Aulthr4 FOX THE UtiXILILOtit. .1011ornag gentlemen have been asleiteLl 4 our I the the Our, where they wide PgroOte deelrrne c a lwriptioue or Jot, Work. or to remit Milopj to do d through Writ' hands - thrall. Pomeroy. 0113 t. ItolJrou, tiults k Ur., 1'0. 4 '. I Willard, . • 14.bg12/.4, [Width" 'Ater .emu, Caamoul, I " - aernsb, p. W. Hutch'won, Sons, - n 84. 4 .1.-•-- •- - stracuhan, I. PhdNpe. ) Barton'. Knir9bl. -- • 961110gh,m, , gby,•-- ..... • 1100. Oakir), $ • lasu, ...... ECM W G 00.65! ' NOW OPEN AT . S. MORRISON'S. INBELACING ALL TIM LAT% VITY'Lbt VaSs 00008.• • CLOAKS, SHAWLS, OVES AND HOSIERY Lso, ALARG E WK, 11.)F CLOTHS, ?LE AND DOMESTIC OWN! N II WI Iv UR TIME TO"B,UY GOODS 11. YOU WANT TO FIND GOOD STYLES, AND GUT 001) .11111I1)AINIS, S. MOTLIIII36IIIS. 1,1) TO Et= .;..t;TO THE PUBLI .; . .;..t; 2 French close out the to the Nod estate to make immediate paimeut, having cialuta apoust the same, will present July authenticated, for settlemeot e, Wept 23, lOM --tep2d-Ow 'PACT GENERALLY KNOWN, • AT the variety of new •myte tied .4ll., of Gothic. Cottage, Couicress, Cor ..Ui, loamy .14ti4 -mud other _petunia, with tUrsittrost..kratutimaely weraterwliturtaaa Uri:4lE6.4 Gouts.s and other Tables, Stauda, Carpet and thiwarik Al& Hid See Grua illattrainew, Vesther Hod. .1b other tiouochold. furniture Ace., all 1 hour well arotwouro.l ituriber-Laati stperietwed workflow and not otter ,yle, quality and In. prleve I will .filly vrtoi letters to utilleruttl we. Vrattiorotwourlit and to mat, Parlor, Redrawn, Sowhig, other Chian., of Itaittaru cud Wwlern 11•11.111.1 - 41tiory dolled mud glum], making s thew as - - „ day Lther part of the chair, where oilers wade Are 41y uruled,aqtl by. au maarroi durable., Woro4 r, hacklug, Sowing and Nara*, are erhainr of ham .1;1.61 through I.he real aud rined , w•r otatt.f I I .../staue ly and caul. NO Lon `itcorth, price arid huiiL. Spriug Swill I hare r Jai and are the highest tratituuuiala wall a las, et 411 KO4/4111 Want 013 application. I i.r.L lug og tree e pairs experience and contending. With un t•o prow deader., I aro daterodued to DOI all. give worth for your pay, and Jo Jartica tide with to.. utL,S meta, Lire Stook, Crude aud Karam erodure he etakea at fair marital veto.' tenwoubwr tlie whirr, uott• corner of Nth street ti W. Ietd.SICY Ilabufacrr and Cour:Wen Salesman. ILMSALM & ItETA 1 IA ItOCKMX sTORE P. A. BEOHEW ;CALF: A N I) 11,ETA II ) ( I 10 (lowa. al the Park a. FY ack Street,' loa!kratuad dhtllr call tto att,ution oJtlie community to hie lar‘v Stock of • Alitlli* )1' ISltiNs, W bias U. is draincua tomtit at lbw 1 . 1 1.111-W INT P0.011111.y. ktl C LAS' His woodmen( of RS, MFPF,ES, , TEAS, S It UPS, I' IIiACCuS KISH, r 1.1:;, .irpaave. , l lu the city, as he a preparra to prove to gl , re Laid &CAW keeps cooktantly on hand • superior lot of ' i" ! I.: I,IQUURS, (duals trade, to which he iiiiecta the atisioticlit Njulek Yale, finnan Proßtu ud full rot f tut li/pa7' MANHOOD ; w Lost How Restored lu • Seale,' Envelope Price 6 Coats. t) Mature, Trai4uwitt KO Radial ijirtult• or Sandhil faldineiri, erVOUNDPNIAILI dilllvnitintary ,03 1.1.Puey, Consumptiai and Mental and rily• oe'T J. .pipI.VICICWKI.I., otant ?Set that the awful consequenees of 'kr W offretrally rirmovad without intermit ths danisrous application of candle.,, I , lis‘ted"bratttaa, amt other ikuspincal 4.- • elisekva•massa esLd, and Ulm entirely new lusowidul treatment to adopted by the .Is. ,r, fully sxplained, by which evsry ono Is en hlmaelf perfectly, sal at the least pomll - avoiding all the advortlied nostrums of lecture will prove a boon to thsantdo d LI, IA a plain enyaluf.e, to any addrraa, of of ...a ends, or-two postale atainimil, by &I na. CHAS. .1. C. KUM {C, I/ 147 Itoarrry, N.." York. ?oat S fins, Mt SPRING. Ises. IE BONNET STORE. Model Burn( itori) . ; , 11 , E*ALII AND ItETAII. DEALKIL IN :LLINIOUY CiOODS. illiners supplied •ith Grindial New York Printer. gar Lttiontool paid to Bleaching and Dressing No 7. !Name olock.itate St. ins Ott Notice to Oil Refiners. • Iry prepared to sell to Reason' DIG VITRIOL CAC is April std 01.1;i: lathe lowest toe.e- We tan sell Oil Vttrol 07 the ear load at the 1, there* saying to the purebtaer the ex :arum promptaese In shipping'. CUOMO, MOW 4111:W1E89. ICE2I IYaterf.rd lot.oro thll Crepk - Wpmit.vrillo • tiarlwr r”..k kid lirwiue ONE DOLLAR AND A-RALP PER YEAR., If' PAID It` A.L)VANCE, Mfidtvburg .vilugrlJ I Ird+ IR nit Spreugfeld VOLUM li; 34 MEI Kluorille, 1)41 (Nrarl. ►e{rrle• Cherry DR: LA CROIX'S PRIVATE M E CA L TREATISE I — u OM THE Physiological View _of Marriage. - OEM Columbus Marren ... arimal Ikadirtan.lbtirg: Rlikotitio • , Youlq. . Corry, Le !Lyral. .250 PANES AND 130 IifiIaNATINIVI —trice only virusrit-eirn Curl. Dont fen of poetic* to all parts of the trulact.* On the islioultiee of, youth Lad ' 'unitarily, dhaeloaing the swat follies of hoth.searts of .all age., 'await allialllty. 13IIIVOIllbee, depression of aplrite, palpitation of the hook sultidat nuagotaationS, bkohauys, dellyoUve matunty.todlypellon and wands, with courvealanta ef tbVililug, lamina( of a thaannlis *Anal , that, a Dr Nsas'ittafest and a Young Menial lady, Ate., Re. It Oa truthful advlao to the nortied anal . those coutemplatiug isillrflaill. •140 eulettaho were/. doubts of there playa/sal min./Mona awl., who are eola• .claws of baring haliteihad tber laillb., happarw,ta and' prlvllages to *blebs's', human bolo( is to filial YOUNU MIS abeam troubled with urna . auwar ipnwar:/ ally, ward by a NW habit in youth. the effects of shish '', are illsalsees, galas, flogstfaloar, soomytituea • l'imilar in theism, mask arealnimek of the back and lo ser ' estrinsUise.eoatuai.a of idesy lesu of Armory. with 1 rablaaeboly, suiy be mired by the author a XXIV_ PARIS AND LONDON TRICATNANT. , . Wi balmier Ito snags, pad oil the last ymir, devoted I our thew in trinities lb. Nuys flospliala, avallaug Oil ii. aOw 1,101 ' 16 4e ivainditiss of Die most skill physielainksisd gorgeous In tutope mid on the lloatiauat. -Time wilts paw timarualm UlLiiVI. oar ears ' will au liet‘ ..01,11,ieseft laf t • immy Kira 454 Elleacheo, se tt g eb an s A ii ' l'i 'N.: intense •- ' ... et- . - serf y. aim i SOO ": 7 their parrs, 'Welk has so . I. - , ly -1,...t. herein/ore. as • Physielas• CU it • 1 of professional practico, for_tist teen ..ank PassesVaaaLa risaa.