The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 23, 1864, Image 2

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ERIE. PA., JtattjAilT.
truant Viturrsos sr nut Nom ni ?I Fated op
4 AxiEo lanierr — Arbon:
The National Democratic Convention.
At • meeting oflreliationil Deraperatie Coat:MUM.
held at Div IV* this day, it vu nualmoosiv voted
that the next Nati:mat Democratic Convention for Mr
parposeof nomhating auididator for Om Trootilftry .end
Vice Presidency of thelloited Stator', be held et thleame,
Minolta, on Monday, Jail 4, 104, ,
Br vote of the committee at a meeting 101:tlept. 7th,
180, the number of delegates for esob Stat., was 1'1.4 et
doubts the camber of Its els torsi votes.
AUGUST BROWN?, Chairman,
FRED. 0. PRINCE; Seer itary.
New fort, January 12th, 1861.
MI DetaaetaUe and Comervatlre papaya ate rave etfal
ly regoested to publish:Um above. ,
We have always contended that the
prsent Republican pity was the most
inconsistent organization that ever ob
tained a foothold in this country. There
is not a single one of its leading prinei=
plea, unless /it may be devotion to the
cause of the negro, which it has not de
liberately and repeatedly falsified. Es
tablished as the especial ehanipion of
Liberty, we have seen it trample down,
one by one, in the most reckless and de
fiant manner. every landthark of the Con
stitution and every precept of freedom
inherited from the founders of our Gov
eminent. Going into power on the pro
fession that it was the exclusive friend or
the rights of the States. and did not in.
tend to interfere with any of their estab
lished privileges, it had no sooner got
warmly seated in office, than it wantonly
violated every pledge that it had made
on the subject. Let any one who doubts
these statemfitita look back over any file
of Republican papers that he can obtain,
read therfsolutions of their conventions;
the speeches of their orators, the writing;
of their editors, and decide for himself.
lie will find that the party which, now
claims to be the particular and i only
friend of the Union was_ then its openly
avowed enemy. hesitating at nnthine that
Was calculated to throw cmlinalt on the
South, and incite its citizens to rebellion,
and frail,/ oxpr*ssin•; its holier th tt the
.ITtihn weal bs bette- wittirni. th'e -con
nection of the Stare Ststes ; that it Ile.
nnunc, 1
ex trart.! inoo 11.0 (nt
;It iOn
whici i*, nqw pra )1 ai 1 anitlitis in a
huntlr'l r.,1 1 nxt, t toy it linorally
t r►lsln +.l VIP , •%I 111 , 1 i-t •vi nil at'L
vltirtt it I) 'IV pr.) , 11:t s
te'., t 1 ho :
il l I t it exliihitni e , )aLt7r4P' , or.
law ; nml thAt •il»vo, ail, it pret.n 10,1 t
Ruslain in the loadeit tornai or fir:nn44
thoso salred principl34 a por - : I , llrti liberty.,
which sine► iti ris int) ower. it !Lis in
ten thou+:in3 ontrAge.l.
hlv , ) only r.)nrn nt praiont.ll.9r 4hree
notewreorthy rosqlution+ :18. por
tionof the pl3tform of the party hy the
Chicogo Convention. Viewed in the light
of tho -moors which Republicans now
cast upon State rights; Constitutional re
quirements, and every attempt to reform
the organized " system of plUnder of the
public treasury by favored partizans,"
they read very curious ;
2d. That the maintenance of the
principles promulgated in the Declaration
of Independence, and =bac/4d in the Fed
eral Constitution and th at the Federal Constitu
. a m, t h e r i g h t , e :t• the Stake, and the Union of
the States, must and shall be preserved."
" 4th. That the maintenance inviolate
of the rights of the States, and especially
of the right of each ACM lo order and crams
its 0104 domestic institutions, according to its.
own judgment exclusively, is ESSENTIAL to that
balance of power an which - the perfection , ' and
endurance of our !solid* faith depends." ••• •
" Gth. That the people justly _view with
alarm the reckless extravagance which
prevails in every department of the Fed
eral Government; that a return to rigid
economy and accountability is :indispensable
to arrest the system of plunder of the public
treasury by favored partisans, while the recent
startling developments of fraud and corruption
lit the federal metropolis show that an
entire change of administration is imperatively
The Jacobins of the State Legislature
are determined to spare no effort that will
give them the offices in the Senate ;
They have united in sending a petition
to Secretary Stanton,, asking - biro to leave
no measures untried that will effect the
release of Major While ; and we notice
'that, in accordance with their request, he
has sent a Mr. Warfield, of Baltimore, to
Richmond,. with authority to offer the
rebel General Trimble, captured at Get
tysburg, in exchange for the gentleman
whose absence has been 'the cause of so
much Jacobin agony, In connection with
this subject, the following statement by
the Harrisburg' correspondent of the,
Pittsburg /art, has great importance, and,
as it has gone over a week without being
denied, we are inclined to believe it true:
"One of the largest and moat successful
Government contractors within my know
ledge is Col. Alex. M. White. a brother
of the renowned Libby prisoner and pro.
teased Senator.. He has been sojourning
in this city for the last few (Diys, and is
bold and.defiant in his charges that Sec
retary E. M. Stanton is solely at fault in
the detention of his gallant brother. Af
ter this declaration can any Abolition
Senator have the hardihood to stand nri
in his place and lay the hlame, at the feet
of the Democracy I' Certainly not."
The Parrs correspondent is much Mis
taken if he supposed that areimount of
proof will cause the Jacobini:sence hav
ing started a falsehood, ever to lacknowl
edge,-or- cease repeating it. The info- '
mow pelsistency with 'Which they stuck
to the untruths about Judge Woodward.;
in the last campaign, after they had been`
clearly refuted, should be sufficient evi.
deuce on that poiit.
. ,
\ Bs -Anxisszos or Anureis:TA:delegation
from :Arkar4m: et which Goal Gantt is
one, are *bout to, present a petition to
WC President 'eking that that State may,
be reirdinitted to the Union: They state
that in four months time they will be
enabled to comply with the requirements
of the Proclamation and co* in its a
free • State, and alm to furnish men and
means to aid in 'prosecuting the war.. If
these delegates represent the whole pepple
of Arkansas, or a majority - of them, they•
should be heartily- welcomed and en.
otrunige#l in their purpose ; if TheY'reire:.
sent 4 perelantloWof itol Mclean epecula
lora and military oticialS,
jeces'a't'and other floutherd.Unkin papers
charge, organised - for- trier#,
gracoracct, ttreideserre no more respect,
tbaa'liiriordly bestowed on that clam of #
! •. ""
/Ste Rep.ublleanbAßesponslble for ita Volt.
