I ESIE'OBBBEVES. .TAS el RE KT; 01•1 4 0 4 ITi 1'1 , 3T .0410 E, ERIE, HENNA! , ul.4Citbeio. ir .FOl 10 gamut. , i tireuly.trre GC arty 648, Bc4 ..t. 6,r larter rßitai OF eDCEBTI9IIII3 4r. Ilaer or 444 made !goal •.ceh,>l 6 09.equary 3 avtintbs IS 91 • i 14 , 4 tta. 4 g, 00 , t ,, 111 oat v „,, .. ~.....ariebgageaLlor at t.lipaxore, $lO. e tamale, $1: 9 mastitis. . , .;„0 ~•,,v. 1.;U: 6 mouths, ttLh PO. ;..,tedio rM tiuotaeditifitactury at fa IPlit r.• ..kt040 , 3 I.r 4 ear•!. ovvtals. and nadir • alituiial lu ..t nta • Ono ; but so ba Inbar la,' bai...04. tiptrial Notion be ~,,o t l.b4Artbers reg4lEibg trainsat chsagis ba allubred two aqoarea, 1.4 td.utiocal • pai.ce, thy._ thargr i a Ix d ttv a I: , rtl.ebbvikt* tabibb• ataistly i . , l l, c l4tur..t..tApit.i4.lg.lthrt4vortbsar..l"ay• .. c awatsdictlsaututtmlutrad 412 &dunce.— rts.in will be 14 , , , ,A01itea WE-Fab:ly. Award be vddmsed 4 , , dg. Ott Publiabers4 J vv. 4. Ducat. 1. IMIESE - - - - , IN SS DIRECTORY : 1.0 KENNETT. irSTIOS or Ts' tbrai, ytk-r (ad Frrt. t • 4 tlity%,. bagrrern iltthwd yucirl44.? t', Artois-vat •ao Cocassuoa ay Ll.w, !bolos seaulueoll the practice of hla profissiou fitly, will be fogad at lite old Offli2e, on French tb-atet corner of Public Squeal,. July 6, E. f PROM EIOR MORRISoNficitTSE, - ..t Socesa and Ilarkot - Strut—oaf 114111+111 eaat of 'a Exchange, Warren, Pa. Sept. 24-17. • COL I, I Boos iirsins, Buss Boos Kiscisconsia, Story G{Rind‘rnszbt's Bbei, Ras, R. 11 l:. VirtLIION, L 4. ix TIORXIT a COV•Arui Alf J..t •, Etta Ps,— t.!, Street, near the Park, In the Awiarir.,js, ...014 story a the building, occupied by F. & it ..lte. He will always be toun.l In L.l* .rnea, sad .itsa'*.uuctually atlsiailed tu. - - '. Mei 14:Fuii.ii. — --- -- --- AtTOlll-11IM AT LAW, tlirard, Erie Count & nr.1.1 tu na and °Thee 1.4111041111 attended to wlth laeso wad dlaraich. , • Hu IttfilErli3 4c UO., \ Wituttaaa.w. Itaatana IN Ilsocaitias Amu 'la, Slate Strwat, No. *. lionorti .. Etluck. - - - 110114..Cfm, ALTIVAIIIIT ar Law.--Vice rwainved to 'lair w - eit of 3tateNtroat,na the 'writable of tba .r 64 ra. ‘, . POW?9NO. i - ' Arrossis at Law awn Jcsvna or tie Will prattles in its worst Courts of Eris Constr. N.l.rozoptsod hitkful itteutios to sli bselossaso- Lis hoods, sillier as in) attorney or Weiristhrts. eta is Copire. Matt; corn*? of &tat* and Fiftb to 0001411) 4 CO. Ditauota vs UOLD. 311v,sr, bask Nosit, Ate.. 2 Depart, he, Slebt Etebaage on thopria• Iwo constaugly f.,r este. Oficete .4 Rood Hama , Itiutre. Eric vt.! I 41.114111 N. 1 D14.11X la Clacks, Watches, has Jim , - Spoi , as. new Wan, Looldnk Ethane, Olit ,cir, encl.r7 and noel Goods, Pantos Ballitaft, El. West hot near Peach at. tiALISHAITI4. Arroiutzr AT LAW—()girl JDdlh strait. 4 p. 44: r *b. Court HOll/4, Kris, P.. , n. ft l 1411.1, .•.-- DEIrTIIIT, Offital la $Olll/1- tg, 1 a • . • • . bi °cll. nortbside ut the Part, Erie. Pa. iiPENCER, - SEMEN *ARVIN SPENCER .4 DIA itVI N ttNlE'Yet dic VOUNSBIL. LOH% :Aege ICF., Paragon Block, near North co,r.rt °fit* Public Square, Erie. he oh 110 C6lg, KW., PA ..k. 31 Or, te, Proprietor . nests at t hie .Lull lure a' ary - attentioc. to their stay agreestai eicasibns to and tram all april6-14.. KALE HOESB, Joni Bit.DT, Proprhelka. Carom o :e end TWA Streets, (immediately fronting the Cap , arstsburg, Pa. Terms ressonable;aceoadissedatkin • the t. et Hotel la the fit', and the Bar aline ratL the choitesit fettles -i4ll. • Lod E1M1E.411.11.14 *Wsoimual /..411D R a wl Da us* la and Pre:Wallace Flour and Feed, Wood and e Were, 'Coos, Liquors, Tobae4o, !man, Br ,Statte ;ea...Len South of Fourth, East side, Erie. Pa . I'AILBON OIL Co. t aznnues AND Du/Atli la Oils. r- of VIII Creak. Itv• • . . Boossituis and Deakr to Stattoimay. Nowspapers,te- Country dealers eltiro !Apr Brovs4 liotel,frautins tbei'srft. IWO filipTlLl., L. Corso. of lid and iffatet its., Fiorrisbeep, Po. oUI Lod wilt known houssr4:tow fitted op fa the •• proved style ! The ace° odations an et the `er &Aid the hulas flaSOCAlbi . it lo situated ho thr ellirtittal part of the city, mad affords one of as test oppiong pianos in the country. tebPiritt IS d: DAVIS, rovi ITI aT I.iw Chettant t i 3146.1ra15, ey r.b.i&erris2 ta. U. IL. KLLIUTc is SON, reixersis.-011les L Swath Rom, Fri., P• All work sun?.l - • • •essA• J. it.t.tor (moat J ' 2 \ 0, L. gLittrr. .vmst J. Id. ficuOVorril„ Warms' Co., hi I Stapol2lup • ault 111 , 111.41 YABL434 & W.AILDEA, . i . 6 Ft:l'6l'6MM% AVD MAMMON IatCSANI/4 • Z.LIOU 1111.1 p, Kris county, Pa, by Atlantic It 0 . W. R. fl lass in Coal, atilt, lrou, Crude and Railned retro ..z. All kids of Sbdpidng done on Cosnenission: Mt. IAN. P. tleltilAlN. Notkar Primso ASV filL7/1;24.1 COUNICTIZQ rt learnANCs lonh? Collections sad All Astaistrer in ,red ttrielto procijrUy ottoadel to: ApptlostiOnti for iterate solleiteet, and Policies iMS4 wltLoat delay. la 'titUwootspestes. Wright'. Block, toro4rof 4 Lod Stets streets. Erie, Pa: norXreltf. W. WILVIIOaIt, ArroursT is WsMies Of. oo Seventh rtnet, Lu., Pa. ♦ce I 'lb O. PE IIKINS• Dirtrin, Bratti's £11(.0t, North atria athe Patt, ate stir' 4 Die. it. U. IPAYitrill 80rJ Lr I Fresut ether; between lth sod 6th striate, • the Phtledelpht* k Eda Itaroad Depot, VW, Fr., Shaemalter, i'reprietor. X theastee ace4tosoodt• • strews aa4 traieleat 8 4:I bp Mt day ca. v,,!. Deed iftibling tataelio4. 11415.UU f ILLJ AM WitliJAIL:, RA' gab, W16(141614 .1 tbuo Iloilo SUM,. . • loot 1 booth of tostktla *Al+ • .. ipa 7'!9. . . ... . ' . GICORAIIA . WALLOW,* ' '_. BalLicktia ur, Male ittelh lmy ~atbriba rust Offlas. ._ ,-- 1 Low Roo Ibilooo ithiabed, .Len Pailighlia C" , ,_ ~..y tbsmaeltei iritbout poring augoyikl by dkooller. A • LIESEI. & IliktolUnit, ... 