NOT ALCOHOLIC I A 1110111. Y CONCENTIZAni, VEGETABLE EXTRACT - A PURE TONIC Doctor Hoofland's GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED 111 DR. t'. M. JACKSON, PHILAD'A. l'A WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE LIVER CAMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA Jatinchc?, Chronic th' Nrrvons (Isecis?,3 of the Kidneys, and ull Diseases anzut k d jr, - a disordered Liver or .S.'n,itar6 web es Uvo, !owes • ruiluens or aloud to the UI the atom sett, Nature. Iteertburb.Hlivoi • • Y.,od. /coin:le., or W•.KLt t" We • !•i:.• at I..ructtatoult, rlutte ug a. the pH of the SU quad,. so Iw wary Of the D eed.Hu tried sod dttfleutiltirestbiog, Flutter at the Bract, t.loking or butfoestieg sen sations whoa in • lying posture, Ulnasesa of Vision, hit ar Webs before the -light. Fever and Dull lain in thy Bead, t ency of Perepbation. Yellowness of the Skin and Byer, Fain to the Ends, Back, Quit, Latd*, ke., Sadden Flushes of • Beat, Burning in the Flesh, Con. stain Lamination of Evil, , s and groat Depres sion of spirits. AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, &C THEY CONTAIN NO ALCOHOL OR BAD WHISKEY! They cry.% the above diseases in ninety-nine aim oat of• Modred. DO YOU WANT SOMETIONG TO STRENGTHEN l(W EflEi=l A (1001) APIETITE? (Uu YOIT WANT TO BUILD UP YOURCoNSTITIITION Y 1)0 YOU WANT TO FEEL WELL? DO YOU WANT l'o 1: I D SIP N V 4 JUSN `Do you, v‘t,tr.r ENE R (1 Y 7 DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP WELL? DO YOU WANT A BRISK AND VIGiROUS FEELING IF YOil PO, VSk IkOOFLAND's GERMAN BITTERS ircrs .1. Amon &rms., D. D., Edstgrr of tAs "cilia of 'Religious Kiimaader Aithougb not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrait of their ingredi ents and efhorts; 1 yet know of no sndlcient realm= a man may not testify to the benefit he believes to bare method from any simple preparation, to the hops that he may thin contribute to the benefit of others. d this the more readily in regard to floottand's Ger. man sitters, prepared by Dr. C. It. Jackson, of thin city, because I was pnijudlol against them for many years, tinder the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic tnixtiMe. I 1121 Indebted to toy friend Robert Shoisialuir, litp.. for the retacreal of this prejudtce by proper teats, and for enoouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The meat three bot tles of these Bitten, at the beginning of the present y oar, was Wowed by oTWasit relief, and restoration to a de mo of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felf tot six months baformod had almost diapairod of regaining. /therefore thank Gad and my friend for directing me to the use of them. Pien.A.V.a, JCRs 23, 18d1. J. NEWTON BROWN PARTICULAR NOTICE. , • There are many preparations sold under the tam* of Elvers, put imp to quart bottles, compounded of the cheapest wltfalsey or common rum, costing from 20 to 40 tests per gallon, the taste dliguised by Aalae Or COrblin• der Seed. Ibis elass-of Bitters has caused ar.d will 'outlaw, to manias lead as they can be sold, hundreda to die the death of the drunkard. 8y their math. system is kept continually udder the lalluence of Alcoholic Stimulants of the scant kind, tint deidre for Liquor Is created and kept up, end the result is ell the horrors attendant upon • drunkard's life and death. ?or those wbo desire and wit/ hate n Liquor Bitters we publish the following receipt; tiet (tree Bettie Hoof - Mauls Gorman Killers sod mix with Three Quarts if dwd Broady or ;flukey, said the 'result will be 4 pre p • ,atiou that willfar sue) in medicinal and true excollente any of the numerous Liquor kitten in the market, and will cost meth lass. You will have all the virtuoso( Hoofiaads Milers iu connection with a geed article of Liquor, at a much less price than these wiener preparations will cost you. letentkii, liisidkrs. and Friends of Soldiers. Wr call.tbe attention of all having relations or friends in the army, to th e fact that German hitter," will cure nine-teutha of the dispense induced by upoesrmi and privations incident to camp lite. lu the lists, published almost daily in the newypaperg, on the .meal of the 'tick, it will be noticed that a very large J:oportion are aulieriag front debility. Every case of that kind can be readily cured by lloodand's ieerenus • Bitten. Mumma resulting from disordeze of the dips. bee Ortithe ere speedily removed. We have tio Con in stating that, if these Bitters were freely need among our soldiers hundreds of live, might be eared, ..iat o th erwise wilebelost We call particular attention to the fnllowing remark able and well authenticated cure 01 one of the her" whose life. to use his own language, "Liu been saved by the Bitters :" PIIILADILMLIIA, Acquit =4. 1883. Messrs. Jnitl ir Cow.—% ell, gentlemen, your Hoof laud's German Riders has eared my life. There is no Ellistak• in this. It is vouched for by numbers of toy comrades, 'outset whose names are appended, and who were nay cogaLatnt of all the circumstances of my case. lam ,and have been for the last four Yeats, a members)! 