7.; bre Organise.
The State Senate still rereitr
sized, , and the public biter* in the
pdaition of atia'rs id that' - hotly iron
stronger wi !I each day ‘ thfit they 'remain
ns they are at present 9 That the - -delay
in the public - Itrisinextrwhich ensuee - trontt
' shit co r a Nion of things is wholly due to
lire ean
who has gent debates -between
sanalftre.Vt*rtift!Fts — fittrilruteiWith the
history of Stata. , legislatien., The Demo
cratic S-natirs have male a fairend ex•
plicit proposition to organiz , the body on
the hisi4 of an egad division of the dn
. cers, permitting the itepublicaris to take
;.tito highest. tint the latter arrogantly
assert Opt they will have all or none.
The questions it is.aue aro thus narrowed
down to One point; and that the partition
of the pails—the Democrttit - pitrty lib
erally agreeing to accept of one-half. and
give. the balance to their opponents; the
Republicans refusing all compromise. and
'declaring in the w,w•l; of Senator IsfcCan 7
chess, that they "will stand until .the dog
dri e ys or until doomsday" rather than give
a solitary office to the Democrats.
In order that the public may see that
we do not state the case incorrectly, we
extract from the debater on Wednesday
of last week, the following speech of Mr.
Clymer, the Denvieratie Senator from
Iterks County. Said Mr. Clymer:
"It Is perfectlyeirident, sir, that a 5 this
Senate is now co nstituted it will. be im
lausible to effect an organization. -We, are
likely to remain here a , this rate till the
dog days. that is neither desirable on
the sonre of personal convenience or pub
lic policy. No can be more anxious
than the Senators with' whom I have the
honor to act -politically in bringing this
state of affairs to some amicable conclu
sion. We are prepared therefore, sir, to
say to this Senate deliberately that for the
purpose of effecting an organization, and
in order that the legislation of the State
may proceed, we are willing to tender to
the other side of this chamber as a com
promise of the difficulties existing be
tween us, this arrangement: That they
shall select, first, any office within the
'gift of this Senate, we to select the second,
Uteri he third and on on Jo the end of the
list. We inakt this offer, trusting that
its fornes: will commend it to the judg
ment of this Senate, as it certainly will
commend 'kelt' to the ju(lgmorit of the
people of this State. We are here 16 to
16 on this floor. It is no fault of this
amide of the Coamher that such a state of
atlairs exists. It is true that one Senator
is :liven , . It is tree, if we are to believe
th e or,.!ans of the Republican party; if we
, are to. behove Senators on this floor and
offieers of this Senate,. that 3,lojer White
if ne.longer a inetither of this body, hay
!ng 'resi 2 ecd weeks arcs If these state
tnents, are true. that gentleman no
gfkr a member of the Senate of Pennsyl
vania. Anil l'hohl that it was the defy
of those who controlled the affairs of this
Senate, who wore its officers, to have Or
dered an -election, and to have had Ins
successor-he-re:- and if we effect no 0 91. 1 .-.
nista ion u nder present circumstances this
respeteiibility must lie upon them.
" Now, Sir. for the sake of arriving at a
just and,amigable arrangement, we have
offered the, proposition I have stated. I
trust that for the sake of the interests
of the State, the, proposition will be so
p eepted." t - 2 . .. _
• The Republican papers have been fall
of calumnious attacks on the Democratic
\Senators, but this plain' and gentlemanly
statement of Mr. Clymer is a sufficient
answer to all' they may say. If any of
our readers can procure a copy of the
Et,4islative Ream?, we ask them to read the
debates which have taken place in the
Senate on the subject of organization.
They will see the ariking characteristics
of the - IWO parties' faithfully represented
in the persons of their Senators—the Re
.publipans,- true to themselves, disegard
less ef,all precedents, ready to disobey the
clearest legal requirements, impugn,lng
the motives of their fellow members, and
with foul-inouthed audacity, hurling the
grossest falsehoods at their political oppo.,
acute, and calling than by the most in
decent of epithets ; the Democrats, stand
kg firm as a rock for what they believe
to be right, meeting scurrility with argil
nient,iising no unparliampntary phrases,
battering down the weak fortresses be
hind which the Republicans • bad en
trenched-themselves with the artillery of
truth, and in all respects occupying a
position to be admired. After a thorough
discussion of the difficulty, -the New York
Onnmavial Advalis,v (Republican) is forced
to say :
"Of the-merits, or rather demerits, of
this controversy, no language can be used
too strongly condemnatory. From the
responsibility of sttoridcing the public
welfare for the sake of paltry spoils nei
ther party can escape._ But the prepon
derance of wrong is clearly on the side
of the Unionists. Were the Democrats
demanding the speakership and the con
trol of th_o committees, the attitude of
the Republicans might be justifiable. The
Democrats, however, offer to content
themselves with some of the minor effi.,
ces, and oven theselhe Unionists with
hold ; thus confessing that rather than
yield the minutest fragments of patron
age, they will permit the government of
the commonwealth to be paralyzed, and
its efficiency in aiding the warfare against
rebellion to be destroyed."
It cannot bat. he observed as a peculiar
characteristic of the times that the do
minant party have ceased entirely to pro.
fess love for the old Union or &desire ferias
restoration. Having used the name of
Union for the purpose of catching votes,
they have dropped the whole principle of
Union, and now avow themselves solely
' and wbolely devoted to conquest and star
We verily believe that greater
hypocrisy was never known among men
than has characterised the leading politi
cians-on. the radical side. The abolition
motto, `the Constitution is a league with
death =and' a covenant with, hell," was
never any too strong to. oharaoterivs the
'hatred with whioh they regard the Con
stitution -and the Union, and it fully
• the :sentiments which we have so
often " : exposed as underlying the whole
radical party movement. We doubt
whether a press in the party can be found
to.dairsibich dare avow itself in favor of
the Union, except on conditions. The
I.constaint charge of "conditional
ism" which was` so Often hurled at; the*
opponents is,n or fixed' finnli t on the en !
tire radical party. Thoy,areuponditional .
