The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 26, 1863, Image 2

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SATaRVAY. SEPT. 26111, 1 13
'4IC I ♦t I, 111. Irt7 4n•'rrte
6 eatvcratlc Stale TirLet.
FUR , pirrtr:on.
GEORGE W. WOODRUM. of Philadelphia.
F , ti 1 7 N.: IF. !Um:,
WALTER B. LOWWE, or-Allegbezy Co.
Democratic County Ticket.
Ql. t'ltt %II L L 3,10.
i f r ATTA B. 1.1.11 y U. %Vlerford Tovenahlp.
Meat. W. O. VOLT, W-tprf trif Of:trough
Rao sr n trb Itkr-OhDXA.
CALVIN t.. tt , Girard boro
Dr. U. J. (1411 a .s,:v r, ..ynr.
1111;TV111:•1•,1:4, lida d Ilotoesh.
LI'' , CT P. 4 , .1 , SR f rows,
JOUN MILL, 31111 I rvol,.
i &LAC U. TA. Y /.. 111 IC, Wn pta 'n g• on
W.A. BENNETT, .1 VO (i ENS!' tt131 , 1:. Eric
..."Pr.rhan wATicrtrow ,
iIAAC! 3:ough
JAMES srßA: 4 l.ilt t:11 I,t,
A Dirty Picea' of Bustress.
' Decidedly v - le molt infatn.mi piece of
partizan trickery 'a I t ;re h li :• 0 i v ,,. ; . „t c , n .
is that published it: 04a Itoput.i,cir y t",.•
pers, neaded "%Ad 143 of the •ite ! ,
..4tate Committee." and written by W.tynt
31cVei).3h, chrOrm in of th'it h.),ly. B:
clipping out det•teilPd - se.ntonces from n
ape ch delivered by Judge Wold.y.‘rd, iu
186 • and dexterously distorting Oiler,
it p ces him in the position of a.isorting,
sentsmenus which are totally ditici.ii“
fro what- he meant. Tnr, man who
ooul l d be guilty of such ba; , and unscru
puleus pirtisin villainy is only fi:. fur a
felon's cal, and will da well if he dr i p s
not !reaeo one before he dies. We had an
arti4la prepared, pointing out the , gr.i
mis4epr;Sentatiens of J wiz- W,iol.v.p Xs
views contain-N.l in this ad Irtss, but. the
pressuretupon our c ilutnri obliges ii 4 to
postpone it until next trek.
Take Pity on Ilini.
In his special message declining are ,
nomination for the Gubernatorial Chair
Governor Curtin declared ttia• : -Toe la
bors I have nece-iiarilv nod i.• h e -
already impaired my health. I should
have serious cause to apprt.herid that a
much longer continu trice of them ought
so break it down as to render me unable
to fulfill the duties of my po-ition." o.le
of our cotempotaries thinks the State tiny
Do rightdo claim an man's seri;ic.s at
such a price as this; and if the Gwernor'a .
friends have no regard for his he tltla, the
people -hould ban, and see ti it thatlio
is not hardened with the cru,hing duties
of the Ex -suave chair for another three
years. Governor Curtin must not be per
mitted to dr.stroy himself by his reckless
patriotism; and a merciful people should
allow him to retire tl the, p-acetul slta&c
of private life and place the I tbors of the
Executive office upon a ptir of goad broad
shoulders such as Judge Woodward curies
about with him.
Battles near C3attanotva.
The stlinle o )untry wis startled at the
billintoing of the week by a di.o.itelt tram
anin)uneing this G-p. 11 , -e
crane had been severely heater , nest-
Chattanooga, LAte saounts. how
ever. rriake toe nutter less dis?oaraginiz
Fighting appears to h we commence]. on
1 4 .aturthiy . , and, continued an Sow:..y.
During ae litter day, sowe of our iroJip ,
were on dilated, and driven back a a ,n
-sidersble ilisinnre 0 .n. R 'seer h..d
adv..neeli some twenty er thirty toiloi"
yond c , ,attanooga, lAA sinee the fi2hts
-has returned to the hater place. 'Die
vebels claim to have taken many
era. and Kittle teettiy pieces rtf artillery.
Undouhed y the loib on orsr . side is the
heaviest, the rebels attacker] io
' overwheltutnu numbers. 0 1 both
the loss unit debtraction me very
. Bragu'r, array is bit l l l .r:siz4 to h-ive been
largely reiol weed thiit L ie. Ili.
h tVff fir outtiticat) nc.l "4.. ,
Divaleilt.i Ito a W b: tap ,
the la ter tor luarellitig b4yond tut:can tle,.
or retnfirc-iments, but churn tit it be ha
not been tierelte I. We bh ril pr , b ibly
be compelled to wait a week or Iv.t I nil .•r,
before the truth i 3 obtained. We are in
moment try expectation of lietkriug tliat •
the bride Ireu been reneivi,d,
Gov. Curtin at Corry.
The auctle pr•moutte, , ,s our statp-nent
in referettee to the "condition " of Gov.
Cuftin and his "staff:" during their
to Corry, -wholly devoid of foundation."
We can only say that if such is the fact.;
It is entirely dire from the' ession
made upon at least halt-a- ozen different
citizens of that vicinity, with whom we
have conversed. The Gazette says furthei:
LThis miserable charge (that relating ! ,to
the Governor's intemperate habits) was
long since disproved, and it is too late in
the day to renew it." If the charge ever
has been really "disproved," evehave nev
er seen the evidence,tind will thank the
editor of the Gazette to send it to us im
mediately. It will aflurd us gratification
beyond measure to ob cin ast authentic
contradiction of the many tilipletvant re
ports which have been fl wing ab .ut the
State for the paNt two yeari, regariliog :he
unfortunate , personal .clotractetistics ot
our Governor.Ve imagine, thought, th a t
our cotemporar will not find it pro fi table
to push his is v tigations too far.
SHOCRINO BREACH or Pitoraterv.---llefer
ring to Gov. Seymour's last sketch at Al.
bis-ny, the Journal of that city says!
'",There are Liirpci• who question the pro
~ priety of the G eiern of a great Scate
haranguing poinic it gatherings ; but tiuv.
Seymour is a peculiar man."
Horrible, indeed Watt does the Jou; •
eel think of Gov. Corti/4 who is trotting
all over the Con-rnonsvellth, misrepreNen
.o ling his opocntent, and making pitiful
appeals far votes, to the :neglect of the
State's interests f "But" Gov. Curtin "is
a peculiar man' " ,
Nam ! , from Virginia informs us that an
onward movem-nt of the army has cont.
meneed,'und no should nit he surprised
to hear at any itotiseut . that a baffle it in
air Gen. Bea. Butler has beoii aysigued to
the arduous duty of stumping this State for
Canis. He redden pay for this service at
the sate of SAOOO a year—all taken from the
hire Tresees7.
