. ..N. DR. 1711:41. HUED'S DENT_A T, REMEDIE-S IN THE WORLD, ILL. Ili._ 1. - ea. JRING Films TICSTI2 tlc, A smium ['IMAM / I AND CURING TCOMACIDS AND imam " bo you wish to be i.esct with and adm ired for Paaat.y seines and 8 T EE TH Lie W3l. B. IIUKp M UNRIt ALI . ED TOOTH POW • DF. It, warranted free h m acid, abuili, or any inittrioui substance. Price, 25 cents per box. I 7 Beware of the cinllcus.7 .soap Tooth Powders, which whiten but destroy. Do you wish to be aerials that your BE EAIH is pare, sweet, and eyr_eesble - to busband or wife, lora or Meads? Us. DU. BUMPS jeEL EL MUTED MOUTH WASH. Prins, 37 omits per bottle. • ThD 'stricken. wash; ie also the best remedy In the world (or Casual, Sec bEXATg, quiz= Ocrivs, goal tiqrsti, Ste. It has cured hundreds. Do you, or your &t en "Mier from TOOT Car? G V. Get D. HUI/WS 31Atilt1 1110 T 011.8 01101'S. Price, 14 emits per bottle. Are you afflicted with, uriSITEALGIa ? Get BR. W. B. BMW • NEVEALGIA PLASTERS. The moat effective and dells tfut remedy known. They do not adhere no, blister, but soothe and ahem pain away. Try them. IPrice, la and 37 cents. Hailed on receipt of price. Do you alsh • complete set et DENTAL REMEDIEA ano • Tzutaves cm 'Allstate° tem? Get DR. W. ) f, B. HURL, Ire ve.ST 'L VIIIIASJJIt Y. the neatest nal most valuable pres at that onS mend eau make to another Prteat, it. r tby E.:pressen nraelpt of pelt*. t or ol• •t all the beetl•tore• throughout the eoev.tri - lo thr , . , r l . J... 0...... who take ndvatitAge . b( l• 'II* o , t• •• In ....N. I,p n Ilivir customers un •• . • • .. I . ........r. tut ..•lat upon baring iu • II 1..7 ?H) Ilk er, th,,rutt4b . .dI •flo 4 , • II•130,1 . IN leOlihr• , ' ' • •iV. I k t.a...l)..attit's Am.. . ~I . b. .. Tort Cit) Natal OEM i - .1 fi a URD & CO., New York. 11..."1:mr: SIP Ant yo.l Say,. i V Tgig MEI I.I.CUSEKE4 PLR'S NEW F U RN ITURE POLISH. tt prt.prlr 1" A 111./Sti " .k,r• •i r e r 11, th. wand for R., I ) 1 • f •,I ) . a gloss L 3 ..!; :lade ul v . ,, ratrzo 7 work. iThraltute to I.reli-r ito.le.;; ts and better Var.ll+;ll, !Ilea 11.111.1 ' ' •‘' l "P`e'r.. 4l • P. 1 plr; r; ; C,,;,;;; hottlt . or sw. 4.r w FCAINITChIi 1 . 0 lett. a I ,, Cipek,e; yr ma tt•e ferwitur, ..c a 11,,itne Loci.; it 10 xititig :V, , ..0 eta.. 1911131 ,•• • I:. • main , 1•011:1 10.1 • , grurrl Puttd 4 c-znt, c hot,tle • ))) )) ,41. N. I Sertlod Y." 11. zttilYNTft A:, • onn.l.2er, ,v, 'Emus AP 0. 11. t•- u: r• r ~1.71, : t / 701.:M.g 1 / I n•t Nt:e 'lett. Mt I • ISQUIS. 6 6 IN 'PIE S. • THRILLING INCIDENTS 11111 4 rr Thr' Heroism of• our oldiers and Sailors. ILLebIALTED 'arge 12.17:c. Prii.t, $1,23 The enricr and the pub:blare right to predicting that il.ll 011 c.rp.Fs In 61,1 LIC La , !St:{'.-. OaettlLK interest, *b.: evewilve c 5. I tlita I ily . sli other tir,Dnet of the %yea. ,ef the l Lion 'tz tl.rize 4•1:, te. the. 1- , ,,1c donor„ Y-4- --Ilea; oni:eri:. 8 • i d hate•efladtlt Lt,eoL c• 11 CI our ri"Oilfril l endeutiore, and it. laC-id ran ,LI, b r the Unita of 4,,0r0ma100 ..t It.l.O:ll,:iLtrlt' 1.. r,0:,.1,.:. for tratz t Coca. It till cuuerun, ID Olittltlol.l to its sw - rmg details, th e'boosupin,al Sclaf)ein of he e :ta r e. of ti,a Wax, b .1 cart !..filtor Si OTLLT. L. .. U, di utlior of 'Tin Rat A 'tat, litttch ttepubac; etc', ~,rtaht arena trot the. Joh' Atr rtS Wird account ei.11;:,11,1Dg3. Ouu-thud the procteals (4, al, buLawne.lor...n t ellroct to ui will be giveu for the flehtt of 1 .bled oldies, and 01 perrouu who aiah 4 copy of Mork, alad Liao •0 boort.: the solciete, abodid rend tLelr came and sol, dres,at oar, AA,' ;al) titter:, • r I 21TkIP,, or person it nay eeet.cru of the , coup ry, haul g kncal(dge of a aero,e act or atirrlng Iccol, at, uillobloie um by 2enclEci tle an account of it. - - BODE ail* 1..11, PoIITILABT IS, Ltd CANTAMING AGISTII will be tutniet,e4 with a ti4bacrlytlan Prespeetna, on ar pheatloh to the publiehere. .. , . 4 isberal t4aunlacon iss l ica to aoldteri desirieg ta ad .oareati :a taking intbaaiptions. / In. f TOE I.IISTOILY OF AYIEJLICAN lOANCEAC TURE!.,, FILO3II6PS to 11..160. By Irr. J. Ls- Assam Manor. 2 yoLs &TO. Vol. 1. now reedy, Vol. i l 11. ceerly ready. , This is probably e laricest and most important work Dow in the AmericaSe press. We have also jolt published new 'Sons of the fol lowlog useful su,'populsr books: TILE BUSINESS MAWS LEtiA ADVISEE; or, Uow to Ssre)loney, by .couduetiz Busbies' an. cording to Law, as expounded by tho Be* and 'Latest Authorities/ 400 pp., sheep. Prim Si. L OPPORTUNITIES INDUSTRY; or, A TRUICS4ND CHANCE.; TO MAKE 310111E1'. C Tioth. his has been republished to England. Every bueineas roan and clerk ahould have these books. They wil4ay the Guyer a hundred fold. Every parent should g l t them for their sons. t._ All th r ew ticipka are mailed, pootpaid, oa receipt of price ,We pay particular ttention to mailing books, arspplbg them carefuny, and will procuie and send postpad. any book an) whore, en receipt of publishers' pries and at: etampe. Andress • 4.. , l ''' FR,ETE.1.31.4 1 E.1 7 Sr, CO., Tribune Buildings, N. Y. PI 1 11\11101 ,4 .—Persoot who !nab t. buy a Plasm of Os 'rip b. cb , .lirb u'ltrej caa sae a band ..Env stAr m the I.orebage if lb.) •dtt , emrs Ptaao, care Joli • , ok 6 1 Agetax, Now York P. 0 1.43438 BUFFALO & ERIE' R. B. 41* OIL I RM UN and alter Monday, April 2Otti, 1663, Passenger Trains will run on ibis Road Li followss LEAVING ERIE. 603 A 1., Masi amid elecom., stopping at Harbor Crook North hast.dtata Llo.,llutoc7,Vicathold,Portland, Brotton, Dunkirk, Siliercreoli,lrTing and Angola, aZTIVIC•aI Buffah,,at 9 A St 2 00 P. M., Dap Express, atopplog Kt North East, Wart hold, puut.ru, silver Creek, and Augola, iaid arrlylnt/ at Boast° at 6 or. 11 7 lb I' M. OntlKKatu Eqa,ss ,:upping a: ' , Vestfield, Dunkin, and Nivel Crrek. Kati lames at Buffalo at 10 11l P. M. 120 A 11., Nig Ai Express, stopping at Wenneld. Ounkna ak , d Sheet Creek, arrives at Motraloat 4 20 A Al The Day Express connects at Dunkirk and 00124.10,11 the Night Express at Buffalo only, with Eeprese trains for New Yark, Philaseiphut, Boston, ,te. LEAVING BUFFALO. 