The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 03, 1863, Image 1

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sTATE -on ElEgr, oPPOSITK Till. IN I$
4logie aubscribats, tf paid to .11Tane
& Mir...trate or .t S i
is for Sarl(•t elubr.
5r 1•151 -
est,s Oar Num. 3 moat be VT,
1 " 6 - 6ix
' 1/5 Ons -- 'a .- 57:
, • pair, cun t ...Ns it pleasure, $l6.
raceatha, $4: 6 months. la: o,esioath,
20 squares—pat. yftr, Vet 4 moliths,
Elnainesstninctory at $3 pet
lowed for a Card, orrr and undo
Muriel notleeb, 10 eaputi a line ; but nd
II bulneertedarneaq the Special Notice
otherm'ilm atii ow frequent e
tentKtlllrt allur Nuarre,paper,
ror additional■pace, tbe charge,' will
, and the wit .thsetuente wial b. Atrietl,4
a/gob:nate bilainr ox the atlvertker.
ant advertlserneote required adrauce..-
tderrtiaing will tn. pirorriird 1.41f-t«vi I .
Ittaleation. Ahottl,lb. B,l4reoed to
tVIiIT.IIaN S Kitt:l.lEl'
l'uhilibe e.
Jesse 1. Hasent
irwrcou or TN g 'Mee f....y11.1
131r,ek, lerrnch trotottect Fifth Mad
}awl it
tillil D.
• resumed the practice of bin prottieniii
A be found at his °ld Mike. on Vilma
ciirnar of Public Square. July 0 '6l
'mir nt deooad and Market Street—one square ell
son's Smetana*, Warren, Pa.. Llept.
1 31. 'COLE, ,
. ,4300a\ Bump, Buys. Hoot ILLXV7A{,
, In Wponaa Atoti of Rltulernscbt's Btoek, Eli?, V
Arsolaer & COrsitattnit er law, Erie
State Street, nerr the Ctrl, la the Ame'
t. 'mead story of the occupied by F
. audeler. We will always be louu•1 la his oelbe
i.U.1.15V0S powettuilly attended to.
guittig 11. CITTIAR.
arrourr A? Lor, tiLranl,.Erte Co
Oollictions sad other fweioen ittendout to
ktsetil and daitpiekb.
(. uvßuJvss se: co..
waotagAus 11..t...k0 IN ukaccßi.
corioNa. Mate Street, No. 7 Bonnell Vinci.
ATTOILTIT AT 1 .AW.--4110ro. rectioy
oulltiTs ire( ot State trWt, autheuorthdde
T. Kris Pa.
• I. Win practice tri tl.• several Court& o Ert• eciu ray.
• iiy• pruuptacl . &laird ationtiog to all buatneiks en •
tad kis b•
l:maul el an Attorney or Magintrate.
Cr ui.P OS:filn Kipple* '2. Itct, corner nt S , siTel.i't alb
Dimas* nt GOLD, Silver. Rank Notes,
• eats* ot Depostcece. Sight tida:i'.
pal atlas seastselly tot . sale. Otios.Yo !Reed H nuee
&yam Zri •
- -
LYILL*B h Ctocks Watches, } . 4 Jew
dpoht, I'Lated %Vara, Lookin v
g Gilt
otaiags.Vithry-sed rikney Goods, l'ivagoo Hu ?ding,
jtd. Moot Park wrar Pesch at
AllrOiatT 1..•w--( tlth tre.t.
• ly opposit• the Court Hoes*, liar, I's.
• DISTIST, (Ake ti Rosen
.try': Meek, uoriblide of the Pert, Pa.
8. 8. 3PCNCIitt, aLLOEN I
SPENCER . uk l. N
TirIIatNICYM dz. COLINNt:L Logt•rVie 1.t%
FFICE, "Pittagen i nest :Noah
'1 •.t f oil., .1 liar 1 I. yr, 11,
eiltl/ 111.11.:»C,
gm*, ee., 4 - ..1.1. tifILL, I' rof izietor
the Opal of Ude claws *limit Lime every .11.4tion. to
Atte their stay agreeable Orlatillskli to ILO I trom ell
Basta. t'roptietor. 'ur. apti4o-4.).
- 4
j.. . ,
bui.i—ir-oustc, •
JOB-11 teu ~
p 4,14 'Lid Thud Stroete. (toisoottlately troutth the Clap
lei, I amotat.urs,h, Terme reasozukblp;aLcompuilatioli
*..‘,..f t. the L. art Hotel lu the city, sod the hex et o
, e 1 „ I ~ Intl, the chulccet liuor. t'et..'.a.—i.h
L1: 4 1:3/Ine.tiLigli,
W 1101.31.411 1 AND HITAIL 1
sfut Prorttions, hour and reed,
: . 11 Mew Van; firor4,4l4leora. 'Saone°, Sews,
t, one door rloath of Yottrib„ gut side, t:r
rcj'ill It CA RIM% PILL C 0.. ..,
? I Mammas AND ficatt_
-i, r ,- ,-.4 or min civil,. p.•
BOOZ/LIATZ and [twilit. to 3
1 411Papetr, liaigisines, tioeipspere, err. Vettif
upoa re ped. Store under Brown', Hotel,frubtini
[~YBitttl ROTEL,
'. of SI iuket eta., Herr
tits *hi Yd Willi known boom is now fitt
twat improved style. The ecoounnodition
nit order sad time limns minnow, It oleic
seat dalightial pat of the city, and afford
iseanatein oppirog places In the country.
I. 1111 . 031 FIRM.
OMB . a: PAT/ IN
ttnat, MISQVU3III. r.
Dwawrirri.—Odice tarkurk
Bow.Yrie,Ta hll wurk warms-
t J. Ewan
[marlatf.] 0
J. H. Elm, Warren. W
Omni BteriOnet.
Poatraaarso aim Couxiaalos
at Oatonalills, trio county, Pa, by Atlantic
Use .t 01, gait, Sinn . Crude '
AU Wads Stiipplag dons on Com 1
i t
AGM. Collections and all
Ingstld Wan., prasippy attended to. am)
alataani ooßittadiand Policies Intuit ai • •
ataaroosawilas: Me i Wright's Bl •
W asanizestrionArti.
T W 4 wrgaintir,
; • - AITOICRIT A? Law. fa
Ma, ea Una* Asti, pa, Pa.
Darns% ilootty'oßlocliOlorth oldo et the Park,
Ittoie Woo, Itaio,;Pa. laprind tr.
• roma otromo, botwoom 4th and 6th athlete,
Mir Ur PliGididpkis II Me itailmod Dim); Brie, Pa.,
tools liboomolloor, Proprivor. Extoosiv. swooaosods-
Ns *a stologoroikad umbra. Board by the day tzlr
soak. Good atabilag altoebod. i opal Wtt.
"dicaibs "
O* Amt.
(1110iLan WitIOS4I 1
tjl •• - . • • Bows Ilsor, State ittoot, nearly
polliwthe hot PM& - 1
Law Pear &Owe anghebed, where genillomen aka
loy Ummipaves without bokog annoyed by .11sordori/
A LUNN. At 111407.111 w, ,
PintoNac.a I WU. and
for num k Kayear's Patent Aenring Machin.,
—the loot tau's- State , iltroot t betooso Inb and Dth 81a,
rt. Cloth,'" mad. to ordi'm In the elneet otyle.
