rlt 0 . *Warn. f URDAY, JANUARY, 16, Ast4 ERIE wEEKLy OBSERVER. 1111=01,r_la_ - - ;TIITNTS.—Ooe Square Wt . test Line" one in c 75 Cents ; two lasertiona $l,OO ; the. 11110 r• up; oos month $4BO two amoeba $2,80; 1%00; six raxisths 0,00; ooe year $8 00: vivertiskuteets to proportion. These rates strictly adhered t unless changed by epeeist t, or at the option of the publishers. And loan", Strays Divorcee and like advertlas" 14 50 ; Admiliatrator'a Moticee42,so; s siva metes line; Alwrisige NoticedirwasTr ,.u. pie's; Obituary Notices (over three lines tot) En eynti pot line : Origin:ll poetry, no. totem st ticr; request of the editor, one 401;&r Ai ad...alba peals ?Fin be tobtiat4.l •t „ gib sot the preen atlverthatp, until entered by hi , daretwo, ante.' a specified period in 4 u rn tar Its iarertien , n o; Ti,y, DOLIJAS per snub in in nd• ,NyING —We hsvo ono of the Ltd - Jobbing .0 if the State, and ere ready to .10 any tenth In twat Veit war M entrn•ted to uNdia &pal et, I.: meatabllehment outride of tlbe largera t cif ie... ERIE PRODU(JE MARKETS, jrickir h JAS. A. .11.4184. Gexiwal Dealer ortnt• tout Prormoas. Corner Slat mod Deg4t4. beeves. 6,4/7 4,00 i Greed 1,450,641 B t?ttrr,, 1.1011,21td .01,‘u110rq,.... ERO Lui1 , 11 , 44 " .1 " Rvo. , terrlea, olga "41 0 114Ukberri. plc., .... 5 0 i Pop C.,11 ito ,4y.s.—The following person,: give they will ripply tor liven"• 1 ,, itt the Court to hr, hrl.l on Ili , I M'on- Febriviry. nnt ns,—John Boyle, We•t Wan}, ie ; ~trlgAu, Corry ; ; Abner Kelley, Alblon blop o ,E,liii,boro i ; Helen Itopper, 1i r '-• - 13tots. Flea 'Corry. ; - •rie..—Gray Farr ‘r, Erie . ion, Corry ; Daniel Kin+ey, COMMERCE fkIP TuE. Luze4.—Aec. - 4 , 1- the Detroit:Free Prim the whole uum• craft of all classes engaged in cum. 'the Lakes tialpast season was 1,770, be classified as follows: Steamboats, Propellers and TUZi ,Barks, " • Urigs,_ _ Sahooaers, Sloops and liargeA Total, umber of tlisistirs that noenrraa on • from the lit of April to r lit of e, were 360, being nn inereviao of 50 ibe umber for Met year, and '75 lo afer the numberpr 1861. It I SALL3.—The Sheriff eril l sell, at Irt ease, ea Nionday, Feb. 1, Abe properties: • ais of laid And allowance in Le&eat' , belonging to Corinth J. Taylor, of iiison Moore, asiigdee . loft/ SztSilas Acluir's or Charles liayd's estue. :es in North East, township, belonging er suit of Jew Tuttle use or E, tie.' acres, with frame house and barn, in lin tp., b i elonging to Seth Allen—at suit Commohwealth, use of Erie flo. acres and ' 1 155 porches. in Wayne tp., ing to Jay Browu-3t suit of S. V. Ili, use D. C. Kennedy. motley 'taunt be paid av soon as ibe ty is sold, or it will to put up again, e original bidder hell reoponnible t thump Arrow tiroam.—Western papers Ilea with accounts of the terrific snow Which swept over a largo 4ectiou of ;be on the Tst and 2.1 'Mats., and which tribed as second only to the memorable of 1855. the greatest fall of snow to have been in Illinois, where ,the was about eight and a-half Inches Cleveland, to the eastward, there try little, and to the westward, as far Nebraska, ,but, tilre . incliel fell. JSpliere being intensely cold and the sigh, drifts formed' on the railways to -- • . in extent as - to render them impeccable. . Louis,, Ist jnst., 'Abe mercury. 'is low ae 35 degrees below zero. On )rth icsouri. Railroad 14,000,h0gt were ,to death, and a largo number 'of cattle ilong_the railroads. In tinny inetinoes braketues, .or _persons roller expose!, lost their. lives. As trait trees killed to a' largo. extent I,y .cite severe . 31. of 1855, fears nro expresied that Ilia now inflicted wilt be severely felt by 'meu and , CAL Liteieutstile.—ln the Siate,Sonate, tie Bth lint., Mr. Lowry; read in plane . entitled. "An set to compel the Erie . .alCompooy to construct repairs of brid- r[ ID enable tbe 61 1 11iiiekiti the B.tubtir tie kaboral-.2 7•J iso, a bill. eutitia.l An vnt to authorize Commissioners - - of Erie illounty to lisy sties to soldiers %%0 eAllret tales there=asuiata.(azioatai.e Oppointainnl of a Nots.ri Public in Mill.. so, a bill, entitleit "An act to appoint wars to h 7 oat a road .iu Subunit 4., 4100 ?!) 1 . ha House of •Represeatativo4 adopted It latiiit Offered I* , Nit.; ("ootiraitlliisking the 'a or_ to , morn, a#1)444413 **lnt ore, hill passed at die 1 , 14 t tienieuthatlitrizing iteN to, A y mil l Itrfiti), , ,Ste mjAhe ens 3AB4reet, ot* Wfwerforil s to y flue EL R. sal he ):5F _the people of Ilia Corn ik to secure the recall of the „ . Bsext Pox — l ife regret to lesrii Wel this • • a dimes** has :obtained suede - headway • our city as to make it. absoiutsly.neoes t eary • the anthositiei to take some nottoA for resenting its further spread. Caney lisve • • forlwo 'three months 'baci,‘ but .e city °Meer* &a 3 n i a ecarci ate aD y danger the disease would becomu , extensively pread. 41411 took too seamy fee oircutii:terthius . 1 - 11 0 4 °. TAP>Qrttter has 13 4*-XVOAIe too riolll to admit of longer delay. 4`tiniciaine • onn us that there are et least tlirty oT "47.114.*Itilharaut idtbilaidtae l ikhd a cal= nide amber la the stiburbe. sate dls is thus forsrtsinly eho#ne4 tv u lhe hye• • ' bet , eitriko 4 iolfeirilseTi 4 eu. los lakcall may sees: reach every, port of the QT. • We teeth that the elicits hive but . entices Pelted upon ever. house wi;ere ' ihe'sllall pox Plevails,usketilt eolbeetneli plea whereto; 4 47 fotare eases oefilif. i f tfrougentitht ere Also nuking or have beitt tketi44oi PaPPViui the oofortattate victims of the ltsitse with hod, asul persons hose been specially (*leafed . ° - • 0 1 401Y tislr asp 4 are to mule to •eoolioe it' wittdii ,- ito •r *at '• Etirreglt• of iii 11l z rit asaittatir.- T -The gallant old Illth regiment, which his seen more Ilkrd fighting, done more active duty and 'attained a wider reputation, in proportion to the term of service it has performed, than almost any 'other in the country, returieti to this city, on Thursday afternoon; and was ac- , corded a brilliant and most appreprUito re ception. Information of its coating was received 'several 'days before, and arrange meats made to receive the regioient in a fitting manner. The ladies of the city prepared a sumptuCtutt repast. in Wayne Hall, the public buildings and many of the private ones were richly decked with flags, emblems and mottoes were displayed in taiteful profusion, and the whole city turned out to weloome the brave soldiers who had periled so much ter thb cause they Lola dear, The arrival of th . e . train was announced to the s publie by the ringing:of the Court House bell, and at once a vast stream of people poured towards_the depot.