The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 26, 1863, Image 2

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zerit bstrbir.
B.6.IIMDAY, DEC. ?.6TH, 1863.
AllniurasOrumajoit tt 7/11.11.0PU1 le Yu Pawl or
linattfur Lisznir—Adaderir• Jacket.
• , Oricoaiispi ox PROGRNS. 4 4.
The_editor, of tho Warren Mail, writing
• from Washington City; cites the following
proof of the, " P rogress of Free Opin..
ion's in that highly virtuous and " loyal "
J ...eonuntknity :
" Ntring the week, Fred Douglas and
Hero:l*(3lmley hare lectured to crowd
ed houses. A few years ago they would
, *aye been mobbed. Now the trouble is
to find a hall large enough to hold their
'hearers. • The first night Doizglas spoke it
• — fa eathhated that at least one thousand
were turned away. I allude to this
merely to indicate the change in public
sentiment in this city so long ruled by the
slaieocracy, where now a serenade to a
public man is hardly complete without
John. Brown."
as Mr. Cowan claims, we are pro•
greening at a rapid !Ate. The absurd no-
lions which those old fogy fellows, George
Washington, - Thomas Jefferson, Andrew
Jackson, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster,
and the rest of thatt'hand of prominent
• 'men whom the nation in its simple igno
-ranee supposed to be great and wise, once
taught' about - affairs of government and
patriotism, are no longer fashionable, and
we have in their stead the new gospel of
"loyalty" as laid down by Greeley, Sew
ard, Fred. Douglas and John - Brown.—
This is the kind of "progress" that a man
would make when he had reached the
top of a ladder, and was tumbling down,
.head foremost.
The New York Times Talks like Cop
. perhead.
- We find in the New York Times of the
• • 22d inst., the following striking article,
which, coming from the source it does,
' possesses more than ordinary significance.
It will be seen that the Times, which is
an unquestionably " loyal" Raper, as
' "loyalty" is of late defined, advances the
very Same doctrines that we have always
maintained, and for doirrg which the Ob.
*cher has been' denounced by every Abo
lition disunion ranter in the county. a; a
Copperhead sheet and -syrup ithizer vith
treason." We commend to the especial
attention of this class: the remarks of
• ..
tlieir*, fellow loyalist." Ifenry -I. Ray
• mond :
. "The fact is, s Lys the Times, hir. Phil
lip% and thefanatics who follow his lead,
have become complete monomaniacs on
the subject' of the negro. They have
.• brooded so long over his wrongs that they
•,' • Orearicit conceive that anybody else: has
!--, any rights. They claim for negrys
tries, immunities, privileges and rights,
which they would never dream of claim
. -.'• itlig for whites. • They profess to supiTort
•••• the' - Constitution until it stands in the way
of their schemes for negro supremacy ;
than' they abanitan the Constitution and
rued by the negro. Their test of patri
otism is the negre: They are
' for 'preserving t6e Union if it wilrhelp
' the negroes ; if not, they are for destroy
' ing it. They are for prosecuting the war
'because it will help the negroes ; the-mo
ment they find or fancy it will not, they
- are for peace. Mr. Phillips would infin
itely prefer disunion with the abolition of
slavery te the Union without it; and so
, would the great body of those-who accept
him as their political guide..
"It is becoming fashionable in some.
„ quarters to speak of this as "unconditional
loyalty:' The men in the Southern States
who are for abolishing slavery are called
by some of our leading political journals,
" unconditional loyalists," while Union
, men, like Gov. Bramletto, of Kentucky,
who are not in favor of it, are sweepingly
. • and remorselessly denounced as semi-se
cessionists. _Nothing can ,be. more false
. -or unjust. The question of abolition has
nothing whatever to do with the question
--of loyalty. A. Pro-Slivery man may be
loyal, while many Anti -Slavery Men are
• certainly and conspicuously disloyal.—
„That man is loyal who is 'tor sustaining
' t the Government, crushing_ the rebellion
and preserving the Union without regard
• • ,to slavery. If Slavery stands in the way
- of this result he is for destroying it ; if it
gets out of the way 'he will 'not abandon
the Union for the sake of destroying Sia•
• 'genii- This is the only line of distinction
• that lash be drawn
Is quite time that Mr. Phillips and
'everihody else, North and South, ;abater
--• ” israsOtfbe their opinions on the sUbjeci. of
-"" 'Mastery, shisuld understand that the Con
• Siltation is the supreme law of the land,
Mid that by its - provisions the Supreme
Court tithe highest judicial tribunal of
, the nation. All lois passed by Congress,'
all - proclamations issued by the Pres
' iiiiid,Mustabide by its judgment. Eve:
citizen, every inhabitant, black oi•
white, must hold his rights, subject -to its
, decisions. And there is nothing in . his
.ma posit ion or relations to the Gov
, , eminent which can make the negro an
emMitiop to this necessity."