420 A id., Masi 4 sirees.,attipping at Hand:ugh, North Beans, Angers, irnag,St er t reek, Dunkirk, Brow. too, Portland, Westfield, 4,itainey. Start. Line, North W.set end t arbor Creek, arriving at Erie at 8 16 . g. ZO A. if • Zledo Erpras, stopping at Enver Creek, • Duni. ark, Westfield and North aamt, arrives at brie et JO 0 t g 25 t N. Day I , : xpr co, *topping at Angola, SUM An.id laa.l North East,urtring r :•• ••• • 3 • I• •••1 Lzirress ‘Alter MP lark 3n , i tt netted, arming at Erie al i 30 A X. Rallr.nd - t!nr le tea minutes LEIF than Srie 000 1 * A p 0'25. • N. .O{(IWS, ~pt. Change in the Drug . Business! Theinnx eitablished .130 .41 known Drug fk Medicine • Store of J. S. Carter. ! II ,-or• I 14 . • U . 111,1 tie uutkr. wk.) ,lutt purolivi-il vie en , tiv•veit eorniaqs the b u Rt.R. R 12, 14 'he • Cat% [laze. The put aad 111•14 reuse .a a Prescription and fondly illeclkine Store, place it fig: e MR CITY! Lop„.- b 'a/r• al gtleptint, an d J e d,. It rt.. a a. '0 m,IH . a 01.00. fa , the tutult.. J• • tti from tilt more UM nt • ~ Da ft• p a tv meet t v As and mg .be :SAIII3I. cal rm. septatft Mil ~~~ ~. To TheLfidiesof-lbneri'eal MORE VALHABLE THA.N OOLb Dr. JOHN L. LYON'S French Periodical Drops, French Periodical_ Drops, French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Drops, FOR FEMALES, FOB FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, Soffertng from Irregularity, or tThatroott , not the Menses, from whatever cause, IT IS SURE TO CURE! It is liopoesible to etaioy 'be bloom of at. tr Of opiritx, unless the Meo-rii aro regul‘r as to the ti e, tho quantity and quality. When they aro he'r-L -WI, figure mak-s her effort to obtain for It some nth-r outlet. and mules. thew elf'ort• nt nature are NJM.Ie.I, the patient ua ally eaperiemies Despno&ney, N urea and dotal, I ON -UMPTION um. ea li. INWS/9 and prematurely terattaateesm'earable fife. - IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT BENIOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT REM' IVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS : IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MINI), ry fIIfOPS TO CZ :le: Stlppr,vitn of t:...icute :r tr 6 te re r eau.). though care thoual weer tf prft,.ntary n tan mune, n% wt , u'd .14 t,re to pr,..lnon tat:knurl...go tt•ny a-13 Yrti: 'JEN e,norptt if t&k.n two or titre, da. brioro the =octitiy period, tarr rnre, I wiAL it cioatucUy um:tr. tact I do not hold wywilf tom,oatt. to what, u.,J nuns: mach etrcomsttncee. ; I BUY THE BEST ! I BUY THE BEAT! BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST ! BUY Tilt SUREST! BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREsT! o d.tea of a•t the im . Brow= raid. and az acmr- Ira:tick:l, U. by !traa`tbeatag and Initigoratizig. and restoring the system •to a healthy cond,tion. It moderates all ex oeen, and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure nay be relied on.. To Married Ladies, T 717 7. are riod mai= a=e1,4 ,2 1 . 7 7 1 ring on the month SURE TO DO GOOD. SURE TO DO GILD. SURE TO DO e s ID. SURE TO DO GOOD. I could famish WV quantity of testimonials of its ef3 obey from toy own patients, but the practice of parading bought and Sapiens ease bear* the ablic Is so peers lent Ida not deem It advisable. Ity object is to plane my medicine before the politic, cot alone to male motley, but to do red. It is proverbially true of the anteri-an Ladies, that not ten perfectly healthy ones tan I.* found in any one vicinity. .IEI6B. Lot not dlasamyew oonstitetion. Try • battle of coa c CRIOVEDROPS, and you will b aat. WWI hat no imparter. Toll year atil.oted friend what mowed t • bloom of health to • our chew, and thereby maw • favor mom vainabLe than gold. Yoi panda' or scanty Menstruation it la jut the Imre DOW fa city tobad-an Wawa of •lady who had tam anDering from painful menatfustion two on Wes years, confining her to ber roam each time ; she hod &Wiwi to /*rang eminent physician; without r,U.f, wbim one bottle of my DitgPe entirely =mad bar. MORE VALUABLE TITAN Gr.IEL: MORE VALOARLE THAN GOLD'. MOhEVALUABLEfiIANGOLD! IT IS SURE TO CURE! IT IS SURE TO CURE! IT IS SURE TO CURE! IT JS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR' IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! TEIAT I I GU'ARANTEE THAT I GUARAN'TE!:. THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE BUY THE SAF - ST • BUY THE SAFEST! ,BITY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SAFEST! • WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS! WHICH. IS LYON'S DROPS! WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS! THEY ACT LIKE A CHAR / CANNOT DO TrARM. CANNOT DO HARM. / CANNOT D') HARM. / CANNOT DO HARM. B WISE :!N TIME! BE WISE IN TIME! BE WISE IN TIME! BE WISE IN TIME! ONE BOTTLE CURES I ONE BOTTLE CITRE/3 i ONE BOTTLE gI7RE9I ONE BOTTLE CUBES' L Abort 'my ages. DO NOT , DE IMPO3ED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT• BE IMPOSED UPON ; Bat 4.4124 Pat 104 ItOd it to 7 011 rDritalit, WU be has apt t it. make Wm 6 4...• ts for rot' ; or, It may be of tits General Arista ror the trated %mos, i C. 0. outaz go., Wzmasazi Dsvoaurs, Istrw Ram, Cow: Far Pale b all reireetails Draggiats. PCOO SIP $ nor ii.lo at rho lntik by D.D.5.12.1113 00., AIL prgparad 107 /m t.. LTON, V. D. Paz Pall y D 7. L. Strong Wo. ;do. ft. sladoie.set. . , .L r. . • "ilPre• , • . r u •,. • • it• t5,...;e1 ) unr vro. 'll •IC, • .• St•ry .y. SI. 1..1i.. 0 , " I 'l l 1 f/AT. DI i EHIA, 1Z AC- 4.f --IT CURES— • - Iffiaistemo and Lawyers' Sore Throat IT CURES7-1:ILONCIIIT11-.7. IT CURES—SALT RHEUM. IT CURES—SICK HEAPACIIE. IT CURES—BURNS, CHAFES, &C. IT CURES—CHOLICS, CRAMPS. &C IT CURES--PAIN IN THE BACK. IT CURES—RHEUMATISM. IT CURES-CHILL BLAIN'S. Gives , prompt relief in Asthma PIITHISIC, AND CROUP. ' ' vary valuable In GRAtEL, DROPSY. AND ' XIDNEY AFFECTIONS. La wintturru..e4l out at bINIMENT AND .PAIN BILLER in Bottles at 25' and 50 Cts. Pean.r, In tin a,kr:O NCP. 1", •• :rad, "Ira Y.