—Ladiarabo a for • tha saucy which has knew lesks4 la thousands 's,' roma sad rover Whet to rasa iipead_y mine witbsetnay bail ansilto, will use moue hat lb. thilanay's llissalgliMploill cal Pills. The only prOOLUUU4 Dismary to be observed is. Unit ladies abould not talga i =tba bi believe they are in arra& ' of ithleh will he found' on the IIV . Vito y each baud tbaagb always ma ma , bailikir, Yet 01/ ant/vadat. 1, %Mir, • limb_ Priee St pot box. They csa - he ' asal\liallta astaaart of I tin United MAU& Prying Creek WA, DC .4teerarfra, Pe ktdgr•y„ Kik Co , 1s drr, %jam. Cu , Tit TN IC I.A DI 148--Ints on a ge1124•114211 3104 .....i1 e wiser with eigesrd to soy 14 *All toterastlias to !Alai their delicate oricaphiatiau rumba* sr* partied htriy lurtkal to rowan q. Tss will Itawarelv"..forakiallad Wasp gamma health e.xt "AA, ar lehrabaolAierillo. sire to lamas* their fusilier, say be sbdiaakepahon. li 1. /madly We, sad bar bill sitsasidly .a tai this lad sight yam PAIMIIIIII.6II a s*4 •• • 7 " " Citirra or YoUlll pre4tioe Lk crwee:P....= . l.2pa= warsisa.hat . salidilak 'a lea =4mi rooks'ssassk e ir 4 V fsmaditlides=" ' JM prat assase, • ssurasoodia ids adblis 'ewe orisia..r.fiegramesi ammo. Att r umi......diettprms itiummorptsawast . alight, and on Mumble ram 2 till Lp algid:de with tall &seedless stotiseely istra it the ckited,*bits . •r Causdee by plate& essisrelselestAlelli theTi symptoms by letter. Ruud:sem esti!epeaditmee st maddest's'. • • t• . 1 • t 1 Dr. Ws Office la WI, ktented of j der the ....tintjoi savarliesase lane, Albany. N. V. .• , . The Univereel ClNheu Wringer No,l, Large Itiadly. Weiser, 00 No. 3. Medias Nasally Wdogor. ...... 7 W No. 2}kiladlom radon, Velem. 400 Nn. 3, Small keenly Wriajore—,. ..-IrrrA No. li p No. O. 4 adb.1.614:4 Watson.. - tai Laatedx7.3 10 row asset ' MOO Nu. 22, Large Nws- 2.4 sod 3 hoe' we Cop illidthorsidowiimodooLl Nu.% la We tau gra•rally used la privala Walks 0 ()route J• 44, al tlee . "•retrieeer •grlaultenellatr ease 1 ' . tiolitematetotheit Wringer: - "A child ma readily wrieg oat • lob lON of chills* In a Sow ssitsaitic ails tit volt3ty a. mom NI NITRIC I • Ttlitcsitue! wad a 1 4 TWICITH SAlrgit t The aselair of immesh" will alone pee Mies per genteel" on Its wet. We think the wwWee - tweekrewee, *ex l'A V,y rog ITSEI.E I NVEK7MilltSaltEmitWoffsecaucatc I There I are unmoral lode, ;mealy alike to reetral eoupwlensellner e . l with but gi Z 1 1 . # to , Ai owtoo earemuee time clog e r " 1/ " 0, , I ° 04 mll< lll udoiwAlld rewah/that Algid km the cotpra h u k r. haJL Our" etiesineseetdiellt •3 NEW eller !mule IfOUN4M. o ° - 43Skier 2Y! - Imbieh I •.II guar all keep • .tuck of ,:ooemisiWitawe. abor Watuo nearly X IV. • .• HALL jut r.turaod frau) NIICW YORK,, iza V OPICNINti A aims NrocK NERY ! IEAUY PAY bitackips, caolortua la Eno, Ma Ikusiptsll447.: dice. FINKLE & LYON'S • SEWING MACHINES :a.ti ... Inwing Irma! au the valuta toauship, aawaug thsua.lrea These Machiu s wake the lock-stitch alike teeth aides, and use less than half toe thread and silk that the altigle or double thread lo.ep sUteh Lachine,. do ; will lieu, veil. (lather, Cord. Wald, Hind, di c.. Lod are Leiter adspted thau any other Sew lug Machine lu ums to the frequent ehauradi and greet variety of seeing required i• • family, for they will sew from one to twenty es of Manville. wrthoutetniipin. and niskiWgrery sill: h perfect, or (row the fluest once to 'the I...sines' beaver cloth, or even the etouteet heroes. leather, without ataugitor the (eed. neaps or tauaiuu, or w•aiiy cur ad Joetmeot of Maelihie I " They ate simple IL. Soustruelsourusifsmily-uoderislood aml If any part is broken by arsidout, It is raaJlly re placed. . These are execbi AK FAIDIII,IIOI4 Win go far toilet...mune Le choice of any iutelliseut buyer. awl Ruunine or send for CLreular N. R Local Agents wauted iu eertutee liot yet OCIII pied Addredra, 11(11:11111.K.4 L UN, N. M. CU., aele3llll-Iy. Yu. .538 IiRIIADWAY, WNW YORK, SIN LA 111'8 "EXCELSIOR" PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! West of the Park e Vint Door from 4t►t. Merest firatelul for pad favora„the auhectiber reapecttullyi forme the cittaeue of Krie and vicinity, that he has tea and rellttal the Gallery recently occupied by D. Clunbert, where be la prenatal to execute PHOTO(IRA,PHS, CMBW P L I.:TT ERP LAT ES, A(' rar Par tI en tar atteatioo to Children and Copying aprltreStf. , A Notice. WIIEREAS letters of Administration to the estate of Abraham Iterchtuld, late ur Erie etc h ; deed. hare Loma granted to the subeeriber. all • per mit'. lialebtod to th e said estate are requested to mate immediate ply meat. sad thee' haring claims or detuatide &roust the estate a the said deceased, will make the mime known • ithOut delay. many T. BERCHTOLD, oet94 ewe Adulluistrutrilt. HARTFORD FIRE UTSURANCE CO. Hmerrugn, CONNECTICUT. I NOORPONATMJI trio. CAPITAL $600,000. R. IHINTIMOTON. Prost. T. C. ALLYN. CITY FIRE lIIIIIRAIIOII COMPANY, ItAILTIVORD..CONINIECTICIUT. iIvt'ORPOIITED no. CAPITAL row C. S. wRs ,(Mt. C.C. WA U,lioeu. j NSURANCE in the above old and reli- L oh, Cotipanies can be obtained o application to march2t-44. • R. W. RIM R. 1.1., Agent _Vi / w(Or 407/ -64) BON. WILMON lITANDGM 4 t, Judge or the UNHad States Cinrult Court, Prest.:eot. COILMBIL ?SIMI Br . CLAIM SiII.,7ITTEIVII6. Pl. THE Ii•RGEST, CH RAPES?' •141) Bk:ST. $33 pay* for a fall enures. Lir Ho extra shaved for Maalifacturers. Steamboat, Railroad sad Bask Rook-Emalag. Illinisters'Ares ot holt shot: :budgets eiHer and re •lew at anytime. ' This fustitutlao la amidentad by experienced Teachers and wasting! emmulanta, who- propane young nine for %it ea basis*" ad the Haab aspens, aad shortest imam, air t 4 moat localise nod responsible -situations. 