, It mast be admitted. by everybody that
the Meat sketches the •portrait of its
stitti • a master's hand. . The men
.who are wmpt op its their devotion to the
neve, so, strongly that they neglect all
war „ore for. the interests of white men ; who
"prefer disunion with the abolition of,
plicery to the Union without it " ; • and
„ neighbors andlellow-citimne
,; that: do not agree with . thelidt to the
, -`c -. ll*oPer• Polio/ to • Pram Union .
i . ' Neeksisessionista " and -"distend," cots.
lieks hine.tenths of the RePublicin or.
gialagia• • • '•
President is above ell Constitn.
' 'fida' s ja, Lairs," is the cry of the
litionkts. "%letterer he deems necessary
c . '-utoleiserviHs4this nation's life', he has A
Tifibt'to do." it is'tbe fact, what
itikifOolies of Ale oath that air. Lincoln
- 16EttliClelbee enterh4 on the (hides or his
' 4 A
e *mkt' flinsolis, do solemnly
' 4 '!',. 7 -4Westli. that I will faithful/3, ixecute" the
fteildent• of the United Stites,
, eadmilli to .the. be of my ability, pre.
p "
~,pri#,*mtd e(efeid the anstitition of the
Ax ourt taker, 'direct tram• IChatia.
*as- informed thei.editor 'of the
" • - • , that'OePn. Graiiitto slip
bthor adrailiiir'fnsM; hi 5 ,4411 'tit reot.thiestm l
imps Moopini;nl4.4lb6fia-it;aoci!
siMirifitireiliki a togworiiiesitfi • snit strenoti,
si to crest. toittiif his reetivirA though'
atilt Mb II indefatigably as ever.
Had President Lincoln exerted all his
ingenuity and taxed theta
cabinet counsellors todeviSe , t in 4 to
the Southern peopleixbiclir ld hal by
them rekarded as thi most odiointituti
maddening. he oinlcksaiefaition on Iloilo
ing better adapted to his purpose than
the strange oath he has tenderid them to
support his proclamation of emancipation,
and all other proclamations having refer-
ence to slaves irhichhn May' think fit to
issue. ' Purporting to be, an emollient,
and put forth under the guise of an am
nesty, it seeks out the sorest, the most
inflamed, the most sensitive spot In the
southern mind, and applies to it a burn
ing brand. It is a proposition which the
South will feel it cannot accept without 'a
degrr eof voluntary self-degradation which
every southerner of spirit and character
will as worse than death. It is idle
for Mr. Lincoln's apologists to prate about
what may seem reasonable and just from
the extreme abolition stand-point, through
aboltiori eyes. When a few years MO,'
the British came near losing a great por
tion of their Indian empire by . compell
ing the Sepoys to use greased cartridges,
it Would have been entirely beside. the
purpose for a British statesman to ..
addressed to the British people on ..,
ment demonstrating the absurdity of the
Sepoy prejudices. British sol4liers, it is
true, bit' off the ends of the greased car
tridges with as much unconcern as they
would eat their rations. It would be pos
sible to prove, on strict: physiological
grounds, that this practice was as harmless
to the body of a Sepoy
,as to that of a
Briton, and, on grounds of Christian doc
trine, that it could no more contaminate
or imperil the soul of the one than of the
other. But all such arguments would
have been the sheerest trifling and imper
jinence, and no man having the slightest
pretentions to statesmanship could have
used them.