Joan c: asses. •
troobboy, Radon" NO* Wait. Oa. Muter Pte.. l cur'
ow of Sttt! lama sod Public Square. Kg* VI- W"'
WA .$K is CO
c `Vab al l i M al lr, bteltoto gtroot. Ca l it
o wl Won Hogusot llall Beri Orossintit.osAl.wil
ti SOL nab. row, Plaebr. WO*, Use. LC ,
X. IG—cs i n swats to sad trim Coot! ware Roue.
loonkle-41. i
SIXOLAug vuuvr,
(lhiaismork , Stostrtrt Siactstr,)
sawassi sin arratt. Diwasus; Wright's Block,
oliellistilitio.rh s Desire.ln Palms ( Otis. Cars'bump
.7•411/s. Maw Lasing livid, wrestles: Arr.
Libusiv an iilleawr ' •
acreusaght •
CI Waft& vlsettink limplaws
4 14 Edo". -
Millie* to Get Tar M
StabStrad, Nadi, Oppagal 0191er.
Cinietilla. Batt bad :thew Naar,
utepeettelly laterite the Public the_ t lbe
, 411 Ile mod Idastuid to tit Moro Soim_
oo Moto Wee. imosiy appetite the root
MIN Wong let`oth. adi odo rid tosientere
C i k i l p
tAIls s
iiitilrlitea glees to /RCP RING. Wring'
eimidiellantiew. rot oalorlatadod all Itte bummer
Wang boONiodu ha as give iu gold eatlateetioa -LO
4100 4 Mid Ilromidiod. lieopileee ao aid uttod pima* lo iii.t,.
CFru% Toys, Irsakii• biotic%
slt Nesitedoit satl6tai.
riga b
siesif• aw , 110, ml Pews. Dales, y C ?rants, WIWI', Ir ,
e aa lor
asyl&-las. ' CY & EtIRGIFAI.
• • ' isnot Casdise of Tel dllaufatioo lad
ass YoJsosos Cacao. Xs; Fran sod Ccetali
Ad Po% Preach Canasta, sad µt Moo Confliction
. . ,
. .
: I :
...- i ! _ •
. . . .
-V. - , I • ,
..• . .
• ' .
......... A
... . 1 •
... . .
. s.
. , .
, .
~ . .
• ' ' ! 1I ' t
• :
. . . , . ..
- 7:i'-';',•••_
.„ .. .
, .. ..
..,,,.,..,„.., . .
. .
~,,..,-,,,,,'- .. •_,....-.N L :. 7 , .
.. . I
I B .
mi _:, 4. ." ; 71 ' . ( ,-. ' 4 '. ....' • ..; i , ' 0
_ ____________ ___ ____
. . •
_ i _
- --- ---- ---- --- -----
1 , N'
6.IiIBRACLNiI ALL Itl 1....%Tt.: TYI.63 uF
A I,St ), A LARGE nota' OF
• ttla
way -;
TiiAT" the variety of new style lied
,anstis. of Gothic.
Cottage, Com:Jest% Round Cor
ner, Camp Sofa. .
4 ' ll o Land and other pattern, I, uh
aerpentine and strait hotit, bandwirriely 'tenet r-dl3nr
Y.:tension, PIM° it, Breakfast, Centre and other Table*,
V,hatnots, Quaker Stands, Carpet and farnsak Lounges,
Sofa Beds, Hair and Sox thus Stew r FestLer Bede
and Bolster, with other nonaehold furniture. Co, nil
manufactured from well seasoned !anther nod Poolthy
rnatariala, by experienced workmen and not by hip:untie!.
lads. For style, quality and km priree I will defy even
two-price flatlets to undersell me. Feathernbrai4l.t and
POI& Cane oat Parlor. Bedroom, Korkim., Setting,
Norse and other Chatra, of F.iatern' and Weetern manu
facture, are hickory dolled and glued, making them as
strong as any other pa rt of the ehair.where °then mado
arid cold are only nad, and by,rto meads durable. Wood
Windsor, Rocking, timstug and Note., ant chairs of hum
wood rounds clinched through the coat and clued, war
ranted to stand. Handsomely painted, and can't he
(en for strength, prime and thdah: Spiing Bets I Late
sold over ;V.) and have the highest teatimonials v 1 h a
h i t o f price. of all uuJde sent on application. I
nd atilf.pled tree
After dye years raperleoce au t co,.lendtog rith cn
ptiueipeled two prier. doalors, I am Determined to. I .tt
one porn to
•• ht s n worth for yoor p,y , au.' t he
to all who 5r.!... with me. '
Lumbar, Leth ..our es, Live • tocg, Prude% mill-nue
014 Z•ture Pot, 0.41.e° et marloat retard
h.q. pa, Itrutr,kl tl a lite 14 - to, nett cororr of it th ,treat
on rir , I a 11 W. El 1 ...EY •
tt ti scuts. t'r au 1 1 ,oz.iala'nr;altrinan,
.1 to
Aurtie•East Garner ey the Perk .4:French street,
WuLtrriyectfully call the attrition of the community
Which he la destrotu to ban at the
% a KILY LOWEST" rossinias
we a. 04
e, ea
FISH, &C.,
Ls u..t earl:eased iu the etty, al he La prepared to pmee to
all who lose Wm a WI. \
.Ki la ihi4
, tattottery,
try dea lers
:t tto. ?ark
He also keeps constantly on hand a stparior'ilot of
PURE .14I.QUOR*.,',
for the wholesale trade. to which he directs the attriation
of the public
usburg, Po.
up lu the
ate of Me
His "motto le, "Quick Salta, Small Prnnto and a fdll
Equivalent for th• Money." a atilt:At ,
La the
oue of the
15341343. 10133.
tinn niter April'fith, 12q33.
Passenger Trntni will run on thin Rawl u follow,*
, Utestout
6 0) A. 1.1.„ Mal sad draws., 'topmast at Harbor Creek
North Kart, Suite 1.1 to,Quirary,Wo4tllrhl,l'ortlutd,
ltructon.llankfri4.3llTertreek. irrlos sod Aaiola.
trirtrint at nueral o at 9 65 A, - •
lel P. IL, Deg Express, stopping at North Nast. Wee►
field, Dunkirk tlit►er Creek, and Angola, •and
• arriving at Buffalo pt 6 10 P. IL
15 P.M.. Cincianati Espreat, stopping at Westfield,
Dunkirk and differ Creek, and emcee at licettefo
at 10 10 P. M.
1 20 A /I, Bight Emcee, stopping at Westfield,
1/suit:irk and Slivel Creek. ereives at Buttaloat
4 20 A. IL
The Day Express eunneeta it Inickirk 9 4ind Pellet°.
the Night Entree.' at Buffalo only, with Etpretts Dale.
for New York, Philadelphia, Dostonfae.
4 20 Mail Jr Ara stupplbg at h, North
ViDa. Angola, Ireing,l3liter Creek, Broc
tee, Portland, Westfield, Quincy. State Line. North
Mal and Varbor Creek, arriving at Eris at • S 15
-530 Y.
•.11, Rrpras, stopping at Silver Creek,
Dunkirk, Westfield and North East, arrives it Sri.
at 10 U 5 A. li.
9 S 5 A.R., Dag EtT►eas, stopping at angole, Silver
Creek, Denkle*, Westfield and North East, arrinng
at Erie at 1 3d, P. Y.
