The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 23, 1864, Image 3

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    he 6rie • Os
;Hi • 001131trilr BrlLDlxaa," grAti
,c 4 I:ber Orrice.
orriARIJENTS.--OnpFtquiro nr Ten Linea mil in.
.. r tion 75 Centro; two Isinertion4 $1,00; three inner.
t‘ .. $125; one month $1,50 ; two months $2.50;
thne ca ,ottot $1,00; six in )ntlo $3 On; one year $800;
nherwiirnrtisemente in proportion. These rates
;ill be strictly alb-red to, unless eliantTeil by special
',strict."at the option the puhlishers. Audi
colleen. Strn,n, 011,11,1.11 UI like a heals°
Nor 0,0; A,l , ninnittetnr's Volkes $:,50; I,ortall
cakes Firs emits& line; Ha•rtage Notices TWItaTY
0111tunrr %Int tro , er Utrcn It Bien
ante pet lie, Or.,:insl pore.), na
l...written at tfi , request of the editor, one dollar
All roteert* nentn will lea continued et
' je rays „ nr the p+•um adrortisluss, until ordered
st hr tie di:colon', nhlena a nP0613....1 period in
; ,4 noon for its insertion.
• 1111110,1' Two DoLLARA ler rinnum in ad-
iitNyiNll.- - lie hare one of the• best Jobbing
502 the state, and are ready to do •ny work In
. t line that may be entrusted to in vial' Cl) le
'By establishment outside of the largest utiles.
as W eekly i f JAS. a. BLISS, Genera/ Dealer
Groceries aid Provsienu, Caraer of Stale aid
, Eig Stream.
.....6,0643,001Green "
—.4..1,4501,55 Butter, • 29424
I,loll,ard, 1441913........ —l,OO flaw, --...1.11,3121i
..... ..... 701:11touldeN, GO 7
......... 1,V,,Chee51,.... togui
--- ..... 2, oo ;Eizo .
.. :ou D I 1.1 Pear 11,1, .....
41) " Pluma,
.......1 15 " Itzsphernea, 25
,I: 00(02 2i " BLlckberries,_ ..... 15
~...1 751 Pop Corn, per buah.....1,25
PPI 0,
; Gov. Curtin, Sen•ctor Buttkalew, lion
B. Miller, ILin. Chas. L. Lumberton,
on. M. B. LoWry, have favored us with
rows.—The eighth lecture of the course
, e delivered on Tuesday evening next,
Agassiz, • the eminent naturalist.
,ry to the common estimate of a scien
an, the Professor is said to he on enter
g speaker.
F. Taylor, Esq , our -especial f ivorite,
missed the cars, and therefore failed
is former appointment, is announced for
.day evening, the inst his subject
"Life in the Army."
commenced running cars from Erie to
, n, in Mercer county, last week. It. will
.e long until they reach this place, as
on the road is being pushed forward
uch energy. The deep cut at the west
.f the Shenango bridge is tilled with
rs—boring,, blasting, digging and haul-
That portion of the town, heretofore
wel finished by many of the citizens,
ming the centre of business.—New
TIIeBENEYIT OP TIIP, P00n..--A Lecture
e benefit of the Poor will be delivered
ndsfevening next, by Rev. Dr. Keogh,
tsburgh, Pa. The matter is in the hands
St. Vincent•de Paul Society, a charita
ganization, which has „already done
good in relieving the wants of the die•
. We have never heard Dr. Keogh, hut
ht that he is a gentleman of rare ability
.perior powers as an orator. The pun
or which the lecture ii to Ito delivered
ecommendit , to the patranage'of our
• s of all classes.
lIIFF'S SALEfi.—The Sheriff will Sell, at
.art House, on Monday, the Ist of Feb
rile following propertie, nut. before
hed in our lists
acres of land in Concord tp., known as
Mills Privilege," on which is erected
mill,belonging to E. Norton—at. suit of
d & Crane.
oaf acre of land in Lockport, with a
• frathe dwelling house and one-horse
it, belonging to 0. 11. lrish—at-snit
& Farrar
Ler piece of land in Lockport, with
ore house upon it, belonging to 0. ff.
suit of Gray S.; Farrar.
FICEILINO.—The results in this county
me, what wo have always contended,
intedrs could be raised in sufficient
to supply the wants of the Govern
d a liberal bounty was offered and a
system of recruiting adopted. Up to
tat period, with comparatively small
tier three hundred new recruits have
.ted, -and all indications point to the
that the quota of the county will be
without much difficulty. In this city,
Fairview, Springfield, Leib:eat
and Concord, wherever, in fact, the
hare gone to-work afi if they really
to accomplish what they undertook,
Ins° has been liberal. The recruits
.in camp at Waterford, where they
)rmed and then sent off in squads to
Small parties, numbering from
vs to seventy-five, pass through this
)st daily, and the lively manner in
:y conduct themselves would indicate
are well satisfied with their- new
The ,r Government appears to be
117. convinced that it will not be
o resort to a draft, and the anxic4y
to raise volunteers shows that 4,
become satisfied that a conscriptiin
lite to the bounty system. We have
4on to believe that more men have
been tarnished under the present call
obtained under all the drafts that
etofore been made, , and we are greatly
1 if the experience of the past month
)es not hare the effect of doing away
Ling for some time,to come.
:STING TABLE —III common with most
iblic, we presume, we have often felt
a to learn the average loss of life in
mg, together with the number of
sick, &e., and the number of thbse
dully entered the ranks remaining
ity after a particular period of service.
our friends, who was prompted by the
drit of cariosity, has taken the pains
ip and prepare fur us the following
1, copied from the official books of Co.
regiment., formerly commanded by
Braden, now by Capt. Was, and re
ia North Eaat and vicinity. - It em•
period of two years and four months,
;aged in active service
olunteers, , 84
innteered, 10
imissioned Officers, 13
!lotted Officers, ' - 3
its, 45
tit Disabled,
mtaiissioned Officers,
1-Cota. Officer,' & Privates,
Enlisted -
4 Pally, Conscripts,
sail in Hospital, '
dosses in sevens! other companies, 155
eadmounded, I understand, are, much
4 1cularly in Co.'s B sad I.
Ayres. Age dr ais .
nity was horrified on Tueday,evening, by.tie
information of a disastrous railroad! accident
which took place out, that esorliniktolz;the
Cleveland & Brie R. tilont - threei,.itest,
of Painesville. The passengei train..tir
left this city at 2 o'clock on Tuesday !WWl*
found the snow too deep to mike its mthin' i _
and was obliged to skip's& the paint esintionitt.
