tliteNTell FOR. TUN Ilil3 $11111.•214 - The follotyimegastieere whaa lows tutu alleutad as our orate la tha whroluMweardrb. lrlpooruSudgiot to 00 d i n 0101211 or Job Wort, or to remit moan to ns, eon do it through their hands : rm. .... copt.A. Papery Jos. cwwhaid . it rozi s. , 11 risky V. s c truits At Urn, S L. Potter, ciip t. V. %%Rani 1 Y. Ploy, 1. Smith"— • - ...... Lyman Robinson, t A. 1006 !. /oho Notitthi, .. iuley Potter wtp j a ,lo CArman, .... "- - ET. W. ikrrisb, D. W. Hutchinson, AluOl Stone, Nelson Seudp,. P. Stranahas„ Ju a. null's. 5 p. R. Borrow's. Columbus. litaTottY4 Warns. J. I. N Joolutoa,• ............. .Clarbuat. J. G. Burilagtotwo, Sp R burg. Irr. A. H ju. CroCell, - Lamella. T D CA pt J .: ........ tol""sagset Ile A 2 . .1as Mitt", / C. Oakley. I W. Kojer. 1).• H. D 00141400...... Ilavard, ..... A A Ilarninond, Chip in, tt,;tr,rt Jackson, N E.\\ GOODS ! NOW OPEN AT R. S. MORRISON'S, F.SIBRACING ALL THE LATE STYLES iIF DRESS GOODS. CLOAKS, SHAWLS, GLOVES AND; HOSIERY ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF• CLOTHS, STAPLE AND DOMESTIC GOODS ! NOW IS Y 0 1 ,1 J R TIME i TD BUY GOODS! 1 1 / • TOO WANT TO YIRD GOOD STYLES,, AND GET GOOD BARGAINS, 0010 N. EL MORRISON'S. pa)-788U. TO THE PUBLIC. IHAVE opened the room N.. 2 French Street, lo Reed Ream block, to close oat the balance of 2BYE WIIISKEY Of my own distillation in lisso and '6lwhieh I will cav eats* ponies the grain itsel; and shall keep stoek other Liquors, (including the "Old geosoralten Cigars, ko. ke. P. S.—l bare an A. l Pipe Boa Lumber Wagon, nearly new, for sale JOHN W. SHANNON. cep:ll34m. MRS. '• S. H. HALL 4' `• ' v 6 .814( • 41;ZA FALL MILLINERY! NOW OPENING A Which will he sold CHEAP FOR CASII, OR READY-PAY. cir Particular attestiou PIO to bleaching, coloring and preening. Peach St, oth door above the Depot, Erie, Pa A FACT GENERALLY XIIIOWN, THAT the variety of new style Bed ssr, C a f s s t , J i ea h ns u eLsap d C o o t w h % t & tesrnn; Cmh. serpentine and skinks:lst, handsomely veneered Barsaus, Etiension. Dining, Breakfast, Coaster- and other Plikillks Whatnots. Quaker Stands. Gasps' and Damask Sole Beds, Hair and Sea dram Illattraimm, ilkaUsis Las = and Bolsters with Giber nousehold flualtura. /M., ail massufautared from well seammed c lumbar and healthy materials, by en:maenad irorkessitand mot by apprentice Tads. For style, quality and low prime 1 will defy gren tro.price dealers to undersell ma— leathern bnustif and sold. Cane seat, Parlor. Bedroom. liockiair Harm and other Cimino!! Eastern and Weetntn MUM' lostare, are klekory„dolled sag= wakiag them as •liese IMAM att ta!t at itesee th ers made end an only i I, andno means durable. Wood Wind*, Rocking, Sawing a n Muss, are chain of bard stool rotate climbed through the mat and glued, war rsaisd to stied. j3aadsamW, state; sod can't be Ma to tor strong% grim sad finish: /beteg Bads. I tune sold onr - 1106 - sloldlitsve the highest r tmitimonials with a list of pins of all goods tent on application. Peeking sad skipping ftse. liter Oreyells aspartame and contending with an yrineipeled two price &sum, I set determined to till OM OEIIO all, give worth tot your pay, and So pasties to ill who trade with me. Lumber, Loth, Some a, pro Mock, Crudoon4 X.D.d More Pay, Proclaim , RB I 'MOO 1111 fitir market valuad for pay. Remember the place, melt corner of atia Anal o a State, Erie, Pa. • Ci• 11r. ELLSZY arn-tt. Itorefeet'r &ad Commies Salmiroom. 'WHOLESALE k RETAIL • GROCERY STORE P. A. BBOXICR, WHOLESALE , AND RETAIL GROCER, Sara-Tact Oran' al tha Park Ic Preach Mut, (claaarlucll.) Aoald riapacitally call tha attention ort/ 4 • A s to hla lame Stock or GROCERIES . ;AND' 71413TD310N5" Which ho la desirous to sell ate vow LoWinn , POssAtilAtir SUGARS, • - COFFERS,. " 4 1 VAS, TOBACCOS, F• • I. not raw.. id in the el% enjefts priopired to W • CI who winaktpi * wan. , Na alanicie — nejonstailly'on hand a innecior 7nei • PU - .IIE,.LIQUORS:= too tfie w Walsh, t**lB, to whit& hi dfiLts . at mil of thopshile: saw. siumn NA • & Peterson, zi•ver,% !phis. --• It say of On • . I a i • it i llii si übto of the acti?NtAX, %k . e ' _ -141101. I - 04dAtt - I sr* LlAtosa, ica_tn& shilluessi.. , Wahl , I , ..: ••• - ' :.'s•rk .* ijo i pi rth max* . ~.... t I ~..• ;‘,. The Impartial WI iia • - 1 Id Self Abase any beeftigtulkotio . -- ikt "41 endkims or th e den ~.....,.. ...A..11110010•011)11. . .. ' walnuts, a vim, tit here clearlydiWeareit, rh• reeve aadjaitik th ilesSeeld, ' ja Ws. .brobil - oft, 11_11y.p , Alert ow tlir coiblimi.% hisseet Waal P° 011 1" We cad, thereby. avoiding all the advertised seatessoll'et the day. Ib Ida. la *due will prove • b••• 04 er"illbk aed thou./ -,..t .. Seat wider se.s‘is a plals unreal% lo My soldent thereceipt arida orb, or two 14 01 4* statiry_bi , ! ansdag. Ds MAL .C. MAI febl4l3-17 UT Botery. N ew York , ' • ti ~- ,rnin (en Me /Mt : • 1 . •-• •--4 a a aix",...: I r ;.2 . . 18ft SPRING. . - 1862 . ERIE BONNET STORE.... . mitocise.d,W9o4l , ' , ; E.. ER witOLESALE H AND R E T AIL DEUR& #1 MILLINERY orrussiera aoods at Naar rock ttiai;l: Putieg4 *totles pot 4 to Ilkseldsig sad Atraara. !la. I (NOW MitajpkAlallarl m il = "l • , Notice to 011 Refiners. • I an rapaeolll•MUlrai.irr.OlL9RUOL CAUsTIO 1/ODA. sod cum at Ik. banal aiW V • US prior. Ir. cal won Vitroljaz • Ilia *CO di* sad kuotttetorrom, tbeskossologpuss to the • • too Or daises •rro • • 1 •04.1. liwu ttatitd, CSUCH k MVO. EDEDINBORO BILSIIIIIIIT ' airway Brum, ,The r laaaatattares at UN istaßlabasasl kaa-oll taiga! a 'dila rapatatioN, Ordlara ea/WM est Suet ca maws °math. braliellisalltyr bave i datirand at who boor. Tapia Cut. 4410111611 _ DRESERVED FRUIT, ~ .4n*Zas".:Mr°4l=ngiia*. Iraward: , !labor°. --.11111 Creek. ...thubor Creel tat Greene. . Watt...bang Springrld X Wds P prince old Plat ,a. VOLUME 34 Cirarr. , ...Fairview. ' • ...Cherry 11111. PRIVATE MEDI C A L TREATISE Physiological Vie* of llrairiage. 