fne - , aceitlg Olp.lerver. I His.; %1•1( 11,0Ic IL,I•IL• . f 11111\,t.1.1 tili • ILL• .11111iW thr .1 \‘'.0,1,t4 .•It •1 i.. I .1 1..111 10 , 01101 . . 1.111 . 1.1 1.0 11,11_ nii.• I- 114. ore•r-liii pet I h.• , i-f• ill, Le 'ilia (hr. 1 . 41.1 id uelnliwr r 11. N lull 1111101..1' 111 (4:11.Cr5 1 ,, / iv 1)10 I h 1.11 111.14 ‘.l tho Mgr ilir Opel ,•:11111111ilwil ,•ol - krill vt‘e Ir 11,1t/efi A l•rvi11111" A lA, I - Ir. l i lt I 111 I ‘l4ll V4l (11 111111; r•I •~1111 - I.ii -tile NVt• 111111.11 , 1 tN Jl 11.. ‘tortil tie lu.nt ne 11) hie it (.I.otiti Y %Nide •.• ..t toll' vilittly to , u 1,.; 40t.011i iu Wooil will 1.1r:oe "llve Kr lo 1 1 1 661 11 11104)4'11.1 _ u n , , ,,fli ve , a Mont , ai'llVe and iou)',(.o learn t lit• priuting busiuess. nt the city, frieutk here. fli onvO '4 onsrut mtay for a ,Iwt• yettr. 3 , agirt..l upon, and I,ON:+, trot ~ti lovt al itir heemite 114eltil --Wo• tir.•l ail( wr tivrty iug that the hey who vtss iu3ured y wuh Hugh NleCellien, died after- t. 14 mt ill alive, mud - Lining s• lively Nu warrttmt Ita•t tutett i',:itted fur Mu. w tao•nrrrtlly reported ithout We nuppo.r.l the 4L,lleirient :of we .1 the correol out., trout il4 beirik u town-talk, hut Irtviltg diweuvered . we do not he.itste ao rorrrt•t 11'.- to ///iirepri•qt'al 11.1 f t , Rai 11 NEV. HAMPSHIRE regl tailed v.dttaileer-t pameiti t Ittsmgh We4ne.day worniug. I.qq,re nuns: p,aptf nn t them at !lie freight llAqt could miniqter &al surkly — good !tulip," I,4laut..nti 1111111 y “I the s . nictier.l 11116 , 1.1 yd dowli . Wit hi 111 . 1101 es provi illren! Theragitnent gritfued I.y tl.e hn.ine2i shown to '4,, lot • give three es hearty JI,;•• Er,.• ai ever left tli . eu liii hoeti tiudly •tI I.lloe , on !brit In Vißri Ki tqlore Iti.ll tjer Chew beer Illy wansie-1 .srl 1 ei•r*.Vl,l Ii %yr lA.- TituEvilte: wt,,i,' . l/ —flaws civ itu n. 31/F,- :1,,i ILO There its ownera for 7 .,1f for - .11111 • IL , Well Ly IL e Inv, 11, ' , Li., ut . 114.1 tilich4r,l .1 drii- $, 14 3, eriie- . fiVr I. 1. 10.1.• I tar. ::,..•11111 1•• tsti 111/4i . 1111111 L/11 . VW 1i I . o/Vl - 1 3.1.1 I,Jiy 1 F ei I Le i 1:•.a1.1 L.-r;r. 11, I.lll,lrittri leacire!- ‘.l 11.1- ire ruent .4k •1 .c.,1, MI-- 'AI. lt.t. t t: t t t.v , 111,4 tilt - di le 4,,r lt.i /11/lir/II , I - 1 1 / 1 41 ip, ' 11111 " All4 s I:10 w 111,1v111 i'itrit i r . \lr•+ II -1 A-7‘.11/11 1114- 1 . 16 r 411 / —tit hi.”. , ti• ll.pyrl rtu h'i 6 !, Nltnl Al ME \ I:Um till:111', • ‘i •rte ihtiklev I,- I. l' a'r•,d —l'ollolod, C. Ihrlruhal•ll 1, \lN\lip+l: I (I,rmi" l .l--Mr I: ,Ehrti liut f LIE UH kF V.-64 . 0 itAblW ytiva reQpeetiatt the .4tatt appears 'ruvu%t Alarhang migastare, awl 'vatted ilputa —lllll Clitt}go.l bJ the at Washingl.in mi tu n. *it I drift i! , 111 be entirely all zu,ti wilt ar italt.licatic.m, if ditlited by imh krW4paper4 Lari a 1 every wnu Bliu ii gFulitthi L} ilbe Nonni of Enrollment wits' ed,j votlt I t ‘.311 , e of rietuptiuti tt , r, eleept in erv , ei of pat-ben/4r mivalifying causem. * the 0,441 of exempt btu tato+, le-d,' , 011.1 the 7, ;tutted only In suitable fermi. The exact causes: 41uwiiver, lowit be reported to t (lent-rat at Wa.hingtou. rattrd tuna reporting fur duty and :e Surgeon's E xaminatittu, or sub— epti4l out swurn into !service, will !i• pat in untr . 0r.,, supplied with haversack, cantteu,-blanket, knife, tin cup and plate Him vitt laiutt be dispUred of by aped men will be sw ordered to re it y that they will 7trrtre at //i.4triet (13 lit iiiatilgealile parties. They tutint•,l :till fore acdea to .4021(14 of si7e, tinder mittie . zeitt eleort, .1. iif will be ivviitviuil tutu cothiiitiiie4 rroog ilrafipil. writ rp.‘ish Ihr nen- I . i 1 mots nn•l .iii. 4 llkiteil will be fur -1 ,n.Liu; oil the, , ley they art• uc A- 4 thrivailer ay pugqible aim, eJt vtily Lr tip•i•eptell . !1.1 I Isy I , reloak,•,l , ll it i. to des- Lill 1, rt Whit . wky lu• rigid who ..t11,4111;i1r, , ...hall give no ump iu ui Enruilinent un , I', 11l pi, , ent the ..i.it,9litute, Llllll, had culling t, 1111Valtkl;. I. llizril, ,11.1 Where trdle.t roan - the argil bistrief 174+ enicale.l:ti.r !brit it drafted ivtik, ie.,' an equivulent tor the rallt,l “ss t 1..• rereicea um ft 3111,91 - ( ttrgl f. ll , tllf ISWI IS nut ..t s 1.. r tic .ithltitute. ti,. vi awl4,i yeurd t I ArAll I`4 or cclored aubsll - t srilt t,) 'Penn, Fhiladel— ANotillitTl Tntet , st: VAtailioti.—The New' Vol L 7'rd..oh, of two week tit igtuated a ,tury that a great riot had rakett plat- e iu Nagar (trot,. 