The accommodation - trail irie known tole
followinr at a short distance, nna tiro men
were at once sent to the'rear, to witch Aix,
nately for its arrival, and signal the . entinem ,
of the situation ahead. One of them came
near freezing with-the coldr-iekethilethe
other was re lievierlim, the.tralkeillieniong
and ho was unable, from ttoeitirnausal to give
timely notice. The result 'siastit; ib
locomotive run WO the sleeping oar of
first train, splitting it in twO,iirivieg thetinCt
forward, killing live Persons; weindloa_ l 4.mlP:
number of others. some Morally, salti setting'
fire to the three other ears, which, together
with the sleeping oar, were almost totally
destroyed. NoneLof the injured parties be
long to this vicinity, although - sooki of eta;
citizens, including Col. Jobe H. Bliss, C. Biel,
gel, lion. M. B. Lowry, Oeo. Lyon, Paymaii.
ter in the Navy, and the wife .of Rev. Dr,
Lyon were upon the train. Buie of the
wounded have since died,
Sitperintendent Nottingham, with that en
ergy that has always distinguished im
mediately upon learning of thki cunalty,
started out from Cleveland with"' sa extra
train, accompanied by several physicians, yell
provided with articles. of relief. They sue:,
ceeded in making their waj to the serge of
the accident, and were- instrumental to the
prevention of much *dewing. The passe
gers were taken to Cleveland,' where •the
wounded are being catiefdly cared for alt
hotels and private house ' s. . -
This is the first severe accident thititis,
happened on the Lake Slio4ltioad 1444414;
od of several years, and our. noldidentilt In its
officers convinces ns thet, no blame -will lie-
A l ma to rest upon their ehonideii. It is the
thatof the' entire traielleg.oommunity
that no road in the, country is
.conaluoted with
more skill and regard to the safety or Comfort
of passengers ; and the oematience, attetit
lengthy interval, of one snob affait as that of
Tuesday, painful as it was, should 404 .
lowed to detract from the high reintat!Olt a X
has had amongst all who have ever.enloyed
its advantages.
Elil g, Jan. 21, 1861
2031 ,
NOMBRIL or VoLuixsass. 7 .We have ; elt-,
tained the following table of the Whitman*
in Erie county from the books Of CoL &Mau
decker, recruiting officer. * this • city. • hie
probable that some volunteers have been cred
ited on the Provost Marshal's books at Wa
terford, who are not given in the'tlible. The
full'quota of the city is 188,-60 for the East
Ward, and 78 for the West Ward—of whom
GI, or less than half have been - obtained:
The East Ward, mainly through the activity
of Mr. J. M. Kuhn, has done better than the
West Ward, and only lacks 17 ,of ,her full
quota. In addition to the saber atentionsd,
however; there are 28 membeiteof Battery B,
14 of whom will be credited to the Bart, and
14 to the West Ward. Twenty-six Membeis
of the 83d regiment, are also credited to the
city, but the proportion belcmginglo each
Ward is not known. There are besides 240
of the 111th regiment who have rep et,
and it is expected that they will nearly all be
credited to the quota of Brie county. 'Clonal;
ing the re-enlisted-men of the 88d andl",lth
regiments, and Battery B, we only lacks
few of the county's quota:
Erie, East Ward ~ 46 ilk Creek 6a;
Erie, Wort Ward, 16 Conneaut 4. " •
Greene ip., • 2 theintedd de ' " 26
Girard du 40 Le Bare .12
Fairview do 18 ersaltlngtoa 4. 1
Franklin do 4 Concord n 0.........: ...
liiiirreek do ' 31 Amity do , 1
Union d 0..- ........... 13 V do. - -- - - 1
Watertonido .32 Corry •1,
North Sant do I
GREAT SNOW -Brost.—Os Mondayaltr
noon, a heavy snow storm cominencedin.
section, lasting until Theolay evening, and
extending from all reports along the whole
Southern shore of . the Later.: 'About two
feet of snow fell on the level, but being a"lt
companied with a steady wind, it was drifted ,
in some places to the depth 'of fottrieitct 14,
feet, oholdh up the highways, stopping th,
railroad trains, and for a time putting almost
a dead stop to Easiness. The storm is pro
nounced the greateit since the winter of •
1853-56, when snow fell to the depth ofthree:
and four feet. At Cleveland thedrifts . wete_
so extensive that locomotives were unable to ,
plough through them, and several trains
were delayed a daj or more in their attempts
to reach that city.. Operations on the Buffalo
& Erie road were not- brought 'entirely to a
halt, but the trains on Tuesday and Wednes
day were considerably behind OSP, as they
also were on the Phila. &Trio road, The
storm appears to have been heavier West (4
us, than it was East, and - the New York great,
railroads have not experienced mach dlth
culty. The snow mated falling on. Tuesday
evening, and st the period of writing (Wed—
nesday evening) we have excellent :Sledghhig i
the streets areorowded with cutters, and the
air is musical "with the ringing of the 684. 17
We printers are usually too busy Is isjoy
anything of the sort, but for 'the' eats of the
pleasure loving public, we hope the'snoit may
last long enough to give everybody 'Alsace
to sleigh-ride to- their heart's content,
ANOTHER RAID.--A telegraphic' dltlii,s4h
from Sandusky says the snouts sent nutAoBl
that place hays discovered "2,000 or 8,090
rebels at Point Pelee, Canada, prepsrieig brs
dash on Johnson's Wnd. Oen. Terry,. nom•
mender ofthe post, has eeerythinito receive'
his expected visitors should_ they's:anti:re to
cross the ice. The stagiest tigilaskiieiiinehe•
tamed on the Island and several be4.405..pAt
Point Pelee is 80 miles -trees
in position
Johnson's Island." The rebs have inidn'aini4
many hazardous expedition. 1i their:4l,i !
but we should judge that ennalAng Lakoltriel
on the ice to attack Johnson's Island, iroisidieV'
about the most risky thing ":
tempted. Our Sandusky brethren nerot"sint,
give themselves much trouble on the ssibfrien.-
SON.—The Iteporter".of the Byname t
Courier, who studies economy letnithetanding,
ho is paid," gitet - -the following cheep re
ceipt for getting up's sleigh ride..on:shoil
notice: "Sit in the hall In Oar DICIII:140*-
with both doors open so that•yengetli
good draft—your feet in a palf:OZtai - 7,lir i stinisP:
drop the front door key 40wri janfiii44.
hold en icicle in one bond and- • v .,. v
bell with the other." He Nati aqtrikl han't i
tell the difference with youtr.epie aka:
is a great deal cheaper."'
