The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 08, 1863, Image 2

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frit hOtrber.
Ainuciur Mins/ Jackson.
Democratic State Ticket.
W. WOODWAUs of Pldladetptda.
TOR 811PRElit =OE,
WALTER 11, LOUIE, of lllegbeay Co.
In order that the Observer may obtain as
wide a Circulation as possible during the
important political campaign commenced
by the nomination of Judge WOODWASIP,
we have decidod•to take subscriptions for
the period of. four months, at the rater of
~6„fty cents for each subscriber. This is as
low as we can afford at the present high
prices of printing materials. Persona can
• commence M any period they see tit, be
tween this and the first of October' next,
and will receive the full number of papers
• required to make up the third of' a year.
At the expiratiO of the time; the papers
will be promptly discontinued, unlitAi
those receiving them shall give us noti` z y
beforehand of their intention 10 beconite
permanent subscribers'.
We hope that. our friends will go to work
with zeal to obtain as many campaign sub
scribers as possible. We intend. to print
, a paper that will be fully worth the mon
ey, and desire to have it obtain a wide/
circulation. _if.
Repuidican Ticket.
The Republican State Convention Tet
at Pittsburg on Wednesday, and, after a
contest of the fiercest, nature, re-norrUna-
Ted Gov. CURTIN by a vote of 93 to
Hon. DANITL Aozcvc, of Beaver county,
Was placed in nomination as Judge of the
Supreme Court. We regard the tieitet ae
by no means ' a strong one.
The Kentucky Election.
The telegraph announces to ns thk the
so-Called Union ticket is elected in Ken
. tucky by about twenty thousand majority
over the Democratic ticket, headed by
Hon. Cass. A. Wtextirre. Althouglithis
lection is claimed ag an Administration
triumph, there does not appear to be a
great deal of difference between the prin
ciples of the contending parties in that
State, both claiming to be in favor of the
Union, and both platforms denouncing
the radicalism of the , Pretident and his
Cabinet. The question therefore was one
more of men than of measures. In order
to prove that we make no misstatement
of the position, we give the following ex
tract from a speech delivered by"..fudge
BitsaLETrx, the successful candidate for
tmovernor. Otir Republican friends are
welcome to all the .encouragement they
can get out of it: ,
" The points of undying devotion and
loyalty to the Government, and the deter
mination to adhere to it and preserve it
at all hazards ; the duty of the State Gov
erntrient to see the laws executed ; the
condemnation of the radical measures of
the Administration in power, and—the
pledge to correct them by peaceful and
constitutional means, through the ballot
box, all meet my most cordial approbation
and support. There is no i-aue made
against them in Kentucky."
Abolition Blame of Gen. Meade.
It would be remarkiible, indeed, if,Gen.
MEADE should escape the abuse of thek rad
icals, who have assailed all the other good
and successful Generals which the Army of
Potomac has had, and defended only weak
and unreliable ones. The Boston Common
wealth's Washington . correspondent writes
that "The escape of LEE from 'the nerve-
less grasp of the Army of the'POtomac, is
still, of pourse, the theme of all tongues
in th ,capital. It need hardly be said
that a all hands it is regarded as the grica•
es! blu of the war. Such, indeed, were the
precis ds of Mr. Lincoln, unreservedly ap
plied to it. The Vice President was more
emphatic; 'and in the i laeat of the excite
ment or} the ground, he declared that,this
e alone threw the war into another year."'
We certainly 'do not deem Gen. 3IxaDE the
best commander the. Army of the Potomac
could have, believing still that Gen. MC-
Ctsuart, the man whom that Army with
one unanimous accord demands, is the
fittest officer for the place; but Ivo do be
lieve that Masok has done the best that
was possible, under the circumstances, and
so thinking, shall,sustain him until we
obtain evidence of his unfitness. :What
ever elle he may-be, he has , the merit of
modesty, and that is something his imme
diate predecessor, at least, did not 3.
8458.5. - ,
Witarsvirat may be thought of WENDELL
Rizttittrs' extreme opinions, ho has the
merit of being honest. In 1856, when he
first began acting with the Republican
party, he gave the foilowi ng definition of
\ that organization :
1 a
"There is merit to the Republican par
ty.' It is the fret seuional party ever or
ganized in this country. , It is the Noarn
armed agaiszt the SOUTH. The'fret crack
in the iceberg is - visible. You WILL YET
Titie !"
Events' since then. have amply demon
strated the truth of all that PRILLIP'St d&•
404. Hactser, One of the Hines'
raiders, told one of Hoosierdom after his
capture, that they were induced to make
the raid into Indiana by the stories they
heard that the State was full of their
friends. He said they expected from theta
reports to raise &regiment in the second
district, "and," said he, we did raise a
regiment, but, by G—d, it was on the wrong
Who was it that itiforroed the rebels that
the "State was full of pair friends 0--
Didn't they obtain the information from
Republican newlipapers and speaker)?
Tea Tribune announces that of the per
sons drafted in one of the Wards in Wash
ington city, five hundred and fifty-three
were Were& The "freedmen" who,have
thus been caught in Uncle Sam's conic-Opt
trap, will Probably wonder what they have
gained by being released from Southern
thaws Fear utc cm GemLt.--The New
York Esesiv Ain states ,that a lady ftiom
Atlanta, Ga., who has resided there since
the war broke out, reports that there is
in thit laity and' elsewhere in Georgia; 'a
strong Union seritimftt4 which the alight:
eat 'slow of liroteotiosi`by the federal
Gorteisseit wed; itainecllitelr
'Tsu' craws for damages by the New
York riot now presented amount to liird e
McClellan at Gettysburg.
We have waited for a number of weeks,
in expectation of seeing in some*.of the
Republican papers, a denial of
peated statement that the'name g Gen.
