1111111CSUFFeLo . . ArgitcANTILE Cd 00611111KOP MAIN 11.11113014 lean isspertrat link la Oho krean chain et talon ignalitia acumen. located in the talons_ f_CiN oo .__ • alao-11111T YORK CITY, BROOKLYN TRO Y DX: PIIMADTVREA. ALBANT. _ MOJA° BUNT LIONS AND TORONTO: llSOMPlinrealp laud Imo Inliale Csillogy salfassibe holder to 'Mid dike Or In lb , Chablis .ftrantnilbsited elms. Digaga et dlOllO bletitidellNu t 4 i = l i ti) rasew lad . 11011 1 1 4 UarsefillOidiceli These Mean in equated and mond= a boats arblei must mart to- °alb olleatio the beet pomible Or imparting thominglialm• notridal education, am:trend.? It as a - whols, the most eampridmindee and complete system fn this contlaM% SipnbielietepUtif in all Ito ' o Closioamedal Imr , Commardal'Arttblastinandressam• aim are tantitin the met thordugh and *Wad isssam oneSpeseettan Syste and rismew of U t t expe timber. payable Iwamoto, =esiniei b largi=reE v ir a r cati° . ". Portutber =AWN plasm caU at 'Ms College amonma u , alma for Catalogue and Circular minds/ Warblaup. Aesa BBItAtaIiSTILOTON. fsbT—ly NWR 11. • itatrurtrac A D trNDERT As.uai WARE--11 0 Olt St On State St, between fieventb Mad Itightli. The Robeeribera hats entered Into the Cabinet kfaking and FURNITURE TRADE, And propose making to order and keeping constantly tier head all kinds of isarniture. • . Orders pill rezetre prompt attention. Repairing done ,on abort notice. UNDERTA.ICING. The subsoribeis will giro special' attention to Oda do =t of their Matinee. They will znansfacture and mantis , on hand a large asearbnent of Metallic Caw and Oo hs, and bold themselves readiness to meet orders in this line, promptly, from any part of the aesatry. Determined to spare no efforts to erre mitiates. ties both in the riaialty of their goods and prices, they bops to ware a liberal share of publicatronage MDOII3 dt ROLE% aprirdliktf. • , fituxeseore to J. H. Ramer. MX. trillitT. ,M. BILTANT. EAGLE FOUNDRY Peach St., above as Wale Road, Eru, Pa. HENRY fk BRYANT,' (enotadort.to Acheocru k Boma eiesofacriisse Uf PARLOR, COM - AND OFFICE STOVES, fio?.! WAS; • LPD ALL. ELNDS OF IRON CAST/fifes. Every Store fold by us warranted to give eal.latartion. Utiles Ellolith-Lhoes, E.' ad !rota, hand or azaa• itactored to order. Flows one Ptov FOISTB of superior make and duo bliity always on hand. mil and a fair trial dour sit -4.116 ti all we ask. HENR7 BRTAST. =r2rea.u. ' • ELRTFORD 1112 111BOR&N0E CO ILARTFOILDCONNZCTICUT . 14.1CORPOit421eD l Ea CAPITAL. sboopc. ii - Mialteit;Prist. • .._ T. C. ELLI Girl Pin iBIIR lOE CUIPAA HARTFORD, CtiNNECT/CUT. it CORPoRATED lBi,. CAPITAL , C. B. BONERS. Prest C C INSURANCE in the above old and reii- A, 111411 Oompankr. t....7.71..tnin0d on spplination to —rAreb.Z.4Y . W. IVMSITA., irezt. - PIE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY TI Published in a Sealed Er'rcelope, u macs eta. Lectrus on the Cana and Core of dper=torrhsta;Oonsumption, Mental and Physical De tAtth AN•lionizeo* EPUeIoS ; Nutrition of the Body. Lassitude; Weakness of the Lingo and Birk; indisposition, and Incapacity for - Study 'Lod Labor ; Dullness of Opyrek=don; Lou of ifenoiy •. Maslen to Societe: Lees of Solltude• 'Timidity; Sett Distrust; Mt :insist Elsodoehrt; AiltotiCasofthe Byes; 'lir:plea on the lace; Luvoluntary Bnustiona ond Sexual Inrapacity; the Consegneness aYouthful Indionreton, du., &o. iving A ble Letters deal" pro.res that the shore intd,citz-st self•aidicted imis, may be re. a"..trred s i lilsout =Adze and 'without do:mucus eargioal oper...do and aback' ts read by envy youth'and every man to th land. Sett undo, soil, L. o Taain envelope, to any address, of the rsadpt of de ants, or two postage stzatm sul dreeelag, Di. CliaS..r. C. ELLNN, M Bowery, New York, Poet Oates Bow, dna& CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! Latgest lit r i k l t t Stook of Goods COKE AND str:irou YOuRsELVESt MOSES KOCH WOULD RESPECTFULLY in to= hie oletrisinia and endeavors that he has mooted to the soletehd new gtore Rot= ' UNION BLOCH s Where he laminas than to tell and examine hie goods. 13 'to& is as Inge and well selecte d' as any In Erie , end he is determined not to be undersold. hu Just received the largest stew* of SPRING AND..SUIiIIiER GOODS! Ever tuonght to-rri4. abeeeotto 'LIU beet aLltosio. quiet sales, one price, and' that tbil lowest. U goods Lie notwbe,t they aro represented they may be retained. dotl4'6lU. INUORTANT f w NOTICE. AliwcovoAY \k For the Speedy end Pirsassat ' Omit of ' Gocerchea, Glom. Urethral, Snaked iroaknoca, "play Entiaokaajamaidotoomo *mita/ Debility. and S irrita N itly, &Mai trfctisro and • • dot the Iblaserk:aad Bladder, hie been coed by,upwards of 01111 RIMMED PIMICIAIIB, la thee prints Piactica with entri imossm, sapwood Ina Oaboba, Copetba, Capstaes, or any compound min known. llth on &Barrer sicken Um stets at the. pregame the breath; mad being engsr.emted, di VW iseaktasta b molded. No change of diet Is while nidng them. Nee doos lb& salon Intatael ims = teuteass vomits. - &oh Box soeimios six doses PM. Prim, one goat, and sold by 11l Druggists. Dr. Dell's Treatise on Seminal Weakness enr•ABITI3E. GONORIUM, GMT, Asa.. lot casse FREE king importa atwhoilio witlas t ra R oats aro s a gag postage. DU. BEM" imam is.,,Ak.ffii• plot 9 Treatim on GONORRHEA, GLEBE 11111LLIB, &a, detailing all thotielawa mom with 97 Prescriptions InEnglish, adaptoa migerota• moat ',Gloat aid of a Physician. PM% woo isikus TDw 9 , 11 L or Books will Do Mat W=4 10779 91 ‘ 0 1 4 aware Boss oksorvasiomo.oa midpl of as soll," *ay wkiarliaoll7o6G7. ssisran. Gloasllll Agawito TO Oldie St., New York, Mrs We.) IKE!old ILtllebs De.L STRONG, THOR, IL SIN !.u.aa,i, sad Druggists. solely 6 6 AttiENTS 1- AGENTS i . AGENTS in tiA SPICCULATIONO° A GOODPAICE TO *AXE KOUT. we an vow plowed to fovitiOli Ceti ovoUott _ NATIONAL PRIZE PACKET," 7 -.