B ERIE OB : ENVER; I \ , Tv FICE, ERI rE 251 RBEF, T, OTTOSII7. Tfli Nisi OF TENA: r a oae 'aubscribertii it ;AM tit !went t - tive tiftr $44, and r. r,t , hat. Vanier CLuLp. — • . ,rF.B3ts 01 ADVERWINO t -;:ye , Triailvaa line• orlrcv make a Milti re it* ' , , 44 , • nine went, $ i \Ow , month' , 10 06 1 Oka One • • thee I One °‘ •1 - • for One o•hanealile h innanre, $lO. • 4.,uattato---•• 1110 , 1 th, 4111: T.jouths. I t prat 31.: roliuth,r year. 9;'fl months, Pl. IDeetted tu the iliounes• iiireetory it%.113 per • Foe line* allowed fnr earil,\norer and sara , n • sb• s pa; , a ; at—,l'alitonal notice*, lu nutat a lane ; but nti • • sent will be lunerteillitranfitr the Flpecial!intieeia than one nollai • • llrrehtat,stia other,. reyttring itegitent Changer W,4 4 ..,1 4 , 4 4iainent0i will be allowed torn :.-iinaren,papreo, car f la. For .1. - 1•Iitl.lnal spar., the ehalgee will tc prnpnat , nn, and the anc,rtir,itients must be otrictly . 54 ,„,1 4 .,tneieultarnatelanalnea.. nf floe advertiser: • I CALL.itElladVertlAlllll.'nik require 4 in sairanee.— r A c4r1.7 aJ,erI I RILE in! to urncente , t atiolriro:ed to ti UREfUT. • _ Putaqt.rA. , M —F. 1- .4 , 0:6 I. lira:Nix. :i u 81N ESS DIRECTORY I ir , rlr7 or beCOl24 lab and ILE.III, • I.Avr, r 1-2.7z=Ca the practice cf hi: prnfeszion b felled st his obl 911 Freud) r„ of Pubike ScLeirr_. Juli • HULL, • FROPiii.Eirsit :31ORRISON HOUSE aafl Mart Sizeet—,nc.pqz.6.:ro er..3tc. Wzrzgra, [Sett. 2;-17. 13- • Btavi Soy T. ii. , LTlZlLagirs. — s, tcr7 of Ri zic=ccht's Bis.ckT I f I IL. 4 ol'i, 770F.SZY Corx:-.1.1..4:: A 7 1a. , . Ezio St•ft, tn^ ?ant., 1i tre Amerima :LP OCCZpled & ZI rt^ fr;cr, t . h otri.42, - • i,4IItGE: H••(7UTIFit. A:TOR-NTT AT titrani, ritift COLMV. 2.a3 6:her hugazea ltrthae3 to with .. tad tilapatch. BURGESS & CO, WITCLZU.I.I: Ducar.. IN GFACERITZ J :FP Sic , ', N. 7 Bonz-d Arrorza7 LZ 1 w._oalce re=overi to ,c.;` r - ,lllte S. tract, or. thP zortatrids of the I. DO W NLNG ' • , - Arros.alur Jcsicici. ow ttls ti'Dt pi... Lem in the several Courts of Rd* County, - prompt and fLithfhl attzntin tn all basineas en- P., hands, ether as as .ittnraey dr Magistrate. 02::± netpir4 ccraer CI Stale an? F ifth •4 179 IFO RD ifis CO., - D — ...ta.L.^.2 IN GOLD, Save: ' li•ar. Nate:, c:,::-a S. Deposit, &r... Sight eicharags oa theprla- It atiC3 constazatiprz: ssis. Oflicallo 9 Revd House :;:lgottro, Eric. 3 -~. ni 6TII. . . is Clbcka, Watehea, Fins. Jew• ..,iacaa, Plated War*, Locktint Glassa;,, - Gilt • or,, Catiery and Fancy Goode, Paragon Braiding, Wert Park near Peach at. Tai t. O.4.LBJELBITII. Avroaxxt ♦T I.Lw—Offloon dthatrest, iha Court HOLISB, Erie, Pa. ENE r L., iI WILL, Rnian-qta••.. tha Park, Erie, Pt. qr. SPI"NCER, SELDEN YAP : YIN. E lc, ( & 31 A RN IN COUNSEL LOH% AT LAW I II Paragop block, near North f „, ihrr ofthe ,-,uarn, Erie, Ye. 11017.4. E. • 1:a11.. l'A„ 1. 11 Proprietor linuse Khali have every alt•.ntion, to and from all , april3-45- 11,0i'SE• .lI.H. 111,10 Y, Propnetor. C..ruet u ihti d Street', (irconethately f?nnting the Cap urt o.urg, Term,' reasonable; enonanoniatlnit • I, • 1 sr Hotel in the (it!, alit the Bar alas. 1. 11 .. the 0124,ic,t. lt,,nnh 1 6,14:3—:.M. Itiil.i&ll Yrnoxixxxx AND itx an. DiaLax to g:, PreviNloas 'flour awl bod, Wood and ut•=,l.L l Lao rh, Tobacco, ztegare, et.e., State d o „, ef ' , earth, Elva aide, Erin, Ye. ~ , i I- 1' 1; It HIM Oil. CO.. HCI/INIM3 ANL 11R•Lb:Itz. NM Crook, 6.4 • . P. PNSIGN, HlScougnauxx 2.12 d Dealer In Stationery, Pap,r, Itagarlues, N.wipaper., &e. Country dealers Store under Brant:in liotel,fronting the Park. Avr.l'62tf. Fativt4 iierrEL, corner of 3.1 and IltzLot ata.,^llarrieburg, Pa. Li, old and weU known hones is now fitted up in the maprovodityle. The accommodations ano of the or :or and the terms reasonable. It Is situated to the .....lightful part of the city, and silorda one of the rs.eute•t typing places in the country. lebl'62tf. PETTIA. EITIS DAVI.4, ATTORYSTII AT LAW, Cbeeta at Feb. 16-3:.'82 , 41.1valr. Pr R'. O. L. Et.LIOTT ilk SON. DiNTIBTB —oiiire in Float h nnw, FriP,l•k. All work warn's- , MESE LuurlCott O c 1.. Ettiort HVH.II HO64E If. Attu., Warren, Warren Co., Pa ang NV rik I , tageo MN. 'EANALIAN de WARDEN, FORR.L.RDII:O AND COMM/3510, MZUNAATA, Mills, Erie comity, l'a., by Atlantic. k G. W. H. Dealers in Coal, Salt, Iron, etude and Relined Petro- All kind., of Shipping flow. on Counisaion. P. iIIiAGGIN, NOEART PUBLIC AND GENERAL COLLECTING bbrEANVE AGEZVE. Collections and all Dualities in tPd to tam promptly attetiled to. Applications for .ranee solicited, and Yollt:es issued 17i tbont delay, in r'ass companies. Office, Wriglits Block, corner of qtat• street... Et it.. 4 11 0 .,. noT23'Bltf. W. WETAIOILE, ATTOENry AT LAW, in Walker's Of. ci,S*serith streit, PAIN Pa. sag': '62 . E. bryrzsr, Botty's fllork, 'Forth ra,fr of tbe Pint, Ens, Pa ' aprlP63 tf. VA VETTE HOTEL, French street, between 4th and 6th 'trysts, rt Phlladelphia & Erie Railroad Depot, Erie, Pa., • ' , hoer:Aker, Proprietor. Ext•nslre accommoda `.7 straagers sad traveler. Beard b; the day or rood stab:ing attached. aptigiVAr. ILLIA33 WILLING 610:e. .tvret. BARZEt 2350:, SZ&TP rogt. Office -er Beerfialoonettacn.hr.' genltczez Vteratelwas wiThott Pm:cc, nuanye,.l dicordent LIEBEL 41: it3KOTl{Elt. i zio:datia TAILORG wird . .„. trti :er. Fir.nnr & lia , L ner's •si Patent Searing Inuhtnes 6... hunt in urn —ll:ate 4trnet.,bity• - nen Bth rail 9th 3: t., --, Pn- Clethen =de to c,nr. in the finest style. ver—tr. , _ . MIN C. BEEBE. IS/BALE:I rr Drs Goon, Ciaoorams, (flazs, S.ed, Raster, !An., eon th street and Ynblin SoprarT, Erie, Pe. jal7:l- • D. WALIIEII at CO., POR , A.RDI7IO R COXXI7,I:OX 1. - ZZGUAIrZ3, crcia n Fiona*, Public Dock., East of State fittnot. Ca ilonae at Rail Road Canning, Trie,Pa. Dealera ' 4 3, Fob, Flour, Plater, Watt &4•• 4 --4:ar, tuntanc; to and from t'anal Wart gnaw 4,3.16-41 I.\iii al: V I Ea*, . SliCeettOT .Fintart . 