ie tfyit 0- *Waver. RIB. PA.. DECEMBER 19. 1863. E EgiE WEEKLY OBSEIt'VER. , 1. rss 4 Olinn i k BM/Arne Inn Staut Orraerri its POST wri36llgo3.—Owa &mare of Tee lanes one Is. rdo . Nate ; two lasertlow 11,00 ; three law oa s g 5; O. month 11,60 ; two months $160; alembijt,oo; al: et nabs PAO; owe pegs IP Opt air ideartbiewale in proportion. !Wee rates ill te Aridly gamed to, unless °banged by wowed or at the option of the puSiLthers. An& N e ueos. Strays, Divorces sod like giverMse . . 1, pip ; ddloioistrateir's Notion $260; Lona •,,o c et nn elates line; Its egg. Noticoevergarrv rs w og pieta; Obituary Notices (ors three Imes . attest) Ave seats pet hoe. °righted poetry. 11 ,.. ' ,Miro at the request of the editor, one dalbw 1 ,.. - All wilted's' asuts be costinued at ste ,„ a dem perl.ll adrert.idng, nut° ordered , t br hie direction, QUIN. • specified period 1 opoolor Its Insertion. • . RIPLION two Metz its tor swam Is ad . PRINTISd.—We base ass of the boat Jobbing Ilme in the State, wad are ready to do soy wort Is bit Sas that stay be entrusted to us, to squat style &ay s eabllahment outalds of the tarps' slued. ILA. sEars R. It are informed by of the officers of the road, at this city, by the close of the present year the track be laid to Buena Vista,- Elk county, on division, and to St. Mary's, Elk county, .2 Eastern division, leaving a gap of only 24 miles to be completed. Oa this por of the road a line of sleighs and stages is to be placed by private enterese, mak. he distance in three or four hours, when gh tickets over the railroad to Philadel- and from that city to ours, will be sold , e agents at each end of the road. - We of no period that has been positively flied nailing the unfinished portion ofthe road, the bed is said to be all graded, and 'tile remains to do, we see no cams!? why .gh trains should not be ablisio run by peeing of Lake navigation, at least. ' It rongly to be hoped that the managers spare no effort to have the road completed e earliest possible period. The public nee, no long tried, awaits this event with r tniiety. We are &seared that the pres manakers have done all to. push the work to speedy completion that. could have been, the fact cannot be concealed, that the peo not in Erie alone, but everywhere along line of the road, are getting weary with tardy manner in which it seems to pro- MOP CLAIM'S 81101021.—1 n common with others of our citizens, we attended" the ?al Church on Sunday evening, to lis t sermon by Right Rev. T. M. Clark, of Rhode Island, who filled the pulpit; congregation, in the absence of Rev. ipalding; the regular rector. The Ai wa not as large ak we expected, but i• readily be accounted for in considers the veq unpleasant weather. We can I those o' our readers who were not pre liat they missed one of the richest and treats of the season The Bishop is ' the finest and most impressive orators re ever heard, speaking in a calm, clear tatinct manner that enlists the closest ion of the audience from the commence to the close of his sermons. We baits many of the best pulpit speakers in le 7more , but none who left a agreeab e !adieu of his abilities upon our•mind the able Bishop, of Rhode Island. iM ttter of his sermon, we need say little lan that it fully corresponded with the of its delivery. His subject was the talky of the Soul, and he enforced bis ins in a style of argument so simple Inilleently strong, with illustrationsiso pos, and in language se chaste and mild, sloquent, that we doubt whether thete a person in the audience who did not the sermon was shorter than , it actually, and regret when it closed. There was one word in it calculated to excite per or partisan anintosities; or which once t, its author need ever desire to retrakt. rho read this paragraph may think lire to terms of too extravagant praise, hut 'those who tumid the sermon to which tie will accuse -us of anything of the We trust that this will not be Bishop ' o ,t visit to Erie. IEIIIIIOX IN 1360.