Tin BUFFALO : , MERCANTILE COLLEGE, GAM OF RAIN s EMMA STEgliti. Ie as lapeetaat Rah In the eat chain of siersnii4A. initommax °ALUM. loeatol in the follow_ilig MON *— •XV YORK CITY, BROOKLYN. TROY' DK TROTT. TRILADICLPHIA„ ALBANYCLIIVALAND, ORlcaoo awn toms AincrosollTo. "Picilielimailp theailil from Natal& CoI M esothethe holder to attend ar All the Collagen far ea halhalted Oa. Sr. •bids■ ad doom loottoutoos, I. to Import to peon moo sad ladies, a Monroe, prolioill Those Dallies. are organized and •ossinstad upoa • basis width utast mon to slash wpm* lastitathm Oa brat pessiblefaailitisalorimsartitts a thorough am monia sdatstioa, and reader it as a - whole, the aloe oasorabsestv• sad complete system in this country: SwaspKeeping in ell its 4putaintagehrsplang, Commercial Law, Commercial Arlttuniitie scut Penman ship, are taught in the most thorough awl practical alai K. The Speseeriam ammo of Pearazasktp, fe int4r=tont and importeneen Isashers. sayible In advance, $4O, CoLoco open day sad weals; :--no vacations _142//dent Prinei &Ado. J. C. BwrAirr. Fat Author plena call at rho lloss Haat v., or bond for Catalorio and Circular ea - closing taint Aaron. Addriva BRYANT £ STRATTON, . Sang*. N. Y '.V FIRM. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING - WAR E-R 0 OM SI On State St., between Seventh and Eighth. The Sulearthers bare mitered into the Cabinet Making and •FURNITURE .TRADE, Lad propose maldnido order and keeping constantly on hand all kinds of Furniture. ordass wilt reoeire prompt attention. Repairing dons • on short notice. UNDERTAKING. 1 The anhianime eltll gimp special attention to this de. Ise:twat of their badness. They will ;matador* and %as eosate‘n -bawd • large assortment of Metallic Nolo and C and holdenniselres in readiness to tea* orders to proUy, from any part of the scantly. i nstannined to spare no *Sorts to prices, , ish* Hon both the guilty of Muir goods and they hop Wafture a liberal share ofpublic patronage. - MOORX & BIBLE?, Suer:Tors to J. H. WM. REMI T . , 3. M. 1311YANT. E AGLE FOUNDRY Test; Si, Moos its Raids Road, /Die' , Pa. HENRY. & BRYANT, (noc... to Acheson & Henry,) 11.13r07/X7TRELI OP PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN I SEM IRONWARE, IN • D ALL RINDS OP IRON CASTIRGS. 1110 Store Fold by us wurantet?to give satisfaction. - Sento Sleigh-shoes, Sad irons, &c , on hand or trum ufactsred to 'order. • , PWws airo Punt Polars of superior make and dun biltl7 ale*. on hand. A call and a fair trial of our arti cles & all we ask. HENRY & BRYANT. wirtirlitt. 11111TFORD FIBS 1118IIRMIC8 CO. HAST/PORD,, ICONNASCYICTIY. INCOirpoRATzD 1810. CAPITAL 8600,000. B. IcIINTINGTON, Prost. T. C. ALLYN, 9.47 OI'L'Y FIRE 111811-BANCE COMPANY, - HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. - MCO/POILITID ISO; CdP/T4L P.:0,050 C.ll..'BOWT.M'Prest. C. C. WAITS. Seey. INERM:AN . CE in the above old and reli able Companies cao be obtained on application o saacc4ll-41. R. W. RUSSELL. Agent. THE GREAT CAUSE OF, 'MAN MISERY. iffYublished in a Sealed Envelope, deit ft eta, A Lecture on the Cause and Cure of VnalltarrhomrCassumPtion. Hanka and Physical De wily, Nervousnew, Hpilepey ; impaired Nutrition of the Body i Lereitede ; Weelosea of the Limbs sod , Back isolliqueltbloa. and incapacity for Study and Labor; Dillow of appreheandon; Lose of Homo • demi= to Sootety; _Love of Eloiltnde; Tumidity; 88;1=15istrust; His slow_ Headache; deb.-tic= of the Zyes; Pbnpleson this race; '1 Higaissions sad aerstod Incapacity; the C ofYonthful indlecudion. ac-, &c. • 411 0=s1batesbis Lecture chart)" porta that the *acne entunecated, 01100 self-afflicted crib, stay be re moved *Wiest needidne and without-dangerous surgical soesttaas, sad etthold be read by miry )bath and every sr& la*, Wad. alMist sea. la's Okla envelope, to any adduce, of 14111)1111N1q4 a atm sentm, or two Outage stamps, ad - 4Aaf is.47 ' Da. Ca•S. J. C. BIM Ea Bowery, New York, Poet Mee Dos, UM. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING Largest & Beat Stock of Good iu the Cityl CON 4 AND SEE FOR YOURSELVE3 I MOSES KOCH iinuLD 'RESPECTFULLY • fdrentas old friends and antrmara that tru rensoard to the splendid 'new Eters Xsom NO. 10 WILON BLOOM, firkin se Unitas them to call and sizarsdas his goods. His stock Las large and well sale: tad 611) In UM, and he ls &lama/0 not to he saderssrld. Ha his Jost recelval Ihs largest stockt/1 SPRING AND SUUVER (100D:tgt aver hrosibt toArie. Liu motto to the host of good', galdr sales. one pries/ and that ttm Sowest. If goods rs• art what they are repeated tbq mat be returned. doer/CM - " • I MI P i ORTANT yi~bi_c N OTICE. Fur the bpestly and t Core or riesereellees, Gleet, Urethral Dlatherargese, itsesiaal Mailers, If ictlWy lh./a+/on4lwsaeNwt es Gewilat Debility. 