The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 15, 1863, Image 2

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    grit *timber.
Vtattrunrs DT nix Prom.* in rat Pltturi op
Axwomg Ltuarn.—Asirew Jac loam.
Democratic State 'Ticket.
obi m W. WOODWARD. or rbuademiiii.
WHIT& I. LOWRIE, ef . Mieghemy co.
Tin Louisville Journal regards the result
of the TOME election in that State as "a
deep warning to two Administrations—
the • one at Washington and the me at
Ma. Bccurism, wh& is now at Redford
Springs, plumply denies Oat any letter
from him could have been obtained
among the batch of papers belonging to
Sur. Davis, discoveriid recently in Mis
sisaippi. He hail had no correspondenc
with the rebel President since 1856..
Ton operations in tl4 neighborhood 'oil
:Chi,lento!' are represented to'be going oni
quite encouragingly. Cur forces have se
cured several new and stronger positions,
and are confident of soon being able to
reduce Fort Sumter. We know of .no
went that would give us more gratifica
tion than to see the glorious old flag once
more waving over the place wheriseces.
lion had Its birth.
•Ax interesting correspondence between
Gov. SZYMOUR and President LINCOLN is
published, which we regret that we have
net room for. The Governor shows most
plainly the gross injustice that has been
wedeln apportioning the quota for the
draft in that State, nine ;Deniocratic, dis
tricts, with a vote of 151,243, being called
upon -for 33,739 men, while in nineteen
Republican ones, with a vote of 447,257,
only 39,626 are required. The Governor
iisks for the postponement of -the drft
until the-mistakes of the Fedepil officers are
corrected, and's, decision upon the Con
stitutionality of the act obtained from' the
Courts, which the President • refuses on
the ground that knelt are immediately
needed in the, army.
The first body of men in the field for
State defence, •during the late rebel raid,
was the City Troop, of Philadelphia, com
manded by Hon. S. J. Randall, the "cop,
who'd" Congressman elect from the Ist
district.—Eris Observer.
Capt. Randall did good service and de
serves predit, but the first company which
presented itself for transportation to Har
risburg from Philadelphia was a full coin
pany of colored men. And the seoond
was a colored company but not fall. That
they were not accepted was • not their
fault.= Tiraaren Mail.
It may be that our friend of the 3fail is
right, but the statement made in our par
agraph has gone the rounds of the press
for many weeks, without being contradic
ted by 4ny of the papers in the lower part
of the Commonwealth, which ought to
be beet acquainted with the facts. Tho
assertion that _colored voludteers were
refused permission tofight/or the defence
of the State is' undoubtedly true. Two
companies presented themselves at Har
risburg, when that city was in 45 greatest
danger, and were not recognized as sol
diers by Gov. Curtin; who sent them bark
to their homes.
The Re.lemailnition of Governor
The most noteworthy characteristic of
the proceedings of the Pittsburg Conven
tion was the despondency Ed' the delegates.
To use the military metaphor,' they seem
ed hopelessly "demoralized." I The •feud
between the two factions was t r t) bitter for
them to attempt even any pretence of
harmonyor, unanimity, and the men who
were prominent seemed more anxious to
defeat their respective opponents than to
secure the nomination of a candidate who
could be elected. It was to this feeling"
that Governor Curtin owed his success ;
but althc e rng,h he has triumphed over Mr.
Cevode, he holds "a barren scei,re in his
,pipe." The resolutions offered by Mr.
McKennanesserted that "the antagonism
between the friends of the twolesiling
cendidatee wu deplorable and bitter, and.
will endanger the success not only of the
Gubernatorial nomination but of the ?Ju
dicial and Legislative also ;" and forty-six,
or more than ono-third of the whOle num
ber, of the delegates endorsed his views by
their votes; while Mr. Fuller, of Fayette,,
deckled that Gov. Curtin had rendered
' himself "obnoxious to loyal, honest Re
publicans ;" and Mr. Barclay, of Arm
strong, in alluding to the instructions from
Allegheny against him, wisely'argued that
they "could not afford to lose the eight
thouiand•majority of Allegheny." Find
ing that their protests were unheeded, his
Opponents finally produced Mr. Covoile's
. letter, the first 'paragraph of which con
tained the withdrawal of his name as a
candidate, while the last dealt hiS enemy
a death-blow. It will not be easy for Gov.
Curtin to recover from such a thrust as
this : "Whatever disaster may occur, as
assuiedly will, if the warning is unheeded, it is
due to myself and such of you gentlemen
as wish to benefit your country and the
interests of the loyal men you truly rep
, resent, rather Man the pecuniary and political
• Wangs qf a few men, that the responsibility
of the future, be placed upon the right
shoulders." It was, however, an expiring
effort; and the minority was relentlessly
crushed out. Thus Gov. Curtin once more
becomes a candidate, but the manner in
which hieeonsination was obtained insures
his inglorious defeat. Had Mr. Covode's
ingalaXl been adopted, and "a HIM MAN"
of high personal character and of moder
' ate views been selected,. he might have
polled a large vote, and, with the immense
influence of the Federal and State Ad
atdniiirations in his favor, might; possibly
hare kept the Democratic majority down
to twenty or thirty. thousand; but Gov.
Curtin cannot Secure the support of more
than two-thirds of his own party, while
- nose of his predecessors in the Guberna
tuella chair was so obnoxious to his poll •
cal opponents. The causes of these facts
use notorious. In the canvass of 1860 he
. and his friends persuaded the people that
the only question involved was that of
protection, and denounced those who were
foretelling the dreadful results of Mr..
