertpllnipt . hetwel‘them an the cis ggga are
406 r. inalsi,b!liliecel"
isipses ries& - gileeh still forbier i terirerd ! be
rind the possibl e rem tc'h' 4iinger :
- 4 lnthe ele4ng:4r and tgaliro oars
• M . ?rant t :
Is wesierttbili - ' and UV harrowing' oltarfiter
heightened' by' the 1011106 1 if Lee &brie Of
Me tingled ewe from the 6,4.'0 the stairs,
by whielsitubswert weettt tite r wrealuot
passenger coalrbec:wers appiekl7 In •Isi)aes.
, indrediwr tleddrely dill *A tire hlroalttiout,
titer kt was imptrojtk,te,setmove, all lib*
I/Antacid from Ake ruins. e$ famed
serest; perished who might otherwisiLlstre
)ey't saved., The rentsicermf-lat least' two
bo4ies; charred . 'nit*
have' been `already exittilned
from It ix hoped, tilt this le the
total of hodie4:eoniumett, but whether It is
or not is at this limn wholly a matter efittoa.•
jenittre. , • -; 1 " •
"11 When the Winv)c.tnoit itre .thirlitoriifore
emit cars wereyet filled with passe* . le
their finite .to. get out., the Prestailkdire of
the !Radii'sear. - which toramod:the
befiatu . • Oohed by the wind. ; Per a retkeeni
lt seemed es . .if "catlike& meet perish. i'Ther .
ilines;With unequalled repldity,..wern
log. tOtatill--04'011P
and f rooks. sold. of their :premie byitheir
unweltriere - heat:. At thili , erlilest *meat
asshes were buret - !rein the *lido*, ex
trla openings "ale with axes, through irhieb
the crawl yntre extricated. But their release
Om the burning- ruins wee only a leak, into
another, and almost equally greet,. &Inger.
Since early daylight the thernioundee had
been rapidly falling, and at thistle'e th. cold
was most intense sad penetrating--iggris
-rated greatly by the pitiless yid and the
driving tam Au Ma ditches beside the!traek
Assn°, lay novena- feet deep.: Ths pessen-.
gess, startled 'hoe suddenly from tlaelri quiet
in the warns esrt, were wholly paproipared
for, this leap into the freezing cold. The
ladies and children particularly were gaffer •
era from this cause. Their entergarinents
had been ritnoVod far iemfo'l fir the' over
beatef hi csrs, and, the huts of their nit,
cloaks, shawls and furs were all lea. behind,
Mbe consumed by the tunes. !The able men
who were nalnjured by the collision were exert
ing themselves in extricating the unfortunate
sufferers frost; the ruins,' where the dated
had not reached. Under these eiretunstaneesi
the tuMditioe of tins-women aid children
was pitiable- in the extreme. Rushing with
ithrieka and cries from the ears, they sank
immovable in tho deep snow, and. in may
instances, ilespairiagii gave thesiselves up
Cro tom- •
But whets the rapid progress of the fire
rendered -efforts to Baia the 'wounded, who
were baried 16 the ruins, tu:wrailible or Iw.
possthle, attention Was quickly turned to ;bit,
other ohs's of sufferers. Then i the strops men
shell:dr:tithe. weaker revisits sad the help
iris children, w 4 bore them bff to plsoes of
security - and colatop,: Tho two remaining
passengers ears were soon Shod with the res.
tMed, and the ivinses of Mr. li. it. Parks, Mr.
P.. sad others is the neighborhood,
tirni4hell on Asylum tors tew snore. Many
were sufferers tr9si frozen fingers sad- feet.
but these were fait slight injuries sad not
mentioned in 'the gederai list of oastabdes
which we append.
to the otertadata Conductor Murray had
sent courivrs forwsr i to this Place for assist
suer. Our people,to their everlasting credit be
it. 6..41, turned out • rassse; to the unfortu
nate passengers. _Eztes= available team nits
brought. out and loaded w4h blankets and
other needed articles, and started for the
Upnards of fifty - sleighs were thus
sent down after the survivqrs, while hundreds
of our citizens plod lei their Way thither on
foot, heelless of the - Storni and cold, to render
enett assistance as might lie in - their power.
bus by tiled the paisSagets. with the ez
teption of a very few whose injuries forbade
their rent4rsl, were hrotrght 10 Paineseille.,—
llere the hospitality of the citizens was freely
shown. • Every house eras thrown open tied
no efforts were spared to tnske the passengers
as csmfortable as possible.'
