The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 05, 1863, Image 2

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    etie 13 bzzrbrr.
Amtetcrax Ltantrr —.dame Jacksu.
DemoeraUC State Ticket.
GEORGE W. WOODWIJID. of Philadelphia.
WALTER H. LOWRIE, of Alkgbeny Co.
Democratic Canty Convention.
The Democratic i lvoter.3 of the county of
Erie will meet at
i r the usual places in the
several Wards, Boroughs and township 4,
on Saturday, Septeniber 12th, 7,e.e: to elect
delegates to the Cunty Convention to he
held at
Wayne Hall, in the City of Erie,
ea Tuesday, the_ 15th of Septeutforr belt,
For the ppipose of nominating candidates.
for Assembly, Prothonotary,
.Clerk of
the Courts, Register "and Recorder, Dis
trict Attorney, County Commissioner, Di
rector of the Poor, County Auditor and
Trtiste,es of Erie Academy.
The number of delegate; to tie elected
from the respective districts ar,) as follows:
Erie, Ist district 2, Second district .2,
Third district 2, Fourth district 2., Mill
creek 5, Harbor Cieek 4, North. Elst tp.
3, North East boro '2, Greentield.2, Ven an
go 3, Wattsburg 1, Amity 3, Wayne 3.
Concord 3, Corry 2, Union 3, I'nion Mrils
'2, 'Le Beouf 3, Waterford tc. 3, \Vat erford
boro 3, Greene 3,iSummit 3feKean
Middleboro 1, Washington 3, Edinboro.'_,
Franklin 2, Elk Creek 3, I.:lrmo:tut 3, Al
bion 2, Springfield 4, Gina.' tp, 3, Gir.ird
boro 1, Lockport 3, FairviOw 3.
Chairman Democratic Co. t'ommitteo
Our readers who have no the op
portunities of ascertaining public feeling
as ourselves, can have no conceptioti of
the intense spirit of entinisiusm and con-
pence which very where prevails amongst
the Democrats in the Southern portions
of the State. Meetings are being held
every day, attended as meetings never
were before, and each occasion but folds
- to the earnestness of the; people. Some
of our exchanges come to. us with an
nouncements of no less than a dozen pub
lic meetings eadh week, iu their resPective
counties. In former time., theSe
Magee were generally arranged at the
county seats, by theileading
who sent out handbills and ..drummed
ruP" the "faithful;" but now the people
get them up themselves, and call for the
speakers to come out and , address them.
We are valtly mistaken in the signs of the
times, if Pennsylvania does not swell up a
majority against ASURTAS G. ecitrts and
the Mismanagements of the Federal Ad
ministration, this fall, such as has never
been recorded in her history.
We have not mettWithA solitary Demo
crat, who has had an opportunity of (learn
ing the popular feeling, who does not
agree with us, in our coutident anticipa
tions of the result.- Amongst leading
politicians, it seems to boa foregone, con
clusion that Judge WooDv.-.Ar t n's election
is as 'certain as the coming of Ple.:tien day.
The Republican leaders t
up cheerful splrit,, and will conduct it
rigorous campaign : hut they ' . .11,-,very
much as we did in the canrapi#
with the desperation o: . certain r/efeat.
personal friend, writing to, u= from
t-isburg, says •
"The political news is goo:I - from all
quarthrs. I never said such manife, , mtionF,
of the popular will•as are daily exhibited
at the Democratic inetninzs tinoughout
the State. Our party fliendi• faitly
.with enthusialu. - Nobody here
doubt the - success. of ihwige WooDwARD
and and —4eLo you know al
ways.roanage to boon t.116' stront: hide. er e
Ohapmg their course accordingly. We will
take care of theri. The Democrats will
remember such wens-kiiee,l brethren in
future. If we have at reWartli to give,
let them be given to th who have stood
' rirmL-;those vela ha l vereastel obloquy
from the beginning fdr the sake of the
case.--' Tell our friends. in Erie •county to
keep up brave hearts: There is a better
time coming—depend on that. .1i ; you
said in the 06sertyr a few weekAa:o.
:ing but greenbacks and bayonets vin pre
vent our overwhelming .uccess Toe for
• mer will be used bountifully—the latter it
will be seen whether they dare to etno).ov."
The Soldiers' Vote.
We would remind our friends that the
utmost exertions are heir made Is
the Republicans to obtain tEe influence of
the soldiers in favor of their c.‘ndidate.
With this object, prominent Repub;ican,
rare constantly visiting the army s and by
I •
speeches and the eirculAtion of :vin g doc
uments. attempting tO'convincts them that
Gov. Curtin has been their especial friend,
while Jude Woodward is their b!.. , .0r en
The Governor liiin.•;e:f h.:- re
turned froniA miision to Virginia. limier.
taken for the avowed purio , , of prespru.
ing a sword to (ien. 3leado, but really to
make political capital in his own savor.
In such a canvass all the a‘lvantsg:9 are
Zma the side of the Opposition. for the Ad
ministration has exclusive control over
the avenues Of approach to the soldiers.
Democratic papers are not permitted to
be sold in most of the camp, while R e .
publican journals are flooded into the ar
my by wholesale. But
_there are still re
mai in
F. 4
g means by which the soldiers can
oboe 'n thetrue issues between the two
and we hope that Democrats et.-
eryw ere will Le . prompt to avail them
selves 'of them. 'We. refer t- the sending
of private letters, and of sound. conserv
ative newspapers through the medium of
the Post Office. There are' hundreds of
Democrats in this county who have sons
or other relatives in the army, and it should
be the especial aim of them all, from now
until the day of election, to make their
soldier friends as fully acqua inted
. with
the doctrines of DeMocracy, and the high
moral sad patriotic character of the can
didates we present for the peoples' suf
frages, as Possible: . -
We are confident in the belief that the
grind guns of the soldiers, if they our*
fay understood the real questions at is
sue, would.bei Newt and hand in sympa
thy with. the. Democratic party, Certain
it is, that the vast majority—a majority so
WWI' s& almost to mount to unsaim.
itv—are bitterly opposed to Abolitionists,
and almost as strongly to the echrof the
Administration. The radical measures of
Mr. Lincoln anti his Cabinet have theirmoat
n , r est oppo'ers in the ranks of thearrny,'
t / :
,while the atrocious, injustice which they,
have exhibited towards Gen. McClellan is
commented upon by officers and men with
severe andivell deserved denunciation.—
But the soldiers are studiously taught that
the Democrats are opposed to their inter
ests, that they_are in sympathy with the
rebels, and indifferent to the best interests
of the country. Having little op
portunity to learn the contrary, with few
beside Republican journals furnished them
to read, , and of course uqacquitinted with.