--We bate before ue a of Daniel 8. Dickinson, ,delirered in 10 which he expresses sentiments that period woald be considered decidedly th." The following is an extract : "He who suppoies these States caa !or as- members of the Confederacy by La they can be fought, defeated and into equal and faithful members of the .acy--ihoold go home to his domestic and there breed jealousies between I and the partner Or his bosom * attempt to chastise Aer and snake her love * * * All the paper laws we, har strengthdoree and power of the Cosalita• Al Alll7 AID 1/11,2, ?RE EATTOILILL .LTUkI AID ?RI ILIICUTIVS PORIII 01 ionasmair, ARE ALL NOT WORTH iGLE RUSH TO COMPEL A STATE tEMAIN ONE HOUR IN THE CON :RACY LONGER THAN IT CHOOSES &MAIN." was just such language as the above,' on part of truckling demagogues in the Dem ic ranks, and expressions snob, as 4 4 the is not worth preserving with slavery in 1 the Sowards, Wades and Chases of, Ithe %can side, that gave the secession lead mirage to attempt the destruction of f,he in the vain hope that their efforts not be resisted by the people of the And singular to say, all these Vile :et, who only three years ago were wit lat. the Union should be broken up, to be the most earnest friends Unica now, !and have the impudence :use every man who does .not think as do, of being a traitor. ' Butler, Dickin• Cochrane, and ) Dreckinridge, every one asession sympathiser" in the early career lbollioo, have since left the Democratic for the party's good, but Seward, Chase, tr , Wade and their class still remain in the party they built up, and are all 'us to sustain a war for that Union one* spit upoa, and said wu "not worth ug together by bayonets." lismaaso.—Engineers are now sw ifts a route from Ashtabula to intersect I the Pittsburg et. Erie at Jamesti r wa, Pa. route has already been surveyed, running tLh s portion of Kingsville „stall -optimism our KellogsvilLe, nod Monroe Centre, South parallel with the Centre road it reaches Willianuilield , By comtag by ray of Jefferson, !brat, Sta , and coming liute North of West Andover, will ears miles. A few days longer will disclose us the 'most feasible route. It is evideat t the Late Shore RAJ are determilarl to old • branch into the CJ al fielil4 of Pena isaat a La d thi s ec t uo to be the st rata*. `vrtapencient .4,41a611a Telegraph. Mill. A. J. Sierreur-et Alegi's. has appoints,' eters Li the Camay Casuals tint • The position. rs balm. , Pals * a nal year, besides saadrisi. grief PankitniPhli ger Since the leer conuteased a great many nobody's hays become somebody's. or Those who Sght in the wee Would vote,—Chicago Tribune. And those who vote for the war should fight.—Louireille Journal. Sir The acme speaks of a reliable Re publican newspaper. The editor should send it to Barnum straightway. The article is scarce enough to be regarded as a curiosity. lir For the benefit of all having Claims against the State end National Goverasteste, we would state that Capt. Dodge still in this city. attending to calls of that sort. stair The new Speaker and Clerk of the National House of Representatives are both printers. : Booleld, the Cosigressman from this D et..the queue says, is also a printer. emir. Sidney Smith, who is well ,klown here as one of the best comedians upon the stage, has retired from the • Metropolitan Theatre In Buffalo, and accepted a more lu crative positioi in Albany. soar We are informed that Rev. Mr. Black burn has received a call from a congregation in New Jersey, and will soon resign - the Pas torship of the Park Church. We should re gret to have him leave Erie. sir After this date, obituary notices, more than three lines in extent, will be charged Ave cents per line, and " original poetry," unless written al the request of the editor, will be charged at the rate of one dollar a line. , sty Capt. Robert Lytle, of the 27th lilt• nois regiment, was severely Wounded in two places, during the storming' of Missionary Ridge. -He is a Win of Mr. Andrew Lytle, living below Waterford, and a nephew of Mr. James Lytle,_of this city. air A . western editor thus describes in verse the patience of a husband with' whom he is acquainted : "He never said " a -word, , But with a look of deepest melancholy, He sat, like Patience