El 01 liEl Tic Olgrtter, pA., SATURDAY. OCT 3 1863 arcly Doctuore.—We will pre.ent, f o ur ipatrons Who apply for thwin with document" for free diqtribution. Let oe reed the truth. • 39 .-- Those o our auhscribers dosiring in Wood, will oblige us by bringing "ot loads ituntedia Our pile of h i ts ran short, and Our - rile of " green -ite4r very large—also. G,` l 1 ' , 5 liousc—Deinocratic visitors from 3 , l try, on Tuesday. need not be afraid he y will fell to obtain stopping places. gooerats of the oily, by common con toe agreed to open their houses, on by . , for thefaccommodation of these it g the big meeting. 191„a Stoop§ —The itnderiigned, dry tore mists, have agreed to close their at t. o'clock P. M., from the drat of ter to !be tirst of April : Wm. P. Hayes dearge W. Merrill, K. 8 Morrison, !r6; Co., J. F. Walther, Wm. Beji, jr., Hendriclas, John C. Beebe MOO AT CILANS3TILI —The DetnOCTOS Western end of the county hire made ;ementa for a joint Mass Meeting at t oille, on Saturday, the 10th of October. ttpeeted to be a large affair. Speeches tunouneed from Judge Church, D. M. illy. Esq., Col. Kerr, Wm. A. Galbraith, Judge Marvin, Jas. C. Marshall, Eeq., tthers.t _ , 1113 G AT PATENIIW.—We have Seen few spirited or pleasanter Democratic meet- the one held at Fairview', on Sattir lasing hut. There was a remarkably atendatioe and everything passed off in 'lghtfal wanner. The speakers were I. Marshall, thabnath, and Whitman. Glazier, Esq., one of the best known iota of the place, presided. CAWS TO SR PILTACIT.—We OTC unable Ice a full list of the speakers who will he !tit at, the meeting on the 611 inst., re bating beer-received front only a few Ara. Mr. Bucks Lew and Es Governor er cannot be hero, both of Gimp being All. Mr. Nitre, of - Philadelphta. is can itly ezpeoted, though the :natter is still ltlzin. The following gentlemen have ively seeepted of the invitation to speak : Northrop, Esq,, Ilan. c. W.Oarrigsn, J. Cuyler, Esq., and Chas. Ingersoll, Esq,. Philadelphia; Col. Kerr, lion. -Arnold tr, and 8. C. T. Dodd, Esq., of Frank- Dr. Branch, A. P. Banning, Esq., and A. Hondo Seymour, of Buffalo : lion. Itl. .nell, Jamestown, N. Y. lEEOCZATIC POLE RAISINGS.—The Demo sof thst portion of our city known as lem," hate raised two hickory poles, ea Wednesday and the other on Thursday nog. The fret is at the corner of Fifth Chestnut Ste., and the second at the iror of Sixth and Chestnut. Several stirring tr.luSi were made by chinas of the'neiih- Too 4. splendid hickory pole *3 raised on Fed• Hill, on Th?trsday evening, and another lirvintown. The aaal that is everywhere en by die Demosrats - of the county is sur fing, and was a surpassed, even in the test Presidential campaigns. - et ;re OP OCTOBISIL—Tan following Ore dafirent nab-conantitteee to snake srrenge- Is for the 6th of October meeting : Wm. L. Scott, Wm. Henry, Dr. A syer. aftraspondence and Printing —Col . Grant, 'lmo De Witt, Jae. 1. Brecht, B. F. Sloan, jsazin Whitman. Grounds, Hall, Band, &e.--Clark Ewing, A. Senior,. Col. Grant, F. W. Koehler, C. Briggs. lid Roads-9. E. Neiler, Win. A. Gel. 16, F. F. Slerehall, Wm. L. Scott, Ire W. Reeeption—Jm. C. Marshall, Belden Marvin, F. Sloan, Wen. A. 01Orait.h. Benjamin sleeting of the Committees will be held (Saturday) evening, at the office of IV, raitb. &Lb ' LIZTTE6.-7he folloWing is 14 t from a private letter written by a 1. in the Army of the Potomac to a gen a in ails city, lie is nOw in the hoe• st tiarrusburg, Nutfering from a severe ft received at Frefierieksburg. teeny min. thelautbenticify of tie letter, he can I by calling at this office : You desire me to give .my views iktiottz election of Governor. I am no Curti myself, but I Spow that the majority .sylvania soldiets are, for the reason tha t have no well of knowing the dirty tricks hid he has been guilty : and I was as rant es they, were of his actions until ' e here and hornet' for myself. We hays wilege of situino Athitinistration paper's in the .Army, and they all make Curtin to be the model Governor, sad talk eb of what he is doing for the Panno)l. soldiers, - ant ite eon hardly help bqt t their stories." Got. Km, or VertAxao..-:=TOis gentleman, hose reputation as an %hie and eloquent alkleal speaker has became widely i estended uriag the present campaign, will certainly e present at the meeting on Teesday e , strayer he has /spoken, he has left the beet oasible . impression ' Zon the public mind. 'During the summer of HAI Col. Kerr lift ome as Major of the 4th Pennsylvania cair try, and In March 1861 was promoted to-the eh of Lieut. Colonel. 'At the sanguinary utle of Antletem Col. K. commanded a re :lonsat‘ sad CoL Childs i& brigade. The *t er was killed, just at the side of Col. Kerr, Its was then promoted 14the - colonalcy. 40 the 20th of Mg tail Cat. Kerrwas honorably , diseharged for disability contracted in i she tarries. to the lajtulev of Yorktown, -amsburg, Sevenl;incs. Nlsivern C+k— aheariny, and Aitistato, Col. Kerr du l tin• raidtvf himself is one of the bravest and most skil.cal officefs in the service." Laing himerina eT Constr.—One of the largest me e tings we have ever attended in the county wu held at Corry, on Thursday. I We tspeetea t o fie a 6ue turn-out, but telt by ' 4 7 "ash* *ltch a one as really occurr J (1. 