TEE ERIE OBSERVER. t ticr. ON STATE STREETII:, , OPENNA .PPO 4 ITE P,.•:.T oFICE, ER ir-1,,111 liingle aubscribrni, if p. 11,1 in hilfiolcs „,,• 1 0,4 twenty-t1y4.525.--Clittni rif tiftv I+ll.l rit , for I.i.rver Ciut r, $1 , 11.1151 OF AUVERTIAING Tsrelro line+ or less make a 4i, ,r. -4, .3 4 Iveok,s One i..q1.0%rt• 10 , 10:1.• . I/1i ” 00 tIMS " ti.r..~ ay. 125 Om. • A. • tit, Vlkrillga.ll,l•• at Inlrrisilto, fi't month., pi; 0 110... " IMO 70 1,- , th#, . . _ 1., . • ~ I ''.." '1:' : M . ' r.' A t ,, $ Iftl 11011CYR, 11. , P .,,, .. ".• . ••ill b.. it, • , ,i11.1., • int .' , 1.. • , , • . l , iv 0..11M.t. „. ... o ?edit) the INA/I ' WeR. I,lrMetC., ; I e.f ill,• dlowed for a Card, over lox, and .1 toter r • d other. rrquirtnz trotiumit t ta: (it/ ti..1.1 , pt , iplptp.l. •'.:•• • • •p: a•1i.,11t,, , • ' •.... • to. , 1, tt o,e, BRECHT. ~~ . ,iUSINE§SD ERI2,CTOR)" TO, 1• l oil. t'• Hi II) I= is 'lt 9,141 , • 1 &,• w•r. til-11:1,{ 'Rid tt: t t- Utt1,•,..111t tt cyit urr z.t 1 - t.tti. • • ~,at • ei• .11 MIR.IZIS‘). s .. tter of Second and Mark. . 1 - Etettango; WdrrrF4. I* ' ' J• 111,4%r . , t • ' , t 0.7 itillOr ttli L,i • \'‘ IN U. WILLS ON, :TTLIttVET t • • ^ U. • Lb. 'n,arl:l•• • A,l , story ..f t. 6, I s! U. Win 41."...5,i ~I,i, ‘,t.. puuctually atta.uded ".. • K. I.tlltlE H. CUT1..13.C. .. .. trioAvvr AT I ,w, t 1:.1 . .i. t 11 , l',1,1:11% r ...(ii , 113 mud n_rt., t....1t, .1 ! ---:- . . - •, ~4.1>, actd iliops.tch . _ I. 11111161'...S tti tAtioLTRAI" In 11 1.01. ,1411. %LUNY. 51st , Str.—t, 11.,111v11.V.,.',. 11111('1: 1, kr roin, 1 AT I lrr 'nu r? “.t I:0 v..% o: tht. .1. l'a. • h- . 111 . 1,1111.1 AT 1.A% •i it w 1%1 i ! 1 /It 0. prompt and tliiti.nal Aiti•tilinii to -ill vet to raft /Midi, ei th er's. L,A, t,, , r r uffv. in F k, k's. f , al% 'WORD di; 1 . liztwig.a lY Gila., ,t, Delxxsit, rz.r4r.r4P 1.,.“ fnr 1161 , ,,5n Eno. . - , M. AUSTIN. \ : it DIALER in C 1 ,41,. Wat,l-,..:, F1i..10,.- .- 6 ti " 't•' ..'-'if ..t ~ ,, IS ln l v; e 4 C.3uptoloesr;, and tFeailtik,cya(rief;ol,irr,oll:..,'ll,,,,Z4:,;.l,lkl \:„: ! ~' 4, ... 1 .. 7 1, 05,. : L i i......t, ,') , e `.' ; : ) ,‘,.. .a.. 7 , - 1-.. . . 4.4 1 - , .• , ..,,,, i , rth PAH INPft Airk near roach rt . _ .\ , 0 4 ,4•4!?,.....,...• 1 . -t ... .., • t ~.1 1 V:R. A. VALBICAITti. X .:?... ..,•;,': w. ~.., ti, l'ittfr OrifNING A Arrows - ET Ar Law -01:1,0,JU,1...T.P.:. ; \ "• • •= 7 7 ,i ' !4,i• , _...... - trly oppositrttie Court tino.o, Lri...l - ... • 3.. ) - .."- . 