I Aa-pRIE OBSERVER. SIiEET, irprroArn: -nFFICK, Va. PRNXA.: pnbscrlbera, if pst.i in Rdvancs t7-fivts26.-41.314 nt" nrvr f 44, ow: ' o r )3.lrer rERSIS ADVE.:IITISEN.. Twelsle Ittracr tutFe atr.eaetrewit.s T.S oiralrr rannth• -I tin kr.)1 , 4)119 •° , t/ t • J0..6 73 1 , 0 , 1 0. re • !Ott, thanlPablp 1.101..urP, $lO. a9ntila. V; 6 6,66 t : 5 ., 4, 1 t , urt ,--3; .lama", 0.111411* --ore mouthi; tha4 l3 °' )13..) I:llainer.2 Mrpctily et 1.3 per allowiti I.)r a g;aril...rr r pr.. end under and BdttoTlil n'OliCeg, centa a ant ; hat no bronserted Annul the. apertal Notioes than oda dont:, "l A A, and 'Altera roquiziug iragoent thati4as aSeenti4nientik ...Mb* allowed ten. .quareN paper, f j r 'la. For addttlo94l tbo charge& .p o rt,ia, and thillv.r.tvelnonts (anti hr,.trtrtly tholtrObnatabbalutora I,f Ow aticartlier. rar t ma airmtadwartiassoadta rpqrarod advance 'early adr.ertbdog will be. ppotent•.l oommttnln should he alnessed %WI:11 711 CW .1.7. 1 i 1111E131T. P.lMisbers. JA PI 1. 11nicur Cava USINESS DIRECTORY. it imams nr TI lt PlC.ci , 9 , : 00d rayra. Blink, French .`tr.ort, Mlw..n Ftf'b and inn.r.ls 3:32 Ella 41,011XICT AND COMD/11,,L0R A? LAW, resumed the practice of big prutewriuri i be forrad at kle old (dike, no Fru& cable? of rablla Square. July 6, 'el. Hiatt etitly, •t) alb-, HULL., i PROPRIETOR. MORRISON HOUSE. of II•eoaf sad Mu* Street—one equiire ealq of txchaage. Warm. F*. Sept. CUL IC, Boot MAIM, BLA.,tz Boaz iie..9t7ACTCW, :4 C d %tory of Rinderoccht's Block, Erie, Pe. IN C. VIVILY4OI4, ATTOMMT h I7otmea.am AT LAW, Erie Suite Street, new the t.ort. in the American o d oony of the 1411 ding, occupted by F.* tt ~r. Fie will alwaSe be Nand In his calm, and punctually attended to. , KUM U. CCTLKB• AIWTORIXTAT LAW, Gin 1, Erie Comity odious and otkoor Widow attoodod to yralt too and diorpotch. 86'01110.01 & VU.. Witsnuela Dzu.ass GLOCREIZA' AND NA, Mtge Street, go. 7 Bonnoll Block. • ...417011111“ La moored to i„ly r gwild of Stato Strst, on tta. north gide piths rfir ra, • • DOW ' NEVII. ATTOILSIT AT L•M AND JCSTICE Or TIM W Ali prsetice ift/aid n the eareral Co lute of Or County, prorOt and, attention to all Onslneee au to bin Dande r fdtbar as an Attorney or linfetrate. Odtee to Imp* Plc.*, corner of State and Mt. Pa. - sANlNigte c 0.., asst Ass tit Gott, Siltsr, Bail Notes, • km of Defiritkity, sirebanire ott the prig :Litssiisataattty OF sale. Ofilestitid , 9 Reed Room, svikria.rso: • - I. iesTiiv. t7luant Cloeke, blue Jew. leer 3poona, Bated Ware, Looking (Gum, Gilt u p, Cutlery and. fancy Goode, raregen Betiding, cu Wait Pa& near ?men et . A. ATTORSIS7 AT LAW—Office on eth 'tree% oppoalp. the Court House, Erie, DIAIIILL, Livrtisf, office lu itotru-' Block, uurth gide of the kart, Erie, Pa. 3PE:WV:4 .-A SEL(46:4 MARV'S. SPENCER 'k .1M A RVIN Sc COUNSEL LARS AT LAW Paragon Block, near North ,it Coin., o f the ht he :quart, hD 11UUsE, FaLax, GCII.I/,,MOrrietOr 111110%. of till/ Flume &Lail have every attatittun, to 'Aar 'lay agreeable. UranttA.,. to it i , rota all rll6-4S. Joni /3.1.4DT, rropr . :etor. Cornet u an, thud :streets, (lonakethel) uontlog the Cap araat.urg,l'a Trews reanoriable,xecutonaoctttuti , b, tn the at), tin , l Itnr a,. a •! the eLok, a iNyor. 1 EfiI3ICAKEU, W/ZOLILISALL' 1....1) tirTAIL LaJJAIk IX .r 6 alltl PrCnitlipmas Flour and I. sett, WOOL! Bun WI" Wise. Liguori, Tobacco. F agars, t,,e., State ace cloo&Sonth of Fourth, East sid., Ent. Pa. /-432. / • ' -1 CA ittioNwit. co., grans KIS min DEAT.k.uv in Gib! r"... Ylll Creek. E.O . P. 11b111.04,1, --Ainonszt.in and Dealer la titstionery, liegeranurt, Newnttpere.dee. Country dealer Stare - 424M Broun4 tiotelgranttug the Park. CAW, IlUTlIbt =- i Cornet wild and /dirket eta., tlarrisb erg, l'a. old bad well known hoe* is now htted tip le th. improwsdetyte. The litetoinmodatiens are et the erilsr sztd the tenses reasonable. Ma situated le the ?alight:4n part er the city, and affords own of the • Ust, °Writ blues in the counts.). to,blV:tr. areal um'. Ms A; AITOR.V/ITS AT LAW. Cbretant j Feb. 15-07:b2 *. • A. L. S&LS errs ag sun!, OEMSsat--0,91es to douth ;-' - Bon, Ida Pa - All Tort warns- A ' J ELLIOTT. [marl6tl.3 0. L. E.'LL.crer RYER 40N§14 J. U... 21712., Warm,WartsCu" Ps 81 .121101506; sift 7 '62 1 . 16144 WA iiif Sic ftleUrteliantan annuassou lisiumuirs, .• • /11114 life opacity. Yob., b y Atlantic & 6 IV K. Nair* to ow, Salt, iron, Crude and keened Petro all MAO of ' , hipping dope on Ccuauuseluu. uttf. . •P. alitialin, . - 1 Norma l'outac An esstr.w. Cot.tiortio ISIICIAZOI ASSIT: Colloottoom sad oft busimmis in %obis promptly afAr.rtlool to. Apptutotions tor • oolloitod, aad Volkies lamed wttooot dotty, In tialotoivoydow owe., Wright's slot* comer of sott Mite otrootoAtio. Po. tiorMiltL w. wiernewis, AMUR AT LA.. in walks'. Of. ao Strok7k !Iran, gel% 1%. sus 7'0% go. - - Win" Ilifittesalack, North able of the NA:6 Igdp..!* • *011'63 U. 1 vAairiir. uorKL, ' !Noah street, between 4th &earth striots, 20 1111.1adelplitsla Sri, Itaaroad !Asper, rare, Pa.,' lkommgeriZprirter. antenitre acco wskoda tar thaaiera travelers. hoard by the day or toad slabUnic attached. apegisstf. 1.14.421 illirtg.tek 7, 100Mail.) , "Xbove , Bazars Sao?, atite atceet, nearly te thorPeeteit•ee. Beer Melee* ettwebed, where gentleman tan .. Ne - wituoirt being annoyed by disorderly • i4XXILL,d!< BWlTHtitt~ • - PASIIIOSAAILA TAILORS end ra for Mai Jr Irsyser's Petra% 4 •eleg tiooterwe • belt to sae State Street, between so &on 9th Sta, h. Cloches made le elder to the tweet style. .7 1 113.1.• Olirf C. SEXISM. - - .1.111.114111 t ti MIT 00011:01,, GILOCIZII4I4 tan/Irak aha. Win, Sec a. Plaster, cc., cur et Alith Parfet actrabfic SquAre, Mrin, WALKER' a - co.. • . Ir • POIVAIDIIIO k CONIIIHAION 111111.C24.214 k* Re" Adak. Dock. LuA of State Stmt. Op Van HOU* At NW Road Crawl!. Erie. Pa. Dollen •tm, ILL, Floar, P oder, Watot ke. B. --Cass : as to mod from Cana Ware tbtoisl kirt6ll-43- 1 L'ICLAIII &visa+, . (3sconsort. Stesasrl 4 Stotdair,) - 10Ltati.il MID BartAi&-Dagraater, Wright's Block, 4 . Street, Eris, N. Maier in Pants, 0116, Custphaste, 9•gtalk Glam. a•mstyr in a.ul. It rushes:he I Da.6t.t.,,k,avvAßTEir. 