ght grit Obotratr. E giE, PA., DECEMBER Wo. 1863 THE ERIE WEEKLY OBSERVER. rag " °swim BeiLomas," STAIN IhrnasT, Omani foe? Orrice. ADVEitTI3gIiIENT3.-00i Square of fen fines one In. sertion TS Cents ; two insertions 111,00 ; thrie laser. Lions SIAS one month PA° two osontba STA; three month* jio0; six m lathe SSA); one You' SS 00 ; other advertise:meats in proportion. Theis rotes will be strictly adhered to, wslses changed by special contract, or at the option of the pleslishen. And! to.'s Notices, Strays, Divaretie add Like advertise meat, PAO ; Adtiintstrator's Notices 11260 ; Loco Notices rare cents& line; Ite•riage Notices itirryw vi vs cents' Ow& Obltnur Notion (over these lines • in extent) firs maid per line. Original imetry, no km written at the raquest of the editor, one dollar perline All &devils, Ova& will be continued at the asps • of the person advertislais. 'mad ordered sat by bla direction, aisles • 'podded period is gr ew upon for iii losertion uO3CRIPTIONI Two Dow. s. per annum in ad. ranee. 09 PRINTING.—We have ow of the tome Sobbing illtlem in the State, and are ready to do any work In that line Una may be entrusted to na,..ln espial sty le to Loy esiabltshount outside of the largest eith,e. AUXITTILD TO THE BAR. --On motion of sales C. Marshal, Esq., Clark Ewing was 4}n bursday of this week admitted to practice a the several Courts of this county. We earn from one of the examining committee that .Ir. Ewing passed his examination with much redit. We wish our young friend every slic es§ in the practice of his profession. Foa ras,Bessrcr 114 TIM POOR.—A lea • re will be given, in the 4th Street Catholic hunt', on Sunday evening, January 9d, niter the auspices of the St. Vincent de Paul ociety, a charitable organisation connected ith the Church, by Rev. Thomas Hayden, t Bedford, Pa. Ilia subjeet . will be—'+ gdu :tion aad its Proper Basis." Weare told .at the 'rev. gentleman is a man of :great ility, and a very' interesting speaker. The ice of tickets will be 25 cents. CONORISSIONAL.—The following is a list of he Pennsylvania delegation in the present ongress--the Democrats being in holies and he Abolitionists in Roman : =I Edgar Cowan, 1. Samuel J. Randall, 18. 11.-11._Traoy, 2. Charles O'Neill, 14. Wm . . H. Miller, 3. Leonard Myers, 16'....TosepA Bailey, 1 4. William D. Kelly, 16. A. H. Coffrolh, 5. M. Ruigen Thayer 17. Areh'd John D. Stiles, 18. James T. Hale, John M. Broomall, 19. Olenni W. Scofield Sydenham E.dierona2o. Amos Myers, Thaddeus Stevens, 21. John L. Dawson, Myer &rouse, . 22. Jas. K. Morehead, PAilto Johnson, 23. Thomas Williams, Charles Dennison, 24. Jesse Lasear... Total . Democrats 12; . Abolitionists 12. WHT GIN. MIIADII DID NOT FIGHT.—We e been permitted to copy the following seat from a letter written by a brave and Illigent young officer from this city in the Ith regiment : Gen. Meade is to day more .popular than bad went within five miles of Richmond, 'ten had to fall back with the lose of valuable lives. The General was beard Gen. Warren if he could take that line , rks (meaning , those behind which Lee'e was entrenched.) Warren replied : "Yes, I shall lose 16,000 lives." As we did not rapt to storm them, we know what Meade ught of it. I sappose we are now good winter quarters. If you hear any person nbling because Meade did not storm those t.l, or because he does not move, just tell these two lilt's incidents, Which I saw my own eyes. One poor fellow in the N. Y. was wounded on the skirmish line, could not be got off within hearing of both our lines and the mien, until literally frozen to death, and man that was wounded in the hated in the 'ieh here came in with the blood running .ne ends of hie fingers in, long icicles. other man belonging to our regiment had o feet badly frozen," while we were out terrible night, and .1 hear theta man was sally frozen - to death, on that line'. Such, war! Men can face bullets and the can but when they have 'to run the chances ing wounded snd frozen to death it takes tat deal of ,courage out of him." SATURDAY Reims° POST. -The propri T of the Siturday Evening Poet—which is now is its forty-third yeas—announca tr prospectus for 1864, that they design .fling for their weekly the high charm): has already acquired as a tirst . class lit• paper. They intend commencing la the paper in January, a new Novel, by Mn. t, author of "East Lynne," &e., from id , sheeti, expressly forwarded to them from Id. In addition to the stories written sly for thelPost, its Editor also strives ty before its Headers the lion Airiest from English Periodicals, and gives -ill addition the tales and sketches, more or less 'grip trot matter, with a riddle, receipts, news Asst departments every week. He will co any person sending thirty subscriptions Post and sixty dollars, one of Wheeler & m's Celebrated Sewinglasehines,'Soch as sell for forty-five dollars. The maohities be selected sew at the manufactory in New ;, boxed and forwarded, free of cost, with - 7tion of freight. tans, Cash in Adoasex—One copy one $2; -two copies, $8; lone copies, s6;' copies, (and ens to the gettar..up of thi, ) $l2; 20 eopiee,.