The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 28, 1863, Image 2

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Ofirit istrinr.
SATURDAY ,NOV. Ai, H, 1263
VlO/I.4Ntit at rex Pgoru 101 'mg Pales Or
Ainnucuut Lawry —atiutrelo Adam.
Anortrzit Vtcroay.—The telegraph gives
are particulars of a great victory achieved
by Oen. Giant's army over the rebels near
Chattanooga. Our., forces are in }tomes
sion.of Lookout.. Mountain l and other im
portant Emmitions, 'rind Bragg' 7 - ai , l to
ba retteilting... We are reported to have
, taien from 5,000 to 10.000 prisoners with
`many cannon. our loss is given at 300
killed and 2,000 wounded.. It is prolmble
_that a still heavier battle has since taken
- grace
Who Are tAe Disuttiontst, t
It is one of the most curious features
of the timeil that reheat leaders and
newspapers aro allowed to rks fir their
influence over the minds of sinue people,
when they prove by their course their
total uutvorthines%, to lei reorderl as
sound or .ste :furl.-; Thu, we notice.
with aniweuielit, not uutaitigird with
sorrow over the tel of the . tr
th rt. Ole raJleal leider4 iroume the
indigmation of the radical voters agaitat`
particular candidat es , by saying of them'
”they were opposed to the war, they
were in favor of secession," &e., &c. In
most ca ses the charge is untrue, but what
is curious- is that it was these radicals
themselves who were opposed to the wa
rand in favor of secession. Why, Chi
New York Tribune' originated the phrase
in common use, that condemned "pin
ing one part of the Union to another by
bayonets," and the same paper urged the
strongest reasons in favor of the righi•of
secession and the wrong of coercion.
Other radical sheets were . earnestly in
favor of a dissolution of the Union. It
was the original plan of the abolitionists
to destroy the Union, and they have not
to this day abandonild the plan, No one
can persuade a radical newspaper now—
Tribune, Eeening Part,. or any other of the
stripe—to say that they cle*.re "the old
Union." or that they wish the war prose
cuted for the safety of the, Union which
existed in the year 1660, when
Lincoln was elected to the Presidency.
The most thorough enemies of.the Union
are the'radicals,who, for the sake of success
at the polls, are so fond of professing hoe
for the Uaion, while they pour out all
manner of abuse on the old Union and
its methods of action. The radical party
sr has in fact . come to regard the Union as
dead, a thing of the past, 'never to be
revived. They expect to create some
new government, on their plan, with
their "social systems," and if there were
to-day a visible prove& of restoring the
Union as it was, they would join hands
and hearts- with Jefferson ,Davis and his
'N \ allies to prevent the consummation.—
' And yet these are the metr that claim to
be loyal, and shout vigorously against all
who love the old Union, calling them
traitors, copperheads, and rebel sympath
' tzars. •
The Delaware Outrage.
One of the foUnders of this republic
uttered a timely voice of warning when
he spoke of " overgrown military estab-
lishments which, under any form of gov
ernment, are inauepicioui to liberty, and
which are' to be regarded as particularly
hostile to republican liberty." The Dela-
ware " election," if such a misnomer can
be .tolerated by the intelligent reader,
shows whit are some of the evils to which
republiesO institutions are exposed, in
the presence of the overshadowing power
of a military organtratioa„._ A State on
which the foot, of a rebel army never
trod, and where all the appliances of
civil government were unobstructed in
their operation, was virtually disfranchised
by a military edict, Forms and qualifica
tions were imposed to which no high
minded citizen could subinit without sell
deprailation and conscious dishonor. Ae•
corilinely the c , m , errstive, men of the
State wlthdrew firm the contest, sati,,tied
to leave the interpretation of their acts
with 'tlie jutlifineni of their fellow coun
trymen. "\Vhi-n one's 'adversary is play
ing with marked cards and loaded dice,
the only remedy is to retire front the
game." This was done; and in the forth
cz.mting Congress Delaware wilt be repre
sented by a bogus: member, with no legiti
mate constituency. The same is true, to
great degree, of Maryland The .con
servative men of Dalaware have asserted
their manhood as true Americans, in
whose breasts the spirit of freedom still
‘•WAti Dcmoorars."— When the radicals
praise a man for being a "War Democrat,"
says the Louisville- ,7010u4/,. they do not
mean a pemocrat who is in favor el the
war, but a Democrat who is in favor of
the radi t cal aim and management of the*
war,—aDemocrat, in :lion, who supporta
the' radical ticket. They mean such a
Democrat cs Benjamin F. Butler or An
drew Johnson, or Robert Dale Owen. In
a word,', the phrase " War Democrat" in
the moths of the radicals is merely ano
ther forts of expression for abolitionized
Deumerat. • And this the public now Coin
prehendl. Hence - the phrase has lost
whatever power to deceive it may have
once pnsaessed. It • is — fast beComing a
name o opprobium and of weakness in
stead oil a name of power. The radicals
have disgraced it, as they disgrace or tend
to disgiace everything else they touch.
lir irics' of the difficulties which envi
rou the whole basiuess of recruitiug, it is
apparent that 04e tone of abuse and cal
unmy which the radical papers and ora
tors maintain towards their political op
ponents is exceedingly injudicious. No
thing can be better adapted t# bring about
the necessity of , ss draft thane this contin
ual simians 'of the very class of persons
from which s large majority of th e re .
croits Must come. The radicals have
done quite enough to retard recruiting in
days - gone by, and they ought to behave /
Tui official vote of New York at the
' , late ' erection
,la as follqw*: Abontion,
314,442 j.Perocecratic,2B4i37; total tote,
'599,319; Abol i tion majority, 29,505.