McCisixsx was made use of, to rallithe
discouraged spirits of the Army of the
Potomac, en the second and third days of
the battles at Gettysburg. „That denial
has nevei'coßto, and if it had, we are in
possession of so much confirmatory' proof
of the fact, that we could' not doubt it; if
we chose. The army correspondent of
thelihilidelphiaAge was the first to men
tion the circumstance, and since then it
has been reiterated by other newspaper
correspondents, and iu various priiate
letters. We find in the NeW York World
a communication: purporting to havebeen•
written by an cifficar• in the Potomac
Army, in which odours the following:
" Let me tell you that Gen. McClellan
was reported to our troops, July Ist. as
commander-in-chief in Place of Gen. Hal
lack. It was received by the troops with
the most enthusiastic cheering and beat
ing of drums on the march that evening
toward Gettysburg. 'They fought with
that impression at Gettysburg, and officers
say McClellan's ghost fought the battle at
The Boston Courier also contains a letter
front'. "a Massachusetts officer of. high
rank," which alludes to the matter. He
" Late in the night before the battle at
r ettysburg, whilst on the march and the
men so fired that they could hardly get
' one foot-before the other, a rumor was
started that McClellan had been appoint.
ed again to command the army ; it put
new life into the men,
and they forgot
their sufferings, and as the report passed
down the column, cheerafter cheer went
up for McClellan and victory. God grant
that he may again be put where he be-
longs, at the hand of the Army of the Po
A wounded officer ivrite to the New
Haven (Conn.) Reginer, under date of
July 10th, giving still further porde/Ulan :
"1 deein it proper to state here, what:
none will have the hardihood to deny;
that on the second day of, the engage ;
ment, when our men began to feel more
or less despondence as to the result, it
was announced to the soldiers that .Gen.
McClellan had beep appointed comma
der-in-chief in place of Gen.
and'lvas actually on the geld, directing
the movements of the army. This an
nouncement was received with the wild
est demonstrations of enthusiasm by our
troops, the shouta passing from division
to division, and from corps to corps, until
the air was rent with acclamations of re
joicing along our whole line, everybody
untl.erstanding from the intensity of the
cheering that it meant McClellan.. We
have Since heard more than one group of
soldiers bitterly complaining of the fraud
that was practiced upon them—declaring
'that the battle-was won under the inspi
ration of McClellan's name, and that 'it
was a burning•shame lie could not have
been there to share with them the honor
of the victory.' "
And, as if to make the proof still more
positive, we have just come in possession
of ;the 31oni1or, publishOd at Monroe,
Mich., containing a private letter, written
by a soldier from that town, which gives
the following particiilars :
" Yon ask if we have the same
confidence in our present leaders that we
used to hare in 3fcClellaa..; I answer .&c,
and our gaining this victory was more
due to McClellan than to the Generals in
the field. The day before the battle we
marched all , day and all the following
night, mill about 10 o'clock in the evening
all the generals stationed themselves
along the road where corps - and divisions
were to pass, and at; the men passed by,
footsore and weary, they shouted out that
'Little Mac' was in command," and pro
posed three cheers for McClellan. Musa
and shouts immediately went up in'the
moat enthusiastic manner, and stragglers
and those who were worn out got up and
went into the - fight. Life and power
seemed to be given to a worn and wasted
army in a moment, and most of the com
mon soldiers went into the fight under
the impression that they were actually
fighting under their old and beloved
leader. The citizens 'along the route,
even,, were got to help on the ruse and
cheer the men. McOlalcut is first is the
heart of !very soldier in this araty. o .-
Here are four different statements,
printed in four different papers, widely
separated from one another, given in pri
rate correspondence, intended' only for
those to whom it was immediately di
reeked, and all relating the same general
circumstances. Could it be possible that
such a thing is the result ,of deneption
We believe that the particulars ,
tioned itr the extracts above printed are
strictly true, and shall continue to do so
until we see stronger evidence that they
are not than the sneers and calumnies of
Gen. McCuLtair's enemies.
The above article was prepared sev
eral weeks ago, but delayed until .the
present time, through a pressure upon
our columns. We have since had a con
versation with a gallant and popular offi
cer from our own county, one well known
here, and whose politiessl predelictions
have always been opposed to Our own, in
which he gave us the most complete and
unanswerable confirmation of all that we
have copied from other papers, relating
to the above particulars. Tie says that
not only was the impression widely cur
rent among the soldiers, on the last days
of the fight, thaeGen.-McCat,t,is was in
command, bat that the report was Origi
nated at headquarters, two of General
Aly.A.or's'etaff officers lisiving_passed about
the camp and given each of the Division
Coma:Lauder. instruction!, to tell the men
that such was the fact. It was felt to be
vitally important that the battle on that
occasion should not be lost, and the exp.•
client resorted to, it was well understood,
in the language of our Oros:mint, "would
be worth a whole .m.O of fresh troops."
The country knows the result, and that
result, glorious and encouraging as it was,
is as much owing to the unbounded po
patrity of Gams McCummu with
the Army, as to the ability and bravery
of its real leaders.
CAs rr az Taunt—The Cleveland Plain
dealer is justly horrified at the receipt of
the following :
"litiraasatuto, 011ie. July 27.
"To the lasting disgrace of 3filleraburg„
the Abolitionists of this place burnt bon
fires to-night over the death of Hon. John
J. Crittenden.
z uYours,
We understand that the National Dem
ogriktio Central Comities will meet,
August y,►th. at Newport, Rhode Island..
Thq Royal Lows is Cony . WI two
zoostisp and Wen Nizzledout," Sot as s pqa
coke . The owns Las sus snot witlistsok
!gloms in this comity. •
ebe-lispabliesa Saga Coarestbst ask
Plikketre cis Wed/maw. The away
daleptas Inn Jame XII awl Alba P. Via.
war SR..
