DR.. WM. AI. HIIR±I'S ENTAL REMEDIES Aas lies,TllB BES,T IN THE WORLD; 4 • t WU:RING 1 VINE TEETH Az A PIWEET ISKICITIL [ - 4' AND CIMINO TOOTII AO HF, .1,2•/D NgUltAl a Do you wish to 'ha bivered with and admired for Pitaat.T WHITS and Smand TEETH ? Use D. wm. B. HURON DIVOIYALLACD TOOTH POW • DM, warranted free from add, alkali. or any Injurious aubatanre. Price, 25 oonta pest box. Bewan, of the' ordluerk ettesp Tooth Powders, which whder, lint destroy. Do you wish to be cactus Unit your BREATH Is p eirert, atuLarrewable to husband or wife; lover orhiends2 Use DEL HURD'S CICLEBRATIRD MOUT WASH.. Prim, 37 cents per bottle. This AirDiDgell: wish ti MAIO the best remedy in the world (or CADZIII, BAD Muter*, Magma Gcu, Smut Mem, etc. , It hoe cured hundreds. Do you, or your Children Miller from TOIYIRACHT. Get DR. Li MUMS MAGIC TOOTHACIAE MtOPN. Price, lb cents pertattle. • Are you affiletsd with NEGILLGIA? Oat DR. W. B. IIVRII•P NEURALGIA PLANTBRAL Ito most edective and delightful mealy known. They do not utbere now blister, bat soothe bad charm pain away. Try them. Pries, .8 and ST amts. Mahal on receipt of pies. 1 • • Do you wielt a complete set it' DENTAL REMEDIES and a Tuxtla. os llutaterma Term) Get D. W. U. tillittll'S DENTAL. TIENANUILEy the useeeet sod most valasblo present OW. One MIMI OM Make to another: Trice, El. Sent by tomes on receipt °twice. For male at all the beat stores aktrOughout tita country CArtme.—Asthessiare dealent who take advantage of our advertisements to impose upon their enstomersin- Prior preparations, it is necessary to insist upon having what you call for; and you will ace TH3 slat, thorough ly tested, and prepared by an experienced and scientific Dentlet, Treasurer of the New York State Dentist's Asso ciation, and Vice-riesideut a. this New York City Dental Society. WM. B. HURD & CO., New York. Address Da. Derrnl. FLEMADIAA ASCII • Pti S•LI ill TBlll Pl3Ol IT ALL DIICOGISTA. I • THE HOiTSEKEIEPER'S •...- NEW FURNITURE POLISH. PREPARED from an Improve ',. ripe by the proprie• t , .of the" BR.DITSRJCWAI .. Parrot." is certified by a. he leading New Yort r, ruiture Dealers and Piinci-lorte Rakers to be the, att in the world (or Re moving Scratches, Markt, and .1 •, ii. and reetoring-a high and lasting gloss to all kinds of:Varnished work, from Furniturcto Leather. It le Oreaper and better than Varnish, dries immedia ly, :and is sadly applied. li q . With a piece of Canton F 1., and a bottle or two of this Raw FrItNITCRI POLS •i Housekeeper• cats work magic in the furniture ' fa h rise 'and keep it looking like new. Now Is the time to "shine up" your Tables, Chairs, Deets, Kenos, Picture Frames Carriages, etc., and Make them look 50 per cent; Naar. This is true economy. For sale by Yurniture Dealers and Store• keepers generally. Price, 25 and: 60 cents a bottle.— Deport No. t Spruce Street, New York. t , PICIAL dOINTI W.LVTXD. A DDRIM Box 1972,, Ngw Yost P. O. The BOCIECISRPKRII NM PC7OII I CRI POLISH is for sale here at the Stores. r• AT BOOKS tN PRESIS. THRILLING INCIDENTS MEM GREAT REBELLION; OR, i The peroism of our SohlftrA and Sailor. ILLUSTRATED. 1 'vol., /urge 12nto. $1,25. The critics and the public are rtv l ;ht in predicting thiS this will 59rpate, in graphic narrative, exciting Interet and extensive popularity, all other histories of the W fur the Union. is theme Will be the heroic daring, pa ttient nuffiving, and hairbreadth escapes of OUT soldiers 'and sailors, and its Incidents will form the theme of conversation at innumerable firesides for years to cam. It will contain, in addition to lii stirring details, th Philosophical Analysis of the COMM of the War b Jove LOTEROP 110112 Y. L. L D., , Author of "The itts• of the Dutch Republic," etc. the dates of all the hn• portant events from the Johri Brown rald, and an amiur• ate and revised account of the principal battles, th engravings. Oue-thinl the proceeds of all biased-notions. • direct to es will be prey lot the Relief of rambled i °idlers, •od all persons who wish a copy, of the work, and also to benefit the poldiers, should send their mane and ad dress at once. Also, any officer, or private, or person in any section of the country, haling knowledge of a beroio act or alining incident, will oblige us by mending ue an account of it. • 1300/CIECLLEHS, PoSIILAISTIEB, snd CLAVAIIIIING AGM/ will be furnished with a Butecription Prospectus, on sp ph.mtiou to the publishers. liberal eawasaisaam Qme■ to masers Wiring to ad it dr /eats in Gann/ Aritscriptiente. TUE LIIitiTOILY OF AMERICAN MANCFAC. TURES, FROM 161/8 to IKE% By Dr: J. Le a:mu Manor. VoL I. now reridy. Vol. IL nearly ready. Tlas is probably the largest and most Important work now in this'Ainencan press. We hare *leo just published new editions of the fol lowing useful and popubs books : TUB BUSINESS MAN'S LEUAL . ADViitena ; or, Bow to Save Money, by Conducting Boalasse u. cording to Law, LB expounded by the Beet and Wert Authorittee. 