Ass..lbcolittowexetutageleys: "We re.
jolowthet the President hey ordered s
dor ONTLINO iferrent ibeffeaker
is Ili vimOSO
"Charity Begins at Bowe."
Out of all the movements now taking '
place in the cities among the laboring
classes for an increase , of wars, that - 01
the sewing wourn in Noa York *till at.
tract the greatest attention and the largest
sympathy. ' About 400 of :these women
assembled lest week,.."inct - made - some
statements about their wages, which, it
appeared, ranged from $1 to $3 per week
for board, not Including washing, thus en
tirely absorbing their earnings, and they
are compelled to work 'from 11 to 12
hours' per day. The aattiunditig fait was
also made evident that the sewing girls
are now paid frord 25 to 50 per cent.. less
than two or three , years ago: while the
price, of everything they 'are obliged to
buy hat nearly doubled There were pre
sent at this meeting, cloak maker. dress
makers, tassel makers, burnishers. tent
makers, corset makers, hook ie we r s, hoop
skirt m s akers. hat binders, aftiit,leivers,
umbrella makers. press feeders, wool sort
ers, cap makers, bobbin winders. vest
maker= and Relying machine operators,
and they gave the rattily/4m as the prices
paid them for their labor For making
hoop skirt sprinvs the price averages fr
15 to-25'retits a hundred; and from two to
three hundred ran be made ie a day.
Formerly the'price was $l. Acent apiece
is paid for burnishing silver table spoons,
and it is agood day's work to burnish 35;
and if the work is not wet/ done, the
girls must do it all over the next day
without compensation. Sixty cents a do.
zen is paid for finishing shirts, and it is a
hard day's Work to finish half a dezen.
One dollar a dozen is paid for fine shirts.
From four to , six cents each is paid for
flannel shirts, and from nine to a dozen
can be made in a clay. One dollar a do.
zen was paid in 1880 for the same that
now bring about 80 cents. Overalls 50
cents a doien; large cloaks, taking a day,
40 cents; small cloaks, taking about eight
hours, 25 cents. By working early and
late $3 a week can be made at this. Caps,
35 cents a dcizen, taking a long day ; cor
sets, $250 to $3 a week. At book sewing
about $3 a. week is made. For button
holes on coati about $4 a week can be
made, but it is very hard work At dress
making $3 a week is made, working from
7a_m. to '7' _ p. m. Linen coats 18 to 20
cents each ; two of them is a good ten
Wours' work. The girls
,iron and finish
them, and have to buy their own thread,
which costs 10 cents a spool, and of which
one spool is used on two coats. Press
feeders get $4 a week sometimes. Shelter
tents, with 46 button-holes and 16 eye
lets, broughtTast treason 25. cents : they
are now made for 8 cents, and only four
can be made in a day, working as long as
one can see. Cavalry tents are Fl cent; a
piece for basting, and four can be basted
in a day. Vest makers get 25 or 30 cents
a day. Sewing-machine operators get 5
cents for stitching 50 yards. Parasols and
umbrellas are 50 cents a dozen eight can
be made in a day. Some of the employ
ers, if a girl is five minutes late, charge
her 5 cents for it. In Rome of the estab
lishments, if a button is
- left off a shirt, it
is a rule to deduct 25 cent; from the pay,
Let ,that philanthropic portion of our
community, well meaning enough, no
doubt, hitt wholly run astray in their
charitable intentions, who waste so many
sighs ever the condition of the Southern
slaves, reflect over these facts, and tell us
whether there are not objects
. nearer
home that call a thouand times louder for
our generosity, than those poor degraded
Africans, who are now the almost exclu
sive subjects of benevolent attention.
While never failing to pity the enslaved
negeo,:and wishing from the bottom of
our hearts that human bondage every
where might be wiped from the face of
the earth, we have never forgotten, either,
that we have countless hosts of suffering
white men, women and children here, in
the North, - who deserve the first place in our
thoughts. In short, odd and unfashion
able as it seems, we remain a staunch
disciple of the sound old faith, that "cha.
rity begins at borne." If every commu
nity ware to first empley:Aself in
sting the distress which prevails within
its own limits, and making all its citizens
,equally happy, we suspect that enough
would he found to do, without sending off
missionaries to the Hottentots, or taking
up contributions for the Patagonians, or
bewailing by night and day, the institu
tions of sister States.
The Comlig Draft.
The quota of this State, (says the Chant
bershuig Repository, setai•otficial,) under
the taste call is 38,268 ; but the adminis
tration calls for all .deficieuces under for
mer requisitions, and 'thus increases the
demand now made upOn our State to over
91,000. The number of men due from
Peunsylvania - on the 17th of October last,
when the requisition was officially issued,
was as follows :
Deficit prior to daft of 1863. .16,071
Deficit oa laat draft, 36,754
Quota under the new call, 38,268
Total, • - - 91,093
The item of 16,071 is made up of men
drafted in 1862 and never reported for
duty. The draft at that tims was made
for the entire number of men then due
under all requisitions to that date ; but
many deserted or never reported, and
now.they will be liable to be drafted for
three years instead of it months. .
Ins following extract frau a letter re._
ceived by a gentleman in Bald°, from
the army, she*. how they treat soldiers
who do not vote as the Administr at ion
desires them :
°cross" 26th, 1863.
* * * There was one man in one of
the ,Louisvihe Ilaspitabt who voted a Vat
landigham ticket, but he gets well paid
for It. Gen. Boyle had him arrested and
court-martialed, by which he was sen
tenced to lie in the Guard House for 21
days. He Is taken out every morning
and mods to stood on a barrel two hours,
with a card on his back reading thus:
"From God thou matt, but to the Devil
shalt thou return." Besides this, be has
to saw wood ten hours each day tor
twentpone days. After his time is oat at
Louisville, S then be will be sent to
Chattanooga for herder punishment.
