• a • ERIE OBSERVER. 01111 ON STATE WISEST ~ PE OPPOSITE tat.tat. POST rSPTICE, 4 I 3 / 2 ENES . subscribers, if paid is advaate 41 Te.ne :tingle of twenty:five SIS.--Clubt of flfty gag, sod , D ,, .oti rata far larger Chiba. rnitits - oy ADVERTisma: ..rr-fweive lissom Ism make a square.lsll OA) 60 6 fer 6161166rS lb \ thPe square moths 00 aar two " 100 Ose , Ot , " 9 " I 'IL 116 00. Os. Sailata • rear, obassfesible at pleasure, SUL morhp, 16; 6 aegar4w, Pit ouths, 111 6 4 ' 1 lea , 1 16 - 1.,1,11•11 -"r arice year. p7O: g mica sk i , • 01i0.P 6 "K ot 91Warta' ta ttis Bails's' Director, ag igp dat per again Ofir..Ar.saliaa•a lor & Card. orrif alz, sad isa girt. all• - • - 3peeisi ar I Editorial notboes, 10 mats a Una ; Tire bat so •lee - w. ,, ►',al be tatarudalboatibe Special Notlese leap tLtia GUN dollar. r ir Serobaou arid Alien regal:big freqursot shalom a Was a l,s& tiameoU will IA allowed two num, pas% hop& ' For adaitlosal spaca, Ow charm will proportion, aid Ow idvertureannaits moat la eteinstkr maned to the egitimat• Oldsmar' et tkesdverrikee. Ihar mint ho t-arialsot advertisement& reclaim! bairasza.-- for ‘early adrsrtlaing will-be preeeuted Ulf-yearly. rut sormseniatitleas eborild b • erldnersed to ,Wo.lT3lAri * BUSCH?. Publiebors. 6ITILS• .1 Airs I. Bazaar. BUSINES DIRECTORY. • en.u,o sarecalry, • Annum, or Us rues. Omaonxisad Wayos Block, Trenah Strut, bstweia Mk sad AIIIES C. Amin/ aro Coormsos at , Ya; Having named the practice of Ida proirotta trill be found at Ma old Ofloa, oo "mob last, sodth-east comer of Pabilo Square. July 13, _ gW. HULL, ' . PfIOPRIZTOR. MORRISON HOUSE. , o:ner .4.3secrad sat Market Store—am square same at °lingoes nutmegs; Wares, Pe. pt. 211—n. COLE., ri. " Boo& Burnini, Boca Second Atory of Etlndemeht's Block, tile. ;.1 , IN 1.7, ATMS:3Iff h CtOttlaWWll AT Li., Erie Ps 0 • Slate dime, neat the iu tha Anur - insa Kcund story of Hie building, owcupied by F. ♦ X I.ldAcr. He will always Iss Wald in ids sawy and, wig:neat pastel:Lally Attended to. CA/MGM U. CIUTLICIL. j • i rons= AV LAw, Girard. Rev County • collecttoo Awl otter toulosoo ottandod to with ..r,ptaesa . 19:d dlopatAh. C. UV KUICSI4 CO., Wiroutwa Plasmas ur Osomass AID soTIIIIOXIII, State Street, !Co. I Bonnell Block. tar.iktP VOICAPiPh . krtoliatt• to Laer.—Ogioe totaled to euildine treat of Bta sStr . t,onthenorthaida at** Lis Pa. . . • J F. Dowritria. • ATTOSIMT AT ri..AW AMD /1701101 07 IMO pine** in the eontraiVontte ot Vie County, peocaptaa4 falthital attention to antagonise. tot to hhi hands. althea aa so Attorney or Ysiesteste. io r oats i.e Inniare !lock, corner d NUN sod Mb' t.Vto, Pa. 1 SA NIPOIRD m AIOI4,I qoia. /Wirer, Rork Noir, 1. •• ester of Depoidt,*4. Bight 6:dump 011 thelletile . aoanbuttly kr gals. 011asNo. 1,11•94 Nous do Square. Vie. r . 11.4118T12 1 1. 4 Dalai* Clods, Wslass, 712. Ja j %loot Spans, Plaid Wars, I-..magsr Gloats, GUS lading. Wail lalrosett rob. Nara 11s114Ing. A nti lid• Wart Put soar Pao a. , ILIIALLITT" ' I) "AMMON, - BOCKSIELYZI sod Ilfrosktr la Stationery. .441poo t odoso. Noompspors, Sus Country dealers Mai *odor Browa's BotalAnrillai tbr Part EL. _ = k i ad aad Xarkat tata., Harriabdrgs ta. r nidniod nip known bonajr la sow *tend np in On nod Impronniadyis. The sasoassedatlean ere el do bat radar and thalami's nosaonabin •It la altaskl4 data* oat delightial part of the city, and alder& one of the Inhuman - epplair plants in On eonatry. tablet& GMOOKARM 'quaintnow, mat* shoat, wady pentigesPreit elm 1695idoesi ausatilia, wham vat/4am; au§ WailtiMl !Mott beam annoy* ,117 diger:WV teat, • - - A , ' 1411111 L il! 16110THES, - - , nuicaussr taiois ass A rds kw Mum i isSigsie nolitag liackuass —las ton is us State between SG sad 9th Cs, arla. th. mods lukillt Sasst l akylis. - stimaips 0. L'. .1. i...' .. • t • , 0111,4 C. SWUM Dumas sa Das Goose, Claiscadsas, Ilanherkll.ll4 ekes, softVfieuir. de. oar. ae OI el2set sad POW Swum am. n D. Wal.**&4 i vov.' m inima soctiassos somatarli. Quo D. Dow. Dot% allibia Street. Di la it Roue 44,4 Mad laiwra,. Dolma La ash, rut', Tkvar, Plaster, Walk &a. D. B.—Can main 1.) sad frou Wm Bows. Nartitll-4L SINCLAIR & VIM% ' (.Isecumor Sew;ort Ibeciairo -1°414 “ 1 Nam. Wilkes Bledi, stab abed, gris, Pay - D•Abor bi IbIatINOIL, - Ceipbass, 11 / 1 1 •81o1b, Ghia", Musing TULL Bruks. ie• • Li UDE, 1114 14,t snPlI mis MA li 1% en = iseetisiASOM; Samkseltural lespieswestre &Orem' Owes, geis.. EG Z • • C. , 111110IX3ALrik isrAft. MUM GIOCIRIEB, PROVIBpIiB & LIQUORS) 131110til . *Loci, RUIN *mild twits sittestlea of Ils• petal, te bia LARGE STOCK OF GOODS! whisa be o imemuied to .sit as CHEAP IS ,-128 CIWIST I • a gra W i Le gi tors leaset be embed fa Nosib- WE LEE OFFERING • ' ,„ja ..bat, lar icu aresimpat at Ea se r ms Ciasdi, Cost Cl u tt% . rszes, Ports Mosaskie, Piefuee BMA N'P JEEP osi... Ist tho boot bop* or4mpoe 1 1 14 Nara A tarp lot of Plpos,Olgar moes, oioeio and ?puler to dark MU& 8 pl3lllOOlll. • • CONFECTIONARIa Pnalt,Tort, Iraakee NotSem mg not Afi °eel% t reetivol, at . • 11014.116 ,• 11. LEMONS, ~ . stri, Prima. Daft% Cum* alimiyelsolon sailor alibi liatlakii Waft PM ONE DOLLAR AND A-HALIP Pints-YEAR,It-PAID IN ADVANCE, liirOLUKE 84 N '&W GOODS! NOW ()PRI(' AT, R. S. MORRISON'S, mesaacato ALL ME Lair arils or t DRESS GOODS; CLOAKb, SHAWLii, GLOVES AND HOSIERY: ALSO. A 'LARGE STOCX OF STA= ADD Down= GOODS ! YQI7II TIME' TO BUY GOO•DSl GOOD STYLES, GOOD BARGAINS., may Lame CHAS. L. NOBLE, xi. O. Bcrx 1820, - 171 Lake Bt., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, JOBBER , -- OF - CARBON OIL! ADVANCES MADE ' ON CONSIGNMENTS. MAY 9-11 . - A PACT OXIMALLY LWOWX # . 