The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 02, 1864, Image 4
E=S NOT AM:14110LI4 1 CM i t :6(E1:!1$ • 1); si • p ,! ! T • 14 :1.. I '2 1 a ri tU t 1 • 'i i lift • ; 4.1: 4 V) • 1(41 Doctor IFkmghofs GFXPAN PZEPAStp IT i p. 4 . 11 4, C0MP14.41% DilitP72Bl.ll, Josithes. Alba*,Dike' •Nes of Kidneys, and sUDiiitgarthavinm a &ordeal Lipiw or Ehrerish, „J..” rallseu Ulna te Bred. et the Mew F the thereerik, Veer Freetetiriee. we • 4s Zkaaetbe &whs. madame wham la I Itbfte, Deis or we. awe Fmn la& Dell P la the We i : , at Tritotreere et • ~• •« resat Imeghielies et rod gretitDepres- Glee et moo AHD WILL FOIIIIWELT It .; 4111 - 01< t i ' lO t e . THEY CONTAIN zio 1 ; ALCOHOL OR BAD MUMMY tuy;ll6P ist ota bastimod. .I '4 l ;'7 ir e• Do SOMETHING TO STRENGTHEN 100 t cur trbv Prix A GOOD ArPETITEI ' c r saki You' TO BUILD UP YOIIRCONSTITUTION _TO FSIL WELL? t k . ,7 - bl ) WANT '•=-• e" TO GET RID OF NREVOIIIINERS DO TM!, IWO. E N E B. G Y t 1,6 rai *iivrt TO BLEB . '" WELLt • • r - ,DOlrptrrVipt „ , SK AND VD3O - 14)63 -'' ' '' w t A DE razuzirci it Too DO, I= 11;is J. Motes Adis Ot Nothialeiht +larragh sise si gammenii rasa* their Jaren. oats sagelliretTraiWt ao solleteot aura • ataa say sot tasUq to the burial he bargee so lave reesired ikon ow Mu* pommel" is lie lar that ha may tioweseilebeWbre . ger. 41N15115 6.sader the heeresokni that vele eideAtteo 3481. ' Water*. lam leihritet to toy tritoditebertlibeemelor, a t the removal f i re psql•litie sew Woo great long • i ot that Al !=ai l lthgaiii ehli" Tee followed tor est • ee• vie at eisedhe bodil toeibrivail y mid mote bed lmi med gor thigh 1 MA aort . rls llopired libir/101* thu' GM* ear say !Mod fir illieedieg -w ;rae the mai et thaw., . riELAVA..IIIIIMMIK '741 SMOII =DWI. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Meg aze aiaay pneggasneag WI eider Se aegis of 211670, lay ja Assn J/44///4 empeiggeled et do gismotaah.gaggair tree 211610 11166alsel by Aida et Ontaa• dee Seed. TliJa elms of Bitters boa essead sad will aloft's* te saw,.. Wft ea Um ear be sold. barbed. be die tie drab eittamieuabia. Air age tie la Wag eoadlaiMy,isige!26,llllmege ailigalaaig ot lb, kkgek gag &Wet tor at tie laanaled amid, ke . aad malt la all the barren alesadasS epee, Ws sad deed& !or Urea eta &Mr and riU kra a Liquor 11 1 11014 woo : Oat Ali* pm/s u gar,* Wok that wafer 6 leadrisal 'tram ZS i tt i t *urines say of the aaserna Liquor arm la Ur market, aad.rlU Prf mid lea ,XOll. _WU aU laa virus of BM" ,11000111 ma vitas = arts* et Llquar, at a mak lar Fir Ora Uwe reparatlaul rUI east yea. Attaiakes, saiLlhalidkiWidiers. , • Ir. time to tho army, to the hint " 0011411011 gams kitten' will ewe siseisstbs et the Mows Waal by • .petessliess Neatest to tamp BY. Is Use aliisk - tbily is the kewspeisem os the srel of skik. t$ will be Naiad Mt a soy lags orUat ars salholag on e deintty. Beery= that Mad ass be reedit, sand /bi b l isup selissoys ltars. plidillinelittali fralk thodhous. Otemigath bre InltUrawilhil. Cwt Via *Ms& ,_,4ll,llltlaw.rrth., sates oar somas. mrswwwie or Urea isipstra=d rad otherwise will bolas. We call pertisalar attastios to the lellowtoir murk able sad welt astheatiosted sure or owe et the satism's 66260. *bow UI., to welds ova . 111Mwm. `km boss wed by the Bittern: , • .7 : . 7•• - Ssaib f * 5t1 4 :4 1 1 14" 24, Lads Owens B taws his as Tay 41,1 I ss mistshe this..,a_is matched be.hy saithen: isy sathrotolkaisisils*ar• missed. sed who atm tally oogaissat of stl the ears. Gassy amms. I mood hove bees for the UK liar 7. 45 4 a alellibet of libermas'sselsbaded sad seder the tsusdisse essussad of Copt:de IL B. the egos ists*s _srdsoss dal= stashed Itsvisslar with tairralutes of the bassgs. sad *maw days% the WOW. ?4w was Joh lowed DT themod lry as *hue at dys *sway, ins thus nosmi hose the Ingts as=mt was *this city as beard thefts:me 4 fitste of !Wm which I Waded as the leth K Assa. ear .that thee I hare bees isbiettat Itlf NM Ohs bi tad ttß d =rruk ritelity.., ler • week se th en I • In* able IrsoraLlow mot:kilo& if I did terse &mono down. It Ins th ro s ws ad spassia. 1 essid set eras keeps Om elmese as sly stesseh. WI wad sot kW . slo t thus ortemsstosso; ,sad so eownsvphyslstsies whs.kei IlltairOshist MY sasessessesilb 'to meat aro boa the Zee mat f i Ct ta n e = b aiTesissEs.. l6s7 rossoad to auks suds diiisittho et thy =pads se bestssUed arc t d z i wdstsses she ebbed Wow the heerittie Br. r Stethiessikey libth ilsork advised as, se. • korthrs to spr Bitters. sad Lardy Drowsed 6 boles. . 