7 'event large delegations came in processions from the adjacent townebipe. bearing [flags end bushier., and leaving their wagons lute: lolly ornemisistod whit hickory bushes. ( The, tyeakers' mimed were betntiftelly decokated darietthe afternoon, and attracted the }dmi ration of all who were present. Rev. Mr. beuice. a Methodist clergyman, who him fallen under the ban of fanaticism, acted u President of the day. The aft4moon 'Puckett Were made by Meisel. Marsbail sod Galbraith, of Erie, and lion leadison Burnell, of Jamestown, yr. Y. Another meeting' Wu held in the evening ;. at which the editor of this paper spoke, and was foliated vritt4 brief addresses by Messrs. Galbraith end licernell. The Democrats of that vicinity are tbo4ulgie• ly awakened. and from all we Cll4 leash. we believe "11 rem& of the election will show a large incFsaaa in the party vote. Brief Paragraphs. , ~ A patent has been issued to J. W. Wetm j ors, Esq., of this city, for an apparatus for minclensing oil vapor' ter The Democrats of Bwantown raised • hickei'y pole, at thal place, on Baturds/ •f -tetnoPn last. ler Some of ottr active young Democrats propose to raise a Woodward & Lowrie,pole, in thfr city, on Monday, evening, the 6th inst. ;xi- Millers , go to McCord Sr. McCreary's for yhur flour sects. They are the ben and cheapest is the market. gell` The meeting in East Gracile het Thutl i sday, is said to have been an estreme!y pleasant affair. Speeches were made by Messrs. Galbraith and Marshall. gesr,' A meeting will be held at ; Robert Hints Note; in North East bcir‘gli, this Situ l rasy)afteraoon, at h&c' past two o'clock , 0 he ,addressed by ?losers. Galbraith; Mar ibril and Laird. gin/ - • A correspondent of the •Nationot In rellfgencer says Gen. McClellan has been put on retired pay. Soldiers, good tiye to "Little lase r " gesjf- The Democratic State, and County - tickets will bo printed ay this office, by Wed nesday of next week, and thole desiring to eircuiate the same, should call or send for an ,i eariy supply. 'Wt.- The statement' in the last Girard L'inti, thatpersons are being bribed to sup - porti Judge Woodward, In' Mill Creek and Fair J riew townships, we are assured by gen tienten living in those sections.of the county; is iriborytot. ilia. A grand Democratic rally will take plimie at Edinboro. on Thursday next, Octobe r lith at which A. P. Limning, Esq., of Buffalo, Judge Church and D. M. Family, Seq., will be oresetit. ' The zeal s of our Marks in that part of the county will be rewarded by alarge gait in the Democratic vote. air An enterprising Yinkee Abolitionist hae invented a new patent medicine. called "The Union Restorative." It is compounded as 'follows, all the articles being indigenous to New England: Emancipation, atatarama tiob, subjugation. annihilation, entertains tio), expatriation. 'devastation, and confisca tion in equal parts. . . The 'Gaunt claims the N. Y. HEM,' as "the most widely circulated and; influen tial of the organs of the Copperherhead Dem ociacy." We certainly do not - desire to ac et se the editor If the t. . Gazette of. downright lying, but we do confess to 'our inability to understand bowie person occupying a pool tiOn like his could -make sueh a statement without knowing that it wee a falsehood. ink. The Committees at the glue blowers' ezhibitions, on Monday sad Tuesday even ings, awarded the prize to Miss Cochran, daughter of John B. Cochran, Zeq., as the handsomest lady in the audience, aid to judge Miles. of Girard, as the handsomest gentleman. • As a Matter of course, there ire wide differences of opinion as to the jus tice of the awards. • ter' The jealousy and solicitude with which the Republican leaders of this county watch the course of the leading Democrats is positively ridiculous. A stranger would sup hose, from looking over the columns of the Gazette, that the Democrats were the dominant party here, instead of the Republicans—so nervously does it speak of every Democratic movement. M. A Concert for the benefit onhe Yonne Men's Christian Association will be held at Farrar Rail, on Friday evening, the 9th inst. Ilt will consist of .Patriotic, Seared and Sen. titnental Music, by ladies and gentlemen of our own city. That it *ill be well worth at. tending we do not question a moment, and that it teal be well attended we have no leas doubt about Everything undertalimr for the 'adntatage of this utieful society our people take pride in encouraging. gigl.