The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 19, 1863, Image 1

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'crimp or yrs PItaCK. OlUce
„,* Uloet, Filltlea Streit, kotavea
• ivael6-'i
g. C.KkILI
tlaTluQQ visuziod the iuscUoi of his fitolessl6/0
di, will be found at Ma old Olace, no- imucli
at • -sad unsure! Public tkstars• 0;
or soooriroboa Arkat Street—one square taxi of
'1 iii 'Rastas, Pa. Sept. W- -17
COLS', 4 - -
Erooirlitioss,fruaillooz 11Arrr•crrikok,
cJod gtory trt titudorooebt's Block, Brio, Pa
IN C. mousorq,
ArroissiraCocirmar , on •r Law, P.ris Pe. -
keg Strett, 4 swarth, Park, in the American
.rood story of the 'bolidiag, occupied by F. k SI
As r. thrsys be found in his Mike, and
ounctnallyettended to.
Int Clocks, Wokltss, VW* Jew.
.r Spotuty Wara,,,Lookira elluor4t, Gilt
'estisr7 so Fancy Goods, Parsiou Build Lug,
Wistyark war Frisch at.
ATTORIIIIT AT LAIN -016d pn Chairs.;
pioute t it Quin Bona. Ida P.
_ , •
N..IIIMAILL, vr" --
• • NOW, Olic• la Bono- • 11 if a• ..
Bluck.Vorthieldf6t Th. Part, Erie, Va.' 6.
aNICYS dirleuilisurLelts 'AT LA W
FILE, littagort Block, near North
Carew et the Pubilp Sow*, I. Fs.
11011494 .
• EWA ita-, A. U. thrum, Proprietor
urataot Uttat OUM &ball Data 41Very .tteatluo, to
lr asp asrireittila thatuttou to 8114 trout all
. oprtitt-10.
1 tilithilt,
JUB.4 saeDc, Vralairtur. ,euiLca
. Tr.‘44 :mote, (Immediately trontlurthe C•sp
&maws, Itnasieliouille;sccotcactodattou
t. itk trot liotediarthe city, tad tLo kiss ihtw&
dith U S Cttaktit NUM.
WOOLELudt 4Wo Rawatt. Intataka ate
sad hloriaiatuo, VW= and fbeit, Wuud and
sire, Caw ,Ltquora, Tobaem, Sews, 6e, State
• as dour s7,atti of Fourth. Last std., Frie, Ye.
Lamina Alm aga iu
ti or WU Cook, t o .
. mad Dealer le Stattoaeri,
ilaceeteeN Newspaiers, tee. Couatty .lealere
Vittdleye z tatetep's Hotel,froottng the Part.
1111'it auFzi.., •
ceuiro- ram Ind flaaltst sta., Harrisburg, Po.
clastsi rill Mittens house is Dow fitted up to thr
•Tod style.' The scecatimodstisns are of the
asd•onaUst. tlesttuotett tbo
My? oitSsiffortis-one of the
tort oPptem plasm to U. country. fob t'fair.
rtoa Firirl . ll.
lissAilit, ra -
ArTumarr AT LAW, ChelltatlS
Feb. 16-37:62
. U. L. ifiLLiErrr 8G SON*
Awns "11111 c• is &WS
IF, Li* Pa. SU sort swiss- #
TXR arip=
Warren, W trzsa , Cu, Pe
wig 2 '62
ninnanl COMMIOX KriCiLaNTS,
by' 41.11aatic AO. W. It.
sad Refined P•trcr
;_., jxkoneasttiasion.. 24t1.
"ssicaisssoss. &assorts*
- ,4114esigiga sod all business in
to bbst to. Moktlealions for
*oast without delay, to
en .11F . 1thrr Block conker of
• listl~i itOrlSWf
LAW. to WaMar's 01
thrruath Zs* to.. &us 7 '62
Damn, Beatty' Block , North aid. of tho rat
Er* PP CNC alollll2l
- • -
rtin="6lMeheti eth sad 6th streets,
p fowl Depot, iris, Pa.,
• • r, Proprietor. geteestre aecoasoiods
stren earl ,treollere. Scud by the day or
GOod owl* i,W,e3.a. • apdreatt
r . - otitis, to he I,otl
. Stan, tiir .. 1 , door south of
sag 7411.
MGR Witatils
"Ram Same, State street, nearly
Yeaethe Net • -
ilidert stlbaskid.,wbar• gentlemen am
ettAmmit being annoyed by disardoril
LLltlillel. & IIItUTIIIKU,
/NamurAsur Taman and
for flaw ti Kay_ases Patent Sewing Machines
test la ale- Stat. Street,between Iltti sad 9th tits ,
Clothes nude to order In the deed style.
Beat= rx DST Gam; Osamu Ks,
. Harchrigii, ato, ela" deed, Plastar. etc.. cot -
Birth Apart wad Public Scam Er* Pa. lent
, : --
D. W A lektliii ilk CO., ,
1104111M151116 k - 001:1111111110S mrscaBma.
Ware Erma% Pae* Poet of State S e
ammo at 11540,t5. Deems
Flab, Flott,Wilisier *•••
11.— CW11 maolog to sad from Canal Were Home.
14-41.-. 'Sa, -
& Visas •
(ssccormor to Stovers 4(.. Sis•derd
us .as et Desictsfr, • lirlitit's Mock,
.Mnot, gar, 15L, Dealer la Camplune,
OW; Sanity , Pliaid, Blake, ie.'
boll Li. eh WCAILT
• Ilexoe up li jteetaltoetilia.oadoie,
"anat. Agtitotttoplettleotr' s italtrood Cam
• Piaci te - Get• - UV Illsiey Back
ro AV
t triorthrB BOOT 4 BROS STORE,
3txteti I,eir 199pootte Aloe rent Wee.
win V L.
oosbno, Boni' sea 'Sboo Dealer,
- •Iv informs tbe Naas that he
~Si red WIMPS** tissElSoes Boor
street. nearly opposite the roet
• liter, be Invitee ail Ins old Meads sod eustoiners
viten adl . • '
atteeffoe 'bee to REPAIRING. Iliviog
atvrkneeo; red erepeelotendlog all bii business
a• beam saa stress good eitlailettoo sod
ileaet le televises ea - soy abet pinion to the city.
Wernitted. speta63tf
?mit. Itio. Tonkin Notiolbs said Foot.: 41.. xis,
riesirs4,4t mile-- ha. 8. at U.
Pnkkes, bats% Como* 11414.114,
la owe* akkillir mils by -
314-Im. ' VITARIt k BURI .
ENER 414 eittni*W(SB
• missiMaishimite4oi easicAyuo. tad Pg#3._koisaw, Cams, Nut, Volt sod Coos
way, Knack Cstsassis, sad di Pita Coadsotass-,
shrines asaL
• )'W .1 win; Al' ,
'ALS°, A 'LARGE '.)
YOUR 'NMI.; w D;il
to with
may -SWltr.