Lincoin'euslection, as "Unioo-savers" and
"alanniste Their clamor about a "tariff"
was successful, aid *ben it was too late,
reimaylvoinis found that l its price was the
Union. They now know, by bitter eve.
tioNO, bow false-and fallacious were the
glowing promises of Mr. Curtin and his
,advocates, and how little confidence is to
be placed iu any of their politinal iere4o
Lions liut the success of the &pithliOian
party, we were told, was certain to isiiit:•e
the :Ante not only impreoedeatett piCr
perity, hut Mao the etriotest. integrity
among its officials, and corruption and
dishonesty were to become things or the
past ; and yet, before Gov. Otani hail been
ayear in office, self-respect compelled his
Attorney General to resign, while _it- was
everywhere understood that nothinghut
a conviction that it was intlispensahly
necessary to bolster up the Administra
tion induced Mr. Meredith to till the•va
cancy, left by Mr. Purviance's resignation.
The frauds perpetrated in this city at the
time of the raising of the "three months'•
men" were the most shamelesi and flagrant
of the whole war, and for their occurrence
the Goveeuor was held responsible by his
own party. (if transactions of a later'date
less has been said ; but it is very well known
that the atmosphere Of Harrisburg is not
much purer than that of Washington. In
ither city have vie had that serupplous
. 1 ! • ity which the Chicago platform prom
ised, and for this, if fOr no other reason,
the people would repudiate the Republi
can party a. 4 one which had &tined office
by false pretences.
There are; though, waver charges than
these to Be brought against Gov. Curtin.
He was elected the . Governor of a sover
eign State, and as her Chief BseeutiVe it
was his duty to uphold the-dignity and
maintain the honor of Pennsylvania. He
was sworn to protect and defend the rights
of her citizens, and he was false to This
'trust when he permitted printit* presses
whose freedom is guaranteed by our Bill
of Rights—to be destroyed, and freemen
to be kidnapped, without one word - of
'monstrance or inquiry. - As Commander
in-chief of the' militia, it was incumbent
on him to take measures for thndefence
of the State ; and when Mr. Stanton re
fused. to give him authority which the
Constitution had already conferred upon
him, it did not become him to wait until
the - enemy had entered and ravaged the
borders of the State before he raisedi a
hand for its protection. More tnanlineiui
on his part, and a little indifference to IL
foreign mission, would have saved Cum
berland Valley from invasion and himself
from the disgrace of a humiliating and
bootless subserviency. This longing for
favors from the Washington Administra
tion has given character to all hie actions,\
and on no occasion has he ever stood up ',
for his State or her citizens ; while in his
hour of need, it was Governors Parker and
Seymour who sent him succor, and Mr.
Lincoln who said "Pennsylvania * must take
care /of hemelf."
- `lluch is not the position this State should
occupy. Her glory and renown should
he not less dear to us than those of the
Union, and-we want no man for her Chief
Magistrate who is too timid or too corrupt
to maintain her rights. As Pennsylvani
ans, therefore, we protest against the re
election of Mr. Curtin, and ask the people
to so stamp his conduct 'with the seal of
their condemnation that - his fate may be
a warning,to all who come after him. Of
his private character we might speak in
such a way that his friends would have
cause to repent of what they have done ;
but it ie enough that he has not done his
duty as Governor. We are quite content
to, go betore the people on that issue alone,
and if his partisans will conduct the cam
paign with decorum and propriety, we will
confine ourselves to the question ; butjuat
here at the outset, we warn Gov. Curtin to
ee l . A.: civg.: ri;,;el.—Pl4ll.z. Age.
, laurnisrstr after the nomination of
(i4V. eVRTIN, his parasites at Harrisburg.
held what they called a ratification meet
ing, at which the 43roveruor made a speech,
accepting the candidacy. Among other
demonstrations that took place was the
firing el cannon, the powder used for
which was taken from the State arsenal,
and had been paid for out of the taxes
.annually collected from the people of our
debt-ridden Commonwealth.
WE welcome to our exchange list the
Chambnrsburg Repository, edited by our
former employer, Cel.,Atra. K. McClung.
Though differing with the Reponiond is
politics, we feel sure of always finding it
an able and'dignified opponent while Col.
DleCLuss has the paper in his charge. He
has abilities that render hi 6 an ornament
to the editorial profession,no matter which
side ho is upon.
IT' TooKs unusually queer to see the 'Re
pUblican papers charging Judge WOOO
- with enmity to foreigners, and at the
same time flying atiheir editorial heads,
as their choice for Governor, the name of
ANDERW G. CURTIN, who was the head of
Know Nothingism in Pennsylvania. A
little consistency, gentlemen- -w ily a lit
tle, for appearance sakg.
GEN. Joust A. Loosx, of Illinois, was, for
some cause, relieved from a command in
the army. He took the first occasion to
make a speech, abusing Democrats, and
in a few days after' received an appoint•
meat! to the command of an important
corps. So it goes, from the beginning to
the and of the chapter.
IN mix breath the Republicans tell Alt
that the rebels and the Democrata are al
lies, and in the very next, gloat over the
cruel way in which the former treated
"copperheads" during - their late raids in
Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Tao Democratie candidate for Coupes.
in the 3d district of lifisiouri, has been
elected. The Congressman elected last
year was a Republican. -
TUC Caesar AND TEN Daart.---A corns.
wand who has read our quotations from and
comments upon, " A New England Clergy—
mates" protest, in the Bpringteig 'Republican,
is reminded of s passage in history which
seems quite gennain to the nutter: ,
"Odo; the brother of William the coaquer
ar, wen a biskop ea well as a military chiefteio
. great milli and rotor , aad a sagacious poli
tician: His regular services had been re
warded by many asdeemeass, and ausonsithem
be was created Earl of Int. Having com
mitted treason, the king _ordered his arrest,
Odo claimed him immunity as so ecclesiastic
the officers of justice scruiplai to execute the'
command, whereupon the king himself arres
ted him with his ova lead, saying, ' Clod
forbid that I should- touch the Bishop of
Ba . yeat, but I make the Earl of gent..ll/
pngoinfr. a II
God - forbid that ei should zeeapel
haseador of Christ to fight, Inittiemoi a gaits
pulpit politicise, of ;Improper age: - his
place in the inks,. it &elm unless he pays
The Republican Slate Convention t.