The State Resolutions.
Thr•Tate. in creaking of the late
Demos. die. County. Cmtvention, says .it
re ails tur-d resolutions of the Dem
-03C.1 .li, :3 rue '2otiveutioo, which byrepa
-INi h V.llltuaigit flu. and contain note
•mrd u. far r\c , f the supprcision c±f the rebeltion
tie rebels in arms!' - Our neighlxe
n this short sentence approaches as near
"..'truth he seems capable of doing
,vhenever he refers to Democratic men or
urn,-urea. In charity, we will suppose
that he has never read the State resolu
' ions, for it seems hardly possible thrt
he would in' that case have) deliberately
vuldiNlieu what he must have known to
be utterly and malignantly false. In or.
•ler l'hat ho may have no excuse for simi
ir nti-represe'ntations i,u future, we call
iris attention the following from the
.erics of passed by the State
.:.:;,V.nticn. Tie first three were passed
.y the' la:rt. Democratic House of Repta
-votativns of this State, snd adopted h
the Cott ventton. and the concluding one
w is original with the latter body :
&cend 'coat this General Assembly de.
I •r.s. Stat*l . l3.l3 ever been, is now,
• a ; •-71 i rotuain la future, ..levotecily true
tF:o Ghat ut of the T. ~iced State
r. to • lvernmeat eitabhshed
it rold i dc• t rattuf-d to maintain them
of•tlitztv , st power r...rainst both do-
M , •-•it.: tip! terelee loes, and to this end we
tv'c! corstitutional ef-
fits i nixie t- ,:.upprebi 0.10 p:e•
s t be 10
Perm•yivadas will eviltere W
to. C mstotaiiin rind the , Union re+ the
t).-t. it Trlly br. , 1.11” laAt, 4opo of poputat
freedom, cwi for tlt v.rongs which mat
Lff•••f: enirinefitlaci or pvll4 wbich ma}
exf-t will f-eefe. r; , lresi underihe Constitu•
• tfoa .171e1 within Om Union, by the pencei;ul
,mycr'"ul agency of the suffrago of s free
i,•:sor,fe: •
1 - 2t/t. tt while tilts Gen'! A membly pan
, letans an•l denounces the faults of the ad
ion and alit encroaohrnents of
the A 1) , littonists; it does also moat thor
aiigli,7 condemn and denluncts the heresy
.if occasion as unwarranted by the COM Li-
I ion arrl destructive alike of the security
iiid perp4tuity of the pivertiment and of
.the peace and liberty of the people; and
tr IJCIPS le.reby most selemnlv declare that
flirt p , . aple el this Slate are unalterably
,-ed to any'division 'O'f the Union, and
svil I persistently exert ineir whole influence
Lief power under the Constitution to mein
t.iin and defend it.
Resolved, That the Democracy of Penn
ever has been true tq the cause
of the Union. It was in the name„and
for the sake of the Union, that our party
Wag maae; that we denounce the least in
timation that the DamocraticParty enter
!flirts now, or ever has entertained, or'ever
can entertain, the slightest sympathy with
he present gigantic rebellion, or with
raitols in arms against the Government,
.!Ir would ever donsent to peace upon any
terms involving a dismembermentof the
Union, as utterly unjust ; and in proof
of this, we point with exultation to the
laiish contributions to the war its blood
and treasure, heretofore, and now being
nt ole by the hundredi of thousands of
Dorno,:ratic ci tizens, who were, among the
first to tly to the rescue of the Union,
and peril th. , ir lives in its defence.
Tue editor of tho Dispatch will need tic
,oggestion. we hope, that as a matter of
ju,tice alone, if not of candor and hon
esty, he should „copy these resolutions in
lull. Having so grossly misrepresented
the platform of the Democratic party, he
is surely a man of too much honor to al
low the falsehood to pass uncontradiated,
when the evidence of its untruth hes
within his reach. -
, ti'he Soldiers' Friends."
The 11-putAican party professes to be,
par excellenMcithe "soldiers' friends." How
much merit there is in this claim let the
pro. - .,fle , lins of their late Convention in
tai; county' tell. For the office of Pro
thonotr.ry people of the Eastern pot
ti c of the county presented Capt. Dyer
Loomis, of the 145th regiment, en old and
:aliant soldier. who has given two of his
sons to the cause, and, broken doWn his
it by active service in the field. His
qiilifie o ions are undisputed, and he is on
of It tads recognized as a patriotic and up
tight ciiizin. His chiet competitor was
.t backne7ed politician • who has grown
"rich off of official position, and who now
holds a lucrative station. Yet what was
the ttiettnamt rendered to this venerable
hero? 01 the first ballet he received the
In.ggariy number of 16 votes. out of 92
ist, and on the second, when olio of his
ily h u i withdrawn. but 28 votes again. ,
63 fir the ci ily rein titling candidate
Vile name of, Lieut. CA D. B. Mc-
Cre-ry. also of the Ltith regiment., wa'
iire•efited by his friends for the District
A..torisey;hip. They felt confident that
tits admitted quelific;ttions and unques
mood pstriottsin would cause his nomi•
n :dor, to be rca lily conceded, but in Ltd,
.intielii ttion they were doomed to signal
di-appointment. Hs only received the
meagre vote of 27 against 65 ftt his suc
ce-sful competitor.
For Register and Recorder another sol
dier was brought for Ward, in the person
or. 'Long, of Fairview. He, too
was destined to be overslaughed by the
areedy politicians 'who controlled the
Convention. His vote proved most con
elusively of's& the utter sincerity ot their
claims to friendship for the soldiers, ber•
ing:but 14 out of the 91 cut upon the oc
fhe Convection did reward one soldier,
however. It gsve the petty office of C.erk
of the Courts, which • is not expected to
payjover 41500 a yeir, and for which no
other cand'idata appeared. to the gallant Capt
John C Litlten, who has lost a leg in the
, ervice.,-and-who deserved, alike by rea
son of hi 4 talents and bravery, tO be re
oartlect with ono of the best Own in its
gift. The soldiers will surely appreciate
this voonietful act of magnanimity l 'lt
it Convincing proof of the extent to which
the Convention loves the soldier!
Suoiming up the elements which com•
pose the ticket, we find thit the men who
hav,e fought and hied for the Union here
been elven one candidate for .
