-x. • Avoyg 2:=l THE BUFFALO MERCANTILE COLLEGE, COMB OF MAIN & SENECA STREETS. Li an Important link to the t drain of NAvoYAL 111:11110AITUJI 001MICIIL la thb following Cities, tla:—N LW YORK CITY, BROOKLYN, TROY, DE no ?. PEULADLLPHIA, ALBANY, CLEVRLAND, cacao° BAIN? LOUIS AND TuRONTO. I A mgeglatraildg Issued from Builnlo College, estlties the holder to attend either or all the Collrgel lbt ea Wizened time. I The iodine at these Institutions, Is to Impart to 'dung men sad ladles, a tkorittigh, practical /amen cieeenma Thaw 0•11•010 are organised and ceindueted upon • lads *Mel malt secifre to separate Initlint,on Out partible factlitionfor imparting a thoroochvom meredal education, and render it a" a Thule, the dog 0011111 and complete rot= In thfi country. Ihook-Reeidimg to Its departmentalTele;mphing, Commercial law, Commercial Arithmetic and Penman. ship, are taught In the most thorough and practical maser. T. Sposooorlita System of Penmanablp, Is htly am tent and erperienceu teachers, payable in advance, $4O. tF k open y and evening vacations. t Principal at Buffalo, J. C. Saran. or farther InWmation, please cell at the College Booing, or send for Catalogue and Circular enclosing Letegar 'tamp . Addrest . . BRYAN r & STRATTON. 6.117-Iy. , eallalo. N. Y. NEW FIRM. PCMNITM, AND ErNDEATA.EINO WAR E-R, 0 OM S! , On State St., between Sererathand Eighth. Th•ilubieriberthave entered into the Cabinet llaklng and ,FURNITURE TRADE, Asd pnispia ma s king to ord.; and kompulg constantly nn • hand all kinds of Furniture. Orders will receive prompt attention. Espalring dogs on short notice. VNDERTAKING. The subscribers will give speclal attention to this de - rt of their businesi. They will manufacture and, , I nstantl e c • large assortment of Ilvtallic' Cuss and Co and hold themastren In _readiness to' Most orders in th line, promptly, from any prt of the country. Determined to spare no efforts to cite gatherer.. Om both in the quality of their goods and prices, they loping secure • liberal share of Wilk ORE ' patronage. MO Ras LET, aptira2.-tL Successorstn J. B. Romer. RM. 111311.1". EAGLE FOUNDRYI Pasolt St, shoot lit ittrffalo Road, Erre, Pa HENRY gr, BRYANT', tO Achenon & Henry,) x.axgracrcvarss or PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN 1 SHEET IRON WARE, AND( ALL RINDS OF IRON CASUNG.S. rnity Stove'aold by ua warranted to give satisfaction. Kith Sleigh-shoes, Sad Irons, &c , on bind or rn tn. lalsoluild to order. PLATS aim PLQW Pourrs of supenor malco and dorm• shrsys on. bi t nd. - A call and a fair trial of our arti alai is an we ask. I ENRY fr. BRYANT. stir2r tt. - EAR ORD FIRE INSVRANCF. CO. RAKTMOILD, - CONN JECTIC VT. IMRP OR ATEA 1810. CAP/ TAL I $LOO,uOO. . GTO N. Pres t. f T: C. ertfliatE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, COYNECTICUT. • - 'INCORPORATED 1847. 1250), , X)0 C. B. BOREKS. t'remt. Q. C. IV A ITF, Stryi, NStRANCE in the above old antLreli- Able Companlea call be obtlitoed on appliostio& to R. W. RIIMLL, Agent. CLOTHING ! Largest & Bestttoty! ck of Goods nCi 0;M1E AND SEE OR YOU! SELVES! MOSE S .