(and one to the getter. it thWalnb) $2B. One cop) , of the Pon' one of the Lady's Friend, $B. Specimen le the Post sent gratis. .Addrese Dee & Peterson, No. 819 _Walnut Sgreet,;Pbil shit. t ~ Irsny Of our radars kers/am had' • of the advantaged "we. \em to 4 4, 'It; : ,; 00 1k!"It! ri fti, of auttswelis•throng onstessaithht *Ora' is dad out front early ollittinteealsrOelecs top hate • • `therbageidUiddithrimalifiadtona- Yankee Notions wad totter Latakia their been red enough to prowiaently 'ppd.e the lio of that feet through the columns of the -Teta tber are taiiireipiOg ihi to which their enterprise sad business . entitle Aim. • Weadelsiall;Our read purchasing , PliTlstenas sad. Nser Year's ente for thealitife; °ass; W ey.p4som a call. of their stamp ars the Mad that give a irosperity and !spritatioa, and the com. ty should take a pride in encoaragirai • —ln the taklst Of- thie holiday etyler, kiwi one forget that Ms St,PA aratiumrsi:jor Parneolar iottootioN., • _t Straws. No. Hula* • ' I II -4 • Notice to 011W wit u.sproparod' to NO to It casts ClllMCSODAeadGUMsttietoewt sae ut Prim. We au all Oil Vltrol by Ile oar load attar moo , ottarars, thereby Isola( to Do pardon" do an dant aad seaniaLiaaawaaps tail Wat. • leP2ett. MUM% pavenyammilL • - - . DINSORO 1111tILIWIlltalr _ G nd reasallaafigtt r ataaabeta at Ildialaialtabatitat tataiat • *Ma intaatatiaa. Oforra aaNd WA. Coltman ettlettait by The • thaw at lbw aear. !imp Oat., to.#lo4t ••t . 7 - I . Jallbadiatainad Tani fir The bounty °retied in,this county ,for veteran volunteeri is now $7 02 , and for nen volunteers $6OO. Or The next year will be Leap Year—s period supposed to be particularly favorable to love and matrimony. NW A very dee Christmas - Tree has been "arranged in the Episcopal church and will be open to the inspection of the public on Friday. • , r sair A Sabbath; School Festival will be given in the United Presbyterial:l.6o3h (Mr. Preseley'r) on Christina. evening. WI.. A n , number 'of otlice .ttached to tke 145th regiment are now et home on fur loughs. Ser A Dail will be given en Wednesday evening, Dec. 80th, at the Half -Way House, Harbor Oreek. e stir The Dispatch says the city Councils have incresiad the license tax•for exhibitions, °barging $lO instead of $3. Iler Col. Grant offers for rent, 7 front the let of April nest, two int class store's and several offices. See advertisement.. • par Dr. Holland's lecture on Friday even ing was btack—very blank. The "Doctor" is frightfully affected with the prevailing ei detain. CoL Schlaudecker. the recruiting offi cer at this city, has been quite successful in seounng volunteers, within the last few days. On ht , enday he obtained four. , mt. The United States Semite, on Tues day, by a' votesof 8 to 23, refused to pus a. amendment to the conscription act, exempting clergymen from the draft. sir We learn that a "railroad ball" is soon to be got up, under the auspices of the em ployees of the various railroads tittminating at this city. gay- We heir than the list of persons liable to military duty has been largely increased, through the spited - a hating the names pin ted_and_ put up in public places. sr We direct notice to the advertisements of lion. A.. King, in another column of this paper. lie is doe of our heaviest real estate dealers, and offers for sale a large amount of property. Mir Prof. Savage,late Co.•Bnperiatendent, has beooMe Principal of the (Heard Academy. He is one!of the most intelligeit gentlemen and capable teachers in Western Penneylye :. The Observer may always be found for Bale, immediately after publication, at the news stand of Mr. May, in the Post office, and at the bookstore of Mi. Ensign, Brown's Hotel. tf Chat. R. Buckalor gi,ir The best legacy that parents can leave to their sons is good health, virtne - and indus trious habits. la nine eases out of ten, what is called a "fortune" by the world, Is really a misfortune. a 9. The Gazelle has stated that letters ad dressed to Congressmen must be prepaid, the same as other letters. A. semiofficial dispatch from Washingtiin ssys that letters to Con" gressmen go free as well' as .thosn that they send. we We desire, as far as possible, to settle up our accounts b? the lst of January, and hope that those heOag bills against our firm, as well as those kaving themselves Indebted to ns, will not fail 'to give the matter their prompt attention. " Ifir Some witty chap.