"It is the imagination," said Napoleon
once, "that rules the wairld." All great
revolutionary movements ar e
, inspired
and dominated by ideas. Men engaged
in a revolution are always in a' state of
mental exaltation, which causes them to
nee the matters in contest through an
ideal atmosphere. A slight tax upon tea,
regarded on its prose side, was a petty
question of three pence in the pocket of
n colonist as weighed against the !support
of a public revenue.. George the Third
and Lord North, by refusing, in their
blindness, to make allowance for the ideal
views of the colonist which converted
that tax into the symbol of tyranny,-con
vulsed and dismembered the British, em
pire. Louis the Sixteenth was the mild
est of French sovereigns, Ind De Tocque
yille pays that monarchy never pressed eo
lightly on the people as at the outbreak
of the revolution: - But the French mind
had passed under the dominion of great
ideas, and the old institutions could no
more control them than a flaxen band
can fetter flame. The exaltation of feel
ing F which supplies impulse to revolution
may be poetry, or it 'may be madness,
which is a sort
,of diseased poetry—its
character in this respect depends on the
goodness of the cause; bot whether it in
spire heroism or demonism, it is • thing
to be managed rather than reasoned
President Lincoln has shown •himself
utterly destitute of the statesmanlike tact
requisite for dealing with h great people
in: revolt ; he is as blind as was Lord
North ; he is as blind as was Philip the
Second,of Spain, when he losrthe Nether
- 'Never, since the creation of man,
has there been a people so led captive by
their imaginations, so subject to the des
potism of ideas, as the people of the
South. Call their ideal grievances pre
judices, if yOu will; brand their ardor,
their vehemence, their persistence as
black and rampant treason ; but, under
every aspect in which their conduct can
be viewed, the fact stands unshaken that
they are a people surrendered to their
ideas. If Mr. Lincoln were a statesman,
if he were even - a man of ordinary
prudence and sagacity, he would see the
necessity of touching the peculiar wound
of the South with as light a hand as pos
s:ible. Instead of this he chafes and in
flames it. Not strong enough himself,
though wielding the whole power of the ,
government, to resist the revolutionary
exaltatiohend fanatic fervor of the aboli
tionists, how can be expect private nit.
inns of the South to brave an exalt/Won
and fervor which, in that section, is • all
but unanimous? _
Suppose that, when the quaker, Pup
more Williamson. was lying is prison in
Philadelphia, and Booth the liirliecnitin
editor, was in the Philad4l4
President Buchanan had, in the .417.11460
of the pardoning posies., published'a gee
eral proclamation of amnesty, to , all who
had resisted the Fugitive Blare lair, hut,'
as a condition of grace, had imposed the
following oath, which; mantis mattandit, is
precisely the oath offered by President
Lincoln :
do solemnly swear, in pre
sence of Almighty God, that will hence
forth faithfully sup Port,
_protect and de.
fend the ConaftWitien of Me United States
and-the Union of the Mates thereunder,'
and that I will, in like manner, abide by
and faithfully support all acts of Congress
pied with reference to fitskiei Viva, so
Fong, and so far as not repeetekaninlifhei„
or held void brUongreis or decision o
the Supra:Gotland, and that Iby
'M mai** f
manner abide by end &WM? safilmit
the Yligitive Slays Ad i1f.1&50 an all other
acts of Oigrega hereafter pilled, haring
reference - A(O4ON slum, on and so
fpr as not modified or declared void by
decision of the Fk4resser Court. 80 bap
me God 1 = ' . .
. ,
Suppose,we_ ay; sr . Iluehania had,
under Color, of tb Orden* pewee of
fered this . klearaciinAlnialt - Volha;sholi
tionists, we put'
,it to any*silicetha s if
such in act of grace` 14 unie f ti won*
have jail - 1 1 11'4d their "grefeillf *you*
in iiny oi ir
_elan flew 'as ixtieit. to
incresset hair POWeiniee' iheir:Aliowess.
