The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 26, 1863, Image 4
To The Ladies * MORE V IUAW."' TH . t - ' : MOlty VALUABLE T M RE VALUABL MORE 1710cLII Dr. JOHN L. LYON'S French Perioitleal Drop,s, FLench Periodical Drops, French PeriOied Drops, French Peri9dieal Drops, FOE 119*ALle POR PlipicALBB, , 7 _iv, ... ' PM . 8, Irdit'sg from Trighlsitty, Asl ' isstica he ths iiiiillll 2 , *ass ?Op butt eon, ~, . _ IT, , sulk To: El : i IT LB !ÜBE TO CUREI I 1) 2 ,-- i!RUCTIONS t (RUCTIONS IT REMOVES ALL OB: 4 TRUCTIoNS IT REM IVES ALL ousTRUCTIoNs IT REMOVES ALL OBSTEUCTIoNs IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN kIIND, BEAR IN MIND, THAT THAT THAT THAT YT DPOPq artE Pripproodoe ot Abe - Yew**. from sertiwer mow thoegb <sre shotdd be en t' aattertalc tf preenst , • the mom ear Cheer • RAE'S mined ee sore to prods& ettrewri gr.; Miry will Waco oartsloly g r e .caper e, tt taken two or titre- de e baker the skeethb pert.4l. tip" %Ay, iris& It distinctly MA. r ifted., tad I do not bold soloed rospeoatole when stud sabot mice aufassuaits. !‘, Bti- e _T HE BM BUY 7.11 BEST I BUY TUE BEST t BUY TEE !MT 1 - But THI BAF - ST t BUY THE SAFETT 1 BUY THE SAFE-T I - BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE St7sW4 B!IY 111 E. SUREST: BUY TUB SUREST! BUY THE aUecßaT 1 WHICH IS WHICH IS WHICH IS WHICH 18 THEY A''t LIKE A tiLkiiill, , on . - • by *tem 6 wag so invizerstbig, in 4 reeftertag ttio naps 1.. • hadthy ona4 tog. Is atiiavta?*. sti .see.s, W meows Al obstevrou, awl i vesdy clue sisy In rtlied es. - \ l' , 1 , To Mai;tl .4, 6d 'Ladies, They aro = 1. -sitig on the zoont4- , 4 period rill= . . • 1 -1 ; BURG To DO GOOD. SURE to 1)0 rt3OD. GINE TO DO GOOD. • BURR Tu DO GOOD. • - CANNOT DO 17 ARM. CANNOT DO HARM. CANNOT DI HARM. CANNOT DO HAI" I oca'd tarsi* ant 9 doh, from *ay overpass Men aao lettdaaa Isatl aid-deato It ad, aadtettot bean+ Um • WAD do rdst. It la • • WWI. that Rot tea • ta my see 'Watt,. 2E W BE WISE BE WISE INITIM , Let sot diorite -_diartrw i itiLtitauoa. Try a WOG of try /1/110 0 Itiii• tom win to oil- Mew bat i as lishelPintiw7 all did Woad skestn 4 slot idolorod i • blow* at to • osr rhesita, mad sit drat aline, nom maids than fluid.. Tot waxers ss* it , Wog tio tiles. I Is no ododaa otaiady who had .oes ouillitiZOrala 'OWL IMMO tiro or throe years, comiliatig Me to bee soon doWiwie ; olio Wad appitoo to Woad amodooot sidiattia. l MnMmt tam raild r. aww o bottle ot 11:0110/4(ssiteily coed 1 . ONE Bar= CIIRiC9 I JPlo 4 bisla ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES: • k. fir!cf as DO NOT J INzasED rpm; . NOT! BE IRONED UPON! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON! -DO 2K4' imPoI,ED UPON I , • Ist . Medi_ estaspoik . It toyear sad II le =ri t lit i = l. l44•V aiiiritaii i = C l • 4l *. CL LAIW 02.,„ Snow 1301 m Pa AO Ity We& 'arab - D. 'Amine a co, sit • ihsopskif .11m.1... IL D. • • Pet *de by AL z. nal Wa. Slok..progilsik V "." * 1.".. - . l l_America. R. WICIc ITURD'S, REMEDIES GOLD.' BAN OoLD: - THAN HOLD! BLE THAN GOLD ! Or you niai to Ds bt-*,lalt: area eetestisS tar IL Waive and %laud METH • Vas W,ll. IL UMW'S VAIRIWALIASD ?WTI* , Min' - DI-IL Turealed fres from sold. • Orsti. sr self 11 0111 4 .^.. sets:sum Prirs, 26 mats per eo n. nr 134111,462.3 ...1111:141) :heap 1.1 , 4t1 P.,1144•Pc wiaiuh w.tuten but .I.strut. Lto t,s 1.14 1221t.,010410 ft' t• f 01 /0 &fat... tweet, sod agropsOlo to bests/ado? stk.. lover orlriendlt Us° mc, 111.71tWM 11.31LICOUVILD Mt/VEIL WAtikt. F oboas kir 14.)ti10. • ft Tab antlettt:, seth U ate , the beat *awe, In Ur wend for CA'SCCH, Item Ltneete, I-wet:tube bl , ollllk ANS Veers, .te It he, eared Irantheas. Do wu ..1 out elkllleim 444 ft.u/ TOVIVArris, 4. 1 Filially:4e TOOTH ACII 'DRAWN. Yrtca, 15 ecntA /AT botP* Apo you ..1112a4 vrttb, ! Oat C.St. W. U. num, - NI tatAINIA ,PLASTEItIi. most ellscilre ar..l ealtertfir remedy Imoirn nor do am akar* LOW blinot. bat .000 tho awl sham gain away. Try thin Vrtal, to &add? oak. Italia cn recaipt of pm* TO CURE t yuu stia t,, pot at ritNTAL Itittir.l , llo l an, a Toaaszaz of t•orszavyto Torn ? fiat DU. W it. DED.ILIPot PUNTA 1. - TICINADVEIT, tha mated and moat valuable prereat that ono &taint eau mak* to nott, or . Price; $:. 4PUt Earreosoa opealpt orprtoa TO cCR, • • ble6as 6f 464 ri -14. are tr. tbe Mina they are beim& ilitsln ter it nom* crthrr 01 nature Are saiiiit•Z, lespond isey. N rreua• twin away, and )1•11,6. C - At Ilieloarectelaw or n o Wit *lineall4"ot ourade.ttoonkeute . le Imi upon-their eustoneerrtip torlor preparations, tt lu:cowry t 6 insist upon hating what Jou call for, and Ivo %ill Grp ItiaT.thOrougiv if tested, awl propere.f b) as experienced and (trolls; Treasurer of the :ire York Mate Dextleire /UMW el 4( ivn, ittel V1,...”.4-toectcot a the New York City Dental P.t Hrittee DISTAL. iLIKJULSOII4/ &AL let SAL/ u Tint peact aT ill. thiraturns. i • THE HOUELEHEtPER'B, . , _ . ~... NEW FtnINITITREI POLISH. PPARED from an improve . efp e by the prop:ie. .of the t• BIATIVILJOIFAS a POLISIL" Iswirtified by a. tie leading New Yeti ilf raltate Menne and piano -.'uric Slaters to be- tha 'of in- the world fortis. mut ng , enichits; Merin, sad 41 and neertotiag • bigi. an I laming gloat to all kind. of Varnished work. from Ski:piton to heather. It is cheaper and better than Varnish, dries immediately, acid lip easily applied I With a piece of Cattno k Lionel std - • Nita? or tau of this New InErttemi Pot.taa, a - Housekeeper eau week magic to the furniture of a house and keep tt 10 tins oke taw. Now is the time to 'shine ap " your I aim I hafts, peek,. Pianos, Picture lames. Carrisgea,mo.. sod funke then. look 60 per eenti,ttet. Tide la true ~.burly- 1.., , Co by i oralltize 7-healers and More- Itrepei a generany. Price, fat and big cents a bona... ..pot N.,. I :I,•lnce :•tioat, New Tort: iirentak Mitres .. Aar. p - ZAOIM. Boa iD72. fstw This P. O. E I GUARANTEE I GUARANTEE I:. GUARANTEE L,GUARANTEE Mil LXON'S DROPS LYON'S DROPS 1 LYON'S DROPS! LYON'S DROPS! • tits inf tasianontala or iu eft• bnt tho pradk. of parading beat • the nb:te in in prera .Yj 'Alert to to-plies Olfe..ot dna, lo matt money, • • is Unapt the Anwri-an ristitits one. ma to mind E WISE IN TIME! :E IN TIME! TIISEI . THE %WILLI). kt!gr. TKs'e'd piwuKT pit PATH. AND CURINO. TLIYMA.CiIt AM)! W:RAI' i or KS:a at it, I h. N*l 410114th wash nut the cowtry, MIS WM. is: WU 8L & CO., New York. TLr ilnromuncrialiNrir blnurrrras POLAIII 'afar sale Ivr.