411.4_ Wins Man the gloomy sheds, da m ns Er _peek Busk sed It.w7stisos. _Wee hitt two lillbs‘s hem . =seal MI semysteir et Wasps trtb sad divedsg t hum whs. liars hissa ls = r *Mew 1 6 11 alb s. airredlorm6 Mai isyst sodas. frets Me vkimiltreir Jr:WU?* 'To you Is- Iskehlo: Bitten I owe the assers.v °DOI MA* Isso .1 ekes the ow et rms. so sal I :w glorious prlrth ailiw so a y ee et apse =, saw .3i i , lssess ..... tas talk • mu " . 30441 ' laWAsth of shisisi=aisi ,„ we named to d heal espetred of raft MT gr. Illaiss% -••- th : ► flacesaa- Os am r.l2.lll•Notad T Ist Astinitry. B lm . 1...11. .4. ensset. Mawr /1. Oa • ETirrhawrri: alsthessy=lkk Baths. P. Lark Oa L i nk Atlas. d Kw lark. Eseltsaaa. B. Ifessos 04 Nab..lll .11111si Perra. I •"4•2=i414041441.11._. PM"ARAI OP' Mininuum isb - PM "AR . 5..• ,-•.• r , . , _ .. , See Val Or ilipidemi of V. ILJelissig•le ea sh i p rang! or POI IWO& .4 •-, • • ..•i:1,..• A ! ,•• . . • ft . . ~.. • Pi - Ili per istiiiti eft,: II alt Iplmulb i % . II& guida....".„ air . ail Weft r s tb irlitlitlialkh . . = °.` IN anew eri=7 l / 1 / ".1 6 ,..., L ,,,, .. 49,041. .„;,,, ~ • t.!, ! ~,T.:, 41,71, . . , Oalemil. t•e + 411 40 11011111 % 4 ,14, ' " .' , 1 OW •VealtitallWill • raiiii-W4l ;fp • iitAt A LUkiii r. in. 4 _ 12121 Dr. JOHN L: LYON'S French Perlodkal DroA Fiinch Periodical Droig; Fiend petkOkial French- periodie*:Eirops, Illenorier bun trisp, or alistvssit mid IT itir itIRE' TO CURE!' • - IT It3._*l#4,,,,pikary,4-k [ . . . ITAS !SURE TO OUREI Iritt'bEtfilt Tr CURE 1 -,,.. • . , , • h 1 P pada* hp wiliey atom el health sad . d emi • salsas lb• avatar as to the Was, tlw. mad quidity. 'ebstne tad, new* mak r bar sgmel to cattalo =se other I. awl. UMW Awe few* al salstrafilwaaasesd. the pat, , at asaatty IMIIIIII6/010111 Dupoodeney, N -teats. air, sad ItsattesANsuatrnaw assay es its sway, tad "emulated, tonalnalas • wherside life. • - • , . • ' "• - , , VT REMOVES AIitiONTRUOTKINst - rr*ZMOVES 4LLAIIIATICecT).OB,! IT ILEISIOVEB ALL OBSTRUCTIONS -IT 'REMOVES ALL OBSTRIJOTIOIIB ! IT 8,8119V18 44414.0.115T5,17CT(0/414 MIS :f BEA 14i MIND, BEAR .INIMIND, BEAR IN aIIND, BEAR IN MIND, arr DROPS TeRP_M. Atomising_ _ LW the Meases. how whatever emiguithoto iitetsumcie biota te aseetttla II Meow to the emus, OS thimailortzseitteliar iiesin. • -they will eint. owlets .Vllll2 tem or thew Aire WWI; i I, via It Matteotti sapier =blot / tioteetheohl omit sterstithlit ifbai mot mist sea ihrordeasse. . . 4 BUY TUB BST I BUY :t • BEt3T EBY :a. REsT rsgr I BUY THE SUREST! tin aIINAKWAST BUT 'THIVOUBBST ' BUY THE SUREST I b 7 - sad bwkwatiai.. Gad ludadn lb; wails a yassitioe i , Iratadarataa all aims. nil rami sad a goody aara may bi as. To Married Ladies, r the eed y or Meath. ''aii7 r ki ra b ttk j4 " 4 4ag ronat i _ tri4d, SURE TO DO GOOD. !MAE TO DCCOOOD. SURE TO DO GOOD. BURT TO-DO GOOD, ) tole* laatita'aityAlloallty ot tothaamatla ot 11. as , Joiseits•liata, list , Um prajles of taapllag bottiPad astltteas sass talon Ow public ts Do peony boat do sot dens It advisable. Ily oldest Is to pm way ataltotao Wore the sot aloes to arks atuasy, bat to do vamp It to Irma onto Aaiorlasa Willi, that sot tea wholly owe USX NI total la lay cao 'Willy. BE WISE 111-iillll Lot sot Memo; .To ll Mmotttattom Try boutia ql my tIIIIIDDICAL % sad yos win bo at- LAM tMU NM rim kiiiipedst your Meted hised ii r bed notond do bloom of badtb to roar oboolm t aid soder a tuor mono mhable time gobt. ler =tor misty abastmatioa It Wm* the Wog. 1 or bt MT Wad so bitable Vs lady wbo bed bur midair from paha momtmottoo two or tizen. oosisime bar to bur room mob gm bad to ormed amitisat 411didolatm Mkt. 1r oom Mao of my tutors mdbity mind bor. , ONE BOTTLE WREN ONE BOTTLE CURE 1 ONE BOTTLE CURES ONE BOTTLE. CURES 1 110111411110 0 4 114111 •7•110;14uKabd WM ' i tit e r oi l a z d b IS may So liassamia Ds. . , lles fib! 104111,spipmahme Ihiss sr tr`l- 1141, s UrlU iy -r!",!:11-51A0 Jl c l ain i g • tord ie it MINOS aNdl Weir MMi a L aw t -t NNW 11.1 MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD I 11061 1 7AttritiSTRAS GOLD liditi Ening 7-t POE' P.II.FGEM 808 P434i4_4!. POE PEICALEB. POE 71/31LALZEI, IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR I 1T TS A PER?Wt REGULATOR I IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR I IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR 1 THAT I GILATIANTER THAT GU/MANUA THAT I OVARANTES , THAT I 4313ABANTEE =I _ , c , BUY THE SAFEST 1 BUY THE SAFETY I BUY'THE SAFEST I BUY THE SAFEST WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS 1 WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS 1 WHICH IS LYOITSDROPS 1 WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS ! : ' . TREY ACT _4IOE A. CHARM. NIIII - CANNOT DO HABIT. -CANNOT DO HARM. CANNOT DIARX. CANNOT - N DO ABM. 