MI MEE itIOT ALCOHOLIC.' A EIGHLT-CONCENTRATED METALE EURACT A PURE TONIC ! Doctor Hoofland's GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED B • DR. C. Y. JACKSON, PHILAD'A, PA WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE Await, mananit, DYSPEPSIA, Jambes, Clironie or .iVeraous Debility, Diseases Vat Eidne,-ya, and a 1/DL; eases enitivfrom disordered Liver or Stomach, each Constipa• • Iron, Inward tiles, Inlinens or Blood to the Mud, Acidity of this Stoin . ash, Nausea, ileartharn,Diegnst lir Food, Tallness or Weight in the litconsieb, near rmetations. Sinking or flatioring at the pit of the Stomach. Swim ming of thsll ead,fin rtie d and didieult Breathing, • Flattering at the heart, Choking or Scffocatinfr sea mitosis when in a lying posture, Li LEO CM. of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Feyer and Dull Pain to the Bead, Dedeien:y of Perepization, Yellowness of the Skin and spa, rata in tho Side, Back, r Chest, Limbo, he., Sadden Flushes o, Fleet, Burning in the Flesh, Con stant Imagination cf Evil, and great Dews,. lion of sprits AND WILL ro.ir o iyELT k'REVENT YELLOW FEVER, 'BILIOUS FEVER. &C THEY CONTAIN NO AliticonoL on BAD WHISKEY They armi. CIJA/I Yfie above dineiata Laub:sty-pima cues •et of • hundred DO YOU WANT SOMETIIING TO STRENGTHEN 10U-1 YO4" It "si A-140<, A PPET I 'FE! Du V..: WAN; TO BUILD UP YOUR coNsTatiTloN ll= Ct FEII. E Li MEM= Ft) tiV,I NEP,Vt)usNEs:. =RENZI V, U. ( Lu ):; , I1 15 ri) SLEEP w ELL? EIMESEM A BRISK AND VIG, fIiMTS FEF,I,INk; II 7 , 4! DO, !..1:±1.: kIOUFLANI)'S tilaplAN BITTERS, Porn J. Irasion irrwn,.p. D., Edits of tnu Eng Cie. = although sot diepos , d to favor or recommend Patent Wedeln's in general, through distrust of their Mpg& etas and ellects• I yet know of nu sufficient reason why man may noetedify to the benefit he believes himself to have received from any sfropte preparation, fa the ho that that he may than contribute to the benefit of others do this tae more readily in regent to Hooiland's Ger man Bitten, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against I hem for many jean, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholis mixture. lam Indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, DM.. for the removal of this prejudice by proper test, said for encouragement to try them, when suffering Into great and long continued debility. The use of three bot tle of thane Fitters, at the beginning of the present year, wan followed by evident relief, and restoration to a de gree of bodily WI Mental vigor which I had not felt far dt months beforemod had almost despaired of regaining. Mesmilbre thank God and my friend for directing Ime to its um of than. iglu:WA:Fein 13,1151. J. .NIFAITON BROirIN. PARTICULAR NOTICE; There are ) many preparations Bold under the name of 811161ei pot up to quart bottles, eotappoodod of the t !Matey or common rum, coating from 20 to {0 per gallon, tke taste dieguised by *aloe or Cotian• r .7 This ablat of Bitters has caused and will emitlnue to *milk • long la they can be sold, hundreds to die the dilati eiflthedrunkard. By their use the *yeti* to kept Ilimitiaailly under the latluenee of alcoholic Stimulants ur t 4 Woad kind. the desire fin• Liquor is