'Unionists" accorditig i tiOlieir . ostit Soli
fesiions, moil real clizoiOnistibeyinid any .
doubt., :They are in' fsvpi driiiit out
Of the; Ile and keepiiig - Out of .the
pnion.every State which will not abolish
-slavery: • niter conquering the tetiellion
There i l thc l uid. , ?° TiNglitet of belag
able to restore the peaceful NA inspop:
, _
(11 , 11 _.- rr ' ere ere elt %rig - hk ,
Ibe States, the radical party are pledj .
to obstruct and oppose any /attempt t - do
so except on condition 9f oempelliephe'
. - oft - ir+ 74 . : tolt:SdoWe #tchlt
i p
sin 4tiled - ilyi_ ; :the SIII)ie-et the
Neettt- raski a plain siaienrsit, of the
fact Brin
. arhitrat* ai4 foolish r.aaer
tion ofxpOi_tical party .. this instil n t ion
efiitilveryrNs - biiiiiTlie:Cltaroil a partici-pa
aiminit;_ai an operiaing canna of tht, crime
of rebellion Tan war whieh had been
1 '97 AtikPre!Agii , -it:4P 40494. was. Iblet
changed with - the separiatas and . dist inct.
purpetat; of abolisitng slat+ety. Th'o s ttiiitin"
passed /out of view. Slavery became the
enemy. to be' attacked and suppresi. d.—
The Union was no longer the prominent
object to be preserved, and it soon ceased
to be any- ohjiet at all in the minds of
many poll tieirms on the radical side. Nor
is there any prospect' whatever, on the
radical : plan that the Union will ever
again Pe heard of amongltions. Mr.
Lincoln has indeed devised a °table plan
by - which one-nineteenth of the inhabi
tants of a Southern Statn may poll the
electoral vote of the whole State in the
, Presidutial election. But no one
is found, in any putty, vibe pretends that,
this plan has any serious bank toward the
restoration of peace anti aiieet ion between
Northern and Southern Statt , ;. , The rad
ical party iilus_it only because it. does not
interfere with their plans of holding
power in the country.
If there be any one who hopes for the
Union of.the Stites under the Cinstita
tion, or even for any Union under any
Constitution, let that, man solemnly con
eider the nediefaity of a change of
ministration and a change of policy as
the only possible method by which it Can
be accomplished. The relictl method of
conducting'wgr, and the !Mimi _plan of
peace are hopeless. The Union it no
longer even the avowed: object of the
Tactical party.
`INCKISAPIN OF 50LD1110. 9 t1 WAGE*,
The Conservative members of Congress
met on Saturday evening in the
with lion. John L. Dawson, of Pennsylva
nia, in the chair, and unanimously adop r p•
od the following resolution, offered by
James Brooks, or New York
WAereas, Gold or silver is paid to our
Ministers, Consuls and Commissioners rt.•
presenting the nation i,n
,' foreign coun
tries, and gold and silver are received
from the people at the custom in
payment for duties; and. viierels, the
people am taxed to p_ay . , capitalists the l ir
interest in specie on their investments in
the national debt ; tiortifore—
Be it Resolved, 'flint ( j ibe officers and
soldiers and sailors of the Army and Navy
should be paid in gold and silver or their
equivalents in amount; and he it also
Rewlsed, That the Chairman of this
meeting be instructed to; prepare amend.
menu to the Army and Navy bills to this
The proposed measure is not only right
in itself, hit is a matter of sheer justice:to"
the men now in the field, fighting the
battles of the nation. When most of the
soldiers enlisted for throb years or the war,
they made a contract that their pay was
to be thirteen dollars Per month or ,ita
equivalent.. Then the; currency of the
country could commandi its face in mon,ey,
by which we mean, of !couise, - coin, the
only thing recognised by the Constitution
and by the commercial . world. as money.
Pim* then the currency has becomd so
much depreciated, that on WednesdaY, in
Wall street, it took one dollar and fifty
nine cents in greenbacks to buy one dol
lar in gold. Thus, by the depreciation of
its own notes, the poor soldier is paid by
the Administration in is currency worth
Tess by one-third the amount its face
calls for, and thus be is swindled—we` use
the term knowiogly=-put of more than
one-third of his wages. He should be
paid the amount promised in coin, or l ' else
he should be paid an amount in green
backs sufficient to enable him to buy the
amount in money, which would; at the
ruling•pnce of government promises, be
a fraction over twenty dollars per month:
With this amount he cannot purOhase
more food for his family, or pay his house
rent, or get any more, or indeed as much,
olothing for his little
_ones as when he
contracted to "go soldiering for thirteen
dollars per month.
• A small portion ofi the
.means stolen
from the governmene,by its officials, or
lavished by it on favorites,-would bo suf
ficient to pay the amount, to say nothing
of the still larger sums pocketed by
shoddy contractors. Yet the Jacobin
press. of the country turns a deaf oar to
the proof of those &ands, and have no
word in favor of stopping up, other ,large
leaks in the treasury; but when justice is
to be done to the aoldier, and an appeal
is made that he be Paid in money or its
equivalent, they cry hastily at the vast ex
pense it will entail, orelthe country. The
meson is obvious. These papers lire
mainly supported by gOvernment subsidies,
their editors have shares in contract', and
they make fortunes bYthern ; but as none
of-them go to the field as soldiers they
are careless whether the soldier's fatuity
at home starves or not, so that his pres
mos in the field enables them to "put
money In their purse:"
Ting following stateiient, eitya the Phila
delphia By&tin, shows the number of
miles of railroad ootUpleted and r iunder
eonstruotion in the •flre mat ilroad
States :
ivei L
reaseynaeta. c°l g stea. la Total.