4130 pp., (hoop. Price 11. ' , , OPPORTUNITIES FOB INDUSTRY A Sr i 'A. THU U ISA 141 al/LANCES TO MANE MONEY. Cloth. $l. Taisho' boon repnbllahad In England. Ere, business man and clerk ahonld have these books. They will pay the buyer a hundred fold. Every parent should get them for their sons. All these books, are mauled, postpaid, on receipt of price. We pay particaliu atention to mailing books, wrapplag them cattail", and will procure and send portoud, any book anywhere, on receipt of publishers' price and eta stamps. Addles.; VILE.E.D.LEY - AD CO., Tribune Buildings, N. Y. PIANO .—Persons who wish to bay a Piano of the best makers will be shown bow they tan nee a hand some sum in the purchase it thej address Presto , care Joy, Co. & Co., PkbUshers' Agents, New York P. O. • 1068. EIIIPPALO &ERIE R. R. Falb. n InirarTO oili t hl Road as follows: 643 A. V., Ned sad daaa, stoppulg at Harbor Creek North East ;State Liza, Quincy, Westfield, Portland, Broeton, Dunkirk, &herr:reek, hwiwi and Angola, arriving at Boffalo,at 9 fib A. N. 2 00 P. M., Day Lorna, Mopping at North East, West field, Dunkirk, Silver Creak, and Angola, aad arriving at Buffalo at 5 10 P. M. 7 15 P.M., Ciacilueati Express. stopping at Westfield, Dunkirk and Silver Creek, and arrives at Buffalo, t at 10 10 P. M. 120 A.T Eqmos, stopping at Westaild, Dunkirk and Sliver Creek, arrives at Buffalo at 4,/A A. M. The Pay Express connects at Dunkirk and Buffalo, the Melt work , PD at Bnffalo only, with rapes. for New York, Philadelphia, Boston, ha. LEAVING BUFFALO. 4 23 A. It, Neil +.4tess.,stopping at .Rilmh„Noti.b Evans, Angola, Irving,Sliver Cee, .rk Broo ' ton, Portland, Westfield, Quincy, State Line, North East and Earbor Creek, arriving at Me at 6 15 P. Y. 6 ao A. It. Toledo Rooms, stopping at Silver Cmik„ Dunkirk, Westtleld and North Ras; arrives at Kris at 10 OS A. M. si 36 A. IL, Day Farms, stooping at Angola, Slim Creek, Dunkirk, Wastapidind North Rast,aniving at Me at 111 4 4. . 10 10 P . 11., BiArAt stopping at Silver Creek, . Dash:irk and esreeld, arriving at Sri* 11 go Railroad time is tan minutes bear than grits time. April Amiss. It N..8R01114, Suet. Change. In the Dm Badness! , The loam established sad win imams Ic Medicine •Stere Carter, • :pared into thileads of the unidentified. kis moo, who, blaring purchased the entire stook will outlaw, the badness am heretofore to the slow Awe. The poet sad pressed. seriatim of Ole house as a , hl6lllOO l ll aM Faisal Salida Stony " our, .sis ANY onutz CITY AOl6 - eakezear hopes.by eyed Wootton mod 'sheei~liNese,testierft the emu fest thd tato& NsAlt 11. Vinare tali Qs inn ' . e= m xte ti.tur-bwitaimi t yill Plesais Ma. the' he herstommet Ms i t 111M=1. - mesa • / - To The Ladies of America, MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD 1 MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD! 1, NEE VALUABLE THAN GOLD MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD Dr. JOHN L. LYON'S French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Drops, FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, FOE FEMALES, _ 1 Ballwin( ftota l Irregularity, or Obstruction of Lb" Maui; from whatever wise, IT IS SURE TO CURE! IT IS SURE TO CURE! IT IS SURE TO CURE! It Is impossible to enjoy the bloom of health and vi vac,ty of spirits, unless thelooses are rainless as to the time, the quantity and quality. When they are obstrue• tact, nature makes her efforts to obtain for it WOO other outlet, and. unless these efforts of nature are assisted, the patient usually @aperients* Despondency, N. (101111' nem , and finally coNsumrnow assumes its sway, and prematurely termituitss a miserable We, IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT 15 A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IB A PERFECT REGULATOR I BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, MY DROPS TO CURE 13npproesion of the Maws, from whatever arise, though care should be taken to inicertaln If poignancy b. the con" u theme DROPS would be sore W produce miecurrisp; they will also certainly PRE VENT erinceptlon, Utak= two or three days pekoe the monthly period; therefore,' I wish It Oletinctly under stood, that Ido not hold myself