1 1 F 4.111110311,1111111 1 - .IIIILA la a..1 ' 04/1•11 Ur Piaui's. I likynar • Patent See lag I Ihrebines - tt4 bolt (a use - SW* Stave, beiwroo II tb 11101 litt IN, b.-A, Ta. Cipttur vls4ll trr vtdorvira lb. Ilikoati MI 10. •MT 1364 T. • 1 * lOUS C. BUSUK% • tI WILLI= IT Dal Moot, Oswalt is, • 04 .11.6u355p, Naliy Glue, Bawl, Plantar. eOl. s.r 'arse% awl PaUlic Squatty Eri., Ps. jalnt. D D. Oi ALAIMO ok: CO., I vosociwooca is COVAII isms noscaosito. i AL:Wire House, PIOHz Duet, Soot of Slsti Stmt. 04- . 4 1 lino Eton* at, RAO Raid CroooLos, Etio.A. Dagen Ant, Fisk, Flan . . Pisan.. Water Limo, llin N. B.—Caro stools/I to 'Lod Erika Cann Wtro Hear. ~ ..1 ,,k 16--42, 1 . .._... Li !NCI. VI KW% OO Oscura , la Stewart 1 Staitair,) mrc• Brut',y Daraiure, Wrt4bra Mods, it.t, elm., see, vs., Dour 4a haws, eaaPholl, zy••lateillo, Was, Rani*, Plaids t imA" , lie' 1 UMW., & IdaCARTUK, • •' r, a„ • SalinCtftitlauica&misagy te, Eds. outP s& 4st4ollama taiplaNiessta. Oath Th. Nate to Get Year MNe Back 78I! E. cOUOIELLWB BOOT ZBHOEITOZi• 1 :Sista Street, Nearly Opposite th e ToOt 0 00 ls• - . I E. C.okstlio, Boot sot nos Deoger. mewl:tally labargy tbe,; bailie Sal LsA h ." , ss tvssoes4 Ida stead to:tke State Roos oak Le Usti stmt. Awl; opposite tbe Peet wiz*, slur. bo Wittig ill Ws obi Meade sad oten~ll w sue tags a oil I r Pattleats, ottaatloo ems to ift-CP41,00. - Itavissi 'usi scrams, std eaptriateastiai. s a l a t isco ltam g • i skar, debonair/a do eau glee es good '`. l i St tia Wapitis abi say utast • • Is Mb• en/. aoo4 Ate litriegaist - . -• spetriatt. est NFEiI'IONARILq , i %I Irma. Tpla. Yeats* Ne 43••• lisai fowl 41101116 ten rirostrokat arlll-1116 I. it 11. .____ OR4nl i t . LEMONS. Ahrsy Ina sane sat got eadfr•la. ' • RI MR 1 - • MO US An moiling Coils et , sz i 47 4 . 2 4=jhtn a lsa • MB ONE DOLLAR AND PIALF PER YEAR, iF PAID IN ADVANCE, VOLUME 34 NEW GOODS! • • -NOW - OPEN,AT R. S. MORRISON'S, ! KAllaietlid ALL Tag LINE 15111,511 ' DRESS GOODS. CL. AKS, SHAWLS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. A LSO, N LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHS, STAPLE AND DONEST/C 000DS! yot: TO BU (iiiol)sl YOU WANT Tv FIND ' GOOD ISTY,I4BB, GOOD'AtAROAINS, %my . rtliti AS 1 40 ; N OBLE, ' P. 0. Boi 1820, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, JOBBER. OF CARBOJI OIL! ADVANCE& MADE MAY 9-10 w A FACT @MCNALLY 111101NN, PIPHAT the. misty. of new style Bed; J. meet; erP.ll4. Cwwieol.4)4K air, CueOWL, Jenny utia" sad" htherlarteinsOrttb e t resdisealatitail fli Vrarruse,„ What:sots Ear " Lait Sots Beds, mod flea Grass Fest= and Sambas vith other snit Ao, all awasfsetauad from rill 4 Ma l e? materials, by erztawlahrodircaloola sad solfA t Er WU. Fut At* Wi sad leer prises I Ciftii two-prtatitailas to erial twa. rata= t esd told. Cass ,elet b l abi assk a w, ltedroaia, liadens, NUM and other at Sides sad ilkelientomas-: facture, STo Woozy awl Seta.eiekiet is tie se r aim la s say other part of time thairMiera a sadsold an only asEled,sad by as modal kith*: Woad Whidaor, itorklng, &Waghr ough wel Kane, seeelhatisof bar& wood fogad* ellseliod t thaws% see 4444 Tasted to ahead. Haidaamtly Waled, sad cset 'be l mg, es. testa, eireaath,_prioe sad IsUL Sysfas - 111•44. Thi" sold over Ilitisadbave the - soidals with it urt af prime of an goods meat as atottes4im. [at - Mg; and shipping hoe. After In tears asperbterw tad weatmediag afth ca. plizeipsied feo pie* distil% I IS 461•1111111114 to 'salt see price to *naive Inn* ear you M s iseddet jostles to all who trade with we. Laaibit, Lath,satie 'as, Lire fMoat, Cradeasd 4itse 011, Moro Pay, Proos AA, War el le wisiteet mined fat psi Flassioatret the olacte,,sast Toren of mane' os Stat.% Tate:Pa. S. w. mazy - aertt-tf. Illsaaffectr dad • -T' WHOLESALE & RETAIL • WtOCERY STOBE. P. A. allainne WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, prosa-Sout Ctriur Us NA 4 'Primal Sired, (cirsitubs.) Would nowt:folly call th► stlitsttoo of tl t seolanansity to his hurt Stott ot GROCERIES AltD PROVISIONS, is looksos - tooiaittito ' , vasty Lowig* possums viucits: Eas asocroecont cf El= SUGARS, . . COFFEES, , TEAR, I SYRUPS, f . . TOBACCOS; . . FISH., AC.. Is not !p 'dm city. Oa ho a pawed to ppm el who To him • NIL Rs alio uaoye eosstaidly as laud ,4 - PURE LIQUORS; ~. for the wboL.. trado„ to *deb bot 4hle thejpttiosUas vt the pahne. Ehl Mato fir, '!Qttlek Baal ?volts sag Eqaltstinat Air tbe - - - s - Ande/se anitftatihillalo.al9 SS. - • - 44.., - • • 11,0w i iremi,s6saldar_ lOWA Lai • Silk Dint , Sher Amok - 60.6 -- :/a6 , 1 &nil= le 10 at . 10 P.,11- . • 7 IS P. IE, a& ,WeaSll•l4 Daakletaaslllll4 l ==sse. $ la6ll o .st la 10 P.M, • • I ta 1, at, mos isiirri. .dimpiliki•a4•lo, Daaaset sat alisie Creak arrlasa at Maal .90 A. W. • Ta• Dar Rapysaie•aiiiiki s•iilbiatsroi-A•4 kiwi" lie Niab Fapreli at Saws asth ato4.llspaa " for Nor erk tai . lamisa,4l4.- :._ _ INii BUFAXW iIIA r ATEVegI"I Erna, arm' ' kw, P44olad. Wain MI6 • East sad I:War 4:tret, *Moist at •Sria.at TIC • P. Y. . g6O • .11., liwki= =2 O IC Wm Civet. Daistbit, Ili aistallalitiVlS: at 10 01 A.• os l A. IL. Day M kplos, 41appecat, dards. elilyst Creak, D al 1 aaldlik Wasslold &ad itestlstre.sretstai • al Wig 30, PA S. , 10 if:, P. 11, %St igirisa.stert .01. 84( •.. Crieit. Daaktrli d wirovsna.ws viso-a4.1:66, al 1 a.ll • .