The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 12, 1863, Image 3
BUSINESS DIRECTORY. :Unglues', Cards iuserted iu thin column at lb* rata of 71m' and rice Dollars per year.) t'IIII.IIBENNETT,' 14,lnnas OF THI PIACI. Ofifee second „ French Street, between Fifth and th tonelb-2. v JIORRISON HOUSE. and Market Street —oar square wt of Exchange, Warren, Pa. Rept. 29-17. - - - 11. 4 . 11141.; - 11(1111i BMW k, BLASI( HOOK ilaxcluerralit, wad story of HinderurchVo Et iork, Erie. Pa. , ~.‘ Itt u. I'UTI,EIt. A i roRFkY 1.• w, nirs-11, kros County.. C...tieLtaoro •Ild other tit:tailless attended to with r ,:roesit and dispatch. ( . (iiIHGESI4 I • WHOLZSLI.I DIIALKILS IN GRuotailis, gain tate Stroot, No. 7 Burwell muck . 11.1,1113111 I.• IF nottorod to el, .11 qt.Lifel4t rvrt..•u tlAr uorthaldo of th• litivteNlNlte ATTOWICT AT I.•W ANL. JIATIOS 01 Till , C I IY iI prettier. in the enteral Cdutte of Erie County, go , . prompt and faithful attention to ail business en , to hie bantio,Alther an an Attorney or Mac Write. t ' r (Moe iu Erug, n!Dek, coiner of State and Putt. ‘1 Ktlktlf LIIIALIKII IN GOLD, SilTer, Bank Nutria, •• - rpoeit, no. Sight eiehangs on thri join. .tautly fot gale OftleeNo. V itritA House bkatke to Clocks, Watches, lane Jew , -iyet'Svm..,e, Viet.] Were, I.uoklug Glenna, Alit ~,1 1 ,,;k, Cutlery bud Fancy Goods, hiregou IL Weit Perk neat l'each kt Wll. I. AT194,111 ♦T LAW' ntperou ettistroth . h :/y.ppyukAte the _ . _ _ - E. 31.11111.1., Wlndt`ti ittxteLlile I ea.. the Fart, t.p.,„ „ , ar.Lopm mAavm. P,J; N 42 I. "a. DI iitVAN svrotiliiiars S utkLA•sEL.Lotts AT LAW UtrirE, Paragon Block_near North is ri.t C'oLer of the Publio Square, Erie, Pa. hhte 110UMk., ? 11, • Klux, P•., A. Y. (Icit.u, Proprietor Al 4, gueats of this Mose shalt have every attention, to ..te their stay agreeable. Ommbos to and from all 131tADY Juns }hunt', Proprietor. Corm.' u `II.Ik and Thud Streete, (oninethately fronting the Cap I' urrisburc,Pa Terms reasonable;accommodation ~r t., The tk.T. Hotel to the city, and the liar laws with the thou rat iti,uurn. .L.TD RLTAIL DIE.ALISS and Prolisions, h lour LOU hued, Wood cud Mqlow Ware, Wises, Liquors, Tobacco, Seism itc.,Stals opi , door south of fourth, East sole, b:rie, Pa. ,uuol—tls2. LIM ti l'AtittON 011. CO., itivlstas AND ifIALJUIS e.,t Is re..c of 1i 11l Criok, DV. is e HOWISLLLIII. and Dealer 111 Stationery, h.ll Payer, Magnate:tem, Ni.wapapern, au. Country dealers Store tinder Firown'a Hotel.froutisig the Park. alutValtf.' • HOTEL, Hcomer of 34 acid Market eta., Harrisburg, Pa. Yols old cod well known house is now fitted up is the Jost unproved style. The accommodation* are of His ~t order and the terma reasonable. It is situated in the 4„,t delightful part of the city, and afford, ous of the maaaboat opplug places in the country. tabl'62tL • •irTUN r::TTI3. )1171S Arrosars Ts kr LAY, Chestnut . tr,vt, IlealTille, ra. 1 .) 0,.. 0. 1.. ELLIOTT it SON, thccriwrs.-01800 in South -0° Yarn How, Erie, Pa. An work warran- Iji kitaa• 1 .1 ELL,( rr [ mar 15t1 J U. L. ra-ucrrr , THANAIIAN dr. WARDEN, b FogWARDING AND COYIUSSION I Union Mills, Erie county; ?a., by Atlantic At 0 W. Et. - Deslento Coal, salt, iron, Crude and Refned Petro um. All kinds of.ibipping done on Commission.' ittf. M. P. LIAGGIN, Sonar YTEL/0 AND GENINAL COLLECTING 1$ INst 'RANCE AIA-NT. Collections and all bustnass in n_ •ied to tuns promptly atten6e4.l to. Applications for •,,racce rolicit,l, and POlielPll issued without delay, 10 •t lass companie4. ()thee, ritrtit's Block, corner of ptr...ld, hie, Pa nor.grBltt: W. 14 11.1911011(E. ITTOIINEY AT LAW, 111 Walker's G)(- ua 'alert. Fate, Pc lag 7'82 I ()INTUIT, (lean '• It luek. North mide of the Park, sprtl'63 tt. 4E li li ETTIE 111/TEL, • .' Freueh ',treat, betvoreti 4th and foth streets, r the Fhilselelphta d Frt. Ratlrdad Depot, Erie, Pa, .14.1 Stiormaker, Proprietor. Katemove accomum,,ta .a for atraugern and traveler,. Hoard by the day or .1. Uood stabling attsebs.l. spe2sll3tf. TILLIA WILLI:Nu, R. • h. Mum , torn tah stroot FAIILdi E Snot., street, nearly its the Office. .I , er Bow. e;ith4ou attar Led , whore ger.fleuieU eau 1101.ibelios riLGout being annoyed Gy du.rd.l I,IEIEI. de HIROTIfEIt. S'AIISIONAIILIC TAILORS al s • stas :Cr elapse it Kay...Wm Patent Jai/ Slichin E.t.a ku Stat.. Stroet, Antw pen Mb lad 51112 P. Clothes matte to older its the Chtelt Style. 1115,1-1, 11 4 1,11 1. UKIIKHE, DIC•L../t. Dl4ll liiM I.a, GIWCYRII ekory, Hs lam, Yalb, (Haut, PlaAtxt, otc., cc Sixth ntri,t Pub.. ayuu n, 1•17t1. v.W Vl.l ER • 70ftWARI,INli S (01111i•MulS ■atu:H&lll • Wan 11..uee, Public Dock, Eva of Stehle Street. C W►te iltuat at RAU Enel Croreing, Erie, Pei. Dealt tit, {, }lour, Pliutur, Water Limo, /itc i - uuttitior to from 011111,1 WIN 110111110. irctil6-41. & IPARTHR, il•arn ra (=RIMS Of Sitatil Kairtnea,Boilei Gratlng, Agricultural iutpletnente. Railroad Cu Err. Pa. 68. lIIFFALO & ERIE It IL N mat after Monday, Nov. 16th, 186 l'useilifer Train' will run un this &aid as fall • LEAVING ERIE. , Air! aatf .Irems., 'topping at if ar t.or (ma Last, Stile Lib*, Qulncy,Waateeld, Port t nroeton, Dunkirk, Silrerere"k, Irving and Ango undo,: at DaPlAlo,st lu Liu A. IL I bay /larva{ etupoug at North East, W to J, Dunkirk. Silver Croak, and Angola, tro :mg at Buffalo at E. 20 P. M. . . 4, C19C14.111 Filtfts• ' 5t4.130114 at NV eat: f~ankirt and Stlerr Creek, and lames at Bu wt v 4o A. K., My Expaess, stopping at Weattia Dunk ark W, Salv.i Crork, .rived •t Buffalo 4 201. M Day &sense tonneau at Dunkirk and Dueslo, :ht Expreu at Buffalo only, wall Express trai • York, Philadelphia, Boatoti, &c. LEAVING BUFFAIA). -M., Nail+ der'at.,stopplng at Hanabarch, Nor Evans, Angola, Lrving,Sll ver Creek, Dunkirk, Lim t,,n, Portland, Westfield, Quwcy , State Line, Non East and Earbor Creek, arnytnir at Eris at 8 P LI A M , 'Farah. ETPrge, itupplug at Silver Ca*/ IVertrivld awl North kraal, Whim at Kr to uki A. M. A 11, ()ley Elpress, pt , ,pi,ing at Angela, :illy :1 - .4, Dal:kirk, ast.lN.alh Gant, art in t Kria at 3.5, I. 11. P. 11., .1 , 5„.41 Erpress. stopptag •t idver Cnmi duo►!ck 414.1 WWalttlwl3 , arraluK at Lily at 3 ;tY. L 4,1 Slur i., tau iuiuuli-+ Qatar thou Via time. . _it N /MOWN. 