on an ottoman, Waiting for Ms wife to put her bonnet on." oar It is stated that Col. C. B. Curtis, of Warren, formerly member of Congress, and recently commander of rt regiment of Penna. volunteers, has been recommended as Col. Campbell's successor, in cue the latter should accept the position of Lieut Colonel in the Invalid Corps. soi. The Chief of }Ube, by direction of City Councils, has ordered the closing of all drinking and eating saloons hereafter, at half put 10 o'clock in the evening. There ire variotts opinions as to the right of the city authoniies to enforce such an order, and the matter is to be tested before the Courts. lig. The DispateA says that Col. Campbell, Provost Marshal of this district, has receieed the appointment of Lieut. Colonel in the HA lid Corps. Although I political opponent, we have always found Col, Campbell courteous, obliging and honorable, mad as such we are pleased to learn of his promotion. s ir The next issue of the Observer will be printed on Thursdny afternoon, instead of Friday forenoon, u nano/. Adveitlaements must be handed in before Wednesday evening. As our oily edition will be circulated on the day. before Christmas, it will afford an un equalled advertising medium for persons having holiday goods to selL MT We call especial attention to the ad vertitement of Mr. John Cummins, offering for sale a valuable Store Stand and residence in Beaver - Dam.' We know that he offers a chance for some person to make a good bar and recommend those wishing to pur chase this of property to give kis 'Aver. tisement their attention. seir We are mach gratified with the spirit displayed towards us by our patrons, with re 1--spect to the increased price of subscription. I Almost without exception, they express their I readiness to pay the advantie in the cost of the paper, and not a few have told us that if two dollars does not furnish a fair rentnera- Lion, they are willing to give more. !finch warm-hearted - "proofs of confidence are very encouraging. • NM. Bishop Clark's lecture, on AlOnday evening, was attended by a very fair, ,and considering the extremely disagreeable wea ther, unexpectedly large audience. It was marked by all the characteristics of his ser mons, being fresh, compact, logical. and to a rare degree entertaining. It was entirely of • literary nature, and contained only one political allusion, which we regard as having been made more in a pinyfut spirit, than as a term or calumny. fig' We do not believe from the indications that ;we now have, that any change will be madd in the conscription act before the next draft is - made. likeistor Wilson, of liaise (Auntie, the author of the present bill, sad Clialiman of the ,Military Committee of Ile. Bente, we are told by the Trans, Is 'warmly in favor of retaining the $BOO clause. Be has ' l ntroduced an act I. offer larger bounties for volunteers, and increase the pay ; of n• co officers and printed. iii' The Erie piblishers have agreed to charge $2 in advanoe for ',heir papers after the Ist of January next. The Fredonia papers have been cut down four columns. These changes an made in ednieganee of the high price of paper and the general increase of expenses. We have resisted a similar change for a year or more, and would be glad to coating in the old' way. Bat it is more sad .more manifest that we too musk out _down, or go up in pries sooner or later.— Warren Mail. ' _ The editor of the Penang& Spectator, who is generally sound oa the goose sad tur key' questions, makes the followleg deliberate and troll-considered annouseenvit :- - "We bars carefully sustained all tbe orders from the *Moe of lb* Provost Marshal of As United States, and- Staatou's vaallbstos for the last six unanks, aad lad aotkiag is *Wier to prima say sabusiber from furnishing SD editor with a turkey for Christmas. ,Ife stair this for eke benefit of printers at; large sad . without say fowl taotivol." WI. We direct to the atteatlaa of Our avi ator and Representatlvet la the Legislature, the various 'ekes. us that ars sow on foot for diverting the coal trade of Weston Penny). vials from her only