13bennan's celebrated Witte*, and under the immediate command of .Captain R. B. Ayres. Through the expo .ate attendant upon my arduous duties, I was attacked n November Last with inflammation oft be lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the hospit tl. This was fol lowed bygroat debility, heightened by an attack of dys entery: 1 was then removed from the White Roes*, and sent to this city on board the Steamer "State of Maine," from which I landed on the 28th of June. Since that time I have been about as low as any one could be and MI retain a sensk of vitality. Tor a week or more I teas scarcely &blot° swallow anything, and if I did force a morsel down, it wag immediately thrown up again. could not even keep a glass of water on my stomach, Life scald not last under Ikea. circumstances; and ac cordingly the physicians who had beer working faith fully. times unsuccessfully, to rescue me from the gran sei of the dread Archer, frankly told roe that they could do no more for me and advised me to gee a clergy• mari,and to make inch disposition of my limited funds as best milled me. An acquaintance who visited me at the hospital, Mr. Frederick Stefano), of sixth - below Arch Stettet, aachroti me, a.' a forlorn hope, to try your Hitters, and belly procured a bottle. Faun the time I commenced toting them the gloomy sh.olow of death re crol.d, and I sin cow, thank trod for it, ettm.: letter. Though I hate taken but two bottles, t hare gained ten poll nit, and feel sanguine of ',saw permitted To Mot* my wdlessed daughter, from whom t have beard nothing t .r aightam asoatltat for, gentlemen, I am a loyal Vie guile% from the vicinity of Front Royal. Tn your ifs ealuable Bitters f owe the certainty of life which has ,akeo the place of vague fears—.to your Hitters will I owe the glorious privilege of arrow clasping to my Weems those who are dearest to me In lit.. Tay truly your; ISAAC MALONE tallyaosear, la the truth of the above itatemoat. Wo had despaired of eredag oar comrade, Mr. Malone, matomel to tweak: Jou Cwntudu.6l4lst New York Battery. Glottis A. ACILBT. Co. C.llth Maine. Lwerta Crarrauram924 New York. L.L. svosaur. lit Artillery, Betteryß. J. il. r•OlOirin. CO. It, Id 'inmost. Hew B. Snowy. Co. IL. do. Hwear T. itacookaatk. CO. Q, 6th Maine. T. Want), Co. IC . Ltb Katlic limmart Keen. Co. 11..12d /Ow York. Naisazrti B.Tuoitaa, Co. F.,11.5t1i Nina. ATOONW J. XISIALL, Co. A., 3d Vermont. JOSS JOI CON CO: 8., 166th Penns. BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS. tat that tlia ahroatat• of .C.ll. Jaektoo," the WWII& of eash loottla. p r ko er Bogle 75 Ct.., er Ball Yes. fir $4. rigaid year aftrest dest res! oat have, tha artielo, do out am pat or by any of taw tatosicattat popparatioss sat may be G&W in itsplacia. bat and to aa, ano artii totvasd.stomt* viand. by apnea. PRINCIPAL OFFICE at. MANUFACTORY, NQ. 631 ARCH STREET. ,‘ JONES & BVANB. (eaims= too. N. :AMON it CO.) Psonnrroao. Cr YOlt gAillrinnigitsts ut Dealers to ivory L tie trotted Mates. To The Ladies of America. Thehl: VALI: .1 THAN liuLU Mill. 1 ALVA/SU: I'll 1N Uh•LU 11. flt V LUMILE THAN UMW! Di. JOHN L. LYON'S French Periodical Drops, Frew') Neriodieal Drops, Freud' Periodical Drops, French Periodical )11.0ps, t Inor.likg ..8 utti 11.4116. , •••tor•, It whitprei IT L suk*:-.T4r CURE' SURE lib CURE! IT \S SURE TO'CUREI IT .18 SURE - TO CURE! It to impossible to enjoy the bloom of health and rl .ramty of spirits, larders the Mouses are regular le to the time, the quantity and quality. When they are obalrac bid, nature makes her °Norte to obtain for It some other outlet, and, unless these eons of nature are assisted, the patient usually experiences Despondency, N,Trout- DIAS, and dually CONSUMPTION assurcee its sway, and prematurely terminates a miserable 11L. IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS IT REMOVES ALL (OBSTRUCTIONS : IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ' IT Is A PERFEcT RE(;III.ATolz! IT IS A PERFECT.REGULAToR I IT Is A PERFEcT 110 II LATE )11 !. I T IS A PERFECT ItEUULAT►►R ! BEAR Ifi MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR liN my DROPS TO CURE. Suppression of - the Menses, from whatever canoe, though taro should be taken to ascertain if pregnancy in the ass*, u thew DROPS would be sure to produce miscarriage • they will also certainly PRE VENT conception. if taken two or three day a Worm the monthly period; therofert, I wish it distinctly under stood, that I do not hold myself rosponsible when used under such Arwxustanoes. BUY THE BEST : BUY THE BEST! BUY THE BEST BUY THE BEST BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST! THEY ACT LIKE A CHA HM, by Arsagtticaing and invigorating, ►ad taatormag tba gem to a healthy candition. it moderates aU sienna, anti remove* all obttliittions, and a apivady etita may be teltiatora To Married Ladies, They ate peculiarly adapted, all they bruag 01.1 the mouth ly period iiitb such perhoct regularity SURE TO DO (i1)01.) SURE 70 1W G(N)U SURE To DO GOOD SURE 'l'i► Uo► GOoD • I tc..u'd furniah any quantity of testimonials of ita eill• mcy trout my own patienta, but the practie• of parading bought an2tUttoos ones before , the public Is so prim lent Ido no deem It advisable. My object Is to place my mute Wore the public, not alone to maks money, tat to do good. It is provertdally tine of the American !Ladies, that hot tan perfectly healthy outs can ta ham In any on* vicinity. : BE WISE IN TIME! I BE WISE IN TIME! BE WISE IN TIME! Let 'not diveauie dentiny ynur etiontitutien, Try • bottle of niv Dituri, and you will toi gat-- tidied. that t our no imposter. Tell your attlicts4 (ru•ud what restored an bloom of health to vein cheek'', and thereby confer a favor morn valuable than gold. painful or scanty Ilifenatruallou it is junt the thing ', I stare now iu row mind tin hodance of a lady who had heicn auffering from painful zoinuitruatloll two or three year.; 01;011141g her to her nano each tint.; N tie had apploe.l to several eminent phyanciana, without reli4, when nue batle of any DittlYgi entirely cured her, ONE B4)11'1,14 CURE s! ONE norru. ctTREs! ONE Burma, OURE.s! ONE BOWL}, CUREs! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! DO i NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ; But eut this out and and it to items Drnutst, and it be has not got Waists hiss 1 .. .