•ri, ho:esan• Art-ntP. by itlac,rn • pi b:byt; rleynr..' and s ,, bi by JO} S. CAkTF.P., Fri«, P. ,tiro rails proprietor of , r:GAk. COATED • Ntrtrfc • PILL" Slea" 4 °ERMAN' wi);:u cANny. , n. 3 .• . • ////i/ • . • " '• 2-1111 111 ' iP _ T II • • cOLLEGE; - ..; • r I . • t. ; ;) - • ..- , .'•• " • ' •• p r.e.,ued i 1 .nn COVII:f,C, . / • • o. (1.1A,i.'• t. * 4 4.1 i/f , L j'i LILM•M g1...411,• 1 / 4 . , -•.• • at-: t:;Jta •.• . • , 17. ,,, t , . • . ....:.rite -1. it •, , ;:;1 .1 1 't•,•‘..; „-... - • - I. tr. , •:.• 1.0.• cf . a. er.i..er.e.tic.eul..,"eti r. ! .. C1201d.1 - Nt , ty,l.A; tu $.1.9 dm. and A. Ver.l.D;.: ••/:c•u!. a.T. Liu:raki, J. C. I tore call a: 1.:t,• (.: actiri Cat.dogue on 3 vuelo dua • nttt.-f irItAT;ON. , :e')7-17. , 4Cralcs. N. Y. 1 , ' J. N. pt.l.l.tiNT. EAGLE ; FOUNDRY: Pearl 4., abaci! the Berfftita Pa - 14 Y N T to nu• volt fiivary,) I=l PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVE.., TiN a Si :LT lIION ALL KLYLS O. /RON CA .P7/iNGS Frory qt . tro .341 by la, vrariatted to 6,9 catithietiott tb.c.on, oat: Sl E:1:c, ,uu un-,!'or can uNclu l t,' 'lt tirdfr PLolra 5..0 I'Low Tovers of 10q , ..r.0r dun , siy•is,i , 0 zusnsl. A Call 01 , 1 0 talr tr.u. of ou. artt Coe ,t, at H. Zz. C. nar-)eL;-tt I E (_; I 'P LI 0 0 'l3 I 2.\i" IJEKY .—:— COILYER OF ST.ITE ASU PIFThr STS. the urtle..-kliz r ued woultl zeturn the pitren heretofore estendvt to he, anur•lhats a coutinunze: ot the ilereceL.tt, mute e,teniteu inlet i eLnents, among PAGING .?,lACIIINE, for pica:. ,':,.ink Looks,l4 uvs..is tit Which be la enabled io o, ti qr. of that hunt :us neat led as tut-a:, a. it eau or tune in Buffalo. - Haring had au EXPERIENCE OF TWENTY YtEARS, i I c ap,.esl for the public plai-Tiiago with To, con't.tel.ce to aI ability to glee satisfaction. RULING, BINDING AND ALL KINDS OF WORK LLNE Done to order. ConstantlY on hand a large &apply 0) BLANK, BOOKS. Remember the place, aouth-trest corner et State an.l Fifth 'streets, second story, next door; to the . •theette' of F. .11.,‘'ULE. Erie, January 24th, 1863.4 m JOHN WELCH,' DRALZIL !HIPPO IN FOREIGN. dc DOMESTIC FRUITS, , Y r. GETAUL F. 3, k C •L/10,DiALLIt IN OYSTER.II, POULTRY AND GAME. 'ln their Seasons La) . - 1170. 2, Traey'a CSICAP-'4II4 . FRINCIII Bz., - ER/Z, PA. ()Mere fro:neither the City or Country titled Promptty nod et lowest market eaten. '2,414 OYSTERS & CLAMS. THE Subscriber would respect- ••••• fully Inform by frendi and ens men t at 6c le t_b) still at Ms old stand, No.'2 Washington Th Market, New Toth, Awl is prepared to ruinisb HOTELS, grEeltitOdT-z,4E,STAL7R4NT3 with the best OYSTERS' AND MAILS. The market affords. at. Wholesale and Ratall, at abort aiadat the LOVI7VI Lrevra Plums. Atton Mr" Allded Orders Prom the Country Promptly to.. N..D.—Oysters and Muth Picklstito cr‘lar. Nay York, Jute 20, 11163.—ty. 11. C•FPEY. V.. NICIOULTZ & BRO. WHOLESALE AND RETA,IL DEALERS ix - GROCERIES AND PBAVISIONS, • &max VILLAGE, ERIE CO, PA. Ws bap oa buil • I.raii sad well seeded asiortseat or stet, is au limo sad will sot permit orslysa to is assiarrild. Liao flapiletel of 5113111:8 3 , LlQll(iiii aadCWElk sot to be sarpaimi is thilaoasty. junel6lE.-Iy. luny CROCKERY STORz 30. 12 UNION BLOCK, One Door But of itiOtvn ' 's EoteL I bar lama M Want my trinate l aad tho cithwas my. rally, ;aid I Data opsnid • stew stock cf caocm. EBY, (LASS WARE, FRENCH CHINA, DINNEILEETTS, • /TEA SETTE4. TOILET SETTS, MANTLE ORNAMENTS, COAL, OIL LAMPS, FRUIT aAus, rLATuti TEA SETTS, CLUSTOION ,' CAKEtI4/LETel l • ICE PITCHERS, aortal( otraU, - eirOoli.e.toKs, = TOASTRACKS. : • • EIFOOMI di FofZßx, Ant a Ivo misty of !otbar artlaks, which will b~ attarrd at /MOOT taronr mums. Emahaats sup W. at Ima tJaaa New Tad s W. H. IFISMET. - AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE. BLOOD. And ur the speedy cues Lit Lt* fulieWing cersPkants; erofulo and ScriotaJens Affect inus,sueh as Tumors, tirrni, t Sores, Eruptions , Pimples, Pustules, itlotellos, and nil hlau OM June, HO., - . - • J. C. Ain Co, Gents : 1 feel tt coy duty ban. kui.wledgo ishat 3, lir :aitaperilla has done foe me. Marini; inherited a i•erefolou , Infection. I late antlered from it in tariou Wayll 14 3 cire. 4.171..tanEn h buret out la Cheers on in, haunt nod anus; Knnethust it turned toward and dietrese,l rue at the biortatch. Iva 3 ism nto it broke out on my hes 4 mid cm ercd my tr.elp and ears with GOO bore. which was paluful and loathsome • beyond description. I trwil many ruidiattes add eoverai plc sictana. but without much rititet from ao/ iblug. In net, the (11.ot der grew ueim. logth I nivi row! In the 1.0. pi I Alelioniger anit yun Lad peep...red au alterative (Srini.iparillatir 1 kt.ew from pine rt pota tion Una any chino you visite tittait be gutx.i. I ekut Cincinnati/to/got it, and lA.OI it till at tuned me. 1 tai. it. CO , }on advise, let amaLl dunes of a tearpooutul utrr a mouth, and used almost three bottles. Neer any heeliLe Skin won began to form under the eats, vruich after n uhllo 6 , 11 cll. My elite iti non el(ar, and 1 Imo? by toy feelings that the discat.o Irene W,) steul. Ynd eau well betties that I feel a Let I art/ a4k. ktig Shea I tc.l you, that 1 hold you m nue of the misistlm of the 4e,. and rennu a over gratefully. lour, AL1 , 111:D D. TALLEY, , St. Anthony'. Otre • nose or ErYsifteloss Tatter and Salt Itheaus..Scald /Lead, Ringworm, Sore Eyes. Dropsy. Dr. Robert 99.Preble writes from Salem, st. l'2llt Sept., 1959, that Le has cured an Inveterate rase ~f Dropsy, which threatened le - terminate fatally, by the por-osering issisof r,tarsaparilla, rmi alat, a deargernis Ma 4 4Pia 4, DTlVelas by largo doaes of tha no; says ho cum tlgo common Lyup ions by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zeboloys Elam of PrespreL Texas, wrdast "Throe hot. ills of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Wirt —a hld. eons welling on the neck, a larN I Lad suffered from over two Team." - Lencorrham or Whites:Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. Dr.. 1.8.5. Canning, of New Volk - City, writes ; most cheerfully cotnply With the request of your ngent iu raying I have found your &imperil la a mint excellent alterative lu the numerous complaints for which no employ snub a remedy, but especially in &mote Diseases of the licrofolous dletho.