-RocE, . WOULD RESPECTFULLY in- 1 n - , form hie old trien i r and customers that 1. ha lima • removed - to th splendid new tore . Baena ---. I NO. 19 crags BLOC:14.; L i ' Intake he invitee thamiko tall 2.1344X11.1111i30 hi. • , food& His stock is enlarge and well seleeted al any in Erie, and he/is determined not to be sadersold. e- has fast received the Largest Nosh of . SPRING AID SUMMER GOODS! Peer brought to E4t. LW motto Is the beat or gooda quick odes, one mite, and that the lowest. If goods are not what they ate represented they may be returned. doe3fltltt.. - IMPORTANT NOTICE. For the Speedy and Permanent - Cure of Gesiorrbea, (sleet, Urethral Discharges, asesiaal W•akfusg, Ni pllll y Ern/Mona tacemlinanee - Genital Detsiiit,y„ and Irritability, Gravel, Stricture Stricture and Alba= of du Kidneys Mid Bladder, wbteh bap been need by npwirdslot ONE HIINDRED PHYSICIANS, la their prints practice, with entire ancoese, enperoed 4 1 0 0nbeba, Copia°, CapsoNs, or Any compound hlth ari prepared egetau,. - on the system, and never sicken the stomach or 117 , moans the breath; and being vagarworded, ell m asons Meto ie avoided. No change of diet is n while nabs theta Nor does their action inter= booboo puma& Foch Boa contains its dozen Pills. PAM. one dollar, sad sold by all Droillota Dr. Bell's Treatise on Seminal Weakneu BIEUf4J3IIBE, 003101iEELES, GLILET,, fr.o., a Pamph letrmcontaining important *nit* to the FREE. Biz cents are required to pay DU. BBLLPS GREEN BOOK, • can. Minon GONORRHEA. OLEET, STRICT SIT7IIILLIB, detailing all the varions stem trtik Presaiptiona in English, adapted Ox self-treat meat without the ald of a Physician. Prim, ens dolia• The Pills o Books will be sent by mall, prepaid and macre from obsteration, on receipt of the money by any solvertised tient, or by SAYAN. General Agent, 78 Cadu St., New York. ( Box Fun.' cir Sold fa lid o by Dr. L. STRONG, THOS. S. SIN sad WY. NICK, Druggist". aulnly "AGENTS ! AGENTS 1 AGENTS 1" 14 A SPECULATION.'' GOOD CHANCE 'TO MAYS. MONEY. V i al " ar. now prenend to tarnish our New 1,04 Ms 'NATIONAL PRIZE PACKET, Which contains a greater variety of OHM and entertain.. 141 art sin than say Emir before tared. It contains, 6 Sheets Cisemneretal Note, • 0 Sheets Patriotic Note, new and elegant Do- Pi al gollis Envelopes, choice Dreign. , ' Blotting P Buff torelopee, • I ad, , I Tin* Steel Pen, 1 Menulanoohnion Pen Bolder, 1 Iftrie Black Lead Pent% 1 Pocket Alumna for 1803, 18.1,1 Panorama of the Rost of War, ' 20 Conde tUistratione of the War, 11 Portraits of our leading Generals. • soorpleteChrottologlaalltecord of all the Battles and Stirflsheetron the commencement of the Rebellion up /lithe preessit tins. Also, A SPLENDID JEWELRY 4WT„, widish Cane is worth troto 60 canto to $5,00. Gifts eosin of snore than 100 varieties of -Jewelry for both Miles and Gentlemen's wear. or Better quality of Iltstiowy, Law Cakes Dengue and more valuable Gilts Urns aty_other tavelope pot op. &KW. ninhitiehlthetlY understood that we will not nor put iqp lath trash as IS and BEEN eold la tide