• at tip sort.. AT BOOKS IN PRESS. THRILLING INCIDENTt3 =I GREAT REBELLION ; The Heroism of our Soldiers -tad gulion.. u.s.trariuha ... \ i ax>l., taro 12mo. 4 Piiff, $1,24. • ~.. 'Diarods end the! publics are tight. lat . prochatlng that Lbw I.; I csarpa an. In : graphics narraUve aseillnginterint, Ina extensive popnsrity, all other lilhorkt of lb* IA as or the `"ion. Its theme wil bo the. hereto Ant% pr., taut coffering, and . hanAraldth oneaspre of oar 061diatic and =flora, and la intidoots will form So Sono of conrersatlon at innumerable Amides tor panto eons. ft out contals,:ho Wham to its Okras Planning hiszl Maly ola of the Canada of the Vrar, room Lortsor tloncr, L. 1.. D., author of `? he Lae ut the Dutch etepublia," etc, the dittos of all the - toriont events from Ma Jahn BrownradAanclan war its and mimed account , of the pried battle", Us engraving'. . Ore-third the p.meresta of std ElobotototiOnio • &god to ne 1, tit be wren tor the Ballet of Etrabled a oblides. and all perinea who slab a copy or Q. wok sod atim ,to broom th e 24:adult's, 'book! rod their ease sad ail me. .cce. Also, say abort, or private, or person secttint of the Meaty, g kozedadge of a wrote eat or stirring Inetdent,, will abbp as b 7 esoding sa u account of It. Boosserszaz, roanturrUna, and Cox•asat.tio ammo will be *urinated wits a liabscriptios Prospootah on ar ptfrsthaa to the pubilabous. , liberalansissuns gins to "Wain Afablat is s aro:eats tss tafrisre MaIIOnWaNIIIL THE litiVrOttli OW ASIKUICAM DIADWIDAC• Tl:lttfa*. PUO3I 11108 to 1800. Di Dr. J. Li. Area 81111107. 4 11911 L. two. VOL I. mow ready. Vol. U. time, ready. ibis is or 7 obabl NA ;Root , lisootiost work wait to t h e Amertat prom W• holm olio jest gabliatud saw editions of lb* M. low Fog sosfal mad popular books: TIOVISIUSISESS StAPPB LKIML AMINO= or, now to sao Mossy, by coodoetlog boohoo' an. cording to aa expounded by the)ud sad Won Anthoritiel. 4 , 100 pp., abbey. Pries $l. OPPORTUNITIES VOR INOINTICE or. • THOUSAND ILIZANCON TO MAILS ONEY• Cloth. $l. This bu hua rvpubtleked is Sagiud. Every bash: ma taxa and elerkahuald bias thaw hooks. That will tit %ha biota' a haadeld.S.l4 % F!‘sat 0004 ah 0413 gat:thorn for their pooh. Ail tiles: , Lanka aro ballad. poltpakt i , oa pt of pries. Wa pay parabola& ablation to maillng oropidni tip.= can4ally; sad will as and= postpud. and atz any stamps. book any Address whent, OS t anklialottle Flea imm)x,ar..y & co.. Tribune Buildings, N. Y. VI A ittlecon wbo wish to trap • humor lb , bent mien will be thorn bow they ea me Mad- AOll3O BIM 111 the parebaie =adrift - PUION, ma Jor, Co. & Co., Pobliebere New Totle, P.O. . E .R-IE CITY BOOK BIN:DERY coJwLR or MI TX APO 1117•11.87& nidorstrood *wild roipootflalf3o,' Wank limb OW the patronage heretofore lettead to his. sod oollgiss eoottoosaeo of the rum - ! , • !E?4;o6iiiiiZ;Z;;Ml --- PAGING MAC-BINE, for peen Blank liaots,brassaa at prildoll4 toosolOol to do irr•rt of that bled AS Nit , sad' tta 46114 as it en to arm irreallio.- • ' liseia~ dad as EXPERIENCE OF TWBSTY . 3tEARS. 1 Wier, lelawsama tor lie pairue i =eige !Hi flid angriest, My su RULING, BINDING AN i ) ALL KINDS • OF WORM M • LIM Dow to ardor. Constsatb °Oriel' a tarp supply oii ,15 - A , 1 . 1 -IC?' *-0 0:1E.5." throsarber der placi. toottiirot Oortor a ettio aM rift Wee% wood _ttti7; out • • to Um ` 0041,8 "- Ake.- - X. X. COL& itate, tumor, Sttb, 11/1.450 - JOHN WELOI L . :44,1410 App?ownii zit FM= & DOMISTIO F2IIEII, VX ‘ CIET• II I.I : III 4 34 4--- MAO, mums or 01=1111, IPIPULTair . 100,044 , ilx/A• Mir 'N.. 2s4s OnAp.tizis, tees - * dam, AL. Orisnifres slaw caretioitaitilsi Piealy - —tag stionsii ammaims - RENT.-at TWO STORT_,IPILUtiI DIFULVJO HIMbl, is is. 4 Nails Sidi WO Tooth arm& lapin .f _ MiCONEXT 6 INTAWNOW. so Mrs Muir rs.. Jabot 110.-It AiL .E LOT sk 1= 4 8 DJ.t ia S E ;;; )1 Pa MI WIN Hrqk C, , it e 4 '• 4 r IT, =SEIM OEM For Fern albs, Wileskly. . Portions v a• 1 • Fl a evol iDIS ma.tan rbasaloi nee *Too. 1 71 AINT, Celt•Ltarx4 E foupe f.:r Its r.-41inat :ate q gaata:o y, a deatte. stimulant. Tonto, Martik ettattleflo; bisbly ester med b; cminent. ybylicuina;; , to Eirropean and American kietpitale. and by limy al Int famillasin Fos AmerlYl A 3 A TiINIC, It tliA t v iaft, ceustsg kL anent, INA 4 tAA•ystraa. Calcit •Ettreky • parr wit* • t • alOst SIIIO4 fruit V.l A 1.104110, It imparte a booltby teflon to tbo soya, abd Uttaary Grows. Tory totol.ela, In. .Goat, blot litboubnotlc stroetiono. SPI;I:n . I4 WIND_ n4t a tuliinite rt. waDuitGirjt.L.ll,l , . !ut dap the Nine of t)it. Portutlal , letatecusGnip 7 4,,', 914,01111 New Jeraey, rreoternen,,,l Iy Che t ut,ta Ph§ dele sY ton-no.lng r.r0r4111.11 mspe{i, say ether slrinen in n.n, -tcAteut mew. tnNh aid debilitated r arPnus taw the acvd hu.t ho r se it thi the; o ,Artii., ; tidi t eaellitiog Indira and; 4 re p. V . • A r. A DIV!' WIN Tt# , Cilum4 It 411 t rot iur Iteith, as .tbrr 10rt5...4 aaputahia 80 rahlarer.T rt 11 its o.r other 11w:soma aipbsurqr tor it. stet.. nut propirtlaa, fizatm t.. 7 r.e.hg.o.ti gays, and 4 hloorals::, own MO h. ,tt:11 . 