'TWAT the variety - of new Idyls -Sod .l. Mark Or, tiotik C. eseeiele. bum OW bah Camp kb, /stay Lad mat else pillow dallt asayasclas sail sindtfrotAkaaatitmasili 14a011. Nato& Infett Castro ' ill i i i • 11 CM = la W . Quaker atm* °dad bad mit laisn sad = 1 1 1 4 1 4 libAW ilwintbOki 4101441 ft b e lt. you sossosod limber aid =sla.by•aqdiumod aadassamotast brapaisetlas • lads. ror_sayla, icall=law prism lwa 400 twos two-pstoo d d. aft • - Peatlaseitatt4l sold. Ciao amatZa ii ir, Illalasso% . 1//,‘, Nana sad Wart 'of lisatori sad Irfora maw lasts" as Worry Nat ipes4 thaw :aa dross.. say Mbar pakS of tlsdialrefilde• at= sad old madly aillsi, dal by ar Window, Ueda( bruin sad Om, an sioln9dJadd woad roaads Ki = Wrist 'sad' &sic wilt. naiad do deed. odour{ IN asis; toe lbritreagth.}doo sad lalst a r i lptig :Soda. ,1 law sold am its ad lasielir VOWS simpahes oak a Ust a. WI!. " V". ma i ") 11 / 1 014 .• 7 , 1 .41 W sad sawmg rms. • • i Altar *Toyama sapodoliao add. oodialdlait vilik ado: prtatipaisd two witts dostoto.l sat dotiottotood I. *all. 7.11% ,.1. i ll, tattailallfradtpn — lailtda hada* /amber, ' s. ' c‘bodellilalCabiaaliflilliii. oil, Hu m , ; Nt h es ita., tam saillt Isaddi milled kr Jay . lla plass, s% ;r t. sot of Iltli olasoa . oalltsso. lr. I sortadt. • 241415.1111.41,111,11 '-' • 'WHO 1034 LE Beak ..• Ty . • 041001arirOIM I • ' 4.4 0 4 1111 1t1 AwiLlEsit army 4 ilmr4We 01111111 fp" • • low. . 4 • 01 4, 1 4.X. , 1 - • . "'said hcorttalii i zt stiiiiile* • GROCtILM: AND! riOV.tlio" vomit - Lim mita sult & wildis:fistke;tiaY: , • on re 3=l SUGARS, corms fßAS:' SYRUPS. TORAMOSVL • • - Yum a it: ta wit miaow *emit ed Ls Us sit yoks;o. 30041Pafta urn" a 1 all_ itlie silsieble , 11 1. 3 .0 1 .4 4 00;16;AUL.44 1 164 4 401i i r h i g'A R I QIIO for **wombs tra..,:t. 'malt ails flit Wadies *eta WM° , • • . , • za :ai l Za ttidtkarps. .1111 . 6 31 ltiiY gl3l7l9P ion. ww ,14041111 IL iL oh-is•ant-.:'-=l , LUVI ~ 0 - ri0127 :: 1/ 1 0 00) a. 11. 44414 ' ) Umber . • 4) 1 1 = 6. 1 =11 . ,- .i.: 11 :•,.., • . • 1 . 4 14 adq"., / ,' '4 ,, it ' •- . ' ..., ,:•1,7,-m— -atatetnat BOW I CO P. it, Dow n.. .ilmitestb...lWlßA' • 1144. 1 4 0 ,1.. 41 111r , 'M aml:C m e r larat. . 1 IS P.lt ai Taillliii DullKII W i V= =MAI A 1 104,. at MI uts. - • I al 1.: 114 7 iioiWN' liergaleil 1401614 Illudemit:a4:llll.4w Calteki , espasete astvo.ll,ll.olp.M. illea.ll stw _ - 1 - Tb. y Itiqprom a Nod** nail - 014Wa . Up NW Mira* st-IllaslS witilpi Id= liegorm maims 1 , WS*, TUPIIIM, ' ::'• :, :, - ' . . . .. t dab 4.4.11=,4, NSW Isi, 11101534/Ii 9 1 1* • 1118 eI WWII • All. 6 au 40 4440 t 6 , jojiiiiAmipollorid fibir) 10 Clorik 1 1AMP s • luE4r, JF?.!" • iTn i = ~ 7 '• , • wi &IL; Dwr ' - air: avolsoliglow ilw iideltriA , • -, 7 , • •• - - le 101P.11, - ffilatig illi4 l iv nisi ttat Immo me sawaA. as tefie 'at r.l - IL , : • 7. Loma nal w tia'aisatai laiiiiiiiiii teii Mill , J , Ma s, M. mini. INW7 clev ainimaigs" 4 niN litionthey; nisk. %,/ aid esti Mogi, 4.410*1. maw. 111 !et "17. a4 l :4140 Eit ' A.NO, •• ' a • 4.4 I 4•46ll4iiiiimasiiiiiiiiiiiinsksida o.alw*P4frtt* .. L a , ;.:, CLOTHS, NOW IN if TOII WANT TO FWD ern? alit GO TO R. a. ILORRISQI,III. ilis seerlimat, et .. ... .. ERIE kiwi rearms. A allowable/I of &Mei ileac lad lanstrilstitde tiAlie data A Deb.'''. Weir sty &dm U mst . Mir- • - - 1 Ad pogo d liamuwes saisatais Pill& - • • Thar mei in bead sa wiry had— • , 1114 Itiesid'a somis-add JAW idad Thar irdelhiuriparki -I== 1 podded bp_ ltrAdicad hen Eleaddalia pair de ma diebt , kis Amami sniiddiudi mil/ seareli It oaf, ad heath wad por mho MI, 0 pa 4 a saw le Elliattirs Pilis . M.rado Sot 411.-lotat hi 444 1•444 . .pralsis ars as imi7p to Moms atmempa—ii• *law in are Wood witlriaaamtes Flux Er rat ap 4114 sr ilikepialsk,Geraiaa awl inuell Cresttom hiss 114 testa par tea. ago. 444444. 2144 442424 M0 1am* OA UM Jags. 742 ills by allyut* La Mt. -1984,1—X; DRAIN'S PLANTATION BTITSBA. Thor part*, otnagthaa nod laTtgoraba Tbo7 organ a healthy *Atka Thy, on as soap* to ohm* watar sad Sot. lan onnoao Waste ordlodpatioe sad late kiwi. • TUT ottotelon tko opals mad olives thazolad. They Knout nimistio wed Istorolitoat Imam , Thep pat* the bnatk mad avidity dike okomask. Thig can sad Coastlpottoa. .1 They son Chalon ant Ckoitri Illottssi nay nue Oottplalataot Nlnorao Boa4acha. no, vett* Utters la the woad. That make SO peak stiaannag. sedan Annuitod asktaz•Ne rag re store. rimy an sia is otparo St. Cool: Nan. t h e ego. bang Oatkayi koot[roolo sal bell* ant atollaboa lath the planate of a lootro" marl tote cle of day. initial/4o rasonsondod to &Maga peasoaii elogull&K • ratio qtlualaat. 