- . • . Retread usao taus Waists* &star thailiVaat. — April. MIS. Y. s. a it okirc Cleveland and Erie ..11/11000 : 84 uatu,husb. 0„ ~,t , ,,,,m;La . PIP iL it gr i 0 :11 TA a , 166 1 , 6110W1. 'Ma —.: . , . .. - LEAVE CLEVELAND. . , Dil 66 T. ItAllsitt: son.„. r „ w e wiIWAEW B 4 AAtalada sad liAnird. . allts4a at 4t lOa P.ll. i s j ew • •••• 4 10 r. is.. Itail sod ?ms seals 8 . 1 ws ardmisa4 air* kill P.M. ~ -.., 400 1 11 , 1 1 14111 rasiaaatl oms, lartakjere/4, Aslo*ska 5ad01104404211.40_ 44,1 00 P.N. - _,., , 10 00 P. IL. Dos Ow at .W dao4s4 . • Tillejleassa, Oasassit sal . OR Avoid Ibis 401* P. /414.1% 2144 ; • V -- " : 1 1 lb A. IL lifitotAmiribalki. We laiimmemiras miliftas6l.4oo 10 A. ~, liallsod ail . lit • , tta 44410m4.104 atlo4o . . .37 . • .: 1 . ." .. . . ! I - ~--• .. - ' , "._ 17,- .: 7 '..1 , Z,V-T.7""", ....":77- ---,-... -..:!• •....... 4 7.Th- , -,-,... t y, . -,...., ..,., :.. - - • ..... geief • . 1 i - r , R. . . • . T ,--- .. _ _ • • ..,•,.. ; ..... .... __...._ ..........,...,:. _... ;'.,......-....:7-- -- - - ------: --- A .--:-_____._________._... MI = N to W Irt ASO tilt Mill )11-, & -MORRISON'S. 175 Lake St., ON CONSIGNUE.NTS.. PIk.,:SATURDA.I"; )OORNJNii: SEPTEMBER 5. 1.863 Atesitvid rola eilW Osigitanut. “Tleitiiiiiiintlitisit its ft 10. the [Taloa as It t * The /rat . titOsses -liiiii NM Seleollei acolirt • " .. ' .... ! Wag." strata la iiternetio SIM& Ponottitdoststai Os wood or Job Wotk et to milt Watt lur atiosa tio 1 Woos" tbett Saab i •I . J. aitairoa,`. t , CatLi.Vormatot, $ • """ Me, Its Webbas $ ... •-it.ga1.W.....i .Y.llehalto /1 Bra, . B. L. Pottor CoJ.t P.lnPark..,. Lyles iowarsii l / 4 - i Jobs Doolittle. Mee Patio'. . Ralph 13..triaos, t .. Jae* It _Calrosaa, i ' Hos. W. lit liatebiasoe,. Aso* te.—.. . Nelson Sairdy... .. ... P. G. Stro, i Jas. D. i P. It. ant et; J. L. W y. ... .... N. I . ..... .. - ... J. Q. Dar Leto.. Dr. I.W. 1.... • .r. • • 'I D. Capt. O. J. !army._ Awes aroth; 1 W. C. (skim s'' " D. H. tioaatrials2.,,.. D. W. Howart. J. C Chapiti; .. ... R..tart Jort•..u, . ..... Claban*. Colambis • WW1Ili: 111.1145 a.. %lag. o .ra ab%,_ owetusurmatnilaVlLlßlNONS • By ardtellar Wallet vat 'hass Ira aptly tab l as , matials4 iba ear stab ioldiata rat Mao mot atop liaai.TiLaa *ease Ow 41aoaattataaat at "Stronalp;! awl *Us aisa of 111H1Hb. !MTH'S ?ILLS kW *4 Oho. Ifuhribot. %ea fiatti as* , mem:mm.om ets" to tLaporeetttr if aaalcl lb t.e.roma etalikatteally a THE HELLIN 1111 T I Um :et clan, lean taastxt that be diseased babes - . •etal4 be coma by mercury or _tartar emetic., Thu% the bums* body could only be 'rids WNW' by "vestabls food"—Aelitai toad Wog, la bet, caisdassad viiptOwa, iIItANTDIETB'S P/1.411 should be la every ifillesty *tor plug. Tbeee esr*BlLlol7llDtingoak,Vantlx. iQ OLLiaIiOSA,CaROXIC DriErtglltY,, sad at V.. yin I'B4 Abram al tN Malay, mew* sad sore afar tliss ail modials• 1• W amid. 111,4111014 MS. VILLa is them comieholiMbstslas algid uoirearkatris. - . ----- Read Dbeettfais sad pi sow etii• 'Cat Or *MOB r. Y. 411012. OP. S. rfriaiSailly Ms Yoke siszirse t vvw. ah44= r — Sam Tait; 1/ at ' i ftiol Iltaipslisittoek sou *saw pay *int slat with Witioollo2gu t or oat eon u.iiirinii 91bo *moo wort site." _strobe'', Via vrotllnd Weir Sit Ttia7 Irmo t litokboamMigipoi Motro orm parou nom so ort aims to sue , amid Os IMO ill mod It *oat *no tcr•OiNKW. AD* We Oar boy* U-4 Rgolottoak . t•Pls- Alii - 44 - W as = tali& igkOnsoationiso4 Li 110 'tsar' M. titay Oa . Dot eiototttoiii ia‘y a tot war iomiV'sOilk isliii oil ed, loiter; fetid It .ioliMiNt giolialtriCompray would Alio. . ;!siti b Mtefr i ak neg . i . ~ Potaiiiikt oa•G wawaasszei kva L, 1r1di,... , 90104 Do ornaza, aria, II allitmea , .. 4kto. yomoluviiiiiiigos. • • . _ • Ms diAtglithti esti* tar estiortai bsailWilsiktlle hawk lita! it 'Ws pat isp_by IIIIESIII•tores3/4 101 , I* eta iods stanittrit coati Ittlirilitaitiialiti • earwigNv oiatioillialiiiiitsamodiri it liis sal Alliessits Is ism orb rally. I!, pl44l*.ing Os! crit the Ct art eitly Cup site is&i - evissbi ti out wotti,tiit asisist twartrat 014 intilebvie, stamen lksteldltersiklit IMO") pretests tt bop twit*, r", C01X1451116611111110411A01141* *swifts ores twelve** wind ti iviksistioi tops: 'soy leg" isisselliei 14 1 44 IMP.AW umistioistlettrout It is Stott sear Ms bold by reepestabli t*. world. D. I. 44x0tt:,.. . „ rslNlPTiiiirrs - . ", lII2IQT ,11X HAM 11 MIT9aATIFIL iT 151499" 111)7X, bet reatores tralr to Its: art* sal 0134 by sip plying the 40011160 labia Ili* Altai rourtesioeei bye** ea direas.: All tsesiemr. dyes or.. costpeolot at LaswP teXti 60416.606 of 4b. .0 0 4 for drip,!ng. flalrasteSo !vetoes; ate to Its sanest %,; oil ewe josisir . bat sieve the tilt* LVlWlttakr ISOM& p 0606 trowthrtraeoeste its Wag 4631:0FA ynairtriesitith .10•00•60.60 to 60641844. i 1106* ittoottiii• cat or unia.bileig ship orlitail isdr 0444*, .04 to oriatastly Mast, teed heti goatlesioo sad • if sat by ell essisetkarls dasl ors, or ems he procnord .0y Wes of the ecosiferiatil a/rift R. I. Balms t co., an stcatinkh N.l. Tii dm, 60 saute 06411. • • 160141146. • CILISTAPOIIOII HAIR DVS '':'-• • —lll-- - rtiony Avg - Etur Asitme I YE MY Mt ... ...... ....h.rotorM ' lilt OSLT.DYS ~.... .. Fora 4 brew.. YOE °ELY DVS -,.. 'Sot s - TEC 051"LYDV1' :....111.1 OSASAAPn Tat fLyi,Y DYE ... t la tortfAtiaNNlL AND Mt ONLY OVIr :'• • E . roll dkIPhOAINIPI %Wien solorstit y ilay%' Vl* dy, catatiqy asCesplgty; by J ORDIVADOSO, No 4I Astor Stu" , Nor Mk. Sold enirsioold: 411 414 il_tf.,_,; o _! Draft,. :Weft Ei Fb+Pr'Ph'W P!‘". 