250 PAGES AND 130 oily away-invu OUTS. Rat bra af aostage to all part of the Unica. Os the Infirleitha !lima lad RisiltritYs dleei , oßt the wont tones s( DOM maw of all 1 04 causing debility. Mjteios Of spirit*. papillate* of the Mat, saishisillallt i tlarra. biehiage. defective aterac s , x iadlepudied tad lade, with conhastma of th laterset lloardtr Reboot KM. a Dahl. 8 t hada-Teen Martha 'Lade, Be.,ke. It Is • trailers I adviaartieDienearried sad thole coaleaplattEr w r i iace, whin - oallmtala secret doubts of their ph eiseditieds% an eau. ecious of the and privileges t orffeh every human Vit ill jtr i i. YOUNG WIN who are trhitled INSVINIO gener ally, sued by a bad habit in youth.thCallhate of which ane diat eses. plus, forgetfalaews, aosellinsie s thighs, is the easa.mosh =ahem of the task sad lower extreallies, leireLloas at tramery, with am erseiMm en _ho enuesl TTh i T h the itittleore'WDW Phtitla Werbeasabelleco grattew_partraf the last year. devoted our Urns to wh ar illiag the aropeaa llospitain. availing ourselves of thslaowledr sad researches of the moat shined physicians sad purports in temps sad as the Clositiswat. Those who plass theenealves leader oar ear* will new have the falLlmweelit of the loamy Kew sad Efficacious Ressediss which we ar* enabled to tetrads** Into our practice , sad thkpabile may rad mural alias Nam sea. assiduity. SICCESCIr sad satiation beteg paid their cease, which has efe succaudhl4_ dhdlagaishad hirstolore. Lea Physic/eh la oar rsauLitit department of prohislosal practice, for the past treaty-Ire years. Faxsou Fas.u.a Plum—Ladle@ whit aisle for arediedas, Use elleacy which has bass tested la tbousaads of wee, wad never is to elect speed/ entree withoat any bad malts, will ass woe bat Dr. Dithaey'e Vernal. Patio& cal Pills. The only cremation to he observed is, that ladies should not take then If ley barn reason labelling, they its lace/lair eitswiliale [the particulars of wbiettwill be found on the wrapper aseompuying each hoe,] though always so ash ail healthy, ao gentle yet so active ere they. Pries Pt per box. They ma be leaned to any part of the United States. ...Corp. Eceuf.• Crave cif 1 f ...91itwarVi, Pa laiodar, ' Warren Co , Pa. TO THIS LADIIN--Who used • comtiloatiof medical ad• visor with regard to any of thaw Woman aomplalota to which thole delicate timpaMtotio• amodasthout liable, aro partimilarly larltsd to Molattt gm • Tie "Iturcrio•OAtwoo Potrtiorria"—tor swarriad Who whorl health will not admit, or who have so da sh* to Immo their hall*, mu bo obtained as above. It is perfaetly ode, and has bees' aztemilvely wed daring, the bud sight years. Price Mooed to $10: Tat SCOUTS Or TOI7III UN VIILKO. Treatise as the ammo/ Prwwwkwa Dormg wham wanting. AN yobliotai, at let* adowiar s t , ha *Wiliam 'owes* aid revelator asset bawds. bobli ado sad fiotte a llf attfatid high ; pamitep dui ties tiro am* . iratimme, art diairp4ag Mei* trit• pia .0.010•04 a. amt. wig g ig aid ly me riamtpt 41 two )m att Shaw rr Attend/moo daily. room S to the sooralag till 9 at -Itr i =attluadays'frola 2 SIDI p. m. with Tall dinfeticma mat to gay part of the Dotted Matta or Canal* by patlanta coommaidaatiog their symptoms b,vlatter. Boatmen correapoadooco trieihr roaddastial. Ur Di. Wm 0111 a la @till located aa astahlbilow4 12,der the name of DB. L a-DBO No. 21 Malden Low, -Albany, N. Y. ang2l4ll Tie Universal Clothes Wringer No.l, Large Family WrMger,..... • ..$1! 00 No. 2, Medium Family Wringer, 7 00 N 0.2%,, Bedlam ?molly Wriaisr, 600 No.3„dmall Family Wriarir,...... 6 60 No. I, Large Hotel Wringer • 1100 No. 16, lied's= Laundry,s to nut Otani/ 16 00 No. 22, Large " 1 or hoed, $ . 30 00 Noe. 236 and 3 have no Cop. Allotbore are warrant & N 0.2 is the tin generally used to private famdlies ol the Orange Jadd of the ..4meriesit Agrieultaralist," says Universal Clothes Wringer: "A child can readily wring out • tab tall of clothes In N. minutes. It Is In realty • CLOTH= SAVER I • TINE SAYER and a STRENGTH SAVER I The saving et grannenta wiii alms psy• lawyer orataireim Hemet. We think the leasidae numb more then :AYR FOR rre ELT EVERY YEAR In the saving ot ganneeta I There az* several kind; nearly alike to general constractie but we consider It impirtaat that the Minder be fitted with bop, otherwise • sow or presents urge clog the rollers, end the rollers upon the enisk-shatt slip sad tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose trees the shalt. Oar own la one of the Met mak; and II le as 000 D AS NEW atter seartryOUß YEARS' CONSTANT lISE." z Pee r wingtax Wiry coo rrazits is WAR RANTED IN EVERY PAlricEmaa. Niininger sea be dyable Meisel Cog Wheels flu Jut utartod from NRW YORK, E!EI I.ARGIE STOCK A flood CANVASS= wasted is every towel 0* receipt elks pride from plasm white as owe is selling, we will send the wringer FIZZ or urns& For parßeatars u 4 airoalati„ address • Le. BROWNIxa, arpSl3. $l7 Broadway, N. Y. FINKLE & LYON'S ,SWING MACHINES • These Mulle n maks the lock.stitch alike oe both side, and use tem than loathe thrum! and silk that the single or double thread loop- stitch Mac inse de ; will Hem, Fill, Gather. Cord, thuid, hied. a e.. and ars better adapted than thy other Sewing Machine in !me, to the inquant changes and gnat variety of sewing required in • bun*, foithey will sew ions oth to twenty thickness es et klansitikm without stopping, and making every stitch perfect, or Groin the doss* .genes to the beevied beater cloth, or *vita 13i• stoutest harass+ leather, witbopt chariging the feed, needle or tendon, or milking aay ad • Jute: Wet of Ithithlue whatever ft They are 'Lapis In construction and easily understood; aad if any part is broken by saddest, it is readily re placed.' These ire 11501:11.1•111 7.1011, Rad W far US ' deter= ins the choice of any intelligent buyer. Plarrea - Call 1111# orasod for Circular. N. B —Local ,fireets srantod lb spatiaa oat yet sees pied. Address. • - FINKLE it AMIN, 311. - MIN g „ asel3-Iy. No. 638 BIIO.I4IWAY, BIT YORK, S'UNCLAIR''S• • "EXCE LS,ILO R" ANROGRAPH - GALLERY I ,keLocK, Wad mr i tha Parkletrat te Bassi. • . ch4gea te past fssera,l " rioestiatti l , tense the dibble of DM smd. Wed Selak, sad rental the Gallete m prdir sammiad Chambers, vises bets le Mars% P , If 0T 0 0 4),' A - I P H , ; •.t "+oar aura Divianix , To 4 L re; S. I Z 'E te . '- e ' .4 • AMBAMPES, 14131iPLATM4 iS e r t emlar attestbm ftiHrmk•eard. Clea. Y. ' _ HNI17011,1) nis tw arsumgm: • HARM° INVOIPORIMI E NUOI elf; innernmem. Prost. I • rftlinnuturolicoxkiali D e aII!INIUMICVT. a we. • .