'it. mamas granted lot toarit outs. Hones the. universal 'dearest, for (manatee of tali Bolloge. by Millman =YU Mir. A. CowaiyOtie but Pomona of the r Dion. who holds the largest naisiber of lee ?animus. and arm all competitors. Macaw Rapid Business litintog. • Clliallt.Alta Containing hill inhumation mot iium OR aPpueittieu to thin th*to&utla _ J Kt tts & SMITH. Priuripals. Er A tie vr)loni4he tiopq 4.o4,9rrkgpr Ranker, sad Eirmituma /Lam melsatif. • lienrlLtay:- DREFRUIT; SEIVitD mu., Dandlia %Mot PePLise_ Bum: Catsup, ha, isylik4s. BUIL% lk Busul2N4 . ..; . . • . . . .^. , . . , r • ~. . ..!. , , . . i; I I - : ; • rti , I , . . , . THE ..... • • . : ERIE . I - . : it.: .! s. t* " . -:. ... .. ......./•,,. i l altp . ... .-........".;-. - ~ '',. ~ 7'4 , , .1 frr. ..t : : ..77 . .4 +.1.4.......V: .... s ~ .. `... - . - ..÷ - .- - .NS: ' *- \ "--".--=\ ..', . . . . B ". . I : A . ' -1, ...- . • . - . . - . • i . :. .. . . .' .. ) v . :11.. . I . . , iii=ai:l RanNZWEIO'S 111.0cK, ►ROY Mall DT THOTTII TO !JIFF: SIZE !` IT M CM (Written for the Observer. Memory of Milton Lovell. lota of Con Molt •• give thee up in thy youth and bloom Must we lay thy d,ay fans in the afloat tomb, Close thy Mos ayes with their laving light, And Wefp in the gloom of sorrow's' • Thy solo , frottYt WWI 'round tut rw, V.' b Ile • eros....t paws aeries thy spirit brow— A • kr set 10111 it witted o'sr susmory's ass, 'Ti, "Nouer goy tioa -clearer to this" „ The hymn thaulnedat to Aug while here, And Do win uu r heart., It seem daably dear; - A 4, lllltuu tuou'rt through with the ears of worth but we hike thy mile and thy Joyous mirth. fkoototwiest link In lore's gold shalt Firs, savored 4n—but Meat again ; T. know w* to love lima, deputed sus. TiKka briahpat ray from wiltaiwtra no. Xeigdties taiin, 1 1 7 heart, •h 7 atib..ith Pal hii~eury[ollun . b kb awe , • Sid Willem, Ammar. '' l / 4i4WeaLtsjitile. ""A` Amlook*; Reisarka of Mr. Vailikadighatil tothalign dente of the Michigan Unitirtily: • [From the Detroit Veber Prem. Net. IL • Notwithstandisgthe very ineleneint vreith i large body of stathlitiosf, Mai tiniversity, at Miehigatt came, dims eme;thie meriting train*, a formal visit fa , Ile. ?all. laadigisitet. They proceeded to Whideoent4l o%lok, whirei.he large dining kill of iks Mfrons licknise itedheen,set apart fol. AL'a 444- The '4ll gm ifeltdes.l. Lion Init. pro. ent,tibiaddltionitio thee/Ades* several prase , Itsiiitiettisetts of Detrcitt. Mr. Vallandighata_wanaddressed on behalf of the sttohnits h Mr.--,Cf A, Buskirk,— This address was eloquent. a;ist patriotic. We re. Bret that want, of apace =perorate ha *hies thin. At the eenelkhrion 'of 'the acidretu!, A. C. McAlister; Chairman of lite*letpaloit: introduced lion. C, 1 4 . Valiantlighaus, who, tbotaking the students for. the oeasplissentOr visit, addressed them as !follows : "1 thank you, young gentle Men, for this visit. I thank you, sir, especially, Mr. Una„ kirk, for the compliments 'to hasalsouudy ex pressed na behalf of your fellows. The aps plume of the young is the highest praise.— riey'speak the language of the coming Obi oration, and anticipate the judgment. 'of .poa l terity. - To that judgment, if it so be tbittotY Woe skill chance to live in this -teeo:4 of thesatimos, I long since appealed, and metal: time em obutent to abide the serutiniyrbieh, must preettle it. Without further petemial, allusion, therefore, in reply,'ailowme to pass to another subject, stol, it it be to my power,' thus to ehater Islet of cittetnotty Pate one perhaps not tilfogelber' I'o4 rot •j tiu urn fit fpts . Hopp of sp9 *vlp w.. mot eisioiont Pout antentiett.stisdies;!athere , , prefeigijeilill6l6 , 6ll for Ttrefeeelional all d itir --Likle es r r ,16 piuth ;lien you eve orne its bu etinge tfith lusty sinewl,l not our of you but trill exelainiaith a sigh: ••th! happy years: who snots not ►o a boy •gals'• Put in the bottle of life there is no retreat; and the brave spirits among you will press forward, ftioirthe weal• faller and perish; and just in proportion um you are disciplined every' wity,t you will he rea,ly to meet whatever for may betide yon, the time:— There it no injunction inure suggestive So many days and years you have in pawu to the Almighty Maker of 'leaven - and earth : and those only are reckoned redeemed which are spent profitably either to the lolly or the mind. Ymuth 'is not the season for ease or pleasure, h i tit for lahor and self-denial. Whoever has practiced the:,e haply virtues when n boy and, in early manhood, will, at forty, sound in mind and hotly, Lind the lawful and virtuous pleasures of life full of sweetness. Horace was right : "The more ingenious:among you incur &n -ether and widely different hazard. You have endured heat and cold, have refraiaed from lust and wine : have altjursd pleasure, or rath er have found it in labor and study. Your vigils have , outwatcheti thee/fear.' Hut youth ful ambition is eager and impatient. It sees nothing but fame's proud temple, and forgets Oat it shines afar. It sees not the long anti we-wisdom leagues of bill and valley, of 'forest. .and rock. of thicket and jungle which lie be tween the goddess and her worshippers. It counts every moment of delay and difficulty on the way as a mnmont lost. There is,; in deed, a false goddess whose fame is near is,,; easy of access. Hord by is the altar of Mam mon. Prato!, falsehood and violence are their joint sibyls and priests. A tumultuous crowd of idolatrous and abject worshippers -throng around. Itt.d notoriety is not fame, and her devotees sooa perish. Not such. let your am bition be; hilt rather that which' Pope, and afler him, Lord Mansfield proclaimed, 'the pursuit of noble ends by noble means,' and yours, too, thitt popularity which follows, not that which is run after. lint to obtain this you must learn early that most difficult of all lessons--to labor anti to wait. 