'BrwisE IN' TIME 1 1;BE WISE IN TIME! BE WISE IN TIKEI I!46llm . owimrarr. lii 1)0, NOT 88. _!0:4111W: :a UPON DO NOT 88-ThrpOSEDAMON DO 'NOT BE IMBED UPON! DO. NOT BE IMPOSEDILTPON 941XLESPUC coy :. (... r: '': „ . .s',. s ~.., • J ~ ', , -, j , ) ' , 060 4 4 . 40 , ,=...... . z ...i . g., , 1. N .4......../ ., ) , ' d ire*47.• . .. , , • . T_ B UFFALO IM U ' i • i argatAlli,TlLE COLLEGE, ooseticio t id . .4 . i 4 '‘', ~:S i! - .,c liw:terN. . a:. Weariest flat is the limit chain or NATION/IL onosirr its oou.soes tceatad la the folic cut t cities, vie :—% ZW YORK CITVBICICILLFS, TROY, Dii MM. iskilLADltLrilLiie AIe.LXV kLON by CLOICAGO SAINT LOITLii, AND T ORONTO. . A ifellookorsilie lensed from iltaliala College. eatithm thelatiolet to Weed either or all the Colleen Ise so osslOodOoll NNW 1 ! : • _. 1 Mtn lltaallgia at them Ilmatatattaalt, is to input ke l e =timea sod ladies. a thereeretkal names „ • • , , ?hose sells{ in Si, cagnited las readtieted. neon • ;lade which out aware to melt .perms Instltutioa the but poedbletteUltise for Impartiag a thorough mar ill,selaseStost, sad reader it se a whole, the most emaprelearine and oomplet• system in this costars. If $.1% all Its 4epartraints,Tuftraphing, Coetnerehtr l4a, ColaMs.l Arithmetic and Penma n an lined n the axon thorocigla and practical weir. ` . elpsoosorlan Bfooss •of knowssohlto, is taught bit yeas sad acparicacen tearbarr. pOalthl la adman% 1140. i=lopoos y soli Arming —no; ructions, % Principal at Eallirk., J. C. inter,- Yet Ware laftemsUoni, pima imll at the Collage 80 ° 164 °I seed for Catsloipio sad Circular enclosing idiot Amp. Adikeile - ''' ' ' MIT A;- ; t STRA.IIO2I, MT —O. • 1 latfalu. X. Y. MEM 3: irLillsits. II!. S. OAVINUIT NEW , FIRM. ELEMENS, COREY & BURGESS, alimsems • Caugliey & Co. midi, . Bingen a C 0 .% Wholesale_ Grocers ! liaa Minixfactuiv - s or Crackers and Candy I 1 GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, FISH, SALT, IVATERLIISE, 1 VATERLIISE, NAILS, GLASS, ROPE, 1 CARBON (ML, ALI, WINES, LIQUORS, &c., 8 e SUGARS, mFng, MOLASSES, SPICES, FRUITS, TOBACCO, i ORACK - ERS Itasallietaited at tin 4 ERIE CITY STEAM BAKERY .. • COMMON AND FANCY CANDIES! OIL VITROL, CAdSTIC SODA & GLUE AS tie loved Markst Priam : ..... ' . , 01,121Mf. • Itaiat. 11. till?. EAGLE FOUNDRY 1 - Nog Bt, 4ios W ZNifia• Reed, .Itris, HENRY & ~ BRYBNT, • (ostoommtro to idiom% 41 Ram) - OF PARLOR, COOK A.I4IDOFFICE STOVES, TIN a Saisr IIoN Wan, . 4/vD IeINDi 'OP MON C4.471P05. lmy 1t.,. aol.l by na warranted to give eatiarattion. PAWN inellgiribove, !tad irons, ke , on band or nun shbetared to order. Plane LID PLOY Po arra of superior oaks and door• linty allow on pond. ,o toll and • fair trial door arti thole all we oak. LIZNRY t BIM NT.- ERIE 'tOITY BOOK WINDER. . apitAl/tR OF STATE 4111) FIFTH STS. The wolild respeettnlly return thanks for the Morale extended to him, and solicit, a eeettaeaale et the mum U. bia meetly made estenelte Improvements, among which are a - PAGING MACHINE, for Seal Wank Books, by means of which be is enabled to do work of that hind at neat and as cheep Y It eon be done In Buffalo. Basing had'an EIPERIF,NCE; OF TWENTY YEARS, ballese I eat amnia for the politic patreeageArith tall essOldemal la my stain, to rive satisfaction. RULING, BINDING AND ALL KINDS Or WORK IR MY LINK Doe* to order. tesietantly on hand &large supply 01 BLANK BOOKS. Remember the blade, south-nest cornet of State and rink Mane* emend story, next door to the 'Casette" oak& ' R. it. COLL'. Ll., January ii4U4111811,3n3 , NEW MUSIC STORE ! • PIANO FORTES , " t • Leg. si..„ • „ 'AND MELODEONs! /was the Isibrirksi eillsbested Plano Porte and Melodeon , Manutietaran Light & Bradliary; New York. Steinway k Sou, Mew York. Wm. Kaaba Co.Okatimore, / Boardman Only, Albany, N. Y. Deakin. MoirYork. York. Canal Mao Forte Maker& New York. lAmisams k Boas, Nnt York. Goa. A. Prime & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Garber; Mamba& & Ca. NOW York. -4 1 Aor awns& .000RDLIN11, ?IOW?: 3, ri.tirEs. Mika, tastreattaallasks sad Skeet Mule„ £LL Ilrai,; ! Y le-0 WUR CAB lir All pemmas wishing a last zee Plano Forte or Matadi arstovital t&saUaadfunanbie oar lastunneate bo liteastreet, nearly apposite SMl tim H e. OMNI • Z. H. Kr P. Pleas and Illelndeass warranted to r !bayou'. mayrallay: e ILUMI & ailois SOOT% SINS Am t 111:111311111811 L'')l . s"l IRISES?. TACUiIi 11111 PAU. •. AND CILILDItaXer Orall*-44111401 Snob ,4 iLLIt6RI - 118 A . OAITNEW awirst.rivisrr vistarro. preas i es t lo w oak _ • ,8 LEWIS. 