„'We understand that the Rev. Fr. W. Wayrish, of St. Joseph's Church, Rochester, N. Y., one of the Redehiptorist Fathers who were here last winter, will deliver a lecture boon for the benedt . of the poor of this city, at the request, of the St. Vincent de Paul Society—a benevolent institution attached to St. Patrick's,Church —notice of which w iii be given as soon as the necessary arrangeme uts are made. The Rev. Mr. Wayrist is a gen. tleman of rare attainments ; and tine powers as en orator. we'. The Catholic clergy comprising this Diocese have been engaged, during the whole of the present week, in what is caned in the language of the Church, a "Retreat." During this period, they close themselves in entirely from thi rest 'of the world, and , spend the period in fasting, prayer and Meditation of tisert. The services * have bean conducted itt the Fourth street Church, ender the super. vision of Rev. Fr. W. Weyriali, one of the Redemptorist Fathers who gave a mission in the same Church last winter, and whq is nol stationed at fit. Joseph . * Church, Rooke"- ter, N. Y. Two German priests of this city have been exempted from taking part is the Retreat," in order to atte nkto calls from the sick, funerals, and other netiesstiry duties. mus. The Octane pplisbes a lengthy letter from John W. Forney, and other affairs in this section, *blob la's Curiosity in its way. Written in the *s Chow. slier's" usual exaggerated style, It emitting more silly expressions, amusing blunders and reckless Ilthellertio3ll tits* we bars ever be fore seen crowded into the same space. Forney takes occasion, at the suggestion of some boost politician undoubtedly, to traduce Wm. A. Galbraith, Esq., and Judge chiirott. Both e these gentlemen should inunodistolY send him a handsome present in return for this compliment—for compliment' it really is. To- be abused by such an unmitigated tool and scoundrel ss this fellow : Forney is the highest praise ilia any respectable citiSszt could wish.• The two gentlemen whom be assails are both as far above him in all the charattterfitica that make up a true citizen, anti patriot, s the light of the can is 'stronger than that of the stars. , • , ti` The 06terver slieget that the recoln. tion adopted by the Detnocratio State Gott:: 'cation climinending the Democrats for their "manly" expression of approbation of the course of C. L. Vallandigham by nom lusting hint for the' odor of Governor. tlid appear to its colonies with the regular pro ceedings. Our distinct impression was other. wise, but we yield the point., and.in es.doing would call the attention of the voters of Erie County to the feet, now undisputed, 11 1 lbs. Convention which sedsetod George 44:/d -ward for, Governor dirootly ondorsod tau course of. Ohio'. banished traitor 1-4alutte.'• We are obliged to oorreot thu (ileststo Hirai's, although we are about getting tired oest tradicting its blunders, - If they sire disefilUlf of so mild s phrase. rlte Conietitiok dtd am: endorse Mr. Vallaudigham's, courtela - s 4 thr altos to the war,' sad we defy this-edit., the Gazette to furnish any proof that It 4i whet it did do* wilt to denounes, in Apnvost emphaiie terms; the cease ted Schauer et arrest aid punishment, and to, deism swat met our heartiest apprOval, and that of citizen of the country who prope!ly: eppvor vistas the snared Constitutional right. Undid_ down to us by out futifititif.• 116,.PretadV J.lncoln lutist bare hid the draft, and Its poor bin mind's eye, "ben be wrote the following lines 'contained in his last message ; "Certainly it .1. not no itssy to pay Same thing as It is tit:pitritititing. gut it it fir easier to pay $BOO if you have it. than 'brio cents It you don't hai, it ; end - it Is fir easter to pay that glop itben we are .able, than it is to pay it %afore IN are able," • That's it. Mr. Presidents to, at. It Is easy for the rich office holders, who support your Administrstion. to pay their $BOO. Wain, they "are able." bus the eons of poverty who have not a cent beyond their means of sup port, find it to be an entirely different matter. gigr To describe the hardships , of the draft:, even hi our own city, would require a large sired volume. We have just beard of 'a cane that is pitiable In the extreme. Au honest German, some time ago, purchased a property. for $4OO. Ile had Just paid' the whole amount, and was 'greatly rejoiced over the fact of having a home of-his Aiwa, when the draft came, and "gobbled" him up. As S. consequence, he was obliged to mortgage the whole of his property, to obtain the meats of exemption, sad pay a heavy Interest tor, the` Bogeybesides. ' 4 OIL The Demoeratio ladies of Teumprille Will present a handsome hastier to the Club at that' place, this Saturday evening. The presentation .. speech will be made by Miss Mary Patterson, and the banner will be re celyed, in behalf of the Club. by Cept. G. J. Whitney, lets of the Illth regiment. 11/67" A Democratic Meeting will be held at Wesleyville, on Monday next, the 6th lust., it 2 o'clock, in the afternocin. Speeeires will be made by Wm. A. Galbraith, Jas. C. Mar shall-and ilson Laird. Esqrs. gig- The flew Haves papers are describing a gorgeous heirs, blink in ►ha! elty it a cost of - some $1,400. After all, It is not likely the good people there will be impatient to get a ride in it. sir Lieut. Com.- Jas. E. Jouett. of this city, has been detached from the command of the Sebago, and ordered to the comae:id of the Metacomet. - eir The scarcity of houses 41 this city is a aoticesble Not, and one tkat speaks well for our prisperity. A. hundred new buildings could find'immediate occupants. (kr Howard's and Sloeum'a Corps of the Army of the Potomac, including the 111th and 146th regiments, have hoes sent to the relief of Roaeorano. [Comaantesnal Plain Questions from a Plata Max. EDITOR Of Sate GASSTSR I A few days ago, we had Capt. 