"Stipt. Notttarttaut, of the Cleveland, P. *
A. itsileast", st..t soon is - he received ttetttics•
tion'of the atcilitit, whfeh : vs sent to him
at Clevelasi by telegraph, staked with two
.kowerfcti engines to th e Peens. No trains
intiltpeci mei teem Cresetaski sines the previ•
Sus etesing , and. tins road , wad
~ .kch.rted": yet be &reed his way through,
those+ he•eg: three board and albeit thaceonn
piklaimohe real. in whit* he was assiftwl,by
n large guig el wAtettnen Whom he beoutiit .
la rt. 3,a4 arrtir ali s& euiy IQ
the *fireman.
••Atier soc'n . wifishing all lhst ttas lecieeibie
them ht 6tirriel t.. Pticies % viile At milker
the contort of Lae pils-Sertgel4.• Every arTveste
-tarst in his power was' Wire ivisuiv fur their
eare,nuring thinly forced stay in our
otei keeper*, Tali instvlicth provide the
be.t.ancointacnistions far: thevii st the Comps.
life ripe:ma
"It/ giviog i.. - •rsise., it is pror,r, tehr, that.etbe
1 4 1 5-icist,.. of p;inesiriiie should be ineitioned.
The frtterpity for.: its
bum init?. On this.asessviiiet the entire 14: IT •
of the siitago acre proistrsiT as tbegroutati
inioi.sterioSt tsi the neoessiti'ost of the 1 !" 4 -1-
The tet-il is kti!ed, seen the.Sitiolo Courier.
three of oho Isere boatel to dawn. is nice
otteibee trottna..4 *AA still surviving is
abotst• sevasteee. Ia thOeopisiati two loeotno.
tiros mkt three ears were 41asos4 entirely de
troged. rce ere Worn:tett i thst one man,
10,11 e being slowly bur p ed to death, being
lorded in, between the tioi*t of the wreck,
tnansge4 to throw his po c ket book to tie crowd
so thaw he inight be ideatilied.
rcas 15.1.viltda Tli MI In% —A. notice of dm
green isle lir 'iti : bt celled at' one of oar dros
stor 4 es, the itier dir,:iotv i Plesertrisk -
Ote pultlrtig tap of critittlibe:naceimoi oriUb pies
Carlos* i"Vthat'ir that,! VI4 eel r said
' i tile • costar:ker. ~ Tliiis:: . [said the oblittirti
epotticcsrys. *is Orteticre eeciacitegs ratestaito
1 end ti,lakePt of ,:elitie t isedwidell snit
1 o r* : .. 4t 11 * 4 be; . l 4 l4 F ileal ' 4B ' l 4 l4' W
tang of poi* coicerir aii, I. liiiiHuseet ix
_ • 4 1 16 ...,*,. : 40 - , lritai ,, i a li q, l P i 7, " 114 4 - '
11 .., -o #4. ' ' _* -4 : 0 Lae reels- "DiJalim,"
acid Psi, `_ l di'iaelkit l i 1-it avast to that
Tashi, tat sskat hats i ihtlitz 10 s bait"
, •:....; .: ...."4 I ...41Z1.• t, ,
..: :
.. . :: :-:
" I
.. ,
- -
nossrOtonsvu. -
• fart touttibtatiors to title depootutoot W tiro b
sferklireaspersoas Onion Amin of opiatoo—r.leoos,
- 0081140 or kiiiiirwiso,—it 11 i etaigeus4irstoo4, of tOU 1114,
qt tia SOOT Maotraria bo:itel4 reapoashde for 1.4 s
iris+Ot¢MdsLaf his eOriorponctro to. All snider,
to Amos lafiNl4ll, befletoaqaniod Ps the r , ..4 name
et 46 sant.] • "•
nntinsiine on the CoSiritotl!' Message.
• 'f
iftiltemilarithe We Cheerer.), , , sir,—We hoe '; to thsuk o
goti Pretideaco that we are preeperous.
Ws yetioire forty atitioss of dotter*, but a
sin es "ad will be created by further iti-
ILtrfillai anti tile people will
. feel
sat 1111fied frith the hope of reducing the, debt.
. - :Oar linaseial eoodition is remarkAply
/ 1 ' 4 4 16 7. (licit I slush. fear . enibirroo.racat
"101111 a desirable to avoid—ern arc linable.