4 inrla2ro AND DIU7G61111", Wright'm }hock, Eri,2, Pa., Denier in PnintP,Oils, Fl.Jrnic4 k In“ 1, Brazil...it, A,. Due LI., a; '4/cam:rive., • s(ascracrrccraottqaaramiguam,ltoLlsos, A,1. - izaitqral Imploosuto. Railroad Clan, wFirm.rskhr S RKPAII. DEA I.rtt .t r & 'LIQUORS, UNION BLOCK, LIUk, tho attention of the public to hto 11tfI 11 T - K 01'•11 00 ! Vihich ho ii.termio,(l to Pell sx USEAP AS THE CHEAPEST ! IL! of I,lqapre. rAnnot Penno.ylvania. • I: ARE OFFERIN(; largo &mortal:tool of firit.liar Boat,, Combo, 14, poll Re&la, fiasnon ant Aroasoments for ,!" 1/ 'INn• Pommt Porto Monroaira. Porfactery. &e. pari-ito. \ BEN k BIJRGF.BA. , 4 E 'KEEP Noss blt Ms Lost brands or Tobacco and A lar.• lot of Piptv, Cigar Tubes, Tabasco Box. Lad Pooebos to store. - BENIERk BURGESti. ii/ NTECTIONARIES, j Fruit, Toy*: Yotalita Nottona and Fancy Goods, it tyLorivkl, at c myl6-Im. B. kB. /RANUES' LEMONS, iga, Ws Dittes, Outset", Well, kr. ‘ 41,1 A 1 14t• ao4 tor Ws by =At-1 m DENIM t MGM VOLUME 34 W GOO 1 - )S! • N4lw AWE.): A'l' R. S. MORRISON'S, ~wERAcp.u. ?UV 1. , v1:14 -‘f rt I !/1 \, • DRESS GOODS. CLOAKS, SHAWLS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. A. 030, A LAVE. , CLOTHS, tirfeWitTh &ND DOMESTIC; 00011 S i • • N .1 V? I - . I PIMP TOBL'Y (..i0O1)()! • IF YOU WANT TO FIX! , a 0 . 0 1.1 BTYLEti. r GbOD ,BARfIAINs, •Go io s. 1110BRISOMEL 6.7 it 'HAS L. P box 182 U, CHICAI6O, ILLINOIS, AItBOIN ^ LI - .4X,IVAN,CES \ MADE NIA)" ti- luw A PACT OKIrEBALLY KNOWN, • • THAT • the variety of new. Btyle Berl steeds, of Gothic, Cottage, Congress, Round Cor ner, Gimp Sofa, Jenny Lind and other patterns, with serpentine and strait front, handsomely v u fiend nue-MIS, Extension, Dining, Breakfast, Centre and other Tattles, Whatnots., Quaker Stands, Carpet and—Damask Loci:it/es, Sofa Beds, Hair and Sea Gram Mattraimis, Feathi r ,and Bolsters with other nonsehold turnitutN , nil j rtmaufectured from well mooned lumber cr. ; materials, by experienced workinen and not hy apr.i 'Akio lair. For style, quality and low prices f will ltni , n two-pries dealers to undersell me. Feather lx•n.-lit raid *old. Cane seat, Parlor, Bedroom, sev:i Nurse and other Chairs, of Eastern aid . Western imiau facture, are hickory dolled and glued, _making them as strong as any other part of the chair, where °there main android are only nailed,and by no means durable. Wood _Windeor,itricking, Sewing and None, are chairs of wood rounds clinched through the seat and wined; war ranted to stand. Handsomely painted, and cant be ten for strength, pries and dash. Spting Beds. I Lairo sold over 10u and hare the highest testimonials trap a lint of prices of all goods sent on application. Pr, Ling and shipping free. After dee years-experience' and contending n principeled two price dealers. I us determined to rill one to tr all de , give wome. rth far,yotir pay, and do justice pr i ce a a with __.s,, Lumbers Lath, 8 mut 'es, Live Stock, Crude aad -hrbne Oil, Store. Pay, Produce &c., taken at fair market talurd for Pa, • •Reulember ;he [dace, next earner of Bth greet ori State, Krt.', Pa. G. W. ELLSEY nev2.l.-t4. Itsostaar sad Commie's' Salesman. WHOLESALE RETAIL .GROCERY STOIO I=EEMI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL (ROGER; Notti-pist affair st/ the Park 4- Frenrh Str e gf r (CLIZAPSIDRO I=! Would respectfully call the attention of the entnrutruity to hie lame Stock of tiROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Whirl he is desirous to sell at the W KV LOWit•IT POPISI/11,1" SIK-}A RS, " COFFE Es, TEAS, SYRUPS, 'POP A (.:( - b I'ISH, I. not •orkaaaea to too - City, no hp. ,ropa'red to provc , to all who IpTe tam • call:- Ha alma keeps constantly an baud a saperaor 1•.1 .1 PURE - I Q for4lP wholesale trade, to which he directs the attent.ou of the public. Hit motto to, "Quick Bal.; gmnll Pr.titt rat n lull gintratent for the Money . " aprlllatf 2.0438. BLFIFFALO & i ERIE R. R. 89 111 aa after oncT i r2l.lt hi63 ,l Pueenger Trains will run on tbls Road e.i i fellon-4 LEAVING' ERIE. 6 fi , A M., Mail mid dice=.. stopping It Harbor IL reet North East, State,l4e.trslney,Westfield,Portiand, 'Brecton, Dankirt;§slson-week. irring and Angola, arsteingat Entbdoott a 65A— kr. 2 00 P. IL, Dag Express, stopping at Nertia East, West dead, Danklst,, Sneer Crt.ek, and Angel*, sad arriving at Buffalo at 5 10 P. 51. i 5 PAL Md•=•M'i Emus, rtoppins ar Wende34 Danlezir.and•Sllser Creek, and arrive, at Bank. 10 10 P. . ' t fi..3 A. M., /figni .fieirreas,• elopputg an Weatheid. Dank= sod • Slilret Creek, arriTc a at Bnalo ct 4 20 A.ll. The Day Express nn,...cts at Duaktre b attic. the Night Express a Buffalo only, yid, Expresa triune fet. per Tor)c, ftlladelphln, Boston, /sc. LEAVING BUFFALO. - tax, 17 b band Icor etnth %ot zrz -•E2 4 20 A.: IL, Ara ;fr Aer'os., stopping at lifacitrar, - ,h; North Erarts, itingola,Lrrin. Silver ereek,Dr.=kirk, Droc • ten, Po:third, W•std•ld, Qttlisey. SWo Lto., North East and Earbc Creek, 0..-:is'og et Fri" 15 P.M. 4' SO A. U., To:edo EF, - , cm, stopping 'at Sjirer Cruet, Restteld uni North Past, at rrie at 10 OA A. 1d: g 3.5 A. M., Dar DTress, tax — >ppieg Gr.gola, Silver Creek, Dunkirk, Weetteld arul North East„artirn:g zt Elle at I 30, P. if i.eiJ P. ILS, Met Espy" _ a: Silicr Cruet,. Dunkirk en 4 arrtria at r7.r10 at I`xl A. 11. - Railroad Mae Is tea MlGlutca is:, ter trap-ntle tnr.: April 241863. K. N. DROWN. ;Supt. Cleveland and Erie Railroad allgaglNlNEgib ana after Monflay, April 2011, O and natil &Abe: etWaTictsq i w i t r " i tailors. Tis; LEAVE I,!LEVEI 4 AN I). • to P. H. Night Express Trait, stop. at Valuers-1. r.., Astitatadhand Girard , an.l armee at its. •t. I'o2 P. M. 42i 1'.11., Mall atvlAccoaunutkauon Ttain, to at S , stations, and arrive* at Erie at 8 2.5 P. At. - 4 00 P. Y., Cincinnati Express, stops at P1:11:11111V MP, Ashtabula sad Girard, arrives at Eris at 7 Ot? P. 2. 10 00 P. 11, Day Erpreaa, stops at Wllloughby. Num 01111110TZ. Aabtabala.Coansant and Gtraid, ar rives at Erie at 1 28 P. 11. LEAVE ERIE. I 46 A. Y. Ni t SrpreaaTrain atop, at (limn:. Ashta• t,nia and Painesville only, and arrives at Cleveland. 