'At twenty you think forty an old age. At. forty, if you have . disciplined your minds and not abused your bodies, you will not, find yourselves younger hut far wiser than you are to-day ; and the -hour of your death will seem more distant and give you less concern. You will Teel that there is elite-time yet before you; anti it you are of a strong will antldirave spirit and worthy of a name to live, yolir past fail nevi aradefeats you will fegartl then as hut probation and discipline, and indeed, as so tua4 assurances of, final triumph. Press on I but not. in haste. The master of Ravenswood chose a wise motto and not inapt coat of arms —a hull's head and bide my time.' "In one other thing be :tut mistaken. You are not atrrut to finish your Mwillies. When you take lAve of the University, you but be gin them. No man ever attained great and enduring eminence without study—not ntways of hooks. Men or action. have not tenure at all times for books.- But are 'stdents, nevertheless, of the men and things around them; and hooks are but. the written 'records d things mud men 'reinote ur of the past. But they have.this advantage, that whatever they reeord has passed through the sta l imy of the great minds by whom they were Writ ten. And, moreover, in them we study men and things divested of the prejudices, the bigotries, anti the neltAnterested influences of 'that which is press nt in time or near in space. Especially is this true, of history— the most amplifying, iiperalizinfg in its effect, ERIE, PA, SAITIRDAY,MOItNINd. EM I Nit. .6, 1'463 turd, pa, tIY ONC W 11111 "Malta tulit frektqns gm*? upon the Wind and suul, of sit 'studies, , who remains a :bigot . itt Tad hiatory to bate purpose. Awille• -who would comprehend 'the protest asil . dieeerri 'the tu, lure, must ) give his days end niglita tb this study. Propheey uninspir4 Is . bui" history anticipated. %Reed - history, eitli leerst that the :patriot, the hero, the slatesuma t Abe Austin , whom you ,revereace &desire - kr eh, pages of Plutarai and [dry, Or of and Alacatility, 'was revile) est4pc rsecuted his ewe Jai, and .saffered osette. it may have been, at the hands- of the , iined- of his own genenstiou: Pinider: too, tti Wisdom of.lio• tes t who, befora Ilia pleasures Ituditonors of the King's Court, preferred rather the Red Sea sad tarty- years is the'wilderaess, and death Malta tihkuown pus, that he might 'milder of iple, Urea mod Latis,' sad lliat,tie entire liter- Ore Is puteedeNt 14 Om aptli of these etas ides, mad xo or itototatiaidt.sad allusions draws front tbust.. Cieerewasgaidoeit, eu logy uponidol( tilculise wiltili _divides taught It la st , * 1 eAttligertitd hillteCrlfed to the filpelsa sit4lllototin!a Fel4owhisti have soste.,dpitt to! w5.. ) .4 use, *dem sculptor efromtl at study .I.lls,Aggtoille • 11 d ''' .tle Dying Ghttlistordwliirelisly dot the: . ' student 4sg leers the :: -' ti of the: iiikti oltisele d . them w ' Unities. Outlipst the solid ma l t] 1". A , _Most Wm** of tae. were .dis eipihts task Id; it is sot estetiglitlitut you con test liiiiwietesiv With the unistredurie now preipoillia l lit:iinh i l•or" the Alirige. These w r* P iii i414 . *; It 1 444/I.Tiukt#44;.lest, iltro' life.- Let lsot isriy • owi,sividuklba his *no Ilste.l •'llltere Ii always thiell Villa trey for tritstever s sifirts eti!lij, idilOttsifei *3i . .4.3!"1 !f)t#244041.4 Whatje„" JUN* is a jasosinissasssiay.eLtiareispili a wine Melaka 10 • It' is • dli liitltiplleileiliftisploy. mea1 0 1 ?) 1114 ! i r t 4i' . 444 !!g44 be 4 . 000 at a title. 'ii , - 4 ; -•,. , . H , lit,•;: . • I- aitA on!ijikektY of latt , , 'Yotkig Otill,oitui r are 1 1.,, . 1 4 111ri P4i ° . li Or. r e r _0 1 4 /181 0 13ril i itil i 11 1 148 , ”9 11 / 1 11) . 06 5M 1 1. 1) CilS** elergyntss, let . hive • mash the- evangel, " . till , Belblehers. 'Let *its 'oolithis :lib:itself to:liif's' ,Vtlthiite dntl *ad "spire to . .he't,hOttoeflaithfial i acid **Phil of tlbq WM oli4ididalll4., . . , sogltto4ettiould'inintiteel : *6OO nie l Aiiikdo t tirei44;ar iii, P9l4o4.oa4c'exa4 the .oetelleminis and skill lif - 41.*Ittoitites mirk. , itsliati 'eta modem , tilditeeNet6L - titeli diet of . , Liiiit'reiefailititin: ''= 4 r i '' • ' r`-al-i•j. he be not an Aviaries's! Why not adorn the 'University of Michigan!" - • `• And , tou, yellow gentlemen, who prepare for the Jrafension of the law, will' hue a nuttier ti Nitre to act in than any who hive gime bef t tre itou in the United States put of the terrible revolutidu which now cob seises oetl l ervittirt of our unhappy, land will arise questions of constitutional and statute law, of p t ersoncl liberty, of private right, or property] of life, grander, more numerous, more infiiiite ;in , variety, and more perplexing than huttofdre'-ut any age or country. If just now,, 'aced aries,daws are silent,' in onr day, at hiast,:should free government happily in any form sitrvivr aluoug \ 6l; , anus will again yield toithe toga, and laws reign supreme. With diligenee, therefore, tiled titith \ and un