Cl.* co: be Mind*, worth say about .1100
And "civiliatia, who have never smelt pow
der, •have received tho following rota
nat lona :
4 iv* Gbh men. Irtg9 (rlll get a religy So.
getlior, per year. 111 IC -,......11.110
1 Pt othenotery.. ~.......
1 14 eater 4 ittartder.-- . 1411
, A tlmrte If - 3514111
i con ety •-orextui 'Wore? SOO
D rester of dm rc, pr. Colley Surveyor. eta-- • SOU
Total 6/00
wanes aga sat Is. wawa. ......1800
Who d are to say, after thil4 that
the Republica in ; of Erie ormoty do Dot
deserve the ; appellation et' "Soldiers'
lisiende V'. •
,Demon !Mils County COorrentiott,
tviit a spirit patriotism that, was as
abusere as it is 4' sammondable, nominated
for three of the = beat ofikxs in tbe gift of
tho e't)titit) . i .c ;1
" t)itt•••-11-q,
the. the ...lit.) the
We leave theA.A Eases r() rti•-••:•nli 4 eratior.
of au impartl3l Ti..+ 'a , 141
those Ate have relative 4 in t nr ,
judge fer thewselve4' which pally .rit.•
county at leant 13 be , a entitled Liteit
praise and ajleport.
Speech ofiudge Woodw+rd.
The Dereocracy - of tho counties border
ing on the lower Susquehanna, rind adjoin
ing the carne, eelebratell tin Aeniveimry
nt the adoption of the Constitittion •',by a
Mass Meeting in Lancaster Cit,r. whiids is
, letcribert to us as the largest f•*er held in
'he county. The venerable E*-Ckwernor
Porter presided, and speeches !were [trade
Hon. j Glancy Jones. Hou Jorelninh
Black, Hon. Win. A. Porter, Hem"
.!lay Dean, of lowa,' and otb4re. Judge
Woodward being present in the city, ae
the guest of Mayor Sander,sor4 was called
nit, and made the following ; well-limed
Ind Rensible remarks :
• " fellow-eitisens—lt is with 'sienti
'rents of extreme satisfaction that, I am
Able to ineevyou in the county of Linea,
ter. I came here tor the purpose of ex
changing salutations with you—but, gen
tlemen, it is understood that I am, to go
through this campaign without discitssing
the political questions of the day such
was the determination of the Convention
which nominated me at Harrisburg.
Never, since I have held a judicial
.ommission, the first of which ails con•
tarred by my venerable friend whom you
lava selected to preside on this oithasion.
navel made a political speech. .f'ain one
of those who think that the judicial of should
be held-aloft above all patosan passions and
qppeals. I am not here toj nepart from
will role of my judicial life.
" But I sat not unwilling to meet mY
fellow citizens anywhere and everywhere.
and to exchange friendly salutations with
them. Nor will you lose anything by my
leaving political questions td be discussed
by the able gentlemen who will address
you—for they are more capable to enter
tain, or instruct you thsu Lam.
" If I shotild be elected your Governor.
it will then :become my duty to:diseus.
this° questions; and 1 promise you it
shall be done at the proper time with
k imat•plainness of speech. (Immense ap
&dowse.) With these few words. of ex
planation, as an 'apology, I will now retire
and give place to others."
Judge Woodward and the Foreigners.
We have not thought it worth while to
pay much attention to the" foolisli charge
of the Abolition speakera and leaders that
Judge Woodward *mem) to the
adopted citizena of the c mintry_ The very
fact that it is made in nearly all ikiitances
by men who were themselves prominent,.
during the Know Nothing agitation, of
1854 and '55, in enrts to diifrtnehise the
foreigner..and who are now auppbrting u
their c.atubdate for governor, the person
who was the very head and,front of that
wicked organization In this State, should
be evidence enough to convince every hon
est-thinking citisen of the worthlessness
of their assertions. It is the height of im
pudence, to say the least. for this class of
inconsistent politicians to be b•'gging votes
from cuticula, whom only a few years ago,
they reviled in the moat insulting and ril
lainous terms.
But, Jest our silence should be Construed
into a tacit admission that Judge Wood
ward really does endorse. the sentiments
attributed to hits, we here distinctly• and
positively deny the truth of thes'e charges.
He has never, in any manner, endeavored
to restrict 'the rights of our foieign-born
voters in a single respect. In his political
+A el lia t ions , ha, has always been joined with
that portion of the nation . who have 7
proved their friendship for the foreigner
by a long series of resistance to the vari
-uisots brought forward for their disgrace.
The quotations that are produced against
him, hare been agaiti and Again pro
nounced hy him to be forgeries from be
ginning to end, and the N.Y.ftiLe4 character
he bears for truth and honor—not yet de
nied by a single AbdlitiOn press —sitpuld
cause hie own tratimony-on tht4 subject to
be received and believed.
Tuts question in relation to the
of adopted citizens is not one that now
enters into the p ilitical disputes of the
, lay, but since it his been dragged forward
by the Abolitionists, with their usual dis
position to avoid the real issues before the
country., it 'zloty be well to see Where their
~andidate'a record starids on the subject.
N .body of veracity will deny that Gov.
Curtin wlB a rue il')OT of the glow Noth
ing order. He was not only a member,
but as we charged before, its most active
and prominent one in, Pennsylvania. and
his standing in the society made him Sec
retary of State* utickr Giv Parker. Here
are the oaths he was obliged to Swear before
he could obtain admittance into the or
der :,
VMS? tottllZZ,
"In the presence of Almighty God and
these Witnesses, I do ecilemply promise
and swear that I will never betray any of
the secrets of this society,, nor communi
cate them even to proper candidate", ex•
oept within a lawful council of the order;
that I will never permit any of the secrets
of this society to be 'written, or in any
other manner to made legible, except
for the purpose of official instruction ; that
I will not'voie, nor give my influence for
any man, far any office in the gift of the
people, unless he be an American born
citizen, in favor of Americans ruling Amer
ica, nor if he be a Roman Catholic ; that
Twill in all political matters, so far as this
order iaconoerned, cotnply with the will
of the rnaj.wity theuen it may • conflict
with my personal preference."
!•I. of my own free will and accord, in
the presence of Almighty God and these
witnesari,do solemnly and sincerely sneer
that I will not, under any circumstances,
'disclose in any manner, nor puffer it to be
done by others, if in my power to prevent
it, the name. sign. pass words, or other
socrets of this degree. except in open
Council for the purpose of instruction ;
that I will - support in all political matters,
for All political offices, members of this
order in preferenee to other persons ; that
/ will, *hen elected or appointed to any
official station conferring on me the power
to do GO. remove all roamotteas, auras or
Roxas Colima from office or place:and
that I will in no case appoint such to office
or place In gift.- lalso promiseand
swear that this, and all cuter obligations
which I bare previously taken in this or
der, shall ever be kept tbrongti life, sacred
and inviolate. All, this I promise and do•
clue as an American to sustaitAnd abide
by, without any he itation or mental res
ervation whatever, so help me dodl7
The enormity of this oath will betterbe
appreciated when It is known that Goy.