1 ''P~s!! Aryo.~K d'."w',':u'.`r.s",~e~C.;,,'3.lf.Sll'~fT.~'YAY3fa i.e. sown& ; a. li. imitates. . 2 %tearoom to Our Stoeir. of TEAS, 7L.4YRUPS, NUTS, CIGARS Is LARCE. CANDY! Cosimerelsi Minding., Erie, Pa WHtEbtßi WILSONS' • • v.-401 •• A 7 ". • • • , . . SEWING MAGIIINES . t TIE MT F 011,111113 ISE. • ;They Inaba the "Lodz Stitch." • They are irery simple in aonetreetion. They seldom get out of order. ?nay contain tmt Tory little meableary, The work plums from left to tight. • The tebrle le moved enttmly by the maellime.‘ They prodnee littlenolse. Th., are very sterna is eissige. They will Stasi. Ham, AU. Qv h. Med. 'neck Plait. Geller, Cora aaa Irsieresetteelet Bestial. sr .Preperistbs of W•ra. „ • The MODILII riPACITLIIIIVIII which have brew title. ars of mote valve than the original machine. An ogles ta jai opened, fortha ealootthsaelLashisima In this city, OVEU VINCSiIeT, HULIIY A CO:A UMW. OPPOSITE BROWN ' S norEL.. Every Otis L eepeciedli Invited to Cats. age Ix/amts. Tess. • i or Every Marline iS Warranted Three Tsars. otratilltt wit; ftlattiltla & CO. $lOO REWARD Para iaaattla• that will cunt COVallitt, 1111FLI.11t/11Zat I PICKIJNO INJTHIN THROAT, wHoorma vovuu. or repevi CONISURIPTIVII 1,411114 a II 9 *a quick as COE ' S COUGH BALSAM! OYER Fll'E AVILTANDBOTTLE3 lure bees sold to Ito alms lows, sod trot s old& to P tante of tta Wars La 10110WO. MSSMiiiiMiiigiiil •ho tca:d it in their practice, and given 4t the pre eminence over a n) other compound. IT DUB NTT UT . but looomi It, so as to enatite the patient to expectorate, freely. 1 TWO OR Tli KKR DO:IE-1,r WI LI: INVARIABLY CURE TICKLING IN THE THROAT A Hal tiottle Liu often Completely Card the plod • STUBBORN DOUGH, at.l yet. though it is so auto and speedy f• Iteoperntton. it Is pettedly laarntlem, beteg purely vegetable. It very agreeable to the tad*, and may be administered to children ottani age. la Caen if Crimp We •RI Gaaraates a Care, I( taken in grams. HO YA lILY SHOULD BC WITHOUT re It Is •Itbto the roach of au, the price Wog ONLY 03 ILIENTN, • And if on innate:Dint and thorough trial does not 'back up* the above statement, the mosey will be retasuled.— We may Oda knowing its merits, and feel eondilleut that One trial will seam for it a home in worry household. Do not waste away witleCoughlog. whew eo small as Investment will cure you. It MIT be had assay rest:dock able Druggist la town. who will Tarnish you with a dr eam' of genuine eertldeatas breams it he. made. F. G. CLANK dit CO.. Proprietor% NEW MAVEN. CONN. Wholesals, by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWD E N, - 23 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. rir to h Yor Sale by Druggists to city, eouutry sufdevery em. ect2oltHisa. "THERE IS NO SUCH' WORD AS'FAIL." TAIRRAPOT'S CORPOURO EXTRACT OF C118R1313 AND COPAIBA. Thin prow &lion to partleatarly inconnnended •u Ow htYDICIL PROIraddION and Om PUBLIC,Cor the geroungt and aertaln cure of DISEASIS Or TH6 BLApprs, RIDNzYS, UNINARX 0110AN8, rrc It may be ailed ow as the best made for the eslhalote tration of these renuallse in the large chute of diseases of both sesee, to which they are applicable. It never toter fens with the digestion, sod by 14 ranewstgatioo, the dose is much minced. ' IL B.—Pankow' are advised to sok fir tame/ conepoiautEztracte Carta & Copaiba, aatl taltilloUking else, as tastaatSoaa and vorthismi orations, wader similar slum, are to the marlist. Prlee $l.OO. Soot by arms en matipt at pie*. • litanoloctorowl only by TARRANT 4k CO.', No. 271 Clremmiiab Strait, Corner of Warms attest, , maw YoRN, sudro.• sato by Druggists conenaly Agents Wanted., POSITITELY MADE. FRO[ 20 CUT& atomotalas ariestly. amodad •by every perms. IQ asikplaa sent No by mall for 20 mita that retails for irs, R. L. WOLCOTT.I7O Chatham Saimo% 00t24113-401. Now York. ECONOMY IS WEALTH ! CURENOUR WUUII FOR 13 CENTS! TOE BEST AND CHEAPER? 1101:1SEHOLO REMEDY (N ruc MOULD I MADAME ZADOC PORTER'S GREAT COUGH REMEDY! Madame ZADOCI Formai; a %lam Inman aceredlng to the , to can in all tithe, Colds, i r r a =k,Astbroe. es or the At Lange. 