11 eu attut . r, tiri.titg oat or Dew -0,1140,. "ppo-ti iou Io the It ill. The tollow lug are thr tvr kil\rll, lb) the Prihnue ••1111, : u iLe Ntetili. ott l'itestlay /Lath lug, 111 stilted Mott 411.1,druly appeared and Mae' r4I the uttirAhul to situp - - Ile relti.rd,-when the utult rit•lted tuba lb* room, the Intir.ll3ll, Hugh Quill, lint three 01100 S, out! Wounding several more. They "et the littilittue oh tire, awl , tartest to suet. the tired tiou.e4 to the phtt.r. - "A tiegrkt, lievirly Wind, Wit mudl,„ ~„, , nry .1.01 1 .1 h ..il Illy ...I tiehutuegitaid mad the (.1112e114 dew to art.., suit ili a ihori date the rioterJ were t•owtrouted tulle ut 11)11 The eqittrtu truce thew live toinitice, to tle.per.te The g;141,1 Wed. Lilting the le , aiiet, and eight ' Ol/ICV si the hr.t vullry. 'J•her molt t.-ititued the tire, Lilltug hve ettireus They y,ot 00111e1' volley and !ilea the it%)uuet, and Vorre wit to flight, tanning into n huildiug they had ivied al, n reudezvtut% Ilene they Weir vtirrottuded rod. fatally toketi t,) tart The people were furious, awl made desperate ellott. to gel tit Ow vltlatuy ta u t haug theta utl the 1... t ti them were killed." A. 1111..4 of our readerm are thit Whole wtttleitteut Withtait even the .liglitt , t (011114011,011. augur &Wit: lh its this fs , ougri.gsional district, awl it 14 alMo4t Ilet•Illem.1 10 :lad Ih9l LIU attempt to eutot ce the drtiti has yetheeti made in - any voting of the ~d-iet The story i. very 'nitwit aver •Itte•lityle of the Prildtt,C , t Il4uea, "uatlage.,' Wheu teller, a Couple ut colitum.4 1u lenge!' WWII,' appeal' iu that paper ttstailing pre tended i , veuis that peter occurred. The/pub lic have now saunter ' opportunity to s'e how little relionility there:is lu he plreed lu the titateruetalsiA that most mendacious of all the organs of a eurrupt, Administration. .fib The Erie Olmerver, is at variance vitith Rev. Dr. Whallon, -Preeiding Elder of this district because he has spoken in favor of the tPresidelt's proclamation, and the downfall of l'slavery—the Doctor having .heen formerly classed among the pro-slaveryites2—Vonneout Rep.vrter, . . No, friend -Reporter, that is not OUT . Tettl4Oll. Whallou has a perfect right to he " in favor of the President's proclamation auli tUe doWiliall of slavery," 'plat as he tupl the right, a couple year's ago, to defend Me.'Lluchauan's Administratiiin, 'awl to act in the campaign of Islfti with that wing of the Democracy which Was identified with it We Jo not Mould. alt at there are hu u of, thous suds of ten who hold those views, as honest in them as we are in wird, and we accord to them the ftilt privileife of entertaining what opinions they desire.. in doiug eu, they have no right —morally at least—to denounce othera who differ with them- as traitors and caul - cies of their country, And, particularly, to drag their embittered feelings into the church, where men of every p#rti7an creed are expected to gather. It is for the latter conduct that we have called Dr. Whallon to task, add not because we-,•harbor any enmity towards him. 01 all the curses that fanaticism has indicted upon our people, we believe al preaching to he the-,greatest • The Provost Marshal announces that the , trust will eoniniehee on itiek-Afti inst., at Watertord:ou whik4it day air '‘illVitl for this eft), Alillererk and:Fairview will he 4111111/, POI:181964 of 6.26 to ull. The remainder of the operation will be continued as folloWs": On the It:ith inst., the balance of Erie County, 8:4, making a total for the county of 1, tou the .2t;t4 MSC, %Yarren aunt Jettersou County, 47(1—total 91:•6. toil the 1.'.7:11 ins! , eleartiel4,- - ,!t;'3,L11 and t'eteern •24:, teh'eaia Rut! Fereei , —iota' ,t) , IL.- ullly /Lint/14i, IU which apt.lloo.l It/Um for a,.., 1 ,1,uu hat La t e to tw - 1 - 41e4 t.rture the ti [Litt of u• 4ati Lariug age 4 ul trit)iul ',rents .Up.aleht tipaa hiaa fur liupp4tt. We ,Lair ilretttly puhliehr.l toe tuna net r4tiary ro Lc. uord lU al/PL fh. %I.:ilk:wk., --The L'uurt hut paimed nett trw r ',pun the fultuniug persuu, . \tau lateetty, to the Holt.. ut Cuiree hut. ittVittshurg until the ty twenty—is,- year, • old AnJSew l'ulgruve as 1 - ILtward, tut stealtug- tfuudi trutit the Attautt..• tireat 11 e,iern it I'n, to reettnr g oods, pay attl Lo euuttned itt I%re-item Yet:wet/- n. 6,1 - tau >taxa , LJavt,, ituplUsated wt.th I awl 'Howard, la rtiturs guilds, pay .;:11 Gtie,j aul re ttuprisaried to the County jail tour Attuuth, &lux, tor incettious itahltery watt! ht., wait daughter, to one year and a-tellt tulthe Penitentiary • tleorge Ret.. chell, tor larceny, to. the Hotter of Refuge ; John E. Deguar; larceny, one year to the Penitentiary ; Elizabeth Fisk, plead guilty to Liu tug brr ,tep•aou, to labor iu the County tad fur, the periuti of one jr.ear. Ibe prisoners NYlaleneqd to the Penitentiary, 'Were taken to Pill sl,itrg on Monday night. Iltt. ED/TOR : Please announce the follow ing : The Millcrefk Teachers' Association will hold its next session