Tea lialsigh7:C.)&trndosdolaints that
the Conservatives of dna State lave Cleo.
ted eight members Out of ten to the rebel
Congress. Those of them who announced,
theloselles in favor of peace, and who
wire most severe in their occulettination .
of the rebelAdminiaration„ received the
sedgetitiet. The Coneervetive can
dilates eiee
,reciived icalgjatity of , the
Md.tonal 'Canary-A People Drunk on
Paper Stoney.
The New York' Eri.ireir shows the folly
of the attempt to account for the Demo- -
optic 'reverses either onthe tpleories` iir1,....„
*at/W - 6i the ..kisliicti Ihiaioe'riii*," tr the
4 •War•Dettocrsicy..:" Atilt:v:44lam fired
no wOrse,in Ohio than did' the brave and
patriotic Gen. Tuttle. in lowa. It advent- .
Cal its OWil theory as tbliows :
! "Detnoeravy is doomed to d i ", 55
long es the people are drunk oil paper ;
money. When the delirium tremec-i is; over, '
aid the appeal is taken from Plebs drunk
to Plebs soher,—Reaoon will re - -mue its ,
reign over paper; whiskey. and -irych- i
num. and oxygen, 1 nitrogen, and hy-
amigo*, ate. Too , ship builder is getting '
his three dollars itllld abhaif it day, isn't i
' he P• The former is getting .3•2 cents per
pound for butter.isn't lie? Money was
litiliFr before si) , Plenty, was it ? Califor
nia and Australis are its Washington, are
they not? and nuggets aro, riper pulp,
fllacked over with' printer's ink, are they
not? War is n hthssing, not a curse, does
not everybody see? :The "Sermon on the
Mount,'! is ii. humbug. isn't it? An not
sit Abolition ministers so expound it ?:
The Siviour hinvelt is Anti.tfliri,t, i= he"
not end Attila and Genghis Khali were
the Chri-t-. were They not? Is not this
the Go-pel a, knight now in the pulpits of
Ne. E.,4311.1. and in all their offshoots?
• ••Theii- i, ~ nawataaiitialiat of Outiolitt, as of
wel l . net when nations lunatic,
their is no tuore ro,asniiiiiii with them
Goo, with such men. : Wtieu Frenchmen
Ones , down Gu.l. t,il , exalted up a Cypri
ot* to he worshipped as God. —a whole na
tion was beyond reason_Wheu such Jud
ges as Sir Is/tallow Hale, upheld witches
even iu Old Engliunt, - to say nothing of
the witch, mania isi New England. what
was the use of 'reasoning against witches?
Wherk Baptista were hated in New Eng
land as slaveholders are now, and exiled
to Rhode Island, pr mobbed, or slain,—
what was the use of preaching against
Baptism? The SOuth Sea lslandere,when
there is an eclipse of the sun, beat and
drum with sticks" to . scare off' the Fish
that is swallowing iup the sun or the moon.
The Paper Money Fish is swallowing up
our sun, and our moon, and all we can do
just now, is, in imitatiorrof the South Sea
_lslanders, to beat the tattoo and the rev
eille." '
Maryland -Electlob.
The,radical newspapers, and even some
conservative Republican sheets, are en
deavoring to glois over the foili wrong
done to RepubliCan institutions by the
course or the Administration in its mili
tary interference:, with the election in
Maryland. These papers assure their
readers that every loyal man had_an op.
portunity to votel The assurance is un
true. The fact isltoo plain to be denied,
that not only wily the order made that
none but loyal men should vote, but the
definition of loyalty was also made and
published, by which all 'tho.te who would
have voted against the Administration
candidates were
,declared disloyal, and
thus forbidden to. approach do polls, un
der penalty of arrest. Read the following
Order of a military offico , i• am a specimen:
"iirsNtisairits 3D CAVAULY,
efiIVTERTOWN, Nov. 3. /863.
“Wherem, the 'President of the United
States, in reply io a letter addressed to
him b¢ lion. Thomas Swann, of Baltimore
city, has stated `that ell loyal qualified
voters should bare a 'right, to vote, it
therefore beconititi every true loyal citizen
to avail himself of the present opportu
nity offered to place himself honorably
upon the record} or poll book at the ap
proaching election, by giving a full and ar
dent support to the whole gnuernment ticket,
upon the platform adopted by the Union League
Osnverinon. None iother is reeogni:ed by the
Federal authorities us loyal, or worthy of the
support of any' one
,who desires the peace
and restoration of this Union.
Lieut. Col. Commanding."
A Hird Hit.
Sunan Suawt.j----Btewert, the celebrated
importer of dry goods, has now in hie
store a magnificent shawl imported by
him at a cost of three thousand dollars,
expressly for Miss Kate Chase, daughter
of Hon. S. P. Cbase,'our distinguished ,
Secretary of the Treasury. It is said that;
the young lady's whole outfit in all re.
apects corresponds with this costly article
of dress."
To which a lady correspondent replies
"I am the wife of a .Democratic soldier
who volunteereil when he supposed the
war was to be conducted upon the princi
ples of the Crittenden rs...soisition; and al
though he was Promised one morrth's pay
in advance,-and that his family would ha
well taken care of, yet for cc% r seven long
months lie never received
During ttwke long month] of dreary
winter, while 11tr. tiltie.e got rich enough
to buy a three thousand dollar shawl, I at
the wash tub of -my Republican neigh
bors, managed to earn a bare subsistence
for umilf and khe helpless family of the
neglectdd and hiall-starved soldier."