the platform of Democracy, it is no won
-der that they shclaild look upon our organ=
iastion with distrust, and labor to de
feat it. Let them once thdroughly under
stand that the Democratic *party is striv
ing, not to .lestroy the Union, but to msktc
it permanent,—that it. is pledged to main
theold Constitution and 'restore the
old Confederation of States—that its ob
ject is to put a speedy end to the wk., and
save the lives of thousands - of gallant and
putt iota, men-that it is unanimous in de
inan(lin the recall of Gen. McClellan to
the C0113%11413 ti of his loved and loving
troops—that it s opposed to making this
u wiir for-the freedom of negroes, and ,to
placing the colored man on an equality in
the ranks and at the ballot box with the
White ono—that it dTunces the very
acts of the Administrati* which the sot:
diers themselves most object to—that it
speaks exit in bold indignation against the
frauds of contractors who plUnder the
treasury and•supply the army willt.'un
wholesome food and worthless clothirg,
while the Republican leaders have no,
word tf• condemnation for the same—
that it adheres to the old and well settled
maxims of- freedom for the people to crit
icise the acts of their public servants; and
to condemn those which are deserving of
condemnation—that, in short,-it sustains
everything that the soldiers themselves
enlisted/to sustain, and regards Secession
and Abolition as twin enemies of the na
tion, alike to be resisted and vanqUished
1--and we believe there would be do
tnuit spontaneous sentiMent of endorse.
meat in'its favor on the pat of the rank
and tile at least. In what way can these
'truths be so well inculcated, as by pVivate
letters, from those in whom they 'have
been accustomed to. confide ? We 'trust
that our-suggestion will be adopted by all
who have friends in the army. •
Ginene still persists in praisiniOte
"noble devotion to the Union" evlnesdby
Kentucky in her late election. General
Burnside 'also claims' that Kentucky
.more thoroughly loyal thambhio, Indiana
o r Illinois. 'Such being the testimony Of
two organs of Republicanism, we preeuma
no:member of the party will object to the
following sentencedaxpressed by Col
Brat:Wet te, the new Governor of the State,
in one ,of his speeches during the cam
paign, anl recited in all the others made
by him. Said he :
•' The conderimation of the Radical
measures of the Administration in power
i 3 the highest obligation of a patriot..
ur. Democratic party of Massachusetts,
though weak in• numbers. and certain of
yearly defeat, numbers among its mem
bers many of the purest and ablest men of
the Commonwealth. We' notice among
the list of delegates to the State Conven
tion held there on Thursday, the familiar
,names of Ex-Gov. Cramossa, Judge Biss.
F. CCRTI3, Hon. Gio. S. HituAan and
Gro. Lrsr, Esq., all - persons holding the
very highest positiOn in the world of lit
erature and intellect:
V.'nEy Tor hear Republicans talking of
and Fraising what they call `•War Demo
cr,ltz," who now act with their organiza
tion, ask them if every one of this class
of i.iega .t les has not been well paid for his
course. Look at DICLiiSON, Bcrtza, Looa.v,
Jonssos and their. set—all holding high
and profitable positions, and every one
personally interested to . having this Ad
ministration remain in office.
•Phils.delphis 4;e thus curtly and sensibly
detinei the relations of the Democratic
party to the laws:-
1. To obey them if they be good. t
2. To obey them if they be bad. -)
To appro. e of them it they be good.
1. To repeal them if they•be bad,. •
Written fur the OSeereer.
The itepaieran faaditlate tor Sigma. Judge.
In pursuance of ine effort of Judge Ag
new to prepare the public mind for tame
acquiescence in the proposed despotism,.
he nest attempts to justify the imprison
ment of citizens in militstry hostiles, and
the suppression of newspapers for exer
ei-ing their .Constitutional and inherent
right of freedom of speech, and seems not
to be aware that tithes of factional control
or the Administrative authority, and great,
puirli excitement, are the very hours in
which the Constitution de:levied that these
rights should he exercised, protected by
the fundamental slaw, unhampered by a
doubt and controlled by no assumption of
super:or governmental wisdom. When
t hese Eights are threatened, by military or
central power, is the time when they need
prdte‘qion, not when amid the calm of
peace no attempts are made to invade
-If, then," ~.:syd the Judge, "the stern
neee.-,sity of .trar may demand the sacrifice
of fundamental, . God-given rights, wAat
ezertn:4:.n from ti.e same neeratify caste claimed
:I,e tr.i , tor
. auars,U4ll rf the Cbastitution? 'On
I.i:iter-tyugo,tio4 ,reste the freedom of
yes:: .h ani ci the bleu, the ilight to Aare duo
n7xess cf jaw and the writ of habeas corpus?
They are but the outposts set to guard
the higher rights of life, liberty and pro
perty." 1 / 4 p. 18.1
The instance which the learned Judge
. gires as-the highest example of the news,
situ that calls for the surrender Of life and
liberty; is where a citizen is drafted Tito
the army, and compelled to surrender his
liberty and perhaps his life, to the **Hof
his couraii - . kp. 17.1
We observe in this the confusion of the
rights of soldiers with those of civilians,
the minglilog of the two together, and the
mistakengpplication of the ume rules to
both the civil and militarradministratlon.
It is by'this sophistical jumbling .of
two entirely
,distinct, matters that these
insidious advocates of .Despotiem maintain
even an appearance of reason. The mili
tary and civil authorities are distinct, and
their jurisdiction separate, certain and de.
fined_ The objects of this jurisdiction
may frequently be fotuai in the same ter
ritory, or .upou territory not subject to
military or mulled law, but the teat by
which the earat of 'mob persona is deter
mined is, "Is he in the array er navy of
the United States, br in. the militia, of a
State called into this serviteof the United
States!" If the person is neither in the
army or nary, or in the militia in active
•etvire, be s. mul t iee: ~1:„„. t,i, o w eivili au 4 %truelf, bleeding to the iterlik. 1 * -
thorny. 10, 1, 0 0(4ve l f; i l l, .- in tile , itsiittiry only loptit the throes d. Milliitii
service ot the (In /fp./ :•:.!at , i.. it., is bon- i ;on ne.v .lile from the dein *
trolled by- tnilita, v. - I .ti, wit :'. this I v til red 1.1111(114_
don, that if lie has rweri mills , re' I .- plac , --1 I
under that ~...nn 0 1 , 1.14 ..t.v.ilr. ~ kf • ' ' Af . 11l
either pit' VA 1! ll' illlfili'l v ..1 , 1 1•r• ,• i-. ~•
is entitled 1. 1,1..-f b) kb.. ci , :' ;It -v.--
That the MilltAtS ...I) d..IW IV-• )... , , ii..1 , 1 -
trite to the virtu. 0n....-et; i.. a e ,T,1:11-ii i. 1 1 ,-
cif)! . of our fieegota-rsmeo!..w.l ts.rtaia
ly not to he aluindotte4, whitql. fiar !Ile. tie-It
tithe in t',. , lti-t-ry •.r oorl emnitv: the
arrogant suet wichtuen?. , or tliti milli:try.