'AuPt _ CHANGE OF TINE. ' 1114 41PIN4M.11•1 tIILADELPIIIA &ERIE IL It. This great line trarereem the Norther 16rttivr.t conclave of Peons,leant* -to the city Litt Ertl, been leased by We Pawl/seats Railroad Gee OLLI 6[l:er ateirsiusplres Is 'being replilly 01,1112. T. 61 Its snare length. t... In it.. for Passenger' awl Freight buslael l, t4 to fautvalunt, (145 toillm) on the gusts' and from , hell.el,l to Fate, 44 (41 ti 10;%alon , 'flak r•altladalt 11.1,11 C. Leave,„,o ... -- • 3 45 P. T r ,u Leaves— . 1v Vo a. Iran arnwei 9 10 A. . Train Arrive. , .. .6 65 P. ant nuaatioci rripactlog rumen/gel bust/Has app . , L uitler flit' and .Varket eta , and for Intigl ..tie Company's uvula. KINtisION, Jr-, curlier 13th and Market itreed 41,Lia• • REYNULOI4, gri d . agent N. C. H. H., lialtuuure Hot 141,N, Geuentl Freight Ageut, Phita :•a IS 1. 1101.. PT; thueiii Tit:kat Agent, Phll...ra, O POTCS, Crustal Manager, Wtllltuaapurt. uov. 2R, 1963- .RIE RAILWAY SIMAPINNIPSNIPP )F HOURS; COMMENCIN YON.' tir..NOV. 10. MI& Duukirk atibuut ttwfollorlair boor # Eastward Bound—Depart. _ t.t 1.‘yr..1 : . .•• •- 416 p• -- "-- 1 V 35 • 4 . .. ... ..... Lzprua - V4OA. a ; Prligu.... ..... . ... • ..,......4 30 •• 24 . -- Pritibt ...... ......... , ..... . _IS 65 A. R. 'York Express sad 8 . 1.0 c• ..... ran . every day ' • CHAS. 01% Gail 4,0;1. Zile grit Wrtitig ilboratt. ERIE. PS., gATURIS - 4CY:IIIE - C. -12 . 1863 PLIDOXID.--Caltin Davis, convicted at August Court of the larceny of goods from the 'oars of the Atlantic & Great Western Railroad at Corry, was, on Friday of last week, pardon ed by Gov, Curtin and released f:om jail. PROPRIETOR At the time of the conviction there was so 'much conflict of testimony, and his previous good character was so well established, that his guilt was doubted by many, and the Court imposed a very mild sentence—four months In jail—the other two defendants; convicted of the same offense,being sent to the State's Prie• OD for two years each. , Recently facts came to light in reference to Daris clearly exculpating him, which induced Judge Johnson; Sheriff Craig and other prom inent gentlemen at once to ask for a free par don, which was immediately granted. • Tuesday fore noon last, the German Catholic Cathedral was filled by its usual attendants, as well as by many members of Protestant denominations, to 'witness the impressive ceremonies that accompany the taking of the black veil. Sic ladies, most of whom were young, passed from the world to what •may have seemed to the uninformed and uninterested spectator to be a living death. The cere monies, though somewhat long and tediouq; were solemn and impressive. Bishop Young, in fall canonical robes, officiated, and de livered a lengthy address to the novices upon the duties, virtues, wi l d ets,eritices of their new and singular life. As the, veil was spread ovtir those who were henceforth• not for the world, the Cathedral bell was tolled, the organ pealed forth its solemn music, the choir chanted in unison, the attendant priests accompanied with prayers, and these maidens looked their last upon the world_ which they were then to leave behild,.'srith its sins and bares, to find, it is to be hoped, " that peace which the world cannot give.'- N. DISIOCZATIO ASSOCIATION inCiNctimart. 7 -A Democratic Literary Association has been or.• emitted in Cincinnati, Hon. Wm. 8. - Caldwall, President.. A course of leettrreS has been ar ranged and the following speakers hive accepted invitations: 11-litieihard T. Merrick, of Illinois; Hon. Jas. T. Wall, of New Jersey Hon. Henry Clay Dean, of Iowa; Hon, James Brooks, editor of thi New York Expresl; Hon. C,harles W. Car rigan, of Philadelphia, Penna. ; Hon. Levi W. Bishop; of Michigan.—EreAange. We recommend the above idea to Democrats in every part of the country. The Abolition ists, with their usual ingenuity, have seized hold of the popular taste for lectures, and turned it to their own political advantage.— There is' hardly a prominent lecturer before the public at the present time, who is not an avowed Abolitionist, and who does not, more or lees, introduce his political view, into his lectures, paid for and attended as they are,,by persons of both parties. It is quite time that Democrats Amid begin to take lessons on these subjects from their political foes. If our party exhibited but one-half the energy in placing its arguments before the public mind, that the other side db . ; we should, sweep the Union at the next election, from Maine to Cali fornia. =! HISTORY, OF THR ltasiLuoic—lt ghee ua pleasure to anZfounee the forthcoming publi catioh of a History of the Rebellion, by Rev. John B. 0. Abbott. ,Mr. Abbott is an author very igenerally knotty', and a history of the war from his pen cannot to be an interest ing, able and • brilliantly-written production. We h f ave been faiored with an opportunity of examining a specimen chapter of the work. and recognize those peculiarities of authorship which distinguish hie reach Revolution, Life of Napoleon and other exceedingly popular,and finely written works. tax, to be fund •toot south of axe.. The publisher of this history iti Mr. Ledyard Bill, of New York, s publisher of large expe rienoe, whose valitable publloations have been very extensively sold thronghtiut the country by distributing ageuti. Abbott'story will be elegantly illustrated with numerous engravings, from costly steel platesX, These represent portraits of promi nent officers in the war, battle-scenes from original designs, maps, diagrams. &c. It will appear inelegantly bound, volumes, each em bracing mere than 500 royal octavo pages. The first volurn4 \ is promised 'soon, and the secon.l as soon as the war is brought to a close. Mr. M. Ramo, the agent of the , work, in our city, engaged id canvassing among our citizens, and we are confident that he will meet with ready and abundant success. The work, we may add, has been translated into:German, to supply the masa of Gorman readers..