1 / 4 "'... , N..1‘... I. tlikir. STIICK . •"' 4 4 .‘ \l4- ' • - I .sf, -- .. -`. .'"0. 4 , . • I? LL MILLINERY!' E. .11.1 GILL, 111.yrt4r, Gffio. Blbct.corth ride of •.S. ztENI:EIt, 11A1:11 - . • N 1: L MA;: \ TTORNEII COCIV 4 I-I.l.(Pit. .‘"L' L t‘N )kF1f•1:, Paragon No,i, 11.-;;;.• y; Lr,t 1 c,rner Mb. l'ul Lr ' KED DOUSE, ERIE, , !• 47,,z he ple.til of this If oure Flirt' h r,er, itt• Ice t: co. nay itsrceablo. T.. 71 • L%I) IIOL.E, .le//1, 'I. Thyt,', (1,,,111,11.14 art, , q,kiig, 1. 11, I • .1 '4l hirq t' t knt. UCtli it% t ud Vil.11:1 , 1,1. 411 , 1 Wal,e. • , t' {,411.14 , loot :•0111i t .11., I' itOON (111. CO.. ~r cd— r. I.l?ai,tr t Ne A epu per , pftedl Store utter 1.314, cl' 4 I , t 'trneltil• t a i, ik • • RIPS Corner oC 3d and MI t f f .., :Imre, I,Le_ , Lis °bland well known boucio I. ;Ow U*.•,..! up t iropenewd sty!, The u, .d11,.1.J.:5!1,, , t order sad the temp; 1 . 03. , ti1J11.:,. dalicbtfal part of th.• NS, . n.. 1 'test opplug place. In the vil►Mf_lA7Tlw.' ETTES & IMA I "., y 1 Arm.. 11...5. 0. 1.. 11;1.L1OTT & SON. Dr:criwra.-ohl, S.mth It It Etie, Pa All T. J. PLI ay? fluxrl At. 1-41IVEK 11.0t:!%N., J It. Oil 1., \1 Art... 11.1% terat S tageth !lee ITUANAIII.CS & WAILI)EN, YORWARINN(.; ANT., COi 111 1 ,,, C 31E,, I"'.1 < IZELICria Walls, Km county, ra., by Atlanta W Doll en In Cool, Salt, Iron, Crtoir al,•ll{oftn...i l'ot, • rt. All kinds Shippirrg .iono .0, oi:,me•!••,n. Al 4. P. GAGGIN, NOTARY erfiL/P .411 i t; r. +r t D AGT.L.Nr. Cpacal..na ant 'IA .t 4 acted to him promptly attezdrd t.. A 1.111:.0 f Janine* splinted, and l'ol.ciea 11-01.1 R{lllolll ‘lo{.ly, st elan eompanted. Office, \t rit,.l.V• • and State ottnfts, Erie, l'a. nor I:Solt.t. W. WET.111,11146; - Arroiturs AT of. , on S.eyetith street, ie. Pa. LAI,: 7 • EU. PAULKI.N.., beattfe BiucL , Norllt to.le of C., I' .1 to atave4 fir ft, ra. 11'6' tt. AFAVETTE' HOTEL _ • i'reueh ktri,lll, - the PhLtidPlphis k F:rtor I{Atlroad , illoomaker, l'roprietor. sovatim:o.l, slur strangers an.t traTelers. u.tun by• L Good stabling attaulm.i. ILLIA3I 11, • Vl* Mndn stn o, on •itith 'treat. NUatiH WEllpoor HAMMY. 10,1 Alta tL. Paat Office I.at=r , Ives w.11..ut • vrde. • (wt( for Planar & ibsypvr's Paten: the brat bn ule - 8 t.sti , Stroot.t.rt St. , .s, Pa. -Clhtt.as tas,:e Gr ortr-r hl t',.. URN C. Bk:Slik., ,• roct .9l , liarausra, Glum, r, tor t ;at% btrert Ittati I%th:iv t, i tta U. WALPIEIt I • rotwa.aDor/i h coarst/1.45:0N ?:1 HINT% ate War. House, Pliblie newt, Emit of , t,te •.. Wait Bowe at Rut /toad Croaamig, Ertl', Pat. le4kr.l Salt, Filth, Flour. i'Jaster, Water 1.