11" . Oittattli emend with all fa Mtn Care and combination of the rehmties the mayetable "ors/Lards. IMMO& 'Wee are bead on ir to mieoreee ist the heel. drenla . blood thro' the is not a Tiohat oat marching and of , oan betaken by the person or youngest ,ZADOO PORITXB has been rued by lie foram lityeere, ace by ttired Payment o hare ti to i sandal other*. _ _ _ hibbcfowriurs • prite. obleh Wilms it to 11;6 meta of nosy oat to keg't oottircliout /or gae. The timely woo of a slosh, bottle will prove to be worth 100 Uear its root. . IVUTICK.—Ptave Your lilosoy i----Do eon be per. needed to purchase articles at 4s. tolllorkith do Rot oew tats the virtues of a IS gent bottle of Madame Portoes Cs. retire Balsam, the oast of mannflicturlag which is as greet aa that of almost any other smeliciar sad the very low pries at which it {amid, makes =ft to the senor apparently mall, sod unprincipled winsome's'. recommend other roirdlcanss on erlikk their profits are larger, union. the customers Insist arm baying /Wawa Porter's and none other. Aek for Madame Pot ter's Curs, tire Balsam, price 13'ets.; and in farce bottles at 26 eta., and take no other. If you cannot get it at one store you tun another. 113 r Sold by all Druggist, and Strlie keepers at 13 ets, and in huger bottles at OS eta., HALL R MICKEL, Proprietor% N. Y. JNO. S. CARTER, Agent,litia. [Jan2463-Iy] • NEW FIRM. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING WAR E-R 0 ON Rd Mutest.,On between &breath and litgbth. The Subseriberi have entered into the Cabinet Making and FURNITURE' TRADE, A od propose making to order and keeping mortician on band aU kinds of Tornitnre. Orders will receive prompt Mimetic:me. Repairing dons on abort maim. UNDERTAKING. The subscribers will giveepecial iatentlowto this dm partment of their basloess. They with 1016111allettUll and keep constastUy OR hand a large aammtnenit of Metallic Cases and Cain*, and hold thessuolves fa readlnews to meet orders in this nee, promptly, from any part of the country. Determined to spars no aorta to_gtere satieho tlon both In the enualtyrof their goods and mime, they hope to secure a liberal share of pnbilepahro MOORS h Ant', apetra-tf. Baenseors to J. H. Rmatas. N oN -1 II 4. ERIE COUNTY MUTUAL INSUR /JIM CONPANY. Incorporated in,lBs9—CAorter - Perpetual 1 PfloortOrooll Amine Loma birtro IK Rh aim aumatbellf, tam. Policies Wood upon Us depOitt of boobs lfotoo. sioa the paytooot of the usual Moak OMit Is Mosel without the Thibtllty of o P Note. Least paid without litiptioa. One is Leloot boss against tido Cosipany. Tido i s se sipu r ie lt i from deltoid is • rep hew DUIWTOIS. • • Ilro. B. latlima. J D . B. a. CI. Wlffazim iktheary, a, . IC leg . Babltuk. Starett Ziamele7. Wm. S. Am, g am A. ono% tiespgals Ghat, • Jamb Bum% J. M. Jeanie.. 017101:141. Li& O. Mammiuu, /WA taus ilanums. 800 Wat. T. Ratassocarr. 'hue. Mies is Ittstore. Qualms it Itelnarts Las Mae 'Wr ltria, are 33.1. . !FUCA, FLAMM' FLAGS of all Aswan band or fOrnialied at *bet sotto ' We suis propiogi to seppty lUSI7NO,INVSZJAMMEDIMMEIMLINS. et mg die sod volity et this Swat iiiiaigiamitsai=i2mmmagsibaigfiki.; milimmismimmommum THE iii,"0000; •:.. • -4N ciazt"r • ,KNOWN GENIIINI PI4EPA-RA.TIONS, V i l at • mr.l.lllloLtril craw? ..aucuno samrpu4B, - 9111,AVID 11011110110,- " • BO L D I E) OBNUINK PiREPA NATION. , M HI6pI.Y 641M01 , 144,111 0 • 00,1i;ouxo I• ; • FLUID XX 1 TltatOT 1 , • .'0911711 lite Car #IIIDT PDS MIMI OIF 117 f' BLIDDER, roast:, GILAY2L Imp LtIONSF CAL SWILLINGLI This insolSethe lienewse the mew et Delesele%; ewe eXCIVP• the ASSORUNTS beta llieetth, letiee,l7 eridak We WATRITOR CALCCRODS bplealitkres. did la UNNATURAL ERLAROJC,MENTS ore ,seasek ti l u wellpain sad iniSsaussilos, sad Is poi be PrOldidi OR CRILDRXN. • lEKLICBOLD'S lErmairr ive RF, ' I " POlt WILLTUMISfIas . . . Arising from Xmas's. Habits of Dilmipatim, Wly InSieeretloo or abnall. ATTENDED Wfilfllig TOLLOI/1 0 14.11TKROKI: IndisposUloa to Unties. Lon LOIS of Memory, -- 1/ 1 Tr "a " Wodi Wortra, D . Sony? ol Risme, Dimness 01 - Vidal. ;te r 111 Universal loodlodo of tba , Vtolifig WOO $ Muscular System m %ptieee ce e li oX iiiim bellesie t Rot' Haub, Durso of tie Ws: . Thesso my =plans, If allowed to go lee::leidellitleemeeeles Invariably moms. awn bib* ! ! . INIFINCNCY, TATUM, TALIIMI nts. I o ow, of whteh the patient boy etellee. _W Obi that they are sot tropeally Wowed My *eel "WNW disteneAr INSANITY AND CODDIDDIMOD. Mae, an aware of the mule Of Usk eallidee t acme will wafer& The nerds of the Lamm An and the teelaneboly deaths by Cc ea, ese* . witeeee to the truth of the st,iiiiisitts*s. I . The Constitution Onoiailboted with = • Organic Washnew, opiates the aid of Meads* to ~bra DWI et, Abe_ eyibmea, HELMBOWS IZZ7/11107 • isearlaNy dam • tidal wWnantnee the suet ' Sad. vieBIALItS, WINIALMI t Occ oa Yocao. ilunah . Yana% as Chammairsau • Jimmie In attity ofholiono pooaltir fe Tootsitio tho lattatil Pemba Is ttooquailadhy oigir °We toftothel fa Chislet go or Raigatiallo ettM Coolosioa inketatiut. 