- When the soldiers alighted from the' care they were welcomed with three roxising,oheers.• and their radiants faces told in language flan enott;h the delight, whiCh itcy felt at hi;ing home once more— Mothers and sisters ,rushed up t . , greet the sons and the" brothertis from whom they had been parted so lung, andd4o scenes of endear ment which folio'' ed Were' toy nun/eta:n.l4 and too sacred to describe. Jtlatiy of the noble fellows could not. restriiin their emotion, and found the tears croepiag up and tilling , their eyes, very much appar ently in opposition to their sense of manly hon'Or." Muir, JIM ja. AU MEE ' ::::: ::::::::::::::: ':: ME - Thu;reginteut inarchid down State street, esOorted by Miihre Band and the marines and crest:, of the Michigan.' Lieut. Cot.. Walker wee iu commend, in the absence of Cot. Ceb. hitinotho, we believc„isonavisit,tohis home, in Warreit:- The regiment-was accommthied by isportiect" of the• biOari r aomnaitadell by, Capt., Leutjef numbering about a dozen men. liotit'sllti4'eel he' eireet . were crowiled: with spectators, .ptny ofyritom„in their eageptess , to see friends in the regiment,. pressed into the lines, and Were obliged to be forced back by the soldiers. 083 In front of, Brown's Hotel the regiment halted,. formed info close column, and; was Weleothed home in a - short speech, by John P. Vincent, Fag...which was very belay worded and well spoken. Col—Walker replied in a few remarks which we have miter heard ex celled for pointed tad modest expression, lie thanked the citizens warmly for .their , kind reception, and said the best encouragement a gettlie; could have was the knowledge that his acts were approved by . the frreas at home.— He did not take any of this warm reception to himself; it war all for the gallant fellows whom ho had tho honor of commanding. lie could testify that they were worth ofilevery. thing their fellow citizens might do 4 for them. Without exception, officers and men, they haA faithfully performed their duty. He might have helped a little, in his humble way, to uphold the sacred flag against the attacks of those who would destroy onr national glory, but he could have done nothing bad he not been so nobly sustained by his solaters. We, of course, give only a summary of theCoio ners remarks,' whiat, if possible, we hope to see printed in full. They did credit alike to him as a man, a soldier and a public speaker. During These ceremonies; there were repeated cheers, and the whole passed or very finely. ~. ) 104 U ME The soldierithen marched to Wayne Hall, where a large number of ladies were is wait ing, who gave the regiment a most chairing reception. A neat speech of welcome was made by Mrs. Grove N. Johnsen, President of the Ladies' Aid' Society, which was res. ponied to by Col. Walker, in remarks about the same in substance se his speech before Brown's Hotel. A blessing was pronounced by the Chaplain, after which the "boys" par took of the good things prepared for them with a relish that was both gratifying arid 'amusing. It requires one to live on " bed tack" for over two years, 13 they have doge, to enable the reader to appreciate the way in which they "dove" into the rich entertain ment the ladies had provided for them. With the dinner closed ate public proceed ings; *bleb did credit to all who participated in arranging them. All agree in saying that they wore signally appropriate and success ful. The speeches were not too long, ,ita;is Usually the Case, the Conduct of the • P3ople was remarkably orderly, the ceretiioniiis:weie not•-so demonstrative asto be tiresointbnod everything: in seemed to be daatt ,at the right time, at the right plsee, and in the right way. • The regiment numbere - tibbut ,ISO officers 04 privatei. ft brought - with it twoutegi mental flags--tbe-one presented by the Skate end: the either by the:Yetional'iloyernineat. They are hearty cut to pieces,' and epesk in language wronger than pen can write the fearful deniers and 4tistruotion of wars The mlli:ink robust and lively, but are far from presentingL the , holiday appearanoe they did when they left. Indeed every rtePect— the reduced condition of the ranks, thl.worn, and faded uniforms, the veteran charstelero, the troops, the":ritiboned anifaitnest*lly destroyed flags—the regimeat:pricsniji - s Sett and striking. catarast is rkal it.did,„idea a little more thou two years age,' It marched through the streets of our city, e7ery,ceififiny full,- every eye kindling with atiiihrezeal, 4 every uniform clean and ne ~ every litle polished nice the wares in a' jaweltar'a-Abre: . causing elf our hearts to swell wll.genuiner pride that Erie nurity could' beast of•*Oring had a share in its formation, and 'cheered• onward by the shouts and smiled of then - Sends of spectators. • ' . . - •,,, /, - Prettc Scnoois.-:-Rott. C. 11 : Alobtlru, su: porintendent -ofPubii'n floimolai -IMe uu 4 do a report''of Aa opera tions 'or triF Deportment' J for the year ending une.4,4B63:feem which- - •4e :gather - the felloviut Witeristing,.ll44. n , The mintier of common schnoli in - thirBfste,/' exclusive of PhilallelPhia city, is 12;611, an in.4ease on the last. year of 171. -Tho4bele - 1 attendance of Pupils . Is 634,499, itit ipeit,se of '19,412. Average att e u dettee : of , , _papils i , , 1 " 397,932, aft increase-of 9,6s9.:Arstrege to!iigth of School term, b Months, 14 day*. Average colt tr.ench pupil per month 50 cents,"Ane in:: crear , of 1 cent. Number of tenciiesa,ol44o, —increase 62.„ Total cost of tuiti0a,..51,498,- 040—inerease $1,1110.859. Total plat' of the o.ll4ltP4:s3,* B 4,o 9 9—increase $56,934. These I facts' are encodriging 19- thet-tyleeds at the sehool systein. -Hotwillisiiiiitiiiig:theirar, the •., _ iiertilie attendee ee his i)e4 .10..40; 04 •rers, itgeper cenVitctou the irhehr'fithettitt tendon°e one•half pee °est. ereelereiliiit=la.ll l year. There wire sad 779 more •ftniiiae teaches, hi 18thin . the. yeg Onions,. oiling fo lili . *lr c s SoLotsa.