Win there su iholitiertutt i A '44 *h o w
Nerth•who would not • heie 'parred sand
„:10 10 .tigto**Inintit
Weald they . tiara 'wigged that' ]4., Bea
chanan had wnY AiAt 'Omi t China. to
renounce a Plume., rkfit4 -cp.
pose, and Ittamil! .Prclurll tepid
of hues - which 4 diseppenwen %doom
iiptcpustitetiorielt To gag
such an oath, nu4er.thepretensent offer-
Log them, pardon, is a refineenen ; bar,-
birity which
,hed not Ifien2,iwypotwoil:
1858. Mr. Lineches. aigen3o,4? 0,q4
- , ,
abolitionoath intn. , tnn Wont.*
erners is as impolitic as that wohld hiira
beel i barbarous,—is indeed the coosunr
mation of impoliey, and puts the North
in the attitude of impotenee, when a I
ruld have ; bared' its arm of
g • --4 k
!„." ;
11 "eta (AUTAiitIVOIIO: - ; 1
I the 17th of Weber. ;President Lin-
co n issued leis ProclamatiOn calling for
300,000 more soldiers, to he' received as
volunteers until January the; sth, and if
not obtained by that day, then to be con-
scripted. _
of New York and New Jersey, (Seymour
and'Parker,) immediately set their ma- '
chinery to Work, 'dud - by State bonnties,
bare procured a large numger of robin- '
teem, some of them Pennsylvanians. 1 ,
The first thing !seen or beard of the
"loyal" Governor Ourtin, on this subject,l
is on the 10th of' December, nearly two
months after the President's call, and
then he has no State bounties to offer,
but tells the peopl e that their can tr 3 to
save themselves b y counties', towns, &a.,
during the less thari four weeks remain
ing before the day of conscription draft !
How our very "lojal" Governor was spend
ing his time during the almost two months
that he did nothing. while the disloyal'
rApperhead Govdnors of New York and
ew Jersey were actively at work, is not
nown. 14 might have been sober, or he
might have been drunk; he might have
been awake, hemight have been asleep,
Solar as doing anything, it is all the same
as if he bad been hoth drunk and asleep.-
- His negligence, and inefficiency haver
permitted hundreds and perhaps thou
sands of men who might bait) been secur
ed to the credit of Pennsylvania's quota,
to be taken
,by other States, and it is
stated that a considerable number of the
Pennsylvania Itaserves have re-enlisted as
veterans to the credit of other States, be
cause of the State bounty and extra pay
given !!
Verily, what a difference' between the
miserable apology of a Ctovernor which it
in Pennsylvania's misfortune to have, and
a live, satire "Copperhead" Governor like
that of New York or New 'Jersey ! West
Mesta. Je jersonion.
&NAME. BALI; of NW, Hampshire. has'
introduced # bill into Congress. which he
calls " an Act to suppress the rebellion."
To shoW the radical method of " suppres
sing rebellion," we copy its leading pro
vision :
" Hereafter all persons within the Mil
ted States of America are equal before the
law, and all claiins to personal service ex
cept those founded on contract, and the_
claim of a parent to the service of a minor
child, and service rendered in pursuance
of sentence for the punishment of crime,
be and the same are hereby abolished—
anything in the Constitution or laws of
any State to the contrary notwithstaud-
The public have heretofore thought
that the only means of "suppressing the
rebellion." was by powder, ball and
troops, and laboring under. this delusion,
they have prolecuted the attempt for
nearly three years, at a cost of two thou•
sand millions of dollars, and half a ma-,
lion of preclohs lives.. It would seem
that all this expense of blood and trea
sure has been' useless, and the task we
have heretofore supposed so enormous, is.
to be put dowit by a simple onactment of
Congress. Senator Hale May be entitled
to letters patetit for a great discovery, but
we suspect that be will hardly be willing
to warrant his own invention.
Tus Harrisburg Teltgrryh was once a
paper that was widely respected, and ex
erted en immense influence. When men
of honor,and ability edited it, like Theo.
Fenn, the Veteran Whig,fitephen Miller,
just elected Governor of Minnesota, and
Col. Alex. K. McClure, il l was always read
with interest,] and esteemed even .by its
political opponents. • NOrr, however, it
has degenerated into a mere fish-woman's
sheet, and is the receptacle for all &e
filth that can be dragged! ou4 of the mul
titudinous dunghills of Abolitionism.
Snots it passed into the hands of the pre.
sent proprietor, it had been going down
the hill of indecency. step . by step, until
it has reached the lowest depth—that of
being edited by a Forney.
Asa general thing, the lees an Aboli
tion disunionist knows, sees or reads, of
Democratic paper, the more he abuses it.