114.1117AC7CRIEll ',Mks% Earinea,Bcalera, implanantr. Railroad Cara, he nowt. Get Year Money Bit* ! la 4.1 r t eoll.olthlin BOOT & SHOE STOBB, qategtm.si, Nearly Oppualts 0. Pont Oak,. • Uft3l 0 A L d. tindt *ad ' , Due Dealer, r miegitally Wort), tho• YubLe that he 411 ft:1,91,4/k 440 is tbetitoroltwm• wee, overi) o Xl pumite the Pc.t pI Crtibis ikud ettet.tut ra lm a via 6_1 13 . flew atteptlea given to REPAIRLYQ. t wine irorteriett, and oruperialauding 611 111/ 1191110.14 it If.he betievei tie ens give se pat Pattsfutiou a t ~,,i„,„ pule any ether lorrun to 01, eoy• 640. Pit. urinted. spr2sl3U. fIUNFITIONARIES. - inukTgia, Notio2a und FrinC? GL , oar, lisoiredsat mylG—lm. B. 1c B. ORANGIN, LEMONS. pi_ . ta, Prunes, laws, Currants, Ralol2.a 4 r.meeir la mars sag forAssie by 1 41 6 4,...„. • ... USER h HURGES.4. BENER & lIVEGESS Ait'salliag Candies rat every ilwziptio. axad Ctimaks Fern and COCO& I Medi Oammiels, sad all flee Confluence. arbf•ba. • ONE.DOLLAI AND A-HALF rEit YEAR, Ir . PAID IN ADVANCE, VOLUME 34 NE W GOODS! It ! .s. MORRISON'S. EMBRACING ALI. THE LATE 1TY1.X.4 tar DRESS GOODS. CLOAKS, SHAWLS, `GLOVES AND HOSIERY. ALSO, A LARGt. STOCK OF APLE AND DOMESTIC 'GOODS ! \ LT TO R TIME TO ETTI GOODS: GOOD STYLES, GOOD. BARGAINS, - , 1. S. MORRISON'S. may-I'O3V. A PACT GENERALLY KNOWN, THAT th , a variety of new style Bed stela., of Onthic, Cottage, Canvass, Bound Cor ner, Camp Sots, Jenny Lind and other patterns, with serpentine sod straltPoint, handsomely veneered Bur sera, !retention, Bluing, Breakfast, Centre sod other Tablet, Whatnots, Quaker Stands, Carpet and .actutak f r our4rw, Sofa Beds, Hair and: ea Gran Nattravies, Feattkr lied. and Bolsters with o. her nomorbold furniture, 2, rli manor:en:red from well .neasoned lumber. and ,poclihy materials; by expe-lanced workman and not hp nr.p.a , ntioe lads. For style, quality toad low Woes 1 will &Ty toren two-price dealers to undersell me. Feather- , bou,r:4. and acid. Cans seat. Parlor. Bedroom, Rocitt.r. Nurse and other Chairs, of Keats& and Western Taman facture, are hickory dolled and glued; making them as strong as coy other part of the chatr, where others made and Fold aro only col-d, and by no nora..a durable. Wood Windsor, Zincking, Sewing and Nurse, are chairs of barn wood rounds clinched through the seat and slued. war_ ranted to stand. Handsomely painted, and can't Ca Gm ten for streogth, price and Knish. Spting Beds. 1 Itmte sold neat Wu and have the highest tentlmonLsls list of prices of all ;ends sett on application. I'm Ling and shipping free. . Atter live years experience and• eontendlng 1-ith ^- prineipeled two price &this, I ant determined to 1 , 11 one price to all, pre worth for your par, and do Ju , ti,m to all who tr.de with me. fltng 'eg, Lire :.".te.k, CI Oil, more - Pay, Prodneat taken ;:t4,,a! 1.1 r al. Penaember the flare, coszt cot on State, Rrtr, l'a. W. W. 3fannket'r and Cotoam WIIOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERY STORE, P. A. DEOIKEIi, WHOLESALE .AND RETAIL GROCER, Nort/s-Eat Comer o/ tic Park 4 FrescA Stroll. • (aarArspg,) W”uld rrbpretfully cail the attention of the eoraliontty to bin largo ;qua of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which he is devrogre toss:2 &tthe VERY LOW WA` POVIII3LII PRICES: Ilia ssisortrcent of ' t. SI:GAAS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS. • TOBACCOS, FISH, &C., Ic not sorp.aed to the tity, as he a prepared to prove to all who wee him • &W. He also keeps eonstantly on hand a impeder lot 04 PURE LIQUORS, for the aholesale trade, to which he direct' th.itteetion of the publte . - —.— , ' Mu motto is, "Quick &alas, Small Prodta and a rail Equivalent for the Morley." aprli!&;tl'. .1.088. I= BUFFALO & ERIE R. R. QiisataiillNElPM64, l 4lls IN and alter onday, April 2Ut4, Psuisemger Wilt run on Mb; Road , follow': LEAVING ERIE. el 0) AMall and Accost., storpteg at Burnt,' Creak Nora' List Stara Li no, ktu Lary, W coil! el LI, Poilland„ Brixton, Dunkirk, Silveterva., Irving and Angola, "driving at Buffalo, at 0 U.A. 11. 00 P. IL, Day dayress, stopping at North Ent. l irPsi field, Dunkirk, Purer Creek, and Angola, and arriving at Buffalo at E. 10 F. 11.- 7 13 1%.11.. C'scisraati Jayrest, stopping at Wagged, Dunkirk and dam Creek, and arrives ut Baguio ' at 10 /0 f% I CO A AI., Med egress, storping &t Wesitiel. l Dan.lark and Creek, antres I Haltalpst 4 ta A.lll. , The, Day Express connects at Dunkirk and Buffalo. & the Night Express at Buffalo only,.. s wiiii.Expreas trains for New York, Phliadat phis, Boston. Le. LEAVING BUFFALO. ' 4 20 A. M., MEM 4r ileest., stopping at dam_ burgh, Nadi Elrana. Angola, Iroing,Bllver teak, D un kirk, Brae,. too, Portland, Wasubild, Quincy, Stabs LOA, North East and t arbor Creek, arriving at trio at S 1/ P. V. 6 30 A. M., 7114ds foss, stoppLog at Sliver Creak, Dankist, Weetilani sod North /44 arrives at - Arta at 10 0.5 A. B. 9 35 A. IL, Day Express, rtoppitit at Angola, Milrer Creek, Dunkirk, Weetlela aralliOrth irnstorriring at Brie at 1 V, P. M. • 10 10 P M, Might Copeas. stopping at Wm Croa k, Dunkirk and Westfield, arriving at Vim at 3 20 A. B. Railroad tiros is ten adnntes tutor than Vie Nis,. • April 2.5, 1643 It. N. 111101111,;.Supt. Cleveland an Erie 'Railroad Q*ll4lPliiNNO. ON and after Monday, April 20112, 1863, and until Luther swims, r sattengsi Tr.t.uit w 11 nil es follows, vie: LEAVE CiiEVELAND. 945 P. L Night Ezprete Teals stops al Yalneevi Ashtabsdaaad Girard, oat,, and arrives at Erie at 103 P y. 4tor.u., Lail and Aceamoodatice Train, 'Moat atl smiles*, arid arrives at Erie at 26 P. M. - 400 P. 111 Clheintiati Exprtes, stops at Painesville, Ashttiesta and Girard, urines at Extent 7 (14 P. u.- 10 oo 4'. 11.. Day Express, stops at Willoughby, Paines ville. Geneva, Asbtabiala, Coaltettnt end Girard, ar spree at Erie at 1 a P.M. LEAVJ ERI.4 1 15 A. Y. Night ExpreseTrain stops 13 Girard. AA, „beta and Painesville oath, and sr:Oust Clowned 446. A. le 6 60 A if., Gail and Accommodation Train. stoppdatst, all the *tattoos and assists at Cleveland at 9 54 A. X. \ 0 64 A. 11., Toledo Es preee, stopping at CU stations ii apt haratortlle, taaytcook. Üblouville. Perry, Yea. for and d' assivesat Cleveland 1 do P. U. 1 23 Day t:zprees. stop at G Vast!. Conceant. Ashtabula , and Painesville. arrives at Cleveland atri. 64 P-A 11 the through train, goiag Wratieurd i maim(' Oleveland with trains for Toledo, Chicago, Cohunbus,Cin soanad.lndianapolbs, ta. to. 111 the througn trains going Eastward,conneel at Due kirk with the trains of tee ?A. Y A Erie Railroad: mid at - Halide with the K. Y. Central and illutfato and N. Y. City Railroads, for New York, Albany. Boston, Niagata &c., Rs. B. NOTTINGRA Bawl. ateadest. , Cleveland. April 20, Mrs • • olio', to be fed 400 r 'Oath of tam 7 et MANHOOD; 'ialift"Hoiv Lod I lbw Restored 