044 1r,4 abiJlll, Grgeeei. Stricture and Anklions of the Kidnap aail Blade; which hes been need by upenirds of 031)3 Htl/IDRED PETELICILIM to ttmdrprints prattles, mitts entire sumo, lag Cutpebs. Capsules, or any compound M oses kaolin. • getable _ es Ig ""i *yam sad suer rialiaTa fluTaisiaell — aTtsp. presmie the his* • sad bales sapreouod, all SSW lasi torte la svddsd. No chugs of &at la while sem thaw. Nee due Ckak actka lablfte mml = Nelsen pumas. Each Box sedaisa alz des mu, oft dollar, arid mold by all Droulate. Dr. Bell's Treatise on Beanlnal Weakness SZLT42I:iST, GOTIORIIHEA, Guar. hotnramPA tut n o c t ips. cantata= boycessat autos to the T ME& biz cubs* regatredie pry poetess. DU. BULL'S BULENN BOOK,IL eau. talcregattas In GONORRHEA, GLUT. STRICT BYPNILLI3, as, dataLUag all Ike various itays, with rtneoriptlone In &bill* adapted it eellerent• *sent without the aid of • Maiden. Moe, ogee denim The Pills or Ikalta ‘l3l be stet try notl, propeldi mad mare horn obetression, on receipt of the raiser IT wiT sdr.railnt 76 Bt., New York, Mos PM.) ARBold la Ede Dr. L. NO, MOB. S. eiN and WY. N Drentita. . madly 4.T4, A GENTS AGENTSI AGENTS LI a ' al h • 01P.KCILLATION. , ' A GOOD CZ TO LUCE NOM. • IN are sow ploptred to furnish our New and 17xr. NATIONAL \ PRIZE PACKET, WWI osietalas • grester variety of undal eadeutertsio ts tag 'Melee than any ever Cone before relal Moto, issued. It contains, 6 Sheene . • Sheets Patriotic Note, new sod slope Da. • =tic relopes, choke Maim, 6 Dalt vellipee, IBletting Pad, Mae Steel Pee, lioverwoodation Pen -Roger. liess Illsektes4 Pend], 3 11 rodieS Alusuu for INA • • 1118.4111PUNIsas at the Fist of War, • 000311lublUtou of tlpi War, livrtrilte orsur leadhas Generais. • ennyieteChronelogiad Record of Battles and ladmishio trout the conunerwieneut of the BsbsZUoo s _ue die Se present thee. Aloo, • 811,1INDID Jswil.WY 411111Verhieh elate is worth trine 60 mute to sd,oo. eau of than 11111 variative of Jewelry for both lad Owe ang Oistiumes 'oar. more ter alai illithaNWß Onion Dasagui valuable I.l4 = Pet understood it t/y understood therms not mew* truth u and SAS B EZ N sold Tal litatlosery akeil ist r i L t amlif quality azi. llll6,Th. our wattas t" to with Wholosele Miduss, ll" *MON CO., - 933 thuds, Strait, Clemibia4 o. 101* naylol-11ni• l IKIIEIEKEEPEBB Pa lad as eseoitmeat of Whitlow, Sank Vale wish iad other Itrumbet, it the stare et J. 8. °MIK 4:71139Y, SOAPS,' . se: 0 4a111011111br the Bair.-1 bon sus& SIN Aliedi.atitils air otgeolksaid the unitsest barren": • . - DR. WX. B. UUBD'S DENTAL REMEDIES LEO THE iMURLI), ,ainiso, 1 WlMlCS'itivild a • SWUM. 111111.4711. Ali/D irßßllle tiAffillOag AND Siyli a i ' Do you ',Jab to 14 Wood wish sad admind for E10u.7 Wank ihip4_llsaad MTH t Use Dk. lI.AUNUTIII OMUTA LLIED TOOTH row. U ix; varnated Erse from add, alke,ll, ia out Waii"a 6 . satatance. ' Pito% 211 auk ow kn. ar &true of the ardlitary asap Tc.wtit which whit= but destroy'. Do you wish to bit Milan that your Bit 6. 41 if ho pair; nowt, and aprosahla to kaabiod or vita, torst or Wan dr? (1.. DR. 114011244 CIPLIMIZATIRD 114M7111 WARD. Prim, ST vests pr. hottio., 'MU 'miaow. wash la alao nu boas noway Is this 'add for Cantinas, HAD Haaawar, Br ammo Aru n Soli It ham curia hatataaa Do yop i or your stainer. auger Mum ?GMLUCILE det ItIIAZIPS KAM 4) TOOMA cum UFZUPI9. Pero, IA routs per bottle. At. lou alletsd 'rah JItIiGRALGIA t Get Wt. W. 'B. EIVIRDII PINDRALGLII PLAISTICRO. Ttle mast sftsctiv. sad dsllghtful malady kaolin'. ?boy Au not ',there mow bliatar, but rotate sad charm sin away. Try th ous'. Ter., 18 sod VI routs. Ilattait yto receipt of prim. Do you wish a templat• wit of DENTAL italltDileti and a Tats NE ON Plarsznia Tun? flit DR. W. B. UVRD'S DENTAL Tasamnits, the nosiNott sad moat vslusbls pr'a't that ow Maud eau Enka to 'mother. Mee, $l. Sioat by Express on raivipt of pries. For sale at all the but stereo throalbout the eoautry CAtrilow.—As thste sue desk» who take adreetal• of oar whorkesuwata to hopeow wpoortiwer widowers 4. take preparations, It 1. nowsiq to lariat epos bar* what yotkoall kr, lowtywa awe www Jur, tholowgit-_ ty tooted, aid prepaidea otpodeowed wad wisattio Dentist, Treasurer of the New Mt Ptak Dowthit's Aso. ciatioh, and Viee•Pi foldout 0. the New York City Dental Society. Adam. ' e - WM. B. HUBk do CO., Now York. Da. 111111D'Il DILITAL BilltiP/11:11 AIM Tel SALII IC TM* rs4.os IT ALL Duraturts. THE HOUr==PEEt'S •j)UMW from an bgrom . o_o by the = tr rotate a 'barna cuss y all atm loading New Tort ru Dealers sod Piano-Porte liken to be tbet ad Is W ad wn& Ibr copying Scratch's, Darks. sad Itto restating a hilrh and bating glom to all Wads of Vaarilahsd work, from Fabliau* to Loather. It Le cheaper , sad bitter than Tandah, dries booedlstel , and is sadly applied.. With a shoe of Canto* sad • battle or two of this Nor nuns= Pats; • Howaksora eau sort magic in the Walton 'Caboose awl keep it lorkba Money. Sow is the Dmit le ',Addle up " your Tablas Chain, Books, flarro. Mato holoar, Cards/so, Ms., sod make them look 10 . amat.better. This is trap economy. For sob& Dialers sod Slow keepers generally. 26 oak 60 cents a bottla— Depot Na. 1 Spore Nei York. Smut. aemo Varna, aoraistalialt /Ft; Dar You P. O. YL• Boossmonsies Now Irvbriverss Pouts Astor Wt bon at the Storm AT BOOKS kN PRESS 10:1:)PAi)SIeD1 1 :ft1 11 ) 1 •VV: = GREAT REBELLION ; Olt, 'ke Ittllllll at it kaidiera and Rattan. - liitliZASID ~,_, va..-fargs 121 no. Pries, 111,25 . ws, its uttase smiths patina erectihe Ls ittoll= tbta vfll ma to gesonts iv and exteastre 46411 1il War for the Union. - its thinonfll ha th tint White& it'd )tali-losanthausseof sof aaa sallots, sad Its Locldetrts vtuMa the thane of otztoostantst as isounostobis Amnia in panto some. It sin cootais, in addition to iL Orris; astallob - th t Indlonsoldoel LAW, of tit* OWN" of OW b ;lase-U, Norm, L. L. D., Amato, of "tin 2,40 of the Wok lispablic," M 44 tka data of ail the la • pedant emote trios Qs John lirova s Z and as seam - ate and taiga &must cf tbs Ft Mitten th azterarieft• One-third lie grafted. of all Elatoo &red to es will be or= for tk• Re diet of Lod dektarg, and all who wilds • aoyy of the work end also to b.Dadt tha solatera, iambi send theft manse and ad dress at once. Ale e, any cam, or pirate, at person I:a any section at the °Gantry having knowledge of a berola sat or stir:log latident,wW Wire tee by weeoliog as an account uf It , hiteilla. arum. es 4 CLITAAII nife .161111 TS will be Icm.t.lied with • ibetscrlitioe Proepott us, au el,• plirattrco to the pebUsbers. A takingicausliam pass to satAiro 714, is ref .41.441701 la takiar saiwrifitigas. lED Tan HISTORY OW AMBILICAN MANIAC• wards, IOOIO.IIIIOOut 11914. By Dr. J. L. WINOS BROOM 2 ♦nla, aro. Vol. I. sow nady. IL aearly ready. ?h. tepre6et4 tie lutist sa4 moot Wyo/teat evert cow la the Alamein pear Ws have law Put p d i s 1 arU atitkaa ,a lb* to/. lewhis urea sal popular books TUB ALM% USUAL ADVILILVA 04 ROW tCI San bloom byCasibisellad- Badlssas as. cording to Law. u espodaded bribe Met cad last Authorities. 