"KWH. Itliti: :111D RlDlll'f."
( 1 1:4114111PPOttilaill•niAtet
ruircmanG film turriliostith
and Piwilur,
*re. Ala Maui ITuauiwml.l3 161,1.. rm-A
. .
'l ' ll4. Iteplll/110.1,11 Sta.' ', I ' , II % . 1 p i i.. 11 ,4111 . 101
fil.4 ' !a' - ViiiNllllll , MI 11I.' il irh;r:, {rt
"O lt tee - if (1.1 v .. Oultits! , ;(' — in'is,oitilt:iiim; Tiir ee
election, vre• one; lit' the 'itnii:t 'lie-ardent
and uielignitie.tainaie4 Olio eter v.itherea
together in P.ii,i yli seize Thief was
none of I h3t. len moment; and entliiifiastic
dispositimi ":111 ":1)!Iilkily , 11::1.1:1‘ Ell in the
late Democratic i .iiii veil lion , and t 1..3 rival
aspirants •ieeitie,l more ileteriinued i iipeil
tearing ode,aiintlierite ghee}, than :to de
feat. their lailitical opponviii Is. The': Pitts
burg. Plat. 1/111/Lialeti • 011 the day 'of the
Convention, said that. "the flailing of -hos
tility existing between the different lac•
Lions of the Abolition party Of thia;gtete,
as exhibited fly the delegate.* win have
arrived in the city, is unparallelled in fee
tional malignity. - Each sot prove the rest
so many public plunderers. And, in feed,
to'speak plainly, we are inclined to be
hove them all. The struggle is between
, _
three distinct *sets of liiirqery eentriietora
and office-1161(1mi."
The same paper, on- the slay aft e r alio
nominations had been made, added : "We
have, in our brief political existence, seen
many State political assecablages,liut in
point of talent, character, dignify and
spirit, this was the weakest we eVer wit
named. 'There was ;not a man cif corn
mantling ability in Use whole asseinblage.
As for spirit and an embodiment of that
feeling which suggests success, it teas en
tirelydestitute of both.' It reminded us
of the Democratic gathering in ;Harris
burg, in 1854, which felt, that its Candida
tes were doomed by the uprising :Hood of
Know Nothingism, which burst 'Upon us
',he following October. The overl,whelm
lug defeat of the Abolitionists 41* Penn
sylvania, at the approaching election, was
plainly visible in the Convention! yester
day." , ; i 1
In order that our reader's may, 'see the
spirit that prevailed in the l.'oriention,
we give 'an abstrant.of its most. import
ant proceedings: immediately :liter the
organization, a dispute arose,' oriir con
tested seats, the case exciting most dis
'eussion being that between Mr. Trltcy and
Reverend George Landon, of Bradford co.
In the' course of his speech-, Mr} Tracy
accused his competitor With -hating ob
tained his election by •• politic a l l huck
stering "—a very serious charge ishrely to
be made against a minister of th:gospel-!
lion. Wi n. M'Kennan, of Waat
okered the following resolutidn, amid
lotid applaisse: i
Weaszas, Au antagonisin, at 'once de
plorable and bitter, has eprung i up be
tween the friends of the tWo leading can
didates, both of whom have rendered con
spicuous services to the, courittif; and
whertas, the existence of this feeling will
impair the efficiency of either as a candi
date; and. endanger the success hot only
'of 'the Gubernatorial nominations, but of
the Judicial and Leeislativ'e a4ci ; there
fore, •
fiesehed, That the Ben* 01 1 this Con
vention is that. the best intertists of the
country and of ' the Union party of the
State require the nomination; of an ac
ceptable candidate, whole remoyal from
recent disdirbing came* will give greater
promise of cordial, united ansuccessful)
support, reauty at. all tinted i nperative,
but cloublceso at the present c isis, which
demands of every good citizen the eurren
der of every local feeling or pr possession
when required for the public goci'l. -
On motion to postpone its Citideratiou
:, .1 voted for its pcettioneme ti and e`.,
against it. ' ' , I
Mr. Campbell nominated f og. Curtin,
amid applause and hisses, when thieChatr
man sai.l lie must enforce hide}' among
outsiders, Thomas Marshall, ,ells Ileglie •
ny, asked by what authority • Cortin's
name was used, an he hail bk'Prit him a
solemn pledge of his that he ‘Nlaulit, not be
a candidate, Mr. Campbell ' !Falk it was
not necessary to ask whether lie Iliful con
sented or not, but he would :sae Unit he
knew from rev. Curtin that. lie would
stump the State from. Delawline to Lake
Erie. if nominated. - ; 1
Mr. Marshall-said the Old GuiOal of Al.
leglieny, who could smother Lancaster in
majorities, was instructed agailist, bin.
(Applause.) The -resolution:of; liFKen
nan Was again .brought up. Mr.jklann
opposed it.. Mr. Vincent, regarded, it ea
impolitic. Mr. Fuller said thereiwas good
cause for the resolution, as it was doubtful
about electing Curtin. He was foe a new man.
Curtin had by many-acts rendered 'him
self obnoxiouu to loyal and honest Re
publicans. A drunken man who had
made his way into the centre of the ball,
got up and said there was riot a word pf
truth in the statement; that Curtin was
I good man—rather a ilublouS sort of
praise, considering the source. Order was
finaUY restored by patting on* f ervent
from the inaideof the bar.