'Graham, of the 884 rigiment, in our township, making a speech in favor of Curtin. Re claimed to hare been a Democrat, and said he was one still, but I think he Mut' be mistaken, for be abuisd us all very tench. Now, I want to ask yea a few questions. Is not Capt. Graham still anoSser in the army.? Does he get pay from the Government while he is around spouting for Curtin? If Capt. G. is still in the army, I, as a taxpayer; pre test against paying him for any service than that which legitimately belongs to his office. I do not believe in kaying.tates to help to support men for going around abusing mi. I should like to know, too, why there is a necessity for a draft., when the Administra tion can send 'men home to make political speeches? We have many Complaints of needing men, had yet it seems 'ask lots of them can be spend to make Abolition politi cal speeches.. Is there not a fraud some where? Otte or via Psorts. Curtin OD the Stomp. Andrew O. Curtin, who is now traveling ever the State, with 'hat in hand, soliciting votes, like a blind beggar asking for peonies, delivered a speech at Erie en the 10th instant. in which be charged Judge Woorrirano with. being hostile to our adopted citiseas. .Eve. If the shoddy candidate bad been correct in thestatement which was made by him, know ing it to be tike, it would hate some with very had grace from the hitter and proscriptive Know Nothing of 1854. Andrew G. Curtin greatly distinguished hiunelf at that time b • the promCient p trt he OA in the persecution of men on acoluot of their religion and birth - Place; and some of the very men to wohm he spoke at Erie bad been with him in' the 'seem meetings of the American Order. •Is the mis erable hypocrite who retails a bass' slander againet his manly opponent, pronounced t‘iton. °sable an l without staiV by the Chairman of the Abolition Slate Committee, 1 tog of the suffrages of itottest fresmett of Pentl• sylvania . toassex CO. --The Democrats of Warren County, met. in Convention, lam week, eras nominated the folloirlig ticket: Assembly, Carter V. Kinnmear,Vounpoille; Register and Recorder,: Thos. Clemons, Warren ; Commis sioner, D. A. Dewey, Colninbus Auditor, James Magill, Deerfield; Trustee 'Warren Academy, Dr. 9. A • 'nine:. Wynn; The only gentleman on this list witbmhom we are personally acquainted, tit s Mr. D. A. Dewey, of Columbus, and of MmOre will may time no better seleetien • mould possibly base been triadO. /le Is aparsoa of Sae bowmen quell. loations„strict. intagrity, sad sionneh politi c* sentiments. We have but little hope of, the election at these nominees, but if they are' all as maritoriou - s — as Mr. D;wey, the ticket ricblyteeirvecsaosesi., Tun Dues 'ln Cwaranqua.---A correspond ent of tbet N. Y. .fftp/ria. gives' the following account of the operattowl-of•the shaft to the stiOng Abolition County or cfrati4o6 so ol n7. ins our own, in , NaeT Yott The fiepnitlican majority in this eonuty has been *bout '4.000. - The ooneeription has been upon us, and the reture Wi*be about,--z -tionseripa; • • L 60 - - . Substitutes, I , ( perhaps)., ° • ; 1 400 The feepitbliosos "" pall', 'or 'atelakils, or substitute, None of than go, tliskoin toesibly help , • Frosilrankirk. net a white alatiorlpt ilt go. Tim - legroom' worotirotemei • tiers 4- •Anii claimed to be e British ins off. The two other, tried ltarCtw, get 4, but could uot. idgetin At Irfnuacivyle. A large and Nutliusiastie- wieethew eras held at the lArateeratto Club romp. taTositigaillli, on Tuesday' evCni pt: 49th, and listened ta• a speeds ferias Ileajaatia !Mob was fretilteut ty interrupted by , bur,etsof applause from a delighted aid star client., at the otoee of wbielt sine haul; chests given for Woodward, our pelt Governor. A Tote of tbanica Was'then tenanted to the speak ska4tlienieteting sAointintr' • arm ay , dm O . tani. : •.. . . .• JOHN oIEINNST;1 1 04 WoFaliaaisa. See,. , 4': • Rxintiukta IMBiwJ We Jtto'f peed,* inforinttiow from shot ctie~e o! thiPhilstielphitob StiwitalbiniOs ths' wscuruion.tasiturwillbs Iwo nlntwtimoiload on Toesdav to' noomniootlnonr lamb (lobo wish to' mead Owl/reit Alirssitimisc,` ,Tait ptia of, tickitts itiCiixtuiet i ty '',ll;!arthir partipliars wW bi fieisadbMo.n w e k „,4,4 l ,,A t i ag &Novi: tCst - • rantimests hays *3 komiiiiekkeiugswiloa lOW ztk —... _ • • M M 21 ' Tut ATLLATIO ink (krrolllß. M;.1 , 1•14. ;. rittlett copy of the Aeleatie Noma* for Oct° ber. The following is the list of eoutilbators • Obarbse4alsb's Vestelleeted-Writiags. (soloed My.raleas;2l4l•3l l 4lofOi itAnsigait; The United ,Statee Avineri'. "by George, D. Present,' The retiree; by TrOctr.ilge ; Yrs. Lards, Part Li,. lt, 3r*. Thomtl 3 UoP - Coitiquisf or Cohn, -by Razewell ; Equinoctial; by Mrs: .U. 1. Whitiml7 ; The Legend of Monte del thiblo. result B. Ririe; Lire without. Pritieiplp, by Henry D. -Thoreau; Barbara Erietellie..4 John 0. Whittier; A Letter to Thom Cli e r f by D. A. Watson ; Voluntaries,- by Ralph Wsldo Emerson'; Our 60 tannOn Eels Winne, by Charles Sumner; Reviews and Literary Eosins. . ggs., Warner Perry. Esq., one of cliik most prominent citizens of Warren County. died ht his residence in South West an the lith of September, aged thi years and some months. H. had held a number of important cakes, and was an active Democrat, as welt as Osten of wide indultam AC an early stage of the• ma, he happefteAt'ative, some offence to an adieu of the army who was recruiting in his section, andwso_summarily arrested, dragged to Washington, and there kept in jail a few days, charged with disloyalty. Ile was more fortnnete Abu malty of the eietime of arid. Crary *item. in receiving a spetdy trial, end no propf being found against him, his release was iminediat sly ordered.. Tni Coinbsintpx tN Coextcrteur.