7 111 , i plexton 4 P. latiTit. Iknown utlJ•r:e t. n. , . ph. otici , luP, w tried the Wine:— • Gen. tlr Inlets} . I ce t, C a.k. Pr. aPIIII. 11th +t (Inv. Idorren. grate. 'Dr. .N.. , rer!:, V. Re B "I or 'fir. fku i t.ert.,,, Itit-katkrtc..N.Y Pit). tir. Par:J.ll. I'll s oa ' Drr. Renee an.; NI:holt, Newark, •••"..31. Irr_ MOD. genuine Unill44fith. stgrJAtiJrr 1.1 %t. lit( SPREE, rumor. N. 4." t.vor the. rark of rarh hi. 21, ,Cr31.414.1R UNE ;ritiAs. ouTits* • oi ale In Erie. b 3 J. i. CARTER. lIALL k 17 . h FELL, Arabi Oen for Pelrhrals4 Saiabar rand y Ophrto, a pure old I j 4 I .. noreireo6,l VI NET' 41:11, he.r . Jeree!, oh VICE, to% 14.11,Irrai. NPR' Yon JOHN Lit FOV. Vane% i i Oct. 44y. Agent for France sal briOTTLIS of this Wino have been ml 4 in .w. netalty of itapreparation. Moen its hatniclaattan, and the enema attending it has Wan very rianniutbiei. Mart la namely an 11 , that 'nem* in bat *hat It. dna], an has tabor cm:odor reheard. Abundant en iimae bailees ams that tt la vary anasoanal to carbt all forma of • r SORE TIIROAL DIPTH ERIA. . - SCARLATINA. &C.. &C. :1 ' ' —IT CURES Ministers' and Lawyers' Bore Trost IT CURES—BRONCHITIS. IT CURBS SALT RHEUM. IT* CURES—SICILHEA ACHE. IT CURES—BURNS, CHAFES, &C. IT N CIIIIES—CHOUCS. CRAMPS, BO IT CURES—PAIN-IN THE BACK . IT CURES—RHEUMATISM. IT CURES—CHILL BLAINS. Gives prompt relief in- PHTIIIBIIC, AND CROUP. Is wary valuable In GRAVEL, DROPSY, AND KIDNEY AFFECTIONS. to sunkirpasseli ft+ =MUM' AND PAIN Vii 1.3 41 In Bottles at. 26 and 60 Cts;r !Sold b 7 a)I respectable Onnrgia• sad Desto*-114 at Cited btidies. IL ' Walla CLCktli k CO., Sax. 12tlillui1414V1Warn tires; New Yeti, Wholesale Aprektarby tichcicat order,. *Mb, procupti, Allect. 1. , • Prrparidatid sold by . ' JOAN 8. CASTE S Erta, Pa . - Alma -sole prapriatat al , i___ _*. CARTItIVB BCOAR COATED - NEIM , 111,/.8, AND SION !MAYAN WORN caNny. jaw a '841.--tt , . . , i • asour A f gH , /tafil Wive T HE BUFFALO -e-• , • i , • MERCANTILE COLLEGE, CORNER gr MIN iii SENECA STREETS; I la as La pcntsikainak in the 'vett "dials' %4 XitICIiAL A t Illsicarraz voiltou. toasted In Ift *Moils r_Cltisis, fiat..). %CRY 'CITY. BRO.; N. MOT, Dlli ?IOW ADILLPHIA. ALBA CIIVELAND, CS$Ol l 9O S . Locp, AND T , O r ;; - A Itolitip ti:ooil • Ems Itottato ColkNrit *Wm the holder to attend either or all the Collies tot ea oalluitod Use. - . ~ 'Ns Modem et thew Immitatmests, to to impart to yeemg ism mid iodise, a Skeronk. peaks' blaNlll2l ilmme V•1/0.08. see orgamised sad so&inMed neon ilk Muds whisk Aismet, mama toe eb separatir Imstitutma the host poseibiatietUtimbrinsmarting a thirrosigh moo Medal solaeadom lad render it as a mho*, the moat lompreleemsere mad momplateirstem in this teaertry. Sueltdieerbil to iglitamtiPirtostesti4iirtSahn, Ittal foistateretal krithmetie Penztan- Frft li tat ght la the mat thorough A4d . practical - • I V s 'lljoseerbit 81MM ist Peasimmildp, is tvil m =stmat sod soperienasu tee . i lovable Madrona; $4O 1 =opts amt seening neishkrns. t Tltheimal et Diablo, J. C. Unease. tertnether laronnation, please eali as: us. coney Boma. at sendAddress f 4 r attaintle abd Clrellar ll eselostal map: ) &RV. As STRATTON tobr:—lf , ' Y N. . 11,11. 2/Ular; ; J. IIt..IeNTAIIFT. EAGLE yopNwrirs . _ Amid, 4.04 _24.1.#.4.z , 14 Pa HESILY'Ir, BRYANT, o r mion t• misses R tleerid • aurseseulutes or t PARLOR, 01)_01E AND OFFICE STOVES, Tot& gtin. /ROA ws4 1 Aso . ALL . 11111)3 or mots 6 4 isnaf2s. lbutit.tttots sold .lry to warranted to atihr saUslaelloa. UM* Siulitudlartilad #4 l I ei We' ululated to ; 1 - Plows sur ?Lew Parma of sartidusas ace doer bility shwa ea aaad. Aitaltsooll a (sir Uial Our diets all us mt. HENN!! at BRYANT. . IC,S W F_ Igkt. Al • SIMIIIIiitiBD-1110131701119 W. Alt; ;#.8,10 0; X - 81 -Mama .brervos iil4,!ti f itith. • The Ilitera loommitierd tate tbe Oalismit sad PII RN ITV HE TB O DE. • avimpropeor malls to cadir mid beta ormataatly ea . lairmfral leer. at.rerAttaar4 airins Orem win W mom ow ausetwa. d on •Y, . soolusrly gouge elip - • • UVABATettiNICI. . *abler At mill , oiforilitt We Om Sus mostastare aid =res oif like a bop amortmary of latVw I mes woe earths* mid • bold tbeeselvirs itai• roadiams to met anima la aria atm. promptly. *ow atm part of tae orestry wawa so *emelt! re alarm. tem moil is Lb. natal of May ;owls primmisep Mimaromome a llama titan et ranee • . , 0 100 1141 ,4, 18 . 1 i. 1111 „ A - YER'S Sarsapatilla POI MIITTING THE BLOOD. AM for the Speedy curs of the fy Dowiat toinFilAitor licamfala agelfirofgal oats .11ffewAlogisesatila as Taraturs leers, cases, Afareptloass Pimples, r stales, Glotekas, Dielas t - allatas, and all Shia Illaulte, *se , ' • Otaistr.lo:. - tab June, its,. J. C. Ayr & Co. Gouts t I Iced it ;Ay duty to sic. knowledge what your wareapsrille. Lim dons for me. Iliir/DS hats: Vet s &Tables hitch=, I turre turreted from it in various way* C.r yams.; Ecatclimes it hoot out In Veers or brows and arras; sometimes It turned inward and d air, mod meet the atousaciu Two yams ago It becks out ou my hearten/ covered my edalp and ears with one rot.. which was hal and lodinate beyond description. I tried stony odkines sad several physicians. but without suck iel from any thing.. ... 1.0 . r feet, th e disorder grew worm. A length I was= to read in the Gospel Nessestger that yon had 1 44 gLig.ra tire (aithwfwit/a), for I Mow bum your rigist•• thin that any thiug you made mud be good. , I sant td Cincinnati and got 11, and timed it till It cured on, 1 took" , i it, as you advise, In small doer id a taiumootthil over s month, and need almost three bathe. New and heathy ", skin soon began to form wader the scab, which after a while MI off, Sly skin is now akar, and I know by my feelings that the dieraieltas gone frau my systia. • Vogl. can well alleys that 4 feel what this, mortis Mau I lcW yea, that I bold you to be cue of the ameba of therailiii, and remain liter gratefully. ' _Tows. ALTRED V. 