4 '11,21.1 by 44 Crows, Drag , 'kb% 'Wads sibilßale•na, ' P. H. DRAIC &CO , js9dtd_ - ' • 11011Ikerlway, N. T. • Dugs in.o9asvatms. . ; NMI MOS, km oat Stag moitOottor lomititY goalUit i ltAsiomatoktito. 'Ti Nem. Um KW Si s sato ; tAMItoOd mast Imperilled. Tog amid Mit* oailfdad porgittivos, ila4 %k' = 1 (1 twatottlottotiot aryoma4ay a fa ottooloMos, elm! Mom /ay SiA or lug to of root. Dow lIIMIMimi SWIDINTHIS MIA 't=y e t i t ll Atio WU limy WNW arid at lir lid tandliii Moo tat over 'WWI Stow l'lsi fise tkli iiiidiqui dolls mat olobilltsto or swam as isr 4. .filisi front isoatlausd to. They to hat otroortati sa Masi as slava* dam thto arm lad iop hsa . now tontintrr WV ya m .)!MlowommoComq. . Mb to m - km moillotiori Wm of Mir oaf mom 684 • shag ha voloosi to tits moot iaaiMshM eldi ami. saes . moo elms it Om morood so akollatoor i. i rs tok,OOM sill hollOio -Mime= 'whom aii Pliloloymomodif otOttrooloo 4 roar evimalt POW dimities. Sad la mom when so site eel sottoti of *Misr* badtokinvioot to UMW/ role. yot thoi IMMO Viol tmliddly ouraplimmliOtheoillk. 40111,FOLLITI , . Pitadiat 011se, SU Omni *toot, Kos fa s t . Oddity Dr L. DrawiSiDie, awl lor di mipideiliii &sr lin la immtlalsal .. ' - • , aylla-lia ' fIabiTADOWSJILAIIIDTZ-Alaso Ala ty Dpo la.*w penfoo bra trawl Wokaatorablo propiara. UM preludes ruck - Walla aid paramours Way R amt oporrasio (ratly' r rattlitial mad ourtora• 1 1131 4 / 8 7:00i10 , 11'..111.0)1A;11101i Wig DVL adratiod &Mara leraossumf, MI age raw was appliM It. at Nob itip.l6ooo aostwairaral auras of WAS. Tosi Utarair ash tor 0/4.1N 1 0. 11 1 At brawn or Um ramat , Inns tLa by J. CIILITADORO, NeALAsitlerVae" Ike Tura P deli par Trauro s ora oohed My al .13 * ra Ilralas4 am. $l, $1" sad S 3 p si "Ord t" . IMMI-13L Cristadoro's Nair Preseriitivii, le tatslinabis with Ms Difb, as It hapset' Ili atasai liar meet besathil gifts, sad post 'fiat, to Ow ; . , firlet 10 0•14. it vold b IKF 4.iworlialta4l* :t'* AI irtataiAos; TILISALigh .-• we the iNge o _Ttimisot voieste home se • . • lIIILMSOLD'iI liXTlLicir AMI 7 . Toe sit Cohteltaattladtatt to the Bei. I Noitemaity eishol4bo ," ' 11 -_-- • 1 Without N. .. - • Asa nose trill vbs. toe by Mod ism. It to bind by totiooTioattas if = 4 / 1 " * 4)144 ' Sore a i fr iar , • oga 401OOlooilosolotO. T• illi= ittero. No to ttatpipor Cluiiibe;44 _ _ pr.. mew — - to tbiroProzoo4oors Co oOtttlottodi • .- t 740 J4o' C OVVOITMLIIIP PILLIII , I, ' ' 1111i1t1i5 i t105442 . 114 . 14 itraer: ---• --:1.:' 41114aotbar islitoba. - - Cat Olt sae lotoriAs. I; Iry - - '• ;i ; ••; • MI iftilaittlat soma M. pressenspaild • i.rdtlftl.tta.4.r wroth pia put up tiOsistps. sat Pripiiitaiii Pod • - assatail Ils Ilisrabi Lit Gip plialadeatell MIN ot las Isaacs loofas's soundly ttt 1041 vitt omit lit line WON. Ws asilliast Petit epiteally b•opia MI a- It solo Pais*, thotthil ICatbalroa la sat telt UN mast' dialpiktbst &Wag Ps Soallicliiit 1444 Iti•Jos tie sat st said, sad dasassir, Elm thistatra Woks, tisk. latasimiat perreataltiiii. :nue ail . gArlNV4ltairlfte. tt4P4 br am" fotlyprits‘ sat is trainataa u espenp Wt. isU salami Pim* /sat ot ki vetil saaPostiblii, Ilia wait , ; • a ; - . 1141- N ow YOulL JP 00, i _ - • ' ; • • IartERASIX Lux luortotAltv .1* &Mg ItAßOdialleileasfeti bolt is tt.q tb=thp satklap rilk 'OW by ay of disease. au fastaiseta dpiefera asespesed at Law Ossetic dastroyiag OS*. bakO liatr o asol -S/.at et as easitsaw Maim/ we irks iiiSafai iyale soy pesseriviiiit SUN £L!=AM inewase, iip inrO ir =bs Essirst, • Ant -tt tisod Nag tilF4afturs thin *dom :441004*11•6“.104- 4 bet • Usid. ada oil falliaL MEOW %iv searrialadeal., !SL it , Uit Oisii et tie monad 'lkea; S. I.:- elm , - *i t • aad ti , I • • abuiroceidit asp partallisieals “Tfr o:lNieUip salae =Ms smog is a mums, . PIA as 1 it lia r Isaist. gar 11 • se. Xi isidbikassastbstaude sibisiu l sit ism sisebed Or ass imp.. V i e2m,e , 4141. 1 3 paps. melirosis r a` verb is a lilt 4 Wirt — raiii the &Aid eaaiskar. • , pig; ti t M 4 4 111 1 1 1O1( :Vitt" Therms aid, 'Hi I `""`7l SOW: U ants Miami* SaiblUist IMO* us' e l k r tat 9 t rcio=wsis al : IF • 11611A111111 , 6 or IMMO R. - A i e k,4 l4 ::= "tber g_r7d i 4 a i ta3lB • . -.). ids will= go" kr 1114 A ~ i•rimorialw , It woo • 4. i ir at — Qiiiill 4ll ll M a g•KM - - an - -firwric 4 . . onseirismattosapowh illigh ft ,:j1 ~,_ " z „ cm uspotnich i . • 4101110/ via WON r ATI lbOOrAiottitkii dodos tO IllOiloYellONalog ll*, II e l l ai r= "7 *" 3l4 o . lll7 garll: V, ' , filita i l= 4ll " ll 4l 4lll424 I.Preleaorarn" .... l l. l 4 t i t =4 ll b 311W ilidins ‘ = 111 :141 1 4: is amid + ll4 Art ri k 111. 4 312 : 7%.1111111011115RUKUlt" Z ! . , . . . _ ._,-, .•:: . , B FR ..... . . i.rn . . • - "f , -• . :1 n ~ , . . , . --- . .... . •• I *: .. ,:•-!:,,,-. ..::'..,.,,,;,-, ~ , • .. . - " . ) , , . ERIE, PA:j, SATURDAY 14010$01,.:."