Letter from a Wounded Sold
- •
[The writer or the qtlli•Witt.e. line
die! attlicheit to die Army of tha
participated in almn4• all 114..h4
Yo'rlanwn to Getlyshutg. Valid wit,
severely wounded ink n llnvital iu
He assuming that thr aentiinPnt
i vi h
es are those of the whule arwy.
eiceptinn 41f "that portion who 'aro
Or, eTreentrir trirtn'w 'o4l7lll'lttft
Lion: "1 s ,
"It k iuterestiug to w solAlier Lit
ly look over the political affairs of I
up North. It is now nearly two
we enlisted in the army. At that.
was no party spirit, but all were fur
ing or rebellion. All Ml6' encoun
go into the army, and were soon gOintt to be
with us themselves. Bat evim then there were
those who thought themselves better! Union
men than the reit of citisens. Tho+ who had
op valiantly carried the lamps during the 'Pres*
idential campaign, were certain! ' the best
patriots. I remember yet how boastingly they
proclaimed that they would place 'Honest Old
Abe' in the. White House, notwithertimding the
threats of the South ; and if the latterriisould
rebel, they *bald tarn 'their last ; into
muskets end "wipe' the Smith out if loxistenee. -
' How bravely they have Nine up to their bout
inge ! Why, you can hardly And Pas out of
twenty who acknowledged that be supported
'Abe' for the President:ly. llt is encouraging
to see thee. who, a little over two ivies ago,
were tt 'bravest of the brave,' 14 time of
need, ' the last to come out to defend their
idol's olio, ! . and yet they are the brie. : that
pro° im all Who de not agree with their
Pre dent as copperheads—aye, traitors. What
bra es ! We have just learned lately that thee*
wir call all opposed to their teachings trait
ors, were the first to leave the State When the
4bels invaded it. Those whose palrletiens is
s i ct strong, whose bravery is so extrtiordinary,
were the only ones to run 'away front the ens
my—the only ones to refine to tilifend owe
capital,—the truly braviscertaktly ty in time
of need ! And now, what are theeti patriots
doing ? reviling those who_ look arm' io diftwid
their State, and designfite them as cowards ,
and traitors. There are some feW fl i nch men
in the army i but a soldier can soon tell their
bravery. Whenever a man tells IA that 'Old
Abe' has done nothing wrong, we bins' at once
(and every soldier knowaj ''that behao either
just came into the service, or has t:tett 'bum
ming' hit; time out in the
. hospitals.: 1 In nine
cases out of ten you will find thin the truth.
!"In conclusion, let no tell all those brave
ones that if the Democrats are suet' cowards
and traitors, it would do the soldiers' heaTta
good to see some of those, who gloo in their
patriotism and bravery, out in the 1411:1y. We
need brave men in the fiOd. l'hey:cin hare a
chance to distinguish themselves With their
courage or dies soldier's death, andibe among
the honored ones by .postritY. ' While they
are blazing away at hiinist-thinki4 Demo
crats, they could be 'faitiiig their talents to
good use in crushing rebellion. :Then they
will have a splendid opportunity of displaying
their braveryand patriotism ; but to:he always
blowing of themselveq, leads un Iti 'plink they
are the coward.; and the traitors.
Letter from North East. "
Mesta EAST, July 2t, 1863. '
DEAR EDITOR :-Durii3g the time that has
intervened since I last *rote toyed, my time
has hung heavily on my handl, and were it
not for politics, one would pus' ini4 a stale of
obsetnity. I was invited by a friend the other
evening, to partake of a dish of lee cream at
the saloon of Selkregslirothers, whose ability
and taste are the very best. They have also
. ts large stock of groceries, which they are dig =
posing of at a trifle above cost. ' 1./early op
posite is Foot's emporium of gentle fashion-
able clothing. lie finds a ready sale for all
his goods by selling cheaper that; any other
firm in this county. Ensign and JOnes, on the
opposite corner, a‘ doing a smashlitie badness.
Their stock of goods consists Al the very
latest styles of dress' goods and is choice as;
sortment of groceries and crockery. - *Vas"-
improved his store and business' Wonderfully
when he took "Frank" for a part*.
Money seems to be' very plenty i : every one
almost has their pocket, full. widejs they in
tend to use in the coming draft, ta the tune of
"We are coming, Father Abraluan i ,'three hun
dred dollars more." We have ' cheering news
if ],
from all quarters where the dr* 'has taken
place, and no doubt the men asti r re drafted
will save the these hundred for - their families
sad take up arms for the Govmundit! :
Our Republican friends here knaw not what
to do. A great number have joined' bur staunch
graft, "Democracy," and many more, I trust,
will see their error,,, and ere the fall campaign
closes will join oar ranks. Bat they are stick
a set of hot headed, rash beings List they will
not be convinced until it is too lag.
if . this place was infested by tfte blaoki as
some are, niggerlim Would Boa play, oat, and
their stook depreciate wonderfally:- - It is a
- pity that some of theta ilgger dynipalltising
people couldn't be placed on sonde plantation
South. There the tames are at kettle, happy
and oontentedonuoit users so than l " any whites
at the North. There they have co me one to
look out tor them—here they ha to look out
for themselves. Perhaps some ofloar &pub-
Bean Mends se* great beauty an strength in
the black race. Their beauty a" very dark,
and all will join me in sayin g th /
it derfresytA"
can't be best—Dr: Winthrop is n comparison
to them. , Truly yours,
Baum& Suarron's hisscaniim OOLLIMI.
—We take pleasure in calling attention to this
institution, ponessingas it dOci, so much
pulsing - merit. ' The time of a good business
*inaction, cannot be over-estimated. ,
The young man possessing it lis in a meas
ure lattpudtmt, and in a position to ,
himself, and not. obliged to lean upon the
4 of friends or •reimives.
The practical method of &big bit:mien
in this institution, is the admirable, feature.—
Students count over their tholumade of dollars
with as muck coolness as a millionaire; buy
and sell merchandise, real estate,,stoclm, t 0.,.
with u much suavity as our first merchants,
—thrill converting theCchool room into a beak
ing house and worn asehange, 'introducing
the actaalitise of baldness , u as the ab..
stride, theory of ,bock keeping. ?deem BIT' .
ant & Stratton have been woad ' , y sncoesw.
fat in introducing ,this preedtbai loathed of
importing butenctios, . and &witty' number
of students in attaciance at their rooms at the
mind time, is ample proof that their eforti
are fully apprecdated by the public. *
Asvtartisto.—There is no tight that the
pit lever Is the extension of ,lane, is
so4impali Wool is ativertiaag ,• bat the
taimeaNpopularity of that'oelebnitet remedy
for:Dyspop - - Liver eireptaili, ifervehe'
batty, &a, fiettiktite Grew fie; la sot es
meek whq to the hat that 11 Ma bass as
*dyermraress‘ssu la to he ;ran, cart
the article.
troralleee akediche mayokraiatakome.
quire a short-lhed seaelsty,batitimakee the
basis et tree amptit.- la order to I ketaha Iteelf
tit.A•sokrublu o lesitk. tipar. ,11.4
lea's Ofrararalliesei bat i LlOnt• -tit•
_ s he itat•
* sae saerfeedef Vic
sa d mpg psalmists,. Theellittits
are forisle 17alldraggles sed deists is
sediebes, IMMO, pee Will ! , •
1 w.