114 •= i 'lr • ~. Mistasiciroii /fair l'aiiirviitive isnliasble sift tb DD., sr It brief% am itibret aft.' Zr. tea most brwatail glom. sa t past vitally. to tti! 16110 . craw $1 bad $2 per batho s/ .sirsordlair m ass., • 413 *Wit tif -- - • _ D. rot 414441,Wj . jr!ur strilth, ratltrtios . If yoia ors battorrt 1.114. A sor Ala 1312L11120Loir lITZACTSOCIU , la rreotarribk4 • • . _ • - - . TRY re: TRY 119 TRY IT ! ; it of l Cart aa. any loaf alaring fan Ala MAlan. tostEirilpyi to 11 LT/1 AVID MUTT; " At WU' Csprout Ard Xfo ftrostirs. Ca rat Orr Adliatt OviumpUM esierra. sort aa►vomodt,sit. 11$WAttY or coihrivFnaritt Asiaiitikbailislibi, Tarr ariatirrt. COQ .cON*llll4Tilnis.• - 1314) stwartaar Wpm aistama i li re4 ".l4 maPti b irtfil alen a Wri aie , lar alb larnotailad m asala u liaaalawas tastelEalva Id , rat . vonieworodirs. • , , :T• 4meirs D. fro meaj serwittimor arriptloa. gait RN* fbargoVirtarribet . prepirtalf 414 .Itio LOA arm Civil fin Coisespitift. I i t t a w t a I s s l 4 WailM I ' a log *Web- tit ecateihka Wit Sawitsalloped allaterwrina likrzse•l7. trrkOil 14!1111 11114" ; t .a s ""a-114 . 1 1t r iVIZICItZt/ Allrls Ol :*: 4 ; _ ... • ;MAP 71447.Vie1.4111- warl4.Bl - a . --7.--...'- - -- l'e". --- . - • ' I : 1440/11114V ItSfilii i iiti 1 1 5 iiellt . .Diedirtumar=l4lo4ii listif az 'ow list - orat - Ihit liar; ow ininwioner., i , dires~ftraftimi 'M I theirbes , flu& "Lwow bal_l4. Ur Ytiortlx.l4llol* is • Noir* A I lislist. ltsajiallitirg; lie 100110 tilled'l Ake *WOW MOWN aisiiihiallik fog.*.P. SO 1 mew tagiatidaltleak l d r ae . Voap ist lawirois tlaa UMW'S la Om sod it la Mead of Its Wag& Aliesii I 1113inia mull it 16- elms l t inerterilh ill. . 4 / 1 thistlesswityp _ c rafaM . Isrketelfl4 % Illmir.X.&- :SW Ittliikatreal -.;: -- . i !fiki;f:llt itiROLCOR I44I 9 I .i - iTh i 'nNk'llnAPlM ...,►►o.w, I " : 041grjr MI AO diarly lost i, • Widalaaia *Lit tit II Vault, 't aas 16 Waft ot namatrat., 44 Orbit Ga. 'gala ; litiasitaa 4rtas aloud oa ili.4e. , Whir aak for baaaat 1a.., . • • TbliCaaatittritaa se It pl. Tao Clads as it wag. ~ I a`soacti —Thu sally, t•••.,*. I au! ' tali' as la the muse, ' . . i Phi Oattatilatlua Mil le, i i tae Maas 11.1 it 'ea ?tar ifee : 4l4sitp will brav• its itttia, . Pia 'pilaf till b. tzar • fs deagai I waif* td• Daulaziata - • Wlit,co tats hat atair . •Sr. bio so kWh, Wit East, ait Wast. t,. Tbay a ,'slot aim capet, .... The at Co. ilia Ellataill at la Ilibe• • ' Caaaaa—Elaaa rally. C. .... - I' w.wr•►a ' - ..... —Barber Croak wapaoarr. als .Weeterniresid I Phan. Itiopyika.4.4l‘. ; zliserir B utu 1;5 E=2 =MEI (Po tb4114111,14 Es•amacist• MN A DASIIC-. MOND. bt,elleklrbee be Is, u IrII4.IIIMIN, ja ;Alter. Thee, following article if filen from the titulksarg ,°..uittle, published of the morning .of the day , of the meeting of the Republican &me Conventice. The Musette is the princl palsof 'lf ittpulllosia_ party In Western Pentigleitnle. lii stuttimeate, therefore, caw. tiet.he assfrostetei to iter:tisangretjudioe or hate: •red,:deoi can they bi sitemeigullY refuted. • We -assai••ll)% a Mae tbitreedird: Produced at a,/ /# 4,1 4 . ;ai sad It cannot but teII• . lhendully,sigsdemi doi , •Cartia with' the intern gemSll4/Pag Steve of ilti'Vitate. How any lawke, Iffa.east Sat. far 41/Republican m emo taAGoventor, with inch oreiwhelniloc **l64 pi. kis oilrroFiOklity' 'and dishonesty elesclag Hiss le, ibis fay -Lfititened more him. ~ I tte,e,b, Os own 'partiless.-As more then we smile*; ',We do sot believe they will. But Aid the snide tad judge forlouiseives:' (lime. the Bitsesig eeeitte„seg. s. ' ;i t Al l rietbig Bloch to. ills co t obus, ....•• !E t ta litOitiHittstio• the State Couvestfros,see - saw piic44lCua. Before they proceed to 'their duire w,altave eirtird te. say to them. W w t imitretuum to believe that. Cloy. Curtin, not thstaiding his *tensible wit hdrawid. was . iseaudidlite- for renotuinetien, and confident 4t.,bii isould be succeestul. WS Ifglei ASSURED THAT liE COULD' .HOT BS ELECTED. WE KNEW THAT HZ : ol4fir NOT. IT BECAME OUR DUTY, I TERRFSORE; TO SOUND THE ALARM; l itliD EirDRAVOiI TO SAVE TUE PARTY, 1 litre imiro endeavored to show that he int,eosat *Y.'S da e/Ohm by faritung Am out to his trim*, • TNT aia, iikloykat that he And entployeti dim Li Alfolialoi,eitgbited tine record to establish She f.aci 4 4 . 4.4 F r aa aypro:ll;l . 4 bill, acknowitqledl 44: 11 ea Iso n4rong, wtilawitoßßED Tag 1 Aiiilitr OriffINTMILLIONS or moti ifir. 0110tiribe - Coit , iitions a ,his soonma; be :hal *it Pairieigt.t, far the State; Which he Mar . esteti.• •secreily.serrendired tO • the •pis 4.11 wee be4glinite—and that -when inter ion ~011404.4 14 . Mil Dare, he confMited the ' ictitik,as an apology 'a remota which is Sissor to . PM been .untruev , Werberreetieutanetrated the . (set that he bar.. /TOO rskie3iet (Tailrd State: Senator, .1 ' for the : tomtit:ration of an adjournment, and the ilistoitarsof the llstuutittee, appointed:to in 'quire tutu the matahlwhich had been used to proCursilut Paseaii of that bill. Were (!tilirgeil that he eta* nefriendly to -the wbr •poliei of - the Administration. aid , jawed it n i only by his Mesiage in eels ! tioa teilite it of traitors, all his conduct In nation to t - draft, hut by the character of Omit itatta who' he has retitiued about hltti, life; hire shown that the effect of his policy , has D•es to broil down the power or ibis Re. 1 pnblineas party of Ibis State, and even those whir biota" cap•operwol with him in Legisis. turi,luivrbeen-piseed, almost without exccp- Alai. 