-indices the following good thing on the Sprigue-Chase wedding: The match wait a regular greenback match, That Could not . oy law by stayed ; His offer a legal tender was, And she was the tender-maid (made.) Thus belay' groan- oriir Several provoking typographical er rors which occurred in the article on "Politics r in th - 'ir Pulpit," last week, entirely altered its meaning in one or two sentences. The intel ligent reader doubtless discovered .the mis takes and made the proper correction. gg. All of our well2ilisposed citizens are loud in praise of the Police force. We have never seen the city as quiet in the evenings as it has been since Chief Crowley and his aisle tints catered upon their duties. 11§1.. Rev. Mr. Blackburn, 'of the Park' church, has resigned the pastorship of that congregation, and accepted a call from Tren ton, N. J. He preached his farewell sermon on &May evening last. We understand that the congregation . are endeavoring to obtain the services of Rev. Dr. Justin, late of Vir ginia. • • ma. After the middle of the next year, Erie will be one of the most importaat railroad eentres in the oenntry. The fbiloviag are the roads that will then have their tarlatans here : Philadelphia & Erie, Erie &'Pittsburg. Buffalo 4: Erie. Cleveland & Brim ma n , Oni of-our most enterprisintarms is that of WM. P. Hayes & CO., the well known dryloods4Urehants... These 'gentlemen know the value 'of Printer's Ink, as will be seen by then ous prominent adiertimments of their nets Which havi ippeired in the l o t Obsery daring the 'leit - 1iar..,,..We heartily ruomaind them to the patronaga of our re* den.- 11116, Persons in need of Job Printing will / • • W4l to their advatitso to give the Observer I di a oill. ' - We have made many extensive 1 pnProvements to • our Aft Within the year; , add having- one of the finest amsortments of lype in the-country, togetber with ra t pid pow- het presses, feel cepabie 124,W of doing work in Hist line equal to the best, and on as Inman ab)i terms as any of -the 14 eity - iiiNcis. eft. A cotemporery recommeadsibe '&1- lowing as an effectual preenation against bitr7. glare ; la you ere sleeping la a room in which • you apprehends' vita from I robin, spread half a duel newspapers on the door: veer the entrenee of :the room. Tim very slightest: step will rustle the paperlo alio swakU His hoariest iplaspi*Mtdtlutdoer, Cannot be Opts ed, or a sip EMI., without the rustling. • • sel. Bubo:4m will . Nmember that altar' the lit Of/rug the prior etthe Odeon*, will be twalorlare per yese..lidad of $l-;f10, as at present. Weintend imbibing addition al medinglialier ealtugh to Duda ilia paper tally worth theddrinatid Out.'"-if ca% sub. **Rutin inffadienteing paWhosage continua incrsue is it has dons during the list year, 1h hope to be stilirto . iiiwbirgi by diiii'llt of J. 0 1.7, moan the P&P•e4e_hirPititidagsd In dila liaimarpo, ;iift....413.4 ' I Ed-ltrafp..T l V* l !I' 'WU!! catmartheit fa: • r i 7 I . 4l litit.l.llortimlti• best him= sti! Nth. lift 4 a gu aa , >OM larikuumber el la Illiam alum and ....,,, „mentors. has Sapid 11.111111111 WI W 7". f sit W.l l•.l . = .. tiky "1°1, ... , 1 0 7 1 10' 11 ;44. 1 i 5 ;1114 , 40/64 .1111jU ir ''..."1.111111"nt in ‘' Ur vadat& „ Aar 1110cpastammi go's, Brief Paragraphs. sur A Merry Christmas total our readers, • .1141ellesi is the skied CO Air the Demeatatta masses, VOAL. OTh of - fiepeeer, Mr. ‘'‘' 114 S. fb/i paiistmes:"..thttesis a l opt set I-ttas; iroati; be Neetel- ND s ZIMB o !tr..:s Bol4 v4r!kii'a-0' n 4 44 4 "..i5T1 • airw f•' - '` • luta lot:yIR: • .••••••‘/ bite - . We copy'the following from Oil liar risbnrg Daily Palriol, the central Deli‘oralict State organ : enaltalt - IS 44i QUARTIBUD4IrriSSCDIIIPAIIt- MINT.--Capt. E. C. Wilson; Assistant Quarter.: master at this post, has, at his own request, been relieved from duty, and Capt. X. C. Beichenbach, who his for some time past been on duty as Quartermaster at Reading, has been appointed iu his stead. Of the new incumbent we know little, but bear him highly spoken of by those have come in contact with hint.? Capt.. Wilson has held the position of A. Q. M. at this post almost front the commence ment of the rebellion ltis, without doubt. the most important quartermaster's post In the whole country, acid rio office ontaide of Washington has had a heavier or more eaten sive business to transact than that of Capt. Wilson— a fact which becomes evident when we consider that 'it occupies the converging point of till the grest Northern avenues to Washington. atiti.also foinse the depot of sup plies to the Cumberland Valley. The super intendence of this immense transportation, forage and equipment business, which has heretofore been so promptly and carefully at telded in by Capt Wilson,, assisted by an able Itlld efficient clerical corps, now devolves cpen Capt. Relabel/bash, in consequence of the of his predecessor. es, The 'ollowing extract from s letter Writieu by a soldier in the army to one of onr friendsiu Albion, was handed to lle several months ago, but having been mislaid war not published before. We owe an analogy -to the gentleman for not having it appear sooner.