rosponsible when used under mach eionunstsoces. BUY THE BEST 1 BUY THE BEST I BUY THE BEST I BUY THE BEST 1 BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST! • WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS ! WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS I WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS ! WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS 1 THEY ACT LIKE A CHARM, by etreaethesing cad invigorating, and restoring the eyeteet to a healthy condition. It moderates all excess, and removes all otetractions, and a speedy mire may be rolled on. To Married Ladies, y ere mar u, la t lez et ted,= tr bring . on the month SURE TO DO GOOD. SURE TO DO GOOD. SURE TO DO GOOD. SURE TO DO GOOD, I could famish any quantity of teetiroonipla of its Ol ney from my own patients, bat the podia of parading bought and latitions ones before Out public is so yen lent Ido not deem it advisable. Yy atrial is to pleat my medicine before the potat4 not slam to mate money, bat to do good. It is provatdally tree of the American Ladies, that not ten perfectly healthy mad can be found tn any ow rtedslty BE WISE IN TIME! 1008. BE WISE IN TIME! Let not disease destroy your conslitatlon. Try a bottler of my PRRIODICAL DROPI, and you will be W hiled that lam no Imposter. Tall your atilletad friend what rostorsd the bloom of health to roar cliche, and thereby confer a boor mote vslubts that' pOld. PDT painful or samety lidonstanatkm It Ward the tbloy. I have now la ear dad an instance of a lady wbo bad been inhering from palatal meendrstallan two or three eon, confining her to bar room oat* Um* ; she bad ap to soma' ondnont phydatum, without relief, w en one bottle of my DROPS entirely mod bor. ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURE!! ONE BOTTLE CURLS! DO NOT BE IMPOSED'UPON DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON Ist oat We out tad mod R to yOu Dnorst, and The 4, 0 4 :0t rot itis Womb) Ida tt he the volt • Or. it may ot iloolool he Btu% mum Co., .I.lom o ss Dimian. ; • in, Ear. Com Ter Me by vl napriabis Deeg{Ma• Pik* 11.1111 per boa% forssit at Mobs& 17 D : 11.11A13112 k ISL . • • • !mists! by Pits. Um. IL D. Toe its by Dr. L;llitnegormi Wa . 1144 limp* illib • kiiidnria. IT IS SURE TO CURE! THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE , THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SAFETT! BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST! CANNOT DO HARM CANNOT DO HARM CANNOT DO HARM CANNOT DO HARM BE WISE IN TIME BE"WISE IN TIME! L shasit frgrrf CMS' • 3/tm:r. H TEN TOUSAND BOTTLF:d of ails article have been sold in the vicinity Mite prepinstion, eine* Its Introduction, and the 'access attending it has been very remarhable. There is scarcely swill that occurs au Camille*, bat what Its timely ass has either oared or relieved. AtitiMant evi dence has been shown that it is very aucceseefal In caring all forms of SO RE THROAT, D ITT HERIA, • SCARLETINA, &C., C. • . 7 —IT CORES— • Xinisters' and Lawyers' Sore Throat IT CURES—BRONCHITIS. IT CURES=SALT RHEUM. ; IT CURES-8101 HEADAcHE. IT CURES—BURNS, CHAFES, &C. ' IT CURES—CHOLICS,IcRAMPS;; &C. IT CURES—PAIN IN. THE BACK. IT CURES—RHEUMATISM. IT CURES—CHILL Gives prompt relief in Asthma PIIIIIIBIC, AND CROUP . la vary rittiable GRAVEL, DROPSY, AND IDNEY AFFECTIONS. fa unsurpiaaod 111 E LIN/MBNT AND PAIN KILLER, In Bottles at 25 and 50 Cts. Sold ibr all respectable Drugging and llealorni in the United btatem. 14. WARD CLOSE k CO., Nos. 128 avid 130 William Street, New York, Wbolamb* Argils, by Iwhom orders wilt be promptly ailed. Prepared ami sold by JOHN CARTER, Erie, Pe. • `Alio sole proprietor of • CARTER'S StJUAR COATED NERVE PILL% AND NICK'S I;ERSIAN WORE CANDY, 413.313-0, . • -',2,/ki/g///&d •/I(Viate/q ; '4 6 A&4,7 THE BUFFALO MERCANTILE COLLEGE, CORNER OF HAIN R SE?iIiCA STREETS, Is an important link in the great chain of aarlalal lIIICAXTILI GOLLatllca. Inc&Uhl in the follorrin g Cities, via EtV• YORK CITY, BROOK( AYH, TROY, DE TROIT, PHILADELPHIA, ALBANY& CLEVELAND, CHICAGO SAINT LOUIS Mil/ T. TROST°. A rselselarsblp linseed frees Halbale College, entitles the holder to attend either or all the Colleges for an unlimited time. The Design of these Institution; is to impart to young men and ladies, a thorough, pradirel bagasse education. ' • Thump Colleges are I .rganmed and conducted upon a basis wblob must secure to ascii separate Institution the but postiblefatAlities for imputing • thorough com mercial education, and render it as a whale, the moat comprehensive and complete system in this country, Dock-Keeping in all its departmeota,Telegraphing, Commercial Las, Commercial Arithmetic and Penman ship, are taught in the moat thorough and practical Manner. The 14peecerlan System or Pemetamslap, is taught by competent and etterienoeu teachers. tielteloor a blp, payable in advance, $4O. College open day and evening :—no vamilensi Residentrrinci pal at Buffalo, .1. C. BitTalfr. For further infonnation,l please call at the College Rooms, or Send for Catalokue and ChM:liar enclosing letter stamp. Address - /38Y; -" .I.BTRAITON,_ feb7-Iy. Iseult. N. Y. WM. URN la. J. M. DRY/aft. EAU LE FOUNDRY ! 