-la. 1 have cured many Inveter ate mesa Lencorrhcea by it, and some where the corn plaint was caused by Ill.:oration of the uterus. The ulcer ation itself was soon cured: Nothing within my knowl edge aqua/mlt for these female derangements." _ ' Edward B. Marlow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A dan gerous ovaricen honor on ono of the femaJes in my family, whirl bad defied all the remedies we could employ. hula at length been completely cured by your llxtraet of Sar saparilla. Our physician thought nothing lett extirpa tion could afford relief, but be advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and It proved effectual. After takingyour remedy eight wed., no symptom of the disease remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. NM' Ouzo's, '2stlr Angtd, Da. J. C. Ana t Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re quest of your *gent, and report to you 14,430 of the NIOCUI I have realized with your Sarraparilla. .1 hare cured with It, In my practice, most of the eons plaints for which It is recommended. and hero Itnind its eltects truly wonderful In the cure of Venereal a-id 1/cr eed:id Diseax. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers In he throat, which were consuming hie perste and the top of Ida mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily tarn, cured him In Live weeks. Another wale attacked by see. ondary symptoms in hie EU*, and the laceration bad eaten away a coualderable part of it, so that I believe the disorder redid Won reach his train and kill him. but It yielded ,to tqy administration r f your Sarsaparilla; the' ulcers healed, and ho le well again, not of course without some &Ovation to his fee. A woman alio had been treated for the nine hv mercury was suffering tram this solisan in her h.o. r. 'llOl had _become no sem 'dive to the weather day she stare cd ex cruciating. pain in her j , LAIN. MN too, was cured entirety hypur J rill.i lu a few works. I know fact Its formula, tic t. u, agent gave me, that this Preparation from y,,,,, story must he a great remedy; oonsequeratly, them uuy remarkable results srlth.lt Lacs not surprised me. Ss Fraternally youm G. Li. RhetunaUssii, Gout, Liver Complaint. Inrarrrnitro, Preston Co., Va., Cth July, MD. Ds. J. C. Arms Etr, I base been affikted path fol &rank Wartnactiret for aloog ttntsorbkh baffled the still of pbysiclans, and stuck to me In. mitts of all the ranesdlu I could find, until I tried your Sanefani la. One bottle co.red, nue In two weeks, and restored nay general twsaltb so math that I as fat letter than before I was attacked. I think it•wooderful medicine` J. PILKAR. Jain Y. Gstehell, cf Et - Lords, writes: I bars teen allitkted for Team with an offecu'ort of L'e 'leer, which destroyed my bealth. I tried every tiulm, and every thing failed to milers me: sad I hare been ahroksn.dolna man for some years from to other CUM than dermSpernant re the Law, 14y beloved rester, ens RST. 111 r. Espy, adstaad me tot* year Sarsaparilla, benne, be said bo knew you, and any thing. you made was wor th trying. By the les, Mg of Ord It has cured ale, and has so railed ray blood as to make anew man erne. I feel young again. The hest that as be said of you Is notbalf geed exicengte.7. Soh irrusCancer Tanners, Enlargement tt Ulceration. Caries and Exto/latten et the Bones. A great ♦slaty of ause hare been reported to ete when cures of thew torsoldable complausta bane resulted that the use of ale remedy, bat onr space here will not admit them. Soma of them may be found to our Asturian Almanac, which the agents below named are pleasid to bullish gratis to all who call for them. ' Dyspepsla j Aeark 13! Fltst;Epilep. ii,. ' k g :ll -- niholy - , - iieu - riliiiit. Many remarkable cures of these alfectiona hare betri made by the alterativspown of this medicine.' it Mims. Yates the vital functions into vigorous actlp, and Lbw overcomes disorders which would bo supposed beyond fee react. Both a reinedy'Las long been required by Oro oe• mulatto of the people, and we are confident that this will do for them an that medicine can cle • • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOE THE :Urn) cyan OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, incipient Cond. gumption, and'for the Relief i or Consumptive Patients in advanctd Stages • of the Di• . . This lea remedy eo universally known to !Arpin any ether for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that it is useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Ita unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and'its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilised nations of the earth.' Yew are the cOnllllUtales, or even families, among theta •tio have not some personal exrerience of its effects sesme using trophy in their midst of its victory over the irsititle and dangerous disorders of the throat end lungs. As all know the drtesiful fatality a these disorders, and as they know, too; the effects of this remedy. we need not do more than to genre them that it has now all the vir tues that It did have %het:Crashing the cures which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. tss Prepared by Dr. I. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, *ass. ,alt 1• J °tan 1 , 1. , / • t , Llor L. Strong, W bleb and Doctor ; and by' deMerb every bey june2l'62-Ir. ECONOMY IS WEALTH: - • CURETOUR COUGH FOR 13 CENTS! THE BEST AND ,CHEAPEST_ HOUSEHOLD REMEDY IN THE WORLD I . MADAME ZADOC PORTER'S GREAT COUGH REMEDY! q ~ \ 1 * ale ritoply by Indus mem mended by thySe who - have used it. 