Licsamo.-11ce Mewls; • •
announce that they will 414 Air:Jame
sell liquors, at the Court commies4eig ottth.
let Monday fia_Vabruary :watt _
asocia's Lioursi:• I ;
P. A. Becker, UN --
M: Jones CO9 Xision.
git 4
111/11113t tteritilr; •
John Baroldieldf Edinboro. 0 2:2; 1 ' 1 1'
, 0000000 .........•...._43
,c,lw ,
'` 'L a
3 Weal VlNKTh*eralliMPPOrkal,
ihe: last month hie contidalaed of a severe
col 4, occasioned by the litiangenble• weath
er. 1 .471 1 71 0 9%.11314 0 1# 1 1 1 3ffeW.. 1 101\ 1011 ‘ 44 10 . 4
that way, will
. nppreciata the toilewing t]
A en.ri'lelitta Dein. ‘• •
A,cold it the doss is II
",,A4dat at all udcobbud--
Dekber fit to laugh or tosig..-
... Oh, bsvcd'i.„l a rub
,ud.l „.:
By voic e , skids. &dyne, is dow quite rough
The widis•lliot—hoir It blow!
Whote'er cad I do, troubled edsugh
With Nils tearful cold if 14 dose.
- .. .. ' , •
. . .„ .. .
Wade od a tibe I esuld sleep Bk. a top
(Before Ives Bart wdßetioi -. ,• • - ,
But dow I ead'treleep—l stir byeelf up,
Ad wakelbraergh:ticy.4earible odor*.
L; - 1 .
icold ii thi dose is a luirribla thig,
audways a
,wheesigi,E . ad blotigk— ,
ittd by iergad of filesuint-taitt lieer-it deem
d trkS , aefbAss I fear 44),T , [rig I
1 ' Tug LAX lil Sloan Roan:a...A conespondent
writiug-to Abe Rochester ifeicelrotw.lite•laa
•iiell Hotel, St Louis,' . speaks of a ride from
Buffalo to Croveland. as follows i ..
'iOn the Like Nbore Road' foundsomethlng
new -in the way of a
pleasant that 4 mustlnit. the staention et
travelers therlto. It was an elegant hippo-
drotne car, provided with ,Ilirestlake's patent
heater and ventilator. There is a coal kr
naoe ender'•,:the oeutttLeCthe car.: itielhe
heat . is distributed by pipes and registers to
every seat. No passenger kat cold feet in
this car. The akin the ear was quite pure,
and the ventilation perfect. In . many than.
7 3
senile of miles of winter t vellum I never
made so . plessant. a passage that from Buf
falo to Cleveland in this cs --,, Law Laid that
the moad into be supplied with such Cars at
once. Competing' lines must look out, for
snob comfortable cars running over one of the
smoothest' and best upheld ratlroeds In the
OountrY" leilvs the travelers• but little to (Ut
ilize." --- • • • : .. . .
4 ,lsMse'lkto`SoCirry.—The . tolloTing la
dies were elected 9ffieril ofthe Soldiers! Aid
Society ot:Srio; teethe obit three swathe
iidelnts, V. P.' flays; Milet ;
Treisurer, *B. B.4larkc.
Theileeretar,y elected ItHint detdOed, Miss
F. L. - 111peneer-waii app?inktd in)her plass.
i rhe is provide
with a pnit of mittens apti a_tiousewite or
weedleheelt ereii inetiber of tl<e 111i1i aid
88I,regiments, Ind finelletis itifteilitiow at
onie on furlactilliwad aeon to return. There
- 344X.the B.sislaty:a ioa it, is most
;011rsestly hoped the ladies will take it and
!Sake it into mittens as soon as possible. The
time of meettfik" as miny t teeini to' hare for
gotiew, is in Wayne Bleak,: Wednesday- after
noon, from 2 to 5 o'clock
• • • hiss.,43ftovs Jonsson, Pres't.
Iftes F. ii.'i3fluien it; .
' Usurer. linsys.--Always • sit nett to the
carver, if*yioit '0 dinner.. '
Ask no womsn'her age.
• Be cavil - to:all rieh nodes and aunts.
Never joke with a policeman.
Take no notes with you to a store—nothing
bat gold and silver. • • ;
Your oldest hat,'"of course, for an evening
party. •
Dou'44lllyM eittakwith.a widow..
Never contptikal a matOrtioatt4ers.
Pull - down the blinds before you put. your
WiSont3""7.;i — :I" . ci •
• Make friends with the servants at a hotel
or boarding house.
Always buy your groceries and teas at the
*pre of Jas. A. 'Bliss, °other if State and
L. Goon Msmoits.—The /km:hatter Demo
ennuis the following in relation to the leo-
Jane delivered by Benjamin P. Taylor, in that 4
- -
41'be lecture delivered bjc Mr: •B. F. Taylor
wit Oltridig everting; wit
&per tie ar val in this city, the lecturer hav
ing )oie inantiseript• tm"thltribiiit - A re.
Unitive memory pipet have aupp . liett the great
er portion, while it was materially improved
by the iiitlitlea oUndwiiiiTliiistitTfut Maitre-
Brief Paragraphs.
SW Pelona falling to vecelve their Tapers
regularly will confer a favor by_leaving word
at tha ••••' r •
ibr The.oll Creek Railroad is soon to be
built down to the Sheaflcr farm, some distance
stir neeffort to rise oa iixtra Vona," by
private subscriptiort;' in the 'BMW Ward, real
ked:obeutsBoo-ompaper /
f ir- AA.* Pimitrigker- 1 / 4 0 boon satabliabed
at S►wdy's Station, in' this •donnty,- and' L.
seleeted ss Postmaster: , - •
Wm. PAtoo, Ess.,.4esirps. to, dell his
'skiable ; propery. , ..ta this.eity. Has. sdirer-,
• flap The furlough 'of. the 111th regiment
Wits fo thirty days hop:L.oo 15th inst.; the
time occupied in trittaltibg to and from the
srini not being deducted.—
A Nil jai ) bgnor,er,Alleyetzum of Co,
1 1 .; 111th teethed; le tetra setfie Half-
Way House,' ffartnietreek; Thnentisy evening,
Jimmy 2134,104.
We have heard, yarious.reasons given
for getting married;' but 'the 'kat is that of
/04 Fowler, who says he "was getting short
: r , ,
• inatriiiii notice in on e the Boa
n parr! has untended le t i! : , . ‘ ttie , neelats et
daymessithick the happy • eiu/la 1.111
thelPfelen do.
The citizens of Girard - township raised
ier,toltr Lhousz.baktthill4 ll
Amp ta . payan extra bounty of ono hundred
Mina & .• • - , a 1.