Late port, whore 'lt prop erty belong, to those of other States. ft they allow them measures to oasosod,by say smoaat of trickery or' bribiti at Harrisburg. or aecoast of poraoad or pelitied jedsagise, they are unlit for their positions, sad deems, as they sortaialy will be held up to, public szecration. sty to view of Boaster Lowry's bleu inflame at Washisston, it is oxpeeted et hise by. many of our citizens that ha will make so *fort to km the large number of ratan who have left ail city to eater the alb% Properly credited apes env quota. flat Ileht,. in oonuses. , with all the Lake sad isaboarl sides is koaestly entitled to this credit, *sd that it will be so act of game Wades Jo withhold it, so pima, except a bastes Sit Welles, mild doubt ter s assent. • Lie the day is, it, may still be time Osseo to sae toed is having this simple act of thirsts sescoded to us, sad we call noon these who have the Istioeses At Weildigton to make the trial, promptly . , hosed*, sad eiteripsdosity. We Writ Print — ittUtiktelhoklirki the draft la ilisAlstriet will not take pleas oa the Gth of January, as generally expected. Some unavoidable dela.* has taken place in preparing the list* of area, and the Provost Marshal, on application 'to the proper take rities,has. obtained an extension of time to prepare the documents. Front what weal learn, we doubt it the draft will Goons before the let of February. and perhaps later. Our alai in the meantime etteuld make diligent efforts to AU up the quota with volunteers, by holding meetings, offering bowies,. and working harmoniously. Oo inquiry, we lad that all reports purportiag to give the quotas of the respective Lovas end townships are not to be relied upon. the order fixing the numbers required not having been received from Waihington. sig. The County Commissloeers, on Wed nesday evening, adopted the proposition to offer a County bounty of $BOO for volunteers, conditioned on the agreement by oar Senator end Representatives to hire the sat legalised, and a bill passed by the Legislature, author izing a special tax for paying the County bonds 'art. will haves to be issued. Several recruits have already been obtained in thin ally. effort will be made to Weirton ap propriation by the City Councils sufficient to increase the bounty to $B6O. Mir We have hear) a project spoken of to organize a course of lectures in addition to the present one. the sperk4r4 to ha prominent gentlemen of our awn city. ft is a good Idea, and Should be sum:mishit. We have .at least halt-a dozen persons in this city who coald furnish is able addresSes, as any that have been delivered by leaturire from abroad, and for which from fifty to a hundred and fifty dollars were paid. • sei„, We direct notice especially to \ the re marks on another page, upon the much talked of subject of ' , Political Preaching." Irwity reader of the Obstiver, Deliioarst or 71°01)- lican, disagrees with us in our s slaws of they question, we shall be glad to pre him a chance to express the tact, and thireasons therefor. through our columns. gi§„. The following businessmen have holi day advertisements in one oolumos, and we recommend them to the patronage of our readers : Wm. P. Hayes & Co., Dry Goods; T. 7d. Austin, Jewelry ; W., H. (Benny, fancy Crockery Ware ; Samuel Carter, Toilet articles, Porte Pdonnales, &c.; Bener Sr, Bur gess, Confectionery, Toye and Yankee No tions. Mg. Bishop Clsrk delivered two, lectures in Buffalo this week, one on Tuesday cad , the other on Thursday evening. The latter was the tams delivered here .on " The Living Machine; ; ' the other upon "The National Cri sis." In the last mentioned production, the Courier says the Bishop took an Abolition view of affairs. During the next year an eclipse of the sun will take place. on the erten:mein of May oth. An annular eclipse trill take place on the 30th of October, Which will be invisi ble in the greater part of the United States. or Since Writing the paragraph in ano ther place, relative to credits for enlistments in the navy, we observe that Senator Grimes, of lois., has offered a Bill in the Senate to remedy the injustice complained of. air Trade at our dook has closed entirely, and most of the business men have moved to their up-town offices. The number of le remaining here over - winter is not as large as last season. BISHOP Sntries.