Mr. Barclay, of Armitrong., , argued for
A new man as the only sorti, to 'succeed. We
could not afford - to lose the 8,008 majority
of Allegheny. Mr._ Landon, of 'Bradford,
the same who was. accused with getting
his seat by" political huckstering," said
the preference of the people meat be 're
spected. In the hill country of the North
all ware for Curtin. (Applause and hisses
in the galleries.)
Mr. Lowrizne regretted tuck manifesta
tions of feeling, and no man Would go
further or make more sacrifices ; than he
did. He had helped to elect Ctirtin, and
' hid stood by him. Ha knew' him well,
' and if chosen he trusted in God he would
be elected; but he was not, the choice of
the yeomanry in this section of country,
and there would be trouble ;in giving him a
majority. He knew they had the power to
' nominate Curtin, but he wide, only support
' him meta protest! He would 'not assign
hie reasons, butroontinued in an earnest
appeal not to force Curtin up on them.
offered Mr. Fuller, of Fayette, a letter,
which was read; - I
Pirrinicitta, August 5.
"saw of National Union bate 'Convention:
Sift: Conscious that the lsiumpli of our
principles and the suc6o of our candi
dates, at this time, is Of varamount
portance to individual gratification or per
penal advancement—from I my intercourse
with representative men of the party
since my arrival in thiaj sty, believing
that victory points to
. the selection of a
new man as our standard-bearer in the
approaching contest, and upon, whom the
e nt ire support and strength of thamgan
illation can center, I have determiWed to
withdraw Any name from iyour, considers,
tloi, and improve the ofTortimity of so
(biog.. For many
• years, ideutified with
. I tlie principles which our Organization re
resents, I am unwilling- at this crisis in
State and nation - to lary,;or do anything
which• may put in jeopardy our success,
and 'I lave talimi this step boWzg thereby
WY pert AowE'de retnil'il;ls causes of
strjfe, will work disaster to WI sU
in flitifie, unless lidjuSimeit
la Mode Fact, hafirbeen submitted
s,uptoinitient ?oedem a / I **year body that
es artassuadirdtsisalzgl : in the fu.-
uf n. j tioimensokol t , :A fact* ca
be pleaded in 18 41, 111 44- ligelo9
live theca fell welik.
Now, in del.Thersixon,:nbetbee awn.
. .
111.1 ar assuredly will, if .wartiirui is
it i+ thatt;it? tnptelf antlitkuch
the eatiViioooo . lul4/411/ In ben
of the
1..011 turii tu4 truly reproient; rather than
IT or olititial inteivats of a
111,11, I the reapontibility Al the (n
-oir, 1,, I,l•wgil ti the right slicushler: , .
Truly yoileh. .101 IN iVIIIII.I.
A I tutu i.. W801«.41
, lii ,-,•t vole M'Kt`llll:4.ll'4 reilllllllloll.
Ile Iwtirveil weiiiii lie
fort lo t wautr.ltics Khoiv „the ythifti, issue they
. . . .
i,. ti : /.'t& haw,. Me pro),lr; with. It Curtin
ivi: tti.• etrar viiniea iir the plopte ha
vv"111.1:..iiiia,,... Il i if , I %Ili Ile . ' .11.i'llW!1 -
I, till iii 14 4- 11. 1 11111111111)11 W3l litillW I mu liar-
1,1110 - r of pew.; an °Yet' lie
cif:urea t h at 1110.Y:1'4.1 kern cArattAt - 69 ,
dr. 'Welt SPt on
,1111'.41114.jwil 1.0 forer lulu again
tlpuil ws, Willi Al the nntanglecatints that
have in the OW. Should
them : lit: 1 131d Curtin e.iid ;,o1
St die i;dirf 1/1/711 plat/ of MS
A vole Wari 11►eu t:►ken on M'Kennaii's
and remelted in 4ti voter.' bente
ettat for it, :viol sit against it.
A ballot .fortlovernor gave Curtin hit,
biotite la, Penney 14, Moorehead I, and
ilrew%ter:i. Mr. tslevinA,_ of Allegheny,
inoveti to make the nomination unani
moue.. Mr. M'Kenittin ir4keel biui lo with-
draw it. (Applause and hisses.) About
20 voted insy, an►id hisses and 'appbutpte.
The name of Andrew u. Curtin was then
announct'.ll the Republican candidate
for tlovertior,Akilich"wa,. received by the
audience with mingled shouts of applause,
hisses • and groans. The confusion at
length became so great that the chair Was
obliged to administer a rebuke, whieli
quieted the cheering, but the hisses con
tinued for some little time. • i
A resolution waa afterwards adopte d .
unanimously endorsing the courso'of flee•
rotary Stanton ! * '•.
kumx.ralle Club in Wayne ToMsblp.
The Democrats of Wayue Tow:lei/441A at
School House No. 2, August 1,1862, to organ
ize a Democratic Club for the town. Ou too-
tiou, A. He was elected Chairutau, and
Charles E. Hatch, Secretary. The following
gentlemen were appointed a Committee to
draft reKulutions :did a constitutidu fur the
club: A. l'araonm, E. Hill, S. Steadman, D.
S. Spencer, I. Scott, D. W. Howard, and R. I.
Oaliorne. The fullovOug permanent officers
were elected :
President, A., Heath Vice-Presidents, R.
I. Cleburne, Win. Brightman, E. Hill ;, tiecre
tiry, C. E. Hatch ;'Treasurer, G. W. Spencer ;
Ccirresponsling Committee, 11.1).• Francis, P.
Miller, D. 8. Spencer'; Vigilance Committee,
D. W. Howard, William More, I. Horn, 0. W.
Spencer, 10. Abbey, E. Perkins, H. Dutton,
It. Palmer, H. Johnson, 0. D. Skinner, D. C`..