—lbiedo Blade. THE PIMPLDBIIIT'S LLB': JOICII.-A COl7Oll-• pondent of the N. T. Herald relates the fol lowing story as having been told by Mr. Lin coln, at a recent gathering in the White House : "As to. the 'war for the, succession,' about. which tae Herald and Mr. 'Wendell Phillips appeared crazy, he would say some few words. Alen (demist betray and defeat themselves by ;ver-attiiety to secure their object, just as the widow Zollicoffer's nigger did, away down in Bourbon county, when he had been eating her cranberry jam. The widow, while making her jam, was called away to a neighbor who was about increasing the , population. 'Sam, you rascal,' she said, 'you'll beteatingzzy jam when I dm away.' Sam protested he'd die fast; but the ! whites of his eyes rolled hungrily towards ,the bubbling orimson. ' 'See 'here, Sam,' said the widow, taking up a piece of chalk, , I"li chalk your lips. -and. then au my return I'll know if you're eaten tiny.' So toy ing, she passed her fore finger heavily over the thick lips of her darkey, holding the chalk in the palm of her hand, anti not letting it touch him. Well, when shoes me back. Sam's lips were chalked a quarter of an inch thick, and she needed against him n o other evidence. Now, it is much the same ab oat the presiden= 1 cy. A good friend' of mint: declares that he 1-wouldn't take it at any :priS ; but his lips were thickly chalked when be rams back from Ohio. Sa were Oen. Fret nont's out, in Mis souri, when he issued his in mancipation order.' i and Gen. ;Butler's . were no t only chalked;•bet had the jam on, and had Ii thick. Secretary Seward once chalked verj • badly ; but bed ! liven it up as of no use sin co his quarrel with tire - machine proprietor of his own State.—' tingled chalk and Sam mig ht be seen on the lips of Gen. Banks ; while t ha same compound : formed quite,s past* aroma 1 the orifice tbro' which his goldfriend Goy. Seymour supplies I the wants of nature. Ho h ad never seen ally j chalk on the lips of Secrets; 7 Stanton or Gen. Henry W. Haller:li ; but, will tame exceptioss, there was scarcely a man a enseeted with. the ' / • army irho tlad not okalk_his lips. He believed many ofthie - General'i wool d compromise for a brigadier's commission is the regular army; but these' were matters too I grave to be joked Tabout." . . ' 1.1136 CZAWFOIRD CO. --Jas. Mats media, of BOW unship; is this empty, It ied on thi4th of October lest, aged 99 yeen I sad 6 months. Hs was peobsbly the oldest.—aisn in the cm*. Movement to Encourage Volunteerhig. The County Coomisoloners to Offer a Booty of $3OO t - - The meeting on Saturday evening, to devise measures for filling up our quota by volunteer ing, was not so numerously attended as the importance of toe movement led us to expect. Most of those who were present were young men, and in all th - ere were hardly more than a hundred, certainly not two hundred, in at tendance. Judge Marvin presided, and speech es were made by Messrs Lawry, DeCamp, Boats awl Lieut. Lyon, all in favor of the proposed county bounty Lieut. Lyon stated that the quota called for would exhaust every man enrolled in the first class in.the city and takii some w it ho ore in the '.ccond class. A res olution passed unanimously. asking the coon. treouunissioners to uppropridt - sufficient sum to' fnrnish a bounty of three hundred dollars to every volunteer , who will enlist be tween this and the 51.11, of January. It being understood _that the rommissioners were in favor of the proposed bounty, but hesitated to offer it, until :in expression of the people could he obtained, the following committee was appointed to 'call a county meeting at such time mitt place MY they tOought best:— Morrow II - Lowry, Prescott Metcalf, Selden Marvin, Wm. L. Scott and (leo. W. DeCamp. The Committee issued a stirringcall for a meeting iit Wayne Hall, on Thursday after noon, at o'clock, at it was announced that Ilon. Daniel Dickinson would 'he pre sent. 11 Nether it wt., owing to a want of in terest in the publo• mind. or to li;t failure to notify the people generally, kiss miscon ception of the time. ue do not kuoW, but th • attendance at the Incur appointed witits discou ragingly meager. When we entered the Hall, only about a couple dozen persons - had as sembled, and It Seemed as it the meeting was destined to be a complete failure. Finally some of the younger friends of the move ment had the cannon tired several times, and employed the Band to perform a couple Hire, which had the effect of drawing together can• siderable of a g rowth. Judge Marvin was again called to the chair, and, after a speech train' Mr. Lowry favoring the apprupriatiUll by the Comity Commission ers, John W. Douglass, Esq., offered a resolu tion that they be requested to offer a bounty of three hundred dollars for each volunteer. Judge Greer proposed to amend by requesting 'them also to pay S::00 to all drafted men who will go or send a suhstitute, which •aused a lengthy discus.nou, Messrs. Greer and Young; of the D,.vpatch, favoring the amendment, and Messrs. Lowry, Babbitt, Douglas, and C. C. Boyd, of Waterfoid, opposing it. The propo sition Was withdrawn by its mover. .' A call was then made for the County Com miseloneri, two of whom, Messrs. Boyd and Washburn, were