Curtin'' own father is an Irishman I Think
of the degeneracy of a son who could act
I n such a manner, and then, fellow-eiti
lens, whether of native or ;foreign birth,
tell us whether Andrew G. ;Curtin is woe.
Oks. .1; tlik.confi.l.-1,‘••••4.: p'enrle ,
of - •
Ttie uetiat Meadville 31ass Meeting.
, w.. ;: iv. , 41 , %'/ll ' laWriCt‘ ,of tesilutony to
cohrie-e us ittet the Mass ..ifeeting at Mead
ville, .4:I Thur's lay 4110 irs'elc;" mutt hive
boon ~ : ie of the most itnEnente'liail impressive
t , fenitAige4 of es, peop l e e v e r h e ld in s,
sylvatio., Thi* c muty was I largely repre
sented, by sattio of Its most patriotic and in
telligent citizens. aOl ail witla whom we have
spoken, het, e.,nrintort eviiionott to the, ate
cess of the de-uonstration. - - The main precise
abet is said to have taken i over 411hont . and
a quarter to pare * given pew. Every per.
son who W 44 R ressnt was - thee cheered and
astonished i.- Lt.- ii ondertut titru-out or the
-poople, owl t.,:tttrue I tudy -confident t h at
nothing 1,-.4 to to t'oe ai;.-sest :reads told
tyranny, eau pin nii: the suces4s of Demnert
tic pritWipk4 11l .oetober.,
,-The Cratre - ord
Democrat ;;tees a lengthy ritport or the meet
ing, front which we copy the following :
" We congratulate 'the friends of constii a
tional liberty ever7nitere'epon the popular',
demonstration made in this place on Thurs
day hat, the 17th of September. We had
anticipated a Large gathering of' the freemen
of Crawford and adjoining counties, we bad
reason to aspect indubitable proof of the
deep elated tintline of hostility that is movine
the hereres of tiitt peofde is opposition to the
illegal and tyretinial measures of the present
corrupt end Upprceeive IL ti:itatal and 'State
administrations.; use, in all candor, we eon
tees that we were not prepared to Witneis
such an itatugnse atte;;Entltge of all ages,
classes ant conditions in life .as filled our
town to overilow.n; on 'flea riiiily of last ;tees:.
What was elien and heard 'onthat Ile" oil: not
soon be fergotteu•hy tliose, who esters preeont,
Amt that Witch teas rittnfte;terl
, in Meedealo
was but i Nie.litnett of; what -.5 ts simulta
neously tr4uslaring throughout• the length
and breadth of our greet (phi Stine. Well tnay
tyrants tremble. Had thro,mi , n the people pith
the bayonet. when such .. tip - Tit Is abroad in
the land. Hut. the peop:e trill triumph, and
no power on earth can pr irrit i• tan, hate
no fears on that Fer,re
" %MC. room thly sr .t o l eepet di nt.
mate 4. - the nor of atm - rows who were
present et ul- to •.“);„; k a tan.ter about
wn';;h .1.11. C.• t.. 1, 101 -, M.L ., 1s !.o a treat dif
fer.u . N.t ~,.;,,,-.. . V..e 11.••..• 1143.1 o.!••,;.2, plaCe
t h e autui),,E•3t tr„,aV. , .Ari ell 1: to thirty
thousand; and -.lac, ;to iyi high 1 . 14 forty
thousand. this "an impr,ceiutt is that the
number [as) h, .1!:ely per loses- sit twenty
thonsani— L all ,IV3:11.1, thtire WA, enough
for all rue:Le-Li purpaos, an I several thous
and snore, perhaps, thin were Perr before
assembled in the place."
The first speech of the day wssdelivered
by Judge Church, who. had been selected to
preside. It is tl scribed' Co us es an able,
eloquent and con 'acing disaussioa of the is
sues that now conearet the-country.
"lion. W. B Heed, of Philadelphia, next
addressed the people. Mr. limed was fullqwed
by Hon. C. W. Carrigan, of the same city.
We will not attempt to give a description of
the speeches of these gentlemen. Suffice it
say, that they were all that could be expeeted.
and fully sustained the high •reputation of
the speakers. i
'r Bat, while the proceeding* to which we
have referred were piing,on at the principal
stand, severel thousand persons had coupe
gated in another place, and were 'addressed
•by Col, J K. Kerr, and-Messrs. Dodd and
NlcClelland, of Vanango county. Indeed.'
there should have been a third Stand' for
speaking, and would have been, had such an
immense. gathering lieSn' anticipated. Not
more than one half the people were privileged
to, hear the speakers : yet, the disappoint.'
meet was borne patiently, and all seemed
gratified with the proceedings of the day.
Had Messrs. Lincoln. Stanton &Co !siert in
Meadville, on the 17th of September, NBs
they would have been convinced that the
freemen of Crawford county are folly en
listed in the great struggle of saving the
country from irremediable destruction. Mr.
Lincoln may procleiat martial law, for the
purpoie of enslaving the people and retaining
power, which he has en criminally abused ;
but., with the blessing o' nod, the people will
exercise' the right of suffrage-on the second
Tuesday of October nett, under the-t olisti
tution and laws of the' sovereign and inde
pendent Commonwealth of Pennsylvania."
Meeting at Lockport.
I,4cstoßT, Sept. 19, 1893
Ast. Osisav'tat :—Tho Democracy of Lock
port and surrounding districts again assembled
to day, at the meeting house, in , Lookport, -to
di4cuss the political issues - which agitate the
country, to encourage one anothei in their la
bors for the maintainance of the ,Constitution
and restoration of the Union; and to exercise
their rtglita a 4 American citizens itsdenonno
ing evil adchinistrators. I believe if Old Abe
could Attend a few of these tninor gatherings
of the yeomanry of the country; or witness
the tremendous enthusiasm everywhere ex.
hibited at our, Grand Mass Meetings, he would
not be long in discovering the "hand - -writing
upon - the wall," while his knees would be
knocking together as did Deblnter's of old
Thousands that were led astray by a mere
catch word, but still retaining ari inherent
love for their country, are returning to their
better reason, and identifyiur themselves with
the Democracy, thinking, fitstimp, itscnsuto.
that to that political orgenisotion `ekes can
they look for the pre i servation of our liberties.
Hope, beautiful hope, is animating , millions of
faithful breasts; bet, withal, there Ls en un
derourreut of sadness when we realize that
with the best suocess of Democrasy, years,
long years, will have to pass ere weeen °hilt
eratethe evils brought upon no by demons
from pandemonitim. .