1 Jut Pub Hatted. is a Sewed Envelope. Mee 0 Guts, re 'LECTURE on the Nature. Treatment and Radical 'IN Core of Sperrestorrboes 'or Semlnat Streetcars', .pat baf4itty.. ervouseen sa dinvoinfthary gullesi• rte. indexing ru3potonty„ Consumption and !lentil and ray. e ke Debility, by it.olPr ClLVlffleWitf.L, K. D. The nnportant liict that the awful criaegueuas of 'Self Abut, may be effectually ramered without istertPt medicines or the dauxer7es applirattno of mune* l& atracorptaon dirated tccali,c, and ether erairtmeal de. eleerv4a here clearly demonstrate...and 'he eettrely new. anilphighlv ancensfu . treatment tatepteel by the eelt brated author, folly explained, by which am; one fir eeab'ed to earn htsell'llf Perfraldr, *Ad at the Itmat.pred- We cost, thereby avoiding all the advanced boatranaa_of the day. Thia lecture will prom, a boon to Unman& awl thomunds. sent ander ss. in a plain enrolees., to arm address; of: the receipt 05 leX costa, or tom jeretaige mama . EA.:, drentior. _ Da. CH ad.. 1.13, feble63-17 14 Bowery, Nem Tyra, t`oet Otiose flax, 4544. • 1862. SPIZ/NG; ERIE BONNET. STORE: : ' (Lora Model 'Nava st ore "—' - _E._ H. . s- M T-H WHOLESALE- AND - RETtlitlifdita9SAN MILLINERY GOODS. cr Mattson sappliwl with Oools st Now York Priam Portioskr ott•htiva pal to Ithoctstag sad Droaslag *non. Matt 11.0# 5k41411601 at aryiet. ••. • . „ .e. • . . ?......--; ~. ~.... ~._ 2. . . r• ....,- ..- 1.4 E . ...,...,,,........ ~.. ..........,.....,4.....................:,,„....,, i •.,..:. •...„..,4,:..,...,., , T ~ ....... . j , _ E . , .... , ~....... • . , . NOW OPEN' Al CLOTHS, NOW TR IF T(b WANT TO fixrb AND GET GO TO .11.13438. ~(;L•'\TS Fun THE 0111.4111tVER. The rollowlng gentJetnen hare hewn arrested as our A gnan In the places whet', they reside. EetwooldenirMlE to tend anbes!dptiont or Job Work, or to remit money to ms. can do•it through their hand, J. Sullivan. / _ Capt. A. Pomeroy, W. C. white, t . ' Watereard, Jos. Waldron. t '''' • M. Saioy Edinboro. V. Sabana a: tiro., - - Mill Crest. S 1., Potter .... '. Wealeyeills. Cant. P. Willard t ilatbor Creek .I.IL Pino,-........ ... • .t. . 6reonClidd. J. Smith...-. .._East Grimm. , . I.3roan Roblown, ( • ...tratteinut, a. l, Rouvo. John boot am.. ............ -.- --Epithelia XMU Rape Potter ' •- .. -.- ...- wart tiptingtied Hatib B *man, Platy& Jao.b U Coffaut; E. W. Derrien, Klngevilkkbato. tics. D. W. Hutchinson Gime. Amos Stone, t. Fairview. ' Nelson Saw iv,..... .. r.. . ..... —....Cherry Bill. P. G. etranahtn, . i • /an. D: Phlllimi, 5 --- - Union F. R, Berm wee, Catmints. J. L. Murphy; • Warren. N. Judi:son,. ...... Balsa& J. G. litirliiigloun, -S R =tbarg. Dr. A. H Eby,.... .., Jas. Cro eel!, Lovell'. T. D Cholla, McKean. rapt. G. J. Whitney, Yeaarrrille. Amos Heath. / Cori).- WC. Batley, 5 J. V, Royer, ~,.1...e Bant. D. D. Donaldson,. - U ric( Croak. H. W. Howard, J. C' etmplo,; li=iy .' ntk...,,Pa,.. Robert Jackeon. .......... ...... ...._Lavager, < Warren Co., Pa, Slr.ll/(4 GOV•ti ISIVEtC4 lIIA3IIiOND, By orochn g Calomel And destructive minerals from ti , e luppla tab'e.• has conferred' a blowing on one nick soldier. Lei him not Mop linre. Let him order the discontinuance or" Bleed,tl; • and the use of BRAND• REM' S PILLS In the place *erect. — Then will coal. mecce a "new ore In the prittice of Medicine, which !could linen teconse emphaticalli THE 111:A LING ART. could t.t. ,nr;..l by mercury or tartar eauitLe- That the butnta body roWd only lg. •made or bole" by - "atiretabl• .I . oo4"—Antatal fond being, In kat, enadaasaa vtatetahhti. illtAl 4 lllll,ESH'3 PILLS nbould be in every Military Hoe pita!: Tbese Pills cure BILIOUS DI/MIMOSA, ORRON• IC 1)1AR/1E10F:it, CHF!ONITDYSENTICRY, mitt 4 . 01 Yi •era and Affections of the Bowels, sooner and more purr I y than any medicine in the world. BlitAlsrlitAlTl'S in these ra i ser ah onld bs taken night and mongol". Tie d Dirtctionenid pt dew style CASK Or ROSOOIR Y. WATSON. Dr. B. Ilrfuwl,n4J4 tint rack : Stu :-1 its a private in'eo l'ith Itastatirat; Itkw York Vols. *the at tlarrtsou'e Luang and •01.11 t• ktappaasattoek weir Falaratith, I =damn, at go tow luny were Fitt with billow dtarcheca. The Aria; Sur Rena did rot ears us, and t was reduced to skid andboae. Amon; the Col:mostly were quite a smut*, et aserabeas who had worked layout Lsberstaryal Shtittlex.. Thin were pot sick, beessamethey used araudreth'e PHIS Thaw men Perlatied ups me and others is use the MU. and CO were all cured to from two to Bev days. - Altft this oar boys used Srandreth'e hue Or tb•-•typhas fere; col th ds. rturtitustkai, and in , no rasa did they tai to ratan lissi nuns ysit.od street mum. Out of gratitude to yr u to; my good health./ send yen tbielettsr, stile' if deco:wary Otis entire Company would iigu. I 1111. rispestfully, yours, Host OE E voATSONTSIog_Sinfi, N. 3 - • Priuripsl (16180,1g4 011111L1 Street, New York, I sola by Dr L. brso.lo, Ol Ma, sod by all respestebts dea lare lit triei..e. jyls-11‘. • LT 0 "OA KalfilAIKON. delightful article for pretends, sled b.outiii log the his bur is again put nis tql4te ottliglo nal prop:lo4r, and is no e with the tame ears, skill and attention, which orst c led Its Immense 14 no. , precede utt.tl ute+t eve. one mi en !Wittig' antimony i'lC is stili sold at 25 oeuta In large hot Two bot tle* cin .aeily be Sold in EL, year when gait Inters titaC the ILI' sthairdn ie not only the most • ittrut hair dressing lu the World, but that It cleanses t • • imalp of ecurl anti dandruff, gives the hair a litntly,rlch,l • t growth ,vro.l ?reify's:, ferrets tansies gray. Theis corusideratiorus Worth knowing,_ The licthatroit has been totted for over t i 4v.lv years, stadia warrantid ideeert totd.