-11fe . , ilikiCtoesse petinitted to stake the foUowiDg extVetle from s letter wrkUer! Prtreln Ole arm? 'iptorrillak, Toss: Mr. wfis ar d c - oi Wanes Weisii,ot Theillebe at tikidied - , ; or. , tar Pe*, and Ma ~bowed LIMP aim". Wilt; liffrikh around the outside of theJlertirsa tea feet deep. aid Vs stretched a mire ,abent tam feet from the - edge, - so it - tripped thetne caw almUh , _aisrser Mitedled iwsiLti one .11,6 lIIMIE3 there., wool P1ca,t4 1 4 4 , 14 - 11 /$ 6 log I eter'iew. 'Thy *ere ell Ws topswoe, ;--heads, ems andlegs—there was harditene left whole. The rebs acknowledged about Itile , hilled - epadrospled, while we , 1041 , 43A1i kiltiaiia 8 monadic!. One reb gotAllren the Fort, pat his :instsLAte- I Warms right is front of the mouth, sad commanded imme diate surrender. Jisst_then weilouched Walt and bloomed Mister Reb.. into s thousand pieces." Bic Bun Leivitas:-rA good story Was told us, 4Cing out on the Pltija. & Erie K. R., last week, about the Buffalo Express, which ap peared on New Year'S day with a new suit front top to bottom.' A.• Considerable number of copies' are distributed by the mail agent to people along the link of th'e road, most of whom Al id, not, recognise it in holiday drebi. At Spring Creek, ono of those promising youths who are wise beitind their years, ap , - - Peßed ,11,111;40? his Itust,mArY Upon being handed it, ,he evidently thought the Agent win eudeayoring to deceive him, a1..1 after looking over the sheet carefully, re turned it with the exelsinationl 4 Tliat,rhaint the 'Spree ; yon can't fool me." Tho 'Agent assured him it was, awl explained the cireum etenees. of its ciutoked appearance., Young America tooif itiindifilactil again, conned over the pages once more, sand half unis iaged, started off with his eyes fixed intently on the tad of the paper,, muttering, ..!etrt may be the 'Xprems, hitt darn if I Weitldisitlikei-' to knoeti what they put such big bug letters on't for:" , UOUN I) TO IPiH.—lteßatreilo Exprep (pious Abolitionist) is responsible for the ftillowing "A chap who some time since caught the oil infection, .put, ,for Titlioute, and alutniitt9ed to hero . a .Ifter ho';had'reaphed a depth, or coma three htltt d red-fee t; without even:getting boille of his more for tunate neighbors lookit upon themselves to ridiettle•him otviougunt of his poor success— an operallort which ho bore very patiently. The next tgy some `o? the 'same party having occasi Os to' visit , his lights - honse, 'were . ' ra ther .tartled from their propriety at seeing a shingle nailed up in ft couspicuons place, upon which was ittseribed the motto, h—ll, or Chino" It 'is needlete to Nay his neighbors diScoutizuted their • ridicule from that mouteutr-anti. we add that it was not long before . the i s ersistent fellow struck ile.' " •I rsZAT Yzez.--The year 1864, upon Which we have just entered, is the bissextile or Leap year, so called because it leaps over a day more than the common year. This leap is cattails' by the addition- every fourth year, to the ordinary year of 365 days, of the an nual excess of five hours, 48 minutes and 47 7-10 seconds, . which makes 866 days, and keeps our account with the sun about correct. Leap year is a time , when the ladies giro privi leged to take the initiary in courtbarmatters, "popping the question," &0., thus reversing the ordinary War of doing tits. sort of busi ness. While we cannot say that we exactly approve of that style of doing•busistess, we trust that every lady reader of the Observer, of marriageable age, - and not already sup plied,-may succeed in getting a kind, indus trious, intelligent and good looking husband before the year closes, and always afterlards butler. grocerils at the store of Jas. A. Bliss, corner of title and Eighth streets: BUSINSs DISEOBY. :Business tqartis inserts] in this colon's it the nits o$ Three maid Av. Dalian p.r yew.] •. risuiAD 1L NN.WZT,• • JtirTION or ?az Puri. OMNI owed ellon.r- %Wayne fllnelt, Prenseb Streei, between Fifth mad 4ix Lb. W oi_ • PROPRIZTOR. MORRISON . 110 USE.. Cotner of docood and illaskomagaare oat of ./otasofea. Kaaba's*. Warren. Pi.. Sept IG-17. . . r,ll. COLE,' .. —. . 1''.44, BOOK Boma, air= HOPE le.; in SecoO4l story of itinderneehrs nlct in = allll6 "4. -->"'"— r . Kalatiii H. CUTlLitlit. - I. 1 ..•s .1 r MlTSlVlTTA7,l,o l 6 l l l lnado*lblitUnth • CAloctioni and other busin•sB atteodea with ..:, k.o.lanrel swel , 4l/ , .. . ./ E. //OW N N f.A • AITOIVItY AT LAW' A li:0 J 101,1171 op Tax .cti ' iV 1 I prutlor In the woven', Coaupte ot itria give prnafutaod faithful ittontiou to all bagman en runtril to Ws Itandsopith•rsa an ♦Mewl UR ItlifilknlAL La Oitice In Empire I:lDek, corner of Staked Ptrth L. r;rie, aI)YeTENI. . Dzazza la Clucks, Watches, Flue Jaw .;:+.lrer Spoons, Plated Ware Looking Ohara, Gilt Cqtlery a l 4 Flute: Giooda, Pampa U 11111124, .. r tl, Wrat Park near Peach at. Aim 51',kN•CEL I MARVIN vrToteNv.cs & cotn.o4'icra.vott4 'AT LAW filt.3o:Parsalron 'Nock; new North I, 7 t%, .t t'orlwr of th. l'ublia Yynare, Kne, li itADWHOUtiit t Jun' BUD; Proprietor. Conlin u tiuita !tiled Strue inioneartay training the Cap it,,1 . 1 arrienorg, Pa. Terms reaeonableputioniniodathne • *oil to the beat kiliisibt any. dad Cu WU 'lva eyoe!st feb2s-311. , } A.e . a. if. nay , • , • J VIMULLUX/lIID arfAIL i i roLvrirog PrOitilotas, Flow and Feed, Wood sad 'tow... Wood liquoi./41 ,40 0. Tobsoi°9 SW? lig k ig44l. ono, dud*nikk 1, 9 1 a4h. IraftAid.; ie; • , , I-, P. kNmsum,--- - L I. ~ , „ / t ali : 111=0410 hr in Stallone% W 414 - penkft_tinuntry dealers supplli, • Store under Brown's Ilotel,frouting the /Ink. • sptri'lliar. 1 r.,...- • ~;-, ..., ,• __, .: „ I , . , EP PN AN S Tglidilii4earrlebetirr Ps.' This old and eellt4olril howls is now fitted lip in the post improved style. • The .aetosiniotlatiens ere et the ~it order and the terms reasonable. It Is situated In the lath eheiffliffal part of the eiltr, end iamb am of the "rfaienntest A upptor photo in en sonata. ~ more* :$ 1 :4714 2 : •t,7744.r•A'ittirkezZsi JAM. P. firiklsitallik , • - NOTA YURLIO W/ 031111,111.41 L Ologanias .au taacamitts and alt basinsal tar! hosted to him promptly atteqdo4 to. Appltaatiosa easagioltaltoGAWt. 