444, A: L. 6 60 A. IL, 'Mail and AiNximayklation frau, Mopping at all the Anaheim and arnves at Cleveland at -P . A. M. 9 (a A. 11., Toledo I , : sprats, stopping at all stations ex empt daybrook, Unionville, Parry, Men tor and Wickliffe, arrive* at Cleveland 1 4u P. H. 1 23 Day Expose, elope at (Ward, Conneaut. A shtatutia aad Painesville, arrives at Cleveland at 4 45 P. H. AU lb. thresth traitor going Weshrarcl, eotunen at a•ratind with trains for TOW°, Chleago,Col %abbot, els sizaati. Indisartpolia, kr. 433. All th• throach train! going Ealtward,conneet at Pan kirk with the trains of the N. Y. k Rrie Railroad: and at Raki,:: with the N. Y. central and Rulfalo and N.Y. City for Nov York„Alksoy, Dostoa, Niagara nata l , he.. Ito. H. 210 , 1114•11. Supwrintsadant. Clevaland. April SO. 1163• 800 LBS. WOOL TWINE! For mate at to mob pre palm& by Amen .P T., 8. itiGa A LARGE LOT myl4l-bor „ CI Ad Ivor tat ra• by a M BMW . , . .. . .. ~, . E i .., _ T Ir . ~ . , , ~ , . 1' - , ..--.:: 1- ,, r , , :t• v_i ___,, - .*?." . -c.. ... - _\ „. , ~ - ---z"..., _ - :::::::\ \- ' J:'''' .. , ; (.... • . _ _ , ./ . - . . RI E E ... _ . rito Wife St, DUBBER ON CONSIGNMENTS. P. A. BECKER, AIM amortcnout "acts. rtt E'llA47 EI 4 LEUAI, ti.tat MOND. CI By ordering!Calornel and , botrnetloop warmis' frost the - apply tables,hom conferred a blepaing on oar lick raldierc 1..-t ?lira noc 'atop here. feat him order the lmontita'nu.thee of "Blemth.q," end the nee of If ItAND \ Hi - T[l'6 PILLS la Vae plane thereof. Then rill rpm• `ala Ile; .. nereera" io the prairie.. of Vedleine, shich would 11. I ecrane emphatically, lIE.II.ING ART. !WV 1,4{ , tanght that at; tilllCUAll , 1 1.. t i i,. Me!cur? 7.7 11,1ar raietW. TWO !boo , .• hu.;19.11 b 1•17 , 101,1i1 opt, i,a •• saule w linl. " by""icratspe trr-t mudezaedreptables. Al: D Pig ;r1 eTory %Maar). Hc4. par,' raisi 7,0 5/MM'S DIARRHOEA, CBRON• le Id iIRONIC DvSENTE.RY, i 4 ill Is se. : tn.• BOWFIN roam - more rue. it" ih 1116 kiald. BRAW/RETH'S - t•- • •••,,,, QatniUz RE,: 1,,, , t0un „lid 1,0.1 now stylr CASE OP ROSCOE K. WAT.vtiN. Dr.' It hr. ndreth, Aeu .lork .9.la:—Liras a private iu Co. F, I . 7th Regiment.. New York Cola. While at flarriaon'e Landing 'and. on the Rapphattnoc% near Falmouth, I and many of the com pany wen' aide wtthbllions diarrheas. The Army 9122 seen did not care no, and I was reduced to 'Wined bone. Amon.; the Company were quite a number of inembwe -ho hri worked lap our Laboratory at Sing Meg. They not sick. becau.so t hey :mod Brandreth's Pill& These r rerailod upon roe and othorn to use the Pills, and cured in fr0..1 ttro tq, Bee' days. , After this bcy. used Ttrandreth's rilla for the tnbtut Item, cc dui, rheumatism, sad In no axle did they fail to to tots Lealt7l. Oat 0; zrautrule to yctk for my good health,l seui you wu , ch If necerirry the ezitireCompany troutd srair.ctrallr, yonba, 1 - .0: 4 C0E K. WATSON, Sing Sing - , N. Y. Fru.^.,p3....1:.:ce. :if Canal Street, Nei, Yort sr!,l h ; L by all refp . aciable dtm icri r.,..dirine. iTl.B4= . . st. Di it. —li Tai - : ONLY wri , . .... , • . .._. h - et nation: Tiri: on.y DYE:— - • Samna to tun palomino, TAE ONLY Dl' F .. For a llTlag hto 'int. Tkii . : ONLi" J) • . _.• For h perfect blockt TM". ONLY Dyn ....That dean tletettlott. itiE MILT' DYE _That D. Inotsonanns. .tit DTH F. OIiLY DYE ' _ .. . . . rcraii-horeame to haTp the color•of their hair Ava il ed nitii mfety, corta!nty' ami rapiditr, In any stank% they may Ac:tre. Ilandactored by .1. RISTADORO, No. b'astar Hansa, ties- Yort. eTerysfhere, ana applied by all Hal: Drefael, Eire, $l, $1,50, awl $3 ;aroma, soooribag to !Au.. . - aagt-lm. Cristecioro's Hair Preservative, iuulas‘hlc with his Dye, u it itnyorts the utmost ma thA roo.t he ant ao4 great THUM" to the Bair.' Trirr:W, , i 2 per hcAti,-, g,Ccradiag t eta • 7 his delightful article far peiatirtn i g and bean' al log the human hair 13 spin put up by the origi• nal propruttor, and ia now made with the assustounk end alien tton, \ taKtslrtlral created its Immense and un precedented talcs or seer one million bottlesiusinnaryt It to Still Oqici at 25 cents in lame bottles. Two 'Wilton hot. 1/0 sold 111 s year Whin it is again known that the Kat halron lv tiot only the most delightful hair 3re-tin7 in the world, hut that it cleanse.' the matalp so cud and tlantlrniT, gives the hale a lirely,rielt, luatniaat groireo nd jaerrutv it from turning gram. Thaw are (IMF& dr tationn north knowing. The Hattie;lron has beau Lsi 1. r over twt•lve years, acid IA warranted as demi- . "c lady whn call:kens, beautiful head of hair trill use the Ka thalruo It in finely pertained, cheap sod val. oath. !old by all respectable ,dealers throughout, L S. BARNZR CO., POI krill. YOlit. - I_l k• t .11sT It E ET'S I . INIMITABLE HAIR TORATIVIC. IT j.... ,l()T A DEE, but restores y hair to Its origi -1,10 usl rotor, by supplying the napltimy tube* with natural utpktplianeo, Impaired by age or disease. All isatassasul dye.. ~,, • rumpus .t of Lunar Canada, destroying the Me tall ly and beauty of the bait, and' afford of themselves no dri.i.:n i . fleimetreet's Inimitable Coloring net only restores bair to its mitural rotor, by ter guy process, but gireq the bair aeLITI:URIANT BEAKY, prosotee Its growth,pieveuts its tallivaredr g empalmatee. eimintrutt, um& inverts health and pleasantness to the Lead. It but /toed the tel of time, being the originblllatr tcdortni; ilia it -onstantly increasing in favor. Used by bogs gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all rcopretable deal. eta, or can Le procured by them of -Pm /o sepal agrrita t 1r.r , ,. Banns 1.:e.., 202 Broadiety, N. T. . Toe sizes, LO coats and SI. • 1aa2163-6ea BE Wleiki IN TIME. IL, unt trifle with your Beeltb, Conettintion and Characttr. /r you .to Futf,9ng w.tt, IMP Dixemoeh for wkleh ErMAcY BUCHEr in recommended, TRY IT IRY IT TRY IT! It will Curet yen, nano long Suffering, allaying Palo awl inflammation. an•l will twatorw you to • FIF.A.I:rg Aso