'CALM. Ste ilathOtar o a Fire)O IIT rririan Tatter and 'Agate_a_ tle a* stead 0 . - Itlararairsat Sore Elyse. PlarriTe is ' Dr. Robert U. Proble writer gem Sales, it h., 121 b Sept., 10119, that be bas trued an inteterets ass Of Irmo, width thrutetaad to q fritellys by the of our mid also a dangerous =1 an ,M•yrlpstat' by large re of dm sums: ears he corm th e somata Etvottost It cowhand,. Ilstaitaboselos Glenn, M• ftwells4 -ISMIIIe Zebedee Skein of finsent,Ten o wthart's.ls4atitot-i% l -thief your Margaparilla mid ms m a Getti.eii bid. , 1 gong swelling on Um asck, , whicts I had adtmed fogm mar two yam." ' 1 . , _ - . Lesteitarrlmea or Whtto_ t • thraldom Timmer. Dearth, UlgurratlOSte dreatithe EllsOaAsse Dr. J. & S. Channhug, of , Mew York Clty, writes ; "I most such a remedy. but ly la Ft wale comely with tho request of your agent In 'laying I re found your.Semparilia • MOO sz altsradre In the ntimeteas eti t ei ndaints for *whew ! ! employ wiale Diseases of the Scroll:lmm diathesis. have cured many invader ere awes of Leucorrhota by It, soul some where the com plaint was mimed by sterutilen;dtlie wernit.- Tim ulcer. atke Deer was geow cured. Necklets *Man 58 7 kawrgl- ' *lie equals it for Urns tomato ammoniates." Edward fl, Marrow, of litterbug', Ala,, writes, Il A deo gmma otterMittirinor op One of lb: females In my family, a; bleb bad deed all toll remedies we could employ, bas at length been completely cured by your Estnict Of Sar saparilla. ' Our physicist' thought nothing but =this- Ilion eotdd&d relief, but he advised the trial of your ll:tempera as the bat resort We*cult*. mod .it voted sffectand. After taking your reouly skint ste notra symptom of the re remains." - GI DypIaLUA a Ilessiaslal Moms.: .. Ni! OILS" Zia August, IMF. Da. J. C. Arta: Mr. I thowfully .costrulywitla the rep quest of your agent. and report to you scam of the elects / hare realised with your .resparllla. 1 biro crawl with it, In toy wake, most el the mel t _ plaints for which It It mcommended, mid bars &mind its effects truly woodultd in the ours of Venereal cutd , Jkr.. , curio/ Disease. -Omer my patisats hadityuldMielnkagiu In his throat, which were, consuming his palate and the top of his month. Tour Sarsepasiliw,.= taken, cured him In five maks. Another was by mo oadary symptoms ha' ble nom, and the ulceration .had ' sawn away a cousidemble put of% no tiro I believe the d:sorder would soon mach his brain and kill him. lint it yielded to my admlulatration of your 1 the ulcers healed, and huh well win, Dot oyarsoulthert scene dielgusation to' Ids face. A woman who lud lien treated for the anis disorder by mercury woe sufferths from this Neon In ber bona. ' They had homme mew, sitlreto the wither that on • damp dsy abe as es etude/at pain /a bat Joist, and Uses * . Gm. too, mea oiled entirety by your terresearill• in • few weeks. I knew , from Its formula , whkla your agent Pro me, that thil Preparstiou Dun your Isbeatory most bio a ems , remedy ; tonsequgutty, thee truly temsrkslats critidtit• with It have pot warprMed as, • Fraternally your; ~. Q T. ktillpiltD, * I A. - Itleatantatlaas. Goat . 14wir Complatate _ ^" hintrememt, lfroatOopo.„ Va., eh July. 11161 i. . ' eta • ant 1114. 11 th• rah 1110 V paltswDit..been altlietatl a C Are a: , I flit chronic kharatimtisst fiats liwillisio nm og An' of physicist:4o .`0 MI ml cluck In @ Oki of _ remedies I could 144, With triN ' - bottle cared me Its two wealta;atwi Yelf health so much that I gni fla better than Miami Isle • attacked. I a woodarfillinaliclon 3 J 3 5 514411 , L, Jules T. Getibell, of St. Lotli, writer's a note, tail alllkted for years with an affliction of Via Sanr r iftdcb destroyed my health. I tried every ehing,and bassi lidos billed to relieve me; and I have betties bronandournusaa for some years hum na other calm than the Liam ,/dy beloved pastor, thaltar. Ile. thcoyoadvlawl me to trj your thitteparilla, bonitos be ea be knew yes, and any thing you mock was worth trying . By the blow jag 000 d It baicatul Xbri agd ha11.014.01840r ta "1" as to make a li man of me. -I feel - - best that can bausid °flouts not eusgk. lichlrraa,CetscorlTiaselersdkelarigeneWmit t . Mceratliese. Carlos and Minittlittelli WS the Briaime. •. A greet variety of cam hare boon imitated to =wham cares of these farmidatdo annplalsta him reseltedhom the us of Ibis remedy, tat oar epos be le will=Lc* this. Scene of them may be Ibend Gls ear Unseat, whkb Or agents balm wad are t o land& krona to ail Who all tar than. Mlyeiyampetie; Mart .11Macarist t Mits, litabameholly. Nuwalgta. Many remarkable cares of these allestkmo base been mods by the alterative power of this =Akin& It Slaw lake the vital er ' function@ tato atom. action. and thus mamma dndm would - be sappmed *Oat Its mach. Each amalady ben law bon required tor Um net. unites th ar all that ibe WPM, an ic d w ine can • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 7011 TEE VAITD CITZX Or Coughs. Cahill,!mensa l . lloarsinseest Croup, Brsnehltl., Incipient Comm ananytion, and for the Ilene! or - Consumptive Pattiastio • advanced Stages - of the Discos*. . Aiithrna tide it a needy actadietiony kleows - ie other ibr the curs attires* and burg ereapierant it - le wens bore to publish the evidence of strum: IM unrivalled excelleuee tar coughs aid eel" eel Its woodritol cures of pulmonary dine" bate nude it known. throughout the eiviihred maw et the earth. , Tow sto the easunent r e m z it sven iluseran lobo D o t. noes 7 erpinimminet !one I/ vise traPL7 in, then nide: of Ise view, over the lobes arid dangerous disonlooh of the throat aid bow As en know the dreadful rtlalh7 of thews disorders, and se they know, too, thesauri of tide remedy, we sued sot do non than to sore thee _that it bee Dow all the , PM that it did have when making the was wild' lteew via so etivogly 4,212 the oonikketee lleireaktad.' Propend blDr. 3. C, LAi lb CO., LowelL Ku& 3 +A tall/ 41111.1....intr. t. 4. au.,.,, at ilotttUr Lstrong. W Mak and Doctor askl ; aid tor &Wire everrwher JeaellYrti-tr. RCONOHY IS WEALTH! MRE YOUR COUGH FOB 13 CENTS! Tag DIM ANDC.H C A PEST OODINEDLD silawr IN UN WOPI;D1 MADAME ZADUC PORTER'S GREAT 0011 - 0 H REMEDY! 