'Peark above the ROCA Erie, P.S. HENRY & B RYAN, (summon; to -Salmon dL Henry,) m iirtr .116TOPLIZS 07 PARLOR, COOK AN DC FFIC E STOVES, TIN SHEET IRON WARE, 4/VD . ALL KINDS OF' IRON CASTINGS. Every Store sold by us warranted to give satisfaetlon. Kettles Sletglessbees, Rad Isous e ke , on band of Ealb• utactitredlq *enter. e' Puma OM P 1.017 POll4lll et supertor 'make and duns billtralwareon tad& Aqua! and list trial of our dirti• else to all we ask. HENRY k lIRYANT. maa'B3-tt. E •R. I.E Cf. T Y . " .13001 i, BINDERY costv&R or ST/Ti livh.iirni STS. The aMterelguea would iespettkry return thanim for the patronage heretofore extended o him, and Bolters' continuance of the same. He has recently made eatensive improrczneuts, among which are a .P I AG 1 N 11 A C l lj IN E, for paging Blank Booke , by means of which bets enabled ' to do work of that kind as neat and as cheap as it can be done in Buffalo. • Harlot bad an EXPERIENCE OF TWENTY YEARS, I believe I can appeal for the public patronage with fall confidence Ira my ability to pier satiescUon. ,RULINU, BINDING AND ALL KINDS OF Waft 11Y 111T.11116 Done to order. Constantly ow hand a large supply of BLANK A BOOKS. Remember the place, south-west comer et State and Fifth streets, second story, nest door to the .flasette omen E. U. COLE. Brie, January 15533.-3 m j 0H -N WELCH, DIAI.IIII AND THIPPEN 13t FOREIGN dr. DOMESTIC FRUITS, vEGETARLEs, & C ALSO, Dalian IN I' OTISTIM, POULTRY AND GAME, In their Seitions . *dr No. 2, Tracy's Block, CINAP-9IDN,-FlllllOll ST., •- , Rale, PA. , Orders from either the. City or Country filled Promptly and at lowest market rain. neat( OYSTERS & CLAMS. THE Subscriber would respect- r , fully Worm his friends and el/stoma" 4 , that he is still at Ws old stand, No. 2 Waddagtei Fisk Market, Net Teri, And is prepared to garnish' HOTELS, STIUMBOATt RESTAURANTS A Fa11l;•111p with the bent OYSTERS , AND .CIAIIIB The market affords, at Wholesale' and , Began, at abort wire, fled at the LOWIrt? Lie n° Patois. Attended . N. B.—,Oysters and Clams Piekkd to Order. Net York, Lune 20,1883.—15. FL C •FFFY V. SCHULTZ &SRO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS : • GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, luau VILLAGE. 15311 g Co, PA. Wo keep nu head a lane end well &elected aasortntent of everything In our line, and trill ant permit oursedves to be undersold.. Also a One etnek of f IN RB, LIQUORS mid CIDER, not to be eatpaased tu the county. Janeihl3-Iy. /;I 5 1:41/ :ti:t : 4 Di :V4l - = 0) : 1 DI NO. 12 UNION BLOCK, Ono Door Bast of Brown's Hotel. I lies lone to inform in, Mende and the cabana pa.. eally„that 'Hove opened • Dow stock of CROCKERY, - GLASS mum, saisc.a. 0111 NA MOM" 1411V6%. TiUt. SETTO, TOILET Saws, • Sumas ossissairers, COAL OIL LAM% • VENT JAMS, FLAT= TEA *CM, cuirass, • OAKS ISASILITTS, ICI PITOILIERS, Burr= spasm, APOOlrf LION* TOAST RACK& - oll Noes PulpONT 10r'6124 M irOdeli, 'bleb IND baS WCC& , •' - 11111," SSW at ha tam , ImOlll4lft. . - I ' 1 - ' Sarsaparilla . FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And twr the speedy curs. of tbefollowlng el:lmplants: Scrotal& and Se rotoloies Affect lon n,sue k as Tumors, Ulcers, gores,, EroPtiono, Pimples, Pustules. Riopelle*, , Botts, Blaine, and al/ Akin DifenaCa. OLILACD, Ind., Bth Jnne, ISA J. C. Area lk Co. Gents: I feel it my duty to ac knowledge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me: . Mining inherited a Scrofulous infection, I have suffered trout it In various ways for years. Sometitnee it buret out In Ulcers on me hands and arm.; wanettrues it turned Inward and distressed me at the swaweh. Two years ago it broke out on my bead and covered my scalp and ears with one sore, which was ladrand and loatlatocue' beyond description. I tried many medicines and wrensl physiclans, but without much relief from any thing: In GA the diaader grew worse. At length I was releiced to read in the (Impel Messenger that you had prepared an alterative (asnaparilla), for I knew from your reputa lion tilitt any thing you made must ho good. I sent to Cincinnati and gut it, and used it till is cured me. I took It, as you advise, in email doses of &teaspoonful wet . a L month, and used almost three bu t New arid healthy skin some began to fern under scab. which after my, while MI oft My skin b now d , and I know by my, feelings that the dieresis has gone my system. You ma well believe that I feel what I em saying when I tell you, that I bold you to be one of the apostles of the aim and remain ever gratdully. Yours. ALEILED B. TALLEY. It. Anthony's Fire, Rome or Eryslp_elas 'Vetter and Salt 'therm, Scald Head; Ithetworse Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Prat,le writes Tram Salem, N. V ~ Sept. 1889, that he has cured an Inveterate awe of Dr•PaY, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the persevering nee of our tiancaparilhe. a•d also • din ; Saltmasit Erysipelas by large doses of the seine; ea he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. Bremekoesele, Goitre or Swelled Neek4 Rebuke Moan of Prospect, Texas, writes: "Three b h p the of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Goitre—a soul swelling on the Deck, which I bad suffered from• over two yews.* Leueotriora or Vl7llldes, Ovarian Tumo trterloe Fleerallom Female Dl .1 Dr. J. B. 8. Manning, of New York city, writes; "I most cheerfully comply - with the rouncsftf your agent in saying I have found your Sarsaparilla a most excellent alta4lve In the nutasroas e com p laints for which am employ such remedy, bat especial ly In itniede nitres: of the Scrofulous diathesis. at have cured many Inveter ate cases of Leuconhata by it, and some where the com plaint was caused by ulceration of the uterus. The ulcez ntinu itself was so= cured. ilothiug within' toy knowl edge equali It for these female derangements" Edward 8. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes " A dan• gerous ovarian Cantor on one of the females in my tunny, which had defied all the remedies we could employ, has at length, been completely cured by your, Extract or Sir. saparilla. Our phylician thought nothihg but extirpa tion could afford relief, but'he advised the trial a your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cizttlog, c u d it proved effectual. Alter taking your remedy sight wiatiol no symptom of the &sum remains." Dr. J. C. ARILi Sir, I cheerfully comply With the re quest I bare ofrealized your m with yourut. and re rlareaparport to you some of the °fleets I hare cared with It, in my preetiee, most of the rota plaints for which It Is recommended, and hate Foul& its effects truly wonderful In the care of renew./ mut Net'. Curia/ Diseau. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers In his throat,, hich were consuming. hie palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured him in Ave weeks. Another was attacked by see ondary symptoms In Ids nom, and this ulceration had Wen away a considsrable part of It, so that I belies° the disorder would anon mach his twilit and kill him. lint it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; the ulcers bashed, grid he Is well again, out cif ,course without sonte.diallgountiori to his face. A wumaa who had been treated for the eamo alb:mbar by mercury was Buffering from Ulla poison In her bourn. They bad become so sen sitive to the weather that on as damp day she suffered ex cruciating pain In her joints and bones. Labe, toe, was coned 'unsay by your &reoperate in o for weeks . I know Crum its formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparatioft from your laboratory must be a gnat remedy • consonantly Mess Moly rantukaLla results with it itavaieol = w ind Frites:ay rars, G. V. LAMLE% M. D. Itilannuttisns, Gout, Liver Complaint. Inntrosamcs, Preston Co., Va., fth July, 1559. DL J. C. Ares: Air, I hawrgmen aglictod with a *n th' chronic Rikustatirs for a hog time, which baffled the skill of physicians, sad stuck to ms In spite of all the remedial Muhl And, until I triad your lianspoilla. One bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored my general health so much that I am far better than before I was attacked. I think It a wandenla nedlelae. J. FILEAIL Jules Y. °Mobsll, of Bt. Louis, writes :" lban be bow ailLicted for years eith an offedion of the Loom, which destroyed my health. ,ltried every thistr„ and every thing Waked to relieve ; and llama been a broken:Wawa man for some years from no other tame than datmgement of Me Liver. My beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised me to try your Sarsaparilla, became he said ha know 'you, and any thing . you made was worth trying. By the Item. tog of Abu caned mti, sad has so scribal toy blood as to make a new mm ores. lAd young wain.'the best that can We said of you is not half gooitenon4h.