Iffi ZED 1*: - ===:l .-•t.110011,401•102111M11111 MON 0- ,:.1 0 211" 4amrsr send 'lbek, the Sonth;'-un- . *thtedlirrVW,e look ' no farther back titan. -PritinoFaltirdinanses of 66000sion . 114& state oonventions. But eritett•cd 41Maistka ; - state of 'publics feeling in- the fkiettkthat thviehiaged three oidinanEes ilium - gm:on - became possibie t This quee.i ,as soot to the roots of the subset, and' Os correct =ewer to it must 11: - the nth dile4e I‘pmu!bility fay dissolution on the eiteAltloidsts. True:there hare long been desiegognalin the lirdath who considerad disolution drairable.'But who gave to dies dettuigognes their power ? who sup plied them with ergdments i who enabled *tato convince a majority of the active siteinflutustial classes' in the Southey eiltOno that they ought not to remain in Iltion 1 , What headway could:Abe "cession Ainuigeg,ues have Inadetwith -1:401.r.,-Seward'a "Higher Law ;" without tjheabolition mobs for resisting the rendi %km'of ftigitive slaves; without the "per ogal !al." passed to defeat &plain requhtanteirot the Constitution ; without the avowed and recorded abolitionism of the 'great *publican oracles ; without the vituperation- and slanders of the z2Woras, the underground railroad, the m irraPriodble conflict," And John Brown's raid? nut are the things which alarm ed the Southern mind ; these the steps of the ladder by which southern demagogues climbiiii . to their ascendency. He who digs under tephonse, deposits the gunpowder, and lays the train, is as wicked as the iiibendlimy who applies the match. Thkisistlve ingenuity. Imy.l which the eholitiOnlets seek to escape .this yempon aibillti is all in vain. No change-of party names, 'no—attempt to restrict political discussions within the periodsince Mr. Lincoln's election, can blind the people to the broad fact that if there had been . 110 • sectional Republican party there would have been no war. This fact .. stands up in bold relief, like the Alps against the and no artifice can obscure it. • The Anion Was not holditogether by merely political bonds, nor was-it dissolved ail st once by merely politic.tl action.— The real dissolution was in tile alienation of feeling and sectional bitterness which preceded the severingabt political ties.— Ztis all the world that it. was .itionisti that sowed the seeds of this abenatiop; that fomented this hitter new. Slavery was the sore and sensitive spot ou.the social body of the Sotith, and the rough-handed abolitionists kept rub btag it. ' The greater' the irritation they eimied,-the more the cajinst of their tor• tore 'cloned, '."tth, better , they seemed pleased. Much of' the zest of' such books as Mn: Btowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (a book Which was high-toned and respect able oompered . - with the great mass of abolition libels and pasquinadea,) con sisted in s perception of the sting they would inflict on Southern sensitiveness.-- it was like the pleasure felt by a mischiev ous boy who sits on a, shed and shakes a red flag Mauled bull. This reckless eboli- Stank:Skim& no- respect for persons, or .plaoei, aim the most sacred things. It en '. tera43be church of Christ with its wrang les and its firebrands, and succeeded in animists that before it dissolved our po litidl Vnion. The churches of all tho grealdenominations (except the Catholic) were organised xery much like our polit- ilia institutions. They all had their Bev erslatite associations, which were repro: 'mated in a general convention just as the several states are represented in Congress. Abolitionism first