• Is for Ton ; or, it may be obtained of the 61riarri1 Arab tor the United States, C. a. co., Nair Curs ror ML by al naPeAska• Druggist' • Prtft per bank,. for saki at Wbolssale to, Pirpses4 Si Ara L. Eros, 11. D for date by Dr. L. item. led Wm. Nick Druggists, LT* s•l4 PO Is. I=l MIME V k LUA111.1: I'll AN OOLD! FORFEMALEs,; POR'FEMALIM POR AMALES. j FOR FEMALES. THAT I GUARANTEE THAT ',GUARANTEE THAT I, GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE IUY THE SAFFST ! BUY THE SAFETT I%UY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST! WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS ! WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS WHICH - IS LYON'S DROPS r WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS! CANNOT Do HARM. CANNOT 1)0 HARM CANNOT DO HARM CANNOT DO HARE BE WISE IN TIME! ; la tinfolgt Olney 'ease. Wzossaau Dsvogirrs, 4 0. BARNSIS 00., Itd. - ' 'I/ • (L/tf --. "'"/ 167/t y • EMI . THE BUFFALO MERCANTILE COLLEGE, coto:Ert tIY II %IN k qltElaS la au tuipuriaut taut ,u tr. , l et,•11.• ••I r .r...% IL NISRLIA.TILS 1....a.41 8" air au:--NEW YUMY 111 V. w1 , )..144.Yk, ult THOIT. .atAtu . s . Y, Cinem , SAINT 1.0 , C1 , iCat. r .tts.sTo A !Sellable...alp lensed Irian Haftsle edelkoePea entitles the bolder le •[lend ettLei .n all the Yellow's ftot an ,sostocult...l thua. preolits el these lieetttittleassa, la to impart to youb, 12,"e ah.l 'adlea, a theraugoi, prsamatilmoontes These l'elteses are orgintiett sad 4:scats:test spas • tutus which roost mecum to aspirate Institution the best'possiblebteilittes fur iniimrituit • thorough sour. meteisi *dot:stk., nod render It as a whole, Om most comptvhott•ive and eom piste systeth to this C.O utly• Ileekslierplua is all its departzurats,Ts:egraphtfic ..umovrrull loa, ...omen-Int Arithmetic and Itsust ship. are taught in the mast Met-suet' and prsettail Tor r pc...crime rystem IR Penmanship, is e •litpeteut •14.1 rxrrirtit4", tetchevi— ...chain r.blp, payabh. luivauiv,llkl "lieg• day %nil rimming :-401. vacations. • • of of V. buffalo J. C. rot turthet lut.ul,lahnu t plum calf at the :Cullegv .1 eat/dart, arid Circular eitclugesig .11r, ,511111/ W.Ni tIE,RY. 1: _ J. M. 11/ilryiNT. z .. , EA' i LE Fi.)lN DRY ! , i ; ...i .P.:41, ~ , 1., ,rbov, sAz rqesiu tit0ar4.11.1.44 PA HENRY & B YAWL' ‘6ll , xebiors to Achesou & Fleury,' M.ILNUFACTCRIM OP PARLt)R,CO4 YK AND O*TICE STOVES, ; TIN I SHIFT 1601( WARE, AND ALL RINDS 'OP lhaV CASTIMIS. Every Store sold by us warruntea to Rive aati'sfctlou. Kettles Sleigh-shots, Sad hone, Sc , un Lind 'or man ufactured to order. PLOWS AND PLOW POISTS Of it 3 1 ,1 Sib!' ICSALII and durn May ninny' an nand. A call ands fair nisi of oar anti Mee is all ye amt. EIRNRY - k BRYANT. au•2B'63-tt. ER I E l 2 l' l4 Y BOOK B I NDERY f COWIER OF STATE 4 b FIFTH STS.- ; . Ile underrogurd wuultl o fiilly.roturn %backs for the patronage helotufore h Iln, 41.1.1 alllielta a I emitWU:Woo or tile ...3114.. lie han recrutly mule ettenutre inlpfnvennnaN riming which aril a ! . P A ki 1 A I_lll 1 N for pro ug lionku, by toplox id whieh he t enabled to .le work of thlt laud as neat nod as cheap as at Call be dont , tulhatuto, 113, log had Al) I , ?.X.FEIt I ENCE, OF TWEN'ri" YEAItS, I cau appeal fur the public patrouitite with lull contiLtence in my ability to girb antlantetion. BAILING, BINDING AND Al,l. KINDS O.F WORK IN NY LINE !Man to order. •Comilantly on hind It large oupply nj BLANK Remember the pace, south-west corner of Stine and Fifth etreeta, second story, rartt drr to the .tGarsttl.e . oMtx.t E. M. COLE• Ere, January 2.1t11, 1863.-3 m OYSTERS & CLAMS: THE Subscriber would tespect- r fatly inform nig friends and anatomies that L. la still at Lis old stand, ) No. 2 Washington Fish Illaiket, Newt York, AnU u prepared to furnixb EIOTXLS, STRAIABOATA,RES+AcTRANTS & F& 11f.153 .114 the beat , OYSTERS AND i CLAMS; Mt market affords, at Wbo'Peale and Betall, st abort notice, and at the LOW/Ctir 1.1 V Kir At Or Ordorn from the Country Promptly tended to. N. B --Opitera and Clams Pickled to Order. New York, Juno 2(), 1841.-13. V. SCHULTZ Or. BRO., WHOLEqALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, EAGLE VILLAGE, EnIE CO., PA.I We keep no bind a lame and wall selected issortgasut oroverythiog In our hoe, end will not permit ourselves to be undersold. Alan a tine stock of *INKS, 1.14110R3 and CIDER, not to be entwined in the county. ; junel3'63-Iy. P 3 1 ,1113 :I Al:9 to): :1 NO. 12 UNION( BLOCK, Ono Door East of Brown's Hotel. I beg leave to Inform my ft•iandir and the citizens gene rally, that I hare opened a new lapel of CROCKERY, GLAIN4 WARE, • • FRENCH CHINA, DINNER. NIITTre., TEA METTN, • TOILET,SETTN, ANTLE ORNA:HIHPITie, C 0.% I, oil. LAM? , vein J PLATED TEA reETTN. %STOUP, CAKE EaMKKTra, leg PITCHEIDej, BUTTER. rooN pctio4, T(74l' RACKS, POONre ik:;1 1 0H16. 4 . Ant ■ large ninety or ot&e - t artleleoi, which will be offered at LOWEST EASYHAN PRICpaT. sh,reb.,ut. ItUpplied at N.* than 'New York Prices. W. H OLIFINNY jnoel3-3ni Ana ran. NEW GROCERY STORE. The undersigned have opened a sew Grover; Store, on the 1 Ed V7' 9114 01' STATX 3 di HOUSE !PORTE 01! 4lLito - 45 Wiwi* they laud keeplei s tall supply of Clittleig KIES, - PROVINIONS I P1it1141 9 4, CROCKERY WAR ' ! 1 NUTS, YANKEE 111UT1101114,,, J WIL LAM WAKE, CONVECTIONARIS49 —l_ _ • TOBACCO at CIGAIIB. And eaerything usiially on hand in nu establishment of the eon. -1 . We are determined to offer aexood ind4ro2l3tonti a 4 4E7 other dealers In the city, and Invite the onhile to &II confident that we can g lee entire natiNfact fon. oct3r63ti. F. a. "AVl:f3idik}l .1k• UdR. , • NEW, 'NJ MUSIC STORE ! i PIANO F 0 li l' 1 II: S • - I I lir: lik i' .11 .