PITEITY. At Little EST PUPF, And No Exponent. ut out the A.lrertiveteent in another tolnlann. and • r - en.! (0; it RCWMr OP COVNTERFTITS ! .1:1 for llPlrOml4'd eCRE , 4.GARANTEED • he acivrrtiser having been reatored Co Wealth In by a verk renukdy Atter haring suffered EPS' era. rrert with a severe ince atiletion, and that dread Consumption—hi unites to make known to his uifTefer, the means of cure. To all who d-tdre it. he will. Rend eoP oftbspese seription tired (free of charge), with the t kir preparing and nsing the came, which they will find C'mie fir rits.ritertoN, A.11:111,, Ssioncinsti, he. The only M-ijert of tho advertiser In seeding th•Peasedir l.enefit v the &Minted, and spread htfOrmation ..e cortrelves to hr invaluable, and he hopes any sufferer wit , try him remedy, es it will eost them nothing, and may prove a Meriting. Pier. fiI)WARD A WILSON, County, Neir York. r.. 1.14 :.1,, Du.T00L.4...* VENETIAN LIIIHMILIINT• Died of crony—What a pretty sad intatastitni child I 62W kart week! But no., aTael it in no *nit Fact Wee the ennrpriation of two gentlemen Minims torn in the care. Died of croup I how 11=1;11 edge' tr. Tobiat' Venetian Liniment in a certain care, if taken in tin! Now, Mother., we appeal In you It I. not for the pair?'" gain and proilt we make, hot for the sae of ynar inf Ant child that now lies playing ations fast.— Croup in a cinnr.,,iroas dieentne ; but nee Dr. Tolldas' Yens: tinn Liniment an time. nod it le robbed 'of Its Imam. Always keep it in tbo bonze ; yon may not Wont it to.. nicbt, or to.raorrow, no telling when—hut, armed eitith thin Eminent you are prepared, let it ,erne when it will P ice only 25'vunt3 'a bottle. 0111:e, Se Cratland street, York. Sold or ail DrUgAILUI. :n`l-41s- .A OURT Kit's CURATIVE BALSAM 11'11 j la' long tested the truth that there are drat pnociplcs in Mrd feint. is compounded on' prinolidae nun* cd to tue manifold nabam of Kan I The fare of Colois is f ke,pic.,tt era the pore . .., and cresting • guano Internal a-armeh, s.d.l tali is clanA by the use.of tide Medicine. its remedial qunlitire aro Mesa on Ise power to mist , the healthy and :icor:Pas circtlation of blood through p t lar::1, it ealiTerto the rte,..„tlPh and /Math thOilkitt to form fta dntleo of rdodatidg tho haat of the "yaw, and' is ;catl; thrmyinr elf the wasteezbetesee 4 tress the snr fsro of the 11417. It itt nct a violent remeor; bat a:Doni on; Tsar:sin:, mmrchl az and efectfee. Sold by. an drug. gilt , et "i; and cenl3 per bottle. , ir2.763. EDiTiii: Or OBr4ii/iVrit, nr.en 3 tr.:—Wlth your pertnintion / walk" t= to the readers of -nytr Tr.per that I will send er mail to all Irby) -,-;311 it, ki!ee s ) a Recipe. with fall di/1w tir , os for matting and aria; a maple Vingetskle 13a/m s , that -Till cfre:tr.ally nrno , a, in 10 dam lisrples, Illopir em, Tan, Firckirs .Ma ail imparitlia of the Mho. Miring the rarne soli, clear, =both and baantifaL I wit I air° mall f: t. to thoee - having Baia ihalla of ltilro Fays, simple direction/1 and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Lwintinint. s aart, .Whietsre or a 110 artaehe, in lent than 30 dm. Al l spe plitAttane annaarNl by return mall withnof etu/rge. • iterrertfolly yoaav ' : -0 , TITILSS. 1. 17171AP.UAN, Chant*,_ ine.l.-31,4 N 0.1331 Broadway I IVY. - I. . • 1 - . _ W filliE11.81.! - i' E L A T it ts, A... , ' :7 STIAELITING ONGUIENT, or FRESUII OEM FOR UALD . HE - ADS AND BASK FACES This celebrated article a warranted to brinir,.pnt A full rote( whiakers um tba ananothestfaen;oratse of hair on a Bald hood. in kw than it vseks, asol Rill in no way stab:tor Iola» lbw akin. Tiaw firmse6 4 l7ksiKa is snanufactuntd by Dr. SE. Pi1..4TR14.116,ut Part', tad the-only reliable arthqo of the kind: wUse •no RAMILNTTII IN tTUY CARL ONII BOX WILL 11111 eat watt. 1 , 48,41,01.). Imported and fox Pala Wholippali and Retail. by THOS. S. CEIEPSIAPI, Ihscilst and Druq;tat,tl3l litionbrap, V. Z.—.t Box of the Ong abut *oat to any return maii, un rerripi 01 pries, and Ti coati (or pop .110 1, 27-1 , 4% • _NEOIrRISON & latintOtaiii.; DUALSIRS IN Flour, Pork, Beef,- Salt, Orlin .OLOVER, rimorrir amp, '44. No. 2. Wayne zoog.. FRENCH STRUT. Betweel: 'WA sad :Visa Mt.. IiIiFSERVED FRUIT, • lenteit.llrAhaled 'nat. PIM eatatp. ke .st • mylll4se. • • II E-N Z L.. E. . -. , . AP Bedell*. far aolz_ief Zafidd i 'very pare and eke" sedued, sied etiteUke turpeettlael Foutikktry •• ' • *Pant +.4 4 4#frir* ENE! ERIE, PA, SATURDAY ORNING, AUGUST AdEM I Wri Kink .t' lb. Obiserf., 141,11111V0i the “Layal" Prottelin Party. Alt : ii the stay that glamettelt mere foretol.ll ~ T boar that ihymins etatempan eine 1 AR / with everythims that's old, , / le 4 r giant Program now in lanir # . / I Awai"; with Conatituttone —Laws- - 7 iiorpnante with disa4i our siree obayaO We Ihiow a tiobler,Disrher taw, / Ttiail man or and littimell me naa.4‘ # '' 1 . I I / • Sf II 4.Til the lour& 0 0 .Irmletom bras, We 'shield bar from the Vaal's blows ill-Hi of &a chains of Alrbes elan, 4.1 d bind now on oar / pile-taciol toy , I tura the day of ecluright- Oottissn rights of Spmeb, of Prue, But thity / f0 dabtoion night Oilll:Calmat frdin oar rim exprra RtartiMario' film% the akin ' Stii4l ram no mare irilhoo! c la - e_ • 50541 T air* I tbe trottonets kzsro I Tlkei sake of hol Proms now I We ido the van ordoloaci to th:o7, Cl ton O'er tbo 1444 4aditiood sod gor-tagleoeostervii TheChristiaa =grey of orL- hoe'. hAli I trizeri,it Pro trees, Leli:reegdog arphatis Was thy came We will lieu atd ore; all •••••-- rt'ei COITUS nf.s6 zaillion stela i e the • -- Irs ars the loyal cad the taste, leerg, Ion& easy the red, ihite sad ea:. (Act:tote then tea trieutgutirt esti • kohoo whir g raaa =Julio aaw ours t Brtiokl s station's 11140i:woo t ' oporitlho noble work 1 the hour Rat Pow* of poreort kiwlttroirta ♦tt WI the bright end gknteus de/ )ambled Galati helpless Wads In rain the people writhe sad pray We aas the ralen—they Air ' end on our tnetty . now depend INDRE ABOUT THE DRAFT. ' The following opinions