entered tho Methodist Church, as Satan, the author of discord, entered Eden, and presently that great body war divided , and the two sections plunged:in litigation, growing but of their (deltas to their con:Mien property. The Baptist church was next sundered by the same nliciyhit and, then the Presbyterian. It is true that in all these divisions it was theSenith that seceded, but it is alsot.true that theluestions on which they divided . were thrust into the several conventions Abolitionikts.! It cannot be pre , Vileded.that this separation of the churches mathe work, of ambitions demago_ . as, or that the seoeders Were twirled in • - leg against their deliberate judgm • -Thafgriatjectionsi schismfn-the • - Ilmiqurey the work of. obtrustra.ako. Though it preceded the wilt- led separation by several years, the ahalo: wind connection is'inich as to show that they resulted from a common cause, You maysay, to be sure, that the South was iaz sans on the subject pf slavery; but, that\, is merel3r,a different way of saying that theta: . opinion on that subject differed troni yours. Your attempt to domineer over their opinions, and to overturn their social and industrial System, is' hat broke up the Union. You May say, again, that this was only a pretext ; bit it still re mains true that it Was the abolitionists who gave them thiii pretext in the face of repeated warnings of, the use they would probably make of : it. And our 'honest' reiPsplitter at Wash ington is still swinging the enormous abo lition beetle and delivering his "tardiest blows on the same wedge .by which the lashes were separated. The Union is as ;`',het only a partially cleft log ; if the obeli wedge were knocked out the sidei moitld spring together and leave only a Wben, by and by, the ,Democrats wen , • `t4is_sorrico,, let the abolitionists iheir fingers are not in thecleft. Min..throiisr.—The' Boston Courier says *l in One three meanings to the phrase Mks Unites." The 'first is, thi) Union as tanadsted under the Baiolutionary Con ; the second is, the Union nn der the Constitutioui the third is the 'Union as Oka "ridieghs are trying to teem -44110kit. first is a confederate Union die second - a Constitutional Un'iOrivtite Shied a. Oorkal Union. The first is :74bal Union of Beoessionisls. this second is gjo, MO; of Conservatives, the third is the Union of Abolitionists. . Pusatints Imam bee removed Goner '. al Sohollidd from the command of the De. putoont of the Missouri: This was to Intri beet' expoted.ssys the N. Y. Wor44 itnt nib* weeks ado Mr. Lincoln turd the ' Teditudi 3 Of ifisiood thaktto would nor"..; A lively French Quaker. saying to tune barking had "I will not hirm I nice revene. but Quaker f can pu leads the animal raises - the cry,. void_, the `pa'ss'ers- wick: -and destroy theist - -brtilto--- -- -- AU idndhlitration has adopted this (y. AU to woun - d,•11 - 11d yet 111 . ittraid it hopes by the .catch-Ward of urouthtwn 'sympathy" to direct. the hovel* inkikthes o f hatred to. rebellion fere dishoneatinalr. No 'sympathiser with 'yeAkillien exists hl the free states'. is is er Idle to:pretend that such a state of feeling eartlheletted as to assert that 'thine Ir a priferninte of stones tehread for Mal. - It is la morale the native of things than n squint creel's. Men ho more sym'pithiss than' they woo the Allatie 'Oholeia t 'ef , af fect their, veins - With tilaitevimill."rhe right of perfectly fret dlseinicion ie as - men 441 to a f;eksliite, al tititiaii - 9f; gravitation to creation. Phi 4 are subjects of common intereitt to us isle; are the jury - to rendere itt;ditit. i ~ if We' .can only hear arguinenta!on - one aide, bqw are we to form aseriat' • union Y To snppose that 'We cs. ,1 ..oefoor-; rent results:4 to iiselCtbe,•l , 4111110.1 1 the whole . , The 'great wring we inch to the seceded. states is haft4elity,tn the Reßit critic faith; that trutliTwilloleincent> 'err. or. Yet the adrAlstrrticrn which makeis war upon one section of 'the Union far rebellion against - the _Constitution is now itself in rebellion agaitut, that Ceitalitur lion. It admits thus that it wainsiginally in the right - not hyprineipht but by ac cident. It compels us Derithinite. Ist:4l>- pm it in the very ihterisia titthat Con stitution which we with it united Stoupholl. We have not budged one Inch irposour position; iteperibn , the Constittition and refuse to abadon it and to follow t he ad ministration into the labyrinth it has entered. rt has ged the pobey in which all a .arid-fitalti-:fau,lt, with us hecauie we feirii,Vits`444laiird_ path to freak_ dratebillott and Sirtitin' destruction. We have never leek heart one instant, but it is repeating in its civil conduct that blunder in its military con duet. which held hack McDowell and sav ed Richmond. A fear has came over it, anti, like all the paninetrieken, it does ju.t exactly whet it ought not to do. Originally strong in the possession of pow et:, strong in the comm9u,consent of the people, , inapregnatt•Whe9 the Constitution ; - tv115, ,L. that, to EKq short years this administratieSr,itii in• cured a powerful opposition inten4- ly vindictive perional enmities? • The My of southern sympathy will. net answer. Where was that syinpithy two yearti ago I —how lid' it manifest • itisktf 7 That . ury is simply the amertien ite 'en intimath, and of an Untruth More daniagbig 'shim all the other untruths which' have been perpetrated or permitted. It will riot do for the adat44lratign s teeponse others of that indifferenoe tO duty it has ikporieqy manifested. It will-not dote chanteleat faith with coldness which shuddenretii blow'given 40 the Constitution* h4as sworn to protect it ; it will not 'do" for the priest who mocks, at the God to charge ' others With impiety: fitinilnainble ging gestionof right it has driven the 'Dello. cracy into fierce dentinciating - of, wrong; if it has made war on,the T government by every means known is; the Constitution and the law as casential for that party as for thegovernment to war upon the rebel. lion, it is not our fatal: Ther is one thing deers, tbipt Un ion, =it is 'Liberty: We don't intend to giie tip either 'O4 cage of -the other, and we no more think' the government will succeed in conquering our liberties tliaa.wassition ibdopendepft But; lf,by the mingled madness and itesknese Whl6h seem to rule the hour we are &impelled to a choice, there will not be one moment of hesitation. Tbe moment tl . 0 114 4 ,2 4. 611 people arrive at the conclusion which General Bromide has announced. quit they must deposit their liberty &lung this war and take° it out of pawn oul t y after victory,' that instant seiession is a "fixed fact." The history' of the world does not show one. examplewr liberty re- rued, and this people is not about to make the experiment. We all recollect the fable of the horse and the man, and as stories cannot be Copperhead under his i present majesty we may .safely quote sop : A horse, in a contest with's wolf, salted the assistance iof a man, who jumping on his back soon -dispistahed the enemy. The horse, with many thanks r requeided the rider to dismount. "Oh, no l" was the reply; "if you