'Cut original dtaft of the EinauCipatiou
Proclamation; .over which the Abolitiiiii
ists have made such a fuss, and which was
sent by the author all the way to Chicago,
to be put up at auction and sold to the
highest bidder; for: the benefit pf the
soldiers,". has found a purchaser at last.
The successful: person is a certain U. A.
Whittier, M. Di, of Chicago, a doctor of
nameless disefises. He 1 11118 not • yet in-
formed the pliblie to what purposes he
intends putting the famous document.
Regniationo Ciniterning E.nrollmerkto for
It will be seen by the following important
Circular, that the War Department has at last
hit upon a plan for securing a perfect enroll
meat of all the able-bodied teen liable to the
draft. The navies of those already enrolled
are to be printed in alphabetical order,. and the
lists are to be lett in places where they can be
inspected by thelpoblic and corrected. , It will,
of course, -be thi i interest of every one already
enrolled to add to the list ill who are legally
liable. This airitig of the lisle wilt purge them
of all the bogie 'end - non-liable names. All
who are not lliblo on account of disability,
alienage, or non-residence, are to report to the
board previous do the 20th of next December.
Under ibis arrahgemeat the next draft will, in
all probability, iohig either the men or 'the
money, and will riot be such a farce as was
the last attempted conscription. In view of
the certainty of the omation of the next draft
It will be well to hurry on the volunteering,
so be to escape Its burdens; •
• • Plievoer liaas net's Orrick
Washington, Nov. 17, 'Ga.
Ozone" NO. 101.—As complaints bare
been made that errors have occurred fit the
enrollment of the national trees by the omis
sion of persons triune names should have been
enrolled, and bf the addition of the name of
pumas who, by reason of aliesage, and for
nines, ought not to bare been enrolled,
sad m it I. desirable that the department
amid ham inch information as may be m
emory la orlet i to do full justice to ail part*,
it is fety or*no&
• 1, no Board of MaroUmeet of each district
shall ham printed Usia of the names and rind
dlMOM At 114 ,pernOw enrolled la each Mb
.taletrict peeped m 4 to On,
*it keg pl an odorentratriet, sad
in as many more as the Board may deem ne
cesalry. The names will be placed upon these
lists in alphabetical order.
2 Public niiios will be gissia by.advertise.
meal noon the 11814' lid le the news - .
pipers. that any. penal ad nay appear
before the Board aad ebbs la bare his wain
'Stricken off the list. if he cu **is, to the
. satisfaction of the board, that be is not. and
_witl not be at the time axed for the nest draft.
liable to military duty on account of—first,
, alieuage ; second, non-residence ; third. un
suitableness of age ; fourth, manifest perms.
Dent physical
2. Persons, who may be cognisant of any
other persons liable to military _duty. whose
names do not' appear on Mee enrollment
are requested to 'gouty.- thelloaill of Enroll-
I who shall tberenport'direct the enrolling
officers of the sub-districts In which-the par
ties reside, to ascertain the facts and enroll
the persons so reported if they are found to
be subject to enrollment. These may avail
themselves of the privilege of appearing, as
-specified in paragraph one, as if they bad
been originally enrolled.
4 Boards of Enrollment will use
genre in collecting the necessary Information
and matting ihi requisite notes to perfect the
enrollment list.
Boards of Enrollment. will hear, owes as
provided in paragraph 1, until the 2Uth of
December, 1863, after which no cases will be
heard. As soon as possible thereafter aye
tort of proposed corrections Will be made out
according to the printed instruetiuus, and
transmitted to the Prurost Marshal Oeneral.
The name• anti rolkleyee of Abuse proposed
to he •%rickeu off ur 'aka will be writteu up
su ~heel, of consolidated enrollment lists
[(ur W. 37 :tud 3SI and, transmitted to are Pro•
yost Marshal lieu .ral tor the purpose 01 cur
re.litig the 'Bert no rile.
JA.1119 B. FRY,
Provost Marshal General
Latest War News.
—The caigoes of seven large Steamers
which ran the blockade off Wilmington
in que night, are advertised in the Rebel
papers for sale. ;
—ln answer to inqttiries,Oen. Meredith
writes from FortreasMonroe that nortgents
for the relief of our sick and wounded
soldiers, prisoners ifi Richmond, will be
allowed by the rebel authorities to visit
that city.
—The news from the Army of the Po
tomac does not justify the dispatches sent
over the wires a few days ago, that a for
ward maim:tient has commenced. The
roads are said to be so heavy from therein
of Saturday as to render them =practices
ble for wagon transportation, and there is
no sign of an immediate advance. Deser
ters slate that Lee has from 50,000 to 60,000
men, is strongly intrenched on the Rapi
dan. unil confidently expects to repel the
anticipated attack
--At_ the late battle of Pine bluffs, Ark.,
Col Clayton 19f the siith Rastas, after
five hotirs' eiard lighting. with 550 men
put to flight 4000 of the enemy under
Gen HarmadUke. Our loss was 17 killed
and ,19 wounded, and I missing. The
enemies' loss was 53 trilled, 164 wounded
and 33 prisoners. A few days before C3I.
Clayton took 350 men and 4 pieces of
light artillery, and, by making a circuit
ous route, and marching 90 miles in 33
hours, succeeded in surprising and com
pletely routing Col. Dobbin's cavalry bri
gade at capturing one stand of and garrison equipage,
quartermaster and commissary stores, med
ical supplies, transportation, r.
—One Iswindling opt/wit)). has got has
deserts. John B. Steller or Stetter)peho
undertoo to furnish pure coffee for
army use; failed in funaishing the stipu
lated qtiantity, and adulterated that
which he did furnish. He was tried by
CouriMaitial, and sentenced to five year's
sojourn in Suite Prison.