1 (tier
r uhlish the : felkos4nt unuoj
catst. :family addresitet)lif .
t es al request of
-1 ca m a t e i r fi ggettiiiChistte.
'NORMAL 1 1 elgO° 16 '
llr_s e s. T6IIR6IT & toe sublect
of our Normal School I have seen noticed
in the Ga:eU and other papers of late.
Having been from the first deeply inter
(sited algrengsgett in our scbool until the
present lints, an thaving• - been is Trustee
„ duyinstaiseisehote-paiosLtillAsklot fAieo"
Lion, with the exception of two years, and
given, perhaps, more time and attention
to this matter than any other living man,
I thought m'y'self competeni.,from an in
timate keosykedge of all !ye .circumstan
ce. to give to the public ''soniof the
causes of ; our disaster and ruin. The facts
in the Case the public havea right to
know, lince they have given largely' \of
their-substance in E'rie City and in differ,.
eta parts of Erie,and Crawford counties,
ts consummate the grand plan of our State
Normal School of this District. a
I wish to treat the matter fairly and
candidly.. I with not unjustly to' impugn
the motives of any one.' In this commu
nication I
,shull give many facts that can.
be proven; and necessarily some things
that will dilly be matters of opinion.
First, then, the original difference abOtit
the location or the buildings has not been
wholly lost sight of. and has had some
what to do with our present difficultrand
the deposing of Professor Thompson.—
Many of the same arguments • used then
were used now with effect. But to come
directirto the point. Two years ago in
August next, J. A.. Cooper came to take
the second position in- the school ; within
six or eight months thereafter I wad told
he was a •rival for t,tie Principalship of the
school—a very Absalom at the Ring,.
gate.,r gave my attention to the subject,
and bcame convinced it was. true. I say
now, once for ell, I believe he -has acted
to that end for the last eighteen months,
until be has arrived at the goal 'of *his am
bition. arid he stands now. at the head of
the school. •
'A escort time before the election of Trus
tees, which took place in May subsequent
le -the advent of Prof. Coops among u-,
there began to be manifest some degree
of opposition to Prof. Thompson. Parties
began to Organize for tilt, conflict. There,
has been. --from the 'first, an opposition
party Itt our school affairs, but the opposi
tion has4enerally let the elections go by
default. At this time they were full) , or
poised, with the ostensible object of put
ting_at interest the money to he received
front the :3tate, instead of using it for ma
king' improvements, 'strengthening the
Faculty, etc. Many
,supposed then tint
the real object was oppo:ttion to Piofeszor
Thompson. which opposition Stimulated
in a greater or lees decree those who ac
tively participated in -the canvass. The
' friends of the schoSl and of Prof. Ihomp
stin, ao-called, succeeded in -the election.
Soon after the organization of the
I discovered we hadisne or more members
not very friendly to Prof. Thompson.—
About this time, Mr. M. W. Oliver, Prin.
cipal - ,af the Model Solfifol,
service of tisranuttr9-.- -,The School , Direc•
tors of the Edenboro scbool district and.
the Tnistisep
_of the Normal'School agreed
upon 3. R. Merriman to fdl Ibis place. The
School Directors agreed to give Merriman
$4OO per annum, and the Trustees of the
Normal School agreed - lie gip's him $lOO
and in addition to his dutittas Principal
of the Model School he wett tc,i,.take one
of the Professorships in I th* formal
Merritnati Wanted the Professorship of
the Theory and Practicie of Teaching..—
Thompson objected, saying as it was the
chief okiect of the school to prepare tea
chers; that Professorship of right belonged
to the Principal. Finally Grammar and
English 'LiteratiareWere, assigned to'him,
the duties of which although he received
pay he never performed. iman com
menced his duties as Principal of the Mo
del School about the middle of the fall
term. It soon becaine evident that he
stood antagonistic to Prof. Thompson --
This was manifest by htirrefwial to attend
Faculty meetings, and by direct opposition
to Prof. Thompson's educational views ex
pressed -to pupil teachers: at the Millet
School. Ile was not ihe rival. The rival"
was in the 'person of .1. A. Cooper, who
acted in concert:with Merriman, so far as
I could discover, in all things pertaining
to the school. Thus matters stood—Mer
riman and Cooper arrayed l vainst Thorrip:
son. • I,- • •
i... a :La
aid otari, 1 ;-;
lee,, from
Dow lie+
I arvlami
wiih the
e country
re since
me there
he ernsh
ns to
Merriman was active and vigilant in his
opposition, and gathered around him most
of. the old opposition,' to'getlicr with what
new elements had become dissatisfied from
any canse whatever. Thai matters moved
on till spring, Thompson's enemies be=
coming more sad more active, under their
leader. J. B. Merriman. !I-had supposed
that Thompson had a anjority is the
Board. but to my, surprise iJ. It. Clark pre
sented the resignation of J. R. Merriman
as Professor of English Grammar and Lit
erature, and brought 'before the Board a
resolution which called forth a test vote
showing that, Thompson'a friends were, is
the minority. This resolution gave the
Professorship of the Theory and Practice
of Teaching to the 'Principal of 'the Model
School, which Principal was J. R., Marti.
man. This vete pee gr.iitit dissatisfaction
toile school and showed ooacluaively that
Prof. Thompson kad the hearts of.the pu
pils. The whole of-the'Norrnal class mien
taily signed 6 petition! to have 'the se
tion of the Basra reversed, and sent it into
the Board bya committee of six - ladles.
The petition was treatedlwith- annempt,
wholly diaregirdingthe feelings of the pu
pils in the matter. From that time to this
the pupils hiveliteadily refused to go into
the Normal' class under I Merriman, with
very few exceptiona. Why was this action
taken and parented in, against the wishes
of the pupils ? _Why, when the ,Normal
ekes were perfectly satisfiedwith Prof.