•iikoRAITD 047. od 4 i . c. 0. Bowl . Prig!. - 4 St a blfiktm e t'' - ..,*aY 14817110 NE in tie''' ' 4 , k(aidaaft?" ' Jaashts..".'uitu c .... b ~. ‘ 4 1 7 ... - ' 47 / .1 , : ri) . : f " . . I/ -r. .' i 011 . 1 ,' :-- ~... -• se / / / '/ / . ,i , ..--- ..., . . . ';',o, ~ .i.44. , nom.lidioit imaxiitiss. ,• - H .'. 1 ' • -k. • • :44i tas lbs == , =. P 4. '4' l ' (• N ) -irn If I otoafikiyan . l . 4.o 4 i D., !I vri t . Willi* rimmosnisl_ _ iscro. , slearisstisiiiremi /kr Ifiteartorrormliterakbook akkHlkiek --- - - ,4„,.„ sr 1 , itti l li is aster sod re. : r •, ir. sin, „,....r , "- • - f ^' aS a - rail - ' ' 'I . NM^ ..atts 4l --, skr the most likankiter sal e _ __.. tfalltAB iplll4ol tot aberit rilliblil lisass • • win*, orsiormor Sy griviskira at K. . I, • .OP .. 1 .. l itioi. 46euirr,daiirse4ai , 'ilarksoi4lk : i - Yr* the lakmakwerriror 44 rip •.•• ,- . • •i.ii list all _ sonqukUsesksirsa Rapid , , • , : , et ass WI libkwimitlie mei PO. as! r e lo4ll l ll°l " ' J 11111416144, • Mittraid ir thoHlokilikei Oaks 81. 1 4 41 4 m Ma ' i .................. __ .---- -.. '' - tro''. Li - , 004 4 1.41 • • 00AL I I . SWIM wilUoirall i ttl a Vv .es ' .t . r.r. , -S stir pid Or-t il ire i'i agglif bre ess i Mai et VoiNigNiffroSsosog *1111.1 " 111 ,11si Not OLD° _ ____. al; ; „,,, i . , 1 4 1 axi ••. ,-- •• - 1 ~ MOUNT CARBON, : r • - , COAL AUX :.---• ince .--- . - 4 i r o k t , . • 1 . • ; t• ONE DOMAR AND A•RALP PER YEAR, IF PAID IN- ADVANCE, DR. LA. CROIX'S 0 V THE The bylnr Wile. Lay the rein *polo . toy Woozy let ass *el toe owed; vie* breath, Tore itisoge chill o'er me pules, tad I know that it to deioth ; I would gate upon the bemire, ,cutely given, Wm I go ; Feel her roll, diwplst ilogemerander Wet my chest of . -111110 W, I am pawing throagb the waters.; bat the bleated s►ore .41 41 Kneel beat& me 6.154110, de sree, let me km away the tears ; WriesUe with thy grief, my hnstuni, attire from midnight day ' limy prove ao angers bieeetmg a hen it rauLthse away. Lay tha gem upon my bosom, 'II. ant long she an be there ; Feel how la my bawl ahe nettles— tit the pearl flay* to wear ; If in OW yaws lanai thee, Ala soother in m► chair— Month her voles be tweeter music, and her We than than raise more lair ; Ireeherab esti the• tither, ter in :re beaut.fial than 1610, Love my dnt•bern I 06, toy hubs:ad! tnru not Irani the motherless. hereemettmei of her mother.- you raj Cali bsr by • ; Bidet, her from the trio le of sorrow—lf sheerir, oh. po tly blame Lead heraosestimes where Tm sleepiny, I will assurer It alea sal V ; dad my Meath will stir her rluzleds, when my Toles In bleeds' ; Lad but awn blue ayes will briablea, sad she'll wooder whets:wit cams-- to bar lurart when years pars o'er by, she will Aad bat mother's lase. It le aid that every mortal walks betweeo two soots hem ; Orm records the Ills, but tasty lt; V beton the midalarlat &tar • ' Lan repeatoth; Ilnneenaled theta, he eels It for the sties, • And the right lama anget waepeth, bowitii tow with . yelled .)es. I mill b her tight hand &aga r Man g up the good for heaven, Striving that the midnight eratohes lind no minima ne forgiven ; You will not forget me, husband, rhea I'm eleeplag 'oath the sod, . . Lora the jewels God has given us, as I km* the*, nest to God. —Pirated Planar. ARTEMIS WARD'S LAST LECTURE. He Telli All About Ghee's: The &idea Post gives the following sketeh of the lecture of Mr. Browne, - (Artemns Ward,) on 'ghosts,' recently delivered in that city : The lecture commenced by expressing his regret that he had been lately troubled with bronchitis, and found it difficult to speak, but he congratulated himself that he was not la the Army of the Rappahannock, for people rtite amputated there for the slightest. causes. Ile kaew of one young man who was suffering from the measles, and the surgeon of his regi ment, 'homes formerly a respectable house carpenter, amputated him. ' Giving his views on some old saws and sayings. he expressed contempt for that which tells us to 'rise with the lark.' 'I have,' be said, 'no objections to the lark, but I prefer to rise with gold,; which MOeat the lark rising. Another -saying is, 'Death is like steep,' and so are stones like rooky. `but I prefer being rocked to sleep to being stoned, to death. Eloquence is very much like ginger -bread, we only want a hunk of Kat a time. Oratory is not my forts. Still Dave the gifeof eloquence. I have not got it bad, but I have got it some. and in a few Instances I have prodi r eed remarkable eff e cts with it. bt Michigan, at the closi of one of my bursts of eloquence, a young lady said she would have fainted right airay in the hall, only she did not look well is a swoon--none of the family did ; besides, fainting was not fashionable there at that time. I cannot write such a lecture as Mr. Everett and with all due difference to him, I don't believe Mr. Everett can write such sileclUre as I can. I have a pest lortfor nornhiss....aed, like everything that is new, exeapt. .neuraigia. There are Many Old 'dilate that: aret' /. .nortiV:eiliglpg to, however,' 61d friends, old hOnieti, old books and old Bourbon (in cases of sickness,) sad esptfelatty the Meei-atilijeets bad occurred to me as appropriate for in; lectures, before I determined to talk about the ghosts. • One subject that suggested itself was .Brig-. haul Young,' but I don't kiwi mach about Mr.' Young, except that he lives in Utah, and is somewhat married. Astronomy, also 'oe.