01de... 11347 1198 1 4,330
11111K447 .... - - ......3010 ' 619 ; woo
Ns. Wei: — • .stes 6141 3506
15d1ami....... .2178 466 I 2379
Pennsylvania, it wilt be seen, exceeds
every one of the other States in the 'num•
ber of miles completed,- and we Venture
te say Um& if the statistics were t~ul~ grid
entirely accurate, 'Deluding the hUndreds
of mileanf railroad ender ground, *I our
coal-mining - regions, : they would , make a
still better show for our State. The ave
rage rem per mile of the railroads in
Pennsylvania must be greater than that
in any other State, *Wing to the Mountain
tam ehameterof the (inanity and the num
erouslong 'and 'expensive . bridga and
Janney :squired. „ : •
It Is-interesting to note the 'growth of
the reThisytutereit In fliiillirltri . StateL
Prom 1828
,to 1829, there were hitt three'
inites'iroWay Oit the
let of Jenweri•aBB4i3hiwe we 10762 wain;
in 1844, thiscumberlad 'amassed to 4.-
311 1W1854; 'to '•15,872 miles;
lad •on the first 'at January, 1884, the
wooed:of ceMpleted railway his grown
to.33,3o)nints, witisle,ooo more miles In
~_ -~~
ICAUK., • •
'''' .---- 14111•14.
There is no doubt that the mistakes of
the Administration—to call them by Po
• • , -
hatt,lier .name--base - -greatiy tended to
postivino peaoe,l i fersiAlminktion to re.
terwto the policy first PeOgelatiod In the ; I
P3s4ege of the Ciittendon tempiWipe—we
feel confident immense Would .
eutt to the National cause. The extre
inishi in - the North have done incalculable
mischief.; They mist bei opposed and
beaten in oeter to aid the restoration of
the Union 7 In the appeal) sued to .the
people of Goorgia by B. fi Hill, now .going
- the rotinds of the 'press, we find.
language ;
• "Extreme. en now goveim the United
States. Theviii..aii nor subjugation and
ruin. 'We must fi2lat as long as those men
I are in power. .W.iten the people of the
United States shall drive these men from
power, anti repudiate their extreme meas
ure. and cease to invade and rob us, there
will be an Ininorable door open for dis
cussion. But never before.l Until that
door shall be opened by ouren_etnies, let
our people count no disaster as intoler
able, and regard every interest as protect
ed only by it - vigorous prosecution of the
war. Let every man of the army be in
camp, and let every man not of the army
produce - something to t.ustain those in
"To fight tha extreme men and keep
our cars open to the reasonable and just
men of the United Stag, is the_only read
to peace and honor."
- It is to "reasonable and just. men" that
'the question of peace must be "ultimately
remitted. Such will one day come into
power, and to them we believe that the
people of the South, 'tired, of war "and
desolation anti ruin and bloodshed, will,
indeed keep (heir ears open.
A musses of -businesa gentlemen con
nected with the shipping, mercantile and,
interests of Philadelphii hold a
meeting last week, on Thursday, to 03-
tablish a steamship line betwmin Phila
delphia and Liverpool, ih connection with
the Pennsylvania Railroad C3mpany. A
steamship company has been organized
under a charter from tho State of Penn
sylvania, and it was
_pmposetl at .this
meeting to raigo the sum of $500,000,
which amount , . it was thought, would be
sutlleient„ to charter steamships for imme
(licit.. service, until the prafit4 of the line
and additional subscriptions would. enable
the company to build ateatnsltipi of their
own. The 'sum of itl0l;030 will immedi
ately subscribed. We - trust that, this
movement will be pushed - forward to enc.
Peat' •
Tug, •litprente. emit of Pennsylvania
hasic . -veried its (I.!cision on VIII Crinstitu
tiotiality of the Enrollment Act, and now
affirin-i what it :has ilt :tofnr.e denied.
The: change is duo to Pfle election of
.Ttplee Anew in place of Judge Lowrie; ,
so that. t,uT , ("tort now stands three in
favor ,of an 1 two iti.tainar the validity of
the act. Tito order issued by Chief Jus
tice iyoodwird—late Et.inricritic canal
dar.,,. for flove , nor —for a, preliminary in
junction against. the Provo s t lifarshal, is
rescinded, and the judicial' hindrances
to thd execution of the law are wholly
removed. Judges Strang and 3 Reed, who
were :formerly tho dissenting., minority,
now form with Judge Agnew the Repub
lican Majority of tho' Court.
Tual:Te_W;_York papers publish extracts
from! t wo remarkable articles in late
copiet; of The Raleigh (N. C.) Progress.
Ono article says Wit starvation is at•the
door, and peace must be had forthwith,
whether the Canfederate leaders like the
terms or not ; the muscle of the country
will not endure their severe privations
much longer. The other tells Jeff. Davis
that his conscription cannot take another
man from industrial purAuits ; their labor
is needed to feed• and clothe the:people,
an 1 ho must find soldiers elsewhere.
[Ste invite contributions to thledepartnient of the Ob•
server hem persons of wren shads of opinion—rellgioas t
politicii or othenrise,-4t being understoisl, of coarse,
that the Editor is la no way to be held responsible fay the
views or statements of hls correspondents. All articles,
to secure insertion, nitst be accompanied by the real 11111136
of the author.]
L._Ater from Harrisburg.
Dear Observer :—I have, for number of
' , ears, been a constant and attentive reader Of
the Observer. I have always admired the
frank avowal of its doctrines, the purity of
ittmotives, and the consistency of its course.
In your last number you manifest. a desire to
have communications sent you. I do not
think myself competent to furnish you with
anything in a literary way. as writing for
publiejournale is not my habit, but I will en
deavor, however, to glean for you facts at saw
as they can be obtained.
The city is. being aroused from its usual
quiet by the constant arrival of veteran regi
ments from the seat of war. The braie "boys".
feel their liberty, and the constant bustle en
the streets tells ns they are bound to enjoy it.
In the House all works .well--that is, for
the Republicans. They have a "rellablett
working majority of five, and, 'of course, en- -
joy the ndvantsgo: The Speaker, R. C.
Johnson, is ft well-built Individual, with bald
head, curly black hair and a high forehead,
inclining slightly hack:ward. There is a peen
liarity,about his set net at all prepossessing,
which leaves one the impression of-open:pone
man. I cannot say much. of the Horse as a
body. ; In looking ever it we see but few re
ally intelligAt looking members. Bat fewof
them have ever figirad prominently before the
The Senate stilt remains unorganized and
we have no, doubt will' remain so mien the
Repel)!liana choose to resign their present
policy'. .We hays confidence in Democratle
Senators maintaining a bold and unswerving
position. &pig)Deans 'argue that the raider-
Ity of the people of the State desire the triumph
of their prineiplei. while Democrats take a
contrary !tend; The former say the office of
Speaker perpetual one,. but the very re
cent statement of the Ventocratio members of
the Senate sinks their argument. Thus the
matter stands, and will continue to stand un
til Senatot_Withe or his successor takes his
seat, foi4ro do not expect any of either party.
to waver from the inane they are punning.