Thompson, as their tataer, force upon
thari a man - under whole they utterly re
' foxed to be taught? Echo wove% why?
About this time the ekolion of a
new Board of Trustees was to be held,
and aunty of ' the friends of the institu
tion had declared their intention not - to
fight another school battle. as the
meat worked injury to; the actual. To
bring about harmonious action, I went to
some of the principal oppmitioa, telling
them of the facts; cotinse them 'to sa
lon ciandidetesuptm whom we could unite
and with a view to the Well-being of
,the scheatha,t we mighCheartily coope
rate for the .best interests of, the same.
All this win dinegardel. ' Merriman
made himself' °token eeleoting can
didates, and, in feet, as I !learned, con
trol'''. the selection of those members re.
siding any alone& olitirciY• this,
he bad, mouths before, immured the plea
lee te many of the coniribitbre in Erie.
Cooper, too, had writtento row" for pro's
is, a fact which came to light after the
election, showing beyond.* timibt the cam-
V i r: Y Prof. ;sonl rrici ten l a d th C : m eTt r on l i ) .
Their action in tion t 4 the proxitv;
needs no coneineflionit me.; This alone
I will eatiely in impartial" public of their
resin=The =skratkin came or. and
there Wog , bat little, opposition, the
I proxies !ere not needed. I cannot believe
that c amels cif en' of Erie would hive
given Yerrima his proiy had itstntended
tie beim made known. ' •
Hai* pond tie election. lye mese
now to the ratios of the new Board and.
,t/t. brellking gp of the school. As was
&Aped, the new Band ;had a , *get
wortan,t_ l3l 4 o rUT Wind Prof.
!Pet meg .6 •member of the l = l 4
.their acts I . sanest speak So positively.
Onst bar redo' beforethe ekes of, the
I lAA term. Prof. T. reoeh 11 later from
thislleeretaxy of ihe Biewl" of Trititest;
tegesistthg his-reignetipa, Ito take dint
at she aspiaktial ef the . and this
his amiket,assmadmato.
e Thermo.
illgarillisl44 ll trito issloater.
lehoseir ia year ie.
sae of two woks Nish over the signsatare
dl. W.Chombsilsod • ftwaidikk
I.lntist beg leave to differ, both as to, mat
tert of fact and inference .- I First, then; at
to the number of pupils. he beeki show
en attendanoithis,terat f ;sixty - taco pu
pi* forty-eight lef whoa ;Tear to' 1 4Lvo•
been in attendant* *eh TrOf.,T- resign
ed. There may have " been twenty-five
who remained. Many of theta I know
were dissatisfied. Two •cf them Wished
i n
to graduate and were to d, as I under
sten :, that if they left t y could trot do
so. , Others:stayed beca they were not
willinsL• to lose their ti e and Money,
hitiinglitild their' - Mee t and 'tuition
in advance. The facti ar that had tbere
been a vote taken by t students whe
ther Prof. Thompson or per Adult/ be
Principal of the School,. Prof. CoOper
would not have received ix votes. 1 As to
an expression of entire atisfaction with
Prof. Cooper, so far as I Itnow the feeling,
was exactly contrary, aUd dissatisfaction
wait most fully and freqy expressed on
'the pail of the students. i Igo further. I
believe if all the con*.ibutors,. to the
North-Western State Normal School were
to 'decide by vote, having knOwledge of
the facts, Prof. T. wouldt have winajority
of:the votes. Most certhin it is that his 1
friends represent a majority, of - the means
placed at the disposal of the Trustees for
the establishment of sail iichooL' As it
regards the school being left in the hands
Of a subordinate, one wing I do know,
that. Prof. Cooper on the morning that
Prof. T. resigned, and before the resigns
tion was anpounced, offered to hire a
young lady, to teach the balance of the
term and the'following irear.•
One of the charges brought , against
Professor T. is his want of administrative
and executive ability, and that he, failed
in building up the school. A statistical'
account of 'the rise an. progress 81 'the
school since its recogni on as one of the
State Normal- Schools, will answer that
charge better than I ca. do in any other
way. • There were in ttendance as fol
Jan. Tann. A pl.. Term. 'Aug. Term. Nor.Terrm
1851-45 pupils. t.. 2 pupils..i 46 papila. .! 41 pupils..
1882-14 " 40 .• 195 '. ; AO .
1543-83. .. CC . ' •
The above statement i of facts shows that
the school was growing in, reputation and
favor abroad, ( as the i crease or students
Was mainly from a dig t nee, 1 notwithstan
ding the great disadia tage under which
we have labored.' T? national troubles
t.e ..a
had drawn largely cm young men to the
army, and in many in noes their sisters
had been kept at ho e in their stead.
But worse than this, rof. T.. instead of
haring a Faculty 0 dily eonpF.:rating
With and sustaining hitter, had to contend F
gainst the adverse infhiences of two of the
prominent members. ilt is only wonder
ful that he succeeded 4p well in satisfying
the pupils., attaching tP'em to him and.tlif;
school. ..... ,
Point,me to the cchoot that has increas
ed in the same ratio in these times if you
ranli t
n ; then say that rof T. 'his snide a
failure, and ,not tilt ben: No; O we must
look elsewhere !Or t is most singular
eotive pursued bir theiTrustees., Had he
failed greatly in governnse.nt, would the
:ichool have shown sn a steady increase?
Where can you had parallel for such a
,counte of conduct? B oved by his pupils,
respected by the corttmunity, competent
, 7
in every branchot e enoe, why, then, I 1 3
ask once more, was deposed and the
place given to one or whom the pupils
"hid no especial , and who , is,inferior
in every esisentia - q litr that makes a
great teacher?
Ah! the truth inn t lie tnidi the war
-was waged "upon Thompson's friends, and
Thonipson must be tiiie Victim.
Baring been a Tradtee for the last two
years, and from my kt owledge - of the facts
I believe the aborts- mmnnication to he
substantially corrrct.lo t ..
,T. 11. REEDER
NOWB from n Qututers.