10 10 P. H. Nighi Romp. stopping at Silver Creek,
thualtirk and Winfield, arrivisig Iria at / f.%)
Negroid time Is ten minutes faster than Ede time-
Apri125,1563. It. W. BROWN. Sept.
I tut-0., Ps
I •un 7 '62
k (1, W..R.
.ntsd Petro
• .on. 21tf.
laminae in
lientions for
• ai delay, In
corner of
I Walkor's Of.
tug 7 'O2
Cleveland and Erie oad
ON and after M day, ril 20th, 1863,
and ontll further not razes Tirane w II ma
a.• follows.
i x;ta he flood
tkior south of
►or !CL
41 P. M. Night Capra.' Valli stop. at Rsi
Ashtabula sod Girard, only, and arrives at Er'. at
1 03 P. L.
4 20 P. 11, - Mail and Accommodation Train, stops at an
stations, and arrivea at Me at 8 21 P. M.
400 P. M , Cinetnuati laspreas, sto p s at Painesville,
A shttbu la and Girard, arrivals at Erie at 7 00 P. M.
10 00 P. U., Ds, 43tpresa, stops at Willoughby. NORA.
villa, Genava, Ashtabula, Conneaut and altaid, ar
rives at Erie at I 'm
1 15 A. M. NI ht es press Train stops at Girard. Alkali,
hula and Palneaille oil?, and arrivem at Cleveland
4 46. A. ti
5 60 A. bt., Mail and Aceotnisiodation Train, stopping at
all the stations and arrived at Cleveland at 65
it 66 A. 44.,T01ed0 prey, AoppLos at All ntat.on4 ex
empt itwanville, iialbrook, Unb j enville: Peru, Men. P
for and Wickliffe, arrives at Cleveland 1 Sti P.
1 58 DAY tkPreev. *tops at 01 nird, Conneaut. Ashtabula
and Painesville, arrives at Cleveland at 4 56 Y.M.
all the thrOtigh testne gulag. WeAttrirk 4*mm:a at
Clivlland rntb trains for Toledo, Chicago,Coltimbna,Cin
z.nuatt, Indiaaspalt.,
All the W1'01464,11118 going Caeterard,ooaueet at Lur
ktrk with the 'rata of the Yk We Railroad: sad at
Buffalo with the N. Y. Central and Bulb& awl X..T.Ctty
Railroads, for See York, /Assay
lee- Reeton,=e,
Cleveland. April ,:0,
4: 4 11 . MANHOOD
How Lost How ilistored
S Ito!WINO U.:;
Just rutsifsbad, in % Sealed inuainfe. CIO*
Lrermis on tie - Akin"; treattora - airrradrlat
Care of Sperritatorrtures or Elerninal Wetimerr.
Selma "billtlg.settonewnwtse dlireniustary fuletinos,
Whining fmpotency, Coniumption and Mental and Pbp
eical Debtlitr. by
The Important bet that the natal enniequeneet of
Leff Abase may be effectually removed without luterugl
medicine" ur the dangerous application of nineties, In
strummata, to, Masted bongina and etas" elaPilleal
via*, in bete clearly demo:nitrate, nod the entirety sea
and highly anicantal treatment as searched by the rile'
-bratai author, tatty explained, by wh eh IeMY 400 ti
enable tto cute hinuf.lelyeribetly, and at the leant peed
bhp root, th.ipreby asuldbul all the sdvertinelsoatrutna of
top 4ty. Ma lecture wilt prove, a boon to thosaaade
and Innuendo,
Sent-Mar WA% in • plata angelus", to bier liddlielb of
the receipt of e.a .43th or two pOillairo iltdi br ad ,
dreaming. Di. CH A 9. .1; O. %Mgt,
fe01413-ly 1 Bowery, Welt TiVeL,
Pont Odie• flu; 45dd.
1 Back
anti F►acy Goo.*
B. a B.
1882. SP/i/Nl3l. 1882.
E H . . $ M. I P-11,,
ariPisrlilkitY GOODE,
=ifilien4itiplfe.fotth Goode at New toitt rthise.
attention paid to Bleaching and Detesting
Stem. No. 3 Hoghte' Block,Stativ St. mayild.
No W Id
AN II 1;10'
to ui large §tock of
U. usortmetat of
.111: I.:NTS FOR Tiikt 01319 i ILV Hit.
life lollowlag gea Orman have. liven .elected as oar
agents is tb. alseert wafer* then midis. P 11,601111 dearth(
to mewl subscriptions or Jnh Work. yr to remit money to
us, eau do It thtouch their bands :
J. Sullivan. t-
Capt A. Yoroernv, t " •• • • ' ..... • A lblon
W. C, White,
.100. tV.1,,,,,, , .. ... ..., .... WatarforA
M. Saler P.dinborv.
V . % Schultz & Leo., .._ _ _.,... „_ . kill Croak.
L. l'otter, .. . ~ .104:aaleyvillir.
Capt. l'. Willard, .. limber Creak.
J.1..$ t tau,- • firearm:laid.
J. Smith,..... .
...Rut 8 mpg.
Lyman Robiort,u, t
A. P. Rouse. $ Wattibarg.
John Dnohttho, PpriagfLd X Waft
Riley Potter, .... '.... ....West Sprlngliald
Ralph B.Lannau, t
-• Plate's.
Jamb C Cattruao, 1
E. W. nerrish • Ktergivllla,Ohla.
ii, ci. P. W. lintehlaainu, Girard.
Amos Stone . Valtliaw.
?liaison . . Chair , Hill.
P. G.Straualiao, t -
Jai. D. Phillip*, $
F. R. Burrowers, Columbus.
J. L. Murphy, Warm). .'•••
N. Jackson,. Garland:
J. G. Eurtlagbarn, •;Org.
Its. A. IL rby,...- R =it
Jam. Cro "ell. Lorena:
T. D Chap."— Masan.
eti pt. G. J. Willi r0w..., ...... .—• Yonagsallla.
Auroa Heath. j
•—. ... Corry
W C. Oakley, ---- ---- . - •
J. W. Royer, La Bogue.
11. H. ' liotialdsou, S Nng Creek.
H. W. Dowaht, Wayne.
J. C. (lisp iu, - Ridgway, •
filk Cu , Pa.
Robert dart:awl, Landar.
Warren Co., Pa,
_ _ _
My ordering Calomel and destructive minerals from
the impply tich`e., has centerml a blasting an our stek
soldier, Let 1.113:1 out atop here. Let him order the
dimontinnscite of u illeeilivg," and the too of lIRLND
itErws to the place tlmreot. Than will rom•
memos ors" .14 the practJas of Medicine. which
wklohl thou t...ronni torrhbatteAlly
I flirty year* taught th%t t o dt.eased aettna
c..ubi h- „ule.t by-mercury or tartar emetic. Tbit the
hanun body 11;01.1.41 only h. '-uusde whole' • by • . t.YetmWe
f,o,3,7—Abiiiigl 004 to fat, e"bd•bas4
BRANDILETii'S PI! 1.4 . ebbu1.1 be in treryMiry Her
021. Tbr •e l'illa curt, ill1.101.1:4 IitARRHOEIL,CHRON-
1.% IllAltBdlOF..l., CHRONIC D YSEYrkIiV, icol all Yr
Tel/ and Altai:lions 41i Ih.. Bowels, sooner sad MOM lift.