• WU& *Weise a gnats: visiery,ot tuella) arid antedate. tag gilds Una say ever b a ton breed, It omegas,' .. • 6 abases Comeierelat Not% • Deets Patriotic Note, new and elegem De. , . . g Mete Wavalopee, abates W!udgas, fiDer ibito a k t r -, I lAtMeguigoidge PII* &lat. • ' A MOM* LW Tem% ' I.l%egot Attsooso The late, 1 bleodl4l Pasersass of the Beat et War, !Owes& Illeetnittons of the War Ilketratts of au %Am h ma** lamosplVoil awl OlVeliSdNieci Sabuihibrittels thil tolalosaavarat At Ibilmilaw eists apper r ili t ="ib ia llai' , - og ailDIAL2 O l :. i lliD Ar trek ladles sad 1 vim tir lidter quint/ at 1 .11 1 Re117. Woe - Denies ewe more volosais wift V ii tleri l I I E r l i ttZt i =diad &Are willioi gm my see pitStl ato ttnieh aa WI stel lan )ICI gold to jlie4ii, Stialer gh tme4=4 goetUr ; 1 70; 11, 71wel stan ar m s+ amba . ,A 2 al oc il Iliapeiior 11470 rt o. k 4 - imirmae 01787kEtSPERS as lad as simortant at Window, Sink . WWlla Wed, and ollur inislm4 at Arita. el $ - SOAPS, for k.-4 dis stVin.4lll4 ‘:"'± is far, 4:11611MISIL DE. WX. DEN TA L REMEDIES THE BEL' IN THE WORLD, , • FINS VIRTU « 4 aiW g 1111114111., cumweVcsm . giims, AN D mitio " .Do los Celt to too Word adall;od ter PZULLY Wien mad Is TIMM U. . Pk. WM. i. HU VICRIVALLIGO ?MOTH POW. Dra t tip free trim add, aft% ot soy injuriolla oaliotoses." itla. , IS omits per bolt. • fir s whites Mit- &dmm. of Uri ertdboarjr th ee) Too th Po wd.rs, I . • Do you iris& to be artolo Mot Yaw 2 - 11 PIA" is Paret moot, sad ocostotio to Maud or vitt. War orhittobt Use igto MICILIPS 0111wAvotp Noma WA I‘U. Piles, 37 °iota per bout*. _ _ TWa Wring's; rush Ls also the but remedy to the Iforte woad , for ete. Cl I anixe.aen eared hundr Anaerm, Stamm Gras, Sous t has ed'. • ' Do .70116 or your *Abs. valor from TOOTHACHIS DDlt. Howe . sumo Tocrrawas ROPS. Pricss, 15 mats per bottho. Are yolk Meted with INZITILALGLi Getlia. W. B. 1111UNWIS PIETtIitAL6II,II PL A T M& The mot ellictive *ad #llightftl remedy knows. , Thai do sot althea slow blister, bat soothe sadadmi slia./. Tit 7 the= Prhs„ 111 sad 31 ends. oa realist &price. Do you wish i papists ot of DlUrral RiN/J)1121 mad Timms off Postoototao Tam? GO MU W. B. 11011.11 9 8 DIRPITAL TBILEIVRY/ tits imalsot mad Root volobti moat that ow Moot as yoke to soother. Pries, it Stottelltotwoos roodp% ot pries. , Ter sale et ell the bat stem NzObo■t tin gantry C,LoTtos.--As there are &Wats wbo talte advantage of oar etheztumeheata to impose apes tisk onstainers in terior preptrattons, it Is annessi7 to tasilitnpoll haring that on cal tor, sadyen will an ems sass,=- 15 and papered by esserisneed md Dentist, of the Nen Yost State Dentist's Asso ciation. sad Tiaohesident a, the New TOlit City Dental Satiety. #4e7.6. WM. B. RUED & CO., Nov York, Di. HasV t a Ouzo IMMO ALI. MI 114 / 4 IN 111111 /LAOS IT Lio. Durasuns. 104:6 - 1:(•1 1 1-11:1 - :14 - 1: NEW FURNITURE POLISH. rKNPAINED tamp a* trapioar . alp by ties Me- V *of th• ." Baansillostst • Pawn: ... kW. lawalosi New Yore 1 +voltage Dealers and rtarto-Votte Maw to be the'. at le Ole void for 1141- modal kiiirstebes t Nuke, and lit. slid rsetorias • bl i rk arid Istarregises to all kinds orlarsished work, tiro ds roraltare to Leather. It is ebeepar sad better tslVersish, dries hassediatelyoaded. g a r 171 th a rim of as rissael . .r o of this Nay: nu:ma num, • ' vests asit. io the :ureter, Of • bra It looking like sew - Now is tan tuns to *Ma_ to Jar WWI Chairs, Duka, Piano; tic: - .:* NlNAlNO;Mlarliliel4 etc, and =Aka Az= look 60 per odd. Isebbm This is trod e =Gray For Ws by Fafria461041111113..4104 Sere; keepers sezerall7: Plies. Vraad Aft coati s irtalles -4Dlspgt lio. 1 Spixte Street, Nelinet. Maw. Maws ware, swouti, BOZ 'Main loszr-0. • las Boatman's's i72lLiZnati itattu ts - a. ken St WI AT BOOKS IN •PRES.`^: ~' TERALLIii rik GREAT REBELLION ; Gs, ileums at Gut SGUteri tad Bai lor ILLZATIATILD i (ir Pr:ce, /1;25 Too chiles flia pohliciono A& in anidiciiiasiliki— aupaso, la igsaidde and astemivo popolatity, sil= "11 / 4 blittio sa ltlio War for the Usioa. - Its Limos oral b. the bola sot aing. sad bairtmodtb oi &tiro and 1114001, mad MAW^ mill Oa Wow of commotion at lionmoraido Irooldoo art yam to aim. It rill costar Mail= to Ito 'gluing detail; tq Aastrido of the 1111011011 oUtlio war b Jaws Lorna, limurr, L. L. 91., Mellor amino Iwo of do Dolce .ti. _Um dabs at tbs podium mists from nig Jolia sawn Valid Mier' ate and imbed am of eat ttio prior battlio, lb Otio•Ltdrd tb masa' at all natrattatioiaa • &ant to as villas vase far Uri SoLiat of ilkoMal d oldiaza and all low "tab a tow of Oa vatla r stai aka to t the add:Wm IMO. susalthote - aaaa and ad• m* at takes. Aim, say slam l oa print" Of puma In say stenos tboatafatry, Waft kaosladis of a berobe set at oftrifig taaideat, 1011 oblige in by walla( sa amass of it. - 1 1.a 1 Possmosslists. sad CaITAMMIC Assami bet rillwith me fluteettptio• Prospectus, as sp• pliattioo to tleii publishes" i s sammississ ' Ss solders *siring sd as sped Saldw THE 11312T0R Off AJIIII2IOAII TOM OS. /12031 UM So 2111111. 