present. Mr. Boyd stated that he was unequivocally in favor of the bounty, which was heartily applauded. Mr. Washburn was also in favor of it, but wanted a further expression of the will of the , peo ple. He did not regard the present meeting as a fair indication of public sentiment. He had seen measures taken in a moment of en thusiasm before. and repguted of afterwards. He would vote for the appropriation as soon as he could- be convinced that the public de sired him to do 40 Messrs. Lowry and Deramp replied, strong ly urging Mr. Washburn to obey the wishes of the meeting, and threatening him - with popular clisapprobation.if he did not. After further debate by MeAsrs. Boyd, McSparren, DeCamp, Lowry and Washburn. the latter said he would vote for the measure. Mr. Lowry pledged himself and Mr. Cochrane to sign a bond indemnifying the Commissioners for their action, in case it was not legalized by the Le gislature: Messrs. Buton, of• Fairview, John— son. of Summit, and others. were called upon to state -the sentiments of their respective communities, and they alt asserted that, so far as they - had heard, there Rai a universal approval of the project. After the adoption of a resolution retaining (he former commit. tee,to assist the Commissioners in negotiating the county bonds, calling future meetings,. the assemblage adjourned Mitch enthusiasm was eihtitheil, matt the proceedings were quite harmonious throughout 'A th:PIL ULti "Glrek:Kklii..u; ford Joar, , ,:, in. 4311 of th it county., utti t, 't eXceol- iugLy h 1.411 tot w: 1 :rtwer7,l,-, -1.) me - r poit -14 taules iug eYtr,io 11 , 1,1 it, I & , t i how ite put,lte Lii kl • p •...hote,t t 41,.~•tl of le•tdiu g ; "iticer4 of katuilkist rxt.irm, aucl 14„, A Inttu i siou, completely turitirlied, was '. It i. a shame hod reproach to Mr. Lin- I Presented to Bishop Simpson, of the Methzi cola's i Administration that the Blair fmnily is dist Church,in:Philadelphla, on Thanksgiving i ;leans! In the council -I of the 0011011. - 11 day. The mansion is double, with side par meaner tribe of unscrupulous demagogues lore, each illudiinated with six light ohande never hold power and place. They have abused the contideuce of the President, proved liers, a hell and vestibule in the centre. recreant to the principles of Republicanism, extensive back buildings, fine library,c sitting and sought to every way to aid the Copper- roam, reception room, &c. head conspirators who plotted lo embarrass MIL. There is consolation for ladies of a the Government. Unless Mr. Liocolit its them off, with all his high reputation for hone certain age in the scriptural fact that Naomi, esty he wilt sutler in the estimation at' thole I the daughter of Enoch, was five 'hundred and who have been his firmest friends. There is l d not a true:bearled, unbiassed, discerning not eighty years ol when she was married. Cour publican in the Free states who does not age, ladies ! consider the induenee of the Dinars damaging - There nevSr was a goose so gray, to the President, :mid au insult to the party I But some day, soon or late, • that elected Lint " i An honest gander came that *ay one of the editors of the Journal was re- 1 And took her fur his mate. Hon. Veniel S. Dickinson delivered a moved 'from the Meadville Post office .by 1 ' Ogr, Postmaster General Blair, but we do not 1 lecture in Farrar Hell, on Thursday evening, i t charge that this has anything to do ,with its ! to smaller audience. than his reputation hatred of that gentleman. We think, how• iht , have been expected to gather. The m lecture, which I,as about two hours in length, ever, that papers which use filthy language was a every able production, but charaeteri7ed with as Lillie il freed.ou as ilia Juarnul, in res pect to the Prai,i,boit sill members of his , by Sir. Dickintlon's mutat : bitterness against Cabinet, should be t little chary, to say the ;• his political opponents. We shall give an ape . least, in their abase of ••Copperliesda," ' propriate limit)* of it next week. I gir i, " • In another paragraph the 'Journal ,pits its I The Pcistmaster ac t North East has . spleen upon the Pre..-Adeut s intimate friend,' mad‘ it his especial ientioess for sonic time Marshal Litman, of the District of Columbia : ! P mt iC ° t ie 4h6ilt• a n d endeavor to deticsge 'lt is reported that Marshal Lamou, of 1 tho circulation lot, the Observer. The fellow the District of Celutabta, who acted as Chi e f ; is scarcely worth noticing, but, if we hear of Marshal at the Gettysburg Cemetery Dedica- ' any more of his'trlcke we tempted to lion, had among his assistants on the .ocea. sion quite a number of the must disrepiitable lege ' teach him a ISee'on that may he tti his &dean iu future. These rampant fauaties need and, scurvy political camp-followers in the country. We kuuw nothing about the matter-.I little attention now and then, to make de personally, but the fan that S. Newton Pettis I cent inen out ofi them. • figured as oueiof the assistant marshals indi- elites that the charge is not made without M., Contributions of stooncl hand clothing some substantial foundation." ' ' will lie received On next Wednesday afternoon, Mr. - S. Newt t on Petite is a lawyer of Mead- Dec. Dab, at the room ofille Ladies' Aid So_ vine, who has received several positions of ciety;: to be sent .o the white refugees at Cairo., honor and trust at the bands of the Adminis- ! A notice of this ICU lately given in another tration. lie wan instrumental in inducing' papet, but no day wits nwationed and conse the Postroaster.Geueral to remove the afore- . quently but,very few articles were sent in.