— Says the soldier : "•I believe if the President had done as he promised McClellan, we would have gone into Richmond last summer. I see by nearly every paper I get, that the people of the North are down on McClellan, but they. will see some• time who is to blame for our failure on the Peninsula. Theta is one thing . l. notice the Abolition journals never say. The army think more of him than any General that has ever commanded it; but those papers know it is so, if they know anything at all." ea. The, weather during the past week has been se a general thing, extremely cold. That of Wednesday, in our opinion, was more severe than any we experienced during, the *hole of last winter. On Sunday morn ing-the Bar was frozen over for the first time this season, and the ice has attained a pee s feet!) , safe skating thickness. As soon as the Weather moderates a little, we may expect to see it covered with merry skaters of both sexes. On Friday •night, a considerable amount of snow fell, making fair sleighing in the city, but the "owls in the country bad been so much. cut up previously, as to make the travelling very difficult. - 'WI. A boy named May; son of Mr. May, the news dealer, who was employed at selling pa pers on the cars of the Phila. & Erie It. it., met with a serious accident at Warren, on Saturday evening. lie attempted to jump from one car to another, after they had been un coupled, and while they were still in motion. Failing to do so, be fell between the two cars, breaking one of his legs. Therear car passed entirely over him, but fortunately he lay in suolta position that he suffered no farther in jury. The faritily are poor and deserve the sympathy and aid - of the public, 10. We regret to see some of our cotempo raries severely criticising the "Corry City Sens," Thtfetlikirs of that paper are poor men—one,- we believe, a returned soldier— struggling to get an honest and respectable livelihood, and we, for one, are willing to over- I look their short-comings,, in consideration of the circumstances under' which they have been placed, They doubtless do the best they can, and we feel more like encouraging than dis couraging them. 1.116, Our Curlers will present their patrons on New Year's Day with a well written and tastily. printed New Year's Address, it will contain, in addition t o the usual poetic features, an almanac of the coming year, a valuable to cal historical table, and a reliable - record of National, state, County ao4City Officers. The little fellows have performed their duties faithfully dUritig the year, and are entitled to a liberal reward from their patrons. :lir The drugstore lately owned by T. S. Sinclair", has been taketi by Messrs. Viers & Elliott, two young men of good Vast ness (justifications, who have already enlarged the stock, _acid intend ooadaoting the business extensively. We believe them to be well worthy of encouragement, and recommend them' to the publip, ' 'Their advertisement wil be found Its ane th lik column. - • sir The tool Directors offer a reward or -0) for the arrest arid ionv l iction of any per sea trespassing oil or destroying the wheel Property ftrtiiXtillYx the last six or seven reeks, the West Ward &hoots have been entered by malicious parties, who stole two cloaks beiides :klieg otherwise in is improper manner. - ,1111116.,Neithor nor conscriptions. aor idelt'p a rleee otter'anj stkottrilbstaoles to the: coarse of Lore.. Wilkie the lasi three or fair doom lagok.,thnn, / ,(4nroraddinign have Ulu* place in this oityi ,and we are informed the more' 'are ',sto coat() off before the week • k„.We indetstend-vhse-the notes of the MW National bats will „seen be sent to the elf/rent Lestittitiona from Was - Masten, tad put into gernestel_rntation., . We have. Apse" of these banks iti this county; one in _thin oily, one intliiird, and one in 'Union. egild• r ee e• t:';7:93: Childs beirtaken the lime kiln marina; foot of .:Frseen s t ree t, l a t e ly o soted Itsojinia'antes, and " intends 'car rying it hntere, .aftet. -. ." fie will have lime on Mind lititr whets • Tinter, Clitles is a man who deeeivev te'hepitrionitetlr - - e a oir We shall commence' a full report of the Piaiee,llritile s .l44*,' 44, „i; 'We hksirkels a 114 cif, sitsr v the ... first of January. and oonthsue them regularly: ittonnainr• Thor will tie - s;iirieet`e4l'Vj'i'eltithle„ ca p a bl e bastetele trate) " - ,1 141 ". 4 11 ." been out 'of the ski wwyestrwei : sauste%wasay In the pre sir itt!: teene r , illaWteby intuit ides 4 fa Me irintio, lie eliterlj. rereffiel,4 Outlining I “Titai*goad --it etwallsslike.hepoe 1" .... •lit‘ The ,tit!i14004444. 1 . 