37 Dv. .1. Le- Anna Rimy. 2 veil.. syo, Vol. L son weedy. Vol. IL matt, seedy. senr in the sisa ps • • . This is parob thy hugest sad meet Important nosh om • We have ales in polibiod are Mains of ike tcd: lowing valid and leoaler beaks/ TEM IBUSI HASPS USUAL ADTISKA I oz. flow 10 Soo Now. Costodbe Doisozz wzdbicNt ospessisi Wtho TOO Sot Lame Authommt.. .mas cr. •:, • - errairrutariss iumprprri_ost; A THOUSAND GRAMM TO HAAN HOPMT. Oath, i 4 This Iwo MS Illptlillbsd la Szesissd. away busiaassama aa4elsdiebadd leme Uwe beaks. Theraill pay no blow Inadrid Bray print 'Wald got %as for tkek mom All *emboli& AA _ai1k4,14.4414 oa 10 . 01 1 4 at Friarpkrtlaslar . s sai nVO• man= =s .77l.6 . o kialrftliA o = o6 # 4l , l ", & co-1 . Wham Buildings, N. Y. iLinais.--satines who Isiah to buy • Plisse K the hest maskers via be sheers how they sea •ar r re a h eaa samee ma la the= Moor emiuasi, rue or, cc. k Moo Tett P. O. t i 0 sili* -•0 a, Fount timorno 0 igLE mp, miss EN • oTr.sma, touLlgrie A.NI? CUM ilk OW: 110 ;"" ti 1011 r We. Pines Biook,llls ifegai sad itleeVeaglakilligAr! MIX MTH kOTHER BRAISIERO. : m - th=ir gd rll"" 4 " ZRZ"VOINgeNIMOK" SPREE'S S NEB I • pylig, AND Fen!!! 17..04 01.1(0) , i s . O POItTu PRI!IT.. yoR rsTAIQIaSA k, i, For Fdmalea,i'Weatly_Perfioia* molt - . 'lnvalids. V.irei Gilebrat, qualities Sudorific, h, by e,...... in European —,- _ Ray* _ Aysh. Ind taxedhos in Europa and America.' - AS A TONIC,', It has no Paid, causing an appetite , sin nit 1 9 the system, being entirely a pure wins or - sor: rat al* frult.„ . - ,--.' Al x prelim% , . It impart. 'I , biliallf satlerullo Om 4114.0 ' and :Ridr soya, and Sfrinary organs, very beneSeht 'Co DrepO, Gout, andatkonmatie affections. ~r.: i ., • ~ ... ~.. • ... SPEER'S WiNX,;l4.' *t p p : 4 6 44 Is not &mixture or mannfictured ad] r, rom the Arca of the Portugal Sambusui_Ors OM' 'Med In NW Jersey, recommssided by , wad Phy Adana as pouessing medical properties superior to any other litnes ta use; Sul is anroWsist article.flet all weak and debilitated lotatops and the aged - and - JA , improving the appetite and benefitting ladles and child taa. A LIDTICEP WINE, i' i _ Biscausa. It will not intoxicate as other wermori ita It contains to mixture of spirits or otherillquors„ and is as admired for its rich, peculiar Astor, and nutritive properties, Imparting a hruGihr erfire.to Alta digestve or--1 Am, and a blooming, soft and braltby akin an d - new I plaxion. • , . , WY REFER TO --- • 1 A.few Well known gentlemen and physicians, who have tried the Wine : ND. Winfield seott, u.s.A.iiii:Nfiun ItiattAr. irj2 : ; Gov. Morgan., N. Y. State. , Dr. Rard„ Newark, N. J. Dr. J. R. Chilton,N.T.City Dr. Draghar_liy, Ninek, N.J. I Dr. Pariar, N. Y City. Dr. Parish, Phila. Dry. Duey and Nlebon, 1 } Newark, N. J. , i • ', None genuine unless the aiguatiltaar*ALFELD SE Passaic, N. .I.'• is over the cork of aaellatts. i lli tirik KR ONE TRIAL OM TRIM W NE.. or sale In Eris, by J. S . CARTER. HALL WAX nu., Agents also for artmrs Colsbratad SouNaci Brandy n/ Oporto, • pure ollartiela. :i ~ ... A. SPEER. F l reirfusro,,,„ - - VINE Y AHD, Passaic, New i assoy. OFFICE, WS Broadway, Nay fort I - JOHN LA 1 GC, Pants,, i , :. Get. 4-Iy. Agent for "ranee/ 41E4 ti•Uisii.- 14 smpo*TOT TO LADIES; DR. JODI' sprints it twenty ran divetit4 kis psofinitenua time exclusivity to ilia trestemint _FEMALE DIFFICUI:TIEBL And twits( to thossends ores rester tn. the iielesed totted* hie coadesissinsillirlast ths • GMT AMMICAN \ t kk . 1 !1' , ~ FEMALE PILLS lilloltisss ystitt#lo4. Nab Iblloteida ritwwwwwwwww Minx mjk_i 0111121=011, qa norraire or ta restortsg Um .pima Is psellot hosisk whom sof, Wag from Ptonstit Whims, or other wisksaw of %ha la Alto, Is all mos of Dsbatty or. nimbi -Hrs. tortes Yalu, to, as, this tossitssiwir kerb swims Maim Thaw Plas ara porlbsolty Windom at ibis sonstlen t ssd tray be tartor Ss sot 4stlesta Am CW Amass without •as • • TREY ACT ilia A4'.cIX4RE r 11,4 toostit t &tiod wi o th mulsrltr, V p. 2 eaoa • sr/A HOT tw take iinit Om* sr OW months of,prensusoy, thrift W. war N Ono, as salseanisgs would be Ow malt, Saab bow sowtstsses PlllaPeke, Ose ist 411 Qlogo4ll. DL asbvars tUl►'Mds ON DISEASES t_.ts TALES. Prermasoy, ifiacorrirsoo. Samarala AI►Of6~G Act' production sad abeam sff SIM* M , UMW ?RISKY' 11313)101.1.- AT/IUI it Pamphlet of 60 peak, oat free is saystkost, IS . reasts required nook win - Ito nu. of win to mat _mead at saws from observotkm, . ausly• tor say advortlosi Witt. or by • ' r. usinev. tumnbi Asowl. viougaToTita t - t ezzatto — a. us (1 thi mat= g It has been Tari reaklutible. then A lattesty as 111 that atom la Ihtanita, bat 'slab Its tibia"ttll bah tither tilted or Miens& , Abasdbat *le may barn been Amara that Wait* mattambil 1s twine Worms , SOIE THROAT,' IIP HE ter' KAILLETINA., I&C.. 110. • • —IT COUR-- Ministers° aid Laaryarat Rim Throat IT CUBES—BRONCRITIR. IT.CURP.B-13ALT IBM IB CUESS—tics IIE&D • ClUit • IT CUREI3--BIIRNS, C : t&o. IT CUBES—CROLICS, • , I• El, &C. IT CTIBER—PAIN IN : BACK. IT CURRIA-..