—This eminent divine is in Philadelphia, confined to his room from the effects of the injury he received before ooming to this oily. s ir The U. S. Steseier Michigan is laid up at this city, for the winter. Visitors are not allowed unless upon business, or by per- mission of the officers. 1 air A typOgraphical mistake in our item about the First National Ilsnit, list week. made it read •" payment" depository instead of perminent depilatory. sir An auction sale of Household Goods will take place at the residence of fir. T. S. Sinclair, on Saturday, Dee. 19th. [ Writtaa far the °Werra DANIEL S. DICKINSON. This notorious renegade and apostate Democrat delivered, last week, in this city, one of his Longest and most elabor ate abolition lectures, before that associa tion of young men who denominate them selves "Christian." ' Those who remember this ancient and adroit politician as an adherent of the Breckinridge party in the year 1860.. and have before their minds his denunciations of Abolitionism, and his prophesies of the inevitable results of its triumph, his bold defenses of the Constitution and his ex treme opinions in regard to Southern rights and the comae which the South ' would eventually be obliged to take in self defense, have had an opportunity of seeing a man approaching the limit of the span of human life, who, having all his days been engage in the advo cacy of Democratic principles, and owing what of prominence and honor he had attained to the platy that he now betrays and denounces, changed with the agility of a gymnastic perfOrrair, into the violent advocate of a revolutionary despotism. "When a Government is att..i._lced," said the speaker, "it has the right of self-de fence inherent in all Governments, and may exert its power cam to thalami salitaited dapotian, to preserve its existence." One is forced to the conclusion that the author of this was-either a. hypocrite in 1860 or s hypocrite in 11363 ; for it is, in deed, almost impossible to believe that he who, in December of the latter year, ut tered the above monstrous and long since discarded dogma of the crowned tyrants of the Old World, a sentiment that would have delighted , the Cur of all the Russia's or a George the Third, as it now carries sweet consolation to the soul of Abraham the First, is the same individual who, in Deeember, 1860, foretold with the spirit of propliesi,tbe designi of Abolitionism in thelollowing passages "If Wawa had beat comeiedotted to wimihod. ha maid not Aces letter fidtflied setn t emission Mani" eassiey dletstion-s6seiamist and preachisp the doctrines &icy 'Reads. They are desperate men from all partiea—the lame, the sail, the blinders gathered together, and what are they going to dot Going to help freedom / 'Freedom for whom Ma every Ited idePanftai freedom; and if oily their grads prevailed, we could not have a free GeMrament." • • Maim would retooke la the present advocate of subjugation, the man who spoke as follows.: "All the paper burs rte have, all the array Cad :way, the Nadel Legiokoire and the Er wale power of the Goomuoott. are all an worth a ahoy& rusk*, aropela &ant to remain OM hoer ix the Orafaierary hover than it Am es to nessein." If the boncasble gentlemen' l late mei. tion is taw, will he telt us what becomes of the "hudienable right" of a pee)* to - defend them:aloe'against the tyranny of a Goren:Dent ? When a Democrat, Mr. Dickinson probably believed that a ()or manumit was made for the benefit and protection of the people, not the people to be the tools and victimucif a "Govern !Dent." It was a peculiarity of the lecture, and one common W all of that Am, that the argumanamsed,appesling as they did. not to Um reason, but fo the paeans Eta pilde of the peWe i , timed serve the purpose or keeping alive tie laming Warwpftft In the • . Waste 8465.. if "used by Sir. Serer: son Davis, with the same facility