created and kept ta and the result Is all the horrors attendant upon .zialig yedo • dranterd's lit d death. !or ilit6all o desire and will knee a liquor Bitters, glepahlis following receipt: Bet Own Bailie lime -111.0 !Were and mil' with Titres Quarts of awl; auk or Whiskey, and the result will be • preps •. • aims Oat will)'., curl in medicinal rinses and true ri3l, Da say of the numernas Liquor Bitters to the t, and still eon lava tug. You alit hare all the of Swejlinsefe Attars in sonneetioa with a geed of Minor, at a Cinch leas przew than these interior preinis will cost you. ... Mme. Soldiers. and Friends of doldiern. Wei sail the atteettoo of all having relations or friend' fa the 11 11)1, to tile Ma that .. ab , ./FLANLYS Germs* , tilters" will care eh:a-tenths of the dieesisea induced by apitanoge and pnlatione incident to camp the. In the tem, pablielied almost daily in the newepapers, on the .crival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large ,reiportion are auCering from debility. Every use of Ghat bled oar be seedily coral by lioodand's written titters. Disenees malting from diuordeis of the &gee- Live eeptiteare speedily removed. We have no hesita tion In elating that, if them Bitters were freely end y•ear soldiers, hundreds tires might be tared herylserrlll be lost Sll partial/lir attention to the following remark •lA well authenticated cure Of One of the nation's home, whose life, to use his own language, "hu been laved by ths Bitten :" • 7MII.AIALTIII•, Aetna 2fld, 1803. Aiwa Alm 4. tram —Well. gentlemen, Tour noel lantri German Eittershas saved my life. There is no in this. It L vonebel for by numbers of my senradan some of whose names are appended, and who wen . fatly cognisant of all tit,: circumstances of member lam, mid have beenlor the last temyens, a f Sharnian's celebrated battery, and under the immediate co nand of captain R. B. Ayres. Through the *mid ve attendant open my arduous duties, I was ettecM.l November lam with indammatiou of the lump, and was gbr enenny.tso &ye in the hospital. /his ins fol. loin by great debility, heightened by an attack of dyn 4. Drill then rumored from the White Hons=rl o this city on beard the Steamer *State of flan wbach I landed on the 28th of Jape. Shoe that thee lave been about se low as any one could to and MEW:ft a spurt of vitsltty. For a week or more 1 was 1 7 ibis ;94Priginiii,„ "hitYthilt& snag did force & sweet n„ nes temeetion thrown isp agate. I could not riven keeps glum of water on my stainaeh, Lib 00119 not Imt ender these eleenmetanese ; and so seatigiy the physlidenswho had beer working faith fully, though uosaensifally, to mese me fro m th e me of the &eel Anther, frankly Lidding that they Coal& ko reo ro forme and adviakt me to ON • dew mss, _ma to snake such disposition of my , limited toads ea ► stenitedisne. Au aeqttaintance who visited me at the *hospital, Mr. Frederick Stelnbrou, Of Sixth below JBnib litssea, are, s forlorn bops. to try yen Bittere,as4 tautly procured bottle. Yrom the t ime I GO taking them the gloomy shadow of death n isi! as tow, thank hoe for it, getting better. Ilene taken but two bottle., hose lased ten parka sad I frial IMOlgnin•erbeingpetmitted to nide my aux emisktor, from