The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 27, 1863, Image 3
/he Orin Afrektg Obortrer. ERIE, PA., SATURDAY, AUtrf. q , 15413 THE DRAFT. The draft for this di s t r i c t c .,,,,,,„ e „„.1 . ac cording to prolnis , t, at Wilt erford,no Monday, do :4th inst., h t one o'clock, p m. An extra train was run frohi this rity, otter the Phila. A Erie E. R., leaving about 'dme o'clock iu the foreneoul—The crowd that left here was not as large Is we expected, not tilling two care: and consisted mostly of Republicans, among whom we notice , ' ',nine of our leading. local politicians. • 7 • The number of strangers in Waterford Was. not at all what we anticipated, and seeme•l he composed of odd and young men in about equal. proportions. Deputations were • present frcim Erie, Nfilicreek. Fairview and Oirsrd, these being the-only districts in the , county to be drawn on', the first day. The conduct of the people was - remarkably orderly, end redacted the highest degree of credit upon those who were in attendance,. WO did not see a single instance of druntenness iu the town during the whole day, and no dis orderly occurrences whatever took place. The Provost Marshal gave an order early in the day forbidding the sale of intoxicating liquors during the progrelfs of the draft. The streets end houses of Waterford were gaily decorated with flags, as if in honor -c2' some tegtive•e.e.. castors. The "ceremonile of the dreg took place on • platform which had been prepared in front of the Provost's office,, and were witnessed by a considerable concourse of people. At the appointed hour, Col. Campbell announced that everything being prepared, he would call upon the audience to select a person to drive the napes from the wheel. Mayor Met._ calf proposid a blind gentleman' by the Dante of Wee 4, living in - township, which wee acceded to by the crowd. The latter's eyes we l rs...bandaged, notwithstanding his Wadi:mils, and he took his seat in front of tha opSiting to the wheel, the latter being placed on an elevated platform, go as to he diatinCtly seen by all present. eommiseioner Powell turned the wheel, and as each name was drawn, it was takes from Mr. Weed by Campbell; who read it aloud, and then handed it to Surgeon Mecklin, who in turn placedrit in the-hands of the enrolling clerks. Before placing the names in the wheel, they were carefully counted by the County Com missioners, and each set pronounced to agree in number with the enrollment of the dititrict. When the first mime watt announced, it was greeted with sh6ute of applause. Many persons In the audience were ‘. hit," and all of theta appeared to \take it in the best humor poslible. The name of any well known person, whither - Democrat or Republican. was received with clapping of hands and signs of gratification, and this was especially the case if they were amongst the number present. One :geittleman'had just driven up to the place ,of drafting, when hi name was an- Bounced. The lusty mating in which he shouted out "here," drew forth bursts of laughter. A number responded good naturedly to their names as they were called. It must be confessed that, considering the importance of the affair, the crowd' kept in singularly' cheerful spirits, but how much it was natural, and haw much put on ter the occa sion, we are of course unable to say. We strongly suspect that, if the inward emotions of the majority of. drafted "unfortunates," were known, they would be 'mond to 'differ considerably from the outside expressions witnessed during the ri•oeeeding•t at •Wat er • ford. Col. Campbell had made extensive, arrange ments to quell any ilisurb‘nee that might have taken place: In addition to a huge body of soldiers in camp neat- the town, he had created a police force from the citizens of Waterford, Ito were • distinguished by wearing a blue ribbon tied to their coats. None of the soldiers were permitted to be present while • the draft was.progressing„ hut small guald was kept eon9antly to therear a the Provost's office. • It is due to the government offieers to say, that so far as we had any opportunity u 0 judging. everything was. conducted with the utmost fairness, and with an apparent aniiety to give satisfaction in regard to thf name on the part of the public. The tact that Mr. Rambo, one of the enrolling officers in this city; and Mr. Haiderman, one of the Provost's clerks, were among the number drafted, will go far towards convincing the community of ile_lonesty of the proceedings. • A list of the conscripts for this'connty will be found in another part of the paper, which we believe to be the most accurate spa satis factory that - has yet been published. / We are indebted to the Provost Mirshal and his' clerks for -convenioncies furnished us in ob• tuning the list of names, and to Surgeon Mecklin eapechdly for assisting,us in proeur• lag them correctly, when, from confttsion in the crowd, it was difficult to hear them plainly at the reporters' table. . —The attendance at Waterford on Tuesday was much larger than on Mondayyevery por tion of the county being represented. , We should judge that fully three thousand people visited the town during the day. Notalith standing the immense crowd. there were no disturbances, and matter.. tnoved oil as smoothly as the most ardent friend of ,order could wish. The list of • names drawn " on Ttiesday exhausted the quota for this county, and on the succeeding_ days, when the other counties of the district were disposed of, there were comparatiiely few in ettkiiiiliince. WHAT A DRAM!) MAN CAN Do.—A con script can do - one of five things : let. He can re port forlervize. 24. Ile can furnish e substitute. 3d. lie can pay $3OO to the col lector of the district, and present his receipt to the enrolling officer, which - will secure his discharge. 4th. lie can be examined by the government surgeon, and be exempted 'en Rhysiest grounds. sth. Ile can ekedaddle. 