manner. The Stationery shall be o HAS f good quality 1101 the ?Wogs warranted to give satisfaction. - ffend , for our new Circulars, witirl k Wholemie he., _\ Address, ' MATSON CO., ZS Superior Street, Cieselect:4l, O. lox UN . mayM-31ne CIISEIEEEP,ERS Cu lad an assortment of Window, Scrub, Whitt Wash sad other Brushes, at the store of J. S. CARTER. • MORRISON & DINSMORE, intolawa D1L4111141 IX j Moor, Pork, Beef Salt, Grain CZOVAR, TIMOTHY SEED; rfc. • . No. 2, Wavle Block, - MINCH MUTT, .11= mm eassri Asti Bft., ILTJE, P r:St 3ERVED FRIIIT, J Brindled !raft, Who. Popper Sates, &A g it aryl6-Im. WYSE BURGESS. BENZOLE, IliMb' btalMog with Pakt and Vandal, wwqq nil dm. well .oftid and is & perfect sub- . Supowitoo; Par Ws by I .l llBl t * J. S. CARTER. 4.11 1 ;1 1 1 0 VI =l;treL. waathill, for wlikh we . will ply . V., T., S. k Co. GOOD AMOR • T WWI Papa and 111M8b o acies at • swim I)EN'l't T. REMEDIES FINN TENTiI & A SWEAT BEINATii. I Do you wista to be bloomed with and roircurrd (or Fusty tam and Soand TEETH ? Hee Uk. W3l. H. ILIHRD'S UNRIVALLHD TOOTH Po w• HIER, warranted free from acid, alkali, or any Injurious substance. Price. 25 cents per box. . rr- Beware of the oral:are cheap Tooth Powders. which whiteu but destroy. Dosln wish to be oertain dist your Eat His puns, tweet, and armable to \ husband or wife, lover or triends? CFII DR. CELISBRATILD 31OUTII WASH. F rice, 37 eeg4 per bottle. This &stringer,, wash fa also the bratawinedy in the world for Garcia, BAD Baum, Bi.wnlo Grits, Son VOCTrt, ere. It has cured hundreds. Du you, ur your aildren suffer from TODTRACHE t t;et Mt. HURD'S MAGIC TOOTHACHE DIU/PS. Pram, 24 cents per bottle • • Ale yr,u atilieted slth NEURALGIA t Got. DR. W. U. 1111113D'e• NEURAIMIA rummies, 112. meat effective and delightful remedy known. ' They do not adhere now blister, bat soothe sad charm pain •way. , Try them. Price, IS and 37 cents. 'UMW on receipt of price. Do you with a complete set of DENTAL ItEIRDIES and a Tax.seum ox Pacaxarmo Tom? Get P. W. U. HURD'S INTAL TREASURY, the seatest and most valuable present that one Wend eau make to InGthsrl Price. Sl. Sent by Expreu on re'eelpt ut all the heat storel throughout tilt country CAUTIos.—AI them are dealers who tab advantage of our advertisements to impose opon their esatainen In (crier preparations, it to necessary to insist upon having okra you dal for, and you will tire sits stits,thorough ly tested and [applied Dv an experienced and sciantitie Dentist, Treasurer of the 'New York Mats Dentist's Asso ciation, and Vice-1 smident o. the New York City Dental Soelott. J. M. BRYALsT IM 2 a D&. Dsrrii. RTY , ISIITS 1.11 lON SALT ni ?BIS PLACI sv ♦u. DICGIIOI74. NEW FURNITURE POLISH. PY.EPARRU frnm an Impron . ctpe by tbe propels. t- •of the Buoraze JONA? a Patna." ism-titled by a. -he leading New Yorl F rnittirii Dealers and Piano-Forte Haters to be the: lit In the worldtfor Be moving Scratches, /darks, and at. and restoring • high end lasting glom Wall kinds of Varnisbed work, from Furniture to Leather. It is cheaper aisl better thanjarnisb. deka immediately. and is easily applied. Watt • piece of Canton Flannel and a bottle or two of title New Fusser= Polmm, a Tionaekeeper can work magic in the furniture of • house and keep It loaklug like new. Now to the time to " shinstp " your Tables, chaire 'Dts, Pianos, Picture Frames, Carriages, eta., and Franke ee them look 60 per mot. better. ' This is true economy. For male _by Furniture Beaten and Stem ki el.wre generally. Pelee 25 and St cent' • bottle.