(Nt40.t:#43:::-', . inke / 111 4 41 * 1 .7 2 1 12 : 11 * • dls'ally • asaild... sloes la 114.5k4 Am Niw la *so moan atioa was las ; ' . jamtat. iraSslial the riot mum* Asa Welds away llka Use NUS al INS • : 7 4 • , . . awoirens.ll wood km Illeight tial as, . lreuld I, tight, the !rebolliiii tii CUM -' ' the mallays Ss Nab in Ks* anelli Mow pq,stpipoirr is* lash ikiyivri4 lei "all I ■ Utt• GIP* laaso—loaNg l iul ttielaglete: 114 via .10•1•1. • Silt Ail, Wilda by nage alma I 44104 119_is be 4,1114 . bay - twos L, inaisl fur ayAabiatati f You amistaal tartest% airtime alai am•alki Ala his 4is wig*: Sollows tb q a Wham Lit Ws Wil - alm make sal groat - sat +ill mama ti gibe*: it. 1 ireellOt siW go*. befttios tin low swan*" rd boolotivenworig wtdi stOtildolgeoltwaagrilieo V* wad oidtin bellot gkotll oiadio WIPP lei' MAIM; glolg *Wien I woo gaga 41,Ped/ tho olositiddiuf ~rem legitimists thawokitto soittllio64 tot, wt Ilowl I • : rl Inn to inns 'OWN sad euti viand atioroldft— I Wet io.M itoad rd dl. .1 diggings, I spinal play billiard*. set hot wa tin witha l /dor "go trwr dams teach rdlolk ; I tankful glb - woiad tii,tta waterlog ignite% ' Moo iliwairoot gobblers awl igloo qnd t#tow I WO tinOorgog is wire, ._ So ',Limo to lap pat the voligdo to void. Mow Imuitlatog !lowa Manila. -• Lad bwllida at. willongly dying abowt. Democratic Explalied. s) : ' • , , • We ht!its reed no speak that Prows is Clearer, of more omits langnsge, our poskitiOn on tits sehjost, of arbitrary arrests, tad Inn position of Dontoorats generally, than that of Hon. Win; Bigler, delivered at the late real NM, - Unitas in. Philadelphia. Wel moot mead it is the ittentlye consideration of oar solderO, sail particularly that portion:of theca iilin giant* belong to•the oppoeititin'i" • " Giant/Am : It is not sat intention to !W -agon the PrisarY causes, As protest seppeO, or dm probable results. of the bloody` alai& sow mind tmitwees the Octioraatent and the revolt4l' !Wei,' nor to notice the liteturiree : sad: polik if the Administration In thi num agent* of this fearful ooadiot. Thom Way, “ I ass Infonaut, do Out eanui *Min the ob. )yeti it this Sleeting. Tim - IWO moan If out.catiemblisg to-night is to upreet, is 'noel 'lSPothio torus, our condi!Onatlito of Ihs laii wiles, Spoo penteitil libertilind ‘l6l 660061 cit wealth, la the srrosit, eistlitiai sad Zan• isnishit it the .lion. O. L. Ifolbakfighstai of Cililo, Lid to sitar our solepin protest agsinit the rspilitlis of inch Wrongs 17. &it, le Ili-. Shanty. In this : TO:l6M hi - iii,j , apes, retool' SIC sentiments 'ertb/riiii4oliihi of disiniopic of the Iforibeitilifitei r *WOW Atissf ProP" - thi aPPr'3i• eu Ait *. I,'ill=i4oikulk, Pis Mid,' nr Witt kill's r . te - atitOori iirpitOiir for hip. to saY:ln hsAld; bit thetprikteriLsOi_. Mar le hid i' clear Outiltittlo*irio. f . ,,,,i. ..; CM thOy iri . ,*ltitiVittiattot;o6 . iiini' cm and all . Miami te;, ' OitliC 'Pitt itt caelii . • Isishitiatfen; to iegilite or issitslti'free Mil aoliiiiti lir' imisaititicifthi *toile to icitaidei piallie ioastiniti. ii:Tir Craidtithit- dies,* :list intaiir #l4 - pait4 • afield trio *mi ol of • 4/ at tbiitions; todtbi 'rigid e the Pitiplopiliesitbirto'. siiientdc .tcpetitices tie Cliii a• 6 rodiniCsat gitteratels,t aid it - ner bo prowled I tauct; Us :pay% vill. iiid ..nstimit to laws: or. Pretests& loss la' i • ' es ;if these•sacreigenrastees, so step sZ liial to he stripped of theft rights • whhief etat!, tie pr --'' vs The - religion. twtioeia. , OW .I) , tifoofttilot iidi tho sitiatif ewe Atail,..toliorsibid. _tot antstiowok 0111111 . 41sititow poompotbs it A. Ilitioyipott pf liStei MOM' tookpropatyi and, totte tia Alw 4iiiwoodi 4.-10174 Oyes - dee OtoromtmOot , 'Mice, Implicit obedience, to all low __ _ Iluium, l l.Or 411,041150t.u41.,0i14 Asniss, , rosolotinstwalVoidoesiOloptod risto lon Is. . , :, . to& laiwi4'.. Cqw4lototlo: %ow . t em s.c ri elibl i Mt of ( 11 !- t ; 1 0 li il talr : . 41 1 # O . ?* thi7 ; irl ' a t I l ti 044. , i ' .4,,cu wikailie , I...icode k t. ia :the of Woo w we boilo4r bow . , eitota . ali t * l ;ci 11 10Lrid bk -PO. Jag ' e*".ralleikililgsi lON lii Out& - ..; /44.4 4 0 ...M100 4,4sefittAanitf: forsook 14 wit** at bi wi-said its tiplodllobory io Awe sad auistssisod la tuit4oobiood..-: ; 44 The spats iffllGWATlliattag the Of toireiiiiiwit nit 4 - dk4' lA4; i ii -1 iiiioisiii itinsi Ilti Constititiiiiiiiiiiii, Sad iii 6s mash booed to obey law so the kiwi: Whites. ' Thiy "Goof Stafsibiti,Gerei ffiki, ,iiiiii Ape i 'tsobaiikijliC4•SaiiteiCLlte . 1 0 iiiil)*!, *4' 4 o thew, 41.-4i4t , of STUMP; eaut,theaity iathrital eies6atrOupistease to theitteloGiaity,P4: 1 t 1 :‘ 4 ' 6if, [ ladiks. d I AtiOl'iiiitiostkiai of Isli Idisdald 0' drgad Sid*OL ' tilt imlieisql aid 1 ail *William ..gf ,poliap awl pantie ,4seideill a:4IU 'idiot. as illittestiiiii itfaiiatj tokiitatirivti the I)Olitit iita' iiiiisalii,tf J the:aillaililag i i 1 4 16: .4,0 0 4 ) 11 . 1* the, *oohed fitsses--wiesther Attic omit of *Wei** or 1 4.1! 