Tha audience were addressed by Dr. Wilson
and Nelson Chita, both of Edinboro, in len
gasp which had the ring 'of the true metal.
„Long may they liee;to labor for their country
and their God, May the blessings of Prod
deals° rest upon every roan who, boa moral
courage enough. to lift his 'aloe against the
spoilers of our country fame. ,
If "coming events east their shadtiws be
fore," then we 'con look for the old Keystone
to iv redeemed from Abolition thralldom this
fall by a majority of fifty thoustind. Com
mittees of two were appointed, from . Lockport
and adjoining districts, to male arrangements
for a Mass Meeting of the Democrats of the
Northern townships of Erie county and South
ern townships of Crawford county, to be held
on Saturday, tioc: 10th. The meeting will be
snnonnced by handbills. More anon.
mos.-11444'ra. 'H Rawl. & Co. shipped on
board the - splendid new bark, " Red, White
and Blue," Tuesday, the 22d inst., 647 tons
coal to Chle;ago. Whea the channel ia dredged
out, she can carry 800 tans. The " Red,
IWhite and Blue" is owned by Capt. Butler,
of &dab, and commanded by • Capt: Levi
Davis, of • We 'place.. Messrs. Rawls & Co;
are doing the largest coal and iron ore bid
:teas ever done is Brie. They keep employed
front 160 to 180 mem daily. •
John e,rse is always on hand, as usual,
'attending to outside business. . lie is happy
to say that every laboring man on the Doct
is Al good lava tinkm„ Democrat, and intends
'to rote for Jndr Woodward, the Working
man's Frientl, at the earning election.
The. lieptitateans wilt plane resent
ber this fact, that the more the? abuse Den
t;erats, the more determined they make them
to teak for the ,mumeas of their prLottiplen,
Dien may be coma or wined into oboes/
their tielft....bitt , driven seem I
.414 trie Itt . tc4is Ob• 'tr.
ERIE, PA., SAT On'AY. SEPT 1t403.
The Observer 0:1. Twenty.Ftvt l Cents.
In order that the Observer may obtain as
side a cireolationwe Possible, dating the few
weeks that yet reniale- Of the political cam
paign, we have eonohsded to eeadtit for two
month+ for twenty•ilve 'eente; : giving stsbeeri.
here the privilege of oommeneing at tiny period
between this date andthe day of eleition„ The
paper will he proMPdy dieoontin'ed at the
eiriiration of the second month, u less other
directions are given.
W trust now that tho friends o 'theca's'
will go act itoly to work, and ()niftier to place
a copy t•t• the Ottsrpeci• in the hands of each of
their neighbors. There is more ,i;) be made
br the dissereination,of true Dem ratio Jun
o:o,4 11311 by all other meani. • I I •
SAronamsartes.-÷A Court for
sqtion of foreigners will be held'
afternoon, the 29th fast.
Ozottor. W. Wueow4au.— oasts.. C. C.
Burng & Co., 800 Arolx street, P • (ladelphie,
Imre issued a series of very neat photo
grepbg of. Judge Weodwera. They are by
fill 01.1 i the best likeikesioo yet pioduedd.-
'MtV.TI,IO Al I:ollir.—The tneelng ele i Curry
hie been tied for Therelay, the it of Oeto
her. 'gngi wtil be addregieed by 11. Mims%
E,g.,ofJsestuertt.g.ti. svm Lielhrsith.
Esq.; Jame, Starsit4ll. Egg Bed others.
We espeot that e very l gr.ige tut tler 41 per.
Bead will be in atteettanod .
Emtsecriat - - Tbe well -It own iporiocl,
known as the Eqninoctial Sto • , eolumeneed
on Thuredai of hqt
,week so hued until
Monday evening. • the espeiriettee of tic
past la a criterion, wo sre now illk i elito have
ilrtitty fzir sone weather the let
of November.
. ,
Prrename', Madatott.--Wethars been fa•
v.rel. with tin a.lvatico, copy cif [lll.l elegant
Magazine for October. The terary matter
is of the choicest character, * f
m the pens of
.11iEs Virginia V. rTownsand, the . {talented
editress, rind other ladies doll gen4sioss of
equal talent, while i tbo superb
plate!, frontispieco and oth
are surpassingly fine.
Pte. The Lancaster Ing e et, asv earnest
i t
Abolition organ, his the fol wing notice of
Judge Woodward's ream V to that silty :
"The Hon Geo. , W. Wood ard, the Demo
cratic candidate for Hovers' ,- arrived here
last evening. A large Dam rof his politi
, 1 ,.
cal friends vieitetthim at l's Hotel. Be
spoke. a few wort* rotunda thanks for the
kind manner is whisk be vs* received. These
was nothing of apolitical nu re in his speeek
Judge Woodward 'is a , very mai. of eom
..manding aspect, standing weir six mist. His
face wears a pleasant smileg and barring lois
political creed, he is just what we like to see
—a lftgh-toned. honorable gtintlemin."
Tax Datrr.—The ProvonPdarshal publish•
es a Ilst, of the , examinations- made, at his
headquarters,from Septemb e ir 8d to Sept. igar,
inclusive of both days. W •foot up the fol
lowing as the-result of his loperations within
that period: Substitutes a0 -opted; ; paid
commutation, 244; exeniptid for disability,
342; exempted from other iarses, 3•64 •••tta.l
number sent to •, the general readesvous\ et.
at Pittsburg, fifi./
On Thursday; sixty-one l additicaud soldiers
were sent to Pittsburg, of Whom the most an
said to have bees conscripfc Thsy appeared
to be in the but: of spirit* sad marched uP
State street Angie; the Jo • a Brown song.
Tam 6ft OPOCT•1111 Ms Tts4.—lhe follow
ing persons have been ap • 'sited Committee
of Arrangements for the Great !Demos:ratio
Maim Convention to be het on the 4th of Oa
tober nest :
.Erie—Was. A. Galbralth t Clark Ewing. Wm.
L. Scott, 8. E. Nellie; Benjamin (haat, P. A.
Seeker. B. F. fil l oan, Jacob Thlrtyeore.idols
Mettle, M. Magill, Jas. !C. &faiths% Jotut
Ferrier,.C. M. Briggs, D. Wilt sad
Benj. Whitman. 1 -
Crisk-.Dr. A. Thaier, F. W. Koehler,
Wm Elena? and &Isamu, hayer.l
The Committee met o Mondey . evealng,
appointed their various üb•oommitteea and
transacted other` bushiest its eonaeotioa with
their duties. •
Cot. Benjamin Grant as been appointed
Chief Marshal of the aad „has saleeted
the following assistants Cot. D. S. Clark,
James Bart, B.s Campha len, Thos. Crowley
and John Farrier.