wbomr he w heard nothing r Men months; tbr, gentlemen.. /am a loyal Pit peinethe vicinity of Front Royal. Ts your in.; Mitten I OW* the certainty of life which Me the plan sf vague tears—to your Bitters will I owe wholes at again clasping to my bosom Tie nee Omsk to soh is 410, • fu l ly nianiela the truth of the - Mont statement, heel &spaniof ening on sentrade, Mr. Malone, le health r throckusoox, lAN', York /WWI. OSCuttis A. Ca. Cl,.U.th Maine. Loris Commas:A.92d New B. &ISOM JO Artillery, Mradsry 1. .B. Co. .Ad Varmint. HientsiEl. Janne, CO. Ram 7. ktocooxrd.o. Co. C., 6th Yalu. Jxo. co. Z., ith Maine. Ibutven Moon. CO. IL 72a Arm& NATIIMIL B. TUOXAS, Co. F..95th ?MU. J. IT.o Erneatt olllle hrb5..00.4., 14 Vermont. /on Joh r•• • - • ISSWARIB .01P COUNTERFEITS. ;foe lASI tai ilatiatam W. Jackson:* h .. th e Warn& of sea tostle Pais ple 7t Ots., or Ilan Da. fit N. . . tor It no t hare che_artlefe. do , mite int sr by any of the Intoxicating preparations rat •41 be Wirral to Ito pita but owl to ; um, &pc vs wAI folyylowpgy-pigil,At-iespreta. iftTßOttit 41.,144.11L1WT0RT, . . ARCH STREET. MFRS & BVANs. Paorlimioas. esery Awl SItimENE To thetadiaiOUizsmk& liZEil MONO VALUABLE THAN HOW 1 MORN VALUABLE THAN GOLD! Dr:JOHN L. LYON'S French Periodical Drops, French . Periodical Drops, French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Drops, gassiai Eros Irregalszity.os %Amami!. a of um VIIIIMS, ft= wkatirter era" IT IS BIIRE TO 41111111 It to Isepooallgo tooled, the Wes orbeilth aM ei nem/ of eptrtts. aides tit lleoe aro maim ea to the thoe. tho woman, sod itsonty. so Who they aro ebstrw tad. Ware makee her Wait to oI *for it SW other outlet, awl. spier than attic at oats* azo orioted. thopatteat usually eoheotmese Doverleso. Savour ors , sal logly MINSUNFTION eilso ea Its way, wed prematurely terugasersabadsweigio lib. IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS I IT REMOVES ALL fEEITEEMONS IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS 1 IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS I BEAR Hi MIND, BEAR IN MIND, I BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, MY UROPd TOCUtiffdupprwba a tha abeam- woe. Omagh awe shorddhaSisa if pregaandy I.e the tax" Si these DROPS woald be sore to produce salsourisge; they win shoo eertslaly PRE VENT caosaptloo. Ircskie two or three days be the monthly psdod; Oiarrierail srialadiMaldip, toper stood, that I do sat kind sepett Oar - used under Nub daramalureas BUY THE BEST r BUY THE BEST BUY THE BEET 1: BUY THE BEST BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREWIII BUY THE SUREST! by abiant sad tardigaratiolo, -natottng system to a canaditios. modonatu ail moo, and tinnovas sU obatuationa, and a op** aout nay be rebid oa. To Pli arriedLadies, a t 7 :;4 i " C i t ==.l. l= ria g ea the inosik; SURE TO DO GOOD. SURE TO DO GOOD. SURE TO DO GOOD. SURE TO DO GOOD. I scald fiplob bay obatlty of tootionalaio of Its til• nay bon toy ova bat the pritotiouol porodial boactit no t SilUnflo Pao bob* lepo taddllglo as row boot I d doom It adirlookle. y Mesa Is to plow met.nu Won tho mask= to moitosamon, bat good. Ws arm etas ilimilliaa Wits, that aot tea pada* oar ma to foood la aay ono vicinity, BE WISE IN 'TIME! Let