do, not know that_ you have a good master, I , know that I have a good servant." Horses have been:rid den since that date. • - rammsyLvanlik /113tAttciti. Pennsylvania has thus far continued to pay the interest ion her. indebtedness in coin, notwithstanding the high premitim upon specie ; but is said that it is now a 'question of doubt whether the February semi-annual payments will be made in gold, or whether''the authorities will at. tempt to take advantage of the not 'lcon. greys and pay the interest in Treasury notes. To do so, hoireitir; Will require some action on the part of the Lesiabiensw, as a resolution wail passed on the 12th of June, 1840, which requites the Governor to change a sufficient amount of finds in the State Treasury ti pay the interest in specie. Tel New York Mrs eve. soul, pod advice to its party ' friends, which is net the less applicable toddle. - We commend to ostr_readersthefolknvink "Whoeveryou are that have a faseraa for the Presidency. keep his name out of the newspapers as a possible candidate for the next four or. !five months. Let his adversaries month bite it ; ' but let his friends be ciiscort and, silent.-- Had Abraham - Lincobsteliin - prOmbuitt3y commended for Preeldeist in Decenibsiri 1859, he would not hinie been Redden& elect one year thereafter. , ; them. 0 trainers of 'nags ter Presidetalial course. and keep: tain . well blanketed in the stable far any palm 'Yetr' • —Edward-EieeetfAil been trying to e the headset te'verens liken+ • ts Jetta and eaksiebet doeisiobla the obis et Si Potter. *tripe! pores& marshals-of the different oongressional diitricts to hqld their d ex, andantinos for physic a . , !diumitt.ii,i or. iLoy, tor!rs Mt' CO if sr. 23 4 1 /041 7 5IPectivI ttricia.t , " " :PottineatAttirsasianta.,4Tite , World calla attention - 4 Atm ~antintesed , niatilbea do IA& 0 110 k ^lO Aponte the Protetdothtlat 'nototnition. l l eloVoritit and 'extitiliglifit puff of -10. (Mare Intalibeti pit Into 'al& hands oasts ithettfaini'atefiej.9l:llbnc- Viirk;`witlk ilirtiectititis'toeend 1045/ All OOP** dtreotirik' itl . insettlan ' as reitltla¢" oaf ter ,'' and 7 offoniini to pay 'torn au' nnvel mode of aiasB&ililtitini ! piititiCaliinfogies ; but, oC•n id theVl;;A l liirc; read erae'reaeti& running a 'pOliti&srainititliite on sound mercaptilo . priookilos,tov not be, a bad investment. Wear 1.0-;;-The , Bwiten Courier phblislies aw extract :of a letter from a ieritlatrien In' the Southern States, who illwayabee i d , ' :a Un i .- rittri snit' who has been impri s oned by the rebels, in which occurs the following : "Ue, Sav a , that cliqing his confinement be conversed with prisoners front all of the Confederate States but Florida,' and their tinanimons•testimoni . was, that if Meelet .and Auell.had bent.sentinued in command, and #wpoliFy which theii . rirratted had been rzercred bosißerde odd not have lasted eir month's ton,:qie . thwi the &lee of their re incitat; for the plain reason, that no new army mulct have been raised • Latest •War News; The privateer Alatotma is reported to be off: Java, and to have . burned the American s hips Wined Racer and Amen da: • ,•• -.4-, 'Rebel •dispateties say that Gen. • Jo. Johnston has taken command of the Ten nessee Army, vise Hardee, arty) was in place of Bragg. —The passport s'yitern is to be extended to Philadelphia and /Poston. It does not require a passport hone each individual, but the Marshal examines each vessel and requires all armis &c„ to be given up, when a general pa* is given to the cap lain; - -The Choctaw Chief, MeCurtain, with