-s • • • • , • 1 it... - AND DIELODEONsI prom the Ittli.wisor eelehrated Piano Forte aka Melodeon Manta trture'rt. i Light At lit-Oho ry, Nrw York. Steitiway A: Nook New York. Brio Kitalio A Co , Baltimore, Mel. N Boardman At Bray, Alletuy,N Y. 4. ti. Dunham, Now York. United Plano Rorie liakere, New York. Lindeman & Sons, New if °rt. , i . Geo. A. Prinee At Co , Buffalo, N Y. Carheit' , Needham & Co, New York„ I .. \ ~ Also, riifftli.ANS, ACCOROLINS, •VIOLINS 4 FLUTES. Viler; Inatruetlon flocks and Sheet Music, ALL Yfislilf LOW POU'ICAYO.III All peewee e 'risking a grit rate Moo Pori. or Wale en, are invited to call and exesfillle 001 lnetrumeule be fore parebeelag eleewhere. ,^ M Reeirs Block, State stied, fleetly opposite the Poet ee , Z.BSIITH. cr P. S.—All Plano' and Melodies. warranted for Iles years. \ • maytird.l7. SAMUEL R. 1 LEWD, . .. DZALZII IN \: ~ 7 BOOTS, SHOES -, - •:- - r - _ _ ; • r . : AND lis, I d e - • i . 4,0 01 .. Ir .. . 41s, C- , ..." RUBBERS • ,' - -' - BEEBE'S BLOCK, , • PRINCE STREET. rActNa Tar PAWL .\ LADIIIV, GIENII4, , 20Y8', . AND 9ECILDRIGNI? Theiloid, Idain, Ald, 437a1a, Call sad froth BALMORALS & GAITERS! ALSO, PAITSN'T 1114KULTS. • r Desascaor the jaws, 8. 8.. LEWIB. ludrlatt. WHEELER WILSONS' SEW , -- Thee make the “I.ock Stitch They are Ivey simple in conatructwo They seldom get nat.:Warder Tdey rant in Mit very little machinery. The wort tames Irma left to right. Th fkbric 1. moved entirely by the warble. They produce little base. They are very elegem' is Grigg. They will !lila, Hess, 1)11. girilt, Bind, De€L, Plait, (layer. Curd and Ruud trawl Bemis: or Preprrati The iloutu Ilirkanxi‘re which have be added, ar• of uite , value than the original 141.11Chil3P. An oTh ju s t °fumed, for the sale at these litschirlfli, fo thin city. ()VIM VINVItNIT. 1.1A11.110: 4.1 i.• CO.'S ligiNK, Kiery , 61110 ie e.h, Idl y in% 'Uhl 10 1 )•I I •}l , re Erery A►alA 0 IS brarninted rear a -124'641.1 WM. tiLTMVEM R CO, •iTKA rTON, dial.. N Y Fora medicine that will cure et/U114104, TlefiLit'aftl 1111 TH6 THROAT, WHOOPING COUI:Glo .ne TeIieseCOSISUMPTINE as quick adi COE'S (AUGLi 'ItALSAM ! OVER .VIVZ TROUSAIVDROTTLRY ha" tea 4"I la HA native lowa, and not a aiegria in ataxice of its Whirr in known. • We bare, in our poita•mium, any quantit of certificate", Nome ntthew,trona who ba.e J 2,44 It In th4o,practice, and given It the ore talio, , nee over any ether compel:lcel. IT DONE NOT MIT AP A COLON, bat loosen' it, sr) as to ettible the patient to ext.oetonte TWO oRTIIREE DOAES WH.I, INVARIABLY' CURE THF: THROAT. Half Bottle tun often ,Completele 'Cured the moat STUBBORN COUGH, u art; though 11114 ro atirn•tiLl apredy io itnoperatiop, it in perfectly liarrolera, holm, purely trzebble. It to yen zi,Trenble to the Lutu, and may be aglmtuottered to ybilhcu orany age.. n Cases of troop we will Guaranteo a Cure, if taken iu sesmou. NO FAMILY SHOULD UK WITHOUT IT I It is ithtz IL. rsach of all, the pri,.." btlog ONLY Aud if •ri investment and thorough trial dor, n o t k up" the above atatesueut, the looney will b reluuderl.— LYi say this kuriwirig its merits, and feel eouddent that one trial will serve, far it 3110111 P In every troueeliolit. Ilu not *nate away with Coughing, when an arilsll au investment will tura ybo. It mar laihrol ofauy reapeet shle'thruggiat Ist town, who will furnish you with a el r• velar ofgeirrilire earttflesteri °retiree it has wade 00 ofiNsTiiN, HOLLOWAY & CoWDEN, Car For Salo by Druegista In city, country and slur:- w octlf63-nus. THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL " • _ , CUBEBE3 AND 'COPAII3A.e,,, / ,i • This propitiation le particularly recommended to the , Take on Bahrain, Mercury or Cliplsamu:it Medicine for M EincAL eitorgstuoN and the PUBLIC,for the prompt / and certain cure of Copies/suit and Dangorims Musses. DISEASES 01 , THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, URINARY '' z ORGANS, Ie.TC. ' ''/'• RELIEBOLD'S EXTRACT RICER It may be relied no u the brat to ids for the adtatili • 1 tration of these remedies in the large clam of diseessei of ' both eased, to which they sire applicable. It neverAnter- I - fence with the digestion, cud by its cooceutration, the dose is M ~ Much reduced. C . IT itY...4 • i SECRET DI:4EASES, N. is. —Parttime?* are advised to ask for j ' . • • i I ~, Tarrant s Cornpourd Larne of Cub,b 4* Copauba . , In all their stages; at I:ttle espenis; little or no change and take nothing ski as Imitations and wiirthlese prep 1 orations, tinder alsoldir mama, are In thirrearliret. Pri. e ; t i diet; no insonvenirnes, $l,OO. Sent by eepneas en receipt of price. . ani:lectured only by / . • AND •NO EXPLOSUItE TARRANT tt, 443.' ' - - . . No. 2:3 Greenwidi Street, Corner / of Warren ;Meet, NEW TONIC, And for sale by Droggiets graarially . _ Agents,lNanted. $2 -P 2,'"o'tly",,U'eti" ) ,';, F e lt :e U ryPe" l T:lris e . t n 6 p i t i ee seat free by mall for WO routs that retails for W:1, by R. L. WOLCOTT, ro Chatham ?Naar... oetIWILS-4ax. Nes York.. MADAME ZADOC PORTER'S • GREAT COUGH REMEDY! ZADfUC PORTER'S StiVII BibISM la WIZ MP II used accordlag to the ections, to cure io es, Coughs, Culde, looping Cough, Aid b ma, all attectfons of the rust had Luovi. 'ditch brings It to the ve..deut for nee. The tii;;;;rt ee "T of singlea o'di bottle prove to be worth 100 times its cost. - NOTlOAti—elave Your Matey l—bo not be per reseed topointless articles at U. to tioettiedi do not am. do the virtues of a ti seat hedditi of Madam. Porter's Oa. retire Balsam, the cost of manufacturing which i ea great as that ofaimost any other medldne; and the very low pries at whith It is sold, mall= the profit to the &War apparently mall, and naptinciplad denim willsolostimes recommend other medicine. ow whist% their proata are Iszpr, unless the customers insist epos having Madam. Portal's and none other. Ask for Madame PmtdaCura tive Balsam. price 13 chi., and la lame bottle, at 26 eta., and take no other. If you moot get It at one 'torsion eau snothar. - nr gold by all Draniata sad . store keepers at, 13 aca” aad /arm !arias /kt gip eaa NALL