that they excite a temperio fever for more blood in the hearts of the followers of Mr. Lincoln. The speaker said i "Do not imagine thatine Union can be restored otherwise 111114111,-kate-Of arms., and that the Wtwigelie unite upon' tarots of • . No; youwould have 616 4 to blot out the t trusanda of graves that cover the Southern soil,.raise up the dead that. repose in them, and give back to mothers, wives and sisters, their sons, hus bands and brothers." Could not Mr. Davie or amoral Le P, if desiring to recruit their annies, or incite then:lo bravery upon Ws field, speak to them also of graves and corpses f Aye, and more than that. Thep could tell of the burned and desolated homes and devasta tedlields that mark the track of invasion from the Ohio to the Tennessee, from the Potomac to ;the Rapidan and along the mighty_ river that once bore through a united Republic the fruits of Peace, Free dom and Union. It is not by keeping alive the imoulder ing 'embers of passion, prideand hate that ; the Republic will be restored to its former t glories, or a government maintained that I, will honor instead of disgrace the people that it should protect. In speaking of the outrages perpetrated by the Administra tion upon the liberty . of persons and of the press, and sustained by his party, Mr. Dickinson, following the lead of his new associates, when argument is exhausted and truth hais presented too bold a front to ,their attacks, fell back upon the low 'wit of the demagogue, and told a funny 'stor7, and of, course the deluded and in sane follower's of Abolitionism, who form ed the chief part of his audience, accepted it in lieu ortinanivierable logic. The speaker drew a pleasing picture of a restored Union ; that being one of the 'glories that we may expect when the Abe- Minn milleniutn to which we have been progressing" under Stich happy au picea for -the last :three years, shall at length bless the eyes of suffering humanity. But its consummation, under the present pro e, is among the crazy dreams of a • of 11-meaning but mistaken lovers of their country, and the scorn and derision of Swarms or fanatics, of whom Mr. Dick- fatten and his kind are 'the tools.. He • thews a lamentable lo;ti of the statesman like sagacity of his' younger days, if he supkees that we can have a united and peaceful country, as long as the violence , of faction and the bitter hatred of fanati- hiaut preitsil in directing the policy oft e Federal Administration. A vast consoli datiskempire a grouper subjugated prov inces governed by standina armies sta tioned stwonig their people, the continued uprisings \ Ol an • oppressed population against laws siot of' their own making, all thole me may have. hut never a - restored Union, under a`free Constitution, except by the consent of l le. . Nor need !Mr. Diekinton and his cam- pardons in apostaoy natter themselvea that they are laying up a trsureof undying fame by their abandonment \ of \ their for mer principles. Nor yet thatl' i t k iture ,his I tory will acquit those who wo &deprive a free people of all their rightc.,of a gi gentle crime, against human ; liberty > n' free popular government. Rather • Mr:DickinsOn, once honored for his • ine devotion to the Constitution 'o; country, be ;numbered among. those adhered to law and justice only so long mit remained the means of these own ad vanbement, that stood by the ship of State - till the wave of fanaticism had wrenched ' apitet her shivering timbers, and 'then abandoned the vessel in the hour of her large trial, plunged into the gulf of clam- erous mount into deoeptive em- intended on the billows - that bore the ghat- , tared fraementa lof their country's grest nesit,cialy t&be engulfed at last, the victim of his cowardice,unpitied and condemned. The laws that govern the course of hu man opinibii are immutable. Tue external • prinbiples of popular government cannot change. The designs and acts of the Re publican paity will be the abhorrence of futui:e ages. ;Let them appeal to the fleet ing passions. of a revolutionaiy era ; let them call totheir aid the - moet tremendous fanaticism that