- tweed tome as a subjeet for it lecture, until I read in one of Emerson's Rooks something( about hitching your wagon tn a star. There( is ne necessity , tor Jtiteiting ' your wagon tot anything, utiles, r a horse is attached to it-1 and if a horse is siseerviiidtached to a wagon; *Would not run away under any cirousH stemma. -.Candidly speaking, I was- not, ciem.' potent to deliver a lecture on Astronomy.'' • I I had hem, nontWd you of the marl and thingai:ningl; s,lot,folkitet Y4 lPlM the - in*lntereilitai O(iiiilchTtnitiithe‘Bouth ern Owes, I suppose einulstto ' !Ihysitsai tulturg',lS now. .tk popish's., subject, bolyewheins' than Illtithip lectures od qt, suit leetnri that 1111116144' and he lifts ItetS.4)f{l / . 4 :0 1 e4 . ,F te° •: . ' iloctsiredla a Wottsselty its( wintr,nad 41.iltss'if tirelvd rani hullos. whose ,pait,' rtrrtWillbsg,'Would„jttep forward, I wou l lii IstlatOtine at a UM.°teem!' In thirtat y - P1". 111, b, it4on hskto learn theft ee4,,ord I &banditti,* k ,ddidaitt' 4 ' 414 1 4 1 4 11219 AkeriZ 1 oh '01044*40' tiTV'PranW4ndinqr 'ttroddr,peldadWigutOL:talnyetie, ,blit its 44 .04i, 1 - % '' *: : 1 1. 1 4,..1 1 4 I . iinl,'l# l 7, I*, 'tlStIS AP . . `l . i TA:plow thinks. ..of aing,r . m , 4 ,. :,:.' . .fil:4oo*.liebia inii4ir bib* —4 .4oool4t*MT** l o l : 'hi* 10. ~irr a ia l lOr. ?re,aaii liaeial #lllO : bsEa l ' l*gststsk i iraiiirl'iSt„ . ' c liiiki Weil , 11 ! 1* .k# 1 ! 411 Mi l i t .4 11414 . • .th'*o - : ill S. deithires*lstitttre. lieittbAltotid among t ii4O4ealBlir-liffit'SWubjeet of a war 0 ": Engluelitiegis not tremble but 'Oollessifsialltiilhithkllotfell ilifl(diai 11116 '4l/i414 iniiiisial hint* each' lime With - 164dt ktilej. t.* /4 0 ,:e1 16 0 504.- .66 4, k i i) . 1 4 ,3 1 ,4 1 0 04 . , tall ' "' an ' ' *er.ikr , •"Ar;l 4- _ se isseilfis good subject. I dois Wails gitlig, V il lit4 l4s l l l r At nan ' bil " 04 himilt4.l4fitr.ft=wi. irip t i l tro* weakimet.44,ll•l*lll?c4l- ' i 4 iiiiiollf;k 4 . give' - ISit'il'enli - ttiCU l :%f i . WOVIA gin* *it , 1 4 1 404:0 i 4 1 ,10 r, thy, 4.riliti*lo.. Tit ill.Sps l 4. l oo4.*Wtr'aliarlirilf =Om Oat _ ,_,,,!..,, 061610mslissrsed w a 4otts be said farewell iola rialjtavo, ilit's h la part.' t ~1 4 ,4# 1 0: itiAll *14;44 t! vas' ioe 444.4J.iit_ ! i me o lprii Tb tirbilfries are, liiikeisol i * I 4 0 , 1 ; 1 1 4- !MIC llic budgie% BiliPtiviol atAie giliii«4 r": 146 ,0 1, 71 0 7*** *60,01 Pr 0 hi 464 EI:E=I , , L:"; r~Rfl PA, SATURI)Ay M9R24 . ING p .DECE MBE R 26';''issj I I , • Ind all their habits ' are 'goal. perhaps you think I change my btO lei' much, arid: 'that ought to Move forward 'on' the ghosts at once, but have been repu!led and am demoralised. The irreatmerit of thin lecture is that It con tains so many things hatdo not have jetty thine to de with it. There is one good thing abotit speaking of so many things at ,once. I don't detain you long on ally, of theta ; as the man mid of the yellow fever,. there is one thing abont it, tit, don't detain you long.' Am • talon is an interestiag topic.. but 'unpleasant' ; to some beceutte Clar was killed for his am bition, inj the market-place.. lie was kilipd by/lentils. There may have been some /amtse for iirutue, but where was the police while the riot Was going on? Confidence Is a desirable ;. , poseession bat vanity and pride are disagree able. Bolts people feels pride in their own abaimment, but it's ad implement Article in a basement Or a drawing room. All taten'should Imiecoalidenee, buttot to be confidence men. Poeitively; upon my honer, 'Poetry' never oc curred to me as•a snidest fora lecture. , It is a pity that some newspaper poets had noC,tsten born bins, for, then their lays would bail* some rains per provided they,bad. lived near the market.' I think, however, of and entirely new subject ir lecture— 'Slavery It reqnlies an able mind, which I happen to have - ill mg at the present time ; but would yeti: listed to me for four hairs on the topic? I will cow call, your at tention to the subject of 'Absurd' people.' dual takti the liberty of' platting it the class of (.beard people the at hoes Illinois, who, when theTrinee of Wales rode down Itroad- Wei, said; world rather be that , man than President of a temperance society,' also, a wealthy 'old maid who built a . magnificent hoisseound would not live 'in it bawluse there' was 61°10 window in, it; also the conscript who claimed to be exempt because he had such an appetite; also, the landlord in the interior of Vermont, who would not have any glais put in his windows, because he 'said the sash 'would keep out 1 the coarsest of the cold; and the 'Mho, wheeon returning home, found hie wife and children and • relatives' murdered by the Indians, Walked up and dowii in a tragic man ! ner before the smoulder* ruins of hie devas tated abc4e, and said— , My wife and children aid relatives -all gone ! This , is really, too The last subject of which I thought was the war. When I was 0 - Ip prentioei to the printing :busienss in iNew Aampshire, having had e, dontroVeny with my, employer, I ran away. I had no Money, and could not' beg, so I balled at' a farm holies and asked ilthey had any 'clacks t 4 mend.. They' said yea, and wished-I would ilk it. I took the clock to pieties; sie niy :fin n„Lr, and then looklugnat the • table,. where ley the countless wheels; I Ittuite•thst I neier could poi the clock together again., Se I told Lite folks . that I was dila''', and , would go out ind get some fresh air, and I fled across the' meadows like the bright : 7 *i initiate, or any' thing else that pee quick: Those politicians who went to work ttl'tiikti titri Union clock to pieces to ikelietiettiver Meant' to