Kennedy, R, It Farnham. •
It firms moved that thlt.proreeditigs of thie
meeting be printed:,
Some spelkhes Were made, and some pieees
readihat were , iataresting.
The Committee; on Resolutions reported the
" We, the Demoeratic voters of Wayne, do
declare as follows: That we wilt support the
ticket nominated by the State Conveutinn at
Harrisburg, June 17, 1 tIC3--George W. Wood
ward for Governor, end •Walter H. Lowrie
for Supreme Judge—and "the Constitution
as it is and the Union as itwas,"-and we will
support the present Administration in all con
stitutional measures necessary for the sup•
pression of the present rebellion, and the
restoration of the Union under the Constitu
tion as our fathers male it..
"We turther declare that the Coistitutidn
of the United States .is the supreme law of
the land, as well in time of war as in time of
rare. We will obey it on all occasions, and
in that obedience we will exercise all the priv
ileges and claim sill be immunities guaranteed
by that. instrument: Prominent among these
guarantees are the following: Congress shall
make no law abridging the freedom of speech
or of the press, ur the right of the people
peacahly hi assemble and petition the goverti
ment for a redress of grievances.'
" The right of the people to keep . and hear
arms shall not be infringed.
...The right of the people to he secure in
their parsons, bOuses, papers and effects,
against unreasonably searches and II seizures
shall not he violated, and no warrant :shall
issue but upon the probable cause, supported
hy-mith or affirmstion, and. particularly des
cribing the place to be searched and the per
sons or things to he eeized.
No person shall be ,helit to answer for r 4
capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on
a presentment or indictment, of a drawl Jury,
except in cases arising in the land or naval
forces, or in. the militia when in actual Per
vice in time of war or public danger.
In all criminal prosecutions the accused
shall enjoy the right, to a speedy and public)
trial by an impartial jury of the iltate and
listrict wherein the crime shall have been
committed, which district shall have been
previously ascertained y law..
4, We further declarei that neither the Mates
uor the people derive their rights from the
General Government : but the General Gov
ernment derives its ptiwers from the States,
and all powers not expressly delegated to it
are retained by the stateS or the people."
Adjourned to meet on i kriday, August 21st,
t 7 o'clock, P. M.
Constilution . of the Wayne Demoeratie :j elub. ,
We, the undersigned, 'voters of Wayne,
hereby pledge ourselves •to the support of
Democratic men and measures at the coming
election, and also to use all honorable means
for the .promotion of the same.
The officers of this club shall consist of one
President, three Vice-Presidents t one Secre
tary, and one Treasurer, a Corresponding
Committee of three; also a Vigilance Com
mittee of twelve, whose duty it shall be to
see that every man is at the polls on election
day. it shall be the duty, of the Correspond
ing Committee taeorrespcind with like organ
isations, and to 'procure suitable speakers
from a distance, and distribute documents,
Scc.,•among the people.
Any voter can become a member of the
Club by signing this Constitution.
A long list of names has already been at
tached to the abOve. ,
sam..—On Monday nitht last, David V. Der
ricksou, Esq., Provost : iambs! for this district
made en ineffectual 1 , attempt to arrest one
Joseph Deitch, of this' place, and claimed by
the said -Marshal to be ,a deierter, from the
army—a fact which we believe li not denied.
The Marshal, accempied by some three or
four assistants, went to the house of Deitch;
on Pine street, about li o'clock in the evening.
A woman came to the door, when Mr. Derrick
son expressed. his desire to see Deitch. Deitch
appeared, and the Marshal Old' dim that he
wanted him to go,b and serve his time out
in the army. . Delicit replied , "l Will go back
but not new," whereupon he weaselled by the
Marshal and his aids.; A scuille ensued, and
in a few minutes a nuinber of men and "omen
rallied to the rescue o'r Deitch. The Marshal's
1 11241486 5." (imPPttart+ and being unable to
cope slitgle handed with' an Overpowering force
of men and women, be was.obliced to retreat,
atter being pretty roughly handled and rolled
in the mud.• We are ihtd to know that the
Marshal was not seritnudy l injured. The Mar
shal says "the women Were worse than the
men." ' . . ,‘
On Wednesday afternoon• lest an aged Ger•
mss, named Michael Hauk, was arrested sad
lodged lupin upon suspicion of partioipiting
In the reshesnee to Marshal Dariolasoves au=
thority, se referred tep is the above paragraph.
Hank denies the Agile, • sad stirs lint if al
iened s thir tiled hi icsansitablish i►is, lama
ler: v *,. Oa enquiry` wanting.lbseek.
Weil taken before Holt. David Derickson, st ifs
cruse in this place. on a writ of Mon roue, sad
was remanded to the custody of Itt Marshal
l e
on the ground that th e viva tri. rids of the
State had no jurisdietiow over th ease. , If we
mistake not, the conscription kir provide. ,
that in alt eitie;+ of this itina qui - :riime'l I'lr
lies +hall he handed over io the c i ty! rtothet I.
lies for trial.-F.ltrEdi.ille /),fiawraid
EDITOR th) , TNW 011.41111VIRR
S:iiti that Ibrutust Marshal l'autibb
for.t, who i 4 to superiatend 111
this iliqtrlet, Is a t.J.rotolttnan, au ,
Her Royal Molest.) , 1414 Th Virtu
salweeAtatedlitew , • or- Ihe LI ailed
We 1 ,1,/ nal wake, the ituittir
l'unipbell any uneasillet4, but
know whether we are to he' drat
,•,t(o•rktsiou of a eitizep or a fun
Respeetfully yours,
I iiiiuwing nothing ..1 Ibe eire
t'atupbell'm life, vha
Witr to our earrosimal.l#ur . .4 II
1;43.1 uuly aay, Ihnt ful fat' it we `,l
quaiutauce Cituiphell i
pressed IH ns n high-tuned an
nom, un.l gr'e• not I,plieve•
seeeptea the position he no w h.