Iy than any tuadunne In Our world. BRA-NM:MS
l'11.1:1 In th•te move be taken iatigkaanduminiiiis
I:e .41 liarrettuno mud get new irtyle
Stn:-1 was s privets In Co. V. 17th Rilihasht, New
Vora Vol.. Whim at ilarrtion'e lAndlag ned en the
Itappnhamn....h near Falmouth. 1 and many of the nom
piny errs Kick with haunt itlerrhaa.. The 4 1311 : 1 B,ll l* -
Kenn did not ears emend I was reduend tootle attdiooe.
Amon; the Company wars quite a number or members
who had warted Wynne Laboratory at liins Hies. They
sera not sick. because thew used 13vandreth's Pills. These
own prevailed open me and others; tent* the Pills, and
we leer, all cured In from ten to Owe daps. Atter thle
oar boo. mead Rratuireth's Pills for the typhus laver,
rolds. rheumatism, and in no ease did they tan to natter'
Out ft gratitude toyna for my good baalth,/ wad you
this letter, srlDch it ne, 000000 the entire Company *main
I am. raspyrtrully, yours,
itit.Olt K. WATSON, Sllng_iing„
IS iocipat inu c A, 241 Cana( Stmet, New York.
S o ld by Dr I. STlar/a43, Erie, sad by all nespectabide dea
fen, in inwficine - • jyl6-Ito.
L A 01
This delightful article for preserving and
beautiii lug the human hair Is again pat* by the °lie
.nat proprietor, and is now nude with the sameintre, ttUI
and atteation, r. hlch fleet created its immense and un
precedented faire of ever rine million bottles annually I It
le still sold at 25 milts in large bottle*. Two million bot
tles can easily be sold an a year whew it is ,gala kerferla
that the Bathairon la not only the most dell/Mkt lair
dressing in the world, but tbst it cleanses' the scalp of
marl and dandruff, gives the hair a lively, rich, lumitriant
growth and prevents it from turning grey. These its
cOnaidersti.,nn worth knowing. The lilathstron has been
tested toe firer twelve years, and Is warranted as desert*
bed. icy lady wile values l bestittful head. of hair will
um the Kathairon.olt ie finely, perfumed, cheep and val.
sable- It is sold by all reepeetable dealer" throughout
the world. IL S. BARSliift
II ri 11 4 4TH F: ET'S
IT ea chic .41.Dr/ai, but rsatarea gray hair to tie seigir
aitecdorabY ea:hair irs: the eePhhtrY tabee'erith !avant.
sustenance, impaired by age or diaesee. lit laataneoua
dyes a,.• composed of Ltfaar CatUstie, destroying th. TI.
tality and beauty of the hair, and alkyd of nissastiis
np dri-aa U. ileimstreet's !ottani* Coloring not only
restores hair to Ito natural color, by an easy proms% bat
give% the hair a LUXURIANT 11E4 promotes Its
growth, prevents lie ntf, eradicates daialrulir, sod
imparts health and pleaaantuesa to - the bead. It liai
moo,' t'ie. ter of tune, beta; the original hair Colorfug,
and I. onstantly increasing in tarot... Used by both'
gentlemen and ladies. It is mold by all respectable deal.
els, or van bo procured by -them of the commercial
agents, U. e. Rastas k Co. , arl Broadway, N. Y. Tao
ales% kr yenta audit. Jan 246 3-6ro
ItISTA Dtelto 7 ra.. Mt It DYE
"till , ONLY lIYE ...... .. . ..... . ...—.llivor tutiAtirid.
TM oNLY 0Y1 , .... irrora Cu bepoironlies.
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THE ONLY DYF Fora oeMeet black.
THE i)NIX DYR That deeies detection
TIIF: ONLY fY Tbat Is instantaneous.
'For all who doers to has* the color of their hair dusted
with issfisty, certainty and sapidity, to any shade they
=ST desire.
gassitictured by J. CRISTADOIIO, No. 6 Astor llossiss.
New York. Sold erer paler*, sod applied by all Bahr
Dreamt I.' hire, $l, $1,60, suit $3 per oor, scoordlig to
also. • v4l-Im.
Crietadoro's Hair - Pieservative,. ,
a invaluable with Ida Dye. as It Imparts the utmost 'A
new, the moat beeuttfal glom, and greet titelity to the
Prieo 60 cult% $t and $2 per bottle. &candler. to Mee
lln not tribe with tour Health, Constitution. and
If you aro inaltering with anv Disesses tor4kleh
1a recommended,
It iii( Cr you, env, lon/ Eufferinir, &liming Pala
and inlfatnauitioo. and rill natoreyou to
At Little El:fetter,
And No &polar,.
Cut not th e Adrcrtlsinnotit to another column. and
tall or mid fur i
Et}:WARF: Of ‘13111(fIRFEI TA I
AA fur ffetellv+l , l's. Tido no other
Cuitica acilawrger4.
pl ig i-twl. •
rr.lommuNtrniss. -
- rbe advert:km . lll,6,om rootorod to tvalth la
a fewweeke.byawirjr~essuilly;after having wealesed
reversi eearewith s aerarolositaboetleo. sad that thud
diaesse, Ceaaampttotr.tamesas to mate known to his
lellow-aufferers the mews of ears •
To all who desire It, he will MA espy alum pra
oenylloa used (tree et show), with the ftwedeas en.
preparing eat tales tho alabooobtob tier SW Sad a
Brae cram roe CosseisTlow, AllTelts; EtWOWC=Thle
The only object of the advertlarr in audios tlaa
lion is to bonett the 'itaileted, and spread labecoalku
which co conceiver* to be levaleshle. end he haves Intel
widener will try his remedy, as It aoet , theal %Midst,
sad caar,prove a nuaitiog.
Arr. EDWARD • Imam,
Ao r
' marl. &a itingi County. New Yorke
7 ' .."..-- a : 41. • 74 • - :1.0 • 7
D U. 1*IIIA.M.VIANILTIAN101"1411&t
- tiled onroup-Miltra patty ti
child[ Paw 4aot woe t net semi atlas tali no mom.
:huh y4/I tie coantraatineoftwecantisteen ride/ does
town in the are. Died itlrerliCifteake ! whin
tr. Tulin& Venetian Liniment to • certain elite, U total)
in titn,.. Noe. Under& we appeal to roir It ty not*,ir
the I.3ltri gala lad ;moat we , make , hat for the Wei 'o r
your bleat rhtf.d that now Pea piattajadt yew MO.-
Croup is a dangerous 4Leenum ; but use Pr. Tobt•l'Vezies.
Hall Liniment in VOW.' mad It 'to wheel,
weal itat ..,
A lwal a beep it in the house ; you may MOT q
night, or to-morrow, no tailing when—but armed
'this liniment ‘, ou ars preoamd, let lie witiett .