'wider the heo of the people.. - f • ; Ara we /Wee cat/erred from ell liii;-;-,ritAmit re feheg to other satsuma—THAT RIS ?ilIMI: *AT/OR WOOLD DE DI/MIRA/MIMI. TO TWA if ARTY ANil HIS ELECTION IMPOS SIELIfoi-asibe general desire of Copprtiteada . that'eriebontit rate ,him as , our candidate, Prcrsiii . lt to bin. in their judgment, as well as emit- ' 10114. AltaAia tre Aare tern tumefied, dy tatetri. 11dre el the used, to do, in,arder to save the edam irtze itretrierahl , ruia, ife would rather 4T' neided this, if It had beep possible. Wu 4 44 e held these *hinge lir the bath ,rither Alike too the list of es4p pt.44oifitiii.Administestia6, boAly iota ettibriees at the eraespi to INtkii;f66 - iid {is over-ottitog sivttlt,Artiiiiiiiiheit *be to utile !be bat 0404%,_, 1 .4.. - 4 , ; 14 1 is IA could to tblimitvioliftraq hr ories% piom4sl i *mit; .' i NM - Mato - fie sisdkort. tt> Ft - *lir diff 16 -. 6posit eat beam 1411 . 400# iniesimatett, and we lan doss gis t ;i16:14 WIWI" rem j s Poild kayo r4or I rgy e cier *otiose, If lied hie s postrfts. 1144110}iii t h e wickedest 4 1011kIttitiOlt. I;aiiitiiit - 461161 i of 't 'fistitrt.- !bi jiio; ei WWI 4 tine. illire . .4*l!ltt; Off 'via 8441 ella * 10411.10 Yi44 111 ,P 810 0 F* l7l " • MligliiPtr.* 0 0 04 f 4 lift* it aims iirt.lllll 41.4eta110 Ow 1144tir u I s f uessigioat os.iri*eli.#o4.4)r to • 441000.11.0* **in or Iwo*. . 101 .tt,lt Witt, s. b4fga absd ItoguktuassA•4 thy irIU emus mama hii Looa•t, all,tua• Watocrd t. Will maks limo sight . ..Hilo a talltipo*ois•• ihaa will thaw, th• world's spilks‘.4. The eattatttottuti to It it, • . ,The Palen am .t rat CsOSCII—Mike racy. le. ?b.a r.NX . •qncl tieweracy." 44.1 laths cause prow, Past Ttis sal,' boss ll—a manila An Wails; sow la pos. Ulm asS skest. W /al Ws *4.4%4 itiwranpas of Ita fit•CoOstitstiss se It Is. fiwollSisis so It was Cs4ircs-4twou rally. he. Let aboUthos 1144 Its rave, toesiblou slap but& ; 1.114 giro oar "LIM* lira" tlir La m. lao 4i Ike 04 allp pllb. • 34rs with tb• - wrosi. op trait tbl ttiLt. had iiito &km kid Moss for iii•Coespailii• Y li ie. ylika ffdoa SA it vu. • 0141149-44111110aUji no I. reatloa to tell as calinly,witether, with tits faete I hefore t heat, Ile we have Sito l / 1 1thS11110 bio. then is s coostituency in Pennsylvania, that-would here reoommended or instructed for hi a--sad whether dope facts, depending mainly upon the record, and incontrovertible of coons, eta be nowsucassefally coneetlied from them f We est them %scut, who there are among the eminent %festers of this time, who enjoy the confidence of the . people, that will venture j to meet these issues, with the very record to! eonfound Them t We do Out lincitsiS Mai; of I any position or force:, , io this coulitty. st ell events. who would not feel himself personally . . compromised, hjr undertsking.s labor so her { oiliest* to eta. the question then 80111111, ,it list, Whither there are any of the deliggaine inclined to the support of Curtis, who Would roislder -a tri umph 'tom• as wiore lisportint Iban a triumph at the elet!4ph, jut. • *outicAiws compeasatioa for s defeni at that time—or elogit be to stake the result tpona dontit - tt It it bairns, as charged, that he insisiti . on Playlatthppart of the Jog to the winger, and lierificra the party; of, whirl), it is sold, be claims' lois the builder to himself is there soy minis the eon.: Temkin who will allow himself HP se nova tor ouch s poirpose t What is to be gained-4 it for the advantage of anybody Nit the rebels end their Northern sympathiters We have stete , l more then o n ce sad we cannot repeat it too often—thmethetever may be the opinion of the Cnivetitlion. knd whe ther right or wrong, 'ills feeling *plan Goy. Curtin in this county at least- ! growing out 'of his own acts *and policy --4s so strong that we could no more coetrol it, evenif'we hurt so distosed, than we could stem. the toerest of the Niagara with our hands. We might ruin ourselves - by advocating hist44;44i, but we couldn't help him. It is not weittio are responeible fir the'eaistuse or *Agfa of that feeling. We refract It only, sad have but thrown ourselves into the attiring,. "blob yes towing as rapidly before we undertook to fathom or dlreet'ic ' There Isere good WO how who doubted in 1860, Whether 1111 could be trusted, and re , foeti to rote ihr3itim.and yet this - County gave ,hins a majority - of about 6400otes. UMW than a month iftwirerti. 41 ids Linualk 1 0 ,.- 000. With' a stronger MUM Alit fliStrtiwthere should Lave been 8.000 at hint.: With sawn. etteelitiOnitl esitadatsi how witiicia simile is seer.. Vitti,Qov. Curtin. we tintibt, Whether it "Wcinlebecaraied At all. aid t4milinto nisei that his 'oeuditet at • the semen. of - 1861, brought In a Demotwit even bent, at the elect- lion rriltdi followed will reollai 'We ailsoltief that sash a sotoleatlon any Whit. ' . .. It it. not this county only+ however, in whit* it is import/At to make the tanoblue run smooth. There will' ke l liltt dliketatiest ellowintra,?sed particularly I. thane went*, Where the strewth strth * of ihe linpublmas.Pettly. Gee. If ha should be: inii :nlati td. it will to t be bli e l o te votes - 'of time. distritts, whisk will be es led to theihim. It will 'be *wades; like Berke, we suppose. that exit 'to be cast as r o,,,4r e i g ht s irio she ousie. I- Woold -it not begonia lima 14 veliftt. that; if PM east us 10 do the *ors they most pot as into a oolltl.: itoo o I L run without weight*? , Ate sob eves the ' , adieu of our peirple-4f i tkey choose to Ball them so—to be ionstaked,? If `lily cis Sod it_ man who is tree: frog objeetion—end we are in bad collation, indeed, if they.cas- Get—what Is their duty ss nisi--.s petrioto— as lovers of. their country? Bow 010 11 1 / 9 ; excuse themselves for insisting—from more pride' of sell will.