Qn Wednesda* of last week, Mr. Clymer, of
Berk*, offered it prOpoaltion giving thiffilioh
licansthe tint choice of the *Mon and allow
ing. the Demons& ?thil'iteekrtd,„.sad on,
alternately, to the hint. ThOtepoblhans re.
Jo:tied the preposition with. scorn, 'mouth*
that they Inlaid pritel. 'trine Democrat" all
the offices rather than comp4mise the matter.
The proposition le bar enonib, we think, at.
feast io thhjimmweeay. If there be advaii:
tag* the Retubilaans certainly hale it.
The Senate entails many 'n4lllE/it Feee'ii:.
hersroten who-ban set is that ogee* tee;
years and ocuin &sillier With ha rams;
the D 41,11514104, Kr. Obialerrin-,bit
the_ leader bY the animal or
talking he dots, we. take it that Mr. Lowry
wants to be onsldered the Ladle on the Re• '
POW=Aida. Indeed, the bail antral of his
radical .seathasate„ and the lantana' Spirit
he displays towards those wh di an agree
with his views, has won for M I the contempt
,of both party opponents and Mends. •
If this,sommoodeation is sufrt i fiestly
anirtiell.ornoPoood to meet your approval. I
will endeavor, in boars of leisure, to write
you bereanii, and lo farther litta detail.
Latest -War News.
—The Memphis papers tiontradict Ihe
stories of Rebel successes Jin Arkaus
such u the capture of Pine IBluff, ie.
—Reports from.the Art o dthe Poto
mac represent the greatest • ntent and
hopelessness of the came to;exist in the
Rebel lines. Our troops area in fine con
dition and spirits, and the weather steel
lent. Some stir on the tiart of the enemy
hal given rise to the belief that they
meditate a new moment. - •
--Dispatches from St. Lotiis on Saturday
state that the Rebels in Arkansas are suf
feriog Severely from-the cold,and that de
seders' are coming into the Union lines in
large numbers, declaring that they believe
the Rebel cause to be lost.
—A 'fight between part of Col. Meeook's
cavalry and the Bth and 11th Texas Regi
ments, at Mossy Creek, 'Penn, occurred
on the 121 b. Fourteen df the Rebels
were killed and .41 prisoners taken.
—The United States Steamship Van
derbilt. Capt. Baldwin, arrived at Sandy
Rook late on Saturd ay light from her
long end unsuccessful cruise in search of
the pirate Alabama.
—Moo- full regiments have gone into
tamp in Indiana, and two More regiments
are nearly full. Recruit. Air the old see
, ments are pouring into Indianapolis by
hundreds. The State has Pearly filled her
—ln the siege of Knoxville, nearly a
hundred houses north of the railroad,
many of them among the most tasteful
and elegant, in the place, though mutant-1
ly within our linea, were turned, for fear
they • might beoome a cover ofshupshoot,-
ere. - -
—Sanguine ,persons assert that before
the 31st of January striver, two-thirds of
the soldiers In the field entitled to reenlist,
and avail themselves of the highest boom
tie.s. will do so.
' —The whole number of tiolunteer enlist
-1 manta from January 1 to June 13, 1863,
were 31.000. From June 13 to December
31,1863, 89,000, Total for the year.ll7,ooo.
—A II accounts from onrdifferent armies,
says the N. Y. Herotekoolcur in stating as
fact that the three year men, whose termi
arc expiring, are re-enlisting by compan
ies, regiments and brigaded. and the pro
kbability is that, three-fourths of them will
enlist for the war. i
—The Legislature of Kentucky has pus
ed a bill prohibiting the importation of
slaves into that State. Tt a g d reat influx of
slaves is said to have the effect of
, cheapening the price and overflowing the
I market. - - I
, -Admiral Lee reports ;to the Navy De
partment the destruction of the new and
swig blockade runner "Dare." which he
states is the twentieth blockade runner
destroyed or captured by the Wilmington
blockaders since the middle of July.
• —On Thursday nights force of shout
two, hundred - rebels undertook to capture
a small' body of Union l eavalry it Three
Mile Station, near Bealton. They sup
posed that a paymaster was there, and
were after his greenbacks. After several
desperate charges ;spa a small breastwork
they gave up the job, leaving three deed
on the field and twelve wounded et s house
near by. We hid two wounded—one pro.
bably beyond recovery. I
—Richmond papers Of the 15th inst.
were received on Retards) , at Fortress Mon
roe. They contain i tel ia T m froin Charles
ton as late as Th last, when the
bombardment was pro ng 'With in
creased far!, several new Parrots having
been opened upon the city from Fort
Gregg. During the two days preceding
the date of , the dispatch, 471 shells had
been-fired at the place, but with what ef
fect is not mentioned. The telegrams re
port the number of vessels at Hilton Head
to be very tarp, and say that a Beet has
recently gone southward. Moseby
i is re
ported to have been badly whipped n the
recent affair at Harper's Ferry, but not
withstanding his losses , he is said to be
still harassing our men.' ;
—The position of Eneland on the cen
trality question, is thus laid down by Lord
John Russel, to the Lords Caaunisionere
of Admiralty :
"No ship-of-war or privateer of either
belligerent shall hereafter be permitted,
while in any port, roadstead, or waters
sittOeot to the territo fiat jurisdiction of her
Majesty, to cake any surnial. exeept . pvaisione
and such o th er things as may be reguteite *the
dubsistenas of her crew, andereept so insteh anal
as may be sieciassuocsirty smelt vessel to the
=eau port other awn eafiney, or to fame near
er destination ; and no coal again supplied to
any such ship.of-war pt privateer, in the
same or any other port; roadstead or wat
tars subject to the territorial jitrialiction of
her Majesty, without '
special permission,
until after the expirat ion of three months
from the time when such coalinit; usk sive
been last supplied e her within •
waters as aforesaid.
At Awl Inanity.
It- is fortunately net often that man
kind is Called upon to; mourn a Calamity
BO horrible as that which commd on the
eighth of December, in flentiav, 'the esp.
ital of MIL A church, crowded to over.
flowing,caught Are; thechiefiloar,openhig
inside, was soon, &Mid by the press ;
all egress was oonseithentty prevented,
and nearly two thounintpeople, mostly
women ! and resenting nearly every
family in Santiago,' were burned to death.