* Sehirrus,Canter Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Caries , and Exfoliation of the Bones. A gloat ear*, of cases have been repotted to we where cum_ of Mal Etooklable econdaints have resulted from Ine 129 . eir this remedy, but oar space here not adroit them dome of, them mey We found In our American Alseanacewhkh the may below named am; pleased In .forateh'gratis to all who're! for them. • • Dripipulla,Siewst Disease§ Fits, EpLlep. 'sjr, Welotneholy t Neuaralgia. Many remarkable cures of these affections have been made by ths attentive power of this medicine. It stimco Wee the vital (emetics:pa Into vigorout action, and Wm overcomes disorder which would be supposed beyond its nisch. Stich a mmedy her log been required by the ns amities of the people, and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Cough), Colds, Infinensa, Hoarseness, Croup, Brunehills, Incipient Con: innaption, and for the Relief oir Consumptive Patients In advanced Stages • • sin the Disease. This Is a remedy so univereally known to =pus any other for the cured throat and lung complaints, that it fa melees here to piddish the evidenevof its virtue,. Its unrinlled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderfld clime of t g.lmonary disease, have 'made it known throughtan nations of the earth. Few are the emennualtles, or area familln, among them who ;hare not some personal experience of its effects tome living trophy in their midst ofEctory over the rattle and dangerous disorders of th roat and lung*. ds all know the dreadful fatality of disorders, and as they know, too, the effects of thla remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir• ton that it did have when making the cares Which Dare woo so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. 7.0.M= de CO.; Lowell, sofa in Brie by Jobs S. Carter. T. S. *nelair, Doctor L. Strong, W Nick sad Doctor P. Hall and by dealers evrtvwber lune2l'62-I.e. ECONOMY IS WEALT H CURE YOUR COUGH FUR 13 'CENTS THE BEST AND cHICAPEST HOUSEHOLD REMEDY IN THE WORLD! MADAME ZADOC PORTER',.% GREAT C'Oll,GiE REMEDY blid'e UMW PORTICR'd Balsam has two used by the public for orer.lllyears, and hes acquired Represent rale simply by Wing recom mended by those who have amid It, to their afflicted ftiends and others. SADOC PORTXR'S ,a price winch brings it to the reach of wiry one Ila keep it coureaieust for use. The timely use of a single bottle will prove to bs worth 100 Ulnae its cost.. 11OT1C8.—leave Year Mosey not be per. seeded toDuchess article' at da. to I,which do not oon. tale the virUes oft 13 cant bottled Maim* Porter's Co. ratire Belem, the oast of manshicturing which is as great as that of almost any otherntedicins; and therm low price it which it is sold, makes the profit to the seller apparently .mall, and anwiefeipled dealers till easethase recommend other aoedicines on which their pelts are hewn, antes. theeeudenneri insist upon !ming Sedum Portses and none other. Ask for /Wm, Poster's Cura tive Balsam, prison eft., sad in kip bottles at 25 eta., and take no other. V 'pa coanot pt it at one store yon can another. nr Boldly tin i est. and Store keepers at 13 elm" and in larger bonito st 1111 rms. HALL k MOUT., Proprietors, N.Y. JNO. B. CARTER. agent. Reis. Eian2ddil-y3 3 , 3 WAIG.HT'S BLOCK, STATE STRUT, RIME, PENNPA. Waal* skill soil Oboloo aro rtmeot of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS! DOMBRIPIO AND minas mar% WILLOW AXI) WOOL= Inas, STONE WARS, VicialtTAßLlA, .Lill alwaysitarl=igereat 010111011 r. vamp WEBB it KELLQGG, STONA MIN VW FOX • 3=4' AND FIRE - CLAY. asiommligra at DR vs, Wt v, • 7htiompopoi. ' li ra sattr l6llll" Ve il : Ilr,, a Cb. • i • ';` , - • t , ' 'b.'s.* ~,.. 4 , i. A. PER'S Syphilis and Msrcurial - DI . Nsw thusimoZth Auost, 1A69 /OR THE RAPID CORE OP Madame ZADOC PORTER'S Cantle* B&W= ta warran ted limed alwording to the direction; to cure in all ores, Cough; Oo Whooping Con& Asthma, and all atteetna of the Throat and Lungs. Mad'. ZADOCPORTER'S 'Mimeo Ls momued with all the requisite care and Mill, from • combination of the best remedies the vegetable kingdom affords. Aa ine. dial qualities are based on its power to Midst the heal thy and vigorous circula tion of the blood thro' the lungs. It is not • violent remedy, but, emollient,— warming, searetting and ef fective; can be taken by, the 'oldest person or, youngest child. (.4caser4 a. Wait 4; Kellam) •ri v 4 Min it 11.1.