• :I• . u zli t L IT cUBMB-:CRILL' .LAINR.' • Gives prompt-•, relief, it: MAWR& lIITRIBIC O AND - CROUP.' - • Ta IT/ vas*, Is , , ttinCOEL, AND - xtmrsv::zr APPROTITOO3. • ' !!' immutert Aura ei2tlCLlgialt; In Bottles at 2b mut 50 Ms. A .. - tad ka a luiprbible Ihu add Design 12 1110 s . sakim Smoot, NOW 44% mi, will be ritpana ll = by .66 s. tianist,44, 04: Alto sottiof ' ' ' CANYSAI iP3GA,II C7TO :79121T RUA • • AND . 451211/IN WOW( CUM Jas. 3 '33-4t - "T • • I ,BARLEY! ' BARLEY! Tke ontioTtitrti bard to • Ito thud* telly rum= of Ms A Its tr. 110 W •ViW, bet! .7 5 7 4 . 11 /1 mold to Um du= 21t rim So sow 8 Oi;900 _ `,- ',ll . • L S Lod at al time teili Doi. _ _ ididiot so!alltot pies' Li" Wefts se slabs b la bieSisep Me sad!hiv~is!,aiommas is *KT ti ask 011.1111 t BKPT. 41,.. rff Ptd = . k v, i _ • . . 47,17 . , ~ l lla ._ , pa • a ~ poinum..ll o oD4.. "away taro at tb• fotiowtsi ... t Sett•Mil•its MIAs Vim Ina l • Alleti, tire., 111114111, it, smilluaiglN Ills , • r.. ,4 otaneukled., Oh 1861) . nut 4 Co. Ceuta I nei it am dirty to se. ' ll . d r a a Par SanaPli . MI be does dirlen sibmobammishdace.lkammdlelW pa p r ways for ^ . ficimetbnie ft bent ! and Maw samatiose Aci dWmmed ass at the stomach. Two A Mohan en my beef alai hoisted lei MAP --Silliest's:it which was imbdal acid lembsome but w m lrkieaar4 otouN im aseo lualas ii a r ril" ,: t rlength irella t you r id erm ia4 : ampired A lleriell 14). for I knew flaw year mute sid PIA yen nada mantis goat sant to and noel it ttit tt wad ine. 4 took Tin small dotes of a teaspinsfal , over • i three babies. Mew mid ha/Um Week to dime under the scab, lAA' afler a jify skis' hi now eke', anti know by my Siam Ins goon from my outeas. You 10 that I feel what ram laying when I WI 1 mm to hems el esameinee of She elm gratefully. Yours. AIM= 111. CUM. JTrs IPlre t Amer Sr , Name Mini Salt Mona Heald= realm s Saws Eyes, Despair. 1111 I , U. Weis "nest from beim' . S. Ir. 12th lit, be has cured an, inveterate owe AC threahmed to tenednate *OW • bj fibh • Oleos ilarimplUto. mid also a Olympias by 'lam doses of the maw cemmm Zriellims byll camenati7. _ _ tell% Goitre or Swelled riffek. Zebehei Blom_ 01 Proegieet , Uses. writes t 4 Three Dole the et year elleampleale owed ale them thee.-it, bite One inlining A. ."11:14..hkil bait saw* free Mr WO pen. Letessrsimes sat Inflaillaa•Ovoriait Toper, Ertapista Diseratien, esaale Diseases'. illyi,tilllllll4o of Wow Talk elly„ writes po F . stairebsafally • wills the MoiloOlaf SW Steal W ylay I i base ibsa your ilempuitia a most esesilisa sharstl Is tbir tressiseaa a pisatir Ibe*I*11; se stapioy tech rawly, bet y Assets Nowa of the lesoltdoas (Wads. bass mad many iimnii6 ate saes of leacenites by,l4, sad soesirliNtrias as* &fat WU MOM tri Woman 411 tie *ens; The aim. elissitsall flaws& arsd. &Wag !Mis . :gr i pper/I. ittriit le than lasale LISINSOss, at Ninrbury de lEri ta k aA ass. , gams mortar tow. as mete tie la waggly., hed MIS aft tbaiteleedise email sessita. las :t i = haat s esipleady Mid t o you. attract el gar. Op pho bias d ades bat fflaiw tin eoalA earl nal. tost-ho islyisod, the teal of your =Oa as the laat resort .toldbri cab& sad it Lief lokieS Par ramify sisp* Vials af flial=be dhows revalue ilypUllis sad Mercurial Disease. • Sew Cam% 131/i Alert, IN& Du. J. C. Anat Ss; I triarfally as Wm% Tr a l:f your arplakaad i= salub. o you at andbeta I ban card ;;GAI: err or th iamin. plaints far vide! 1111 s rstrad. havarbarilir lawn wady woadattal in ob• eats of Yorrad and Aar. - Ergot Arose. Ono dm/ plats bad Marl* Ideate - is idalkarat, skirt awn anowlidni Ida Pad. sad Oa tow af-kis ataata. Tor Samparills. 'raft Oskar. and kiwi la - IMilloaltai: Anaksurraiirlimil *am— L. O ! liMiglag ans 1 s iM . sad tAli k uleattike bad masa sway a pot arrow dos I lalliwo tin dissidis 01304 me sep..S. Vaasa kill 1ira...801 " Arai* it amy , advalaistrasor :anti lareparifrA lb* akin kriadoratrifiritattagrir isatot likarsr fo6Y Ann. A woman who boss = lag e lt"M e isasikthlerleir from tals piss Is her aseasok i l 4 71 warn_ now stare to Ur vngther Satan a day In stared as owirdtdias pakirds art Abair& Edmore, was awed rattridy by your Parsapidilla is a fink risks: I ' know Sae fr ritandi,arlikb yfir sanitvo tai est c this essritka has your lsridary snit Its a ir = - ‘*ll l llll=rope r inr von, G. T. ammaasaa.., ' laltarauttlsas, Souk, Myer. Crimilifial•- - I -.liirrildiford. Steer Sa.L.o.lArat: Mr, I ban Ws a - Id dlimWSlltriblfisialadlltrillifilifkrik akilltiad stock to ma fa spin Cr a lly isettllelad Yaw brftirldrii: barnatired so ism iehr,asa.sulaaradLipprApooll. - bora sous* that am far Uttar eta bran tins astarked. I kaiak lt a insilettidardialisa.:44lSWl, Joke a faritt 14.1wwld. wvitast. ban bark Mend yaws oak latt rtfkirattp , • ad isy Itibedgrery antiwary Ars& Aibl to Mims ms I bate betas knurrawa for war ren Sa s so otkustioriumnimovimid Du Kam xy Mond pram tba Ur. Mr. me to try l ci a trbsattinbe sold Mirror:POW =I any _ rat sawintas weellattylap.., Sy Ur Warr fag of rod It mod VW, sir boa so pat klattay blood rinser a wor Ma of in I Illt.Yro. ainitt. Tae - liselltat car beflif cf.yas Y trt - blif Pad emilih." . • /1 1111 " is a ftaleir ilklrli=wi lall Alnat il =ot rant bays kra martial to WI its» erns of thaw lanalribin nrsplikiki Was falidtatl,frair 110 MD zukoth kit ton spot Wei* rot train 11Wri.