-413ta Buiteses.—ln Hertford the num er of men drafted. under, the Federal touseriptioi law, wall 1,127. Of this number, 11)w many. thjok. you, reader, have gotta to the war Just—four ! No lees—no more. And of these four, tiro were nogroes Anti yet Hartford threw s very heavy Re ; publiod vate..Whils in the city are some of the best "jobs" and fidelity& army cataracts la the whole, country.-7,Elartford SQOIIIIIOI Lirrrev.--The lollorrlng ia en attract from a letter revolved by ova or our subseribers 'le Mill Creak, (Foto Lie btother. S sink Soldier in one of the 1 etpi!ids nt Balti more : "If I wee at home I would give Woodw►rd as big a lift as ever a man got from a soldier. I use in the papers that there is but few Dem °orate in the army, bur 1 can't believe that, for there is 28 men in this Ward, and there is 1$ of them Democrats, and they are all wounded, ao it is plain to be seen that they will !!OK, and that hard." Boesszaeraits.—A good wash ing fluid_ our be made of hot water end plenty of soap, Sweetmeats may be kept e long time by putting them Ina safe place, and paver setting them upon the table. A plenty of fresh; sweet butter. and good itp-, petite, wilt keep bread from moulding. Cud dren'e dresses wear longer by letting them melt to their ankles. Woolen rage should always be washed in sweet oit before they ors made into Manuel cakes. Pork should always be Pained doWn—never up. And, by , the way, we would toy just bort, aµ the place to buy provisions, groceries, crockery, and willow wares, &e., is +at sac A. Bliss's cheep store, bonier of elate and Eighth streets. air A slight, frost 101 l in the,ricittity of tits' oily on ,Thnisday night of last week, being the Aga at the season. , It has been suseeeded by sirterelheavier ones. , a 'Bayne ReWI, North tut, on Ist for. W. IP. Noel 4 Me , ti H: HLGUYss , of Witotfottl. to MM. a. 0 BMW& W, of llaaatou. oitto. At the arstihassi of ,11. Aldrich. Sag., la Fredonia. ea the Ist Wet, Vass. A. D. Morton, Wu ittiffett% Y. 11S111.1.se Nay W. P. SIOSS.I.L. of ICortit net. No Card& DAD.; - 0* Woods, akeralr, Sept. 1103. JodSpif eldest sou 0(.104.8. . sad Maggie pmts., aged 1O years II months cad 17 days. Os the Mateo( Dipthefia. MARY N..afeo on• the Sid, CLAM Y. __Ekgareo sr MMus ud CaSOWNI BIM 0111 th 412.4.11 STOOL, HanlS MARIA, daughter of Mosses sad 4 is Tidos% aged YTun sod . 4 days. Oa the 70th of Sept, SUNS SLIZA, daughter of I.t. Cbrisitaar Nam* of Wm 111th ifogiumpat,aged a team On ftattratrtt: ,aoddaskr, at liartont am*, LLS of James Cotten, aged If. gears. 701ortioculeuto. NOTICE. . , . . WHEREAS, my wife, Margaret 'Vet. Mu. lasslsrt lay bed and board without any juht eau* or prosocatiOn : this is to notify the ptiblie tbit I eati sot be rholsonstbi• for any detlfa of het oontrata• tag alter tithi dais. , Washing:op tp., flt%obsr 1 : 18st • . SO il Kfl WI IC Ar VT 4 F.. 1.1. FLAGS, 'FLAGS. FLAGS of all sizes on hand or furnished at abort matters We ma prepared to ea eply ' BUNT/MI. /1117SLIM.PRIATEDLAt SEWED Flag 5, elf every alas sod quality at the lowest market price,. ft ICNEK a HURISZSM. FARRAR HALL-. FOR FOB NIG . RTS ONLY. COMMENCING MONDAY, OCT 5. 18G3. i 1 i 1 $k :i ~i * l~➢'i:4iYij GEM NOVELTY TROUPE! or ?WW7S PZIWARSIERAI - Orsomp,Sell try a I Sand. MUM KA,TULEIVI O'Alfi&, Ybs world issoissiscl irbh Charsetortitle 'Weak °Manama'. sairseinlir sektmoloityd by the poll of bulk boolopissm to to tam most tifstod sad Memo Artists Is Um "rarl4, rill sing bit' orrt riot seasisist- "NO' IRISH NEED APPLY t" every eveniejt., ?be Witco, leill ambit et Pinto OLlttyhtbie. Dane**, Omsk :tryst" and ireattha vwestleatiera ta Trnq u, bee et . ry. been retoeirid trith ttroutlere t+taputeas. - rne4 b.cedrn bourne'. SSW insqc y I.IIIIIILI erlit amt. slir*..l POI% hAoo7lteto/1. ' • VA 1! r the Great Oak, ltOpr ani:stotor ell Web aoear. Mt Whir Oise yr reirsoniu• eeri •e•r, tog 1 .Wll4l. • iiiitidstraeor's %Ike. L2I3'ETTY of 4.d miniursiinn hmil nit Mae jgessemi to ihr 11116111111001 et slobs Ismo s Efsed, tati,spr Wiens tost*drip, Ens Pap. 11(4AN, M amby shin to ill lamota...l• 111611141110 to Um estalo mole 1,10,041,,t0 pal ainL sod tams twist allies naiad Um sup... • ill pr t sss t Own, iSal) apothsetia•Sist, l ol lettlowsoot it. t %re?, nnelle, "opt. 15, lIIES-0.06 Est. Ad,o%, blrAtnr. Stray Caw.' t rtAld If t• Ille• prainfak ri b• PI cheater, mt . %„ . kat U. flaiimatik of July last, •li r.l) , liana 011 ritor rappoibta to b• throe fun al hal getrturom artificial marts la be me. ?be !row .• niqueetted to cams formard. prima 11rOpliftj, 'pay ebaft.4 tort tab har mike :a 44 Tin*. abii *ill be alepoied of iite•ritlair to lay. - i - ft nat 14pt tkok . fii3,116 • gait% iMN lilt' ifif ill. l Notice to OH Refineis. 5p.;t4.10n4 to De 4to H)oisect till. 1T tinf. CAU 4 III.,O{IA tad q4l.ll.