— licput Nu. 1 Spruce Street,liew York. Sintrtat, Angers 11 ANTI , u. A DDlit.t..% Box 1V72. New Yogi P. O. 7 be fintaxerereit's New Ftrir.ettutte Anne is for sate here at the Store, LATHING! GREAT REBELLION ; The Heroism of our goldifin And 8,410 n. ILLosTIATE.4). Tbir entire and.the public are right In Feasting that thit will surpass, in graplded of armaive, =Meg flames; ani extensive. popularity; other historiee the ar for he tnion. It/ theme will be the heroic daring, pa tient Buffering, and hairbreadth seneees GI sot soldiers and sailors, and Its iacidents will loan the theme of conversation at innumerable amide' fur 'lan to come. it will contain, in addition to its stirring details, th Philosophical Analysis of: the Causes of the War, b Jou.v Lovaitor Alon.rr, L. D., Author of "The Kiss of the Dutch ktepubile," etc., the dates of all the im portant events from the John Brownraid, sad ea emir: ate and revised account of the principal battles, ib engravings. Ono third the proceeds of all Einbscriptdonse• Cava to ua eta be men for the, Relief of Disabled I Didier', and all pawns who with • copy of the work, and-also ticorlit the soldiers, should send their name and ad , dry.r at once. AlltO, any °Meer, or private, or person i ooy "coition of the eount--y, hawfrg ktiewlesige of a :.eroic act or stirring incident, will oblige as by sending vv anace.innt of it L;oolEsl3.Lkliti, ruSTYASTX/M, aud CASIVAJULLYUI3Ta et:l Le tortuttLed with a,istbsesiptiou Prospectus, ou sp p:owt,ou to the publiebera. .1 taw+ al cottontoston grove to seaters distrait: to act 0a ageotts 10 taktago ratiocriptioos. 111OTOWIr OW AmicuteAN TUNES, Y11i03116101 to RAD. By Dr. J. Lo in/NZ Elmo?. 2 vols., Ivo. Vol. i..ow reedy, Vol. H. neatly ready. CAB Is probably the largest arid must important work now in the American pram We have oleo Just published new editions of the fol lowing useful and pop:Owl:oohs: TUE BUSINESS MN'S LUBA/. ADV/SEB • or, flow to Save Nosey, by Condadln Business so carding to Law, aa expounded by Ilto Best and Latest Authorities. SOO pp., sheep. Pties OPPORTUNITIES , POE INDUSTRYA sr, A THOUSAND CHANCES TO MAKE MONEY. Cloth, $l. This hu bums sopublialssti toglutd. tivery btuinese man and clarkshould hare them Woke. They will pay the buyer a husdned fold. Every patent should gat them for theii sons. - All these booka smiled. po4issial. or receipt of price. We pay piurticulat steelstlorc tirweelalwe books, wrapplue Wee carefully, mud will procure sad used poitpsui, any booklAnywhare, *a receipt of publlaikers' price sad els stamps. Abbess PLANol4.