Pries only '.:.s mita a - bottle. oth , e, 14 C . anhtigi • ,-
1141 1 4
New Ycrt. . So:d byr at/ Drag% is to. : . ; -11 01 4 Aw
A EA liA ng kiati?.: 4 IV ni t i tlie l / 2 4 irk At -
in - Has temp tow the uvula tier there weStne
pnoetdoe i a 4:attain. ia ecangamealedeue prlanlpet- WM' ,
mi to thelnailiteld natal* of Ilea 1 7!e eon oCcile. ha
i, keeping arm" tie Myren, end matfett .41a0111•iallialiiit
wattoth, and this is canard toy the use of Oda dleedelleet
Ha votnedaat t the
health,. ittntit i thair*lDM l C il la the
teale,'ltealiowes the Macias met ambits theshialle WV
form ita dal Ira of rowetattet the beat of etaeloillellek
la ratty thessietwit nit therleanni abbatenne.ttialeittiawar-
Bien at the body. It la hot a etaleht emeitotiatemelik!
en torero's/A sterahlwe'eadealethat. told h ell iliter.
OM et 13 *A 111 eight pm bottle, , at , : . jytithil,:
Li sil Tun sit ossessiasi, : , , . ~ :
i9il= l PottAff#42l:llgrAnskirsti2
ova soon/am lath it. 0004, killaNpaulliklaaa
lions for manna avid aging a gimp Vagetahai
that wilt oIiMMIGI/rre*lV 481.. A [aphis, it -
•o; ra, Facislotisod_ol, kliAtAktol,4 lioritie
(hammy agroeMus a •,
LwllishoMainiell ' ;Bag 1 '
San s'sosoisolourls di t0.—.1. , • , J ,
. sitetaltorasan;.4,o49,./Ml4 ^ , ^ 9t. . 1 . • ''' ^ r
Sibitistopt-01•441,elmiiPNee a' , '
e t. ,
plicatia". sealed " LW OW • ' • • - • - • e ta ,
• ..-- ZeiNr , pectrilliv yours. ...k ......._. ,
Tbb9. r. ClPArittN — eNeWe
No. Dl Broa . thriky, 11.4.
gheYic 491nerrer.
The Addreiis el the ••Ugluu•' State Crulral
• VanuaMee. . .
Deci&dly die itio.t infatuou j s perti!:rin
document that ha', made its appearance
during the present c.onteet between the ,
Democracy, pledged to ,Litie'rtv and Con
stitutional law on the one side, and des
polio and Ittwolutionery Abolitionism on
the otlaiw, is the recent address of the .
Central Committee styling itself - ” Union."
With not a line in it 'address -ci to the
reason tif the people, without an ttempt
to deny the deluging charges b . iht
against: them by the advocates of win
men's liberties,-it is but a r.s.httsli
wretched falsehoods by which the so.
called l'teptiblican party has so long de
ceived ,the great miss of the people, and
by stigmatizing concessions made in Con
formity to Constitutional law, for the
sake of peace and Union, us concessions
to "slavery," by the details of sarongs
which have uo existerive, and of crimes
which] %sere never nominated, to continue
the pniceiss ••firing the Northern heart."
But we wish chiefly . to CAB 'mention to
the ii its of this address containing pre,
tended 'extracts from a speech delivered
by dtidge Woodwerd, at a public ineetting
iii Philadelphia, held in December, li4o,
but W i hich are in reality the grossest nits
quoteliens and tuisreprezwuntutnib of that
gentleman's position. By uniting detached
phraiea separated from each other in the
context by Whole pages, a..s the Repul .
lican detnauttee have done; the' purest
patriot may possibly be shown to be a
destructive!, the greatest statestnan
ming politician, or the most.coneervaiive
and Union loving citizen, a revolutionist
ora,iteoessionist. Still,- even by this nth
cious perversion l uf Judge Woodward'e
senaulenta, these v:ilitiers or all that . its
great and good have unable to (eaten
upon the Deinocratic undulate anything
that could not be successfully deteuded,
or anything that has not been believed
and advanced by all conservative states
men during the many years that they
were struggling to protect-the Union and
the Conititution from the attacks of
those who now daunt their false patriot
ism, and proclaim their Own transcendent
in the address of the Republican Oom
naittee the following extract is pridted
splirt'froin its connection, us folloWs •
Everywhere in the South the people
are beginning to look out for the Inelin9
of; aelf-detence. Could it be expected
that they would be indifferent to such
scenes that bays occurred ?—that 'they
would stand idle and see measures con
ceited and carried forward for the aunt•
hilation, sooner or later, of thew property
in slaves: Such expectations, indulged,
are not reasonable.''
Nair York
thst t j uldresalthese are e.diell ••Words
of sympathy," and in order that it tnai
be jtidgad what that degree of "synt i
pathi" was, weiive the:entire pa.ssap in
which the above extract occurs, as spoken
by Judge Woodward :
" And while it is not to be taken :t4 ex
weitaing the universal sense of the voters,
it does, undoubtedly, imply that vast
thanes of Northern people do heartily
approve both of the proposition • ai make
all the States free, and of beginning by
excluding slivery from the territories.
"The South seems inclined so to ac
cept, the judgment. She holds the pro.'
party that is to be shut out of the; rerri
tories---that is to ;lie restricted, cribbed.
and col/fined, more and more, until it 'is
titiallftxtinguished. Everywhere in the
South- he people are hegira/int to look
out. for the means of self-defence. Could
it be expected that they would be ,indif%
ferent to such events as have occurred ?---
that they would stand idle and bee mea
sures , concerted and carried forward for
the annihilation, sooner or late:, Of her
property hi alavear Such expectationt4,
if indulged, were not reasonable. The;
law of aelf-defenoe includes rights of
property as well as of person; and it ap
pears to me that there must he a time, in:
the progress of this conflict, if it be in-;
deed irrepressible, whin ablveholders may;
laWfully tall back on their natural rights:
and employ in defence of their property
whatever means or protection ttney pos
sess or cau command. /do not agree with
them that
,that time has arrived yet; but it,
would be w ell for those who push on this
conflict, in whatever form, to consider
tkial they are hastening on that time, and
that they have convinced one or more
Southern State, that 'it Iris
it will he seen that the passage after
inside quoted by the Centro' Committee
in ,another Irlace, In it
transposed form, coulrys au eototily dif
ferent idea when taken in its proper eun.
nection,fron2 the following version bendell
"'sninvitation to treason" : •
; "'the raw or self-defence itieftufe4
Of 'property a's well ns person, end it hp-
Oeurs to me there must be a tiro ! in the
proiresa of this conflict, if it Indeed is
trrepresaiblo, when aleveholders wry law
fully fall hack on their natural rights an,l
employ iu 'defence of their property whit
;overthrows of protection they possess or
cOmMend. They who push on this
conflict have convinced one •or wore
Southern States that it has itirei,dy,cotue,"
Again, the` dOcumentlit question givt'
the following part oV. is mei/Leave al. a ria-:
gle detached propo'i I I iUtt laid down by
Judge Woody/Aril :
f' Wneu you vombute all lo Olie glow.
int picture. tuna': prosperity, re
nteruner..thal ceitotr. Ilea produce of slave
labor, has beer one ~of the tucitstatudatile
tlepiAtifi of tiff thio picbtxrri ty —it tati ! it. die
siiitidifpitniithtt4fernent in all our future
'say it 'must he."
ba' the 'rigtole 'of aide th.d4ge. Iri
ithiCti die iiiitande occurs'
uf . * sat' '
Ures and navigation .have
. I. '
milt' nib th e greantezari4 England, and
thy would do the sane Mit turas a nation,
ribod s for. ourseetiou.of • 124 ligktlUti. 11414.
•_,...• already : labile, up ° l4 ti.lic.