--.41:1 QS, of the , opposite kind, vibe li known' to be •utigielatable to say respectable section of the petit? 'We shall page their patriotism by the way' in which they deal with the difficulty. With Men of heroic stamp—men suited to the times - it can prove no !alone diffiesky at sill. [Frets the Plills4dlo44nalaw Jipareal. 'WHITE MAN .: 1 6114Y1 1 1131 A VECISI.O. The Phitadelphis Inquirer. lieptiblican, hiss the following scoonnt of Sn Sifsie which is creating ranch 'excitement iW Hist city "Srsantsa A FAIR Ati 6111LToi Htcs— A M KILLID At the tmessopment 'of the 'colored troops, helton Hill; a eadn4stshie occurred on FH evening, Which resulted in th; death of a e r 6istsed 'WilHata Fos. in company with his 'brother-in-law and *Het* boys, Fos narked nt on s swift: wing excursion, and after, bsthing 'tinned the' grounds of the escazipnutat, and suddenly fetiii.l himself and peril confrtestid by sn armed Sentry LThe party tudted at a foam) lend began questioning the sentry, iho, after' listening to • few questions:ordered them to more on. The party shim sterted, twig; Fos at the tease, who cot teWjed that be had s perfect right to remain there. His brethwe ia.lair returned , and urged OM to lean; but it imbued. a Thi sentry.tailed twice fer she corpo of the guard sad was eked! what was Lb matter. He replied that there!,.were some at it the hue who would not gi ewe,. sowii t ass called arc; , Shout r ifter ..', Tbt; until . raised his piece sad sail. ..4. 3 e you goiug to leave': If you 4148 it 11l shoot you: TY 'deceased replied, 4 guest 7.*3 soot'[. A soother werniug ihr sOotry)ited. Tits o - tees of the CAA* cooseLimufediately to t , *Pot, and tlut pill woe [recd by Dr. J. Holt. Poo Bergson i t #l,irocit the righ t Wrist and then passed throw* the body. Tilts itatortuaste was was reads* to a house ;:: Mrs. Busier's place. sod ‘lO9 its about . 1 hoax: ' - 1 41 Freui as szeideatltai4de by hireateasiklat , Colonel Wiper. ooeuessidibi - the -caompl i t tot rneered that the order; , . these' as' ,Sot. gists . 14 the corporal the part, ' t by root ot:Lik• mil" Who : hese pities: Snits" it. the sprlig. ;The qtriseral 441 e t . arrliires - the grewsi ehtll ii)rter Oki *at I 16t. i ' -,' 1 I 'Tisis had btu eeleral,tlepertlessid - t , paint lately. br / 1015 " Vg 'V AIIII‘ 0 4 : I eader: . ewer of the '• 'This led toi the . I tootle* ef the eeetrior sseljbetl.- -le ritis de,' base, •Citse , bes • Utley. tiiii , i veatisel; " stitedr . Est he isiailied Tow lyaistied *lista: eA Us :sad eetespe.i to elibili .Stsr As "Simi \ W tees Ridley/ dr*thei es O , wl; . . 1 i “The siege made by ribs owe the be theesittijet. plated is 0441'14 Idibiiefillsi Ihieetiel babe &whey, i‘ let! b$ iiiii. ow . i hr. egi3 lol. '.Wllliesiiree t r the st i....i .bilie;:ltet weyir Wrei -4 : i4linait ~' _ ' • : :' 1 1. - : bliat esisiiesukber" --.... : ,-*lfai: — O7 tire *ewe of the ' s id. iieh ~. - by !Asa it Wig' 'mit book . suit; , Sartii tibeiliepai . ill low ' A ''''' i - ..... . • .. 1:-,t,.t. ~, • ,p- . : ~ .. '2.00 IFI4OT PAID UNTIL Iwife and f lei children ,have been deprived of *kind h ' eltd- and father, by the black 'count:Wel,. o sports the Fedenl livefj;. and Myna in to over the dead body , as ireltre, of a en,t tx`x,Auxittcou CITIZEN !, . • The Ledy r, speaking of this murder, says: "The sh flag, as it ngw appears, walk el m wholly anjurtittable. , There was !no attempt to get Withthe camp ground, nee was any thing done *Mill for interference on the part of thei to ry. The deceased was, there a, mere epee or. and it is not pretended that he did - l ot endue!. himself properly." epee of. ti , *aye the Earths/ Journal, when an actlike this could not have been commit ted by a it gro in Philadelphia with impunity. But lot • hour of negro worship and dime gard of white men's rights, the murder of a White cal ilett by a negro deemed a Matter I of Wiling ntoment., As matters are going on, our prop may soon expect to he ruled by ,negro'sol le a entirely. i . . , They W II lilt standing with arms in their 1 baud*. a ~ 4 1sentinels 'of freedom,". at our street co nen and at oar various military stationa !Prato'. Marshals' office s in this I city, ri nd nry_ditehedient white man will he Stresitil !shot dead on the spot by theses likPoyft.l - Everything now Two bend to the *We; i o is the '' :Coming Man, according Ito 'Jed Kelley, who, in a late speechytid : " In I e !gloomy days through which we hate I passed, t have been buoyant with bop* a °tinting to faith. Behind the dark V and . clouds thit bang so Oppressively Z mar qt; I saw, in the rapidly developing pro , ttithigOti of pod, the sure promise of victory .and . During weary, sorrowing months' and y • ?of war, we , have sighed for the 'sti' Man' whO was to bring us thew great ' age. We have not found him. / Not : ties . nor Banks, tier Fremont, nor Groot,!r Resecratui, nor Meade—thongh be tese tattled our quiet Gettysburg with the itemise of Magenta and Bolferino--. WM' himself to be the man whose ge n* . ii.pnver were to deliver us from pro-. or ' p ota t : rrH To, wiro ad ri cit , it sma this crr is rry b r u b t arg to , ad u mi n t trtio ttrit that ,great soldier. are not übiquitous. Donal4Ali and Vicksburg, each in turn; New -ottath: n . worthy the sittation of s great I. ' so l o • .' t we, then, cease to _hope for him ing Hope so long prophesied? 