41 0i. fi , 4oPlyiass, lust be es spa . to liherusitia - 1414.416i5ekl aso bE As i,tri *** ll _ ;• . Tkerle •Fe Sal Isaaa r ag3 l 9o sa s as Ms• Msla. olll .)!PA*. •I 4 ,6 *1. 4 4 , , 001 111 4 h5 *; 1 .4. 11 , 1 1 t to4ir jer 411* Sni Idsr-qt a*? dad fit' 41* i 1 r* i hoba 0 - aliflifs;4;l, xA•0 ! ' Vithe itet4 of thk - . - r4tiri,9 eeisisi,o , tii+ iti4doss,luia arise' theft siewi'e_h•?i4 thes: Ina i aiiisiiis, thei ii 'is tikeir d ate! to : t o, do then Osi M aid 'ill idiriti . : ri - ; - “, - Ti ,:e the pelitoilie:e_Oareio - 0 AO', T N:GO iliasiiittlW` ',lna i i i it t l ip - u t iioil lad's live' iiiiii, 2j. '- i i i i k Ali i i:- ' l ifilla be War ' 'i 7 . g i ld , Scheme 01_ selfMrl 4. 4 4 i Wwiiiii di' ' 6 awl & .1. U. 11-11 1ftras,kablo - '•- at lair a‘likeliddif llerwidiatuak -1 : spiiiiii• husibliit sidled; 411101 1 Wilk 'Ge theirdostteed. the sight to leases his mei= Womb the ballot. sad Gas Woe thil ' allik wills* Mein*, ile Uts4iwil. ', lid. how esti. Gip • yeeimovieibdi , 'p o riy, If dti tilliKetfhliilliiiiiqe,' he , e rr 7 A;4 1 .4?_ now Si , 4*iiiiieilkkii: lias‘ipleellow 4 s witiaimairsuovimpor: a lk a u r esArcat spildoit amitAmaiNsimee i•-likir 'aiideasviateme• Pi* Me* , , k Ukii gisitioaiaideidieotaii 1 ilia WIT11411!--- . efilso% SINSIL .1 *oft Isom' , "It*, Mgdliglikii.4outhiwatbasc idoiStirlt Oftilk.!,c.."4_lffle tend AA .ilemOrliga*LPSLE! silrAttift ow mad sorisus thas t me Uwe ins FEMME EMS ME ikthite Wear history when free wee w "ffr u ri h ., . ,1", 'the Pruitt'. for now had *el p i 4. 110 ,#, 11 !. ;P l lgkr acch rao'and moment.° Ityauella to &mai. More our 'snotty oa be estkientati boa' its Prima ad eowilde - aid' bh - i is tie enjoyment of rwmazien pesati.lit Wili be intesiary, I have no doubt, for theisedile Of Wm Mr rat Beata to sot o ea* fiiitigt — isaiviiit' the l ballot4os, and wh Will anttelietlint they sliewld. he \rignired t deal Whiiiiitat vita- tiOnekliationt •withou 41.04.16.-;4kumtreiga . .Atsewmios--Iti th preafindei *amanita. fishy of the ' iii;eni lir 144;660114 regard that ohms of. tit cotilleripeleit ilia whia: penman a •reedy ii cape foe *ea* tnia thee - amp of the field I ' tad* it dormuLtbans. haisumet antis poverty -aitatisedhigirialequal sod unjust, and th liellowid.bawalmithid ot changed. .WUI it nialllntswiLtha_ timed ass have no right . 1 4 401 0.0 oilistWand to ask: iheit fellow. 4 itiionl, *kW 447 Aqua to the Polk. so Alt OM 01.0, wh0. _"404 th e 42 ,ff•WITO Waal . mita 2 , I trace not. Thin ?islet of -free apoook is , the very e 3 eeaa °fonrarttenrof government, mad ben the clear and exop)iiglo protection throw about, It by the Coratitution: Ita triode mut be' maintained and vindicated in casts, Grid', country be abandoned to des potiam: Th. p•pciersa ? . party are - for - s sp. cb and" a free press; for law, for order for free - fiestiots; and for thelhaloa as it w and; with thifblisslas of God, they will main tain ask; to tie last. a It Was not shown that Mr. Vallandigha • liadladvcidated-trusen or di;anion, mush les, thli I'm had. committed• the overt act of treat. soa. He. had. aot boastelliis labors for tun yeatw break up the Union...: Hi had aot (lei wcupeed ttil'Gonstitation is a • covenant with Ultima s learn:with the devil.' It Wu no suit eland Mahe had, at any time, main tahist!shat. cir.Assaywaniiitisters if the • • • aksald4s. ialldired 6a. li•Poti la Pascoe "I yet perinea who aid them. thins" ars - imj • • inCthe liberty of speech In time 'midst of th irfi 4 4 ig6gst: 3 o- ValfiViiihson b wi t feat hla hope and his many ardent 41 , 1xttisrint of diebyelty to the govern!. limit or laidality to the Union has beet truled An. Ma. His difference with the Ad'. soittliiiiiiion was as to the best-means of its. faitsbijj the Goiertment and sating the Union. Tlaßae.precisely the differenee between the Adatklitraliiin and the Demtoratio parts , entYirliere; es It also is betWeet Lictoolt esidlitity of theit who satisfy& to' wake hi :1 field to nerie in 'dentin to ti; Thci r ti,"itatyet I could not reconcile support et the AdroinistreAliouli44hot-devotion, comae l • heltere.l 7 that.- saw. of:ita leadin ineinuns gifi4ed to destroy , ratke than* ;the Union ; and I :7 ourilrastat shoes who rat* the Gavel= t ea& tteAdailalitritinit i the lama , and /I; that -hostas otti titinfriendly to the Admin - tit'itiliOiSsfeitleimeillytmliitlfsi to the Go - 'arab:Mat It Witdd 'be • about sa• sensible eliita thit Wittei . sad the tame who m • • - ate them trriaii idd the same, and'that •e wkd weld ebadelie and sdaptees au Ince petencedegteeer,--beessie he WIN shoat to the trails off tie- traelt-Wad kill the pass • - OS, wag thesifore s traitor to all railtosii tocylaistaitip• I,* an Adis sliditha, ha asorpatioss sad itswaresslost , be tins ddeflrfto the °overeaten!. - "The-hfstory of the world is se full of le ont Ike limtdsei; dim one would supp diet; Ur Usoola would be readily eons' this every, effort, to =PPM* free lie t e r t *odd be hid to the Amass, sad that his polk- AT is to *vim • dr.. dismission and detlo criticiam., Bitculd its do this, I;haremo don t that inn sliiit title, the country trottl.d a WWI a more liberal sentiment toward-Ms A ,aelpdst4tioit sad itsi measures. But the pit - Su Utlil iicrer submit to reitrietions: on t e 1 frosedMiiel i , speichMid a, pritis; and if th laattoiniontisos Mr. Lincoln' and his Men • 11 . 