31ae latter . expedient is nut according to 'Boyle," and has en unhealthy tendency, a's the fegitkve.rune the risk of being overhauled and having .his hair combed awfully the - wrong way.—Ex. _ ANTI() row BErtzwega.-11lesers. Tice / our and ,Fields, thy` courteous publishers, hays suit us au advance copy of this sterling Slnguius. It has the following fettle of con : . • "The Puritan Minister," "Floreans Plate," "Mr. Martin's Disappointnients," ." Robert and Clara t Shawano," " The treed men at Port Royal,-" "No and Vex," " Tl 4 Mother pate," Ile Tertiary Age, and itf Charso :Whale Animals," " The New Sfingreat," "Thomu De Qulney," "Mrs. "Ly rics of the Street," "Interesting Nrlntiscript of Edward Burke," -"liarvard's !Here's," "Who is Roebuck?" " Reviews mud . Literary Notices." kr' The Erie papers are full of sccouut a of "free fights," stabbing anti shooting affrays, rohberies, etc. It is a disgrace to the city .that Erie has not tl police (ores sufliatint.,to keep itewithin the bounds of respectability at isas . l.• Wake up, neighbors, or you will \ get a .I:s4 assue.—Cennecestrilk Record. - , Brief .Par4graphs. . - I ' il! , ' , :rltiq A .A. 1 - .. VtTLUNTECIVI.---Thertl Ale ti4iti'itlifrltkltst - tbe • lftevißielts'aC g Song of the etatileripia 7 :—*We‘ge com z ha.' flinst".rir.tculti' titet• Ware, drafte4 Itan on tog, Father Abraham, three hundred dollar. t-rel 3 r perfect equality with voltuiteers. more." . zoTti,7 t h ern.. itl `4,truo Gal.eminent bounty,. . VIV"" One or our trlncia %111`o ha 3 heen orett:T.tlaptiilivAlctla:panions, the satus , ,payi the t" at taches' Illl' initials C. 1 :- to tiL , now - , mile everything. When the statement has been unfortunate rasa. -t. . lim-lo heretofore. tunny lave diacreditedit, and . _ if The draft made a clean ;qv etp ju Ilia .to end all que-tion npon Ihe rihieet, we gum,. Allen House, Jameatowti, S. V.., iltki,,,,, 'li e landlord, clerk and porter. ' --- -1 . -i- , ht' The Soldiers" Aid Society, attar de ducting ttteit-s.pen.e, of the mouth, h - t 3 !gill a balance 8t 51181.57 left ki r The Address hefoie iue t„ltau . tiv i tte County Agricultural Society this ill, Will he detiverod by Horace Greeley 'gyp' In Buffalo, on Mondfty: l out ..t - thirti;ea substitutes presented; §eren were rejected on i manta of physical nufitnes.. 0.43'• The brick for the new engine I,ntie to be built by the Phtla. 5; Erie co., is being hauled to the site which will s» by that structure. par E. 11. Smith it ttlway; on hand with the - latest styles. The ladies will siere one of the hest plum an this oily to deal or. gar Dr. D. C. Belknap, of Girard, has been appointed Surgeon to examine the per sons who apply for exemption on the ground of physical disabilities. [ice We regret to learn that Lieur Cot. D. B. McCreary, of the lttiith reziment, 13. in feeble health. He ha 3 been ottlieett to ret urn borne in consequenc'e. - mar The'headquarte're .tt thiyt. a W. Railway ie at Mow/Irina, and I lie olikerlt Vit.) have heretofore been lorate4 at Jazotmtown have removed to the former play''. kr' The Republican Count; Comnitilice haye fixed upon Monday, the 14th ot tierem hie, as the day for holding the County Con vention ot the party. ger. We regret to hear of the revere intieQs of 'C. Hunt, L'eq., editor-in-chief." Hiram' rin'on. He has our hest atiste •,'„or his speedy recovery. kip` In another part of the paper 'will Lc foond the list of dratted men for—this county. The total !umber drawn for Erie, county acne 1,379, add for the District 11,357. mi., The, Observer may' be found for sale every week, immediately after s publication. at the news stand of Mr. May, in the Post office, and-the hook store of Mr. Ensign, - 11towia's Hotel. - tf. loir The Public School - a :in this eitiy will re-open on Monday, the 7111 of Septinnber, wish a fine corps of teachers. There are few places that can hoist of better publics_ schools than Erie. sir seertita ry Sewaid, accompanied by the British and French Ministers, and several ladies and gentlemen, is on a visit. to the oil regions. Ile is expected to return by way of this city. • it" Our readers should not forget that Carter's EXtract nf,Smart Weeil is one or the best knowit remedies for the complaints inci— dent. to this season of the year. Let those who are aillicted try it. 4 ",41'•• The County Treasurer ,has pall into the State Treasury Bri b e county's portion of the State taxes, amounting to upwtards of 513,000. His propptness secured ns ats abate - - met:o of five per cent. Eke` Gov. 'Unriititt .speech in LamasLir. City last week was followed by.otie from Mar rovr 1. Lowry', of this city. It is easy so see from this, how much credit' isitltte the tiovernor tor c o nservatism. Citir Two of yhe Proyost's guard, at. Water , lord, have been taken to Pittsburg to receive punishment Jeri sleeping ., upnu their posts.-- Through the nctgligence of one of thee, :eve rts! deserter! who hat h6en ea,Pinred, rsclape4 again.' g® l~Lniott‘llll9 and Corry have both been incorporated. as boroughs. It' they keep on growing l as they have been doing the last year; we don't know' hut they will he getting prottil and asking the Legiilature to make theta into IVro. flimrod, of IVaterford, is an nounced. ti 9 a candidate beforeihe Republican County Convention for Prothonotary. McCray, of Concord, will he a t•andidloo be. fore the sfinte body for County i:rottotis,t'oti,r. ta... The Girard rninp anrne• "ill in 1. strong, article supportinz John. IL Esq . s T s the opposition crandiJale lure. John F. Vincent• tlsii for rellection, but present appearsa , e , este that Cochran is o,berAd: gett7 Robert Rill Iv. tdken posses , , , ,n the old Brewley Rouse, 'at North Brt, and invites his friends to give him a Colt Every body in Erie knows" Bob" Rill, and every body mows, too, that he understands keeping a hotel as well as the best man._, 415 r 415 r. "The draft" acted with "dlstingnished consideration" towards this office, Mr. Brecht, our liartner, being