-4-The Corn motion ers of ,Worcester Cohn
ty, have received a notification
from the United States Marshal to hold
themselves in readiness. to receive and
keep in close custody, et the jail in Fitch
burg, ten or twelve female secession spies
now held by our" aovernment as prison
—The people of Massachusetts and oth
er Eastern States are working with a will
to raise volunteers. 'Meetings are held in
all the large places, and tempting bounties
offered. ;The town of New-Ipswich, N. H..
is said td be the first;towu that has raised
its qutitt4 under, the new call. " •
--ChaOeston dispatches note the con
tinuation of he- bombardment. On the
19th,eleyen shots were thrown into the city;
three or'four buildings were Struck, and
one person was injured. Twelve shells
were,tht,?wn in the next day. , •
—Thei Steamship Creole, from New-
Orleans,) bringing dates to the' 10th Mat,
arrived i on Tuesday morning. Further '
account from the Teche county, concern
ing the , attack on Washburn's colUmn.
represent our loss in killed. wounded,
and taken prisoners, at - 677. The Indiana
G7th was captured almost entire. The
GOth Indiana and thei96th Ohio lost large :
ty." Thg rebel force Opts five to oily. It le
reported that the Army Corps, now
in 'Ceche county, is liteicd to Texas by
way of the Gulf,
- —A dispatch from fialttmore says "In
telligence from our Prisoners at Richmond
is most gloomy. No meat has been fur
nished to them for twelve days. •The
prisoners on Belle Island had actually
killed and eaten dog.; to sustain their lives.
The supplies furnished on TAe Baltimore
American Retif are going forward daily.
These supplies. however, are not sufficient
to feed ,13.000. men.
—Chat Government now bolds 31,000
prisoners. 'fliers are 40,000 negroea armed
and in the service of the Government.
—Rebel istp.:rs say that their great ram
Missouri. built at Shreveport, La., is a to
tal failtite. She cost 6,500.000.
— Oen- Kelley telegraphs that there i 6
not at i ihis time any organised Rebel force
in. West Virginia. Itnboden's command
has been dispersed by Oen. Sullivan, who
says : -My cavalry have returned, having
been up the valley to near New-Market,
fighting Oillmore and White's commands
at Mount Jackson, bringing in 27 prison
ers, two commisniotied officers, 90 bead of
cattle, three four hone Wanes, besides 30
tents, and all the horses.and equipage of
the prisoners. They destroyed a number
of tents and a quantity of salt. Our loss
was two men killed, three men wounded,
and three men missing."
Scot:moans PITMEILD AT LAST.—The
court-inertial of which Gen. Slough was
President and Major tlaines Judge.Advo•
cats was dissolved on Thursday. Its find
ings in the following CUM are officially
announced : Isaac Frederick McCarter,
found guilty of stealing $46,000 on/overt:-
ment money and sentenced to five years
in the penitentiary at Albany. Capt. J. W.
Haw d, A. Q. M., convicted of stealing
$16,400, sentenced to be cashiered, Isom
pelled - to refund the money, and confined
five years in Albany. Capt. Claire M. Levy,
A. Q. X., convicted of signing a 'false cer
tificate of pay of men under his command,
cashiered, compelled to refund, and be
forever aisqualified from holding any of
doe of profit or trust in the UnitedStatee.
The instances of punishment for fraudu
lent conduct have been so rare 'under this
Administratitin, that we are glad to wel
come these few instances. •
—The rebels say they have almost noth
ing wherewith to feed the Usike prisoner.
at Itichniond, yet tbeCommon Council , of
that city has just voted $60,000 to buy a
hoiise for Gen. Lee. -
—A.letter from the blockading squadron
off Motile reports-that a rebel ram recent
y cline out of the harbor and attacked
the *at. This ram is an iron-clad vessel,
built iby the contribution of the ladies of
and presented by them to that,
city. together with two steamers and
a noatiwg battery, M utes the natal
defenoe of Mobile. in, after read,-
ing three shots from the Colorido 'add two
from the Genesee,vesselt on the Mobile
the' pr
blockade , otection o inattediately H of
FOft hack_. ,alpst .wilder
f thi guns
-.4:kw Welt d. Ceti. ste
.fie that 141 . 0 It* : 1 0; 419401&114i; 211 i
Knoxville 4 and had i notified the citizens
that he should certainly hold the ,town.
Heavy fling was beard.;frost there on
Sunda', 'The rebel finch hi editnated at
36010..... - Thethaireeittuirtiwit:: from the
south stile of r i p er',
with:this thought
to in tlietite a ecidwpulle. brig. Gen.
Sanderit e !4ho Ivos4!st 'Campbell's
Stations fewdaysige has iiinaildied. At
last 'ao'zotintli Goa. . =side's command
PM in extreme peril. He bad but all of
East Tentiessee save Knoxville, where be
was invested and in danger of capture.
TlsesditiOistration 'reports him safe ; but
the hbuntil has lost all faith of such, tin
ikiiiiicittekite oh the part of thi War De
partinest., • Hatters haves veergrive look
in that quarter. Longstreet is .en able
general, 'Osile Burnside is not '
—The RichtziondlSagairer the 11th
inst: 'conisins the following rt e s : -
"Si nce'the bombardment of 8 inter coin
menced (on the 17th of Augtist) up to
1 Thursday last, 15,563 shots havelbeen fired
at it, of which, 12,302 struck. lif the gar
rison, twiinty-seven Were killed sand sixty
nine wounded." The flag during the same
time has; been cut down :14 .times. The
average 'Weight of shot being 200 ,pounds,
or 115,429 pounds ,to each man killed,
30,370 pounds - of iron to each casualty. If
the charges of powder *veined 15 pounds,
we have M 3,745 pounds of powder used,
or B,os7 s tunds of powder to each man
killed, d 2,434 Fig:ands to each casual
ty. Subtler in ruinS:hughs at theenemy,
who KW( fears to p+ he battered walls.