One of this class was heard, the other
day, talking in an especially severe man
ner against al;ding conservative journal.
" Have you much in it," was asked
of him. "No, air," he replied, with vehe
ment indignation, "1 wouldn't touch the.
dirty thing With a ten foot pole." We
submit to our readers how well qualified
be was Jo judge of the paper's patriotism
or ability. 4lnfortunately, the spirit he
exhibited is *linoottunon with his class.
The most virulent of them are those who
will neither look at a Democratic organ,
nor poet themselves on Democratic • r prin•
Ma. Ifseacen V. JC . nliftQN calls the Ad
ministration of Jeff. Davis the " Govern
ment", of the Southern Confederacy, just
as the Abolfrum disunionists call that of
Mr Lheoht. the "Government" of the
Union ; and like them also, he is not wil
ling to allow the until,, of the "Govern
ment" to be criticised. But this is, not
the • only instance in which , the rebel
holders and the Abolition disunion lead
ers-agree. They hive
,been working for
Coe another's interests ever since the.
innesetteement of seetienal agitation.
"Hcanwrold Abe," everybody knows,
waste to to elated Preddent fora second
Ism Messrs. Chase; Curtin, Seward,
Cameron, and half hundred others
eiduting• skiwidlne a loyalty," all want
the nixie peiltion, and are industricitisly
tabOrbittit *reit/fr. Lincoln's shrewdly
Isla plan*: "Now, are ; not these gentle
*sr liable to the charge of disloyalty,
aatieiga to= Fort Lafayette, on the
groundof atieniptiligth "crrertlirow" the
*YeT/0 11 t?" •
• -Tint s3oo<lamils..-Nothing will be done ! •
lays:the Row York Thiseer's Washington
mieingkodent, abont4epiding , the $3OO
chum until after - the holidays. It is be 7
hared that a utnitirity ol— the' Military
Cbcamithte Of the Mese, as well as Ain
aud n giu.
it. opposed 'to Its repeals
thohiblhey !mite not 'yet formally eon ll
sidered the kineition. •
iiVojelietisst Pieeidetit Lincoln ' '
esididate aliother ierin ono* fifsri
in the White' filocise.—;-N. Y Ilemich •
• IC'eeritilely would , be no jtilte it he
should be repeleeted.
rirKuMs iNutelMieNT.
, The Louisville .httwali, in the course of
an ene ryk4140 . - 000110 ";„, . ' poi i ti cs ! a g a i n! .
says: "lii '. '4
'element of pol:
aim' or elyt, r:::: r , n ' ' ;has/ant been
ruthleadt '':, 'l. `.. ' *FIT and mill-
WI Inthailliii icirthi • Pederst Goverri•-
ment. The elective franchise. the re
sponsibility of public officers, the distri
bution of powers, the independence of
the o:wilting., thwaßreptacy of - .thet civil
Ctrer AM .141WEICIPITNE;Alleadr4trAt Oir
franchises of the t3l"t : Til. , the freidoM of
opinion, of speech, and pr. the preis. the
privilege to the writ of habeas corpus, and
the other,
,liberties of
. the citizen, have
been outragea openly and 'in numerous
instance,. Thus the internal structure
and vital spirit of the. Government is
di:yawned with revolution by the direct
agency 1 1 the military and civil power.—
The sy tematic; transformation of our
Government into a despotism is a peril
imtne•listely at hand. The limes, _there
fore, are entirely different from all that
have heretofore been the subjects of party
discussions and contests."
vim I.KUII. , mvpitot. sTiox.
fhe ant case on the constitutionality of
the a4P - Congress,' making greenbacks a
legal tender. says the Buffalo Courirr, has
bean brought before, the United Statei
Supreme Court, now in session at Wash
ington. The cue is diet of Judge _poser
nett. of Now, York, who was upon is.