several other Indian leaders, came into the Union line; ut4ort Smith, Ark., on the 24th inst., and Surrendered under the protection of the President's Amnesty 'ettsi Choctaws abandon therßebel cause, arld it is very probable that theirexample will be followed by all the other disloyal tribes. —The negro pilet Small, over whom the fanatics have made so much ado, be., cause he succeeded in running a steam boat called Planter' out Of Clbariftton bar bor,end aurrenderedher to the blockading fleet, has beett_gaptured- - by the rebels,: together with the iessel of which he bad been awarded the command It is sta ted' that is piloting his craft through Lighthouse' Inlet; iinh 2 denw fog, he got smont the rebel picket boat* by mistake. Most of hie crew, wiwe ,runaway negroes. —4 correspondent writing ,from Char leston, under a late date, says that the famous floating battery, which was-used by the Confedaratsi mainst Sulam when Mader Anderson held the works. broke *drift la tholatep4e,and smashed through .and carried away the obstructions, and now has *Aare near the north end of Folly Is land. The 'battery wail formerly plated with- railroad • iron, but that bad been re moved for other pnrposes. —The Adjutant-Generat's.o.ffins has tel egraphed to all pie army commanders that Slaw heti been palsied to the effect that DO lxiunties exoept, finch as are now _provided by law will be - paid to any per enlisted after the sth ;of January next. The only bounty - provided by law is the $lOO authorized by Section 5 of the acref July,-1801. The The commanding offi cers are accordingly required insecure aU re-enlistments of veteran volunteers pais 4blehefere , JattusaY mad give immedi ate publicity to this circular. —TVs steamer George Cromwell, which was to sail from N. Y. for New-Orleans on' Thursday, was detained by the United States Marshal, whose agents had found goods. contraband , of war, loch as gun powder and percussion caps, on board in barrebt of innocent potatoes, and boxes of "unsuipiciOus appearance. It is said that ri house in Courtlandt street and several Ileofessionally loyal tradesmen are or soon will, be in the Will of the Government.— TribUrte. l ; Lions,'• in a dispatch to Earl Russell, is said to' have predicted the ter mination of the American war in three mynas, Tbe eoiresporidenta of As Lan do*. 2baa begin Ito admit an increasing despondency in the South. —Richmond papers say that Longstreet's forces were, on the 234,. still around Rut ledge, Tenn., unable. to tollow up their "advantage" (whatever that may be) for want of shoes. The weather was cold, and 'the mountains were 'covered with snow. It is said the entire army has gone into winter !quarters. A number of rebel officers and sol diers it. said, have come into our lines at Newbern, North Carolina, and taken the oath of allegiance. It is stjted that many others are awaiting an. Opportunity to do the same thing. Blockade running steamers are coming into Wilmington, N. C., in great numbers. Twenty-three are reported as arriving there in one night.