supported 1* a vittatrfUl and titinriocipled
faction, threaten the 'mut,4l - sion Ot I that
liberty whieli that pi hi,,ipt‘i , i , ‘411! p. ~.
tects. If the-0 ancietit awl funtlainental
principles .0r5i1 , , , , , d0m nee not In govern
when liberty t endangerel, will' Judge
Agnew intorm an anxious people when
he intends to apply them :: and what se•
curity could there ever be !in time; of war
for liberty or property ! If the military
power can• thus extend it-elf over the
whole land, defino offense's, proclaim ne
cessity and punish alhwhom it sees At to
condemn, unchecked aid unopposedi
what becomes of those inalienable persons
al rights which it is 'the design and ex
preen aim of our Constitutlon to establish
and to defend ? - The . !same, insatiable ne
cessity that to - day demands the secret ar-
I rest, at the dead hour of',.the night, of a
citizen in his home, way to-morrow decree
as his punishment, the distribution of his
property among his captors. If, as Judge
Agnew says, the loss pf the greatee right
inrolVes that of the' less, the rights of
property .will find no proatection from a
power that strikes at, the treater privilege
of personalliberty. : ,
Again, Judge Agnew is ieither guilty of
gross misrepresentation or singular igno
rance when he conceals the fact that the
citizen who enters the military service of
the country, either does so by his own vol-'
untary act, or else is - "it strained ;of his
liberty" only by "due process of hivi." He
cannot be put into the artny by a "general
order," nor can he be seized at Ilia home
and placed in a camp of Instruction or in
the field. Ike is compelled to military du
ty only by a law of the land declaring him
e be subject thereto, and prescribing the
• •
manner and the time in and during- which
he shall serve, and that law must in ,every
part be in harmony with the supreiffe law
of the land—the Constitution. Ncir alter
the citizen is placed in the military service
of the Government, does he lose his rights
as a freeman on Sii lust to
preserve his e&, Nor
does the protect ril -law
desert him ever egally
disqualified fort her, if
his enlistment I rfrattil
or violence, the of her
children and tl them,
'follows him to iching
forth her hand leads him back iri:\ afety
to his home.
Here we see that beneficent prinleiple
our Government, that the Law is Sl:pre/es ;
there can be no just act Of authority with
out a law to support it, and the citizen can
at all timer, and in every place, evoke to
his aid this jealous guardian of hit rights.
If, then; even a soldier cannot be deprived
dt life and libert3,l without "due process
of law." those righer cif freedom ot the
press and at speech, of having judicial
process, and the writ of hatitasi corpus,
which Judge Agnew calls' the -"Outposts
set to guard the higher rights of life, lib
erty and property' :are certainly piotected
from the encroa c hments of arbitrary
Orpower. 1
page 23 we lied the following clause
the Constitution: .
"The% . light of the- people to be secure
in: their bousere-pePzrs, and effectii against
unreasonable searches and seizures shall
not be , violated.. And , no was ant shall
issue but upon probable cause, supported
by oath or affirmation, and particularly
describing the place-to be searched, and
the person to be seized:" 4, -
And here are the commentaries thereon
of Judge Agnew : " But the right of
search and seizure is not forbidden in the
Constitution, as ' ignorant and wicked
clamor would hive us suppose. it is only
unreasmabk search or seizure that:is. *
The common law right of arrest ; still re
mains. For example. arrests -may be
made without warrant by inferior officers,
such ,aa constables and even by private
periens." , -
Thee-Judge , thus seems to ream' on that
because a ciol officer, can upon his actual
knowledge of a crime; or his strong sus
picion that 'one has been committed, ar
rest without a warrant' an actual or sup
posed offender, and hold hid' kir a short
time for trial kr:iar \ a'
.airy, that .a In:titan;
official may arrest in like manner. a citizen
who has committed no crime, and may hold
him tritloot a trial, and Co . nsign him to a
prison with,ord the aid of a J arg. \ A keen and
discriminating legal mind, or ts.candidate
for the suffrages of that faction which is
so much like their great idol ••necessity,"
in that it knows no law, may be able to
see ttie parallel. 'We are not. DOC% Judge
Agnew believe that freedom of speech is
a crime? Ila.s the learned expounder of
constitutional law fcirgottetr- his defini
tions? Is he not share that under our
form of government no man can tcnte or
:peal: treason ? And if he writes or speaks
that which is injurious to the public in
terests, or to private character, that there
is a law that defines the manner of pro
ceeding against him and his punishment?
Shall we hear a'ilawyer arguing that the
will ot a man is 'superior to the law ? .01
what, manner of .use will be the Judge of
the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, if
these pernicious doctrines are to govern
him in the discharge of his public duties ?
The people do Pot wish to fill that posi
tion with one who maintains it to be a
sinecure. , - • -
Again, the Judge quotes the 'Constitu
tion as follows: ." Congress shall make no
law abridging the freedom_of speech or of
the press.' Page 21. I '• .
" Mark the lairguage," says the Judge,
Cimgrrss am make no late," and forthwith
argues that though Congress can; make no
raw, the Prez:doh may ! We had thought
that Congress was the law-making power
under our form of government; and that
those enactments that Congress could not
make were impossible to be Made. It
'seems that dui people have been misin
formed as to the meaning of . oar Consti
tution in this triatteri_ancl that when Con.
gmts..ii prohibited frommaking any law,
'or fail s to make sufficient legislation; the
!President es officio, can by a " 'proclama
tion" or " general order" supply the de
tciency ! -
' I
But we have ,not the inclination to fol
low Judge Agnew through all the minor
misrepresentatiOns, fake assumptions, and
fallacies that iacumber his pages, nor to
criticise his elaborate defence of the
Emancipation proclamation in Which, har
ing before only been Illogical,' he there
becomes silly. Our object hai'beett only
to point out the: More prominent and
• egregicsm hermits, by the establishment
of which this lawless: candidate of a law
leas faction, would level at one tulowi all
the labors of freeman for six Mmturia-;-
all the blessings that', the torture and im
prisonment otfreedoni's martyrs hare
sonferred--aa the cherished hherties that
sprang from the blood of heroes on the
battle fields of lour Qin free country, and
establish in their place an irsierponsible
despotism, goirierned: only by a necemity
boundless as the will:of its *stator, , and
detestable as the *sips of the faction
that support it. Now in the trying hour
when American liberty is endazigered, - the
people should turn with . renewed trust
and confidencie to the high tribunals of
law, for reatsguitim and protection of
those rights denied and trampled upon
by arbitrary power. They warttno fearful
inaction. no . no le
galised despotism The bops* of maw
kimd•barqg tainting on the intim of-Ame.
nesa Denommly, to l rise with renewed
life to a glorious realization; or, sink into
the cave of!