0h: - . I‘ l , ,Ili lisiti'O inin ar.bilittiag. its is Via 1 . 111 i: . Hi hs'i made Port Eidson the • . Ater. of his race ; he. occupies sad liehmond; he Is ready ‘ to intercept ' ii . i , tivii . Shenandoah Vide, ; he at; ihn.mit*hold of Tonga,' ; he will OP. Ott; thaileeton; which Is in his power: Mid 'aitilitt;?trsis he will respond with a Jo .l 'O 4L - 4ye to your esti, and rpm the . . ' Ai, to 44 lop of leery clef upon her' „I , . i , it ,,tehit, twri ld li ii l yt ! i u st t e diat tcy e ie v l e . ry be acr fg e t r orm u , f vial mid arms every rebel soldier; as a Immured of-your sympathy. be will crush orrebel stronghold. - .• is, @noir It or - doubt it as you • may, the 1d A. th*!'eorrefsg man' : for taAenn we ?save .5 7 1, treilrif; Pint bhp the chance to attest his nattily At all those panto around which our *hike brethrea.perish, in swamp and hospital, • - t. And tbrOttlingAnd crushing his, old Ipprebsor, be ir . ill . ; ,'gi irro ie • ma us a s d pood ou :y v am ic:ry lo , n a g t:d on a u pea nue c d e thak: shall 'never again be disturbed by civil oil erioi.f ist such Sentiments are cheered can it be noticeably expected that allegro soldier t t lia , punialied for ehquting a white man' T hope of this Administration is in the ne- 1 11 . It has so diegiatod the white men of the i f ';- 11 lib that it is in a measure, compelled to I.lnich for hope tad support upon the no- . The negro is now its especial pet, and 1 it will Protect him, even in such cues as this ei, at '.tarp William' Penn." ' Phitadel-; p MLA 6t, course,' will quietly acquiesce. The is the Quaker's God, and Quakerism d Lincoln loyalty rules Philadelphia. What Matter* it, if a poor Irishman, now and then, 4 shot down by a negro" Is not - the negro the 'homing Man ?" Ili be not the last best hope Of the nation 1 Of ,Whet: account is a -bite inan---mpecially if he be an Irishman ? le Is ti Taint 7--Goverztor Curtin, at the corn menceMent of the last session of the Legio littaire:, feansestly recommended the passage of s bill 'maltingit a penal offence to pay labor ing inn . nin stont . ; . orliers. The Legislature did piss *Dili, for_that purpnae, which we pub lished:B4oi time ago, when Calvin's organ, the HArrisbtirg TaograpA, announced that be hod • Signed it. Shortly afterwards the Tae. gripilthclarecl this Governor, had: not signed it; sad utoreo e er would not. Newdight had dawn!ed upow him, audio this day the "scrip tetnsins without the Governor's mulct ion. In return bie ibis, it is - mid that the iron-tura tars of the. State, . who have grown rich by ikeA. Which Curtin a. GM months ago thought iiibtry, litre iii Circe is Pittsburg, working for lb* Governor's tte-nominialoo. Curtin his Fanned them wit to sign the toll. Will be keel; his word' or will he now, au the hope, t of humbugging the working men, A.Pfil the iron' masters said bign it ! Well see .. Ailentairs Democrat, Ai . . Goon Slazic.—The Abolition party tout a goo name. It to sa Abolition party in fact. ' 1 ban atiolirdterl the l'unekti tttt ion of the United States. ' - • has abol►dbrd the goad feeling• which baits' tits Nord' amid South Cogs; her it bee abolished the right of trial by jury. ie bee-sbolisber pld sad silver cola from twiwildst. S 4 hes sboltsbed' low prices for all articles efrilicoaelle toe. • t ' hes isliegsbel the three of tees of thou- *tide at ; brass white stett. - It Itte-abolieked pesos sat security through out the gauntry. ilt sbolitited the respect we counosettod *kiwi ss:Stuitias. llt Us. is goo, abolished about all it eau *wens thing it will glitolish it oelC-4kewregt Mese:, • tell Dim* nom lef o fiee:-.l* Rude 1'11154 *AO.i. eelipteted, OA tie cork if 1614illisiAtilig* meals aellel7 anirigh- Ie 'bele taps the te 'attoktiee Peet. Oise 'ablelocidied ree, bet Aiey atael7 ail er sit satelisetee. as lee',ealp Wastes* dratted sea * Otakeiht, pates the Ming valises '1 .I.lf I - f 0 'END utE THE YEAR NUMiIkR 13 "it has abolish 4 the Elston of ' State. •it bid statis Ike 4414eas cogra• INII • The Voter of WeIT• &dew& We are petiettted to make the Molting 0.- last treats hotter errtumliTourollieekbtion Itarleston "Gen. l .oilLetorst wee unalmott4o 7 forced .• into the Asia:* upon Fort WagMiesydast Irittwr judgment, / hers greet 'confidence in and think from the way.lm:le ping.te. work now that Charleston will certainly. fill. it will be stow but sure. lie has set el; them. gro soldiera at .•.atigue wnrk, which is wbat , ever. other general ought to do. ills atorfee •• . , about. their splepdid fighting ars 4 %11 in My eye," At the allault they ran away 111. s fast as they could, and came near .detiotal iring the whole attacking totes. Iti;ips hoer afterthe fight commenced over a thousand of them came striggling down to the south end of the Weed, end before morning there wire at the hospital unit dock over 300 . 0 f them,not hurt - in the' ieaei. There was not a 'dozen white solilieti at lite dock. I Pee the Net York, papers give them credit for doing vim ters--don't you believe it „ large number of reinforcements have .