*Nr Imager to pay specie for interest on our
debt: Yoh will, therefle.4 suppOrt the general
goirersinert. by orderiwg the payment of in
le:4st in'its 1/11441.1 ''"+
-We owe two millions of dollari to our Stale
beaks, which, with the interest on oni debt
tififorty Milifontb' will be due on the -first at
Sash isexi:., Yen will. therefore, provide
totllds.l, Au expeasei increase we milli . in
ertene the salary of government offices, and I
s$ Vi 114414 to bay that , nailer the existing
Mate of) affairs executive patronage is very
Rely increased. or AAjutint, Quarter
Mliator. t iotidi Commissary Generals are now
a .
approvl g some hundreds of thousands of
militaticlaims sodas/. the' State.' You wits
to meet these contingent claims; Yon
will provtd• means also for payment of claims
tof demagog dose by the raid of LbG2 upon
. 00 Siniihern border. The executive of the
State was busily employed preparing flags for
this /Rate regiments, - and other duties pf like
nature, and oierlooked the necessity of de:
hiding' l the State .. The last year ydu gave
Chi ex a li ve the wain of twenty thousand
dtillars or contingencies of a military charac
ten: I have expended this sera in agencies'at
*aehington sad elsewhere. Another fund for
, - t
like- purposes will be required. On the in
ettaion e the State during the past summer,
I inade,i with the approbation of the ?real.
dint, a' call for militia: , As this call was
male alter the enemy had invaded our bor.
I ,
&see, and had done us incalculable injury.
the millis promptly assembled. Volunteers
fAtona neighboring States were equally prompt,
lad I am happy to say that,
.they were nil
about equally useful. I borrowed rat her„..l,ess
than a Million of dollars to meet the expenses
of this force, from the banks. You will take
proper measures to replace this suns.' -
/ You will revise the revenue laws ana make
• .1
them store prOductive. Thus fir the people 1
Lure pitricstios/ly borne taxation: - Their sense
dnty will enable them ts bear yet heavier
burdens. The demands of ;Trernment are
henry, (but high taxes will leave a balance in
the treissary,at the end of th' tire ti year.
Yon will have judgroeute filed against. all
Who owe the State for unpatented lands.
z' se n charge twelve per cent. interest on,the
Illtimeent purchaicrs who obtained lands
arithatit any knowledge of this debt, from the
Ibsen. of any county record or it, will suffer,
but ebbuld be disregarded. The State is very
prosperous, but needs' more mewls. Force
fie payment of this isoney;..and add to the
debt ties per cent. damages and patent fees,
and anis a special tax besides on such lands.
1 •
I refer for infolimation as to theirldepart
'inentei to the repoits of the. very numerous
;facials by whom at the present crisis I am
aurroanded,' and who are dependent on ray
'patroitage. '
Thai limits of a message forbid a detailed
ilicoonnt of the invasion of the State by rebel
bands the past summer. It is sufficient to
abate that Generals Brooks and Crouch were '
iappointel to superintend the military depart ,
tumuli of the State L-that With 'great
bass .ad energy these commanders male ex-
Omits arrangements, and that by
. the time
ri:ART-bands had got within three' miles I
6t the - State Capital we had collected some of
the %its militia; and come Itoops from 'New
iutors sad .11111 r, Jersey, who gallantly followed
jibe rebels backs to Gettysburg, where Gen,
-;Lee tiquired theirstatifee, It is proper ,
to sey that the people of the State were
ioager Co be enrolled, and 'w ould hare been
;;able ;to' save Cumberland; York and Franklin
,Soures from devastation, but that owing to
aso .ISi
reesuswlersukadiug with Washington I doubt
ed eke prudence of '• reroittiut . teem to go
forisard, eseept under gsvernment
I proc'edure.
TO the fait extent'of my otlial abi:ity the'.
4 ;•;gentival government shall be supported and
lassiated -to crush this unnatural rebel/ion.