We will pabl!ah the o
List of speakers who Its
,ia ear nest issue.
Tun Mu on Omani Mansino.—One of
the most ; enthusiastica i%I pleasnitt meetings
we attended this r, was held at the
Greenwood dchool Efoohlt, on Saturday after
noon, the 19th Inst. Thp day was decidedly
uncomfortable, but notiithetandiag this fact,
the people tains(' ontit r t considerable Ram
bens. Mr. Joseph MeC ter, a Mmerible and
highly esteemed citizen f the tiwnehip, pre
sided, assisted by the number of Vice%
Presidents and Are es. The Speeches
Were made by-Wm : ' A. / health and James
C. Marshall, Esqrs., * aid the writer of this
article.. During Mr..Gelbraith'S remarks be
MIS frequently intemipted with gnestioos
from ilepnblic i atis, all if 32 ' whiohle answered
in a spirit of courtesy d frankness that ,is
much to be cime/ended. - We were pleased to
'see the charitable -spirit-41*mM by DIM.
aunts towards that of their political oppo
nent" who interrupted Mks speaker, and mild
not help oont.rasting it. with Lb* conduct ',of
ibe . Republichas on Mil, occasion of their 10th
of fleytimbet theetimg, when 'a discharged
'soldier who ventured to contradicg l ooe of the
Governor's imartions, was rudely -thrown
from tho stsind, mid amid miss of I. kaki
him," *kick hire," "Opperhead," f Ste., driven
beyond the finite of "ii crowd. 1 ,
*Saw FLl4.—Qar •re will see, by the
adveitiessasitt in smaller column, that. the
well known ; sod poplar Brans of J. 0. Bur
gess & Ca , sad Clsomits, Caughey & Co.,
have consolidated tlthir interesui, under the
DIMS of Clemons. Catlgbey & ;Burgess. Botb
of these fiIISIS 'have 61ase known for se**
Jaws sr sag our Most proinineut and re
liable busitiess men, Laid the Pint . concerti
will mimetic an stoo l capitol sod trade
seldom united one :house outside of tie
largest shim. They /loopy the old Mond '
Messrs, Clemens, Caiighey & 00. 4 which le
soon to be; enlarged by the iddillon' of the
roost atitt 'oosagiled by Messrs; Crawford &
Caughey. We are w II acqualumd with the
Messrs. B4rgese, 4 hire! no kesitat.on
is making the Redlc‘a that if, the new flea
show the lams eatmirise sat business tact
exhibited by these gdattematt; is the past, it
will soon rise to toil head *est smingike
wholesale bosses of 6.1. eisy.j
-, Mr. Meuse filsoiltioloa Is the INS .
bee of the Dessemnitii Ooasty. Committee tor
ellord, Gait Ist Ott. D. W. auteisimm, as
ler I.le I.)vviy, '•,P 11.14 c'••
crJoictl iv ibo
sr' 11... wsy; to •:J • L n
defeat the liainotrittii, p.t7.y. 'li •Tv
storo It L Li give them I';,
air Whit to, ovt nirt , •r widt
Melte They nii4l .• COMIC "
other dey
Petroleum biAs edir LA, r. .d.:31
higher price' this'll , iraci CG►n h ev..rr
• r
Cure reached.
oak. We refer liiour L ILiver
tlaemeat of Ate. .46,rinnii: pm - • , .i.• r,ca as
Tercisetnerit Leal. 1,-
for sale, 14 , will gum aater•
diatillatirm wad pariectl:,-
/fir r. 1. C4rter. Las r f•clf
harness shop is Uselspd, 1' Trii,rll
the attention (.! 1;t •-p!, , it.t . ...t• •ii.:
has isuprosed 1.1 top.
nate habits mud iutrill,,,,cu.,
o naturall
n Monday
Or We a ,tifYo by tie 1 . 15
Ljoadui ©cults IGut Es-C..yeru‘ir 1'.%c,-fr
taking an native pm in t;io Lnv in t
courtly. in favor of Wocklmin: s L
trissythat this will be >milli-ay.: in c-..;,,. I t.
the pasition of the Es-C.,verwl:.
&dr A lewd l'cions of oar , ' • •- •
that a statute or limitAti,,,n =Goall b.. •
by the. nest ltg,sieLuro t • T.ti ,
when a mau ma4c vt"i,,
D 42100 rat .r • ti a •
ptiocipleip of nu, Lime •. 1,,
4471" Tito lrs c ti
thiscOunty—tito "uly I. ti
the first p,rsqu Loku.l-3. "W , i.^.. , t•
thai township 11n reco::.••i ..i.•
teriord, and Lai been qr:nt r.. CI?
sek. rhisFriday:
conundrum contest, at
tiTtainmeut, Mkt) itf L
Persons will be pkertui!tee. to , 3”. in t Ciral
dram on Day eubject. acid 6 r.iliri!)la p;ix
'will be given tithe ILUTIIor
~ After the 2311, nil 1 - 41inite?.s% Fitr7ills
la due* yearn.' orgArtizati , JCll, vu l navv/z , is
theta one year to ecru., wiileon re-en i fink
for three years, or for the wnr, uo omitted to
a bounty of SW2, providefl for cetersu c ;Inn
eofers4 fashion
r illobtratioas
sir Ths sour. sacks ',lf Messrs
McCreary have obtained a wide qpatltion
for k ttui superiority of t:icir r..n 1
manufantnre. Millers throulhout the
Will find it to' their 'advantage t
this arm. .
sir Mr. J. D. Gunnison, or this city, lie
clines the nomination of the Democratic u'
Convention, for tnistee of tile Lrie Ac tam. )
saying that heintends supporting the Curti!,
ticket. The CJunty Corrimittee, se presume.
bits the authority to nupply,any vaeancie- , th.o
may °sour from declination or otherwise.
gel. Miss Svthieert ouo o: viii
most favorite singers of the dty, intl vl.ll,
our city with her Sorelt, Troupe, on tno 12,
of October nett, and remain t 7te_euttro tree 1i
The Pres' in every quarto , of e,,unt, , ..
has, spoken of them in exalted cereal. elp.
we etpect something beyond ordinary uteri,
Z d" The statement in this "NW -3 Gaiett•
that thit Observer "prudently otnitte:i ll,'
publication of any resolution pae,..n i ti thr
last-Democratic State Consentiou iv untrue
We published the entire aeries, in our issule,
411111 270, and the ono alluded to by the G.:l
mite appeared in its proper place. .•
We send, this week, the Astrev• to
over nineteen hut:tired persons,—er,ey
et tkeet Teri, bolts-fide, paying Futisrrf , tr ,
We tbat, pith one exerrilon, the al,-
server Ku tioti , tho largest u
any paper published in We rz I.entt sy -
um*, outside of Pittsburg. illy: utt.en...iva LI
adviitisers is oalte d i this itlet:
or The meeting. of\.• a toptt.l r".
in the Repnbliean re adie i r're•lie, oa tsar
emoting, sooordion t.) all it e•
beet an itemising Altair. We ai.a to: t td it
only adopted prt .W. , sy‘
thised with the objacts of the tue,iting, crn
the four speakers,Messrs: Grab Lro,„SlLikr
Duggan and Golden".