_visionary and i exploded
aeons'. Amu Liberty unit be main-
Mined and petrpe he assd, and mast sot be
I itattr.itiut of the 'aver Gifieraor of
1' .1, Itr.itnlette, the new fir:Proem of
lietoucicy. tylto ii entiordOr by the
at Ga..
alo.t eryery other Republicnn
paper it 3 thoroughly true Union Loan,
Mi 4 lll3(lgliptieft at Frankfort on thi lit
in-t. iii. A.b1t . 044 upon the occiaion "non;
tend. tiOit the revolted, Statea: (lid not
eitattee (lPir 141%1114 by rebellion,; that all
dry 1. ti..1•e , ...0-try for (item to do ift to te"
turn to weir' lejiltv noel take their poti:
~ ; !;41-7 : that the rebellioniliti not
remit them vi u. territorial ooniiitiOn.. H.
aayi vie Atonic' tirrnl,....startti by the Con
htitution, irbleh extremist-4 are seeking to
destroy thoie of oneitection by. innova•
lion. thpie of the other bY force. ,
" it not a restored Union—not a re•
constructed Union—that 'Kentucky desi
res, hut apip=erred Unioriand a restored
peace upon the
. Constitutional Basis.
"The 4 lavertior strongly tohjeets to the
arming of negro regiments, and asks What
14 , t0 he done with Bucti soldi . ers at the end
1 of the war:" •
The testier will nsturally inquire what
difference there is between these 'doc
trines end those of the so-called “copper
heads" in the North We - eikisont,
even the -lightest.
Oraisi us; fi ;Sad Quetta
Woodward's Our Leader.
A i ft —.lhroti , ar /!.s(.••
Coin; Democrat; Momaida. )oar rights to maintain.
To vindicate your principle* in ?IMMO. again I
Woodward's our leader, boa gallant Ind Strong,
For Woodward and Liberty, were marehtagatoat•!
Starching Mon; ma are marching Wong.—
(iird on your armor Cad be Marching Moog t •
Woodward a oar loader ; hies gallant and stream
Liu' Woodward iu4 Liberty, were marehiag Moat
Come re. erhu L•r+ the L'alua AA It Iraq istus awl down '
By Wash Log ton. without lat el Irons fulleirers of John
Who lose the Coastitutiony the greatest el all Leak
/Come, lulu our gel taut 'party, 1..a4 help our • gleriessa
ilareltiog along ! w• - ate rutrykisig along. Jte
Wit I:e oto•r• • Lartrring their litor4•01 for gain, -
And gorging t enowirrs with th• Wood of thy 'Lain,
While .one lor UM lure' union with blow. end with
• knocks,
rt-unite our touutry vitl, the free tsUot4bor
Marching &hang ! u • us nmakalliftfilkki c ilik;..
The rid bla of the people, thillibtar of the &alas, •
eltuen, triumph O'er alt party dlslikoa ask Wok:
The basilica b. upsoilloind tyrts te N but,
When Woodwind and Mart" ki erateti-verite tesmeet
Marais' Wong! WO Lt/0 XI stellar alone, ke.
'Sail) Ruiner Iron inane Vaste—
The • has been mach discussion on the ques
tion whether the paydient of S3OO by 11,
drafted m q doei not exempt him for this*
years, the ate as furnishing- a subotithte
does. Nobody Who has ever read the con
scription act can doikbt that suctions the In
tendon of Congress, t, our rulers at Wieh
ington, with their castority disregard of law
and justice, have decide , otherwise. • We see
that Hon. Caleb Cushing, irluss legal ability,
no one will question, has given \ as Opinion
that the payment of POO colon Lion, ez
etnpts a man fnr three years. In llibvf!iw,
be itrendorsed by How Thaddeus Fitaventhe
leading Republican member 'of the last H
of Representatives, as. will be seen by the
following correspondence; which ire And ii
the Lancestee Exprsse: •
laiscArrsit; Augur 27, 18f4
Mr. Thaddeus Streens :
Ste: Different decisions have been Oka,
under the lath section of the "Act for enrol
ling and calling out the National Forces," ti
to the effect of the payhtent of the $BOO ciion
toutaticm ; in the uncertainty so caused; say
I ask you for your opinion as_to,what the,law
of, the cam is
What iq 'the effect of the payment or the
$BOO commutation, and for what length of
time does such payment exempt the person
Yaws, respectfully, •
EDwAsua RasLi's
• Lascasrpt, Augdst 271863..
• Duo Sta 2 In anisrer to your inc;atri, way
opinion is that the paywient of the $BOO oom
mutation and the furnishing "'substitute Mitt
precisely the same effect. Either of them
frees the drafted man tram further drab for
three years. He is in 'effect in service!: either
by himself or *Bother. The payment of
makes the Government his agent to widow a
substitute. The GOvitrument has raselated
to act as such agent. The law stays be may
..`on or before the day fixed for his appear
ance tarnish an acceptable substitute, or pay
such snot not exceedutg $3OO for the proems"
- on of such substitute,. and them?" the
person furnishing the stibstibute.. o, l l o,7 l oB
the money , shall be discharged front farther
liability under that draft." No one doubts
that this is furnishing escuseslor three years.
To give a different effect to the payment of
commutation seem! to OM little lass than an
absurdity. It is, a very mischievous miscon
struction which, it used be, I have no doubt,
Congress will correct.,.
Eo. Retti.r.
We observe that the Board of Dtattio g Can
missioners in Lancaster County have acted
vaponillr. Stevens, opiaion, and in their cer
tificates of commutation, plainly declare that
the person paying $3OO is " ettesnpt from all,
liability to do military duty for the term of
three years." Id order to show that we are
not mistaken in this assertion, we give a copy
of the itertifteate furnished in that city:,
We, the subscribers. composites the Board
of Eurollutetwof the.Sinth Congrestdosal dis
trict. of the State of Pennsylvaais, provided,
for in auction 8. Act of Concrete • for enrol
ling and calling out the National foices.".. ap
proved March 3, 1863, hereby certify •that
Henry Dessinger, of, W. Donegal. Lancaster
County. State of Pennsylvania, baying giveti
satisfactory evidence that be is not properly,
subject to do military duty, as .required by
said Act, try reason of having paid E3OO com
mutation. is exempt from. all liability to do'
military duty forth* term of' Wm years.
A. W. idolizing,. Captain_ and Provost Mar
shal and President of Board , of Encolltaast:'
Eli Oberdeor, Member of Board of Enroll
ment ; P. Casaidy, Barium of Board of Ea-
Dated at Lasiisstar,
this 2,5 th day of July, 1843.
We understand that the *Seers of the draft
at, Waterford have a decision frost Pivrrost
Marshal General Fry, to the effect that the
parent of WO only exempts the' penes
doing so front the, present Orel, sad that they
at. as liable to hare their alias draw oa
the ocean of anther dintt as if they bad
never paid say atoonat. it would sea as if
the Admilietreticia ens pansies one , OMNI
in some seetieas of the minim and nether
la other section. We loot agolnn!!
in; for saythiag in the elope of einalateso
or fairness frost the AM - who
slain at Waakialpae.