ISLIOViki to
W. of HAD
THATtho variety - of new 'i:tyle
etends, uf Gothic, Cottage Ctr.veb,,, hound Cor
urr, Camp Sofa, Jenny 1,1,0 patteriii,
serpentine - and ralt trent,hantienmely veneered Itorgane,
Extenston Dining, Breakfast, Centre awl Tab:es,
Whatnots, Quaker Stands, Csrpot I •.Inlrl.
Sofa Beds, Hair and Sea tern,,, Feat:, r limb;
and Bolsters with other noutteltold fufulturt, &r,,clt
manufactured Iron, well stationedluother I .p.flttly
materials, by experieured workgaeu nod not he, r
lade. For style, quality and low prices 1 utti St.!) , urea
two-Irina dealers to undersell rne. Feathers boil tLt and
sold. Cane seat, Parlor. Itedrootn, Rock, . oLing,
Norse and other chirti., of Eastern rind Western
facture, are hickory ,1011,41 coil glued, tusking theta la
stiottg as any other part of the ehair, where otheri roads
and sold are only nailed, not by no meats durable, Wood
IVladsor,ltanklug, Sewing and Nuree, are nh.tir: of 11.4.r.1
wood rounds clinched through the seat and slued, war-,
ranted to stand. .liandsoruely ;exulted. N od can't by
teu for strength, price and hash. Skies, lie;,. 1 !. kcc
ito!dlaur 31h1 and have the highest tentnneulaln s;,•,
'bat orprimi or all uu appteallou, t
a ad shipping 'rte.
Attar tire yearn ivprrt.n, e :.-
pltheipatell two prteadeale,, I run dotortuttw4 z•I
one price in all, give worth La you, tot, ..0 1 u, ji
to all who trade With it,*
=0: I
.o County.
Jusinoas en-
.. nod FLftb
the prin-
Id House
Lumber, Lath, Stllllg, ••P, I. • t“. I ,• rot,.
0,1, More Pa), P1 , . 11.1.." , th 1.1•11 it 1.1;r V 1144.4
lee Vat Iteillelntwr the i . tt..,lleNt eflrll. lof $O.l ct,ret
.:u: , tote, kn., 1
NIR101:tv•I'r. Ati , l CIA/11111,.gt
W Lit )1, E , ;.1 ,c. REJ'AiL
6.IOJCELZ .'q't 'lt E.
PlertA i Edst 4,/ eta P4rl. 1 t FrtiiirA Street,
W 6 lltd tlSikedfutly call It,. attr , ation of the cutautunit)
to h 4.4 1 ,140614.4.1: l'f
' (irti VCER IE , I ANI PEA ill NI )N b. In 414 , 44ir0us to weli nt
TE •
• : s 1; UpS.;±
, sc.,
t 00t eurptsmd la Oil Ai he :s prst,..l t, pro , . r to
all who give 11101 a WI.
t 1 also keeps coosislith tai baud aau pert. 44 .1
P 1r It (4, I_lOllS,
tor the wholesale trade, to which he clitoris t ke attecitlow
of the ptiblle
His Luotto $4, ••talc!: P,unte null a fall
for the
11308. 1863.
. and att.:TE s
lohday, pril 2Uth, ibtol,
wanenger Train+ will rtu osrthis Rawl as follow,:
ti 0) A M., Marl and Accorn., stopping aklierbor I.;tert
• North East, State Li nu, Qulncy,Weeteeld,Portlan..l.
Brorton, frnuktrrr, :1.11;14 - Greek, Erring acid .4 nTole,
arriving at tloaalo,at 0 55 A. St
2 00 P. IL,Dcy ErPrear. rtoptung at North I.sugt, 51 es:
Dunktrh, 4 l•ilrer Grrti., and and
arriving at Buffalo at j lu I'.
13 Curcianari Erprrari atoppinA a: Weat.Le;l,
Onnittrk end :ilirer Crrrii as t arrive , at
at 1010Y. Sl -
120 A M., Alshrht Ecrrr:r,
Dunkirk tad Sliv.l Creek, arrireA
• ••t Buffalo at
2)A. St.
0. 1.. ELLIOTT
Tao Day Express connect at Dunkirk at.,l Du ff 10, k
the Night Express at Buffalo only, altil Express barns
for N. York, Philadelphia, iloPton, Ac
4 20 A. Y., Nail 4- dices, stripping at Hatnnurgh, North
Evan*, Angola, Irving,BllverVreek, Dunkirk, Brae,.
ton, Portland, Westfield, Quitter, State Line, North
-. East and I:ubor Creek, arriving at Sale at 811
P. U.
6 30 A. M., 76tede &puss, stopping at Sliver Creek,
Dunkirk, Westrieid and North mast, arrives at Erie
at 10 05 A. M.
9 3.5 A. If., Illy Express, stopping at Angola, Silver
Creek, Dunkirk, Westfield and WerthEast, arriving
at Erie at 1 30, P. M. -
'lO 10 P. 11., Night .Prpitesse stopping at Silver Creek,
Dunkirk and, Westfield, arriving at liste at 1 20
A. .U.
Railroad time laten tnlnutei lister thin Erin time.
April '23,18a. 1 , 44 N. BKO WS. hilLt
Clevelandiand Erie Railroad
Oldtu2 d ti a tru t4s rt r i.. m r°o 6 tA d r a - ae j s k ili l f i 1' 21 )4 t11 : ' ;; 1 1?
' '
as follows, sic
9 4 P. it. Night fixprina Thin atop', 'at Painerrids,
Ashtabula and Girard, and arrive' at line at
CS P. N. .
2U,4 P. M., Hail and liermumrklatioo Train, atepa at itio
station., and arrive* at Y.6a at 8,T.5 P. U. •
4 Lai Chkeinnatl Expre4a, to at Painookyliti.,
Ashtabula and Girard, arrtvee al Etiv iat 7 03 P. M.
10 00 r. It., Day Ex - prenn, atop at Wlltoort,by.
ville, Gernen, Aahtabttia,Coatwaut and 41;rarill, Kr
rives st Erie at 1 v. -IP. M.
l l 5 A. M. Night lispressTrain otup* at thrall!. Aabia
bola and Painesville only, and arrives at-Cleveland
4 46, A. 117
bO A. M., Mail and Accounuudalluu Traiu, stopping at
all MA slatmal au4 arrives at. Cleveland at 9 t.
9 M A. IL, tUle,lo Express, stupplug at all statiuus ex
cept Swatrellte. Saybrook, Voiousille., Perry, Men.
for and Wickliffe, arrive* at Cleveland Z 40 P. M.
1 23 Day Express, stop. at Girar,l„ Conneaut. Ashtabula
and Palseeellle, fumes al ClereLsu,l at 4 MP. M.
II the through trains going Westward, 'connect at
Clareland with trains for Toledo, Chicago, Columbus, Cin
.annat; Indianapolis, .t.e. Ay.