di RUCK 4.4, Proprietors, N. 4. JNO.B. CAN4NR, Avat, rjaal46ll-Iy] • NEW FIRM.. FURNITURE. AND INDERTAiING WARE-ROOM 8! • On State St., between Seventb and Eighth. The Subscribers have frntsred into this Cabman Making and PIT RN IT IT It V, RA I) , And propose making to order and keeping roustantly on hand all kinds of Yurnitttre. linters will receive - prompt attention. Repairinc done on abort notice. UNDERTAKING. The subscribers will give epeeist 'attention to this de partment *Libel:. business. They will rnanufactun• and keep constantly on band a barge assortment of !fetal& Caws and , Cuttins, and hold themselves in readiness •to meet Getters In tblelinsi t promptiy, from any part of the country.. lieterveined to topers Do effort, to give Rajahs. lion both in the finality of Wit goads and !Hese, ail hope to secure • liberal share et public MOORE a lati t i raritT. sprll'62-U. I;incessrent, to J. l(. Mitre. tit tSNCE ERIE COUNTY MUTUAL INSURs ANsne'cOIIPAXY. Incorporated in 1859—Charier Perpetual I 1 Prose Imam! *salmi Lam by Ph for say am wassellarb JIM Tom% Polities Waal spas tho &pod, of howls* Note.. or Ivo§ Ma mown of as mail Stock labs fa limn without the Ming if a Premium Note. Looms .pW withoutllfigatlia. Gm eaft - iin 4 lm mot been WWIOI &gams this Company. satin* rpm flys SW. • sofa ham Ma DIRECTOMIL 1 Wm. S. Ham • Sim C. Nambap, Jog. IL iltnott C. W..Tlbis D. Ii . i. Babbitt, ' Wm././Undommie, Jr. , Wm• & sting, Gocinp.t. 's* Gam% Jamb !tutus, J IL. Jut, 07710102. Jail. O. Vissau4,„ hat • Jogai Otinnrs Sie. Ira. T. TIMM OS* la Mom Oinaino Wharfs Imo ow Isis, JD* Jaw rna FLAW; FLAG: VI,AGB of ail hies On baud or furnished at ALGA ootbiT arm poirgoltv now. „ finfirnA,MthILIN,PaINTSD O ulna nios, of 01.4 ad MN" at the Wrest sidmi str = MIR * THE REST FOR FL#ILY•t'SE OrroslTE BROWN'S $lOO REWARD 1 riIINRST ,PER'SfeIiNA • U. CLARK & CO.. Proprtetorm s NEW HAVEN. cONN. •t Wholeatle,by '44 North Sixth Street, Phtladelpbut, P* TARRANT'S cumpouND KtTRACT OF Y I WEALTH ! R utUil FOR LI CENTS! D C,REAPEST kicitraxaoLn REMEDY IN THE WOULD' Aare ZADOC YoßTgli'S lalaun is prepared with all • requisite dare and skill, a combination. of the a remedial the vegetable ,iardosa Its reser al qualities are based on power to assist the heal s/id' vigorous drools of the blood thro' the rugs. It is not a violent remedy; but emollient,— warming, searching abd ef fectivity can be taken by the Ideal persoa or youngest lade Z.AfiOC PORTEit's dna has been used b% public for over le yeara haa acquired Its present Amply by !War mom idedly those who hare It, to their arttleted ids and others. , l'e ZADOO PORTILR',I TILE ALL. 41IFI1CIENT-ISILEE. •_I z " GSBNI rata itaWial Rumbas,. KNOVN 1124 "IIIPLKBOItlY3" oEN VeIN E , PREPAkATDINs. • VIZ: • F.XTRACT SANAAPARILLA " I IMPIOEVED Itti46 WASH I GENUINy. PREPARA'rf(IN, NES ! •`IJIUHI cONCENTKATBD. FLUID EXTRAGT BUCIIU! A MoSITIVE AND PITCIFIC REMI:DY RLAU ER, KIONEIs, GRAVE,. A;v1) strEiLvvis • r • i Thio medicine lucre..... the puweY nt Digestion, and excites the A RSOKBENTS Into healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALCEROU.N ileprifilunw, and all tr.YN..4 TURAL ENLARIEMENTS are reduced, aii well WI Olin and sull.gunuation, and 1.6 g 1.41 for MEN, WOMEN IJR CRILDR f... 1 ERLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BITCHII, from Exerooes Habit, of !Thasisatton, Pally ludiseTction or •boae, • ATTENDED WITH TTIE FOLLOWING Trolispnsitioit to E . tertino, Lod a Power, Loss of, Memory, Difllawlty of ilreathing, Weak Nenaa , Trerabilag r _. Horror of IXasaffe, • Wakefuluess, Dimness of %igloo, Yelp la tle Universal Lassitude of the FituthintqLthe Hedy, MILICAILT System, , KnitotiOna im the Face, Hot Baud/.- Praha CoULI team:ter, •• Dryness of the Hltin. Tl!ep. oymptotte, if allowNl to go olliwhickthis ikediclne invariably removes, soda folk, IMPOTENCY; EAT I . Yif. - Ems PTIC FITS, In one of which the patient telay.exffrii,44l6llo esti bay thet they are not fraqueritlY by tlioeti "direful ilitieaaet," INSANITY AND AIONI4UMITIONI Mauy are *warn of the clone or their suffering. but none will eriareas. The reeorda of , :the Insane Asylums awl tbm melanehutdeatha by Consimptlon. bear ample t. the trut of Ali. aapertioll. T do Conetitution Once Affected with • • • ' Organic Weakness, itctiniret:tite aid of medicine to strengthen And inifigor atr tlic eyetrel, S 1 1 :XTRALf rtICHV inskpalily A trial will eiiiiiriuce the wont akep- 1:31 : %.11.1:14 E3I A 1.N.P4, 112g31A1.1KA • / • tiLL, oK 11.11LLIS, MA:litiKloyfikt CWITSJIrLATISIU iLIII/114(.144' /113 tawny affections peculiar ,to homelier the itztreet Jituehe is unequalled by any other brifieity, as iw Chlo ree AU or Retention, Irrsolariti, Paiuculliese or Supprisssiou of the Customary &raruarlows, Ulsersteil or Schlrrous state of the Curran, txupirrhee or Whites, Sterility, and ' for all complaints ineidecit to the box, whether arisiiiir from ludiscretinu, Habits of Itiaelpltioo , or to the mtvi.inityint ctiAriug OF 11.11Vit / AIM EITIIIPTON• /I.ZOVI ' NO FAMILY SHOULD, BE WITHOUT IT It cavity' frequent desire, and giiegatrength to Urinate, thereby removing obetructionaip preventing and caring Stricture. of the Urethra, allaying pain and tottamtua tin; se frequent `,3 this Claaal ofiiimeaned and espeiling 0ct24'63-ly POISONOUS, InsEA 3ED WORM OUT MATTER upon Tttousa WHO HAVE OXEN Tait VA:Tills OW "toll atm tam pita tISAVY FEE'S to be cured to s abort time, hare found they were e.eeetted, and that the "Pot= son" has, by the use of "powerful astringents," been dried up to the system, to breakout to au aggravated lona, a , sid • PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE! HELXBOLD'S • R.XTILACT BIICIIII For cll Affootions an di Dixes'aes of THE URINAttY - 1, W kattlier existing In MALE dr tEMILE, from whal ever cause originating, cad