concerning the draft hive been given by Judge Advocate General 1101 1 , sod zasy be regarded es official +lt/ son of aged sbd infirm parent or pgrentsiis.not exempt unless his parent or pe. rents ate dependent on hie labor for their support) if he is in a condition to support, and doeS support them without his personal labor for that purpose, he is subject to draft, hemusei he is in condition to perform military servicOtithont depriving his parent, of the sUpport;thp law designs to riesiurethetn. The parents neednot he wholly dependent on the labor o their son for suppoft. If they are so depenthint for the principal part of their imp• port thtil right to exemptionarisee. r ' In the case of a tridoti,i haVing four eons, three of whim are already 'in the military service, the fourth if; exempt, provided his mother Is dependent oh his labor for support. In the, cage of a widow having two sons, one of whom is already in the'military sere ice, and,the other has been drifted, the Latter is exempt, as the only son liable to military duty is the sense of the act. In the ease of aged or inArmparents having two or, More tens subject to military duty, elaotionief the eon to be exempted inns! be made before the draft, and his name should not theti appear in draft•boz. If one of only two sous of move parents is sissmtly is milila- ry servite, the other is exempt, provided his parents ere dependent on his labor for their support • Persofts having conscientious scruples in regard to bearing arms are not on that account exempt. 4 They are. not found in the list 'of exempted classes,e and the act expressly de clajres that no persons except those .entuners tett in th e , list shall be exempt. The Society of Frieed, and others entertaining similar sentimeets, if drafted, may find • lief From their sct!uples in the employment Of substi. totes, oti in the payment: of the ' .' M= The ehildren of an iLlBllOe mother, who may, at any time, recover her reason, cannot in the sense of the law, or with any propriety of language, be termed motherless children. The father of snob, though they may be dependent on his labor for their support, cannot, there: fore, claim exemption from the draft. The case is st'hard one, and *wonid probably have been prfrided for, had it been foreseen., It is, however, the law as it is and not is it tray be suPP4B, it ought to be, That is to be so enforced. • In the case of a father, hiring four eons, two of 'Whom have died in the military service, It seeme?tear that the remaining iwo are not exempt from draft. Before such exemption can owed it moat be shown !bet the fath er ban net had two &mull* the military iferTiCB. - tithe ltitw,is written., Congress might wen have acttepiett the loss of two sons in the field se eguSdent to their continuance in the oer vice, snit therefore securing. the same privi leges to'heir nunily : but this has not here *done. To bold otherwise Would not be totem pretitioit, but legislition. In tint asseAt ,aged andinftrna parents ham; idg twd sons be to 'military duty, the father, Or if be be dead, the'itother =7 elect which" of them shall be exempt.. The rigbeof r thin ezeniption does not rest upon the parents' depeadttce on'tk labor of their sons for sap port. MO law does not contergpleteaw7 such dependlnce. ~.According to the circular et troves., stir . shil_Cietieral Fry, whenever any, "drifted 'man shill sl4sw to the Board of Enrollment of ate Dritrie4 i ip which he may bays been enrolieri t hailing 'been when enrolled ',se alien, a non. re *dent of district, not of prOper - age, or, juihe riee . aa'At 180,. , shell bw, disidtirged by , the jEteerii, end his place fi~lM frojuoeti,i, per ce ; nt.tireire,in dition to the 41,44.‘ to supply : ve.ettneies crea ted , 14 .Lemptiorts arising noer , the Iseetio',f, the 'Enrollment tint • • , , wifitotr. THE DIIA.I I 4EIY MGM ARIEL" • 1 • • TO BE .• • - insttaid kiwi or tkpir auhuisuhin inv hi he koki 14 Philadelpili Rom Iha ' tolkiliwg mum-. .tile- 'pht - hhielptils. BEirkr,-Alontgorsory. Lt. kiiik,- Ciiistirr, Whits* Nester, ''lVriyart; B,quAllatiak, _Berke, lanekkier, liekuylkilt, , iiihkaini, Nortluutipion, Pike, Lithirse. '-... Thole froki lb e following lionstifie qrits• be bent hi 04111114 : Bfttiford. Ilryonkiag...BllllL i4.,. t h .11r ' ,irmiritsdfatettind;• piny; fraakiin "Bedii4d, esaabriii; ' fiestikidoni, .Centrl, koftilog, Pothi, Coldatbis, ktoatour,- Piqrtitkm4rland, Sapirr, bauilkla, ' Yqrk, j4Liiiii; righikiliotirrtiei; Blair. Maki, Chi . , ikshrlkoas Abe Sokowing ocioaqier kte.4,41, pint 4.Pittqbargi ~ Bria., ,Wszwaut *Wes% gorew.llll4:.Csomnii. Aletermik 1 001010 1 4 Clime trdi lionotat //worn aeriawinf. r. di INIPIA 1 ‘: Alialtbilli• _LW* Mihaquaik, taverww,-Se j tvrie,...Widdmitas, AM*" .: ...;-...:;. ::,-. L.: . - i. .: - -ii L ~.: !, f =fi c . .t...—r- - ...-:'s'r_..::.---440.2.4”!'.1 ill! rl c:-7:: 7RIOILDIERI4 rnasuctrinio FOR . The rpeent journey of Adintant General Thomas to the flonth'-weet Warded an exam ple tf the intolerance of the Administration. Thoreau was sent out to mail in the array of Grant; and sett if be meld find any Mikan or soldiers who did 'tot Worship the' negro after the fashion of Manton & e 0.,. of the War of fice. The suspected, nffieers and regimanti were reported to Thomas and he paid parti cular attention to snob.. Among those' re ported was the Irish Legion, of Chicago, which had distingaishad itself upon so malty field's. The men of that Legion were wining to fight for the Union, PM Mel' Aid ,pot fitli down at the ebony altar. • When Thomas ap proached these' men they mat hint frankly,... did, not, skulk or conceal their sentiments. Here is -4 report or his investigations. We propose to give it in his own tannage -se it appeara quite as bad in :. , that shape as we de sire, to pr.e*at it He says,: , ' "., I wits compelled to spea k' to tie iroOpe along the route--.