110111.6064 jithont Oiolay. Ina claim compaates. OttioitT - , Weeds Block, cornet o{ ; its add flegestoosto,Brio% : • • • PosPr6ltE. Ar;.son.iiinse th Ir‘ arl KO. PERKINS, - . lx,PlAPOrigrieraile~Adrikkid.°oCtbs Part, State street, Erie, Pa. aprlPl3 . , . lAVAYISTTIC nom., •.- ~. 1 • , . French street, between 4th and 6th striate, siiierhisi Pittlitaeigittn.igsioliallrehd. NAIR- iti•. Poi, Louis 9tioetustket, Proprietor. , Saberiste immtorosoods , VeVar ifriagars sad anflibli. :Vaud 44 the liar of wok. Good stabling attached. . .' Z.141416. 46 tr• til gGIIGIIt Wif.lPS.Whe • •,., . : ,-,,, ,1 ='•'. t• . '•:"Atillassldnep,liiisteapimpei solui,' mad tberiged OM& .1- • ,,.: - , 2 ).-..:: ._ , • ~ 1' 44r0 BoolriLdeciii Lfdiafsan cui , Joy themselves wAlsent Ads* • , shinalleeltilf tihotesiart, Aligt. saurreutg, • . Passioitura TAutoiti 11/4 AE.nta for Planer k Kayos ea Patent Mewing *whines gs4tabe Staist,blitiriesft anal Ott Sts„ erbyr., ClMb.a made to adiw to tie et, c0y1413-Ir.' 4" ""*ltt.. ete, ll*r• 4 1 1 MehalTIAIIM O Otret d erMl i t. fis,l7ll. U. wAcKtat. 'et , Lf• k anottsincnitticitiers, Lila Wan Hon's, Public Dock, tot of State Attest (Aso , nal Wan. Boom at kali RositCroillilK, to Salt, Sub, Stuart 9'404 Water Yams Ate- H. o.— C ararunafint to end (roe ujnai Wane Holm. ntarthl6 7 4l., . . rNO010.1111111.1MERYjk ,:-IramertifilitprINrXgrag ll hift elm tuisilfallne 141 " 1111 11.11111111:= roireskiiat sailed &Wile reputation. Opfirra ut,i ban t , Pri a =r4r4f4Wirtt iourps.4? arm,_ rola • iiiterCliCti uqtd la: • 4.-161* • ibmr*Amirdiitis InegAltr i VOA MATZMar " goOr t bp r. inOlebelldnlNnnalielnoe >Noll vratoseik It Atitsted trnas Yr% on tbo Waterford plink clod. '1 iMirAiltyfiribiskdetstnosilknornnotod , ter aseolhiciliTeitte- 14. •• 1 ' • lausimmarnoq. _ DT A 21111' PliKaMegeMMiec t *lts 11. 4 16 1 :1 11 14111114011011 , =mar' _ zwApomurrini lett.W l +' : • fiditagyiriflyer -par Felt tha remedtes. 'roomy retocir *Dhoti son %tit io set forget the,' t yoo pay, • , thiiittlkooohl hie, Tor., , AWYCIL 11_,U , • Off, o d iou you tun it liAtimi fa evident to yew so - • • -.; tells your fii Mende; "Oa * Oyu keit ' rt tedijioa. Nov, at these tiMegt!tefolk I . tteioe 1 0 ' o" erlin g of you eoaddeiee ea ; 045.$ t BR tbiDACTRit VlANTAilLtpattViiitSll4 PILLS le the only maklicleokaowi that ota eertsioly'asve, when aL the - osootioditklteoetOrPo die. Nr. John PoikOuri o _ • ' ' • Co ,N. J., has • moot Dmstdrethie • [Molly, and for all tos boo. . • hit,. cured them 01 BillionsAltikig:thlo;t 7' tor &IA Otos Neasife„ 19,04 Cougt, sol):11/3 be tioiiir hone them to lal. Pttocipal iefoZt Canal Street, Neve Tort. Sold by Dr. 16. 'Demme, VAN and by ati iisitpielable dea lers io mettleiee: deelo-11n, • Pulaseaary Coassaiiiitisa a (armies ilisease • R D . TO CONSUIIPTIVIO4. The undersigned haring tree news.: h.alth few weeks, by i Cery simple Teakly After haiingsatTcreal savers{ rain 'friths acme knee affection. and that diessi disease, Constunitton—hr millions to make known to bie i • ' fellow-sufferers the means of cure. • I To all who dishre It, he will ywni *copy thsiii: e icription used (tree of claw), with the di„.r/cLioni for yesspazing,and using the same. which they pill find a Ml= CCU for Cossorios, AaTUNLA, iluo~puma de. The only object Of the advertiser to sending thnPreser•p: tfon fs to benefit the afflicted, and spread informatoul satdola i heiceolhaeigellleAdOlhaleie,and tur4ses er. ry saffareritift tilt wilt Oast them rid thing., and may prove a bleising. Parties wishing the preieriptioci wilt Pieasisbaddrees _ • , SIMAIID A WILSON, t I ti lhutnjsbarzh, • OatiV64-41to / ,, 11 1 CoilutY. New York. • %tilt 140 lttltK ~ ; - Unplenanart ) anit Coaafo' Fu! unp ins' and flarir(er6,l44 disease. n.ei i• - •• lIELSIDOLIY".4 )44TitSert' DUCIDJ4 - Which has rt. - solved Do • wioro:nent of the intat. _rausitxrxr PfIYnCfAN-IIN tfIE t 3., ,Ifintiw otter - ell to 4111ete4linartolty an a certain care for the followbar dieettree and 41)Ini,to.no, erlgicetiai from &ream sod abuts of the Urialry or Sexual prgses : General Debility. I Mental sna thysinil ltapree.aou, • , , Dotarituatiz4ll4 010.1 to at. 1, • - • '1 tiobtased ;, - Itysterla,„ Genarel Doblirry, iininUsaaneas and nierplrocueu at Sigt,t, Abeenee of itnettgar lifacieney, Lona ApprUte, • Itmelatloe, • _ floirlVE r Phrit4r -- - . . i • Tilscirganriation or evil au of the . I Organs of Generatloo. • Palpitation of tire ileart; l / 4 And, in fief, an the conoMnitants of a Went, qua and .14.- bilitatad state of the .stem. • - permaairiairipsamfrairit arts marl + +•. 4.' :. ASK FOR EFELKSOLLYS. TAKE NO Opt Elt. Curea Onarantaiid. drieltl-Yrn. + Kea advertisement in another column. SAPONIFIER, OR C ONGENTRATED: LYE FAMILY SOAP MAKER. W A R - m . •.-I — X akes 'high , prices ;' dApcinifier helps to reduce them. It mkm Not vi fur Fan r tents a potiod by using ifeir bitemt grow: ! lorfcAUTiloPi. As "porton+ I.,yes are iitforeci also, be careful sad Only buy the Patented article put up lu Iteso cane, all others being Couttterfelti. PININTSYLVAIitA SALT MANCFACITRINO CO, • PhUsAbelebta—No. 127 Walnut Street. Pittaburg—Pitt Street and Doe'nexo• Way. n0r2113-:gym. • A: T IS IT. , , 4 idinttint?Whit,ig tt that, blanions gm Thirteen in tire • •••••• • CRISTADORIPS Et What disarmer/kJ hit to a rich and oanspTioaa brown T 10111riTA DUMPS DYE. Inuit Dye contains Gaither lime, lead, oar nitrate cf sliver ? -Mitt Dye eitell the least doable !nut quickly applied ? CIUrrIPADOItOrtI. ; , Whet Dye to the only One analysed and prinsoaneedesfel , What Dye prodneee the man permirt effect t CRISTADORIPS., itausiestartid by J. CRISTADORO, No.ls:Astnr If °nee , New York. Spld eserrebere, ends applied by all Hair Drumm e. Mee, $1,10,60, and per nosy ueordlne alas.j deel4l-Im. . . . OristeAloro's , Nair PreservatillX la Invaluable with bin Dye, u tt Impart' the ntmoetion nem, the most bewail:it glens, sad great :vitality to the Hair. Prim SO essibb SlAlerii: Par imttle, ieeerlisg to eve. raatlpf}-1 y ' - TOlNkllior MORE TESTIMONY This is to ty:rtif• that for the last ave tiara I have used to m• lir— Tobias' celebrated Venetian Liniment, and In :revery instaere have found litany Komi to his rs , commendatloava ;lave found it to give almoit instantaneous - relief to mare of toothache, croup, bilious colic, cove thrOitt, Nan In the eheet and back, and rheumatism, and rheetfull) re• ommend its Lial to every nee %Calmed with snt of th, above named' diseseei. IL 11' AM/X. 11AUTVORD, 0 , 1111 IC, 1551. Price 5 and 50 ants. Sold br all drocr,sts. Ofira. 