„s ny ;who' eat ries a beautiful head of hair erill use the gatiodion. It is finely perfumed, cheap and val. liable Ms said by all reseectable dealers throughout Lb* , SARNO CO. - Jall 4 rne• New INA* H ..II.4THERTIS - ; INIMITABLE HAIR MEISTOZATIV IT IS /Nor 41)U, bat restores pay hair to Ma oriel tat color, by supplying the csphlary tubes with natural sustenance, :impaired by age or dimwit. All inetsneods dye,' ere composed of Lana? Conklin, deatroylog the el. tality and beauty of the hsiroutd afford of thetiuselm no dress+ og. lieimatreet's Inimitable Coloring not only. restores hair to its natural color t by an easy process, but gives the hair a LUXURIANT IlEAUTT.Priabotes its growth, prevents its (siting off, eisdiesbort daodrun sad Imparts health and pleasantness to the bead. It bu sere&t.b... test of Mum, bolo: the original Hair Coloring. and St ancantly inemodeg in favor. Coed by both otletzeo 'end ladle?. It if sold by all respectable deal. els; Or can Go procure] by them of the coromereiel art. eta, I).:. Llama At Co., 0:11 Broadway, N. T. Two dose. 50 ants sod id. Jastlegato -.se • liilmTAMOßGret 11AI It DV /It —ls THE ONLY DYE YOE ()ELY DYE THE ONLY DYE THE ONLY DIN • THKONLY fWg THE 6,,tuir DYE . • • IS AND THE ONLY DYR . - For all who desire to hove the color of theltheir choked wittratety, certainty end- tepidity,- -to-- ea, shade thlty -4" 511 d l%riggturad by J. CRIS? ADORO, tie. 6 Aster House: New York. 4Sold everywhere, and applied by an Bair °remote.' Price, SI, 51,50. end St per eoe, scrordlog to ans. - Cr - tadoro's - angt-hia. Preservative, :Is invite:Oda with his Die. as It Imparts time %twit soft' Dean, the most beetttthal sloes, and swat ettartty to the Moo do coots, $1 mot $.l pot 1,01310, secooillas to else. 14L6111041 WIME 1N Tine.' Du lot bile with rear Heath, CossMilton and Dion u sat:Wog with any Mows for 'Mei 061.115044 V EXTRACT agcau monsizisndet. - Tay-T!! Tay IT I 4aT i It will Cara yo u , sate long Saattic allaying Pain and Initaromation an t will resterse you to 1 IiELLTH ASO POLITY, ' At Little Zionfor, - - .., . - :And No Itzpossitm Cat out 'he advertivement la another eolnsaa. and - valor lend far If estv l utx of 0914;NTEILIZIT$ Ask for golcobnlire. " - TIM no other • CURSI iiktrAlßA STUD. alai] -:To. . rt:U! _VOMUJIPTIVNIS. The sdeartiset taming too toottood to-lo.altb la o imago,. rem ON*risS e ilairbuisisabrod e., pewe wears with were hog_ tbs, sod that 'drool Memo. Codiatopttink4.ta =Mint topoilotlantwatoAto tellww-euffereis the mecca pt. cure To in Oho devil* it, he Will send , mily wirthapror Ild i P t iba :used One of *brig*). with thedtheite prepluing and wins the same, which they rill Safi a eras Coma for Co BlNSOlanabbl The only object of advertiser in sendlair the Piamarlar Lyon is to benefit the- Misted, sad aped lablaiatMU which no eancotwea Co be laralciablw, said beim rem sufferer will try his remedy, as It will coat Wit mothlat. mail nay more a bleutog.: - Rar. EDWARD A • a w u.solt, l sull Za ----gicptnulitroh. DTOBIA.' ITENRTICAN • -* • Mod ammo...WWI a peatly sad latslastinst. sand l alew not - 'rook 1 But now. shoal Ufa s 9 more.' Sul wse tbs conservation or two restieurectitei dews - tows to the gam triad bi aged; 1•.. sw u smass.t. whoa Cr TObiale Liniment • 0111111114 cure, TAM Now.liothanerwil appall In yea -It Isere for thelpaitrzesin and.probt we make, pat for the lake or you, lasnt child that bolt lino pla lags at yoer hot.-- Groupie a ea moue disesee ; hut use Dr. TOW. wee.. the Liniment in time. sod it is *robbed of Its alwola keep It la lb* boss.; you Ina nelifisnet.tt 1 1 , ul~kr, or to-m o rrow, oo ribs—bat - '.rood with itrtelfmmeut you are prepared, womearbee It Will. Price Intly Vs:crote a bottle. QM *Oa C . ortiand WINN New yore, ti - 04 uy sit Droglists. • fugy4o. • lISAPAMIS PLUM K" VURATIYIt BALSAM l!m , !log tested the both that than arldrit sai4eipleele Meiteine Is tere l,4 lol OD Pri..44100 ewth ed -00 oalinfold azatoo , of MAO l The Owe of Coldula keept , :s• open th'seereo,ead eleAtitif AnSindi.n.nd tki► ie elissodby the tue of thig flootodef. Ito tetne die; quelltiro bud oattopowerte saidet4ll4 iiealthe and TixoriellillattPUlVOLl diddled 13149110.. the ape It 'alveoli the musette mod argots the akin WOK. r e ", ft, datte, of inprilattagth• heat of Um' wino. MK in netaly tbrowincinilbe nagnionbiotaine from tho foe of body. 'lt l‘notn 'idlest liinidnit; bet en; sand a ineallant and 1 11841 ••• 4 . °1611 Obi et 1 and Zi ands per bettli. • jo " ' " EDAM* tlif.oll6l6lllrWie . th au _ Dycjug your pertalasloa 1 wish} to.tho reader of your papdaktiodil wall-ood Ity Mum Wait to aliyihn wigi4t,ffivka.lijoulas,. fad dim- Ihnt for =Mar and wag * idsopkt tabie Halal. Mot fly onainew,illiikdelos* j top ri!te st of Use e tho sidle IrdWeluttcwoootilii64l4olll l iL.M . A.: r l t i rAp il larroilt d ateg .4ta. %m a t. start a ralikkAMPWOOtaitler Mbhdrent or* llo,itschp. la len thin au nays. rap. .piteatione answered by ream wail without chary. 111111'"etf lan: max, jay2ll4m. ERII, PA., SATURDAY MORNEqi . , SEPTE BER 2s , 1863. TAlls Mtn will to. tbs ker.notp of the nott thieliettent ...treptibifean Pan,. to Jttmn C COIACII • Albion MA.,tyros pe w ee—and only three Bare reei• hemiauggested— Bitilohn /414311111 . • way—tbe bloody w Is all that i have tested. j Yrom Caleito Brown It Wit.] The 'trouser hand that lriell Though Obits; and followerejof Christ. . for ages there decried It. t I - I Another mode if "COutprota4e:' e-Pere Gospel fustian this le— . *hieh Jain Brown's Frith, When it Give" curses, soon and Liars' The Other Way loon:old tray— • Divide in twain the natiouj- Bat soirees.* sworn to keep: the South To as for oonfacatton. j ' I • • j. Let toe assure von that no word For "ratios" has reached rob ever. • • (*ad good precautions I have Wen . That it shah reach me never! • No rebel cbeseieeger shall ernes • Oar Mee, to speak of peace. els, • Oath ha:arable assurance sure. • That slavery shall cease, sly ) ; 1. • You 49 itit like, It game, DM of trasedpatiori • dad thipkra better mill It bitch. lit wepaid save the natloni Its 11'144 pit. orelsetis ' Freat;whlslt 'Us very plain, , I eaaldn't If Iso deatetd. Now.ealltt back again, ell . Carl dbuja, McNeil sad bold - Say :the hardest blow, Sir. Ns • Ulna hos reeelred as yei, - • ad don't you tblak they know, slr lint, • • or had, or right or wrong, Or sin :or ease the ti shun, I'll put ttjth ugh, for lam their Te Jehtt Bre 's aspirsterm dome ony i they do no the tt1191;b: • To tie** the darkeys f • What 4rinked and disloyal a • Sucti men as these must fie, 14 - . Alt loyal Atiin a chorus Fin ,r • Of gioro the nigger— Tor him (bey charge the bayonet, And l aiill for Lima the trigger. But %sidle the ilat•feot we extol, The 'web-feat must be thought of, Who rata the greenbacks, which 'tie known Tiaarketal power Is wrought of, fio nii , sll (including Seward) Tmdcator to keep sober, • And pray John Brown that we may base The viktory In October. • ! tWrtten fin. the OD panes. WAYNE 3i'VEIGH'S UREA' SHOW ... analysed. ..Ernorn to be poisnaltss. For a Wier brown. .. -For • porllW, black. —That dir detection IforsCatiostilmi Kers Ratertalennent. More Foe, than toy ertnatore Introdated to the public. I iRAII6 COMBINATION OPTALENT, WIT /a HUMOR S The Manager hes the honor to minimum t 6 the people of themsylesale4 that he will ei.it AU the principal. towns to the State,Anting the months of Feptambite end antic Odeherally, wtthlile rand tollestion of anlinals end minceitles, seabteeing some of the most extraordinary writ IWO to Anilitim. Atcuingst the nut namherof at traction mill MO ; TITS ITOSr T . 