—Persons who wish to buy a Plano of the best makers will be shows how they can saves hand sel:Le som in the waists It they _address Puny awe Joe, Cock Co., Publisher? Agents, New Yoshi?. 0. ERIE o'l T BOOK BINDERY CORNER OF 6 . F.1 TE' AND nint ST.9 • The undertaszted would respeettally return thank, be the patronage heretofore extended to him, 4nd eolleite • conunusnee of the um*. tsonnUy =dm vititutho improvisnauts, moat whiny aro a PAGING MACHINE, for paginglilank Books,by mains at ',hi e ). be is snablod to du irdrir. ot that lund wet sad as cheap ae It can be done In Italakt. 1154 as EXPERIENCE OF- TWENTY YEARS, I tillers I can appeal for the publ= i nav with fall conedanni in my ability to Oro RULING; BINDING AND ALL KINDS Of WORE tB mr LINK Dona to order. Constantly on band • lulls amply of )13LANK ,BOOXS: Itimsnabor the plate, aontb-wastrgonnts d Stab sod Mt& otreetn, woad story, nort door to the 'Guilt E. M. COLE. Us, Jimmy WI, 1883.-3na JOHN WELCH, • MUIR AND =Ma IN FOREIGN] & D°l3Bllo lain* YEGETAJIL . EB, ALSO, DZ IN OYSTERS, POITLTRY AND GAN& is that: Swan ger 2'0.-2, Piety's .piocklill • _Csuraute,luanit Sa g • , . Pan; h. Orden from either the City or Coattn I=ll7 and at lowest sessltei rata. HAIR, TEETH & OTHER OM. £vsry lady aka be maned to tutilise OF =Rim at the stoat at elleitt. T OM. PURE FRENCH ZINC, Vary •['e) aad aaadlg n allanad la, Cans. • ( apalrellg] . DEL WM. B. SURD'S Tti 'N THE WORLD, " atURLNO: AND errtiN.: TOOTHACHE AND itEURAr " WM. B. HUED & CO., Noir York. THE HOUSEKEIEI'KEt'S Al' BOOKS IN ;PRESS. - • THRILLING INCIDENTS 1=1:M1 1 -eal., large 12mo ' /Rice, $1,25 FPbEEDLEY air, 00., Tribtme Buildings, N. Y. BPEER'S ISAMBUCI WINE! NILE. :0•2) rE,llt= Lit ellO I e o ( 1 It • ray -It I0: -. I -; For Female , Weakly Persnns 'and i Orlebt qualitit g, Betsionf I.lgtag ttin.onf.a Lr eloonrot I,l4iticLana, u,.41 In European and Afori wan Ito4pflals, and bj , mane of the first famil ire I u t:nroke and unix fr.i. "3 A Toxic. , It has so equal,:esusing au appetite au.ilbuilitiug up the system, h•leit ontitelv.• pure win* of ■ most eel aside belt liM3 A:4 A DIURETIC It linparts • healthy intro* to the Waille and Xi& seysourd Urtnuy organs, vary beneficial In Dropsy, Gout, and Rheumatic , affeetitnas. lIPEEFeg II not a mixture or mannt.etnred article, but putetv tom the Jule* bf the Portugal Sanibuens (hermit, culti vated in New Jersey, recommended by Chemists and Phi Adana u poureuing medical propertle* Raperior in any other Wines hi nee, and nu exeellent article for.ail weak and debilitated pentane end, the aced and intim, improylng the appetite and beneMtin4 Indies and child tan. • A i.Anits• wiNP • BeCAliiio it will slot into itento en either WILIN as it contains no initiate of ardritt or other ll,luore, and Is as admired for Its rirh, per ? ulfar thervir, sad nutritive properties, ll:quoting a healthy tone to thg digestive or gans, and a blooming, noft and Ifruld.r .1.11/ ant com *Sion. ' RS.Fga Ttl A few well i.nown gentlemen and l.h. •itikllA, who hero trial the Wine:— • Lien. Winfield Scott, U..•:.A. Dr. Wilson. 