511 Cortlandt Street, New York • deelt , - lm. ; 'TUN:COI vamisi oN P 4 dit .EN PS 101 ISP: est . OF A NFRYCII3 roblished 'for the, benefit sod na • n to young MOO. and 'others, who infer from rer ly Dumb and their kindred plying the meanie of aelf-eure. By one who has himself after being &elates of misphmed oonederuVedtcal lno. bug and quOtery. Ay enclosing a•• id en• 41,,.. 'tut% toOeil inky be bad of the auldletr,„ tritami t :. II 4T 111* ,11•416 rd, Kings Coo ltr - ;Millit:Witor TUR. EARLY'' PitlliiiiA4.s-;•• ' iA- . tt I • ,! C • —or— <4-,. ' lAliIi'CAN_-rgOrt JUST P ii. AS ED Br.slv' 1 'frroN E s i ,tl a , ~ Physiiiantothe T i rLung iiiiii*- - I ." gititio ti i 1 ‘ ' 4 ; • . • • . , . • Wisdom wet tha_Ceuees of rfirsiehi Dheti?.. l 0 :4 : :Itiwee*a Pao* : the OM. ( Debtitsty,(•-on. .1 mini on andEllignmaitia. • ' This ~SW ow of AirA mgr. wriito hi e 4.40, yd thrall:Yr taartme, end = eiamildniiiiisf ALL P 4 kt ry okil witsrpen, iletssiiiat etisafgeaut iii)4=atsee.t fu, •I • • ~. : ~,,,,,,' i Itedilbwowet.by tweit;e00041110 IA tw4 (3) ant Syift 4 i,i i t s s a d 'l 6,,at nil to vend uotl O. thliamiok. . i."- 7 .' i-..: -•• i . 1. - utET L osoir anal nal-oi - Tto rend itzteget Ws boot. Wks! Ter We Amid *I mot peetue it, copy of A Wont or lloiM e cloyeePilisiloo• , A /liars to A elms of maladies prevail tot harfel rabbet .ha the em=2.4lWlift • at hot 101 youthiref Opal eas es y, to is waif gem. Thom *nom sini-T•1 lissmerilett, twalsAisd. • Their extents! seatifertattott, :00 tryamhtearai aniNscvou• Debility. ItalasaMom hafrodaupllaruntuser naattag sted einlalfraPPea of the WOW 4401411 shale bed ; shortnessotbreathle,. or har ried hreattstarrion auesdtat a bill or Iliahtaf Metre • *mat Itsifttsilell snits Part; • Asthma. Lthtiatis aati err. %The: shaking at thet•handa and I.isote:. astratois to oduhrty‘be le bralum or study; dimwit of ay* ek.jit, Maaartialwarlf,dhlrhmlaitt the Hand. hersralada, Raid is is 499119119 Wta Orthlibolh: PAWS talkie bash or limb.. Immesc h; Dy la or indication Irregularity of tie -16WW10. • Weersthems the YlAnvye.tdd other glands of the body{lehearrho• or Fleet A lbes..s.e.. t.a.-- elmltpthipay. }lsabela aid Nervous t 4 thadrasty-sisse ashes eat elest‘r one hatatnr.4 all the obey* named dutortters, and a boat of °there Out mimed, as Cansatuption of the Lunge 'and that most to. Adieu and wily forra r et tothampties of , ths_ttpitod, Neress i ttimint Tabs, Dot -ot.a t and Mahar k“.llo4lh..titri -01,basiAt41:14:0,1 thin In digit's,* o : lb. Thelsie 414 keoritos Ahe'plit hid orhoel pact in . treat hag erupted)* Dr. Aare* Stairs. Phystehar M the{ Tire ' , nog titol "Ohm Allstftetim is alLsr smaseed treftwor thiaeb.s qW4IIIIIIO/116611 with lbe moot *atoll elm or au ere**— 'hetreatia tad ;dot by the Inottfetion' hi new •it ta ttoed wOolrsptdtise yrtatOrshio - with -arm therr;yerret rsameltar.vitturattnatearalaur unisordt.' The ftwiAttttlt of oursameerh.thatpatarota eau be esited It *heir bow*, I In any part of the esunhlarq l6 actunit" 'fr"eriPti"n4 " hei=oo4l244xeChrtye rtga., sent y teal et • - hierttittoeihe. tivolorw lulled oh -o.llserli sod dime. Of the 'tweet eur:d asertllattt lMMsttibepllYetaaa.attbrleaWatbt o, briarehhoettlrettaid MOO liotattochahluhfo A'- iuml,ar(ll9lalial9r dlree,is tos thatrattu end albstawnwilbaca, , • _, „ , diPutientstapplykse ler intarr.satiyist sr gidrivic troll t snallamieture Amp to Nrist. atteo*n.,,, - • - The rittuntUturphystetan will be Mend at the I nstitsg tilleifoilonetealWlM frOse SI a. m. t 4 9 #. awl. day. Ilssdsy o to tharOtellinan. - Address. •, DR. Stilllif,W ST‘IN It Thysttp.the Lug *Da ; perste Inatitou. ) , and t„ •of Ate . sit, Throit *l.l Laagti ityfiY; Weer. , J0:331%371. =3121111 I'l ' . OILiNGE:OVVI I MEL ' . 8 . • thhimittlaitsjilecordly. - XOpthar aatitortlivait sawairo 01 realm tapala to tia.ertl Maas tria4l6•; : - .It bib assophosai h1;$•• 41agraiiiipor paw. sad radar Molt .1100c.ript4ti. pro Lb N : Its WAR :imams to saylataii~r Ha • VOW hi* Oralliilletliamtt,illlo. l44l96'luilc alwo Ib" 404 " illaidasisad beat tajg,a.o4./SIS,IIP Illistaraultivlaiaak .1! Turn * 1 fass: * 14 4 1 # or mass.. 11101fislo Lessroo.:C.'.'4U : 4 Io n oilieltoli : ~,. ...i „.. r, . ,"! ................ ..:• len A. • ' Altroo. e 4::....4.1....." 1,1:: , 11,.1,4....kirl IN or Isto motlos , airissis lipo st Oa !4.," moan tWi : rd 14= 6 444, op e ir ft. t - el 111 i DM a ariliti4l! i'' v 1 : . '.. ' ' ...AletrlATl4 t str4l4 / •• Jillit) ' S Il• CIALA6VIO I I4 I4 i .1 r ILL :. . ‘• ' Soma 400. Al 4.. 44 . .. • —.— .. .. • --''' -- I- - i I m a .4 10 C . /114, MEM =I • iv .- hb tr'o. -0 t ) .4.9 5 • 4- - 0 n 15,3. P a /NV -pt 2:1 tro t C CD =-4 .1.111 C. t i 11 et, ti Lifs , c: 'CA • ' Cti • • (Executor's Notice,, „ Prtntil§,Tsiit4vatiowAlr, 1 00.14tate 1 : 4 of 1) AY ID TPoll: l 4:deceir4leitiallilleiork , c,,uuty, Pn., haring been granted to the undersigned: Is Ivot•ty given to &I 1 persons basing claims against u• .0 to preennt theta, properly authenticator, fur with us..itt, awl amen knowing thernellves indebted to the` 41.411 grill utaktimmeaste ps • • - • turxerMoitaik. MART E. 1.11011A8,. -- Executors. .1 li';''64-in• :JAMES P. CROOK, ' ROUGH AND PLANED LUMBER AND XANCYACTIMIR or Window aillhiLainct, Doon and Iliad% ROIII.DINGi AND PICKET FENCE., Scroll Sawing, Matching & Planing I • DONE TO ORDER. Shop on Putt tit., betimes 4ti sad sth Stih, 5 ‘.1.,E, PA„,, I r.i.pentfully call the attention of the public to my facilities for doing work in the beat of style, promptly aid un renionakilo terms. Having fitted up entirely near almpa, with YU periar machinery.l feel confident of giving emire set affactlon. 