the only M!mber of the printing fraternity in the city.whout it con descended to notice. lie fakes /the matter Tian modestly, though, and says he doesn' feel It bit prouder than, the fest of the craft. air The Gazette unueutices:semi-oilleislly that Goy. Curtite4ill visit this e!ty, to ad dress &Republican Mass Convention proposed to )11 held here, on the , lllth : of Septeriiher. It seems that "Ills Excellenoy" hos 'recovered his "health" sufficiently to entible hint to un dertake the hardships of a regular campaign. Our eoteMporarles will do well to keep a sharp eye on the paper dealers in the large cities. indiestions point to another cbtobino fiats' to ebtnin extortionate prices,'-the same as we had last fall. 13 rtere_ not some ray of paying these "sharpers" and "skinner.," I.lok • in their own eoin " sdr Two more regiments of Ea4tero r.ot 41iere, returned from the Mississippi expedi tion, have been generously 'proiidoll with en- - tertlinmenta on their way home, by our citt sene. ! Erie may be a little behindhand in some respects, but we dnatty that iu the mat ter Oibliberality she is - not excee",deif bYLany city in the Union. gar Immediately ants the draftsvas_ cnni pleted for Erie County, ortluceilny: taking advantage of the large oroird t in attendance, at Waterford, the Reptibileani.organtzed meeting, which was addresse4 Vincent, Esq , and Mr. Scofield, Congres4man, from this district. Some of the people . .pre• sent thought it was a Very tit, sequel to . the day's work. ; to*. Ciodey's Magazine fur September ap peared upon our table Wit week, prompl;, fresh, entertaining and handitime'ss ever. We always welcome the Lady's Book: for we j are sure to find in it tench • amt . is new; 'valuable and interesting. it surpasses-all other Maga. vines in the extiellence slits -fashion Platei r the variety or its reading matter,liad the . makable promptness of its delivery. gel„,111r. Louis' Gaylm l / 4 1 Clark. wito:' 101; twenty-six years, presided at thottalitoes-ri ble of the tedious old Kaicketboeker MagaT.ine, : has returned to his tincient - ohitit'. 4 , The pit-, merous readers of that pioneer. of: Itinerican. monthlies will, we are attre,-' he. Iglu' t o reel: (mute bark so popttlar. n ferntitti.—Bufalu Courier. . . The Knickerbocker, with , z , Mr.-111ark once more as its editor t .will .toioti:.'rigitin its old popularity. We swell" its ro-eprarence on our exchange Pa With igilmltieneisk foi to tit • a.ct i , tbi z Le it tUrthrr enacteil, That all p c .r eo n ; :ol lli s en - railed shall he subject for two years . 4ftcr.the _day of duty succeeding the encolimcit to In , called , into the military her rive of tho States, and to continue in. service durtig aurpresentrebellion, not, how ercr rtcceisiling the term of three years; ,and iihn iri;o perrice'shadbegweed on the ts'allittleifulgt,in so . p:el4, 44 . opliWe era for th rea yen r.:: nr daring the war, including advanelpay and brava!, ii nnmproeidtl by lam , ntPor.TA.VT'T.I) Trtr: "Ptinat.. - -: , Ottr- !Indere tilt° itret deoling :in ihe Confectionary, Fruit, Oyster or YankSe Notion line, will find it io their iutereet; to send their orders to Messrs. Bener Eturgiss. Erie city. These gentlemen have olunined uovide reputation for reliability end proptness . , amd ers. doing a large busi-, . • . zees. They pay especial attention to the wltoitt sale tra,h;„ oml otter inducements{ 't.hat Insist it of mivantim.; to persons in this section to deal with them. ;ialoon Leepers and other dealers :Totichasin'ot, wholesale, dab .procare - 4 fresh article of oyater l i At all times, at more reason able price ;than they can he obtained elsewhere. . • Their arrangemeuts,fer procuring oyster.] from Baltimore are such a" to enable them to defy competition Vie heartily . recommend them to the pat rounge of those of our reader.] Deed ing anything in their line of business. YourßAlr or_ .11:11111i. WOODWARD.-1‘113581•11. Ituyar,k , Elona, the c winent lithographers of this city, have published an excellent litho graphio portrait of Judge Woodward, and are tv supply clubs and other or ganit ((Mug with copies. It is an admirable likeness, and fie circitlation will do food. The notion which has . become no prevalent here, es well es abroad,. of the "physical dc , i;eueritoy" of Americans, cannot be more ctfectually tban . by a glance at the lotty form and nninsivo brow of Judge Wood ward. No one can link upon him without receiving 'assurance of a man."—Phila. Age. We will take ,pleasure in supplying any of our friends who may, desire them with engrav ings of - 07 distinguished and estimable ,can didate Governor. - The price is-twenty five cents per copy. Every Denaoerat in the • connty shonld have one. A Ni4ratmoNini. CARD.-I have lived solitary lontz-enough. I waste somebody to talk at, quarrel with. and then kiss and make up again. Therefore 1 ant open to proposals from young ladies and widows id* more than average re spectability\and tolerably tame in disposition. As nenr as I can judge of myself, I tan not over eighty 'or antler twenty-five. lam sound in limb and 'on:the Digger question ; am very correct in my diorals,first-rate at ten-phut and bully at &quiet game of "euke ;" have a gard for the Sabbath, and only drink when invited : aiu a domestic animal, anti promise, after the wedding, to always pnrchtute my groceries, crockery ware, &e., at the cheap store of Jas. A. Bliss, conker of State and Bth streets, Erie. S,I;NT I MENT 'Tltones •lEFFELfIoN.—Mr. Ja ren-ton. when Vice -I'reiitient, atieing the ef forts of the Administration or the elder Ad ams to bring about this state of affairs, wrote it lel irrio n friend,in which smongother things, ht. 511 I :MI tor preserving to the States the not yielded io'tl2e Union. I am fin' free• dom of religi , on r and against all manoeuvres to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect 9vrr, a.uother, for freedom of tale preys and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason, the corn criticism just or unjust of our citi 70TIS :tgainat the / conduct of their agents. - This is the Democratic doctrine of to-day. Bour :ink* Stowe.