Corso Cornirreoz.—ln timber allow
will be fogad this eat ter a Detaiersticibugy
Convention. to be bald ia Ibis - "07, a Tab
day, the 15th last. The *Mt O the ilia
meets our approval is an tappets. • ibeni b
no buncombe bait, no sin s l aftkillilagaiiv
bat it speaks la a iamb. atraigraellirmard
savaer, that wilt totoolmod it to theliest
Of the Denbeeratie anieneL, Ire babble. it Sa
be th e nesaiineas o f the party 411-11eb
• „
Comity, ihai is hidisii p ibilablitaiiiistear
ors ilighiet *MOM add t.
sad lissiond *NV wow simi pat. ibe hid
a ticket mule up of Democrats Dogairfau .
onti. The opposition, is spite f . their lie*
sant pretensions, stand by tbii partisan ot..
'pulsation with.- ill. min* Isitmlfq as ' ova
Mikthere is hut ore tionne led for conseretr
tire men, arid Untie rally around thit,hanner
of Democracy. For the last.wo years. the
Democrats'' of this county ha v e given their
political enemies a fair opport nity to prove
dm shoserity of their ao-party professions.
its of ,1861, L a,tictist !an placed
".• cr.
in tite.fiel , made up of wills attached to
both be ts l a poliiietal views, mind it. received
the s9pno of shook 'every Dimoerat in the
county. it gain, in the last cat/prigs, we no. '
titillated ti gentleman of excellent chancter
and - undotabted capacity for )Congress, who
placed hititself on sibroad and fair ""no-party"
platftirm, !which weld Mit be objected to in a
single feature by Iritilla, the papers of the op
position. i The TAM is-too well known to
need repetition. In each instance the Union
ticket thus nominated tioeiled titoeuPPort , of
• fort literal and iudepende f t t Republicans,
but the mmenae majority o the opposition
clung to he nominee, of theii old pany 'con
ventions„ end they were electid. _ '
The I.tutocnts of Brie Coury having thus
.giveii the opposition two Tportunities to
prove the. since4ty of their cbtims to non
partizanittip; and Ilions in ench instance re
buffed, have now la to litisin only one just
course—toplace their owtitifket in the geld,
and , rally around, it to a man. We frankly
adadt that to us it will a ear greater plea
sure to support • ticket mile up entirely of
. men representing . our cherished p4ciples,
than one of a memgrel political nature, how
ever meritorious -might be Om persotial,cha
racter of the .patie nten vinced from the that the ne
. paling it. We
felt' con
wsy pretanxioni of the publican ;leaden
were all a sham. We belisie the tree policy
to be the putting of a fttit bentoeratie, ticket
in the field every year, regsOless of the over
whelming odds against it. /31 such i course
only can we keep up a the+gh organization,
and be' always prepared t present n united
froot tii the enemy. ... 1 •
We hope to see a full . r
presentation fiom
the various townships at We County Convert
tiOn. !The notice is , mete'ntly long to give
an ofportanitk for all th districts ' to hold
l is
their 'lmaging% and salmi • their delegates.
Let there be snob an atten4ance as will prove
to, the opposition, that reckless and ',virulent
as, they have been, and e i liormons es is the
majority against • us, the tart of the Dem
ocracy beats as brats And undaunted as ever.
, - Letter bean llWeber°.
' Beira os rant Ossitives.: If it be ems
that i. , coming events east 'their altailaws b•-'
fare' the Adsehtistrittioal patty Of the old
Keystone awaits a feartall reokonlig at the
pollees the second Tuesday in October, There
is at earnest sad : settled ittatistioe gradual
ly but firmly fastening ititlf uptt the public
mind, that a ticrible blasts of oatierlon and
commisslow lies et the dor of the Promulga
tors and supporters of the resent iris po li cy;
and 41114 theta Is to be alenerel mi. shaking
i t.
among the dry bones," belt) upon 'the right
hang and upon thalettoted that they ere to rise
up endemics teeth elsti li with cokeel-M ire
Sash and blood, nigh an an *sailer with
hauliers" shoittingthe we t tchword, i tom lite
tisaj from every tiirerofllankerscri, until the
rills of the • Republican Jericho :shall fall
itiat a mighty crash. bcfrylng 'diensioniste
80 and South in eta etnunorilniin.
A convietiett in my own mind chit this is
to be the glorious result, ;was not any lessen
ed by a grand rally of Democracy that occur
rookie this plate on Pridey evening, the 28th
ult.', at Aseembly,Kall. The unfavorable se
peet •of the weather did ne' prevent the Hall
trot, being Euiely tilled, :iy as attentive and
intelligent an audience las ever graced its
sests. -- 'lssac B. Taylor, was called to the
Chair, Archibald Torry ad D. M.' Bole, were
appointed Vice Presidente, and I. C. Wilson,
*celery. s - Owing to the lateness at the
the formality of =tins was; dispensed
with, and your to 1 Wm. A.Oalbraith;
Esq., (may his shadow never grow less) pro
ceeded to eddetes the meeting. His address
seeds no eulogy. Salami it to say; his calm,
dignified sad erguittentative . manner of pre-'
witting the issues- bifocal the country went to
the hearts of the people ii and the quiet and
order that prevailed is the Hall during his
Jeugthy and psi eit iippeel, told that the
spirit tif'74s was not istl eztizupgihed in the
briasts of American litenien . , Democrat
and Republieekalikethe 114 with food
for meditation that willl
sr its own fruits at
the deposition of ant; in Edlibao. - The
priceless legacy ofr forefathers forbids
thit such met as Oalb should Ibe idle in
6 1 th
these evil days that his fallen upon us. Th e
bell is in motion — kee p rolling. , '
:Edinboro, Sept .:, ' , SCALPEL.
Inspasm/ firaTtssi.
Great Democratic 'Dieting at Grove.
• Wsrnew, Aug. 8, 1863.
Ma. EDITOR : The !sagest meeting held in
this part of Erie countY for my "yeors con.
Timed at Oak Grove4ay. No may exten
ded. notice was gi Ind eciaaiderin' g -the
circumstances; the immense number d people
id attendance was renUy &missing. . When
year correspondent resithed the Grove, G. Y.
FOrrelly, Esq., of 1S rills , was addressing
the multitude. There ere from three to four
Gpousand persons present. The speakers and
niaampre were agreeably surprised at the at
teadance. Jwidge Chntich followed Mr. Far
ia a stirring and i Ells eibllreenwhicth *SS
earmly ap
ed pl mm aude . e bde rm attseited the
itted by it üblican
sod added fresh bum* to his Rep Malta sa
courageous sad imieNt speaker. Wm. A.
Galbraith. Eel, made e coneluding speech.