-spraing ,one • as, some seven or eight times- Daring vr, - tour lme an :Irish regiment, 'the Ifith Vino* trogi 'Chicago--men slat read the Chicago Timm. ..i..fter talking to them awhile, I proposed three cheers for the President of tit United States. These were given heart s Three cheers were then , proposid. for Settled policy of the United States. This was met by cries of , t No I" - , 'No !" The Cassei tree absent, and the Lisautdesat Colonel. into is command. , I inquired what such, madam. meant 1' The Lieutenant tlolonel endeavored to *Wm the men by saying that they : bed an opportunity to thiuk , over the. reettlr, .1 Se. plied you are not telling the:truth, elrl i l know that . they have , been discussing ,this question for a week past.. ‘ know the foot, if you do not.' The °them: was considerably mortified. I ordered those who were opposed to Mb policy of the -government to step for ward,' and said I knew the regiment had seen considerably service and fought well i buil also knew that there was but little dieelpline observed among them : that I waisted a distinct recegnition of this doctrine i that was the point with . me, Several Stepped forward. They were instantly wired and sent to the.gnatd. bongs. - thea lett the regiMent, telling them would wire them a week to consider what they would do. At the sewt.statiolia. met the COtowel of the regimen, who begged that watild leave the matter is his bawd; sad he woild see t h at the view were. iewiht - the dwty . of soldiers. I complied with the request." These Irish soldiery are lot .eitarged with any disobedience of miUtarY .or4ent, They never Named to fight oe oboyi the • commands of their superiors. Their solo Orme M.a Matter Of opinion; ' They valid sot lie and ayy they approri• the setaed policy of ,the Govettiment on the nigger quEilluii. thodgh they would ohier the 'President. Foi, they ere proscribed. We do not believe the Emperor of Russia or Austrk.tirosbl plies one of tee' regiments in theistgiir is such a poliiion to doe' hike their Mistimente arm' Government policy nit then euhloot them sto punishment for frankly inviOng .what they thought. ' In this respect the' sadism of ear republic have less filmdom Of :opinion than those of. the depotio *mere of Europe. NEGRl:l'm:alma:lr IN TUB' 11011.1iL ' A correspondent of the Me*rhumb foureef writes from 4:toohew, Orange coultil, New York, July 6, 1868, as foitewri: datirona . put you is patioesioa of a toot, without comments, for it explains itself. Pour farms are worked In this towaby slave labor. Instead of slavery being abolahal in the Southern States, dui war is planUng it on Northern soil. From the window by which I write, I can see a New York slave at work. The farmer pay' a gurnmene agent $l5, and , two Contrabands, Male aid Inaisle, are 1111114 UM, sad he aim them etbooleitely, body end ; soul, for two 'years, (quoting ifrom Boward'el bell ringing speech);" No power on earth cep*. the President of the Nailed Nadu can release them." To effect this, families that once lived together on • untiumet. plaStation are now divided. The children', ro the Repub.' licaris say, ire to be educated, an 4 when oldi enough to work, bound out, eihd is the gm* np negrou cannot , get kilning 'of thenteeli#,l they must work nailer an “inetendter" for 11,0 years, liter which they oaf get wageo.,lf they pro. 'Other Repnblicmin ibsa the fair that T know Of are, illbQIIt: to 101 two Yea* and discharge their white 3 0clirs!.. They say they would be didaig injustice- col themselves not to use the *testi Ike& Clod Aid} Abraham offer them to 4 lfil their Nrins,-IMI white labor is hard - to bee; to sad tiltet' the) draft. icili lieetiik mote. scarce. - 414 the. Re pro's condition is mach bettered, I can't tee but, u the Gormamett mast bo supported, II liars ' nothing to ' Itiotl'glve you 'the4 Shove &eta, And, ion.cith nii4e fists of them 7011 choose " iirm ar4u4 Eir Aistirirjria-,i-1 • BY th° ieoc.4 'Pr°O l saikti.., ri or QOY?toOr Packer, Fig . Nev Jim?, ji efftlags Lbat, u, anet has ban ;ordered" in thnk State. , UM number required. to exempt- .iiiii , $ Mtn- *mei the epethrioa of the:COnirriiiiset ii:1 8 ,1111 tali, e 0 Oar.Y . d 4 i 9 frc'Ri ilk . 8/ 0 4' t't! this t cloverimet • proeleauttioti tire . kyon _l4- . . _. them - by•volateisitiag, • ki theittaptratiaa: 0 that period:, if the frill nuinbirvis obtained &pro will ha f a *rf: ~ '6 ilt itt 4,iioJ4lwif I t . , li:utile tip, there'iill Ite . ii drat; i 'Mike' raj thy' deliciettax..l.YEtir we" rot same prlil lege imitated ' -10- Poiimaylisabt 1 . 1 Id iambi' hi st minibei4 voldatitort , •ilitilld Areal senred..hoid:proper rueeatirei!!'itetor:tailiMi - li the oPiqi* 'l4: 1 - 6 nitt Y?ittg2' I traildi fs AA are bee : . ' ..‘ • =litiveltad aim drat pagmemidiitu *Mil Mail • emit* effort hid hate' Mae tillilibilith Its ' ealtalty. • !hit iseisie*ii hkrtiiiiiiiii ilk wait 4i i i „ s4 : e 4 . o ii i a , : i4 o 4; . • (. 6 4 . i iot i a and through id* itileiWil robllk, . lam t j t Miley, timuhmide - the lookitetli: Ma. tats : "wort Will be l ari but thitibilitotAiMkAlleii ithylllitigli . thld tilte-iFtiy. '''. '; ':iiiimiedt7 if t'imiii4igfie . ', 16 . 0 armicor4- k iiiiir thittmeet lippwit *Tie 4re ~ Ones* Clommuuteep.lsliii rdllitisas f014._ mat ilifr tioin*eitilvet elailiOdtar 04•044V - ir - iii4 • - eir ,41,vwci/A4 , rits: s l••.'dmi* ins Jesicomk reawtemitit Ta . tbamb f ' or 4 / 1 1~_if E - FIMS 11112 E MEMMOMI .: i , = OPINKINS. • r, .*--•": 7 ' , Fa• NUMBER 10 • • ' A$ Twalehltwg ,Intideat. • following slorcesw, contributed to the Pbibuiel. pl Nattieri, haw some astaswa pas. was suggests(' by as mow is one of tisane? hapttse. 4 brava hold yaws, belonging to a New Ragland regi, leartallp wosadod st-Froderkkdaatg, sad wet to tie at Clara Hospital to Washington, was anxionely 1 far no manias of tits mother. - AN his laat_hour sad sight grew din, he cotatook a: wimps lead p who was wiping the timing perapirstini; his tombola& for the expected one, and, with a smile die tip kit pale are, whispered tenderly, t (' . 