— The plan of leasing out abandoned p'alan tations in eastern North Carolina is prov ing highly succesitful. The rebel,'; schooner Marshall J. Smith, laden with cotton and turpentine, bound from Mobile to Havanii, has been captured by the gunboat Keenebeo. It is understood that she' had 280 bales of cotton on board. ) - =— Dispatches from _Washington state that Gen. Butler has been authorised to oonduet an exchange of prisoners, aloe: for *Meer and man for man • the object apparently being: to make a Ills exchange, i without the introduction of any side s. sues: Later intelligence received from Fortress Moan* states that the rebel government, after having exchanged 500 prisoners, refuse to do anything more till all their demands are complied They also rani° to hive any dealings with Gen. Batter. - • The Rio/Ultima Rapers inlaid to be gloomy over the daring-raid of Averill'S cavalry upon theii most important rail. road, stilalem. It , is not improbable that this raid was the Cause which forced Long. 1 'street to stop, while' in full retreat, and fight for Wein Eat Tennessee. With the road permanently broliew it Would , be at taly hupossiblo for him . to subsist his army in its i present position. John Norgaii is advertising for men mate nEi another guerrilla force, and opeets 'ere Icing' la bele the meddle.— Theflouthern Ters-sue ekiquent on ibis alleged wrongs. old breathe nothing but revenge. —A ; letter, kiiiiA(grris Island thus 'speeke Of the new COlsTederste war vessel,. ••.4k new fvot-eiad rem, perhaps - it third latter than the ethos* made her appear ! owe isseeoper Birgit a few.deps ago.: She calna 401 11 1 Pa l - 0 4 4 0 1 1 1 t94..with fi.T. jn& neissded (*die rusomatr i . tired nip our On' hi triage* "sal eta. any whnie of Western Texas is to be flume diateiy _occupied by our - -forges. I;erie atuibirent. I ighlibgiisitliiir was nait ai diattiaTe - se vhcat. - and' lileSa ltPUlbuifhetlntit resistance. it misbelieved that - our tmoo Would soomeettbentoit& at-tlenn Argent() ffir the final lotted& span ifignuiers The health of the troops was good. ,„ Oa 1 49 23 4 mtgstb94oto, 3 l 4 - b e^ Preen Ziemp - his s ind 11.414kanssis shore, capheity of efirry, went to Three ton on a regular trip, and seeing be'slgai elide about the lauding landed. /libeled -hardly touched 'bore , twheti- it of guerilla', sixteen in nuroW, mho:4 do:In to the landing mad ..commenced' 'firma upon the palsengers 'and creii: glie mediately puttied out, and Wretch* 'kid twiny of the' passengers • f itt • their revolvers and vied them. Two bullets 'track the commanderpf.t4 fiat, killing him instAstltly. A body - Of troops were sent over, but the'band of guerileas had departed. --=Twerity.tive deserterefrotro-Harden's army, who came intwohattisniXoga onAbe Md, report that Tennetweci, soldiers are deserting in fqaatils of fr0m.,20 to pi,where thePresident'sproolamatioti was received, which met With =nib tavot: by the Ten nessee and Georgia troops.--LTribtois. —The officers of the gunboat Acacia report that when they left Halifax war rants were out for tight of the pirates of the Chesapeake, all ,of whom were in the city, arid had been for several days, but that it was doubtful if any 'tirratfit *ill be made, as the polies were iwtheinaerest of the rebels, and the people -hitterly.,op. posed to such a measure 4 . . —Ti 11. Ewing, for many years at the head of the 'Nashville bar, eta stiLee quontly an active and influential" orator 1 in the rebellion, the Tribune say., has I written a letter to a relative in New York 1 expreising a desirtkin return • to his uilegi -1 &no% and advising'xil hislrienilt,to..pur* sue the same course. —The relief chief of cavalry in Goer gia, Wheeler, is again,st, work. Nine sol diers were captured Tabsday %It - I.e. tween -Chettanooga Harriann:Yby him, and ho scours the country on• the line or the road to Ifnoxvill,;, tearing „down Union- flags, conscripling U nion men, and picking up,stragglers. REM In West Id llleroilt, on Wedoesdiy, the 04 nit, fIiVID THOMAS, aced 69 years. S months nod 20 days: t Oa the lib ult., at Ma tosidenc• to Silllerealr, 