bond, and offered legal tender notes in
payment, which were refused. The quet-
Lion was decided adversely to:their legal
ity in the ,Pistrict Court, but on Oppeid
the decision was overruled by, the .Court of
appeals of this State. the Judges standitili
six against and ten for the previods de
cision. Judge Rosevelt then brought It
before the United States Supreme Court
for final decision. An effort is now mak
ing to have it thrown out for want of jur
isdiction, as the State decided in favor of
the constitutionality of the law. The !p
-ink:will be awaited with considerable in
cuset.Atx or CONoll9ll.—The--Prfsdy
terian Banner is. not pleased at the 'election
of Rev Dr. Channing as chaplain -of the
lower House of C)ngre44, becalts4 he is a
Unitari;m;7and consequently, in the opi
nion of the Amer is .note cbristiail and
'cannot "take the members, to the throne
of grace." If accounts bf the cOrrup
tioa which exi4ts among the solons of the
nation at Washington, are correct, neither
Dr. Chancing, nor any oilier man, can
lead many of them to the "throne of
grace " They are incorrigible. sinbers, if
one half said of them be true.
Gatsr Batson or PllOlllllllll CASIL—Miss
Calista 31sther, daughter of a prominent
Chicago merchant, has instituted a suit to
recover from Dr. Aaron Pitney, of the
same city; the sum of $26,000 , for an'al
lfged (breach of
: promise to marry. The
docurr, it is contended, not only ' did- not
marry her, but,. adding insult,to injury,
actually perpetrated instrimonv with his
housekeeper. The plaintiff is young ; and
fair, and the defendant an old mao.
Wings( the, war commenced, we Were
told that "tie man who, sustained the
Union with any ifs or byts , ," Wai a traitor.
Well the war, has gone, on' nearly ghetto
years! and we find that the "if , and but"
part} have become quite numerous. We
haveinot met a friend of the Administra
tion within the last year who was foi: the
Union—if slavery is to, be maintained.
They say they are all for the Union 7 -but
not as it was. Who now are the, traitors?
Tar editor of the AlineigJourriaka Demo- .
matte paper published at Du iluoln;
states that on the 15th inst., his office was
destroyed by troops , who , stopped a short
time there while on their way to the ar
my. , Ile proposes to resume publication
in a few days.
Latest War News:
—The steamer Chesapeake has had a
shell voyage in her new capacity of Con
federate!• pirate. Afraid to put to set, or
unable :• from lack of men and cal, the
murderers who seised her 'have king
around the small harbors of Nirriefleitia
until justice has oveetidsen them. The
Ella and Annie (herself hot a few weeks
since caught in trymg to run the bleak
ade) caught the Chesapeake on Tharsthly
morning in Sambre Harbor, 303nileis•from
[ Halifax. Unfortunately nearly - all the
crew escaped and took to the woods;; on
-1 ly three of the men who assisted In the
leis re were taken—the otherscltis iL ise
caught were shipped in " Nov
The gunboat Dakota moon 'alter tame ap
an ordered both Tassels to • lialifix.
pon, the arrival, of the.Chempeake at
'fax. N. • &, intense excitement pre
vpaii ecl ie sin T d i s e
B cro rig w ish d at Gov on an ce men resred oseith - the
whit attempted to hold them were Miami
by prominent citizens and_preventedkom
1 performing their duty. The -pirates- all
1 escaped and were sent off out of danger
of further molestation. Five United
8 shipnofmar were . liisig on ambit.
the Niagara,Daeotsh;ffiliandlaude,
and Covembia. They 'ooald ren
d no assiatance, and immediately pre
pared to leave. - The Chesapeake will be
1 handed over to the United Hates author;
, Hies. Dispatches from Halifax sa that
1 the rescue his 'excited -the town beyond
measure, and that, the ProvinciaLGovern 7
went will snake every effort to recapture
the criminate. , Air. Jehmon„ the engineer
of the Chesapeake, whom the pirates im
pressed in their service; flarnishes a mato:
meat of the inoventents 'of the vessel'
while she was in their pommies'. Their
brief career seems to hay.' been about
e4ually divided between - bunting lip nip
ples ref cod; and devising means to es
'cape the inevitable Veg.:eta._ _. .- •
--On Thursday ,rught n force of Rebel
cavalry. of limehfs command, said to be
800 to 1,000 strong; fell upon Co. 1; 155th
New-York, at Sangater's Stades, three
miles west of Fairfax, wounded am man,
captured four, burned the. Onto nf the
company. robbed two, woman of **jew
elry, and tried to barn the railroad, bridge.