11Th st , N. V. - Gov. Murano, N. Y. State. Dr. Wald, Nevierk, N.J. Dr. J.S. Chilton: N. Y.Clty Dr. Dougbei ty Neal'. N.J. Dr. Parker, N. V 'Qity. Dr. IN rihh, Ph la. Drti Darcy and :11c droll, - , I . Neerark, , N...J. ' ry None genuine untrcs the Ni..:uato.r.f l of lALFRED SYEEII i , l'ammie, N. J. in o ver the rork aii each bottle. CT MAKE ONE THAAL 011 , Tilt K WINE.' For ` sale in Erie, by J. N. C.ARTFit, H#l.i. & WAR rigui Agrata also for ~PEER'S, Celebrated Sambriel Brandy MOporto, apuss old article. A. SPEEit, I'miiairron, WINE:YALU), Faaseic, N w Jersey. . , OFFICE, 208 Droadsiay, Be n York J - OM; LA FON% PANIN,- 1 Oct. Coy . , . Agent for France irrd Germany. I 1 I I 31,PORTANT „ , TO, LADIES. tils coq ks l / 4 , Dn. noUN ilAlrrglf, having for nparania of Monty yawn devoted L. profeetfonsl time ...veinal Mg te, the trig:neat of FEMALE DIFFICULTIES taring stieimendad In. thotaande olretions tri reataf- Ing the arnietea to beetlth, has contdi dean offering the GREAT - AMERICAN REMEDY, OBETIONTII7If, -- Or in restoring the system to pert art. atialth - when air faring from eptnal Affections, Proa, Uteri, tho WILD" or other weakness of the Utre thyme. Also, la all masa of Debility or Nervous ,Hys terics, Wks, Palpitailens, Sc., the fonwatuters- of more sariout Marcel* now Pill. are perfectly harmless as the toostitation, and maybe bast by ebb wet daliettA/ COMA without &states ; THEY ACT LIKE A CHAIM. I Itrearboldalr, taTterittag, sad regioill' •7n tem to • biaitly.soadatlen, Mai ky ea tho monthly period with micalarity, Oo matter from wrist man the obstructions my aelael They should. how ever, NOT bit taken doling the ant: three or foot mcgitkla of pregnancy, though rafil at say .Saar time, al mlacaffiage would be the malt ' Eacht=ina GO Pills nice. ne+l.l.ar. " Sad by ma - Dn. itsh.vr TkZJ►TI6S ON DISEASES t_.o I' MALES, Prpriarssy, Mtecorriage, Earroftsisimi, aloribliy, Re production and abuimmi of liretwro, flu LADIES' PIIIVAIT. MEDICAL i Arens= • Pamphlet of 60 pa Ros. sent free4i any address. Six cents required to pay postace. The nu or Bo will kw sent by natl. prepaid and weave trove observation. on rettipt et Ow mosey by t Sdlrertifidi event. or by 4 , .1. ItItYAN. iteiierai Agent, ~. ...__ _ 4 D BOTTLE,S of tide article! hare of told In tie rid ty of its preparation. since Its katroduetion. and the lamest atteiALDE It has been eery remarkable. There is seareoly an lit that otters in families tut what its tinsely nag has sither rural or relieredi Abundant iri dium:ohm been shown that It in very suvcrunuul iu miring all forms of .. . SORE THROAT, DIPTITERIA, -SCAIILETINA, -IT Illinisters'and Lawyers' Oore Throat IT CITRES—IMONCIIITI4.• IT CUBEs—.SALT RHEUM. IT CIIIIES—:SICH lIE.LUACIrE. -IT ellAFEs o w. IT CIIREI3-IC, HOLICS, CRAMPS, sc. IT CUBES - I PAININ.THR BACK. IT CURES—RHEUMATISM, IT CDRES-43111LL BLAINS.I Gives prompt relief ih Asthma PIITHISIC, AND CROUP. 