ell 14111.481 f rally tittalitit..l in al
wrturin its tinties.—ErtiTu6„:l
' STATE IttiltlT4,'A. The
Secretary ortlie Preasurmf tin
ministrat,iou, in a vecch uritt•
Ohio, 2i, 12451,
"We Lave a right to have o it State law:
obeyed- We don't. mean La )etti . I. federal
thority. Just or unjust laws, properly ad
ministered; will be respected) I f dissatis fi ed
we will go to the ballot box a d redress our
wrongs. bid we have rights 'filch (he fist•
eral government Must notturode—rights
superior to WI power,- on• w hich our muVe
reignly depeills, and we do\lrlU to , fl4rierl
these rights agaiust all tyra l ioal IL•i4111,11,-
110114 of authority,
Exeavisx.—The ancient
led for their agility, strength II
era of endurance. The Eng lis
present time are celebrated G
and healthy appearance, the
instances, of vigorous and- hi
The Amerieans, - unfortUnately,
taste for this method of retainil
or building up a broken cons
the great prevalence of weak,
cage men and' women. , 1100
Bitters will in a great meas
want of exercise, by giving gi
the digestive organs, hence , pd
appetite,and a vigorous feel
moderate exercise, however,
tion with the Bitters, is much
desperate case of Dyspepsia, l
Nervous Debility, yielding
beneficial influence.— All dm
ers in medicines.have'these
cents per bottle.
• _
SPEAPCINCI of Secretary St , IiTAII,IIIP Nrw
Yak Worhissys, vary wit piny ;
"The Secretary, in the w rds of Horace,
'shall not wholly die.' S utonian, ac an
adjective, will become part . f our language
and designate bunkum whipped into a tine
froth of malignity."
The World evidently d
brigadier's commission or
Tun rib.—Mat. Lamont i
the ri.:td regiment at present.
of Edenboro, has: been elec
Capt. McCoy Lieut. Colonel
he cotutuissiaued until the
tained its full proportion of
l ir The Crawford Dan.,
minas/on of Cortio as "
Democracy. The De've.::.rat et
regard '•l3hoddy Andy". as 4
lar a fellow as his Repo.ll4
yoarter fleem Moo. '
- News from all ouarters.
- - -
-It- its officially' ' ni.34,11 the tot;il
number of Union woungibd in the three
day's battles at fiettysburgi is about 14,s tJt
A fraction over 2,000 wou ilg led still remain
in the hospitals their.
correspondent in
York Wcrld that "Andrew'
incitinf . r, the mob during , '
and now under arrest, wig
tective officer and-one 61
ton's spies
unileoooft in
Potomac that Lee has b e e
Rishop-(len. Pelk'a entit,
at the eame time Lee h
to help Beauregard, at .
of Lee',3.- infantry are 'nn
—The N. V. 7 1 ,; ( ws
number of men called
draft is 450,000. ,ludgink
thus fait experienced, n
of this whole number, sit'
will secure exemption 1,
.t 340 each. This will yi
fifty millions of dollars. I
—Gen. Meade ha.s
led by resident Rebels' i'
play the doyalist by day
roads by night, that he
Hereafter, when any 'dal
the roads, the people !e,
of the place will he Int
necessary repairs.. It' th;
the depredations, he wit
population of the loca
lines, and take their prciii
went uso.
• A man who miti
must expect ocassionallv
in his teeth. We haViS l
however, which we think '
ced such thrusts.. A gen
the misfortune to marry a l
exhibitingthe fine poin ,
friend. "My. horse," - sus
tioney bought that h
dam," replied *the hushlr
your money bought met" Seeerivirres.—From '4l
of Provost Marshal (lei
seen that he has decidsi
consent of parents, usiniii
ed as substitutes • for NI
conscription: • i - -
"Paovosr lifaishat, (lie
"R. Grant Barnwell, Esql
"Substitutes between el
ty will be aocepted,wi th il
"James B. Far, 1
"Provost-Marshal General
!Uncial : Henry Stone, A. A. G."
—Dispatches from Cal say that the en
tire territory west of t e Mississippi will
very soon be brought no , er complete sub
jection. Elen.Davidsoni is moving down
through the centre orArkansas, having
frequent skirmishes ws h the Rebels and
whipping them in every, instanee. Beside
this, there is another,and very important
expedition about ritartirig which is axpec
ted to finishlhe Rebellion throughout the
South-West. The Rebel Dupers are fran
tically calling for busilnirhaidcers and guer
'tithe to harms boata;Oh the Mississippi
and, if possible close thoriver to travel.
—The President is distSirrnined to carry
into elect his recent orller relative to the
retaliation upon prisoners of war. lie has
ordered that three priConers from South
Cacaos. shall be held in close' confine
meat as hostages for th . negro *lselin:m.o
(*Olivia On the Isaac Smith, and
who are now in prison sit Charleston. All
Other_ ',Musts, whether white or black,
treated .ty the enemy, in a manner not
applicable to.prisoner of war, will 't •
equally represented by Southern men.
Mr.. Lincoln is determined that negroes
in the military and "naval • service shall be
treated the same as wb to men. •
—Vie Nashville Union' at officially author
hod AostatedialGov. Sohnson purposes is-
Wog write of election fo r a Legislature,
•a 4 tits very earliest y "cable day; that
set W,lin theseogreantinilitary operations
launch that loyal caiis can go to the
On* IA 'lna*, and vaien sympathisers
with the rebellion will no longer (Aare;
baelzetl. I th (...4.11. i• (.1
1 %0.11111i. 11,1,11 ,1 -
1,1 I .11 ,
1,, 111,. , 11 t ,, ,•:••\•.
by tlip* 1.•
111 to Vole Ln 111 , Il • o'4ll ,
( • 111/..1) • . I. • 1 i
.1;!:1111 4.11,i1'
it lilts lwen
,'artthing hi
11,3iitiji.i.i Of:
i., .:111.1 111., :1
4 1,1 t f.ive,Mr.
re tctui hi
eii tinder liii.