at the Eagle Village ::;cllool House , 6o.turday, Aug. TA, at 9 A. M. The following it the programme : Ist—Calliog roll, Ittul respome by souti went. '2,1--Claits &vitt iu Grammar, 1.13' Silas C 3,l—Exereisiug a clusq in Neural Arithme tic, Miss J. Jenuems. -Hit—Essay, Teachers' lusiikuir, Miss A Low. .illi—Chts4 drill iu lirogruphy, L. P. Fi•sia. drill in Itondiug, N 1144 L. ill • 7th —Essay, 316.1 F. Sewell. \ seleetiuus by to the tith--:Essay, Moos ►lc\luuu, S. A. Cida.k, Sec. L. T.,FtsK, Pm Caaweottu eu:—The• Democrats of Craw: ford County are determined to make a tho rough canvass iu this hare campaign, and have already put iu the field au •exceDent as follows: Assembly—P. Johnson, Vernon. Sheritf—A. bl, °shuns; Cussewagu. Protbonotary--It. 11. Sargent, Von:act:lM ille.• Itegisirr and Iteeorder —1 .U. %Wee, tOcue Treasurer—J. CI. Burliagbaut, Sparta. Assueiale Judges—W. F. Owen,..Spritig E A. Reynolds, Meadville. Commisaiouers—W.yorler, Fairfield ; A. J Williams, Summit_ " Trustees or Academy—P. &nmelA, J. W Favrt4ty. . llt.;11 Cur CuLLIME, Ptttauuaa, Yn.—We wvre surprised on visiting the College a. few days eiuee to find it comptetely tilled with lowitiatervsling and induct Chill of young well.. The immediate constant attention of the Principals to their students secures to them the very highest advantages, which is evinced-in the steady and regularly increasing. demand among business men everywhere fur graduates of this school, as. every student is thoroughly and carefully instructed, and some but competent. accountants are Iv er awarded the Diploma of life Instittitidn.—Pittsburg ilurninq Pot/. le. A collection tnr .the widow of Peter Cahill, ea mysteriously drowned in the Ely. has Leen taken ur, and a consideriihle sum realized. We venture to lumen. , that . ihere ie not a community anywhere that contributes more liberally for all charitable object*, than the pooplo of Erie. The ihralt. hiiitcnegr, Aug. lUL4, list;;; Imo Brkef Paragraphs. aipe. apples, growu ,iu Chia coubiy, knee appeared iu euuma,lontble simuJrnee The heu cigars in the city *re kept at l'axtrr'll drug tiore : Try yourfaelvev. lagrA number ;II x ondir met' litiu g iu Nattatt* www,tti l tA tllla r t" Pl - the draft. sigh. Philip Osborn, itirard, is otlidi,bite for lige ittlil.liefku Logisbitivo notaingil jou. ea. Dutsgerutim contilerleils 7 tio dollar •• grreutou o l.s" changed into fifiirs...---sre purled to 1.0 iu circulation. gar Thy tiermaaCesiral Sehool has Lisa reruoved In hitt Hill , widefi has been lessee/ tau• it !rink id years fur Oita otrpase. say- the votupauy at three iwnalhs' sol diers, veli.o lii Bpriagfiefl a few weeks ags, were swiong ilie troops this helped hi ertlel, m a r The colored people of this city hsii it iiimiee al Wativiord lust week, - whieh is repre seuie.l to isetve. VWVII one of the kluges* stairs of the ttetsAuu. Io' Wherevey the draft has been made in thiv at e,:ttie - histober dra4u iv about in the proportion Wine tr., every three and a-half eurolltul iu th lirat _ IN' The tliittillo & Pyle tt. It. Votialutny are waking ittrougtottiolte to hnild an extensive brick 'engine house in the .vietaity ,of their watering ..tatitiu, in this city. gam' The (direr,' Union, witkiiit customary N4y:l of the heavy thunder.itornt of Sat urday morning, two weeks ago, that. "as an ,exhiloiliott it was excellently well done." gm, A Catterjulgue paper• states that. By Grabens, formerly a wealthy and influen tial citizen of New Albion, in that Mate, became au inmate of 'the poor house of that county last week. • se- The 6'a:elle states: “Uov. Curtin Will, It is said, commence to canvass the State iu shunt two weeks, making Erie his starting point." The head:watera of Rah. River will probably be his etopping point. oar The high price of tobacco hie induced many of our, farmers to undertake its cultiva tion, and their e ff orts bid fair to he crowned with sticeessi- We do nut believe that a_tuore profitable crop can lie raised. go. Wendell Phillips Garrison was ansong the Boston conscripts. Of course be pill his ,e . outmutation money. That breed of aboli tionists don't tight.