7 Orders I rom abroad will moire prompt attention. norl.rnatO JA REA P. CROOK. CATARRH. o ltw.ra' Ci *Vs 0 TAIRK Tx ACL lyre Ir ern's CATARRH AND lime Coirwirnos. 1r critsCATAJatll AND ISSITORZII TYi &TA inure ~ , • It rt•ttui CAT ARRII AND iiirrolOO ral 8131811 or gOILL. IT crmievrAmui AND PAIN 371 rag Tneruts. It Irnptratos to the rely !Ant of this' tenable and ezt.rmlnatea it, rootimattitrazob. forever; Dr. Good. CP in the find and only wain who ever told the world what'Vataorin really war—when It tomosimood—uld who world earn it. (her thir`y yearn Igo, Dr. Goodsle boldly: strnek oat from the faileetous theory end mode of tteatniest of this losthsotoe malady. as laid down in "Itaxidard Vedieel Work." and teachings, to discover Its true anise and lo cality, sad to devise *permanent ease itie retire sue— ss.;s has onward his efforts, and he has now spent a life. time in twilling with tint rsli disease, exploring its xeoest •ni'4l.ll; and milking known to i the world the &et that ent•irrh, wbieh has tor yeses defied the skill and resserth of medical men and authors of this cfortitry sod in Eu rope, can now be eurt4l, with the same taiPottaxestaioty that Mos nin t; follows night, Thousands liere.ti led e ons'is moans of carols vain. have bee est.: Is cure. by Pr. Gooitale'oCittar•L Remedy,a new pawl it is t tie . est smtnisagent teems of delight.: pki ,t the sre4rt Agancyor mod& stamp for, a paw • . • . „ L., acloTeraLre.l by R. G00r..43.11, w. D.. NowNotli. NORM( k CO.; Role Agents. •,- • 1112 Broadway. N. Y. cr. by tiairiu.Cimsint.4 West P itew alert ' • • P _ . HON. WILSON WCANDLISSA, Judge et the United States Circuit Conk, PrieViest. CV k !MR •fi r. CI.aIR tim,Pututintrusta,l% TAE 7 . lR4fi3T, CA , c AVMSr AND B'R'?. 1112.3;apt tot a full. entooerald ooßroa, --t7. extra chargmi for Manufacturer}, gtoatoboat, Railroad and Bank [look-K•eplall. Matters' Sous at hall prim. titadeatalsatirlad re. view at any Limo. Tbia iourtitation Is oonductod b asyearleseed Towbars And lam... Heal At:ountanta, whn prepare _yowls mai rot apt ye unaioeea, at tlio bpaatimpaluat aid 14udeat notice, coy thy'muld lgeratico and reeponaible situations. it. num•".gramted for merit NO, Qenrebbe atiMrpl profm,nee for graduates of Ibis Collegei by buelsetee man. PPM.' A. Cow LW; the bed. Pitman of tha rnlon, who head. tare Lamest amber of larr Printraltail aad ;ma. all lvakarldoes, %Mb* Rapid lladaas norsaaa aositilalag fall lalonamition peak ram of ikyplitation ‘ to Hoe prittetptils. ri i , • • P A I tenfd a - ham 1100 filaaa sad Clubs 01 Rankin and Bogiboot, SI•o grzaosta. ; jaa6'634y. E. & H. T,-;' ANTNOpIY, lardasturero of PliollitinOtii ! i • 501. BROADWAY•_N. X• - c BD rlEtc!rocia,JuTis. Our ratalokue now embrares eoasildaraill cum Farr Thmiiitaroutaabjeet. (,to one,ave 'Jump. isonak)aryortralla apoln tfrevieabe, viz . - ^ ..tfnj .r.ticucrxis, - 625 Sitatemnerto ISP lielgsaer-Oeuerilao 14 Pietism. '4 ICr - A ' 1114 lathery - 1 • St Lieut Colonels, - S • f - 40 Artled., 217 eltM40011:0 • , •• 1.! • atiffemen, o. orfijaits. re t 4 e , •••• 44' • 25.000 -41 1 4 ' r • 14 -10 P AU.T, • t! Includius - Ithrated goraT logs, Palatally', •• • • - ` 6 • o "Trir :+441 oa reed . usep, Arrnyder fort ee . CR from 0 *ie sita eihl pent lir mails (see. Photographic Aibqms. Ot those we maitutaelare o great va .4ty, note g It price fro tbu mots to ao datmoesela • j , 0114 . •.ii.iitilidjiivn th e impure:the ikosles kapott*/ cu beauty and durability ta;say others.: Zre eapathif IthialarAjla hegira satell tyriaall ale poeUiee teats per "'mew The more v i ppii*Teealis *''at/O. Emil 7.' t• P 1RP. 4 , 0 . 64 ; Sterescopes asitfitereseept Views. Our llttaltrsae eat taies(wllliMaeist So ik4baharviur.- ",,t0n0...p., • I 3 4 nig. mr: N NA414,, - • - • • ••540 - 01KmVitAir ZW YORK. irtiiptrtfiterlifistivel at ettositorni :MAP *4ll cooler P Poor ay aeodlos 1140 They irllllo kept eirlifeny Sal reteziod tree Alaimo' MANI To OZDva for to ptiluist to their Patter, of Ist - Abet .0). 'We %seri . (loos, ke • 110Priaala ° PeAliNhe - - ba.s ..1 1 1 1 41444L = I L will VeceiVeikt cga4470117; oraMMlZAti l l rat. . MI 111 J: sr i r W §v tv 2 o •Pl - M- , , -i , 4 -• ^ - 4 -- c - re) , c) .4. , , . •-, 0 ti 1,,,- „„,.. j ..• : NNE til % ots 0 N - r CO.- t 4 13 0 5 • 6r►ais. . ,1101.15. .4. C) V ?fl Physiological View of litarilage.. 2 r A PAGES Axe Ise 1111GRAVINGEL—Pvio• only . ,Cluittrtrof pease *ell Parteed the Lqulft• On the infirmities of youth and spry ,fullies ,of both seen of all SP% leg. dot/City; Owlet, depression of spirits, Otallitrren of tak heart, suicidal imaginer:one, hilt4MagKehtliilinterifitry.ofguatidtd sod Leinuto , le with tvonfes tt a of thrilling Inters/it of a coat-log 4gyrn, h Grafts Atodunt ands Young Married F • ,1111:1111.- It Ora truthful nibbler fo the warned and those . oontesaplating marriage, who intertidal secret doubts al their physical condlUont, and who are *Gr acious of having Ihazarded the health,. lis Worse and privileged to which every human being is prattled. YOUNG/ INN who us trocelied with wer .tices g”ort , ally, estided by &WI habit to youth, the effects of which forgatfultisid, aiiiliaatiwea • thiltiaa ill , Cot wehltallitit n il l ee# ll l. l * l luw er es Ort aft idata,luva u oie ury. with cuelaneholy, Oa be cured by the author N MS' YA it is heiß/DOV WIN fat _peeee tzt h. .0 ,tt 4'4 obtoo our time - in lid he Euri.pe,D klaataiti, ourseirds,of the knowledge and ripioaretiee of the shoat 011&etill40 111 4, On!llealla Eurttpit rust on IL, TDOOS t ube pile* eadltselio• duller our dare will new have the full benefit of the inaay New and liminsdissliwitatd enabled treat.* tat•eiffiractirk l2 l4 pima: reereeeuref °Me mace sem. eashi . ntty, S S(. Y au d atteritiiiu baiug paid their w , Unit ao succtufuliv distinguished ue NOM as Nflytiedau is entreNtlifidliddputaieni et, podia% for the Volt tawity4ve y dark NW= Ifiutaks Pmts.—Ladies who 1, fah for rariiiiiine, the efficacy wbiettlhae hie* lehsteditt.thourtlr!a of ca.ee. sod never( alled .u :iffiliet tiltk efuy Ores without sue bad Italalta, win tiletviviaa PaLaziaya Femalo Perla 11.