— said editor, SO has had the Journal barkiug 1 We trust this appeal will bepromptly answered, at his heels ever since. We do not know any- as • box should be emit immediately, if possi thing about the particulars which have roused ble • i oar colemporary's indignation against Mr. I , Pettis: and the Blair'e, but we do know that if any. Democratic: paper said one half as' hard things against the officers -of the Admiti titration as the foura# has done in the above extracts, the latter stotild : giot be able to find mean words enough iu tice,dictionarY to ex press Ictirsinger. aUU retatu vieir reptvailllllS for loyalty E that she has tilled her full quota, and has some MATRIMONIAL AD% I:III.TIORMRNTA.—That _the to spire. It is somewhat. strange that, those fools are not all delta yet, is shown by the who hare the ear of the authorities do not. increasing number of matrimonial advertise- entaintor to base justlea dame the city in this meats, indicating that there are those foolish resPliot• .. • enough to answer thew.. The principal rage 'IL The Rochester Untont responsible for just now •is for young men in the army to the fO 4 llowing.:—"Aa aged couple from some:. . . advertise for female correspondents at home, with a view to xestriatony after the war is over. A sensible person would not believe that such rectitude would receive any atten tion ; but they do, or they would nbt be so I4Tely on the IuOMIO, aid tub doubt bun ged' of girliiad ruing women at the North are now carrying on correspondence with men they have never sera, 'most frequently aiainst the knowledge of their parents or pi.oper guardians. The 'stories of wrong and rein resulting fro* awleweriag each itilver— tillements which now And then gef. into the pipers, should prove a waralag bothers, but they seem to be little heeded. - Only a short tiles since several young ladle' were arrested id a 'Walle t in Ohio, who hid become so in fiituated with their correspondents in the army, that they were about to leave their pirents and friends and join them, and this week a woman in New York who answered matrimonial advertisement " just in fuu." found she had got into the hands of a sitar. Per whose purpose was to extort money, and was obliged to call in the police fur protec tem Now a great many young ladies who answer these advertisements persuade them selves they are doing so only in fun, but too often they find that it proves a very serious matter. Why don't girls take warning by the ruin that has visited others from having oor rrispondence with strangers, and why , don't p4renta exercise greyer vigilance and pre vent their daughters being so entrapped t A man ur woman who cannot get married with out advertising for a partner is not tit to be married at all ; and depend upon it all such advertisements originate with knaves or fools, with •either, of which class respectable -- und intelligent people want uothing to do.- , --- Sprinytiehl Republican. 1 Brief Paragraphs. , SIV" The First National 13aitk of Erie is now a f t. , &paw. Depositary and financial Agent of the United States. • 1/1017' The Warren !Ayer recommends the Commissioners of that county to otter a bounty oi $2OO or s3ot) for recruits. ,Mr A correspondent of the Herald, 61e4 cribing the President in the act of rising from his chair, says he " uutwisted the kinks of his back." Ver Parties getting up balls, can have tlieir printing done at this office in as good style as it can be got anywherl; and ou as fair terms. rte` A large body of recruits, slipped on bOard the Michigan, lett here on Tuesday af ternoon for Cairo. They belonged mostly to this cif) , and county. lar A full list of the lecturers for this winter's course; and the subjects and dates of their lectures will he found among our new adeertisements. INT A battery of rifled guns, it is said, his been mounted at Cleveland, Ohio, to de felid the city against assault from Cinadian rebel gunboats, should any wander thither., - gairliiixteen Parrott guns,says en exchange, hive been mounted on Johnson's island, Lake in position where each battery, seperate lyp could sink any wooden fleet that should attempt an entrance. m ar Both j branches of the City Councils, on Monday evening, unanimously passed a resolution offered by Mr. Kuhu, asking the County Comtnissioners to offer a t bounty of $3OO for volunteers. *lir" The friends of Rev. Dr. Forrester and family, paid them a "surprise visit" on Tties.- dsy evening,' leering behind as a token of their gond will nearly two hundred dollars in money and other artien. 11121' Rev. Mr. Blackburn, of this city, was announced to 'lecture at Westfield, on Thurs• d4y evening„ bls subject being "Worship of Success." M. Blackburn has obtained a well ,deserved popularity as a lecturer. Isar Ueorge Francis Train, whu had disap. kared from public view for a few nianthr.; hiis turned up as lecturer in tit. .1 r , Mis sOuri. Probably , he is huntinc• his way to Richmond, by way of the Illtli3ll, Territory slid Texas ';jam Under the influence of the expeetea ditsft, our costimunity Is again bicomingtlll4l - eickly. ; It beats all What an immense number of loyal young gentlemen have dis covered that they are permanently disabled trout performini: ae:;ve labor Crew : gar The • , '4l,uid (tile Senute" ("It. J. U I') will give Alttilvet,at.: !Salle! the liolleury I4use, iu ~n rkrinimas Eve. If 111 - t hat we hen . 4if the ••t: S. KT' be cur, eet, we think it will tie dretAlr‘lly wuttit utteuttiug. We Velum [hulk+ tor in invitutiou. ' C 1,.• lolioW Mrs. GROVE H. JOHNSON, Pres't. Mile L. D. grisont, Sedy. MIL, A cowsiderable number of young meu belonging to ille city and vicinity have enlis ted in the navy, most of them doing so to avoid the draft. We have little doubt that if our city was criulited with the men else has sent Into the naval service, it would be found where in the country, stopped at tke'Welig: worth House, Buffalo. a few days Since, ind on retiring for the night biew out the gas. IA s the room became tilled, the old lady conelniled something was wrong, and believing the itas pipe to be concerned in it, got up and tieii a rag around the burner. The hustnid, - wlien asked how he came to let the gas escape, said he 'didn't know bothin'laboutsicktbingsibut she old waroaii' did, and so he 'allowed her to manage it.' " . 