~,/, ",ge , ar iiiiin4 vim on any fi veijn •
salmi or - ii lake Mai cra to mode' Am cot
itii,..: -' "Frill Wood.- ThWit , fat, at least, we
hiWil i nob*: !.. Aid *hat eitres and roams
and railroads , and canals leavtv,ire built
whs.progress( ; , now much Ormo nd
lesjp„ sucuir,haitinelis hare we ere
pti-- la: addition A to atlrjmptilatlOn—•
Wllitifie&iiillAtel6 the 4aluel of Lour firma
miticattistaishawieriai, - ;:industry shave -vie
stimulated and rewarded—what colu-
metre have we WOO! Think' of these.
things; fellows , countrymen con , them!
over.(me by one —d issect and Analyze
reel' fact—treire its connectional nd eon
,.e.iurn ors —anti then when you cotobiso'
them all in one glowing picture of na
tional prosperity, remember that 00T
TUN, Me product of slave Jabot, has been
one of the indispensable ,!elements of ell
'this prosperity: ilore—it must be an in•
dispensable element of ill our future
prosperity. I say it roust be."
Again, take the follewitig pits/ages from'
the original speech : '1
'' And thus it liate!•;ms;that the Provi:
denceof that Good Being Who has watched
over us
,from the beginning, and saved us
from external foes, has ad ordered our id
temal_relations as to make negro slavery
mu - incalculable blessing to us and to the
people of Great Britain. I say to us ; for
1 do not enter into the question whether
the institution be an evil; to the people of
the SoOthern States. That is their con.
e. n, not ours, We liaVe nothing to do
wit i it ; and to obtrude Our opinion's
upon the people of - sovetleign States con
cerning their domestic institiitioua would
be sheer impertinence. '
If a sin; then it is of some
divine law, for sin is the; transgression of
the law. Now, I deny, that any such law
has ever been revealed. ; But., so far tram
oily such law being plainly written for our
instruction. whoever' will study the Pa
triarchal anti Levitic al ;institutions, wilt
see this principle , of human bondage add
of property in man divinely sanctioned,
if not divinely Ordained ; and in all the
saying-1 of our Saviour we hear no injunc
tion for the suppression Of a Slavery
existed under His •eyes, while He de
livered, many maxims i and prineiples,
which, like the golden; rule, enter right
into and regulate the! relation. So do
thin writtngs of Paul 'abound with regale
tions of the relation, but not with injunc
tions for its suppression ) It we go to the
most accredited commentators, or consult
divines really wise
,and good in our own
midst—or, what better,tuilY• and
search the Scriptures for o seivet —we
shall fail to find a law Which, fairly inte'r
preted and applied, justifies any man in
asserting, in or out of the pulpit, that, the
negro shivery of the !United states is
Two sentences which:occur in the above
extracts are distant final each othlr in
the original three lunstiparegrapha or, o'er
une half of a co U 7731 Qf this paper, and are
used in an entirely different connection,
yet they are printed in the Republican
address as follows;
" The providence of " that good Being
who has watched over be frorn the begin
ning and saved us 'fi:out external 'foes.
has so ordered our internal relations'•u to
peke negro slavery an incalculable bless•
iag to us. Whoever Will study the Patri
archal and Levitical itistit,utions, will see
the ptincipleof human bondage distinctly
sanctioned if not divinely ordained."
The speech of Judge Woodward has
been published 'tor distribution among
the people, and it is isrfe, to, say that few
upon reading it can tail to join in the en
comium their " this speech has been vin
dicated by subsequen i t events as a'. signal
exhibition ' of statesmanlike sagapity."—
What part even of these mutilated ex
tracts do his politi4l opponents deny ?
Do they lay that the , ' law of self-defence
does not include the rights of property
as well as of person? •Dts they deny that
men may rightfully defend those rights
when attacked ? Do they deny that their
President has declared ,the existence of
.an "irrepressible conflict" concerning the
rights of prof erty in slaves ! Is it dis
puted that the cotton manufacture and
trade have been among the'chief sources
of our. national wealth, and prosperity'?
And finally do they deny, the word of
Clod ccrtaineil in' the Scriptures ? With
their lips they may refuse to place them
selves in open oppositipn to those great
truth's, but by their acts !hey daily ignore
every tradition of our co;untry, every
teaching of history.,•every. . law of Clod.
• Let all.pairiotic -Republicans compare
the empty Bounding sentbnces of their
campaign doCiaments, the fierce invectives
and stereotyped denunciations of their
public speakers, with the Calm yet glow
ing appeal in behalf of the Constitution
and the Union with which ;the statesman,
George W. Woodward; Concludes. the
very ,address for which he is branded u a
traitor :
"Here on this consecrated spot of
•eartb, where the fohndations were laid of
the 'best Government the world ever saw,
let us renew our vows to. the Union and
salutations to our brethren. Talk not of
secession:—go not rashly out of the Union
--dim no star of our glorious flag; _give
us time to place ouraelvesrighein respect
to your " peculiar institution," and to
roll back the cloud that now obscures, for
the moment, our devotion to the Union
its .it. •It.t. Speak thus to the Southern
Suites, and follow our ,worils by fitting
deeds, and Pennsylvania can stop seers.
'slim, or cure it if it occurs. We can win
hack any State that may stray off, if only
, we can prove our own loyalty to the Con
stitution and . the' Utiion •as our fathers
firmed .thetd." ' '
The following eentiment from one of
Ohio'os noblest, theist petriotio and worthy
son", is worthy of being printed inllettere
01 gold!
Not comprotui,e ,Comprounne is the
thou -taw of enmbinations—L. had almost
slid_ of nature. lt)i , t the bow of all society
gover inent—sll united action.—
Partners in business compromise—mem
bers of political, religious, charitable,. use
ful societies Compromise. X.ings compro-
Mise with each other—they eomptomiie
w,ith their subjecie, or lose them, Miro
end ty , compremise—the futnilf eireleis a
their wives--:fathers compromise .with
their di obeelien* children—sad. if our
holy religion is true, God Alinighty corn
proniised ev4h men when he.accepted in
bili behalf the. ittcinsit of his eon ; and
we refuse to do what reason, religion
,and ell command OAT. Pendia-
U 4.1: Org. W. WOODWAD. , -4 1 111120100 the
.Washineten newii items in the New York
'Nova we notice the following • •
• ..The_carntt of invalid Corr, at geri
than MU; WathingtonAt under the coni4
'mend or George' W. Woodward, the Boni
of the 'Democratic cindidate fey %vet riot:
at' Perinsyltania The ciiwpa now orimpril
see nine thouaand mew. Wood
ward it engaged In forming them intcriegt
Major Wi;odwai•d, aithciugh ha has dlstini.
I gultheil hirntelfi In iteireiw,t bettlet T *lth
I the - rebels, ikireriettheleile; like' his died* ,
'Nisbet' fatheCtiiiitsiderella KappiwbfWV;
by the abolitionists.—/farrieberg Patriot;
. Viola tlao World.
'fhe ve * ration which has tor ages been
paid to ti e writ of habeas corito as'the
main bul •ark, , if petsonal freelotn, arid
the eulohes of •whieh that great writ has
forages bfrn thetheme by all enlightened
friends oftliberty. naturally impresses the
popular rciind with tae,idea that it must be
i i
attended ' ith important advantages. What
is'suppor 1 Ey:so much authority ought
to be fou ded ni reascin, and we conceive
that :the, isimplest explanation ?V the ob
ject of the writ is the strongest• argument
for its niviolability. ' Its Latin name,
though a household word wherever the
English ngue is spoken, tends ratlßer
to obscu than' elucidate its purpose.