0 1%5a," suit the writer, "drawing her toward him with all his feeble otrengtb, he thetled his beadtaheronestths s missaing What, and tires died, with the sweet word ' , mother' on Ms quivering lips.") I• miS ?SAT t" Is that twatieebeet . la do swig my. c ri ' groan tine to team before rne, • Ski t—tap Oita U growing din Comes she from the old boas Out among the Northers hilia • To her pet bzi, ayin slowly • Of iezz's bat Usimmate and Int lictherj oh we branly battle 4-- iikatiad till the day was done 1 • While the leaden hail-sterie ntttleci— Man to man and VIM to. , ant ye fehad.4.l I enlftsg.. • • PADS, Olga? boft•otto Seemi - The:•—eee weeping—selfdenytng, Noble &nes demand no teen Feht fait arias will nroand me Press again tny &eking had ; flag Ws lallaby yin nag =— I Kips aa, umather, warm dsad Mesa /tidier 8e Tama Patziet. I cem • • i "•' Barker, you cannot have my . ghter's baud la - marriage until you are Sr aqu is wealth and social position." • • The spes,lter was &haughty old man of some ftiiti yew. old, and the person whom he 'ad di:upfd was a fine-looking ytung man• of t . erenttflye. , With a sad aspect Magi:long man withdrew from' the stately mansion • • monthe - later the young coin ittoo.l in Ike sit.esenee of the haughty 011 area. 4 41114 int! you hat* agsio angrily cried the old ilia: "Ay, old man," proudly exclaimed William lilairker. "tam here, your daughter's equal awd yania." • Itbe old eases onrled with acorn. A deeiislee smile lit whim told features ; when, violently upon the marble centre. table anoworstotut roll of geseubacks, Williim *l% cried 7114 x! , Look on this .wealth. And I've td, more! Listen. old man ion. spurned lie from your door.' But. I did not despair. oenssed • contract for furnishing the Army Of the with beef —" "Yes, yes :7 eagerly exclaimed the old mast. "--. sad I bought - up all the disabled tieratty horses I could find —" "I neel I see!" cried the old man. • , -And good beef they make too." 'They do '. they do '. and the profit" are in- Renee." I"I should say; per , aAnd now, sir, I claim your daughtees kind! 1 1 "Bey she is your's. But hold! Leek me . - si the eye. Through all Ilia halo you been • 1 "To 'the core f" cried William Barker. "And," continued the old man, ins voice husky with emotion. " are you in favor_ of iriprons prosecution of the war ?" • am, I am ' , Then; boy, take her Marie, my child, come hither. Tour WMiint claims thee. Be happy my children r and Witateirer our; lot in may be, /et us all support the 'averment !" HOWTHE BoOT FITS ON THE OT'll. -ER FOOT. i . 1 The telegraph has antotinead the military deistic of kir.'llidliCee, et the St. Louis Demo eirilt, srAtepahliean japer, on the ebarge of publishing eautrabaad information. . The rad ical press of the oily, which has ever, been. earell2ol4 in advosatiag arbitrary., dealings with I,tioPperhead" editors and citizens, sets up /1 Sad howl now that. the 4x gores its row. The keer Zeit eve : . !I' "The Prom Is demlared outlawed in the Be rdaet , - of the Missotusi under Gen. Schofield. o-Y he has .MeSee arrested because he 111Miataleara something from itil'o; to-mor ioirhe may srrest all the editors, in order to 041fyitie curiosity. True, we knew Long ago -obit military law is despotism: But we did itM know or imagine that that law would IA pee in the Most arbitrary-, insulting manner to perseehte the loyal press. We are curious iiiti c diz a r whether DKr. Lincoln, who has sent d heee so reconcile the parties, ap proves of it: . Curtis, at least, was a gentle ' !I' ll ' The . Zeureetals the whole animus of the arbitrary arrest party itt its remtirks., "They I4ew all along than military . law wed despot fop, but th ey did not imagine the despotism 1 trOnid be - exerted; in the most arbitrary and ilaselliigitleinsr, against them." When the pita Oases hands, or When there is some *lighike impartiality • shown in the exercise 4f.it, Sane will bellair louder for freedom of the'Prese and individual rights than those whO itava been sh madly eager for the suppression 4,f both. We,are opposed wake whole system i military interearddlinewith popular rights, 'bat the relies' Of' iiitu. ' Schofield in this in atisisi.-istytiow- ii - . good effect, in tcheiiing time Polities; inacke how their own medicine , ' •. , .!...,7.: •1 : . - , ; . • !Tat EVIL 1110H.-61R6 of tiio most ominous of the times is Ike:fact i.h.at our military onnips tying oiskinWes toren the old abo aawatiancitisinh :lave. been cherished by t i " t ilidnipling agitatooi far =my years. but which en Profeli 4 init mere .tamierate. views. and itseourageeunkvr tit c 'MUme aa, -have Aug. dead to oonfeee. Yo iliiimirmi, 'victory is not so somith the hatpin ' ' . wtfi Intattr.as Wording 'ground fur more 'tba intermix, of &boil 4111111MiM muilititme of efulesnent.i They rnot consent_ to * .xettlement with the iraOretse ~ Wit riy thin , in no par -4lthkelifthrblit tether' to convince'. the Oahe- Set*lt t 'eti4 ealsee' thweel!ee with 'the '4444 04.0 1 i th likiAtitme selenium. and, kaiaks are se earneetly *MOW* Mom& ll* the chief niiie ft s! &ad htf ca4tet, for their goidnise: I 4 4 1 kr-i - r. 14 . kit; l oa itm. :—So natal Wir . tli !lapis to ilestoo iiit4ii spat bar rarstly seat ow Sr 111 iii, 4.91.14_611 to # 41 ,. C OI 40 ,am: 111141 4 if Um OM i of wo peopear disability .- , tom ._ BEI --Es-ProoldniltokeS*awls *ow imit it 103 to Bedford aping, - Ws pima of punkt sort4n former jests. r - - - - —Edward Everett, ow tiaturday, pald, ooln mutations for two of his twos who had boat drafted in the Third district of Ussesohasstts. 2 —ln the Fourthifastaohniatia Saturday, 11l men were a:unload, of whom 96 Were exempted, 12 Offered oubetitutee who were accepted, and 4 ware ps, 411!oifi :;;;) the applicants rim ezemptiori wen Thomas Simms, tee fugitive Owe , FITZ•JOHN PORTZB---410311. &mord, 44sita-- sou his prepared an elaborate and very shle reply to Mr. Holt, the government counsel An : the trial of Porte?. It is spoken of all giving_ overwhelming evidence of (lie innocence of the accused, and of the wrong done kini his - accusers. - • ' —Mr. Lincoln himself set s the bad toximpie of disobedience to the courts: In his Oticagq speech, July 10, 1854, he said : .1. 