40beititisationitin any other way, th -will di - 104W' the ballot. ' '',- galley; patients's, Thaws already said ninth ',MIA - twin I had'ittanded, Bre the condition of stgf Moist makers it nasal for me to tanks I x kt i :4 aVotteeb la the night sir .. Indeed, I was . ' whoa I caw Int*, to say it! Milkillitlist:dre late - Wei of Gerera ileac sudden& -you Aare. S " otApessiiii in banariterass shalt I ow own rietiesmd mittimpeote ton • hti 'auttbanisitment of Mr. V 0/11*7-_\ al : ears iii., ,mfor itiolio . ,epohO isith Mu illisitod, isitipty audits sr tha *sic , .; I i- 'FilitlGALUlC_Atira DedriZi. * . L. . _l. iiiiii*Creatlkalti 7 = wh0m .10.141, • f 4 411 !fit l atAt7 Go of of ia ... 61 , 114 _ ._IIIIP it, .4 Ot 4:e l -$ 41 * 3 4 ata • t 1 ilv I.Dmmin f AmlAts 9overnamat -to so without teadessem tits policy of the Attie . - Artitioii: This sfmply shows 'what a fool D d Needier was whoa lka a 144- , iii It is the aniiiisubtetfirere •- ,41P44 of thisleopie tO'eatm'ass public nut, _ itid-the'iiiitti o! Oublic man. #. is a ~ h e ,billi stgitt,' a Breads priiilege. 4 It hati;C been' estioYed ht ovary house, cottage a d esbiti . istAa Iraiion. It Is net to drawn to sont4ierSt: it is as: itaileub • as.the ri t it bnitiiiii itteViir "ysl)iiiition the . an i • **lei& ihe *kW iite - se ethyl& I - ' iii4e tkr *ale - WO : ai o'daty, .4atiti it is t e 'kit di4iittiotif dime ivitOse ritesentati I *** AMR fail sisWisiiibindie mint at 1 thiiilli AWirotit:siiiiiii 'mounts In to aim eiciCit. whoa 11;14 siz.fiuier is qnestion , tultatilptittillYailf iitlibti itutrime io ' ' "6f ry wigliaLaiil bid diiiiiiieti 6foai inn :"tiliSibtidiour - Jos te"l4 i 0 iron ' The 11 a- ER. D lINT)LiEfi_ENto uF 'TIDE inimiai • True Poetry. (for toleganne and beauty, the tellowlag lines from the Bea of riPolos Machah challenge thr whOli world et lOW IF Hoe =air tkollighti I eel thee t , Gana hither.'" the grata, . And it thennt meant ahralllng • The grief bade§ ill WO Ot the leave* taut sigh and trembbk, ' To the sweet winds of the Went, • pr the ripplleg or the river, • Or Use ramberme es Pi brims; • 1•11•6 tat Ow thoughts I 'iv. 1, Sy besatlltil, my blest t W.. dewy joie( ewe thee l e . Caw atCyrkare N.& nib WO OA the swift bowleg That weak eel l the shore eat die— FAe the petal Omuta they heittia. • trim the atones are eletthiesti. Or the puce of the deep flitriF24 Or Or stars to %hostility taw. mad ru meat the joys I me they V 7 bestial], otY awn I • And km mush love i pi tei,6 Cone gieeep thoobu dm Or vidsli la Illy tley Wash* ' The stawehlps Witte shy; Di Ivies maze thy lags; • • The sullitt atistadas it* _ :Or laid It is thy bows, • whu• tbo world is du* bodge — . 4b4ru Liu k•ir ands I love Ihee• t jr issatifal. soy brids ! A REMARKABLE EDITORIAL. Tits Y. Y. Tribune on "the Responsibility." In the New York Daily Tribes. of June 441 we find the following striking doming from inch a quarter, It is deserving of more than ordinary attention.: is An evening journal of a late dui had a dispatik from Washington stating that the President, speaking of the military operations on the Mississippi, said "lib s expected the best results, but was prepared tor‘the worst." If the worst comes, we hope he will be prepared to satisfy the . country that everything that could lave been dons to avert it has been done. "We note this statement, and refer to it now, in order that the Government may be apprised that the country, ti called upon to bear the reverse that id thus apparently half foreshadowed, will require much information that it does not now possess to convince it that the disaster could not have been avoided. " We do not hesitate to make this suggestion when, we remember how tie first; Bull Bun light was lost, and the Rebellion set firmly upon its legs, while there were Union soldiers . enough to crush the traitors twice overoapos ins idly on their wins within hearing of the din of that battle; and when we further re member how, on that same held, In the follow ing summer, Poi, aid his villapt army mai left to contend for two days against murderous odds, and finally to fall bask, while more than thirty thousand mien - Were allowed to remain In sullen if net treacleerena Laudon at and near Alexandria, hardly a day's Distrait teem the held that was being made drunk with the blood of their compatriots; and when we re member how, still, later, Hooker wiis permitted ingloriously to relinquish the field of Chancel lorreille to the Rebel enemy, lea (so iris said) his communications with his bus of supplies at' Adquia Creek should be out of, although National troops, almost equalling in-number the whole Rebel army oppose& to him, Iv, nattered and unemployed around his hank and rear, not forty-eight hours' jJurney from the scene of conflict. 