*sit dre lutresit mi llet prices. sera sett WI tiltfl'Oo,l 74r.wrlu.• arty inanstmetusire, therebr sluing l" tits toltvl3l.l Oat (*- Chaste lOd ?tseurint r ?mu:Vilest lu t. vie; 111104tt. C1.1.11, 1 •:•?t, CAT:mu:l - k ItUTV/%4J2 • TO THE:PUBLIC. y B - Aint npeoptt tws TOoti Freqrit 2 4r.0, lk lier 4, Hospik Mock, M elu.r uut tb. Wises d , • .RYE WHISKEY. of vatinn , ostuo.. 1.1 'Wm/Itch / rot gqn 'atm luil O nit "Ws 81.11. and than brim • stock uf sear Ligon% (thelschas //WOW Itecrhusitel CO" In, P. Lan as L. LPtes Yut Lutehor Woe orirly •••, gat WO JOHN: W. ill AN S•t9i: • - Farm for Sale. WILL be sold tit P1A,14 idle r;0 dip repLo•b•r,Vtb olt teelack • nit: • Taro belota s eatti•Vdair erria.444l.lltwatat.r,d•:',i, stS•MaiMa NottilL43Kfrot oitic• sad TA iilletlitan eental•lpir b••41 , •41 safer good eel olvatina MOP,* tilb rood bomb., 14T711, e x d pos i og nrthaett Tonne l+ is Tto.wn JOilitef 4 S*llV. ADAK Witlitim, imlrt'2-14/ 41 b ' . Adiblett.t.evion itgEti .;.' bat tie led breads iel'abmen• and Iwo lot of Mom, Clgsr Tubes. Teksomo box. *VA Amami la Sore. isieNsa# Mom NOT 4COFI9LIC I CCiNCESTIATF:b rzonmu 11MkOT A Pti,RETOiliC • DactOi, Hoofland's GERM /k,'N Bl'lil'EßS, • PREVARED ! DR. I': NI. • I ' I WILL I:kIECTUALLY ;CURE . , LiVElt CONEPLAIN7 4 , I)I 7 :3PEPSIA VAriiptii: or Nervotui Defiilliy, Distoer q f Me' Keittrys,,arul ate Diseas4 arising front I , , I 4 ,asorti4ed Liver or & ?mach: . : . 1 h aa , . , • , as o,aatipak. i, .- .. , . tinthilmato t'4:..,1 , vallor.o or Ithwot t,, the, - , qrst,d, ..I.,ldity of o{4 Stunt a eli, Phias•hPilwrit.t.urn.tihhtuel • kn. likahl, I. utlhesat of Weigfit.llll.be . Ploirimlit, "nor Fructatiuha, 1 4 1141112 Z .1.1 . ' rhattwriug 4.,tbw plc at the Sinthaah. 4 sire. ' tuitig of the Hruhfla Pried iguldtEßN,lt f1re..11444, Flatten tag al.lkt, Huai, Choking oiSiatto,Catilf,,...v,•• • iihtitioll 'WS 112 4 iflag poiturh, iiiroheo..t V uw.o, lh , T# or W. brfare tlin iicht, I , over *u , l Dull l'Am Ili the lirad,,lleilelately of Isiinmintion, , 1 rllO. a... 01 ttio Ski a 104 ig,esp, Pain ito thi. -.ole, t:set, . 'l:htatt, Utah., he., in. 1.1.1, )e1.t.h..... ..I Heat hoenihr 10 O.' i5t..44. oni.- 1 . , odans lin'sAioattotd ~t I.t It, • i Plotk• col , •• " •• , atant.. , , ; ANDjWit.t• POSITIVELY eigEvikk YELLbW FEV.ER, EILIOU. FEVER, 'B;,C,„ CoNTAI ' .; Nu . , ALCOHOL' OR BAD . I,ITHIEIR.BY . , ' , bey . WILL COM 1 1(it' in mnety-ulnr coy tiundr..l! : . i ~ I Deo xuv WAvt: sO%!ETIII:S9 - , TO S'Clif:NtallEN 16U ..AN,' A i t; ()p 1 A P IT El YoUt cAlr ' • TO f UILU Ur YoVncij,NsTrrtiTros ! Lb voi; Colir FEEL' WI E L L ? nu i TO Wilt ItTD OF , • YOU F. E R • '!.• no yoc x.or . TO SLEEi po YOU,W,C 4 IT RISK AND VlCriiiii)US FEEE:tIN . , • ~ • . tI 0 You o:ins . GEIIII.A.N BITT • . i "Tar. J. freatilea Brom, D. Ll,' Side rel tale E. do -0411211 of 14114 1 reler iKsewiedeg , ' 1 • I F os ough'uot disposed to hirer or recommend d niter, x la gouweal. through distrust of their logy-car s: and eltootai I ,yet koow of tur.antheisat mason why a asap may act testify to tens bejeetit he believes hismelt to pave veoelved bora boy: steeple preparation, rd the hope that ha inlay thus contsibute to Om entrant of urea. rde this theaters readily' in tested to iloolland* Ott. lean Iltneril, prepared by In. C. , ,11. Jackson, of thi city, N I Demme I was prejudiced against. theta lee overly bare, nude/ the trupreealoo that they were chiefly en al Itolie mkture I 111111 hidebtei to my friend Robert Sheet aker, Fen., for the removal of Oita prejudice h. proper cots, and the encouragement to try thorn, when sutferin from great end long continued deblltty. The nos et th tolt. Om of these Hitters, at the beghanlag Of the putsch yenr , rest followed by evident relief, end reeterattly td e de gree et bodllt sad mental vigor which I hod uot j I t Er eta menthe tieture,aud had siroont despaired of nine. I therefor. thank trod and my Moue for directing •to the rase of them. , PElLile,l, Jcea :Lk 1861.• J. NKN'Ttlls: PROI , III. : t PARTICULAR NOTICE t. I Thee. aft many prepariittons gold un4er the to Were. put - np • In quart 'bottler, compounded r bravest whlekey or commen real, renting Brno r 4 cents Or gallon, the nude dl , glierd‘by ALllllldClr (. dii!Elet.t. , i ; lade chum of Bitter, ha* clamed al d TM Griot tnue to roam., aa lung at they eau he hold. ban ,reds to di e the a death the ,IrusAbrd.„ B i r iiiiii L9 K. the *extern 0 kept eput intuit. ender the fieliienea T -, tronultc $t Aulauta of the wine kind, tile dedre fhr Liquor iii cres mud %Opt sponattliesesuit ,• ail tne horror, attandal upon aMrentard'e life cud death • 1 Vor those who drain and mil Ames a !Aquae Mere, w publlrti the lollowing receipt : tint Oar Beth Beef - /eats Grimes /idlers and rote with 'Ares gee . os If Qcod 14'0t.41 Or lablkeir. and 1/14. rreolt roil be preps i lotion &tut vilifier (tarot medicinal virtues. s d true escellence any of the numerous bignor (Inhere in the reerltelotati rill reetwrech kat Von will h er all the rittoreOf Beefiest, - BiEers id connection wAti a k•nuei *hied. of L O igor, la a moth Ira. price than Ili inf e rior preparatlose will cost you. i • ' Attendee, Nadler's, an(Frkads• of ; . . We call the attention of all .havlntr relation% 4 triends In the army, to