1 If I were in Congress, and a vote phould coupe upon a question whether Slavery bhould be prohibited in anew Territory, in of the Died Scott decision, I would vote that tit" should.', • —,The- Galena'Adtyrti.7cr saya that.,!&great. deal of farm labor is now done in the West by women. The war has eo depleted the country of ito male population that Elvizy of the crops would remajn ungathered, parti- calarly those uptas the farms of ahsent dim's, did not the patriotic and able-bodied lailes of the - West go in a body and barveig their corn. • —Three,States hold their Annual Elections is September—as follows.: Each of them elect's a Governor. and Luis . - - attire ; Vermont and California elect Munn berg of Congress also. • —Mr. Van V!sek, of the Kinderhook News, is a wag. "He who steals Ely purse," says he,." steals Postage stamps. They're ouri, they're hie, and have been slaves to thou sands, and when they get' dirty will do no- body no good—bat he that appropriates to himself our good name takes two P's we would like to see him -get the epeniti, on." (Net a bad parody, and not a bad pan.) —One of the sabstitutes in the barracks at Providence, by some means procured a Pair of captain's shoulder straps Friday night,. secured them upon his uniform, then sum- mooing • the guard, gave them •renewed in etructions to be watchful, as the fellows were getting uneasy, and walked out of tie. dour with. official dignity se handsomely ernbsti tuted.that the guard did not, venture to ques- - . tion the genuineness of his character.- - Fon Dzsutnos.-Rev. O. A. Browgson • wtia. a Republican candidate for Congress in lie* Jersey last fall( and he must besood.autho. rity in regard to Republican views and pur poses. In the July issue of his Iteriew be says : "It is no secret now that the • leaders of the Republican party were prepared if they could retain the 'Border Slave States, to Clef South Carolina and the Gulf Stites go, If, they chose, into an independent Confederacy." • PIE TRLISIINVEI CLADS POI SOLThitli3, NON, &C.—The . Tribune sends in a bill to the City. Comptroller for $1,871 89, ferlosies the late riots, the most of which , is`, for de fense. If , this be a good, legal item; the Er: press has a smart bOrto,send in for handling, and lifting. sad shaking iron things that looked like shells, that ite Printers: had pre pared to throw •on the heads of the Rioters whO threatened the Express °Moe after the Fort Sumter. affair, stimulated; by the spirit of the Tribune articles. Mr. Brennan, there fore, will make ready to pay the Express, if such Semi pass muster.—Y. P. Express. Tax Dzarr.—The Pittsburg amnia!e says that it look! as if the draft, so far as filling up the old regimental with conscript's" goes, • will turn out a failure. One half of that city • has been gone over now, yet, exnhUdvi substitutes, less- Hiatt - fifty of those drafted - have reported for duty. The balance have either procured substitutes, paid $BOO, ob tained exemption, or 1, skedaddled." • In the Flre irard the c' akedaddl4kre" pviglb4r over fifty, in the Second over thirty, and so air Of Bourse a large number of tkue men will yetliumptnred, but it will be a tedious job, and men who have to be forced into the ranks at the bayonet's • -•point seldom make good , • soldiers.. Paratorton street conversation , over heard by a reporter : . Good morniog, G. ii4ady for the draft o—. "Ready ! If my distracted country needs mfFif she requires the sacrifice of my life- 7 if the tottering edifice of our glorious Union needs to be cemented with my heart's blood—if it is necessary for her preservation that she strides onward to victory over my dead body—then, sir the victim is ready ! With a heart prepared for, any fate, and with a firm trust in Divine Providence, I shall, with a lively feelilig of doing my duty, and nothing bit my duty, march , boldly mv—to the - 'Dollector's office- and pity my three hun dred dollars."—Harcrhill Gareite. During the draft hr the Fourteenth Ward, Philadelphia, a few days age, an mint dent ocearred that give rise to mtioh . ment. In the crowd there stood a pale-faella Irishman, with hie hands crooned 'and arias behind his back. He gut', intently as 'each name was drawn from the wheel of destiny. He imd sot icon heard to speak a word to anybody. Presently he appeared to be oper ated upon by some unseen galvanic •battery. During his spasui he exclaimed in an F sharp “Whert it round : whin it round i ;gone it will ye!” shouted the man. He was wridenti,y, fnilof dread suspense. .••Whet'& the matter 9 "- said the Prevost Marshal , 4 I '! Oh, be jabero, turn is roupd a dose 4: of times,- for 'toe man you drawed last is my net door aeighi!or EllII Brief Vermont—Tuee3v, Sept. let. California—Thursday, Sept. 2d _Maine—Monday, Sept..l4tb. =EI At this point the diaiversa . 1 latiet - --Outcrie ci political etycles, theii se,i i • to be but little interest manifested in - tito:ppee: bable result of the Union flint* Contlenakny to he,. held in• this .eitjr. next wit :lean stale of affairs.bodes no good to the interest of the Union party. Thus poke the Pittsburg Dispatch ( utense , 1$ liepnollead) on Thursday Of tut And thb Diiitatee,' in This iristizioe, : eiviii . ari ld coronae to the truth. • The people of Pauly-4,-2' Gls'are indifferent 'to 'the. .setton -Of • 'le.' Abolition to Convention. They haveleettaiti the pies .flPt period-or meetly 'throe , yule,' Md !ttrek:, perthetly smashed , of their: titter ; inabilitpur.,) Itoteetly, holoroblyi or imeee4ll4 adoilidovi '04414 .sibire of either the - /tits eitite:nhe . tion—and they, Lie Jitapk; hove dedienaheed fa J a shine of polio?-and of rubes% Thos intend "to vote for sad: elect the rite.: kigh,, • Waded' sad huarttiPliblo Dosocni4 o .oVMA:.l. for Governor, 800- George' • 1!7 14 1 41 *Ade . They leve• beep: dsoeired. terwromib i soda.. hive falen from t4y . . „ ept . „ 7l SahiatAtesimr• NI -.:- 1 :ii :-.--;'::::.i.*:i ci