400 pi... 444%. Fria $l. OPPOILTIMITLAM NOR iNDUOTOLY et A THOCHANO 1711AX01111 TO MAI . MCI $l. This hub,. Artbliabiril Is Sogisal. Every builairsloaa sad elocknbaold ban Nam books. Thetaal pa ,y tbo burr • Modred told. Wray wont should pt than for Obits sou. • All tbino books as Nada% pootpokl, ea noolpt peke. Wipe, mamba. allonlion to nnalllaa earabillp tad paean sad sad aai book on losolpt palglikonf siz "ups.. Addron FR___ 'ac co.. • Tribal* Buildings, B. Y. YlAZ4oB.—Poisoro Ida it to My • risasiel tM Imt.malieis will to alima nil •Llbiad joy. Cos k i to, I=•' 11low ERIE clir.\sy BOOK JSIN ' DEBY COILNZI OP szart4ll rirrars. usisr would niiisetrally Marti thsoks drr theti= m arAstotobra eittaided to ids. mid ',it' or the mums Hs has niaintly mite ispromisuts, tosit width an PAGING I 'MACHINE, for rein Biwa hookaisas et which be u outbid to do yr* of t h a t Had ar oast lid se whip ft bi fa /kakis. Isuig bad sa EXPERIENCE OF TWENTY YEARS, I Wive I out an* 'tor tMe pals with full awallgaisio la vw/ abil.W to gin RULING, AINDLNG AND ALL KINDS OP WOlll4 111 111 Y WIZ Dow to mil r. Conshwatly ow hood a huts sup* oi B L A N - 1 - $ 0,6111/8. liasewier the As* , sosti•wort 'some et site awl Fifth street% ascend Item ant deli is the agoottir aim S. N. COLS. hatailtry lttb, TOKR WOJC4I, MAU*iJDIIIWM 1.9 roux I etintsOw num, Ir:ROXT•BLES, AC., • Awe, Dulaorw' OVITNN4 Pt aULTAY AND GAN& to War 16110811 law .No. 2, Tracy's Iflock,lim CapArla 4. AMOK - ELTS. FA. Orden hpsAkelltlise the OW s i o=1 13 0 1 s= r 0 1 aad lousei HAIR, TEETH L OTHER MUM& ZINO body tea be WM& time Miens by aWai at *a al aft of aptUtt. YAP :UM= SILENCIE Mk :a • , Turimp t igmok tilanitra EIPETAIII3 SAXEBI3 Cl " —}4 TRlts ANO 1 , 011 It N` fi; I .4op H 0 (• 1: 4 11 1 f) it Its I,ltt IT 1.1 , • For Pawnlna,, Weakly, Isebioun and - 'lovahini. • lax Xl' Jr: cspt; Wet; r' 41 , 1 .51 0 CP .444 Cftlf—x O tem cr.:- f-i. Yit rPmP Cslatoratal Kemp.. for tie relrellewal land Lananclal qualities as • gentle Stimulant, Tonle, Diuretic and liuderide, Mighty : esteemed b,_r cultist:it pnyairiss., uae.l In European and American Hospitals, hill 4v maim 01 the pntfamtlus in Europe and America AS A TONIC, 11 has SO equal, causing au Appetit. and Lila%Lug up the it/Item, being entir.ly a pule wine a 'unfit cat talo/a frail. It imparts a healthy ittion Io the (hands and Kid resysoand Urinary organs, Trry beneticiel ie Dropsy,. Qout, awl Rheumatic affection/4. BPSEI'B WISE, le not a mixture or seanuticinie4 artu•ir, but purely rum lbe juke or the Portugal Pambuime Grape*, culti vated in New • ,lereey, reemrttnebdod by Chemists an•t PbjakLarss as poaaeuengmedirgl propertirs superior to any other Wines to ass, and an exnelletit article for all weak and debilitated persons and the aged and infirm, improving lb* appetite and hettstit ling ladies sod child no. Because it Will not iutnatrata ast utll , r xtuva, AN it ecostaltur no mixture of Writs ur Mlle; liquors. and ie as admired for its rids. peculiar flavor, and nutritive propertios, Imparting a health► tone to : the dignnatitre'or rum, awl a blooming, soft and tiralltivatin ■nd cos. plexion. WE ItEFER To - A few et%ll known gentlemen end ;My. Anima, wlo, Lave tried the Wine tld Scr - llth bi.. " Ilea. Winfield Scott, U.S.A. Dr. OUT. 110 N.Y. State. Dr. Wan!, Newark, `..1. Dr. J. R. . N.Y.City IDr. Dougherty, Nrw'l.. N.J. Dr. Patter, N. Y City. I)r. rang!, PhDs. Dl7. Darcy and Nichol!, Newark, N. J. None genuine uulru th'!e!guatire REI) frierbiSitle nr• MAKE ONE TIDAL Ol ir rT;ll4 WINE: r sale in Erie, by J. S. CARTER. ILIA LI, A: WAS- FltiLl., Agents also for SPEgR'S Celebrated eaudyuci Brandy Oporto, pure old article. A.. SPICER, Potorairroit.i . YINEYARU, Passale4 New Jersey. OFFICE, 20S Broadway, New York _ ;:•)Fitzt:il JOHN I,A Fut', Peals, Oct. 4.1 y. Agent for Yrauct,aud Gernmay.. PT A N TO ILADIES. , t IW. JOHN hiving for • • °image at twenty yams devoted Ns platioloaal U. exclusively to the treatcseat of FEMALE DIFFICUI:rIES , Air& Urfa. socoeselesi thoises4s eels, restor tar' - , Nbt~Korotlirfrwtan•'ottSollAL ° • 1,11 oisaiiatMt, Wiriness tales, Pal als., te., tlairfolifitsaera of mom serious and see to PWa an nes ritAsnly km: d a l l icm on may ts ter the ant ate fame nrtUtost MEET ACT L,TICH ej =Aux b li e W s sairi l =t mow Y retallattty; se, udder from what era the obttruettehe or/ arise. Thry ahould,- how ever, NOT be tam darted the tint three at four mouths of pregame', though oh it say Mkt time, at %r wood be the met. Soak bog eoutalas CO i ga, Ow Dollar. 5):41 by gai Drweate ON DISEAS o ES ps tale 1‘1E14..AL.E13, Pripnaney,Jaboarrl, 162200/ 1 608. eirroMiv, Br ratio/Um and ammo of Nature, as LADIES' PitrVATE Itrmaa. Ati67SX.EL, • Praaphlrt , of 60 pees, sent fro* to address. 