All UNI throughtnilna going klaatwanl,ocineact at Una
kirk with the train@ of the N. Y.4c Kra, Itsiiroad: and at
Dural* With the N. Y. Contra! and iirdralo and N. Y.City
Stallroads, for New York. Albany. Hutton, Ntagasfralls,
&c.. 11. NOTTINGHAM, Superintandent.
Cleveland, April iU. [M3•
How Lost How Restored'. ,
Jaat Pubßetied. In a Sealed Envelope. Price ll Ceuta.
LECTURE on the Nature,. Treatment and Moiled
• Clam of or Sr•mirill Treatnesa;
Sexual Debility, tiereotioness an dlineolnoterf EtaissMnel
inducing Impotency, Consumption and Mental and Phy
alnal Debility, by '
ROB'? J. icubvErtivist.L, mr. L.
The important fact that the awful cnrisormencee of
Self abuse may be effectually removed without Intern a
medlcinesor the dangerous epplicatioreof caustics, in
stnunyatr, m. ilicated batistes, and other empirical de
vices, is here clearly demonstrand the entirely neve
and highly sueursefut trestmeutWukdopted Ly the role.
Mated author, Mil eeplsined, by, which every ono in
enabled to cure lilspielrparfeetlY, WO at theleasi ;lassie
Isle cost, thereby avoiding all the plvertfie.l nnatrumm of
lb* day. This lecture will prove I• boon to thousands .
and thousands. - -
Snit unCer ix ,t, 16 A Itistn enTsini.r., tb ray addrius,,tor
the rocelpt of ¢'x curds, Or t 1 4 , ,, Tortain stsays by ad-,
dres:me, , DA. CR AS. J. C., Karit, •-•
febl4'n3-1y In flowvry. SP , . Ynrt, '
Pnst nein" Sus, 4fati.
1882. SPRING. •1882:
• -f bete Model Roma • APrre
E. H. :5:14.1 ,"..
W11.01,11,4LE AND RETAIV I IiWIT.:
Yililnin copiltelwletitivatk at Now York FriCiti.
attantiott wad to Bloke/on and Droning
Strum No. 3 gullet' Block, State St. =Fla
' ' \ • 1 . !
1 ,
, .
. .
.. •. -
. •
... .
: .
1....:._.._ ~...,•,,..,,,.:,...,„3.,,..
. .......,...:,,,., . ~_......:
~ ~,
..„3.,....„,:,....___.:,..,.._ .er
- • . : r 4k 4 ••*t ''''
. ..
a 3,..) T • 4 ~....N•, ,, ••• --- ' - • ' .
. ...., ...--,...--......
ill2urtMeLit of
• ..
The (911w/riot gratlawan hull boon retrpted as on:
agents In the places whirratinm' reside. Persons &Sittig.
to send attbs:riptlnns or Soh Work, or to remit =way to
ire. can do It through their hands :
.1. S u.illya 13 , t
Copt A. Pomo., r, y' -- - ---- -------- Atbioo. ,
Vl' C. White, 0
. Watenirrd.
Joe. waddren, $ • -- ' ----- '
M. Stacy.... - . ----- .... .. _ .... Edlnboro.
V. Sebn Itr . % : - Bro , .7 . .'..... ... . Ifill Crook..
S.. 1,. Potts', . .Wisahly•lllo.
Copt V Willard, ' rhaibor Creek.
J. if. Firm, Grooadal4. -
J. Scr.ittr,.... ~ - . .. ..... - ...... ...tut Eiwww.
Lyman Rotousoo, (
A. P. Rouse. " $ - ..... '-
John Doolittle, ............. .. .1 I. l painalld .1 R'cla
Riley Potter, ....... ... ..... .. i ....Wo43prtagbe4
Ralph D..srman, 0
Jamb C Coffman, y
E. W,.Gerrish, Rtypvilla, Oblae
firt. D. W. Ilutchinaesi, Girard.
AmorStane,. Fairview.
Nelson 5ar,1y,....... .... Cherry Hill. - •
P. C. Strati/thou, i . ,
Jim. 1). Phillips, y Union.
F. B. ilarrovresi' , Colatabo.s. •
J. L. Murphy, - Warno.
N. Jackson Garland.
.1. G. Durlinghuni, Spartitosbuir,
Di. A. M. Eby, . Riarrillo.
Jan. c r ,, we1 i ,....
._ _
--------- _ ...Lorena. \
T. D Cbollis, t McKean.
Copt.. Cl. J. Whltuey,..., .. Youagesille.
Amos Heath,
W. C. Oakley, ),
J W . lto)er, to Boe.
U. 11 Donaldson, !diming Croak.
hi. W. Howard, ... Wayne.
I C Chopin, Ridgway,
Ilk C
}Colwit iMatioa, Lander,
Warns Co., PA,
. -
Ity erdprirer Calomel and Alestructtwe miarials from
the eupply tables, bee ceofernol a blames, as oar sick
1.0 Ulu not slop hers. Let him order the
iliecontinuenee of "Illeedfsit," and the aka of BRAND.
RE:TWA PILLS in the place thereof. Theo will com•
'new, a "mew ere." in the practice of which
mould then became emphatically
could I, cured by wercori or whir emetic. That the
human body could only "snide wboir by "virgetabis
rood" A carnal rood being, in rut, condensed vegetables.
Li ItA N DREra'S PIUS etionid be la emery billHary Heir
vern .1.1 A Peetloos of ills Ousels, sooner .id more our
ly thau any wedicine in Ma sod& BRAhDRETre'd
- -...... t
Pi i.i..ti 11l till q.O einuni should be taken night and tanming
Ite,tl Uurrtinaidnd gnt Dow aryl*
sin •--1 e a s a private In CO. F, 17tb- Reetinent„, New
York Vott. Whits at Hitrri.oe's binding sad on the
itsprahannock near Fa/mouth, I end teeny of the elm
party were idea with bilious diarrbcrs. The Army Sec
AV did not cure as. and I was reduced to skin sat boon.
Among no Company were quite a nnanber b Members
who had Wetted in you Laboratory at Bing Sing. They
•ereuut.iai because they used Urandreth'e Fills. Theme
wru pr.qailed nom me sad °there to nee the Pills, and
a, nisi... , all cared in Irmo two to ties data. Atte; tile
our b,nj 11104 Brandt/ales Pllll for the tiphea fleet,
ands, rheurcation l / 4 and in,no ea.r did they felt° restore
tint of gratitnile to yca (Jr my good htalth, I aerl4 you
th,, trhrch 11 uccesttry the entire Company *wild
.1101. I am. respectfully. yours.
ROSCOE K. AYION, gloie_Slog, N. Y.
Prin. 204 Canal Street; Nair Yoh.
L Srmosa, Erie, aud by all respectable dea
ler* in i..adkmß jylS-los..