4 . ! ) , , ;:t 1 , 43 :.'qr5' 4 4, - , osptored at Chattanooga r taikkraioa._ - 14 abfpf• of ilia old blesta, nut fall Ait air itiil4 hive t + eid tai. - their Interest In The barrel manotactory l ed, tbl latereeetloh - ofttkilli iths+tolt-ii.werei neWl.eirt,l §igreit 4 1 A4,:te l „,httriP'ear _fila +lTaeiia~tea: teirnahitA l C Wm. 'See new adrertisemenia. ! iC•• s" o ol' sr•• of t • 8 4 0 with an ‘ll444oo4l&oripirleinliii`Efitt.'-• • ..7/.5.4-tt:;lZ 460 4 11 1 110 tlt 411141010108Clieslii. ST. PA ,arV it trb,kg,9oo an d . dealars tl , ilitutailwiAtit&lgege: Who prpiebiasjf*.fUorbW m ojkluk algid pisz k awformitia liCit tha lighthak 104.118i4AreitMout, sad wait not f ,14t 1 r t :i" T oa — aratiktratf mho , SitatAlf .:.--~ ~' -. /* He Nut ae.Trrnirtudt.l=TheTitiasville f remit sou to keys their subscriptions beta Awnr gives wale • filii-Plegceiere of the oa the Id of January,. with the new vulame. terrible "511110141111i.....1.11i214 in that Those who preserve their numbers ferbinding place on Salnoltit s ece 10 which have, -at the end .of the year, two handsome 'curious storiotilog about the volumes of 416 pages east-454-aitit savors! City. ~MOIr 4 le:**/#1 0 4 .4 a Hoeg'. meet hundred engrains. • • taark.o . i defiliel&ili Niiii . doe* i e vhioo T om s o f S l utoortiaem:—sll , for! girsr year ; i run von , sem , 1114 when discovered el siemetttliti t V for' four months: 20 Was under 'Enid baud - lh!t all afore to e-1 50 for 1 copies in a Club can be had for $4O. Subscrt quench It rie stkeee4 li at- - Ia a f ew moments there in Canada should remit ta fiesta eV**, io the grooery i Otero ot• 'f•= llll lere & Bro. and pay postage.lSpecimetsCopisirtekitiwz sleet Clark A - i(M s 4 IA seek side of 9"' grids, a pamphle t of . l Arivtai Volsvinvons." lwechett hiti; : thiVcielialata * giro" into the Address Munn &CO.' Publishers, 87 Park Row, I Otreet i und were enveloped It lames. Other' New York City. Odom had their contents removed in in like *inter, - aid efforts were now blade to tear than doti, bet the fork ',bid leareely oom- Unsaid before they, too, were enveloped in flames. Thus progressed the devastating sle. Meat, until every building hum 'Fatima's for, Milani shop, on Diamond street, to the Post Moe, on Franklia street, ware in ruins. The following list contains the names and occupa tions of done who were aufferors : "Tallimt;, furniture; J. filthily, merchanttal lor; King Bros, store house; D. C. Clark, groceries and provisions ; H. W. Myers & Bro., do.; Clark dr Scoville, do.; J. H. Dross, do.; R. Hoag, meat market ; J. A. Losee, clothing; 8: Fowler, billiard tables; W. 8. Wilmot-, dry goods and !crockery ; H. Auerbach, tobacco spit elgars ; O.J. Brick, vetch maker ; E.H. • Crittenden; W holiest* liquor dottier; J. Dutton, books and stationery ; J. J. IllitCram & Co., harness sad saddles; P. J. Nisbet% merchant tailor; Wilson & Co., drugs and medicines; t , I. P. Jameson, boots and shoes; J. Katz, dry goods sad Clothing ; also the Past Office, news room, Majmnio hall; J. II Baker's and WA!. lister & Baker's law offises, E. H. Chase Ind E. L. Drake, justice offices, Avery & Beck, -oyster 'elem. The residence of B. H. Chase was badly burned on one aide, Crittenden Hall and petroleum Hall were both" badly 'damaged by the heat. '"At one time it wail thought that Crittenden Hall would cirph despite the efforts to save it; had such liven lbe case, one-half of the village would have been burned. It is thought that tmi the heaviest loser, as be had two stores, a large store house, and a 'very heav,f stock of goof!, at-the time. It is impossible at the present time to make a cor rect estimate of the amount of damage done, but shall sicertain before our nest issue." - [hem t he D“ Moines Statermao •tand by Your Party Papera• A solemn duty, but one imperfectly die: charged, devolves on Democrats, to stud by their paper!. In the general wreck of person and political rights, about all the liberty that the citizen retaige is the privilege of reading Democratic papers and paying Aboli tion taxes.; flow long he will enjoy the first is uncertain. Ms - lease of the last will , never hi disturbed. But while ho retains the priv ilege of reading the paper of ids choice, he owes it to himself, to the editor, his party and his country, to give such paper a living sup- Pot • 1 6.1111tholt Government or litate,titid, in many Instanies, bounty patronage, proscribed by in intolerant party, confronted by a' secret) or ganisation' whose only purpose is to pull down the Denult:ratio party, and hunted by the paid Minions 'of. power, Democratic publishers hare Ratting to rely uposi but their own energy and fidolity and liberality of their p o litical friends. - "Withotit newspapers the Democracy would be without an orgarsisaticsioand at the mercy tit tioir visual's. With newspapers they can preserve their organisation. and regain both their, political . iiiicendancy and their liberties. "It