, :oierer•tilm,, 4N..0111) 111 I. 1.111:,11..
N'preel, ",
46;i1, 14/' //, ~r
I I , 04g., .
1J10,•Ii Poo I Itl3
11110 . 11.• II o• 1441 131 01.
kui4iNitee. , ot
van Kive Ii
O , IHW ;ivy ne •
he hai
S {i honorable
141 111 tile 44 111
11 esreet. 111
Ple•,111,11t I.••ii.ol' vitt. I 111 ,
1111 •1111iPn 1)i . 16, Ail 111.11. lilt' ;.,II
It ,r" ,(
fait/. iti/b/ "I
1 d ~,o / •
I / f
Ile' "”;,, • 1 / 4 it, el
On I'. 7
1,. , ia.,
i ; prelim!. u,I
-' by him iii
i•ci•rring hi tt
- -11111' 1;11y 1.
'Will )111.1111r
Le.a./^i very 1.,, „il j , • ~._, •
fitlrdi with Crw•ulior t.. n.•I a,
COAL..! COAL ! i
IW 'I'II I '.l
Ti, lily iisl..? ot; t on led /I
01 III; ilt I, herli
hi the 4.t.itinl i i. the v ,1 4 • .
iir 1014'1..11 • 14,1141
, A GOOD !).11'1',1C1,1 , :.
pb t .
The Place to Get . Four lon Back
qius 'were Ito
ut.l great paw
-1 women of the
r their robte4
iu bath
alt.liy exercise:
have but little
g their , health,
••1," t, 1.1••••• ,t • l'• ••I i".lLs
I 1: •
E.T0ug111.,,, t.
rip %fully blionn, 11•• , , t !•• \ \\
.•51. removc.l ht •• •• • i te. t .vi e isia.
OD Ktate ttroct, oppoßlt- L:11
Office, whemhe 10va... 4.2 Li. ei-11';;‘,1 1
to git him a call
twulo. twnER 41R r
etr. \,,, I ••• •
Litil •!'• • • •,..• ••,•%•• •1 •2 :v . • • ••
nen 11 I• , . •••Lor ..*.
.t. ~,t.
litutioh ; iteue
sickly; and deli
awl's, Genuau
1. re palliate 'this
rent strength to
il , ad uci ng a geo‘l
ing of body. ,
ri, ied in canne•:-
idler .' tli tuegt.
'ver Cereptaint,
iukkly t to, their
sgr.il9 111/.1 deal
itiers for ale at
Mil W4.11t. a
An tl 'll't
in coiunfnnd•ot
`apt, Woodward,
Colonel. and
SILK 14 A:tt'4 T L P.-; !
They will not
at twatii Ihr
Llt•114 fur ifir
indent iy tioo , nul
I 4en it,ly popp
ti sets.l- w ti,.-
MANY 0 1 11:1v:!-: t.:001Y-f
+ ••tii9• lii ill. t‘ i:o i'.l'
f,forttb llio Net, -
r," notoi too: for
the recent lint',
formerly tle
::ecretfify :!t ili
I N I , : 1 , 4 E.Xl' I:, 1
110 01 lilt
re-pnforc,. I . t.)
In , I t, I 4
• Division ;
, ent a air; lion
Heston. Nona,
tli of Die I; ti.t-
tlll it Lt ~),: ,
‘tko L ,t ri,ti 11311iti, 1. 1,.
leaq one-thtr•l
I probably m.. 1..•
paymont tI
1.1 alot tar from;
, • •
01(811.11LS ti 1) ;,,
thhtior t p6ts4 tt..• • I ~
tV" All (./r.tei-i ti,,' ~. II
attended 1.,.
I'.. •
New itit". Lei, Iv. I ,
0 Oluott
l i l Virginia, w . .
nd destroy rail
as ordered that .
nage is (lone to
RIM ten miles
cod ,tO make the
5 does not stop
send the entire
ity beyond hi
erty for Covern-
\‘' 114)LF:;:k LE \I) ELL\ 11. \ ;
vuri,AGE, •
We Leen on baiol a birrce sod nek-tetl a...sorti'eent
oC e erythiugiu 111 , r Lo., ao lust. • , ,u,.•1..
to be undoraeld.
Mon a towt.,l',•l: 1•,..
1,, l e •
rielk wife
'to h4vo it, flung
f heard a report,
imust have silen
lletnan whothati
fortune - was once
of hia horse to a
I:the wife ; "my
,ae." "Yes, ma
, ,I,.boviing, "and
ti I.:Li'llf.k I:
, I
ano NOrttrett , to roll'o.ll • •tuzykr.n L. ti
hair, Late
it ha 10 IL,„
papy. and • 0.•ra1.., AV/ 4 1/11,, I I , 111, 1...1'h WI„
tbrUtighOti t Its rut u.•
It in ya . 10 WO t - t 0
from Harrt•Liair I
FaSteril Ii ttnnlu, BUJ froTht . I I .
11l the iVrlterp hit i.t.t,
e following note
Fry, it will be
that, with ithe'
maybe accept
.se taken by the
gall Trail.. L.r,l
Midi Train Arrit,i
ArcinutnodAttoit Trmit Act,,.
For Wm,. Ittitt it...,
at the S. cot twr I lilt untlilArht
lipitirtetta t ite'Com p ittr'm
S. El NOAToN, 1.., cot t .111.1 ' •
J. M. DRILL, :went. N. C.
11. IL'IIOUSTON, Geue.rAl ' t_
'JOS D. Kyr rA, 11 - 'lll.ll V.,
itHAL• s UrrieE,
C.. July T 2.