'Cur boys fought them 'bravely from be
hind their encamplent; end Mesecied In
driving them at ThckW had wag
ons Id*. them, leas .. ook. eta ads.
ll.,but ono
or their killed and vuumbut. ,Cerally
were sent in pursuit on - Friday. *ening,.
• - -TIMM his been Xsiveresitlisr.itprm'
OD the Western 'Plaine:'4Eit ia giersons 1
ma believed to have perished. meld,
and eel& by thousands heT4 O -disti fro= i
lack of food.„ A Ja m e , nun**, of: trains
are out, and great anxletY Wilt for them.
At Leavenworth, on' the MIN Maw was
14 inches deep; and icy drifted :-thig the
roads wets Waskaded.
• ar. ha *mewl .Om?", avier
e n d is t= r 4 s tlet
Siblnat, Ouid • fdros.
Groan', and wank ireppaithirilpi,sed.
It Is gait** tookilainennen.
. 7 9 4 60. IL 24 Asdatem
i diats
re i guneu!,
"°": jeato
Both a
Baltimore on Friday. boy repreaent that
though the supplies furnished by the
Rebels were scant iu_quintity and miser
able in quality, yet,tt the best they
wa g
had tegke. alio iii WW I the 1 ( 4 5
*ire virry lamely, Sind a-vast degtl,, '
10d. saving much '; g,
ilition of the plieoneri Oraielle leleH4
I l i
*ch .worse than', elsewhere. ft4lo
hu Li nched are withou! Welter of anficinif.
The Rebel officers and guards had gener
ally been kind, though there were some
instances of harsh and cruel treatment.
N. I'. niiissa '
The steamer ' Von Phul for St. Louis
was' bufly damaged by -IS Rebel battery
just' above Bayou {Sam on the Bth. A
shell expiated In the pilothouse, kill
ing CapL l Yeonson and Mr. (Awry, the bar
tender. Nine boat hands were wounded,
three fatally. I. .
—Gen. Butler his issued an order for
the enrollment of 11l male citilens, white
and colored, between the ages of 18 and 45,
in his department.)
—Almost simultaneously with the raid
through our lines near Fairfax Station, en
attack was made upon the picket lines
of the Ist cavalry division in front of Cul
pepper Courthouse. One of our pickets
was captured._The recent rains have
made the roadsalniost impassable for ar
—We get from Richmond papers:lstory
frOm Charleston supposed to be of the
date of Dec. 18. that "the Ironsidos and
three monitors, while attempting to pass
, the obstructions, became entangled. The
Ironsides will probably have td lie abon
doned. :Two of the monitors were also
badly disabled." r i .
—During the march of our troops from
Chattanooga mainit Longstreet at Knox
ville, Granger's corps got in advance of
Longstreet's ammunition train, while Ito
ward's corps was in the rear. There be
ing no escape for; the train. 40 loads of
ammunition and two locomotives were run
into• the river at London.
—On the 11th inst., the steamboat Bra
zil, while passing, below Rodney, Hiss..
was fired upon by the Rebels on shore.—
Three woman end one man were killed.
Dispatches from 'Cumberland Gap to
18th, say that Gen. Longstreet divided his
army on the 14th, one part making an
attack on Ilean's Station and the other at
Kelly's Ford, the design being to cut off
Gem. Shackelford and Foster. A move
went by Gen. Ferrero frustrated the plan.
It is reported that Gen. Longstreet is
killed, and that his forces are completely
surrounded. No confirmation of this
story has been received at Washington.
and it. is probably, untrue. The battle of
Bean'a Station commenced on the 14th
lust, as 2 o'clock; and lasted until dark.
Gen. Shackelford held the ground until
that time, when he withth.ew with a' loss
of 150 to 200 killed and wounded.
Admiral Leo telegraphs to the Navy
Department thatithere is no truth in the
rumor:lof the datitruction of the gunboat
Daylight by the rebel batteries near Wil
mington. She is, at Beaufort, coaling.
S. steamer Circassian has arrived
at Fortress Monroe, from the Rio Grande.