Is 111*,t. which 'manna be successfully chntroveirtsd, that Republicans giro a more . zealous support to their party organs than d o Pew:wrote. Just so long as this state of things chatinueit,, the ballot-bog will be powerless for our relief., The press is a potent engine foe shaping the opinions of a people and control. Wog the disdain of a country; and it would Lle well if the Democracy learns this fact in time to sere their party and the government. Ph fent is!elearer to the mind of an attentive ittbeerver, ;than that we lost the State by extra. ordinary-zeal displayed -1 Mies circulation lip Republiaan papers and doCnments, and the, Prevailing apathy of Demoers in sustaining aid enlarging the eirmdliarrof 'Democratic • Papers and documents,: LA! this sail on the au itaud'and apathy *Alm otker,,. i that - has' o !ntisited ridioslisaX4',Ori_ 'will 00A. thus II Omer until Deadenits :Win to fail and lake *re of en Wawa iiiimeircalatioe tho,DeMoustia , * • • • * •• ' 4 4 sew year is abbot tit dawn upon us and it is a - ped time. to 'eaty yolk; Democratic fait!' mid i labor for **great itaUse: ;Send fur ihe mot if yon are not %kind, reeniving it, nail Ho that Tour nekiibur does likewise. - The AIM attieriberl'oo4o* the better'it,pays," jh, Uwe time *Corsa . 'dtirote to its editorial hutnagastant sitektletiliriater iutertst will be . glut to its cOlumas."._ t • . 11141111,11 VLLLiaI, Deo. 12, 1868. ~;,Inatlitsbt, suet according to adjournment.— ',I ositelsonirereopened by *tactics Air. E. H. obapiesit President, Miss Setrel. Vice Presl - Mae Bulb Treasurer and l Mrs. E. D. Bennett Dlntretary. The.nsates of the 0:soh - era wr i thes takes by Miss S. A. Clerk and Leaded over to the Secretary.: The pioltritnune being taken Up, Niles 8 A. Clark will nailed upon to drill a elasiin Prac tical Arititsietiiii, but being unpropirWkl, it wee itemd end carried shit the dill he 'deferred tiatil the nut issaioe. Mr. Jl3. 11 . 4ttapmk i' , less tbetkealied,upon .to give hip method Of tappliing.E*tinal Arithanttie, which be give hi 171,11414 .entisisctor,7 miner.. This Irv, to I • killed by , awildries snwl velem** by -Ur I. T. Ihic... Arr. E. H. Chapman tbeni gave his man. sir et ti;fekleg Penmanship. which wis (11-..:', 10 , 44 iscritisies rind reiasrhe insie , by 0;4 Institute. Si to OR ; best method of teaching .14460,teiriotilt7 toilowea' ty ie!niirts 01;00 I bit the Conutit fittperinteudarit, Mr begateler, '1 ,44 Ulf.;010.141011., on vnrtot* , intui t s concern. beAr Ike ittiLititie. - The Preeideet thew l iipp ain t; -et 11,4 T. V. Visiii4il Mills _ll. Beecher iii; 4itett*tii . esithealttee. The programme F. 1 n4l6,f_ a i l d a d o ps4j. 0 a IWO ios rite institute!' ptep...0... tvlje isd Co aneeil'"o. the ydegle Village:settee; 1 Itteu" ,. , ;,-Ditisebth, at 10 ii. 4,,i ' I *art Passion, opening Ozer, Asa s.r.: i', • 1. m i lifisitil n !..::. ' __. ~. - I Ken tun' Wasst.--A distiuguislied medi cs? gehtlemin 'says .that diseases of 'lb.s itttes are easily contracted by.ezposure to fhb cold without sriercient'olothing. The Reviler por• flop of children from one to fi fteen *oaths old, who did in winter. Isis killed hy thti cold, or diseases resulting from cold. Wooled Han sel is reconsinendid se the beet elothino to be worn next. to the skip in our variable climate, st lout for nine months in the year. -?( pa rents would preserve the - health - and Urea of their little i ones, 'they should Imp i s them warmly 'OlO, especially about the cheitt end feet. Woolen , socks should be adop for cold feet are almost always the cause of *tell= lag cold. • A SVCCIHFUL Istrtrurion.—Tbs Alt Evenipey Chtionicis,says: These issiibba institution in the cenntrroso success which •is eslebllsbed op amore per basis, and fires promise of greeter nese; than the Iron City Commercial of this city The unusual facilities b forded, the superior . sluallfictstions.or. tb cipals, who besides being upright gent are also experienced teachers and pr business mrn, offer a combinition of. Cages nowhere surpassed, if equaled, ceutit.ry. Ho* the' south Receives the Pres' ' 1 . Message. . Yrom the Richmond fienttnil, Dee. It Siipposing our readers Itsvetaluliosity ti,i see the ;late Message - fir President Lin coln to his f Congress, and presuminl that Lincoln wank our people to see hol3gra cious he iii , ! and what a loving p iama tion he has issued to us all ,in ixie, we publish both in our issue ay.-,- Whenever the British envoys wished to tempt our fathers in the Bevolutibn by their proffers of amnesty the 'Continental Congress ,always assisted in' giving their proclainations a wide circulation;* fOr not , only did Congress. confide in the leyalty of the people, but they 'consideeed?.those papers as !calo p lated to .eutimate the pop ular, patriotism''. .. ' A hundred times stronger are the rea sons for expecting this result now. ,t Nev er did British commissioner or general, in all his arrogance, put forth so impudent a message 'as the Washington milt has sent down to us. Ho is going to forgive us something; it seems, on certain terms. 