- cal PUls. nu tan nec.mary to he obaerv-d irk that larliegMhodi got Übe them IL they bare reason to believe theyibleth aright nicotine (the particulars ofwhichwlli,jket lama OR the w,vspyter aczotapaaying each pon tittraeralesys ao safe *GS iltby, so gentle yet ao ea rl,. are they. the tart Vetted ins TO THE LitnigS—Wito eoPfirlan:l4lweG,ca/ eed- Timer with retard to any of those Interesting eoentaatuts to which the delicate organ ration renders tiara li*ble, are particularly awned to coaawit oe Tas,"Kurotga-Clabwalttc Vkatrit d lalleit•wbowe health will 11 , 4 admit, or who have no de sire to tacreaes Iliedraloillet, mar be obloilved as &bore. It ta - terfectly eate,!aad has been eztensirely used during the tut eight years. ?rice rialuced to tau. BECKETS Of YOUTH UNVEILED - 4 Treatise on ill G.sae of Presobtre Dece,e A soleness sanidiair. Jae prjlifieJptu, a look sholeing the sesithous proms* isd:sivealeics &swig Wiggle, - f bald mat and feasted this fatal habit ; prietine eat thsfatelay that ineartaddy atissds Its victons, wed .ielepteg t e ecieele pro gress of the duresse, from the cocustenceseent to the cad. n ii,ll/eil es receipt of too [3) cent Stomps, rir Attetplatteli datly s gam ' S in the m2roLog till Vat sight, and oie Sissolsys from 2 tills p. ra. sitelleitate Pitt ItlU direttfons rent to nny part of the Osit s d litat or eatradaa; by _patients - cointriunicAtlog their apiap%mit _Of letter. • Bosineee 'correspondence StrAtOr o•l2elfilrftill Dt. (Melts still located as established, un der the name otDft. La CROIX, Ito. 31 Malden Lane; Albany, N. X. j Aug:ad:3- Change , ha the Drug Business , • i a rm.*. , :MOW, H . PII Lad walk blown Drag:& . ;edielae Stare of I. S. Carter, Ilaa pialida‘ Vieiends el ; the 'undersigned, hie coo, who, basing. urebeeed the entire avula wW eoutinao the badness as heretofore to the anti place. 7 put and present remtation of this Louie, u a Fretedidlai and Faailly Bledldne Store, tilaoeit,. air 441 -1 10TaLit IN TUE Ind, . Voellasurgeor hopee.by carefui anew:too end J.11,- 4'1611 t, to merit thalami for the luturr Mr.J.&, although iesthdra.sloe from Ibe more satire Labors of the business, will still remain in the More, where he hope, to meet hie old friends and may be eau:tilted se usual. SAMCEL CARTER. siptrzeatt. HARTFORD itIRS 'INSURANCE CO. liiitTirtOtill. CONNECTICUT'. INCORPORATED 1810. CAPITAL 1400,01:01 IL HITNTLNGTON. P ra t. , T. C. ALLYN. Sal CITY PIO . INSURANCE COMPANY, UAILTWORD, CONNECTICUT. MCOAPOI.477CD /847. CAPITALS:OO,OOO 47. R. BOWERS, Prat. C. C. WA ITE. Seey. YNgIRANCE in the above old anti reli an he obtained on application to stare , R. W. RUSSELL, Agent. JOHN WELSH, - - ERIE, PA., . 11:1 71witotesaut .an BALTIMORE OYSTERS! eP THE COU I XTRY TRADE SUPPLIED WTTII Fresh Can ind Keg Oysters, _ _ . I Received tvery Day, and WASIUNTED TO CITE SATISFACTION! • 4 ierr .006 - 03awa trid promptly attended to. norlreatf, WLLS, M.. R. C. P rROIL LONDON, ENGLAND, Si St., Cleveland, 0. SOFFEKER ran be 'nest' by his new otesn, zb lel but been sue. eisidtki In thou nf /Jure 'n England and America. - 7asea of nervous and gen ii% Debility, Consumption, loundria, otlim*.: , cisties, 1164 0 Intnat %teases, l•ys. meta, ithscnatism, Liver tbeillaint ANIMAL ATTISTION paid ~'timtle Cnmrlal Mt 9, em. Weaknesa, Loss of Met+- . glary itymptoros, b'exual smaptiata.. ...anted Sore Legs,Glest, flitietwvel~wlo wf-Its• Bladder and Kidneys. and • long list nf fearful diseases known as Nervous Co top', lots, resulting front foul and Mercurial treatment. Tsuligieliepstble Igo trembled icithwitakesulkifeustuUY stiftiOd Weald habit is youth, ma bm afeictually cured hythirlinoliteowalt. • . Patients of either rev living at a distance, by stating their ditotatte iu writing, &tug all the symptoms, can obtain medleitie with directions for use. Ills Medicines are ty VegetaUe. tei ll e=lZ, P° eiti beternb.tabraed with the zooid Improved ittectriral Instruments, and in straetionv lu their r medical apnlicstiotut. wit Messes .tie. I ETD AND ESL No I be received where there are any doubts of • cure of a relief. CITY UPERICNCIS.—Dr. Meek, Robert Gill, John Nevins, Mr. Ping, John Evans, Dr. yntell, 11. Bicknell. Req.. T. Tetrad, Msg.. GNI. W. J 4 ,14130., Rae Her. George Dunklsr. Rat.? P. Morrow, , CONSULTING Feria 9 A,. M. to B P. N. Sun day, from ft h. W. to IP. Fs.. Pest limes Bo:, With No Lotting will be answered unless they contain re x , mitts:lei Or la postage stamp. Knclose a stamp tor a Circular'. '1 nor2all3-Iy. "fie Ale Brewery, 904 ER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO 1; STREETS. frt s pity Lager nrewery, 1 ~RNII OF IN)I),LAR AND. RIDUE STIMETS: Ed, l alt Barley Warehouses. CORDER OF' 7TH STBEF:I' - CANAL -` 'BASIN. ' I j . Pale a p d I/Linter XX and XXX' Ater, , TheldeskQuallty and Unual Varieties of Leer, Pdadanbfebei reeteen , The Choicest Quilthei of JIM led Barley, C . 15.1411, sad aid r by; . , A. ••• • • • ; utter Goods 4 ,-- DjR Y . G S ! FANCY DRESS= coobs, Erail, ; _ • • Cloths and Cassimeres, niercoatt4s and cloaking% kiLktNELS; A. NI LINDSEYS, 11tm,24#GT STOCK OF :110**1: , 11i d Mouthed 11111 M l' , lngt • SIIIRTIAGS _ • 1161 . JUST RECEIVED, BY aotts c. GEESE. i• M4AII. I! At 44 ivisq i rlelasik ripper sai."l/4 HEWER k ItUR9SIIII. I L .~tri`.; CITEAPER ,T! 1 • LARGE 'TWO S?ORY BRICX HOOS7I, witit Mow 00 U•se brink bake ono, excellent India water. large dawn. oerriage holm, large biro, 48 by 00, an exaellast er • chard of grafted 'fruit, including apple*, sherries. • -; Peal?* itc:w adinituag the Oak 'Lob of OM, *Mt 2$ acne of excellent grotend, part of whirl oliaimaado an uaihrpaased viers frf the City. Bay. Butror i ikee for...—. 4 rye 5 ACRES ad j °la tag &hove l ( sm a ll frame lieu*., buy* In;Ilis born, good orchard ofFrrafted fret, lc., f0r...56.0110 53 ACRES CROW& L frame hones base barn, orchard, /Lc., 6 milts from Erle, fir UM. 117 ACRES, 9 mile* from ilia, 46 Improved, lobules good wood land, I mils s . 