—The Richmond I ...'Zate.b. claim:, that
the rebels have defe4 Gen., BankL, in 1
Loui s i ana " capturing i.,000 prisorier.,
—The notorious rebel leader, William
_Yancey, is dead. !lie was a member of
the Confederate Senate from Alabama at
the time of .his death. • 1 f.
--r.A dispatch from !Charleston says len .
Glamor° is confident of success. pie is
ineunting siege guns;to attack ! Fort rium
ter with.
! -
The Paymaster-heneral has directed
rimesters to make up their rolls as rap
idly as possible, in order that the array of
the Potomac may be paid up to the Ist
of June. The preparation of the rolls, has
unavoidably been delayed owing to recent
active movements of the troop!.
—A recent sale_ Of negroes in Mont
gomery County, Maryland, illuitrates the
comparative worthlessness of !slave pro.
pert,- in that State. Seven likely, full
grown young negroat brought hi'all $46--
an average of only $lB a head. ''Before
the war, Oee same negroes were Worth on
piece. an average $l,BOO a !
—A serious and'utook plaoe in Keo
kuk. Co., lowa. on- relay, between the
Democrats and Republicans. A consider
able number of shots were• fired, and sev
eral persons killed. I At last accounts it
was reported that the miens parties had
gathered to the n ber of-11500 and a
bloody fight was - eacectedi—Richmond papen have Charleston dis
patches .to the 3110,01 t. Cummings Point
was bombarded on the 30th for about five
hears by the Irortsbllei and tab monitors.
Batteries Gregg, SiMpkins, Wagner and
Fort Sumter replied. Two men were
killed and'one wouddid In Battery Gregg.
Oft the next rgring at daylight the
Itebehebegan to bard the Union works
on Morris Island ; !Fort Wagner kept up
the fire until 2 o'clock. ' No report' cf cas
ualties. '
—The tho' ernix!eit gives notice that
the law of retallatioh is to be fully carried
out.' Every case of ill-treatment of our
dames 'or men, black or white, by the
Rebel; is to be r4dhited in k' g
ing..fa hanging,lootiog for shooting,
imprisonment • for imprisonment. If a
black soldier is • en prisoner and sold
into Slavery, a Bebell soldier will be con.
fined at hard labor n some prison, there
to remain until th eblack soldier shall be
liberated. *
- -Acrxmling 'to Washington corres
pondinee of the 'ew York asesterria/
Advsniarr,'"Mr. Lin hk contemplates mak
ing a short visit tot e New England States
during the month c'f August, if his official
duties will permit. He. is sadly in need
of a little relazition. -tie will avoid all
of the; fashionable places, proceed quietly
to the *White Mountains, where he will
meet Mrs. Lincoln! and his oldest son.
The ?resident wlllfdecline all receptiona
end ovations and ill go as a quiet cithen
on a health-eeeking tour. Mrs: "Lincoln
is now • and has been for some time, in
PhiladeWs, and the President therefore
keeps Rsebelor's inall at the Soldiers
Rome." • • 1 !
—Rev. Mr. eonw4y, the representative Of
the abolitionists Ow in Europe, writes
from r
Parii in to intervention, as
follows : 'Us for co, she moans to inter
fens ii beistfof tAr A. We may prepare
for this. She w il l hard to get Eogland
to join her : if En d refuses she will
tvy Spain ; b ut, i she has sot alone
hence" will interf . I am • sorry to say
that the measure - is • a 'popular one in
Fauce. 1, -. have , us ed with some of
tha moat • •
• Parisians,. and
they say that the people agree with the
lerorin 11 61mOre than in j abliexican
.; their general iphrase mpg that 'the
mar la as algileasano UIdION SI it is bkiody:
Franoe'a' EMU* 'of inference ;will be Poem
,Themanks."' - t
;—Thasfieetion 'th Davis and his Con
*eery in 'North Carolina 15 growing rap
$OO, , %%s , ' ',Standard , 41cmottnoes
..W* an a in whist no m 49•
eau be , end' predict, the
if hit 'to setup* Govern
-Tki liapsirse. edited br
theamresi of ea = as iohn
Masi, demo the d
the Raleigh paper and nt rite
Carolina Supreme t: am.' The hot,. .in
fief the , Richmond power, 'lin(' ,iv 1:,.. '
Gov. Vahcr will stand by lite t Far , ~ o , : t
the paper also, and meet tnrots It'll. it -:', 0 . .• ~.„.. .
The Standar(' denounce. Allele : ~-,.-: r.-ce --
agent of Great Britain ,- cwking t. , , i, ,i- - .1 - i )x . W .
this country.. North 0. 1 .0 , ,ins ;, !in . ..- , ,„
nisbed 55,0i - 10 men it.r ill, Hebei artiti.•., :..'1;:"'f:,711,l,
of whom 40.1100 have 1.,...n 1..i11e . 1 an.,.'-',',..:-; . i--,-, :
wounded. The Raleigh e d i tor .ay. tl i .-____.-.i..,... --- i if il'i
State should .-Jenti to Wa-liiii.:. - .11.,; --. ;• .7.. - ..!'•'"
to leirn what term- of ri : enn-iii : i ;o n . to : -,
be made. . ~,, ,
, GEN. GRANL—TiIe lialoii•L II ti : •Id 1; 1 1, • I .
settles the vexed. q ue!‘tilsr i •:-.. ...s time:. • State Normal School,
Grant's political mon., 11 . 111',.. in .. • .; .
My be never voted, lon alt.-r he ..•..1r..1 0 , Olenboro, Erie County, Pa.
Galena be declared 1inn . .4.11 a j 1;..,,,,... . ,„, .
and voted in 180 for Stephen A. I f0u1.. , ' , 1- ; FACULTY :
for President. It Phon!ii be itrelt , i.ltnr„: .3; A, (ooper ; 3, yt,, Ws. L. IL Cosier,
that it requires a (leal.oi' moral c ,111.1,9 ;.i. i J. T. Strklt, A. 11.. /11u S. Cebu",
a butiinesb man to acknowled. , ... I,:ra .--if ,;I E. C. netlintoth. lbis S. N. Thaink, r.