The phr which 'we have put. at the head
of this a ticle, though ho translation of
the LatiT words, is a complete and per
fectly ac orate definition of the object of
the writ. t It is nothing more nor less
a judicial', mandate for • the protection of
innocence. There is no dictate ()treason
miner or mine elementary than
't the innocent should not be
to. the restraints and penalties
which is
than th
which a o the just punishment of, the
guilty. rorithe purpose of acuring thiN
exemption lc innocence, the law ordains
that no !person shall be restrained df his
liberty except' upon a warrant, issued by
a magistrate. on sworn testimony, making
it proba. e that the person arrested , has
violated :orne law. -If the law were °tiler
wise, th • most innocent and upright per-
son in the Conintiini ty might be thrown
e i
into pris in and detente.' _there at the
'mere. es )li6e of puolie officers. .Rut the
law do not stop here. it would be to
little pu pcse that it forbade the arrest
of perso td ',against whom there were no
reasons. # grounds of suspicions, if it did
not pro ide for a review of the , proceed
ings, an the rectification, of the errors of
the‘arreiting officer or committing magis
trate.ltabea., Curj.,a4t—"thou untyestlhave
the bod "4the first 'words of the old - Latin
writ (f 4 it originated at a time when Ls
tin was the languagetof the English law,)
is a judipsl i mandate for bringing the pri
soner in whose favor it is issued personally
before tae ; judge—for what purpose? To
d'hharle him .if there are proofs of his
guilt? NO, nothing of the sort. The - 0.-
ject of bringing the prisoner before a,
judge ib simply to ascertion whether he'
he has been arresie.l on charges, made
against him on oath, and whether those
charges', if abstained constitute a violation
of existing law. It there is no accuser;or it
matter accusation ii no violation of the
law, the prisoner is deed innocent and
discharlged; otherwise,he is remanded into
custody is await 'his trial.
It w#l thus be scan that the writ of ha
lees CO IS is a simple and just proceeding
for the protection of innocence. (uilt 1
has nothing to hope from it; for it is as
carefuk to band over the guilty to be dealt
with by justice as it is to set free the inno
cent. The writ follows and obeys the law,
binding those whom the law has bound,
and lboseing those only whom the law
lootiesl •
,' °
A. c.ispefasion or the wra cy . l‘a Lea.; corps',
therefore; 'Zs a declaration that inn6Ce , :c , is lvl
lon ; :ierncler the protection of law.
Per aps it may be said that this reason
ti t.
•g si to prove that the writ ought
never in any case.-to be suspended at all.
We can Only reply that we have given a
true description of the wFit. • It is only for
the pfotection of innocence, and when it
is susperideti innocence has no protect Or.
Let any person confute this statement if ,
they cant That must, of course, be a etreog
reasoe which has, jfor many, centuries, "in
trenched this celebrated writ so strongly
in the veneration and affections of the
Anglia-Saxon race. That reason we have
stated ;. and if there he any apologists tor
taking away the securities with which the
law hedges in' innocence, let them stand
forth [.! .leferson thought the clause relat
ing to its suspension a grave blemish in
our gentititution, which ought to be an
nullett by amendment. He wrote to Mad
ison from Paris, July 31, 1788: -
"Why suspend the bateas corpus in insur
rectitins and rebellions? •The parties who
may itel arrested may be instantly charged
with fa well-delined crime ; • of 'coarse the
judge will remand them. '''• '` Ex
entire the history of England. See how
few Of the cases of the. suspension of the
hotelsel?, 'Tu.; law have been worthy of that
suspenSion. They have been either real '
trea4on, where the parties,' might. as well
he'd been charged at once, or sham plots
wheie it, was shameful that they should
everi hive been suspected."
Jeffersian advised, however, that the
CoMititution should be adopted as it stood,
and immediately amended by subjoining
what he called a"declaration of rights; ,
whi his what was in fact done. "By a
declaration of righte r " he wrote to Donald,
"I Mein one which shall stipulate free
, dord Of religion, freedom of the press,
, f4dom of comtnercea,gaiost menopolies,
It ' irjj jury in all cases, no suspeneion of ti..e
habeas corpus, no standing armies. These' l
tues fetters. against, doing evil which no
holiest governinent should decline." ,lef
tertian's ideas were not iu all respects
, fully Carried out in the amended articles ; ,
1 tholugh it may fairly be questioned eplietit
er the habeas corpus provision is not virtii
tali annulled by the fourth, fifth and sixth
ameniltnente, ivitich positively mid tiltso-;
lutely forbid arrests, without a warrant:
supported 1)3 oath, declare that no per-on
shell; be deprived of his liberty witilout
&le process of law, and gusranteo et the
ecpused a speedy and public trial by jury
inftbe previously defined district where
We °rime is alleged to have been contrail
yid. At any rate, Jefferson was at staunch ;
lYj et?posed to suspensions of the writ - "t
habeas corpus when himself at 'the head, of
t4e Government, me he had been before the
option of the Constitution. In the ex
citement of the Burr entispiracy a bill welt
piles ied by the ISeuate, in secret session.
ebspentling the writ for three months, crud
tut in , a .confidential message to the
ense. , Befoie describing the! contempt
ii, encountered there lit the in-ligation of
*me President, it may be instruct i.,.- to look
tt the provisions- of the bill. We, copy it
verbatim :
i 1
p. RIO.. TO MI. - I'lr.,il) THE WRIT Of kilAtites
1 i , CORPI4IB CtRT.tiN CAdE,.
Tet it itnacted l by the Senate and House of
i f piiresentat;res of Me UnUedStates i.. Os? gree3
oatent6/ . isd: That in all ei-1- where vov
'person or perAetis ViiA.RG ED O OAT('
with traaspn, mispriion of treas,ok, or other
htgh crimes or misdnaleanor, endangering
the -p,eiCe, safety, pr neutnility of the
United. States, hove been, shall be, ar-
ThrOba hitpristictell, by virtue of any war
rent or authority of the Preollent of the,
UtiltinkStatea, or from the chief exectttive•
migistriae:of any state or territorial
430fluslipts or from any person acting under
the direction or authority of the Preaident,
th'it United State?, the privange of the
writ Aatat corpaa shill Ns,- and the. ,watt
ii suspended, for,Aniddaring the term of
titriemionthe, frmn ardqfter Okay:usage of flat
wet, and no lonvi.
This bill wha t preparei by a catrimittee,
cOnsiiiirtil . ofßOPe t:Nincy Adams;
It. (rats. ari4 :basaii . of, try lead, - threw of
,the iableat - pien Cue "Senate;' It showa
oriitialtOe that,there Wftai no* thought, at !
11104:48ty . ,:otpUtPig ii in r.he:po r .r of tk . e
ibeeildeAt. to ;arrest hieidy he loleaaed.' , --!