altered& purpose, prepare yourself Ttq the , destiny skieh lieS hefure you, to the erttl*t in the ue i t geueratiou you may be among the t number t f those who, upon the Bench and at I the Bar, ha ll restore and hear aloft to higher renownflip , ; already illustrious ]standard of British rind-American fi.reneic learning ni tut - I eloquence. . Cowardice and servility . before "Executive power were the disgrace of the English Bar; and Bench in the - days of the Stuarts;{ and these, threatening now the honor aid the independence of the American judiciary, are among the most alarming por tents of file limes . But. remember that while along with the great Hampden the name of the hot4st and fearless Croke,, and of his noble wife, still surltive , in honer, the lime .1 serving and unjuscisidges who sat with him, and yielded to politlfstl expediency and 'mili tary nec essity,' have perished from history, t , t or are remembered only to he execrated. The blessed lc:winery of Lord Hale is still fra grant ; White the name of the bloody Jerre'', who eteltped death upon the felon's scaffold only hy I dying miserably in a felon'e cell, is the - opptobrium of the English bench. Alger non Sithiey l died -as a convicted traitor: hot irks little while his execution was adjudged judicial 'murder ; and posterity, for six gene rations,, has held him in reverence as a pa triot. Vlach, King James the Second's Attor nay Citinersl, procured the conviction and death of the pure and virtuous Lord Russell, as a conspirator against the Government ; hut eight iipars afterward, when he would have relieved himself in Parliament from the odium Of the let, the indignant clamor of the whole House foritted him, in shame and confusion, to resuine his seat, _and Russell stilt lives in England and America as a martyr to liberty, "Your , Courage, your fortitude, your wan hood, Will , also sonic day be severely tried. 'But then remember Curran, whose fame brightens ju'tt as the memory of the - until placetrien and barristers around him rots, with each ' revolving year, and' who when in a tm in court by a file of soldiers , clatter ingtii their mu skets as he addressed the jury in defenU of one charged .with - treason, ex claimed iii manly defiance : .1 - olt May assas,- elute; hut you cannot intimidate me.'. Read, - too, tlip speeches and admire - and imitate the heroic Erskine, the greatest of English bar— risters, who, against the whole power of the Executive; in lime of both foreign war and rebellion, maintained for years the rights and liberties of Englishmen with undaunted in— Irepitlity: Prepare youteelves, by Continued lanai, of the characters and nettle, emulation of th i n example of these and other great and geodimen of the put, for like Icenesin your own iday. Nerve your hearts now for' the struggle. But, remember that ability, how— everiminent, and intellectual diseipline, haw— ever I exact, are not enough. Without pore, morals; correct habits and fixed integrity, you - i virsot endure the trial. • Be 'virtuosi. :Be pious. I nse the word In pc.- narrow, arc tirian, or theological to:4cm lita in that which Virgil cilosus silica he coll 4 boas piety which belongs to. no one sect, nor nor time, uor country, but which everywhere and et all time.' renders to 71041 iita self and man whiteder is ;lite, and does it itettie very spirit of the Benison on the lfoutit. " But, young gentlemen,vrhile I bare thus addressed you . as atudents tyreparing your selves for the ordinary hasipess and `profes- Mani of life, I well know t i lt at at any time many of you would be„ and 'in times of such tremendous import as just row are upon se ir our own country ell of you are, profound ly interested in politics. Probably you give to them more of your thoughts than to any of your collegiate or professional studies. know, too, that many at you even now look sage* forward to the time when you will piri frod your professional into polit ies! life. That is the goal of your ambitious longings. Your hearts aril fixed Upon it. It is an honorable, a holy ambition 7 -ail ambition not to be estiognished, but to be regulated. He is a false teacher wh'd would tell the ingenuous, virtuous and public spir ited youth of the country that the political service is fit only for the vulgar, thi impure, the corrupt. As therp are hipoeriles' in the pulpit, empiric, in medicine, pettifoggers at the bar, aid pretentiers everywhere, so there are demagogues in political life. But there is as well a - morality ns a philoso ploy, a Belem* in polittat, fir above the circle of these reptiles. f.fahappily,' the low standard of eipsoity and morale set up and denounced by those 'heti - decline puitlic life, sod: practically but too loften seklowledged by lislltielans, is another of the evil portents whiat' impend over our cituntry. Of the cor rupting influences of avarice, at alt times, I need not speak.. But mote dehasingand dan gerous atilt id senatins of great public com motion, Is the execrable vice of t'ear. All these esinhinent, make up that most loathsome of all the, objects of reproach and scorn, "a scurvy politician." It has borne the same odious oherieter in every country 'anti age. Among the Creeks, he once dourtcd popularity or plats by poizttink out the smugglers of tits, and was cursed as both spy, and inform er, sad thence give a name to the whole class et demagogues. In Rome, he headed every petty Popular tumult, and cleared fiercely for a division of tandem:al goods: Curran de scribed hie' in. his day,"in felicitous phrase, as ‘''ons who, buoyant byoputrefartips, risen as be rots." Re is the vermin,' the Ihsect of politics, and amid Ile heats•of civil lime and tioevnlsior Uterus into life, thick as :Anus in the summer evening air. if any one among