—We direct special attention to the advertisement of Mr. C. En rlchart, rho /IRM purchased the store recently QCcupied by olbarloy Miller, and will carry ori hit.ineqs in r.O eslettSlVP roiinner. Ile has, r0., , :v0.l an inunen , ... Qtiol: of now goads, and end.: , elling Ott the rao , n reasonable Lerma. 11110-c who know Mr. 4.'nee,lriot he told that of our reliable and enterprising bo - ino,rb,on in all re"perts worthy of p,;t,nLr A TATTLE HCRT.---Whep "Sisona" circus ems 411 stnibUry, -Pa., the. Lem. which Mr.. Laton rode was nt4. well, and by his irregular moviiauents, broughtMr...Stone onco fr;th.'his‘position, whereupoh Cite clown-want ed to imow'Why fir. Stone was tike McClel lan. The ring master give It up, and the cloyu' replied that 'it was " because•he hied lost his position, but never could lose his re clapped and one niggerhead _groaned. ho was undoubtedly rt.-")„:,Pr.ssioss„ ARREARAIII PAS.' can ha prornretl4 the Widows,,Orphans, and next of kin of those who hate died in the service:ca( Ilic Volhid States : i l also, by Soldiers and Seamen who are disabled by wounds re. 'calved or disease,contracted, upon application to G. T. fluirrErn, Licensed and Naval ffrnt. fifties in the Common Council Room, Wright's Block, corner State rind Fittli fti., Loader the Dl:patch office,) Erie. Ft I'Eruinevm.-- , 11. is rind it at the oil wells in CunS drying up' and; Mal, as a oonse gnence, petroteum has tideeneefl to en slam• ing figure in that region.- ;. FLAct, B comas., RiantENTAL COLORS, SC . = -Adflrers G. W. Crowell &Co., No. 211 Sopa. :ior Street, efevetatol;ollio.; fobl4-Em. . , XAMMID. In Girard. ea the 2 Wet., by tiff. J. U. Ostrom Kr C. F:.LZI WOLrtndUtafY.JJWTIUYO r both of /Aloe, Erie county. Pa. • ' -, AIRRIPIPS --- Fon. TH6' 41686RTHR. " Tl, e ton/m{l4 Ocitleuttm . lave - bin* keleeted sa one avuto IA the plazos wberetruiv :mat: Persons desiring ,to sib/ intsrmllitloim or Jolt Weeds, or to remit mow, to u.. rah .1, ft ItrAitirlt lloir tio,uaß' : 4, 1 4 nllivu., A • (NI. , I. l'oro r rov, %, •- -- •- - • 1 ..... A-Mou tv, i,. Xlsi lA., t -• w to , f ni Jos. Waldron, ,A - ---------- • - •i••••• • - & a ! M .04 -..... io o i s . EiiitabOtO • V . o Behioll f 7, o;i. ,B(0., __ .. _ ~ . , - - 1 Mili Cripek., a. 1..1 u 0rr,... , ....„_, _. Wads:vine. Oita. C. Willi:a, - . r r- Mutsu Creek. J. U. Finn, ..,. 1 .. fireetiGelltipi J. ea11ti5....... • ....... 1 .... 1 ..... . Ent tire•obi 1.,)m-Ln Itobin t .nn, A. l'. ituUl.. . Watttblitz .ToLu r),.01it0.,...., .... : . .-........; !zprtnief Id X R'da. filet Potter' . ... ~ __West Spri II irtieid. Ralittl 1.1 rtmuu, 1 ' Matta. Jar..l, C Coffman,) ' 1 E. W. '1er:N1,...%..... -...,.....' ... Klngs , iiiio,okio !, o. U. W. flutchion, - , , Nelson Bawd!,._ . . ...?.- ~..... :.,-.Cherry Inn . P. 1...565/urban; / -.- g , - Amos ?of Mile, ._ „ . ...... .. 4 ... . .t v c in krarl i . i ... - Wales.' Jas. fo. lit onto, - ti . j , - •* 4 1 7 A. Bitermsee, • - .. Colovilms. -J. L. gartl.f , • -.-- - - ... _ ..,......' ...... . Wateeo.-- N. JakkAmi,._...- .......... ;. .. .Gatiand. '.l. G. Bultingbin).• - .. f: , ' Spariabottirg. - i , Pi.,A. A .13.,,,...... Rlekvilto. - .lm. CM rot!, • f burellit C10g1it,..,... .... . .... ....I .._.lfrx.... ' ro o t. 4413. Whn ,. `X".- --.- • Younger, Me. ..11imim, AMU+. ~ t -.., -• i- COTT,. , W. C. Oakley, MalliO4.-I'.'-4. 1 - 1 . 1 • -/%.1-.1:'..:11.1..1.e ihrbf. U. 14. Jtiotik4ifoo,... e . , ,--tr.... -4... ..... Spriug Creek. i W.V . : Boit asa, .... ..-. ' / - kk ar risi. , ~,,e,z0r0pjm,......! ....... .5..-4.........1ti1irwhy t e • t..c..01:, ' ~..•,:•- ,- , - 1 itekrartJstokron, .., ..',......----..--.......1.5ader, 1 _ f Wrirreis Co Pi' . - , z l il 4 b .l rp4 l "l l 74 : i mad irtia& I ' mle-mn; . a a g ul a •„, • En L . DI TOit 1111•411..,1% :-- Witt. ~•t, .1, I.Uh to the gleam of your pipet that l wait seed by recast' mail to all who 'wish it, ftree.l a Re-tre, with loft dtree. Cone ter makariz stla wv,n7 • Atrir:e Vegetable Beim, that of offarttualy remove, la 10 da• P, • lam'ee, ,teeldria;tind all Impuriiies - of tlie -ktn, le e ri n g tge.semo'ilott, clear , smooth awl beautiful 41 , 11100 grail frerto - rivetthwinge. Bul4 Bead* or Biro rugs, atmipleillpfat:aua saki information the will •rnall!vtiteurtri Rtwrt t litlrgrheriti Ltistiviast Hair, Iliflil.l4oe,a,lllietact,4jiaLJ A t ilia 20 dots All ip. 02..•2 isoorovvibv retrotisintil wiftemt iharg, (•!i.C.F. , .1 AN, eliemist, No Alt V. ASlllO'43l N, tam' of Norrohs 1.)01 , 11a.r. ke.)nnetelay, Pow =Mae Of ear snd Youthful to A *letlre to benpfit others, will ne hap e f to futon' t.)101 who need It (nee of et) age) tbe recipe un4 d.rec' lows for waking the umple - Rece,i7 tr.-Ai in 1.))% i'hoM wtilile4 pr h gt nu,sell A Valuablw RPmedy —will ireelee the rote by retort) 1001 (enretully ikearit.l) by addressing F).O6DRN. kugl.l4ln. No. Rl KaAeau Street, Nrw York. I=l=l Jam's ...Adurtis,nucnt% _ BbOTS & SHOES - k'r Wholesale and Retail ! ! , C. ENGLEHART Ilivtaglputehated the etach of and tentoil the mote 1'....14 recently oceoptett by-Magee Mier. to IA OS EN ZW Elg'S . 13 LOCK, Nett Dour to Cart Nricall' Banting Oat?, 1. " • Reekectrulty artmouo,e4 that Le IntMnde routtlantrig the bviiiitookierd !Brits" tkoi puLlieto ern 131.4 t a tall. Ho ItMly on band a isms *DJ trutet lot end' 4,1 et my thing In bra line. tztelmling GF,Z , TTLEMN , s FINE & COMMON HOOTS & SHOES, LADII.:g Gaiters, Balmorals, Shoes, Slippers, &0., \USSE~' CAITERS, &C., H taiILDREN'S SHOES OF ALL DEsosirrioNs Having obtained his stock directly Rom the manatee- Wary Ae feels confident of selling at least m,loa, It not lowteri.than any other dealer Partiesiar Attention Given Is tunes Work. Mitt branch of business bear. under the superintend. puce of Mr OBADIAH 1111.11 R, the public need no l'arthar *Menet that their orders wilt toa promptly ant skilltqlly attended to. EZPAIRING ATTENDED TO. The Pub Heave rapestmlly invited to &o we it call and owe (Dr themselves. I feel perfrat reliance to tor ability to glee illatu-e cattafartion to all who favor roe with their Paituril Stray Cow. to the pretnleee of the anderelened, le littleneck tp, a Spotted Red and - White Cow. She bee • abaft tall, bran bootie on her horns and is between 8 and 10 ;a:4old. The owner in requested to come fur:raril, property. pay charges and tare her away, other. wise ithe will be disposed of 'cording to law. • aml22-Bw. - R. X. DUNN. OYSTERS! OYSTERS ,. 