4. Kishop Simpson, of the hbath ist church, delivered a le'ctute on "The' Probhblo Issue of the War," before a large audienci, in Farrar Hall, on Friday evening o a f last, week. We were unabfo to be present; but have heard all classes speak of its eloquent, sootier ate and argumentative production. ' Wblle taking a decided anti-slavery view of his sub ject. the Bishop did not indulge in any of the offensive epithets and slang-ptimicsehielilare so common with that class of the community. If his temperate and agreeable method of Set tine his views before the public will have the effect of mending the manners of 'a few of his followers in this city, the'community.will have profound cause to rejoice over the Bishop's visit to Erie. oar We observe that unusual efforts are being made in all the towns around us, to fill up their . ctota by volunteering, so as to avoid the draft. A meeting of the citizens of BM cottvilie, N. V: recently lia..eled the following resulul : That n committee of five be ap pointed- by-the t halrmati t to draft a note for $IS,000:_ nod procure sienaturei 'thereto from the citizens of the town of Ellicott, the avails of which shill he used for the purpose of filling the quota of said !Torn under the kires ideal's eklk for volunteered" . At Westfield, N. , a large and earnest meeting ut the citizens was held on Thursday of last week, to provide means fur raising bounties. The following is a part of the pro ceedings • • "The Chairman suggested . that - some' plan be adopted by witich the volunteer could have his money as soon as mustered into thell. S. service ; and following paper was drawn up sod signed by some forty - or flay if 440rui on,tht . spot . " •We, the suli.Crilirs, itgree to pay to the IV..sttielk, in the order in which our names i.ectir, the * 01 Sax) each, or fur nydi blukahle paper tor that' amount, which sum is payable .o not a. volunteers ale en listed end accepted into the U. S. service, up on the quota ut the town of Westfield, with the understanding that the same will be re funded on the sale ut the town Bonds contem plated by the Ite3ulutioita pasted this even ing.' go-!a 's gAvertistments. WEST'PARK_ , 'JEWELRY STORE ! I bare made late and taro additions to ray Stock of Witches, Ciocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Mir— rors, Picture FreMes, Gilt and Rosewood Moulding., Gold Penn, Party Fans and Combs, awl Fancy Goofs, of prising a very desirable and elegant &motto:wit ot eles appropriate for the • HOLIDAYS, To which I would invite thiatteatiou of all to 11211121i110 bellevisq that PRICES and quality will ere utiefsettezt to the buyer. Watchea, Clocks and Jevelry replalisld to ths best ordar at the old rates. T. It: AUSTIN, dirl2-3 gra Young Men's Christian Association. LECTURE COURSE ) )F isi;3-'64,' AT HALL 1 Dec 14—Rev. THOS. M. CLAIM, D. D., Bishop of Rhode Island. Subject: "rhe Living Rachiire." Dec. IS= J. 0 Hor.I.AN,D, IA D. Subject: "The National Heart " per.' A. J./L'esos. .4ubioce : Johnson as a type of English Character " fn.,. Lei—Rey, I, 'ft': VINCENT. rturiject "Palestivie the Meinonal Land" Jan 5--.0:101LIND' KIRKP,' author of "Among the Pines," t.c. /Subject: Poor Whites of the South." Jan. 11 ur 14-11 TA null s a Poem. Jan 21- 2 P/ Of. LOVIS AOAGRIZ. A Scientific Lecture. (Time no used) —WEND r.LL PHILLIPS. Snblect Lost Arts", Feb. lot 1!--RATAleD TAYLOR Sulject . "Russia and her People." Feh PI—JOHN B COUGH Finhject "Peetillat People.' the Committee expect to utile:lather Lecture to com plete the Course, making thirteen in IC❑ J ur Tickets 'or the Course. with Reserved Sects, for one person $2,15; for two $5;15; for three or f0ur32,60 eseh ; for tine ur wore $2.40 4411—to_te bad of a. P. at the Custom House.. After the tlrst Lettere a deduction of tl per ant. will he wade on thew! prices. 'tingle Tickets ".25 Cents, for sale at Fnaign's Book Story and It the inlay ' .4 . 11. cAt MIRY, • W: R. DAVENPORT, R. F. GAGGIN, C. X. GUNNISON, C. C. SHIRK. , Lecture Committee., CM 40 k"' ' PLANTATION coiftt The hest Ilotriy Fir.taurants, Steamers and Private Palm lie. arc earbor nearly fifty per cent. be using. Gullies' Old Plantation Coffee, Old Plantation Coffee, Chillies' Old Plantation Coffee, In pise« of other imported cufleM, much u 'kraut kucha. it has 41•0 billy kilted lade by et& with the tineet Java, end pronounced fully equal in nniformiti of strength and richeeaa nt Savor, so that ate can, with more thin tumid Clll3filiPtlet, recommend to our friend* and the - public oar tine davored OLD PLANTATION COVEKH, OLD PLANTATION cirwitku, 01.1) PLANTATION COFFISIL As our late loyoiceg are by far llupartor to fortuer ship• suentc The bean or kernel's fall, plump. and eery mush Motto Mocha or Mountain Cloriee In itiape, and when ruseufactumd by our new proems Is decidedly preferable to the beet grades of blued Coffee; and we - would adrift all who .1.4dr0 4 really reliable and healthy bereraing. to Drink Dillies'. Old Plantation Coffee, Drink Gillian' Old Plantation Coffee, Drink Gitlin' Old Plantation Coffee. It parked only in nn. pound tin Colt parkagetli. sad e, pouiolu Ire: Leh paekar lytrittir a tne.sintile our miunutun... 'Cho Ul,ll PLANTATION IN for ,ale by nparls all the leading grocers awl enuutry 'toren throughout.the Vtotea ..:star, at I.lborllctiieortit 't the .f..lihlthr thrt.alir,'Crodo. Tho Plnntati lu CeiThr 'hop 1,1 he preemie,' the .1111110 nut . ether pole VW! VI,IIII, with the Additou of an with the euitee , will idtt much to the lit e, • *WRIGHT, GUM'S B. BROTHER, ONLY MAILNOYACTURERS, 33, 130, 237 wetibillgust Strrei, V. V ,wrzi • NTI,E3IA ft. ',lied or Nervous Debility, incompetency, No ma ure linear and Youthful Error. art iuted by • &API to beset, t other., wino.. haPpl to Dunhill toga' who need it ;frri• of chancel the recipe bud dwentious for matiag th- wool. Iterroliy, word In lam Ciao-. 