—Exchanye. !lease tell us, what hewed" do? X§,.. An officer of the Sad regiment. ieforme us that about tire hundred names are now on ita roll% of 'whom nearly three hundred are able to be upon duty. Very few of the orig inal menthera of the regiment are left in iter• Ma We call attentiOu tu the ►dtrertise went of the Erie Academy 'Phe Principal of this School, Mr Gale, is a cultivated gentle man and suCcesstul teacher, and the institu tion is obtaining increased popularity under his control $ One of our iitehangoa Rays that the government eolleet*get four per cent. of, allthe money paid to -ahem by drafted man, but we fudge there utuvt be a mistake about the twitter, KM eolltletor U3ugiu ties heard nothing about it 1 Vi understand tha ' irl A. Davenport, Eel , positively refitsiko In Le a candidate for re-eteehun Fl'i j District Attorney , He had male a 'remarkably attentive and obliging qiicer, and had many warm friends in both political organizations. readeri will find it to:their advan tage to piirchaic their coal or Meent-si. 11. lierton ZrLion , Si the eth str6ot yard. The article they iiititieh is free froth dirt, and aold Qs IoW as it eito be "Mauled frost any other war Mr. Coughlin Lae reutoved his Lout au4 shue iture is/ the room is Refire black, w few doors aunib of ihis cave, where he hope, to cuattnue iu receipt ut the patronage of his fritudt.. We dual know of a better bl;aileJ Man ituywhere, or oue mon:, deserving ‘,l* the rtwouriirenriely Oulu neighb . or Cough- Wiiilo "tie ut the juriri Were out, last weigf„ deriding . au a rage, one of the Rrpiil,ll.!aii, prop. - .led that a 'ore ehould tie taiten as to who 41111114 i be the next ilavern - or of Peon4ylvaula Saverat " of the jurors" al. ' jecled. ~i yiug that a was not proper to drag politic- tut., the Jury roues, but the matter bring pressed, zi Vutoi W441.4k0U, and revolted for Woodward s, C.'urun 4. The 70/100/111 Car - till lima $144 tiol Irs, ittituut,he.l than warii ilek. W unw and then hear rumors of or• gsuizatious being its existence in this county, fur resistiug the draft, btu we are free to ex press our belief that they are wholly without truth. %Ye have yet to meet the first wan who does Out iutend to give his full acquiescence to the law, whatever way he hie doubts of lie justice or constitutionality. This is especially true or Democrat 9, who regard it all one of the leading 'principles of their organisation to yiaW iutplicit obedience to all laws; until•they have been repealed, or pronounee4 the proper ilourts. nor liar lively Republican cotemporary, the Girard Union, should take some further bosuns in the New Testament before it at tempts to deliver soy more lecture.. on the estunple and teachings of Christ and his apointes. It wid. be hard to eonvince its readers that the Christian religion is based upon hale and slander, instead of, as is usu ally stippo;e4, peace, good-will sad brotherly love. We still contend that no true minister or church member wilt sow the ;seeds of ani mosity among his fellow citizens, by calling those who differ with him opprobious names, - or threatening them with personal violence. . ti' The Erie Volksbok, a nerMati news paper: for the last sit months published in' this ollice, by P. Ph. Seibert, Esq., has been; - removed to Meadville, where the . proliristur Wet better iuditeemeuts offered to him than , here Mr. Seibert eta -ted his journal al the, very worst periu 4 ll thare new paper could posL sibly cotumence, in opposition i 4 the advice of nearly all his friend~, and be had 0u,e0 0 0,14,1 far better thou we expected. W e hope th 4 our fziruds iu Crawford County will take 'him; earnestly by the hand. no it one of the most; energetic and worthy young men we' ever me t., r u tty *'petite In do all , he unifertakes,i and, so far Ai least as we bare had dealiugs; with him, strictly houeit and Upright. , 4-, • .~The down-eask.sOldiere, who were sirs generously provided for by our citizens, at thel depot, hail week, could scarcely , flail laaguage, strung enough in which to impress their Brat.` l nude. They had traveled' all-the way (rose Cairo wt(bout'rrceiving nay special mark( of kindness, and this Jute:peeled liberalityl i tj them, in a little nits of which tow (lithe:mg • heard, and in 3 Stole they bad bests atugbl tq sneer at fur its fogyism," wiis therefursi the more appreeitded;' , flue of the " boys asked a eititeo, "What city is this r' “Erie 4 was the reply. ,‘ , What,' the idiom tippet they bad the railroad wee?" -Veil, air." "Moll, let me heat anybody *ay selthang Waren COO hereafter, sad hell feel tbe.wsigkt of m 7,114 between, his eyes:" . z- - A ilium turs.--M , ';e Ollt too uoliee to the iid rertirettieut,of '..tutuett ttaggiu,,lielule4 - Lusk out I l or tits. liraft." The eotupsuy for which 'Le is i ttetiig lot represented to he, tine of the most rat lablie..itt New York. mild the iu dueewents iresentrii are red ai ul v very strung. We look' ittiou thei -plan ottere4 by Mr it' as the him' of 44 mut t s. tits% his heel" premputatd Ito our pettOte. Ulf"l Very plfutuut muiltitg party took vplace on Or eniug of last week-, oti board the mihouuer 'O. I': Kirtland, eouttossule.l by Call. (740. Berluisn ~Ifier 'nu eartirsiou of :tome out on the f.take, Ike party !err Atttligiql to riottes. •111 )14 . 