'l,lOOO firilndePte449 051404.144 .80 0 '
peiu for. Ake joport of the OpOttofoltioloor of
AgiOnliure, a usotat
-lii'yoffet picking
. ls *vessel)! brielt - in
trey lort.—Boitcris Pole. ~" ,
Yeie, , Tvc . tplty ; tiTk. pockets euffer eo
severely u Uncle - Amami:N.
„ get'. Ono hned - redied of
the 851‘ restraint tan repotted to have re
-0.44841,10,..ti0s abed. eishir ere Asia this
jar,* etirTei .
'tlo4 -ter .s sti net ireeithit, plane and .
Yfesdield. go. 4 04i9c4 ))44g o di t r.d pul of
Ernde t ot, the OA Creek 4isilroad to the
vor4 t u t is
Shill Ith vestment , remitted tide sky on Thurs.
4c,tt5! , r,1!... 7ke,r.e.101.11 0 . fe
hoe over five hundred men in its
a ir The citizens of fndielis "oeuntiy•lia:,
qm if the strongest Abolitiow - distrieti in the
Blab, have voted
.spies,..petipepising the
411 i t r-g °l °Tl s o°l te t7 • to bounties to
gpeteers, • . 1 • E ex , '••1
PO. Vnt ; / 1 1°2 0 1 4;1 ; 1 004 fling
Cagressidend distrkit, Capt. White, who had
... ~- ; , • ~ ' ett Williesespoes,'.hes- been
• Old Omated.psdass,,,elafitahiagiss.- ~.
17111 1r.A 5 :1190 1 , 4 4 008 i*T.Pfnsfa, (BPLif
2E .
• ...,,,up,...,„„i.,,,,,,b. 4 iii.#4o!". 1, 1
••• load riii.let.:: , ;1/..- - e.l ; 1 •
• 10• 41 ii!iiP:.4, 4 2 bettar ilitMl44l 4o:4er-,
thin poor patitm," : :Lyn tr. •• .- . - a •
P 14. The people pt' , Ostritars knorrie fi r.h i .
r efforts I t eoen4dis new- county, with •the
4 . Rouse itrihit'PlPi7`4 1,m4,-!.l.l3Ci`r`f
6 1 fgA4qB4•4 *wkuadt . tigiii•ek,, to
1 . I . ' .ffilitriitormotAplaAkmmic.44 um
1 , . Y.HIWJAI.I6, 14416, 16.01t1,',V1;:.L 0.
' 0-4111Viiiitt
' le` MC, fr,thlt Blrool, ll lo. a r e„
forted in ilia. Now York city papers; They
beer 'their own minutest:, -
ThePlymelstit Char& Beeleiy held their
simnell miming joa Bibby 'vetting in the
leAue-room tithe church. Mr. 3. B. Hazard
presided. A preposition ta lacrosse the salary
of , the pastor, - Her. Hoary Ward Beecher,
came up for consideration. Mr. Bell moved
that the salary of Mr. Beecher be. increased
from $7,600 to ;$lO,OOO per . anum. Mr.
Puller 'moved as en amendment that it be in
creased' to $16,900 per year,
Mr. Fuller
spoke at tome length in favor of his amend—
went, \:nrging that, owing to the charitable
_disposition of the reverend gentleman. a
greater Portion of his resource wee absorbed
for benevolence, snd in vitt of the depre•
elated condition of the current:lithe amount
be proposed eras not too high, or as much as
Mr. Beecher was entitled to. Considerable
dim:tuition ensued — on - these propositions,
Finally Mr. (Ravel moved Aka a substitute for
the proposition,', that the trustees : of the
church be requested tO present Mr. Beecher
with th e Bum of $5,009 in addition to his
present salary of $7,6004 the salary to re-.
main as at present antil\next. year., _This
motion' was adopted, and The meeting ad•
Jet4 ll
The Buffalo Courier makes the • charge
against A. M. Clapp,,editor of the Express,
that although holding a profitable oilloci mind
pretending to lie a great war man;s he has
novel even anything to encourage pre soldiers
or aid their, families. , "At the outbreak of
the rebellion,” says the Courier, "when ill
-hoary and pockets were opened for the en-'
couragement of volunteering and the support
of soldiers' families, he subscribed', two hun
dred snd fifty dollars to the patriMie fund 'of
the city:. Net a wit of that money has yet been
'paid by the raid Almon Al, Clapp, goy."
' In reply, the editor of the ExPrers makes
the following statement :
gent subscription alluded to wise made by
the Atli of A. M. Clapp & Co., and if the sum
subscribed is not paid, IT WILL na TO THIS
Strange how inadvertent some people are !
ar It will be seen by a notice from the
Secretary 'of the organization, that the Lit
dies' Aid.Oociety proposi presenting every
member of the 111th and 8.3 d regitnents, and
Mueller's Battery, now at home, with a pair
of mittens and s needlobook preyhins to their
departure.' The yarn for the purpose is at
ills soidety'e_rocm, and all that is iequited is
for the ladles of the city to take it; and make
it up ittto the articles desired. WO.hope that
this exbeUent scheme will meet with a ready
encouragement. It shciuld be the aim of
everyb i odylo make the soldiers Its comfort
able as possible.
, $ The Federal officers in this city are
endeavoring to 'have the Government alter the
post office building so that it will be more con
.venient. It is: proposed to have the steps" in
front taken away, and the entrance made even
with the basement. This would be a valuable
improvement, stud if it is successful, ttiose who
are instrumental in effecting it Will deserve
the tlittriks of d ,the public. We :understand
that tis.shltigton authorities think well of
the prlpintitlon; and an architect is soon ex
pectedto- examine the building gird report on
the expediency of the improvemerit. •
if*. In the House of Representatives at
Harrishurg; oq the 13th, .Air. Coehrane pre
sented: the following bills An act to authorize
the leiying of ;a special tax in the boirough of
Union'Mills,. Erie county, for the payment of
bounties,. to 'volunteers; an act legalizing
the psysient of bounties in Erie county
an anti to compel the city of Erie; to sell her
stock in the Sunbury and Erie . railroad com
pany. I
$ Pensions, Bounties, Arrears of Pay,
&0., can be procured by the Widows, Orphans,
and next of kin of those who,have, died in the
service of the United States ; alsoi,! by Soldlettil
and Seamen who are disabled by :wounde re
ceived. or &seise contracted, upon application
to 0. P. Garrntre, Licensed Military and
Naval, Claim 'Agent. • Office in the Common
Connell Room; Wright's Block. corner State
and Fifth situ, (under the Dispatch office,)
Erie, pa. ' 7,7 y
sir The severe cold of tho let and 2d jests.