has ever cursed the world; let them baits their hopes for success upon the sectional ; pride of the people they have deceived ; let them revel in the possession of unlimited power, and fatten on the ' corruptions that they have produced •, let them imprison, brow-beat and deride those who 'would- Stay their destructive hand, aye, and then throw over the whole that universal cure-all for wrong, that white wash' for the blackest crimes, success in the attainment of their ends, and all these shall not avail. The brand of Cain is up on them, and the outraged maiesty of ,a people still free, will yet drive them forth to wander in the wastes of infamy, the convicted murderers of the nation, the aussains of its liberties. Therefore! let this adroit trimmer and weather-cock politician, this gray-baired betrayer of ,his principles and political ingrate, retire to the obscurity that he merits, and receive in his declining years some pastor the odium that atno distant day will test upOn his name, and let those who make him in his dotage the tool ot, their crimes, no longer drag this apostate before the people to deceive them by'his labored and cunningly concealed absurdities. Ex tol him as a convert to that"progress" that has turned ;a free Republie into a vast slaughter-pen, and filled the fair pages of our history ; with the annals of infamy ; praise him as a champion of that "free stone! that has immolated liberty; glorify him as one whose weak and trembling knees} - bowed before the nod of power and cringed for the hope of office; hold him upai a model of an agile turncoat; stir •rounil him with such an atmosphere of flattery-that he shall live in ignorance of his tiontasuptible position tell him tie can be the next President by the votes:of those mythological personages called "War Demiscrates • but in the - name of the few atoms of h onor, truth, justice and 'reason that Still remain to us, bring hither no more his "lifelong-Democi'ae -ship, with blasphemous prayers for the 'laughter Or his countrymen upon his lips, to lecture in a Christian age, bs a Christian people, under the auspices of a -Christian Asso ciation." Attoruss PILOJgCTIKD COAL ROAD.--The. Pittsburg PrWt says thst,;"a broad- guage rail road prom West Greenville, in this State, on the A. & G. W. it. K., to the immense coal beds of south-eastern Mercer county, Butler and Armstrong eolletielb_is :projected. Nei York espitsliste, who are over on• tho alert to disoiver end take advantsge of any enterprise whicb bids fair to yield • large twat, are in vited.% bg e ly in these coal land•t: They are fellyjewere of their immense, value, and know fell well that ere lobg there will be easy and , elteei ostleti by whieb the coal and other miner al &Omaha et the region referreitio, may readh the tharket. Peeesylvaela should look to her interests in this matter, And ,it might be well toe the Peselylvitai*Rsilros4 Company' to cast shod and ail:truths whether l it cannot even4_ wal l a its lines in that direction Should it; by •• want of proper foresight and energy',. lose Mte oerriing trade of the vast depOits of O oo i, item, &e., in Monier, Heiler end- Amstreeig eoasilisse it would be ea ioceleitla .bis 4sc" I , Well Digging. , f 'pH E Vodersird wirers astdta aa Si ai illis .1 Ho It warind at the Imudase for dater yeanoad patdotns :elite wiweseskr. Adam w Altai& &Swan me nod the dianassa and beet ant, nantin Aiwa. asllll•l6:l4lisaillUtz.ldio took limb Itaralpnr; 11811 1 111 “1 , lale lionar. Inillinak, and Mime.' • , alma' wtrowswouw. - mimeo ' -ta. ' vat 111111e4006 nea• Starrettanla. E AZ • amortmet of Rabbet Gkoods, cows% p r ia" p e a, Doe aups, essaread arssametts for Chilbia. Pam% Peels Nosasiss. PethmervAlie. 14111-la. 11119111 MUMS& • ! ! • ha SobseTtbee would mal ittistilla to tbo tottoolig trj _ for Holiday Presents ! Of which kis Stook la probably %be seal MP fa SI city. ;1 sompelos • E ME WOE BOTTLES, LADIES' M7:".r;7Wt . r . g.T7:71 GENT'S Elepit lewd Cases, JEWEL STAND, Leather Bap for Traveling, Leather BUFFALO. HORN I HA 1 R B RUSH Buffalo Horn Combs,. .1 Hand Mirrors, Pa[ Boxes, a 'File hartomeit,l TOY WATER COLORS, FINE WATER COLD, , ' LADIES' TEL PORTE - MONNAIES, bildies' Morocco \ VERY FINE, Cologkie Toilet Se*, AIL THE NEW PgkiFIJMES,I A PINE OF \ I French Si. English\Soaps POMADES,, &Cl., &C. 1, SAMUEL CARTER, 1 No. 4 WEST PARK ROW cdec29-3R. c 11 t, 5 9sl < ei.