614 ands ref Wed to_ psi postage. I no or or Book wUI sera ty wad, prapaid and wan from cbterestfori, recdpt d lb, stoasy by gay sitrert36•4 gent or by J. Blt f , • tiesoiruli Alias, M out' TtfAN Tt N T I'D US A N I) BO US of tbis haQo boar' sold In tie rtierMty of its p flog Caeca hi introduction, and tie .uc uatfss d t has been very remarkable., There is reareaky an ill that camel hi fainelieu, bat what Its thwalr ass has either cured Or relieved. Abundant evi dence bas bean shown that It bl , ipry 11 - oedemata, in caring all tetra of SORE THROAT, DIPTH ERI • . SCA !MET IN A, —IT CURES; Ministers' and Lawyers' Sore Throat IT CURES—BEONCFUT Is. IT MUM—SALT RHEtisi. IT CURES—SICK HEADACHE. ITS CURES—URNS, CHAFES, &c. IT CITRES--CHOLICS, VI E IAhIPs, &C. • IT CURES—PAIN IN , T BACK. IT CIIRES—RHEUDIATIAm, IT CURES—CHILL BI INtI. Gives prompt re ,of in Asthma ' PHTHIBIC, AND ODOUP. L way valpable is • GRAVEL, DROPBII `AND KIDNEY AFFECTIONS. Le ussupasimod As . • LINI~3T ANIEPA7.32 KILLER, In Bottles at 25 and 50 Cta. • by all rospactable Dfigglatil Dealars tha IL UMW. 5 1141 11,1 %.,055 CO., lios. 1..% mut 15) William elm" OW Wm*, Wholamil;tits, by whom orders min is snaptty tilled. I - &Midi by J. LCARTSB. ttia, Aim solo Mo t sm of corms B V A E CO4 j 55MT Pals, 4311) MOTS GLIKSII WOWW CANDY. j $115.4 t B ' LEY I BARLEY ri. kiwi to txtulat,!‘tVbiz?' . 4. . to kire de a irt bu r years. Ile tow 80;,04 4 . BUSHELS Aad a en these ill's highest market price Vies eet.ll-112. A. RING pURE WINES A: 2 LIQUORS. To Nottl on sad Lba Public. op Oak of obits W 4 Upon, both foreign sod sotto% itobtoolog all tbo mid • molly pftictibod or WWI tor. Bath so !edit, • Plourp i ~ legs QOM Zook' Clint sodas*, Moos: Bake. ; JA RMO aohlt Cads Sa Atotlead, • and Phu Apollielst OWN* Dad ' lifebelli4_2_ • . , Age.— 4aiage tiara an sow too Old Drool, of Tunas*, 'IMAM II Tory maim &NH dam 1t [»f 7 ' bigh in , prot in rWMj tboY aro pOr to th e p and Mtoid Ms volt tho that thou lover priced or Wilder Mak ortialt ozokt lmitations. Ta moue lb* /arty sod HUdo the ftut qoaiities of than 'Ads me, mottos t wodu sod ospotteoeo mold impolliiit• bow 'rad so far aa hie pos. eat Sheik' Up Ws *also of to IIII•doorot stlieho fa so Lotportant both to owl Won% UNA smosaboo Is oilyosecooary_ to more tbote attootloa. aprlrPtir. J 140.5. Mac H. 1 RENT.—A TWO.STORY F AXE /MUM ECICIEL en fitooad. lbOrrest gltit• ENO NW& lalag u i zr • . r MAIMM . 1111101m41111144, • SA SIBUCI WIN! AAA biVRETit .4 1,1l)IEN" DR. M1.2,77ir.t TETtATISZ Ell AYER'S Sarsaparilla • FOE PURIFYING ?RN BLOOD. 41134 1.4 the epeelly ktre uf the followinc rompuhdc: Syrufala avid iitirofalatio Affeettallsostark se Tumors. tleere. Stkrest Kruptionst P_ln+Pled. Pustules, 'Blotches, SOU", igiatia•• hit rill Skin Diseases. o,trkso, 6th Inne, 115% J. C. Atria At U. , . (rents : l feet It my duty to ix. loam tedgo What gout; has dune f or 0:10. harlot 11111 , 41 VA a Sterafulons Inkctian, I have guttered GoM it uriarions way., f o r 3 ears. Stunetlntes It bunt out in Glees nu lay:handl and arms; sometime* It. turned inward and ilidn.ssed tan at.tta , t•tatusell. TM? PArs ago it tall.° Giltnn, lOC 11.413 and entered my scalp and man lAlth OOP rare. trltich a as painful and Inatome* Lryond drs , rlson. I {11 , 41 many tuedi , Ines and wend ph) hut %Mad murk relief from rin:: thing. In Is‘t, the rider oleo, w 00... At loUgth I:cras rejoiced 1.. itod In the tie:p.l Ilesteneer that yon Lod prepared altsaniva (Sarsaparilla, t,r I know tinuf yam repnta tioo that any thin.; ),.‘t maid L. gOO4. I •keitt to Coneinuati lad r,t it. met treen It lillll rured Inc. I took 11, )011 tuiuw , .0 *mall rk.ewo .4 a tearpraofiri ottn - Is wiralh, turd stl 4 4 .ilonwt throe 10th... ~ and healthy skin won hee.iti to form under 11W uhk h atter ai %MIA JAI td. Aly .kin h pow clew, and I know hy luy feelior thud the illerereir hi,. paw, from mir tiyat,ot. yon cau well belie% e 1144 r,l %, bat lam pay rig pion I tell )..tt, that I 1,51.1 :‘ , .0 to 10. ono . I Ilia apostles of the Ors and leni.ntlftleiVillettllty. V04.1f.. ALFRED U TALLF.c. St. Atathenty's•F'lre, Itosetar Erysipelas. Triter and Salt Rheum. Scald timid, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. • Dr. Rant M. Prude writes frotn Sairta, N. 12th that he has cured an tnveterate care lit Dropry, whirll threatened to terminate fatally, by the penetering use of our Samoa:llla. and also • dangerous Malignant Erin:plat by largo Jaen of the rune; says ho cum the roma:ion Eng:Gant by it constantly. iiirenchoeelo,'Cloitro or Swilled Nisei. Zebulon Sloan of Prorpect, Tosas writes : "Throw ties of your ?amp:trills cured me &In a Cailte..-n hid. sous swelling on the neck, alai II I had suffered from over two years." Lenctorrlicra or Whites,Orartati l'neeer. Uterine Ulceration, Female Macaw. 14..7 11. S. Channink of Now York City, writes ; '.l moeteheerfnlly comply with the request of your agent In saying I hare found your Saratramila a most excellent alterative In the numerous complaints fur which we employ Each a remedy, but especially in /beak Diseases of the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 lyave mired many inveter ate cues of Leucerrheea by It, and some where the com plaint was caused by ulcendum of the,uterut. The ulcer ation itself was anon cured. Noticitiewlthin my knowl edge equals it for these female derabgemente:' Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A dan• serous ovarian tumor on one of the females in my family, which had defied all the remedies we could employ, has at length been compteteimared by your Extract of Sar saparilla. Our physician thopght uothinv hut extirpa tion could afford relief, but -be tulvieed the trial of your Sarsaparilla tie the last resort before cutting: and it moved effectual. After ht4ingyour *candy eight necks rid ryrnptom of the disease remains.", Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. 