'ro•the Rost liberal, unratified and all embracing offer of forgiveness to our fathers, Dr.' Franklin retilied :—"We, who have committed no offense, need no for giveness," - Our answer • would be the same, even if Lincoln's offer imitated the humanity of Briton's. Forgive usitahat? Forgive us because he has invaded our States with , armed linititudes, to over throw our laws, destioy our liberties and compass our destruction ? Forgive) us be cause he has plundered our setts and ravaged our.coasta ? . Forgive us for hav ing burned our towns and desolated our homes ? Forgive- us fur the many thou sands of our brothers and sons and dear friends, whom be has staid upon onr own soil, and_ while repelling his inVasion 1 Forgive us for the many_ dear mutilated ones who will remain the legacy iof •the war when the war. shall be over,? Foe • give us for having Outraged even the sea- . sibilities of Europe by his. atterupt to excite servile revolt 1 Forgive usi fo,r his beast Butler, and for the: thousand atro cities which he has let loose agaiast us? Ito may forgive us for these his / grimes ; but so long as we have heiirti to Teel and hands to strike we shall never! forgive him. How ,impudent it is to conic,, with one brother'S blood upon .his• :accursed hands, and ask: us to accept hisiforgive7 Ir ness! But, he goes further. _makes his forgiveness dependent upon erais.— We have only to swear obedien to hie will. We have to sviesi that th procla mation of emancipation which kte issued last -year. and which we receieed with bei , mocking, and which has since n a gen eral derision, shall be submitted by us. Our society is to , be upturned. I stead of that distinction between -the - raoes , neces-. sass for the happiness of both, b asks us to swear that we will have none at all; until his Con gress of fanatics. or hnipacked. bench of judges; shall say that h procle.-' oration was wind. But all this will 'not do. We must abandon to that ;detoph 'thirst for their blood, whicl:Ohat !:en in decently exhibited from the- first -- all the men - who have rendered our annals con spicuous, and under whose .leacti we have won a fame, it not a - name, .azhong the nations. We must leive the PreOldent to Abratsam's tender mercies.' Thesermy of the Potomac must offer up their! glorious lender, under whom both have become illustrious. Betture,garcloinst beA, hung,- ; lii short , every , officer down td colottet, ec o arid everY, civil functionary from ' ngiOnt-• men to messenger, and from • Ai ernoec constable, are to be retained for t Lineolithi malignity. .flow, he 'and Sessard and Sumner w'oirld'irlOst over the i hanging bodies of the "dead rebels.", .. :i',., . ft even Lincoln - base e,nouglitti hasp ine that a' brave-people; such as' the Oen federatel baits, proven themselv s, viduld. under any stress of fortune , proi a4rsiters to the men whom they have catlM to lead them, in camp - ,iir council? 'I 'T its -miserable attempt to divide and . corrupt sir will 'he.centemptenpgly resent.: e&as the in ult whieti tt,' is.; It'rul this is the best that Lincoln can think'' of for us ...Littler prost ra tion; Wide faistf-s social ruin, horriblepmsery white main, rich Ur poor; -20 Agar:ols citizens, whose namesitte*rlietdeijitlililil over to Le hung! - 4 . ~., , This infans --stroolemstion I will hut arousvi-us to iiewisat. avid new etfortii : - • • NABRIBID. w• I .In Ills &Ai, on Ihal . rid Lad., at throes Oi Lb. bible's tither, Dr. 0.'1.. 1C11.611, by levy. . 11. A. Lytar„ Ifr.l'. If . LlNtro . to Mgt, sytill Vrtr. LI of Krie: , 1 . 'Ede:Ale - 11 C9I2IqER 9119kRADIr AND . t,rvipAL,) "iIItELVY" • • .„• N e l,' NO Lager sreemn, atietsiale, Alice .1 .0 ft - Bait ._ _ iiinlia ~, ~ ~...., , w ila 4 ~ ,tir t k e Tescht slia "Or • I STREETS. I -4a sa4lnuen , `'.' • , r ‘ . 4 . • I'. i tC, ..-..- ..: 41.r_ ,1:. e!. 7 .l7riiP, 'tTpt)ii . , • . • 4 4 ' " ' 1St -parley. Wadies • 1 !' -a ,- • - ?-,".--' +J _ ,__ _.-: 4,-_:.. tiAlligkOr l'illii rukil lk . (1 9 rrys'i. ..--- ,-• '', BA Thr • • ° - ...1,1•41 ApeisasiOS,. • ' Palo sad4 1 040 ,1 X .F1741 . ! 1 , 14 11 1 .14 -•of Lager, Artiatess" . 4=erns sail Barley, i fi re 'W11!; akt b ago D ,tilko MOD Ariti ty , jta'4 n " It :V m agiti $ r 7. "Imo Allustarif, now j 11111101~PSIsouita SeLilag'4 °44itttiornelits. 1!! : • El) • kta • . .101111 as. litualliel VMS. *a., rtylll.lam. II yr, - . m E ikt:: 3 Ezs ArT E FOR SALE. NEE ( . 