you—and I speak to those whl would aspire logo:tinders ambng their eountrymen—have neither Um capsciry nor the ambition to be a staCeselee,: „let.him at least nut ntoop to become 4 - 141114/Igepe. rceach, teal, tryeauses, iresdr{ levitieemr seed that number atu•kitei personalities which thirjr cite. ?trot 444 to argue upon prinbiples, measures4policies, debate not at all. If you cannot soar, do not creep. Whoever discusses only menr in poi i tics is:always largely aslanderir. "Principles. oat men," is not indeed, altogetheils sound inaxini, though little liable to be Khalil, since personalities always makeup sit laroand con trolling on element in mere partisan ) ipolit irs: fetter say, "principles said nun." fl is easy to be a politirian or a - denvtgogne-4it with th e wind; float with the ciirreht; too* not to, the compass, neither lift up your eysii• to the heavens whore the cons/pilot to . ns andltho polo star 7 liright, glorions,enoopmr of , nal truth, r au,d the right —still. shine," Steadfast, innoiable, just as they shone in th:l? begin ning of time. Porta via:carts., Ho y t is with detnago t vie. But the statesnann;ltiust be made as well as burn Ills voyage ikthrough mid-eceau and storm. lie Sails itudti* orders. A.! port is as(lertsined and preseriletti before , be sets out, and it is his duty to reaeit it; and like to magestic - Ocean steamer, i'he on, and, ' lave road I.' It is is study. through 1 ISSe pre -3 also will soots that onr sedan-. rem thu 771 iato '4,znirr;rt thr wind, sKainst th. tidi ; • Still shwulie, with su upright kw, ' " Detnostliene4,iisorn than two Thousand years ago, is his great oration for tit7o crown, well .lislinga;lied between qiese tip') char• acters, declaring that while they wert alike in nothing they differed ehietly in tlitm d that the statesman boldly and honestly peeciainied him opinion before the event, tend ilium made l ithos& responsible to fortune, to (he, times, to his'countrymon, to the world ; while the sycophant trAemagngue wee, Rilenti; till- the event had happened. and then goviirned his rpeerh and his conduct ae.oordi ngly3 And now allow me to add, that though you May he patriots and yet not statemen t the grAt statesman is always a ,pati i iot. Qie love of country is as well al principle as an emotion. Duty enters largely into it ; hence it is stable, enduring. It' is not salutations! --certainly not a mere feeling of 'ratittule least of all, in the menninglor that word as defined by Dr. Johnson : a lively sense of favors yet to be rebeive.l t Ile loves his country both wisely and well: Ile never ss.orittces her real though more remote ioter vita, to a popular clamor, 9 , 1 statical at the demand of those who hold the power. Neith. er will lie corrupt the virtur.. nor tarnish the. honor Or iiie country to s e ra; her mere sordid interests. Rather will he IMitate tho example of tristbles, who, r.'portint t ) the Athenians that a certain proposition V/14 indeed for their itutuediate , alvantagc, but would tiring dis honor upon the State; coottsoled that they re.• jest it. " have slid nothing nb.Oit 'loyalty.' It is a word which baling~ justly lint only to kingly, thivernioents. can.' ,comprehend loyalty In a King, and espooi Illy to a queen ; but as an American, choose I to adhere to the good and honest old republ can won], "patriot ism," and to cherish the ',pine, which it has always been used to express. .4 Aspire, then, 'young gentlemen, you who would pursue a pliblie conre, Co he patriot statesmen. lisvC f iith 7 absolute, unquee 'doping, immoveable—thatfaith which speaks to itself in the eileece and!ealus of the heart's own heating, saying : if not. is day or this time, then to morrow, or nest or some other day, at some other time, in some other wa y. all will he well Without thil no men ever achieved greittnesit. Be inc z oilruptible in your integrity; be ineiorable in Your deliberate, well, considered purposes 7 / hi,' appalled by, no difficulties. . Amplify yonr -minds; but, still more', be great in soul. ft is this:which shall lift you high above the earth, arid. assimilate . $2,01.1 IP NOT 'PAID UNTIL ,THE END f!F THE YEA I; youtbarwtriOt is divine. Without it, ydu will but creep . With di!sty mud wearied wing. ITiallout it , .tltiuk p u to podhare atilt cruel wall crushing Welitiit 01 doing and weiroring which hob 'must ,baar wh • kithfull V and with berOism, at tiny Hine, but hio.t at till in periods ofgreat pubrie w o uld act the part iif the patriot NlBfßtiu g " What shall L do!" aril the old haehelor stampecieabdut the. sitting room in a perfect rage of doniit, lookipg first at the napping baby in the, Little willow-cradle, and then at the buoy French clock on the mantle shell." .+"As sure sew name is Joseph Phelps, that baby, that little:two-ested, large fanged ne phew of mile, id 'about waking, and it wants One whole hour of the time which mother ap pointed for !her yeturn. 