'to hair satiated Wends and others. rei A .Vp.-11 sd'e ZADOC PORTED': Curial** Wiliam /1 1 , 431 d at a price which briace It lb the reach of reerrone to keep it coove bat for ass. The timely o of a single bottle will prove to be worth 100 Dices Its eat. OTiCie•-•Nave Y9lll. Money 1...110 UO6 IMO per suaded to' utothaloartlotsa at. 4s. to lilmblela do not coo. taln the virtues or 13 Oat bottle of Madame Porter's Cu rative Balsam. the cost of manafiseeneing which la ea goat u that of altnost'any other medicine; and therm, low pries at which it_la sold, nukes the protit to the sell,: apparently small, and maptineipled dealers will sometime* recommend other medicines on which their profits are lager, sakes the easterners (mist upon hieing Madame Pnrter's and none other. Ask ter Madame Potter'' Cura tive Balsam, pries la eta, sad in large bottles at 25 ern.. sod take no other. Tt yes cannot get it atonaatare you can another. . . rir Sold by all Druggists and Stet,* beam" at 13 eta., and in Urger bottles at 113 tts. HALL, a RIICKEL, Proprietors, N. r; JNO. S. 'CARTER, Agent, grit. pa1:244847] WRI,OHT'S BLOCK, STATE STREET, R&• PENN'A 1 Where a WI and dotes assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS! D0M1:...2t10 AND FOREIGN PnpiTn. WILLOW A:11) WOODEN WARE,, STONE. WASS. VEGLTAILLS-S, are always 0 D kand and as 110; cheap at alltt JOHN BANYARD'S New Gras/cry iSZOBOI t. W 338. a. M. ICELLOOO. WEBB & KELLOGG, (Summon to TAO 4. A 12411.) MANOTACTIIILUS OP ZMY.DII3OIIIPI/011 OF STONE :WARE! • AND MUM IN • FIRE - ERICK, AND FIRE - CLAY, - mine* :41 sad ,74.1 Sta n oa the Catta/,--- - Dee. 27. 02—tf • ' urnts.T:l , on MSS ebolosatilllaats, yards,cEatommed war kV to draw rob it LIM isiti, l Igor liarit Ins Olio et a. Aro& -r1":. , : - .:gmtat.'1•;1% - '. grxt! T fit 1. I • .411± •1 ' ' • ! I QR/21LT • fxrli s isr arc l anipuyA • . - • 9 • . ','-• 1 ' irELltlllol;l3'3' 1 1 G.Ii:NUIN , E -PIiEPIARATION, 1 . ) Fllll D rilMintiEYS, AMD DROPS! 110 e meilleina inerampo tho polner of Digaition, and ev111,:. the A RitENTS Into healthy nation, by whleb Ql4 :W.4 T'ERY # R aiLGEROUS depoOtioaa. tad stl UNNATURAL ENL4RGEMEI9TB are riodueed. al 1•01 Rh r.lin on. tod , mmottoo, sOld i• good for IKEA .Wollo' OR fIiLDRRN. 11 OR 1 7 / 7 .A.K.N853E9. ,: ' - . . ' ' • • , I Aritao* from Filettlee, riatilts of DlARlpation, ,Fitly 1 I i ladisoretlon-orj.kbase, iii"l4:3lD/D 14ITH THE TOLLOININCI svaToirs: 1 r _ rma.pohition ta, Exrrtfon, .owe of Power. 'f.oAs of %fernery, lifficulti of lareathing, Wewl Nerve, 1 ' ' flo • , v resibileir, , rrur of 1)1..v,e; 'kW:Llama. - foimnrie 0 . V igna; Palo in the Back: • UtOrer‘el LAS.;' utle of the Flushing of the 1104. il um,uiur 1) item Kruptlone on-the nee, , 1,;? '4.44 , IPaTII4 Cnuntecant*, Dryness of tbi Skis. i - • F, If *Haired to g 4 on, widcb,tbla cosiiictSi tiny,' ' , muter. , tcrun follow ± • Th•so wj y 1 an. lu nu, of wide tz.Jit they Varay arb rvine c , mrctg.l. ,wt tho int.cke6s to thetruth The Cons ft.l , ltrem the ; ate the Ak Ater. !u'variabfr 4t .n: 1"..r l'a racy aticlioci peculiar tto Frooles the Mitract II ilLcho II watiuellea'lly any other remat4y, as la Clio ro• bli, or RettotiAO, Irri gularitv, PraUtAthrams or Sappressloa ...i Vol ust.,4nry E aetuittozi, 11i...crated or Sektrnms etto:o of the Gteras, Leneorrhei or Whites, Swats. and t4ir all ooaryliatmts Icrtldosi WI the se4 wtiethol ertnat leo::: Ir.discre 1012, liAblts of Piselpotioo, or to the DECLI L: 3 T.. CIL &NGE t) LIFE. • , 1 'STA 6710:0113 ABOTX I NC FAMILY +OULU BE WITHOUT IT. 1 - ) • if . , . • Ds', r... ? E....-. ..=, 4e.,....y or limp/arat 11.4.teine for Umrc. tar.* oo' DgtranalDtaerases. ' I , g I . . lIELBIBOLDIe,B EXTRACT BUCHIT r: .. -II • . . SEC•rt.EiT .6iISEASES, n all thou: sites; it httte expense; little or no change 1 la diet; go in t tovealenee, 1 A ~ - 1 AN-T. -NO' EXPO•9IIRE. 1 1 use, dettre, and gins strength to Urinate, b ., og UstrasHorts, presiusthig and caring Pe - 10 .thre, allaying pain and !mamma t : this caSs of diseases and expelling ,Dr f t,4l:.-iv. woRO 0 !Ka Trap. , . IThociantia upon 0 • I ~ WHO t4t Eg DEENiTlitt irlCTlttis OF • . V 4 U A b R•S ! Aug whn ha g pats , Ir...AVI),FISES to be cured Ina abort ti,e, 1..,,,c rdiand tbey were deceived. Lid that the " Yet .on ' 1,..g, t.,4 tLe . ‘ , / uge 44 "powerful. astringents," been Iro‘d up lo the sy. ,to Streak oat La ast aggrarated fora, ~, 1 . I t ; r 1 f un PEMAI. AFTER MARRIAGE! • b os • i 1 , . ~ • , i _. • : : iELEVIAOLD'I3 EXTRACT BDCHIT g 1 oral Affeettoui a44111:111. of ] , Ttint VißlN.tih ORGANS, , r, ,t 1; healer o sting in MALL or FE:II4LE, f ro m what , 11., er r eau DI-Iglu:gaga', and no matter lOF 0 LortiG' STANDING. D liseastA of liege ,_ routs reinlre the aid of it DnreArts. . i AEI OLD'S EXTRACT BIICIIII s , 1 IS. lhiff. GREAT DIM:TIC, AI • , g - 1 nd it is eertaini to have the desired effect is all Die ' . vises, ftle which it le recommended. I % 1 1 - It tamers fr •herohy rem• : .4t,cturea o frool BLOOD! .BLOOD! BLOOD! a 1 . , lielna'sold's ighly Concentrated Compound i Fluid s artra,d, Sarsaparilla. '..)-YrillILIS. . 1 .T.bis is azatteetion of the fillood, and ettacka the Setz iol orgous,4l.tonscs Of the Noss, Sane Throe*, W 184• ipe, and otr aeons Surfaces, making its appearance lo the f.r . o ft cars. tleleabold e Saimaa thttiUlst pnralos the ? I o . and renews all Seely Eruptions of ',be Skin, pewit the Complexion Welearand Healthy "or. it laill4 Pillared ezmumtly for Ws cues of s 13splainta.Ata nod-Purifying tropertissarn pnserned io a greaten extemt then any other kreparetion of Sar saparilla. , t i , [ ........ , 5 ; Ileinsbold's Rose Wash. , ; , An excellitot LbtiOn for thboases of a Syphilitic Ea 'tare, and is atti Injection In D 136111411 Of the Urinary .)rgans, art ug. f habits Of disaipation. mod In ooa• urctton wit the F aired' Socha end Saresnicille, in ouch Skeessits as recommendetl. hvidence )f,.tb vatresppooamble and reliable chars*: I ter will accetopepy,the , P ! , i CSIET#FIIch i f s EIS OF CC:TON ' ! i Fromm elgbt4o twsoty ye. ttandlog‘ with $lllOOll kaolin to .5 C/ktiGiC AND FAME t For Mesas' 1 Kies of BUCHtI ' or theadidi Pe , ~1,'1 " DiliPsamtwY 121. •••• Prof for meta iiltiablitiotimon the Fru ;ice of Physic. eeeniusla dads by that late celebrated Dr. PET -6.1D4 Phil elplaia. See rum nisele by Dr:XPHRALIif AkDORMLL, a StuoreTSician end Member of the Boys& College of niacin" Oasts* andieittlieleed in ,qie Tninemelsine of theill g nd nese& JOVITIL • , ' Sirs Illedieo-t. rorecal Review, 'published by MAU ' MIN MAKE p repow elkir .ftyski (*lisp of Su goons. 1, S. most If s late &unhurt! Weals on liedisine. i •-1• , - , - -- - iz 11,00 pa bMue, ok e for $6 oe rsi l i i : - - 600 fo r t $ . "`• ~ 240 PI 111Cil for Slf 00, sehlat will be still. neoskpbe to caws, If directions are ' - , • r Madams ZADOC PORTER'S curative Bahian:its Icarian. tad truPett according. to the directions, to cure 113 all ezneF, Cough n, Colds, latooping Coaqh.AatNaa, and all affections of tb, Throat and Lunge. Ma.r. ZADOCPORTER'S Balsam is prepared with all the reqtasite care and skill, team a combination of the bed reenalles the ee,tetable kinailpen affords Ita reme dial qttalitiea are based on Ito porter teianist the heal thy and vigorous circa , a Lion of the .blood thro' the Innis. It Want a violent remedy, Lit emollient. - warming, 'earthing and ef fective; can bo taken by the oldest person Or yontweet child. Madre ZADOC PORTER BAlum 1133 been and b the pnl.llo for over 1$ y earn and hat acquire 4 Its preset!' grraavr writorzo Or half a dolma want to enratb adhered to r•r, ' Delivered OP 4atton. I cr - 74H CUM • 1 V 1, ~. ' 4.8F1DA1711% ,_ _„ ~ Personaur s beton) me 1* Alderman of the Oty of Pldlfeypids, WI% fAmAimmo. wikok. being dilly 1 WOra; 6 4 1 0 1 41 1 3 1 P744ratrsig o o' . 11 4 , 04 tie, no tomenry,,lotiother 12.3110011.1 ern lilt aft purely minable. t f , , u. .11MIABULD. , • ) -,- • Sworn ai4M4eiib4 !Milts neC thf;43)l di Of itae7 ' u t eas, "1, 1164.1 i ,• , *. Int. P. NialltiinceetOboyn faffe g rids, 't. Address for inforntation in U. tonilitena glia , as., -- . , W.,114.11.80LD. Depot 10 snob , Tnittblitient e belooCbeekratalala, _llliliethir t: pr cpcnit 42'6 ' Orb rtruprottikribOtog. Who =imam to &yob "Or Taint 0 ICN" anil H °the" WWI :tills yorplit#R 4,49,1 b Ilehohol (kilo. PmustiCiet • " 1,, tdroot Boon, 4 4 ha f' 1.. •pninici , Sofa Was il iOn ICU 11 Sold b all , eeeriwhine. 1 S Cttt eat thi PTAID ,1"" alchitr` REMEDIES.' tiF.1.%:1101.1 "!31.7C110," " SOSAPAEICLAI,' .‘ •, IMPROVED ROSE WASH. t xi c , lpuy.Npf , ; XTRAO,T Bu CH rostrt:E AND L'CIFIC ISEICADV C=l CAL sWELLIIVris LKBO4'S BIICRV, 'ATUIT Y i I EPILEPTIC FITS, - • 111 I' )Ti.:S Atiout mat mitre.- Who sin soy it frequent 4 followed by those :Ireful dlinesso,", ! . AND' CifeIYStriIPTION. 1 I f the eatuse of thetr sestina. but 1 40 re , ettle of the! Insane deyluste Pattie by Cottentopttatt, boar ample of lb. arterton. ion Once Atfooted with l'irtAN 10 ethelne to irtrengthen and itricor. MBOLDS EXTRACT BUCHO t:tat Iva conlinru-tb• most okep- 1 of • , r. LS. r BMA LES, PAULA LEA': • .., COXTINTLATING 1 . ) 444_ ti CT11,35 ,'olsoho addiiu:pier/141y from °bast% atig e cii to all j rataamaltatkea.— I - ( ) sov. r ) fet,± o .l-1P"A"- 1 .?" 01 - ima e . n. Aso izs Apr ZXPOSital. . . .• 111/1169 IMMEM ..ZiATO AND OAFS I it THE MILLION, AT ~:M IT H'S! DWURING my recent, vieit to New York and l'hUaaleipbia...reasde amingrments with the I sofa fashionable illilalaraCtairera far a cuilatazit suppky of good, to My Ildi, and have row on hand. tars., alma of the beet - ' , HATS, CAPS, ETC., ewer brought to this market. I hare on Land two burr dred demo BALM LEAF HATS, end nits donna of HOODS, recoiled direct from the • loe sold by tiler:nun st, See York Jobber's prices. I Imes Wen reoeir,ed Beebe's Spring Filiation In silk antai S. • prricee/V. • CHEAP GOODS! Wholesale and Retail GROCERY , AND PROVISION STORE, WINF.4 A,ND LIQUons F. & ffi. SCHLAUDECKER, are now receiving at theirold stand, Ameri can Block, State street., a large and superior stock, of GROCERIES, - WINES, • • LIQUORS, WILLOW, WOODEN. AND STONE - • • WARE, FRUITS, NUTS; /cc., &c., together with everNthing found in a House of this kind; which they will sell as cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cash or most kinds of country produce. They Lave alsoon hand one,of the lurTest soft dnott. Stooks of Tobacco and Segura ever • brought to Cric, to whicia they layita thetatteatios-of the pnbile. IV Cell and see us—u nimble pLapecce h, better t'.:sn a Blow shilline, consequently Cuh buyer+ win ant unit burritos by calling at Qt. Grocery Head ,Q,narters! AMERICAN BLOCK, 'STATE STREET Jane g. .. . . 13.1 4 ‘',A. D. CRACKERS, 'ND SODA BISCUIT CVNTIONERA ES, • —1: WHOL ' ILE AND RETAIL. ' rii)lE subicribe is now manufacturing .1. , all kinds 'of CANDIES at the best quality and eery low rues. I offer all kinds of CRACKERA, SODA BIS CUIT CASKS, ice., at such low prime that it will pay Country Merckawts to come to Erie awl ,:Amine ray stc,ca Wore ptirchaaing eleewhem. Private FAXIMiIIeII supplttwl atthalr house,. WI!. sill...awr.ou, jusen-;:, , ' Nearly ..)nw.si.e ;•. t I)Mc,•, Ena, ra. N i) T I t, E R•r take greatcloaaurn iu informal:ll tl.e aml our ~ur_•iroas hiIVDII is particular, that ef• Lary again rt. suta.4l OEM ACTVR. i; sTciv I NCRF.A.SEL. IA CI LIT LF_S, AL tt II f••r COOKING AND HEATING, STOVES, gasiac parchased a largo Etoz. et Iron. pree-,313 t: being barat out, giros as a decided tdvaatao, (io PA , * of StOfts3) °ea Moires:torert irbo ale* c ughi' Iron at present I:dgb pricss. Thankial for lout. fevers, - tops', by 'zit: atteati to the wants of Canton:lw+, to c mthme to me: t st.etz patronage. •ftb7.ll.3tf. PREVENTION IS BETTER. THAN , CURE TO Ladies of delicate health or impaired organisation, or to those by whoa rat lactease cf tinily:is trout arty reason objectionable, the stodersl g 0.! would offer • preacription which is perfectly reliable ..nt safe, wad which has been prescribed in radon, parte ci the old world for the put century: - Althonch th • article is very cheap and simple, yet it bee been put up to ba.f phit wit:lssas - dick& very extentivtly at the exhurritant prior isfll6perbottle, the undersigned proposes to' iornah the recipe for the small gum of $l, by the posseemn •'d 'Mel every lady cut supply herself 'nth n t•-• 1 of , gaud, at aay drag 11...0r.., for the trilling RUM of I'S reute, par iretoo physician or druegut will tell you It I , I hataLlas.lB4l Vaousawis v t teettr.4t,utditt Ldr. Le procured of its efficacy. 