4: 1 1% "11 mato of thit,troorthealr Irkf=tr a i siai lbw all eologlialato Waft.% to the OW tom ludiscrotios, Habits of INadpoito% of , 011VW4s on catias Lass! entrmill MOOT& NO FAMILY SHOULD IFITROIFI -FL 1 . 4:14 so likkarn. Mugu, Or: Jfiditias M. Unpiessant aaQ Daigatosi Dlamim IMLIBOLD I B EFMAOT BUORU SECRET A I LS EASES, la a ll their stars; at nuts Ogimaie; WUa it sirshiall la dist; seiiisaarnadasaik • AND NO Ej)EPOSIII11:, Itemises frequent 'smile, ehd gieeeetteagtit thtalla,, Unme t,' ressorlea_obetneettiee. peareellaer mei fed* Shichuve of the Urethra, Obit Me mai tier, en frame" la tb Ain bf ea" faiallhiy rossoitoos,Duriveb4 woiarovritrivist. Thennanie upon Theemade. HAYS imic i ii4zut Twain et* Q U 4 1 C L 8 I ,• And who hen RZAVT-711311 to he eneedhee share they have found laid they wire dleadne", sad thee the It Pt& ewe buy by the nee of 'beveled lehletiallah . *MO Out up to the system, to break eat fa ea eimaMll forte, ea" 0et2490-17 PERHAPS AFTER MARRIACIR maxsours ZXTMT ainstu Tor 6U A 111641660 mad Moro of Tlllt VIIIIVANY OZOAIIIII, It Whir existing Is MALZ Se JOULALI. boa vba. ever ewe oHg Mt sl, mod so =Mt • OF HOW l I ONO OT•11111111110. Dtmeases of Owe °was mars Ora eta Dimon& WI b 1 Waal 1110111. Is ?B WM? 1111120111, And It Is outgo to limp the didn't OM ell Der owe. for elite It le rassesaseart. BLOOD I BLOOD 1 ILOOD I lielmbold's Highly Coacestestad cempagea Fluid 14tricit &wawa& Thhe is me ellostios of the Weed, Ys' GUM the I ed °num./4 1110 P et the Nam, WI, TlONtitli. Wba. pt pe. rod other newts lkortesekositat the ta the tore et Uteri* aebte lama perils' the Blood, Led removes en Nell .6 1 the Stkla, giving to the Oempliezlea sCleeeeed . Color. It tele; pre pared espreeety ear tilde elee . complaista. Ito lilood-Pluitytair tterrertiee ere to a pillailor *Vast 91aa saw other leeptitelteetr2= l * seper. , , ItelmbOd's Ron WAIL An excellent Lotion for Almeria of a l i MtUthe tun, and as an. tAfectlon La bilatases Wray Organs, attains tram habit. illaelpatisakiasi la aor section wit 4 Um' ltatMill Baths armi Illaneipadill% la nett dlesteues u rsoeininended. eldeace of the annit=e aid rabbis ileum ter will accompany the csirturik'ames or mute, Tomo CitAtC. Might to twenty years otattellog. ittith offintol OM* to fiC V. l / 1 11e. tor Medical Proportion of BMW, sea Ellomaihm of the trudtod %tam See Programa DRrrscr valuable trochees eho Prior bee of Physic. 1 : :Le remarks made by the late eelebialed DI. Pll Mac Philadelphia: doe remarks aradeq by Dr. ATRIUM 311kDOWSLA a celebrated Phyalolau sod limber of the Iq.i pills of BirePll4 // 9111 .4. andystilsbol Is lie Traa aalMMla of the MRS and Queea's Jamul. LBoe Iledloo-Cluratitcal Bsvletr. /UM* MIS IRA VirJLIN Telkow of the Rope Cleft' se her VOSIL ISee sod of the lite Woodard web es Wide& • tinker Rem, $1 00 Poi WO% or' be N 0 Sona"iin.Lo,l 00 bursooso Rau Wass. 60 * 0 Or bolt as 4oom of look tot 011 sq s b rill ba MS dud to care the swot otottasto sumo, IS abestfias 200 adhered to. it Delivered . % asriddrese, wanly peeled bra Ome- Deeetthe emotes% la Sil •smassimaillorp- Cum unarseleed.: &irk* gratis: - --•—• • • Puma, iiresi bah» me a ft Alensish it the city of TWA& a T. anassaik gbh, Min eilir sweasoloth may r his repantlise ennisla es issiNNh so impreary, or , kthit hi Move ingi ed sio TOPNAh. , , e. s t; ~ ember, Swink aad aatihrlbed Won sh We INi a tuf a r- M. .! WN. I*. Althnwh NhiNvehirfoiliNs isi. Marro lahoh he lahmothom adlima sedss. Depot 101 %Oh Toisth ßT. balm PhD& ' sirwAiug ow alownginuei AID exrxrumotaa swam WU* toooomor to dispoo Or 'MIMI oar sm • etimeartisisi aft tie ispatitiot lishab i oids Semler =NW • • issior, " i • 1111 1 1 9 1110 /4 " • Improved Ibmis ' MYyallDdoplbNrqelom = ; • . • Ali NUI WaNatra-.74D pup OM* Anzatimgouthwtion) SMIMIK lil VIM SYPHILIS. AFFIDAVIT. - .IIALT - e lewd what , to , /ley Yam D i P r inga m a= s ok ol ousWershossisier 1111111004bisiglist bead. leer maim stibeigui t)A.l'B, Etc:, vise liseild is assamillim .1 ism •• bowl ,t0p..bi0... bed *NMI PALM • LgA F HATS. ski. e.m ....stii Amos id 50014. nbontsidesyttomia• limo .01 be bad try tir foils at Myr Test • I beinaipb torbve. WNW* MFG'S lbohise to sin ibior & mins. .4001~ • ,; • , , BEAD QUARTEES CHEAP. GOODS! Wholesale and Bolan , MOW LID MUMS NTONDI WINS) AND lIQUARS. P. is IL 8011LAUDIKIKER, are