We would again rotnin t war bvfn
emetic friends of the importaitc:
that they are assessed ten :dip before tit
election. If this import/eat linty it neglected
until October Bd. the person el doing wit'
lose - hie tote. r.`: Englehart is nutes , or
Übe East Ward, and Thornnl stewart iu the
West Ward.
The Crawford ,Aura t —oho 61 I Orgli
of Republicsoistu et Meadirdlle—aloatts tit t,
the number present at the .great Democratic
meeting is that place, "would prob thly react.
11 1 ,000." The editor of the Journal i seriottaly
disgruntled at the affair, and elislies around
at the speakers, the yooplit, tits proces..ion,
and WWI person end thin; connected wits
Oman:Wing, la &decidedly comical way.
Sr On Thursday of last week,,a Democrat
and Republican were disputing •ip the morn-
Lai oars, -on the Phila. & Eric It. It., tl,
omits of their respective candidate;.
the ItepublictiMPlOpOied . to talc a vot.:, t tt^
pessengere on the train, wit bit Was done, wit::
the following result; Woodward, : Cur.
Jit. 1 •
of procession had
aseepted invitatisSui
p Wm. Benson, Esq., Chairman of th.•
Republican Co. Convention:: auncuncori u
varies of meetings throughout the count.
commencing in Greenfield, on the '2.-Ith inst.
and ending in North &tat, on the 12th o
October. The Republicans, Iron, r.ll appear
ances, intend to prosvcute q vigorouo cam
paign from this until the day ofelection, anc
we do not baliive the - Democrats, notwith
media l g;the many dieadiantages they label
under, will allow themselves to fell fsr be-
Lind them.
91116, When a thing does not suit you, thinit
of some pleasant (lushly is it. There is no
thing so bad as it en.ght be Whepover you
oatelajenrself in a fault-ficlifig remarl;, ray
some approving one the same breath, aut yot
will soon be Cored.—Dupatili.
What o pity that our uet . githce e.u,tltl
practice that which he prey itra. One would
think, from the at t naive artieles which till his
colas:ins -nab week, that tke Wits e nured :to
warde.ererybedy and evernliiug. We Itnow
of ao peison .to whom the good ndvicu c
be given with more propriefy,,.. Whenever
7 . 04 club .yettraelr in a dealtf•fluding remark,
write some approving one in the same breath,
nation will soon be cured!' •
ma,„ We learn that it is' proposed to extenu
a eltalleuge to the leading Peznocratic epeakert.
its Brie County to appear beiore the peupto at
inch places as may be deemed moat destrahl,
nit the purpose.aind disousa 'the issues in cols
it 4 in die October election. ides, (WU
tfUllt theater will be promptly accepted.—
we heartily endorse the above as *.a, capiusl
ides," awl hope. that the .I.tepublicaurs will
adopt it at their 'earliest °peon Utlay. It is n
ss* OM we eauseted - et the o peuiue of ale
9rweesse, wed would Lentil Teri! utudia to tiecreaat ;
the lituinuott
.party oppositiou, as well 34
to teaks the members of oath party better no'
tineinten with the viewa of the utber.
Dosioorato of lAtie county, wo assure our
eidghbor 4 1411 shrink front no . ttlecust4o,4 3 l
"he WIN / 11 " 1 ". 4 14 444 Oot q action."
Brief Paragraphs.
.1" •
Tii• t u v .
:1 , 1 1 tiA,i y jri
, fig rel NieL,.
e me liar in cno ixiAny en.
41 : 11 p1101,
t! tr1:14: 1 . 1)"en atiaehed
• , ;1 :'7l
r rC L „-i.
.!•• ~;
,s:er. v
ti ,t• rt,t,n4 ;X rliP 1
Llapateh (net
oit v ticket are really my
:..r . nli , i threaten+, and fel.
~ 1,-; reL,aliarly its own, and
i .. '
tic but the pereou who 4.
• -,4i5•1, i,•,e the sake of our
ct-r, and that of the (rater.
r :
v., i i I :14.-1.,.. , Lint. tin Inlg4 be more atri.
~,,,,,.,,. ~„„i ~u,;;,,f.•1 ~ w11,,t 1 , 1 writes; but
,7 0 ',i"j3,..; %), , -,,., re up all hope 1 1119 reform*,
tor:. ',i , ! , :,:-leztri t') 12c 1, aq nil chance of
~,,, : „ ,„-e x, -,a, aryl only jumps tram one step
•‘a tli• l;t•olssr of i•ary malignity , an , l vice:
!.) aitoiliO
. i.iiii lOwer. 4
. _ :r,, ,uipeclot!. , ,o) a ;he ttuintrQui
1 .
,` i 1:0•ACK, ' 1, • LH , Gaze/t2, 11 the effect Val
Trte vor
•in •C
Je,:..!, , •rvs' i ; u4ing moan; in thin county-.
:ibttt - .1 as they wore—wareinteculei
, 0 ‘,llz.l::ar deign of the Oppo.
u‘.1.1 supp )4,1
4 ;71 xacney Las be.r.
r, , L •. in co,l,..itletation ,;icir
pp, r• . 41'1 ), ); C ~ . 11e•_.• • t•J COIT 1:0'..4/1•
w,:e!:. There „
-t crime, and we hqlte,
,r -(etctly ar.ioreed.