no matter • OF 110 W. LONO 14TANDINY7. Diseases of these Organs require! the ski of • (Mum • HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII IR THY (TREAT DIURETIC, • Anol. is certain to have thy naeired effect in &1I Die GP', easel, for which it ti ronornmendoi. BLOOD! BLOOD•„ BLOOD! lielmhold'e Highly Concentrated Compound t . Fluid Extract Sarsapirilla: • . . S Yr H I LIS. s! • , This an affection of the Woolf, and attacks the Sex jaal Organs, lALltige of of Nosei Kart, Throat. Wind etpe, and other 14tieou4Surfaces4 snaking tti appearance an the for nof Clam. Holmbold's Estract Sarsaparilla purifies the Bl , .od,ind removes Call Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepank expressly. for this class of complaints, it, Blood-Purifying Properties are preserved to •greater extent than any other preparation of Ser gipe:J(la. t Habib°ld's lio4 Wash. An excellent Lotion tor Dimtaia.s of a Syphilitic Na ture, and as an injection in Macias" of the Urinary Organ; arising from habits of dissipation. need in con nection with the Extracts Bache and Sarsaparilla. in Ruch diseases as recommended. Evidence of the roost responsible and reliable charac ter will accompany the medicinea. chILTIFICATES 'the CILIItIO4, From eight to twenty gnarl standing. with names known to SCI64VCE AND FAME. For Medical Properties of it/Ofili, eee Ihspecestory ni tb. :s United States. 11 .iee Prot-sear DE WRE.T valuable works on the Pre& tie.. of Hirsh. ( I rentarke made by the lain !celehrittrl Dr. PRY- Slug, Philadelphia.,. 11, '.e remarks made by /Fr. F:POR4bII IirDOIVE.U. a . el . ebrated Plumelib and Mem b er of the Repo College or surgrons, Ireland. and 141,11810 ml in the Traumactio um of tau. Inior snit Queen's lonriud.! 1 1 441 Idedien-Cloriirgicd Revieni, published by SE/Ush MIN: 7'R.iVER.S, Fellow of the Royal College of Sur geons,. r: Sr, inomt of the hate Standard Works on Medidib.• 1 KITMACT avour, Pi .61. 00 prr bottle, or 6 for 15 00 c , :.. laintArstit.t.t. 1 00 o .a 600 litemorip Ross Wass, 60 11 1 - . o 2 60 Or half a dozen of each for $ll 00, whirls will be sofa etent to curs the molt obstinate rams. if dlnrettoon us adhered- to. ... 1 ',ration.. De l t , ered to any address, secui imly packed from °beer -1 I or Describe symptoms taj ili copunanicstSona , — Cares gcsnuatee,L Advise gratisi. • ' Personally, appeared 'before r i se an /Morino of fir city of Phliaoloolphin, H. T. Hor.:iltoso, who. being duly sworn, cloth say, his pr•parati6ns contain no nowcotic, no Iniewary; or other rojorlow :drag; DO now Plitodr regotabls. !, H. T. HKIABOLD. Sworn and wohscrthal before loO.this'234 day 7 of Nov orrobrs, 1164. I I WY. P. HI WaRD, Alamos/1. Nista• shoot. abort Bas, .Addreeti /when for Infortest , eat la ooadheses, ,HICULSOLD, Litt• Depot 104 Booth Tenth•etro it, Nam Dieetos Closo t, Phil*. **WEI 011 G iiiiersayarrot AND ITNPIENCIi'I ALD DULLES. Who swarm is dleoes I" ter TIMM lo mbar!' artiolos ea the r p ows. ,aittea Madrid by OWN" GM /4/Vrolle,'S Gawk sa wilarailows r rtarqt Hoehn, Is I larseparills, ' Ir tomer& Dose Wu& Dold bylD Droll:esti •sma: • ••-.1 43if not ilicauximy B.:.rairx 110 OMR. i I Cat old tats admen are so aad suet ter tt, 44W AVOID 1161 , 0811,0.1 f. •tifp EXPOSVILL I 11AW1.41 i COMPOUND ro lABICAIWS Tkr Gott WEAKtiPaRkg. 0 iT A C ic S' USE • 1 AFF•IDAV iT HATS A•N'D,-CA PS - 111 THE MILLION, A T ITti ',SI Du New •th Yeirk LIN PlaG m y e llsdelpbrut` best and moat tsibionable wenn letut , Kap* of geode la rut lute, and 100, uoe tbas igaGa a last' stook of the beet HATS, CAPS, 'ETC., over hronglit to tito, mulct. 11u1. on loth.l two hun dred &Am PALM LEAF HAGS, Jou., .4 Iff fel 111. rrrrarll dir.qt from t h e 11111.11. fatteturera. vh.. I, .111 II; .lo,ten Veork Itibtler'il vier, 1 lour - lod Yli•hoort ILI 'ilk antuf > SMITH ii :atr QUARTER CHEAP GOODS! Wholesale and Retail GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, WINES . AND I.l.QlToil:s' t • F. & M. SCHLAUDECKER, are now receiving at their old stand, Ameri can Block, State street, a large and superior .stock, of GROCERIES. P Hi )VIsION:i, , WINES, " , LIQUORS, . • WILLoW, WOOD EN ,k AND , STONE '. . • WARE,' / I - i FRUITS, NUTS, &c., &c., ' together with every thing foun n a Douse of' this kind, which they will ii ell as cheap ,i nil any other estahlirlimen; r( j, this city for Cash or most kinds of cou try produce. They Lave &leo on hand one of Pie largestauil fluent Stocks of Tobacco and Segars e :ier brought to Erie, to width they inelte.the itteutl of the publte. /'r Call and IN na—a b mbie sit - pence is better than a snow shilling, consequently Cub buyers will hod great bargains by calling at t Grocery /Head Quarters! AMERICAN BLOCS, STATE STREET. J rue 11880-42 . F. k. M. SCH LAUDA Ki.;Ft. . B.):' ' ;kW CRACKERS, AND SODA BISCUIT / CON FECIsION ER I ES, _ • ~Z,..: WHOLESALE -AND RETAIL. PRE subscriber in - now manufacturing „i. all kindle of CANDIES of the beet quality and eery ow pneei. I offer all kinds of CRACHZRS, SODA BIS CUIT CAKES, &c., at such low pnoes that it will pal Country Merchants to comb to Erie and examine my 'took beforepurtheeituy el Res here. Private families sup - plied at their houses WY. SHE It WO(11), - useti-3 Neaily oppo•ktw Poet oMen, Kne, 1•a N .) ), r:. We take Klima pleasure insuformtrur toe Pbblle, and Our numerous Patrons to psrtieulsr, that wo have again nenun4.4l MAFtTFACTVIIN'.sToVK4 INCIZ.EASE-1) (:1 LIT! And ans pripant,l its till all 4,41..1,4 f.