141" E are now receivin g a daily i d r -, of CAN OYSTERS of Rholce quality.aoppl We shall pay particular attention tothe Retail Trade and our customers can rely upon be 'Ae mipplied with FRESH and GOOD OystPrx at all Noel:2'o4.] RESER & MIRO ESg. BOER '& BURGESS, ITOLLS ALP DPIEI O II3 1 \ BALTIMORE OYSTERS ! THE COUNTRY ATIADE SUPPLIED WITH FRESH CAN AND KE OYSTERS, 'RECEIVED EVERY DAN' AND WARRANTED TO coil ASTON/ACTION ! *Er Orders' Solicited and Promptly Atteuded to. aug:22tf. - FARRAR HALL 410TOGRAPH. GALLERY ! FOR Tin XXXI THIRTY DAY:4. Pbotographe end' as ire usually gold for LSD FIFTY CENTS, P4Th BE ' VENTY-FIVE CENTS, AND DrPLICATFtv iOEt MT'S" CENTS. 10auttfully Coiore'd for One Twenty-... Five. ileum take tntlee that I 377 x on4:N nt 1111. proprltiort o ,t 124 New Patent Colntiugyrocc , h tar (*.rd.' Ti•inte, pat sated iu Aptalet, Arad otetythleg hltborto d..erf etod. Garda two .tnaarq perCnlen. sod en Gt.hat wank in preportino ;Ilindis in wnrk• es low at au) othit tuau is the city for the o-xt pit Length x.' Lyll'62:r. . U It PAl,llEtt. WHISKER , S!! Pi;LATHEA'"6 STMUTLIV 01%GUM, or FRENCII tkE4IV! i }:OK BALI) HEADS t Nit BARR FACEA' Thle celebrated article warrant... 3 to 'brine out a toll serotwhiskera on the moottoet face. or* fineirrowth at; hair on a Bald head. in loan than altere.ka, and will lq no way stein or injury the akin. T.. French Cream la; manufactured by Br. SI. PIM AAA PACS. Maria, aod la the only reliable ankle of the kind. .1 1 xe no other."— MtalthaVrlD IX rrItAT eine WM gol WILL b 0 Tag Will U. Prim $l,OO. Imported and rot sale tihn:reade ylltd Retail. by Tllo,l. E. CLIANIAN, Chemiataud Drneaint, 831 Broadway. i4ir...B—..Auß°„%n°rulep tO olg7:l°,"7.`dtils a t:tit:Vo te r " port juaer-aw. TIIE.DAIIA EVENING JOURNAL ANo TUE - 1 WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC LEADER. Thesis Democratic piper,. lately published by Albert D. Boileau, cohneetion therewith ham entirely ceased,) a.e now poblielie amt editrwl br I.3llAlil.F:i h. PINK and ALFRED F. LV.WIS, and will, hereafter, be ea/ducted fearlesels, eu OXCWIS.OV Its IpIRE•T DIY°. 1&1710 I'AILTY. They wet defend' the panciples or the collettbulion, at. ,IT opygnSearre...n.l the dherth aof the people. The livening Journal ie pnblished every aftetucton, (Sundays et sit per imams, or LI Mr saw Menthe, payable in adr..nee. It contains spirited esti ileum Quo political queetlone of the .lay, With ell the sunset news. Ihd-t..t and :linen reports!, and alltuth better ea In uraal)y found in a riaiiy newspaper. ; Th e weekly !fit/credit Lower, lan flap dollbh`lhett paper. C , llVatalug eight pages, forty-eight columns. of reading matter. an.l n , furnished et tho following ratei : Single Copies ono ' $ 1,00 Two " - :.... , 11,40 Threw ••• ire Twenty " 'Am/ Thirty 42,1al " " ........ , Is,Ois • The Democrats of Pennsylvania, Marti-mid. Delaware and New Jersey, it- Is hopes' will exert themselves to glee the Leader". large circulation. A derttu% 9/XL & LFATIS. No 'l3 South Third Street, Plitr a. Or Write for wimple numbers, which will be prompt ly printed, gratis. • ;AV R E. DEMOREST'S MIKOK OF PASOItOiN, ' q ARTERLy .1111'tviAL Dl' GRAND lIONDK. ClictiTalon 41,000..itarreit in the sintid4 Each Dumber er.uterl.4 large and. )lagni4emot colored 'tatl and engrsee.lFs.dihn,l'ini...,AplsndLLltfitatratinno of al the irs., , .filonsblit I•Jr.• Noe.itlt.4 for !Att.,* Piers, tualOing Bollneteoffniit - e, ratant, Home. Prcreneusde sod lash Preeteß Itisigt*, v peer., leekel ppers eatks, Under•Earal,ntt, Jerfn , ry, Lioyx% Slue( end lotantoe !tree..." ; New sod It:itp.nt lintl.l and lranbrollsry Patterne.Trtmcni. , ge UErftt Screltl.a. vie, etc. Four Itfe-ei:e it terni.cnt luady for mei; con:adaleig the cheitpeet, 4a04 nee(al and p t ti i Alszlitine for Mothers, gllnders, Ortei:trudirm And I.edtr.e ,ewrikfty, ever Dialed b this pr soy other ..ouetxl. Nit:aiding at lint. DlttollYST . REciptinntri al Flvalione. 474 Bftedersi, N. Y. V.ariv. ouoth.liva, •ith a vain• able pretahlin ; 1111„:1.1 • c ents. A splendid chitin, (.0 agents sad •pleuci 1 preinitatos estreordiesey prentiatne • lirtn.ting VAtra Klttros, Systans of Weis cuttini. )I.!9rstlnsi., tqwt..vAphic At bums. Itlegast Gilt or Steel. Sidi, and flash o,inns, fay Running Stitch SeartuAS t OMU Raying Af•chine.t,a id unteat ictet Cold Watitl , ol iitt7 of the Ware traton!..., great 1..4 1,. i s . obtam.;.l nitrymit pa isiarr trikOri,j for (how For rettleulet.., fro the "1111rws Fattantim," .eiretillr. • 1)1.A1.1- It • %.# 9 fißOVEttins, 1•ROVINIONS h 1,1440M5,` NYLON NLAteit. 