• Sara of tbissi may to Mod fa air Aratiroi Airaireorbkit balm wore aterilesald to Ml* drier at sU.tibo pill far ttrai. DY•_ r o t , Be ast rinatieble wee of Woo diectleatiove beta leads by the albritfie power of tbla taidkles. 1410* - -- law** Iltal ft settees too elptema ectippa,. and, dm. cmimmasis 'Warden laded' would 14 pid=lboloud nada. bucli ramody has long tow by thear 01 0 1 1666 Wades elitittame theetbiesll do ler .l ull that stedideacatado. ' Ayers Cherry het(md, Connlop Cblis, Inineinia. 11111, Cr,on nannelkltls, Inelnliuniti,C•ll* • Inunntlen t and Int'ellio Solirt • • ' ' or Consumptive. Pintisons In advaased Staten tot the tkle b ritiodym Inboolistly laiotnito swim. am/ Mew Abe the ran o f guest and lug emplatittn, that II darks born Uvula* the Mime ot Ito teats. In nuriyalbel Imoillsoes t t r ei Zs sad adds, sad Us Only wouutstful ram ot dim% lame • IWIP II known thrstibont chillnd nation of Ake sena. pew ant th. 031Ganaltiol. be area blanks , , wino :km not wane pnional oportilles d tts •••• ebs %Foley la Nub addst ot *tory mit tko naVisebtls W and domes dbortiors of the throat awl bop.. As all brew Ike dreadful Stably Et Ilust •lineduru t and ;as they km" too, the Waft of ale bonody, we wed not Ao noes GM to mars them that It lion grew lii. that Asa netted tie cams wkkh bs me so nanoutly ups Ike andidaint of issaktsd., ft • • lby Dr. MUM*, 0041igailo Maw OM in tali by Jots 11. Clartar,' 2. S. dtweledn% Doctor. r atrong,lll sad Dealer P. Hal ; and by doily' oroorwbu ' • RCONOMY 18 •WEALTII. 1 . , MRE YOUR COUGH FOR 13 CENTS! ,1211;IgT1 AND IN 801781INOLD *WDY - THE WORLD! iria alit; -7-- • 7— • - • - ' ; .. 4 1i, - -- : . .-, 1111=11. 1ola Ow otottori t 4 ligl aiNsi " flortle a"4".llllll4 :l:, Miro Wasik the est el mosiostodar orhlOig Wilk lislls ad& ft arret W h° tie to this soollost ushmo st easimmis lam as vr en . to MO' 11.111~ SOW = t r *i• wise, orkolil ate., sod wp Aolijoi _2M• mot take so Wore ' V lot alataisellioilogityllk osocrobsoo ~. ... ,-- . . toil* all Disallow. baa Moro koopilto 101 els* aio4 islam 11. T..'bent at SI ets. I 100113ao Poopoistor} .1140:11,124 Vs* ' 0.1101"3 3WS3.IGB',IL C AVM% 871113111 t, NM. PS-1M - *bore 4 min wed eiSsolirstvoist et_ Ro4S OA' as v_ AND earn ' wiu4W. talk :*01444. - --,-... -:, • • -, .sk t 1. - s..stczn.i.t..4, •...- .:,.t ..,- .. -.V,,ea. MOM .. 4 11 111111916 . 4 - At , " : , .....7i-. 114. al ` MOM.. WEIKI4VELIPCG, ''' - i^ r : - /tr 41' .1, • Ary . . ~. • - Auk 44445*H* 1 -2 ) ,, , , ; . • I. - friar '111111CIE;4 - .m igt 4 -2 e• p 10.1: 0 4-Crialtin , ovi e at mg ;4'4 *,' t . lOR TIES SAPID O OP MADAME ZApOC -ToFrEws (fivootootes to iniffr-VlOllllOl si / 1 " 111 11 101117 WWW ' 1 , . 41* . IrCt :1•••WI srlib tOO% THE Alle 5171"1 ORIAT " GEN'trINKPR ILl; im , ~.H$1.111!101,1YA ' !UMW," - ' ! - - AAIISAIFARfI,I4, - ' 5 ' : 7 L iii ROrt ',Ask ;• - - - ll ' E 6ii oi, 1) ; 13 . - . 1. - G Eli NI, ti -,EPA ft A:fil b fig lei : utufirtuerar ' I FLUID -Irk A - FOAM!!! AHOY' . A-0.1 3 lit a V I • • •I• pketrivegite i r• 00:4rke - •-• ; ' 411 N.. , , • Ma 1 : Zi. imp oRoP - sp VILLE - iv:as. ' - ?hie anottielne sse Szwer f and mites the A inee healthy ,bVII the WATRAT Qat Al and all UNNATURAL ' lINLJ ZS* . see gcod. at Well ea eels end au. mile ireek for MAN. ?roman o p CRILDRr MILX110111 , 1; - • /OR - WIR,V,.. '' 1 ' '•' '‘. #0! 1# ‘ P igai P l W° 2 k s , i t ri, - or Aker, • c.: R FOLLOW/Ng 4M P T in i#, ' r n e I.no ot Dtlinet47,,, Tennthiher. : --; • • , • ••, ,Itrateltainhes, 1 - = telniertkel Mak, the -MAU* of the Se*. = i t l k ris k t b s t:e a , cs' - Dower of t h e Skin. . • Theo apaa if al to SO oaorkie this 'edicts, -In y pen folio* • • . . - IMPOTINOT. 1. lit a me. . • /lions of which the lni t oesplar. Who eau say. that they See hale by theme ..0 .034114f1r • Ns. COW* —se ,ii.. ; 241/0 , lia? ski aware of am* of. etakialltS l nose will ototees. seem* of the Sad the ntellineftly theloyei ;hear ample eittneeettl,tl4ll7ol,l/Aelertetb, 1 ., ,„ ..„ • -.. Rif Qnuto iliniisted with Oib' - 4i 7 titiiuntiiiii 9 1 , - %Ise le .streagthine sea tar •4l/010 S. al TRACT SU HU Oil Wilk cosavlocil Ms Moat p• • . POI DUI .ILADApg c ElOll,ll - A, , AAA* Xcirtmi., *TWINED WM .1' — flopoillei to gaol ‘l,Aio et Week Stodi, r, • Boner of at stem of fl iNaI S • olvordel /Adel ,o 1 liuscalst System, Iferi itegnizekthe ifd fee , ate the lows; N Jareitiii* dom. 4 tleal. PI~I SALVA; ioi, Ifsaiditif of 1 / 4 Sniasuntilla -liniiitiab• -21 :'2, ' "'": - • . . la swag atisaioail ' tt tO - SU - Illes thi : llitrect Bachatt cask . yoitip Chlosa vratt=_ April the 0 or Willem L i erilllg. sad foetal corophdahr al thalioNlftralar align( Ste iihtincreillgy,► al I t l_llrtar la the wa r, -.,,, " agictifika. eiglwammit ,04 LAITi/.. ._ NO FA'N'CY ItllOBl.D - 11 E *ITEM IT. ~ sika up . t 4 g 13 2; scre-ar at - trz.pummts- Irienetz.crot Vciiaug4t sad Namara Diarassa, • • c I IiBLILIOI I B - , 14TIL4CT WC= . • I .. Fvitta - . : ,'. q, it rIT Dl3 ASE-a , 'as!" thririllagrai at Usti stgimari 1 I .• - . • . lir str„zso , ~ cs, A . lti i• I'6-E t PL .1. rf E' E . 1 llamas t; ca = t ri a rt . glres, tcraglia to rtiontr, thereby sail taint Stricture otitis, Jalagi l = l ll tiros, ea ea &Nora this cisis of sad expelling • .