•r COOK !NG AN 1), II EATI NI )V WITH PRI /11114 N drink purchased • largo Stool, of Iron, proviou. In beiag barut out, given us • decided advantage, tin price of Stoves,) over lisisufacturerswbo have bought ' Iron ►t present' high prices Thankful \ for past favors, vie flops,. by strict attenti• to the ousts of Customers, to continue to merit th.or patronage. feb2V63o. VINCENT, TIIII3AI-.4,• 4 1111t1:. &CI) PREVENTION IS BER ETT TII \N CURE To Ladies of delicate health -fir -impaired unranttation, or, to thoye bywillini an inereane of faintly is Ill= soy reason objectionable, lbu nod, rvlgned ' r oom odor a prescription which in perfectly relniltle and rate, and which his teen prescribed in iarlil6 pelt. 1.1 the old world for the past century. Although tit. art lei.. Is vary sheep and anupie,'yet it time been put up in hvif pint bottles arniisold very , vtenvivety at the et horioinnt price o($I perbilttle, the undersigned priposen 1.. fur ' t4.h the recipe for the small WIC] of $l, by the posve,,ino of which every lady can supply berirelf with n pert, et .11r-, guard, at any dr.ig for the trilling num of *Li cent. per year. Any physielan or drugitnit aril tell yon •It perfectly barmiest', and llionsatots it testimonials ran he procured IA its efOesicr.' Sent to any part of tint. cumin n': retlipt. of $l, by addressing ' LINN' iatil , P.N. Box, No. 2343, New Haven, Conn. • • TO NERVOU SU FEEtElts 1 YI'II KKK?. II S]'I.EfIAV tumng been restored to health Ina few . days, after u nth.r. colas all the alma* routine nod irregular cpenetre ttnnlea of treatment without success, entdthlept rt Itt..aered•dut toponitisuninale Le hui ell acted fellow creature' , 11-e means amuse. Hence, on the receipt of an atdr.seed etteel,le, be will sand (free) l dopy of the preemption used , . tn. e. • • t r " JOUN Ltaassl.l.,l46 Fulton Street, Brook. is23-Iy. DR. P. HALL'S CELEBILATED COUGH REMEDY! CoNTINuEs to gain public favor and demand In all sectiona, and aftsr the thorough ex perience of sixteen years, Its reputotiou for efficacy In truing Throat and Long &amiss in .fully su.d.dasd. Wherever this medicine is Most known Its merit■ hare es tablished the greatest pop ulanty and demand. It bia. be im* a standard remedy with many people for curing Pultrwitiary complaints and of kept in their houses for rip use whenererrequired. An a cure for Cougli it al t rand rehable— seldom my:thing more twin our hot t• to cure • Cough sal molly weeks standing. For curing Croup it to not excelled, and an a remedy h.r Asthma its ellimency cannot be doubted, haymg restored ninny tier /One to health after muffering • tong term Of years with this miserable. dioiase. for Bronchitis and Hutment,. it is ate and reliable, quickly rerouting irritation Mom it. airpamagea In Whooping Cough title Rau:wily in of great Saltile.--it promptly liaisons he Inqueney and violet...A of theeopgh.andabortiontbeldluuewoehalffrom it« "T -&Unary tedious coarse. All diseases of the Ilungsapd air passages - depend op.'s irtitation or indium:tuition id,the lining moron inentbrade and requires the prompt use of thorough inedieiue to et tact their removal. Bare Cough Remedy is safe, qieirdy an.. effectual in its operation—is adapted to both sexes, to all ages and eonstita Won'. First y person afflicted with either of the following diseases should one this plems.iiit - tamely and their irolses will soon mingle with othimi In recommending Its nitwits to aftlinte.l and inmate ME Use liglf s thugh itemedy it cures tbld.s.' Mei: Use klule3 thugh lientedy it cures (.4-oup or Aztilai. I IMPL., Use" Hall 's { . (bug Remedy it nays Astlt- ma or PAtAisii. Use augh Remedy /11. Catarrh. lIS- Use 'Hales Cough .Remedy it, Strengthens the Lungs. ie. Use Hall's •thugh Retnedyfor Bronchitis. TIM. Use bugh Remedy "for Hoarse ness. Use -Bags ()nigh Remedy it Strevthens the Voice. Va.. Use Bail's Cough Remedy cm. 11171 ooping cough: It will greatly modify the (oleo oe olthia diatoaae and ehnr ben Ire tialicina emus*, on.-balf fninyta ordinary iliint lieware of counterfei to cud base indintatina—call for Dr. P. Mall's Celvbrated Cough Kytu...dy 4141 Mlee that Liswrit ten signature be up'n the wrapper and direction.. PITROPIIi IrftetTIIIIONV. We, the undersigned citizens of Erie City and elcunty, nare used Dr. P. Hates Celebrated Cough Remedy with creation:mu, iu curing disease., of the Throat and Luii,;s, and take pleasure in recommending ita oin. to the afflicted• as a 'pertly and effectual remedy, luny wort.l4 public PJLlfidCute • - • Jammer Thutupeou, Matthew Hamilton, D. Shirk, Jobe Holborn, Sr. J. W. Ityau Millard Hee% John A. Tracy, Robert COC/1111a. J. T. Cane, Jobe W. Missals, ' Daniel Dear, Daniel Iluver, John W. Hay', J. Rubinson, C. K. Itildet, John R. Cochran, W. F. Rinilerneilit, J. Slooney, Julio It. Duman, P. It. Burton, J. IY. Cuiret, John M. Warrou, ; Alanion Obrrliomi; Wm. 11. May, Joint S. Brown W. li. Cooper, A. ll:naiad% S. L. Yoreter, Joeeph Deemer, E. A. Dikunott, J. W. Han. DOol. (Irony J. Salsbury, Undo, Smith, Lucius A. hull, Mayer, - C. Dumars, Mumma IPKee, J. 1.. Long, H.O. Rota,. W. Gallagher, J. Reblason,,2d, Wilson Ring; Chu. W. &aro, suss H. Finch, Pardoi Visor P. Enstlgo, C. C. Howell, C. B. Wriest'. zioLD IN ERIE ONLY, BY P. HALL. Manahustager and Solo Propriotor, tt.lra Now Slate St. PRICE. 2.5 YO 7r CENTS PER BOTTLE. MAMIE $2l KELE CO.—Juno@ A. Whit., Dr. Ely. IR. raid; Win. Belknap, YairTion; T. S. Cowl's, Mpringeold• Wm syrowidi, Miskolc° r. Lamson, M'Ro.n; Ellorpoc. Waterford; limo st Shorwood, Homo; W. B. Watiaboribi R.Y. iowoid, North Nut; H. H. Amok H. P 1 'WWI, Albion; Tyler, Lockport, and by Keats ge AIARGE SUPPLY • Ot ants klatelie•Jterecetvsd. No suipLor, The .Ni#Bl. Parlor Match ti the Wig& liverybody will use them after one trial. For eatebTtheMs,dasaaand vim& A liberal dleermelli Um Trade. ' a ISURGKSS. MMI twos ANtrFAICLIES Sipped vitkleo Cram, LeIIDOU lee Fancy MaillitOON4 Coafeetionary and Fruit lu 911autitT.: ajdl. , Max & HuittiK.