11110801113 IT AN TN TTEITERN PENH , SYLVANIA! ne mpg, :Jos of Profsbanas is IliegAtxy Coady six Swot , Orr. Canoe Toptiteriwitl otMi &Melo toe ootoorona to am:titan. . • eisereleis ads occasion ♦i4 be enlivened ny • time Dos tbe Goeernor on his ••harp of s thous" od stringer entitled - .the Soldier's Friend." A Tit,A4llC ACT BY :Tilt' GOVERNOR, P. 111.-.ilha imulleve• are positively prohibited from Paratioalug iygy of the Pittsburg pipers to the Go vet n! graileopqaa it eilteb his "health." "Fairoby" in hV eel/tinted Comte Aet, of ' - tO 01J GIAS DEMOCR AT" Dotal which be vitt execute a net variety af l eautor. ttolia ebeetet bey $ zees elms be converted inn an le fluids Mewl of the rebel leeeders to a tint-clan *supper• tee of the Goletnmeut.. • elettattemo, prtniseee and limitless .1 the Oreat Leto/14 by "IJUDGE SHANNON; is tile*" llama" ea maims will be Oiled frith weeder.. surprise sad adealielloo. A l lNAi s a Mess]; aDd boot of la' prof/mina NM» •.eatg f riba mill perform redo= Isephable MUM, Moii M cifigtrailt mug. il3watsq4Cluimin tit *pun the preeded Ipy a WWI bold. Tirfertiwr pads alts we posters and suu4ibtlis. —Tat Vivra to mt. CIITTINDEN Common neto..The following was the vote on the I,44tendlits Compromise. the passage which motild have saved the Union?without war. Democrats shotild 'keep it to confront Re ptthlitemit grith: - The vote-was taken in -the llotte -of Representatives, Feb. 18131.-- It1atood; •• - Itep.-Dem. Amor. Total.. -Fitt:e.Corap'se,. GI " • stl "pit 110 •2' 11.1 it* DEttreh 3: !SCA-. • --; ••• - Rap. Dew. Awittl'. Total. .1(Or the (jlonap'sk; 1 7 •.•., 1.2 ; 1 9 .410timst• do., - ' .111 • I. ;cit. } "~ , `~ti . • . 1 ; r rpvin }hot Loy. GeV.; IA KeyNoto Letter. Tell the frioula I'd Ili, to !fleet-and aid them— 'ooaretilrig foe my *.eloslt and I find 1 bee mislaid them Soma odes irenirar at my !Or.. ..nrd clothes" me? hit:‘s twin asking. And caused tity wino to give &war Yr' only means of inneting. • • t tumid not tare, though on the rents The Corearbemb &bald hoot me But joule wbite patriot I (ear • Wight Nelsen gun and NW me l'o bete I etni—and send these linLe, For I biller. it better, If any thing ninst eome back "dead,'' That it shictild be the hater lly gratitude 'I nand to ev *by Democrat apostate— lllhe had the patriot's Writ our, Bat joked our ranks and lost It-.. They Hand tip for the "Nation's 'pl.. - .4 ;Fill Oil "she goes wade'," (Wen, meanwhile, they rhea.% to me A betterlield for plunder ) The arteltivt Poloertteads want "Peace," And my that I won't hiss It: They quote the Sermon on the Yount. Though ?Phu Drown serer gave it ' "Heir to Hid Aspirations," I Have snot:cite keep and heed them, Be bade teti not to lots my foes, thatto burs and bleed them. Bess at the blood sod ruin round And this brill trove mato you, That John brown's soul is mtrzhini uu Glory a !halleluiah Olory. to Brown, whose heir 1 MO, List Loyalir a ail prates him ! And high o'er Christ and all the Saints We cannot fill lonise A, ,L , tVE GOVERNOR! :W441 %%own u "Shoddy A zly." The Pteehleet's Dog—' s ~►W~i (Prom the Gettysburg: tar & Hairier, Reg., !lay il, •61.3 ."Pennsylvania has long been called the Revston,e State, and she has deserved the name. Any one not blinded by pr , judice must have accorded this to heti, in the late unhappy scenes through whi ouricoun try has been called to go. Thfil resolutions of our 11,epresentistives. pledg ng the sup port . and credit of, the State the iFede i Fede ral Government, together wit , the simul taneous uprising of the peopljs to fprnish an army to assert its Commands, di more to reestablish confidence trill the Uuiop, and the inherent stability of `Our political system, than the action of any State or ' people. Pennsylvania .has earned 'anew the right to her proud title. Whilst all' this is so, and more,--whilst ?cities coon ties, boroughs, volunteer rganizations and private individuals have t lecissi their credit. and contributed naosul liberally to f t iVniah our brave volunteers with a com plete equipment, and place theta in a po sition.-ready to vindicate alitce, the State and National Government, ,we are:pained by the report of official neglCce and spec ulation. , More than this, we have seen our noblh comrades miserably Clothed, and both badly and scantily: - provisioned, by 'those paid, and; well paid, to see to• these important cOnsiderationa. We held our peace, when, recently.'we were cogni zant of the fact that the Quairieralaiter of our own company was tinder the necessity Of providing himself with a pair cif scales to' protect the company agitrist the rapad• ity of an Officer, and when we tirrard the : loud complaints of the "Birk 4e:A , " on sicnountrOf outrageriudtreattaers Llblacause in ,the one caw., we tboughidt thisi Villainy . of a minor Officer, and' the: Otieeisary de-1 Ily. in the other, of an overtated Admin. wrath:ma, All this, it seats, wasl but - the heginniiig of gigantic fraud, 4s though the nation and thi4 State had not! bison so dm girati:qt by the perfidy of mina Adminis.:. trations; that it hnrled then) frog power morn Iran that cairse than any other....Ths man, who makes the ?went efrott of ihe monk .'ti irestree the liberties fcrujht for tradrichieveddy 'Mil Athlrs, an oie.aiiqn, t•r mb elh- &coldly& an d . , r elltieli ltistreff; IS AN - .IINEM.r. WOOM I r „_ . r the , WOULD VE,CLIARI f)7111.41A.NG. We' !Kkuiti,., is lAov.s . t. t;--Thpi . %vim iir PC:biillet% .... atrove site Conatitatian'and:i c•!'v mob who is : the guilt; tarf,y , ' lie who! t b„ - 1 ,, ii ,- . - vitio ,,,i, 3 . -dui ii ii, t , s . thiA .; is _ xs i_detraucis:otir braversoldieta' lit 1 - riiit ilAtt , n. i rai to.. WI)” do not 'knots! Ito is juicier alt ilithhger irith-sieeeßsieri.lS--sqlke-..peolei I 411 - „4 , ~ . i : II niteltiO Nit . inn; but this we 1. 1 ;14 i t ti4 Mei 100 ' 4 of thy ",cuiteil,o3tekes,j,inai.lf°,,°V--13:t-L, N . V45417 . 07!.F 0 1 1 4CL".1. 3 be ezeeuted . I have her — dlZieretiliinsr* 4-$ ,, t # 14.-1 ..':;.a_ i i`c r ,„,... 4 - i t'o_ . ,.l'Wt e . L it t/ate 7 figt J pewee on the subject."—Piesidriit/Indri? 1 i ' s c pu th i jer itv f o 4 '4, - ;, ---- 7„ ze . P c z e to 'o f 0 " .4 . 