0 :raw Or.tzeus, '2sth August, IbC.O. Be. J. C. Arta; Fir, I cheerfully comply with the re quest of yvar agent, and report to you some of the elects I lonewith your Samurai B la. bate cured with It, In my practice, moat of the form plaints fur uhicis it is reticturneatied, and hate found its etre, ts truly v. ouderful In the cure of Pnereal and arrr. curia/ /hawse. One elms patients bad Syphilitic ulcers In his throat, which were consuming his palate and the top of lops mouth: Your tiarsapiri4la, steadily taken, cured him In ter. weeks. Another es attacked by see. tindery symptom' In his nose, sad the ulceration had eaten Keay a considerable part of it, eo that I believe the disorder would boon reach his brain and kill him. But it yielded to my adishostratrou of your Selwaparilla t the ulcers healed, and he is well agulovue.t of course without some.disfigusation to Iris face.- A woman who had been traded fur the tune disorder by tutreury was suffering from this poison in her bones. They laul become to sea- LIU ve to the weather that on a damp day aho suffered ex cruciating pain in her joints and homes. She, too, was cured eutlrely by your Harsapartlla in a few weeks. I know from Its formula, which your agent gave me,,that this Treparntion_from your laboratory must be a great remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable smolt, with It have not surprised me. , Fraternally yours, O. V. LABIMEB, 31. 1 t. Rhetunatisna t befit, Liver COmplaltst. JADu!sxnufq., Freston Co., VlL"^ . 6o . Ju!y_, 1 Dz. a. C. Arm: Sir,l have been afflicted with a Min. fat chronic Rhagmatxs for a long time, which baffled the skill of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the remedies I could find, mill I tried your Parimparills. One bottle cured me in two Weeks, and vitiated my general baolth so much that I ith far better than before I was attacked. I think It a wonderful medicine. J. SMALL Jute Y. Cita/ell, of St. Louis, writes "I hare been afflicted for yearn with an affedion of . the Veer, iebieh &World my health. I tried every thing, and every thing flUed to relieve me ; and I bars bees • - broken-down man kw some years - from no other cause than derangement of the Grey. lily belOred pastor, the Der. Vr. Espy, Mr Leal me to try your Pansaparliia, became he mid be kneel and any thing you made nu worth trying. 117 the bias. tog of Ood It has cured‘sne, and Me so purified my blood as to make a new man of me. IMI young 'again. I'M beet that can be said of you is not half good enough." Sehirros,Concor Tumors, Enlargeiooot, Ulceration, Cartes and. lElElollolo* of the Dosae•. A peat variety of CUP hare been reported to us when curse of these Who complaint; hare resulted from the ant of thls , but our spars berewNlll ad admit them. EOM* may be founCia mit American Almanac which the agents below named are pleased to Ousnlsh intim to all kb° call for them. Dyispoputa l _lleart Disease, Flts;' , Epllep• *y r Melancholy, Westraligla Many remittable cures of theme erections ion We's read* by tbi alterative powerof ibis medicine. lair the Tital functions Into else/row action, and' bna overeat= dbordan mi& would Ire winos* beyond ita reneb. Sock a remedy ban long been required by the ne eesettks of the wade, and weancontlitind that tits *tit do for gam all that cciallcine can do • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FOR THE BAPID CORE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis Incipient Con ittnaptfon, hiad Bronchitis, the Ballet or Constunptlve Patients , in advanced Stages' of the Disease. This a s remedy so universally known to eurpaa any other Ihr the curs of throat and lung complaints, that it is useless hire to publith The srldence of its virtues Its unrivalled excellence t iCaghe and cold% and itt truly Ir Olallrfal CUM of 12217 ball Mid, it known throughout la civilised nations of the earth Few are the cournunitles, or even families, among than bLo have-hot some iatussi 41 40 110,10 . of Its edects— cm~llcing'trophy In their =Mgt of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of'the throat and Insp. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, sail SS they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not do mare than to assure them that it has now all the vir tues that it did NIT& w hen making the cures which bars won so straogly upon the confidence of martkind. Prepared by Dr. .7. C. Anil /Si. CO., Liiwill, Kau. Stan in l rig try John S. Carter, T. S, Sinclair, Doetoi L Stumm W Nick auj Dacha P. Hall ; au lby dealers syscrolisr .tua.2112 Ir • ECONOMY N IV EA.LT I I CURE Vi RJR Co Mil F 4 1W 13 CENTS THM BEST AND C,HEAPEST HOUSEHOLD HEWED , / WOHLDt MADAME '4A DOC PORTER'S - GREAT COUGH REMEDY! Madam* ZADOC PORTER'S ^nest - tie Balaamu titurraa. .d if ludd sexortltug to th. Jractiosti, to cure In WI •spec,.Coughs, Chooptng Cough, Asthma, 1,1 &II affectloaa of the quit Intl Lungs. Ifitere ZADOCPORTFA'S ;abeam ie prepa.reel with all requisite , care and skill, nom a eombinatlon of the iswit remeeleathe vegetable kingdom ifforde. Ha ream. lal qualities are based on power to assist the heel• ey and vigorous Mrcula• on of the blood giro' the langs. /t Is not a violent remedy, but emollient, warming, marching and %Mire. can be taken by The id pL ea perlloll or youngest Made • • • ZSDO llama has been need by pabUe for neer 11 years, and basso:gained Represent sale rimply by