was very destructive to house-plants, most all
in the city haSing been frozen. In one in-
stance, plants left in a room where thereibad
been ire up to • o'clock in the evening„
; destroyed. , Dan Rice's fine colledtion
at Girard, which Cost leveret hundred doliare,
was nearly ruined, notwithstanding,a fire;was
kept In the conservatory ail night.
sir Three - white children said to Rave
been haves in. Louisiana, are being exhibited
about: the country,' to excite the, horror,• and
draw: . the poetsge currency, of 'sentimental
Abolitionistal We propose an ticidition to the
"their" of the lash used upon alithite man's
back by the Provost Marshal or Pittsburgh,
and a painting :of the scenes 'enacted is the
Beaten priscin. ;, ,
.116. Notwithstanding the' numerous cases
of Brasil pox in our city, within,the last two
months, It is gratifying4to know, and credit
able to the skid of our physicians, that only
two er three have proved fatal. i Owing to
the energy of our city officers the diseaie is
now an the decrease, and with proper caution,
we shall doubtless soon be rid of it altogether:
air The gas from the wells on Oil Creek,
says the Register, is now being utilized. Many
of the miners nee' it for feel, instead of coal
or_ oil, to 'run their engines with. A pipe
_ranging direct from the'eonducting apparatus
of the well, to the engine bonne, conducts
the gas to the fines. The - plan works ad.
mirably. ,
air The friends of icy. T. T. Bradford,
and family will give them a donation visit,
at their residence in Waterford, on !adrift,-
; day ',a ft ernoon and evening next, the 27th
inst.r • Mr..lEtradford is a faithful end popular
preseher, and we doubt not he will obtain, as
he certainly deserves, a liberal donation.
The Girard Union underitands "that
the !Road ;Commissioners of Cplifilitlt and
Spriingfield townships pay the need)! families
of vennteers from $lO le $l2 per. month
eac Eight families in Girard township re.
ceiv‘, assistance under the provisions of this
DIU Petitions are circulating; in the West
ern townships
.of the county asking the Legis:
Wore to enact a law requiring the Erie flanal
- C9lntstny Ito build the bridges wherever the
; public , highways cross the canal. ' A bill to
regnirti this of the Company inks been intro-.
&lasi into the Legislature.
Concord township, exclnidve of Corry,
ha raised her quota. The citizens of the
township claim urn. it ipti -done in a shorter
time after they got to work, thin any other,
part of the county. - The extrs bounty was
$lOO, ambled by private subscription. -
O` The Albany Atlas and •Argtu says
there is no truth in the statement that the
wife - of' Stephen A. Douglas is !engaged is a
clerk In the Treasury Department. Mrs.
Douglas is living with her mother, In Wash
ington, lit close retirement. 1 .
air A young 141 y .. in Charldon, Wiscon
sin; has just gained a verdict of
. $lO,OOO
Atiages against.s gay deceiver, who, after
'ooortioglerfourfeea y ears, neglect ed' to marry.
her. We should think $lO,OOO Kahn enough
' •
for any bleeding heart:
1111,, A Waterford correspondent of the
•Geutte4ays..Col. Campbell ”has declined
Ike potation of Liout.. - Colonel 'of the. invalid
tOdirpo r lotely Undated him by tb. War Do-
pesltieet;,ind will eettinne tej disobsige
duties et Ms iwatest_ellhetr
NS, The BS* iNinr pithilaluel iikke*
York by Morris 3 11111 . 114,. is tb hawiseliesi
paper in* United Stet" . int it spflian la
its new *es. 4b the IntrablY •6144,:ind
for the cadre* holieetieln hai a. supwies t
--44inwi, (Ps) • • .
We. would- particularly direct the ea.
tendon of oar readers to tha. advetkesse
of Coe's Cough Balsam, in another column of
our paper; The preperstioi einiwat' fait
one of our moat respeetalli• Eastern Drug
Rouses, end is guersateid by them to bit the
mbet effectual and speedy remedy for the awe
of Coughs, Croup, Co, Asthma and Sob
Throat, that has
__,ever bean o ff ered to
the public. Unlike most other remedies; it
does not dry up a Cough, but loosens it, end
by canting the patient to expectorate freely,
completely clears it away. For children who
are troubled with Croup. it hi invaluable, cont.
pletely.destroying this 'fearful complaint; MI
soon as the medicine is taken. We oonsider
it the duty of ever mother to supply herself
with a bottle, if she values the health of her
children, and every family to make it a neees. -
'sity in their household. Ii can be had of say
druggist. Price 25cti., *
:loaner Cuts Leseeted la this edema M Or rats el
Dallas per zper.)
E . PHILO inneurrr,___ _ --
; Jamas or ru Puss. Mos secosii
Soar Wayns illoek, ?melt Eltnet, Wye.' 7th sad
I,3ixth. Dusellt4
Coitior of Sooood,aad Nottot.Elliset—woo Nun loot of
Wino:Ws Exchange. Warren. Pa. Sept. 2P-17.
Et M. it.ioL IC,
Etlri& s lot 4immoi. MAKE Boat ItAmisAanrimi,
Steossik tory of Madasstehra &UM&
ti. oarr4~ B.
Arrow: or Low, atratd. Ms Omit&
Ctillectiont KM other toulame stuedoi to et
notOptatet and &Beath.
• ALawonsir at LA AND Jun= op TIM
num Willprsaties la theionsealOolutia Me Coes%
uld give prompt's' &OW iMmillglibusimi
mo4ed to kis Modr,sithirraisa besey collesirtritei
vir Mee in Cavite illock;rbor ot Sista sad rift
.1` M. AU TIN. \
.d. • Gut= ta Clooks i rta lic Mae Jaw-
Iry , a flyer Ihroaa, Platid WU% ant
fouidings, Catlary and harry Goode, Pukka ft,
orth ads West Para war ha& at. \
s. S. SPZNCER. sr.umimAsivni.
FFICE, Paragon Block, near North
ky Wed comer or tin Pablig &Mies Lria, Pa:-.; ,
11 3 itAD V HOUSE, , \
Joni Bawy Proprietor. Corner°
Mate and Third Street; (immediately tiontJarthe Cap,
Itol) llazoiaburg,Pa. Terms rseeonabletaeooluabodaUos
equal to the best Hotel is the city, and the Bar siva
supplied with the choicest liquors. • feb23-11/1.