1141Ism* LADOC POEM* 'emotive Wean se warns. I lifted aotendting to the direettona" ear* In all aims. roughs, Colds. VirGough, asthma. alhatlone of On ',root and Low. Mae WOG' roßteitit twun ts DreparsdNth iß 'mutate ears sad skiit • combination - of the reseals" the replied, Ando:sailor& Ira reme dial qualities are based so power to sietet.the sad deeroad Silents the blood thee' the ns.:. It la lot • violent reandr, but eateUisot, "armies. Parehlag sad d ialing can tatakesky wile gild •lesi pawn' 4 , i yosairest . ' • Its.tres4.ooC Ratan Ilse been toed b. %Is petals ger overii_oatrit. srgabeditspresest Ale pill by Wig twos, minuted Moe who bare Ind: ft, o their Metal lasts 111)d *them 'sea ULM PORTEN: sox at a pre. which WWl' it is the rosehof every ores to keep It soots ,test for use. The timely ass ofa daptebetde roe* toll* worth- lee times Its east. NOTlClte—illstois Your Mac's :•P•Do no' be per. voided to suselsie articles at 4e. to Sr.ollisk do ol4Stal- - taht the virtues of a IS east bottled dames Podses Cie emirs Balsam. the cost of massithitsoisi which is as Ott as that of Almost way other soolleiwn sad the very tow plies at which It hi eolksealles the prom lathe seller apparently nsall, madsdpieddesietswillemostiara rserassamd other es which thdr peodta are tarter, salsas the eastossers luta apealissing Kaduna P.rterip and ass* War. rltor dittsaselezistre *fts ties Balms,, pees IS etc, tai la trite bottles sat Slitlie.,-: sod take so other. If yes maser pt ft at ono Morelos as another. , I - fa r Sold by en Maoists- sad:Btont„llilepartl42 its. sad twister bottles et HALL al zuctral,,Prurwort_N,. 5 - 1 JNO. & CARTER. Ages; lids . UolliNeli•sas ' ' WRIGHTfB . BLOCK, swat arazerr, tau* PE WA Whim • 1111 aad elsolo aiso Moist of • GROCERIES, pitov(isioNot nosassific Aflß 11101/JUSII MOM, WILLOW AND. IIOODICN WAIL!, IsToNs *Alf, - IrialtrAßLlOL • , &mailman oak kisa awl!aell_igtebispat jirldif JOBB' ILUITLIDIf Onesq. , Gnus- v. mat. 44 ;Fiume. WEBB & .KELL9I34:. (rnifels&N..• llai 4"fflitre.) lustrucntvis QT mar pueastrar - or , T 0 Nl . ' W A Rrti! art, *poi 'De - FIRE -MICK( AND 0121i.. : 4714yi !demo Mt ilia 14 illy oi tM awl, Deo. ft 111—tt „ • UM. PA .mom A i T.. tvviltnerr 711 ,4 • MO- - a.e.4IdOAJF fJtOWS la illitLVIIO • G:BNIIINg PREPAR MI - fIS ut 'Our 8 -144? sou : 11111110 4 / 4 6 . EIZLI4BOLD' GENUINE PiEPA . , 0 111101/LY ciimcarern _ . , _ , 1 . - cotpuip . 4 . FLUID ExTketrrlivonut ..i I A POSITIVC AS . 9 PECIIIC krzitiirr colt I - aDi ,' BLADDiIt. runts)* -MU VII. 1 AND DIRQ PSI • , ' , . CAL 31 , 7-04110 di ' '', ' - This usidicise die', ioirer a f Dieldilsok .sad ORM, an A MUSK We Milky settee, bylrtdsh tb• WAITAT OR C US depositions. and all CUM ATIMIL CIL GRAMM Si, Mani. an Ini rao Nialt nn_poitn old Ind.ininitioa lad h i good fur 'WA !wawa& alt CRILDRIA . _ , intureoure ..n.A . .111itlilt, ,i." ~ . ... Fos "Awl ozbioufroto ftr i o li oilablbo of lifill7 NCTENDED 'MB THE 1014.0 4 Itiinows: • _ lutEsscoltios to Loom•ot Notooty, ty of Erestbiog, Soak imes, T Horror of ,Dtoota., , WlkonMoo . o l 4 - • Oasts t VLSoa Y . J. Mt theft*, _ 1.71181114 M LlSiltucti of MEP - A 1511 41 14 stIbMS• 4 O. . 'assentor System. Icrootbss us ttitilfrs, Mot Asa., - th Dry l irlam paXioiCosobstoss, of s !. Mots symptoms, IIWor m :go osorldob l the Malaise , 1 ' Invorbibly Sobs tabor ' IMPOTENCY,: ritruct. ' tic rm. Ia we of 'Flitch Ur . to‘Of map .! wbeivirs ear i - - that they u sii s sottly llbll by than I *dt i -tistibiso;,;-: —_ —... ' . iNPIANITY #ND CONISFMIPTION. ' Winy are away* of jtbe can's of 161: salAtia& bat moue will mutes*. Us nor lama Angus. AwithetmelasabelyAisika by ;dog, bat siiple gaol. to Umi truth of UPli , The Conti Quourafreated with I 1 L i a! W ~ , Regoliso th em, d ak* lta j ' elscH tl 4 Tittes tbes liall InArer• to syst . LD'Il - auscr sums , wriiriably dces. A plat' 1111 ~twit es 1.0111,01. I=tl • g • • ... : FICBIALIU4 ft gall 11111101,- __ _ 13'W Dl Topa, gysigs, liaiing), ols ccpsysjii 'ykai•ussi 4i_! NAsissOss. ' . I ~.,...—lislosoy affortioas i plINN11111?:* . SIN . I . genet UIRSOIS is %oval by say olbvi 'oil lb Mor+ di, or gitsatlon,tf ingingrA or"= ,of thrkfostookaryt g tio* 'or - elate of **Meru. rrbsb or W tos, etsrUlty, sel .for. ill eomplidats IsiettlYst Ickes se whether adds% 4ssas Wm:reties. Ifablis of Maisel's, or Lithe • Ir. ii =CLIE Ndr chtio' gas l or s4.vic. • est aturnovaporp. WO "FAMILY 411011, LI! BE i t iVITIICIUT IT UlO au Wain. *weary ac Co Ca sweit sad ?liiii•nolt&P MEMO* • ./NCTIUT mum i Miss 1 . - .'SE C R siT l - ..t4 i 4 s4 , EB , .. trait Oaf Awn; •;iit 1114. espouse; ttlo pa ; no dump t ,. . - d4llapat AND4 : 4-_-_-ERI SURE.' Soo; It ataasi re ifisa Ohio Weal% 14 da4 aletai alginates at %be allayi pad taikapao• %too, so from& Strladrotaat ve oapt yajoillhog fO/ 3 0/ 1 01 ,8 ,44 4 4g 1 ...". - Pri*" llll ' # smi -*lNviimr 1 ' 1 _Wag IiAS, ;;111$1,1111M1111110161•7"ur - 1347C - 4:-/ : 1 i I Aid who huepat i iiAre 11X21 ti be oared bag slam Lima, have found ware deederd, bad that the 0 ?.i -ron ^ boo. by tbo) ass of 'fyovartat warfare*" boa debodop la amp spro,. to braes oat is a aggravated r ... 