„. ' POMVIOUS, 11X4SED 4 1 . WO OUT WA T7TR. -spot'. T , . . . woo et aims Tisic, ittlTlansi isst , IQ. tf A" CICS ! : - LLD pa lonia Bug And •bo bare time, iere sole has, dried up IS the lona, sad • 41WIWA'11111 KU A thl is Mitt Or stAigtosio what. evaraissa orighwthogliad ao math? W :14OPtik, Diawaat at 011viawl mistrallr ahltiaTisliromt • tztluictitaitu • , 13 ?H GMAT +llllllO, Arai it it• "actg.t.,4" lll2 ,= = . i. tam, to *Web - - y. • wti.iek BL 00D * .. ! " B --- L 7 OO . :1 I ( B . L' OilOD!L, ! thabold'l Mi 13 ' + ' tsepe li SItPEL IS,. ~ ~ ••, • . T.l L so WWII*. of $104 43 $ lad attack* lb , am , 714110ipswilloialto 06,140: , Xliffi• Pollak MO:. tits= Vilopil . irldag Itlippoo rA• 4 B MI 7 1 = 6417 a 41111111 211"14 " kir 4 4 Gilth ars„ ler incr i proo Lg, Ala i; of *o *stoat thaa aoy rther propaistioo of Bar babra _ --iia loiniatila kr M om al/701111W Na tome* aad ao aa otWIL . la of UM %imam' ariskic from halals ft:palm tumid la am ' ... .4ii 1 ilellisrial4 111 l!it,ld iali t e VT , sad r44'hi. °-•"Ir. onairisiOrs 42 cum' - , -- , . , .to WWI, ',w ith was kaolin to SCMCE IRD - X= : - - - • " OIL I V I IA "6 Z :. ' k °P-ilits _ .!;" .7 &a Plasm BMW? Was vamp as tflo.troc- • ol Plkyde• al7newts armi• 11 the La calobrated A. PET 11 1". oids teni. aidX;nnea; SU &Pi COW , r abgehrtair*lll pipnowima "Vhsamelloal r* V l l3lllol l he aul ism MiMileir /1110161-411114. 1t8" • - 1.°14 0611 iht6 ow *cam: toil; 1=114411 " I r, - r 7 triose 6. i6O atratilirrie :Au re Iw o*. 4insi F s, sot adb4144., • - ' hi m . • Dekvirol,4l-, ay; Dm i the . 0 211.11 -7, 7 " Ableramil:st tie - derdo, ,1 1 .771 1 k weco. ceallidie• .11110441:0% arc . r .1100 1 10, . a I. SI - I. ed.§ 7c , 4 i 911aVallffirelih : Das Mg alavapai;• iiii.%0P=444,0:?..41111 tolimiiellt---I:.' .4. : - . 4 I . all 4, 4;t41 eri ?Z a jimil iAls.•:,-• :' V 1 t.'Z'ar. :r TIM , : 1. 4 'S .- .1 - ' • "11610400 •' 1 ' • --: i. CAN 1 21411 r, I 1 ,t tl. P. ir t .tfOlitAll ,%, PARATI mrla IthlActAltilk: akarritlti vire dent • of "po .., to Weer • iiitod la • short mid that ths".Pai• •t arisloonts," boon r • t as aggistatad RRIAGE I PS AFTER PERU IZ= EM ivutt i ter EMU Iklbothiiaamd Pioawe of Eit33 - I A. TLAND CAPS ' ItOlt THE MI LLION, AT M T '.S A goIJIRINO :4 remntviAit to Now York ilwifnandalphla, lion& anitogrmPntik with the seiremildtbilitonable manteactorcra f t 7r aco o awe. 5.0 ftm in.5tu..,,...., bare now on land a I V' Ki/ .eIL TS e CAP S, ETC., urrn Wont!, to Ull/1 market. are on baud two hun dred doitan PALM LEAF HATS, nut &moot .1100132, rateived direct from the man ...bleb • ill be mold by the dotes at Net, York Jobbeli, priori. • Maws oleo received Iteebe's dialog r u hipu in Vila girtin .4 . t SWIM . . 14:01112‘f,., lON, CHEAP GOODS! Wholesale and Retail noway AND_PROVISION STORE; •. WINEs AN'. 1.14/1.10104. F, & M. SCALAUDEOICER, are now receiving at t heir ohl: stairM, Amer-- ma flock, State street, a large and muperior ;Stock, of • ' GROCER 1 E.s), • . P ROV WO N s, . 1 WINES; L [quoits, WILLOW, • ' WOODEN, • , AND • : • - • • . STONE , \WAKE, FRUITS„ .- , 'to:, &c., toga 'i. with every ttaing found in 3 House is of this nd, which they will sell as cheap an any o es establishment in this city for Cash ,or in t kinds of country produce. • They bare u band out of the'.llrgeat and (cent Mottle of ?thaw* ad &Twit seer brought to Erie, to which they Witte _ attention of the public. Ur Call and toe ite—a nimble sixpence is better than below Allan, sousetiutntly thud" buyers will tout great bargslna by Wilag it tbit, Grocery He a d Quarters! RICAN BLQCK,AATE STREET. A 2,, 1800.43.. F. . SCHI4IMAKF.R. tr'--attD• CRACKERS, AND \ EO 1 1:0A BISCUIT .„ . 6INFECTIONERI ~S, - ..a. - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE subscriber is .now- inannturiut, all Wads of CANDIES of the beet quail - and very lot I °Carla! klub of ORACREM, A OE4- . CARES, ile., at such low picas that a., Sill pay 'Coventry Marekants to come to Erie and examine InYltock Wore 'unto/aft elaitrbare. Prima, Familiar auppliad at their bonus. Wil. SHERWOOD. \ jua.lll-8 - Neatly await, Prat Ogee. Erie, l'‘.\ , N „o- T 1 it E , We take MI; jitielatil . .ra.tafonsuil6 ttia ' riciasraai nitrate in particular, that at C 47. resz=r A . At A N IJIACTURING sTv r r71T7.71 INCREASED FACILITIES, Aoasoostepored to All all orders tur cooia C} itCD HEATING TravrF-, atria; purznamt , nro Stec: irca, . tieing burnt oat, Steen nu a iedEed cirsAtagy, 4;4l:bit of 31:0111,1 crecritanufautnteintlic 'bait b.7tigilt. /tca at yrcaoat Mgt p - jur: • • • • than/gni for paat favor% .:71. hope, by at rit t tltzt.ti to tlioorsati of Custornatm, to continua to itrrrit thtir. partilaits• (*Mali riNCENT, 5 , 1 , 1111 r, cc, PREVENTION IS BETTER—TRAN CURL MO Ladies of delicate health or iiiipaire.d imsainationoir to itioaa by wllow no la,: =My it - trom any mason otlectionnblo, c ntAcnitnea wd afar a prcaetptao chtch ie ra:ketly nza ask and which tota .barti preacr.tved is rario,,- , rirt 1 ^1 the old world for the put cantor - , Althonzh the tatilap lit two aboap aimple c yet t j ai hien at tip tin;:. pint hottlea and sotitvery entenatitale at the c,h-whinint pt cf pirbotos, the underews."4 proliov , Isar. Lail trareap• far the wail tam a i i, by thz pr..; Weak twiry lady cap supply herself with a p.rttet Para, at any drag - ptore. for' he tziiling etlr= C.l per ear . Any physician or arnieiti will WI bantileaa, and lhousende at as. prCraral of it. diary. Sent to an r.Art •:1 malptcfsl. by addreninK DUI:P..II. P. 111. Bon, N 