14 , t tit. 0 Would ,te Vie attrEttuvp 5.d1)14.. hps 4 ',AUG 1;: (t! K t)I wit) ! hi,t, lir 1, Caw AS THE CHEAPEST I ; .11 14. r 4 crUfl b exrrlirkt in Nortit W•stata Ponusylvania. )•: 1264;El V h Oar Cfackotry sipi.ll.7al.n v or all kiwis iu *mill lite sad always fresh. . csyle-laa. • ,BEirs.lB. 4 Buitarak. PRIVATE MEDICA 1.. TREAT= Physiologioal View of lotarriagti ; Zi N,.O.RottiVri...No.7;apetc. to i k pert. of the Cahn On the inannillef , of youth and 4 Teettlrlrf.'divelostog the secret tallies of both Mtn of all age., ranging' debility, lI•TVIULSOVS, 41 , 00141100 of 'Piet`, palpitation deem heart. artirid4. imaenettooe, blushing', defective memory, Indigeetiou sad 'malted,, with confession of thrilling interest of a Boardi..g 3thoof Dui& a Crilege Strident and a Young Married feel,, he, tr. It in a truthful edrlaer to the married and shoes mintesaflering marriage, who entertain most deubts of their phe steel condition", and who are eon whom of l,aoieg Leamded the health. hippiteme and privilege* to which every human being le entitled. ormi HEN who are troubled wlth wetuere Vstt• ally, CUIM I 3 by s had habit fa• effects of which Ire diadem. pains, forgetfainese, sometimes a engird In the ears, weak ayes, vastness of the huh sad lower extremithenotoduton of idea", low of armory. with melancholy, mat Me cared ley the talkers NEW YAMS AND ',OXBOW TREATY - EMT. We bare. for the mestere of the tut year, devoted ror tide Ire visiting tlwr am gonplta ie. avulinf ourseirm of the lueowledgt and newareirrei of the most! etiL'edphysictanaandanegwons is Europe tai an the centinent. Thom who piece theastaelves ander oar rani wilt n o w have ltle full beneelit of the many New and r.eiestious ttausadisiterttle r we are enateted to introduce, Tole o= practice. Andes public may rest assured ofttoel same sal, eaddatty, oftiCaltCY end attention beteg mild their tea, haa Po succereallv diatinrilebed as heretofore, aa • Physician in out Pltelnlstatospartnienl of pro Pmeloaltl practice, for the past tweaty-tim, ream. l'altnearrilett Fltdme-imdles whale lati for utedicine, the ealtdry which him been tested la thousands of &miniver failed to e ff ect stonily eau without any ba results, will use non , but hr. Delaney% Female Yericelil 'cal Pill*. The °My peer:satires ameresary to be observe( e. that ladles should not take them lithe: have rumor to balite the, are to cite!. stteetiees (the particular, of which will he found no, the wrapper accompanying each hot.) though ales, so oaf, and healthy, so genii!, yet so active are they. Price St per box. - They ran t mailikt to atly Dart the Untts4 States. TO THE LADIF.4—who teed asesfie *fed medical a.* vie'sr with retard to auy of those lat"restleg cosayielnlje to which their delicate oryaniratlon leaden them liablik are partieutany tsivited to consult us. Tar . •EL.renco-04.1.U5t0 Paorirrive-=For mantel! 'ladies whose health will cut admit, or who have no d - Mu to laminae theii families, may be abattind u ahoy ." It im perfectly s •fa, and has been exunalvely• used dur the last eight years ."rice reduced to $lO. TM; SECRETS or YOU111:1111VIILRD Treatioe ea sie Cause Pressatare Decay -Auden* wareilig. Just priligoi, a Leokiiionsialy tee tendons' proven and emulous owc , sands, Oink sale aid lassie j of this fetal kohit ; jousting out biefetatity AIM issavisaly atteade its victims, end del pimp t • what* iris erne Mr dines; from the cosaniesesurst talks end. it via std ep.Meil on rem of two 0] oat SUP,. Cd r ' Attendance daily. from sin the morelng 11115 t night. an.! on Sundays from 2 till a p. os. Medicine* with full direction, sent to any part /Atilt, bolted Stet*, or Canadas, br patients conmountestlng their symptom* by letter. Bonnesa correspondents sterile coofklential. or Di. Office iv still located as estahllahed, - 4- der the IMMO of DR. I. t CROIX. No. 31 Illiden Albiny. N. V. augraft- I - 4 THE SECRETARYI TREASURy To Continue my Agency Awl gotta fattbur 'motto", labial continua to retain f411)- ' striations to, llu) 5-20 LOAN AT. PAR, At tut orate. and at ttis different qub-Asrualail throd l r• out tb• Loyal States. JAY COOK, SubseripUos Agent, C. Etit,LEtiART A NEW SPRING & SUMM GOODS! : UNDER THE NEW SYSiEbt Or CASH AND READ' PAY! we take west pleasant in Informing our patinae and the Public that We hare adopted the READY PAY SYS TEII. and are now to receipt of our must supply nt i SPRING AND . SUMNER GOODS • . &luglarat $ R a doetiou from AprU prices 9f j 40 Per Cent!. As an evidence of low figures for the limas) w will sell near/ Brown Sbeetinf from Extra Beaty do, for Good e-t Bleached Sb• stings, cool :1-4 Bleached Shestiags, • r Fat Madder Prin•s, good &alga, Phillip Alleges "Sprangues," Ilanehe•der an 4 Uuanell Prints,' I G to New Styles Sbirtlair !tints, fast enlok Lan lister Gingham's, uew designs. Portsmouth Lawns, latest styles, • , DRESS GOODS . • . Iti soo.l as.nartatent and a great variety of styles, trpm S.l to CO routs. Sainte styles n hole/107d In Nev York, In o - April, roc more mney, . , • Manchester a P i iieMk DeLalpet & Chaks! ~., , • Cep, lateit Sty Ire iI ,eaull(ol l i iwagaa, 2.. chi . . , . [Amble Wiclth A: ila.:es , ' • 41.) to Cta . • X Aimee*, 2.t.t to ' •• , :4cssil Plaid Yolk CAtona4r..., , Ist, to 4: , “ Panicle ' TO " VIVO Reattach Jesuit. I I-, 1'..*., la 43 e .Corast /gam, bast q Engllab Cambria, be YINI • inaiaro3ll. OLD PLINTATIONCOFFE 13ILLIE'S ' FINEIFLAVOREI) OLD PLANTATION COFF • 1 26 Ceits Per Pound.. LIBZRAI. nitmun io Tat flAn c. • _ The OLD PLANTATION COPPER Is preferrql by thong' who hsv• used if to Oohed oohs or foes Coffee. Obelus root lot In shires% and Tuve of davorlo the ordinary Imported Colvin As • ate the only rootlet?' and manufactions of the • OLD PLANTATION COFFER, its would motion our friends and the pablie spawn pnretmiling any not Wiring our sisnatare, as. sto .• the Doffeds:mosso of out OLP PILANTATIONL - COMFIRE. 1 tdimerons manafacturers aro trying to palm off interim enffeo at loot pm o, saying that thoin Is as good. tettoi, ' SOW hate got* so far sit to offer our prlatt largo amounts ‘f they *mold prukt a qoaotlty of labels ring our tams, tt. °theta an plating t p mtzl i proa 1(65%4 to ImltAtlnn of our gruutne t OLD PIAAT \TIM( POIFFISIIL As we an the only iscsireis sod it saniketnrers f tho OLD lILAPITATIDN COFF_DE, • 1 we shall punish alt infringers of war copytight 1 u the thrtharrat extant of the law. The pul i te,. OLD PLNNTATION COFFIDt 1 Is put up in one pound tinfoil Ad and hq lbs. to a carte , with full directionsfor uslw on each pact , +.— (.0 . 44., I, •.- For esie by Ali well 1-eirstlsted WADI stores. WRIGHT. orm s a silo.' IMPORTERS AND IdANUPACTU4 233, 232, 237 WaStiitOrtOn St.,, . juos2o.3m. 1 • . 