Thte dellghtiul article for preserving wad
l.auttf, lug the human blur la again put up by the odg .
pr..prietor, and le now mule with the semetatv,' aktll
and attention, which tint created its Immense and un-,
p 5, ..erd,0nt6.15a1..a aril' 111311 &IMOD bath/ annaidly r It
to am anld at V. mote In large bottles. Two talllloa bet=
ties CS4 .unity be width A yam when tt t sods knows
that the. Netball-nu le not only the mod delightful halr .
dragging In the world, ha t.thal tt elannara* the neap at
scull and daudiutt:gtvea the halt allrely,aleh,lnuniaat
groN,gltiand waren:Ai It from Imam gray. Thaw ea
cowdd.rwtious worth lupowlag. The goilislT 9 WhlP leU
tested mr over twelve jean, end Is VlNlNddled.
bed. Any 114 who valuta • beautiful head of Ws
use the Katbairon. It balicely margined, aka* NA**
nabh, it le told by ail raaPaelable d.alem thi q u io l°at .
the world. , It. y. BARNES R CO.,
jt24me. New York.
IT IS ,AOT 419 YR, bat rwstores pay hair to Its Ante.
cal color, by supply frig the raplitary taboo with natural
eastetianc•Ampaire4 by age or dlseastis,
r 4ll litatatwette
d?e a re composed of Lunar Caustleiileeticryble the rt.
Wity and I.arrty of the hair i en4 afford of theorrives
no dusts:l4r. ItArnitreet'i lolatitabla Colactaz Dot OW/
restore' hatr to,ita natural rotor, by itia naq prawala. bat
give* tbe hair a L IIItIANT BEAUTY, prorsotaa
growth, 113 T elat I its falliot o IT, tradtrataw &adroit; ow&
lon•trts health aitd ploatiarktueas to the head, It has
stood the test of time, beteg the urigitial Rats Coloring,
cmatalitly Incremgcg 10 tator. iimo by both
Isdica It la told by p‘llreepllt!tilbill
07 crq le procured by them of the coccunoTelal
agent:), I) z. Bissit &Co , 2 2 Etroadsr:y, li. Y. ?tee
nizet,GOennta, ed St ' jaa24e3-ens
cl LUST.% 110110 1 A HAIR OVAL
- _ :
Ttiii: ONLY—I. 4
DYF Icor anabsid.
Tilt MAI LY DYE... 2... ...... ~.sliroro to be potionless:
Trir OVLIC WYK.... . 4 ,.__. .. For sifting brown.
THE ONLY D Yr'i or 0, iperfootithick.
VW '
O:s;DY DYS - thlit dean aorteetiop.
THE ONt.Y. MlTlit is ip,tepello
A N D 71 I g ONLY DYE •
For alt witc del., re to hare the color of 'their hair changed
with estvty,certrloty end *rtplditt, to W Osd•Abiy,
can , dealre. _
Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, No. 8 Astor Hon"
New York. Sold wrerywbors, and applied by all pair
Dresser r. Price. 11, $1,50, and $3 per oox, according to
Criatadoroia Hair Preservative,
. .
is invaluable with his Dysi, as it imposts thy utmost sat.
sea, the molt beautiful gloss, and great vitality to She
Price cent% SI and S - per Cott., agessillat4slit
Do nat. t!illioritk you iloiltb s CottatitoUtot and
If you aro earning with sny DUMP for latch
to reeotamende.l. • - • • -
It WM Curs you, ure loog Sodorlar o , alloylag Palo
and letagatowttob. tadH
AND PUR will restos* yITYou,
At Little fineuee,
Lad No Rapamoto.: _
Cat out the Adeertleerwebt in *bother column, sad
call ',renl far it'.
Ask tar flelmbnld's. Take ao ether
To „oris i toorl o ym io .
The advertiser twang beenrniiiiiorea to Ibrafth in
a few weeks, by a very simple reaseity.aller hiivilog !Waited
several yearn with a sevens hingaripetton, sad that desid ,
disease, CobAsuipqm— aatolittr Ffj#o hilferl4o l , 11 ).
tellow.suriererithe Intatut
To all who drain It, ha wtU we* aim* artialrier.
scriptlon aged (tree or dory). irlthibillor
pupating and in*, tIO raw shill' they vlllllll4 a.
siva CTRS for Commulforr, Asraza t aminms,B6l.
,The only object of tbsiiiilntillliCiDlNßlMbl=
tine ill to benellt the erikted," and
which be conceives to be lavainableOutribe hopsemry
as item will try his remedy, alit wilt 0114 *al 00 5 141 4/
sad mat prove a blessing.
taarli Zen Whip Cloud,. Mire 4rek.
DIM of eronp—What a pretty and interesting
child I saw last week t Bat now, shert - tt ts soistrra.
Serb was the conversatlen fry's, Mimi=
town In the ears. Died of crone! atneteen
Er. Tobias* Venetian Liniment Us outgo etiek E tibia
In.time, Now, llothare, tra11), 56150 Pat: IS II lase
the paltry gain and poet we ntallta bet lose tbailatte of
veer Infant &Mt text mote -En . playing at vow
Lion p is a 'dangerous Mama: bat tuts Dt.faiiii* Veleen
the I Inintent la thus, and tt la rubbed of tte term&
attemyalmee it is the hour,: you law met mot U tee
nitbt, or te•tnerrotriao telling whin—bat mood wta
till, liniment you ars pantpared, let It cane slam It will.
Pelee on I y cents _stAbottlei. COI v. 56 Cortland street.
Hew Fold by all Drs late. alrgt-ev.
Pee /am teeteclthe truth that therein' lest
pratelples In !Indium° Is compoiteled on side.
tbeManifold aside at man I Tha qt ti
leatplag.opea the pores, and ereatimeat *Ma
warmth, lad thin is cansad by the nee
. 111 iledattne.
Ito remedial qualities arm bee.d on ha wilily Ile
tealtbr and trizeretetclienettife- Wad.
___,lllollo.llllol ,
tunes, It enlivens the muck% and ainua6-61101104116161.k
forttl ltad airs otneretsties the best 61411, oplidgifog
irk poll throwing off tlf roasts imbotaioVinbibiowt„;
fors 01 'body. -It U loot a violent mod, Ifostri
01,,Matleing, tear thiog and eireettre. Boldly MI dear
g iffia " Ulu ' d 25 " AtA l e - a Ptl e g ti el6'a *
i t
wormiest , iiitseciZin,
JCJ Dean tzia;—Wlth your peralarlon erhih te lay
to the reinetinnat tynisr debitpa ledll ,bd hit ishesia
malt to olimbo wish it. (km).* IbleMpak_aritit fell diroo.
tinny for iodic*/ owd oofifg a idoseaTigolabieSaha.
that will eghtetnally rympope.he 10 doto, / 10.010.. 111oldir"
.Es,To,o 4 Foreilloi.o,ofAtportflot ar the ens; Twin .
ram *nee telt. Clear sad tossalld.
I OW Moo moll Itfof to Ow*,ham 4,,,1 1 01
litrefont utopia dintetbeeitinett .
NAM 46.0 se sorks.• AU' 40 •
..10,14olm01a0100100reis 3 -01111.1. 1
pleritletne ne 'vessielhitestarn
portrait r roam
r. (:(gArsiN, cisedit,
:7264m. No. NEI Broadway, N.