,_n will have a Valuable iron mine
in the r uins of Si/niter / and even now,
\ when iron is so scarce and sells high, in- 1
.lustry, it very little risk, might make a'
—A litter from Chattanooga states that
on the Otb inst. a lilat-boat, while cross
ing the. Tennessee with the equipage of
the 33dIftegiment New-Jersey Volunteers,
sprung 4 leak and slink, Thirty-six of the
crew wese saved, and five loft.
—AseistantQuartermaster Chapman
gives uOtice,through the St. Louis papers
that the Governmeat wilt no longer pay
extravagant prices for hay. If a good ar
ticle of hailed hay does not come forward
at. $25 per tun, the government will seize
it wherever found, fiend it to St.. Louis or
Cairo, tend deduct the transportation from
the above price. :
—The payments for all branches of the
publio Service for the fiscal year ending
with the. last of June were 903,000,000, of
which imnunt $600,000.000 were for the
Army, had $66,000,000 for the Navy.- A
sufficiepcy of money has been placed in
the heeds of all the Paymasters to pay
our ar4ties up to the first of the present
month: . '
—Seine excitement was astir on Satur
day eking the Canada border, near Rouse's
Point (Lake Champlain), by a rumor that
a force of Rebels were coming to take Fort
Montgomery, destroy the draw-bridge, and
plunder Platteburg and Burlington. Im
mediate steps were taken to give the rear
oils a swarm reception, but they did not
come. I • "
_w r have i retort, by way of Wash
ington that Gen. Thomas is about to take
advantage of the Rebelettack on Burnside
to make a forward movement.
The-Atlantic and Great Western Depot at
• 4Thehnost oompleti and magnificent railroad
' I
stationlin America, we presume, is the grand
depot tind its appurtenances at Meadville, the
dining ipoine of thsl great continuous broad
gauge tailroad 'front Now York to Bt. Louis,
the forFal opal's 'of which wee celebrated
at Cleveland on the t Bth inst. The annexed
paragriph, from th 6 Cleveland Leader, con
tains slimier descripiion of the 'railroad palace
at Meadville : , ;
,f, , Meradville is the ehief , town upon the line
of tbepttlanticlt Gtrat Western Railroad, and
the moil important. i One year ago there was
not a „&all , laid or i stick of timber on the
gronti4 at Meadville,. To-day there is in fall
operation and use the finest depot building we
know if is the century ; and the iron horse,
otter *using herei tci take food and drink,
rusher on away off into - the hills i f Ohio. • This
depot building is three hundred and twenty.
seven feet in length Itud about eighty in height.
Throui h its centre !run three tracks for pas
eenge4 trains. Wide platforms extend aloag
both sties. Upon one side are the ticket office,
reception rooms, and all the main offices of
the company, elegantly and fully arranged for
the transaction of business, On the opposite
side tits new hotel, which is to be kept? by
that prince of landlords, Taylor, formerly of
the Atigier, in this city: The great feature of
this hotel is the immense railroad dining hall,
two hiindred feet. lOng, about thirty feet wide
and thirty-five feet high to the ceiling. It is
profuhely lighted upon both' sides. The finish
and aulorning of the rooms ,is superb, being
all in black walnut ; Overhead the rafters and
stringers are is inn view; titter the style of
the lnest Episcopal chinches, while : at the
easter end agreat, stained glass window in.
cresi'es the resitablance. It is altogether the
demo hall fur the purpose we have ever seen.
in rilige with the dining hall are the, o ffi ces,
of the hotel, ; while - the hotel proper ex..
tendi as - an L (rim the western end of the
depot two hundred and ten feet. This will be
elegantly furnished-sad supplied with all the
conveniences and jnxuries of which any me
tropiiliten'bouse tin boast. As for the cuisine,
nobody who tarried with Taylor at the Angier
needs soy assurances. The grounds about the
hotel are being graded sod laid out artistical
ly. Five acres iinmediately about the hotel
will be laid out as a pleasure garden, with
walks, arbors, foUntains, Sc. short, the
'McHenry lionselwill be one of =the best to be
found in all the States. The railroad company
are in possession(of a large quantity, of land
adjacent to the depot, which has heretofore
been farm,meadow Land, and are erecting
very extenNelrj.rks, which will be models of
their kind. Of Meadville proper it can be
said that few inland towns have imago steady
and substantial trade. An old merchant who
has resided there twenty-seven years stated
that there had been less. than a doted business
failures in that tithe. The population of the
,town in 1860 wits about five thousand. To
this number probably two thousand have al
ready been added', and the impetus given by
the railroad will 'increase it to ten thousand in'
two years snore. I There are many wealthy ia,
habitants and fine residences, mostly located
upon the elevated sites which the railing char
acter of the landlpresents."
FAMILY 110 i tif MAKER.
WA R makes hi prices ; Saponifier
halos to turtruis them. It sulker !leap tor thaw
antes putrid by Iola; your Wars prow. '
CAUTIOICi As spurious Lyoo ore ouzel Moo,
eardal sad cal/ OILY the ' , Algoma artbrio put apli
iiitocuar, ill other! hill/ 16111tisthitIN
Phl44fdphir—No. 127 Wawa Stmt.