•• 1' 0 3 v 7 9 2 3. - - 113 2 .0 • 311 ED 8 0 3 87 : 7" . 7A gi Po 0 Tong ifea's Midi= is lades. LECTURE COURSE OP 18413-'64, AT FARRAR • 13.1 1 A.X.X.i 1. Ric O. floaAllo 111. D. WOO "The Natislaa! Heart" 0.3..n+-Prol. A. J. UPSON. 'abject : NW. Naiad Miasmas a tip* ii(Naefail Olassaahar " - Doe 9971 fay. J.II.YINOCNT. /Islay% oralioNas Chi Neasatial Lad." - 1;-••CO1U1DIMILV 4alsai et elltistr the Phosa:!Jte. dgfect : - "Tbs Pear Whiles se the OWL" tier P TATUM a rasa, - • 111-14oL LOVES AOANSPL: )I,llllesele LW:am ' CrbolUatiaVd)—Wa.iNlO ALL POUR% NOW "Pba "Lost As • Pao. iv I 2---ELATANO TAMIL &Nisi: VOlda* PZ,I-1011 . 11 B. QOM Saidiai: oftwalka [lnte rammottue al tta sdilashatase Leda" as . pieta latin far '...46-mairiaalialiollta Nwpirtopm S2A; for two SSA; far three fie her. VA6 osb ; tor 11.• Or Oftefiti,ebil/ .4 . be IMIA' at - IL P. aquisoistheraross mum Midas ant Least. a dedastioa aft smor IPOL AIM by RiadaTkitaitall“poleAl 1 8=trni=661; ands; thirilper. • ARM MINUET. 711.11711r0a; 0. 1: YOI6, • Lasiais " 4Mltyl' -2 cv a 1 it T's 1; Cll, STATAI Wien atoll NMI dohs ~mid et GROCERIgs. P,RQVISIONS) viLt;ew A Dom! Iran. Mai tram an 4141 1 711 11 41 1 4 Atify ajwsp so baud sail 4411 llASTAigint Sot WPM. ODOR DRESSING CABEEk Shopping, ALL 818118, Porte Mow/ales, E M I tl o:$ o 1 2 N co, , -4 r ~° r E •0 a a E • G+l4' . NY, 'S COLUMN NEW I Ji HOMY GOODS! ' f !I ' 1 bate lo iaiana&aide mad the entree issisally, my est I have Cipened a New STICY F 6001 S FOR THE i HOLIDAYS, COiIBIBTINO OP !MI :331.330.A.1NTT CHINA VASES, BRONZE lIMI I= : . • hirtan Mantle Ornaments, PARIAN VASES, COWC/NE sErrs, COLOGNE BOTTLES, MATCH BOXES, IMI CARD RECEIVERS, PIN TRAYS, al GAR SETTS, Plated Coffee Urns, E TEA SETTS; DIIINER CASTORS, BREAKFAST CASTORS, .1 GillE BASKETS, Spoon Racks ' Toast Jl4;4;b, Napkin Rings, PICKLE JABS, COAL OIL Chandeliers, COAL OIL LANE'S, CUT GLASS. PRESSED GLASS, GOLD Band CHINA, WHITE CHINA, I; , 4 CHINA SPITTOONS, CUTLERY, White Ohm Tea Setts, - .541 Mena SSA& Gehl , Raid Odes Tea Setts, . St Pieces, $ll.ll. AND A LARGE VARIETY OF OTHER ARTICLES WHICH WILL HE .OFFERED ill I MF& EASTERN PRICES, W. H. GUMMY; Brown's Block. Prootini Pee& iselL4w SALAD OIL ! I:= . ' ust n stse t tril i a, few i Faaot of that It la unipPOPII la lift seamy ether larks' =l l . 111Wri j ' . canna. . . lit ,i • . , , MIME THK SAHLY PHYSICAL firSinkkr: AZIRIOAN PIOP1.11;' JUST PUBLISHED BY DB. A. 810101. . Phystoianto tio=o‘ ad if' __ - limit A Tweaks ibe tie 0M.., 61 U.d =WO , iassitimia People : lb* mesyie inlay**. mad 1111. ' no, wort Is we ef 114/1 aminliaikeallis - 4 0r 1040= yes Origins Iowa" art gip* aide le o...aar if ALL 'WWI int sly. flittikar Man* eat adiiiiiiiib li el*= aws. It trill b. mat by Nal el Ow rem* et Oa fls .1 tuna hi book mats sad Gearitsir Wm Ws ! Nei E W ning meal tall not to seed WI akettill,46 WI Tastes thembl at soiollOolttl t ow 7 I Word at !Wawa, ommilmiliime 41110 , 111 .111 P Mom Moo • - ;" t a clam of assladlee pies dl to • dralest alrollt it UM oninenity, dooming at lent 111111LINISgesela etllolboor es annually, to as wearrll77 gram TWOS 61111011111• Vl* Imperfectly • nolo extend toolliollitio., or symptom', ire Norm" bra% MOIMAMMIIIket • bananas: Mamma or wmatic IBM 41•7 1 : ate Mums lb. whole body; shortsanast it Mr rot breathing oa • WI or IWO 'biplane of the Hyatt: aoltoo. ise= Tomtit; abating of the Has& sod MAK toreolus Iwo ? . te sad to botaloses er study; Moos. slabory, diatoms at iii d, leasi Of tstiangt to MUM. Part. of the body his la limbo& at SA% Layaboiro, ur,lsia er lottporloo, LlospsislOp d lb/ bowels, detsa,o •Prorelloiat et the JUllopt d MO glas4sof the body. Leseenhos et Mar Mkt Oa Li* oda, ILF Moody, Hydootiond MatooMiSsoOmo. Mow, la anotralso eine ewe et wiry ear all the atoms load dmorAno, sad a boot Mr Of= osiond, as Coosounption a