'MU SIC • S Olt V 4 LA NO FOl .T,E hal 4 AND IifELO , I EON from tbr I ollowloisol.bratowl P fees in/ X Ilamafietitrim Light & Bradbury, 4 ear York. 80'891 k *us. Ne WWI. Koahe t eu, ; 941 1 3 4, 1 7,j li u s a d t ;h Hry , Alba u J. U. Iheattato, Saa York. Ueitp4 Nun y a kaa. t .N. Liodaaaau „.4, Cu 'Carbast, Nerdhatu & Cr., Near ;II), MiRrTARS. AUCCUIDI. IV/0241V,v, /*Li lostruetiect Basks sod Shoot Milk ALL ItifilLY LOW : Fait I: KU: , , All pawns siotOor a Ent nit! Piodo Yogi,. to *lobo' or, sos. iovitoil to nal Moil turnips out: histnettit big tone patchmaisur (*Withers. - . '. itikmr. Block. *P4 stmt. 'WAY oilloolito to P.M Oilito / 3i • • Z. 9 1711. I pr P. S.--All ?moos sea nitolodoess tiortilitod Ink Aso years- i .1 , . W F ARE OFFEItIAG . : . T T A Ingo scoortmeat 0 Enlphor 04icKir t , Coot* Stoshea, Dolls. poll Wad+, Maim AM Mousomouts Ids CMldom. Porno; Yore Fontakka, Petilumern *c. mile-leu.• -! • ' • 4 ealiZa a littli4oll2B. I WE KEEP ' • Roue' WA WI bra - Wird* of To • *aid Clews. A taro let at INposolgaz Ur; Tobin° los ta lind Pouliot in store. G WIERIIi I • - DR. LA CROIX'S OX THE OF THE HAS AUTHORIZED ME For a brief Period, 114 SOUTH THIRD MUT. PHIL ' - a "t.,T188.41.L5, SHIRK a C' qtr Strait, batima 11th fib N E W J. C. BURGESS & CO., WHOVESALE GROCERS," A.ND 11A14LTFACTVIER3 OF CRACKERS AND CANDY ; PROPRIETORS. (SF THE Erie! City Steam Bakery, AND AGENT:; FOR FAIRBANICS SCALES. ,r; ROCE 1-1 I ES, PI:OV ISinN NAILS, 'GLASS WoODEN WAKE, AV ATER LIME. •cAI3,BON oIL, • fs AN!) I Q 0 S i oUit :MOCK OF SUGARS, TEAS. Co Fr F:E, SPICES, FRUITS, NUTS It A 0(741 ANI) CI NHS, BUTTER, 4.1 W kTEIt U ..t tg U sul)A BISCUIT Maatifacturett at Ern (:ITI* STEAM BAKSii:‘ COMMON AND FANCY CANDON SHARK OF TRAUR 13 3.31.1C1PR0 J. C. BLiacipss & co., jaoa Gl. 'State Street, First Store above Poet Ohre. *_ ILES' CELEBRATED , i ! - • BAIIO AND OTHER COFFEES. i THE BANO has been eramstvsly need in this and ether ootzatrisa, tad is Mehl, approved for its FINE : FLA VOR, IIEALTFIFtL AND - Nunrnors QUALITIES: • Thli Codas eozoparea favorably with, and In by_ many planed to Rio sad Java, and Is '" . SOLD AT ABOUT lIALF THE PRICE. Dis iimad and ;Id up In Tia Foil paper In lib parts- Ps, with labels tb- -- . mr= of wild' is est of s lady 'riding' a eof fee pot. pit table. are red, greeia l aad t lv &ad an sop riglasd. NANO COFFEE." It Is picked to white woodboxes of 50 lbs. each: aim In bulk 1* tee sad barrels. Al.. on liAn't. MILIte OLD ODVIRTNIXT, JlCi. AILACAISCO T. flours- 00, RIO,DAIMILLIOV 4-ND RIM CoxPicts, Of superior itmiti,'ln Tie foil piper, mud box., glut. tar to Sono. Ilaalara •UI plu mead fur Clemlan and 1.1/4 of Orden by mall or &trios promptly executed. 1.. F. 1101.11.04. r. rs Ilarrloon St„ Sole Agent fortba United Stat.n. Neer York. MARE OF COI NTEttIF:IT3 1 Lorlfaxo. THE EAkLY PHYSICAL DEGENERACY AMEEICAN PEOPLE, TITT PUBLISHED BY 1)R. A. STONE, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hy gienic Institute. A Thwitige on the Coulee cf Enrly Pirsicel Dec.:lug Or , American People ; the muse of Debiltly, run• gumption sort Montan:mg. Ttria work is one of high fiord (One, kraisot in agate, yet tarillisig buiraare, wad weals dmerity to tke morel miscisemsess of 41.1., PAREATS and Guardian/ ttpnr , say, ittailber oeitattic and reliaL:e etas mut treats/atfor are. • 2o to 2$ Cts. 1 " UZI It wilt M leant by mail on the reeript of two (3) rout Stain • Parents sod Guardian.! noel(' ;tend and ob. torthts book. • iffoo k. Young men . I'4l not to send spd got Cala book. UAW. ! YOU too ihould. at 01100 secure cop" of A Word af Malmo. Conoelentlouo Advice to these orbs wIII ltetleet. ELI . 1s A class of maladies prevail to a fearful extent la the community, dimming at lust 100,L00 youths of bean sex es annually, to an carte grave. These illacasea are vrry Imperfectly understood. Their external manifestation, or symptoms, are 'Nervous I)c,llity, Relaxation and Ex. bouillon; Hanunnus or wutiag and consumption of the' timings of the whole body; shortness of breathing or hut , vied breethlng ma seconding , a hill or 111131/tot stairs:great pAgiltiVlon of the Heart; Asthma. Bronchitis' and core Throat; Asking of the Hands and Llootei; averslon to society and to butinesi ur study; din:ince' of eye eight, Loss of Memory, amines , ' of the Head, Neuralgia, Pain In in various parts of the body; Pairm in the back or Italia LW:ohs/go, Dr spopsl.l or In•ligeetinrt. irre4mlarlfy of the bowels, deranged secretions of the Kidneys and other glands of the body, Leucorthees or Fleur Album, &r. Like wise Epilepsy, Hysteria and Nervone Now, to ninety-nine cases out of erery one hundred, all the above mooed {sorters, and a host of other• not nalmed, as Consumption of the Lunge sod that most a i,uana and tUy form of Constunptton of the 81144 fiereoe,known as Tates a, and Tates liensentifft. ea, have their seat so .0 dissues of the Pelvic Viscera. Hence the oh the part of old school practice in trostint symptoms °nit , - Dr.s.bilrow Stone. Physician to the Troy I ung and Hygienic Institution is now engaged In treating this class of modern maladies with the most astonishing snemaa.