L DU and Provisions, Now and Feed, Wood , and
Willow Wars, Winos 'Linnets, Toliseeo, Boors,Mole
Sliest, one door/5011th of Fourth, Zast MEIN Erla, P!..
junel—tfb2. '
D P. Entuart,
Boormutn and Dealer in Stationwry„ ili i Paper, Magazines, Newspapers, Ikc. Country dealers
euppkted. Store tinder Brown'. liotel,fronUng the Park.
Corner of hd and Market its., Bartiebarg, Pa:
MIS old and well known hen* is now fitted up •Ila the
most improred style. The se4ommodatlens are of the
wet order and the terms reasonable. It is situated lathe
sort dotighttnl part of the city, and affords one of the
leasanteet opptng places In the country. febrelltt
8, 1r811707 PE7TIB. N. PLIt. DAM.
_Orrli if; DAVIS,
• Pei: is-stAn
j • - NOTARY PonassfAxo azinnum Cc:m.l=TM
LTD LIfiVUJIVI Ann's. 'lloilactisioa sod all Waimea in
trusted tOLlm prompUy attandis4l to. Applications Iror
asarance solicited, and Policia' lamed without daisy, in
int claw eompanlea OlDea, Wrlg4tl Block s to"
_Mar of
sth and Slaty stroeta,Etie, Pa. nos2T6ltf.
ecei-olise;witgit=ri a Z lA*. In maw ' • or.
Gmo. rissiiirt4
Darns?, Beattfa Block', North ale of the Park,
State street. Erie. Pa., I aprll`63
French stmt. betwasaddi sad 6th streets,
near the Philadelphia k Ede Railroad Depot, iris, Pa.,
Lout/Shoemaker, ProprietOr. Extesistee accontasodw.
Lion for strangers and travelers. Board by the day -ei
week. Good stabling attached. spr26'63tf,
Saxes*sear, State street, matte
mitts the Post Oleo. 1
Lager Beer Saloon earthed, where gentlemen ces
joy themselves vishoat Mang annoyed by dleorderlY
crowds. 6 . - 1 -
FAX)110X4,1111.11 Tatiosta and
Agoilts for. Planer & Kayeer'a Pateat Sesirts Itashms
—the beat tunas - State Street.betweett Btb and 9th Ste,
arie, Pa. Clothes made to order In the attest style.
my N63-IT.
DEAL'S Uf Dar GOODS, Giocnou
Crockery. flardirorni; Nana, Maas, tlesd, Mem', eta., ear
ner of Sixth street and Piblie Square.ll4.44, h. Pant.
D.ER .11k CO.,
U. 1/00/11AIIID k onsualar issown,
Late Ware Have, Pullet Dock, Let °Mat. Stmt. Ca
aml Ware Hoeft at Ball Roadgo bra , Pa.'Dbalara
In Salt. Filly Moir Planar. Watar .
N. 8.-Cara ulat to mad from War/111mm
410T171131108tmas imismOoderh
Kali Getting. Aviaaltatal Implealasb, Radroid Ow*
. Pa..
- .
ur B. itukaiLL, ...-
Drown, Oleo in Resew' 0 t J s a..
T T •
tires Sinek.nanak side of the Past. Iris, Pa.
known NrLaw-allairoa SWUM,
a rty o• • • to the Court Bola"
. C. BURG *SS as CO., -
Waorsuca MAIM I ilmoonsze Arno
a..curoaa, State Stmt. No. T Bewail Moot. . •
Gnome Iltermu,, Pierer/won. nein
beer manataetered at this establishment has ob
tained a wide reputatkis. Orders eolldted abd romptly
Custonmes ordain' by the quantify will have It
delivered it the door. Ttxaa Casa. ochtV63-1y
'7 3 . 1
tA g SP ' 9
• = me
CA 2 0 4 C4
.• & Pi i ll , til '
4 _ ta :11l
SJP M • tv
oz_ - • 1.1 2:1.-- ~
- C - ii
a. O ID ' ci
t.°. F.- we , '"'
•,Q = . C) HO
-., —I 'LI
53 c =
, ..
, _,. co
0 0 -
~., : ~.. . ti
9 ..
z i
,' , 114,. 6
t: j 0 • .
p ,
Eiteaitor'e Notice:
LETTERS Testamentary on - the - Estate
ot DAVID THOMAS, demised, late et "Mere* tp,
Ns* eounkr, Po, Whig beari=ok 14.0
notice taboret/ . &onto SI
the same to present thesh. Prtritir
outspent. axe! these knowing: theeseebtal Aga
the said stale seal sake 11111•1611411 (1...1
7adl4, l lhr•
pRiy4TE X DI,C A L 111.11ATME
OWeal View of Marriage, -
260 rim iiiii 7 'isrireelLOlNSl 11.4
Tirairermil owe. , Nat free of pestepas aft
. pub el Ote Meow , - Oa tie Wraiths el foe% sad
gloktikrt Nut dead folliso. of both setae of
Otters%. me= depradates of
Ch ali= k
ro adtbe
a Ineerase 4 , N imiegeope ai=
Bo ,
el • wling
Wee, • Orllegomat mod • Years llarread
y. hae el. Mos tenthftt advlaer to the married nod
delab aott gadr tertio eslettala secret
E ll
lad who are eon
tittss - •••= 6 _Ow lbeelth,.happteena and
- ts estate
TO • „Atria, troublikl with 1111111ainli poor
any se.o WS Os yank u ellbete of wtdelt
areillisholokpetak Illtuntrainoss. lowel4hisse • Mediu
le Ale ill* mak eyes. mamas of the Seek and loiter
sztroutitlitooalealeu of klots, bm• teterrAm7lVith
IleamM er reV= i t Zinc nothrws NEW Nikki
We WM% *prate, perl alto test year, devoted
our UMW ift lOW Ibiropme fiappitals.
olutbdin. as knowledge aid mooing*" of the most
sibMal plrYsictins sad sugeous In Koran, and on the
CeatiSieL Thus who plum themselves under oar care
will as here the full hada of the Many No. and
Idlotekton talc% is are enabled to introduce
DitooKendavul thoireWis may rest assoroJ ot the
wars - huitto . UMW= wad atteatlon being d
their which hels roc osoomithlty dhaoe s
t•f sm N. • s a Physician in 'our PIDJULIAR
et pee thopost tummy-Ave years.
Irmo who Irish tor modleloo,
the which has been tested a thonmens et come,
and serer lined tottilbet speedy nurse without say bed
rssal_ ts, um stone hut Dr. Dauer. less* Periodi
al PIM, The only pssolusttOs 6001‘0 b e observed
Ls. that leilko &cold not take them If have raison
to We" Di e m in entodel eitertinta E particaisia
or which trill found on the wrapper playing
neck boo,] though always so We and healthy, so put.
rat Ort OM. ars they.