the tact that ' . /1 04 PLANtrzeGerutizt Bitters' will nee nlnettentits of the Monte** In need by ectpotures and. privations; inetenot to .trop We. In the lists. pribiLahed almost daily fa the riawetosper% nu the arriral of the Mei, it wilt be eotleol that it r re hog., ' proportion are autlerle g f - niu debibtr fire ease of th , tblnd Can be readliy eared hr HoAll- tad' s ... ',nun riveter", 1 i%eaaes reaulting from dinordeiP of e duet. `tiro organs are speedily ittni iv, d. W,. Itstet lositat t or( to ststlog titst, If thee i linters were I' ly used 1 *min our soldlem humizesti 4 Ulm, migb% t i e *nerd i pat other's-fee wilt be lit 1 • We all particular attention to th. follow In rrmitlk• s , able and well outbentleste.s sore o one of It, 'oation'a. 0, obsroes. whose lIP. to 1100 hi o, • lunguige, hap belt mired by the Hitters :". . El ruiwilhaieuti, Anil:tat 41 ,4511:1.-' illtrelllm Jame . tk . iri.ess —INA. freationaani; Jrpa r inflonf- ' tad's German Bitters hita laire.l tor lifer Tllrre is 11. r nalotake to this It i• Voneflwi for hr putolirra of ray ' e..mredes, some of whore oarnea ire 1im0:43,1/.4i tot *Po war, fatly env:taint ef MI the elit , itn%taneor%.nor rata.. ' ' I am; and h•re open ti TOP loot r,.., -y.M. 41 .nther Or , ' , herniae'. ce l e brated hatter.. , and under the ',ion...heti otai • rnsod of Captain R It. Ayres 'lhrtirteh t 1 .,, h.'e50... 'nee uttmullsot upon rue arionint datwa. I Iree,attarke.l ' Ip Sointobsr oter with ine.tomattoo oft halows. sod I wool to sereutt.two di:. inl the hnsott 1. , 1 • ear 111. ' towed by - great 4,1.11114. het/040.1U% ! ..ili all t• "I sty, if 1 truttty. I call then rrOlover4 from W lb« •iti• I,.mr„ ft ;,,71 P.fitin thl4 r,Cy on bunt tile ..t.. toe: ..- isf. , f a 5f01,n , .. ,i•otoi Vatir.ti I looolioi ...is thar!,2itli of ~1444. •,(taC-• thit , lane I hate hero atioot is to• ap tilt i u.. r. old In, .1 ', •1 I 14 •LratAiy et eis - ili. of iliiliy. F or a rek or or .r. r, aria teiraely aloe to ea - al:par an% thin/. lid 11: 1 I a1L'..11,,...rf:, • 640.1 utsinn. it *IA liansilotiely ttkr.l _it up avail. I qgtu,1,14.,1 e,.n 'seer, a. 41,34% of Wltt,l'as 1 il!l'e ~,, 11,11: • , !Lint . CPYIUId noklaet nothir Vier* cir , lrfl.l.prs.r..t . - Iriet'' ele- I. sordlnitly the,pbyeklatir slot loot he:. trortior rimpi ttiits, Ihoillth Dui ter...4411v, t 10....1ni• vt florvoillii• trap Of the /: li • ...it.. . 4 . - ' .. . frfte.,,..t..J....., . , , - 4 , • .*r.d.ttlY K . r . . ..„)xe)T.:27. ItS! OYSTER 6 ,! T , I • .07. E ~1,. 5 ,„ . , ~• 4 .. 1 ,: Is-... ; • .• ..-.. .110- 7 : : I .11., .1 . ,1i 1\- e .. 1 1.. .. •,...",• .. , ...j . 5 I ' .:":..., r 1 • ,'” .'• , 3 "J ° ~ I 0 '. • ' P •q tt ' , l .- 1111 'TI ti . ' ;.• ;1,1,4 •• ." t.! t . ', t . 41,t gr;Nljl 11.;,,,, ‘ t ..il ' 1 :`: 1 . • it. Ilt . 1 . : 4. .' ‘'.. Vrrini.l l ,‘).).R. k tte.r An, in: 0, Liot Et001:1:11:S. idgcons. • tt:vvoN til.Ut li, tillll4, Woo4l too .to Vie ntte•tttou W the public to Ilia I„ljterlr StTft K ttF (;‘)(Ins! ho - to .triorrobowl fa, ',or .CIIEAr AY' CR'EAPEST !, r e. u (1 ..1 n: 101 , 1 r.r.ot,W est.% •L, • Eft FAIL GOODS ! ..,1 *New 'Opening At WIC- P.. NAY.es & CO'S. Clip; - Talelday; Sept. Ist. • • • 'PIPES! PIPES! vity• A R' t m.f otieslti • 'tar es lar Maertellaum, 6aLta" r•tdot, 1-1110 1 1:nnt, I.nagrund and Fano a low :1N,.... Thw trodimpß , l•o t 4 lowvot ptiAtic , PEN Mi tytiTt*M. TWIN 300 LBs‘.ivocg , ar"%. ,aaa2Dtt Y. .„ &At Co 4 _ AT- lesale and Retail ! C. ENGLEHART • , stock of anti r..btra 11,..itbro room •t•titly oceltpird by Cnso!e4 Slitt.r, in a. ig_sEN ZWEIG'S BLOCK, 'arkk IferealrP Banking Office, nnuminc.6lV t.ontlr.ultli the. and litrites giro ht n m:1. He tm bled I, large and'vperior nod; ul every. h.i hue, limuUtnic GENT4E3LEN'S & COMMON BOOTS ;:4/10ES 3:213 I.IDrrIA 8, Balmorils, Shoes, Slippers, &C., \I SAE'.:' CHILDREN'S .9TTEN,DED TO. ' . AR?' • 1 410 A • • • run •v• ry da SPRING • COODS I . UNDER THE NEW SYSTEM OF , • CASH AND READY PAY ! we take treat plea nn in Wombat, ear_pattesetad the Public that ere bare adopted the AXADY.PAY 11,_173 Tr;sll, cod are yew la receipt clear metal aappt, of • SPRING AND GOODS I nought at • Redoetioti from April priegi of 40 Per Cent!. Ao on irridentel'Or low agars, (forth@ tbais)Pktin Mil fres.? Brown 81mi - tin from .. .Mtn Heavy do., for iino4 4-4 Bloactord •ch•etingls. • .": 00 4 t..i Me-actd Sheeting', Fst t 114ddor Prin.'. good dad „ Aik” * . •• BPmurme." fiunoeil PrinAn, 14 1.400 Voir ty Leo Shirting Prints, foot pokers, Glemturitis, now dorighik .irtorrionth Miro, liteatotiloo„ • DRESS GOODS ! In good aa. orttorot sod a gnat variety of grim. from 25 c., eu e•ot s game ly.holessled Is Now York, 1n Fit. (or more =nosy. mbeds' , a tad& DeLiikoes a Ctiailkii I Awe .eaulLitl Negro, 3b sta. Wtlth alraera, h• • Inatea, 'filial! Plaid Tort Cott,usdee, Ctrolm., Kentucky Jean, tiorett Sew , . beet quality. aglbla Caml.ne, beat quality. Yll " VIM:MkT, TIRBALA, SHIRK k Clr tate Ne rat, Cotb•ea Mb it 13th; iunt2O'F3tf OLD PLANTATION COFFEE. GILT.A.E'S FINE FLAYORED OLD PLANTATION COFFEE, 25 Oents Per 'Pound. • LIBERAL DIACOVNT TO ITER TRADE% , OLIO PLANTATION COFFEE pretervd by thole *hot hart aged It to the heat Jara Cnflre, It hem: impe.tot to stroatth sod neimeas . nt Clyne to the urdlubtry hstpost.4l 1'4)&14 As ere are the only m.lren and u,►nulketurere of the ULl► PL. l l:lll'l'.