being reams landed by those who /um cued it, to their afilieted 'lends and others.: ZSDOC PORTER'S /Curative Itateaee,. price which brings it in the retch °r every one to keep ' it convecdent for arse. The timely use of a single bottle will prove to be worth 100 times Its eost. _ _ _ NOTlCL—Liare Your Monkey no be per ! seeded to pruchus articles at 4s. to ill,whieh do pot son: fain the virtues oft 18 test bottleallieduna Porta, is Cu rative Bakens, the cost of manufacturing whisk is as greet as that of utmost any other medicine; and the rery low prke at which it is mid. makes the profit to tits seller apparently mall, and nanrincipled dealers will sometimes mocreiniend other umilanes on which their protta are larger, unless the cashmere th eist upon hariag Madame Poster's and sons other. Ask for Radium Pot ter's'Clare. the Saleaeo, Wee IS etc, and to large bottle. at 26 eta., lad tike Do other. If you cannot get it at one store you can another. . tr. Cold by all Druggists and SUE* keepers at 13 'eta., and in !Myer bottles stlis eta HALL & MICKEL, Proprietors, N. Y. JNO. S. CAREW, Argil , . RH*. tisa4o4-171 WEIGHT'S BLOCK, STATE STREET, ERIE, PENWA. Inters &full and Aoki assortment of OROCERIEfi, PROVISIONS! DOMEKTIC AND FOREIGIir 1 1 11171111, WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE VE:GATABLRB, art always on Land tad sellialfehimp jolitt JOHN BANYARD 8 New Oirery. MIXON r. wsl T. WEBB .Ib . KELLOtiG, (Swami to frebt 4 Kt'!toyed itANOTACITRZILB OP' 1611711? IMECRIPTIIpf STONS" WARE! AND DEALNIDI IN FIRE - . BRIFK, AND FIRE - CLAY, 114.tirso 24 sad id 64, as the 14e. V, 62 .7t 1 UM PA 9A Ht SS choice taints, SOO Wriniligrditst Um ants, irer , *O6 THR.I4-,svvridiziEvr 'THREE. • I . GREAT t szintEr miming as ouguisours.. PREPIARATIONS, V ‘ ll2, HELliggl.trzi El uer imiwoeu,- -1 ;- pAssargau.l.A. .. i ikIPROVgg itCiSt WAig . 1.1 EN U lIN E PREt'aRAT,ION, Aa r . 1 • • i , FLU i-D1 arras is it - Btr ti 0 II ! A rimiTly k: AN I) it rEl'irfe AY bJ i tit 1 . • sea human Ls TIM 1 • 1 BLADICR, KIDNEYS, Girt. AND Dirties,. 5 , 04/. Sink VMS. 4b . i ..__ 1 Tbia imbdltlihil hastessee use paws of Dlsaillau, 1164 elle itea the AILICIRiIIiNTS lab healthy *Alba, by which the WATER!' OR CALtXRO4I.St clapoaltioas, and all UNNA TVOI4L ENLARGICAIOCNTB an nadas•4l, aa well as pain and labassnatlae, and la geed ter #lO, •WOMEN 01( CHILDRICM. 1 I i RELNBOLD'iI tow w Arialog h&j Escort', Elablt• , tadisertion ATTENDEft WITH THE YO IndlopuitlO4 to Ezeitiou, Lou of Woulory, Work Kuno, Horror of Moue Lflouout of Idaa,' . colursal Liultodo of nu Museularlfystrns. Hot Haslf4 Donna of t Thew symplotas, it allowed to Tduratisbly ream iiiroTgmer, FATVI one of t ltwhich the patient that. y are sot &ego "direful d IN4NITX AND r llany at aware of the ?allow of their suffer/log. bat none will L irreg. Th e moo* of the Insane afyilllZlO and theme lithely deaths by!Consituiptlon, bear auiple witaeas to thil troth of the osiertion. . saza The CohstitaticniVtice Affected witfi . t Organic Weakuelia, • • Re unrest &Mot roeitioloe to strengthen .intl invigor ate the s em, HaLmßoLus EXTRACT BLIGHT. , invariably olove. A trial will convince this omit skep tical. i • ' : 1 • 1 . . RALLY, YKSIAIItte, •telitillira.Kell I fro. SMOLII, it.liiSlSl., OS COSTSIIMATING • If riai/oa, ii ' i In inaay, i ntf•ttlona peculia to Yeiuslee the Entree Borba is irsequalled by any D i ther remedy, as la CM/ire & orßenan, Irriplaritr4 ratritoloou or auppnadoo of tin Oosary Zrzet imuo tt4, Erkeratiel or Srliltrons. Mt. of Uwe Ulm; or Whites, Sterility, and for all notirplaiota Incident the sox, whetlier arlainir from Indlivetioa, Habits r- -- lion, or 16 the - ;i DOVEINE OR OF LIME. 1231 OLD on lIEUMEM a altaza, Mery l'aplassaat - i mextgßoLD's • 11.117.11A0T BITCHII Too. .1.. r. E T ir slaps; tt little • saw kitti• or .no CtUIVI , to Mat; - 11 C. (1:10011,111)=1:4, • A 24 U Nu EXPO6UR.E. it fr Csa;:aisttia,a d ptvesstraaKthtoUrtstor thereby grstanflos sad a:6n S i tri ss, so ;el tha sat MI; 7 1' I % s ialom lall3 sa d ai ad az g , a ' PGISO3OI73.IMISAS 4 WWII? OUT lil4 TTER.• • Theasaais a a Thonsa.nds, \ \ *AO wan 14 11 'Hit Q S Aud 1110 hays Fad BEAVYITZES to,ba amyl in a anort Urns, Wren:al:ld tiny tram ftlicsillud, aid that the Pot ssa"l4sibin'tj th e us of "porartal sork ei es t re: , bsea &but se. ti n to out in ca a/armful form, &44 \ PEKHA \ PB APT MARRIAdE , EMI In ati lb Fig UTILACrf BtiCnii For Aleartorof ai4 D u 0.... of t , kips cit i rca # v ' Itt a 0 API 8 , Vitupt* 'ILIAD' is MILL or ViiiIILN, frosi-st,st 1i ~. ovinecanao angtnatlni, ;all ooloattar _ \ \ a a DimaTio. BIIOIIII' MTIC., • ' aol MIL, r- •--~ And It., la 1 ?Ma4l . &tacks Ho Sex ual Organs, . throat, Mid-. PiP 4l / 2 lad olith t .../ririg !,.ts appeermice •la thej fort: or- ._ _ _ ritany.t Smaricathis Pastille the/need, said mime idi Plady-Eruptions of 1 the Shia, &tog to the lotion a r and Healthy Color) It being proplklid [expressly fo this elms of totophihtla. WI B lied-P argillat ?report; an preaorroal to a gaiter Went tkaa mu ether pre ration of Bar apart la. I Heilibold : stese W _, s ingled potion tor. 'basal of a Or _yphilitic Na-. -, aas d an injection! in Dawes the Urinary Bolntelawfrea=latipetiott. used to cep a with th e Extracts Backe and Sanaparllla, to lamas so rat , I time of the taostrasioanbio and a shame- II accompany the seec.leinat. DiIIiTIFICiAT/0 OW CU it, , Picht to hasty Yarslstaadirg„ wit Damn known -.LeNCE .AND" r.mr. . ~. For Medical Properties of AVCIIU, Dispessetory of the Vatted Stater. i See ,Profeaser DLIVESP nimble works on the Prac tice of Physic. Si. as aide by late celebrated Dr, PRY- 6/0,14 r kliadelphia. • See remarks lade by Dr SPHRJIMiIikDOWELL, a celebratod Physician rood or th Royal Collage as of Sarm, Lrelaad. and a the Transactions of the Lag tad fiataa's meal. I See Itedtea.Chunrgical Kerby. published by BEALLI MIK TAU VEJtS, Fellow of tie Royal Follette of Sur. 04. See most of . the late'Stalitard Works as Medicine. LIT/411r licown il. 00 per bottle , or 6 for 66'00 " B•2ais•lgnirl .4 . 