1•Otitit Of the rain, liken !hey prireetlello Farrar 111111, t ot kept up Ille enjoyment to u Ittle hoar All wlw 111114* ii.VvVrtsl: 1 / 4 !.01re. to prottount•tug 11 a delightfo stfair Thl. 3fonit‘ir im the name of ft wilt paper, eslstilisue.l !at tlil City, the first hum her of which rescitea us oft Motility. IA 1s nest iu aPpearaue, edited w.th enterprise, and insletien.leut Ito p01i0..,, uppeuriupr t o speak of butt putties jtt,l us It hat a wind to. Joholl, the editor and publisher.'; We eitetul him our hest ikriutte9 fur his fatalness pi-asperity. saL. The number of men,enrolleil iu the adjoininiPoug,res.,toual tlistrietof New York, cotupose4 of Chatatutue atoll Cattarsugus COUIIIiCII, jil the first class, battle to draft. is V,A6:I; the ntiutner to be drawn is 2,623: in Ultittatique county there are 1,'214 uames enrolleil, 'Awl 1,469 . to be drawn ; sod iu the county ok Cattarsugui eurulled, 1,15:i to be drain. ; la. in the Southern Confederacy farmers are taxed to the! amount of one:tenth of all their prhtluctiouS. In this section, though many of our • people think their tales are high, they make no approach to being as bur , densomei as in the South, and 'all are left with an abundance or means to parch:tan their grocerieb at the dheap store of Jas. A. Bliss, corner of State and nth sts. ' - - . sar The girl, ]Mary Gould, confined in our jailfor larceny, iind since taken to the Ifoui'le of Corriction. ingeniouily effected her escape on Sun ay morning, about. 7 o'clock. She was chased lily a number of men for several hours, and fin ly clued in the cellar attached to the res ileice of (Hon. A. King. ag., • glisioNs. &mai got, AustuAlLs or PAC, &c., Cali be procUred by the Widoirs, Orphans, and neit of kin of those who have died in the servicenf the Uiiited Slates: also, by Soldiers and Salinieu whi, are disabled by wontids,re calved Or diseaws,coutractecl,'lipon to ti t ; P. Gale/ant, 4icensed Military awl Naval IClalzu Agent. Office in the Common Council RoOm, liVright's Elock, 'corner Stale and Fifth rts.,l (under Ibe Dirprotch office,) Erie, *a: .•y NlLthe Ohserver may be taintl fur Male iminediately after Wales, ion, at the 1111W9 statici of Mr..llday, in the Post otice, and the hook htore of Mr. ilusigh, Brown's Hotel I • tr - - FLAGS, BANTU'S, BTaiIIiNTAL -Adarese 0. W. Crowell .S; Co,, No. 211 Rope- Am. ktroet. Chimeland, Ohio. febl4--eou. ItitiENTS VON Tar . 0118SHINNIK. The;tollowirts xestLuneu have been Menton LB our a/prote In the plow where thee reside. POMO , / dellitiay to Sooli eahreriptiorra or Joe Work, ur to tomtit woo,' to "up ea d 4 It through thoir tmod. t Cap A. rocaeralt, f • •• • ...... W. C. 1111, Ito, t, . , Walerb.r.l J. WaLdroo, • • YSennt.- • ................ ..Ectualbaro • V. Sauna & biro". - • ..... . ....Mil Creek.. ti. L. rafts; ; Wuirls iits Ott. Craat. Onseotwid. J. SLIA. - ..... Esat Groeae Xygnin Rubinson, t Wellsburg. A. P. Souse. ' •"' *-- ' John Doolittle. t_• , _priogflJ X tt'4l/4 Rtte~Potter,- . _Wort Spriur Ralph Boirmatt; Halm. • Jamb C Coicnin,) E. , .......... Houi D. W 6utrblawu, (limn: A math* :4WD*, bow Noloi.it &veal. .Chem NW r. r. ti..quaimbiao Jas. At-Phillips; -•- T• - ' l a.'' , E. K. Dott‘oirip,i „ t •,.10 alto, .1.1.: . & a rZ.b N Jaktioa,. L... • .1 ti Enharthras, riesapashilts Dr. A. Eby, - Jar. . ....._..._.... ..l T 11. 1310104 &lulu ° Copt 11. .1 1t ti/tury,. , ut.o.rtai. Arai:GA.'th. t W 4%010085. ; J IN...Botta • • I. 1.1, DopatJaho.— it. . I I ru. ( J,Lek.ou DIED. 14 ' , hail. 14;4, en 414'un.ileuiptk.u, Urn 11.41. V. Kaat444l, aged :A years, i inanity and 11 day, lilnd and imenseniawat ta. /A trek, Ly wk. knew hat. Mae haw sow) ,twor 4.4aviwea all. to wiu lam nLe.a itatritiir la Ver. _ _ . AitiIiNTLICUJIN,o . Coral of Nertwoo IroLi li t i , 16c.i.iptirii. y , rla costars noway lied Youthful RUGS. oeteoled b" , a dosizo to ,botwillt °Moto, will tieliappy to (womb Lull wt.o gr..' it ;rise or lilit4e) /lid reaps sod iliterboo• for rooktr.e air *imp!". Iliormoity asoil iii kilo ...a.fir 'near w lakiiror tii l ittillt bp bli•tporloue*--and p,ousss a Voleroble Roeseil) —will torrir* theipsioe by ...tutu awl fearidully 14,•ate$ by rodAreselate JOHN B tr4Ailal. isilb-"Ase.: No. ISJ Nassau Street, New Yoh. ll _ . ._ Woag's 4tiutrti,s.n . nent ADAVNISTKATOR'S NOTICE.. 1 - nettlßof AdanaletraUou haeleg book ranted to tbanaderalgool upon ths estate or ttre. K. If. Neu dereimaed. late of North Kola borough, Kfill 141:4Notloris hereby glum to all pereoas Lustig Yee talented to the Mae to Maui Isamatliata pay then; aml those harlot claims sill preload Om It oats lot settlement. ROUST Hal.. ;North Get, All. la, '63-Brr. Adininistrator. AITINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - Oita* OrAdettoiatistlon having hem wrested to the sidsmai g n•d apse the Wale ot Stephen etenao late of Watillord township, ra.: glottal la 'lastly Oriel to Mt peroogw Lallet4.4 to paid *taw to MOW totoettlete remota. mod lbw,. laving, Waists eirstast the roue will yrewitit UMW usa or 1).141• the let crSoplocubbe.lB 3, for xeltlesoost. t4J:I4I.IECIFIkVALIeR. J. Ixll plltLl., wataiforp, Atte.