0.22.53, New Haven, C„a. 31:1== TO N ERVOUS SUFERE RS OF II SEILF.,9,--A REVEREND GENTLE 11 A Mottos teeu reetorad to health in a few day., utter ni:o' ping all the usual routine aud irmealar expeo,t,oilv , t , of treatment without rutorts, erm•elers rt I. • l-ret ri it i% tocommturieat• to Ate &filleted fellow creatures the vier.:. olcure. Hence, orrthe tezelpt 43( 1111 AddrlC.Shd on bawillosud (free) a copy of the preirrlptloO 4,4./ I. DAox,ilA, 186 Fultoo Stor..t. IL - v. I. DR. P. HALL'S CELEBRATtIi COUGII.REINIEI)YI et_CI,NTINITES to gain public titvor and tea demand in all maims*, and after the thorou g h eY. perkilece of sixteen years; its reputation for efficacy to erring Throat and Lour diseases a fully sustainisl. Ineriner thie medicine s moat known its merite haie es. Isblished the greateet popularity and It has be. acmestandard remedy with, many people fur curing Thlreemery compliant* and le kept it their houses fur r=id ass whenever requited. Lea cure for Cottrb it :s and rslistas—eakiont requiring more tnatutuelot =ours s Cough of many weeks standing. For curare Croup It Is not excelled, and as a remedy for Asthma its Am. may cannot be doubted, having restored many per. Pees to health after sneering a long term of year wilt this sithisrable disease. For Bronchitis and Hoscreenees it bash earl rellialispiptekly removing irritation from the air papseges, In Whooping Cough this Remedy is ofg rest relue—it lheietptly lemons the frequency and violence of W eoagb. &la shorties the disease one half from its or dinary tedious coarse. All diseases of the hums era ear rgaltgell depend noon' helitstioa or inflammation in the lining mucus membrane said rapine the prompt nee of thorough usethelne to el flesetheir ruswith Liars Cough Remedy is safe, speedy Wisiediectual in lie operation—is adapted to. both !RIBS, to all sorsesedemmedittitioes. Amy priori aillicted with 4i=Otto, following diseases !Ueda use thierplessoint y maths/1r voices wilt soon mingle with others In Vessismisedinig Its merits to Meted neighbors sod Mende 4.lse - Halts °nigh .Remedy it cures (bids. MS; flay Halts .ogtvA gems* it- cures Croup • : or Beam. • • Pa. Use Hall's Cbugh Remedy it cure: A sth gut or Pfetisie. • algi. Use Hall's Cbugh Remedy'br ttitarrh. M. Use Hall's augh Remedy it Strengthens :he Lungs. MI6 Use Hall's Cough Remedyfor Bronchitis. ism , , Use Cough Remedy fir HiNiKle- I=2l Ho, Outwit Remedy it Ntrengtliens 114 Voicc.2 ft.WHO's Guy - h Remedy for Wtoop:ny .' otiughe .Itwolgrfausstodify the iuleoesof thil dimuute and Ph or. ten tte tedionwnoitme, - ooerbalf from It ordinary dura tion. *mare of counterfeit* and base imitations—mill for Ilr. r. BalCa Colebeceed Cough Ilamedy sad see that his writ. . ton efitaalate V npon the wrapper and directions.' ST* 0 IV, TESTIMONY.. %hike Odettelemad eltteentrot MU City aad vicinity; arm asedDe. p. . 's Cittebisted Coßth Itaamdy with zatlllamilea, is =fig Madame of the Throat and Lungs, memmosadleg its nee tit the afflicted alractaal retnedy, telly worthy et put& • • , Arm Ziospoo% Matthow flaultitoO, D. shia, John' Ilhontoro, r. ,S. W. Ryan, 'Masud Roes, SobortOooliaa., J Case. Joka.W. Ansa', Daatol Boar, . Nuiel Jobe W. Ham C. IL Itiotot, Jan Cooduia ‘ W. R. Itlamiorootht, J. Bouta). AMOR. Amato, P.LlTartou .1 W. Cultet. JaltilLilhosaw %Wawa Stoaatood+ W. H. ALI: , ALAS. Aroirg,„ W. EL Cooper, A. Y. Tarbeil, L Limber, - l'ooophTheoloia, - • -R. a. Bermatt, J. S alsbuty, Or Ii Rode,' Lades L. MB, u. Yetis, O. Daman, Thomas /CRot, IL L. Low, 11.04t005,W. K. Oallnkr.-, 4. Robinso x 3, WikooaLlog,- - Chao. Mull. fitich i , MAMA:D, 4 P. C . O. Home% C. B; yr t, tir °MIMI ONLY, BY SELILL.I.... MtoStabariti all SlAGProplatlor, HMCo Nov Mr, PIRWIILS CO 14 -LToNI2I PLR BOTTLE, rat sti 1t111140. Aloes A. Whlto; Dr. Cly, ftDoliA Mallow; T. N. Clowles,sprtoctota• TI, szveumtaoria Lamoos. ICRatAt LIL Valorised) Sows a, Mammy Union; W.. B thaV l Wattabargh,• 0. T. romp; North Rut; H 0 Alamo, RdwaltlDot J. 0. 11 , wars, Albion; Tyitt ; kkolipegi b lid tr, somati orally. , . , .r. War attrinli • • • ‘SUPW I g. OWL Rime Peter Xclica tz thc them caller sae mat. Fur Illirtir+44lwa • ♦ anal dieeenet tc • • • VENER tE BtIRORTs• Cloti.itieenestete. gal MEI .-7443141 ES omega, nary 16111/IMMOUION. thosisatlesary and Fre .a 1 114 firil!"?. = l 7} 6 -4a. BURR & DU-ROM - • an * &Stoat at W ..11. I 13:K. KEE REA!) QUARTER* -VOR Effa WITH P.FaIIiPTIMS', Is/Misr& elikt it ost L I ", .1 I a 431 I: lit II L • - InWA RD AS SOIATION, - PUILADULPIUA. Far Ai; Rawl of 1,14 Siek mud liiativititt, ask:, p05i,..1 sag (Irtntie Disease', sad especially for. 11, twin pf Ditto's of Sexual Organs. IviEDIC.IL AE) lOE given gratis, Ly ttio Acting surgAni,. A. 1.1 I ABLE REPORTS 0 2 spggiast o r T h,,,,,, &awl NV ea 1.1.• (Atter DiorlgrO6fll4e, HOICLIII (inputs ihd on th, N 11,017 P.P.11F.1)1F.:5 empinyod In the Diejortsetb txlit to tilt aatirteil in malrd iPttor envelopes, (11 4 elltrcre, Two .'r ttrtft Ptimpe rot pottage w ilt bi wen , --- Acklre.q . l)r il, !.KII.I.TIN "i9 I .IOIITON, map :itrr. iron, Flower? AF , nrcntlno , :in 3 !=lutb Ninth stnw, PitiiParqr.hia. r.,• To Refiners and Oil Men ! • MS. • - 4%. err . Cr— "grit ).r1,1:.5 IVOR S" of Cincinnati, we prepared to Enrol every descriptlano:* A i'l'A 11.1 . 