It was very eloquent, heti the happiest
Witt upon the sadisacit. I haws hard away
speakers. but atone witaleicelleid Mi. Galbraith
in the greeted es:Mlms of their style, the
canaid manner of stilling their views, or tie
happy selection of language. He was greet.
ed at the claim ofhi. remerks with three
heartytilmers. Tie braes band then *slim
ed the eetimien with Some pateintio music.
'ias maid the inems*g at Oak Greve, and
from the lumber foroott sad goooral good
fiat I lave gnat room to
/*Us . Ole Demaa47 an 7m eava tb•
1 iir floorpt W. Woophrord Is os.dsz alms
liiieurCottia is all b lot grass s ass good
skid gent , a 3 the sox above a somd-oil loop
is bridisacy. Woodssrd is Mom, Corti,
IS - eorsid. -t Ms mil pooti poporo toT
this. Wommistood Is a i4epli-olladoi stottosoi,
oortio. to 0 linikkid. elopAssp_4lNnoomos.
Witolywori Spotodosibe taw* to ohm
-oomploten ostallooo oroksit; , Cana him boos
wornoodibilip i pocit oopobootpipt Aires"
Ovoit dais_ Woo 'is T.
- lioni
Ant hap Woolutimil our 614111111111 t 1111/ too
to room UV ti. - ligelattiamoi ' Eloptior sod,
ireoo o F- , • AliwiL .
f iiir -- .f. . ititikli Pittioist.—The
oir the". To&
i ..aoCtic alli M i nilm se -,. *oft ir ilmotild
Il T ot,
L rial** ' la 1 7 46 'antifta gas t
- lie '
r "- .......
........, ,„................„
E. .„,.......
hr tie Grot Erin; toi opt to oar Tor
*ssa halt "s maw
go-gliti(o Atirlftigeiontri.
, • ,
E. &-N. T. ANTHONY,.
• stir,i'lliiiegrapkie Material,:,
- 5011 - 131iCkillYWAY, .211; Y.
Our catalogue onw omhrgo. i.,,,, a id.,30,:i ii,ver pour
nootoooddllimoidsobjecti (to *IA b ividitir.,..ire ec.u•
Usually ban; made) Of Portrait. of Emilia...tit Arbetiv/IMS.
re., via :
11 lisj .r4lsuerals, • it.:.:5 5i41.422G1V11,
190 Bligodler;G•u•roli, in DITID.m.
Ullig ... /30 Author,
sa ulna. cok;ol,' is. --- 3.1 A ttlets, ',- '*- • - - •- •
SIN Mee Oioers. 112 :± Lige, .
90 No' Oscur., 44P101111OtAt Wonota;
. Aod 147 Prominent foreign Portnite. •
wise curia*. OF WUILh' tor UT,
taoladiag roprodoetiona of the most eolobtatod' i o grag•
radollogs„ Statues, tn. Cataloguer•PaT
Au order kir Osis DOSVI klen Mi. , from a
CaWonaflll t•• ttitedim receipt ofal a tllP,and not
imidl, Tree.
Photographic Albums.
orthea wtnanufseture a great yarintr, ran ling in
Was fro a to cents to 50 dollars es,h.
Out ALBUMS have the reputation ni being aaptrior
tie Minty and durability to any otheo. The smaller
Wadi our be wt *eV by naell at postage of at: ceate
,per MUM. Thema* expensive esie bowie. by eurprets.
V. also Nay a Lap umottoteut of
Stereocopes and Sterescopte Views. - ;
Oar Catalogue of these will be nut to snyeatltete on or
eiegt of Stamp
`ek,& H. ANTIIONV.
/Irian& or retatlrea of prominent military men
senor • favor ey mindlnii us tints Ulsetimers to copy,,-
Thor ww to carefully and returned nutojured.
Plug Wino Yana so Oanrs for C9artnpaiocum to
propast to thetz Pastor, or for Obit' purpo re, on it
la toteriptklns, Su%
New Opel'big at"
Ede, Tuesday, Sept. Ist.
The Wilma! Clothes Wringer
NC 1. JAM Faintly Wrtnior.....
No. 2, Neiilso Foodly 12,1111 W, ...
1110.2 g, If Wats family Nnotmf,
N 0.3. ttosall Funny Wringer, - - _
No. S. Im ie t Hotel Ifttoffot. 1 4 00
Ne.ll. Lazindry, S to run p4foto I ........ 12 00
N 0.12, Lazio .• 1 or tuna; 5 :;olx.,
No 2N, 204 3 hare no Cogs All °the+ aro or a rra ule,L
No.? to tbs. iisommeoratly and la print., f ata ll k o. '
Ounce :oda . . of the .3ta!rtean .t.crieultara:l..t," ..sys
of tb
Universal Clothes Wringer:
"1 ane can readily writes oat • tab./1111 of clothes In
• ten minutes. it il in reality a CLOTH RS s.LvElt! A
11.1111 BAYER: mud STRENGTH SAVER. ! Tbe eerier
of garments will a tar 'ever outage us iti co.t.
We Utak the macblne morel, more tints
rrsons iv RY 1 BAR In ihe saying at garments ! Thera
are netreral kind*. nearly aline general ens etra cline
kat we consider it Important that the Wringer be titteZt
yea toµ othen•Uo• law of igurnsnkir mar clog the
rollers, and the rollers upon the crank shalt stipend tear
th• clothes, or the rubber break loose from tie alsslt.
Our own Is sue of the drat make, Lod it Is as CUOD dS
MEW after :Surly FOUR Ykatta• CON...4TANT USE."
/I* Weiner as be dorsi* 'tams Cog Wheels
• Good CANVASSER wanted in every town
ar Oa receipt of the price from Oates *hers u+,
firiellaigSe sand the wringer rase ors IIPITOX-
For pertiettlers and ctrcalare, address
It. C. III.1.0i7NI:.•1,„
focal& 41 Broadway, :LS"
Timm UFAlace make the ler#4ittett alike heft.
Adm. sad 1)9 La than halt the thres4 as l silk' that the
idsigke or doubts thread loop oattih , htatidars do
Rom, to J. Gather, Cold, Braid, Bir.T.k e.; and ate better
malted taut say &Aber Sowing Madan. is ace, to the
trainant chimps sad grest variety of eerie.; Dee a
a family, Ler thirt will sew from Otte to tmeat thi• tee , * c
as enduagna& mitiout &topping. nod coaling trery AM" h
pectins, or hem, the Saes: cease to the heariret bearer
Cloth, or ores the atotttist, barna , ' lea , hPr, witbe it
dangling tha I:media or Lewdest, or rnst:o; av
jastuaret of itaehise Whatever
nor are ample is toaatractio a and eac i.y u ode tato d;
OM gasp part brakes by ay:M.'s% it II ree. , : ilr re
pow intertux racri. al.& • ea tar to 4-ter r.,lns
Or chaise otaay Intettlipmt Payer.