-attn.ng t., and (rum haunt Raro lasrchlls-11. SINCLAIR & VIRILN, ' Simustor Iv !..tevcr: t, lI.LIAALEI AAP RETAIL i)1IL OGlt,v, Virr . 7ht 4 4%4 IttlTEt, Elle - Pr, Elnalnr in Pau, „ la-AVAA, Burnine Fl ,4, lirm 1 -1 101 . 1 ELIttat : 1 /' CA Wet:7l • I'M.. pa. SlAXtirarrr Imam of S tc.arl F.r. ( o.insair, Agricalbarsl cr . :A.1.714.c1,, Ital froal Cue, Tie nue to bet Your Money Bac\ ! ;id? $ COUGHLIN% BOOT & SHOE STORE, State gttnei, Nearly Opposite the Post • K K !II 0 IA 1.. Cou g thri, Boot and Shoe Dealer, "ilkeetfully laforme the Public. thit 414 snared bL atand to the Store Hoorn ,111 Stahl stripe, nearly opposite the I'o+l c'Mte, where he inmitfn all hia old trimnilm and en , t 14 3 1 yekdoe • WI. attietallt attention given to REPAiRI.I(I. *relit mortinen o and enperiutendln g all him hlmit.em, hilneelf, be believes he eaa r/...d all at u low prices a+ any Ott., I A :mon to tl,e city. FILL Warranted. eiONFECTIO.NARIES, • 'Fruit, Toys, Yankee N 1.11141, :11.1 i:eqt V COCA /411V , VIiVed, at air It.-'lll. ft. ii. • () way!' in don. RANG ES, ESIONS, "a Fins. Pr:or en, e b Patel, Clirrsatx,'l4..t..; and f taly • BEN ER k nURGEM JE RECEIVP, Onr CroWitta And Osten of all kinds in solidi lots lad away!' fresh. 14711-Ina. ( IN E Imq.l,Alt AND A-11AliF PER YEAR, Jr PAID IN ADVANCE, VOLUAtE 34 E GOODS! ; ni;_EN I:. S. MORRISON'S, DRk;SS GOODS, NAP i BK. Lit EIII I• 1,. .1, STAPLE AND DOMESTIC GOODS ! I L TIMI: 124) 0 0 11 R 4i AI NS. II AV r. oreilrl I lit• room .No. -2 French 'fr.,. iir to-.! floo 1., iiii • out the RYE WHISKEY ! t., ,„• ,„ alit/ I rr.ll4Ltlit nt• •• I " ~,, tho c,nin 12{.11, nn.11 , 1 , 1111:4•011 a 411 , <• 1: of h r 1., , , urr !Ink!. =Ell it 1 , . o, stove tlo• 11.• pol, Erie, hi Adminis ,rutor's Notice. . L 1 : f'1:1 or Skiniini ; , iration having b.,.., ....Anted to 11, undersigned 00 the estate /.., 1...., ....ed, Lite of ;re..e township, En. Co., I' ; , , N'otlee is hereby Os en • an I.uonin.: thenuilres .11 , :0 , 4,1 :" the snot • state Z 0 ILI,' F. 111M114dijte payment, • D.; • so•-• ha vat,: i.:4. lal AL'S 1114 he same, will resell: tl.e. , . 0. •It t•-nti....,t•••!, for settio.mt. . 1. I'iNNT•II - , Administrator.. OWN, - 1 ~ ..len 4B e, ( l- ~ With 1 , 11.15, PA, I is 1 etli lIM r • 1!,. It.; • , A FACT GENERALLY rl:ti \ . I• N:oiety of new t,t) E EISIMMINIME MEI '1 II t ~ •••., t, J•••11:y I hu 0 4Pr rot hn.; 1,0L1,11.020,0111r1, •• •••, Centre itn•l other 1;11•.