_ ,
Nam shall be our Courts disgraced
By sundae Jeerry's Tindal sway,
ermined Jadrieball sit debased
To osibbis blood.boright tights away
have a Jbattb learned and true,
Who needs no bitter, "Mager -law,"
Than that which lions our country through
No away years of peace and war.
Csoart—Tur Lonna to His law ie true,
Par Lowrie to the law is true,
We'll stand by Lowrie for he's it ue ,
By him and the red, virile and blue
Wilat tboagh usaligusota'reat their spite ,
' Ha all who dare siroehilro therul IN'or
Oar hearts declare our eases is right, •
Lid was, and and admit be so
il`bat though they call us traitors now,
*hen they haee:better earned the risme,
We newer shall to iyraula bow,
- Nor Dow to he tlialrfollowers clam.
Cloaca—Huns for Woodward brave and true,
Hann foe Lowrie; to the law he's true !
W• weer- shall to tyrant's bow. ,
Whew disenthnilled by: freemen brave,
Mite by ittatebball frewdose bow --
Whew mat In dart oblivion's wair.
The wretched (vide who caused mar_ woe
Whew Peace and Onion once again
Shall idess the land we love in well.
And Mort), so long la bondage laln;
Shall burst her fetters—lean her
Cuoaus—Well honor Woodward brave and t
And Loads to the law so true,
With Wort, loot to bondage !al is,
• Redeenrii , 4 "neathrtheined.vrbiterend bows
Who tvlll Vote for George W. Woodward.
ThWßucks comity Abolition organ asks,
"Who wants to See a Copperhead Gover
nor elected in Pennsylvania ? ' The Dem
ocrat answers the question by na k ining the
following fourteen classes of vote'rs who
will vote what Abistitiooista call the "Cop--
perheiid" ticket in October :
1. Every moldier who was provided by
Andrew G. Curtin with shoddy uniform,
with Worthless -shoes, and with defective
blaaltiote, in order that the friends of
that distinguishe4' patriot could make
large ,eontract profits, on which the Gov-
ernor,would receive his commission. ,
2. Every - soldier who was seduced" into
the service of the United States for six
month*, upon the pledge, qolemnry giVen
by Andrew G. Curtin , tint the man
voluntaering should be exempffrom the
draft.. A pledge which wa violated alnioit it was made.
3. Every member of the gallant Venn
sylvaula Reserves, who, after performing
valet., were retained in the.
Federal service without being allowed;
to. come home hod recruit,' while` New .
Eaglet:id regiments were furloughed; ha.
osnaellOvernor tiurtin had riot manliness
enough to demand this well-earned re-.
ward of Weir; faithful services.
4. 4very mechanic who is compelled to
take orders ifpori his employer's store, in.,
stead of receiving cash for his services,
will tote against the man who vetoed the'
bill *remedy this evil, which wrongs the
laborer of his hir,e.
5. 'Every farmer in the Curnberland
valley who was robbed by the rebels, be-
MUSA Governor 'Curtin bad not the man
liness end ability to do his sworn duty by
tits Commonwealth of which he Well the
Executive chief.
O. :Every tax sayer, who fully under: ,
stands the, great robbery perpetrated by ,
the bill repealing the tonnage tax, which
Governor Curtin signed after he was
pledged to veto it.
-7, ';very man' who .believes that a State
is an independent sovereignty within its'
constitutional sphere ; and who is unwill
ing that state ;independence should be
sacrificed to gratify a Federal despotism. :
5..-Every honest man who knows all the'
iixi . rttiptions praetised by Curtin and his,
friends, which were so gross and mcin
:strong that his Attorney General. .Purvi
ence, -was forced to resign his office—de
siring to remain an honest man.
..9 4 Every naturalized citizen of Penn
sylvania who 'recollects that Andrew O.
Curtin was the High Priest of 'Know
liothingism in 18544, when he . was Sec'y
of - State to Got,. Pollock.
10. Every man who. bas had a son g
brother or friend drafted, or who was,
drifted himself in October last--when,
Gov. Curtin permitted Pennaylvania to be
competed to furnish by. drift a surplus
`over her quota, when other : States which
had not furnished their full 'number were
elitifipted feent - conseription..
a. Ever y ma il who believes in personal
liberty, free speech and free press. that
great, triad ot, rights, which' (39v. Curtin
has suffered the ttenerat Government to
trttlaple under foot in Pennsylvania, in
of the Constitution Of the Com
, monwealtkaad of the United States. •
1Z briny man who believes that this ix a
Government of Witt/ men ; and is opposed
to,gtegro mercenaries--to negro su ff rage
and negro' egaahlythe re li t end and
&into! Govertior Curtin and • the Abolit
.lolM4 '
Li Everyman ittobelieres in the Union as
our - fathers friiined it, under the Conititu
tfou assititiy Ordained it tend who looks to
this War as orrieans of biesirviog the lat•
'teened restoring the fermarand. not as
the great modtine by which: States shall
be lorned into , prorinees an d . riegroen into
squab. t! -
14. Every Man who is in favor of peace.
based upon the restoration of the Union as
ivies; with equal rights in all the States,
and the inherent rights of. free men pre
served and perpetuated. "
There classes• will give George W. Wood-
War tint least thirty thousand majority in
October noxl •
" [ From et; 'lO
The, oUtest to Peti iyIYApIA.
- - •
The political contest Penosyliania
bas an far been conducted Sail' much spit
-4, but with mute - regard
~for the proptie
ilea of partiten diOuesiontlliM is;usual
**State. ' 'The iniiesissies, gr.:whip but
ef.ffe affiliated &Woof the country hive
4 ,other and higher arguments thin
. upon the suppoOditental and
:deficieneles of the er ititesting, eau.:
• he Deisothetic party is especially for
tuna'e in the Rwndtditte who heads Ste State.
11111110. Wt;OiliVoll4l4 u gentleman.
4 eVeonfessedly high charseteki and marked_
exektutive talent. Sninneh opponents‘
tividereedlajemicede: the . :sstne time
blspditicsl'toutae `furs Wiett consisfenf;
!who a 'arty View, unexceptionable.
lerig:qapear as, a judge/has removed.
*cis.a tctessi)teeisni:44l4lkwittr
Pll3l.eoAeakii 4miaLyn ,
• ; ±le rati
' • !that inspires respect iimoni-A
sorts of As there is reall • noting
~. 1 . --
; • Writtest for the Utovrter
Campaign Snag. •
IIS—"MIU, !Willi •%o imur.
Ballad the locp eolamaa of freeman
an gatherlog for truth 1411 for right,
!.a longer shall tyra .
nts thaw,
For aow la the dawning of ilaht•
Gar sixes are the tlikaa naari uz
Ftvin despots '14,0 swear to deet•cl,
Who loudly to hilt/Aimee tartus,
To tyranny's aryls would dete4y.
Cdpkra —.Huns Lirliroodward brave awl trim t
Hann for, the red, white sad blue t
.No kepi la Insolence raring,
- Give wayto groat Woodward the trap.