Put it together again. They have stolen their Oinner, but . they'wilt 'not restore the clock. I haven't, told you much about the ghosts and it is so We now that there is no time. But I Shall speak in San Francisco in about fotir Weeks from this time, and xll who hold'lichetg to the lecture will be Admitted free. Mr. iiirownes address is an eminently cheraeter ,one. and should bo heard to he rally ap preciated. In 1800 some Southern States-alleged that jtheir sister free States, hating a numerical ImajoritY, had determined to govern them upon a WOO, pat . tittrtind not Agreed to be gov erned upon—.slavery, and therefore secoded from the Union. The evidence of this deter! mistation they found iti the election' of Mr.' The free States were at that time (Ridded into two classes of thinkers, ' one of which held that numerical majority had a right ta •gevers on any .subject. They were the:Republicans. . The other Maas held that the sublime' of government were few and well ,diOned; and that. slivery was not one of them. They were the Democracy. But white - the -Desocisey agreed 'with the South upon the objeata l ef tbe' gantrid government, they de- . pied thlit the election of Mr. Lincoln was'evi ,4.l3o4l.t litl,lSttrkK or determinatioti of the feel antes to usurp • power not given to than' by the bargain, from which' only any rights 'over smite States scorned to other States.—` Mtey Altered front the „liepublietrut is' to. the Autithrp• the . Southeriilittatee Se to the Tke-etrie broke out. It was ostensibly sad !eotila ;be honestly: for no,othei purpose then ia 04441 obidienco tO' s the 6uit'itutiou ; in '90 1 . 1 . 1 V 11.101 1 / 4 to compel adhesion- OA contract. Asmucteitsfcoadstot.was the most, sisup)c, plain Sad 1640%1 , thing is the boMd. olit..etes 3nst.'• 'aiour>e of% stsififr's officer" to "'Noup;lFU:siieilirc officer. Witi* , .wakiallfr , itt,,forsa4; „ ott entering hie prelaisca, sofusesesul •bisnki4kag the cove. lekloititnt (Ike spoon., dansundog the wooien, ‘iniekiiiilit , te'pletri, -- fying - 44'bernit; would the idr,o4o , tie #ll tikeli !Oink likely 40 4 %**44 1 4 " 1 i lorsOly:flot i t sod yet'thattslost reeisely ,4to *firptiktitilthich this Ontinistrstlott has ite 1410141011 1,44, to Demoarsis nap' fate Wen.% killing the .4?;r 0 ) , .14 4 Yets mt.& .tiottbertt symit, ittrui" "Attie' iota 104 in pneitetie the op*** '447 flt ‘ ll ol l ors ,a peeessionittt." Pliarkstrees iiatrookinttleeplowsllllll fi dig ;a g o ba s er 4.11611 arei*Copperhesd " irtf t Fittae Presidgett3 , let timer vr, * j ut tb i k ee o t ?'s Ne r t . h t' 4 I 4 IW.,IY.DP. 'Ka* tra 4 F 2 "lit isesOlistiot , to be 'for thedlonstitittion—se OW Milo sea still lielieste ; and I! it ftir ettn i stifttleoa it woold 44.‘111 ( 4" . 14 i id e l ft l ig S t e'. ibiL • 0/141101Stritimlit. 0 114 14 e* 40 jile Southern taliaggfefongia "roof •stlileit•Was wanting to, i thertithi Tbori scioirikais &hurray la ' ilip t ssi the einn'ilitsttarm As*Ablii °6 11 0 4 ' l4 r' AIL :8114111m1001;ba lnks 4 ;4 ll .l4 9 , ll lll"intst l " moo o f fiat eleaLt .the De- Iribt Ilettot.l That ptilot hostOtAilioti to i 1 heart's jA i betholtstert ll ollote piharteter ikisltt9l9l4'.*a*POlMits,wsnlatnt; longer lfikt loollho 441111OltotiOIS oftito Placed States, ihrttlify o 'WOW iii litirtlt,ta ire a Cog. . 01446. , to* eel/ to free sieves whit 14* eAtidoe spiai 4,ttlous• woo vii i I: 1 / 4 I t .tvott I' *,''' • . . . , _:_ i , ~.. (.1,1 1 : a; A : . I ':'• . i , '.-- - .... - .. frff: 77 :;-,%• ;- 1. . .-.) _ 't 'I .'• - . , .. ; 1 0 .... . , . . . , . . =1 The IlMildism Wu hay. 1 ' 4 , 1 "iv::11... ..:::i; I Ctl _ 4 il::+1. El , forfightpkg aolt,lo i -opmpel 91* a ! toptHea bs South Ciroiies of leessolptietta lueltitoos The Dertioarioy adhere to 'tie Snit and only proper object, the restOritioo of 'ha j . 'A Smack an !School; A District School not far away, . 'llll Berkshire hills, one winter', day, Was hamming with its wontwl noise • three-scare mingled &le anj boys- 7 -, . - Some few upon their task hard, D'ut more on furtive athichlet bent ; And while theinaster's downward look Waa fastened Oa s etgrboolo— j • •• Rose loud and clear s rousing smack I , • Aa't was a battery of bliss 1 , Let off in one tremendous kin!' • ' .1111utre that r the startled muter ales; • thir," a HUI, hap copilot, - • • ",lath William W With, it you ;death,— I saw him kith Thut banns Peathe r•—• Am& With frown' to maks a stator, thrill, . The muter thundered atorg.wiur, Like wretch d'ertaken Oa his tuck, 'With stoles chattlee on We hick, Will hue his brad in Mr end shame, And to the metal promo, carve.. •.• A great, greeo, bashful simpleton, , The blot of all tun, - With smile suppressed suthirehlipralled, The threatener falterad*4'm aseeked That you, my biggest. mil, should a• De guilty of an act sci rad, I v Before the whole set school to boot - ' What *ell pubis put you to•tr yea she haesel4 sir, gobbed the lad, • ..1 didn't 61011111 to he so had ; But when Saunas shook bei earls, And whimpered I wia *aid of girls, J v I couldn't stand it. 1 1 14 , 2a1l Bu t t op and Lined her on the spot, I know—boo hoo—l ought to not,, ' nut somehow from hoz toot—boo boo,' I thought eh, kind 'blot cute t" Letter Ire= Myer JaeX lbovetkag. WAIIIIINTOX, Dec. 10,1863. Sus: Whet:i l l - writ you last, the 'Masai* warn't finished. Wet, With a time as we had in finishin that! doeyment yon' never did see. The Kernel and I set up all nibs long three or fore niter, but it was nigh about ospossibnl tti get it to‘ snit- him. Re would get itlined, an then' Seward would cum in an sly it Was too hold. Then Chase he'd cum an 'say it s warn': bold enuf ; and 'finallYl tailed him to' make it as Old Deacon ttrimen did his oven. lie wanted to know haw that was. Wid,,/ I tailed him it was this w e y ; The Deacon built In'oven facia to the North, wen one of his L i unborn cunt along and 4e4 that would n ver , do, as the