Democrat in Northern lilinoi-... Tim ,. -N. I „.,, •,, ,
.vats , pi r t„,i e
~t I 1
1 tion - of country ii more in t..n -el v .;1 I 1 , ....rt 1-:1-,-..,... t 4.(4
bigotedly abolition than ..t.-er..AL-t..,;tt - i,s,- i ‘ i. , ,;•77.-, ~„ ic.Pludra: nee of yr:it Booka, pot
setts .or the Wectern Reserve. ficutT :1 j ,t,
Grant dos not ,trouble him.,_•1t:.,n , :1,.
about political organizatinnQ. •Fii .. I_
is to obey orders, and win fill t 1 .tc,•. 1 - -
—The draft - is but the nws r.:•• •, i•I
some of the New England disnict
example ,in the 4th (lloctoti)
whole number examined . !nit .wp waz
1,135. of whom 9:17 wen - . exemptc.l, it
paid POO, which makes l,ftfii 'th at , got( 1..0*
108 offered Buktitute4, and ten were pte--,p,1
Bit fit for duty.. 'Chu.; le.. than rm. , in 9.
hundred of the miginal eon •rrivt • in t,)
the army.
In eranamville, Pa., on the :13th 10. t ON , 1411.1
formerly Portlanl, .1 , 111 4-otln.r, , aE,OI vl
ZOl/11(0 AtirertiVAlt
};c,,ifyrn,- (1171 , r, Vel! 1. ~. 1 :: , !
4:61y, loivitt lt,i, l' - .... :.
I)ROPOSAL9 fqr Wolk nn EarlaA Hoge, r. Cr:A. - s• it
wanted from II sionn, Illermimith. DUI 1A,,,,..cra
Miens be seen and intonastiral 9...,11,ntiet 1 11: -1. e::
Offee, In Wright'm 11. , .-1- . P.Oftr E. Cr 1:P1r.,:,
tag!-It. - .k= r lant iThri , :r- r
we otit ()TIT:RING e. le.r.-., 3,t ,-;f: 1.1 y,.. ~..,,, i ,
Gatti' Perch'', Brier ROO% • , / , ' , A A , .1 i - ' , . , '
PIM . At lOw Cgoreo
.. .
tadsinprdied at Irf..-egt :.-.`.!..:..-, -. .•
T,E"Cf.ti it: r,l': - . irr, • .
:,4, 1 A I, 'HIT_
r.. juo. I"( ptj or r -•• t 1 , !". - -
bathe Citzti, is the ple.7a 2:. ' -,
1 - . r het 17111 •ave =nu,: ca
A. GOOD .A.:11. riq.ol,:r .
By git.,. t i .ig . ,a.i/ C. - ..1.1 , ?210 - prc i : 1 A :i r , :t .; r,r7 -...
city We it , r, , tintl , li,l r. - 11..1 r.i Tv•l7 •,--..,--,
age. . . - . 11. tti: I. /C:.. . . ,
11Ugh . 10 . .11.1. .
lie Place to Get, four Money Baci:
Street. N'et.....17 r-vt
r. EseL and stee
respectfully tutor= the Publiz tiod he
has remowed hia etwzd to *hr Store
CD State street, nearly pp Vito the
0,E.w., where ho ineitea k 313 friends e. S cent, mere
to Ore hit, • call '
Partlealar attegticie glica, to REPAIRI:Ti.
eArefal srorinnen, azri wapet 4 lnterrlin a'd. Lis
htmeelf, he belleree he c.n p<re s:
rPII at wi low pricee any •
Grald FHA Warrantee!. z , • .1' :
Wllto P. HAVES It CO.
Aug. Ist,. 186.
THE gubscriber would respect- • .
fay We= blo frkmds costwzirra eo
that ha to still at his old
2 Wadingteat Thb Market, New Tod,
And a pre f aared to lialnish
tunp.r.s, s•TFAII BOAT?, RICSTAr RANT:3 & F a MU.IF.S
with; the beg: •
The market affords, at Wholesale and Pete, 3ort
sotto, and at the Lawyer I,T rtya Palate.
AiriAll Orders Trott the Country Promptly
dad to.
it.—ontars saki . Clam. Pickled t t Or•ler
list Teel, Jute 20, C VST,
We keep on hand a I•rre and watt eeleetcd aeeortment
of erinitic In oar Unc,,and rill net permit rturtelle3
to to undersold.
Alio a an, stock 'or ti T DIDOW4 and CIDER, not
to be =passed In the county. .
!863. 1.4413
This goat jibe trarorses the Net - the: 2 a
sad Notthvost coarates of Ponnsylrazie. to the city
Erie,as_lakp Erie..
It hea tosittlissed by tha Pen:tyre:tom Ri-arcte
pomp, sad tioderthair ocaptoes to Petri; ropitly °pore,'
throtighout its entire 'eolith. •
It is tom in me for Prizeoper or.l Frright tcrassre
from Rarriebory to Driftwood, d York, (177 ralleol en the
Ude% DiTitiollould from atelflobi to Frio, (I'l3 milecV
Cu tho Weetrm Diettico.
oP razor/ono - .
Mall Troia Lawn I. :4
ileremmodatioa Train Leo,- r,n
Yell Train Arriceo .......... L: . .. 9
Aoaaamodation Train ASrITEN . 5 r.
Par hem. 'Roo reveals/ i'amencer hootnemOtippty
as the B. r corner Ilth sod .limitet eta., on I for Freciht
business of the Company's *glints
phI KIutISTOM, Jg, corner Lith hod Statk..t Ft-, ,
J. U. DEAL_ L l _ 408 tr. C. R. IL, B&W:sorr
a. B. HOUSTON, clomirrol Freight Agent, Ph Os,
LEWIS 14. BOUM; General Ttet Agent,
.109. D. MI% Cloutral Witmer, NrillialnETrrt•
jalMtt. •
_i • wHousAmt mares nt
raw, Pork, Beef, Salt, Grain
No. 2, Waynia Block,
Ana ga i sZ cA L, CRIA PA
JWMy Breadled trait, Pieklas, Pew Si
ealrWar. SUER i 11t7101138.