1s wary valuable la GRAVEL, DROPSY, ANA KIDNEY AFFECTIONS, le unsurpassed as' a' LIBMICENT AND PAIN KILLEN, • In Bottles at 25 and; 50 Cts. Sold by all respectable Druggists and Deabus in tits Wind Staten. N. WARD CLOSE k CO., Noe. Eel 430130 William Street, New Tort. Wholesale Agents, by whom orders will beprmiptlt Bllsd. • Preying skteeld bf JOln priek S. CARTES, Erie, Ps. Alas li ror f CAETIEIPIT - 1111GAR so CO p ATED to NERVE PILLS,- /MIPS GERMAN WORN CANDY. jen.3112.41 , , BARLEY! BABLEY! The subscriber 'bogs leave to retina bis thanks tuithe r 1216111111 of Nile County, for the Batley they hare sold to ►las dating the past 22 years. Be now wishes to btu r 80,000 BUSHELS And f it tirciiis will r cLi. ytb: h lghtist amulet prier Res, Eat. 4-62. A. SING PURE WINES ANI. 4 ) To Medial. Men and the Palle. I Men plait of etielee Wiese end Lhluors, both foreign lad settee, emereg ell the essfrnee preeettbed slice br. ends as Pate, )414stra mint Bea, bad unitarily* When. Brandies; 3111111 1: melee and at. Crete Rotßelleed, SObsidele end Plite Ands Ole; Old IV. and ZoneagetteLe Wldeing, /m— -=aws are some line old Brandi of the vintages sad IS. Y.ef ImPerlor• lime of tbmse are comparatively hlga in price, yet lo maltty they are much cheaper to the pmetamer, and sari Min weltFo tie baler, than these lover piaci sr inheiarkiade. vhkb are bat imitaflons. Ts arm the parity and obbla tho finest qualities id bare Intake saw cooties tied Madame and emperissao trade mop* bay. bon earpligsd. 04 so tare. ills Po& sale thlseamtbsabesa asearad. The _Value of in this alias of satiable is sonnportaat baba? and invalids, that assamape is only nealalley%nue lbstraleatisa.' Tritiralitt ' .1140.11. rtENV.-- , atTiV43.= B ,RtF ; RAME hu )IFILLING 1101711Zon Boom% Whin State h Oats. Y Kllit. IfsC lnky k MUM Jos IP, 1141.-41 lip.% ANIS Bosse AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PUBWUS TB ZUM And foe Ills speedy cure of the fulkming complaints: Scrofula and !Scrofulous A IrecAlotuoi ink es Timisers. Ulcers, bores, Eruptions, Pimples, Psaitulles. Hleteles, Bolls, Hiatus, and all litilss 111 I. • Otiumso; It Ilth Juno, Mo. J. Ayes k Co. Gents : reel IL my duty to se. ksowledge sisal soar larsaparilla Las dons tort hashes inherited • kicrohakuti inhales, I ban stared trim it in carious ways _for years. &inflames It Must out 1.; het! on util lauds sad arms: amaddimes turned. inward anti diatre•awd me at the stomach. Two icon ago it broke out on by head sod coveted my scalp and oars with murex% which was palatal sad Isotherms &loud descripUon. .1 tried many medideee sal several physicians. but without much relief Imes mg thing. In fact, Um *Wordier grew were. kt length I was :cooked to read In the (impel Messenger that you 'ad . :wowed en altentiito (Fatoatetina), Gar I knew from your repute. thou than any thiug you made melt be good. I sent to Cunitinallitad got it, and used it Unit sung Z. I took it, as you advise, in mall hose of a tawaratieful veer month, and erred most titres bottles. New and healthy skin *mu began to farts under the scab. which after • while fell oil. My skin to now drtr, and I know by my feelings that the disease boa Otte Crofts My system. Tom can well believe that I (eel *hat I ens saying when 1 toll yos, that 1 bold you to be olio of thitaisastim uf.tha age, and remain ever gratefully. l Yvan .