North wind would blow rite i the , mouth of the oven. So the old man turned it around, an put the face 'to , the South., Pretty soon another :tabor num *king, en ties he„."Desocin, it winnower do to have that oven face the South,, for there ain't say stied so blustering as the South had." So . the Des ,con turned it around to the West. Pretty , aeon a malt cum'along, and ses he, "Deacon, don't. you ; know that. the worst showery' in burrycaues we have slways• cum from the West? it will never do to lace your oven that way." So the Deacon determined -to change it 'Around to the East. lie hadn't more than gat it dun, !Afore another, tutbur !bum along, and ses be, t 4 Why, Deson Grimes, I:in perfectly astonishedl to see you Milian an 1 oven an facia it to the East. There ain't `any' wind so searchin an penetratin as the East wind, writ will blow your fire all out of the oven." "Wel," see the old Deacon, perfectly 1 discuriged, "I'll suit you all. I'll build my 1 , oven on a pivot, an weu you cum along you ' kin turn .it around jest as 'you want it." I "Now," see I. "Kernel; that's the" way 10-fix ! your llessige." ties he, '..That is a feet ;'fhb only trubbil is to - fix on a pivit' on whieb it kin turn." "Wall," see I, "that is the easiest I thing in the world.' Take the nigger for tbe pivot, an it will suit eVery man in your party. The, only difference.between 'em is, that some don't liim to loot him square in the fees. ' That sort kin turn your Meesige arimnd 'a little, an thee' they will see the nigger siiie ways ;•and ' thoie that can't stand that, :kin I turn it clear around, an then they will see the nigger in the .baelt, but it nigger all the time!" The Kernel sal it wsii•a espi. tel Wee, anti liViaient, to carry it out. It wnt noised around that the Kernel was comin nut : with some big thing in his Meesige . an.every. ' Congressmaii; wen he got to Washington, , rtut rite to the White House io ' give 'the' Kernel . advice. They' nigh about run him 'to &tit; "Wall:" ses I, "Kernel, make believe' YOu've+ ' licli." "Shoo'" eery he, - "that won't do et,tilt of good. I've `died it often, and they hors ' me was khan ever."' "Wit," - sits ti "tell 'em you've' got the ses.rlet 'fever. In. Mit will ' sears 'mu` sway." The Kertiellsaid , tl was tai' flat-rate idot,:na so It was sanonneed itt• all i the piper's ihst the Preitident hid' that , scarlet) fever; . but it' didn't [do mnel rind. Xintni staid away; but the eraniyet=was tremenjen "Now." see T, "Kernel, thistin.:teoTtimil; Ante ' it is Ailment time for Ciongreas to - ,MOOt, attfitti! Messige dun yet. Jest let the reporters.p.e pounce thif7You've got the .smati poi, 4 , there won't be a 'mother's' son of 'ern num: Wi ihiV,-gutiehot __iifllc, • ____,iu.;yheti . YOti : 1 k itAi your Messige, - put lit'ibittpateni plviaf,'4 .. ' grease think, tip' - geherallY; 2 so -they'V , rtin, hnotheryeiti wlthatit iteetilwg."-' Th'ei- Kerns{ 1 sod there was. ne 'diet way thin -te Jo 'it!' Wen it golliut that the Kneel thail•the intall' , I poi,: yell ` haver isieJ "clan taint. Allis White fl tinse wis'a i gli: iboalt detterteiiptin it: sestina, likes &Massy up.,hilldsiite: .. The torrid tkd Sett- tile dawn tor:hie . hisosige, :se..weched NEC , ' a beery?: lie aril het r epoldiAlierc ANN* &kit' thing in: ahem -arieril*P. (Ow**. A. 1 . 112 ,t4r_1i! were laid. —Atati- so - he did. Wen he gc t itit i fib hevealit6l•Bolretti ned-rti it 10,11 ilkl , 1 1 He said. Wing. deciiel. • Then, he,-cent. top Lehasei as he pod -itetes nitrite. t,'lllopr,""•lfeli I I,: "Kerne. sent SO PlTlLT:DlP!ikf.e.rall as, see how ; hen: like , •W:',.•4 l .o ll 4 l .Fifit. l 4 64' '. l kflt •Ksmitti , l4ed fil., o ,*:.4iiitatt!!*4riri li ti ... L. ri' yr. i1 , ;'!1.4 elkwic', 4 l P ie w it e I Disemyersts; remind. hie of a , st'ext pbo i ntlbasi4 Mt" ii?-,°'At- Y i ol l- ,t 4 -, .J°l4_, ` erne ;-Illicks i t if' I youngAlog`wicti ris e, erg, erg Bm tot . ... ,iilio: one he tali him alkng a it,h , itiii:: . l is thhi. very fi st Ste th - g.i liiiiiii 4 4 4deetilfbirotO , away hertut - psipla- sad iiiiiiitla 'ltkiliss4;igt JOsl eeelli:neeerlreli Ile dog -i4 bier's in 1 12 4! Wet.'. Now,.au iiisoft - lowa* Vizerxliinsur . -tigatc;„:lberfrowinthiflbrins , i? ,' Issued my. insinciPso4 ?roOlguitkiii , b"4' .. Uld JR, an ,by ill &Ow: . 1 ":.° 0 Ofirt PO! Pift I Plkik they:have .ISe:wet lillatMe4',W:Plit,Pill : 4 NW , ,' 'i n( i li , l# ( !ral.2t , V./ Villiol' hetlo, en, - ,MOM I #o.o7tr l M l 4o#l, l/ 4 1 War Dimity crater cOf 07.0'.11,41.7:„.,i,,., - " 4 [;` ' I ; 41 ' ; * 8 1! - 1C erT4CT If li l l Yr Y4 , e !: . T ither 1 ', 14, Vl ' t 49 ilial i D 4l .._ __ l• frt i P . .,l- ' . - •th, 4 . , ; - !!'!fN e rti yea beestisn'they. kenegeoleu was Won. .:... Atkin the Voiontilcut litli:yla' iko ,7thi $2,0,4E . SI PAIDAINSIL.; TAN END OF THE YEAR lIE .!!a I ` title three year old child mu .away Irian lane' ind mine\ over to • neighbor's o'eloCi in ' the evening; 'llei"iiother ha 10 14 to the welrfot: a I ,lttittter, surprised at seeing her out al, ao low+ so' boor, we asked t i er: "Are you'imit afraid tonome so far from home 'koidibt?" "Oh, no, sir," replied the eontid• lig little Mini, OM got on mother's' hood " 4 1 1 , d, ' IMO • •I to• NUMBER 30 =I &flil!' ploosigersoa see that you won't Love the [Niel batik any hot, they will say you de oel4d,"ecus, and you may tiuJ '.w the most Actilettliwkme mistomers you've yet : had to deal wins,'- Tiniki moat to sustain the : government, lent qbw wercith : ey see that you wouldn't sustain it,: ti4y may t`r - on you wue than the Cop. peritiiads knee," and see I, 'Kernel, you jiet get tbe 'Dimmycrate \ uoited, an I I shudn't wonder if they stud be \ after thiar - and when lei all yens Miss Nancy V..bolishiniAs look oat, for there won't be as tai ch left of ens as theta Wu of RIR Peeler's" d,, after isle pen• lbw. ilia." Set the Kernel. see h ."how much wits' 'pair "Wal, see 