% '43-610 Aatitiotetratdre. Erie ,Academy. quit rail Tenn b[ the Mt Aruba*, will tintatetwo tin lloodiy, Asyut :14th, am/ matt/ore tog sad imo•lntif woks. ?WWII la Common t Deb& Stitdiss, $3 SO " Wight , KDRA II 4 Latkkand Or*, t suds. Bersonia aad lrench, - - .2 00 R. W. GALE, Principal. Look Oat for the Draft ! NOTICE is hereby given to parties in emitted in the impending draft,.thst they can ammo thee manna to lonsiab a Wabetitate or commute with the Gommemeiet, Mould they be drilled, by the paymestis each of $10) NORTH AMERICA • .LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK CITY, • Allll kudos Life Policia@ at Table Matra, with @weal Met Penal!, eitltlleg the lammed, if dialled, to the sum et oe'the rarreleder.of etch Permit' to the convexly. This ti ly to the most e@nocualeal add certain method of provldlair a Polley of Life Insurance, which will be tra,l4 should the party Lammed choose to so to war, or italibla him to ralllta $3OO, to Want hit exemptlon P•r suletllete, &boob! he not be able to accept of the other comiloginety. 'Policies with such spinal permits, must his mewled before the draft tate* plat , e where appliratit War tartbee paiticalara nil .at the °Wes .r Ilia snider- Moot turbo ham the turetrati' blanks, he fnr effecting Jahlliti P. tiatiiiiN. ismtersier. amen -2w. i Wright', Vint, Rtir. 42116 . 1 TAN ROOD • w Lest! Row Restored ! - Jest 0.414,444, i. 4 • &N*44ltarrolups. Mc* 0 Croti: LIZOPURC 90 the Nature. Treatment .104 R wheal ears al Spoingaturrtia• or Simlast Westin', Sirs nalLortAiity, ••rvomoness to 411evelsestary Easiadong, leduribir Impousct, Cua.auittlas mad 1404 52.4 Ply. oval prNltty, of ,iiiiii 4 e.l..cu4ri_lowom., N. D. The' imapertsel bet Met .the awful oormequeseee 'of Pelf Alum way be effeclually reared without intsfuga looliclisee or the daniforoua 44.141cittna of caustics. sitwoheatik .44kalaa Loyol4, bpd Vii .11f otopirwal do . riseti{allsraeYs 1, airmoitslrate.taad and gighlyserecamfu: Steotsaent st sdapte4 l y lb* (pls.. brelei author, fully yspialbod, by abieb 00000 us,* It oabbkod to care Weibel( perkolly, ~.J at the Wolf toreei -14 rook tbdrlbf seeltheg all the futrertiaot vostgesee nl today. Tblo sill promo a low W filmsubl44. =0411.11140 , bailor (.4.11, La a klioo envelope, t.% our ellrese, of um trope rams, or two Tilst are micros by in tim.. MIS. J. C. 1:1.11 YE, No* :Kozb. . - Post 5o• Bas, ‘,14. - THE SECRETARY REA S ' U RY NAB ~l~ 'l'iloKl'LFli Ml• Continue my Agency , riot vt.tit wat , ••• !GUI! eualtuust in receive Soh 5-20 LOAN AT PAR, Al .1. 4. 1 / 1 :•, w.l AL Ito. diderent fO A •unt• {{1,411.11 out lb. I.oel `RBI••. JAY mob, Subscription Aprin, THE DitAFTTAKE T ... uu.l+r.itu 1, by sppoisitsusot Irons Um Ws/ . Da p. moist, bu b.. 0 uttiatizr4.l.4 eseelve (f“r its* emtutir• o m t krif, War'. Wk. ileKfea, C4lOlllOll, tie .I.ll.novu mu' IMltti) OAP sNXlWklkh U, IL AF"I'EU PEf oNM, Ile, pay cadre M.. A.t of Cravat* 64 Wafts ), 04.4 "for rutuiling sad eallaus cut 'la Puree" TED aquaria cast la paid la U. A, Match LEGAL TRIMMER NOTES OR COIN, uJ will &whams lbe pericia Ito payiug "twin 'gather liability wader the drat " ',JR() W. DOUGLAYiti, Col:( lu: tier au .I tirreiver Vocuoiutettoti Mosey, /ot4 Diet, • ..ill3-.945. NEW SPRING St. SUMMER GOODS UNDER THE NEW RYSTEM OF CASH AND READY PAY ! W take great pleasure is infuristas uur patza and the Public that wa have adopted the BRADY PAT RYA- Trill. sod are arm is receipt stoat usual supply of SPRING AND SUMNER GOODS! tiouglst at a Reduction frQul April prices of 40 Per Cent! As au evidence of low korai fur the times) we will sell - Hasty Brown 9bostlog trout !film Beall do., fur ,• .1 a. Guild 4-4 Rieached Ahtetiags,' flood 3-4 Wombed Shootings, Post Mulder Prluts,t good dssigos, Phillip Allea's "Sprauvtes,' lisuchestar soot Burwell Priott, lb to 24 New Styles Startling Pri ate, fast colors, faro-Aster tiluirbatos, new designs, POI is...htb lawns,tst.wt styles, • DRESS GOODS I . ' la 004 anaart&Want aihl a veal variety at ighrlaatroal to GU coats. yarT. styles wisolmeale4 la New 'lot, la p. for 'aunty. Manchester a Pubic ittalses It thanes t ei t latext 9t len and t gratilltul ItutEut,, 2ft eta Double kWh Alpters, ir. • Ilawny Maksll Plaid Y.rk efiittu4lll4o9 , DUI il/1", • . Itratteety Jam, CM J=4 . t quality, , 14 " uglirt, tart quality, , lip " ' INCZNT,TIIOIII...t. SHIRK k Ctr„ fttatri Stmt. Wawa HO *M. i liwc..lw/13tf. OLD PLANTATION COFFMR. GILLIWS ; I'IN . E VLAvo.REI) OLD PLANTATION COFFEE, 25 Conte Per Pound. WIERAL DhEIIiTNT TO THE TRADE (HA) eI;AISTATIttett Is pastarrel by those Rho Lan used lt to ties but Noels or Java Coles, it bang layettes tie atesudth bad Mutsu ot Savor to the, ordinary lutpcolsal Cotten As, we are the Gall meanie Sad msautsctantri at -the ULU PCANTATION COPOKE, we would clothes our fehoule and *hi yabllc astalast outetagodoo say tot teattue our slititataio sr Igloos the. ct teeet sumo' colour' . 