not disease dirgov i wolitethim fry • bottle of my PUIODIQAL mei yea WU be a* Med that I m se Ism yew Merl . what leotard tie bloom of beetti to 'tsar elmells, and sods" • beer men ribald. Urt• pad Wag .. les e~ eessey biontraatles _lajust Abe , v U o *o w Ls Nu maid isady te . _ , Wiste• eseiltmelbees *Wel soaltalsaftleer Sokersisei sill lmw several imostasst ployalikaa, vrttheet 4 w r ems betti! of ay MOP, study sued her. J• r ' • • ' 0 tlnint • • • ONE BOTTLE CURIE S - ONE 10TT7 is 8 ONE BOTTLJE . ' , : DO NOT BE UPON DO NOT .1111 , 111110111D-lIPON DO DO ITU MUM Bat dot LW aid .10411kb Yew DilleMeg II! , las not 'et ft.eikelthe 1, 1•11frt vaikt- se MY w .btalset of thsilineral kr do Mad - • • - • miasma ic .03 911 bc,fa ul ' 4 ' ll awdbOis Dr‘lsmi: IV! ;1 Pm age at Illimpemay s ir . OV4. "__ __" • n K_At Pftpagei timenoi b. a vt-.4.- Inv- ...V -1 INA Br* Ps. ist4rN Is M= MORE VALUABLY, THADVOOLD 1 MORE irALVADLI TRAM GOLD I FOB FIKMAL2I4 POE MALI" FOR FRIMALMO. FOR FRUALM% IT IS SURE TO CURE! IT IS BURR TO CUBE! rr IS SURE TO CURE I IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR 1 IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR '. THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEk THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE Il BUY THE SAFEST 1 BUY THE asPerr ' BUY THE SAFEST 1 BUY THE SAFEET WHICH. LYI mraps nTO 1 HI Llr wincif IS ,LroNlielters • WHICH 18 I.YOIEWDROPI3I THEY ACT LIKE .A CHARM, • CANNOT DO NARY CANNOT DO 'HARM CANNOT DO MARX CANNOT DO HARM BE WISE IN TIME BE wthici* TIME I BE WISE IN TIME! .. .:; i~, Gig..- S •-' 1 . •I'' ,- t .., . . . iry , : e j ,,, 4 9 , 9 e ii iiA / 1 , 9 , 4 • ;14 1 fe. ()to' 110 1 e a# , _ . ~,,,....0..... . --.. - :.''''. , . • rR I AU FFA WT. , • *-,- • lIMIWANTILE COiLEGE, Z•ordryk - or VAIN a silfICA inurri, it sa ISSIIIIIk irn, rtsll . .sbali6e autiorAt. mutolartiut cittain iorttoo 16 ftetalarouig CUtoo, s h k ,,,-N SW YOU OM Sl/O9WOT DI MIT, 1/3/4 Sty ALUA , V D, =AGO DAL .I,AMIAND To Mood friar *alias Calbrio, WOW libel. stared ./Um or 6U Ur Caws 06.6 Wilco. . ~ , all Obase loodwalorm4 tr to= I ;rug roar sal be% a thiorylik prikal orriorarra. -- Irboso PolloOrro aro orrsolori aid roadariol apse 6 Mir which rormi Nam to OWL waft bottrattios ?=t posilloireilitim for . .60paillos a thorough roar m 11.1., It so a - wliolo, tie moot cosprili=k sad omploto iir triliao towei t r la tee "TaariAllorrOtsis la all its Oramoreial Lao l tkommeral sad Parrosa= JO, aro. might% the soot !thoroora sad prortkol al irreartita„, -- Orrtaa If Viiil la t by t rad agorioraro traraps. Mobil la atm" VW • -= rad mob; 3-11111 irsralloat. st Daft* I. C. ihrroar. Tor WOW Pore all St tiro Collor. If.oorra, al ried for Craiogor sad Cirislar riolosarg Mita* staisp,, address - ' MA - a STRATTON, , /OW —l.r. f tiodslo.D. T. !MEI - - If:cunt:a a. scassia V. a. oacraaar. • le. a. sonatas. NEW FIRM. CLEMENS, CAUGHT & BURGESS, . loosomocro to Clomans,Camiley & C11•1111d1 J. C. ll l hriese &CO., Whalesale CrOcens Crackers and Cindy ! GROCERIES, FLOUR„ • PORK, FISH, . SALT, WATER LIME,, NAILS, I GLASS, ROPF., ALE, WINO, LIQUORS, me., 6 a SUO A LW, -COFFEE. MOLASSES, FRPII*3, t 1 iNanshii.tmdstt !rf ERIE CITY -STEAM BAKERY -- CANDY! COMMON