'Mow wishing to prole• hy hi. r perir-nce—arrd poraolie a Valuable. Binned' , --will receive the NMI, 4r return mad frarelitllr pealed) by addreosing JOHN a-OGDEN. auirls-3tri. No. rid Naiuitu .ltreet, New York. Stray Cow. CAME to the premise.. of the Subscriber In Ilitirreek tp., nu °atordar, Nov. 11th, ISM a Stray Cow, Light 1441, with a white .teak upon the billy, and is ab.ot 10 or 19 ya , ■ old. The ovum/ la re. quested to come• forward. prove property, pay chariots Kul tate her away, other/dee she will he disposed of as catalog to law. i NI.III , WOLF. Ilillervek, Nov. 111, 11163,4. 0 DT' Said eow has been running ou • the comma for the la.t three month. • • Dissolution Notice. T"partnership heretofore existing un the title of 14 , 41111 HAN k WELSH. In Hie grocery Walnut at Coco', R P.., waaQtssoivsd br'stitost 'cosiest no Itondiy,; tan lank savember. 1011. ' Ile books and woad. V The WI Seel remain with the undersigned. to whims aU debts oust be paid, Lad who will not bold himself iccoastiblefor Lay of tlio deltoid fiankaa k ! JAMES HORRIGAN. Corm N0r71,1116 , 1 -OP ,• ; • Spar Cow, CLitliC id um"- premises of the 'ribietthei, la Hallo Vallav, about thalil , mat alternator. Dark Red Cow, about years obi: Ms osier Is requatted to cotse laniard. prove pritverts. Pse sod take kes away otherwise /IS Sill be &pooled If assratlaie So law. • ANDRhellsW capitol: u.. Valley, Nov. Zith t 1 / 1 63 .1 0 , 11 OYSTERS! OYSTERS are now reeelvia g e daily, mi w dy of CAN OYVIVa of oholea quality We alkali pat particular attention 11/ \ tothe Retail Trade sod ourenetningewewarelv upon *- tog supplied with FRESH and GOOD °patios at all those. fa0g2113.1 BZWER k 3171tGESS: MEE WifiNiNTS POL,III4N NEW , HOLIDAY GOODS! i 9. 1 ,4414 oir trbsda 444 sae atzuvia • • ' roorAri hut ;,. N ;!0:•••! .• Opened aNew :;) !i: STOCK 100 HOLIDAYS, CONSISTINU OF • • ' 1 ' mrima-Aa•rr C:0..11A VASES, =I MN BRONZE MANTLE ORNAMENTS, Nude inuuseats, Parini ARIAN 'VASES; . COLD NE SETTS, ONE BOTTLES, COL D RECEIVERS, 22 PN TRAYS, El L , Plated Coffee Urns, I= TEA SETTS, =1 Samuel DINNER CASTORS, BREAKFAST. CASTORS; CARE BASKETS, Spoon Racks, =I Toast Racks, Napkin Ringer liviblCLE AR S% COAL' OIL Chandeliers, 1 , ,COAL OIL LAMPS, CUT GLASS, COLD Band CHIf,VA►, WHITE CHINA, f , (MINA SPITTOONS, White Chin Tea Sena, 6141141 , 8ud Chins- To Setts, - • H 56 rims, $16.00. LARGE VARIETY OTHER ARTICLES WWLOR WILL 1311 OFFEIRBD, . At 'LOWEST EASTERN P Brown's Block. Pro' sting Park. IL • SALAD Or j, ! T HAVE just received a fir N'eases of that • celebrated Olive Oil of the Marto a i Gentler Bread. Mardian& - ,ft if umpalkid la this g * e ar after market. nortralltf. B. CIARTICR. MEE FOR TUB MATCH BOXES, CIGAR SETTS, , PRESSED GL. kSIS, CITTLEItI7, Si Pfaff& , $B.OO. AND A op W. H. qLra JNY, VIE EARLY PHYSICAL DEORnmke; AKIIBrICAN PEOPL3W JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. A. STONE, Physician to the Troy Lang and Hy . gismo Intata. At Treatise on ttis Causes of Early !I:pa& Deotura o M 110110•11 Flop : the saes of Dery, Der seseptiou sod lanawa. - ' flu reek is ea of 141. viand Lase, RYlei frairas, let bias gsaire; sod "peak dihrify awe Nowa c.anassaess of ALL P JRCATS 0•411111.311 aped. arts. dstailisir sceestVie mod rdirsige grids roof troasseest for It will too wont by mall oaths receipt of two (1) toot Stun pa Of" Parent/ and Guardians! Fall not to rod and ob talo this boolt: -, thgvilL'oa rig deo I Yail not to sod and got Wit book. Loillool To too should at MAD EMMA 0 03 P/ of Conaeloathroa ♦ivies to I Word et !4•lerodr th;ogiirike wili • . 4 USIA of maladies prevail to a fearful Rfrl _ha ihis oounsioulty, dooming at least 10-0,000 youths of WU ma es annually, to an early „grave. Them diseases ars vary IPlPerfettle understood. Their attsroal tormilfestatioa, or symptoms, are Nervous Debility, Helalailan sad Cs hausUorii 'ragman or wasting and consomptha of Um Tissuesor the whole body; shortage, of hmatlain, ew Inv nod breathing on ascending a bill or flight °Jetsam; gnat palpitahon of the Heart; Asthma. Broadside and sore at; shaking . of the Hands and Ltnilia; &shallop to a..-potr sod to bailor-se or study; dimness of eye sight, lot- • . Memory , diviner of the Head, Neerialgiss Pain in various ports of the body; Pains In 'theta* or limbs, Lumbago, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Irregularity of the hone% deranged meretioos• of the Kidneys ,a 0 Alms gtaads of the body, Lencorrtices or Fleur Album. ate. Like wise ilp(lessy, Hysteria and Nervous Spam. , Now, to shut)-aloe cams out of every one Amine, all the above named di/arrive, and a Last of others not named, as Comm o o of the Lungs and that mod H Marius and wily form of tkinsumption of the Spinal Nerves, known as Totem Dor-al .a, and Telma Iwo/entwi ne, have their seat and t Loa In dhows o: the Pelvis Viscera. Helios tho a Jot vi soccer on the part of old whool practice in treating symptoms only. Dr. Andrew Stone, Physician to the Troy 'mpg and Hygienic Institution la now tugged in treal..og this class of modern maladies with the most astonishing stfceesm— The tosatonot adopted by the lust] tutkm Is dew; It le bawl upon sclentifie prinelphia, with now diacovered remedies. without minerals or 'alma'. The facilities of cure &zenith, that patients can he cared at thole MAMAS, la any part or the eountryarom wants ilesmiptloas their eihsik. by lettari and have the tosslichs.. sant by mall or express. Printed interrogatories will be forwarded