1, —Bill always NA &et* 'warn% nothing lett but the Coar be bed round hie , neck, and the tip eerTil 4 his 4111 .c:Abollt an inch long." "Wel," see \ the Kernel, "Pee got to go ailed, no matter wk. donl like it. or who gits licked in the At,. l'ox; In the Abolisitin bole, and you can't ;- ' *twit now'eny more than 'you kin put Lake Stiperier iq a : quart battle.': B,:e I, "Go obsti, Kernel; I tillers like to see a mau bold as i l : strong on his own principles. There's uothin like pluck. -Let everybody know jilt whatyou mean, and then if they support you it Le i their own fault " ' "Wel," see he, "ain't I plain enuf this time ?" "Yes," ses I, "Rer tiel,iall but the amnesty, part—that's kinder pettyfoggy." "Wal," see he, " Majer, men that coke' see a hole - through a ladder ought to bi. humbugged." See l. "Mebby that's so, but; we :shall all know inote about who is hunibugged and who Isn't, after the war is ovek:"• t : • Bat! novae did see ptiopls so tickled over the .Messige as the Reputlikins till are. They twill is jest the thing , that it is going to wipe out 'slavery, and pritirent the "Union as it Was" ever being restored; and then it is dun so cutely, that a goof bunny people won't seithrough it. That amnesty dodge throws deit in their eyes, eisd l kinder sounds gene• !Call like. ' ~ There's great tits amain off among the hybOlishinista about who to be run for next rsMdent, and lihink ITU has some new.: for / you afore long. - EnyhOw, I shall keep my eyes opea as 'lshii.. VGlArn, till 'loth, 1'A4411 JACK DOWNING. Rog . to• -fog Out. ''lts following good !airy is told of &deacon in the city of B—, Northern Ohio : demon was the owner and ()reviser of a large pork packing establishment. His.duty was to stand at the scalding trough, watch in Mad; to time the length of ,the,scald- 7 crying, "hog in," when the hog was to be thrown into the trough, and "hog but," when the watch told three minutes. One week the press of business compelled the packers to unusually *Mr, labei. mud Saturday night found .the deacon wholly exhausted. Indeed, he•was al- Most,• if not quite, sick the next morning when church time came ; but he was a leading mem ber,, and it was his duty to attend the usual 4bblith service if he ciudd. Re went.. The o4caslon was one- of nitusual solemnity, as a slgs/A was in progress. The minister preach ed a sermon well calculated to affect. His Peroration was a climai of great beauty. As " Ming the action of one intensely listening, he recited to the breat h less auditory : • E;=;== -:; .111/05 in! " came &obi the deacon's pew in stentorian voice. The astonished audience ifatuediately turned their attention from the preacher, but he went on, however, apparently *moved. ' "31-"ter spirit,: come sway," i "Boy out! " shouted the deacon—'Pally fasti ! " ' This was iod much (Or the preacher and the iutdlenee. The litter smiled, some snickered audibly, white a number of boys broke for the Oar; to split their sides laughing outside 'Within fall hearing. The preacher was dis. concerted entirely—sat down-rose again— itrononnced a brief benediction and dismissel the anything else but eolemn.tninded hearers. , MONO aid AlMlamina. It Is a historical feet that adolitionism and infidelity 'are closely cianeetttd. The minister 'who becomes a familia on the nigger question, plinsches abolitionism; Instead of Christ aad RIM crucified. The , original abolitionists charged that God was pro.slivery and that the Bible was.the same.," They called for an •anti slaiery God and atf anti-slavery Bible. These facts are not nor cannot be denied. Then come down to the death of John Brown, a cold blooded innrderer; a thief and a villain, and yeh find infidels comparing him to Christ— the soti of doll--on the cross. Is this not Suf i Ilefent to prive,tlie 'infidelity of the abolition 'party? If not:what will be the proof ,If you see it man stealing shone, "era you not con iineed thel'lia is * thief ? If John Brown was inoWn to hive killt Mee because of their. bolding slaves, was he not i murderer ? If he Itdi•o113; Was he not * villain? If he was all ilieee,esd we know -het was, is not the nuke -who wilittompare *hint to'Citrist en !ufi!let and asaciipdeel 'she? The Taint' cal abolitionist • • • Al - Mao times out of ton 1 .confirmell falfielS elnim thisf dc themselves; eta they Annie of inhst they speak. . ‘: . 'Tlieft; ls tiii lay, itb4lltion4m- and • infidelity conieetedi The abolitionims teach h~teel mast the Olive _owner. They do not nakow,f but. like .Joia. Brown, would murder !niewin gut daflt beeipso !bone men do not en. sentiment.:--Freeport (la.) Mani express surprise, 44:4 most extravagant and gay women of Frsece manage- to spend sct much toottey.., Hers in an item than opens 5•n4 'Nea l : . The "ea ramsuques attracted thrhigs :last winter to . as. Mademoiselle in &viiTges„lti Piime sal Carnelian." 'ln 'the" , tisieie* the . ban." her attire cost one • • and eigh t thousand dollars—yes, ,t 4 dOtif fkonsand dollar: ; a ,Ong* illamondYri tine Of the carnelian of her 1641.• dres s wi i trertli twenty thousand dollars. it t; W solid silver. ilar ii;;; an of wash-hes sad evtry article on her wash. solid. gold. 'What, fortitne can 14ppty, these intents eapr ces . =I = • —Loud Bisisiiisai' ieerod 4 & slut its pub ! rebels saw boil as primers so las Mao Wan correopopihislii:Crikke.Nsw York Herald. up how mordsthe plinks eft . pkg• form have, cost - our ectestry'pips foot. The; Constitution ant • eh* Urma I ; place them • together. If WO/ 4084; they must stand together; if they talk Olio met fall together.