-- • - • - ALYII6 11. TALLEY. St. Anthony's Plre.Aose or Eryelp_olat. Tttter and Salt Rheum. Scold dlettas Ringworm, Seie—Eie-s7biopsy. Br. Robert N. l'reble writes trout Mem, If. V., 12th Fept., la" that be has cured an inveterate case el preps, which threatened to terminals latallb .. lltll persevering nes flour th rmtr&Ata, Mid else • Malignant Erysipelas by large doses of the same; 17; be care* the common Eruptions by it cusetantly. lirezialieteele • poitret er Swelled Neck. Zebolon Sloan of harped, Texas, writes : "Three bee: tin of your Bareaparilla cured nee from $ Cogre-... a hid.. eons swelling on the seekok blab I had antlered from' over two years." Leave:alma et Willits!, Oierietta Tainaer, Veer Iran ineertatl•ue Pentals Diserarsese Dr. J. B. 8. Chanting, of Now Yak City, who ; " I most cheerfully compls with tin request of your agent In saying I hare brad yam Bunparilis a most excellent alterative In the Defteefelle CetillitS /et which we employ such a remedy, but espec ially in .Thesais Amain of the Beulah= dkitheldai I luirecuied mug inveter ate cases of Linteorrbcre by It, and some where -the cons , ' plaint was Canoed by itlorfation of the Meru. The ulcer-' atlon half was soon cured. Nothing within my navel mks equals it for these female deranged:ante/ Edward 8. Marrow, of Newbury, A 1.., writes, "A imt,• Remus oretias tuner on coed/the ilitardes Wray family, which had defied all the remedial we could employ. bee at length been completely clued by your Extract of Rar saperilla Onr physician thought nothing but extirpa tion eoula afford relief, but_ be advised the trial at your Sarsaparilla as ,the last rood beans . f:ood crr.ntw , :y rilre f iei WOOD, IV" t•at,at..sl ,, each, payable 1 • week. Th.• at>..c,• ar,l lacm wood, WaahinGton Borlingti.o Jersey. Foriauther at t ly, Stamp, for it e)rcteilr, to jalr63i7. N 0.14.! t.7..Citr Rjreorlaew NEW GROCERY ,TOR unii•r-Avat , I haviar-•-recel • N E W OE NORTH-Wt 47 ' , I:NI:a STATE AND TWEIFTTJ ATP Ritlpeetfalti z; r MiMI EIS Stock. OF GOOD Nicol teen oa•ote3 : , n 3#l r. F. AF; T,S" .A.'n I. T.: IT2IMMENIIII Thu+,l w at nnyto,,; to giro hiui et call. apTIS C3-:f. 5... FLAIL -,-.: .x•-?0 , 0* - ,•;r-fc, -4 r , . • .2., i • • 1.,.,. .•' . Z..,1, *' 4‘ , 3..7 , 3 ~„, • . 1,.', - . •;‘ . ' . *. f -; /" . a r k 4 .6 4 ` ' ',' „i : ' L '-- ' l' ;‘, ' t . :Z,1. - ! - '.' • , ' • .** :••'.....'..;.:,.. .t 1 7::•: '1‘ ~..\.„ Y-I'-‘*,....:, :il'li.r..iu _ ;,.._...„*„... 4. SUAII\TER. Mii,I,INIIP- VllO.ll M ' • FOR. olt l'artieui.o. L,tteula,•l% • • Attlf ptrrbing. Peadi G!'.l Otir Mt ALTO ..!1 • - - - E CoN •r. • 1 .• 01: A NEW, (irS IS; AV:I. • eubliott,l f,Ld men, and PM, re, nun!'n?: ' Iy t.teir • ". gUr* " B . 11 /f•Cure. !'!P' :435 Ciatqfig trichu ; ; • Ankir laud quackery- Ltv l'av 10313; .1416 col In , Y PI 0) )1, WASP. EN , Itutifor,!, •,„. AND 1i1Z041.4/2 • VieltY boar oftli 1,40a110 , 1 1,,i .Iteloo oxilter Ifth4 y 11" ?LOWER SEEDS tY JIL: A TArretf of the 113 011tCh , P,10 1 L 01 ,. c ' [apalltf ; ~~•: 1111 I= 4,7 2 \ 11 i V r,r, .