aow nesiringat theiridd stand: Atneri- - fen Block, State street.llVP and. Mica stook. of GROtilt t/N. PROVISIONS. . V WINES; LIQUORS. WILLOW. AND WOODEN. . • STONE ' WARE, UTS FRUIT% N, together with *m , y thing found ins House of We kind,' which they will sell as sheep Vas may other establishment in this city for Coker most khaki of country produce. Iliwiimelleembood am a( Oa lurid Mid and M i ls Osese art Segos cnter=b, 4:0 orr—ii al•Atizr — liks• if Mier ans 11112=rtly oil mam *Bend vast Grocery Read (barters! . AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET. 2, 1181.411, Y. M. lICELALIDAZINt. JiMLD, CRACKERS, AND SODA BISCUIT CONFECTIONERIES, AT WHOUSALE AJID RETAIL. vritz - subseriber Us now sisinfictiviab ii ,.. i tt la cA l MilAs cu r i aNtam co" /NV me lig 1. zer 0 *NI I" TO= at bib* •=t adtitigliF P l*. 711111IN SEZIWO balli4 Kassii opposite Pas. Oft, Ikis,V N OT I 0 vs worm sramos !Is %knees tar MIK AM ou - umultereas pertkiair, Ss* irs Irmo apila Nom* Y•NUFAC3TURING El TO VIIB IROEBASED FACILITIES, Asa an inroad be 111) all seats be COOKLIO AND HEATING STOWS, Daft purabend-• kegs Stine at Leas. ywiess Itsing Meat est e give....&dad abutter'. (bi Woo ewe Illiamdbebusrsvba born bile& her al groat MO 10 016 kor pot liveak bops, by g stbmittca lisvaids el Oadisres. to osatiast to omit QM: 911 =t. - WM" =BALI, Ill= &CIO. 1111M1 MO2llB 3BTTER THAN 017113 - Pr° lisiks of &Wits heilth at Impaired ..I. o :=Mah vir s =Sae b/ •►IN al i t : a l a ki ki =l ilighire' I a l=Vl li peamt li beei " lr r earbee n"libir it M ii 4 weld be be peg abbey. Alboegb beard& r , &zcartoo. si...*lmei O rs tuv it z u t if lineperbellb.lhe propene to iambi appear tie men pis of by lb. porision 61 ernit/ boa's:sow lima "Mk a polio* Deb gye/iyi. Messy big dee% be be tattler Nes el s erste M Alt i llo__ o *lba lila WI yoe li Is au bi u moo 41 tettbeesisAs WI be et belibb7. bit 10 au bed ettbe void ou leillbpjakr eftimiao t. 11; SeZirdalre=tess. . , T . mayors scrmisu OF - BOTH wriami-a. uvicumlissrugasat wient•lik rotated to Walk la a Onr 4sys. otter assilor gobs ail VW *AY soottooaad=roxprioa ottookosod without it Ida rids tlosomoolisluitolds=fillow oroatozoi Ur mass rmos. Ilehri. ion* ow el Oa . 1 54 14 . 1 1N1 uillon& Moo) a ow oft IM promolokitio toodl ei T il t goo oft Brims M. Dosoliow lite Tolima Shoot. Brook . .r ''lrWlr • , e )41 , -1.7. • DR: P. II ALT:S CELEBRATED COUGH REMEDY relnittNlTEß to pin labile favor and Vil.m...ww..e.nrwtw..atia statslssts no" Its mulatto* he Wawa Is =rot WI Um Moroi Is telly m0'11114,- 01" neilleime is nest havens Ito meniesbaseas. pop Wadi, eaddewsad. Mae be eslairesseer 'se may pewees he mein Psdowsimer sesseletale sad Wall is - tbeir houses _ter Etr.:l i5k‘4.6.943.4"...rutt= 1.... cm.. id us al weeks deeding. for sepias It el set emens4 tad .0 moat, tor Asthma its ahheew sweet he doSMW. havtag restored may lrr else te lastUe wilhriag lays _tam at yeses with Ideashbe dime& ler Weemuas sad floaneseswe It lushiledledek=essreesteg bindles tem the Ahe 0466 Ms leeway is drug im.* timmee ea heqrsiq sad /Wines at, ..**Peadminelo the disosseees Wilkes ltslmr- Ma w wow 1111111116 - • Andisies• at the Willem alt 4wid 'vox halker heillee la the liedal misibrume sad the wagtails( theme& sediodaeke kit essetieL Agri Cough Miends: isle, igwady ear to tie' Mittel &a lotheasse, tatemsweediseiettethew .IWeespedosaadlletsd with sUbse Atha filliewlse Owes skaeM %is this *mud rowdy edible weeliis oto amoomok vtak Mem fw =Mew As ematts to ,Aura reigkbars sad M. Oat :Both CbigkAmially Kowa hair. MI6 Use Hallo Cbesi4 Re imisi it orir CFosip , Agin. . 1116, Ps Halls ORO Baia* it erns dale ' Oa es Maisie . __ _ • - 1111116•Vres Hall's aegis Am*** Wan& IS. ilas Hells CbegA Bawdy it &nohow aii r is., &Mos CbiwA .Rtiosilifor mick*. Ma Uss Hall's Obiak Bawdy for Hears* • 7 t tisis. • . Use Hefts Ileur Remedy it Strovertsu Wis. M.. Uct/42s Coil Jimiedy for TrAemplimp VA. 1- ft urrAtr EMU, tile , Mime al this diem. eadelw los Dr wow orwry orwhalt bars the -ozeirry *m iles. Armee strisiderlLlD lad bass Whitler-4a ler Dr. r. /181,84016185ir4 Om* Imusrly are ars that Ws writ. Iss digualum lii apen lie import sad esertious. lllPtiliela Inlet , * WORT. * Wit ghi! eadtedroid elmsegme ay sad viol= imp. rasalk. r ausa.. 's rstra Cotter Diatom.