6 " u? ,, 4 ,,,,,,,„ : 7. °••;. iig&fm. , . . . 1 , ) TIiA.GOY, COMEDY, SONGS.' &C Variedo suit the locality Last tint not [out, The GOveraorl “Cours Fo u l; JAMES WORRALL, , 013SERY " `"i2.00.- of AN$Yl', A'AO UNT THE DYING' COUNSEL ;DP .711 R. .CRtIVENDEN• - The Louisirille Journal luta' an article showing, ni we took aceasiou'our,Aek:7les tO :how, how tittorly,Mr: Lincoln, in his' late SyrnenF+Springfield letter, failed to ineri the question of the war a% it uniyentallil pre7.enti itFelf to the people. The Pres 4 dent, it will he remembered, declare+ that ho wis but up to the inevitablo ,tiel eps-litt. of fighting, anal, fighting wilt\ ly ignoring the fact that the ash h not-to stop fighting, but only to fight). with it policy which will maize it possible, for tne war to bring'fc.rth truiti4 of union affil\peaCe, instead of attarchl , and war withont end. 'fhe•Journa? forcioiy in this connection. and it 4 marks :Ire: a perfect and correct expoiition of Om 'doctrines advanced by the Albany Convention : "The conservative way is frankly to of fer peace on thd basis of the ConstitutiO, and to fight simply until the Constitution is =erect. This is ihe way which i the conservativea of tae country aro tioW vigorously urging Mr.• Lincoln 'to adopt 'by a proclamation of amnesty or by Aome equivalent acts or at any. rate by some act that involves the a-tsuratice of exernti lio, from the 'extraordinary penalties a confiscation and, emancipation on 'alit, condition of a return to allegiance. The conservatives of the country appeal to the President to throw open the doors df the C l o,nstitution to the people in rebef lien, so that they may see that the' path if their. return is clear and- free. The conservatives invoke the President by ,a high .act of ,justice and of mag,tianirnity to suppoit our triuMpliant firma by sti mulating the konle in rebellion to re volt against their wicked leaders and to come hack to the old, allegiance. short, the con s ervatives : urge the Pie Si. dent to add conciliation to coercion with nut subtracting from coercion. Such is the conservative way of attaining pence;" But. the more striking 'portion. of the Jaime.: article. to whicti we wish: espe cially to direct attention, is that in which' the departed patriot, Crittenden,- speaks, as if from the grave, in approval and con firmation of the Democratic position. We quote: "Our purpose in this,relation now is to adduce not any . argume.nts of .our, oivn, hut the authority of that peerless states man , and patriot who has but just de parted from the midst of us. crowned with the love and veneration of Ina cotin trymen. Mr. Crittenden, spent in this city the greater part. of the fortnight pie ceding his death, and every friend tvlao . visited him during his stay here, and coo versed with him at all on publio affairs, can bear witness to his exceeding anxiety that the President should at once second 'the recent victories of our armies by proclaniation of amnesty or by some act of like cif ct ; 'but it is not so generally known. that, prompted by his absorbing solicitude on the subject, he bad resolqed to address a private letter to the Presi dent, urimit him without delay to take this step. Yet, such is the ftet,.as it is well known to s number of the frienda of Crittenden, including , the ~niter of this article. in rcitionse to a very kind rnetstigo from Mr. Crittenden. we called upon him the evening before he leftifor his home at Frankfort. when he intro duced the subject of his resolution pri vately to address the rresideut concern ing a proclamation of anunesty, efolte of the deep interest he felt in the adoption of such a measure in this hour of our military.triumpn, declared his lirm con viction that more than all other agencies beside it would sem. to bring the war` to ,peedy close, and at the same time pave the •way to an early and permanent te es ablishment of the government in the hearts of the people ' avowed his gratifi cation atAhe reported discussion of a Pro clamation of .atnne,tv in the Cabinet, t end 'dwelt with a mournful emphasis on the physical prostration which prevented him Prom ely addreling the r're4i den eoriceining the subject. He added, Bosse . that lie was on tthe eve of ro. turning N his home, with the resolution to perform this task as soon as he should et. n jute Such wet e the lead. 'mg ideas expressed b he iltustnv patriot during the lowing morning he where a few Etats plete possessiori nothing wanting fame, he Fank fit '• The views r:, stitute the dying and lamented pai trate of his country in this crisis of her; 'existence. We, in all respectfuines and in all solemnity, commend thetcounsel to that high officer. Death, in arresting, its utterance, has but. consecrated and en nobled it." CIIRTIVS PICTURE,'AS DitAYrif BY A POLITICAL PRIEM). !ME R. ZMI=M=I El UMBER 16 .._ ..... . ~..... inc. t.tc.cratioi n all (pod eiliz •it- ' Ht. mar take w)iel horn ui the dilemma he may 1 Olea-. 'l e poHittou ot affairs render.; nflieint pc' Illation; tiotibly moniitrous.— H a ve tic jilAt fled .Thin corruption 1.1 cer ruptiou--Itom one Nile Adatiniatration to another vier'? Many, voted for liar-Cur fin to uv id corruption,. AND HAVE THEY . LIN XEDTH EMS E LV ES TO RUT TENNESS ? If the intereft4 ot OAR coun try are i•ound up with the . Extecess of Re publiran:p -ineiplea. aii enunciated in the Chicago; plfittorm, a ~ we believe they are, it brwioniegithe party to purge its rankH 0, THESE VLE MEN, and let tho . STIGMA OF THEI VILLAINY:re.t . on them i t alone, ant not on the' Harty.,AWAY WITH TRAITORS AND ME WHO SPECUL •ITE On PATRIOTISM.' . WHO THE REBELS REGARII AS ' HEIR FRIENDS.- When •e,find men like . Wendell Phil: lips—who thanks God th4t he , spent 20 years in'D boring to break up the Unioo —foremes, in sustaining the Administra tion, We' need not be at n IosSAI wider stand why he gives it his support. Sen ator-Douglas gave the true explanatiolf of the eagerness of the Abolitionists for' war where he wrote' that they were in favor of disunion and ' thought -a war would eill'et. it. It i.