4 * tr
r - Yeadlte bills. lie English and German,
.• I 71'1 rcasnnqble terms it this came
,t IT,' i
l;: Entr.At : I hutipeneci to bo one of the
eu li-n,..2 It
lii b:r Creek, on fisturdey, Atli
wo,- welt p'e ted. with the spirit shown by the
uom , crate II tkle . romoloollog pre.
vti s in All pia Qf the s:tste, I cannot doubt
that oat. ',aro :yid able candidate, Judo
loodward, nil bo the next Governor a
I coal 1 not hip noticing one thing, eapr
!, which is eserving of wider attention,
refer tJ.tne quelptions put to Mr. Galbraith
!3y beCend itepu,blicans present. At leant
if-tt 'lea times he was interrupted, and you
wilt agree with 'rite, that the ,respectfal way
la which• both i t :naker and audience trend
their political opponents is vastly' to their
:redit. Woo that kaows the extent of rb4•
auviice, doubts that had Demoortu
Interrupted a Ltepab icau speaker, at one of
heir incetinc,,, in the same way, he would
it tie boon made .to suffer severely forlii
I happen to have beett4 witness of the sue
r,.ferred to by you, in your remarks, and
coiaez , ,tdoatrably in point cm this star
je ce, While Cr Iv. Curtin ; was speaking, ot
tin 1)• a u: September, a man 1 , 2 soldier
laierruptel hi:a with a remark. He
ouc4 pushed off the stand, and cub . u.; curses, kickel and driven eut.ide of
r;i•vr•crdl ca vie inquiry, nail found tan
tei 3 eiwun i, Ca.ria4 Lava, of your city. lie
Curie mouths' regiment of Co'
11,31.5 a , af:erSivartif, tiii ilivoh.i.rgv , i
p 1t •,0 a c Last.7l, is tae gl,egie,ar army in Vu
:iaia n G)7. C',l4 was reviewing the
i;:111LIGil, V 4 s he lett off his boric
t A roil - 1.13.c1e9 wi the iirst to ari%
thift'a c tndid 'mica will agree with me
t p 7 wiitcu ttitpt treats a retail:lel
hot% entitled. to the name of
Sr•oNtaa t."
[From the liisrn.hrilltticit.l
.1 Soldier's Letter about "the Soldiers'
Frleal' , ..Voters, Read:
The 131 ,‘ „fin ar from one of oar brve
o ~ya in the army cf•the Poto
te. tae feeling Among our volt:Weil
' , oat t.3ertite4 ct.iim to be ell!ed "Me/oldies'
'rend." Thu writar of this letter sena
Itreutat all tat: 'c.Ltapaigns of MoClel-
in uu the aul has eharel is
v,:ry•niti.:o of importance eine° Re bon
•.:e irkS of tviki,iruitud, received stirred,
17t4.C1 ho will cariy,Lo big grsys
tc ,•, nevertheless, what, ttie Aboditloi trait ,
, es, is'ao_ aro Luo cowardly to turn out, csil s
Tape: head." and is imperilling his life's'
tie piattis of Vir;inta muter the flag of his
these pugiUsaimous wretched ,
un I,:r the suotter of 13.0013 i which his am
t 5 ILC:p01 0) keep secure, awe reviling his
•.G.l Lli.,...grett party to which he belonpu
disloyal." We give -hie letter, whioh it id
dressed to his ,mother, verbatim:
4fj Do it .Votaier: ; received John's lett,
eat-week, and wts glad to hear that you tn ,
ti :o well. I have no reason to complsil,
tithallgtl tun d &alp weyther reminds me every
aud than ta tt that rebel. bullet is stW
burial is my shoulder.. The doctor thigh
hit w.,th e it will n•-t trouble me mud.
roil John that I am
,so glad to hear that its
tieraJer p try is gotug to win this NI
to t , I j,1,11 - Qcl like ea,ceritig ;'that is - ttureg
ai our boys tees, Wo are biok. 'Sad tired cl
nearing .snout 'the nigger,' and wo want It
ace the .Ibolitiontst put down to Bis level ire
stet/ et having him pot L.? to ours. Ali c
yo vivuld rote for Woodward if they eauil
chaui:o. 1.1.1,:y do , hate Andy Curti:
with all their might. The other day an ..03.
(I,iott tract mail brought Curtin's pi,lture
oti camp anti gr-ve c.apieis out fur noth4
dot t. Lao woo wouldn't have them eves s:
hat price, but , ours vi us took theta just foe
au. :....omoboly stuck one up on a tree, amt
orrote •Tt Soldiers' Ftlend' over i:. Toe;
une tide • •mv teg tetis me how much of
trieod he t 5. I haven't walked right since
rut the rheumatism _tinder one of Gis roue
Ant.ttier said :"*Vie had the VA
over eiuoo the rain washed the :shoddy a
oral that, ue gave me of my. beak.' Aaoair
wit' of oboes erica paaco•board soles which bo
had gat from •cbe soldiers' friend.' Alto.l4'
her, you naver neard a rogue get sucn I
.;• , od ruuud scoring as Curtin did, and I nisi
~e uua stt hto , I,lLltractcirs could hare hurl
11. bola then amuse.' theuinolvts throv,
•a . ; quttis of tottscoo at the piocurc, and. t_ i
.ore tsu wee;'clittly's !Ace Ifai 6 130 7
ittti t..c. wore populor color of :.sYor: 3
wo could .vot. home. to nit_
but tear euy th.ti-- - taobatly trat'
,iLeft: Wld and that theli:"
loud ca - cowl Lennie rankeen to carrjid2:
l'ounsylvonia °Walton:, Tell John 10 or , ,
try Ins rigricts cud voto`for Woodwanl
atetubor tut: to all intituriug frieuds. I u 0•
zcop, fur dna wait wilt noon 80.
• 6 Your thiciful son, ---•
DECtDZOLY 1;001..+In hie recent I P °
at Erie, Audrey .0. f.lartitt mat: ussofits,
iunJU 'go: . placed before Ott , peoP llll
;Pennsylvania for their mar 'gee at the MOP '
'box; it is their chthea, nut may, nor is
ur:zi seeking "
th.u.d.'tLy` coot. la the face et ti l ,
plant zubge:titin, of the Preis La postpoli
can ter Lou patent— in 'opposition to aloe
tte - t ciad leaignatit votest of the Ilitsbut
G.rerete. Joint Cereal:, Uoi. V. I.3WitriCe.f,
.‘leKt'lnian , Alt:Sander Carnwitig .,
htindiuds °I others is his party—he' / T:i,
taiuseli upon the Abohtio a CouventiOD, a."
tioiniuutieu by One oh dal
• 1 11111111:1c51 lel:rigues the% v. as ever perpetril,•
bra "'ourry politician." New Sss`;,
et:ranker; zoolgtrt that the nunsinaiion: o4:
net of /ill owtt net..king . .." but was .
choice' of the peepie I Toe man who atitl,t s .: •
443 cleceire the puuple by such specious. trill'
try is not to be eutrasted with thttat
of a great Coaruoawialtb.—Plsile. .44
p. l IP..
• .• • ‘IIV4 11 , 3 t fitted o ur ,
from gunboat
j gt.: gat condiat at th e
ce:ilr Vrai prOMOtt4
••• <.2.ocativo farmer of the
A contrast.
uwrit rAST, Sept. 22, 1868