1 8 11. DRS W MAMA, agsd is ' , tam MI was born Oct. lth.l7tB In bum: If 1., and armeb grio•oeinty 40. Ho wie-s "citnen. uPviektasdi! l * dellaidt. and *al atm:a* b all irbe bambini. . • • _ , L amistnanlom rm" s.. - B You may poorer yor health by . the usl : prntiAer rstoodica. -You may moaner aithuni an, ; bet do not gap% that yon'atay die, and that Brandridlis Allis could hate airrtd iota Vet moilinbvr fbit the • ' • AWIr01: PRIMPS'S OIt:DLCS'EI. • whoa you Wm, It la nal. la 'gar, isslrtr% is irl4opt layout aaleastlastlaote. Your emulous:les tolls your Mends; 'oar disaoi sad your own heart tell yon. Noir. at tlio6o *tail User, aamdlelso 86 deaotvias of year •sealldoode a• BS I, Npartim,uatp:Ait,t4 UNIT-Ft : 5A I{. ,P,a414 tha only witliciastaatra that eau eertahily slat!, vihea all the staid lataueni tat lyieutieta aft; • " -' • • Kn. AskahilianyiAllidadeldi, Claim Ala $s nand arandelltlea.Pin foilltlea° l . l3l , !"' 4l far all klit hands 1 In 'bleb time Oros Ms have cured than of littllana AlficUenn, Iliadaelia;Yibentaillain; Fe. taitairso ',, Missies. Wboojlng I:l6tatoind bana). be kii odic byes thou Os UAL ,t499ip0l ,01110, 294 Coal fltaist e Niir York. Sol 4 L Srsoxa.244‘;; sod by all reipietable ' S;it. ins 99 modietaii. . • - 49419-194. cessmiall a. tenilie Now 1 TO COIMOOPTILT4.- • The radaridgeed Wear best t tnreM to le•alth to • kror ••• 10 0.7 • tali AB* rowdy tiNar haehar teamed MITIMIL awe with a item Wog &SHAWN sad that drrad Cole% Coolutapttaa—La sallotti to tasks knoen L, his falleer-eadlerort the is to of eare. To all who dada) It, he will , aao3llipy of pro- WW l * utt4 Mee d eharie),.witb the dlteettasifor preperlag , aid ssa Or asap, which the:y.lollAM a IN= Cum for COMIMITTION, ARRA. 1320NCIIITIlh tet. 0 • 1 7 oldeet of the IttrartlMlT I. sending tb l e Pnistrip. tton It to basalt the alffletid„ sad tpr a ii leforthratfink arida M oesamtver is b. iserdefidia, sad b. bapesariaer sift W 7 hb ii'..4, aa east them =AU% arid mat prop s biradag. Pietas wishing the praiarlptlai will abate addreth Rill. lOWAN:DA WILSON, Magi County', New York 0ct2813-4aa • TULA TN NOM . • llejand Una& Medicines. Po, upbraid, and Mom. ass IIItLYBOLIPd tOP BUITIII I I4e 5. • WU* has realved the ondormsoint of the pitsianwr Pam:um; ix Tits me. • Is sow offend to Meted hasualti an a entail care for the aid s hags dloomno /end di,s.am aid sham of tin Miami or =Or i n; t ta ' •• • iletteral Debility, llon ond Phylient Depends% H - ' Debmwhiatten of Mood to ihollsod, • , Cootasod • - Hysteria, General Dobillty„ Wortleerome and ItteePlanneoe at Night, • dbonnee of. Yawatar lilleiseey, Lou of Appetit!, 5_ 5 Itatagill v b iailtiosi or Paralycle of the %goal of 001141111004, Palpitation of tie Heart, of a Nem*, iailae, And, to bet, an the Waited*** at the system. 7tr.ao. the gpeneiree ad tits ed. U FOIL 1561A80101. TALI Ng* (Min? Cane guaranteed. 11•• sieettheennth fa aatether twitted. fiAPONINTIII4 OR CONCENTRATED LYE FAMILY SOAP MAKER. WA It maker high prima ; Saponifier raw to nodose them. It makes Soup foe Your mobs posod bvan year Isitahoefroome. . rip CATITION., As swim Lye' an °Seed also, be tatetil sal •47 bay the loassated wild& palm? In Inn am. all °Wei Wag llasatarfelte. . ' 11131WIFTLV111IA SAL? 111211171CllIdllt0 Phtleitelphie—We:l2l Waled Street. lithhart—Ptet Sheet lad Damon Wry. easll42l-11•8. Wit A 11 is yr,. lasteslnas Ls ft SUL blesksos grey whiskers fa fire „ t citurrsaisiptro -DTI What chaser rail halt ito • via aid sauff . tsteis keit ? OILIUMINIZONS . What ? Dyp "stelae Whim 1•64, aar nitrate 'of saver Rlllllollo