00 I " 400 brunt, Rola Waxy , .60 ," I " - 220 Or half • damn of ash to OS 00, whkh will be sail ciatt to are tlis met obernate ewes, 11 directions are adhered to. ra Cures p Dollvered to it3o idalsit •ftliely pocked tress °boor tion. . • ar anatela. Adria - 4M Destille mot in b ail coatanuticatioup— such • Zvi tor w gl ____ _ _____-- Argu l tAv-vr. • - 4 eltr=se me Algom a& of the h 4 = l" g„ T. who. bobs duly • rem. deli web We es restals no mimetic. so rearrary, er atber i d mv i. oat are powg.T rogetibls. N. T. WT.I.IIBOLD.' , Neon% mi. ovberribekt re um, Ws WM day of Nov ember. OW -. I U. P. MBNAN.II; Aldorama. Nhith-stroot,„ Mews Nam, Nei. 4 ddrose Ultimo kw latermitioeike. •1 3 . 1 Tainai'rAmetet . Depot 1011 awl* Wow ClbirtA s o. .axww4 or,. aka. .' AND URPRIN 111 D DILLIARB. oseeevo, * dti iiilib lr" AIM" OWN? toe Mabee' %Melo we Ile by by . " !Halal ere SeashtiAm, • -.. ... . . I ,4 llBol bas ai - , " - , , " , , ttrolltose Wash. v • 24 + i 4 . 1 i P r l l o B 4 l • • ' sna "13 04 -4 44— . 2 !,414 . If_q 9 1 11 Ix Oat inii tits taritimpoge: _ 4 09 Follillip, s. W. scELl,oaa I HELNIBOAP)4 a 61 Dis.ipatlon, Fatty ♦baal, LOWING SYIS MOMS : Loss of- / * DIM. hillienlty of Breithing, Trembling. Wokenlness, Palo ht the bask. Flashing of the Body, Eruptions au the Face, Yalta Counteasoce, e Sklu. " go 0,, w Jkb this medicine boo follow EPILEPTIC YIT:4 4 y exotic. Who cast .sy tly followed by those I . EIZEII WITHOUT IT eluazit Y.3Jcto. fur Dlssims • Ii t OOD ! .lotopogia EMEEZEI EATS A'ND CAPS Olt T . lf ,Nt f, T, 1.1 • . ion SMITIT'S! DUItING my reveut Vi'it i•; :•',., 'l, -., rk tad Philadelphia, I Mad& idat,,,, ,, :frt.ta ~ tt h I hi , boisiamt woo, Isabluziably tUaltilhott+tr. , -1 , ,, 0. L.. , , a, t ally of pot:l4lu 4.1. hr., kiuil h.r. ~. . ..., • ..• , v . 'toe of the teat HATS, CA YS, f•Lfr C., ' sear hroughttc. this carkel 1 1... r ., ... 1, ~, •,„ , ~ ,i, . dried doz,i, . ' l' A LAI 1.1...11 11,A l • '; mud Ergy tiooota of 1100E4, r PI, 4r red au• t b •io :1,. .4/A alhator•ra, atie.t. • lii tt. 1 , .1.1 1.,' 1.1, .ttrze-1. , t .... • Jobber'. prices a • Itavo 1141. IrCl/11•.1 ttr,t.,.t. - ' ,rib. I ...;tOO., It, . ;., Br4o. r.pulfeit_ tit _ ___. . ... . . _ • 11 E A I' Ci 0 0 Wholesale and. Retail . , tIEWJERY AND PROVISION FT(' I,VI';E - & SCHLAP DECK Pa{ ttee now level% in.tat thi.lrorl • tai 1, A eau Blorts, atco ock, 1. ki ‘t I':)'_•. V ' •i• t • , !,.. r • t :tors! • •• • L7r,, • ",ds t 4 -- • -BIICHII, FRU I NUTS, dce., together with ever, of this kind, which as any other estahlisi Clack or most kinds of They have also on laud pue ne Stucky of Tobacco and Seserm which they invite the attention rd t , far Call and are ua—w s *low conFoquvu I i! bargains by eallinkt atthu Grocery Head Qua. AMERICAN Jtkue 2. 114450—W.: ' :z 1! AL: • ",I, CRACKEM. 4 . D CUNTECTIQN ER I 1..-, /.. # 2: WHOLESALE A T 111: suipneribor now,nlnnul : •ll %twig of CANI)Ik, of ILo • low prima. '1 offrt ikp K' I!.n. _ CCU, CAKES, ..c., pr.•••• titnt t o • Country Merekap!. to, OW.' 1., I. ••,: • 1 I befoie . purrbroius I at,thPar bousep .•;1, ' r ? • N " ' \We take great pletaute itriut.gtatu.; ttn• .I,ltitnetollgYatrojam in part N I F .14"I' 11 , 1C1tEAS1.11 1 .11.1 1111- A tri ate ptei , ared t., hit .11 COOKINgi HEAP: Haring purrhap.ot • larptf: F•t: rn ir being loifut out, ytr. , to o ka , 71112 an price or Stosta, o-,,r'Sfanoie:l4r.t. Triu at,pre‘eot high Thankful for past faTore, ve hope, l etr,,t to tbesraote a Curtotarrp, patronage fah2l'63tf. VJ:4II'EST, llHb al. ff:' PREVENTION IS BETTER 111.1" I 1'1:1 TO - Ladies of dMicate health t lA. t` 1 ,- - I organization, or to Thom , ' t.y u-hom huskily is tram Au, reason otjer Atte. t t., , , • voold otter a priscriirtion whichii . • • 1- ofio, sad whictiluebeen preicrlbed in co. , the old world for•the past cent.rv. Alt i• •1. , • Is rerr cheap and cimpt4, Set It ttr 1 . ),.•eD f II!, ‘., pli t it bottles and sold stry extru.iTtl• I. pliav,ll.s , perbOttle i lho ontlersizt:i pr^rt , t.t.• •tt tjeAtteite for the emsU sum . , $l, t.y ; • : ..7/110...ti • every lady can supply 1.t.r.1.4. 1 1 with : ' Apart, 44 any drug 'store, for the VIM t pis rear. Auy phy sloiaot or druzgigt y paductl tairmltres, and tlontnAndt. of pflatql.a of its tflicicy. Sent to au) ‘,l - vieelgtal.l, by addreast rig abiliralgT9 Dr .1.. c It - If .Y 1 . : c• •-• , yo NERVOUS SUFERERS, 0 T SEXF.I.—A ki t e. lag beta riatored to healtt to a • . • • coin i all tt.e asur.l routine 141:13 incr.:tar ..arec‘tren or tit tall:teat witl34t au covve., coat blaze tt Lt• :a • r to caL scum bate tolho I • clenrk Head, on the receipt Clar. aldrect-i L will Joao arse) n copy of the pre:cnr.tioo.y.r . .11;i u DA GIA T , 188 Fulton Br- JDR. P 0010 GI - I •ft M I.Y CONT I'SUE2. 