11',S FOIt IiEVININIti OIL, zucb t'ttlyt. Chemical and Eters Tanks, trona., da, , , , ,i tt rt: and Lollar:, on ad:short:at Igatice, tore prier, sad Geri worksratsirp. firths wishing any of the .tre inxitcd 021/Wille the worklrurilsbedfor the, r, finery at the:worth of Mill Cree', In Erie, They tarnish strnan t•lTinolt. bollera and all 0 4sta - hues . complete, •rerting tg nor* power at 74 Its. pressure of steam, and weluli,ux ton Om., delivered on the ears at Er:O. fur SSC.% RtErg, Agent. ' PAINTS! PAINTS!. 111/01E on hand and will tell at very icAr prlcrre,,s /ergs assortment - el PAINTS AND'CO,LOR consisting, In part, of WHITE LEAH, As'ATO IV, WI-LT TI, ZLW PORCELAIN FINISH, ShrOnue ar)rirrench Green, dry ano t o oil, Pricey cra w. Venetia& Ard,Tars Proof Paint, Chinese aro A im i ci , Vernal:Won, boiled and raw Linseed Oil, Thrpentirs, Put ty, Glass, ac. Persods intending to Nitwit' And tt their advantage to tall before puraasing alenthar, at the Drug and Paint Store of ' Corner State end SIVT=4I. NOTICE. (IN ate 1:4 day of April neit. I will re. ,mone from my present location to NO,. 2 - WEIGHT'S BLOCK, (TWO DOORS NORTH OF 11F111 buss%) xhich room ra AOW being fitted np for ma. Ia >h an location, with very greatly inaresaad liegittaa for doing boldness, and with a rocatitiy_pluttuasd, 'carefully Rebated and amidst' Steak of DEMOS, PAINTS, OILS,,HWEIDOW I trudt to raret all my old frier*, whore they heretofore. hu Mit. to their aaysnlois to pultitaaa max2at. , vs.smcLAlß. iNSUSik CE L - IRIE COUNTY' MIITIJAI, INSUIt- AscE coilrANY tAcoryorakd v& 1559- Charter I 'erj:4442 I PrOperty 'lnsured /Wilmot Leas bt Fire for I apy Term net exceeding Flee Team clicks issued upon the deppait of Pretains Notes, of urn the, payment of the nodal Steels Rates in Now waliout the liability of a Pronoloun Note. Loastapito without ii*.aticz. One suit only. haseter bccnt rz evt Against this ce=pany. is Oavoray freet is \ a vsfe Awns instituters. _DINECTORS• • Wm. r.;Jna. C. Ilamamll. Jos. Ir• Stew C. M. Tibbai:, ‘Z). B. Il'emary, Babbir., Wm.rattztderm-bt, J. Zbrmerly, • Wm. S. Imm George A. Elrict. Etujampm Grua, Jacob W.mmi :I a. JAitiv,,,, OFFICERS - 2..ta. C. 111 Fmat Josas 'Gmt.;. , , t,l. Wu. F. Itnstra-Inctraz, Treat. Gur.r.u-ou lizUrz..zili `;'neall.:rit. ne, Fr. F E CII ' S HOTE\i,. cri Tns Et - Roh ; RaN a;:v. r, 33' 7 nF fiEr Y 0 R c. 73 F 311" C Wrra PER I : Lir: iiaai ticititarc , ,, Corner of Fraaltior Girr Ea::. • • rdpfea in thrFpacla-s r,i :\ -- 7 I mrl Bath Roh=gattazatz tot\ al-1 .1.-1 ,- •.T.• • • .; t FfAct..Aii - Yi ch., Nay ci L:i • . IC, IRESCH,I 7 ": . op:: t:: 1 cii4t fully trf-: t u,ll-:a 1 to ad the C./ py h f.r tb.Zot 144 ttt11.1;41.1% , • 4c rt. - 1:1 7 riz - ..:ci3stnpv:, rill try thii.F4c4. Fell ou FJ 1 ey xllt lA. roor.troluasatcl.: It,- C,ntsfa antn cOcipi#l. notri ton, be na,l ttl ;Li] h2,1341;‘,/ ete:Trzfw . ..- 11,4 101414. I n ,ttro withing the recip• ant , .1i,r , tt0nt,, , ,,- tAtrlolo tllll on ta• adiirsia v. Wll. S. ALL, %, 1., eh JubliStrobt,:s'or rat _VRBUCKLE, tv Cl. Alls. S. StelXlltn, HA: - t't DAILI -1. iAluit ,ASCifr COMPLETE, sTOuh Boots hnd Shoes .11.. L yAKIETIEL4, ♦l' 1110 19t )1S 1::4 I' NETT PitteEs The hut.h., s %; al be coudueted by WM. i. AB CLLR If hu LIU n4lll -fled to Erie w ith a view to becomi err =bout rosldc ot, and tenders to the trade o=o nod to h; .. &friends, an Invitation to call indttitatut the shove STOCK AT N. North. , Nest Corner of the Perk AO teeth Streit Nept..;.!o,ifl'M PA N EW . .T ERSEY 'LANDS FOR SALE, , Audo, tlAftDR\-OR FRUIT FAtt,alS, suitable for Gray" Pra 4 " P•ain, Rawberriert,; Strawberries, Bl ac kberem,-Car rants, fie, or I, 1:1i, 5, 10; or1:0 acres sach„ at the Way' lug price. or the preAen't, Tizt .'!l3 acres for 29'10, 20 it?! for $ll9, 5 &creator 500, screw for $40,1 etre fee P Payable by St a. week. Moo, goad Cranberry 1111412, and tillage lola In CH' woof), 20 by 100 fear, at $lO each, parable by octo a week. The aboee land and !arum ar• situated at Clot wood; Washington Townahlp s Barllngton Conady. lire Jersey: For further Information, apply, with aP. 0 St imp. fer a viten lir, to 13. FRANKLIN CLARK. jal7'63, I. • No. fel Cedar Street, New York.N. NEW GROCERY STORE! The 4eOrsigned having opesie4 a NEW GROCERY. STORE NtAtTil-WL'St CORNER a STATE AND TWELFTH STREFI, litopectfally Fithciti tho patrouve of bra' mad eptamers. HIS STOCK OF GOODS, UM beta .eIocIRJ with rare, lind Lr attendi MCA • 1)1) REASONABLE TERMs, emy drakr In Um, cay Er 'Thou.) in want of anything in his line ani iaMa to Hive bias 1141119'M-tr. IY. ivelooof MRS. S. H. HALL ANL, . SUMMER MILLINERV taco Rtll be scaJ tRICAI box CA3Fi, VR RLAE,Y-PA I ., Panicul4: atter,t-a.tt old to bliv ""'"Eloi.c , mast proniag. Pettit St., C, doo; r. stit TlLL tit-Act-4ms IN VALID l'ablbled - foe the benefit -and al.:. ;41 wen, and °then. •ati , ) taller from Sk170111100`11.'•• I,F. Decay and thete kindred anrinehte—auPP/4,n0 near; otialf...cure. oar :lured • bent; a victim Ofinleidated conddene• in itiodoti na* i.hg and quackery By 'enoloeing •P o , o tl 4 „Io - ling Ile copies Easy h‘.1.4 the author, arsaritt rani. rig., Beeilhed. 'fano Cattail`, Naiiort. !tit tf., Tfairtl MW 011/I.letfli kl69 ., . ( EVERY body can be suited u? t' stout tp :Awn; it utki-rioro offf g s. sO 11441 FIia,W.ER SEEDS. ♦ ?Amity of thy me s: eh • ezis tt i c o sst k ' Ispailt; Nye lad tdtarzedrA Vois.aaJ V iii 4•i! .1 0 C QE SPRING