—Dexid Wager. A Caisdisn youth of ,tiersge 'static end a cash income of $4 pev,srmith, has vied ac &noel of the stateetragwef twelve. eaneda i; getting precocious. ' —ln Richmond good Whiskey selli;s46,ooo ft barrel, rebel motley. As lolerior article can be had for $2,00U. A glen. of insedy commands fire dollars ; —Republican orators said, beferivibit ele e tit)°, in this and other trmaties, Milt Cur tin and there will be uo Draft l" , What de those they &waived think uow , -- The Washington hotels are "gots( to •eliarge four dollars per tkay Skis . ; winter. Happy are the men who don't Yawata .spand the Winter in the city of Maipailleeuktilistiusrm and uneqUalled "sperms. . —The Russian Gemini idouravielf bus lo aned an order making it i crime ii Poland to spwalt the POlish language, sad author pro hibaing the Poles, who have lost Woking is the wa\N \ from wearing mourning for them. -Au °ld bachelor geologist mu eaukboast ing that er e ro ok was as familisi : l9 bin as the alphabet. lady who was:pos.oly de clared that she kitew of a reek orThich be was ignorant, ,"NaMe it,", said lim : ciclopse in a rage. " is the eradis,',!, replied the lady. "I wish I had your ," said a lady' one day to a gentleman, ihtllad solved for her a knotty point. "Aid I taMix Iliad your heart," was the reply. "Well, i csaid she, "since your haad'and my heart agree, I don't see why they should not go late part. uership:" ass. Score ON TM WANwr-qhke , 3411 F York, Herald states that General i3OOtto . 111001“. conversation on the development, of the war, remarked that. the lighting hid, inly cost• minced, and. that the real hard fightlag was yet to take place. Re also isdded 'Au the administration had fooled away aiarli every golden opportunity, and tine, Instead of end ing the rebellion, as they could have done long since, have extended It to the &staid future. It is a curious circumstance that the statue of Liberty which tas just loin an. veiled on the top of, the Capitol atitashing ton represents a colored woman ! For fear of discoloration; the excuse is, an acid has bests employed which stains the autifses of the figure and thus makes the valor weather. proof. A crazy Abolition soertispontlent of the N. Y. Tribtou expressos himself delighted with the statue, and, to cap the climax. claims that a negro alave did most of as work upon it: AEOTRIRE ADVA7IOIII.I ?RR PAPER IMAZERT. —Paper stook and materials haws gone op over thirty per oerit. in-valets sines the hi of August. A number of mei. mills will as only half time through the winter, and others will discontinue entirely.. It is said that largo importations of paper liateibeen ordartd from abroad to supply the demand for Anti paper. that manufactured in thlitconntry at a profit •on the present_ price. of ',took.— N. Y. Times. . —At i Quaker wedding ju Winona re eently, says the Providence leara4, the guests seated themselves according to the elisions of the Friends in general, and waited in sileaes for the service to Comment's. For oam hoar and a half not a word was spciken and seam a movement made. At the expiration of that time the spirit moved thebartles to' action, and the groom and bride took mesh other by the hand and offered and received the mar riage vows. That cannot be called a "hasty marriage." How A Max WAS FINID Tin DOLL/ML A humorous chap gives the following account of the manner in which he was toed ten dol lars by a polioe magistrate . in Oh'ago for _kicking 'up a row at n public hall : 14 The neat morning the Judge of the Polio, road seat for me. I went down, and he received me cordially. Said he had hoard of the loader. ful things I had- 'accomplished u Bryan's Hall, and was proud of . I weiteproods ing young meg : and all that. Then be offered a toast : "Guilty or not guilty ?" I responded in a brief but eloquent , speech, jetting forth the importance of the oceaslon that had brought us together.. After the usual ave. monies, I loaned the oitY ten dollars." -4n the great battle of Gettysburg the color sergeant of ,the' 16th Versinet .or- tally wounded. At ones a 4osila men rushed up to seize the colors and Dear them, forward. The poor woundedaergeant'intsped ,the staff with both his slashed hands : his gas was already dimmed with death ; he could not we who it was that tried to wrest his aims, from him. "Are you friends or estexiiitit . 49 tried out. "Weals friends," was the ?gal; "give ns the colors." "Then, friends," said he, "I am mortally Wounded; let me hcii4 r up the flag till I die"—and so saying, 'midi' beak dead. Surely, a nobler-soldier thee this poor fellow never lived. " '• —A Chicantauga correepoodeat ortie Melt mood Ditpatek attempt, poitiieiglitaeOt of the fact that the rebels *ere 'bigy il iitiikbe4 is the late battle.. He *sic' The Cootederatet hive - eitetditred to-day ,the most igoominieue dared - a war —a defest,for which there iI t I iiiiltiemou tie or palliation. For 'the list din CliiHng our struggle for national indepeniiinbi'itii defeat is chargeable to the troope- t dedisfiliffee, and not to the blunders or iicespetilia, of their leaders. It is difßoalt to ratlike bow's digest so complete' could halo twinned im'ground so favorable, netiritketiaifieig the mat dis pull,* the forces of the two *lone Voiles. The ground was more in- oar doer Um* it was at Fredericksburg. whets:Gene* Loss. street is said to have estistateattitia Lees army was aqui! to 300,000 Rea, .. 1 4f.nd yet ire pitied the battle of Frederieksburi. sett lost that of Missionary Ridgs.' • . hlis• Cobbe. is an .affluks : creeithe Ha mar of Various Nation,"; i 4 aus. bar of the Victoria Maslow, 444f/follow ing !gory of au Irish detioititilt etAsAtiraela priest, in Irelant•havingiTMW a ear. Ism on miracles, was asks"! by Alas of his Congregation, walkitig hotneTnr#4,,pxplahs a little more lucidly • , what a sitooliausaat." , •Is it a miracle you _Wail to, eashintiand p#2 said the priest. "Walk on. thee, far4sat sad I think how_ Loan esidaiW The man walked 0n..-eadttalgriat same at. • ler him sod gave :kilt i. kid; ""Ugh 1" roared the samitirivhithyAlhl yes de that?" "Did you teslll4t!l Won, "To be sure I did." repiiissithe Imais3 then, it would - hive bees a gicwh,loll4ow bad net, returned the t k ;14,a off