'Whew ! I actually sweat, think i n g about it. What caul do With it—how can, i l treat it to sugar what d'yo call 'ems, or hold it, or trot it, or do anything with it r' At this jutfcture, a faint wail from tke baby receptacle, tirought Bachelor Joseph to' hie taps itifithlin energy and itiacrity whet Would not illy her nine a hudhand and baby' tender, Its commended ' l rockiikg the cradle,: sending the indignant baby into a perfeet trem o r of kicks auk ßackwards and forwards, from one aide of the pillow to the pthetl, the round, roil pica rolled ; the infant lists (were clenched With a force that puled whilp from the plump throat came a cry that sent the helltelitr wild with fear. "What i 4 the deuce can ,1 do t" tie exclaimed, viewing wcirfully the little itillemed tear .he. fore him, ,•' • He eat•-4own in a hig chair before. Baby— spreatlwdluble quilt over his knees, and with a look of terror upon his face, proceeded"to tike Baby !from his •resting•place. He drew the youngopeful into his lap, just as a ebry neat old billy would pick up a pooket hah4- kerchief ;will his thumbs and fingers• Fresh yell from Iheirosv mouth of baby was the only exprlision of thanks is he. commenced the never ptt of fasblon'bahy-trot. "ft ninci;be that something is pricking him. Shoo ! Chcie !" said , Joe, commencing a search for the aggictvating pin, that was driving the child into a rage. But no pin was to be found,'andihe made an attempt to turn baby over but nh, the clumsiness of his fingers— the little eel-like form- slid 'out of his lap-to the floor, minding forth a cry that was "louder clearer, than before " " Lord tutve me! I've broken its neck!" was the ekclamation as pickAl , baby up, and in thelagony of despair _triedto coition him. A tlinught • struck .loe. Ile saw a &anus hanging against She wall of the adjoining be.d.rnehHand with a smile. of delight upon his connienance, he wont for it. Hure enough, there' it WaS! ! It real montument of' feminine ingenttity.l lie was - wild withjoy - . Ile pinned It ovSlii4letAtt; tind•fost . nild the sleevec_be iron he against his t tireasf, and - then he 1.: 4 2 commenced aidenge. - A tap upon the - 116'5i. 'itopped Joe in the midst of his suggestive - song ; Cud t.efe're he had time's to disarray himself .the door was opened, CO a roguish, laughing pair of- eyes peered in'ipon him "Your liMer is not home, i:t "" chir ruped the'Nilitor. "N. tna'ain."- slatuutored Joe, growiug very red ;ira he face: " and I have Italy/Jed nerve " 1 ; Miss-Iltiyealaughe , l . ; offered to relie l ve liim of his which •he willingly consented to ; near by the while, intently watch ing her. managed batty to a. charm, and Joe was c i ftptivated. Joseph" !helps married Fanny Irayea—'pou toy womr,',,hodid Remarkable Inattusee of Ffilal-ilteetlea. A certain Dr. D. Wright, - of Norfolk, was executed at that city, on the 231 of October, for shootiltig a lieutenant of colored seldiers, between whom and himself there had been an altercation. The Philadelphia Inquirri:'s cor respondent relates the following affecting in cident in ;connection with the matter : 1 , the '-On tne night previous to execution' Dr. Wright. made a request that Il lien fthoitttl i he furnished him iu his cell that , evening. Strange as the request was, AO one regarded it with ally suspicion. Late that evening he was visitnd as usual by a portion of his fam ily, which, on this occasion, consisted of his wife, twJ daughters and a small son. They all entered their father's eell, and after re maining a short flint) the whole party appa rently reliretl. To gain thest reel., they hail to pass to a little ante-roo4 in the 'prison, which is iimetipied by its officers for the trans action of business. here one of the party entering ;through a tlOor . slightly Anrobled.. This wti noticed by OHO of the turnkeys, who, afteLr they had just - reached the street est:labile% ' '. l " lodievo.that was Dr. v i r right in disguisei It proved to be as the" turnkey hail assel•ted. It was Dr. Wright, anti he ap• peered tit be but little surprised str einharras sett at the detection, and on being• conducted inside tilt, jail. remarked that 7 dtsperate meatisl Was patslonalde tinder desrpor i ate Mr ctnstemes.' and then walked ttoe't to his eel as unconOertiedly as if nothing had 4curred The seghpL : of how hr Was disguised I i most etulily - to• shown. ' When het place f ., . his confinement, he was Chi gartiteutm or one of his draught maine l d iteltitt.l As hPr . father )rwr - I ing hi 4 hed, fu boots .j much Ongrined :ir being found in Ilci lion, but was 1110ie deeply surpri pained hai her schtotie for her father' had been frwarote.l. For her irnprm' I rib reoltaint was placed upon her, but . „ e;icarloil home by ono of the - offine pri4o'n.!' A most singular accident occurred at Susquehanna Depot. (Del.) a short tinth zinc e. ite.tgo l Yeed, a tuna about 4iity 'years or agi fell )11" 1 the bank of the So4quoharo,, ea% I lodg dhetween tin; limbs oi. tree, 190t1 there was I sitiieided hy:lhe head! until he: Thia IR one of the ,most remarkable apcidentw on Vedorl. ,Being suspended by t.hc head,. the limbs heftho tree holding it aw, i a vice... , it ails impoisibla for Lim to ext.ricat elhiasself, andihalp did ,not reach trim - in Clore Li be or vinyls/ail. Thus he perished Illto culprit on the; gallows; though his execiali or was, aq-- oidentitl. NUMRER 27: Tlie Bachelor and Baby. fell„ she itn., (mina recLinin ly equipped in her faCheesi ,erink beneath the covering — Pin; •- .64 47 Wet tanrbirier: snd ;-• in 18 , 63, 'gold &Mini and-top per rentf4.— Chseavo 7,17188. • --Dr F.'ratiklitt u s ed to eity that rich widoWe are the only piece of second hand goods that sell at , prime co t. il , .t. '. . ...—....... • .—The' editor of the N. Y. independent re evulinends the' . unning of it , negro tor' nest Pret , idW of - th.. Uoitell SWIM.. —A Yankee guest, at the Hussies ball.the usher eight, wishing to be understood by Ms Itussian neighbor at the table, remarked,'“bir. Thiuguiutruski, I' wlll think you fur petdortr." —Rebel guerrillas are growing very hold in Virgiuia 'limy hare captured assaral sutlers mut citizenn 4 FaWe Church. Fitt county, but a fgw,iailns from Vitialiugtuti. —General Clark, •ho wns reeeutly elected fiJeerfor of 1114thittsippi, ii itiestufe who WaS BO notiutthly wouude , l and taken prisoner In Abe bmitie at listou Itouge Acme mouths ago. lle was formerly uu Old Liue Whig. ---*-The wealthiest man in Indiana has COlll - itte , l suicide.'