0. We shall believe, however, ro: long as we can, that the Otivernmesit WIG not again be chargable with such tatal ntiaaastugswent. But it well that it should bear in mind that there b a limit to all human endurance, even when the saving is indicted by ones most trustwiliiends. If Grant and hie breve army shell be lefkto be overwhelmed, lad the nation be again igonised with the 'Teasel.. of hits youths of its ehildreii slain to no purpose, the leyil millions will not quell *or - abate one jot of their spirit; even in the presence of so great e ealsaity; but they May feel that it would be no 'Diger a duty to tolerate the whom thy had eat:Aided; ad Who only day after dey have siren proof upon proof that they Oen watkermeeprehaulsor growl* *taxa:folly with the asegaitatie sad thO demands of the task before them. . • •" Ws feel it our duty to tell the President 'these things. The People believe iM thapee gamily of the.Bajoublio, but they cannot be lieve is dome modnets. They ballites Is the ultliattr triumph of the National cuss; btit they cannot forever endar3 a chronic 4;04_ andimprovideneet„ that Ma experienae; bow er Sharp, and no &dimity ; hoverer appalling, can stimulate or :instruct. "They demand at lean the sust foresight and vigor In promos:" In their cause as its enemies eahibil, in assail• leg it. ; The time .15 "put for qutteting the eount r ry under inextni&bLe disaster with as. saratres that tedious and tong warn au4 hie44tripetency in waging them are as old as the world itself. With unlimited means, and with powers; civil and military, that are degrade, platted in the hands of the President, 'thee. ought at this day be "no Aintree. We t.r,st that the issue at Vielmsbure will prove that here will be none, and that there is an and of the system, or no'-system, which, if ' longer contimmed, must nraste away and enc.- slime, not th enemies tithe Republic, illy the Republic its I(." DID MR. SEWAIR , T! SAT IT VA NOT I The following has beat,and is in ciroulstion. nidenied. We believe it,Ntherefore, to be a co meat quotation, buktre cannel. lay, our finger wpon the place whadnor the titrie.wher.e. Who. - - can , • MI. INISSILD TO I.OID LYONS. `; ~M y Lord, I oats tonal: s bell on my Tighe 114 d, and order the arrest of it eitizei of Ottioi. :I cif tomb the-bell again, aid order the •inpi -priabacnont •or • eiLisen of :tem Ltiork, and ea. - poise - on we, evept• tluis..of the President, est .lesen of Englsad do is mold" . . The bell Is broiten;* New York; it 1 90•1 1 14 hoWevei, 1111 ye‘ t 4, be 101 in Ohio but , tAbtre didll3sriPid soy. isr write It !—hew 94 4. .1 Ply* .4. 2 -• • ..„ . OW ,001:01P1. tart.,bp sofirrinloP POI LP. .af-44414 1 h ! t had Itamait.44l l 4. Pon- viesktion 'with . Mr. 15eiff# 1 4 1 4 4 4 ig9F•R* **MI , P 0 , 1(1 0 4 1 111 . 41.r a rilIPIVi ta4 7.10‘1 Bob, I " o r *4 Pga.NatYark, 1,11 5, )hreb 1, 21: 1162,,,v111.10iikth• 'imiraat a r bevo 41fided to.— imp esiotai allastobrietti, at # at tlisaasbbialogant is &NW :er Mabee, tioionaria abiaidakia , o64ht , p NA*. 10 1 0 41 bi):1 as ti MY Sad te mein pa motion on aroont4 of his sfnianonlit, onlitlre , Ria.VPT V twit i 0 0 'pile sno.!Doill116 • nfi• • ~ .uural had been rejected for rt.l4. ur 11211 spinet she nolored t mas. The reason* why men had twin . .proMnted or re,lee ted wart discussed is, Executive eeasion. be bad no right to reveal what was dose there." ^ • Does Doi:Chia MOM: irity iltiotintesdilitsiota yet been taken b and why certain generals. in whosfthe goblins coslida,'hiie not the eons.. "dance of the Administration t And is shit the way the war is waged for the restoration of the Union NUMBER 1. I. 4 Hilton Bead leuer *eye it is ocrtaia t'zat three additional iron-elads are building in Charlestown turutidible character. Ch we of thin is designed for sea .cruse; the NC-, ond itinteaded to operator." the bar, and the third is designed for harbor defences. They aro-already hunched, with engines in, but are not yet plated. General' swell, who moods Stone. wan Jeckaop, has bue one leg, ..and is au peed to his hone while on -the Bel An army contractor, on reading Gen. Burnside's order in relation to domestic, traitors, started immediately to the Gen eral's department to establish a rope walk. Henry. Ward Beecher• sold out his picture gallery . before going to Europe. and In other wee.,(says the Zomon Art,) has mad* all snug so that if nedessary he , can lire abroad upon bit large fortune. The Augnsta, Qa., pap!rs describe hoitr•Oe "Yankee" prisoners in that chi' were presented with bouquets by the Whet, and cigars by . .the gentlemen. Thp Richmond Eispirer is as mad u thunder about it.', , Oss. Br axsttki: : ,•Tle Boston Cowie says " Gen. Purnaidei is in too deep water in. Ohio, and is much more likely to be drow ned in it himielf, than to (:rag people to bottom with him, to which he seems sinking rapidly, head first." • —Republicans, attention ! You said-if old Abe would issue a Proclamation decla ring freedom to t he slaves, you