Of max WWI for ails by L, =U . the awe or
=114,111 JUN C
44. •
r ißtot,
9; •; ,;•• • ; Cloes November 20t11,19t ,
er.p. TEP.It,
0 , ..^.1 :1 , • vh r I.t, 083; Closes Ilareh'ilth,
z:11:1%r; T 511i11,
• ,i !Lb, It-14 closes June 17th,
• • r.n , t (.onvonient ; scowl Llbtarlek
• 1.,.1 .
11, o'l . Al.piratne ; Instruction them*
T ,- • 1, , attention paid to eleaseatiny
J. A.COOPEit, Principal.
I rre ceatioer cgalaat the annuOt!
arttr..l. , e of IT F. o r laahle s; SOAP. he., now Wheat fa,
tat. 0131 f GP:VISE airl PA 1411111U11
r . - Y I'r":N3YI.V.ANIA `!ALT MANUFACptit.
I." , ; tee , .r trntle. marl: for it belog . : 1 AP0111.
r 7', izAT Ef) Tim great StCCEI3
tt IrtVie I.;iIPP.Is:CIPI,ED PARTIES to ea
•‘CAT...I Tr: It, in of the Compeer,
th.e: are ' heraby NOTIFIED. Pa
C - 0.2 PA NY. have areplo; ed so their ATIO„En7F,
I; nrril: r:A.rtny ; :o, Erq..of Philadelphia, am!,
A..”:I3AIZr,:TELL, EN., of Pittoetirg,
Ar,l thrt• 1,11 GTACTrISER.R, USERS OE SICLI.Eis
1,1 c: the rightaPf the COropany, TUN
‘. !,
• 7 , _ or CONCE:;TEATED LYE, 1i t
to r Grooms Am) Comerar Sroetz
A Ir. V., N C , 7'; ICEI
. C47.r.r, Weston LuV
i'•: - . , , , r!rants. No. I of, Slay Term, to 1092, ID ma
rl 3. G. Cw,i3n. dzzree• to ths Caltpri,
1 0.. I -,, I tha EZ:CLUJICE iht grante!ti
1-c for,tLo bAPONIPIER. Pdc
21, 1::4. 14:petztalimjeit:::02 astude.
orricEmg ,
1:7 IT,. a .s rhi:Liflphi;; Tat St—.it az:
. -
'.• .1' .1 ,- .t I 1-17
SPRINCI. 1882.
1 7 , I 1 c!. E err
y ✓ ' iL , rret Sfrre
f H. SMI-: 41,
cer, with Coocla New Totictr.x,
: Weaehir.z end Drtstki
• n.k.lttAtt, St taafX.
\: cLa I
1: X 1: 1: I I)4'
saborxiber mpoctralip
forrni "Lie c.ttztas of Eng and rftiolty, that ha hu tat
an 1 i , :,:teJ the G3lt,ry recently occupied by
Ch - ant.zz, whet , bete prepared to execute
4' 14 4 1 T 44 (i- R A P -H
rtalt If 41:TE or i'l33Tlll To
ET. I " Particular att.:la:lon to Chatiteu sad Copying•
nj.l.lB',2tr. '
• :• -* MRS. E. It. lifilLLY,
Croal , Lrespoctfuliv announce to tho ladles of Cris fa.
Lelp i'y, that she trill open,
TLESU ~.II'ItI I, 28 , 2503;
th , corner of Fropch 1111 ti Fifth streets, terodoie
_North r , flVa . & large end splendid ounorsorr
h frcm ;4%1.1 Yotl: City, =brae= ITO
w n+l;r contained In s Ow es Set*
8L.17.14111.NG PIZE.YSI.NU AYD coLarutro,
Pon , :a the 11Pet,' and on the most Rama
..Urs. 11, hariag had extensive experience to the by
n C 43, Catters he: rqf that she can giTe entire eatiefeetits:
Ths public patronage is rerpectfully 8011e1ted.
"i •
_ aFr2F6l'
: I.:ata It NORTE EMIT R R.ia, f
Rile, PA ;inly 21,
h deal nod a teml•santal okth of 5 per cent. and an eztra 51118E22 .c( .0 ;IS_ 011
la the 11.1 t raerteace toads cf the Erie G rfttstargita
rnad f h.lth fra t.B Gel...rat:tat tat
able to the t. , toetholdett ba the let of Auger:lo
;he Cdr.z.'or.ll krt ,aid at the otco of the Campo!
at r.eptt. S.. S. ZROV.',
T L,'
PAP I: fIAYGI (33..--N car and eleirazt 604*
of Par.'n !la 1 nod Bordnrn j na n
rot/ v ,, ro r„.„„ s tf. ) - C. ARLDO,
t 7. sc. ;IT
a•;;;;Nr..: th
Islantward lloulid-
. Stray Cow. I .
C. , . .•
:,' -.
.. - ... - ..:•,..1rr r, ~ ..
~ , t ri, % I.i , ; h: 1.27. r, 1 , r'.., 'ai"'
!•r ; It. tt. • an r, n.Jre 2 . ar I•oid, , itis,q; ~.
P.' ,' 1r: , •.1.i,.: .....‘z 4hoOA • riq t,.... t. ,. °' .. "..... - 1 .
• ~... ,-.: , r, ro ,'" 11
rl.orr, f., ( 1,,,,,„. ~,, , s. . ~. two.
-,•,. 'Ai , 11: L.O d. o,f in.:,.. • H Rri.l .
• _.— •
Cow Lost.
SITA`..T,D frora :he reside:3:e
tbs rf E;1-, ca Eq.. 414 rt .;:j 7 fiery
Light 1:7,1 tUci th,tk.
ttor44 - nnd bzw, kn 0,,,, t I,,betit
cld :" ha., a rh•:!.. • and oho - h-7 butt
dry frora ri:,:r2-22 rf her ,71.
algat3 nal .i...;rtn, neth, te .1"
rdce. %ri. MAO'
aus-J,3,r 0
UNIT:Eti ti PEI: CES,f-80-‘;/ 15
Ili ;.-,
Zi75.. 1:7
fi r. A
I.'l I, • I x i .,
r.: c tn- EcncP thr:
I! , ' , ;PNZTST::I;',4 BLOM.,
D.,oy Irnin Stab titrra:
-Depar i t
1111A 4. I
is 4.