•.•, CxrpeL 51.1.1 Ihamank Lot • :•••• flit i•ra•••• Frothel. . With eures,weld feruitte, 4, 11,, nil' ge,l/01i1,1 lit cabrr ntl healthy' U., Irt.ll.lden and ul4 I,V tlckril` , llle4 quality air.l low prsrra I vtli AKY .ir.alo:n I. a ull , l , Feat her, Itr)o. ;111 and AllO Parlor, Itfattouna, Itori.tLec - 2-t.V. tug, °IF • alot other Charre r et' k:galern and Wetteru eurne on o -e, are hi. loiry glut-. 1, making thew as .iron{ toy cll:tr.r part of the , chatr,where other* made aro out t arta by nn memos durable. Wood tnlr an,l Nnr,v, no• elixirs of hard round , ei inched through the sent and S lued, war t.. r.. ILtailanuotfy painted, and can', b bea ten t,n ptreuirth; I,rlee and nuieh. Sprinr ddeda. I kayo lfloo. thy itglltat loatalasoUilla truth 1,,; I,Tioet, et all ,oa l ,o•ot ou ,application. I tal.hi.r tn4,tji,p,u.; ITII MEI ME !IT.• and 110. V 1,0 pri .. f. I ritn .h.t.,rialne.l 1., .-11 on, pl.ce r sol:1 pay, and .1.) Inttiev to all waa t '* i t 1.11111'.... , r, 7.,111, S.ll/1:4 Crude Reel Do I t-tor, Pay, hr.„ taker) at fair niartt.d. valued. 1.“" li,ustqn:/vr corner of ath attaet Lrle, I „ C W. ELLSEY 10.1 t'r and Coiutnieti Saleatuan, 11111=231 w LP: a lei TA Ile t:NWERY - SI'DRE. A. BECKER, \V hi It.u.s_A..Ll.l AN D RETAIL iiROUER, MII3 ,),,ri , ll'aqt'l;o,or of tko Perk 4.• rptytels'Slriet, AP• 4 IDr,) ri the. 04114.011 A :0 111 1 , 12 0 Strict: of t itt 'Eft I I. I.)lZi, VISIONS, 14.1.,ir0us to ro.II aLt tho ►Etc EsT efts-41131.E Pit tl!Ff... iliF 19gorttneut of, SI 7 1; ABS, ' 'TEAS, sl" I? IT N, )P.ACCOS, la r...t rurpirre in the et,, L• a prepared to pronito aft w ho giv e , l'itu a call. Fle airy 1 eeps coueLtolic on Lana A superior lot Of I'1"R1 LI Q 1") R S (or the whole:ale tip L, to which he filreet• floe attention of tLe puLife llw mottr, and a fall Equivalent for the Iloriey." - aprll'll3ll. •% )11n.1 cf 4A MANHOOD : How Lost Row Reston! lIM .I,ud P01.11..b.-.1. in *Sealed Envelop*. Prieeiftept.. 4 LECTUBIT, on the Nature. Trestment sad . Radical Cure .d Sperulatorrhoes or 14 eatinell Maness. SexnalDobillty, Nerroueneaa dinsalsatagy_Esoltolons; tm inducing frupocy, Coneuzaptiun sad Mental and Phy. eo.al Debolitv, by J. ct.L%ERWELL, U. 11. telpertvat fact that the &what rontequen , ..* of Veit Abu le mry be effectually removed without internal m. dieltier; or the ,:..netrowt appilistion of canstira, in . nt,beated bettgle«, and other eropinest hero 4.l