111.1) 1131.01PElts uguorrous casigulactuters ars leylito to palm OW totems as. at Mu awe, astios that than Is 'as good, better. ag.. Suaio hairs gots so far se to otter out pastors large "mounts If they would idiot • ousuitety of helots bum, ggat tabula, labors ors puttlag up vailtanits ,i..‘ati•tio.l W nor ii.iiittue ULU VILAWA*III.IIi4I COW V li. • • .t. 11.1 y twt tote siml &l it s the rl!..th.rAllol). CORRick, tr *Weil pumets rlt minus, of our ellpyriglif s., the I.+.o..ikat of footed too 14w. The toi.o COFFKE iF VDT uy {II ou* pusiud pazkages. audOU Ita iu • dut.tlooa lur itslug OD Dlial y•ek.situ - :AI cal regulatcl Wally storvis.. ' W RIGHT. GILLUM * BRO.. LEM 4.c ' ifitis .W•ir , P., DAc"ORTEIV3 AND lIIANDFAVTORtRN, 233. 225. 2 . 31 AV aaliingtoat Hi., N. Y. • - MUSIC STORE ! PIANO FORTES! AND MELODEONS! . !'raw tprleibrtlu eateirrated Pumas fortioand IfelodeUs Manufacturers : Lreat &Maw ry, Now Yost. Steinway & Sone.'New York %fat. Nailer di Co., BolUsuml, Wt. Boardataw & Gran Albany, N Y. J. a. Duabaus,'Neir York. , Usitert Plano Forts Makers. Moir Fort Madams a !Arm, Now Tort. , ilea. A. Prism - Ai Co , Aalnto, N. Y radian, Nevdtiata & Co., New York. . uki rARN, aecORDIANS, I'IOI.IIVS. 11.111WS, 'Wag. laatrurtkru Bosk• and Shown 11ua1e"., 4 Al.l. VICOY ►.UN' VUM EARN. yrrwu• wiaktug • ant rake Pismo Pasteur !kindly uu, arr tut lOW b 3 all sad •umtd• our towaturrwata be fore purctuutiug ulautirre. R•wr• {Huck, tttat• attret, .aril impalas th• Po•s a. B.IIITH. S - 411 Paw., Asti Meloaboo• warranted for livit,yrs. a tasylrl3.l7. "FARRAR HALL • PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY I will Wake 111,otugraphs suit am are smugly sold In 1 - ONE BOLLIX IND DIM CENTS, SEVENTY-Fllll _CENTS, Attu nuru whirs •OK FIFTY COWS. Beautifully Colored for One Twenty-hire Plans* take oath* that 1 ma owe *Mb* propcittors the wow Patent Coloring Weave for Cards Viadtto, pal estina In April bd. &hood of anything hitherto discorstod. Clods Violate kw two dollars per dorm, and all other work igproportioa .4 and 1.111 wort m low as say of man is I be city for nu* oat. Az swaths. ' iyoll3o'. " 0. B. FIRST NATIONAL link OF ERIE. rip RIS BANE, organized under tue ••Na. tionit Viltirort art: Will ealleal,lbell business Jul] 1.1.1861. 1811186:CT4k 4 .1. C. '.B.l.sxuak, J. C. ttiu.oax. Y. slXTuau, -t.. A. 110112.111 WW, ttr.mitil MARTHA, • Wu. l. Hawn,. ' . . J. tr.I4PICIICKK, President,. MAIN irtiltD, ouhier. jays-luk - - I 1V: !:'VI MILLINERY STORK. . Tio Wows BNCIelt woakl noperthilly antootaer to the ladies al Ede city sad coos . If. that they kw, upward a M LI.I NEIt Y STOR IN nititisim imam, EAAT 81 t•t: or THC PARK., •boo k Obey would tatt its sU asedisi alleles is Omit I • tu tile lkeim a MIL _ thet a,.pmpan4 la Walsh anattielte Gouda at the phortest RZPAIRING A 2411 CLItiUNIN ParUeolarly Weeded toi As w• do all our ow* Ire* ir• bulb tisallatia is pro••••• t h at wer luso wall he as t Lb,-If oat monk ea; tholes, other attars {atls ell . ._ apill'a2 if. w• WII,uSu postale vastsi, tut Ma •• • PI Ihr biebrat u4l44,3o,Seursa imaallf • "., T., S. It 11.. WA N E i)! wow enwa4, eilso Paper R witash Om& fa ARDEN TOOLS. _Sped4ro:Shorre; EaPrina I il. lit I For iibriefieriod, MMOII 114 SoIITH THIIII4 rifftrEE, 4%11.A 40 to to eta. 25 to S 5 •.0 to 45 2U141 81,1 .23 to C.'. 0 N E \V aL4O, Volt THE NRIT ?HIM DAYS GM ERG xt"u ()ti CRACK Erie (1 ` FAI RIMED 121 l VISM,4 W 1 N l! S. U 14 AR LI IS A ' BUTTE c:4 11:4 C.) 1) A: it I t‘ 11 1 'l' . yWUt etulrt at the ‘ITY: STEAM . BAKERY ciANDY! ERIE Cr' inio ARE 4W TRADE IS 501.14314:14 1 .T. CI BURGESS a. Co., i - jasT63., late Street, First Store above Post °dims_ • MII) 1 E. ' CELEBRATED ' . +LW I S 0 LID . OTREIL COFFEES. , THE SAN( bits beim axteasively used io this and ether easteltrks,,aad k linhly swayed for Da PINE PLANO& kIEALTHFUL. AND NUTRITIOUS GadeL QUALITIES. This Th ' eyouplwas favorably wilt; and lii by away pieferred to; SW sod .faavesbd is SOLD AT ABOUT HALF THE PRICE. Ills grearad pit up is Tim Vail paper to Ilh parka• gas, with laths: read—. I It 4 MILI4EV' ' . _.• .. 24 4 to Y 6 C . -!; 16 14 " 23 " Id% " lu tha ex . 1 of • *Wei) * Cut 4,1 * hall.l l , a c fu put o f 141411 VIP I pm and sad an eighlod , . • •.. 