• if. 401,1 WARE! T HE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE. am? : 44 AZ =our intEmph GENIT.INE PREPAAATIIONS, VIZ : ' HKLWBOLD'S IXTR4C4I. NBUCHH," • " SALSAPAMLLA'p • IWPROVWD ROSE WASH. ' GENUINE PREPARATION, I ' 6 .1111ti111.V CONCEPITIMATitu.' COMPOUND FLUID EXTRAOT BIICHII.I A PoSITIVE AND ? P lIECIFICt • . OP TM; ELAIDDER, driDIVRES, URA V El. AND DROPS! This medicine increases the , power of Digestion. and excites the alolDititENTS into htaltby action, by which the WATERY OR caLcEROLIS depositions, and all UNNATURAL ii:PILAHORNENTs are reduced, as well as pain and intiunniation, and it gdod fur MEN, WONEiY OR CHILDREN. RELIIRCLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII; ,-" FOR WEAKNESSES, Arising from Excesses, Habits : 01 Dlsalisstiou t Indiservtlo a or abase, ATTENDED WITH•THE FOLLOWING HYMPTOYE: I onisponi Mon to Exertion, Leas of Power, lose of Memory, ' inelcialty of Breathing Weak Semi., Trembling, Horror of Dinar, Wakeful Dimoeie of Vision, ' 'Pain in tt u nacb, Culverts! Luganda of the Flushing of the kiedy, %lenient': System, ' , ilniptiane on the lace, Hot Hand., Pallid Countenance, !hyaena of the Skin. I These MyMO:IW; if allowed U. go on, which thin medicine IMPOTENCY, FATUITY,' EPILEPTIC 'TPA; la one of which the patina Lai expire. Who um may that they are no t ier fougtly followed those . INSANITY AND CONMUMIPTION- Many are *ware of the Canes of their sniTerinir, but mine will confess. The meanie of the insane Asylums 'awl the melancholy deaths hy Consurrip9on, bear staple wittwou to the truth of the aseertlon. , ,The Constitution Once Affected with • Organic Weakness , Requires the aid of medicine, to 'strengthen and invigor ate, the EWA], ILELMBOLI7 S EXTRACT SU(HU invariably doe. A trial fill convince the tuost skep tical. FIKMALKM,, FILWALIKS, VEMALIKM: OLD Ok YOCNO, MittMlD, Olt CO/17IXTLATI110 MASSIAtiI, In many affections peculiiir to £ in:salsa the gitract liuchu i.e unequalled by any other remedy, as to Chlo to- Oia or Retention., Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppirmision Of the Customary Eractuitibna, Ulcerated or &barons pta t« of the Mersa, Leacorriusa or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiqcretiou,4labite Dissipallpu,ar in the DECLINE OK (AUXINS OF LJVk. , au Briortozios ABOTX. • NO FAAIIIS SHOULD HE WITHOUT. IT Take ao Ulmer; Ilereum. l dr, Uoplealiant liedleine for .Vepleseact eel haagerons Dleetomm. ITELXBOLD'S EXTRACT :BUCHII SECR - E,T DISEASES, In all tbatr tante; at llttla expense; little or no ciaanige in 'diet; no Anoionvenlarlca. A,ND'NO EXPO-pURE It CLUZeS fr eVitalt dorire,' l and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing, obstrotittooa, preiranting and caring Stricture.; of the Urethra, ',allaying gala and tudamma tinn, an frnotniot thla clue of diJNIIMPS and impelling PO/ SONOUS, DIBEASTtI) 4. WORN 011TMATIVR. Thouga.ods tt , pact , Thousand', WOO 'HAVE lIKISiII TIM VICTIM' OF And who. have paid 111:AllY_ Fam_to cured sh p o o r t i. tune, have found they were deceived, and thilt the- ears" has, by the use of; "powerful IL:411'0E1U," been dried up it, the eyetern, break out in in airgrevitted form, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE! a lc HEiXBOLD'S EXTRACT BIIORV For all ACiationa and Diseases of THE UILIN.11[1( .01111.#A141,1, /bother existing is; MILE or "EXILE, from what ever cense originating, and no 'natter I! ROW LOU I pI TANDIPIIi. Dhows of thew ergzas kequire the 'aid of i Ditlurro. RELIIBOLD'S EXTRACT .BUCIIII •• • 79 ne GREAT 'DIURETIC, And It La otrtaln to toiri the &sired eat in all Di. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! • , 1 HOmbold's Highly Concentrated Colipoand Fluid El:triot. Barsapuilla. This is an &Section of the Stood, and attacks the Vis ual Organs, Linings of the Noel, Lars„ Threat, Wind pipe, and other Mucous Statures, making its appearance In the for aof Ulcers. Helsabold's Sainte Sarsapsailla pariSes.the Stood, and removes all Scaly ltruptioas of the Skin, giving to the Complexion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly for thin claw of complaints, itr Stood -Purifying Properties are preserved to a greater Anent than limy other prepersonon of Har "wine. . _ . Helmhold'S Bose Wash. An excellent Lotion to DI Peisea• of a Syphilitic Na ture, and as an injection in Dismiss of the U rinary Organs, arising from halskts of diuipation. need tit con nection with the Extract, &On and SarsapariPla, in