-ts. WE REO c al, sad Cater et all Idarls lo amali bb sad 4222 . tent. '• arylll-111. FIRM k tittßkEss ALOGE LOT - Of Dram. Vim aad Bird tor isle by iqUI-le. MUM k 113k111M =I and :state Ma MOW ARD - ASSOI A T lON Relief a th• YLE a,d hattrtiirE, clihrieday Arms, pwruts. aftd tvperwi, 'r e 4 tare ofi.totoaca ul Ihe ~ 1 "Jy•I gun,' I.:Pii•A 1 riv , • ll etyCt., t ito• Arto t* L' , •,', %In ii.d.r.ol, and ~ tebt to 14 , . rt,•r• 'rwo, 1.1 CI In I '101.1.1 - 1`; 011.1.11T10; Artltr t 1,11144•41. hi% -•*totrtmtl.trt o.,kt •- tot it,.. it .1 .I,, ku. 14 I It, it .1 Ittttier.4trt 1..1 1,111, fm. -t pt,•tnet• rill tot 1,,••• • - To Refiners .itid Oil Men ! ' 'l l II E NILE; W4)ft ti" of eincinni L are p'. pared to fl.VerAlevery descrtpdos,,, A I'l'A itEFtNING sari[ ns stills, Chereirai sod Store Teas, tr,,, a. Pumps toes atoploilers. oa tbr sk.rtest wort, 4. 4 pric e s :and ten sestAissuukip Parties wishing say t r y el,oie, are in% iteil to elation.• ttir work furuishst',,,,gt. refinery at th . t•rtioutli at Criek, lu Erie. TI Iti. to eau[ Ytlyille7O, t A tilprp o sod all tAtt s i;',.: r . 1.111;1:,t.:/rkiug P.: horse poorer at it.. sot, oUI .1.1011(14 7400 IGr , delivered on tls " Er. f0r4509, ' , m Rt ST, A EEO= r I:Ncirs HoTEL, oN THE IIADLIPkt.4iN CITY OF :YEW YORI VI SOLI ROWEL Yi►rr CELTS PLR iLLY “ikil square, C of Frankfort otroa, I nryo;l72 CLTT 139.4..) Reale as they may bk. ordizedlit tbilipideash, is a Barber's Sbnp aid Ugh Rooliditticbid Hotel. Bevan Of RENNELS and HAMM! INDO Nu VI In to*Y2l'!G-12t. R. FRENCH, Prqz.ts, - - • TO CONSOIPTIVES. THE sulißcriber will cheerfully senu of eharief to all whodehlre it, the copy of • j Nhorder by h bleb he. wars cored of that Dlltlableghece, _ sumptton. Sufferers w Ott Coastarrios, AAITH/lA, 8R0501711..,r auy luu4 <, tiou, Le sincerely hopee will try thlaket4 Ishii hangnail( they do so they will be more Nate Intuit with the tt suit. Thankful for his own complete restos.. tiou, be is anxious to place in the hands of scary idle, the means of cure, Those *whin the recipe with ti directions, kc, will please call no or address junel —62. Rey. WV. S. ALLEN, • No Ca John titres!, New Yin P. ARBUCKLE, successor to CL/SR3i & MrVALD. HAS oN HAND ANI) IS DAILY RECEII/NG A LARGE AND COMPLETE. STOCK Boots and Shoes! ALL V. N ILTIES, 11E113 I.OlVE:qs NETT PRICEB The. hat', otalarla,ll.lWM st..t Iturcra 1,110 I stilt 11,4 io El it with a Vlalf 1, 0 1aa . tlaal trOrtivya 10 UM had I 0 10 tall 11.1•1111:44 this ala Orr Al Nu aurtli•Wr4t r Isl w.• l'arL awl I tL etr.•, 2ti t t ERIE, PA N F.‘s .1 EltsEY LANDS FoR t,..,1110,,.1. Olt $ 111 IT VAll.l4Souttable ft.r i'an F:tittplwrrarti. rttraulttotrttilt, Illt:Lklrorrtes, at t ttt.l• • k k , I 1 1,11 . .1., IV , , a 11 acre', 111.! It. , • ttl r litt4,l‘. At tit. %Ix. l'ot tar 1.:110,10.1 Itat $1 i s • ,i'.l, , tt rg for tin, here ford 1..; A 4 . 1.1f1', I.) 1.,<1, IN, ,1114ge 1 , .t, ( fir Woo ID, 1.. 10.1 t.. I. at is, vat otbir .i LtOt "A 4, ire ii.....l„AVANltinzT.,gt 1 oo Jtore, . F..: .0: 111.1 .....1111.41 . 1,11, 111.1i11, .•ip. ' , .r 4. t” 14. Nlt L I a r' ,l7 . ' 01! ' , ll ell Nro I BARLEY! IL le I. IH t m, Lt I rwality, .0.1.1 him .1111111,. vo 1%1" .1 to NI! 80,000 An 4 at %II Um. *3ll 1,,t 111,.71,,t CLOTHING CLOTH Largest & Best Stock of in the City! WILE AND SEE FoR YOUR: - MOSES KOC WOULD RESPECTFULLY i iorna bta old mends and customers tl h, hae removed to the eplendtd new Boom NO. 10 IUNI10!"1 , 111.0C14, Where lir. them to call and examine' 001%. stock it. an Inrgt and well seleal any in r .0,11 he in determin.-1 not to lip hae jtyt vecrtved the larg r el -at,wallll spin Ni; AN 1). fUMMER Gi I:vet. brought to Erie, tits motto Is the be, quick rutten, Our price, and that the lime. t:n• not what thsy are reptreruted they may be Mm -14'ottt. 4 , MORRISON & DINSMORE WituLaßAl.o DRALItili Flour, Pork, Beef, - Salt, Graf: ci,f)Vgl;„ 173f0THY.sEED, (te ,No. 2, Wayne Block, nikNon STREET, Between ARA ~d Sixth Sta., EFIC mayfir63tr. 111 V•. E. It. REILLY, Woulu siito,unee to the ladies of I , " vicinity, that the will open, TIJ E I) A , .v P I L '2 8 , 1 ' Rt. the corner of French aud li th atreets, two! • N o ,* of Wayne hall, a large and splendid of , MILLINERY GOODS! Fresh from New York Cit•, embrseing errry unnsllfeontsinell in s hr.t chaos eltablishmrat , •, 1 1 . 11 kind BI.E.WHESG, PRE. , 1/.:Va d.VD COLORe c ' SO Done is the !teat St, le, sod on the most Rear:. Tem. N E\V MILLINERY sToßti Mrs. tt.. Navin; had extensive expenenes In the' nets, 'fatter' , herself that she can gave entire emus's , The putalte patronage as respectfully seallelteal Wool I Wool ! he . ,1 To Farmers , Wool GroNiery ( , The utoleeskened by rr.iver,l att order 'to von , 1te.1"0 1...u0,1e Wool, for Ittich the highest mukg, ,, will be paid- R. S. lit.t TO eeptl9'6.ltf, BENER & BURCESS► 111110LESAI,FI . kA.LEIts Iv BALITKORE OYSTESS TIIN COUNTRY TRAoN AinTLIED IYII FRPAII CAN AND KEG OVSTOS RECEIVED EVERY DAV „ND. WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFAcTIOI are Orders Solicited and Prol a Attended to. _ - • S I E t; EL, witoLESALE k RETAIL DE 41,t.K CIROCERIES, PROVISIoNs LIQU( 1 1 ,00:11 BLOCK, ERIE. IVou id invite the •ttrntiuu of the public to I , r • LA RU E I' STOCK OF (;001) Which Le is determined to sell CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST Vy lot of 1.1.10010 ca,unot be Puttied La " I . Western Pennsylvania• The Nice to Get YOur Money BO IT AT E. COUGHLIN'B BOOT & SHOE STOW suit. Street, fleetly Opposite the Pat MOO itt.MOVAIL. R. .Coughlin, Boot and Shoe Dealer, respectfully iuforms the Public that he ~ as removed U. stand to the St,,re ROOM 00 State street, nearly opposite the Post odloe, tetren• iiisltes all his old Mends sod esil• a to gtre him a call. Particalar atteotlou - kireu to REP.AfR/150. 5011_,4 earefel Arkmeo, aed eapertntendlor all bis bz"7„, himself, he believes he can give as good astistsetio ll .: , sell at as low prices se any other parson in se r r i Good Fits Warranted. NE BUSH