4 . 1, PZILILS,4AFTO 411ALLON I , 1 •' :i,.0-.___ ; ...'•''' ,. i " ' ''.. • ! - 1 i• • 7.7 -7- `: . I-. 'I. , ' . 'i 17'r : traillf- 1 -. 6 • . i :I 1 t: iOS Zritiata l , *MITI • - " ' Tar ali Abet sad ' L ai . - ' Om .. . - ivas, vrianA"gy 'egaans, n,. adding AA& or- Atom trbat , IM asap pallsorplaid. !POW - I ON OW, L. Ifiii - ,15* rirti Nu ~ - ,22 7 .4 Ow:swot thiwk•rtiesiiiiimtaq*bovnitnit• , 1 Riumothintrizavriiinuni ' ,1 • , . is, Tai 44;41" Duntenc. • • . . AIM It It undo td have the • , eillset La MI Dier ! weep ter whisk it II ! .. _ . , . I , ' • • MOW BLOOD!' ' Dl gelubsitettlighly Oesaeliall 1 - 1.. • SYPHILI ',, Thisuia ~ie. et tiS illeed, i + r i s. stts•ke the Sea. Oel Ovary, Laskin. af the Ness, "Ilre., lithe Op% sad • hes MINDS. &also& .111.; ka the for ! if Clears, Belsoold • patties the 111 at. lad tomorne MI . taelle ' Ms Okla. giving to th• thamplasloa t:lsarao t Hail*, t:o kw. It beteg stewed exam& fez lade • see of a, • mown% its Mood-rutitytait pro ord« we prell to s pester meat , ten am other sniewstiost of Bar apiir. 1 1 „ •••••• . I mama Malliali NO iirish. - U • 1. • . . n • .. :: A. eiebUsat i rea t iV64r4 s h i tlyfflitlidfis Kr Z .... sad es .. 3a.'• ele lie 1/risary se Mid • heed la ear mottos wilb ds =tatchi.liallhallel, aultleasto4. is Saab /maim as tetosaisailed .! boakoas of Shrike* minable 44 rslhable C 11111111•• per wtti secoapear tie aniniii. •-- 0 IIatTLIPIOIIIIB 01 I Crain,, /rook *loj to twenty ream itaadlegi with b , arn kaesa to &CUM/ 4111/2 P. , . for belted Preps* of SUCStr, me Ileporeatby of the ibitell ,_ . See Peci-ssor bZWELV alubitiroainiiictiiiftie:, lee of ode. , ear remarks ly * Ifhp viimiliciii4 - Dr. 4111 . -.1 i,srss=l bi .r :fm -- 4bobrabal luenlopOik the iteya. Sebago A ..,.. ..,, be TrmeaSteee I Ale It 1 7 ItaltlA• NM 31t1741=r, if Mb Collie* Berl gees& - i Bee neat of be latirli W - ea illske*. ! ~ :ft: tsar Dram ' • 11l eller lobby or s e he la Oa ismammt:rir m"da t'l: 4. I: a Oboe et orb - ler Sit Sliorkieli will lor eell. orb to rue the nod *taste alb, II dtbetbee are 1 ' ' I i Whew/ baby ebb*. Neeite4ipseibi ban eleah mallea.. I tr. tis4' l , :at e l soisai f ikaip; , :Sane go t 4 i . I ' • I 4 A.F.IPIDAVIT., - 1-- - I lrensa i riedwilb;terit:MilinswielLiiii efty 01 sib. S. ? II vb.. labg deb I Aim% doth illr• lb p irealaia as winiede. wile sr other. top. oat aro mob iviletl Is. no - r % MIA WIS. I ' even *I sabbelel ' Sii i Sliffit Va. - lOU ' • P. SAID__ afienersh _ . !Sri Sab o ISPb.. 1 ' ! - iosisa Wiwi to hilmitis .66.... — ' 7- .. . B. . lil SO_ LA Mei* Dips* MI _ , _ ILIO • , 1 , tai ' WU Sl= ii ii Alepesa 0 11111101 0 XX° mai I*-Lilles" - lielmsdellie kr :-:-:' --: 1: ' ? i• Ihimbehrsiiimmo 4 Li i :'''' ' ' '. ar ' , . alai Ma. , ' 11 1117 lannailki MirrAllirie . . P ASE Iva, IgolloloB—TAlti NO (77 1 / 8 18. I ngliMiat i llaat te 8 4 likl) EATS AND CAPS EME L ='; M I T,H'St RUJUNG Iyreceot visit, to 4'ew York and niusdesds. t MIAs arraingecoroto tint Ws ad me•tsiikkoruble amentliortnrers for • constant =krof vied, In lar iCon,andl have now on huota large ge ilte Mint . HATS, CAPS, ETC., to this motet. I Lave un band two Win d dozen PALM LEAF EMI'S,- IA.TXONS, Q; MULLA, W415/1. old id,r Stern of moons, mowed diet !rote the man deeklallilalch sill berol4by the dmen at New York Jobbree pricer. 1 hen lass resolved Idevbeo Spring, Fashion Is Silk Batts . S. 8111t1l. rtteirl2ti. . ATION. TIED CHEAP GOODS! Wholesale and Retail GROCERY AID PROVISION STORE, WINES.AND LIQUOith. F. 8t ffi. SCHLAUDECICER, are now receivingat theirold stand, Amen. can Block, Suite street. a WO awl superior stook, of GROCER! • WINES,' • LIQUORS, • WILLOW, • • • 'WOODEN, AND STONE 1 WARR, - FRUITS, NUTS, &c., &c., together With every thing lOundan a House of. this kind; which they will sell as cheap as any other establishment in this city for Cash or most kinds of.ootin'lry produce: Tiny kale On ors bead ace of *Teat and asset Media at Tobacco wed sign's 'vet breaglA to Erie, to width they biretta the attention ortbe pebl c. 117' ad/ and we us—s nimble Oversee is better hen a il ter g io nidlliag,eonaequently Cub Layer„ will bed great by selling at Me Grocery Head 1 Quarters! AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET . .huhigs.tsso—ss. Y. a M. SCHLAUDAKER. , 132 %t CRACKERS, AND SODA BISCUIT ..: - .4XWEECTIONERIES, • • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE subscriber is sitvi , nisinutacturint, ail Wads of CANDISS of tlie best Quality sad 'eery low gettas... toffee all Mad. of tlftaCirkstA, aW.Lk BIS CIIII'.ICASEtt, Ise, at such le* prices that It will pay Conakry illarekaata to come to F.rie and examine my stock belkule'perehaaisig slumber*: Myst* Families rt(,riled thake beam. - WM. 14/41.itWOOD, fassaiS4 , Nearly opposi, Post 01111ce. Eli*. Ps. - N 0 T 1 t, E . 'II lib gnat plasma is hifon44 the rublle, and our - stigmata's Patrons La pattlealar, that .re hare again reatuatel /13MLI011 I MANUFACTURING STOVES INCREASED FA CI LITIES, ' Arad an prepared to fill 'all order/. 6,r COOKING AND NEATING STOVES rireksl.4a lame flttiec of lion. prerioua kin barat aim as la decided advantage, (toy et orators") over Ilannfa:tarenraln tiara bought Irea at preeent likaakfal ter peat tavorreirir hope, bj strict attenti, o to tietrizta erCartooorts: to *options) to merit their pareaaro. fitBllll3ll. VINCENT, TIBB ALM; stlllitLac cp. f Lod Igoe ler pw i, g 2 , WITT= TILIN CURE: . es,of elicaterhealth or impaired roygwaisatian, or to those by whom an lerrease of ball is from say Orson objectionable, the undersigned ~ .. .