Whether the 'comfit of the disaster
which we take from The Vaipsniiisliarrry,
is in every detail corns* we are, of comae,
unable to ascertain ; but it leaves little
doubt that the origin Of the conflagration
was owing to the moil culpable reckless
ness. A priest of thW church was deter
mined to have a celebration in the most
splendid style,ezeeeding any that Santiago
had ever seen. Twenty thousand Hefts.
in long festoons of Olored globes, filled
the church, with• game and drarfery of ev
ery description. Every Cornet of the
building. from the ground to the ceiling,
and especially about'the altar, was a sea
of muslin and,,'flooded with arm
kind of The church which
was Oiled with so mash ocimbustibie ma
terial had a roof of !painted wood, and
only one door of easy ?mese, and this one
opening inside. Of course, this chief door
became at once Mocked up; While the
fire, in consequence; of the numerous
lights-mid plentiful' f,drapery.spread so
rapidly •as to born. la less t hin fifteen
minutes, about two lhousaud persons to
blackened corpses;
Oa the 12th laat. at the, 1011161•06 of bIrOBUINLis
INMetealk 41.• with tbatrp2ai in% num t DUNN.
aged about 27 para
room? isou a ensile Missige
A 0411,Dg
WO 00tO11111,WM116
. •
'm4'l.llool boa* soolsout to Welk to
atm trakitlittilitt~ tentafitha bodes otlhoell
so , rpost oomovett omen btig saidisohoolliot Ewa
,dtiNot,ouloomilloo-k its to alb tomb*"
'tine rettito moos suer •
to 'oil viio - dookto sow Olio poi.
oottpdoo trot Ow et oilip). INS litodboolloso Aur
peopetie Oak 'lobe ilto 'OE4 ebb& thilo MIMI a
ono OM eimmeitti o Amtwsk.Sairesa% be,
Thome; oktootottboollpOst to nab( the hum*
Ws . % to bits& the dal* sea wool laltruilhe
Odds esuesitai bi moil be kopoo Nog
IttaintltUl WW I toottNio Stint aft ass maks
Wm* Om wand*
.elibbigUiepriss witt plow addinsi
.I#l/Ale A 1111410,1;
eir/eit 1.
Umpagmal sad Verge Illedlents
hot saplaamat dadaid
_4l4:l•4lasalar ma
s' r-• • =TUC? NUCIIU.
Wide E
(oeitetehest el the most
uIP MORON IN 11l II U. 8.,,
Is eilded II MI baamiteity as n certain core for
tbs f a r g air ib ie f ol . sa d apaiptolna. originating Iron
dinaollllll4 OW 4 lie Mtn it nr rilesu‘l Orono
awn* ftebililif. .- _ • •
_,Slaillitishim Ihrodoe, .
,- ' - - ahrWorefiltiond to tbe-Fltipl, •
CoSkusellaina. .
_ _ , Eftsbniii
- - ' - - - 6lssNst Debilitr,
itealoteoelle sot aNtopleleoe4ll,t Night,. •
• Moises of Kumla, NlNcleney, • . •
• , IMP 0 4= __. : . _
• • Disseitssibisties or l'aoljp.i of th e
. . . ' Orilla!" of ditaSrditiss. •,,
Pal Watt.* of tho lib rt.
A. 4 task ell Oa aossoadiamda el a Nprisue attir!.:. -
ailitato.lsteto of no • ) aipws
lii Mere liti rdpidds ad Us it ma.
Cans uaranteed. , .
daeld G -fta. • add savattland et to Inioqier coin na 1.
WA R makes high prices ; Saponifier
Niigata Mats alma. ft Inaba for-Nair
abates paaaAlty s,t g yosr kftaltaa 'ream
ar CAUTION. La patios, Lyles art &feral a'.a,
M sandal sal only bay 'be Tittatatial artiele pat win
Ire* an,,, &flotilla bola( Citastetrfalls.
IMAltalfbla—Na. ITT Walnut Street:
PlUsbarg—Pltt Strset awl %Kayos* Way.
vormike /I 8 1 8 •
Wink la it that hhainwi pry whiskers I. die
- aUsti ' ? •
Whet *saps rad
urrsoesam leis ti, a deb so
DIE. h sassatioas - Wawa ?
es .
What DTI eseisina smith& Um, Iw4 nor nitrate of
silver t .
caurnpoups. -
What bye is the /awn trouble and Is swat quickly
aapliad ?
. - iiiiimao
wilt Dye ia Ow A
. leawslawnlaniproaesuitad safe'
WU* 1:1” prolnais the saast a matneat seat?
Illandastansi by J. 081118AD0118, Na. 6 Astor House,
Now Tort. Hold ersrywharn and appal by all Hair
SiDrums. Aire , go VA. and $6 par sas s seeordiog to
Dr 4 t dieln-lia.
• 02111184010 1 8' Hair Preservative,
11 hwalashis with Ida Dye, It Imparts Um utmost soft
was. the west Istantilal giosn.and peat vitality to the
Pd.. IS ma* $1 aad-81 par With, a/media' to lass:
-- - • - - - . elleen-if
Dlll. IPOITAPIP ispirri iumuswr. -
sou THVIIIIDIT I Thle hi to evrtify that for
bit See yeee I ban seed in ney fondly Dr. TObiLle
esiassitel Venetian Lininteet. end In every Instant.
1 eve Ilensil II telly wont nitnennenflathms. I have
found It to glee Whet Lentestenenne mild in mei of
ereeep. Woes esile, more throat, rain In the
dire an& • eni vientinetienk end I cheerfully reo
eamend He to every one ellieted with any of the
Owe mend dieennee. / WM H. WAIL NER.
Herrman. Closx, Oct. 16, 1881. •
Mee II niel 110 ant& 'Soil by all diieshits. - Once,
14 Cathie& Strad. Haw Test. • NE deel44m.
ta:l - &
that tie basal sod as a raattosi to young
mea. aid edam wile aldbrllme Nerves, Debility, Ear
ly Door, sd their Ittadoiall alhosata—eupply the
moan el aeMeora. By am Who has wed himself after
Wag tidbit et tolap_hteed eeollaenae to meet teal here.
bagtotaliery. -Ny eaeleelag - a po NA at- peld envelolLL ,
Nagle raw may be Wet tbaaatbor, TILM MAT
rare. bi. Hatboi. Lags Coast', Now Writ. ja2lrL
go-Plo Ativationneuto.