11:1EAPER YET ! LARGE TWO STORY BRIM ROUSE, vita stone cellar, Welt bake ores, excalleat walla( waer. large cider°. carriage house, line barn, :8 by it), an oteelleo: or chard of grafted fro% Including sprite., cherries, • 1 • „Planladlc.. adjotalaf thola Oat Lots 0' Wl*, with /6 deer et ibialliat roiled; gild al whlet..eorumanda so wasurpaual f ilew of the City. Bay, Harbor, --.. „- -• 8 9 .000 IhACRFO adjoining above, small (rims we, larrfrasa bltrn,ploOl 081lediarg.oi patted b all, Ac for. . MAO • , Si ACRES CSOl r e,C LaND-13mall Louse,, frame Mrs, 4rekstil, .4, 6 naps from trite, fur 8,8,3)0 AORR.4, 9 taloa from 0. 1.,40 Improved, balance 1.0041 I*k= tfusibary Road and Jackson's Mailais;*iestr helm; testst and orchard for..: Tali Lop and Cootpkto OIL RicriNSRY, lo the city Krte.kbirit'S as the v Riy ltefloary," capacity about 150.hstraii *tritest; toother with d acre. cf land, trot:1118g on is Railroad, for 94.409 ALSO, Lots, Ifosios sod Lots and Nut Lots in Mo. City gad f Th, enbestibee having reent.l3 ealargol and sat►odsd • aftelefting Widnes+, needwfutois to owl It on, lg. • fined to sell a part of his Real Feat*. lie ref ra the foragotog at the al) )TO low rates, and .• I ' terms fetorside sod titles perfwtt. dee26'&l. i anent fleful. 'liege e at Prin McAlister's A. - OINTMENT emen, °lntel Jena a the Pot,eises tilt these gloat peetillarittes: l i t tures Iniesse by Openlog the "'Tea - 4: 'Rawlssas - restoring the Insensible P.•rsplra.. . el Illseharies . the Vlllaied 14/erosions, tad 127313 removes esuAe of dieroer takes "Ogg out of Bares, Mares tied Watindic antraubdaes tottimmation stf,rice iS la Alb i saMeal by ski/4kb. sad illamebss. Opeeasea Into !Madlearlasa Applied la Allee. tiO OR of tlr Lungs, Stomach anasflowtos It Is also Equally Beneficial Is Kidney Oat and !Saltine Prize It Witter tit= Gold. 'Rim saved immense suffering and more fives on every gory battle-Held than any other mesas ever resorted to Ile 11/ 10,4 w: all arenved die would - as -tie most ' i • ---- . soothing - and healing Otntsornt•in eststenre IJANra Me A tiny& is the Inventor and Proprietor, New York. it le aold at 25 cents by all Druggists ererywbere. Sold by Sax UM, e•SlTtit, No. 4 West Park Row. • gent for Erie. Wholesale Depot at Kontos k Co.'s, 612 broadway. die26'63-am. Farm far Sale. subscriber offers for sale his farm, situate onefourth of a mite from the borough of rd, In Washington tp, Frio Co., comprising, Site acres and allowance, closed and well fenced, with good building', young bearing orchard and well watered.— Terms.—A portion of the purchase money in hand and the balance on ti me. IIARTIN ISCRAFFORD. Washfitgton, Dee. 22, 15634‘. ' ' .; t • Stray Cattle. pinROKE into the enclosure of the un dersigned. in Harbor Creek tp., about this lath of her, 5 head of yearlings, as follows: 2 red' steers, 1 heifer, 1 'potted steer and f spotted heifer. The own er :is requested to mute forward, prove property, pay charges and take themaway, otherwise they will be dis pelled of aceonling to I tw. Wit COOPY.R. Harbor Creek, Pre. V, 18433-90, MN FOODS! i Thio Subscriber would call attention to the following sa -1 - Ueda' suitable for ! • • 1 ;Holiday , Presents! prWhich hieStost tot probably the most eompitstos In the ; - , • city. It enmprises T 14-DIES' • D,RESSDIG CASES, • - RENT'S wAteigaueiel cages, 'JEWEL STANDS, teather Bagi for Traveling, ,Xleath9r Bags - for Shopping, BUFFALO HORN HA I R-i.BR US ES Buffalo Horn Combs, ittind Mirrors, Par Boni, a Flee issiitimt, r IOY'WATE4 POWAS, -- WATER COLORS, ••• •• 11 - t 1- • • r . • tOIES' STEEL Mt)NNAIES, 3 : • Lpidies' M9r T _ Porte Mopnaies, ) f 1 ' VERY FINE, i... - .iii.t.r=„iii i i:/. 4;„ . . V 10 e toilet Setts, 14 0,1, 1 , 7 p., i ._ . 1 ...1 . 1.=. I. , ' ~43. J;' , 4.• 0I• •' • A.,141 , .. NEW - -PERFUMES, 4.4 .11.a..8.A.10 .0 1 7u:A - g • , A - STOCK. OF • OM iiiii MI • . I 1 I prefleh 'it Soaps,, ..•., • , • MEI • pomtimmotei tika , rctiiillitiEL CARTER ALocin,F 1:v 9 -' • .tr's;aSclait2-WESTIPAI!K 4911P.' om =I A. KINC. Complaints DRESSING CASES, ALL SIZES, EMI NEW HOLIDAY 6aB! I bog konk to foltom goy tttoodlo' mil AU Idtbiais , tatherally, fist 1 kayo' Opened a- New STOU 111 FOR THE HOLIDAYS, CONSISTING OF Eximia-A.wnr CHINA VASES, BRONZE Di iE= OBNM/EM;, Parlan Mantle Om"eats, PARIAN VASES, COLOGNE SETTS, COLOGNE M:nM3t3, MATCH ItC)/XES, CARD RECEIVERS, PIN 'TRAYS, CIGAR SETTS, Plated Coffee Urns, TEA SETTS, DINNER CASTORS, BREAKFAST CASTORS, CAKE BASKETS, Spoon Racks, TOast Rad* Napkin Rings, PICKLE JARS, COAL OIL Chandeliers, COAL OIL LAMPS CUT GLASS, PRESSED -. OLASS, GOLD Band CHINA, WHITE CHINA, CHINA SPITTOONS, CUTLERY, Witte Cigna Tea Silts, • - _ 51 'WIN $1114.• Gold Basil Mai Twists, ,54 Plow, $l4" AND LARGE VARIETY OF OTHER AIiTICkES ~ rt ,1 4.1* Ornigr. ~, LOWEST F4BTERN W. RAILIENNT, • • • ;.) C2l'zi Iyvn Bloat. Math* Park. 4.. l 11,. W RIG T'IV Lo ot; * STATE 178B11PIN WS. PAMPA "Ardfieamiliesidef .040CRIt TAM -, RV, 11 14.4.140 8 141164147 AND 11111111:111N vu.Low asp martir4'avokiram an _s is Mai sadJO Miduled -101.11 IN DANT Aim eressff. A AA, .44 1 0 EN TEICFA,