The iieriaiii4iiid.lie'charged - on oath with'
& high Crime or misdemeanor. Not -did
the bill t propose to delegate.thelegidative
power of suspending the writ to the Pies
i•dient. It was proposed to be suspended
by the act itself and from its' - date. Be
sides, it applied only to ailatry limited class
of cases, and was to be in force only for a ,
brief aid perfectly definite period. Now,
let us see what reception even thlabiltmet—
at the hands of a !rouse which :bad re
.eeived its cue from that staunch and ever
true e.himapion of liberty, the ' greatest of
our Democratic Presidents, Thomas
arson. The bill we have ran:united.. was
sent ase confidential Message to the,lfouse.
The first blow it got was the, immediate
and contemptuous passage of a • 'resolution
that itf"ought not to be kept secret".by
nearly: unanimous vote--Lotte hundred
and twenty-three ayes to three noes.
Thereupon John W. Eppens, the , son . in
law of' the President and a leading mem
ter or the House, moved that the bill be
"rejected," an expression of parliamen tory
contetnpt which is thus explained, by .
Colonel Benton in a foot-note to' the ,de
bates: •
"The motion to 'reject' a bill is one of
indignity to it. ft is equivalent to declar
ing that it is unworthyof consideration
and therefore to bo driven out of the
House on learning what it is from the
first: reading, (which 19 only for informa
tion) without going to the second reading,
which is for consideration."
Thia bill thus received the fate it deser
ved, in being kicked out of the House
with the noble acorn of freemen and patri
ots. The hill of the 3d of March last un
der which the President now professes to
act, is clearly unconstitutional, The slut
ipenstion of the writ of habeas corpus is an
act of legislation, consisting in the repeal,
for the'time being, of the law of Congress
requiring judges to grant the writ. The
legislative power cannot be delegated
the Constitution. having carefully defined
the limits of the legislative, executive, and
judicial departments of the government, ,
and distributed their duties in a manner
which. doei not admit of transfer.
ok"r lIE YEAR
Three' Abolition patriots recentli made
speeches in favor of ,Annasw G. CURTIN,
the shoddy,:candidate t i er Governor ' fine
WB4 TVADDErg STivers, who playfully
said, The Union as it was and the Constitu
tion tie it is—God forbid
. it !" The second
was Wm, If. Armstrong. Who coolly inform
ed hislearers that "it was bctur to tou et,bat
tie in the fiel d than the election in Penrylvania."
The third WAS the notorious rpiNJAIIIIN F.
Brass, lately returned from; Massachu
setts, where ho had been severely chas
tised for insolence by a Lowell stonetnron,
who boldly announced to his Abolition
audience that "he was not for the Union as it
was." As these three worthiest were em
ployed to help Ceicrisr, by Mr. Iffermc Mc-
Vzsou, the chairman of the Cctrrim State
Committee, they undoubtedly expressed
it , he opinions of their shoddy leader. Those
vho art, willing to endorse the itreasonable
a-. disgraceful sentiments quoted above.
will cast their votes for AND6W: G. CURTIN !
The radicals keep up the talse and sense
less cry that the rebels desiree .
r i thelettion
of the conservative candidates in the
North. No doubt those of the Southern
people who sigh for the re-organik.ation of
the Union do ardently desire this ; but
there is nothing the leaders iof rebellion
fear so much a 4 Democratic success in the
Northern election districti. ', s l'his is proved
by the repeated admissions of their organs
among the press. The Southern presses,
which openly profess to desire Democratic
success in our elections, are taunted by
their neighbors with being secret recon
structionists and "traitors." This is a com
mon epithet- applied to every Man,. sup
posed to tavor the old Constitution, by his
opponents, North and Southi With them
'tis treason to be true."
following conversation occurred between '
tsvo ladies one day not long since, upon a r
railway train coming down the Lake Shore
road. Mrs. —,who resides at Ashtabu
la, hod been to Ceveland, and returning,
fell into conversation with another lady,
who inquired where she resided, 'and be
ing told exclaimed, "ikshtsbaly ! why,.
there are a great many Copperheads there,
are they not I" "Copperheads," said the
Ashtabula lady, "what do you mean by
that ?" "Why, men who are opposed to
the Union." "0, yes," was the reply, "we
have a plenty of them, butiwe don't call
them Copperheads. They are Abolition
ists !" The reoy satisfied the she Aboli- -
tionist, and &used • a smile to play upon
the countenances of there Who overheard
Tua IntliSl.3 AND 7116 Anottria
The rebels and the abolitionists, animated
by a mutual hatred for the Old Union, are,
alike hostile to the Democratic party.
The rebels sal :—"give as men like Thad.
deus Stevens and Charles Sumner. They
curse the old Union and de.sphie it, and
so do we.. And now we - promise these
gentlemen that, as they hate . the Union
and the •accursed Constitution,' let theta
keep down the Democrats or the North,
and they shall never besroubled by us
with such whining about: the C9nstitit-
Mon and the Union as they are Banding,
"Gov. Curtin. notwithstanding tho
war, has paid nearly a million dollars of
our Suite debt."
We clip the above froth the .Pittaburg
Ornurtereial of Monday. Aliov: Curtin has
had nothing at all to do with paying the
State debt or managingathe finances of
,the State—a Democratic tate Treasurer
and a Democratic Auditor General have
the finances - ol• the State in-charge, and
are also Commissioners Of the Sin-king
Fund. This silly ac.tenipt, to bolster up
Curtin iN :no transparent ;to delude ;third
'men. •
--Ay one or the drifted; tumt loft the
Provost liarsltal's office 'st , Etarri4burg
tour days ago, "three hundred dollars"
shorter, ha east .a giantie around upou
hts Comrades in luck and said: "Boys,
three yetti ago. I was a gay 'Wide 'Awake,'
naid wore a gl , zed- Elope - a.t my own ex
t. the coal oil was eaid to he
iroe. They are now settling tln co:L1 otl
aceount. mufti, and here's the
receipt in foil." There are thoutandt
mon closing their ttec o n t it s with th e Ah.
olition hintacatt.
Feceposi roe TIIR NEGRO.—The N. 1"..
Post. a Republican journal in descanting
upon tile probable effej.;:t. of war' upon
slayery,very safely comes to theconcluainn
that it utty 5 , 6 . 11 rtII'ViVH the "irrepreisible
conflict" which Lincoln it CO. are
and ittivs.• , ' t
•• _ •
ittiver74l4 to Le curtail - 1:a in this country?,
tesisant the frisA anti Gat4tics to take the place
of the negroe:. and I'f the snore inNtigent anl
wore. vir:nindih!acks be 11.50:;.Ved."
P Koncert:ex Daarr.--.of .the eigo ty:oeTell
oonscripta of the town iot Ciaenovi:t r in the
Abolition county of 3f, ; adisou, all (with pipe
exception) were commuted, and the c4.4c
of the excepted is noteyi,lt determined. 'lt
is the same eVigrywkiegle in the Atmlitios
Andrew G. Curtiu,,said. ip hii recent
stump speech at . Erie ' that his "record
was made up." This rAtruei-and in order
that the voters of PenuSylvattia ney kApiar
wh at th e i. "record" is. we refer thenl , 4',o
the columns of the Ritisburg4' gazette.-
-Pitignirph Post.
Gramm Vir7ra'a—Liarruis.-4 'Massa
chusettsjudge hew deeideAtintita husband
may open his wife's. thi>grol i c
so often and tersely stitiO heOpY
Persons, of Cambridge ; "they the d
and ' wife ire'one, and ;the husbaktdir 16
Q t y u+ , f