'Sent to any part at the world L•tt recant of 111, by addrualog aciefralfilre. C. CFA EitaiTX, Box, No. =3, New Harem, Coon. T O NERVOUS SUF E Rrs OF BOTH SEXES.—.I REV 1::••D •;I:NTLEtiI.V; baring been restored to health in w Mt) .1, after under going all the usual routine and irregular -xpeofit c m des of treatment without success. consider.. it i • nece,! HAS - ON HAND A.ND IS DAILY ISECEINT to oommuoicate to hie afflicted Mime creaturee the c.ran• of cure. Hence, on the reoeipt of an addressed envelope, lie will Nod (five) a cop) . of the prescnption need. PI- A LARGE ANL •- I .IU DatilrfetttOhd Fulton mtreet, Brook- 1 DR. , P. HALL'S COUGH REMEDY! CZ:TINITES.to gain public favor and demand la all sections. and after the thorough ex• pa of sixtoen years, lL reputation for efficacy in curing Throat and Lung diseases is fully sustained.— Whersewr thla medicine is most known Its waits harem. WRAed the greatest pop ularity and demand. It hae he iress" a standard remedy with many people for curing Pulmonary Complaints and is kept in their !louses for reedy use wheneverrequired. As a cure for Cough it :a muds and tellable—seldom requiring mom Loan one ben ale to cure a Cough of many weeksstandLug.. Fpx.unng Croup It Is not excelled, and as a remedy for Asthma its effimeney cm:motto doubted, haring restored many per- Nona to th-sDes =Siring a long term of years with this misinshis disease. FarßrOiachitis mid HOarseuess it -Is safe and tellable, quickly removing irritation from the six posses. In Wtociplag Cough this Retkiedy is of qua: value—it promptly loosens the frequency and violence of the °ouch. and shortens the disease one half from its or. dinar, tedious came. AU dimming of the lungs and Ur passages depend upon irritation or infLaintsatton to the limag mucus membrane sad maws tits apt ass of thorough medicine to of feet their naovat. Haire Cough Remedy is safe, speedy ear strootnal in ifs operation—is adapted to loth sexes, 40 all sosind ennatitutioss. twiny on &filleted with either of the following dhow' s. should" use this pleasant timed, and their voles will soon mingle with others in rseosaisending Its merits to alllicted neighbors and 111§.. vse Hall's Cough Bondy it curer Cblds. M. Use Hall's Cbugh Reneelo! curer Croup or Rattles. NIL 06 Hales Cough Rem e. 4 i cures Azeit ma or Phthisic. ie. Use Hall's Cough Remedy for Cztarrh. Se. Use HaWe Cough Remedy it Strenatkens the Lungs. Ny. Use ffall'a augh Remedyfor Bronchitis. aft, Use Hales, Cough Remedy flvr Ho‘rree -71411. DM. Use Hall's o:Pugh Remedy it Strengthens the Voice. in,. Uie Hall's CougA Remedy for Whooping- cough. It will greatly modify tbs loleaes of disease and saur ian its ted{opa course, one. tufa from its ordinary darn- Beware of counterfeits Bud base imitations—call far Dr. P. Han Celebrated Cough Remedy and see that hie sr , . ten signature te IMOD the wrapper and directions. r ISTIIO/16 TEsTiatorci. We; the undersigned citizens of Ens City sad vicinlly, nave umedDr. P. iseit Carlebrated Cough Remedy with relit menuess. ta min &Nue of the /Bikini and Laois. and Wafture in rsowninending its use to the atnteted as • e and edisetnal remedy, fully worthy of public oonfl . . James Thompson, Matthew liarollton, I). Shish, John Milburn, hr. J. W. Ryan, . Richard Rees, John A. Tracy, Robert Cochran. • J. T. Cue, John W. 31"Lamo, Daniel Boar, Daniel tinier, John W. Hay; • J. Robinio_n, C. h. illbiet, John R. Cothran, W.. Y. Rindernectd, J. Booroo. John IL Demers, Y. E.Surton, J. W. Calve', •John Y. Warren, Manion Sherwood, Win. H. busy, John S. Brown W. H. Cooper, A. IL Tarbelh B. L. Forster. Joseph Deemer, E. A. Bennett, J. W. Hall, Suj. Grant, . J. Salsbury, Ord°. Bulth, Lulu A. Hall, U. Mayer, O. Dom .r; . Thome /nu, J. L. Long, H. O. Root. - W. IL Gallagher, - J. llubmsi io, 11, Wilson KU& • Chu. W.E•lao, Silas/I. Vlach, Daniel Minix, It, P.-Rusi C. G. Howell, C. R. Wright. SOLD Dr ERIE ONLY, BY • P. HALL. Kaautsetarar and Sole Proprietor, dalra Nair iluiltheg, Shaw Bt. PRICZ 2& TO 1i CENTS PER 110TTLR. AGMS IN SR= CO.— Jame A. White, Dr. Ely, Gi rard; Wm. ataltasitjalrrtaw .i . T. B. Cowles, iprinit a id. Wm. skAgrodet. Edinboro F. iamott. Wean; Blopper, Waterford; Hume t Shmerood, Union; W., B. amill,.Wattabanilt; C. T. /swan, North Eat; H. O. Mama, Eilametßel J. U. in .was, Albion; Teirr, I.o;aport, and b ilirentP Qa eraRY.. A LARGE. SUPPLY )• of mallust riminvini. No intiPkta Mout /ark, &mut ra./A; Iforti Yvir7bod7wlU to• thick attar ono trud. )or Ws by tbe box, dem and per. A' liberal ibloontat to BENSIC & sib sod qiite Its. DA nts-AND FAMILIES Ailoggied viva iso Cream. Lamaa_iii. Fancy saarrmai, Confectioaary' sad Fran In .1 11 • 811 . q. upixa a 11171tae3i. 1U OT i CZ. 1 - liming • Mock at ' 4.1 RYEWHISKEY, otiqM ' tleai4ueO,l.owaft Wire a +hart " 119, IMAM Walkiras.___,_ . W. =WOW. HEAD QUARTERS -FOR F...tc )I eCHLACDASE.}: OM WITH Pl2.oiiPit;Ens ZMCEN'T. 71313AL4,!.Cr CELEBTtAT•ED '' - "V A RD' ASSOIATIoN pill I.ADELput A . Rohe! of Me Sick au( Mdrusid Vezina aid CArowie &wino aid amt ohf: Woofs of the Sonsol &Tom.l. C A ADVICE given AVI . tlo El) I Anttoe burgeon. % ALL' A BM: Itr,PORT:i m j '.. t rertbe - torrhtles or Weakne.Ae, acid other I tla:uiee of the 'Sexual Of the \e,l4 IfellFfiiK", employed In the DI wept to th.l In neu.led letter ettreop. ebarg.. Tir o or etemia ff.ir posteee wib able. mlijr•rr, fir.', 1.1.1 - oucirrox, A e y t ii„„.",f-',A-L.ol;etinol Nteth Ptiladrlphla ri. To Refiners and Oil lit - -., . -,.... t: 4. .