Mass Can dad EX&I:121041 ar yn t t'r C:rottsr. , ,
H: it —Weal Agents wonted In se , l.ant“ Fet
glad. AddnsS
FI\KL6 d LEON. Al, Cll., .`
N0..53 1 1 BROAAWAY,
The N. V. Joarsai of Commerce.
We congratulate oar readout nu the measure of roc-efts
wida boa attended Oar labors, la coct=triCi crith en other
advocates of cocuorrative yricelplfl W ethe
the sit
of ovary reader in the dissemination of the
doctrines taught by Washington. followed by the ;rest
and good gnu who haTe loade our nation ill,;oor, no
Lis tto they bailt. and oe utast tweet:re strong, tLe d-
We educate no new doctrines in religion, poliiica of
model Ate. We ars known as the earn,.; defer.dr-1 or
the faith of oar fathers and the npholders of
aplnst avert torn of attack- We Rapport vac covre.V.
ass? °eras Cairn° S?..uras Lan Ass auc.ll-4 A3D ',1. - -
SIZIOIitT OF Tin reOetis of girl tarinal. Gears-S. : rc •
opiatag is then two Scum of strength the wig, ts-cf
oar mature as a people, and the °ale p:edge nf ear
a=ll2 'laity., power ardprorpetiay. We :clear, to co
party and own no al:tea:toe to any bletiori. We
and shall cgiatione to oppose Allourtostrat
agatb=rat of die:ord, the @Demi of Union, the avow •
ell foe of thoCeastitalson, rarities a ligalign iaSseccA : c.
1 society. in the thatch and la the State. We oppose
eacirsdansima as a political heresy whose bloody fro,ta
Wu einale all sound 'wand we look earnestly for a as,
, glass the COostitation shell triumph over the beans as
, 4•11 aa the :Used hands of all its foer, North and South.
Tim Joarsal of Commeree will presest u hull the
Moat sad mid amid table of costente of nay weekly
pepar an Americo. Yaeger, of every Mad, News froM
OH of the world, AMR Nays up to the Latest dates,
vellvetsd sad counwested on hi a Large editortst eat
will INI sirdidy faralsbed to oar readers, tor. ether with
the sakissalasees sonar that will always be welcomed
la this bully 'beds.
Ms Imo etas Weekly Journal of Coownerce ' will
laseadint be ambiloges 16—
Wolkll., V orhamor. 08 8 l•sr
-0 , Piro, to ono add:am, 3to
w 5 ad d:
, 8 GO
• 10 r al .4 15 GO
• 551 s Go 40
(oddltimal maim numb ra ......
I Os)
elsM Ma or
mob papa; will pay iamb fi m 055 .1.30. the address la • written on
Pot Nab Cab ot2o ill•ltra ropy sill be 11.T1111 tSe
morassmosity. •
Tbo =lbis Mbar Winos, are am follows
I* advance ase year, 110,00 In advisees one year, sAto
Sim ses. Ls odyssey, /424 atz van. to advance, 340
gad sieselt sit son, Ms) 2 copies ape address. 13,00
Tor gee neatb„ .
ad to Ler (addirl COpieleMlClal rate.)
Wow rosy be rsettsd by sisaldressed
JO si CILIIn. us eowitezcz,
PHE Subscriber would respect tf
.11.. hal, labial his Meads sad atttostsrs
that hi L ediU al kb old 'Lad,
IL irsormsbi lli Rubes, New 'wt.,
, Amt LB PrtWat to. funtiA
ROMS. SlZAlLBOAV,zzstalu..arrs k 113
. sdth the bud
Th. marketafforebta rer Wbokimile and Retsu at
ustlar, sod at tto lastsa Patata.
All Orders from the Country Promptly
t—irogorraikod illtrooPtekled to order-
New Yolk U11110.4y. C .7ii.Y.
v. acmuurz a ono.,
fa bud a Isma =Amen pact usortabrat
if ear Usk sad will bat waft on:Wm'
Alm • t ot IbMSS.LUQCO=3ad CIAES amt
Oli sod
to to impsommt
I. tbe amity. i•••14-C342.
sedilatibsse_oolbeer Pialipbui l i to tbo . non
tiii of
We i ss labo mein. .
ta Meade WM. 141 11lb/rigid Cob.
pnwraisaastrlbibasolib b boo( lamb /lbw:
Mums MO bat Ilitworipr obi Ihoiert titskonto
birloiN etim odf toos to Rio; 411 k atim)
itO ihe !rafts'
nissiotta autir*- 4! mom .
,16 -
... tif Zs
lila true . • 2lSa_ is
MommosiOssi s Tosso 1i:1i . 7 •
Ilitisseave beritrov a
160114 . •
its, Itrjr
WNW ' •-• 4
Thi ll eiMMl•JaeoPV*! 3 9 l es 4 itali!t" 4 o4l;
J. W. OLIN. ' trio. t: •
unman.. isocir. I g188 16;
State. Normal School ,
Edeaboro, Erie County, Pa,
J. A. Cooper, A. N., Airs. L.N. (,pt,
J. T. Strtk, I. 8., MIAs N. toaoro, •
E. C. Nicillntoek, . .ntroli. X. Timms,
TcatiOD per term trf 14
Untr.l p,r,sreeir ,
Whole el,ey,, i.cludicq 111 , P el Test Alooks„. per
1. rni
oien • A •Izuet lent ; Claws November
W/NrEst my,
)pluio Deorsaber tat. 1E83; Closes liaveh 411, Ist&
NG Tronal,
opens Ilsrehl6tb, 2fl/14 closed Jane 17, th , 1%4.
• new, nest sad convenient ; ood Libreria..
Reading ,:ouni, am! Apyaretto ; Itulltnetton thereat.
and ;...ectiell. .-ipeclal attention paid to alteseete, 7
Lrenelle.. J. A. COOiEß, Ptlaelpat
arc aim scat-doe
_WI oa
... :00
II 00
?41.1. 1 ERII,
T. PCBLIC aro cautioned ngainat tbdiBPriLlotl
article, of LYE for making SOAP. tc:, now oared tat
, ale. The only GENUINE and PATraTTID Lye U tbal
ma...le by. the PENNSYLVANIA SALT YlentrACILL
INO COMPANY, their trade mark for ItbaneSAPOSI.
FIER, OS cos. ek.NTR ATED LYEL" The great =CON
of the article ban lcd I:NPRINCIP4EP PARMA to es,
Costar to IMITATE It, In violation of the Composyl
All MA)WEAcTuatm, ni:VERs or 11111.1.11tS cf
these RPITRIOUS Lyea,ara.hemby NOTIFIED that
COMPANY have erople3ed as their ATTORNEYS,
CO RGE HARDING, Erg., of Philadelphia, arid
WILLIAM HAKE IFF.LL,,A.. of ?Dishrag,
of Lveoo.violation of the rights of the Cotagray,
PR6:4ECCTED at once.
os: e by all esreGGZeg72,o3l47l:lB Arm Cocrrar Brum
The Ca d,11) Sraita Otitcrn Comrt, Watt= Watts
cf l'cnosydlll. No. I of Nay Tama la VIM' Is nit ct
PANT a/. THOI.43kOHASE, decree. , to Um Comiday.
on November 15, iSt;/, the EXCLURIVIf. riakt4taatedOy
a Weed °lined by them for the sArosurax Past
dated October 1.364. Perpetual injunction awarded.