‘ easy, therefore. to see why the .p.iChmond papers *have pre tended t be so anxious for the aucce-s of the De °crude party in the next. eled tion. Thy wish it to-. be defeated. and 1 2 seek to diieredit it, by nrofessions'of friend ship. TMobile Advertiser. edited by John Fo 1 Is th, is above such duplicity, and it sp kit the real sentiments of the secession' te of the South when it - thanked G r ocl that 1 ethoi authoritiesat Witatiirigton snubbed Vice-President Stephens," giv ing the fo lowing very good reasons for so doing: There!is only one piety in the North who want. this Union restareclAttt they have no Mere power—legiilaftve or judi cial—than the paper wewrite on. It is true they make a. short of union and strength, but they have no voice of autho rity.. We know that the Vailandighani school WOWS .010 Union restored ; for he told us so whim he was here in exile, par taking o enemy to our struggle fo such hospitality us we extended. fl to a realr pa- 1 ratioe. banished to our soil by a other enemy, yillits is practically mote our riend l c than , he. And, if Vatlanclighain should, by accident or other cause, become Gov ernor of .3hio,'we hope Lincoln will keep his nerfds to the proper tension, and not ' allow hi 1, to enter the confines of the State. ' 1 . s administration would do mote .to ream the old Union _than any other power i Ohio could do, and therefore we pray tha ho may be defeated. Should a I strong .t 7 uion party spring .up hi Ohio, the thin State in the North in political iinportsa ce, it might find a faint response in some outliern States and give us trou ble. Bu as long as the Republicans hold power they wilt think of conquest and clorainioa only, and we,, on tue other hand, will come up in solid column for freeakttuand independence, which we ,vill uo ertain to achieve with such -as- ' sistanceta we may now (after the refusal of , the Washingtou Cauinet ' to confer) confidently expect, betore the/ Democrats of the 'or . h once got in power again, and Voila whispering in our ears 'Union, reconstruenton, constitution, concession and gu. rantee , .' Away with all such stud; \ e want separation. Give us men like Thiddens Stevens and Charles Sum ner. T lEV CURSE TIIE OLD UNION AND DE. sPISE IT, .II) so DO we. And we now pro. mise th.e.c. gentlemen that, as they hate the Union and the 'accursed Constitution,' let the keen down Vallandigham and his par 4y in the North; then they shall never b troubled by us with such whin ing_abo> t the Constitution and .the Union as they tre sending up.'" - THEREARE SOME A,II3IALS THAT LIVE BEST IN TUE FIRE.•• Tili. .4 a fitting time to re-publish Daniel Webster's letter to John Taylor,.the sup erinten lent of his plat.° in New Wimp shire : f I am li.lad that you, have chosen Mr. Pike representative. lie is a true min ; but there tire in New Hampshire many per sons Who call themselves 'Whigs 'Who aro no Whigs at all, and:no better than dis unioni,lts. Any man • who hesitates in• grant* and securing to every part of the co.xntry ite just and constitutional righta,'is an euetoy of the wholercountry. John, Taylor lif one of your boys should say butionors his father and mother, and es is brothers and sisters, but still in sist: ttiat one of them shall be driven out of •-th . Madly,. what can you say of him but qs, hat there is ne real family love in him? l ire:m and I.are farmers; We never talk politica—our talk is oxen, but remem-• 'ber this: That any man who , attempts to excit one part of t) countr against en other is just as wick as he Weald be who skin! attempt to get.ep a quarrel be tween John • Taylor and la neighbor, old Mr. J 31112 Sanborn, orhis of r neighbor, Captain Ehrleig,h. There are 'tome ani mals that live best in the fire; a there are some men who delight in heat, s oke, combination, and even general confiai. a tion. ,i They do not follow the things tha makel for peace. They enjoy only contro versy c contention and strife. - Have no communion with such persons, either as -neighbors or politicians. Yon have no, more right to say that slit wiry fought not to exist in . Virginia. than aVi ginian bat to sty that slavery ought to. e ist in New Hampshire. Willi is a quee en left to every Stile to decide for half' andif we mean to-keep the States togethei,. ive must leave to every. State this bower of deciding for itself. t think I never wrote you a word before on politics. 'I shill never do it again. I only say love your -country, and your whole country; and when men attempt to persuade you to g t into a quarrel with the laws'of oth er tates; tell them "that 'you mean to min your own business," and advise them to ind theirs. John Taylor, you are a free` leant, you possess good, principles; you havis 0 large family to rear and provide for ;by your labor. Be thankful to the government which does not oppress you, which does not, bear you down by excess-. five! taxation, but which holds out, to you aunt yours the hope Of all the blessings which liberty. industry 'aud security may give. John Taylor, thank God morning and evening. that you were born in such 0 kountry. John Taylor, never write me amither word on politics. Give my kindest 're"embiancem to your wife awl children. an wheel you look from your eastern wit ddive upon , the graves - of my family, ref f f. etnber that he who is the autLor of this letter must: soon hollow them to au. oilier world. - . ,- - Tut - hitolition party came into power; in' 1860, under tuo cry -of luretreuchment anti reform," ,Sincto the iinattguration of bi-. Linattu the hawks and pluoderinge of th t Abolitiouipta have becn act great, that. many of their ttwu partishnit kayo. been Coaipelled to cry out *•mintrue I"• Through ini.nn.tuageracut and - criminality of th it Vinkectliniers .at the heati . of Ums Gov 4rpmuuty 140 1 tazo% /Wilk been in ore:-Ded aftutfit bolouti enciiiiance, Mid the pea -1,14t can, oult•liaVe'thCtivielvt4 from utter 14ii dieeping- till criiicremile from wer at the ballot-box. • • • ; •.; Brief Paragraph.. The Richmond Enquirer advocates a new mode of-I retaliation. It is to fill Charleston with Union . prisoners, and then let tier. (4,illmoro bombard the city. Amiable ermture KEEP• iT BiFeat TILE PEOPLE.—That I Judge Agnew, 'the present nominee,of Ab olition party. of this State, for Supremo Judge, voted in the Constitutional Reforin Convention to give negroes the right 'to vote. . • Ontarr.