— Thitreatment adopted by the Institution in new; It is based upon eclentitc principles, with new discovered ramedlea, without minerals or poisons. The Sseilitiee of ears ere each, that patients can he cured at their homes, in any part of the country, from netorate descriptions of their cue, by letter • and hare the metiteine sent by mail of expose. Printed interrogatories will he forwarded on application. Coustunytlon, Catarrh nod diseases of the Throat curt as well at the home of the patients ris at the initltutioo, bY wending the Cotd Medicated I:CHAU:co 13.4101•210rAe PORN with Inhaler and ample direct 1.1. r. their rase, And • direct corresporoletrea, Patients applying for tnterr retires or 'Lark", must enclose return stamps to meet atteouott. The attending physician will he found M. Ile -intartu• Lion for consultation, from 9 a. to. to 9 y. on., tact diy. Sunday in the ferenoun. Address. • 1)1 Nflti W STONY:, Physleian to the Troy Lunt mod ' llymeole Institute, and Physician for Diseseoe ;',f the Heart, Throat apt Loess, % Fifth Street, Troy, N.N. jualflylt. I I avail :11,,i) ADi ;01.3 op Di ' NO. 12 UNION BLOCK, One Door East of Brown's Hotel. I UPI( IMMO to IDIOM R11;11. wttOlt wad tto c.1173r.A gate thst !hart; opened a W.l.' htnet. of • , (alums WAKE, liqtklNCll CHINA ) . KETTt44,-. TEA. SETPL Till LET SETT''', NTIA: OILNIA:IIIENTS, COAL t►►L ►.AMPtI, rierrr J 411.8;, .Y PLATED TEA my:rt . : 4, IRASTUtiltdi • CIKI3. ICE PlTellEill*. lire Pr EU Ll iintEr4. • .41.1114)N • TOAST S FU It ti.S, laa oh l.cp %art.:* .t other artut:er, whirl villbo °Silva Si .10/WEST .PASTI.RN Phlf . E 4 . Sirroiumts in ppro.i at :es. Sr:: Tort Prioss W. If. GLENNY. jituel3.Bta. SAMUEL R. LEWIS, voTk , ' ilEALt.ft is • . t . , BOOTS, SHOES. . ....t: -`"t ...• •""4. - - , / RUBBE'R/ii - •- - • '';.. ~ etwaia ULf",. ME RE! Ell VM9 FRENCH SUKI:T. v.telNil Tilt PARE I:anlFV, OF,NPV, _ SI 1..i.41711• • . BOYS', . . AND CIAILDRENT rise Goat, hid, Grain, can and Lasting HALMORALS & OAITEIOr ALSO. PATENT ANKLETS. • itaxistba pis place, . - . - puadVe3it. W-4. X T ! v mot* Pm& Own Papa Rip 4 44 4 cute pa Cpl v„ T., S.: 4t CO. tt Of E., . ....4.----.. IS LAROF PIC-till', OSTON. ' " 4 1 1(..) tilICIA11; CANDY! Chum La. belperPlestar fir as puttee aro putting up au uferiorAr title, to ni pesable the guiders Eluo, as sear u the Isee permits. S. R. LE WlB To The Ladies of America. \ - MORE V,kI.I7ABLE THAN HOLD' MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD MORE V ITABLE THAN GOLD Ntqß,ll VAZATABLE TUN GOLD; ' Dr. JOHN L. - LYOFS French Periodical Dr s, French Periodical Drops; French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Drops, FOE FEMMES, FOR , FEMALES, FOR FEMALES. FOR FEMALES, r trout Inegnhut (7, r utottartira 44 the Men 14 finct whatnot mute; IT IS SURE TO CORE! IT IS SURE TO CURL! IT IS SURE TO CURIA IT IS SUREIITO CUBE . It littpoulbls to ardor the bloc= of health - and ; eaetty of spirits, unless the Velma are reenter es to the time., the quantity lad quality. When they are otatror tea, nature makes her eteettl to obtain for It some ot he outlet, lad. unless then effort* of nature ere twisted, the patient usohtly esperieeres Deimmdarkey, $ reeve nem. and dually CONsUII MON am , : 11.1 It. slay, 11e•i prematurely termleates endurable ltfe. 1T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS : IT REMOVES. ALL OBSTRUCTIONS • IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS : IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ' IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ' IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ' BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND. BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, THAT I GUARANTEF THAT I GUARANTEL THAT I GUARANTEE THAT T GUARANTEE.' In' DROPS TO au Supprewliou or tl4B Usturo, wbatiwor eause,thowei are should be tabu to asewrtal4 if prwousay a tbe cause, u flows DROPS would wa g r. to produes mlawartiso; they will also eartalnly PEI - VE,NT 000teptiou, tltakott two or three dare Wore qtaatltly period; thunfore, I wish it distinctly undrz slood, ttat Ido got hold toytelr toptioninle 41214; ust I wider Poch elritinstancom BUY THE BEST! BUY THE BEST ' BUY THE BEST !- I BUY THE BEST !: BUY THE SAFT'ST BUY THE SAFETY BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SAFEST BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST! WHICH IS LYON'DROPS WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS ! ICE! IS LYON'S DROPS WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS ! THEY ACT LIRiE. A CHARM, by ttrsagtboasyr and intigoratlng, and restonzig the Blatant to's Maltby eond:tton. tt toodoratoa all *zoos, and minima all obathastlons, and a aptody cuts say b reard on. To Married Ladies, They axe pechliszly adapted, se Shirr L /i' ea 410 Map' b Iy portud with mutt, pertect regularity , , SURE, TO DO 0001, 'URE TO DO GOOD SURE TO DO GOOD SURE TO DO 000 D CANNOT DO HARM. CANNOT DO HARM. CANNOT Dr) HARM. cANNOT DO HARM.• rott:4 feral:tit any riestatty of mtUnioniata ita eth eery from 02T 01111 patients, but the pf active of parodic ; tweet% and fictitious ones twtor. the i uhilr to en pm., Mat Ido not deem It aeltisable. object f. to my meal , ma before the puLlle, cot tient to Mete moue., but to do gnod. It is poorerbted:y true of ut Ladies, that not ten przfretly healthy noes 40 - be found In any one ♦ie silty BE WISE BE WISE IN TIME' BE WISE I\ -TIME' BI: WISE IX TIME:, Let not dim-woo cleatroy yo - ur v.uPtitatt*n Ir, hottlo of tor I'I3CIOPIVAL DEW'S, SLi ' d,7ou all( be it lefteo hot lam no ftorceter. Tell ;our Sf2:ete3 what restored t• • bloom of Iteilth to • our cheah, anu thereby twofer a favor mores ratusble_ tbsu gold. 1 - 0- ;4u:dot or testify Menstruation it to just the t' top. I' have Dow So ma mind so tomaoca of& lady who had r , c,, watering from paltlfolmarattuatioa two or three y env., meaning her to box mum tech Unto ; oho hod appbeo t• - • eetrarrl emlneat pbyelotins , without yeller. when on, bottle of toy DROP:t ont %rely retard her. ONE BOTTLE CURBS: ONE BOTTLE• CURES' ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! IC eu6st a-mp/ cue. •t DO NOT:BLI IMPOSED UPON DO NOT L B E IMPOSED UPON DO NOT BE IXPOSED UPON ! 10 NOT BE IMPOsED VPt )N • 4 But tut- ttua out au4 *t . ad tt !oar Ilrualit.arAtr be. hai oot trot it. coittas him h... it for you : or, It may t.o obtatood of tto. G..busts Ageots sR.r the ktattiiis Mtate C. 0. CLARK CO., tihw /14T/N 1 COVI For sale by vl hodypirrutto flrudkiate • Pero $l,OO vc bottla. fOr al'• at litoletsLi Prepariptl try .ixtt.:L. I.r am, U. It - For gals by Da 1.. Strong, %ad WU. Nii Drugglr. 4 it Ed% • - - S W.iot.ruis Daroo D. t5.,11W041111 s t'O., 11.1