AND, FANCY 6A NDIRS 1 OIL VITROL, CAUSTIC SODA IUE . At tie lowti4 Marbet Priam 09111111111. CoinsurelLl Sulldlave, trio, Ps. VC MUST. •J. M. DIMAS?. EAGLE -FOUNDRY Pao& St., abeam AU "I Radii, Sri; Pi. HENRY 'Az BRYANT, oluiftwai to Adliddaa a' gram) a•mamoTtrattad or ; PARLOR, COON AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN a Siirr I*ON WAIL -4W ILL ZIWI or mon CAMINO& *v.q eland sold by is autaated to eve datldialida. lowa l PLC.. Sad boas, to g ' os bind Qs saaa labialised is calm. neva dos PLow Poises of dapartormakd sad dam batty always oa Lad. , A all and • tidy trialotoor dos la all we mak. ; MISSY it BRYANT. .41113. U. . E It I E IT Y 13001 K BINDERY PORN= OF ST/Is AND 111TH era. • vadors weak% toopeadtany•retara ,thaabi be ibe ptL a3erolobea ortoodad to him, and solicits a WWII of the raw lb bar 111101111Uf Mae ',Always impivrimaliata, swami irbiab aro • • PAGING MACHINE, lot peas Moak Boolts.by emu of *lab be is ea abbot _ to do wort of tbst klad as seat lad so drip lt sea be doss fa Itoirlaii bad sa EXPERIENCE; OF TWENTY YEARS, I boliiA Ima appall to Uri par m =go with tall serideass la Nay beano to Om RULING, g I IN V IANA I A N II r D2.4 . ,L KINDS , mei to order. Cortiatly oo load ai largo supply oil ,L AA: B- ti 43 11. S. gmisangth• ' 'entlelrsat Goner of Stab mad 111111, stew% Mood' . sift doer AO Sr •tiloattir oat& Z. IL 001Ji. : teat 'saucy Mi. 180.4 m _ • NEW MUSIC STORE PIANO FORTES;. - _ • iguti aft. AND ittiOD'RONIL,' frau the fault* al ertiod Paw rode rid X "• • Lighlelkidll4,ll4w Tott. - , iork; W. Labe k Cs, Ilialt=1:: • y. Mesh fts J. X. Desiam, Xrd rwt. - II T 4 Valted Have Iretto Naas. Nee York: Undima & Isar. INV York. A. Priam & Ocdtalds. N. Carbskt Icasdbut i 044 New Tart. • 'l-1 = ;•, 41111111 i. • • . Garr noturi, Acrrsa l hiptristioa leeks sad SIM Huy A 4 L ir 'Ail! LOW rem 0A • ll' 411**Me Plano toils or Isktos.: amialas stristitnamair be. 1 6 1140.1 *WM* the hod NM • =nu._ art.l—atrusgo sad Xeledlosse vooa.tM rot live row way 1116. 1 7. • Ili 11111111 LIM'S, - *LI s soermommerz , , AND '711.111111111111•0014 :r - , F -1 vacua Ahei PAM • "" .... 1 41111611 1. ' • lOW, AND CUILDRIXV! flee Gulp ilea% sill TNSI 14140 Ala! oAprEßst , • •. ,,, i , iw i aritimme - Asiaurn.• " 1- 11Ndimilerthoplue, • 8. B. 141/18. ~~►s ME .:j... : .~.i~ - ,tT,a sad lisashetatses a CARBON OIL, Our qteelt of r E-AS, SYRUPS, SPICES, NUTS, CIGARS fOBACCO; 18 LARGE. El 4 Eit WILSONS' Will ~ 1 4p . II SEWING MACHINES! i I UM RUT FOR FAMILY CU. nil mks lb% "Leek Ilkiteh." They are very Moyle in copetractieri. ' Tier edam pet eat esker- Thar: gestate but very MAU eseebleery. The weft ue le - It*Met o vd eettre ts by the isieblae. Tbey praises littbe noise. • They are very throe a deseire. They will raki, Quag, Mad. 71 u:4 Pia. Oetker esi Braid witAiet !toting or Pritearettet effferk .. no Moosair 1111111611111121T8 Whleh ban Woo salad, an of Ram Taloa than the origbial madamo. AS oleo la jail opeood, for tho sale of these Ilsetilsoa, Wilda atty. VOW VlViat/T, /SILKY da 00.Mll BANS. .^0?POSIT11 81101/Nll SOUL . Wiry ilia la aappeyaly limited to Cau aso Lump Kamp Mods. & Worroatail Throe Team SUMNER & Co. 15 1 00 REWARD Fora eardielar tint will two • ; IFOVOLIB, IN ILIII