% TION eQFFIfI, w eauttou our (rico& awl the pbticsipJeet t , urchming and out V.satlng "or ilgostart, o intee the per' e , t sum:oes of our ULU PI.t.ND.tTION COFFEE. ouna..rooa maoutantorers are try hag to palm off inferior eulle , at lee* pr r, tag log that them la BA good better, L.r. Sonae hare gone ea, far al to offer our prin , vrx 11 11 . 6'e . Mounts (they .rould plant a quantita be.noit our name, kc. Others are putting op mtiture• - ,, r1 In Imitation of our aenolne UL.l► PLANTATION ,COIIFFE' Ae we are the only ryertyyrsana toanotacturers Of the OLD , PLANTATION COPPER, we atoll punish all larcirnwera or cotrinipyilght to the tartlet est at tea tot thy law. The OLD YLtpiTATION COFFEE put up in out. pontot tan-toll pookayea, 36 and 00 Ito. 1. , V , r, ytth full direction. fur using on oath parlrajto For 'ale all well regulated family atoms. WRIGHT, DILLIES tt BRO., ISIFORTEAS AND MAIM FAC't Mt - We, 233, 235 , 237 Washington St, N. V. j un.:414..m. • MUSIC STORE !. PIANO FORTES! AND MELODEONS! From the following celebrated Piano Fortaatid Melodeon Manufsettnaffs: I.lxht At Bradbury", New York. Steinway k Sone,Now, York. Wm. Knape At Coy Baltlmorc, lid. Mcanlotanik Gray, Allbeny,it T. 4/Y3, PIOL/NB, FLUTZS Books and Sheet Xtuic, OW Folt AU persona wishing a fl is Piano Forte or Melode-• on, are hinted to call and esatiltip) \. our instruments tss fore purchasing elsewhere. Reed's Block, State street, nearl opposite the Post Ofllos • Z. SMITH. Or P. S.—All Pianos and Melodeons red for Bye years 63.1 y. EABTFORD• IeIRE INSURANCE • lIAILTYOIIO, CONNECTICUT. INCORPORATED DUO. CAPITAL $600,000. D. H UNITING - LON: Prest. T. C. ALLYN. Secy. CITY FIRE INSURANCE CONPANY, HArthrommnctscitcvv. lACORPOIGITA'D 1b47. CAPIT.AL $2:4,e00 (% B. 110WER,91. "rest. C. C. WAITF, Secy. INS(JHANCE in. the above c s p and reli j able Cotupanito nn obloine4 no • plkation to Inarchl.l-12 ' R. W. Rt Ell., Arent. ADMIISISTRATOR'S. NOTICE. T BITERS of Administration having been granted he ti e undersigned upon the mate of lire. E. lf, Baize dolph, Ist,* ni 'orth East borough, Erie soon- tr. : is hprroy giwon to all persons hi:two.' theuo.eirro, indebted to tae Pomo to rriske inamtoilite pay input, ead•thcile having &glue eta gitiquilll. them Mame for .mttlemet.t. aOl4lll KILL, Vrth salt, Aug. 10, Atiministriktor. DZEI . ADMINISTRATOR'S NO'FICE. ' y rae cll La or Adtoliti4trttioit liamtog Lelia granted to L 4 the uetleretgueil upon the estate n' ,teptiro ette,s tier, tleri•alol late or 1 1 , talon] toworhip, Erie C 0.,. Pa.• Notice ir hereby Oven to all privet, jimiebtad, to mi 4 eetltl' to INA., tannectiat., payment, and thcr hiving •13 , n5m.g11:440. the carne will prietni them Or 0r4 , 88101 the 10. nr_Septernber,lB 8, for alt( t. RCISAUS CREVALM. , •E. J. COTTBEI,G,, , Waterford, Aug 11, '&3-11.1 Administrators, Z 0 ..) r.st 1. , Me k. x 9 .4.5 ♦ X .1: f i I'.l WHEREAS 1111 1 wile, Usual", E. Bug bre, Lett my bed an.llyard, withant just cause, (41 or atant Wealth day othaly, 11443, thereinto I hereby 1-61.1 all parsons to tru•ttir, as t wilt not pay any debts of her et.nt•aeting altar this date, •eptl2 . lt3 :it- OYSTERS & CLARIS. THE ,wrsuld tvpsrecl. filt,3 1,4 f )rni h'igfr e•rt4i SPA eu, .Aol.n. r nt tie I% .t . I , nt hlc 0,11 •trnd ' ' No. 2 Washington Fish liOrket, Rea Votio, .1014 to pTe MN to ". vow', i t(tql4 2, 2. whiz , • s! OYfiTERS Atif* ma-lnt 351„r.1% II V 6 •9. e ut rt_s /t. , t I VIII/ , T . 1.1•34 4 . 41115 k • ar. o.der. fruLla the 42,untr Atunzded tu. ' It • Al , I 14,111 , Y..% i et, r • I - • V. SCHULTZ & W101.1;SA 1.1:A N L It rx,A itzlv4.l.4,lki GROCERIES 4110 PROVISIONS„ KX4i I .ri t I 1.1.41; 1., 1.411k1i AL: VA • . . . , . We Igeeit'ee itelei .1 l'Ig" 1111.4 'arr 3 mrlirci:d ivq. wi :xi - 4 1 •f .irrl .thllie ir. slat tee..olll). et LI te4 peflOiti 0140111,Tee ' le I 4* eritiore l•,1 n hitt •ltwit 1(11'011. 4 rota Ciin• R. not to to , * tri“oot , l In i.e )11.1 0 1 • N EW I 1.1.1 N ERY. lit-ICttlt.l:X.., :Zr:O. Irticild re4s%•trally altuw2l , r- Lo the ta.lir, at I,r r ,pa ,ehti, , ,,,lita the wtti.p..u. }' t; E 8 t Y .k t' it 1 -II t!! f 8 ti , pt thr of •trret., Ivo ,lonrs Norilj of Way or 1411, a L.rar putt opleudfol Juksor e1,,t111 vtra,nirarir,''GOODS; r runt. (rem Ye*elebtsclei eeetr article mutely . tolitalanti is al Brit. ‘ , l the tient ' , , iitEACR7SO. - PRES * Stria . 4,VD . CttLORiNG, Duo@ ia the lien Style, aid ow the Intuit Reanuntble reties. • Iles It „Wine had *attest , '"virt;p4ocin pie aid mak Werra blyrril th at eba ate awe eneilnetialolaktraa. Tile public patrotrage in rt•npnetteny apr2bl3ll. Wooll Wool I To Farmers & Wool Growers. The land•rsiesed tats reomind se order to purchase 100.000 pou 40.1 Wool, tor wtilch tb*llettest matimpt price will to. luau. R 24. • TO RENT. GOOD SUM comfortable, two story goose.' address Gt.. Wong/anis Post Oticw. sion4G NEW . u,~.= .~,.:.~. IME2I 20 to 25 Cto SO " 10 10 14 " 20 •• •22 i $l4 I. 10 to au Cit. 2.S to 34 MO to 45 ....- 20t0 39 . . 1 tAt 66 N E W 11140 Forts Idaterkli ay Yoes. rk. Prince /11 Co., Blast°, N.Y 'ow York. cza NOTICE. W . . H. BUPREr. Fr , :e.... •Y Cl= 4 vrC 1 =I