% le Wirt Ilimaire *Jar !UM grrO ailue kr resemereftw lir me Dr Qv sr a slipsteLJNimeh Dab' Irralikrot WAN 141tbry liusaiii. D. SDDIr i ..lelo WiDirs. . .1, 111..11C ras. Diehard Nob Jabs A.lrsuip. - J. T. Core. Jell* W. WWI, ' ' "g iii‘liiir s Desist BMW. lieherlf.a . .. .14 , C. I. Wet, Jelra It. W. V. Illertairk; J. Itoorigh , dark. P. Lisess. J. W.Calirs. =/I. Wommi, Amos siminnwit. Ws. lia IL IhrirOs W.ll. °sip*. R. 11.Whatiati • J•ispli Dow. IL A. 3. " Mb. Mrs a lem. I. "lbw ' O* A. K. 1. 111 ; i4 1114.11 rd; . VAL , _11.1110124 • 4.lbiskisams. WlllsoOsi a Ohis.ll:llose t ithaii. ma. Doi* Ithrae. ro. P. IDNies. 0.41. amin.. ea. WOOL. - SOLD DC PIII ow. SY issaihasmit wad liolgri•pitkitst Noe itsliding. lerie IL MI IS 10 LI PIW ildri INTITLZ. MIMS Ja l / 1 011046.• 4. ia L im k. a. ltr ill. wig irs. Wohniir, T.D. grekti s hiv Wm. SAM" "Arm* • 11. D. IMlL=rear• li Ilhasori o Mini W. I. ;ALM. rit" 11016 Auk W. CL ItskkitAiiirdlki ALL II 40111% AMEN •••.-- WWI larkaseli. Nil 11, LiDAI! p rusitr. I • lik i =jl ORM • IWBllolo2llshojeut ilienived. sal& , los Mil Mk Mid Perim Meg is the W Ilkorpoly *WV me Om "Am entail. sett eillarillfoll.llllilod era M warn... SIESS, 116 1 1111‘ •• I Oar. kb sail ablest. pkirrilS AND , MinUIS • .=•_•• ,.4 %% ,,,d mr leassis. yaIIaMPTS • . OlearillonapiChima stall ibis ri Iwo • 0 1 =,T I • r • • earl mom, Itaypaihumriuul Oil Men! 7, . • i b ' • , - fir . • mow • - ..:m•""""••••••••••••••=471r. ON= eama 6 birikiuk.,,iy,Trullmi,l4:t.FWfr:::lß.it,,,,,Ni...ti,:of,!iono.cwatinnrinci,. • lowa al IL , . pampa, Spianime Ai:lU th/i1•11., 1.11 ti ...lietiejrAd.,,,, Wee. ad .1-10•Inz =U. lathed to 0211Z1113. 1.4 thCOULIth • rindlalli arm to ncr.W Irrll tLe Ealarr 111141*1411,11rtkilltr IV hnivo wirer , 1 idelawiird . , ~% , 0 , air lbr - —1 ••• Rr ST, Altzt F RENC II 'l3 11 't' E 1„ • urti Tau EL'Uorfras N.% s • CITY of' s 'YoRK. pumas Maass *lnv CurcrsMElt 1, 4T ' IMAM Han Square, earner of Prtagaii.rLstre,,, larroarrs epi• ) Lay as they may Illtilmvpsrii, 4 Than is • Barber's tibup and atta , :kr,. NOS& at arianata and 11411•ENVI Who .31 . re gry , far 2111147. IC. 1 TO CONSOSIPTIVE:3. rofwombecrihey will cheerfully hitere) to MI who desire U, the of by which he was eorwl of thst inst, carts Selerewe with Vonicriertros, Arms*, LisoNciLt t olleetion, hewlwoerely hope. will try ttwi,„: wsllsatlYsalt they do so they will bet:lore tLtnic.r, with tbisesalt. Thankful for his owe romp!.;. 4 W is miaow' W place in the Immix of e'er! r t i r , Iha NOW of cure. Those wishing tLe recv • 1:‘ 11121111040811116, wi ll plows esti on or adl rtvk • jsaa—sa. Ur,. WM. S. A LICA .. , ' - No_66 John Stt.t. !;.. T y.,i HAS ON HAND AND IS DAILY itEcEIT Boots and Sh The Madam will be eoadaeied by WiL it 131.1 who boo Warned to Erie with *view moist r eddest, -tad tandem to th.• sad to • 4 hi•sda, an twitiktion to Oa above Itordalfeet Corner of the Park i,i te_l Ng + ran* be WOOL. $ vssk ...4" Jassy Etwit4i7 BA Tbe sub, rarions sow- 8 0 ; ME at Irby est. CLO COME A ` M VITOUL V V form hl be hai muffed I I 1 o oat NO.' 1t IPLara M Invites goods. HU stock so say la iris, atie eadoesolct.• H. SPRING of SPRING Iltvor to kit We% me pi Pio dosHelitt. not what they MORRIS WIEIOI Flour, Pori CLOVER, No. 2, FRED &taus 7fM mut Sr NEW VILLIN Mati. Would respectfully sum •ietsity, TUESDAY, A at Ur sons! of Trench Set* Or Wins Nall,* imnaarNE Irma boat NO. York L unaally contained in • fi tied. • JLEACERNG, PRES Dean is th• Best Style, ToMS. Tara. IL. having had extern am. tatters berself that she the public Pte' ata moo WOOl / To Farmers Sr W' wodonigised has ready& ,000 winds Wool, for which will lb!, yolk I3ENER & B :TA ail THE COUNTRY TRADE :cl7ll FARM CAN AND KEG RECEIVED EVERY DAY 11111111MTED TO GIVE SAT' Ste` Orders Solicited a Attended to. Well Diggii E Undersigned orPN hta POITSOOS to the pubtle He has worked at th litideas tor idstesn'yearsoin d put Wale 181 isie Cotfati. W, rk. e' • Mai% the ehaspost and best La T. r/ 011 the Lakeßoad, Isaac Nil Ri IzeR:!0-• tp, Law Yoder, litilc re, 1, u; IIkS1:Y RU neo4ll4os. West C o SIEGEL, WHOLBSAI.}: BET AT` 01,0CRRIE8, PROVISIONS $, UN dN BLOCK, Mil . W 14 twits the Attention oi the N LARGE STOCK or " Which he to, CRIMP AS THE it y lot of Liquors emit. Pemasylrania. V. SCHULTZ & WHOLESALE AN [)lt ETAI _ _ SAOLK VILLAIiF., ERIN WO ksep on !Laud a large soda 1 0, of anrawythlas Ix our tine, saki cw: to wwidiessl4. /UP s los dock of INN, INI Oti' Meted la the county. PIPES! PIPE tI an MERINO a Iva* 1 ' Gatti Poreha, Blitz Root It low Agora• lowilowonitod at to j obain BO 47t _ ., h wie, t wini . swa n. Aiolrr: fraaribta P. Att,BUCKLE, Enecessqr to CLARK k A LARGE AND' COMPLETE STOCK Al 7 IN ALL VARINTIt:B, 133311 LOWEST NETT PRltay, STOCK AT No. iii, &pt. 20.1 i ERIE, PA WHOLESAB DEA OlU=agB ECM