But stand by tits rod, whits &ail title.
attack. him merely becauxe
he is the representative of the Democratic
The Republicans are'not so fortunate in
their candidate, Gov. Curtin may be one
itf the purest men that ever lived', but
what makes it awkward for him and his
party is the gltet that previous to his re
nomination he was taken 'sharply to task
Iry his own party associates fur.downright
corruption. The Pittsburg Gaz,itte, the
most influential Republican journal out
side of Philadelphia, in the State, bas
from time to time specified glaringly cor-.
'rupt acts by Curtin. It 'time and again
said that -his `. nomination would be dis
graceful to the party and his election im
But apart from* all questions of person
al integrity, Curtin has deeply otleuded
the just pride of the people.of the State.
He allowed the Cabinet 'at Washington
More than once to cruelly 'snub him, and
! he was weak and unwise enough to admit
it, and complain of their treatment, iu.a
Speech he made at Harrisburg. This was
With regard to the defense of the State
pending die last invasion by Lee. Curtin
had positive information that an invasion
Wits contemplated ; bµt instead of calling
out the'Stute militia in iieasOn, he went to
Washington for lielp IL. was snubbed
and put off fronrday' to day until the rebels
WPM actually in the State, and then Penn-
Sylvania had the mortification of being
ompelled to depend upon the bayonets
of the New York'and New Jersey militia
to defend her Capital frorm destruction. -
The contemptible figure the. State cut du-.
ring the earlier period of the invasion was
slue entirely to the•wrint of vigor and ex
ecutive force in Cloy. Curtin. .
But apart from alt personal considera
tions, the contest in Pennsylvania will re-
cult in a verdict either for or against the
policy of the , _Administration. There is
'no dispute touclung the continuance of
;the war in that State. The Democrats
;agree that it must go on if the ITnion can
;be restored in no other way. But the
emancipation and confiscation policy, the
waste of the public resources, and the iUe
gal nets of the Administration, are dis
tinctly sustained by the Republicans and
repudiated by the Democrats.
We have no doubt n t all touching the
result in that State. It igtrue there is all•
enormous money and contractingintereat
there in faVor of the preeent government.,
but it has little power over the voters in
the rural districts. But the Democrats in
Pennsylvania must make assurance,doub
ly "sum No effort must he.Spareil—no
baerifice avoided, to insure the old '"Key
stone" its high place' among that, glorious
arch of States which will yet restore the,
old Union add secure the personal liberty'
cif the 'present generation and all that
"come after it. I •
• iruul the. Doy testown Deiuozrat.
Tim, Deinocrae - y , have a great advantage
over their opponents in the pending con
test for the Gubernatorial chair. The ad
vantage arises front the supprioritY! of the
candidate over his Republican compet
itor. Thi4 superiority is; an intellectual
is well as a moral one r
' Jud ge Woodward is eminently an intel
lectual man. Mr. Curtin •is udt. 'Phe
former is allioroughly trained and edu
cated person. lie is habituated td mental
analysis and lb clove prbeeas of thbught.
lie has a decided philosophical tendency ;
with nothing narrow or prejudicial about
him ; and from his varied reading and
extensive experience in life, can bring to
bear upon every question presented to his
mind, the light of forcible and 'pleasing
Illustration. lie is emphatically , . a reason
ing MAU: and consequently far 'removed
from dogmatism or pretension. Very few
of tire public men of our country have
such a store of intellecq on which - to rely
in these perilous and unprededented
times. fie is thoroughly acquainted with
the political and judicial history of 'our
Stale add General (li - wenn:news ;;and has
made the Constitution of each his special
and favOrite. stilly. .To 'such a man the
due relations of the States to the" Federal
Union. and the line which separates the
sovereignty of the aggregate from that of
the compound parts, are perfectly fami
liar—and therefore there is no danger, in
the event of his election, of Judge Wood
ward becoming either the leader of a
factious opprisition to proper n tional au
thority, or the mere tool of t , Federal
Executive, surrenderine the di gnity and
' just power of ;the- Commonwealth 'to
usurped, centralized despotistvi. in a
word, he i 3 a profound jurist, au original
thinker, an educated, able man ; is states
man by predisposition and by : culture.
Without.any intention of undue. personal
disparagement, we can safely affirm that
Mr. Curtin is neither of the characters.
every one of which we have :just asserted
Judge Woodward. to he.
But our candidate 19 more than this,
He is a moral man.. Temperate in all his,
ways—performing l full); and `conscien
tiously the entire circle of domestic du:
ties--amiable, kind and affectionate' in all
his relations—just and upright—;honest—
unstained by unlaWful gains or hazardous
and extended speculations—paying his
debts, and contracting none beyond his
means -to -pay. .ludge Woodward is a
model of an honorable man, 4 4 .'hsit more
is wanted on the score of private charac
ter? • What more is required to;save the
State tram the risk or the impu!tation of
her public men sacriticing_her lett-rest to
that of her favorites, or their oWn ; and
to secure, as, tar as hunum agency can, an
.honest and faithful administration of. the
, .
An example .is much needed, in our
day, of a simply hottest discharge of pub;
tie duties; particularly of those connected
with , the finances of the country. We
much mistake the character of :the iudi
victual, if .edge Woodward will not pre
sent such 'an example as Governor of
Pennsylvania. ..
To all this is 'added a patriotic heart.
Judge Woodward loves Lis country and
his. hole country. He is no Secesaionist.
No man of one idea, and that absorbing
i every other, enusideration and depriving
its possessor of the capacity of beholding
any thing else ad,-of value in th4S condi
tution. lie is' uo fanatic, read3i to sacri
fice to a favorite, abstract prilk.iple the 1
practical good of millions of ouicountry
men. tin the contrary, he is an upholder ' '
of the Constitution as our fatheps framed
?t= - and does not desire to refoeitt•it thro'.
the bloody, pathway nf 'war. +Atid yet. /e
is no Secessionist, as he has litasn slan
derously Cann", unless he beceines such
merely by being a hearty and *nest op
ponent of a . t corrupt and despotits Atinain
istrittion. ' i 4..
'Let him be-elected by •the fareerneh of
'Pennsylvania their Governor iti October
next—anct one step—and 'that ilong.nne
—will have bean taken tositird r Abe retitci
ration of freedom and [Talon i.#. thli un
happy land tif,oursi. : -.,
_ _ •;._ ._ .
--At 'Saratoga, the other tno rung, the
poet Saxe, tatertlisposieg of a ;draught at
, Vongretos." overcome by tire'lheat, lei
surely reeline , l'against the bolting house
of,Clfsrk ;t: White. .A.letandicrras pas
,ff.peing S axe ill that t05i44913.
liteetiousll asked, - Are you .43e propri
etor 'Or this eatablishutent,
trda.the ready, reply, 2'l am not oopriesor
the Pace, but, as you . peredve, I have
.a heavy lean upon it." • fi
('.1(011C ' Tlas ballot -boa !braver hurrah, boys, bomb!