0 4 : : 1 A : N 0 :- C 0 I.' I , ' I: F.." It is lu white wood borne GI t.O 114. sloth; also Is bulk tete Una banal& Ala, uu bawl. Mau' 11 .9 0o1002:112XT. JAY.l4.ll.oinUninu,S T. Dais iz• 0, Rio, o.lannimon *Nu RTS COrriurii, Of super ynslity, lu Tin Foil pnirei 3 and b4.0 , ..11 ; WAS' i&l' to • • 7 . , Defile •111 ylenne sew/ for Cirrulais scot liot 01 Orders L. Man or Ktpreasytomptly executed. 1.. V, +loLAAN,:3lliirrbiou Ht.. :.-ohl.n nut for the United 'MAUL Slnii Yolk I . V - Vinitlr: 04 . v`i)l3l4T6.loiEl't ^ l l t' Ifizzu _ . THE ifAtILI" PHYSICAL DEHENEHAt'Y I -t.► aliikkicitti exuel.E, JUS'II PITIILISHEI) PS ill:. A. STi INE,. PlTiii.istiED BY P N., th icion l to thefiroy Lung and Ely - gienic Illotitute. A Tre ou that Caumee of F:arty Phreh-al I /echo* ol l.au • aric heopht : the tall.* of thatolity, I oo e eamatiou sod Illatteluua. ilhar,eleari tit sae of tura ideal tone, terttfea 1 a cause, pd tarifitAp lesulaage, aid appeals directly to aka moral seaseiiaisass of ALL PARRIVPIi aad liaaritaas espen ally, taut' oritatfir seA reliable atilt out tradttestatfar Cert. • it,III It be New t.e mail ou the r,..elpt sz uf 1... I%) real Stara Parrots set tanardieu. • Vail uot to oeaol luta oh - t a alit beak. , Tuaus tutu! Vail not to Nand and get tole Lot -1 111,4 Idlest1(1.11 tut, ehoubt at .lure ...cure a raj. f Ca Eir El4t. ; A W r 4 64 "4.4iNtaa, l'ersrle4444iis 4J.ir r I. I thaw, dim will Ittearet, A - , elide ad /Laidig.. prevail to a (earful oltrut' to It•u fidatstimity,tlt.m " ittig at Wart luuU yeu Liu of both r.r. is an many, te. au 4;;;1101v grave 'LLeae alteerers are let, m 444. tretly uu4erstr,..i. lledr extents-I uattuteatattou, of ay tome, are Nervous Pouslity, ketatatiou Lod IA ha a; Mammas or wasting and cosouimptioa of the Wen ot thalami& hotly; ahortortuofbraathiot or har ried thlart ousoesualaug shill or aight ot *Wm: great pal tattoo of the thwart; ...t.ottuda, larullfilltii laud sore Mr I; aballag of the naiads rut I.i.oihe; evereaou to irsa •...t I and to ballade' or dotty; alatuorta of eye eight, 4..aet [.awry, died:wen of the Road, Neuralgia. Pala Ica to vinous kart+ DIM.' body; Palms io the Gael or lamas 11 : Vtio, o .l ll PerdAur tzialktvattuu t trieg ulat it y ut site tAO 111, demigod *acrobats* of that. Ittdoeys audottars • gt _of thatrady, I aarordosa pr Fleur Aituts„ de I ttr- __~_ al I+Hopei. Hysteria laud Nee roan Spew,. w. In Musty-nue rams out of every OLIO liatudred, Mt ' , Men awned disorders, and a boat ~1 (Abel . oil a • 4, me Coninuription of the Louie coil that must 1u• IC' us and wily [,am rd Caniutopt tau of the Spinal He es, known as Tito. b 0 1 ,4414.4, Ilia Tates lleuseuters. el, bare their est and ••11,t1U to dillaMMl 'all tbs reline V . ra. MASCO th. Walla ol Kliel,ll3 ou the part of old a , • I practice is treathaK symptoms °Lily. • frr.Aadrew Storer. Physiciau to the Troy Latqc aud Bisects lamina Hon he uow engaged la treaties. this class of Modern maladies with the must astoutshiag enceeee.— ltrieestaseut &cleated hr the Itunitutiou ie here; at te aposi scientific: principle., with new discovered rem, without usiuerals ur poisons. The facilities of are siiib, that petiolate can he cured at their bottle., any pewter thee conutry, from accurate* descriptions of We, by letteri and bars the medicine pent by mail IMMO. Printed interrogatories will be forwarded au pilattiott. • i . • °assumption, Catarrh and Miasma of the Throat card well at the home of the patteate se at the lastitatiou, b eroding the Cold Medicated blitALlNte BALJILLIIW Va ts, with Inbitiar aud ample direct loan tor their ace, awl rod correspondence. Patients , applying fur Laterr.gatirme IT advice, lutist does retries aLmpe to meet atterthou. Ile atteeding phyviciaa will be famed at the Nett tu• t oo for cobanitatioo, from 9 a. ma. to 9 p. tu., with day. nada; iu the fore's:woe. Atichaaa, DR. •NIVITAV ttTreN a', Phyaleisai to lb. Troy Lane and Hygienic beteinte, Pliyakins for Diseases of the Heart, Throat cud ra7..i1l ` 9llth Street, Tray. N. Y. jau.nbly I. ,I ' ' " C 10111314 Y STORE N('). 12 UNION 'KLOCK, One Boor East of Brown's Hotel. I beg loom to Infiniti toy Inooda awl tbo t•itlz.ut &mite r/illy. that I two opipard a two. stock of CROORKRY, GLASS MARE, vgiactica CHINA, DINNER POSTTs, TEA P 4 Wrir, TOILET SETTS, MANTLE. ORNAMENTS, COAL, OM a.%atrp4, Piturr PLATED TIRA MUTTS, i • comists„ • • /AUK UtMUKTM, ICIR PITCHMAN, KUTTUK Mai US, *MON UACK:M, 'TOAST KACIPLM, SPOONS & TorOUK\l4, Awt s tarp ',seise, Or paw &Miele% 'thief* will leo 011etwd'ilt1.0WaSIT lIARTRRN PRICES. Mwebatits tcupplied at less that* New York P 14616.1 . W. K. 614MUY. juna.l-3m. tu qg AB 3 , 3 ti urs►.rs IN BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBEItHf MOWS !MOCK, ratticH SiKEltt. rte,; 14 111t 4 1',