Prim Ppor box. l'hoy b mailed to any part of
the WWI Rano.
TO TEZIADDIS—Who rood a omidtatial medical ad
- ober nth: rd to any of than. Intending complaint.
to which their Oast* organisation modal theuillabha
are partkabluiy invited to amsult us.
• Tim "Trourso-Oaamuno•Porrnorintr—lror *tarried
ladies ohne. health lAD not 'admit, or who have no de
sire to inotease their Sunilise. may to obtained as above.
It ispationly mit. and Ma Bien exteasively cued duziog
the last eithtyears. Pries Wooed to $lO.
Treathe se tbe Ors eef Premeasre Doervi mimes
sleredsg. I Apt jpodilialud, i deal edemierg ids inefieume
=dad irrarisiesee ewer sch•da, Roth male Lae
I l o s , itikiefit kW . set litgataldo tam
ateseadeom theesmseemsmod toile ed.
mail/ MU se seat/44 hoe (11) mei Maps.
lmr - s h e dtlly. from Sln the morales' till at
Id= Deadays from ZUNI p.m.
aith Nil dtteettoss met to say pert of the
Dotted Mates es Omaha, by patesta oommeatcattag
their ayetplems by letter., ftidame comeepoodeses
D. Ws Oates Is still located Ili estabLlshed, un
der mime of DR. L k CROIX, No. n Ma g at
Albany. N. Y.
Mamie L thc Drag Bashiemsl
! rho Ismg adatdlshed sad well 11201111
Prig & Met Wee titers if Carter,
Hu graseil tato the hands et the andtmegned, his .on,
who, havlng purchased theenthe stock will continue the
busheme Yberetofore in the onto place. The past • 0
prertaturateliou *Uhl/ hum u •
Preasdpi kla sad haft Illedielme Minh
plus 111 ;
'And the sidealloge hopes, by weal attention and Judi
okras management, to merit themes for the future.
Mg. .1. S. Carter, although withdrawing from the more
Wit, labels of the Imsinees, will still remain in the
store;whare he hopes to meet his old friends andmay be
conaulted'as usual. SAMUEL CARTER.
• septlFatf.
CMATZD 1810. atPrFAL $600,020.
S. HU GTON. Prest • T. C. ALLYN. Seel.
ern' pia nisttlaurcE coleary,
C. E. BOWERS ,Prett. C. C. wan. &y.
iNgt()UNCE initinzt . above, old and reli
L osare ab i liastisoiCam obtabied oQ application to
ROL ItUffinL. Utast,
- - -
1 10
Fresh Oan and deg Oysters,
ReCeived every Day, and
wiAiLiana To sais syrisricrioN
ord:r. i•ialtitild Gird prompUy attended to.
W..WELLI3. hi. R. C. P
No. 111 Superior St., Cleveland, 0.
Jo, b e eared by bin new
— lhteti has been ma
thousands or came
Id and atneliCa.
!narrows and gen-
Mina Disease; Dye-
Ithenenathon, Lim
Ale Complaints, •
te oakum', Lon ol New
Belamaui Symptoms. Sexual
- ns„ UlesWad Sore Legs,Gleet,
t ° ,l Bladder mid Kidneys, and a
fiariaillsasses known as Nervous Complaint',
running from foul and Xnearial treatment.
Yeast sum who are troubled withweaknese, renarally
caused by a bad habit in youth, can be effectually cured
by UIIII treatment.
Patients of either rex living at a distance, by stating
their disease in writing, giving all the symptoms, can
obtain Inedieine with directions for use. His Medicines
are Itztheiesiftliteki44.
criltlsetn.Ll2olKl Baths, One Dollar each. Pa
tients Smirons of treating themselves, an be furnished
with thenmst lopreeed Lleetzieal Instruments, and in
,sernetions in their proper medical applications.
- Tla Alder Treats r ally ell Waits of tie
Ent 45 EA La
Hogionelittiereeetred where there are any doubts of
ae. Cr s tellet
CMINYKIISNCES.--Dr. Bleck, Robert Gill, John
lierten, Ilr. Ping. John..ffrans, Dr. Estill, H. Bicknell.
lesq.. T. Trtvett, Esq.{ Goo. W. Jessup, Bata, Bev. George
Dank*. Bee. T. • P. Korrow.
day.frein II A. M. to It'. 11. Post Moe Box, 3219.
No Letters will be answered unless they contain a re
mitts* or a postage stamp. F.nelone a stamp for a
File Ale Brewery,
Bale 77
City Lager Brewery,
Erie Malt & Barley Warehouses.
. 1 6
Pale; end Amber =mid %XX Ale',
The Bed ftsality mod Venal Varieties of Lager,
VriaieSeleeted rashers Rom
The Choked Qualities of Walt and Barley, • t .
Oo hand sad and for rite by - •
Fall and Winter Goods !
010ths and Casihneres,
toverceatings ud Ckoaktus,
*town and Bleached
'SiIiET6IOB AND mama!
Oct, 17; 186878 m.
R111(.1i ' 8
!I . : le S. V. !WIMP% Prodder:
-pion N uppuea with the beet quality ordootostao
iikoripor - softo no piazooogo or the pews now.
raft! .11eited.
E are readying a daily
g rie n CAN 01117111111 of chola 4. 1
• l ' inde Mow costeiners ma no n apo: *
taller 2.4=11:7781E1
it A I
I;4RGIL Two 1370itT Mit NOW; at* Oboe aellar t
Met bike eve", method well et *Ns. hale &INN
audiV,lll 4 la2ge km b NI. ea eseethat
chard ot i that, ladadieg apples, darelie b
pears. kr, allotshee the Oat Lets et Ms; MIN SO
sale et ateetleat reemel, peel et eat* mmomille
eaasseepaerieview at the City. lap, Nattete
• for 1
IS AM, soVoishig Mork mai hew lossai, iambs.
buu.lo44lorebar4 of graftod 4 ke., for. AVIS
63 ACT= 9101i3e LAND-844411 (mite bseser hum
bans, orehanS'kei.; S =pea ham lb* 64...,...114,01/4
11? ACII CEO •41 km &la. 40 1.14044, Worm mot
woad land, I full. frese Smarm Rod sad .14010.611
tThitimrusall huus Urn and sediud
TIIII Lugo U4l Ounplgto OIL =VUIiUT,L iM lay sir
known u the MO, gamy." uplift, abut
150 mak Ugetkor with d ums sf bud.
froallagloa PMI' k Maya% kr«........16#11
ALSO. Lots,t sad Lotsaad Oat Lots la OW Ole
sad Baikal:us:
The sabeciiber Whig namtly Waned eail ealweileit 1 ,
btu suismikei,xulia basiesee, see& !KWh' to early ti M.
le deterailae4 to mil a part ofteal Uhl& Be
therefore often thip tonwelag at the law Mee. sod
will make the tams tairotable sot Mee prelbet.