Was with Opitaaaloa,
elk with the Lai t
• '',i Whit* vire rani rasaad the Rdia, boys,
' Rally oars asiata,
Spouting tar p'oodward and far crstdoia 1
weleonso to oar ausaber
Honest,Wo and Brave,
Sh atlas foe WOodward aid tor Freedom;
Al4hough he sway be poo4
We 4%11 womb" a Skirt.
Shi-stftte for Woodward and for Froaaoru
Cuostri—lhe Bolan liWerer, '"
hurry to the poll 4, boys,
*sat the Mist and from the West, '
Ith4aUngfar Woodward and tor Breedovo:
• And well teach OipreadoWs weir,
With the nigiera and tie rest,
' To post for Wood Ward and for Freedom !
Csoawit•Theloallet•tes !kwever, ie. -
Al. a initiating '!of the Democracy of
Girardheld at &easel's Hall, on Satur
day evtning, Sept, 12, for the purpose of
organimng a Democratic Club, George
endlowtier, Esq., was called to the chair,
and 1).1W. Hutchinson was chosen sec'y.
After. })peeches by several. gentlemen,
Mesons; Monroe Hutchinson, H. Ball, and
M. Randall presented the following reso
intim* which weee unanimously adopted.
The Club then adjouined to meet Satur
day mtning, Sept. 19th :
We, the undersigned, do erganiie our
selves into a Chib to be. called, " Tfie
Girard Democratic Club," and' subscribe
to the following ag embodying illftr faith
and belief in the things to which they re
late : ; ,
lst.-i-That our National Government is
Dem ratio and Republican. in form, de
riving x av front the consent. of the gov
erned., That ell' power delegated is spe
cifically defined and embodied in a writ
ten Ccinstitution for the guidance of per
ions charged with the administration of
the Giwernment ; that the powers granted
are adequate both for psisite or war; that
innovations end usurpations upon. the
enumerated powers are unwarranted, and,
tend i o the destruction of the objects
soughtto be obtained.
•2d. , That we deplore the eiistence of
the plosent • civil war raging .in a portion
of ouv country, and deem it uncalled for
and itict justification by those who
or' • t it ; and we pledge
resist .the- object aimed ac • by those in
arms - the constituted authority of the
count —namely, the equip/Lion of, this
igi t ar
.Unix into two or more parts.
3d That among the principles cardi-,
nal to the Democratic party, pm-eminent
abovii all others,: stands the unity of this
Government, its ,perpetuity perpetuity and indivisi
bilityi and for causes as yet developed he
who Would Chime' separation does vio
lencel to its principles.
4c That the remedy for onerous laws
or infr ingements of constituted rights (on
the ri of our rulers) exists only in thiS
manner following, namely, by justifiable
revolution, change qf rulers threugh 'the
instrumentality, of the ballot box, or ru
lings r d decisions of the proper judicial
tribe als of Jhe'country.
Gth.—'f haf _there are measures being
enforced by the persona now charged with
the administration o: this Government.
unwarranted and uncalled Ibr, the cor
rectiOn of which we propose to make
throUgh the ballot box.
_ Gtb.—That we pledge ourselves to sup-,
port imen and measures calculated to se
curelagain the assent of that portion of
the )people who have wrongfully sought
to alienate themselves from their site:
gianbe to the constituted authority ef the
govrnment, and renew our approval of
theobjects and aims sought to be ob
tain as indicated by the President of
the ii
niter! States, and resolutions adopt
ed b Congress ' at the commencement of
the resent war. /
'4 O RGIA P"--
vanitah liepubtiean copies from the Macon
Tele§raph an article lamenting bitterly the
loss of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, and
testifying thus to, the presence of •recen
strutionists in • Georgia :
"Pro -day, and in the heart of Georgia,
may be foundin' en ready to discuss-a re
conitruetion'of, these dissevered 'Unions !
Men willing to degrade themselves, to
enitve their wives and children—to in
sult our dead in their soldiers' graves—to
m a foi theireountry a history of Aimee
and infamy---to be the mock of all men
for all time to come, by voluntary re
uni u with our vile;Lour despicable ene
mi . Iteconsttuctioia means but suhiti
gatiiirt. To ask for, readmission to the
United 'Buttes would be to petition for
our Own 'slavery and degradation." •
' - -
rat wan.—"l go for suspending the Con
atit Oen during. the war— laying it, up to
dry."' remarked a. Lineolnite the other
day "Wen," says a Democrat, "if we
suspend it, hai. Lincoln any right to be
President ? Is he not President by- virtue
of the Constitution ? Has he any other
titl t And will he cease to be Presi
den the moment the Constitution la sus.
pe edr The Republican Made no reply.
Thsi DeMocrat rejoined that although he
waal for' the Constitution. yet if its savan-
Rio ' Would ridus'of the present adminis
tra n, the measure had at feast ' one re
d "pg feature. The' 'Republican took
a nd thought, and doubted whether it
we Id be well ! to suspend the Constitution
un er the circumstances—it being Lin
col 'a Only - title deed to.the office. '
' WO Tat' ;i/LIT Eutertents INVOLVE.—
Th . Boston Courier, referring to the com
ing fall elections, - well says there is only
ope . real question before the people of this
cotry, which • comprehends the reheat-
ion as well as every pointof future pub. i
lie ateresi, and that is, whether the sincere
fn ads of the Constitution shall have the
co trot of the government for the =into
n cis of ourrfree institutions, as our fath
entintended,endaa we have enjoyed them,,
or the anarchists and radicals shall cots
! :e the work of rain which they - have
betun and show such a- - decided - dispos`
tiot to carry out,
Not long' ago, at IVeattingtoti City.
the employees and workmen of the Gwr
eraraeut WOrei - required. to take a taut-oath
—bot to Atniptirt the ,Govertuneut, the
CoWititution, or the Urritin--"butto uphold
the Adtralairiticiii. Settie - 2, 4 500 refined
wide) so,' and were clisc4larged
t• It - Ht•-; ,
Woodwarii - tad IReetaioYv.
Al it-"afiTTL!;ll.l' 07 FIUSIN)i."
will sally rodud the Flag. Goya.
7 ly once sofa,
tint for Woodward sad for Frerdom;
rally from fie Maid's, ... •
Other (iota - the plait's,
hint for Woodward and for Freedom I
forarror I harralt,boys, hurrah
Nara with byprerstoo. •
with tha Law. t -
WbUa wa ralkyroiad the Whet. hd.l%
sally urte•Apiln,
Shontiog for Woodward and for Frtedoca
. . S ,
We Ls rallylng to*, polls, boys,
Triiel hundred tlionsand more,
Sleaitlag for Woodirtied and for Ifardom; ' 1
ate,l we'll maids In solid ranks,
a f asnr fathers dld of yore,
slbeiatlai for Woodirard and for Freedom I
[Written for the Observer
—Even Brigham Young's wires are af
fectett with ills military spirits-,they. call
their husbaid briggpdearzw •
—The Bjulington" (Vermont) Sentinel,
says - 11 - Democratic rote in that
State ie thrie times:larger than- it warlatt—
year. ! • • , -
, .- J
S.. ;
Judy Brolegan having been *neat
ed to open 'some oysters, after knocking
them 'about for -some time ',Maimed :
"Upon my Conscience, but they are held
to peel'
"Pom, what am de di ff erence be.
tween a ci tizen what am loyal and one
what AM not 7"
am no diffeience, Mr.