Comennadlea anima tri 1 inceite a e'abtable pre.
oariptien ilortbot owe of Connonotion, Asthma, Bron.
&Ma and all Iltittat and Lam affections (free of cost,)
byessedins nole address to
111111. it, A. WILSON, Williagnebarg.
juSll,l4lo',. Wage Co., New; Yos k..
UMW Property at Private Sale.
THE SUBEICEU3ER will Sell at' Private
ealo. a feria of 10 mares, la Ifllleseek tp., lisle Co.,
Dada ofJoha W. Ryan an 4 hetes of Anthony
Pim iheeeseld. ellebtaeleag oat tote Bow. 14 and 134
la the et Rtt Th4ere le erected on e proper-
=tiro stab
. Defolliag Room. th
brick beck
bar Wait and otbar oat-balklinse. The
=beseillhdly attested, eotansseding a vier of
rand Rubor of Rile. • It le also well supplied
With *beige trsit= e allior rlehaess of soli eannot be
The Ileheertber WI Alive* et private ger, out lot/
iddle hebelleeTtllrsaillith struele. The Tblla. ir Reid
B. s, p s *NH& the lot, the property conialos 431
aeon sad is deeirible for betiding -purpose', being situl
ate met the Ir. & L L B.
Ms above tin b% ea reasonable terms
Tesseeeles given ea the lilted April:
Hosea trietft to List it Na all on John W.Ryany
it o! James [Mon, saddle( eat the ferns first de.
WY. PATTON, Colorable,.
Leassetor Co., Ps.
lillereek Volutetts
ilia HUNDRED DOLLARS township
11.) , 4144:111 be pad by thei Road Commissioners
of Itillsitook to sue pima who will volunteer to
In WI verta tsemeship. wader the loot premium.
ties otter Plmillsot, ogling for Vohntsers, so soon as
mosionnt la minim to thocre
oar. dit ot said to
, ip.
C. swum ,kw
' • DAM O
- N,
Jon:111-1w. Rout Commissioners.
Oman pax itNom
J al 5 1
ft. Co, ?
Una Fa., am 12,
esat.„, fres fast Goren:ma tai. has been
thla Cow) payable, to tb• 4teekbolders
oaths Ist olisbeasqaatV their aloe at the Depot.
/WM . . . . W. L.egovrst, Trimmer.
Todd 490*triatr lair air. that he his spatted
No. 2 iliugheoli "'kick, Erie,
Where ls sillalusgs bop sa load • latie, supply of •
waxing, LIOVOini, onus,
AIM somplaiissf Milk be Ws to astisbilstuseut of
the 104 •
Arrow se essismilils im say Ohs!
Arnold'. Writing Fluid!
Warranted Genuine !
Darla Ifsid, aka aM Wanda* fake, Yaetlaga In
plat beet% OM sit Lesses, Posteoe, Itatlonsl Waters,
CO!, .11111.11111111 i aln L Swum Paper,
itmeaa pager et all Maas sad gyestillos,
Yowitso Seams Is abondsoos, taistiipe• at Wholesale
1111100211:1103; IHIUS h MIMI
(thospor Soo air *doer Boom - to thls city, at
No. 4 Reed - Houle. -
A.,74.. ! ; GUILD.
Adminiitratrix% Notioe.
MEM of Administration upon the
Mao Wan Moor. ha otlittlerosk tp, deceased,
ism gasiog to the andmmolgamd. noileo Whereby
givon ail pommis WOW to mid estate to make ha.
mabonagagmad, and than having somas against the
war vgl point Om; j= c atiowilisted, to me.
Ssa 4n.
, -
Ms Co, Pa, ch A nichittsts tol - •
Atbninistrstrbea Notice.
lirmau3 of Adzignististion upon the
LW, et Zed Poem; We of Wit Word township,
is listitielieogtoologio art 1111111*pol, notice
Imor m = all pitons WOW to told masts to
to old thew holing scoottoto
ivied tio MOM lll=t tins% orrpoliy aatkentieo
14 le irk • MANNAR "MM. idoislatntrix.
to amt. Mtleoo.l%, Jaa. tsod4tr. • •
. Ist Kim tows; . EluE.
mks Subseibercto - the Building Fund
ter the await* ius mended to trill at tay of
Y l/eft ae minuses! I •
isati-ftw. 111111,111.111 N Garr, trustier.
mo' nu
efrteelpei bet re tut thir
4 16 .1. 1 04 m rim
bee the amin . lel Itessieer Da
* Alta Bute.
" et °Mo. ; ihohlrt-ly.
P , ' ,l ' - '4llitivtlilwrilialii . l, "
. ,
rilligNigedflitia 041011 *An* until
i ? lie liet iii . Volifiiiinext. Vii *ins In &malt
we 4 onliddir as kladrat aid Anti lie* smear leo,
toniti I = 4.. ,..baml i l h appliinimio good Um-
Niels Inn vaiert4„ u
1= 1 1 1 1W"-Frima NM is VP Warlord plank
viol. !tw i
t ssUl by On ibis lids it 14 rented.for
saserllll, -:, - • . - - JAM JOHNSON.
• 'ilingrat. , a ,
r umogoas MI!!, - ,i •- :
Amu* 0 , Lam. ee in
Nrelisiarbillime„ Yuma 104(t, Rd". Ts.
Nj. 4 , • • 'I. • '
"!..mommens Pormicouss °Auxin,
ilkitiladstee 2-jaalinfitL •
.4 e-----7.1• 11 / 4 ,4 144 .
Its merit* haze woo. for It the
At the
ton, FRANKLIN SO. PhllldelObla,
And at every
Where Exhibited.
It employs little or no Machinery; It almost nohn.
In Ito operation; The IMproreroetail render them jam,.
able. '
We guarantee it aill perform all we claim. 113 rq
spend your money fora worthies article with no eey.
Jibbed repwtation, but get a Standard Article.
L. s
Thin !(chine will
- Without in,. basting or prepatation of Work.
rip- Come and see them in operation at
Csantantly on hand the best SpOol Thread
WaFitino Needles, Oil, he.,Le•
WU. SUMNER k CO. a t r i ,
janl6'B4tf, Rosenzweig's Sitck,
• -OF-
Physician to the Troy Lung and Ry.
giallo Institute.