I ...sed I reli" on y'otir .hearty co-operstautt to
ieffeet this end. i_tirsete this course the
l i tnoris elsliy as Providence has pieced the
t direction of itffair t o Ole fittuds of ahl.k e
"frotn "'twat al if eta hope fo
sidv i eneeme.nt, and the power to . the
7intereats of DIY felavir 1.„; t
•jotee that the great/y increa . .td • ps•r•lnaze of
ythe!government is twin toe pier th l•e
hwith whom we are most dertrui. it shon 7, l re
ttillutiO, while we. bliss a kiud Proridence iqr
;the wealth and pelwer of a 'continent wb,,,
E resourees we can erninnitina, sal ewer
ogles we can ditrocti P. CCP. fIS
./ t :co vain. it) t "ifra '5..)11,..„ 1 1 0. 3 . u.y.t on
Mite. , 14 , 44: 4,4 4t41'4 , e f to .1- • Ai i
r;titheit, with f dry, ve srp, p,:tent p cir,, tits:
imsemet.l to s4ase istiel4i4t!i!y. Presi
cleal Liocala. • Whieserer wsy rall. - he,
;said to the writer; " I itite the impres ioa
'ibia '1 sitswet last.Lisit after :t is .kcier
itheArestifol rerial44 of creslerieksi,::-. - g. tie is
`foc„ . .er- MCI itt4
l'aflt.t4.l dist staffers ti re a I .1,1, I pity
le those dark. lase 4 b rj eyes
. 4,0,1 r , sir. : how war re-
Iverses t•
sever-failing fuckt - t pation?.. , .! at :bottom, that
astmetim‘m rose to thi sorfaca in some
quaint sayiaf or Sotory, Vtat forced I. laugh
'erect from himself:
—.43ecasional,". in the Philzldelphis Preis,
tags: "I think temper ofthe American
people. as, exhibited dttrinr, tbi4"
wnrthy of an prise." Tnis C..-..tuplitnent
tit serrei.. for if erten peope htd their ittn
per tried by -unworthy and incapable,
it' is oars_ tie 4 a3pec t, huvrever, they win
exhibit s temper at the next presidential
eleation- that Gemini:tar won't' lee like
_l a chi l es, marrive ii s, mere occurring
a d o t eece e4 reeooisibßity- flee tow of Pe:
iris ordain," ass ifs seas is not surriext
+mayhe skalLba dray cad 4na of_tawa
- 0 1LIbi1ER 35.
U, arta j
, Y • tr,
- a 4r st
dal Of fit,
" 11 " eltrni Kry Wile—ens e the new
sits.-witioll was shotiscciii 41treriiiiiii416
or two art, nes tntrit:•' -i o fig Iltsiitt oV9t.'l",
,he. ism*. "Ai.; • th,siAl,:il4, , tiksz.
the new trnmeit ---wiriali".l4l4dit,
deramsb, With e comic loot
smell the joke- in the dietartee;•rithasetwee a 2 n
contribution st 1 . 111 1 c!kiktitlliii 4%104, nod
we found one of thiute.bilis id the lat.:
(kacon end I bidbihortibr : IC- 00640'4;1664 ' I "
tom it up rr
' - •
Tue lisar poser-it Saadi iickhderosa, ;
ing an Qld gardener of his eataligOlate#
a very ragged cunt, mute imps liarsincrii-17
mark upon its condition. 'alt. n' , .rerrnitit!t
*mu, said the henevt old man, - •"I esanot
agree wick you there," said lie'
"Ay, its jet a' ,
Vern gold cost," persisted
the old men covers a orentented
and n bn If diet - Piret . no teas 011itb4ffir,1614 ;!
that's malt than ;mew man :eau ier of Us
cost.' . •
—An Irish gentterasn hatisk title* WWI 6
large turtle, placid it in-the 'erne - It's beds •
room in order tO enjoy bet Otwlniso- -14 ° 14 '
morning. ftret. thing, Biddy, beitailt6l Into Ii s- -
breakflot rtvta exclo.iteing e "'Be jabers : rye!
4 114 wiLst 2" inquired ,titue.4ol l ,
of the, house, feigning eurprian. „wpm'. hully
bed-bug thst's ben senile the eitihiscthe
month : Lire got him sure." •.
A "CorenftliZAb" PAUSOX.-41.ev. Mr. Shine,
a chaplain of the!ion.qe. of iteireeeniatieee is _
the lona Gegislaiiirts, ou the ipeniug of
( OM
recent seciion, •.Biest:fhon the
young and growing B;!tue . ,fejra, hee
tore etuJ Itepresutativea: the 13o0eracis and ,
itate officere! (live ma mound pore
niter an.l unlefilcd religion—fut tlit:isirs yaks,
SEITLgto Lorr----There have been sorest
fanny astute speculations respeeting the - hit!.
through which John Morgan stooped frail the
Penitentiary at leoltambns. The ates Sage Sty.
Governor Tod EROS an end to the vexed queitl,-
tiou. Ilia iitoellettcy aortoutosetthat John
Morgatt eie,ipeJ 1/v9u:A o saistodtratitodury„--
This offioi tl. 'ttie of course give it tilh—
Lowiciik Jaurnza '
, .