• ' THE ricaritsr.r.rvia
• tiFrivefit
Ix Walnut Street, Phlladelpfa; Pitt Strad...Bll
Daqueette Way,j'lttabott. • tor!-dot
71 )7
/y. ,
110;s: 17 .LiON 31TILNDLS-98, •
Judie. 1:11:tel stave Cireatt (.3c.nat, Frea.:a.:'
Calk'. EA Pak'. ZlT.Cl.lliit Pall SCLO,
11 F. I. A Rill S. T, r tf r, A. P F.I3T A NI , Eq..,!
isas a fall ozititer-aal court , .
1.7" . clarras tir
liros.l tad Hat..: '
Ulf...tors' :waft .t Wilt prig. S'itiltnta ect.-r as: I.
ilww a• any tacit-
Litatltralon is rcridottod by cakerwriced
and practical tan's, prepare Tv. - . Li ran
aeL sa MIA/x.6,m. at tLr ;cut carom •• acd *Lotto:Oz.
for tir rwstatirratira rravicr,b,
grat.:4,l ut.ts. Ifewe th* ctiv**Ql
ptt4oreac* I r.r.,lLLAtoot Oa, C,raegu, t,)
Pito: A. Cola l.a v, recinan of t '
Loads :no. %tatalator of IsT Pr rating Pl. Gar 12, .;:apad. Itxrz
rjoe.riwer, Pr:omana. fp, &Lai Catia!ogi..t
arp hi:. tat :ws: I,ra, twenty Else rant% to,
—l:a , - to., S- - . 1.4 lan I olloorks a ratter, ae..
- i7. .n.
1862. SPRING. 1889.
fil,lo, et Strr,
Mili err em p11:14N1 situ Gon6l at Now rot ?mai,
ttra!ar att.ty. , .n paLiS to 111.aetwa' stbd DrooLog
t'tt4,l, - .. No 3 tintn.: lock. state ,
Wc•st c: tzi fark, First Door from State Strut.
c.;rat.f-.11 .r.r p.: - .. i: favor', Ibe subecribed• reirpee.t.Lly.
f•Jrcas the elf...:eas of Ent and vicinity, that he has tat
an: , refitted the Gallery mealy occupied by D.„ where be is prepared to execute
P II . O T 0 GR A P liS
rr Particular attection to Children and Cop7L4
Igtrz. re4pretfaili a:mow:lca to the Isaias of Ina soi
that Abe will orn.
TrESDAY,, APRIL 28, 1868,
at tLe corner of Friteh tad Fifth drone, tee dcol
North cf Wayne Hal!, a Lary sad orpiesdid amettosie
Fresh from New York. City, trstantuttag 'lvry L 1
usually contstned fa a fiat duo estabLiast of tit
tat!. •
Deae ih the'lt , rst- Style, and on Um most Emma*
a, harirt4 had eeteasfre experience La t_ • s to
neat, tatters banal; that she cui give satire eaneahrtea
Tte public patronage is nipetantly eelicite2
Volt. TRADE, HaNGING.S.—S4. and ,40..2:
of exact Han vats and Hordes jest reemol.:
•TVkb • bv • rapPatfa 1C sE.L.D4I3.X.
RoNz4X, JUNE rt. M.
. Trains wit; tnive Dunkirk at 'beat tbefol:ol.,ig
, i
Eastward Bound—Depart :-
Ni g ht Lxprema 1, el r.*
Mall 3 1.1 a.
Stock EA yam_ 10 14 A. &
kast rrefgbt. 4- -.......4 31 , i
Way Prat-ht 4. a) a.*
sew Tord - I.7aprest and Stock Eames naz ever! '.+•.
CHAS. MI:WT.IMPM'. "111...
Row Lost ! Row Resurti
, Jan PALlislted, to • Seared Envelope. Pr.:* 6 Cal'
rt Llirrtar r bre Oro Natant, Treet=eur rr,d Eat
Care of Spersordorrboes oe Somas: Wats.'
25 ""s"r r AlitYr %..s. 0f...P0.114 ea o.leso!ects , I
fx ,ol tt
wireisir laposasti, Costanytioa ans: !fez:al sal ,;',.
~S4*l)4o . tlttr. 31 . 1 .
iMO 1:1 1 'T J. CULNAERVVELL, 31'. D.
71. 4
have:law: rut That - the. arc! (,:1111.1;0. 16
W.A . aO - 54.1•V =AT '...... , !e-CL.atly T.10 , 3f0...:.11,1.:,... XX s
'erredreisere of tea daeremese NW a of ciaJr. 4 4 '
, eramr•:•.r: dielt4•l i`oetri.4; zed otter / , ...I.:lesLa r.
rmi. 16 tJtr- l:Ilit/. &Aiwa,' rate I. 'Ltd c;_• ert.s• -
• I
sod .ic - . 4 0 0 1,3! botahooot IA 5'0p . ....! ':7 1 ,,,,,..-
rated " t h 4 r. N.! , ottasiturd. GI •Int.:,. ger :we
or•-Vt,..t ti tame Lusimlf 1:•,-:•etly, s. .1 at T.-- , (41 4 0 . _,..,
t.l• e< - .4l,,ttki•Mby a rrd ..sir an the Virelso. , .! % ,'"".. -
1 :/e day. n'..• 7..tstrue 'irk gr..r. a tots tr tt•riere
I art Allormassis.
• Seal sr. 1.... r I. . , ::: s V.!:11 1 #41,Z.01 , 1 , . • ) ti , ..'-- -61 `. 1 .
Ow r••••ig,t -I ..1 .....:... ,t T..:0 •••••• 1 , (.. "L"t r L .,l
eintassisc, .I.a. Cti.4,-. I t . i '-'
lobar e... 11 1..7 Ir.s.r . y. ?,:.-• V , ,L
. -
At% orrEitisq • i•:„•
. "Vattl , r•tcb,s,
ti 1441.
na trio, Peppiei al it .Ml ja.4l.4tair
1+E.,4 i;:t
. 11)3101511.1TORN NOTICE.
:tra:lna tanag bet.
14 thiriosasseizsed :he eatite `L•Pr s ,
S' tn•ash,p.
oti.v to , to •s 4 pimpovs too,
Sliatt to saki , a Isaja.e sa- -1 'th a : oo l.l
Chios wawa flie. p:vonms Or= '
utfa 14 - V Tie orr.lezre:_
E. J Colliala.. •
Irstectori, g- ‘,