Philad'a, Pa.
ghteen and twen-
L. went of parents.
T HE - DAILY EVENING .1 . 4,11 N I
.aNn IPI.
htety I.:col t -L e d I, Al
D. Boileau-, (w o..llll,ctiolt
caL 3 r4l) Are 11., pobli.he,) ! cf1.11:1
PINK Rua AI.YRKD K 1.*Wr4::111,1 e., I .
conducted fegirle,aly. I I/. 1 . 111 WO ki .7/ .:11]
CRAM PART', Thoy 1011 111.4 Ilk/ 4.1
Constitution, R1141713111' 1•11..1...1TAT1 • , do: t 1P , .•1
the people.
The Atvenlng •Jourrial t I pola vit. 4 ct cry' ill ol mow.
(Soodilyß ciente.%) at zit; pc! annum, .tr Ir,:t t,r I. .
months, payable ht adr•olcc. It cola:owl • piliti: 1 .uti
tlea ou the pelitieal ,le. , 4tleng uf the dll . 4124 ~ n i 1..-
ent,tut uolf M. Mart, t litel 1:1,,,,6 repel ti , i.e,l ~11 ~,, 4,
matter aft is uen•lly ismielli in IV, , ibtli); Ilet.c:papv , ,
The Weekly i.ruiveratiel&may•ro l t • a Iftrp• outak.orto, t
wirer, containing eight liege., forty•eixi,t r • . 1,,„,,. , 1
reading platter, 11111.1 is f I/I tli . lie4 it ill. lid 14 Wilt.; r tt. • ,
- Single Copk..4llle
.I'.. or,. - . ._ $ '2.00
Three" --6---• ...... ....- ~,, i i
Twenty " " •
~ I
Thirty " .4 1.2.111.
fifty as ..
The Ihmocrats of retwg iilit:t.,.),i, l , v i a ,,.. t *, - j;::::',„„,,j
and Nevr4ervey x it iii2h01.,..h ~11 ,a , ir th.w,,,i•g.,. 1.,
give the /.eatteraiarge eta 613 Oka, Addl . .. 2.,
• ~
• •
No ICS :101101 Thit•i Stilt 1, 11,t1 4.
Virlite fur atlitrri • ,
1y printed, g!atts.
ARK OPFER] tai fllt id Meer diaulo,
TIF (Nita Prriylvy biiar Ito. t, - ornl and raw.,
Pike% at low figura+.
tra1,11111141,1114 lilt ttrA
ItEs7 iid:
Are aelkni; of riery 4:1‘.1
best gustily: Kohut/ 2 (Irma, Fruit u.l
Nat Candy, truch Car:uncle, awl 4,1 Fl^ , Contectioh
cry aiwaya =hand. tn7l6-Im.
L (-,
1 . 1 . 1 t
W• ttt.. .1.. It
A ‘`,"
) •
CHANGE or Tan:
4/.4 !•4vltle, 1111 I)
in.: 1 01.1 r 4,..;
' Vr - ,
, •,!;, • •.„ •
3411 ._
if 5 K l 4
„,:•,yt. , _4_:.
- • -i;l4
t , -
Staid Normal School,
s, 4 blank -
Ili.. 'S. 0 1, 'Linn,
t I).)per
. t. '7,
re' ' 1 '
/-! Pa . L
i 747
u.) N TR NT 1.; I) I,l'E
1..1111I;1 11.1k1'21
t, 1.. v itr. 4 •l•llsoi, 40 y s ir
I I.r irNi I` 'lir! , WI ." ILW I(
I .I'l.l',t.irji.ll V.% it ii}• tJI tLr t _ •
i i ill :al Vq, cr• h. t.) NOTIFIED '
.4. a tr.ITT4 /70;1- 1
I hila,l••li.lin,
1.1 k ht fiq/11
t.' •• ', 'r Rd
v• r , , ii,!tt
a n•
VW:11•15.11,,t l:»II:CCI‘I'11:11'1 I) 1.11
•, i;,.,.,• ~C),•)ci • ,
I 1% i. N 4. 1 I I '-;
• • , 1 .•I ... 1.._,
•••', }':l.l I I ,; crt.pp,;,
i ' • , .1 ,‘!.• !I,
- vt.ini
1.1 HP.1("11 1 FZIN , ; I 4 , 11Y\
ttFFlct .
',J ,
, • 1
f • 11 1 '1 I;
1 ..11. 1 1..1 , 1•! VIII. 9.1 ..•.
.1 1,1, I I.: le (:
t...!!‘)`1 1 0(a: A i• 11 t; A
sr! • •
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'ill \
!: . .
• . 111{..LILli•• t
1, • , , 1 . 1101 t 1.14 • ‘.
• ; s t c • 1,• , 1.:.,u ;.
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.r,'l 11:1 , Ll,, 4NII l' t)1
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.•• t CI • LI ,1/11.1%•,Ittart• •/I
11 , • • t•
•ito`—‘l , fast 110,11\ e. I 0
... • 1 11..10° I
E Al L.W A Y
.11 • ••
- 4 % t ‘ll
wid .Ic'uji. Ui.irt
• 4
Si; ay Cow.
if A 1.1..
o• &.} 4.
. ,
1,..1. „I .
I', 't• . , 0.
1 %LI L.r IL 11
IYli)'.?4 '.ESOC , I_ e,! DINSMO
.It4‘: I I stll • •
111)1i t., Sali.
•„. • .•,, .
It• , t
y I •It• ••• •:.1•• ••
rtlrAt • for • -11T-1.1 , 1r.
I • • I.
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