—EAclianye Paper: Tho wealthiest country on the face of the globe is doing the same thing. • —Can you read and punctuate these lines correctly, so as' to write them true? Every this land Has twenty nails upon each band; , Five and twenty on-hands and feet, And this is true without dedeit. THE FIRST MAR.I4OIIIR,—"And Adam said, This is now bone of my hot!. &pi flesh of tug flesh ; she 'hail be called woinau, because slio was taken out of man. Therefore shall a unit leave his ftther itmd his mother s sod cleave unto his wife; and they 'hall be ..tie flesh " Na cards. ---dius4ufh lives near Turin, poor and wan, and his wife in coueuuiption. Garibaldi le on his island farm at gaprara, 'time but cheerftil, with nu income of SOO. —The " soldier vote" in Ohio will, it to thought, reach 42,009, about all of which Wile Cast for Brough. _There must' be at „least 115,1100 votes in the army from Ohio, so that' about one third of the soldiers entitled to vote did not do so. - —Barnum has got a now Lilliputian smaller than either Tom Thumb or Commodore Nutt. He is 14 years old, 22 inahrs high, and waighe 17 pounds. , • —Some poetaster gate off the following : ,The melancholy days have come, The saddest of ;the year, -When ties and ftagers littb are numb, And coal and Wood are mighty dear. —To prove that oeorge Christy, the !minder of Christy's minstrels, was not sane when be willed his phperty to hie wife, his skull has been removed from the grave and carried into court, and his backbone has 'been photo graphed. —A New England clergymen, enforcing on his congregation the necessity of practical godlinesi and contrasting the early Christians with theta of the present generation, very properly 4,inarked "We have too many 're solutions, end too little action. "Thy Acts of the Apostles" - is the title 'of one of the books of tim New T•statueut: their re:Wilton: have not reached us." iT's YitlAT you BPEND.—"WI what thee% spend, tipon," said a sage•nid Qtytitnr, ; l'oet what,thee'll make, which will decide whether thee's to he rich or not." The adv ice vas trite, for it was Franklin's in another shape ; "Take care of the pence, and the dol will take 'care of themselves." But IC oin tgto v• • • , —The Canaiiitti press is crying out lonuif against the . outritee committed by the ne groes-iiiptwi' the female portion of their com munity. Two of them have been condemned to tie hanged on the 1 Ifh of December, for these outrags. The crime is said to li f e fear fully prevalent in the western parte of Upper Canada, and ti provincial penitentary is full of such criminals. —Whatever percentage of truth may he in the rumors relating to, an invasion from Can ada, all will agYee that the demeanor of the Canadian government in this matter has been of the m 0 ,41 friendly and honorable character. —When our troops ware fording a the Rappa-' lianuock, a burly rebel jumped from the rifle pits and rushed toward our advancing column. Plunging into the river, he, looked - back to see if he was pursued. thou, placing -hi" , thumb to his nose, with lingers extended, he yelled out, to his' former comrades, "Good. bye, you if—d IL/nub:101:s ; hero's for the Yankees and a good cup of Ynaitee coffee." —Au ingenious person has discovered that the three tu;)st furoible letters in our alphabet , are Nit 0 : that the 'two which contain nu thing arc M : that four express great spar- / !Money, B 'l'; that Iwo are ilia decline, K ; that four indicito exalted station, L N three excite our tours, yet, when pronounced together, are necessary •to a good tuidorstanding E 0. Pares.—The price of printing paper has again advanced. Newspaper editors are now paying over one hundred and fifty per rent more for paper than fortaerly. If this advance continues, (awl We see Ito prospect of any• thing else.) Ire really tear malty country pa pers, will he compolle,l to ecadgo under. Sithserito.rt4 .Itoubl think of this, and pay up pi-wooly Fertuerly. e‘litoes .tottll afford to trust for one, two, and even Ih!oe ye.trg, bul 11114 pntotice van!' ,1 1, • tliJut lit of theso limes --it coyly too roach intend to collect. and ;44%11 tnako a "forwar , l IIIOVY tient" on some throe hun.lro.l dolitiquents hefore. Tung. Ttik we are •Irtertuma.l 0.; Wtl iIAVO liintel to eert•rin• pitrorts 1(1,114 .1110110 k. Wts will uow• art --Carlisle rolunteer i AUK IN Lao c.—The high prizes recently " drawn by the officers Ind urows of the Mag: ' 'lolls and Santiago de Cuba. as the proceeds of the sales 'of blockade runners captured by them, afford a freAr i/lu.o ration of Jack's good luek during the . present war. Every man on board these vessels, t•rotu the quarter ilea to the fereceedle, has realized a handsome Loom petence. Of the sutirof $510,914 adjudicated to the Magnolia, for the capture of the single steamer Memphis, utter paying all expenseS, the captain received $38,310: the paymaster Rail surgeon divide $'10„000 between them, / and ile en:Linen roceiv 31,77 ti each. Even the land, lulibers, or ordinary seamen and landsmen, come in for evil. $1 , 000 tisoh. The crew-of the Suiting 'de Cuba also did pretty well. The flag offiper's 'share as $11,74•2 ; the commandant's 123,481; the seamen, $697 each, and every lioy" gets $467. on now left tho in the who re- :v. enter ! on the trig, the iShu wag f.. Candi' t .1 and 8 esrnp• 7113:12 EciEm o► ' the —The rincinnaii f:rtquirer of Monday week Ellll - .ANVe.learneil yesterday, from a - highly res pected member of the Society of Friends, re sident iD a neighboring mousy, that the so ciety to whioh he is atteelsok recoutly sent a committee to Vicksburg, to aacertitn, the true number and condition of the "eoetrahands" at- that place and immediate ,eirtinity. The committee have returned and report that they found forty tbousasid. one third of whom were entirely or nearly naked. Four haudred, death's occur op an average .