would join the army and make it "swarm" The President took yoU at your word. Now, why don't you volunteer —Con the 21st , inst. S. M. Crane, Demo crat, was elected Burgess of Williamsport, Lycoming county, over Mudge, Republi ean, by a mejoritv—s Democratic gain of about 250. All the Councilmen elected are Democrats. —The Princede Joinville relates, as an instance of this odd coolness of our people, that during (meet the hottest battles of the Chickanominy, newspaper sellers went up and down the line crying out the lat est news from New' York, and found pur• chasers for thejournali they' had to sell. ..... The. Boston Poet's Quilp being about to leave town, remarked to his servant that he should "start for New 'York to- Morrow, Deo eolents,"(Ctod "What route is that, sir ?" enquired the valet. "By way of Providence, of coarse('! replied Quilp. —lt is certain that the great Tredegar Iron works of Richmond were destroyed by Bre on the 17th ult. All the Anil mach inery, and sixteen cannon nearly perfect, were lost. A large woolen factory adjoin ing was also burned. The Davis Govern ment forbade any mention of - the disaster by telegraph'or newspaper. . cornagsas i,....n_CorPsaross.--Bince the .administration has prohi iced the wearing of copperhead badges, is there not danger of some Provost Marshal arresting those little boys and girls about the streets who wear coppertoed shoes i Youngsters, look out.—Syracuse -Osuricr. DIPZIDATION 07 RD= rit7741.713t73.-The destruction of American merchant ship" by the rebel armed . priiateers hits become anevil of large magnitude. One single day we hear of nine. vessels falling into the hands of these rovers, the whole of them destroyed, entailing an aggregate loss ap proaching hard en one million dollars. —Col. rlariersonts . Cavalry, which have become so fautous, are chiefly from South. ern Illinois—in the fertile region, known as "Egypt." They are from Shauneetnn, Du Quoit. Golconda; and from Union. Di ►ssac . Saline, and other S )utheris coun ties. - They are men, not one of whom in , twenty vote with the Republicans. Don't they fight:well for "Copperheads?" —Gen. Itosecranit, a few days ago. re. ceived the following pertinent letter. from ' pm indignant private: "General—l have been in the service eighteen months. and. have never received a cent.' I desire a furlough for fifteen days, in order to rep - turn home and remove my fatuity to the poor -home." The' - General granted the •furlough. - ' . Tans Dip:arr.—The day-laborer, whoi earns, with hard band and the sweat of his face, coarse food for a wife and child. ten whom he /ores is raised: br this gen. erstuknotive, to true dignity ; and, though wanting the refinement's of , life, is a nob ies biro than those who think themselves absolved by wealth from' serving oth• Aroung"gent," one of thestay at-home patriots, and • younghtly were discauing the - state of the country.. young lady expressed great • admiration for General and avowed avant of lore for flee 6W9 sacs. Seya young gent: -"I, am, astonished..my dear young lady. at your sentimeaa; you make me start." ' , Well, sir, I have been wanting you t start for the hot hour." WAIN filimmtait..-The 4wromee Omar' says an army Contitictors . who has been employing females in that city to make shirts, drawers, Vic., at sixty anis . a - week, has run away, • leaving a large number of employees unpaid; It is bad enough toemploy women on government wor,lt sat such miserly, wages, but 'fellow that would cheat 'them out of even such pay for theft bard mirk is too mean even for a government Contractor. Wee ass rut, Cow.aos ?—The captain of a ithip , says; am in the habit of reading the Scriptures to the crew. have suffered , much lately at sea, having' been dismasted, - and bad all my boats washed away. a littler to the westward - of Cipe Clear, I then had an opportunity . of seeing who was who, and found the moat uniirieclged Men the molt useless and the "greetett --- owetirfiliflldi awful gale, and the- Bible- Men altogether the reverse, Mtnt usehill sad courageous." .. BRIEF PARAGRAPHS. —A 141, whose:dart/ to promo en of. fieelor at elderly man, "who wastoo far advanced in life to open a new road br hinuelf,".tiavingbeed or: Awned - 1m meets. thus• gang* omnitients on office - nib,. l+! anuld mit, lift my hand,M gat azri.. ! lromprq ()Zee far any ioulgt man any or ,; - t hrtn I would for my" owletson. should .liink thatilfae blighthig all his filp. a w - a . aa ampreta. , .•tinra a•youth profiarkm. a trade, or pl3l, him nt. common • daylOor... rather khan ebeitgovernment patronar; br , him. Deketidioneel 'utoo . n governor ferininit'ts 'gambling am the yror - • • -1' thiswortheatoe." . • Mures imr the., privip.te . deorietban one "Ate c on timistie tbi `430 • , tbitopeietot gr. it tnt ,trued, aad toned b;, loolliokto that be I deterts• By* lb' ed luso - a torpit• hos*JimcWherk— makiao.4lit • 9014 loirwho .Irkci:CAnbo Optics* . ttraphi !!_::• stk. MEM =I " la Li EU MEI a^l i• • 1"• 14,.. • • NMI OEM EN " -'''~3 s )k: 1 i