1.1 t ..fizt deco LEA in cticco, u 1 of r r patience ci JULUIELI r.41A1. OP A q.v. f • • . miring Th. gait and I..ni,‘ .a t4l: -• Wtrinsirer t Its medicine is most known ittlia , ri.r.:tra,re , tahlinhied tb •grit slut yop ular.ty aa4l,labiau • 1: La ,t,, Game a ste pd rd inuonii with merry p.opin f..r Pulmonary tuunplainto and in kept iii •r reedy use • toueret requitod" la speedy and railiable---tialdoni roquiring run.o till to cure • t [tough Ot runny - c•eac ate .4 I • • Croup it 1550 t e trelt,t, and aan reme.ly to, A• tba... 1., alum:icy cs sort be doubted, habil.; nat.., ed to 6/1111 th after miff/614 TOW; t44ria of 3 t , V Et ii thin mineral is disease. For Bronchitis and ltostuini,.. it Lied* and r 'Warbler, quickly recuoviuglor..4. , •,. e . strpisemag.n.. la Whooping•Courtilltia Itemr.lr ie4t • r, .4. pr unaptly lemons the trequeucy /114 the cough. r Lod shortens thi die cue bait' rtruo 1' ,•t (Unary MC* ius course. All aliens writ the luugs au. inttllttOD Oa • itinammetiooto tlielitriug mucue mewl, end regain I the prompt we id thorough or 4,4 ri. feet their re Dahl. Patin Cough P.timeily is ete, sp• and ~ant tin itn operation—is adapted to both re‘er, tea all seam id coastitutimoi. Ever y perst.ll afflict. 41 ilia. either of the, fa goring &season shook! tree skin ramody awl tLel 0 , 4,k-en will Boon AALAIAgig. ..t M3ootUlDLltidiuK Itii . nerlte klitit`tea" Doi . friends loci in nil D. bled. as. Usr .11Lu'es' (Lug/ "tem.-or:. it .1,, :di.;,. Se. 1) .-„ , • .p or Rattin. ' „ TT.te (...;,ug \ h„ ,•:. . nut or Phthisic. M. Ifs,: eeW!.,..!. ;' {he Loings. lINg. Use .Hall's unif i r t Remfaxior 11111. Use Eat et 6:ugh for 11 116.114 e HaTs Uroylc te,m ,-, . 1 .7 the T'oice. , MIL Use fates..f co ug h. 8,,,,..,.., (or ii ' , v., . ..,, ..t Cough. ' li willgreatly ;muddy the ,iinh.,,,,,,,,,,A,D,, u•,..:::1 .1 1.., - ten its tedious COUTtt. Isis-hilf no. i It. a% ' 41 . 11, ' 't ; 1,, ' Sion. • ,; . Birellill of counterfeits av d hue imitat+Onr,—.. -C:t..! for Pr P. Hail's Celebrated Coug)., Remedy, mud see the% h" V'''' len alguatnrs is upon tie, a rapper an,11141 - e , t l c ,, ‘ • STEd/V1.7. TESTI:I'OP NI; We, the suld.rsigno , " , 1 eitirenn or Erie City and vicinity; SIM Sled Dr. P. ha' „L'is Celebrate ,I Couch IteLuel,, , t,l: rnmatsuccess, In eu. a ug di, ewe s ( du., 1 b t o %t . su.: 1, ir. , ,,, , , tttae. .an. I "suP , in moincien , linr, it,i Illte U. t 4 .0.1« iClk •'. cone - - effectual riAnneiy..fully nooiy , ,•t i.u..' t,... ? c 9 4 44 .. . JsThor" n. Ilstthew iismillop. 41t. :lure, John Molly eny Sr. J. W. Ryan,. Iti,2n,ril F.,—, J." ll _ . ' A..: T iscp, Robert Coelllllll. i . .1 . .. Lar.., Joan ir, WWI., !tunic! Flew - , John W.,. Haii J. Robinson, 4'. ii. .11 ,,,,, t. John ~_ R. Corlrini W. F. Riuti.ru....l, i „ ; nuov... . o ,_ _oag ... 11 . Damara, P. E.Burton, , !. w.Culrt. , , "WI. .. W . Warren, /Owner' Sherwood. kin. ii. nay, 40111 , Brown W., ft. Cooprr, A. 1.1. TM I), ~ IL . L. ,.. `Voter, loseph Definer, E. ......newlett. .• `•• .lialt. lienj. Grant, .1. :salsbury , Orir Ak gizatb. , I.neins'A. Hai:, Ninvr r, S y min, , Thomas - 11'1{,' .1. L. Lou 4. _.,1 1 . !.Root, W . B. Gallagher, .J. Fotoiom ,n,':,l, WY Wiz King, Vital. 19.Eelso, sll.silL. Ini:b, De Aid Minor, ' D, P. Ensign f:, G. Ilr.wril, 113 . B. Wright. :4)1,11 DI ERIE ONLY, l Fininationtrar, awl Sol. Pr oFrletor, :loci blaPilub;s El at* Et. PRICE TD 7‘ CENTS PER 'BOMA% . AGENTS IN ERIE CO...Junes A. \Fluty, Lt. rd; Wm. Belknap, 'Fairview; T. a. Cowlee, w 1 er E.Proodat, Ed inboro . F. Lannon, irKeou;;*. is.,....,W•terfard;Hume Sherwood, 1,:re , ,;1:/tv IN Wattstoirsh; G.T. Jewett, North FARte rt oboe. Ediarille; J. G. Fl .were, Altdow 1.40 *pert, and by sonata ‘enally. ' , ,' • 1• • LA.RGIE SUPPLY - • 'Of Stria Matches duet reecicr,t as =NIL • Tka Nicer: Part , .114101 !,, In rid. Itirditoody will use them altar Out, tri,l ai a ley the box, dome and groat A Bt,trn I ,h co„ 15 • t.. Wads. BRNFIL hr. BUIBi , - :AMU: Cor.Sth find piumrs AND FAMILIF Supplied with la Cream. 1.041A111 Ice, t. X&lllEracms„ Sem% Confectionary ant Fran say epeustity. cosl6-1m" Biitiors-4 NOTICE i , Havtag a.Stock ct LYE WHISKEY, 1 . sf_wit.. -- a dlattilatios!tp 1203,1 %Intl it tor a chrrt F Lov. ER ! ,. 1:1E1..),-. ~ , ~,,, ,og i liaM agritlt atillis sel II" EN0.7.1114,1M0N. I , . A sanely of the ras et .411.: 1.i. co. Etivllitt] .. t qiittiPtAi fly.A II I Jumz, WiLLOW, \VUr)I)F, .::T( l 7cl 'A totru4 .3 ' ll U. 4 11(1y W :t A.lllll. :11 1 . 111. 1 4 ,1. j 1 k tuntry ptr. tu af. .1,1. Imu LI ' l!rall=!MI nitii l'ltO iELEIShAiFiI RD Pill .1 a Lrn Off( if I_,• 7.... / . • ~ To Roirne =I " ; MIMM 1;f: r I A 11 4INTS',/ I • :LEI - ~'/if~F 0..1 .11 :t• • - I C UT T:1'1 - G,, .'A . "-II 'S, OILS, Illa, CL A z?.i, &c., ‘`..,:‘' , z I t I, '1 011.1 il, I I a.. r'• . • . I= MEM lin F MEE 4. - CI ACP L k__. t.ci book. I t 'l', 'l'll 1., tiff: to eul.itho-Ird ?;l1.! -• :IL t ^t . ten,:ere to IL , v.`9 U,.. ) .:. ail. .:~ i. I t RR \' L.IN1 1 - 1. ' 1 !'" 1 -L • Al St., c.t 'v. or -.1 .eito Inrfr:t.) I.lr " tt t)(1 - 0, 1.. o, AVastdr.!-Nu ru% Lur, f ^ EMIEM N EW CrP.OOEPA . STOIIItg 4 E W GROCERY s'ro!', • -=, 12.!T t• ANI, rwELFTH ~ .!1. a,4 ,tuTs.toil-.r t " lIIS STOCK OF C O( l t. • 0 DIRS. S. U. CALL NI .... ii Ti,l4 • ,;h .' I , 0 -t: =MEI , • u 11')t - ~ -....;:g':::'-',-.. .-- :;. . : .............. -k.,.:.: 1,,,,;;41,t • :-.%; '*''. -'.",,,:,,,,".• 4., :::-.7 .-''' -',.i.r.:..,`•11. • ' s sI . AIMETO, 1111 i,l\ I 'S i., I,7;tr . R3:~:...• 11..0 h L. fr A . • A nlf•cur . s. . toosl4 n R::1;, r , 0,1 11.10, I 1",1 Iti R. I I .6, •:t 1 ill 1116 111 =I I) t 111 it, _::1,_91 a' 1 1'.;1.)11, IME INIME MS =MEE EMMA iNst.like• 11':•71'r .IN'Y AN.Ailgt Lo-A b Eh. • tr.l.oecuitrig klvo Vent. ,: :Premium v. 5t. , .. - ck Kabul • . I • ru.' of lv bet over he, ta,y. 10. Curipoxy . oi2Lito4 Diiikat; it 9r ". .J. 1111 UM =I =I L ME -Pit:; r MEE IIEIII iJsL t i\LL =I '` tF, v I l 11 :1',L.1 t LRIL, i'.l =ME= .~vdl MEM ME =EI