• • - r • . need • hoe whish to perfectly relli'eie and '-'''' "' '' .s. -.•- . - la mrdons parts of tbe old world for the put oentury. Although tip , article SSW, Amp sad simple, yet it Wm been put up 'pi hill i satiami imid millaieny extensively at the exorbitant per 10teli4 As indendirtied preporws to furniab g li :kfkrillbr immoral sum of $l, by the possession of with& sown lid,' aaa supply herself with u perfect Isle. 'Wird, at any drug store, for I be-trilling auto of 2.5 cents = Amy physician or4raggist will tell you It ii. btralewe, and thousands of tnaluoulals e,1113 be gownegotlettie ellosey. Sint to any part of the world no r 4 ,aftwastre. . J. C. DEVI:RAM' . . T. 8. - Noi. No. SIM New listen, COOS. , rNAIIVOUS StrFEBEIMOF BOTH BU .—A REVICREN D berlagbeeteree to be. Alt+ in a Vw days, of.efutitkr job, eq taereeneeliottlegiiiid temular..xpeestre o"od , A of tewalenemt eitheltleueelie: eaustdere it h t•eatted duty to cowman *MU Lis afilicted fallow treoturse the means Beata. Helee*, en the rootlet at an suldfeeeed eaTelupes ywttlegad (film) & eon of lb. presertptfon used. Hl •^ Awl DacurAl4..i 1110 nage Stopet, brook , 'ASV-Iy. - DR. P. IALL'S1 ALL'S - CELEBRTED COUGH -RE ME DY ! CONTINUES to gain public favor and deststrd in all sestions, end after the thorough ex of sixteen yawn, Lie mutation for efficacy in Mute. Thrust sad- - Zrarydimenes is rostaineal.— Winnower this atone* is moot Mama its medial:wets. tall Weed tlitigenne. • rtpopetsrity•rtddeinand. !Mn ot anan • itne nintiely *my people- for twang l'oblelnary semplaintaimot . is to their houses for wlitimmemtirepd. Ann sue lor Cough it is 7 and roaomo—onotna reantrinrommtosa 'Debut to Mae a Conk of many Walk. standing. rot curing Crotqa it is not eseelled, and awn rented fur Asthirm 'Sontag mama be 'haying many m om to health diet a - tam of year' with this ndeendis Memos. Tor theme! aciareeness it kode_and yremoving Imitation from the :0114,111p0t,....... m. , • Utlettomedyis otgrwet Ilbe temples* miff violence of ift;Wa r- MWltorteasthalsesin arta Unto= its or diamy tedious omen ' dlosems or me tangs end an , pages depend twain terthilles tielailemusinse the Wang emus membrane E l s sme =st rwaS tW is. Liaire m =Yrur s . crisettlesFiesidaptisd ut both Peas, speedy ages and eeiedinikees. aver y wove afflicted with What of tie tbilowidudimento IftitM lase plautent •Asinly awl their *ohm will soon eat:4W with others in e~onteAendln~, qt- mete to !limited oeighbon sad ranger elYttetßealtects it ewes (Wt. 1111111:Vos`tratrir - Chub Rowdy ilocra Oroup or Rattles: IS. Us. Bdlra Cbugh Rlatc.ty it car es Asth.., aut or PAthisie. Mao (fog Cinigh Rintedy for Catarrh. Va. f/as Exit'. OVA Ritnecily it bkrengthen 112 IS. Um ONO Rernaixfor Bionehiti4. NON 1781.41a1re Oiugh Romaly for Haan. Ilea: MI6 irlos Hort Cbugh /4atecte if Strayshais Voice. Ups Hall's Cough .Rettiply fin. Whooping- I • cough., iensoThiti irWgristkrooduy Its to o is mintier. ben ita nalinasll9l4ll% ou belt ;from its ordinary clots t_ dawn efenadinditte itted inittstions—cmillerfor. IP. two ooloanitodCoaeb B.utdy and see that his writ- Assolpstarols nnonthe way* sad directions. STIACIDIU TEWTI - 310N Y. atalm... _ _Ws; skins' of Nrie 'City and vicinity. bias Ile.r. 110Rebtand Death Remedy with: 411114 1 11111111 alba nesse sad imbas. lib henna niSamosediagtts +us to the alllictid is s eliste4 isamety, Tally wadi', of pawn • . iswilsA?lsgsw.l' WAtilmwt a ktop, D. Shirk, Jonas aissersWis . L W. Richard Rees, Mot Llisrg, &Wort J. T. uo, Joint IL Mass; Diana BM; Daniel liseer, =-Allan ... ,J. Babissens, 4.7. K. Maim, gr. T. Rimingneit. J. Illeoueyi - Lirgati '- I':i. giigtm. • J. WA:WT*4 alt Warns, Alamos dierwood n , Wm: R. Hay, JO $. Brains W. H. Coops , . A.M. WWI, LL. Tenni; • ' - Amp% Dosser, H. A. Eissustt, J. W.Br% . SW. Gss; J. Salebncr, Oniimellmith A. Hall, IL Him . cainnsis, • • Thames MID" J. L. Long, IL Wain% ..W. W. - _Wiasksav J. Robition,nd„ Waimi Igfsgh - 'Ow. W..Wslos, . tiliss li t , Mob. Mod ilinnto t . - I . A, Patsidgs. C. D. Ito C.. L Voikto ~ • • tIOLD ILK lan ONLY; B' • - .., ' P. H.41.1.4.. 1 lbississysiwsol Sots Pfoytisisr dadi'a New omitting, ,113A=141 TO t r ek el l , Vl= L t, e G l os* Wli. adleixrdsgtim ]ii po* Vringtield• Ww."11.1010t, lisso IsasseA, Wants; IL D. liiillimpitnie t 04111111P130d, UMW, W . D. ON ..k.lEWsfs4 North LW; ILA Inidas, osinNIUSSAt; ' -- Tlwr. AssAgisieW.Sl. WIIII• r n 04.1 supptY ist ammaseftimit "alPbur. Us Most ~tor AlsicA Is as WOOL IlsoyisKs srl# us thaw .aftse onsinal. Fur 4slftlisd grow A Ilboal eilvtotOt to max:4s, Mate sts givaillTlEß AND FA fISES ..._:--414.0111414116 ca w.mos Tot, rangy ' ow/meow Elamry sad Fruit la k alla"18' N OT I C E'. r - Having a la 01 BY E -- sr a 's E of iv ins 11161113 Miss la Vow oils It ST Ilgazollis nit hes lbOsis EILLIUNON. HEAD. , QUARTERS -YOR EMI WITH PROMPTNESS "?WARD ASSOI A TION PIII DRIA*III/1. Aeo 649 !Zak, eft t 34141 mai Mitsvesa. 01114 Virlalsa /at sal. MMUS, Ord cure qt(' moms ujo: Soma Organ*. c.j D (.; if A VICE given ,gratis . b y Au . the /Willa " 14 I,(JA KKR?' TS ea pettnatentem aiu k i aig lireaki,ess, add other lenses nt the Sexual Orgsaatad (Al the "inw stEuer employed In the Dispessoy. rent to the atllicted a mated' latter entemps, tem wo or the Stamps for postage will be ace.* 'abh , A:161,0t l'; Lunn ouotrrniv, Amk g p ep , 114.014, tiOWAI , :i ARM!: tlOO. 1 . .1 . 0. 2 Sloth Xiath Am% Philkdelphta. Mn.l7 To Refin. . and Oil Men' ! are rspart iiPPAItA'III: Sneb as Btlllai C Et•gliwn zuri prices asd kit icor folritrid gets:wry atlfw also furnish Steam e cunipitte, is.jrking I strain and ifeighin Erie for $5,04.. marehtlll —4 • WOK S" of %mum% to f un d *Tory cieservtlatiof FOR REFINING OIL, kai and Store Tanks, Wenn - Limier; on the akertue seek; law s • *skip Parties wishinunq dike esasnine the work Turnkold for Stil of 11111 Creek, in Erie. They IQ tne ea belleze and all of the luau at 7$ lbs. pressrun el tee) ra rr . w ,delmeed en theta, . L. BUST, dyad. p_p IRA VE on low pie.