on applicatino. Consumption, Catarrh and ctiseasta of the . broateurt as well at the home of the patients as at the Institution, by eendlog the Cold Unattested ISHALISO BALSAMIC VA - roam, with Inhaler and itsple directions tor Huth use, and direct currespoodenee. ' Patients applying for Interr.gatives or &dyke, mast enclose return .tamps to meet attention. • The attending phymenin will be found dt the Institu tion (or coomiltation, from 9 a. la. to 9 p. hi., 1441 day: Sunday to the forenoon.' Address, : • • , DR. ANDRSW Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Lustatuo_. and Physician fur Disease rif the Heart, Throat and Longs, $6 Firth Street, Troy, N. Y. morddyl.. State Normal . School, Edinboro, Erie County, Pa, Send for a 'Circular. J.s. COOPER, Principal sepl2'63tf. • I i • JOHN WELSH - 7 CHEAPSIDE, • ; ERIE, PA., • WIIOI.VILLI DIALIX /X, BALTIMORE OYSTERS! Cp # l O THE COUNTRY TRADE SUPPURD WITH -Fresh Can and Reg Oysters, - *Calved every Day, and . .WWIANTED E T4 Glit SATISFACTION! Er Orders solicited and promptly attended to. novltintf. A WORD ABOUT LIT , i 0 :,4 of:1 , \,& a:lo IN:1* AFTER A T HOROVOR TRIAL OF MORE TITAN TEN the Unto-pieces manufactured by th e Aimless : 11 r. r1 4 1., of Waltham. 11w., have gained • Arm bold upon the furor of the publie,and now, no less than 16.000 of them are speaking for themesives inthe w.ketaof the people. From a very lesignilleent beftnntns the bail ors has Increased until we are I padded In stating that WI MAKE MORE THAN ONE HALF of all the initches "old in the United States. Repeated enlargement of our trotory btaildinp, end the labor of 600 operative". still And us unequal to supply the consthatly thawing de mand. And we MT here °teem that noterlthetending the high price of labor and materials, we ectailly oar products' at less rises thanithose current dye years ago. We refer to these facts only for the purpose of proper. ly betroducing another subject relative to our manufac ture of watches. Hitherto our chief object ham been to tasks good watches for the millioo at the lowest possi ble prl—eomittliing So take Uni mi place, St the make believe watches called "Antral," "Lapin's," "English Patent Levers,. Art" annually thrown upon labourite, In countless numbers. by European work elope—watches which are the refute of their factorfes, tursailesblket home and polio-My worth eve every where. ' This object we hare accomplished, end sow we here to ansoctore. that we have commenced the tosaufacture of watches of the Very trIGHE3T GRADE KNOWN TO CHRONOMETRY, unequalled by anything hitherto made by emirate* and atorcepao-ord bieoy-thieglited• in the world for this pm - poes wel have tam aro pl.*, Laellittee. We have erected en euditi .0 to 4,Ltt L. 1101.1 Italian"' expressly for tbie breech ut out Ouoisir.... Sad "have hVed tt with the brat workman to our clrYt r PrrfilitAß too our long caper.. ' 81.411. Ire har•riueetel al tio• ~n %..( our watches.totrv , 1 during su , •ll imp• areal. c s as here beeil itly elatil lad :it proved to to good front Buse to lime, 112. i bli‘tr'lolMitilted \ , ~...e „ , ~,,d ~,,,,, r ., i e .., 1 ,1 ~,ochrooisw, 4illuolllallt 1,14 &Iv 4:Oirelasatltas. .N..w 11111abkar's and appliances hare been vs oatructeo,whici• perform their work-with nonsimuniste i , dik lime, and ,Vi , lit.ti4.., and the choicest arid moat ap nrs.,ved materials only 5 ere used. Nothing is tact is vr,mtlng, either ia•tuechanical principles, material or yowl:oil:Ishii) to ensure perfection in the; rerun. We conform to mantraeture onr otter welivilorown Aura:fee under the following names: -- ... . - , .APPLICTON, TRACY lc C 0.," "Y. S. BARTLETI," "And the Soldiers Watch," , , . eWIL ELLIERT " , 1 ' • ... The latter , the lowest priced watch inmate, is a entr stantial, ritia,kie time-piece, cued in steribur silver— bunting patter—add ui sot liable to pt oat of order either to martnhsg, riding or fighting. all the *pore described watches, including thrilling. which la tamed "Ag IlieCOalf Warr. CO AAAAA ," We sold by I...deb dealers generally throtighont the country. • ROBBINS ilk. APPLETdSN. Agent• far the dinerican Watch Cumpear. 19.: Broadway, New York. norr7 - 83-eowew inside • Fall and Winter Goods ! DRY GOODS! FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. Cloths and Cassimeres, Overcoatings and Cloaking* tWNELS AND LINDSEYS, 4:11 A LAVA.; 'STOCK OF Brown an d Bleached SR,VETINGS IND SHIRTING'S ,hl':4l' RECEIVED, it" joHN C. BEEBE. 7. tilltiY.-4int HT "i; 33,L.0 CtK,') • STATE I TraBEL ER E '?" Alg i ß i. Whir , a tall and choice oaeortsco,pt of I* RULER Igs, PRoVISIONs. 00.111r.T! V AND VOfIEI(N WILLOW AND v we i r r BL l v e g o , Bram 1iA164 an alwar• o. ,A.u""l•l2d Nita chaaPall alit! V LUNY 8 Kay Gram,. wadi Ogging. Pr H E thiaerliii.Vieu l ,?ffe'll ilk i his, off,10«, to v le Olt `'`e ma I WWI Digit , r. fle bap belted at the ü buginrm w . u .t rlil yji r a o 4 4 .677 . 4116 16 4 P t a k: d el% a hone, sow. sod lock* the cheapest acid t eat way. Mont° iobn Shim k. ou the Lab Road, Isaac bt lb, 'Lido Uted.,Noilk Benham ' Socualt tp, Isaac Ilwcer, litlicreek.. 'lad M e e i l i E nty s t USTIMHOLTZ, West. Mille nest. a se• Ateretttaalo. Dev2B-Zn WE ARE OF FJ r.RING marstt , wort, tient .of Rabbet_Goads. Bruhn, Dolls, Dolt Bead I, Gomm wad AtVasecooots for Clilldzeo. Yoram, rorto 11, tasalos.Tortgatet r. 1111`ie-Ita. " 1162i11RarAganti. - COAL! .COALII rtOAL dorisums RS will do well,to call ‘,./ at the Coil Yerti.aa Ilth Street. Canal Bute, be. tors arehaett etrettrhere. We Itavo a soot/ "apply of the b u st coal trom the coats . et& of Keroer eoutity,, moo go whit:haw b Aetna the tell swims kind, : OLD ORIALSBY, • MOVN r CARBON, • ..-COAL RUN bad all WI tat qualittes bro light to this mar k et. are. as a eel at ta are gaarantoe btfolictiott. doe6-4‘• • D. 3WOW & SON.