Galveiton, New Orleans, Key West, and
thadirferent bleekacling'squadrons. She
bring, in tow thellinna, a tinebarbentine
steamship, of Waterford, Ireland, having
a cargo valued at $300,000. One of the'
rebel 'engineers
,attempted to sink her,
but was frustrated in his design. She was
captured the day after the Circassian lett'
Charleston. '
7 Uutunny friendly .and satisfactory
explanations hive taken place between
have taken place between the Secretary
of State and Lord Lyon's. oonctirning the
recovery of the Chesapeake and her crew,
within the British jurisdiction in Nova
Scotia. The Chesapeake, having been
- taken; in British waters, wilt be given ov
er to ;the Colonial authorities for adjudi
cation. 1
—A reconnoitering party, from the Ar
my or the Potoinac, which has jns return
ed Nan an expedition in the region north
of Cilpeppec and along"the home of the
Blue Midge, reporte no considerable force
of the enemy in that section, though they
encountered occasional , small squads of
partion cavalry. Off the princ ipal routes,
the inhabitants, are comfortably .supplied
for the winter.
—Phe gallant General ' Corcoran, who
his surv ived battles and'dangers of War,
and lived through months of Southein
imprisoninent„ is dead. He plied on Tues
day elrening at,,Fairfax Court House, from
injuries received in a tall tom his horse.
subsciiptions to the stook of the
Five-Ml lion National Bank of New York
closed on Thunkin.f, the entire amount hav
ing been taken.
—Dispatches of the 17th from Chatta
nooga:say that the army will soon go into
Winter quarters. All is quiet; the situa
tion unchanged.
deserters were executed on Fri
day ie the Arrity of the Potomac.
Two Meal s Moths both&
il OF 1863-'64, Ayr .
F.4.1%.1:4 5 421, ;HALL i
Die. ' .1. 11:41NOIDIT. Ilubdoet: I, Paisathittha
Jas. r ae-PCDMOND 111121111:* a u thor of 011 .11asoag . the
!liar la. 84104 :Mr Nor Wlttlasat tholloath."
Jam. 'tor_ j 2-11. V TAYLOR L a Pomo.
Aga. ~ W ierol. LOVB MIAMI& A SoLaW4 tartars.
them act ated)—Wl24Da.LL MUDS. Sublet!: ‘Ttio
LastArfa" I L
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Tab. b lllV 6 ooWaliiteni. Seldiwt : I , l4saillar Poo . 4.*
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11. b Darla* ia an)
annotate tor,tbre Id% 11.11PELIIII481111 for
oaa asaSuzi
psjsa MC fo r two ; kw Moo or koar; $2,50
sash: We aye arware igAilto ba bad Of B ws.r.'
dilass- &Ina Callon Masa Anse the 1i5ia ..... .a
at e par am& 'WU MNadi as taw
Violate 2,,14Nap. for pale at ljadArea Wan.
sad atlh• door. A. N. 171.17GHWT,'
• - W. IL pawn=
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f. lelf Vaderiiigned. !Witting Committee
- " 40 Itt. • Pub Mora. ItSo, bond Propoists or
1 lip to Ur Mks( hour/ sod lachudor for fur
tirM inui r o i sl o i d bonding sod dablitoi,
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crdold lath osozirtoiook. All tostarlelols:
or proisat Amok to to tholootrutor
Tbojilsoo sot alOotiostliso elk *stria Ws tisio
at thoolloo et wtC(Aleiso, Zoo. ' 94.0,11 Y
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We are now getting ins fide' Stook of
Goods for the
Unusual 'care has been taken to 'select just
• .the goods necessary.
WE 11 A. VE
P 0 P ,
Natbnidered - Freda Poplin Robes,
With 11 Complete Alum-twat or V odium Prima Goods.
we [Ave ad largely to our Stocker
All of leach ire aro minim
' Oat Oak 141: Ai ngg r o t will trhi . at the
We bay...finer and better Stock than 'aver banns.
Wliftia :BIWA; `: Soila g e , Sint
WM. p. HAYES CO.&,
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Variety Store,
And every Variety of
Mailed ?aides, Fiala, Sa
A Select Assertaeil st
Booing Horses, Drums,
Iron and
WNW Maw nage%
Gentlemen' Dressing Cass,
Fancy Boxes, Op
Eabneiag ail tke Newt!
/.4 3, ,FF 01111051
~ •}. .-;~
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121122 11 46.2 1