• z > ... .:( "THE NILES WOR S" of iz mak are prepared to turn! ererideeerlytla act APPARATUS FOR REFINING 011 . s• le h as `'tills; Chemical and Store Taza,, Rr l'ompg, Engine:l and Boilers, on the sLortart outl et, /tiers aid Out scorkmaxihip ?Artie! 10/Lb la g , above, mrpinTited to examine tLa work. farokaW !emery a: the megith of gill Creek, iu Erie, nlw fraimieb steam evgatielk boilers awl all a ft complete, hurae power at pt turn. and set 7h tux 700 114., detiyered <2 t: Erne forsBoo. L. P.C..IT, - PAINTS! • PAINTS: IHAVE on hand and will soli low pricer. a. Large asoortaient or PAINTS AND COL it consisting, in part. of WHITE LEAD, • • SNOW WHITE ZINC, PORCELAIN 3 brows and Freneii Green, dry anu oft, Friv Venetian Bed, Fire Proof Paint, Clemeee and Vermillion, boiled and raw Linseed 011,Turpen ty, GLaise, tee. Persons intending to Paint will tzelr adrantaym to call before purthaain eLe. _ like Drew and Paint Stole; .. T. S. 18INC141 Corner State and 'seventh NOTICE. (IN the Ist day of April tioitt I win more trim ay - present location to NO. 2 WEIGHT'S Blar (TWO DOORS NORTH OF FIFTH 87Th which nom it now being fitted ep for ins. With very greatly increased doing brasintts, and with • reointOy caret - 211v selected and eonaoleta ' DRUGS PAINTS.' OILS, GLlA.Bliolcce , , I trust meet ail toy old - friends, where t.sy heridotOhm, Gnil it to their advantage to purchase. car' •'tf r T. S. SifiaLLl . VRIE COUNTY MUTUAL IN! ANCE COMPANY. incorporuld is 1859—Charter Property Inoured'Agaloot Loma bi Ytre any Term not exceeding Flys Tam Policies issued upon the depunt Of FrelaimSal upon the pa) ment or the ohms! stock Hata pi In' without the liability of a 17enriain Note: LAI Wltlacnit iltigaticn. One nett only hu tella aravant Vale Cornpan. Th. Cveywey a amr, from deR, and 1.3 a safe home sostiMmum. :)::tECTO.RS. Vim. 1; flay n. . .' w.. C. Ma:she-L. los.. C. I:. TVota:s, '.. ❑. .11'Cre.ry E. B Wm. r R.indoraecht...;. ZLmmer.y. Wm. l-porgr, .1. J. tr.;alr.tc. Grant, i Jiwob V r - FICER. , . MAJCPIIALL. Prev. JOCRs Gvarmai,Set. ' F. RlNDSA.Nyerr,Treaa. 09ce, Gnrut.,A 11c-Cru.-fd Cbripaidr, tiar U. FF. E ' 6 HOTEL, • T'at; ECROPEAN CITY OF NEW TORE. FITYT Crr :S ?tr. DAT' city Lieil r , erire, Corner of Prank - Con (Orrosrre Carr HALL) t. they =v. be ell to the epleioever: , Th •re ui a elazbtes shop and lath Rooms attartr.ri' d.e*-an of F:6.'.'' R 5 and Elc=vs who say >ace R. FRENCH, krapretr •fO CONIiCAIPTIS'ES. rrLIE : , ul),eriber will cheerfully sena of char"-, to all alto desire tt.tne copy o: vr lath .he tree cone: of that was dunu ortaptton. rt.c..ter4 t. lh Cr•sentrTlON, BROXrt 12:, lung he al uzerely hop..wintry tka vrt:lnAti, the/ IVOI be cnore this' R it, tl.e. .1. 1 1.3q1e.31 frn. 11:4'owc complett... %cl, .11, x.oun 1..:x to the hant:a of ervja, thr uteau, :',use. lnuee Rthlitug tha recipe r._ l . et. ilea:, call cn or addreas W.U. 9. ALLEN, n. (.6 John , rr.et. Sea Tort P. ARBUCKLE, ,6-..onecr c., LLAFIK r, xcCultU, COMPLETE Boots 'and Shoes! IN ALL -VARIETIES, IS= LOWEST NETT PRICES The business will be conducted by W. )L ABBE= who hal returned to Erie with a view to (rag el! =meat resident, and tender. to the tra_e;cows; antl to d friends, an invitation to call Laden= the above STOCK AT No. 16, tiorth-West Cornet of the Perk end Pesch St*, Sept. 20.tf ERIE, PA NEW. JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE, ALSO, tiARDEN OR FRUIT FARMS, imitable for Grapes, Po* ,ea, ?ears, Raspbornot, Straw tarries, Blackberries, Cr rants, tic., of I, 2,N, 6, )0, qr 20 acres each, at the Pus" inz Nieces for tho present, Pis: 20 acres for VOO,lOO l for $llO, 6 acres 1.. r $6O, I!th acres for 140, lump for P yablei by $1 a week. Also, good Cranberry lands, andetilesia is C,14 4 w, 3 . o 23 by 100 !let. at $lO each, par Y one 64.1 1 weak. The abort, Mod and farms are sipsated at Cb . * wood, Washington Township, Burlington _County. Jersey. For !rather information, apply, with a I'. S Stamp, for a circular, to B. FRANYLM CLARL . ja17 • 03.r 1. No. 90 Cedar Street; New Tort, N. T. THE CONFESSIONS IL EXPERIENCE OF A'NEttiruL , S INVALID. eublished for the benent and as a tuition to you; men, and others, who suffer from Nervous DeblbU,laC ly Decay, and their kindred allemetatis—snypiLtufl* means of self.enre. lay one who has eared himaat aer being a lieu:nor misplaced ooaddenee in bug and quackery. By enclosing a post•paid enn*. sing,e eepies may be bad of the author, Narita:tat ILO FAIN En Bedford, Kings County, Nee Tort PAIL BARLEY! BARLEY! The siaheedher begs Awe, he return hU thuls to t.V .Fatmers of Erie Comity:for the Barley they hue 'mid to him dtirmic the put T ears. lie cow wishes to boy B U SH ELS 80,000 Ant at all times will pay the highest swag 7 ..• in Cash. Erie, int. 4-0.:. ' a VI _ CLOTHING ! CLOTHING' Largest & Best Stock of Good in the City ! COME AND . SEE FOR YCi'CRSEPIS: MOgES KOCH WOULD RESPECTFULLY in form die oki tnelada and customers that he Lea removed to the splendid new Store Boom - NO. 10 ONION BLOCK, Where he Invites them to tail and examme by good , iiu htoei in to largl and well selected as any in Erie. and he to determined not to be tioder.,l,l. li.. b*, put treolvexi W^ largest stock et SPRING AND sUMISfER. GOODS.! Etor Smnsht to Erie. Ms motto L the but of rot. quick tales, one prke, and that the levrest If trek La. not what they &re represented they easy attn . ' ^^l . MORRISON & DINSMORE , ppockakts pickax's ps Flour, Pork, Beef,. bait, Grain OLO VER, TIMOTHY SEED, itc• - No. 2, Wayne Blook, FRENCH STREET. Belton Afik *Jur sztdi casf9r63tf. PRESERVED FRUIT, timodled Fruit; PlAlet. Pip catsup, d.e. at 41,16.1 m. a lINER nog% ALAIWE LOT 01 Druu. Flogs sad Bird Cases,, for ale If is7l6-121. Brataimmaa II STOCK