4a"Slanbary Road asd Jaeltioare Station—small 114,•, 1 barn and orchard for--01.00. TUE Largo and Complete CIL ItIfINEILY, is the Way of Erie, known as the .:F.ty Rennary," ceptaity about 153 t'4ltela per week, together with ti acres of lead, fronting on thirst k sll* SaarolliefOr $4,400 ALSO, Lots, Rouen and Lota sad Oat Lot. tO the City and Suburbs. The subscriber hating ¶eeuntly enlarged and extended Li. nuoultetnring hest 11•141 Pude to carry it OR, a n Is deterallued to set a part of Ida Baal Latate. He thererpre °Tess the Larer/ng et Uwe above low mos. and will ratite the taws lave le and tittles portent. A. KINC. • e. 06.1. ' McAlister's OINTMENT l e.mm... PO ki.nell la/ thew great uliwitles : it Cures Diseure b Ope 3 1.ee iktuj she Pores sad restoring tho Itwouible Perspiration. I ----- It Discharges the 'r![fated treesetloos, and nunutta th, cause of disuse. I It takes the Sting 7 , of Borne, Sores and • Wound; stud subdues lottoosmation at ones. 1 It is Absorbed Yr tbe Okla and Muscles, and it operates like Mash, MUM Applied In Allen. Um.' of the Lungs, Stomach and Bowel'. ' i It lease Equally Bene fi cial la Masai 7-- Co plaints. I ----- • - Al ur (.4 Natant Soldier& and Sallee' Prize It higher •--- than Gold. It has taped immense suffering l and tame lives on every oar! battle-bald t h an any other - mean ever relorteq to: - lit ta known all around tho world, as the meet - - 1— • •ootiiingend heallof Ointment in existence. {— Janis Itcatiferants the Mercator and Proprietor, _New York. ,It :fi euld .a. 25 cents by 141 by Seurat. 4.:ewrica, o: 4 Wert ,- ark Row, Agent for Erie. Wholesale Depot at So Iron a Co.'s, 11.12 nroadwily. deezfie...l-am. THE subscriber ctffers for sale his farm, •Bituats one-fourth of a mile from the borough of hannboro, in Wubington Fp. Frio Co., comprising fifty acre. and allowance, closed and, wall fenced, with buUdfnga, good young baarin,4 orchard and well watered.— Ternsa—a portion of the purchase money in bald and the balance on time. • 1 it.s.ltTlzi iscßsProao. Washlngtan, Uee. 27,1163-3 w. ' BtiROKE iuto t ie eiiciiisure of the un dersigned, in II a Dor 4' reek tp., about ths 16th of I,eceni er, 6 head of year, ngs, as follows : : red steers, 1 red heifer, 1 spotted steer and I spotted better. The own. er is requested to coons forward, prove property, pay charge.' mud take theca away, otherwise they wilt be alb. posed of according to lite. Wft. COOPIUL Harbor Creek, tree. kltils63-Two. FE WRIGHT'S BLOCK, STATE STREET,' ERIE, PRIMA - " --- Wtsr• stall 4a4 chataiaamottioast of GROCRIES,,PRoVIB-IONS! 00311kaTIC AND NOIDLION FILLITS, WILLOW AND WOO} r tiN WARN, STOWS WAJ&, VEO ABLNS, kr, ant always onl a lutad and killing cheap at Hitt JO N BANYARDI Nair Oreetkr. NE W FURNITURE - STORE.- J. H. RIBLET & Would respectfully trfo in the public that they have opened FURNITURE WARE-ROODI,, IN GABLE'S BLOCK,. Between Sth and 9th Streets, on State, Mule. Hey intend,lto keep constantly on bawl a fall !assorment of L SELEOTED MMITIPX. by rollcit a than of pet ! J. IL guitar. H. W.8,00H11• NEW AID WEL Eir We vesPee • ' rooms. i Jan2l4-a. Faim for Bale. TrTIE Subscriber offeri for Sale Las Farm m Elarborereek, °entailing 10 acres with allowance. The land is of the bet quality, lustier a high state of col tiration, having on e all kindsof fret in great,nband awe. The Improvements consistt of one Mt Maas dire ling house, three tenant hempen, throw twentieth sheds sentient to enclose the entire 'barn yard. The slirm is situated one mile Muth of the Melrose!, and between the Baptist and Methodist churches, and is one otitis most desirable residences in the eountri. !be Wm bo offered at public sale to the highest bidder, es the 9th day of January nee, at 1U o'clock a. m, on the premises. Tawas me Sus..-Oust-third, down, the teanr . liberal credit. • 'AVISTIN ia VALUABLE Store Stand and Residence fir Sale. THE undersigned offers for Stele hie 1, valuable propetty in the village of Bearer Dam, Erie Co.. l'a. s eonaistlng of an excellent Store Malang , sod Dwelling Hones, with an. sere or wrest land at tached. The Store has been and for the ramble a gnat number of pan, and Is well fitted, Wog large. earns lent, and having a good cellar. • wing athwart to the building will accommodate a small busily. The stand one of the bast in the county, being situated in a healthy, fertile and wealthy neighborhood. rierestdenes a Two Star., Oa., belying a large, dry cellar. fend Wog both roomy and ennermient. • good Cistern, Well and Barn aro connected with the house I will sell or ex change for propertf In Brie, on ressooable tonne.- Any person wishing to parttime will &dames. JOAN CUMMINS, dtellir63-40. ° 1 Inc C 14.1%. ,• Stray Calve,. CAME to Oho farm of the subitcriber, in Aunty tp;, ea tit* 7th Aut., 4 Spate% Calm. two Storrs and two litaifent, cos edger rod with whits taros, the other red with two Otto la right *ors Oso Hotta. a Elisio color, tae other rod with a star is the fathead. owner is reosestod to coats forwsr I, prays ,praparty and folio them sway. dILLS drelittiP r New Hardware Store, Corner of 9th and -State Bts., The Subscribers hors opted STOCK I 0 F lIISMDWAILE t All now sod just received from th• Mutant comprising Naas, Cullery l , Cooper's. Took, lierw.tedpi, SAT,IS OF ALL DIIiORIFTIO/01 1 : and way work / t 7 usually famed Is gosh fry to, sod throishad as law rebut as they ssa be st soy other plies b the Sty. Their Write s esti fp* MI thaw who mal amet snide is *llk Um tot beskeess. FEED CIITTEEtiti • I od ate& of tb• • * SIIPIIIII—Neu. 1, I Irma 4 isisr• ranted to rat either Straw es Stab stud la Is the world.. 1 Price-NO. I. SO; - Alio, the • - -PBSIIII3II-.Siese.ll, both els& Obi Iri V= which oro adoptod nro of Fames ' s t oi c No, ij angle k $18; ILL drighe 1143 , No. 1,e,2 knives, 1114; No. 2„, I sem. 118117.148E 1 4 11111 STAIID,Cerser Math Wile Streets, in Setilautlfschees Now Nook, rirr - orea4diff. D. Pi KM • F. A. vim& -7 -.- vale , NEW GROCERY STOW. The Imam+ y..e opstio • l a Nov gleam Mem fa th zesr,swx or snariesr, sousir'ik Jr= wurpbq tiitaaa ksviai a ton 0,41. 911"1" T if14° MT" • NVIM, CIROCILEItY nevinua_ • TOSACCO muss,. And evalalt 1114 41 17 bald ban Nianolllmit vt • the mt. • • Lan EE Ws ell 1114ilai4ed 10 Oat awed toloormoltooloy other Nolo* la nor oft, oat fad* tkio poblis to sea. otteloottlottly los pistollbooolismoma. • - odltirlpe 4.4..imeasa a tin. FOR 'SALE. . 7 .... IGraggistf . overywhers. Sold Farm for Sale. Stray Cattle.