What s chinning thought., there -is ut
sheen linen from :Longfellow'i •'thuds of gil.
lingworth :"
g , 'Tis always morning somewhere, and above
The awakening cootinents,from shore to shorts,
Somewhere the !Ards are singing evertnote."
-.The Assistant Secretary of the Navy, hit'.
Fox, challenges the New York steam marine
to a trial of speed with one of his war steam
ere.. Somebody sarcastically advises him to ,
test 'his vessel against the rebel steamers
Rappahannock, Alabama, at9l Florida.
MA torus Mts.—Wycherlery, when
dying, bad his young wife brought to his,bed
side, and h fl aving taken her hand in a very
solemn manner, said, be had but- one request
to rake of her, anti that was, that she would
never marry an old man again.
—The trial of a toninetor on the Reading
Railroad, for embezzling money, remitted in
his conviction. ' Evidence at the trial showed
that twenty-three conductors on the road had
been detected in embezzling money, but all
the rest had Made restitution and were not
—We are informei by way of Boston-,that
a east for a cettventian to take measures for a
return to the Union, has been issued at Ea
ieigh, N. C. clay. Vance is also !errand to
have lai,t , th*t every tesaiog num in the State
is iu favor of such s movement.
—The people of .St. Paul are congratulat
ing themselves on the return of mild weather.
Says a dispatch of the t3th inst. : !"'!he mer
cury is 24 below zero this morning, but' the
weather i 4 calm and bright, and a rest im
provement over the plat few days."'
- - Concerning the New York Custom House,
the Springfield Reindokcan ssys-- , . The pro
fessed' loyalty and Sopo.bliosuisto of. thow, - ,
officials only make their treason the- more
flagrant anti deserving of the severest punish.
mea t."
lierodotus saysi—" War reverses the
order of nalgre : in time of roams BOW bury
their fathers, lint in time of war fathers buri
their lons."
—A dandy being told that he would soon
hare to wess s xin. as he was getting gray,
exclaimed, indignantly " No; sir, 111, dye
The Albsny Evening Journal publishes
letter from s soldier in the Libby Prison,
which eras brought home in a ping of tobacco.
little girl ; toll her, ma that orphans'
were the happiest, children, because •they '
had CIO mothers 'to spank 'em."
Me re than $lOO,OOO worth of property
and a number of 'item were Last on the Plains
duriog the late cold spell. .
Os - and after Monday. Jan. 4th, 1884 i
rsaotager Trains "rill run on this &ad is fabonat
• 1
3 , 4. 4., god Acesa., stopping at Ho'rbor &..b
Non:, Lao:. tato Lina,goisay.woooom.p.otooad.
rii:territraMtwiag and Angola. Hadalo,at 10 22 A- N.
2, 41 V. 11,.. Drill pipes*, *topping at North Ea", WWI
::.3atira, Cr-ea., lad An i ro:o. lad
a. naC at BalCo at S - .0 0. V.
6 40 P. L Clcationdi 6.1n0r0, at.sp7lac ik W0d."1•14..
1 , 11A1 , 1 aid Sator Criett, aud 'armor at Bask,
st 9 .1) P
I 4 , , r Vert, Pr:ova:if, rawtax at .4r=.ltUt! o _,,
ao.t aryty...• at B
i• Oar w_lci...rata roariorts at Patorirk wed to harp,
at rialtio noir, with spews wait
rr, ?a‘aai- Auk, tiorton,
Waal at fiatoWat
ajz— : taz,,titt.r tleat.oll
•-• ;Haney, Mal" Listo,Nerth
sOlk.c .Ammek.arratat at res as sti
: 4, F. 1., T hi, Eirrsk stopging at Sant: Calves
1 1 3 t "it. P 4 4k•i..t•ad rep. amia• at trio
it tv 3u i. i.
tt A. 4i., IMy Errce, Itmp-pinc it Angola. gian:er
0 -4r. 1 / 4 1-z. vi. , ,VS" id an.d Noel/. IL•st, salting
- 341-ree11:,24"..' Y.•
.1 4 • • It, ;Y.:4U Exams. stoprng at %tent CTIMII4
tlwk an! "X -.10.534 , 1, "'miring stElie at i 310
:,,a • I.*" 44114 CAN thin.
Si • d. S. SNOWS. Sat.'.
INKS. Vl ll4 ‘ .
44411 s itaiP0411MINISNi.
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