„ arrived here during the peat Ittea, malting our force about twice as large as it Was.” We have no doubt that the above gins Ear • rect idea of every ,one of the stories snit liorth extolling to the skies the valor of the negro. troops. Our restive will remember the patens which Were sung pi the abolition press ( over the achievement"' of the colored soldiers who participated in the first assault upon. Port Hud son, ' It. was claimed that six hundred out . of one thousand men were kilted, and the terrible , blacks fought with their teeth when their =is lets and arms failed them. The New Orleans Era, Gen. Banks' personal organ, has lei day • light through this romance by publishing an official return of the losses in the negro tegi ments, daring the whole •iegi, from . which it appears that-- " There Were segnife4 in t,lll. miege of Port Hudson two regiraent9 or colored troops. the "Ist and the ;A, both together numbering 1,244 men. , Of these IN were killed, 12.3 woun ded by gunshots, entr4t; by falling trees, task ing the last casualties 197.. Many of the wounds Were slight, from which the sofferere have vivre recovered? • • - A young.Bnfralonian, who left h ere to •takej, command of some negeoes under Oen. Mbian, writes home that * regiment, which wea stationed near Brashear City, disappeared in the coarse of a skirmish with the enemy, and has scare* recovered& eorpoisl's guard since. We shall be glad to give the colored troops credit for all the work they do in the war, but IL will do no good to lie them Into emi nence.. Especially it is - wrong to throw_ the achievements of white soldiers into the shade, by these newspaper romancing. about the. blacks. Apropos of this subject it is announced 'Oat Oen. Thomas has again gone west to re sume his work in organising colored regimente, and Fred Douglas is commissioned by the Preeideet.to assist in the work. Any number of skeleton regiments are said to be lyinc round on the banks of the litlissisaippi, but further than this but. little progress is en pected by those who are qualified to judge. A BLOODY RgCoiD.--Tb ' e Knoxville (Tenn.) SeagaNivei the following rebel eetiniste of wounded, and miesing, frcm the begin ning of ,the war to the beginning ot the pre cent gear: 41:,b78 ; wounded, 97,027; prisoners, 6 8 ,218; sofa! ';'09.115. Died you; disuse and wounds. 2..50,p00. Confederates—Kilied, :20 . .E91 ; wounded, 69.616: prisoners. 22.169 ; total. 102,677. Die•Cl,frons (Unwie and wounds, laceoo. This is she rebel swooned", and cannot be relied upon.. But supp?sower reverse it and the lose then is, Confederates. 459.116 ; Fed erals, 288,677; a grand Loral of e - 697.792 Shoe the beginn'ug .of the present J eer, we have had Chinoellorsville, tie siege of Vieltshurg, and Port, Hudson, the bsu!o of Gettysburg, and innumerable lesser ilttles and skirmishes, swelling the list on both sides. —Herman's Journal. • - GIN. FILASK Blatt..9eneral Blair is de nounced ea a . " copperhead" for uttering the following sentimentit at the,conclusion of late 'Peed is Bt. Louis i " Whenever hien 'are Willing tu surrender, to admit their error, and say that they hum been misled and misguided, it does not com port with the-greatness and magnanimity ut republican government to pursue them with furor and That ought • to be lets to dynastic governments ; th:% thing of hatred belongs to • Kings and Princes, and the people who have , their awn individual spites to vent. But the government of the people—a great and magnanimous govern-' meat knows how to -forgive as well as how to conquer. (Cheers.) My friends, I desire to see the re establishment of the Union as it was." (Great applause.) . Sourumt REPOCRCES •IN 11 . :g..=-The Rich mond Sentinel, of the Ylet, argues;that the Routh has no cause yet to despair, and they can yet put eight 'hundred and eighty tht,tt sand men, between the age's of 18 and 45, in the field, anti that aceoi‘littig,to Mr. De Bow, who has compiled the statistics, in no event during a long war eon the Confederal( strength he reduced tinder seven hundred thousand, if the people are in earnest. Thr male population between J$ and 4;, is said to amount yet to one million. one hundred and eighty thousand tive hundred, anti during the two year. of woe nut les. than one hundred stO twenty thousand males have passed tram titular to over Its years of age. . Ktstt:Lity.- : - A le* dal e.before the elec• thin. the Liuieville ./aurita!, speakiug of the prt4oipies of the tiratulette party, paid . : " The phivorm of Me ['llion Denweruty u 1 Kira 4ucky is the platform df Vorthern Democracy, a• rrpresentedby (foe. Seymour. Every member of the Cnion State ticket stands squarely upon !him platform, glad within the sphere of his 'lawful power wilt essente the platform to the lettei." Thext is hardly * tittles at* Kentucky, of any party, who does not: oppose and manta pecoliar inesoures of hit Administra tion. The Menkt,ers of Congress erect are not an exception. Tut Anotyrion Paoossuus.-1‘ Washing ton correspondent of the istw York Tryouts says, that "it. is assertedlin high places that an assurance was given by Mr. Evart* to English and French statesmen; that Mr. Lincoln's intention was not to atop this war unless :the extinction of slavery had been oared„ mid that it had the. moat favorable deo" in London and Paris. The abolitienpro - - Ermine is looted upon to these' two cities es the best ,tracarts to. obtain the um:silty of Enropean.powers in the I tineriCin °Quaint." Tar Tams km ?Its Suva:rait--The, Loa do* Irma is oharkaisp ha tone' ca Awash= &feint It says: *• Ithaori °waive Am ea staples of * greater change of prospect ,tban that which has oosurreteince ths corsouara meat of the sweeping *ad. drst, irradsted jarasion of the North by esneril LW' "The saddest retreat if. Lee, sad the eitacitenesee fall of %fathead's *en Portlicti. ion tasuli ,an 11600,13mthstiou of Ottawa sarely Walled "—TomprownwewirrN `- _ .