—A negro who was drafted in Huntingdon says he vgould • freely go to-- the army if tliis war ivaa for 00 Union, but as it is for ;freeing the nigger!, he is • opposed to' That darkey must be - a . Copperhead.l Tun Rebels and the Radicals detest the Union a. it , wits, and say it shall not be restored. The Conservatives love the onion SLY it was:aett gay it shall he rester, , ed. What party. then, is the true Union - party, aths the LQuartile Journal. —Gpv. Curtin was one of the HiCk. I PRIESTS of the liNow-Normse party. Ile went into power upon the cry of "Dom( \ with FOREIWN.:EPS! ' and tried his best to strip them ol,those political rights which ' 'Woodward and the democratic party have always battled to, maintain for them. - . , • Is it , Welshington corrci pondent of thil New York Commercial Ad valuer s tys .that the political sentiment; of ail the °Eileen in the• artily are being investigated: and if any ono i 9 found not in exact harmony with the Aritninigtra tion, they are ,to heyernoved.' . —A committee of Pennsylvanians wait ed on the various secretaries the other day to obtain permission for all the elerlta frOm‘ that State, in the Washington de partments, to go home and vote at the `en'-uing election. The number is very large, but the request was granted. —A Portland (Ile.) paper tells an araw.- ing story in which'it Republican politician :Ind a minister figure as the heroes. By mistake they exchanged Carpet bag 4, and the one arrii - ed at a Republican mass meeting with:a sermon, and the other at a town where ho was to preach with a political speech and a bottle of whiskey, rEitIiONAL LIBERIT.—Festus hgtd a much better liberty than President Lin coln. Abut eighteen centuries ago: wheh Porcius resins and King Agrippa were examining the Apostle Paul, who had ap pealed tram (' the provincial court to the Ro an Einp,ror, the former said . "It se meth to me unreasonable to send a pr sonar, arid not withal ta'S signify the cri es laid against him." The Louisville Journal, representing the 'sentiments of the Union party which LitvL Just succeeded in Kentucky, ' thus pugs the matter at issue : " Let the ;Conservatives in the - North put - out the 4bolition conflsgration'there, and the conservatives i the S utla the rebel confitation there. If t e work can't bo don in this way, , may , •od rain upon the two cOnfl +gracious, ,through heaven's he.aven's unStopped windows, forty days and forty nights." Tar. Belfaist (1.1 e.) ,Republican Journal has the foll Owing: - ABOLITION ARO UNENT,i, . ' AddrOsed to the People in 1860. • (A. Picturei of the Temple of Liberty, with rtiy., radiating from it in. all direc tions.) , • dart in /863. (A Picture Crl me iu hand-cuffs, chain gangs, ) CositsreNcr.—Th radical papery call the villainous atte pt to murder Hon. Mr. Voorhees, by a mob of soldiers, an at tack-on a "Copper ead," , and evidently These are the men who were charging G.yv. Seymour a few - (Iva ago with being friendly" to a mob. We shall have to bring out our record of mobs, and radical editorials approving of them, be fore long, ta show what thorough lovers of mob law these pharisaical men are. ATTACE 'UPON A NEWSPAP4R few days since. some soldiers stationed at Quincy, nv, entered the ollice of the Her ald, and converted the type into pi. Gen. Ammon; the of the depart ment, arrived in town a few hours after and ' ordered the soldiers under arrest, also an assessment of the danange don, which amount will be deduced from their pay. ' —The other day. at Bedford Springs. there %Vila a foot race between half a doz- • en negroci with their fret tied up in ba,,.45. - &mon Cameron and, naddens Stevens acted as judg.-s. These two Abolition worthies were promptly pliiced for once in their bre.-:, :What a blessing it would have been if they had never occupied higher pOsitions than arbitrators for a Markey race. ' —LET every man take part c .. tirtnly in the riresent'contest. , It i, the greate4 that (wet= yet ha. 4 animntod the people. or. PennsylVania. Heretofore, our' political battles have been fought upon questiong of Administration policy ; now the Cons stitutioni itself is the stake. Let every Dem ocrat remember this, and put forth all his , strength; to save - his country. • Danvilletlcy) Trik , ene, one of the organs of the party which 1133 lately car ried thd Kentucky election. thus snul,s the radicals of the North. It says "We ,have been astonished at ,the gros, misrepresentations put forth by Fome of the radical Northern press in regard to the relult of our recent election. .•!We 'churn that the result _of the: elec tion - held on the .first.' Monday in - August wa3 a rebuke" not only to Secestadn, but also to Abolition. It was.an unequi vocal endorsettient of our position here tofore assumed, that we are bitterly ep posed to both extremes,- and that we will work fOr' the downfall of both—one through ( the agency of the sword, and the' other by the ballot-box." TRE EAGLE r Oft TIM G00:3E.--The Presi dent, in hii Springfield letter, raid, iu al lusion to, our Iron-clads and gun-boats : "Nor must Uncle S im's webbed feet be e_otteri. At all the waters' rrvirgins thPv been pre , ..ent, not only in the deep broad bay and the rapid river, but Ito narrow, muddy bayou, and he ground was a little damp, / - and made their tracks." Peoria Mornin.? .3fail pet - 'lng • " lYti seA, t als, Up wherever they have he Upon this tl petratei the ;W4, here no eagle.. 2 i"... Abe rapped our birela ay We uo eagle any more, BiLlibeeded, black or rap Abe swapped away our glorious bird -4.30t T.hested like dune Thu Worts for the web -toot west— The eagle for the go e• ABOLITION DESIGNS. The. utter. hopelessness of this , rebel ciuse.neces arilv renders the people Of the rebel States anxioas for a speedy peace ; that they are eager for it is as well demon strated. as that the rebellion exists. Among other indicarions of a desire for 'the old Union,. we find the following in a, private letter front Lagrange, Tenn t "The policy of the administraticiti seems to be to crush out all love for the old Un ion in the South, to dishearten those who have' stood up for the Union here, and to discourage in them all efforts to brineabout a better state of things in this region. Tennessee never went, out of the Union by a fair vote of her own peo- PIP, and she neve; has been out of the Un ion in feeling—is not out at this day, oven amidst; all the ruin and destruction seen and felt on her borders. Were au thoritatively published-to-day to the; pea , , pie of Tennessee that their rights under the old Constitution should b.i guaranteed to them by a rettfrn,to the Union as it , was, Tennessee would be is the Union iltij less than two tnoathi. It is in the power of the alministration to know this fut. May be it duos know, but does not wish to heed it, in order to gratify the abolition wing of the Rspublictm party." „KW:WYE - • Oar Crackers aatl Cake* of ill kiidi in cif lota tor a lb-l air . ay a fresh.' Dula t natal& II av;w la thif.