such diseases as recommended: • Rvidenoa of the moat responsible and reliable eb mas ter will,e ci the medicines. I DERTIItICAjr/M4 OF 19.311103, From eight to twentiye% standing, with names kno wu to SCNICNCX AND FAME. For Medical Propertiea of RUCHU, see Claps/citatory of the united Slates. gee Professor EMIT/4S valuable works on the Trao• lice of Phyrie. See remark., made 'b y the late eelebratad Dr. yur- SICK, P hiladelphla. See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM/ Alifc.DOlP 'ELL, a celebrated Physieiaa arid Member of the Royal C allege Of surgeons, Ireland, andpublished in the Trans& ttions of the King and Queen's Journal. Rem bledioo•Chinargieal Review,published by RR ,NJA MIN TRAVERS, Fellow of the Royal College of Sur geons.. See moat of the late Standard Works on Mediate. s. itsrx.aer Baca; 41 00 per bottle, or 0 (Or t 16 00 .. emiaaraium..a. 1 00 *4 Ss 6 00 lamsom Roil Wuta, 60 44 se 3 60 Or tedf a down of each for st 2 00, which will be Irma meat to cure tha most obstinate ores, It dl.rsotions an adhered to. 1 • . Nitrated to any iddreSe, moundy patted from ob ger- ar Describe aympt(ima Is all cosamuulatUon s.— Cansrearantered. ♦drih gratts. Personally appeared before ins as Alderman ot. the 'city of Philadelphia; H. T. Ebll/11010, who. Wag daly swarm, Goth my, Oda preparations coated* no mare otte, nomemory, or other *pylons drum bat are pi hely vegetable. . , H. T. /113L11.301. D. Sworn sad wsbecribed helot* me, Ms 23d dsyof I Nor ember, MI. WM. P. HIBBAR .b, ' • Aldermaa, M inthlitreet, above Ram, T. TWA. • Address Lifters for intOnnatioa in sowlhimwm. e. It. KILLOGO IL T. 1111.1.1LBOLD. Cloud tt Depot 104 &nth TenthOctreet, Wow Chutes; Pk ila. 10/011FAMB Or COUNTOONSITO . • , AND . UNPRINFIPISD P 41410, lOU sassavar to avails or MIER owir , aai "other' articles on tbo reputation attained b *. !r sbri , igiaTiatakicha. •. 1 w a Ipprovel /kw lON & , AWVolliniggistsrfoWftm, ABlt VOA APIUKAF? 8-74112 NO Orin • A:11 1 arro . siadOV; —. uldadlte h. 41 °, 1111.111/4/ •. 4 L I 3 lENOWS " litlNßOLtrs" II ELM BoLb's C4I4.yo'ELLIRDS lovariably remote.), soon follow CURES Q. U A Clt S ! MMEiiRa syp)IILIS: AFFIDAVIT. HAVS AND CAPS V.O THE 1 11,) N, - AT SMITH'S! DtatlNG my recent 1.. New York .1.) , and PhilattelphLs., I made arrass,rensidsto with the bodied most fashionable inanuraeturer 1,4 . e e e,f.l4 imply of coo,le iu sue Lou,a and here .took of the beat HATS, CAPS, ETC. , ever brought to tins wariltet. 1 Ifeve s on band two tired dozen PALM LEAF TATS. tud s:wen of 111 inba, received .lirrtt from ti:v ufeeturera. which .111 be sold by ifs.• dozes; sit Noe York Jobber'. priest. Imre ear.., rreArest Beebe's :sprits,: Fashion ill 811 k Hnbu i . ; iNITH hptlifintf. 1.1. EA D QUAILTERS • —FOR—i CHEAP - 60()I)S -1 4 Wholesale and Retail GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE; WINES AND NUO . - F. & M. SCHL.A.IIDECKER, are now receiving at theirold shod, A tiwi t am Block, State street, ti Iyrge rind superior stock, of GROCERII.2, • .Ptti WINES, . LIQUORS, • WILIAM; W 4 ot)DEN, - ANL) sTi )N • - • WARE, • FRUITS, • • , NUTS, .together with every thing found in a (louse of this kind, which they will sell a.s cheap • as any other. establishment in this city Cash or- most kinds of country produce. They hare algo on band one or the largeet and meet Stock' of Tobstoo anti- Segarn ever brought to line. to which they.tnrite the attpution,of the public. rjr Call and nee tut--it nimble Mx pence is better than &31i01/r. ihliling , eotusequetair Cult huyerr, I'lll bud gren! birgatzut by calling at the Grocery Head . Quarters! AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET haw 2.11363-52. ' ... •F.b. g. SCH LAUI) A KF.It. B 1 AU, CRACKERS, AND SODA I.IISCUiT coN.Ficr It lN EItI Eti, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1 4 111..', - subscriber is now rnatinficturinl., all kinds or (lAN MRS of tbe brgt quality and yen lo_y_prterit. I offer all kin.l a ofititt.M.DlEßS, SODA Disi. CULT CARKs, iv:, at much Inw pnc., that it will par Country ilartiranta to come to Erir an l examinr mr rtiirl< befor, purchaning elsewhere. Private latuilirs ■uppl 1.1 at their houlmia. - .Wl4. SHERWOOD, juire22-3 Rearlyw-yprigit « rott O r. , Eric, l'a. N 0 T 1 We take great pleasure in infurrniug,tbe and our numerons Patrons in particular, that we hale again reeurseJ DIANU I , ' A Cl . IJ It t; T VEs 11 , 1111 INCREASED PA (1 I,IT I ES, Awl are prepared to till all ,o-Oerm f ,T COOKING AND LI EATI s'roV Es, =3 Basing pareitasad a large Stos revwu• t, , being burnt out, give. ue a dr:.le