PittabargrPttt Eltriatmil /house Way.
rikhousT Call i lagas a Card*, Inane I
the Ssilisslgest is,* Sow sistorst_to loath is
s wits bys vskiffilsois iersitrAlNOOme
anal 0. 11 4 40 ,40.11 1 4;41.0
Cksoiptiss— "sloe Si asks Mess le bis
the vistas el Sari'
14 ) an 110 EllP•iito b 611 / 00mM 111 0 OPP
1 0 01 , 81 k*Werie, it 1 1 1*), Okt4 4l llMOsaft
;Qlatißlm Ad* thy Ilat a
Was coact,' I',JVAno-root ,9 . 41/f UNIVCMTIr. &r
rim only obi; ,11 the athrrthior in ..eft.fili t r the Yr‘.•ttti.
Ulm to tb tottent tba atliictr t , igui +krt. t .tt
wak,h i.e COLIC•OreS ti he h0p.... try
gcloryr trill trikla it ,'il l l root tbf
1114411111 pt evr
raytiya 406..4. , • .1:
002 el:v*
Byaggireite..P.Ha ccc on•!Otol• I rv#Solincb,
SplUsati;lolA 01 a pp titt, sick hafiLethe. ..121*
of bloating alter roesls, dizsloess,' , llo4 - eird.pp,c , l cr Amp.
os , kakis .antl'all di t ordero of thi'? litotigteht and
nr Otiintli,eiter ';rx Y. rk
IC. COOL plibllPhet .11 1401 I, uoutilo,
tau, Vt., ...Lye ' ll ' ` .11 4 uttliel...4 itli ' iNiPP:P44. scot
earirred sec...rely (tom it tba s 1..• p•ru-v of hoot
cuald be .mull 61th .ut th•
cociaisirtittiit wro,ttoisi ..$ Pe•
snaeted'tr./. this cruius,lutut. 1...
BRANDitEifi'zi P/1.1. 4 Hie brat b ., . irroi to
lbeiabt Mat w uct„ but 'lb. .6,1.04 , 1yru314,:rd a ehattke.
Lod b, the date to 444
CUBE ellet.te.l Ile n. e: us out,*
ant ay exi,orveace .4 . “ ‘tialr deutt, rras,b.. i "
citAl rat, I,s Y ort
4 aid tly nr Eric,
ins to umt,llcsue
A . rlrlf A 1 :411 11 ,
1) 0 V Ir N, t ' 'l' 14 •
Coureculok ,
ta•eiTAlloflol 4 kiAllt Uli t: '. ,
lt i.
Ore, , .
• poiroblellrl.
iuctantaueon", • . ;
• I tuldit Le a len fect black,
• or a uratallfreatt brOtro, to the
apace or tru labiate. ; ta ttdarlea., .1.. e.
not stair+ the Atm, and hal neter been tun II a
, in fail'
ii•nufsetured by J. CRITCADeIitt), No 8 Alto? House,
New Yore Sold everywhere, sad appitei by .J Hair
Dreams. Price, SI, 11,60, and SS por nos, recording to 1
nos 7 Im.
Cristadoro's Flair Preservative, .
A tavaittable watt hie Dye, Abe tt wee., t. the uttau.t *eft • ,
ans, the moat beautiful gto.s, and great. vitality to the '
?licitly() (teats, St wad $: ipor 44ttle, a,:ea4diag to A;te
T° fillitati OIL OLD.
Mal* or rooialo,
',you hart Imo suffering from a hatit iwiulgad- IL to
• ' OH, "
witite llaa fer Barrio"
lad U the greatest evil which can MAGI
See symptouu estuote rated la AdvertaseuteuOuld ,tiou
are • =Serer,
Cut out the Advection:twat.'
lad wad for it at mem
Delays are daaawrous.
Ask ler Beltubold'r,
• Take ea ether.
Bowan of Coaatarfoltaand Imitations.
ao7l-21a. •
11-. F A certain curt far paths in Ithats and bast, tore
Wog% 616116, rheumatism, ca. - , etc. A perfect Welly
lataidne, and never Ws. Read t h.ead Rees !If
LtTOXLI, WAINT. Ca ;11/Cll., Juror 16, 18t9.
This is to certify that my wife wan taken with ttalneer
Sore Throat: It mramsnalt to swell, and was so sore
that she could not arridloi; and coughs. violently.
lased tour Liniment, and made aeat earn in Goa
week. Athol/ Wises that bat the Wilmot Met
would have lost her lee- .1011:16 B. EIANZAIL!
Price 26 and 50 centa. tth146:1116 *MI. . all p,
66 Covelaadt Wed, New Yock • ferrMitt.
lashed for the benefit and am • 'aligns to young
awe. and other; who suffer from SWIMS Debility, tar
ty Dom', and their kindred .ailments-supplying the
means°, self-curw. ily one who has cared himaeU atter
Wag • widisaaf adsaland onaddeaas in lbw:lice haw
bug and quackery. By enclosing • post-pald eneelope,
single copies maybe had o! them:Allot N ATOLY I ILL MAY •
ran, £a., DadtordaLinva Couety, New York. isZiliel.
10174 H AND Pt " Afi x
Window lash, Frames, Doora and Blinds !
Scroll Ss ping, Xstehing & Planing !
Sher on Peat* St., between us and Sth Sts.,
EH IE, P E A. • .
, -------. 1
1 reepeettfahixesli the attention of the pub& to my
facilities for doubt Work to the best of style, promptly and
on neesonemle terms. Haring bard up crassly nen
shope t .enth superior machinery, I feel confident of luring
tsar* ifttssfectloo.
or Orden from obroid will recaire prompt attention
• norlenatt. . • JAM 64 P. CR U 1) li.
Teachers' Notice.
TWILL .EXAMINE Applicants for ern:
I)loysssat u tauders in this count!. is dm several
dualists. and on the dais al designated below.
Tim siouninationa will be held in the schoolhoneee at
*l' nicest the please indicated in the
fatevimar.: Noe. lb at Peireteler CttW..