Johnson, aicordin' to my wisiuff 'ceptibi
Jouttsort- 7 —"HoW so. Pompey 7"'
poitpxy_:."'Lase, Mr. Johnson, you see
day am bofp in favor of dis-union !" •
A feW days ago a little urchin in
Westminster saw a shilling )ying on 'the
footway. He had no sooner-picked it up
than it wise claimed by - a Gartman. •
- "Your shilling hadn't got a hole, in it."
. "Yes it bad,"said, the roguent a -4:•art- .
"Then .this 'an ain't"' coolly replied
the h6P, and walked oftArieuiphitatlx.
—Last Thursday the onnscriptsof Guil
ford, Conn, paraded in honor otthe Pres
ident's thanksgiving day, At their bead
they carried jut immense banner bearing
the following inscription -
"We are coming, Patherr Abram, .
valiant band, but sore ;
Pray take as you find us,
Or three hundred dollars more."
—The great crime of the Demociltcy con
sists in cherishing these two propositions :
"It is an essential principle of the Gov
ernment thatspowers not delegated by the
ConstitutiOn cannot be rightfully exercia
ed."—George Wathington l
"The pOwers not delegated to the Uni
ted States by the qonstitntion, nor prottib
ited by it to the SW.ft, are reserved to the
Siate.i, or of the peOpe."—Conatioition of the
United &atm:
A latirrAtes...-A correspondent of the
Bostcin Post writes as follows:--
I read in your paper of Thursday a let
ter signed "A. Lincoln." Was there not
a mistake in signstuxeVWaa not the wri
ter A. Wardi Artemis seems to have per
petrated his biggest gook on the pubhc—
but he don't (reserve the character of the
"moril showman," when he uses other
folk's names.
EXPINSIVE.—The N. 7. Herala
of Friday last, says, in reference to the
draft in that City, Staten Island and Long
"We hear from a Military person of
great judgment ,and experience that the
conscripts will cost the governMent, all ex
penses taken into consideration, between
four and five thousand dollars apiece.
The same amount of money would , have
procured as volunteers five times the num
ber of men, and the administration would
have aroused no ill feeling."
Sonia Domocitsfic Docriuxg.-Silas Wright
once said, "If among us there be any
who are prepare:], for any earthly object,
to dismember our Confederacy and destroy
that . Constitution .: which binds us together.
let the fate of an Arnold be theirs, and let the
detestation and scorn of every American
be their constant companions, until, like
him, they shall'abandon a country whose
riclaklessings they are no longer worthy
to enjoy." _
Fizatusia OuTitaug.—ln our. telegraphic
coliamns we have a notice .of a moat in
credible ind fiendish villainy. It is noth
ing more or less than an attempt to throw
a railroad train, supposed to be full of
Democrats, (including the Hon. George
E: Pugh,) oil the track, from Steubenville
to Cadiz. It is believed the design was
more particularly to take the life of Mr.
Pugh, to accomplish which hundreds of
other lives were also to be put in jeopar,
dy. Fortunately the miscreanta were dO•
fatted,— Cincinnati Enquirer. / •
Tam Was UPow Stavraty.=--"I will never
- -
sanction or acquiesce in any warfareivhat
ever upon the corustitutiosal rightl or do.
mottle ,uaatitutions of the people of the
Southern States. On the contrary, if
there was an attempt to invade those
rightsc;• to stir up servile ' insurrection
among their people, I would rush to their
rescue, and interpose with whatever of
strength I might peasea , s to defend them
from such a calamity. ,
—S. A. Douglas.
April 25,
—The New York Times sayis that :
- "General Burnside, in a speech to - the
people of Lexington, a few evenings , ago, •
did not hesitate to declare that .he found -
'more true loyality in Kentucky than,atry
other State in his department'
To which the E.rprer: retorts with a sting
er, as fellows
"And yet the Them will please remember
there 'ts not one Administration journal in
the, whole State of Kentucky, nor • one
which sustains the Emancipation or con
'policy of the President or his
party—not-one which does not denounce
this policy, out and out."t
—A Helena' (Ark.) correspondent of the
Chicago Times ems : "In my last letter I
spoke of the presence of a dozen chaplains
here, and yet that no religious services
were held on Sunday. I remarked, in the
presence of one of these chaplains, that it
was a bad record. Imagine my' surprise
when he called the list of the churches
here : 'Methodist, occupied ~as negro
quarters ;' 'Presbyterian, negro' quarters;'
'Episcoralian, negro school in daytime,
negro s eeping, house at night;' 'Camber
land Presbyterian, 000kingfor the negroes
in Government employ.' Comment is use
less on that,, unless I retract all said
of the chaplains, for they had no place in
which to preach."
big, strapping fellow from Mont
gomery county, N. Y., who had been
drafted, was asked to this effect :
"Have you, or have you had, any dia.
ease shoat you which would not naturally
show itself 'to the examining surgeon 1"
Montgomery replied, "Yes, sires; I was
crazy once."
"Please state when mid under what cir
Montgo►nery replied, "Well, I s!poti f ,
you'll doubt my word, but I can prove it
by 'Mindy Wood. I was Crazy at the last
Presidential election, Mater, when I vot
ed for Abe Lincoln."
—An tinny contractor who was former
ly a resident of this county,ri few days ago
exhibited to a friend in Harrisburg, a
Government bond for one hundred and
ninety thousand dollars and another for
nine thotisand: He stated thit he had
assigned government bonds to the amount
of one hundred thousand dollars to each
of his children. •By his own showing he
is now a millionaire. This is theNnore
notable from the fact that two years ago
he was ,not worth a dollar. This one fact
will serve to show to the people where the
public treasure goes, and why the "loyal" .
Abolitionists are so anxiouifora "vigorous
prosecution of the war."—Joloutcaon Dem
—Are Abolitionists aware that, as often
as they assert that Judge Woodward had
decided that the "soldier had no right to
vote"--that he was "disfranchisee—that
he .is "denied the glorious privileges ora
freeman" &c., lc., they just as often stain
their souls with a black and damning false
hood I.
Judge 'Woodward we repeat, decided no
thing. He only decided that no elec
tor of Pennsylvania, whether soldier or
citizen, could -legally vote anywhere 'ex
cept at his own election district, as pro
vided by the election laws of Pennsylvania.
And in this decision the Court'unammous,
AL Read, whom the Republicans
placed on the Bench, included.
Ho* basely insulting to the people, for
these• Abolition slanderers to attempt thus
to impose upon their presumed ignorance.
, •
loop* minds cum Amu ImiaLst 4 Wagiller
peast . 4 b.! Donal T.. S. pa.
ilriet.l l !taragraphir»!' :