obb 9 8. • . Vbst DI! gins t C he is UM b elk le lad is met Wilily spilled I •• o VEZIM.IIIOII ' - Wits% Drtbs esti brabbod oo prebessird We? ntes&Dossos, lib it Dye proems lb, rest_ seat abseil Ciunnialiose s s, Isisliibuedl by J. CREITADOZO, Na. I Leto:Arius, , Mop Talk. Sabi eye velar% bild applied by ail tisk• abDessmrs. $l, $1,16 wad St per say,frumardiss to' e. dbelf•bet. leigr ThiletfiktiTS, triabiable alb Me by% r ti tagirlitbs slhilbs* Uli ImratUal ipme, as 4 Fmk yttitikr.!, , the Rise Se mak SI *MISS pee NW% esseelseieWg 1/0•11111 , VENITIPLUI MORI 'ANTIMONY I Tk I. to artily tbst for. Lot km Tamar Jaw I lavoirsi , ft *n ammtly Dr. TOW emlelmalol a Udineay Imams %an &mat It tally ogsal %ebb -T Ln heat It to gin Mame Imalsolototao mollektm woe of mop e liMous Wis e memo Unit, data In Ow dust mail mad Assistlit a aal I 'ilmmallally ommamil .tm trmszlom Wad with = t rial Aim amyl Mossoio Juni H W Nalitrala l / 2 0sam..0mM11, TO* Oast NJ oat& bf drumming. Mos, A Caudal& Amt. Atierork.•• • - - = i Linlinailefip A M o M iran. ' . . at/ all aillfift imiltgaggiioWfa,yptag . so k sag irnaw. 'hi! ma" from Ifferseg.Delibtritsr ! ... fy Desey. eat Usk WNW ' the Mrgirviffb asig infitill=r i r fiegi Ing glid lIIIIIsIy6 : • be a 1 abeM i ab eta je bed umm itlieldtr=l4 llll VT: ikeYsike;artil. DIED. ihiliag',s 4tlvt4ionuents. „Executor,.,_ e• AP E AV il e t `; eces ir , i tb urile:,,t , r.:. y, ST b gran e undersizei , no teb ven i , aba clattni a•tii:e t o nt . p y_ bentirat-a, .. Iti t,, t.. 'lt i e rea indebte 1 _ •111019 .. ent El, %. B Ttlo BAB, • - - litiltV E.THOWit , „_ ..! • . j., t • . Lii-tec•00"1-.. ,i ill n 214 4 w• Farm - for gal(); I .11E.Sizticiibtroffon; for S3le his Farm 4 • ' -1;-•• ' +Ares with r•- • *. ' • tiMrMet , ehrer ttltt • • tivation, haring on it p4l tipple Tru e, lt in gro.t Ante. improetmenliV ern r4A Ab first t hing howl., three tenant bqperyt ireQ ‘, Slattident to enclose the entire tarn yardflora immaipauth of the itiaUrnadi and betic.,ehil r i tar i ttrAFl Nl . j ac t i u th a ; f , V;;;? 4 11. 4 t-Nil4. Lolterrd at p Ibiindeitolltentlebist'!biddker. 'en the Pen day of Janney qatioitactFiclock a. if., on the prriar TIMXII et. SAUL —Ont•third dtnvn' th` halanr, on liberal wit . - ;-- licr•rrig JIPS347t . Jan'-Isr. • , NEW FiIIINITi* S TIAi E. RIBLET & CO., - Would rrapect ly m th 4, pul4lew t hat - tbuy 111% FURNITURE , WARR-110081, i IN lIAIII.E'S;BLOCK: " ' Betweel Bth Mid 9th . tieotl,,.on State, Whom beery Int n.l to Ic..np nonpf,intly• 411: ins; nfuli I ' nFsortinent nf ' ' ' • 1 NEW AND WELL syLicreri, Ii FLIINITt ' Ilil. rr AN' rr‘peetrully solicit I,llst i i• fl ' rt 11.. i 'l. TI•, rho P. ' I. . 1t1P.1.0 ..-.5. % 1.132•64 I tt .-. ; . 1111:.S1•0 r. HAS ARRIVED _ ' INILE REMAIN ON - 13 . rn.:r.K ()N!.Y CONNEiCING TiESDIY, DEC. CG, '63. Can be coneult7:l orna Pa.l)nrrei . flin flair. f inf nY ofthe trab , . fgraeor *ralp eel ; `tartVtlvn-1,1- , 0 ,, 1 Hew, and all etliAlwoUlll erupt/eels pithe'r dp.l'rematura Bleaehl gof the !fair. et..., al. th,Ati4n Hoare for Coueuttatiou funGoitlemoi from n t., p. rn alefrOm 7 toff p.:era.l frorrt.nrlieLl from Irto 5 p. m. Consultati o n free. rrofl De Afetreeis exlemaite' ratory ie at 'le ()lamp. Streett h Irepir, Y. , voIA,. OO DALE:c A I/ i • • I - si t )g44 ice" hCuxtaOdTAßviL'D CCWILIIPTI ON, rr Otrinte COAT:IIU ANnlifiliOltri 'Mil 4CI ii SIMI? IC arm; CAtA RIM ANT; IlltSVln go Tut fr , ,'CR orsl2itr,l . .r IT Crum C %TARIM AND PALM IN jt iiirrictilitts to the veryraeat of te:rito le disease, end extermitiateelt, root and branch, torrent-. Pt.