' I
AlaTs 1.131E1.A.1a X NO.
r0111101111e11.4 thaji great peculiarities
It Curew,Dbossiss by Opening Ibe reams wed
reitortng the lasszudble PersplralSoa.
It Diecluirge dim Vldased Siemens, amid
reimcms the cum of Maus.
t takes the palm oat Sr Sarar,, ■ores owl
Wawa* and Nablus Inflammation at aim.
It la Abe*?bad by tie Skis and Namelea. wad
It Operatee like Nagle "rim Applied I. Aire•
tiara of the Leap, Blom& and Bodo.
It Is nine penally Heselleisi In Kidney
One liallsemOilloUers awl Manilas Prix, Mew
tbiLek,Gold.: It tuue awed iotoeass marries ._...
and more lint on every gory battle-held than any Ober
, meant ever mortal to
It Is kasvra al! aroma tie world as Ike nest
soothing and healing Ointment in existence.
JANES MOALOITIII is the Inventor and Proprietor, Now
or k.
It Is sol 4 at 23 cents by all Drageste everywhere. Sold
Saaou Cewrsz, No. A West Park Row, Agent foe Erie.
Wholesale Depot at Norton k 02 broadway.
dee26153-32n; •
Farm for Sale.
HE subscriber offers for sale his farm ;
situate One-fourth of a mile from the borough of
Ih:dinboro, in Washington tp., Brie Co comprising
wee and allowanee„ closed and well fenced, with gook
T er
young' homing orehard and watered.--
Terren—A p0.01:1 of the parthaes Emmy In hand and
the balance 04 time. YAMS INCILMORD.
Washington, Dee. 22,111634 w.
! Stray Cattle.
BROKE into the enclosure of the =-
&cooed, in Harbor Creek tp., about the
December, lo bead of yearlings, as follows : 2 red Items, 1
red heifer, I spotted steer and I spottedbiller. The asn
er is requested to come forward, PMe property, ri
charges arid lake them away, otherwise they will be
posed of according to law: WM. COOPZJI.
Harbor Creek, bee. 22, 11163-aw•
.11113 PA
Minn • tall sad tholes aomtuait of
ar• aims ea hand and milling chop at
\ JOON 'LANYARD% Nit, Ossisgr.
Would respectfelly farina the patio that they hoe
Between Sth and 9th Streets, on State.
Where they intestA tom . mishuatiy oa bald 15131
lint of \
OM! WELL egunar \ num=
or We reaped:ally soltett a Aare bePa
iW, to put
rouge. J. H. \BM
janB64-t . H. W. aromas. -
Farm for 84e.
THE Einbooriber offers for We hie s l o arm
in Harttormeek, containing TO acre" with alltreanes.
be land lief the best quality, under a high Mato of cal
ovation, having on It all kinds of fruit Im gnat Oen&
once. Tha' improvements consist of one first clam dwel
ling house; three tenant houses, three bents with shish
suMciens to enclose the entire barn yard. The ikrin to
situated oas mile south of the Railroad, and between the
Baptist and Methodist churches, and is one of the most
desirable residences in the country . The Our will be
offeredat mthlia sale to the highest bidder, en the litie
eeary at 10 o'clock a. 0., on the preludes&
a cm third down, the balance on a
liberal credit. 't AUSTIN assur.
Store Stead aid [Walden. for Sale;
T"iundersigned offers for Sale his
valuable property in the village of Beaver Da*,
Erie Co., Va., sossietlug of an notoellent Eton, Banding
and Dwelling House, with an we or sore of bad ate
tacked. The Store has bean seed for the purpose a great
number of Jean, and ia well fitted, being lazin t _oosyser
lent, and having a good cellar . • ving ailloolved to the
building will areonsinodabe a small iendly. The stared
la one of the best to the county, Wag situated in a
health:, fertile sad wealthy nedghborheod. The midway
is a Two Story one„ having a large, dry cellar, sad being
both room y ip and convenient . • good Clatess, win sal
Bars are connected with the hoses I will sell or es.
change for property In Erie, on reasonable terms. Any
pence wishing to purchase will address,
Erie 04, pa.
Stray Calves.
CAME to the farm of the subscriber, in
Away tp , ea the 7th tart., 4 Slang Cam, two
Steers - me two Maas, owl steer red with TWO AM,
the other re 4 with two shits la tight ear; One SeUbt •
grisly odor, the other re 4 with ► star fa the forehead.
The owner tirecpteetell to (mime &mud, prove promot ,
sad take them away. SILAS vaoar.
New Hardware Store,
Corner of oth and State Sta., •
nip Ilablertbon hive *pond •
Ertobs 03 1 HARDWARE 1
Aid ni l " sad Jut melted team the Eludes Migtits.
lathy Cutlery, Cooper's 'l'sells o Mies, Leike,
and atm variety =will, Grand Is math soteblialmaile,
and famished at se law Mae as they aaa be preened at
thoseethe place meade elty. They tavile a eall breue
rho may art la their Ilse otheetseme.
A Large Meth of the
NNIIRE—Naa. 1, a sad 3, with 4 Ulna War
naiad to eat either Straw or SUM' aqui to any Yoehlao
in the Priem—No. $3l; No. 2, lin No.
P913(11111—Nos.1 sad:, both sin& sad doable ladle,
',bleb are well Wasted to ass of Farman with madam
stock. No. ;„ Ma& kW% 913; No.& des& lath, SW;
No. 1, 9 knives, $l3. N 0.3,2 WM, Wt.
EgII9IIBCR Tag STAND,Corser of Ninth nankin
Striwin, In lilehisidinaines New Block.
oet236lltf. D.l l lllllOl ilk 0116
hied. Dow 'gnaw Siam se
1 :07 141.4104 D SIUDOZ,
lirheis t4sy Wood korplag a 611 sap* of
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usuulliMilei WARE: - o
coo 'r' Tolman &oz _
Aad eigaithlag Milli tobastia Pa allailaniat ft
Vs Re delenetifil to ear ispro4 tifinsmids wimp
D ow *rises Pi ths oft, WI iinft i = re Pr aft
isoldeattbstire Ns &s eethe
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