A Treatise on the CAW' or Early Physical Tle6 ad
. American Teeple : the Cum of Debility, Cos.
snmption and biILIUMILIL
This work is one of high moral teat, rretten is els,
yet thrilling limigtusge, and appeals elireet/y to Wi t t
cesinouriens of ALL P.A RE.NTS gait Civardiameap e
ally, detailing , Awl:attic and reliable aids sad tiatani Ir
, .
.. .
It will be rent by mall nn the reoelpt of two (f au
Parents and Onarillans! Vail not to sea 4 W.I.
tar thisbook.
rr: , 1.0 nti g men! Franot to send and get thabeel
---cr- ladies! Yon too should at once secures cowl
this book
A Word of SOICOLO. COTlNgentillllllll
those as ho will Reflect.
A class of maladies prevail to a fearful extent is tie
coMmunity, d Gum hag at least 190,000 youths of both es
es annually, to an earll grave. These diseases an eel
imperfectly underrtoO Their external
or symptoms, are Nervous Debility, Relaxation sadb
haust Manumit's, or wasting and consumption tdb
tissues of the whole body; shortness of breathia s orkse
tied breathing on ascending a hill or flight of stain; pea
ealpita•ion of the Heart; Asthma, Bronchitis sad me
Timet; shaking of the Hands and Limbs; siversess
society and to business or sandy; ditrusees of eys
'irmory. dirtiness of the Head, Neuralgia, Pass
in cations tarts of the bode: Pains in the back orima
Lumbago, Dyspepsia or indigestion, irregularity of ar
bowels. deranged secretions of the Kidneys -nd ,
gland' of Ufa burly, Leucorrlitea or Fleur Albus. sr. Lb
wise El ilepsy, Hysteria and Nervous ttzpaerra.
Now, in nineti-nine caste Out of every one bud*,
all the above L:ntred nrOrre, and a boat or otter. Id
1:111V20 4 1, SS Conantnption of the Lungs and that mots
'idioms and roil. 'of eournmption of tiln Sri
Nerves, known ss Tal I s, and Taboo I.• metes
ea, have the it teat amt t oin diesaaes o, the ie!es
\lacers. Deuce '. 1. . inertia on the part of se
ushool practice in treattn.: symptoms only.
Dr. Andrew store. Pity trans to the Tres ' car al
Hygienic frotitutiou la now engaged in treat..e that*
of modern maladies with the most astonishing mom-
The treatment adeoted be the Institution is Se,
laud upon scirntilie principles, with new &reared
temedies. without mlnerele or roieous. The facilities d
cure are such, that patients can be cored at their hoop
in any part of the country. from swain to deeeriptioas d
their case, by letteri and Lace the mmlicith.‘sent by mail
or xpreu. Printed Interrogatories will le forwarded°,
Consumption, Catarrh and di,eases of the . hroat turd
as well at the home of the patients's at the institutita
by sending the Cold Medicated Is HALING Flautists° Te
rose, with Inhaler and ample directions tor thtiruse l sal
direct correspondence.
Patients applying for intern: gati yes or advice, nal
enclose return stamps to meek attention.
The attending physician Will be found at the bastes
ion for consultation, from 9a. in. to 9 p. m., each
Sunday in the forenoon, , •shdins,
' Physician to the Troy - Laug and Hygienic '•
and Physician for Diseases of the Heart, Throat •
Lucre, 99 Fifth Street, Ivey, N. Y. jan.Ttlyl
Illaaufacturers of Photographic it
Our Catalogue now embraces considerably ort FW
Mauna different subjects (to which additions are err
tinselly being made) of Portraits of Eminent ACIEWO
72 Major-Generals„ 825 Statesmen,
190 Brigadier-Generals, 127 Divines,
259 Colonels, 116 Anthem i`
84 Lient.Colonels,, 50 Artists,
207 Other Meer', 112 Stage,
. 60 navy Officen, 48 Prominent Women,
And 147 Prominent7oreogn Portraits.
20 9 .09 coriEs .op,svoliKs i?
Including reproductions of the meet celebrated
Lop, Paintings,Statues, it. Catalogues irritvit '
of Mena. AA order for One Dozen ,PICTURES froile
CatalOgne will be tilled on receipt of *IMP, end eel
mall, free.
Photographic Albums.
' Of theft we Man atartagert great varioty,:rautilli
price from 60 cents to 60 dollani each.
Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being •• •
In beauty and durability'to any others. The
kinds min bra ant safely by malt at a °fir
per ounce. The more expensive tan NO Ny anew
Wo also keep slag* assortment f
SterestOpes and Sterescopic tier.
Our Catalogue of them will be sant to any address me i
timpt of Stamp.
• If. a; 11. ANTHONY,
tfaersacttramta or ettorooaaraio NATI:W:IJ
Piece% or relatives of prominent military wen'
favor of medlar um their likeoemes to eel
kil be kept carefully and returned uninjured.
Umtata /UDR TO OIDIS for Congreretio
their Pfatoi, or for other rmrpoi••
of tha United States Chiron Court,
;0R117.1 rIES k Sr. C 1412 Sr.., rtzraarr
pays for a fall Commercial 00121111 h
No extra charges for Mantacturers,
ad and Rink Hoot •Keeping.
stern' Sons at half pries.' l &admits mkt
any time.
istitution Is eondueted by esperienc
etiealAceonutanta e who prepare yes/
minus, it the least expense - and short/
lucrative and reaponsible 'auto!
ated for merit only. Hence the
tor grab:Mee of this College, by
A. CourtaT, the bent Penman ef the I. oi° l
to Innen% number of Ihn Peortrxs. snJ o
tors, teaches Rat ld Busineas Writing.
taus containing full tniormstion Not is.
to to the Principals.
lid where the Sons, and Clerloi of RIO ' ,4 ""
lieu graduate. ' ineft"rif
Daumint lx
dow Sash, Frames, Doors and" Eli
Sawing, Matching & r
DONK TO otwErt:
on'Peath fit., betirM ith and
EitrE, PA.
illy call tho attrutlAn of tho pablie
.41 - aft work in the bent of style, p
tleUnrue. Haying Li Mftl up flair
auperior machinery. I &el coafitlMlt
from abroad will NOM* prompt
JAY or.