% • I PAINT; ! PAINTS! and and will Dell at very • . aseortoreat of • AND COLOR aatattog, ha part, of .4LI AV, 1 WHITE ZINC, CELAIN h Green, dn ago a. 011, heath Wm; Proof Paint, Chime and Ameriaia d raw Linseed .011, tarpent*, Pilb4 oe Intenctlng to Peat win , call before parchaelag elan he, Store of T. S. SINCLAIR, _ Corner Snag Nod E 22 S'IVO Po • dbrozre Y • Vehetirto Red, ri Vertuilliot4 bolted ty, Glass, am Pi‘ their adrautapie t the Drag and 'ain F 3 •TICE• ..y of April non -I will BIGHTS BLOCK, NORTH Or rtrrs rstscro betng tilted tap for too. In ay an inaemed and with a racantly. leeted end complete most of NTS; OILS, WINDOW LASS; tic.. &e., my old ainnte. whin they wily, to their advantage to gorthaea T. d. BLNCIL AIL ON the lac moss Imen NO: 2 i nvo poo which room V no tweauow, with doing! trhatu • eutfulli DRUGE, P e, I tnot to meet beretotoret, dud i ciart4tr, RE `l4lLbliii , - -- licg 1N513%,‘ MIME CO J 1.24 ANFE CO InCOrpOrated "Prevail, . any Te • INTY MUTIZAL Din* ANY. in .1859-Charter Perpetual!! arid , AtmMet Lime tit Shy tee set extelegbig Flee Item., 'upon the deposit of Peemeiant Kohn. et nt. of the usual Stock Bata. Is Mown Ilitj' of ali'rendant Note. Louis pt. n. One wilt ant., hunter Mee Oros& mpaoy. The Cbeepany u steitivfili • safe haw nistitatten. • BIitECTOILB. Jas. C. liaeshel. Jas. V.stanst D. 11. brereery. E. Babbitt. • t. J. Lattoarie, Wit. B. kora Benign:la Grant, Jacob Hama Follett?' issue. upon the p.y •• without the Ila without ,filigatt agaiuAt ,this C free debt,olted I Lai*, Wary tridern V, n 3. B . C. If • Ti V:m Grczge LL, Preat Jpsua ag. F. PaIbWICIFT, Tnia. ER! en 013er Chrapea in M de, Eri. Juba 1. ra. analliDotl k McCreary's Lae Oka 1660. Lrie, F R'l M LI'S HOTEL, ON TUB tantorKAN PLUt V OF ti E w YORK. iiOONIS . FSTTT Craft JP= DAT. ramt ull • Mare, Carper of - Itrunkfort Plum (OrruniTlT CITY /LIU. ) 113 the may be ordered is the Illations reteetcm It trirer'a Sbup awl itattillootosittsetted to Ur of litirrxits and HACZaria who Barre an fra IL FRENCH, Proprietor GEE Mrs! Th-re I note! hew: tsar4 CuNSUMPTIVES. criber will cheerfully tett( to ail w ho denim it, the copy of a eh heChui enrad of Umiak:2a Curs TU .‘ sub of clarict Itscrairt. w autartta. tio tern's, wi awe 'nit, /grey wel I sa Imird with the iesul Ip at the smani of artctiOni, ••• iturq--62. • 1 • ealisVMrTiolt, dSTELA.BaDOCIDIIO, on, he Nineerely ta , d.. en ihsy will b• more thazt . Tharithal for his owe( compieto roloctrr lOUR to place to the beside of ear. • re. Those vrishitig the rots •if► KU will oleare call ou or address NEE2!MI P. ARBUCKLE, lEM :estor to CLARK & HeCOAD, HAS ON II ND AND IS DAILY RECEIVING A LARGE AND CO PLE TE STOCK Blot and Shoes! N ALL VARIETIES, AT flit im WEST NETT PANES. The Cushion' will be conducted by WI. ltd. ANNA= who hes returned to RA* with a view to bosom apr ontoont resident, end tendon to tho toododemal the and to hie • d friends, an tardtation to call elan/ above i STOCK AT No. 16, 4 Korth-West Conn of the Pick wad Ana Stralc Sept. 20. f ERIE, P ? A. • N EW JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE. AL,No, on KORN OR FRUIT FARRA t athable wit pear, Raopoorrka, iltrawbertias,elwitaartias, Cer nat., ac.t. of 1 t 11)a. 6, .0. or it/ acr•a sack at tie Odar log prior. lor lb.- prewato, 00 aerie for IVO, 10 wwl for $1 it, 6 semi lb. rlaw zw, acres for SW. laws Tor ray stow by $1 a weak. Also, ...mad Cranberry hada, a 1 wlllaAtota CEO WOO 0.25 tit tCO Got, at $lO each, pat by ens deg a Trek TIC abny., laud and wean are stowed at Oat wood, dradungtoo Townabtp, Harlington ,Cositty. Jittery. For iurther triformatlott, um alt 0 Stamp, Icy a etyma:, to 0. MOULIN CLAM jet rut,l. ! No. 90 Cedar Stave% New York. N. T. TUE, Co:NPESSIONg 'EXPERIENCI I' a NiIitVuUSINV.LUD. rubliabod for the benefit asid as • ovation to rot men, and others. who Naar irons Nervous IMAM SE ly Dec , y, and' *tit kindred alleamsm--424 0 7re'" limns at selt.eare it, ors who has ellr0 sM brag a victim of wisp haded ODaildesal bag and quackery. ily enclosing agest-pald ova stasis avulses may b• bad of the sathor, Namara NO ram. Esc, , Bedford, Kings County. Now Tort. BARLEY! BARLEY! The seleulter bey [ewe to metro Ms deals to OP Fanners of Km County. Aar the emirs they h i " sold to him during the pot 22 years. BS Mr wishes to bay 80,0 0 0- It IT 8 lit LS .Aall at all times will pay the highest mark:oo in Cash. Oct. 441 A. 1130 CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! Larger & Beat Stock Of Good', in the City ! COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES! MOSE S KOCH "WOULD RESPECTFULLY in -11 irm biS old Meads and enamors that he has rautortyd to the solewild we Store Hoorn . • NO: le UNION BLOCK, Moro no invites them to call m ere : u dFnlos hi, good!. Ills stout 14 II large 104 1111/00 .41 ma any In Krie, and he is det not to be nod.raold. 11w lass just received the WOO • UDC% 01 SPRING AND SU3iMER GOODS: Fret brought Erie. His motto la the bast tiolok sales, me pries, tea that the &West. ,EM: 111 , 1W`t what they me represented they my be tflo' . " (I-IWe Itt. • MORRISON & DINSMOBEI wnoLbamm DEAlikllti 13 Flour,' Pork, Beef, salt, Gran CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED, d' a r• No. 2, Wayne Block, = FRENCJI &MET, gßli lhotecs ARA' di,!ui JtriA ste, . ta,y9'63V. PRESERVED FRUIT, .iellira, SMOdied Fruit, Mktg*, Pop t! 't ltatotip. ko .st mild-lm. BKNER kb SO C A SU,' lag° Aid Wein* pie pia for Mira st 041124) V, 1,11. SCO.,