Genus &al. Jaekaeira Starn
Mahar% Iliattabaro,Wsial
tattoo sad rtnalls, Rd, gborp
Union sad Union " 91 'Baton Borough,
Laitoes/ .............^" 23 0 LeßDomf
Waterford ta, sad bor., " " Waterford.
Wanscue. " 25 " McKean Canfrs
art. 31453. - J DKOMEIIeR.
Stray Cow.
STRAND km the plaudits at the sub
actiber, at ths South-West corner of
Parade and itlerenth Streets, Ene, on the
meriting oflneeday, October :Moth, • and-
Alin Bind LIGHT EEO COW. tihe hes mall horns and
a abort as* orbs of the horns hes • hole bared in it—
thintlt hi On the right side. Any prrsqa returningher,
or giving Information rt her whereabouts. will be well
rewarded: Apply to V. 11A80. State . (1r to the to.
Unload. vAtzvriNE HEAPELEIN,
oct3l-3to - • Car. Parade g Sic
. -
uv!s. r
The best Hotels * Restaurants. Steamers and l'neate
Families an waving nearer fifty per cent. be using
Galles' Old Plantation Coffee,
Gillies' Old Plantation Coffee,
Old Plantation Coffee,
Lo Place at Other MlDOrted COnINK Stich duJataor.lioclat.
It has been fully tested side by aide with the buret Java,
and pronounced folly equal in utiforinity of strength and
titillates of Savor, so Met we cat * with more that ;mud
confidence, tecotutoeud to our friends and the public our
, due fiarroold
ds our late ilitolooll Ors by for superior to former ship ,
meets. ?tubes:. or kernel is Int t,pltunp, and very much
lite the Mocha or Mountain Coffee in shape, and when
ineantactnred by oat new process is decidedly preferable
to the beet grades of /sited Coffee; and Ire would advise
all who daidn • roily reliable and healthy beveraee„ to_
Drink (tithes' Old Plantation Coffee,
Drink ()Mies' Old Plantation Coffee,
Drink dillies' Old Plantation Coffee.
It tepid:4 only Wong pentad tit foil wan% Mad
postal hi nesse; each package having a fac•slatile of
our signatare. The
Is foe sale by awl, all the leaditg grocers and country
stone throughont the United tittles. at
Überal discotnt to the Jobbing Retailer Trade. Lie
Old Plantation Coffee should be prepared the some as
say other pun caws good cream, with the addition of
aa egg, boiled with the cotTaa, will ,add Mack to the U-
=sir, faLLIES ir, iIItOTHER,
• ilaZie IP3, 937 Wasslasitoss-11treet,
voszi.y. NO". 16. 1161.
Will Navy Diisitlik &Vilma Ike (cam a b. dim
Oa I , •
! ' lastward Bound—Depart.
RiOt pima 4 13 p. ze
a r"........ .............. ... ... "9as i. 11 .
Put, ....„...... ...... , ..... .....9.40 A. M.
WV i 154 A. la.
Nuu , Tait riper aisal fitock Expresa run every day
CHAS. MINOT, 060'1 ~vl,l
Stray Steer.
_ .
CAME to tho• premises of
the notaeriter, in tha north-out
corner of Ilf eatable= to.. lee Co., Pa, .
me the 26 of November. NA o Stray .
Steer. dark Brindi.. with a star on
foroimod aad broad bones.—abortk/ you aid. Th e 0 "
to regulated to mei lieribmtillere Plepeety, pet eh , .
re sad take the aehost,lerray: etbseedev_ he eft be d
ew! of wooldind to bklf 1• bi .oa ,_
w iii id ag t ea eip., Nov. 4.
c r. The aboveliteer has been on the comemi a a ,
tey settle du y
o .
Q. c
Administrator's- Notice.
Errus of Ad/C44traiiQtt have b#t
itested the andszirmmt auvim ty, th estate o_f hi
lair . d l ei 4 e/ lf g M are "
homy ooti led tnik
milieu sad thaw lilting claims eirgil
woe pseud thee. del: actthenticat
to the sniettlvid. •
313.. fo! l P 9 Polti i n cr i "kl.
be '. 44l.
a A•••LP•1 0 8
OY -Sl'll% P 0 T.
xlissittmaw,B,lls "It"! 3 4 1 " ,
• out"„
Roam ' 'vtai tie glw
Asa* , • ‘6•01 pa
A L. \ S'f O,C (if
31, b —i=l
cBENER &-Bti
Variety Sr,
And everyiVikriety 01
Brandiedes, " Pi ckles, Sancti, k
A elect Assortment 'o
Rockingtorses, Drums,
La4Beso Wkir Baskets,, Bede
Gent'eons' Dressing Cases,
Fitly Boxes, Opera
Btubraeimg all the new Styla,
ousGssgi. lixestis watams, mccaam
roe Hoops, Battledores, Ohba Tea Sett '.•
Tastes, Bellows tlys, rooeleaToys, Coble
togilcr.ks, Sottaite, Loto BiC and Emma,
Ptisopkter, Author? Game, Tiotillar Qaolatio,
a tety ot Card GUM 4124 Anseansts.
DOML ES, wool roc
', ,Theriewiticas, dcenniseu Mused lezi.
1 '
rushes, Combs, Pomades, W
* A SMALL 1133011;111111 OF
Meerseimuus, Pipes sad
lieludiug elwrithlng socially kept is 4
Wesakoac friends to extzgat oar Sip,* 404 ird
maw iiiidsctieta la quality sad prior.
juE 9 4-4100 , Tuba =RAW oo Liberia too°
devote Pattlettlat Attention to th• /401111
10.1 w MOM ILO
C0:077N0 OF
Iron ouid W.
Dam Gammas ao
---r ~